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2011-01-18 Board of Selectmen Packet
JEAN DELIOS Town of Reading Community Services Director / Town'Planner 16 Lowell Street Phone: (781) 942-6612 Reading MA 01867-2683 Fax: (781) 942-9071 jdelios@ci.reading.ma.us Memorandum To: Board of Selectmen From: Jean J. Delios, Community Services Director/Town Planner Re: FY 12 Budget Overview Date: January 11, 2011 Brief Overview of the Department: The Community Services (CS) Department is comprised of the following divisions: Conservation; Elder/Huinan Services; Public Health; Building Inspections/Zoning; Planning; and Veterans Services. This department provides staff support to the following boards: 1 FY 121111pacts: The FY 12 Community Services operating budget reflects an overall decrease of $111,084 or 11.5%o from current FY 11 budget levels. Expenses are a small component (<10%) of the overall CS budget, and are reduced by $2,986 (-3.3%). Therefore painful cuts had to be made in the salary line items totaling $108,098 (-12.3%). In FY12, the following changes are recommended: ® regionalization of several functions (-1.7 FTE); ® elimination of the Permits Coordinator (-1.0); ® a reduction in support staff hours (43) because of a shared arrangement with the Town. Administration department. o A +1.0 FTE clerical position is included in this budget, but will not be filled, unless required from a customer service standpoint. ® The net change in FTEs is -2.0 (-12%). Communi y Services FTE History: Historical Community Services Staffing levels in Full Time Equivalents (FTE's) are depicted in the table below. Organizational changes in FY08 included shifting the Town Clerk from Community Services to the Finance department, and carving out the Town Administration as a stand-alone department. A new Community Services Department Head position was created and combined with the Town Planner position. The change below in FTEs in FY08 consisted of a new Staff Planner position, a nurse advocate and additional health inspector hours. FTEs FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FYIi FY12 Community Services Admin. 4:1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.7 Conservation 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 Planning 0.0 . 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Inspections 4.1 • 4.1 4.1 . 3.1 3.1 2.0 Health 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 Elder/Human 4.5 5.1 5.1 4.9 4.3 3.8 Veterans 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL 16:9 18.7 18.7 17.5 16.9 14.9 In FY10, in response to declining workloads, the Assistant Building Inspector position was eliminated. In FYl 1 the Coordinator of Volunteers position was eliminated and those duties were reassigned to other Community Services as well as Finance Department staff. Overall Impacts Staffing levels have been managed to maximum efficiencies through consolidation and the use of technology to offset staff reductions. The following further describes impacts: • The demand for Veteran's Assistance has increased significantly as the economy continues to . weaken. • The FY 12 budget reflects a 2.0 FTE reduction that will be absorbed through a departmental reorganization. Reductions will be managed by regionalizing, adding more support staff. (i.e., 2 clerks), added technology upgrades through purchasing a Licenses and Permits Software System, and streamlined regulations to minimize staff demands and maximize customer service and provide a more business friendly environment. a Regionalizing operations and sharing services will be a major goal for FY1 2 including applying for grants and structuring public private partnerships to supplement current staffing. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) recently announced grant funds to support the development of regional health initiatives through its Public Health District Incentive Grant Program. This could be a resource for structuring a regional public health initiative. ® Regionalizing is also being pursued for the Elder/Human Services, Building Inspections, and Conservation Divisions. The License and Permitting Coordinator position is eliminated. ® The CS Administrative Assistant absorbs the workload from Town Administration due to the elimination of the Administrative Secretary. e An additional clerk is budgeted to ensure customer service if needed. In FY12, the Building Inspection Division staffing levels will be reduced. A combination of reduced activity related to the economic downtown and opportunities to streamline through purchasing a licenses and permits software system account for these cuts. Building Permit Activity 2005-2010 1000 800 E 0 600 0 400 200 Z 0 CY05 : CY06 CY07 CY08 CY09 CY10 Annual -n--Building Permits Issued Wiring Permits Issued ~x Plumbing and Gas Permits Issued The Community Services Department has demonstrated flexibility, willingness to adapt to shifting priorities and demands, and a track record of achieving budgetary goals and preserving customer service. 3 Cnmmnnity Services -11.5% -F. - Proposed Line Item Description FY 11 FY12 Reductions Impact Admin 11263511-511012 CLERK 67,691 105,000 -37,309 Additional clerk for customer service (if needed) 11265531 531000 PROF DEV/TRAINING 3,800 2,500 1,300 Training would need to be postponed where possible. '11265542 542000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,000 6,500 500 Reduce office purchases. Total Administration -35,509 Conservation 11713511-511003 CONSERVATION ADMINISTRATOR 53,214 29,630 23,584 Regionalize position; eliminate reliance on offsets Total Conservation 23,584 Inspections 12403511-511071 PERMITS COORDINATOR 47,978 0 47,978 Utilize other staff & new technology 12403511-511217/8 WIRE/PLUMBING INSPECTORS 52,846 43,412 9;434 Reduce each from 20 to 16 hours/week (regionalize?) Total Inspections 57,412 Health 15113511-511003 HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR 69,981 35,713 34,268 Regionalize position Total Health 34,268 Elder/ Human Sv 15413511-511003 ELDER/HUMAN ADMINISTRATOR 63,619 32,470 31,149 Regionalize position 15415531 531090 ELD SVS PROF DEV/REGISTR. 750 200 550 Prof Devel only as required 15415540 540049 ELD SVS FURN. 1,200 0 1,200 Furniture for Sr. Ctr. will be postponed 15415548 548000 ELD SVS VEHICLE MAINT 400 0 400 Repairs needed will be handled in-house (DPW), 15415578 578018 ELD SVS VOLUNTEER TRAINING 250 "100 150 Training would need to be postponed inhere possible. 15415571-571000 MILEAGE 1,250 1,000 250 Limit travel when possible 15415578-578018 VOLUNTEER COST 600 0 600 Can be picked up by State grant Total Human/Eider 34,299 Veterans 15433511-511003 VETERANS AGENT 15,288 19,602 -4,314 Increased caseload 15435571-571000 MILEAGE 700 500 200 Lower travel expenses Total Veterans -4,114 TOTAL 109,940 01/07/2011 14:17 (TOWN OF READING blelacheur NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR.FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FY1 COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS I PG 1 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 0126 COMMUNITY SVC ADMINISTRATION 03 SALARIES 11263511 511001 11263511 511010 11263511 511012 11263511 515000 TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES TOWN'PLANR ADMIN ASST CLERK OVERTIME 11265521 521309 WTR/SWR/SW 11265521 521392 WRLS PHONE 11265524 524900 EQUIP RPR 11265530 530000 PROF SVCS 1126,5530 530100' ADVERTISNG 11265530 530105 PRINTING 11265531 531000 PRDEV TRN 11265531 531090 PRDEV REG 11265531 531901 PRDEV HLTH 11265531 531903 PRDEV INSP 11265531 531904 PRDEV VET 11265531 531905 PRDEV CONS 11265531 531906 PRDEV PLAN 11265542 54200.0. OFFC SUPPL . 11265542 542901 OFCSP HLTH 11265542 542902 OFCSP E/H 11265542 542903 OFCSP INSP 11265542 542904 OFCSP VET 11265542 542905 OFCSP CONS 11265542 542906 OFCSP PLAN 11265542 542907 OFCSP TMGR 11265571 571000 MILEAGE TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL COMMUNITY SVC ADMINIST 0171 CONSERVATION DIVISION .00 83,058.72 87,452.21 49,682.19 98,834.00 100,889-.00 2.1% 36,389.92 39,451.71 41,201.94 20,585.28 40,951.00 28,414.00 -30.6%. 