HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-07 Board of Selectmen HandoutDRAFT MOTIONS BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 Bonazoli, Anthony, Schubert, Goldy, Tafoya, Hechenbleikner 2a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the proclamation proclaiming September as Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in the Town of Reading. 3) Move that the Board of Selectmen accept the report of the Volunteer Appointment Subcommittee and confirm the following appointments to the following Boards, Committees and Commissions: Brian Sullivan to one position on the Conservation Commission with a term expiring June 30, 2012; Paul Bolger to one position on the Community Planning and Development Commission for a term expiring June 30, 2012; Will Finch and Matthew DesMeules to two. Associate positions on the Trails Committee with terms expiring June 30, 2011. Kristin Marie Cataldo to one Associate position on the Zoning Board of Appeals with a term expiring June 30, 2013; 4c) Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on September 7, 2010, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest dated September 16, 2010 for the J.W. Killam Elementary School located at 333 Charles Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which the Reading Public School District may be invited to apply to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: Under MSBA Priority Category #5, replacement of the Killam Elementary School roof which has exceeded it useful life resulting in increasingly frequent leaks, water damage, and energy waste; and replacement of the original building windows that are exceptionally inefficient and allow for significant intrusion of outside air and the release of heated/conditioned air from the building. The Board of Selectmen hereby further specifically acknowledges that. by submitting this Statement of Interest, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Town of Reading to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. Resolved:, Having convened in an open meeting on September 7, 2010, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest dated September 16, .2010 for the Birch Meadow Elementary School located at 27 Arthur B. Lord Drive, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which the Reading Public School District may be invited to apply to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: Under MSBA Priority Category #5, replacement of the original Birch Meadow Elementary School building windows that are exceptionally inefficient and allow for significant intrusion of outside air and the release of heated/conditioned air from the building. The Board of Selectmen hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Town of Reading to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. 4d) Move that the Board of Selectmen (approves)(does not approve) the second curb cut at 700 Haverhill Street. (subject to the following conditions) 5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of August 10, 2010 as amended. 5b) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of August 24, 2010 as amended. 7a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Executive Session minutes of August 10, 2010 as written. JB RS SG BT Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m. 6 TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, September 07, 2010 Administrative matters • The week of August 23, MAPC submitted Metro Boston's application to the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant program. As of the submittal date, 55 municipalities including Reading (representing 71% of the region's residents) and more than 60 nonprofit and regional partners had joined the Consortium for Sustainable Communities. The application is now posted online at www.mapc.org/sustainablecommunities, along with a list of all confirmed consortium members. ♦ The fall edition of the Reading Recreation Magazine has been delivered to all Reading residents by early next week. ♦ The October 1 Quarterly issue of Your Community Connection is being developed. If you are a government agency or a Reading non-profit and have something that is of community interest for the months of October, November, and December, please send it in to Maureen knight ASAP. ♦ The Board of Selectmen has received a "Client Advisory" from Brackett and Lucas on the new Permits Extension Act. ♦ Ben Tafoya, Town Engineer George Zambouras, representatives of Representative Brad Jones' office and Senator Tisei's office, and I met with MADOT officials last week regarding West Street improvements. The Board of Selectmen has received a copy of a memo on those discussions. ♦ We are trying to get a site walk of the former Water Treatment Plant site for the Board of Selectmen and staff on September 18 at 9 am. Please let me know of your availability. Community Development ♦ Health Division has issued an enforcement order on 95 Border Road ♦ Enforcement - election signs. ♦ We' met with a proposed developer.of the Addison Wesley Pearson site. They will be in to the Board of Selectmen meeting on September 21 to introduce themselves to the Board of Selectmen. Public Safety ♦ In the impending threat of then hurricane Earl, including our Emergency Management Director, Reading Public Library at noon on Friday, and following the noon meal. We apologize. if inconvenience. and in consultation with staff I directed