HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-02 Board of Selectmen Packet - Part 24.4.3 Definitions AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD is� k� in the v�� a o�0u�� subject to o one percent or greater chance offlooding in any given yae[ The area may be designated ao Zone A. AO, AH.A1-3O` AE, A9B.V1-38.VE.orV. BASE FLOOD means the flood having o one percent chance Of being equaled or exteeded in any given year. DEVELOPMENT means any -manmade change no mFvuveu or unimproved ��e��� . including but not limited to building or other atrUCtuFeo, mining, dredging, filling, Qcgding. paving, excavation or drilling operations. DISTRICT means floodplain district. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) administers the National Flood insurance Program. FEMA provides a nationwide flood.'h a''zard area mapping study program i�4 hazard areas. for communities as well as regulatory standards for: development in the flo FLOOD BOUNDARY AND. FLOODWAY . MAP'mea - h : s,,.,.,a,n offid - ial map of a comillunity issued by FEMA that depicts,'based on detailed analyses, th&---bQu : h : dar i , bs of the 100 -year and 500 year floods and the 100-year floodway. (For maps d�5re in 1987 and later, the floodway designation is included on the FIRM.) FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP (FHB M)�niieans an officia[,,map of a community issued by FEMA where the, boundaries of the '.flood erosion areas having special hazards have been designated as Zone A orl.E. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) means an official map of a community on which FEMA has delineate I d:::',b,o* the *.eas of specia' . [flood hazard and the risk premium zones applicable to the communi y. FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY,�Means an-examination, evaluation, and determination of flood :.1 . " '*:responding water surface elevations, or an examination, hazards, .,and, if appropriate, cot evaluati on and determi nation of i6owrelated erosion hazards. FLOODWAY: means the ch I ahnel of j,6 river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be'. '(0 ' served in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surfttdi��.elevation. LOWEST FLOOR meant'-ihe lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement or cellar). An -unfinished 'or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement, area is not considered a building's lowest floor, PROVIDED that such enclosure is not built so.as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of NFIP Regulations 60.3. 0q/ ���� . T����EU�����80Erneonaaotn�cture.�onopo�ab|einoneorrnon*oenUono.vVh�hia -' '''- Otoh i ndiod�o' / Dedfor use w�horvV�hVuta permanent fouOda�on bui|ton�p���one �e�n� 8 when connected 10 the required utilities. Forfloodp|oin management purposes the b*nn 11manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles 43 46 °� '� ( placed on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. For insurance purposes, the term "manufactured -home" does not include park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles. MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. NEW CONSTRUCTION means, for floodplain management purposes, structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on 'or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by a community. For the purpose of determining insurance rates, NEW CONSTRUCTION means structures for which the "start of construction" (as evidenced by issuance of a building .permit) commenced on or afte.rj.he effective date of an initial FIRM or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later. ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR FLOOD - see BASE FLOOD. REGULATORY FLOODWAY - see FLOODWAY SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA means an are ' a having special flood airid`/ ' or flood-related erosion hazards, and shown on an FHBM or FIRM ;as Zone.:A, AO, A1-30,AE,,,A99, AH, V, V1-30, VE. - STRUCTURE means, for floodplain management purposes, a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank,. is principally ',,,.,,1above ground, as well as a manufactured home. STRUCTURE fot:ihisprance coverage purposes, means a walled and roofed building, other than a gas or liquid storage tank that is 'principally above ground and 1. t..: , p affixed to a permanent site, as well as a manufactured home On foundation. For the latter purpose, the term includes a building while in the '�.:course :,6f.,- ,construction, alteration, or repair, but does not include building .,--,..,rnateriaIs or supplies intended for use in such construction, alteration, or repair, unless such." materials or supplies are within an enclosed building on the premises. SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGEmppns damage of any origin sustained by a structure, whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its b6fcre- dam aged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent o.fthe market value of the" structure before the damage occurred, SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT means any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, - the; .cost of which'0quals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure either (a) before the impr6 . y6ment or repair is started, or (b) if the structure has been damaged and .1 . s : restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this definition, "substantial.. improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, 1 6 1 r other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the ".rnal dimensions of the structure. ZONE A means the 100-year floodplain area where the base flood elevation (BFE) has not been determined. To determine the BFE, use the.best available federal, state, local, or other data. ZONE Al -30 and ZONE AE (for new and revised maps) mean the 100 -year floodplain where the base flood elevation has been determined. ZONE AH and ZONE AO means the 100-year floodplain with flood depths * of I to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable, Q 'r o] 44 and where velocity flow may be evident.. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow. ZONES B, C, AND X are areas identified in the community Flood Insurance Study as areas of moderate or minimal flood hazard. Zone X replaces Zones B and C on new and revised maps. 4.4.4. Reference to Existing Regulations The Floodplain District is established as an overlay district to all other districts. All development in the district, including structural and non- structural activities, whether permitted by right or by special permit must be in compliance wiW, Chapter 131, Section 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws and with the following: — Section of the Massachusetts State Building Cod6. Which addre I sses floodplain and coastal high hazard areas (currently 780 . CIVIR 120.G, "Flood,, Resistant Construction and Construction in Coastal Duflbs"); — Wetlands Protection Regulations, Department-'�6f Environmental Protectipi"(DEP) (currently 310 CIVIR 10.00); Inland Wetlands Restriction, DER `(currently 310 CMk:4*3*.00); b�u'6;66�4 isposal of Sanitary Sewage, DEP Minimum Requirements for the Su DJ: (currently 310 CIVIR 15, Title 5); — Town of Reading — Town of Any variances, the pr(' regulations such state 4.4.6. Uses.,Permitted as' 9 8yrL .___aw; and nds Protection Bv-Lbw...,, and uiremints of the above referenced state and local in accordance with the required variance procedures of 17 In the; Floodplain Overlay District, no new building shall be erected and no premises shall be used except pt for one,.Jor more of the following uses: Municipal:, recreation, public water supply, drainage or flood control use, orchard, truck garden, nursery, or similar open use of the land for the raising of agricultural or horticultural crops, for rifle, pistol and shotgun shooting on land of any established range. 4.4.6. Uses Permitted in the Floodplain Overlay District By Special Permit: If authorized by the Board of Appeals, commercial golf course, or non- profit social, civic or recreational use (but not including any use the chief activity of which is one customarily conducted as a business); and buildings and sheds accessory to any use permitted in the district. 31 h33 45 ' If any land defined in the as being in a Flood Plain Overlay District in proven toboin fact neither subject to flood ing .[ unsuitable for human occupancy because of drainage and topographic conditions, and if the use of such land will not be detrimental to the public* health, safety and welfare, the Board of Appeals may permit buildings for human occupancy VD such land in accordance with the requirements of the underlying district after the necessary proof has been presented to and reported onbv the Comm unity'P|onninQand Development Commission and the Board ofHealth. 4.4.7. Uses Prohibited in the Floodplain Overlay District: Dumping, filling or earth transfer relocation for utility trenches, driveways, landscaping and accessory building fo,dhd6tions, or municipal or public facilities. 4.4.8. Conditions for Approval For Uses Permitted in the'.'F I ood 061 in: Overlay District: no new construction, substantial Within the fl6odplain overlay district' improvement or other land development shall be permitted unless it is demonstrated by the applicant that the cumulative effect bf-th.e proposed development, when -combined with:,. all other existing and" anticipated development, will not increase the watiee�surface elevation of the' base-flood. For the purposes of thi§­,gecti on, substanfia ment shall be taken to mean: any repair, reconstruction, or improve a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fift "t.cent of th value of the structure a) before the improvefilent.i§'starte v.::,, b) ifthe, structure has'been damaged and is being restored after the dama''g"6., occurred. Fornew co'"nstructibn, substantial improvements of existing structures or other land devel6'p.Ment�'z.�'ihp....fol.�Qw.ipg,Qonditions shall apply: Wtonstrubtion or improvement of non-residential structures shall either f floor lincluding basement, at or above the base flood have th"6­1owest."if elevatioh,�,,�,,br along";. ith attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall be floodproof6d: i.e., - esigned so that below the established base flood elevation, ti� structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage-:-of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. - 2) Vithin' zones A and AE where base flood elevations are provided on th the F|F|K8: elevations shall be determined by using the flood profile contained in the Flood Insurance Study. 3\ Whn zones Aad AE, whee hmbaefod ismoehwnonhe ' FIRM, the applicant shall obtain any existing base flood elevation data as basis for the elevation and Mood-proofing requinahlenta of this section and shall submit such base flood elevation data to the Board of Appeals at the time of making application fora special permit under this section. When base flood datoio not available the base flood elevation shall bgdetermined 32 ON 'through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed by a registered professional engineer in accordance with standard'engineering practices. � The structure will ��e�nd the e�o� of flooding. The ground �� omUOd ' and extending 25 ft. outward from any building or,stnucture in e Flood Plain District shall be raised as necessary ao that no part of the ground level area so dnfined, ehoU be below the elevation shown on the FIRM. Embankments subject t to possible scouring by flood waters oho|| be properly stabilized and protected to prevent enVsioO by flood waters. 