61,191.44 64,333.85 67,872.58 33,986.86 67,691.00 105,000.00 55.1% 5,386.40 3,855.75 3,157.82 21136.19 4,500.00 4,500.00 .0% 102,967.76 190,700.03 199,684.55 106,390.52 211,976.00 238,803.00 12.7% 84.95 69.51 60.92 33.02• .00 100.00 .0% .00 813.48 688.65 347.45 .00 400.00 .0% 37 649 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% . 240.00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0- 115.00 60.00 758.11 417.56 .00 500.00 .0% 1,095.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .-0% 11,081.62 3,419.60 894.18 145.00 4,800.00 2,560.00 -47.9% 00 673.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% . 00 155.00 761.00 423.00 .00 .00 .0% . 00 494.00 887.88 587.95 .00 .00 .0% . 00 00 203.03 35.00 .00 .00 .0- . 00 .00 1,605.00 628.00 .00 :00 .0% . 00 490.00 1,392.86 805.00 .00 .00 .0% . 752.14 6 5,676.94 1,675.96 1,314.37 7,000.00 6,500,00 -7.1% , 00 266.89 688.15 444.10 .00 .00 .01 . 00 187.54 1,219.01 748.99 .00 .00 .0% . 00 .00 751.30 455.24 .00 .00 .0% . 00 .00 182..96 7:31 .00 .00 .0% . 00 1.48 173.69 5.86 .00 .00 .0% . .00 19.35 570.17 560.31 .00 .00 00 .0s 0% 00 .00 666.65 112.47 .00 . . . 5,970.16 .5,907.81 5,341.46 1,819.50 3,800.00 3,800.00 .0% 988.40 25 18,734.60 18,520.98 8,890.15 15,600.00 13;800.00 -11.5% , 128,956.16 209,434.63 218,205.53 115,280.67 227,576.00 252,603.00 11.0% 03 SALARIES 11713511 511003 CONS ADMIN 11713511 596130 RVFND SUPP TOTAL SALARIES- 05 . EXPENSES 11715524 524302 MATTERACBN 47,106.97 .00 47,106.97 .00 56,050.32 -6,000.00 50,050.32 .00 59,395.96 -6,000.00 53,395.96 1,878.00 29,766.02 .00 29,766.02 59,214.00 -6,000.00 53,214.00 29,630.00 -50..0% .00 -100.0% " 29,630.00 -44.3% 00 00 00 .0% 6" 01/07/2011 14:17 (TOWN OF READING blelacheur NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 TOTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION 47,106.97 50,050.32 0175 PLANNING 03 SALARIES 11753511 511045 STAFF PLNR 11753511 515000 OVERTIME 11753511 596130 RVFND SUPP TOTAL SALARIES TOTAL PLANNING 0240 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 03. SALARIES 12403511 511070 PRMT COORD 12403511 511071 PRMT COORD 12403511 511215 ASTBLDG IN 12403511 511216 BLDG INSP 12403511 511217 WIRE INSP 12403511 511218 PLUMB INSP 12403511 511219 ALT INSP 12403511 515000 OVERTIME 12403511 596130 RVFND SUPP TOTAL SALARIES TOTAL INSPECTIONS DIVISION 0511 HEALTH C.Y ACTUALS 1,878.00 .00 55,2.73.96 29,766.02 IPG 2 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 CY. REV PROJECTION PCT BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE .00 .00 .Oa 53,214.00 29,630.00 -44.3% 00 49,151.85 53,013.97 25,716.51 50,523.00 51,-580.00 2.1a 00 1,138.42 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 00 -51,032.00. -50,523.00 00 .00 .00 .0o 00 -741.73 2,490.97. 25,716.51 50,523.00 51,580.00 2.1% 00 -741.73 2,490.97 25,716.51 50,523.00 51,580.00 2.1% .00 13,605.90 48,125.44 24,117.90 47,978.00 .00 -100.0% .00 32,628.22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0o 52,069.50 37,238.17 .00 00 .00 .00 .0o 67,729.50 71,936.38 74,220.31 37,195.20 73,994.00 75,519.00 2.1% 22,821.84 24,753.36 26,504.63 13,282.80 26,423.00 21,706.00 -17.90 22,821.84 24,753.36 26,504.63 13,282.77 26,423.00 21,706.00 -17.9% 1,280.00 1,315.66 4,365.40 1,910.37 5,000.00 6,500.00 30.0a .00 759.81 1,746.37 .00 .00 .00 .0% -52,069.50 -54,164.00 -47,978.00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 114,653.18 152,826.86 133,488.78 89,789.04 179,818.00 125,431.00 -30.20 114,653.18 152,826.86 133488.78 89,789.04 179,818.00 125,431.00 -30.2% 03 SALARIES 15113511511003 15113511 511561 15113511 511564 15113511 515000 15113511 596130 TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES 15115530 530000 15115530 530520 15115530 530530 15115530 530550 15115530 530551 15115540 540000 HEALTH ADM 64,123.20 66,692.55 70,195..23 35,178.03 69,981.00 35,713.00 -49.0o PH NURSE 44,528.70 48,254.89 49,072.53 23,281.16 46,297.00 46,366.00 .1% HLTH INSP 43,941.68 55,400.74 59,927.06 29,616.34 58,877.00 60,707.00 3.1% OVERTIME .00 307.46' 20.47 .00 .00 .00 .0% RVFND SUPP 00 -1,997.51 -2,100.00 .00 -2,100.00 -2,100.00 Oo 152,593.58 168,658.13 177,115.29 88,075.53 173,055.00 140,686.00 -18.7°s PROF SVCS 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .0s WGHTS/MEAS 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,750.00 .00 5,750.00 5,.750.00 Oo ANIM DSPSL 4,669.00 5,336.32 7,879.76 2,940.36 4,350.00 4,350.00 .0% MOSQ LRV C 2,176.00 2,224.00 3,440.00 .00 4,988.00 5,000.00 .2% MOSQTO CTL 26,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 13,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 .0% SUPP/EQUIP .00 46.06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 01/07/2011 14:17 TOWN OF READING blelacheur ( NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 15115540 540521 INSP SUPP .00 1,582.71 1,539.07 15115540 540524 CLINIC SUP 2,007.03 455.79 626.43 15115540 596130 RVFND SUPP .00 -2,100.00 -2,100.00 15115571 571000 MILEAGE 2,349.68 2,434.83 2,540.97 15115577 577500 RIVERSIDE 7,500.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 15115577 577510 EMARC 11,275.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 60,776.71 60,779.71 65,976.23 TOTAL HEALTH 213,370.29 229,437.84 243,091.52 0541 ELDER SERVICES 03 SALARIES 15413511 511003 ELD ADMIN 15413511 511523 VAN DRIVER 15413511 511524 SUB VN DRV 15413511 511525 SOCIAL WRK 15413511 511527 SR CNT CRD 15413511 511528 VOL COORD 15413511 511561 NURSE ADV 15413511 517017 SCK IV BBK 15413511 596120 ST GR SUPP 15413511 596150 PVTGR SUPP 15413511 596180 TRFND SUPP TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES 15415531 531010 PRDEV DUES 15415531 531090 PRDEV REG 15415531 531091 PRDEV TRAV 15415535 535304 PROGRAMS 15415536 5360DO LIC SFTWR 15415540 540000 SUPP/EQUIP 15415540 540049 FURNISHING 15415548 548000 AUTO MAINT 15415551 551000' VOLNTTRAIN 15415571 571000 MILEAGE 15415577 577540 MEAL DELIV 15415578 578000 OTHER EXPN 15415578 578018 VOLUNTCOST 15415578 596120 ST GR SUPP TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL ELDER SERVICES 0543 VETERANS 03 SALARIES PG 3 I bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 CY CY REV- PROJECTION PCT ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 120.88 2,222.00 2,250.00 1.3% 166.33 1,800.00 1,800.00 .0% .00 -2,100.00 .00 -100.0% 973.40 1,600.00 1,600.00 ..0% 3,500.01• 7,000.00 7,000.00 .0% 6,500.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 .0% 27,500.98 64,910.00 67,050.00 3.3% 115,576.51 237,965.00 207,736.00 -12.7% 58,450.95 62,157.00 63,813.77 31,980.01 63,619.00 32,470.00 -49.0% 25,760•.46 27,369.38 .29,778.56 13,553.81 28,298.00 31,111..00 9.9% 2,449.84 2,488.90 3,186.10 5,451.11 2,500.00 3,000.00 20.0% 9.50 23 44 47,821.09 51,895.39 26,007.15 51,737.00 52,815.00 2.1% . , 963.93 33 '35,672.54 371466.26 .18,951.28 37,741.00 38,263.00 1.4% , 22,452.57 26,309.11 .00 .00 .00 .00 0%. 817.05 21 29,129.61 30,609.49 15,340.95 30,518.00 31,268.00 2.5% , .00 .00 .00 .00 4,470.00 .00 -100.0% 603.58 26 -24,200.00 -24,200.00 -24,200.00 -24,200.00 -24,200.00 .0< , 3,000.00 -2,600.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .0% 0% .00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 .00 -3,000.00 -3,000. . 238,737.88 201,147.63 189,549.57 87,084.31 191,683.00 161,727.00 -15.6% .00 .00 816.87 626.02 730.00 750.00 2.7% 00 29.65 156.71 796.16 750.00 200.00 -73.3% 00 .511.39 344.15 26.70 .00 .00' .0% . 00 .00 924.03 164.00 1,121.00 1,125.00 .4% . 00 790.00 .00 893.00 900.00 900.00 .0% . 96 363 284.96 1,553.67 196..14 1,325.00 1,325.00 .0% . 00 .00 1,557.00 .00 1,200.b0 .00 -100.0% . 00 .00 .00 .00 400.00 .00 -100.0% . 61 265 141.51 236.53 35.65 250.00 100.00 -60.0% . 006.38 1 -587.41 657.77 411.85 1,250.00 1,000.00 -20.0% , 593.00 5 5,593.00 5,593.00 5,593.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 .0% , 00 .00 450.00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 00 .00 500.00 .00 600.00 .00 -100.0% . .00 .00 -5,851.00 -5,851.00 -5,851.00. -5,851.00 .0% 228.95 7 7,•937.92. 