the closure of the the Senior Center at 1 PM these closings created any Public Works I_want to clarify with the Board of Selectmen prior to printing up materials on the change in recycling and rubbish rules and regulations, the following limits for rubbish per household per week (recycling is unlimited): ♦The existing regulations allow barrels of not larger than 30 gallons. ♦ Many people have 45 gallons barrels. I would like to permit residents to use the 45 gallon barrels. ♦The limit I suggest is 4-30 gallon barrels; 4-30 gallon bags; or 3-45 gallon barrels. (Total maximum per week of 120 gallons). Construction proiects in progress or to be done this year: ♦ Road Improvements - • Temple Street - The intent was to get Temple completed by the beginning of school. We missed that schedule, but we are working very well with the School Department and the Police Department to make sure traffic flow is as smooth as we can make it. Sidewalk and curbing should be completed Wednesday. Frames & Covers are being adjusted to grade. Contractor has not indicated what day he intends to install final asphalt course (they are aware there is no school on Thursday) loam and seed has been started, remainder to be installed .following paying. ® Harrison Street - Base course and curbing are complete: The Town Engineer plans to wait one to two more weeks to see.if Stormceptors will be delivered and for the Highway.Division to get the Orange Street drain extension installed. Stormceptors are located off the roadway but we would rather have them installed before the top is applied to the roadway to eliminate the potential for damage. Units. were ordered in July company keeps delaying manufacturer\delivery date. Then we'll mill the remainder of the street and, pave. Expect roadway to be completed by the end of September. • Arlington Street (Woburn St. to Prescott St.), - to be completed in October • Haverhill Street (Wakefield St. to Timberneck Dr.), - to be completed in October • Marla Lane (Forest St. to Spruce Rd.), - to be completed in October - • Manning Street (Salem St. to Pleasant St.), Pleasant Street (Manning St. to end), Smith Avenue (Eaton St. to end), - Highway Division project - Smith and Manning to be completed within the next couple of days ♦ Memorial Park Good progress. Tennis courts have been completed. Only loam and seed remains, and contractor is screening and installing loam Killam School playground construction is complete e . Barrows site master plan Committee established. First meeting is September 21. Dates and Events: e Fall Street Faire, September 12 ® Primary Election - September 14 ♦ Financial Forum - September 15 ♦ Household Hazardous Waste Collection - September 25 'in Wakefield ♦ RCASA Annual Meeting September 30 _ 7 PM - joint posted meeting with RCASA, School Committee, and Board of Health ♦ State Election November 2 ♦ Subsequent Town Meeting - November 8 'JUHIAGSTO KNOW ABOUT POLITICAL SIGNS 1. Political signs DO NOT need a sign permit if the size of the sign does not exceed 6 square feet (2' x 3'). 2. A political sign cannot be displayed more than 42 days before the election or more than 2 days after the election. 3. A" political sign cannot be placed on any tree, utility pole, traffic sign, or similar fixtures. No sign may be placed on any public property or placed on property so that the sign encroaches on public property.. If a violation of the sign by-law occurs, your sign will be removed and discarded. If you have any questions about sign regulations please call the Community Development at 781-942-9010.. BRACKETT & LUCAS COUNSELORS AT LAW - - GARY-S. BRACKETI -1-9-CEDAR-ST-REET - A. PICKETT WORCESTER, MA 01609 OF COUNSEL ELLEN CALLAHAN DOUCETTE 508-799-9739 ELAINE M. LUCAS JASON D. GROSSFIELD FAX 508-799-9799 CLIENT ADVISORY TO: Municipal Officials FROM: Ellen Callahan Doucette, Esquire DATE: September 2, 2010 RE: Permit Extension Act - Changes Effective August 5, 2010 Section 173, the so-called "Permit Extension Act, of Chapter of the Acts of 2010, "An Act Relative to Economic Redevelopment Reorganization", is the Legislature's attempt to address the effects of the recent economic downturn, by extending by two years, the expiration date of permits and approvals which have been issued, but have not yet exercised. The purpose behind Section 173 was to provide assistance to developers and other individuals who were unable to exercise their rights under the permits or approvals due to their inability to obtain financing. The two year extension applies to permits and approvals that were in effect between August 15, 2008 and August 15, 2010. The additional two years is calculated from the date upon which the permit or approval was due to expire.' The Act was signed by Governor Patrick on August 5, and contains an emergency preamble making the provisions thereof effective immediately. Of particular note, is that this legislation will resuscitate permits and approvals that are now expired. Excluded from the permit extension provisions of Section 173 are comprehensive permits issued pursuant to G.L. c.40B, §§21-23, U.S. Government approvals and permits, and permits and licenses issued by the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife under c.131 for hunting, fishing and aquaculture. "[P]ermits, or other approvals or determination of rights issued or made" to be extended for the additional two year period, are those issued pursuant