5) The containment of eexenaga, safety of gag. electric,, ~ fuel, and other utilities from breaking, leaking, short cin:uUing. g electrocuting, or any other dangers due to flooding, will be adequately protected. FA Safe vehicular and pedestrian [DovennaOt to or and from the premises shall be provided on ways having g mini 'Mum profile elevation of no less than the base flood elevation. 7) Methods of drainage shall be adequate. 8) Other land in the Floodplain Overlay`Nstriqfjshaill be protected from impacts resulting from all work of development:" th ,.approved and not approved on the premises. 9) Where watertight floodorobfing',:.-of structure'-l'is permitted, a registered professional engineer shalLverify thalthe methods used will be adequate to withstand the flood depths, pre§sures,and,:volocities, impact and uplift,.and other factors.-ossociated with the base flood. 10) A. registered professional engineer, shall certify that the above minimum conditions listed. in Section 4.4.4 and 4.4.8 are satisfied in the design 4.4.9. Rase Flood Elevation and. Floodway Date 4.4.:,9.11. Floodway I I . Yata. in Zones A, and AE, along watercourses that have not had a regulatorV floodway design'.. ted, the best available Federal, State, local, or other floodway datashallbeLi d Ao prohibit.:'e:ncroachments in floodways which would result in any increase in flood levels within,jhe community during the occurrbnce of the base flood discharge. Baso�:'Flood Elevation Data. - Base flood elevation data is required for subdivision proposals or other developments greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lessor, within unnumbered A zones. 4.4.10 Notification of Watercourse Alteration In a rivohne situation, the Conservation Commission ehsd| notify the fdkov/ Og of any alteration or relocation of a watercourse: Adjacent Communities EVA 33 = NF|P State Coordinator Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation 351 Causeway Street, Suite OOO-7OO ' Boston, MA 02114-2104 � NF|P Program Specialist Federal Emergency K8 . Region | S8 High Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA O211O action with respect thereto: and' further, that the Zoning Map of the Town of Reading. amended to adopt the boundaries of the new overlay district as defined on the'Middli6sex County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that goes into effect on June 4, 2016","a'nd as:jurther defined by the Middlesex County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated June 4, 2010, ortake any other action with respect thereto. ARTICLE 27 To see if the Town will vote, pursO,ant to Section 2-6, of. the Reading Home Rule Charter, to declare the seats of certain Town M6' ting Members to be vacant and remove certain described persons from . t�h. .11 i'��iposition as Tow6�. - Meeting Members for failure to take the oath of office within 30 days follo, tice of elecuon or for failure to attend one half or more of the Town Meeting sessions previous year, or take any other Precinct I Crawford `� 2011 D'Entremont 'Keith:',` 11 Precinct 2 ' --------- Conhearp6y ' T 8r 2011 --- x 2011 :A: Sullivan John '<�� ` '/B 2011 Precinct 3 Jones Randall VV 2011 Precinct 5 Kelley Timothy J 2011 Precinct 8 -------- (3[kaet William J Jr 2011 Herrick Karen Gately 2012 34 W. Board ofSelectmen ��� � � �� . 0 Y�^~ ��� " and you are directed to serve this Warrant b«posting an attested copy thereof |nat least one U\ public place iO each precinct of the Tovvnnot less than fou�een(14)days 'orho/\oh|O. � 2010, the date set for the Election in said VVorrurd, and to publish this VVarrord in a newspaper published in the Town, or providing in m manner such as electronic submission, holding for pickup or nnei|ing, an attested copy of said VVgrrgOt to each T0xvO N1eet|DQ Hereof fail not and make due return of this \8&anent with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at or before the time appointed for said meeting. our handsthis 2nd day of March, 2O1D. Alan VK[Uric'h.Constable ^ ' '^ HE 35 ` Camille VV Richard W. Schubert Stephen A. Goldy SELECTMEN OF READING ��3? LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING ` . To the Inhabitants, of. the � Town of Reading: .You"afe. hereby' notifi6d that' -for -aft' AiFW0h0l, .Restaurant 'Li:quor License hasv been, "pp for- `- -' {�on e to Inc. d/b/a Sam's Bistro. The application is fox the pr=".".~~. Main Street, �~.�__��~. `' ` Under the prnvieiono Df ` Chapter 138. Section 15 .of the Massachusetts General Laws, a public hearing will b8 held bV ' the Board of Se|antmen con- oe[Ding this application on March- 2.201Oot8:3O p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Rnorn. 16 , LovveUS1reet� Reading, Massachusetts. All interested parties are invited to attend or submit their .comments in writing, or by. e[naU prior to /�:DD p.m. on K;a[uh 2nd to-tnvvnr0aDog' sr@ci.readng.ma.u� . ' 50 Bv order bf Peter \.Upchonme/me/ Town Manager q CA k' N lvii NG � V 1 " N i fll V.1! E R D ' N _. Mil! li; m t _i t KRIM TER„ .. _. , : e ° f f ON' i a : .. ; Mi 13 .w O' 1fi I! 5� ,2:1. Hill LEANING ELM DR 1 I. t Rill, iltimw. S f z : In I SpUTHI ST,, f q .:357. ... .... 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O W F-mZ~mm(n¢ W Q= ? - )mccwgW mF- j Easy PeelP Labels Use AvaryO Template 51604D N4ELCHIONDA JANE C 12 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 BRESCIA JAMES A CONSTANCE LAMB BRESCIA 9 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 ARINELLA ROBERT A JOANNE D ARINELLA 6 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 A Bend along line to I AVERY& 51600 1, Feed Paper --wm1m expose Pop-Up Edger"' FLAHERTY BARBARA L ETAL TRS CITRANO PATRICIA M THE FLAHERTY REALTY TRUST C/O JOSEPH N PERR1TANO 11 LEANING ELM DR 9 GRAYSON RD READING, MA 01867 WINCHESTER, MA . 01890 MILLS WILLIAM J III SUSAN G STEVENS 8 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 ANASTASI PETER A JANE C ANASTASI 5 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 DIODATI JAMES M NICOLENE A DIODATI 7 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 HOWE ELIN M 4 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 DIPINTO SALVATORE J SR CHRISTENSEN ELAINE M FANNOUSH. PATRICIA A TRUSTEE 2 LEANING ELM DR LOCONTE FARES F FANNOUSH DIPINTO FAMILY NOMINEE REA READING, MA 01867 113 HOPKINS ST 3 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 BARANOFSKY MICHAEL J FOLEY ANNMAR-IF— C EASTERN MIDDLESEX MULTIPLE REGINA BARANOFSKY SHAWN J FOLEY LISTING, INC. 127 HOPKINS ST 123 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 70 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 ROBERTS JASON S TR NASTRI ANDREW R MCINTIRE EDWARD D JR REALTY TRUST JOANNE N NASTFJ FLORENCE E MCINTIRE 3 WEDGEWOOD DR 397 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 362 SOUTH, ST READING, MA 01867 ANDOVER, MA - 01810 MURLEY ROBERT W JR RIZZO MICHAEL J ROGERS JAMES F RICHARD G MURLEY C/O JOHN B SHRITN ELINORE M ROGERS 9 CURVE ST 118 HOPKINS ST 16 FAIRMOUNT RD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 KANE PATRICIA CRONIN WILLIAM ATLANTIC TAMBONE INC DAVID GALVIN NICOLE CRONIN 6 KIMBALL LN STE 300 62 LEXINGTON ROAD 19 MILEPOST RD LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 CONCORD, MA 01742 READING, MA 01867 AMES CHARLES H GEARY SHARYL MCARDLE JOANNE A A & M TRUST 124 HOPKINS ST 37 MILEPOST RD 87 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01861 READING, MA 01867 MELD JOSEPH M MARIA F MELO 25 MILEPOST ROAD READING, MA 01867 ERICSON DEAN T TRTEE ETAL TARPIN ALBERT A JR 1 LEANING ELM DRIVE REALTY 11 TARPIN TERR TRUST READING, MA 01867 1 LEANING ELM DR READING, MA 01867 q C3, 54 1 ft e d I 1 www.avery.com A Replier A la hachure afin de iquatts fales h paler . Sons de I- _.k.A*'&vF:Rvv Slane riv6ler le rebord Pop-UpTm 1-900-GO-AVERY Easy Peel® Labels Use Avery® Template 51600 MOBERGER OLGA ANN CHRISTINEB BALDWIN 149 HOPKINS ST READING, MA .01867 DEE FRANCIS J JANET A DAVIDSON -DEE 36 MILEPOST ROAD READING, MA 01867 CATALDO MARIA. 25 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 SIDIROPOULOS HARALAMPOS 1180 MAIN ST TEWKSBURY, MA 01876 KOCH MARILYN E 91 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 DODGE RICHARD H ETAL TRS C/O PERKINS BUILDING LLC 12 SPENCER ST STONEHAM, MA 02180 HARROW MAIN STREET REALTY LLC 136 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 ® Bend along line to Feed Paper expose Pop -Up EdgeTm DODGE RICHARD H ETAL TRS C/O PERKINS BUILDING LLC 12 SPENCER ST STONEHAM, MA 02180 BENTILLA RUSSELL M ALISA FRANZOSA 155 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 SWEENEY CHRISTOPHER D RUTH W SWEENEY 14 BEAR HILL RD READING, MA 01867 MCGLINCHEY PAUL M NINA L SALETAN 29 MILEPOST RD READING, MA 01867 WALLACE JACALYN S 75 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 1 : i i 6 1 • 1' • ' 1 • N, 1 • 1 :• HURLEY ROBERT J THERESA D HURLEY 27 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 n AVER O 5160® 1 O'SHEA DONALD J SANDRA L O'SHEA 151 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 NICHOLS BENJAMIN E 12 GRANADA WAY ANDOVER, MA 01810 -4248 FULGONI KEVIN M 28 SUMMER AVE READING, MA 01867 GUAZZALOCA JOSEPH P GUAZZALOCA JANET E 2 CEDAR ST READING, MA 01867 JACOB WAY LLC C/O PEARSON TAX DEPT 1330 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 7TH TLR NEW YORK , NY 10019 GENTILE PAULA M 393 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 TAMBONE ANTHONY A ETAL TRS TAMBONE ANTHONY A ETAL TRS ROKETENETZ RICHARD A SOUTH REALTY TRUST SOUTH REALTY TRUST ROKETENETZ JEAN E 6 KIMBALL LN STE 300 6 KIMBALL LN STE 300 15 MILEPOST ROAD LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 READING, MA 01867 CUMBERLAND FARMS INC 100 CROSSING BLVD - V2038 FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 BAUER KAREN A _ KENNETH M BAUER 24 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 OKEEFE JOHN S GAIL L OKEEFE 133 HOPKINS ST READING, MA 01867 MITCHELL PAUL C KAREN D RAMACORTI 356 SOUTH STREET READING, MA 01867 MDS REALTY LLC 137 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 ALLEN BRENDEN JEANNE C ALLEN 7 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 LjcG 55 l tiquettes fadles A pe4er ; ® Repliez a la hachure aiin de vvww.avery com Utiliez Is! unbarit AVERY9 5160® Sens de s rev®ler le rebord Po U TM 1- 800 -GO -AVERY Ail3AV-09-008-6 W0XfsJ;DAe*AAA&M \4ARTR,1IELL0 JOHN C ZOBERTA A MARTINIELLO I I MILEPOST RD 2EADING,MA 01867 3USTIN ALANA J FOSEPH FUSTOLO JR 10 TARPIN TER READING, MA 01867 FUSCO MURIEL R ? CEDAR ST READING, MA 01867 LIM MARK J HEATHER M TENNEY 398 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 WAYSIDE BAZAAR INC C/O 107 MAIN STREET READING LLC 419 CHESTNUT ST - LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 RIQUIER THOMAS T ETAL C/O LEE A MCNELLY LIBERTY SQUARE DANVERS, MA 01923 DONAHUE MICHAEL E GERALDINE M DONAHUE 119 HOPKINS STREET READING; MA 01867 • 1 @09LS @)AU3AW ,,,dn.dOd paoq ®J 81 AQl6A8J op uPI aintl3eq al q zoild;u ROBERTS JASON S TR NR REALTY TRUST 3 wEDGEWOOD DR ANDOVER, MA 01810 STAMENOVA ELENA K EVGENI S STAMENOV 28 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 juqw96me4:) 1 oons 9Am3Av 4uecpB si zesimn apsues BALLOU DANA A HEATHER L BALLOU 412 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 SIDEROPOULOS HARALAMPOS 365 MAIN ST TEWKSBURY, MA 01876 BOGGS DONNA J 400 SOUTH- ST READING, MA 01867- TWISS ARTHUR L RUTH ETWISS 15 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 DRINKWATER JOHN L (L.E.) JOHN R DRINKWATER 392 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 JACKSON PAUL D NICOLE J CASWELL 404 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 117 MAIN STREET LLC RITCHIE LINDA S C/O MEINEKE CAR CARE CENTER EDWARD P BILLINGS 117 MAIN ST 5 FAIRMOUNT RD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 CALARESO JOSEPH III CALARESO JOSEPH JR WENDY J CALARESO MARY CALARESO 122 MAIN ST .28C CARNATION CIRCLE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 T r W.LOB -dod asodxa ...