to: • G.L. c.21 (approvals issued by the Department of Environmental Management); • G.L. c.21A (approvals issued by the Executive Office of Administrative Energy and Environmental Affairs, excepting any penalties imposed by § 16 of c.21A); • G.L. c.21A (Hazardous Waste Site Facility permits); • G.L. c.30, §§61-62H (MEPA approvals); • G.L. c.30A (regulations adopted under the Administrative Procedures Act); • G.L. c.40 (permits and approvals issued pursuant to the general municipal authority); • G.L. c.40A (special permits for zoning issues); • G.L. c. 40C (certificates of appropriateness issued by Local Historic Districts); • G.L. c. 40R (Smart Growth District permits); • G.L. c.43D (the Expedited Permitted Procedure, if accepted by the town); BRACICETT & LUCAS, AUGUST 2010 1 • G.L. c. 41 (the Subdivision Control Law); • G.L. c. 81 (street opening permits); •---G.L.-c.-9-1_(Commonwealth waterways-permits);_-______ • G.L. c. 131 (permits issued under the Wetlands Protection Act); • G.L. c.131A (habitat alteration permits issued by the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife; • G.L. 143 (building permits issued under the State Building Code); • any local by-law or ordinance. Nothing in Section 173 prohibits a town board from revoking or modifying a special permit or other approval, when the law pursuant to which the permit or approval was issued, specifically allows for. revocation or modification. For example, a special permit or subdivision approval maybe modified or revolted if there a request to do so or if there is a violation of any conditions for approval. Upon the transfer of any permit or approval, the new owner is only entitled to the benefit of the extension if he remains in compliance with the terms of the permit or approval which, in many cases, runs with the land. Please feel free to contact this office with any questions regarding the implementation of the Permit Extension Act. SRACIETT & LUCAS, AUGUST 2010 2 'own of Reading Reading Health Division 6-Lowell-Street - Phone: 781_9_42_-9061_____________ - - - Leading, MA 01867-2684 Fax: 781 942-9071 Vebsite: www.ci.reading.ma.us Health Department Order Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code of Chapter X Dater September 2, 2010 To Owner of Record: Property: Maria Hanley 95 Border Road 95 Border Road Reading, MA 01867 Reading, MA 01867 . The Reading Board of Health has received complaints regarding your property at 95 Border Road , Reading, MA 01867, for which you both are listed as Owner and JP Morgan Chase is listed as Mortgagee. A plain view inspection was made by the Health Administrator and Health Inspector. The inspections took place on June 7 and August 17, 2010. These inspections revealed violations of certain regulations of Sanitary Code Chapter II, under Minimum Standards Housing Code as'indicated on the attached Violation Form attached. Under the provisions of Chapter 11 105 CMR 410.000 you are here by ordered to correct/respond to noted violations and bring the property into compliance with the State Sanitary Code within the time frames as noted on the attached violation Form. The time frame noted begins at the receipt of this letter. Failure to comply within the allotted time period of this order may result in a criminal complaint being brought against you. in Woburn District Court or may result in non-criminal disposition of the case with a fine of $50 per offense per day. You have the right to request a hearing before the Health Director. This request must be made by you in writing within seven days of your receipt of this order: Otherwise, please notify this office in order to arrange for a re-inspection to certify your compliance to this order. Larry Ramdin, MA, REHS, CHO, CP-FS Health Services Administrator Encl Glen Redmond Building Inspector Orlans-Moran JP Morgan Chase I~ Violations Violation 1- Accumulation of bush and overgrowths in yard that can allow for pest harborage 2- Open garage allow for entry and harborage of pests and is not secured against elements Code Reference 410.550 410.500, 550 Completion Date 14 days 14 days ii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N C C C G C C C "N (n c0 t0 ctS tTf tII t6 ttf t[S p ` 0 0 a)00000000:)=) 0 :3 CY) lama~) C C C tLS ca U N c0 of tSf f6 cu 0) N O (ll N N N O lll N N ~f oMd MOOd'tr)tn O t- M d CO r OD ti r r m Q = d 00l~o0MOtiO«)U-) d N r M r 0 LO r r r O N 0 F _ I. 10C)ININI°I°ItiINi°I° a) E Y 1- N N n T C:7 Q N z 0 U) W U) tr V z w 0 C) C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O co O w N (D O (D O M U') 0 00 0 O M O Iq 0 C) 0U') rl- m d' M Cj:~ r~ ti cV ty - N M to M U.) U-) M co M C1. N U_ Ef} EPr 6- Ea to fA E' 6-,16- , ffl cq o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o M C O 00 0 0 m d O O M t~6 ~ r r r r r C N N N ~ ~ 0 0 a o 00 tc) to O N O O LO ";T O O Z z It C O = _ z cc U) m O M O M M tt7 O J J O O o t co N co C co t r) c u m 'Tr N a) 'O U U O Cf) E U) 0 o ~ uto o > CU c O C (j U -D a) 0) U) .0 = -a Q - J rn C N m 0 U) C ~ R l M ~ ~ o o o ~ cu o ~ ~ = P46 0 C . CIS. b b G Q z z ti. v R. O O O C~F? tF. 69. ~ G: L ` ~ IMi 4 l a a <Y i N L g t` W w qb) ~ o. ' ccd b N N 69 R+ vii 69 4=i M O b O z z C14 V 7~4 w 1 v 0 L) :3 Q s c u a ti CU 04 Q c V) o c° c C) R. p N 1 in N t6 - CD V 0ti~ ~ 69 64 ~i 69 U) z -77 LC JI - t7 qP G. ri) z 0 z u A z w o w z m --rr ~ ~ YY ll o~~ . O U n' P47 Me* To: Prom: Date: Re: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer September 1, 2010 700 Haverhill Street - Driveway Regulation Variance In review of the request by Mr. Brian Skeffington for relief from the Town's driveway regulations we have reviewed the following information: • Plan submitted by Mr. Brian Skeffington depicting the existing conditions of the site. • Plan submitted by Mr. Couillard depicting the proposed loop driveway (This plan was denied a permit by the Engineering Division on August 19, 2010) • Wavier request dated August 19, 2010 • Site visit Based on the above information and review of the existing site conditions I recommend that the request be denied for the following reasons: • The parcel has only 80 linear feet of frontage and the looped driveway will result in two (2) driveways openings having a separation of less than 60 feet • The driveway 'can be configured/constructed in a tee configuration that will enable vehicles to turn around within the parcel, which will conform to the Town of Reading's driveway standards The parcel is located on a straight level section of Haverhill Street where sight distances are in excess of 200 feet thereby providing more than adequate sight distances for stopping. • Page 1 ~s P49 s..1 Mr. George J. Zambouras Town Engineer Town Hall, Lower Level 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Zambouras, - &,A,. QI% ,ust 19, 2010 I am writing this letter to request approval for a horseshoe driveway to be installed on the premises of my house located at 700 Haverhill Street in Reading. My wife and I purchased the house on July 16, 2010 and since that time we have had several issues with backing out of the driveway onto the busy street. While this has been a problem over the past few weeks since we passed papers, my 'fear is that once the winter rolls around and our, driveway gets plowed in the situation will be much more dangerous. After seeing many of the other houses on the street that utilize a horseshoe driveway, we would like to install asimilar horseshoe driveway that will make it safer and easier for my wife and I to merge onto Haverhill Street. This will eliminate the need for us to back into or out of the driveway and thus limit the risk of an accident when we are coming or going from the house. I want to stress that this is . not an aesthetic improvement but merely a safety issue that would make my wife and I much more comfortable going forward: Please see the attached plot plans that show the setup of our current driveway as well as what we propose doing if we receive approval from the town. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 781-942-1582 or email at bskeff@gmail.com, whichever is more convenient for you. Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Brian Skeffington P50 ~~v E L 0 N- L Q~ L L Q~ -a f-° O Z CD L N a 0 +p co co I O i~ 0 `0 Cl) a~ a) c 0 0 0 0 Q x • m fn O Z a) EL N rn J Q O FO- 0 ca x x .x x x x x x c o = ~ x x x x x x x x x x x x x .x, x x x x x x x M z Q 0 0 a) U) x x x o to c C x x x x x O (p O E- c c LI ) c m to m c c c c c c c c c m c m c c m c m c «s c c ca c is D iD v 'm m m m cn m irs m '=f O O N N m v d' d' <Y <j• V ' U, Cl) v O 0 co h • N ~ N O N_ (D (D c0 Y [D N r N N N N N N N N N N M Pi O M M N M N C O! V) N .1G N o V N N •y V) N f m N p C U n 4 0 N U) 0 r C~ V! p d a> CO m L) C/) C m m U C o D W 00 0 c U) o co U) U) 4) ` 0 Q) CL) 1(y C C C C I C ` v w a) .2 ~ co m N - C) U t6 d RS O V O m 6 d Co n CD m 5 U) " o rn c w O U a) 0 U) w as F- c a N a c v ' 0 0) 0 as L N as rn G 2 U Y >0 N c p o 0 0 Z N to O m m t O Q CD U > O O D' Q Q O N a) m m N N J O 0 O rte' (D N a~ U m o m 0 c ~ m c w O cn -0 c m Cu as d C a) = -0 .o L' 5-- -0 O N C a) N N O m O ; O O a) C O Ca of O III C C M O a> O O N R, O O = w ip ¢ <C m co m m m z Q i m Cl) o ~ m ' tD O f- CO O O r N M d' .tf ) CO r, N M CD 1`•• M O O r r r r r r r r N N N N N N N` 1 P17f2a- O a) c _ ~ 0 .Q 0 Q = c rn Z N n- < 0 0 F-' Fp- co a~ 0 z ra O N c ~ O N O_ 5 CL tts ~ z a O U) O X X XI I X ~ c c c c c Cl) M cNi cIJ c c cu L (n c C ~ ' c O c G N ~ N CL N 0 z v D C6 Q Z ~ ~ ~ to cn N p 'S N N O = N d C O> _ y ,J 0 c p tD N L m N t ts c U O O D p co 6 D 2i CC U7 co N M N .ro P9137 1 I o c o o o C) x o Q ¢ ~ U O C C C x x CL) CO a) v) C1 o E o x Z a`) Z tv IL d tv. tv w x N J x m ¢ O ¢ 0 I' { ° ro x G N O ~ c x X X Z Q x x x x x 0- O Z i L p O ~ N C ( N o . :Q a x x x x x ?C x u) = o 0 2 L m d I C O G co U) CL x x x II I o to C x x ~ . rn x as x x x U) co M x co m - ' 13T m m m -C T S ii d Q _ U) > N O _ d o _ a C D ~f m O N O Y 7 O 1~ N Y co ~t Ea ~ OO Y V M Y > d- N M Y (D (D - C a) U) CD 2 h m N Cl. N m ? Cn m m N' co C C c6 ^ = N N m c Y O C CO S] m C rn ° ZA O O m > L) N = ~ ~ N cu S] N N N I LL 0. r+ (n to N tD L "O Y I6 N u- ? o ~o i E L 0) ° t ? 0 0 I I ¢ C= (D N Rf o O d n 0 N N U- Q a) as L- U p D N o N N U u v o o m z O a+ tII O a) N C Its ` N m 0.'S c N C coo o m p N G1 N to O Q - C (n 0- N W . G Ill C E _ C 7 ` Q N N Its ¢ r N m U a) v v Ia cu a U 06 ¢ 0 'c cm 0 N D? d U o T E ~n Z o o c c~ c m (n its tv to 0 ° ~n o _ ta O ° o n (v . ca o Co > w 0 0 c 0 co ca N co o ~ ~ ° u a) ` a~ ° ~ u ° c ¢ to LL M m v cn ~ cn U) t- _ co m ¢ . U m ci w N m > m a ' M M O N M Iq Lo ID N M ct O h- OD O O a- N 114, 4 M 't U ) m r- y L) to tI) to to U') U') P7#8 N i p F) t~ DRAFT Section 3.11 - Permit/License for Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board SiLyus At the 2010 Annual. Town Meeting, Section 6.2. "Signs" of the Zoning By-Law was amended to permit the use of Portable A-Frame or Sandwich Board signs in the Business B Zone. Prior to this zone change, Portable A-Frame signs were prohibited by zoning. The new sign by-law stipulates that Portable A-Frame signs fall under the regulatory control of the Board of Selectmen. Applicants will be required to apply to the Board of Selectmen for an annual permit. The following policies regulate the use and installation of A-Frame and Sandwich Board signs. 