= Jaded pael ogLs ateldwo.L ehow ash P3 dn 01 Dull Buole puas MEN= V slalel gla d Ao3 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION' License Number - FORM 43 Reading City /Town Twe of Transaction (Please check all relevant transactions New License O New Officer/Director Transfer of License Change of Location Change of Manager ) Alter Premises O Transfer. of Stock 2/11/20 10 Date ) Pledge of License Pledge of Stock Other Bistro Concepts, Inc., Name of licensee FID of Licensee Sam's Bistro Michael A. Palmer D/B-/A 107' main-Street Address: Number Annual Annual or Seasonal Reading, MA 01867 Street All Alcohol Manager Zip Code Category: All Alcohol, Wine & Malt Restaurant Type: Restaurant Club, Package Store, Inn, General on Premise, Etc. Description of * Licensed Premises: - Two story-building with public.seating on the fir st floor only; storage on second' loor. 2/15/2010— Chronic-Le Application was filed: 2/11/2010 10:04 Advertised: Date & time Date & Publication Abutters Notified X Yes No Person.-to contact regarding this'transaction: Name: Bradley Latham Latham,. Latham & Lamond Address: 643 Main street, Reading, 'MA 0108671 Phone 781-944-0505 Remarks: The Local Licensing Authorities By: 57 Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission Woriarty Executive (Director Remarks' CT The Commonwealth of Massachugetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Comrnission 239 Causeway Street Boston; MA. 02114 Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Retail Sale Reading City/Town: (ED New License ({QI New officer/Director (L3 Transfer of License {]1 Other [� Transfer of Stock (speCify) Section i Bistro Concepts, Inc-, dba -'am "s Disko Naine to appeal.` on the license: . satins Bistro Bas'cness Name (dib /a; if different): Michael A. Palmer MD of Licensee: Manager ofRecord: 107 Main Street Zip Code- Beading, MA 01867 Address. of Premises. Restaurant phone number not issued at this time Phone number of pireiriises: Section 2 'Pype oflicense: '(check one Only) (� Club. (} Package Store () Veterans Club General on Premise (} Restaurant (} Other (� Innholder (3 Tavern ( �l Section 3 License Category ([ All Alcoholic (0 Wine and Malt ( Malt only ([3 Wine Only Q3 Wine and Malt with Cordials Permit Section. 4 License Class () Annual { (j Seasonal Section 5 person (attorney if applicable) who can be contacted concerning this application Name Q. Bradley Wtharn t atham Law Offices, 643 Main Street, Beading, MA 01867 Address: 781- 944-0505 1 none 1, itU1i4'c; • Ho Print Form V( GLI section 6 Live a full description Of .1 the PreTnises to be licensed, including location Of all 0OU-40009 and exits. FrqeWotqnOlng, single occupant, renovated building at 107 Main Street, Reading, MA. First floor shall c age area. Front door faces Main Street. See plans. contain the patron area. Second. floor shall be storage 6EL 152 seats Seating Capacity: — 188 Occupancy Numbers Section? .Appflr�ant is an-. Association corporation individual Partnership Qj Non-profit corporation (0 LLC Section. 8 If applicant is an individual or partnership —List for individual or each partner: Is individuat or an partners Yes ers United States citizens? (D Na if no, specify citizenship: Sh. Is individual or all partners involved at least twenty-one years old?([3 Yes ([]r No section, 9 if the is a corporation, complete, the fbIlowing: Massachusetts Date of Incorporation: September 1, 2009 State of Incorporation: 910112009 Date qualified to do business in MA- 2,000 I40W many shares are issued. 200 9a. How many shares of stock are authorized: Provide in the box the names it all officers, directors,. stockholders and manager. Use * to indicate director 9b. Attach a copy ofthe vote by the Board of Directors appointing a, manager or principal rePM.SePtaaVes- W Lt &10 go, Nthe applicant is a corporation, answer the following questions: 1. Are the majority of directors United States citizeq§1 Yes No Massachusetts? Yes NO Z. Are the majority of directors *itizens of MtiSs NO 3. Is the manager or principal representative a U.S. citizen? Yes SOCHOU 10 If the applicant is an association, provide in the box below the names of all. association. -officers and members. job. Attach a list of all members of the UC. S,ectjonll Will there be any constnWd6n, remodeling, redecorating or-building on the premises for this license? Yes (0) No (if yes co"leto a,bi c and d) a. Give,an exact description. ofthe construction, remodeling, redecorating or building on the premises: Norlhbrly portion of existing building to be tbzed. Remainder of building is being renovated: Land shall be' Improved for parking, I drainage controls and landscaping.. See plans submitted. b. What are the estimated costs: $600,000.. Work starts when local permits issued. Six months to complete. c. What is the construction schedule: Reading Co-Operative Sank is lending funds to d. State all sources of construction financing.. landlord -(107 Main Street, Reading, LLG) to do renovation-construction work. Section 12 Do you own the premises? Yes No. if yes I , please. respond to the question below. ([I As an individual Jointly Name of Realty Trust Name of Corporation ( [ 1j Other information a owner.} (If you do not own the premises to be licensed, provide the following arm ion bout the o er.) 14'ame, 107 Mal . n Street Reading, LLC - Phone Numb= 781-589-0276 419 Chestnut Street, Lynnfield, MA Address: M q � (( 12a. If a lease or rental, provide the H1010ing information: -0 -0 -0 per IkI D rllA-- (month, yeqr .) Beginning date of lease 0 r a 9 Ending Date of lease -j � � 311 �0 I (provide copy ofthe lease) ]FINANCYAL S;eclian I3 Whattissets were, purchasedandcost? IteAS Purchased new from vendors - 1000001. 100,000. -0- Equipment- Furniture: Goodwill: 40;000. -0- Premise: inventory' License: 240,000. 13a. Total Purchase Price: 15b. Identify below all sources Of figAn6U19- -0- Setter Mortgage: Cash: 240;000. 0 ther (specify): Document, all sources e.g. Loan papers, checking accounts, stock sales, etc. 13C. This is not a purchase. Amounts stated above are prices from vendors. All other turns and condifio= (provide purchase and sale documontO 13& Are you seeking approval for license to be pledged: Yes (0) No If yes$ to whom: 13e, Will the inventory be Pledged: Yes (19) No Ifyes, specify to whom: 13E, If a corporation,: are You seeking.opproval for any corporate stock to be pledged- (E) yes ( a No If yes, identify to whom and identify the number of shares: O_WNF,RSM Utp �OUMERFEKSTS Section 14 State the following information for all persons or entities who will have MY. 6'e'd or indirect berieficial or financial interest in this license: Michael A. Palmer 419 Chestnut Street, Lynnfield, MA Arny Palmer 419 Chestnut8treet Lynnfield, MA 61 1 781-339-4090 q C'( 2-- 14,_,L Describe all types of beneficial or financial interest each person or entity identified in Question 14 wi.1thave in this license. [Michael A. Palmeri 50% stock ownership interest in Bistro Concepts, Inc. Amy Palmer I 50% stock ownership interest in Bistro Concepts, Inc. - 14b- Does any person or entity listed in Question 14 have any direct or indirect benefir ial or financial interest in any other license grantW. under Chapter 1.39? Yes (0 NO Name Type of license license dAd4rgg. ._ Descrip lion .of Interest,- - Michael A. Palmer All Alcoholic Stick, Inc.*, 505 Main St, Melrose 50% ownership interest Amy Palmer All Alcoholic Stick, Inc *, 505 Main St, Melrose 50% ownership Interest *dba Steams & Hill Bistro 14c. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever held a license or a beneficial interest in a license issued under Chapter 138 which is not presently held? yes (D No (Byes,, provide the following for each person or entity.) istamo Michael A. Palmer e of Li conse - All Alcoholic License Flame and Address Stick, Inc. 72 Swanton, Winchester Dale ownershipswendered sold 1212006- . Michael A. Palmer. AIIAlOhdric Stick, Inc. 24 Swanton, Winchester sold 212006 Michael A. Palmer All Alcoholic Stick, Inc. 428 Main St Woburn sold 312*009 s surrender, 14&- Describe how all -licenses in Question 14c were terminated (e.g. transfer of ownership. non - renewal, etc.) I3a#e oecember 2006 License All Alcoholic Reason Why the license was terminated transfer of ownership February 2006 All Alcoholic transfer of ownership March 2009 All Alcoholic transfer of ownership L4 C (3 M 14e. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever had a license suspended, revoked or cancelled? (0) Yes ( E) No (If yes, provide the following information) Date License Reason why the license was suspended, revoked or cancelled 14£ Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever been convicted of violating any state, federal or military law? ( ) Yes (k) No 15. a. Each individual applicant must sign. b. Applications by a partnership must be signed by a majority of the partners. C. Applications by a corporation must be signed by an officer authorized by a vote of the corporations Board of Directors. d. Applications by an association must be signed by s majority of the members if the governing body. All signers must have answered question 10. e. False information or failure to disclose are reasons to revoke a license or deny a license application. Signed and subscribed to under the penalty of perjury, this day of F Phry,ar 201D-- - Rv Rionature of Full Name., Title M President qC(q M, Print form The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION FORM A LICENSEE PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH: El A. NEW LICENSE APPLICANT nx B. APPOINTMENT OR CHANGE OF MANAGER IN A CORPORATION El C. TRANSFER OF LICENSE (RETAIL ONLY -SEC. 12 & SEC. 15) (Please check which transaction is the subject of an application accompanying this Form A.) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED OR APPLICATION WILL NOT 85 ACCEPTED. 1 8tSTR0 CONCEPTS, INC., dba SAWS BISTRO WCENSEE NAME (NAME AS IT WILL APPEAR ON THE LICENSE) 2. NAME OF (PROPOSED) MANAGER MICHAEL A PALMER 3. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 419 CHEST-NUT STREET, LYNNFIELD, MA 4. HOME ,(STREET) ADDRESS . . ...... ... 