3.11.1- Purpose and Intent This policy is developed in order to promote a pedestrian friendly community that supports businesses. The regulation of Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board Signs is intended to balance the aesthetic, safety, and economic development needs of the community. By regulating this use, sidewalk access will be preserved for pedestrians, particularly those with disabilities; and required ongoing maintenance of sidewalks including snow and ice control can be accomplished. 3.11.2 - Requirements and Rules - Portable.A-Frame/Sandwich Board signs General: 1. An annual permit from the Board of Selectmen is required prior to the placement of any Portable A- Frame/Sandwich Board sign. 2. Permits are valid for one calendar year (January 1- December 31St), and must be renewed annually. 3. Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board signs are permitted in the Business-B zoning district only. Size and. Location: 4. Maximum height of the Sign shall be 4 feet; 5. Maximum sign area shall not to exceed 6 square feet per side, with no more than 2 sides;. 6. Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board signs: • May be on public or private property; • Shall be located within 15 feet of the business entrance (unless granted visibility hardship); • Must be located so as to leave a minimum of 4 feet (48 inches) of an unobstructed walk way for safe pedestrian passage and shall not obstruct pedestrian movement; • Shall be subject to all requirements for handicapped accessibility • Must be located. in a manner that does not obstruct site lines or vehicular traffic; • Must be located at least 20 feet from the intersection on corner lots; • Shall be located at least 20 feet from another Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board sign; • May be placed in a permitted location only during business hours. of operation, and must be removed at the end of the business. day; and must be removed between sunset and sunrise. • May not be located on landscaped islands or other planted areas; • Must be freestanding and not attached to any public appurtenance such as a bus stop, light fixture, trash barrel, bench or other similar item; • May not include attachments like balloons, flags, banners, lights, reflectors, or other items; • Must be sufficiently weighted to prevent it from blowing over. 1 9/1/2010 a-frame sign policy 8-31-10 C:\My Documents\ADMINISTRATIOMTown Manager\a-frame sign policy 8-31-10.doc I . P75 7. Visibility Hardship - Businesses may apply for a hardship due to their location in an alleyway or other area that restricts visibility of the business from major roads, for placement of signs on the major access roads. Applicants shall demonstrate this hardship with photos or other supporting _ documentation If a hardship approval-is--granted; -signs -shall-be- located-onthe-street closest to-the------ business. All of the other requirements for Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board signs shall apply. Other 8. The sign shall be maintained in good condition; 9. Only one portable A-frame sign per businesses is allowed; 10. The sign material shall be weather resistant, shall not be reflective, and shall not include any type of illumination; 11. Portable signs shall be removed during a declared snow emergency. 12. The sign permit is non-transferable and application for such- permit must be from the business owner (not the sign installer/maker). 13. . The permit is not valid for any other business or location other than what was approved by the original permit, and the advertising on the sign shall only apply to the business for which the permit was granted. 14. Signs placed in violation of this policy may removed immediately at the sign owner's expense. 15. The permit fee for a Portable A-frame / Sandwich Board Sign installed without a sign permit will be double the regular sign permit fee. 16. Political statements or messages are prohibited. 17. Applicant shall indemnify the Town of Reading or its agents from damage to signs resulting from plowing or other public works maintenance. 18. Applicants must be current on all taxes or fees owed to the Town prior to the application for a permit: Application 19. The application fee for a Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board sign shall be $50.00 for the first year or . part thereof, and $25 per year for annual renewals. 19. Two copies of the completed application form and all the required attachments and supporting material. 20. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis. 21. Business owners shall submit to the Board of Selectmen a complete Portable A-Frame/Sandwich Board Application Form and all supporting documentation. 22. The application shall include: Business name and address; business owner contact person with email address and telephone number; status of business as property owner or tenant as demonstrated by proof of ownership or lease; if tenant, written permission from the property owner: 23. A color drawing of the proposed sign and a site/plot plan (to scale). showing the proposed sign location and _ dimensions of. the sidewalk, distance to the business entrance, and relationship to adjacent buildings, roads, driveways, and other street amenities such as trash receptacles, fire hydrants, utility fixtures, etc. The sign message must be included on the sign drawing. 24. The application shall also include photographs of the area where the proposed sign is to be located, showing the storefront, building(s), the existing signs, abutting properties and the streetscape surrounding the proposed sign. 25. The materials and colors of the sign shall be described in the application and on the drawings. 26. The sign shall not be installed until the owner has received the sign permit authorization from the Board of Selectmen. Administrative Requirements .2 9/1/2010 a-frame sign policy 8-31-10 CAMy Documents\ADMMSTRATION\Town Manager\a-frame sign policy 8-31-10.doc ~i yr P76 v 27. The approval of a permit shall be subject to the execution of a License Agreement and submission of proof of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Reading as an additional insured. Approved -/--/10 3 1/1/2010 a-frame sign policy 8-31-10 C:\My Documents\ADNM-USTRATIOMTown Manager\a-frame sign policy 8-31710.do P 7 7 'Z/~ Budget Community Outreach for FY12 and Beyond After the last Annual Town Meeting, several members of FINCOM have expressed strong opinions about some of the topics raised during the budget process. Here is a summary of what they have discussed in subsequent meetings, in no particular order: 1) Issue: The need to better advertise the budget process to the general public and to Town Meeting in particular. There are approximately 20 public budget meetings each year held in Reading. Many regular public meetings informally discuss budget items as part of their agenda. Finally, a wealth of budget information and history is available and easy to find on the Town's website. Solution: Shortly, FINCOM will send out a mailing to all Town meeting members advising them of the formal FYI 2 budget schedule and inviting their input. There is no reason that an interested TM member should stand up in April and express dissatisfaction that they had no chance to give any input on the budget. 2) Issue: The Town has not pursued alternative revenue sources to the tax levy, and therefore the meals tax vote should be delayed until other options have been explored. Solution: A two-part approach first including an education to .the public that many. alternative revenues sources are currently being used in supporting the various activities; and. then a genuine creative brainstorming session about any areas of possible revenue generation that the Town has previously spurned or never considered. The first Financial Forum on September 15 will address both these issues. Any new (or enhanced) revenue sources identified in this process will be considered by the proper budget authority in developing the FY12 budget. 3) Issue: The Town has not pursued cost-containment measures in developing budgets; and more revenues are simply not needed until this is done on a broad basis. Solution: A two-part approach primarily including an education to the public that many such measures are a regular part of the annual budget process, but also a broad discussion about the balance between reducing the support for all services each year versus eliminating some of them as non-essential to the community. The second Financial Forum on October 27 will address both these issues. Any significant changes to community services will be considered by the proper budget authority in developing the FY 12 budget. IP83 Financial Forum I (Revenues) -Agenda September 15, 2010. Library Meeting Room 7:0 - 1 to'Order 7:.10 - Bud et Timeline/Calendar 7:15 - Reserves Current Reserves Estimate ➢ Historic Regeneration Trend & Sources 7:25 - Town Land Overview ➢ Lots Available / Value if Known ➢ Sales/Uses Previously Considered ,ential Uses _ 7:40 - Revenues ' ➢ Current Revenue Sources (restricted/unrestricted) ➢ Revenue Initiatives Previously Considered ' Marsie Bob Gail Peter 8:00 - Brainstorming Session - Potential New Revenues Mark . 9:00 - Debrief & Identify Top Opportunities Mark 9:15 - Summary & Next Steps Marsie 930 - Close Marsie FY12 Budget Calendar: Sept 15 Financial Forum I - Revenues. Oct 27 Financial Forum II - Expenses & Budget Guidance Jan 24 Financial Forum III - State Aid Updates & Capital March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 FinCom Budget Review April 25 Town Meeting P84 9 U A Z Consolidated Town/School FYI 2 Budget Calendar(public meetings in bold) 2010 Sept. 15 Financial Forum IIFINCOM 7pm Library Revenues Oct. 4 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS School/District Improvement Plans October Schools Principals: improvement goals & budget needs October Town Dept Heads: BOS goals & build budgets Oct. 18 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS Fee review Oct. 27 Financial Forum WFINCOM 7pm Sr. Center Expenses, FY12 budget guidance Nov. 6 Schools Budget requests to Superintendent Nov. 8 Town meeting begins 7:30pm . RMHS 15 Nov Town Budget requests to Town Manager . November Schools 'Superintendent reviews goals & budget requests Late Nov. Schools TBA TBA Superintendent holds community forums Dec. 