5. AREA CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER (S): (Give both, your home telephone and a number at which you can be reached during the day), .781-339-4090 J)AY TIME # _1 781-589-0276 HOME#_� 6. PLACE OF BIRTH, 7. BATE OF BIRTH: . 8, REGISTERED VOTER . YES S. NO SA. WHERE LYNNFIELD, MA 9. ARE YOU A U, S. CITIZEN: YES ❑ NO 10. COURT AND DATE OF NATURALIZATION (IF APPLICABLE): (SUbr ilt proof of citizenship and/or naturalization such as Voter=s Certificate, Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers) 11. . FATHERS NAME: ROBERT WAYNE PALMER I MARCHESI 12- MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME:, - 13. IDENTIFY YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD, (Massachusetts, Military, any other State or Federal): ANY OTHER A CRIMINAL CHARGED W11 -H A CRIMINAL OFFENSE ARREST OP, APPEARANCE IN CRI NALCOURT REGABLESS!OF FINAL DISPM�PITON: YES --- x No (MUST CHECK.EITHER YES OR N IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE OFFENSE (8) SPECIFIC CHARGE AND DISPOSITION (FINE, PENALTY, ETC.) 14. PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN THE LIQUOR INDUSTRY. YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE, Established, operated and. sold three fully licensed restaurants. under the name Stick, Inc., dba Swanton Diner, 72 Swanton St, Winchester, MA; Pastazza, Winchester, MA; and The Tanner Tavern, Main SL, Wabum, MA. Currently half owner of Steams & Hill's Bistro, 505 Main Street Melrose, MA 16. FINANCIAL INTEREST, DIRECUR INDIRECT, IN THIcw rNR ANY OTHER LIQUOR, LICENSE, PERMIT 0110ERTIFICATE: . YES . '0 NO One half ownership interest ift Stick, Inc., IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE:....- dba Steams .& Hill's Bistro, 505 Main Street, Melrose, MA 16. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS (Dates, Position, Employer, Address and N known, Telephone Numbers): OWNER AND MANAGER OF THE FOUR RESTAURANTS REFERENCED ABOVE. 17. HOURS PER WEEK TO BE SPENT ON THE LICENSED PREMISES: 40 HOURS OR MORE I HEREBY SWEAR THAT UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION I HAVE GIVEN IN THIS -APPLIC-A-IVN 19 TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. zy, BY: oc4 2/01/2.010 ;IMPOSED MANAGER SIGNATURE DATE F,VU-ESWUMEK,IWAUFtEEWORMWOfOM,WPO W 2 C-.1 w iitmvoa F-v I t4 CI'l co ul a. rj) ca 0— O sear . -E2 lz ap gal E EL jr 19 20 r- m 000m :-Tt 6 Vie.' . 1E. 0— O sear . -E2 lz ap gal E EL jr 19 20 r- m a.17'SYIVDO "M V -Moal I a u tm ro gig 1 O Hi t3 s ig_ 'I 2Z H° HIIIHIBI.H j L 6 som. p � 1 11 ��I �I. �,q ® � � ° � � ,�, �, � � i - it Page I of 2 Hechenblelkner, Peter From: LmLanhaur,Bob Sant: Friday, February 2O.2O1O2/42P[@ To: Hechenb!nikna[Peter, Subject: RE: fees Community Access fee $25�000 -Reprice fees - PT employees pay $0 _ICMA BOS license fees $5,000 Increase smoke detector fees - from $15 to Incr Undrgrnd Storage Tank fees $800 Establish Site Plan'Waiver Fee $500 Broaden use of re-inspection fees $1,000 \" I'll bring down another printout with details from K4UN|S-Bob - -----'--------- ------ From: Peter e Friday, February 26,2010 1:03PM To: LeLacheur, Bob Subject: fees Do we have background and recommendations as tot the fee changes per our budget discussion? Peter iHechehbleikner Town Manager TovvnoiReading \6LoweUStreet HaadongMA01807 phane 781-942'9043 iay, 781-942-9071 web wmw,neadiogma.o[g . ernail � qJ ^ l� �� ^'~~�, K3xq Object 'Description FY10 budgeted 01231417 417750 TOWN MGR CONSTABLE FEES $ - 01231430 436000 TOWN MGR RENTAL CHARGES $ (2.000) 01231430 436110 TOWN MGR CELL PHNTVVRRENT $ (90'000) 01231440 440080 TOWN MGR. LICENSES & PERMITS O (6,000) add $Sktotal 01231440 441000 TOWN MGR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGELV 8 (55,008) 81231440 442120 TOWN MGR CABLE TV P.E.G. ACCES $ - 01231440 442121 TOWN MGR CABLE FRANCHISE FEE $ (3.000) 01231477 477000 TOWN MGR FINES AND FORFEITS $ - 01�31480 480000 TOWN MGR OTHER REVS $ - 01261430 430700 GEN8yC COURT FEES $ - 01261430 430785 GENGVC NOTARY FEES $ ^ 01711430 432100 CONSC0K8K8 APPLICATION FEE $ (15.000) 01711430 437100 CONSCOMK8 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES $ - 01711477 477000 CONGCOK8M FINES AND FORFEITS $ - 01711480 437150 CONSCOK8yW SALE OF MAPS &PUBLIC $ - 01751430 430000 PLANNING A.N.R.FEES $ - 01751430 432100 PLANNING APPLICATION FILING FE $ (14.000) 01751430 43220O PLANNING INSPECTION FEE $ - 01751430 4371OO PLANNING PHOTOCOPY CHARGES $ - 01751482 480000 PLANNING OTHER REVS $ - 01761430 432100 ZONING APPLICATION FEE $ (2.000) 05111430 430000 HEALTH OTHER REVS ,$ - 05111430 437100 GF HEALTH PHOTOCOPY CHGS $ - 05111430 437850 HEALTH TUITION [)R PROGRAM FEES $ - 05111440 44 0000 HEALTH LICENSES &PERMITS $ (34.600) 05111477 477000 HEALTH FINES AND FORFEITS $ - 05411430 435000 ELDER GVCTRANSPORTATION $ - 05411430 436000 ELDER BVC RENTAL CHARGES $ - 00811430 430000 HISTORICAL FEES CHARGES FOR SE $ - 06911480 481000 HISTORICAL SALE OFINVENTORY $ - 02401430 432200 INSPECTION FEES $ - 02401430'432201 RE-INSPECTION FEE $ - 02401430 432205 CERT|FIC/(TOFINSPECTION $ (2.000) 02401430 432240 INSPECTION BUILDINGS $' (350.000) 02401430 432242 INSPECTION PLUMBING $ (20.000) 02401430 432244 INSPECTION ELECTRICAL $ (40.000) 02401430 432246 GAS CONNECTIONS $ (10.000) 02401430 432248 OCCUPANCY PERMIT $ (5.000) 02401480 480000 INSPECTION OTHER REVS $ - 02441430 430000 VVTS&K8EAS FEES CHARGES FOR SERV $ - 05441480 480000 VETS AID OTHER REVS $ - 01411418 418000 ASSESS PyWNT|N LIEU OF TAXES $ (52.000) 01411430 4371OO. ASSESSORS PHOTOCOPY CHARGES $ - 01451410 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED $ - 01451410 4i45OO TAX FORECLOSURES $ - O1451417 417000 PENLTY&|NT [)N TAXES AND EXQS $ - 01451417 417200 PENLTY&|NT- TAX LIEN REDEK8FT| $ (46.000) 01451417 417700 DEMANDS AND FEES $ - /[)r0 0b]aut Description �zu»m budgeted _ 01451417 417720 REDEMPTION FEES . $ - 01451417 417730 COLLECTION FEES $ - 01451417 417746 REG|SGTRYRELEA8E FEES $ - 01451417 417745 LAND COURT FEES $ � 01451417 417750 CONSTABLE FEES $ - 01451430 430230 FINANCE BANK FEE REIMBURSEMENT $ - 01451430 43O26D UNDERGROUND TANK REPLACEMENT $ - 01451430 438000 RENTAL CHARGES $ - 01451430 4371OO PHOTOCOPY CHARGES $ - 01451460 4G8OGO K8EK8Ar0ASG EMERGENCY MGyWT RBK88 $ - 01451460 46850 MISCELLANEOUS STATE REVENUE $ (503,106) 01451477 477200 COURT FINES $ (6.650) 01461411 411010 2O1U PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES $ (460.00]) 01461412 412010 2O1O REAL ESTATE TAXES $(4Q.3Q5.231) 01461415 415009 2OU9 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE $ (2.100.000) 01461417 417100 PENLTY&|NT- PROPERTY TAXES $ (83.300) 01461417 417110 PENL3Y&|NT- DEFERRED TAXES $ - 01461417 41730O PENLTY&|NT- SPECIAL AS8E88K8EN $ - 01461417 417400 PENL7Y&|NT- EXCISE TAX $ (11.000) 01461417 417700 COLLECTOR DEMANDS AND FEES $ /25.080\ 01461417 417740 COLLECTOR FlEG.ISGTRY RELEASE FE $ (10.000) 01461430 430000 FEES CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ - 01461430 430100 COLLECTOR MUNICIPAL LBNCERT $ (22.000) 01461475 475610 STREET ASN1T TAXES 2O1O $ /200\ 01461475 475710 SIDEWALK ASW1T TAXES 2O1O $ (600) 01461475 477009 2ODQ COMMITTED INT-TAXES $ - 01461475 477010 2O1O COMMITTED INTEREST-TAXES $ (2.350) 01521430 430780 HR COURT FEES $ - 01521430 437100 HR PHOTOCOPY CHARGES $ - 01551430 430000 TECHNOLOGY FEES CHARGES FOR GE $ - 01551480 480000 TECHNOLOGY OTHER REVS ' $ - 01611430 430105 |CLRK VITALS &A8STRACTS $ (25.000) 01611430 430120 TCLRK LICENSE ISSUE FEES $ - 01611430 43150 TCLRPC SALE UF MAPS/ PU8L $ - 0 161144 442000 TCLRK LICENSES (NDN-ALCHO $ - 01611440 442100 TCLRK DOG LICENSES $ (20.000) 01611440 442102 TCLRK MARRIAGE LICENSES $ (2.008) 01611477 477000 TCLRK FINES AND FORFEITS $ (22.850) 01611480 480000 TCLRK OTHER REVS $ - 02101430 43UOOU POLICE FEES CHARGES FOR. SERV|C $ - 02101430 430205 POLICE RSO0TPARK/CO88P0ST FEE $ (80.000) add 25k 02101430 430206 POLICE PARKING LEASES $ (33.000) $25--> $35 02101430 430210 POLICE ACCIDENT REPORTS $ � 02101430 430220 POLICE DUI TAPE REVIEW FEES $ - 02101430 436000 POLICE RENTAL CHARGES $ - 71 5 Org Object Description 02101430 437100 POLICE PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 02101430 437200 POLICE F.I.D. CARDS 02101430 437210 POLICE SPECIAL DETAIL 10% FEE 02101440 442210 POLICE LICENSE TO CARRY 02101460 468310 POLICE CIVIL MOTOR VEHICLE INF 02101460 468400 POLICE MV LEASOR SURCHARGE 02101477 477210 POLICE PARKING FINES 02101480 480000 POLICE OTHER REVS 02101480 480201 ' POLICE ACADEMEY REIMBURSEMENT 02201430 424800 FIRE AMBULANCE CHARGES 02201430 432200 FIRE INSPECTION FEE 02201480 480000 FIRE OTHER REVS 02921477 477000 ANIMALCTRL FINES AND FORFEITS 03001430 437100 SCHOOL PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 03001430 437650 SCHOOL TUITION / PROGRAM FEES 03001480 480000 SCHOOL OTHER REVENUES 04001430 424400 DPW TRASH COLLECTION CHGS 04001430 432100 DPW APPLICATION FILING FEES 04001430 432200 DPW INSPECTION FEE, 04001430 436000 DPW RENTAL CHARGES 04001430 437100 DPW PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 04001430 437150 DPW SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATION 04001430 445210 DPW RESIDENT PK &COMPOSTPERMI 04001440 442440 DPW DRAIN LAYER LICENSE 04001440 445420 DPW STREET OPENING PERM 04001480 480000 DPW OTHER REVENUES 04001480 481430 DPW SALE OF RAINBARRELS 04911430 430000 CEMETERY SERVICE CHARGES 06101430 430000 LIBRARY FEES CHARGES FOR SERVI 06101430 436000 LIBRARY RENTAL CHARGES 06101477 477000 LIBRARY FINES AND FORFEITS 06101480 480000 LIBRARY OTHER REVS. 06101480 480303 LIBRARY MISC REV EQUIPIFURN 72 FY10 budgeted $ (25,000) $ (2,000) $ (70,000) $ (610,000). $ (13,000) $15-->$25 $ - add $2500 add $800 storag ( ?T Clerk) qj`1 $ - $ (40,000) $ (2,000) $ (2,600) $ (4,000) $ (150,000) qj`1 OFR Town ®f Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 . FAX: (781) 942-9071 &nail: townmanager@ci.reading.ma-us Website: www. readingma.gov February 25, 2010 Ms. JoAnna Ford Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street First Floor Boston, MA 02114 Dear Ms. Ford: TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 � , , � L/ CA \\,A Q X 00 In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 138, Section 10A, we are famishing information on liquor licenses granted by the Reading Board of Selectmen for the year 2009. Class of Licenses — 2009 All Alcoholic — Restaurants — 9 at $3,400 each Bertucci's Italian Restaurant — 45 Walkers Brook Drive Cafe Capri — 355 Main Street Chili's Grill & Bar — 70 Walkers Brook Drive Emperor's Choice Restaurant — 530 Main Street Fuddruckers — 50 Walkers Brook Drive Longhorn Steak House — 39 Walkers Brook Drive Mandarin Reading Restaurant — 296 Salem Street Romano's Macaroni Grill - 48 Walkers Brook Drive Venetian Moon Restaurant — 680 Main Street Wine & Malt — Restaurants — 4 @ $2,450 each Bangkok Spice Thai Restaurant, 76 Haven Street Colombo's Pizza & Caf6 — 2 Brande Court Ristorante Pavarotti, 601 Main Street Twin Seafood — 591 Main Street All Alcoholic — Package Stores — 4 at $2,200 each Busa's Reading Liquors — 345 Main Street North Side Liquors — 150 Main Street Square Liquors — 11 High Street The Wine Shop of Reading — 676 Main Street 73 Fees $30,600 9 RE= q JS 2. All Alcoholic — Clubs — 4 at $1,050 each Knights of Columbus —11 Sanborn Street Meadow Brook Golf Club — 292 Grove Street Reading Overseas Veteran's, Inc. - 575 Main Street Reading Veteran's Association/American Legion — 37 Ash Street Please contact me if you need any further information. in erely r Peter I. Hec enbleikner Town Manager PIH:hn 74 $4,200 raft Amendments Section 3.10 -- Lieenses for Utilizing Public Sidewalks for Outdoor Dining The Board of Selectmen desires to encourage restaurants to provide outdoor dining on public sidewalks . in the downtown area of Reading ' in a safe and orderly manner. These regulations are adopted pursuant to Section 5.2.1 of the General Bylaws of the Town of Reading, which provides in part that "No person shall place or cause to be placed any obstruction in any street, public place or private way in the Town without permission of the Board of Selectmen...." Outdoor dining on private property may be permitted in addition to or in lieu of outdoor dining on a public sidewalk, upon site plan approval by the Community Planning and Development Commission. This policy addresses only outdoor dining on public sidewalks. The following regulations shall apply for licenses for utilizing public sidewalks for outdoor dining, or "Outdoor Dining Licenses ": Application 1. Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. These guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by. the Board but are guidelines to the Applicant. 2. Applications for Outdoor Dining Licenses utilizing public sidewalks shall be made to the Board of Selectmen by submission of an Application Form. The application will include the name, address, email address, and telephone number of the owner of the building within which the restaurant is located, proof of ownership, a lease, or written approval of the property owner within which the restaurant is located (if other than the applicant) for the use of the premises for the license period. The application shall be signed by the owner of the restaurant and shall be accompanied by a copy of the current Permit to Operate a Food Establishment issued by the Board of Health. 3. The application shall also include 10 copies of a professionally drawn plan and all supporting documents containing the information required in order to be able to make a decision as to the license, and shall also include a plan for outdoor lighting if any is proposed. 4. The License is revocable at will by the Town for any reason whatsoever upon written notice to the Licensee from the Town. The License Agreement shall stipulate that in the event of such revocation, the Licensee shall have no recourse or claim against the Town for such revocation whether by way of monetary charges, a suit in equity or otherwise. 5. Outdoor Dining Licenses shall be issued only to Inn- holders and Common Victualers for portions of public sidewalks directly abutting. their business, and will be issued only within a commercial or industrial zoning district within the Town, unless such a business shall exist and has pre -dated zoning, or has been granted a variance to do business in a location that is not in a business or industrial zoning district. 6. Prior to the issuance of a license for outdoor dining on public sidewalks, the Board may require a review by the Community Services Director, Health Services Administrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Town Engineer, and the Building /Zoning Inspector and proof that all necessary approvals, permits, and other licenses needed to operate have been issued. 9 1-1- M11 75 76 ef-ale-,oho-1 en an), publie pfopei4y that is the subjeet of an Ou4doer- Dining Lieense is expressly Big. 7. Pursuant to section 5.5.6 of the General Bylaws of the Town of Reading, the Board of Selectmen may permit service and consumption of alcohol while on a public way. Therefore, the Board of Selectmen may approve the modification of a plan of the "licensed nremises" pursuant to Section 3.2 of the Board of Selectmen policies, for: • Restaurant Licenses to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises; and • Restaurant Licenses to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats) to allow alcohol service and consumption on a sidewalk area as part of a "Licenses for Utilizing Public Sidewalks for Outdoor Dining." 8. Applicants who hold an alcoholic beverages license and who elect to apply for an Outdoor Dining License vhich would include sale and service of alcoholic beverages shall provide a detailed alcohol control plan/strategy as part of their Outdoor Dining License application packet. The alcohol control plan shall include what steps the manager shall take to ensure that alcohol remains only on the licensed premises [(—including the sidewalk area). and not in the sidewalk afea.1 Such a plan/strategy may include signage, staff instructions, monitoring of the outdoor dining area, etc. The applicant shall also submit as part of the application packet the TIPS or alcohol server training certificates for all managers and servers of the restaurant which is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. Standards for Operation 9. Due to the seasonal and temporary nature tof an outdoor dining area, the seating within an outdoor dining area will not be considered an increase in the number of seats serving a . restaurant or eating establishment and will not be counted toward any off - street parking requirement 10. Outdoor dining areas shall be considered as part of the restaurant and shall comply with Board of Health Regulations. In addition to any other requirements, .smoking is prohibited in seasonal outdoor dining areas per Board of Health regulations. 11. The Board of Selectmen may require outdoor dining areas to be separated from their surroundings by a temporary removable perimeter barrier. No such barriers may damage the public sidewalk. 12. Perimeter treatments, umbrellas, furniture and trash receptacles shall be supplied by the applicant and shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner by the applicant. All perimeter treatments, umbrellas, furniture and trash receptacles must be removed at the end of each season. 13. The licensee shall provide, maintain, and empty as needed, outdoor trash receptacles during the times that the licensed premises are open for business. All trash receptacles shall be covered and trash removed nightly. 14. The licensee shall be responsible for keeping the portion of the sidewalk subject to an Outdoor Dining License clean and free of dirt, dust, and other debris from April 15 through October 31 of each year. In addition, the Outdoor Dining Licensee shall be responsible for preventing and/or cleaning up litter from the licensed establishment in areas abutting the licensed premises. q 0"', 15. In no event shall the placement of outdoor dining furniture, umbrellas, or perimeter barriers create a pedestrian or wheelchair passage along the public sidewalk ' -' of less than. four feet in width. Restaurants shall have an accessible path of travel at least 36 inches wide from the traveled portion of the public sidewalk to the doorway(s) of the establishment through the outdoor dining area W Ws 6 i~w�- 16. Outdoor food preparation shall not be allowed unless approved by the Board of Health in accordance with their procedures and regulations. 17. The Outdoor Dining License shall be considered annually and every license shall expire on December 31 of each year, subject to renewal. No facilities or furniture shall be placed on the sidewalk as part of the license except for the period between April 15 and October 31 of each yew' 18. Within the period from April 15 to October 31, upon notification from the Department of Public Works or from Public Safety personnel that weather conditions or work to be performed on the property of the Town requires removal of the outdoor dining furniture, the applicant shall immediately remove all of its property associated with the Outdoor Dining License from the public property. Administrative Requirements 19. If the license is approved by the Board of Selectmen the owner and operator of the restaurant shall sign a License Agreement and shall provide 'a required Certificate of Insurance before issuance of the License and before commencement of any activities under the License. 20. The Licensee shall provide evidence of insurance as required by the Town Manager and by State Statute. Such insurance shall cover the use of all equipment related to the premises related to the Outdoor Dining License. The. Comprehensive General Liability Policy shall insure against all claims and demands for bodily. injury and property damage with respect to the sidewalk dining facilities and services, and the Town shall be named as an "additional insured" .in all policies of such insurance. If alcohol sale and service is to be part of the outdoo dining license, a liquor liability insurance policy shall also be required.) The Licensee (and their heirs, successors and assigns in interest) shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify the Town of Reading and its employees and agents from ' any responsibility, liability and claims arising out of or related to the operations under the Outdoor Dining License. 21. The Licensee shall comply with all applicable laws (including the sign portions of the Zoning by- laws), rules, regulations, and conditions of other licenses and permits. 22. The license fee for the use of the public sidewalk shall be $100 per year and shall be payable upon initial application for an Outdoor Dining License, and for annual renewal of the license. In granting a License, the Board of Selectmen may impose such additional conditions as it determines to be appropriate. Adopted 7 -I4 -09 77 e3 q Section 3.x - Issuance of Licenses for Dealers in the Purchase, Sale or Barter of Junk Old and Precious Metals and Secondhand Articles Chapter, '140 Section 54 of the Laws of the Commonwealth provide for the regulation of dealers in the purchase, sale, or barter of junk, old and precious metals, and secondhand articles. Under Section 4.5 '.2 of the Town of Reading General Bylaws the Board of Selectmen as Licensing Authority is charged with the responsibility of issuing these licenses, determining whether a person is suitable for carrying out this business, and determining conditions for such licenses. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applications for Dealers in the Purchase, Sale or Barter of Junk, Old and Precious Metals and Secondhand Articles. Application 1. Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 2. Each application for a license or a renewal of a license shall be made in writing to the Board of Selectmen on a form provided for this purpose by the town. . 3. Each license for the keeping of a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old and precious metals including gold and silver, and/or secondhand articles shall be issued on a location specific basis. 4. The applicant shall provide to the Board of Selectmen a lease or written approval of the property owner (if other than the applicant) for the use of the premises for the license period 5. The licensed premises must conform to the Town of Reading Zoning By -Laws. 6. Licenses will be issued for a period of up to one (1) year unless sooner revoked by the Board of Selectmen, and shall expire on December 31 of each year. 7. The fee for each such license shall be $50 per year. 8. The license shall be clearly and prominently displayed in a suitable and conspicuous place on the premises. 9. Prior to the issuance of a license, the Board may require a review by the Building /Zoning Inspection Division, and the Chief of Police to assist them in determining that the applicant is a proper person to engage in the business to be licensed. Standards 10. Every dealer in precious metals shall keep a book in which shall be written at the time of each purchase, a description thereof, the name, age and residence of the person from whom the purchase was made, and the day and hour when such purchase was made. 11. Every dealer in precious metals shall take and maintain photocopies of picture identification for any person who sells or barters an item: 12. Every dealer in precious metals shall submit to the Reading Police Department within one (1) week of such purchase or acquisition a list of all purchases and acquisitions. t4 rl 13. The Chief of Police or his designee shall at all times have the authority to inspect or examine all books kept by the dealer or keeper of the shop for the Purchase, Sale or Barter of Junk, Old and Precious Metals and Secondhand Articles and shall have the right to inspect and examine all articles and merchandise therein. 14. No dealer in junk, old and precious metals, or secondhand articles or any employee thereof shall directly or indirectly purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange any junk, old and. precious metals or secondhand articles from a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. 15. No item purchased or received by dealer in precious metals licensed under this bylaw shall be removed from the town, sold, or otherwise disposed of for at least fourteen (14) days from its date of purchase or acquisition unless permission has been obtained from the Chief of Police or his designee who may request to inspect or photograph the item. 16. All weighing or measuring devices used by a licensee in the conduct . of the licensed business shall be tested and sealed by the Town of Reading Sealer of Weights and Measures prior to being placed into service. All weighing and measuring devices shall thereafter be inspected and tested on an annual basis. Enforcement 17. Any license issued hereunder may be suspended or revoked, after a notice and hearing, for cause or violation of the bylaw and /or this policy 18. The failure to comply with the license requirement of G.L. c.140, §54 -and Section 4.5.2 of the Reading General Bylaws shall be punishable pursuant to state statute governing such violations. Adopted--A-1— w q F-Z" Board of Selectmen Meeting February 9, 2010 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James Bonazoli, Secretary Camille Anthony, Selectmen Stephen Goldy and Richard Schubert, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager /Finance Director. Bob LeLacheur, Police Chief Jim Cormier, Town Engineer George Zambouras, Office Manager Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties: Sergeant Richard Abate, Anne Joyce, Stephen Crook, Dan Ensminger, Marsie West, Mary Ann Quinn, John Carpenter, David Vancuso, Bobbie Botticelli, Eric Sprung, Chuck Robinson, Tracy Sopchak. Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments — Vice Chairman James. Bonazoli noted that he and the Town Manager went to a meeting at the Vocational School regarding Mattera Cabin. He also noted that it was a good meeting and the teachers had an architectural design. It is on their schedule for work. Fundraising is going good but we need more donations. The Town Manager I oted that we have received approximately $5,000 in donations but the cost estimate is approximately $15,000. Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that there is a Financial- Forum tomorrow night and he attended a brief planning meeting for that. He also noted that there was an article in today's Globe that indicates the State is having a difficult time finding big highway projects to use the stimulus money on..He suggests doing a one time boost of Chapter 90 monies to all cities and towns. The Town Manager noted that the federal regulations do not allow for that type of distribution, but he will try to see if we can get the Haven Street/High Street project done. Selectman Stephen Goldy noted that volunteers are needed for the Fall Street Faire. Town Manager's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: Local Elections 2010 • Nomination papers available • Nomination papers filed by February 16th — 5:00 p.m. • Withdraw nomination papers by March 2nd • Register to vote by March 17th • Election April 6th • Annual Town Meeting starts April 26th ® Gas company work — Pleasant, Manning, Smith, Eaton Streets. 1 52z__1 Board of Selectmen Meeting — February 9 2010 — Page 2 • Memorandum of Understanding — 6 Sumner Cheney Place sale of affordable unit. The Town Manager noted that the Board needs to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Vice Chairman James Bonazoli asked how this affects the list of inventory. Selectman Stephen Goldy indicated that he is interested in knowing how many affordable units are not renting. • Update re: Mattera Cabin and meeting with the Voke School. • We should be getting our Health Insurance renewal numbers this week. • Financial. Forum is scheduled to meet tomorrow (Wednesday) depending ' on weather. Chairman Ben Tafoya met with the Chairs of the Finance Committee and School Committee and staff to go over the agenda. • The Town Manager noted that he received a binder regarding 885 Main Street. It does not indicate if it is a LIP and there were no plans included — he has a call into the Attorney. Personnel and Appointments Badge Pinning — Police Sergeant — Police Chief James Cormier introduced Sergeant Richard Abate. He noted that Sergeant Abate was hired in 2005 and in 2006, he was assigned as the School Resources Officer and he designed that position. School Committee Chairman Chuck Robinson was present and indicated that the School Department is sorry to lose Richard Abate as the School Resources Officer but they are very proud of him. Sergeant Abate's wife pinned on his badge. Discussion/Action Items Liaison Report — 128/I93 Task Force Update - Selectman Richard Schubert noted that Mass. Highway is now the Mass. Department of Transportation. Staffing has been reduced and money is not there for projects. Last Spring, the RFP process to select a consultant to take the project to the environmental review process began. Fay, Spofford and Thorndike was selected but there is no contract yet. The State is trying to combine the environmental process with the design process. A flyover was done in the Spring. They are currently looking at the wetlands delineation and looking at adding a lane on 128.' They will start with the Task Force recommendations and will hold public hearings. The timeframe is uncertain and funding is another process — this. project will go up against all other projects. More information on the project can be found at www.9395info.com. Chairman Ben Tafoya asked if combining the environmental process with the design meant that a certain design will be pushed through. Selectman Richard Schubert indicated that it will not. He noted that there will be time for public input and everything will be considered. Chairman Tafoya noted that MAPC should get their information from the Town rather than Mass D.O.T. Selectman Camille Anthony noted that there is one house that. will have some land taking. Preview Warrant — Annual Town Meeting — The Town Manager reviewed the proposed Warrant Articles for the Annual Town Meeting. He noted that the Board needs to decide if they want to move forward with the meals tax option, and he will put that on an agenda for discussion. He will also send the recommendations on the budget changes to the Selectmen in their next packet. He also noted that we are able to do the Boards' highest priorities. -5� 6�2 RE Board of Selectmen Meeting — February 9 2010 — Page 3 The Town Manager noted that the gift from the Patrons of Older Adults, Inc. is a $25,000 scholarship, and the remainder of the money will be spent basically for events for senior citizens. Vice Chairman James Bonazoli requested that the Cemetery Board be invited to the next meeting to discuss Article 18 — design of the Laurel Hill Cemetery. Chairman Ben Tafoya suggested having Chief Greg Burns in for Article 21. Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the junk bylaw needs to be discussed at some point. She also noted that the earth removal bylaw should be moved to the Fall Town Meeting because the Selectmen have not discussed it yet. Citizens Advisory Board Update to the Board of Selectmen - Tracy Sopchak, Reading's representative on the Citizens Advisory Board, was present and updated the Board on the Renewable Energy Trust Funds and the Green Community Program. Chairman Ben Tafoya indicated that he.would like feedback on the budget process this year. Hearing — Customer Service Policy — The Secretary read the hearing notice. The Town Manager reviewed the Customer Service Policy. He noted that we received 100 customer service surveys last year and 90 % -95% rated the service as excellent. We have received approximately 20 surveys so far this year. Staff will be required to keep an electronic log of feedback and that along with the customer service-surveys will be a measurement tool. Selectman Richard Schubert. indicated that he doesn't want an unfair burden placed on staff especially when staff is being laid off. He noted that staff can be dealing with people who are difficult to please anyway. The Town Manager noted that good customer service saves time. He indicated that he would like to have a customer service module with a drop down menu on the website that will send customer requests to the correct department, and then sends a response back to the customer. He will find out the cost, of this type of module. Selectman Richard Schubert indicated that he would like to see the policy displayed on the website and also in Town Hall. David Vancuso of "Making Reading Better" thanked the Board for the policy because he feels that this is a key part of economic development. Bobbie Botticelli of 58 Chapel Hill Drive indicated that she was pleased that this is starting at the top but noted that the Board should stop referring to "they" and refer to "we" instead. John Carpenter of 114 Hanscom Avenue noted that it is difficult filling small businesses in storefronts and that the elephant is still in the room. He also noted that customer service is directly related to building the economy. He noted that if the Town is hostile or businesses can't put up a sign,, then they will find another town to go to. He also noted that if the permitting and inspection process is formidable, then the residents won't spend the money. sa:� L; Board of Selectmen Meeting — February 9, 2010 — Page 4 Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the only storefront that is available Downtown is the MF Charles building and the Town can't do anything about that. She also noted that the former Atlantic site project is moving forward, and she indicated that Reading is doing well. She did note that if someone wants to open a business, they are run ragged in the permitting process. The Town Manager noted that the Town has a Development Review Team for commercial projects where all the departments sit down and find out internally what needs to be done, and that is not a common practice in other communities. Selectman Richard Schubert remarked regarding "we" versus "they" that the policy is for everyone and suggested changing to "employee /volunteer" to capture "we." Chairman Ben Tafoya indicated that the Board adopted a "Code of Conduct" for volunteers, and suggested getting the policy in place and then tweak it later. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Goldy to close the hearing on the Customer Service Policy was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Customer Service Policy as presented was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Hearing — Amendments to Gifts Policy — The Secretary read the hearing notice. The Town Manager reviewed the policy. He noted that the Capital Improvement Project was changed to Program. Selectman Richard Schubert asked if a fence is being replaced, could the footprint be changed according to this change in the policy. The Town Manager noted that if the Master Plan says no fence, then there will be no fence. The Master Plan is taken literally — if a 6 foot fence is taken down, then it will be replaced with up to a 6 foot fence. A motion by Schubert seconded by Anthony to close the hearing on amendments to the Board of Selectmen Policies "Section 1.3 — Solicitation /Acceptance of Donations" was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the amendments to the Board of Selectmen Policies "Section 1.3 — Solicitation/Acceptance of Donations" was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Hearing — School Zones — Birch Meadow — The Secretary read the hearing notice. The Town Manager noted that the school zone is being expanded. The flashing signals will be removed and replaced with regular signs. Town Engineer George Zambouras indicated that the State regulates the school zones. The elementary school zones start at a maximum of 150 feet before the school. The flashing signs will be replaced with "school zone 20 mph when children present" signs. The flashing signs limit the times that it is a school zone. Board of Selectmen Meeting — February 9, 2010 — Page 5 Selectman Richard Schubert asked how it is enforced and what is the threshold for enough kids present? He noted that it would just be easier to be 20 mph. He asked if we can put up a sign without "children present" on it. Ann Joyce of 23 Cape Cod Avenue noted that she was on the Safety Committee at Birch Meadow, and they are very pleased but they would like a radar speed detection sign on Birch Meadow. Eric Sprung, the Principal at Birch Meadow School, indicated that a radar sign would be good because it is near the High School. Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that the speed limit on Birch Meadow Drive is already 20 mph. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Goldy to close the hearing on the revisions to the School Zones in the Birch Meadow Area was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to approve the revisions to the School Zones focusing on the areas shown on the map dated 1/12/10 as Arthur B. Lord Drive and Forest Street was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Approval of Minutes _A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy to approve the Minutes of January 9, 2010 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of January 12, 2010 _A was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy to approve the Minutes of January 16 2010 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy to approve the Minutes of January 20, 2010 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy to approve the Minutes of January 26, 2010 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he has changes to the January 26, 2010 Executive Session Minutes, and asked that they be held until the next Executive Session, A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Goldy to adjourn the meeting of February 9, 2010 at 10.15 p.m. was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary ,. Ben Tafoya Chair, Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, NLA, 01867 Dear Chairman Tafoya: L C,( 6 MWRA ADVISORY 0 9 103 BOARD N1VVRA ADVISORY BOARD 11 Beacon Street Suite 1010 Boston-, MA 02108 617-742-7561 February 17, 2010 Last Wednesday, the MWRA Board of Directors voted to transmit the preliminary FY2011 community water and sewer assessments to the MVVRA Advisory Board for their review and comment. In light of the current economic climate, MWRA and the Advisory Board have developed a multi-year rates management strategy in order to provide our customer communities with a modest rate increase in FY2011 and moderate, predictable rate increases in FY2012 and FY2013. The preliminary assessments reflect an average combined water and sewer rate revenue increase of 1.49% over FY2010 assessments - the lowest MWRA rate increase since 1996. The goal of this multi-year strategy, is to provide much needed rate relief in the short-term, preserve MWRA's high credit rating, and bridge the gap to FY2014 when we anticipate a sizeable release of reserves which will be available to mitigate rate increases going forward. I MWRA is continuing to cut costs wherever possible. Our direct expenses are level funded for the second year in a row and include no wage increases in FY2011 for union and non-union staff, and a restructuring $75 of million of debt to provide relief for the next three years. We would also note that staffing has been reduced by almost one third over the last several years. The attachment includes the preliminary FY2011 water and/or sewer charge for each MWRA community. As always, assessments for individual communities may be higher or lower than the average water and sewer assessments, depending primarily on each community's share of CY2009 water usage or changes in share of the 3-year averaged wastewater flows and population. Although the final assessments for FY2011 won't be determined until June, we are committed to keeping next year's rate increase as low as possible. Sincerely, rederick A. Laskey Executive Director, MWRA M Aeph E. Favaloro Executive Director, MWRA Advisory Board IM10 Massachusetts Water Resources Authority 8- Feb -10 Preliminary FY11 Water and Sewer Assessments Final FY10 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Final FY10 - Preliminary FY11 Percent MWRA Fully Served Water and Sewer Customers Water Preliminary FY11 Change from Water Assessment Sewer Sewer Change from Combined Combined Assessment from Change FY10 Assessment FY10 Assessment Assessment FY10 Assessment ARLINGTON $3,693,299 $3,993,340 2.6% $6,732,264 $6,761,270 0.4% $10,625,563 $10,754,610 1.2% BELMONT 2,094,622 2,183,280 4.2% 4,161,876 4,233,727 1.7% 6,256,498 6,417,007 2.6% BOSTON(BWSC) 66,256,569 67,377,110 1.7% 108,380,160 109,902,866 1.4% 174,636,729 177,279,976 1.5% BROOKLINE 5,216,987 5,310,862 1.8% 10,824,841 1',276,122 4.2% 16,041,828 16,586,984 3.4% CHELSEA 2,978,069 3,118,910 4.7% 5,739,883 6,155,760 7.2% 8,717,952 9,274,670 6.4% 4,552,198 4,152,168 -8.8% 6,530,382 6,612,606 1.3% 11,082,580 10,764,774 -2.9% EVERETT FRAMINGHAM 6,531,365 6,448,218 -1.3% 9,517,520 9,981,088 4.9% 15,048,885 16,429,305 2.4% LEXINGTON 4,482,551 4,745,093 5.9% 6,245,946 6,404,432 2.5% 10,728,497 - 11,149,525 3.9% MALDEN 5,658,857 5,494,013 -2.9% 10,367,785 10,586,011 2.1% 16,026,642 16,080,024 0.3% MEDFORD 4,761,277 5,061,181 6.3% 10,318,684 10,348,242 0.3% 15,079,961 15,409,423 2.2% MELROSE 2,048,045 2,093,320 2.2% 5,148,514 5,244,247 1.9% 7,196,559 7,337,567 2.0% MILTON 2,122,571 2,290,290 7.9% 4,520,576 4,534,855 0.3% 6,643,147 6,825;145 2.7% NEWTON 8,662,740. 8,710,520 0.6% 17,548,082 18,087,335 3.1% 26,210,822 26,797,855 2.2% NORWOOD 3,017,939 2,875,398 4.7% 5,565,811 5,559,616 -0.1% 8,583,750 8,435,014 -1.7% QUINCY 9,360,041 9,387,744 0.3% .16,761,810 17,146,210 2.3% 26,121,851 26,533,954 1.6% READING 1,737,501 1,726,878 ' -0.6% 3,844,457 3,921,051 2.0% 5,581,958 5,647,929 1.2% REVERE 4,039,752 4,086,484 1.2% 8,782,042 9,551,140 8.8% 12,821,794 13,637,624 6.4% SOMERVILLE 5,889,612 5,958,943 1.2% 12,507,364 12,818,622 2.5% 18,396,976 18,777,765 2.1% , STONEHAM 2,673,786 2,710,209 1,4% 3,963,348 4,035,449 1.8% 6,637,134 6,745,658 1.6% WALTHAM 7,149,732 7,639,7D2 6.9% 11,731,972 11,903,366 1,5% 18,881,704 19,543,068 3.5% WATERTOWN 2,807,488 2,683,079 -4.4% 5,149,170 5,270,203 2,4% 7,956,658 7,953,282 0.0% WINTHROP 1,247,329 1,239,532 -0.66/. 2,999,987 2,870,349 -4.3% 4,247,316 4,109,BB1 -3.2% TOTAL $157,182,330 $159,286,274 1.3% $277,342,474 $283,204,767 2.1% $434,524,804 $442,491,041 1.6% Final FY10 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Sewer and Partial Water Customers Water Preliminary FYI Water Assessment Change from Sewer Sewer Change from Combined Combined Assessment Change from FY10 Assessment FY10 Assessment Assessment FYI Assessment CANTON $2,316,722 $2,245,811 -3.1% $3,256,556 $3,239,776 -0.5% $5,573,278 $5,485,587 -1.6% 427,332 265,017 -38.0% 5,028,493 5,042,674 0.3% 5,455,825 5,307,691 -2.7% NEEDHAM STOUGHTON 485,781 560,611 15.4% 4,013,770 4,208,150 0% 4,499,551 4,768,761 6.0% WAKEFIELD 1,408,297 1,519,711 7.9% 4,942,223, 5,032,362 1.8% 6,350,520 6,552,073 3.2% WELLESLEY 831,203 1,039,510 25.1% 4,743,999 4,799,784 1.2% 5,575,202 5,839,294 4.7% WILMINGTON 0 100,782 100.0% 1,985,771 1,962,929 -1.2% 1,985,771 2,063,711 3.9% WINCHESTER 812,945 836,681 2.9% 3,366,865 3,469,502 3.0% 4,179,810 4,306,183 3.0% WOBURN $2,670,355 $1,713,327 -35.8% 9,931,347 9,290,253 -6.5% 12,601,702 11,003,580 -12.7% TOTAL $8,952,635 $6,281,450 -7.6% $37,269,024 $37,045,430 -0.6% $46,221,659 $45,326,880 -1.9% Final FY10 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent MWRA Sewer -only Customers Water Preliminary FY11 Change from Sewer Sewer Change from Combined Combined Change Assessment Water Assessment FY10 Assessment Assessment FY10 Assessment .Assessment from FY10 $1,869,649 $1,942,030 3.9% $1,869,649 $1,942,030 3.9% ASHLAND 2,929,353 2,872,130 -2.0% ,2,929,353 2,872,130 -2.0% BEDFORD 6,880,530 7,088,312 3.0% 6,880,530 7,088,312 3.0% BRAINTREE 4,366,388 4,446,581 1.8% 4,366,388 4,446,581 1.8% BURLINGTON 21,019,359 21,617,301 2.8% 21,019,359 21,617,301 2.8% DGE CAMBRIDGE 4,714,000 -0.6% 4,740,776 4,714,000 -0.6% DEDHAM HINGHAM SEWER DISTRICT 1,368,516 1,433,639 4.8% 1,368,516 1,433,639 4.8% 1,325,371 1,379,259 4.1% 1,325,371 1,379,259 4.1% HOLBROOK 4,219,801 4,345,113 3.0% 4,219,801 4,345,113 3.0% NATICK 4,821,993 4,909,365 1.8% 4,821,993 4,909,365 1.B% ATICK 3,104,740 3,115,227 0.3% 3,104,740 3,115,227 0.3% WALPOLE 2,072,034 2,157,463 4.1% 2,072,034 2,157,463 4.1% WESTWOOD 9,010,767 9,313,871 3.4% 9,010,767 9,313,871 3.4% WEYMOUTH TOTAL $67,729,277 $69,334,291 2.4% $67,729,277 $69,334,291 2.4% Final FY10 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent MWRA Water -only Customers Water Preliminary FY11 Change from Sewer . Sewer Change from Combined Combined Change Assessment Water Assessment FY10 Assessment Assessment FY70 Assessment Assessment from FY10 LYNNFIELD WATER DISTRICT $456,370 $362,005 -20.7% $456,370 $362,005 - 20.71/. MARBLEHEAD 1,768,433 1,805,608 2.1% 1,768,433 1,805,608 2.1% NAHANT 340,192 303,713 -10.7% 340,192 303,713 -10.7% SAUGUS 2,700,713 2,972,346 10.1% 2,700,713 2,972,346 10.1% SOUTHBOROUGH 666,245 625,916 -6.1% 666,245 625,916 -6.1% SWAMPSCOTT 1,380,309 1,462,442 6.0% 1,380,309 1,462,442 6.01/. WESTON 1,438,311 1,367,778 -4.9% 1,438,311 1,367,778 -4.9% TOTAL $8,750,573 $8,899,808 1,7% $8,750,573 $8,899,808 1.7% Final FY10 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent Final FY10 Preliminary FY11 Percent MWRA Partial Water -only Customers Water Preliminary FY11 Water Assessment Change from Sewer . Sewer Change from Combined. Assessment Combined Assessment Change from FY10 Assessment FY10 Assessment Assessment FY10 DEDHAM- WE STWOOD WATER DISTRICT $7,234 $781 -89.2% $7,234 159,682 $781 169,958 -89.2% 6.4% LYNN (LWSC) 159,682 2,901,191 169,958 2,390,943 6.4% -17.6% 2,901,191 2,390,943 -17.6% MARLBOROUGH NORTHBOROUGH 823,787 793,981 -3.6% 823,787 793,981 -3.6% PEABODY 312,793 392,317 25.4% 312,793 $4,204,687 392,317 $3,747,980 25.4% -10.9% TOTAL $4,204,687. $3,747,980 -10.9% SYSTEMS TOTAL $179,090,225 $180,215,512 0.63% $382,340,775 $389,584,488 1.89% $561,431,000 $569,800,000 1.49% Attachment 1 86 Timothy P. CAM Treasurer and Receiver General February 22, 2010 LOCAL BOARDS Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of the State Treasurer Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 Telephone: (617) 727-3040 Fax: (617) 727-1258 t(c&s . 