17 Schools Superintendent budget finalized 2011 Jan. 8 Selectmen Sam Town Hall Town budgets.reviewed Jan. 10 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS School budgets reviewed Jan. 15 Selectmen Sam Town Hall Town budgets reviewed Jan. 13 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS School budgets reviewed Jan. 20 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS School budgets reviewed Jan. 24 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS School budgets reviewed; public hearing Jan. 26 Financial Forum III/FINCOM 7pm Sr. Center Capital, other updates Jan. 27 School Committee 7:30pm RMHS Vote on final school budget Feb. 1 All budgets delivered to Town Manager mid Feb. Town Manager final budget delivered to FINCOM Mar. 2 Town/School budgets 7:30pm Town Hall Topic TBA Mar. 9 Town/School budgets 7:30pm Town Hall Topic TBA Mar. 16 Town/School budgets 7:30pm Town Hall Topic TBA Mar. 23 Town/School budgets 7:30pm Town Hall Topic TBA Mar. 30 Town/School budgets 7:30pm Town Hall Topic TBA Apr: 26 Town meeting begins 7:30pm RMHS PB5 i4 NI,3 Dept Schools School Fac. Town Fac. Library Town Mgr Comm Svc DPW Police Fire Dispatch Finance Accounting TOTAL Dept Schools School Fac. Town Fac. Library Town Mgr Comm Svc DPW Police Fire Dispatch Finance Accounting Restricted Funds (revenue- collected fora specific purpose) Brief Description Amount Fund Recur(YIN) various various various various various various various various various various various various Unrestricted Funds (revenue collected for the general fund) Brief Description Revenue Fund Recur(YIN) general general general general general general general general general general general general TOTAL general P86 0.,Ikq ARTICLE: AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2-15 REFERENDUM PROCEDURES, OF - - THE READING HOME RULE CHARTER To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, to amend Section 2-15: Referendum Procedures, so that it reads as follows (language with strikethrough shows deletions/words in italics denotes new language) No final affirmative vote of a Town Meeting on any Warrant Article shall be . operative until after the expiration of seven (7) days following the dissolution of the Town Meeting except the following: (a) a vote to adjourn or dissolve; (b) votes appropriating money for the payment of notes or bonds of the Town and interest becoming due within the then current fiscal year; (c) votes for the temporary borrowing of money in anticipation of revenue or; (d) a vote declared by preamble by a two-thirds vote of Town Meeting to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety or convenience of the Town. If a referendum petition is not filed within the said seven (7) days, the votes of the Town Meeting shall then become operative. If, within said seven (7) days, a petition signed by not less than three (3) percent of the voters certified by the Registrars of Voters, containing their names and addresses, is filed with the Board of Selectmen requesting that any question be submitted to the voters, then the operation.of such vote shall be further suspended pending its determination as provided below. The Board of Selectmen shall, within ten (10) days after the filing of such petition, call a Special Election that shall be held within thirty (30). days or such longer period as maybe required by law after issuing the call, for the purpose of presenting to the voters any such question. If, however, a regular or special election is to be held not more than sixty (60) days following the date the petition is filed, the Board of Selectmen may provide that any such question be presented to the voters at that election. Any question so submitted shall be determined by a majority vote of the voters voting in said election, but no action of the Town Meeting shall be reversed unless at least twenty percent (20%) of the eligible voters vote in such election. Each question so submitted shall be in the form of the following question which shall be placed on the official ballot: -"Shall the Town vote to approve the action of the representative Town Meeting whereby it was voted on (insert date of town meeting) to bFief deSGFiptiOR of the substaRse (insert complete language.of the vote in sU~iariy ( the same Im age an form in which it was stated when presented by the Moderator to the Town Meeting, and as it appears in the records of the Clerk of the meeting)"? The petition form shall be prepared by Town Counsel in conformance with this section. The circulator(s) of the referendum question may make additional copies of the petition form, but such copies must be an exact duplicate thereof. The petition form may not be altered in any way. No extraneous markings, such as underlines, highlighting, erasures, marking out or insertion -of words or other information, are allowed on any area of the petition form: Any such extraneous markings on, or alterations of the petition form, or forms that are not exact duplicates, will result in the invalidation of all signatures . l L~ P87 contained on that petition form. Extraneous markings do not include signatures or addresses. Each petition form shall include language informing voters that additional markings will disqualify the signatures on the petition form; that for their signature to be valid, they must be a registered voter of the Town of Reading; that their signature shall be written as they are registered, that they