0Ae%&V0 Kim S. Gainsboro Chairman r`j Or C= M Tewksbury, Franklin, Leominster, Boston, Marlborough, N. Attleboro, Haverhill, West Springfield, Millbury, Raynham, Mansfield, Pembroke, Wareham, Reading The Commission has received a request from RARE Hospitality hiterational, Inc. d/b/a LongHom Steakhouse for New Officer / Director in the above-noted cities and towns. Due to the magnitude of these transactions, the Commission has received the information and documents provided by the licensee. The review was to determine whether the contemplated transaction is consistent with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 138. Based upon our review, wu are satisfied that the transaction is consistent with the purposes of the law and would not result in the individual corporate licenses being deemed to be out of compliance with the applicable statute. Accordingly, this letter sets forth our recommended procedure for the, processing of these applications. Arrangements have been made for the Corporation to pay all of the $200 application fees directly to the Commission. Therefore, no fee needs to be collected. The Commission has reviewed and accepted copies of the following documents and instruments: 1. 5 Page Application 2. Vote of the Board of Directors 3. Certificate of change of the LLC Where there will be no change of existing managers, the Commission will not require that a Form A be completed, nor will the Commission require background information on the managers as such information should already be on file. W Wil JOE The applicant will contact you directly for processing the application. Please forward to the Commission the Form 43. The Commission will require no other forms, documents or information in connection with these applications. Should you or your towrL/city solicitor have any questions or require information or assistance, please contact Investigator Jack Carey at (617) 727-3040, extension 36. Cc: Ted.Mahony, Chief Investigator Pat Krueger, Licensing Coordinator Tina B. Watts E-OE Sincerely, Ralph S acramone Executive Director 'Fb2 OF R 'Town of Reading f mm 16 LoweU Sheet �a NCO e�¢��� ea ding, 01867 Joseph R. Veno, Chairman Gail LaPointe Richard P. Foley February 25, 2010 Alan Voulds Reading Town Moderator 9 Ide Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Alan, L / C L&S CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT BOARD Ph: (781) 942 -9007 Fx: (781)942 -9037 Daniel B. Seferian Francis P. Driscoll Colleen Loughlin,, Ret Admin Please be advised that the Reading Retirement Board is meeting on March 24, 2010 and will vote on a cost of living increase for our retirees for fiscal year 2011. According to the provisions of Chapter 127 of the Acts of 1999, the Reading Retirement Board must annually notify the proper legislative body 30 days before a publicly posted meeting where the Reading Retirement Board decides whether to elect to grant an increased COLA. Please call me at (781) 942 -9007 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Colleen Loughlin Retirement Board Administrator cc: Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager 9� Page 1.0f 1 I-/c 3as Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 1:56 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Fairchild Drive and Lindsay Lane Attachments: Fairwood Acres 2- 25- 10.doc I/c Board of Selectmen Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading MA 01867 phone: 781- 942 -9043 fax 781 - 942 -9071 web www.readin ma.or email townmanaaer)ci. read ing. ma. us Please let us know how we are doing - fill out our brief customer service survey at http://readingma- survey virtualtownhall net/survey /sid/603ffd2e45471753/ From: Fink, Fran Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:31 PM To: Zambouras, George; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Reinhart, Peter Subject: Fairchild Drive and Lindsay Lane Last week I received another request from a lot owner on Fairchild Drive for a Certificate of Compliance under the Order of Conditions for the subdivision. The Commission inspected and issued the COC last night. I also finally had time to look through all the records for the subdivision and sort out the status of each lot and the roadway. There are 14 lots that still need COC's. The Commission decided last night to send out the attached letter to the owners of those lots, and we hope to close them out in the next few months. That leaves the roadway parcels for Fairchild and Lindsay. As I understand it from George and Pete R., the streets were accepted as public ways around 1993, but the final details of the process were not addressed until 2003. However, the Cons Com did not issue a COC during either of those time periods. The developer did request a COC in 1993. The Commission asked for a letter from the design engineer certifying that the roadway, detention basins, and wetland replication areas had been completely properly. (The replication areas were required because of wetlands filling for the roadway.) There is no record in the file of receipt of such a letter, which is probably why the COC was not issued in 1993. Both Engineering and Conservation have a 1991 as -built plan that shows both detention areas and one of the replication areas, as well as roadway and utilities. There is also a record on file that the Commission accepted the other replication area, which should be sufficient to cover that one At this,point, it would be proper for the Town to request a COC for the roadway and for George to provide some form of certification that the work was completed per plan. . Then the Commission can inspect and, hopefully, issue the COC to close this project. Thanks, Fran Fran Fink, Conservation Administrator Reading Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 Phone: 781- 942 -6616 Fax: 781 - 942 -9071 Email: ffink @ci.reading.maus website: www.readingma.gov 90 2/25/2010 Town of Reading CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942 -6616 16 Lowell Street Fax (781) 942 -9071 Reading, MA 01867 -2683 ffink @ci.reading.ma.us NOTICE To: Property owners on Fairchild Drive and Lindsay Lane From: Reading Conservation Commission Date: February 25, 2010 Re: Final certification of work under the Order of Conditions for Fairwood Acres Subdivision, DEP 270 -170, RGB 1987 -8 As you are probably aware, the roadways and lots on Fairchild Drive and Lindsay Lane were constructed under approvals from the Town of Reading for the Fairwood Acres Subdivision. The approvals included an Order of Conditions issued by the Conservation Commission under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and-Reading Wetlands Protection Bylaw. This Order governed the construction of the houses, driveways, grading, and other amenities on each lot. The developer recorded the Order of Conditions at the Registry of Deeds, as required by law. The recording placed a lien on the title for each lot in the subdivision. To remove the lien, a Certificate of Compliance must be issued by the Conservation Commission and recorded by the owner of each lot. Certificates have.been issued for many of the lots. However, if you are receiving this letter, it means that we have no record in our files that a Certificate was issued for the lot that you presently own. Recently, several of the original lot owners have requested Certificates after putting their houses up for sale and realizing that they needed the Certificate to complete the sale. Our standard procedure for issuing Certificates is the following: 1. The owner of the property sends a written request for a Certificate to the Commission; 2. The Commission schedules a site inspection with the owner to see whether the lot has been developed more -or -less as shown on the approved site plan, and is being maintained in stable condition; FE 3. If the site inspection is favorable, the Commission issues the Certificate and the owner records it at the Registry; 4. If the site inspection is not favorable, the Commission works with the owner to identify the work that needs to be done to finish or stabilize the site. When done, the Commission inspects again, and issues the Certificate. Please fill out the enclosed form and return it to the Conservation Commission at Town Hall. We will then schedule an inspection, and follow up with each lot owner as needed to complete the certification process. If you have any questions, please contact Fran Fink, Conservation Administrator, by phone (781 -942 -6616) or email (ffink @ci.reading.ma.us). Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. cc: Mr. James Lorden, Jr., 26 Fairchild Drive Mr. John Silva, 59 Fairchild Drive Mr. Daniel Mariani, 65 Fairchild Drive Mr. Vijay Basra, 66 Fairchild Drive Mr. Dennis LaCroix, 74 Fairchild Drive Mr. Troy Di Napoli, 82 Fairchild Drive Ms. Karen Cosgrove, 94 Fairchild Drive Mr. Robert Lane, 128 Fairchild Drive Mr. Erik Kramer, 22 Lindsay Lane Ms. Claire Bolger, 23 Lindsay Lane Mr John F. Maffa III, 28 Lindsay Lane Mr. Steven Margossian, 36 Lindsay Lane Mr. Joseph Prew, 39 Lindsay Lane Mr. Eugene Mickey, 50 Lindsay Lane M Request for Certificate of Compliance Order of Conditions, DEP 270 -170, RGB 1987 -8 Fairwood Acres Subdivision Name of Owner(s):_ Street Address: Mailing Address (if different): Phone Number: Email: Preferred way to contact me during weekdays between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM: I hereby request a Certificate of Compliance from the Reading Conservation Commission for all work on my property under the Order of Conditions for the Fairwood Acres Subdivision. I understand that the Commission needs to inspect my property before issuing the Certificate, and that the Commission will contact me upon receipt of this request to schedule the inspection. (Owner's signature) (date) W 1ot