should not sign the petition more than once; and that if they are prevented by physical disability from writing, that they may authorize some person to write their name and residence in their presence. The back of each petition form shall include the following instruction: "ATTENTION VOTERS: Before signing, read signer information on the other side". In addition to the certification of signatures on the petition form, the Board of Registrars of Voters shall examine the petition forms for extraneous markings, -and determine whether the petition forms are exact copies. Or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen P88 ~y ARTICLE: AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2-1-5:-REFERENDUM PROCEDURES, OF - THE READING HOME RULE CHARTER To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, to amend Section 2-15: Referendum Procedures, so that it reads as follows (language with strikethrough shows deletions/words in italics denotes new language) No final affirmative vote of a Town Meeting on any Warrant Article shall be operative until after the expiration of seven (7) days following the dissolution of the Town Meeting except the following: (a) a vote to adjourn or dissolve; (b) votes appropriating money for the payment of notes or bonds of the Town and interest becoming due within the then current fiscal year; (c) votes for the temporary borrowing of money in anticipation of revenue or; (d) a vote declared by preamble by a two-thirds vote of Town Meeting to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety or convenience of the Town. If a referendum petition is not filed within the said seven (7) days, the votes of the Town Meeting shall then become operative. (a) Referendum Petition - If, within said seven (7) days, a referendum petition signed by not less than three (3) percent of the voters certified by the Registrars of Voters, containing their names and addresses, is filed with the Board of Selectmen requesting that any question affirmative vote of Town Meeting be submitted to the voters in the form of a ballot question, such ballot question to be in the form required in (b) herein, to the voters, then the operation of the Town Meeting vote shall be further suspended pending its determination as provided below. The Board of Selectmen shall, within ten (10) days after the filing of such referendum petition, call a Special Election that shall be held within thirty (30) days or such longer period as may be required by law after issuing the call, for the purpose of presenting to the voters any such ballot question. If, however, a regular or special election is to be held not more than sixty (60) days following the date the referendum petition is filed, the Board of Selectmen may provide that any such ballot question be presented to the voters at that election. (b) Form of Referendum Petition/Ballot Question - Each ballot question se submitted shall appear at the top of each referendum petition and shall be presented in the following form of the fbilewing questieR which shall be. placed on the official ballot: - "Shall the Town vote to approve the action of the representative Town Meeting whereby it was voted on (insert date of town meeting) to (brief subs-tanGe (insert complete language of the vote in s-ubstaRtiatt~ the same language-and form in which it was stated when presented by the Moderator to the Town Meeting, and as it appears in the records of the Clerk of the meeting)"? The form of the referendum petition shall be prepared by Town Counsel in conformance with this section. The circulator(s) of the referendum petition may make additional copies of the petition form, but such copies must be an exact duplicate thereof. The petition form may not be altered in any way. No extraneous markings, such as underlines, highlighting, erasures, marking out or insertion of words or other information, are allowed on any area of the petition form. Any such extraneous markings on, or alterations of the petition form, or copies of the petition form that are not exact duplicates, will result in the invalidation of P _ all signatures contained on that petition form. Extraneous markings do not include - signatures or addresses. Each petition form shall include language informing voters that additional markings will disqualify the signatures on the petition form, that for their signature to be valid, they must be a registered voter of the Town of Reading; that their signature shall be written as they are registered; that they should not sign the petition more than once; and that if they are prevented by physical disability from writing, that they may authorize some . person to write their name and residence in their presence. The back of each petition form where signature lines appear, shall include the following instruction: "ATTENTION VOTERS: Before signing, read signer information on the other side". In addition to the certification of signatures on the petition form; the Board of Registrars of Voters shall examine the petition forms for extraneous markings, and determine whether they are exact copies. . (c) Election - Any ballot question so-submitted in accordance with this procedure shall be determined by a majority vote of the voters voting in said election, but no action of the Town Meeting shall be reversed unless at least twenty percent (20%) of the eligible voters vote in such election, or to take any other action related thereto.