6,938.73 2,891.52 8,275.00 5,149.00 -37.8% , 245,966.83 209,085.55 196,488.30 89,975.83 199,958.00 166,876.00 -16.5-. 01/07/2011 14:17 TOWN OF READING PG 4 I blelacheur (NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund FOR PERIOD 99 ACCOUNTS FOR:. PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 15433511 511003 VET SV OFF 13,810.68 16,104.44 18,169.02 6,244.62 15,288.00 19,602.00 28.2% TOTAL SALARIES 13,810.68 16,104.44 18,169.02 6,244.62 15,288.00 19,602.00 28.-2< O5 EXPENSES 15435571 571000 MILEAGE .00 .00 .00 .00 700.00 500.00 -28.60 TOTAL EXPENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 700.00 500.00 -28.6% TOTAL VETERANS 13,810.68 16,104.44 18,169.02 6,244.62 15,988.00 20,102.00 25.7s 0691 HISTORICAL COMMISSION 05 EXPENSES 16915540 540000 SUPP/EQUIP 999.11 995.17 999.16 399.85 1,000.00 11*000.00 .0% TOTAL EXPENSES 999.11 995.17 999.16 399.85 1,000.00 1,000.00 .096 TOTAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION 999.11 995.17 999.16 399.85 1,000.00 1,000.00 .0% TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 764,863.22 867,193.08 868,207.24 472,749.05 966,042.00 854,958.00 -11.5% GRAND TOTAL 764,863.22 867,193.08 868,207.24 472,749.05 966,042.00 854,958.00 -11.51 END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur 42Z READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 64 Middlesex Avenue, Reading, MA 01867 www.readingpl.org 781-944-0840 FISCAL YEAR 2012 BUDGET INFORMATION FOR BOARD OF SELECTMEN JANUARY 18, 2011 The Reading Public Library:, Is a partner in education;' Teaches people of all ages how to use and evaluate electronic and print resources; Selects, catalogs, preserves, and lends books and media that inform and enrich children's and adults' intellectual, civic; cultural, and leisure life; Documents, collects, and preserves the history of the community. Organization Library Staff 7 full time librarians, 9 part-time librarians, 15 part-time library associates and technicians (paralibrarians); and 11 library pages total 42 staff members. FTE total is 20.1. There are four divisions in addition to Administration: Circulation Collection Management, Customer Assistance and Referral, General Information, Interlibrary Lending, Services for Groups and Community Organizations, Management of Meeting Rooms and Museum Pass Programs and other Public Services Children's Division Programming, Collection Development, Education, Outreach, Summer Reading Program, Volunteen Program, Website Management, Readers and Parent Advisory Services Reference Division Instruction, Research Assistance, Programming, Outreach, Information Services, Teen Services, Grantsmanship, NetGuides, Vounteens, Local History, Website Development & Management Technical Services Vendor Accounts, Purchasing Contracts, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Processing, Network Databases Reading Public Library Administration Administration and Management, Planning, Policy, Budgeting, Accounting & Payroll, Data Collection, Reports, Grant Management, State Aid and Network Policy & Standards, Personnel, Technology, Volunteers, Staff Development, Public & Donor Relations Services Through its collections, classes, programs, and outreach activities, the Library supports and encourages reading and learning, and personal. growth and development; In 2010: 506,594 Books and A-V borrowed (22 books per person in Reading) 13,052 Attended Children's Programs 973 Teens in library classes, afternoon & evening programs 1,903 Hours 122 Library Volunteers worked 107,930 Books, Audio, and Video Holdings . 1,324,770 Website hits 3047 Hours open total, includes 48 Saturdays, 31 Sunday afternoons 217,582 People visited the library 49,920 People used library computers 62,867 Consultations with Research & Children's Librarians 1,834 Museum Passes borrowed by Reading residents Who does the library serve? The Reading Public Library serves the community from birth through old age. 20,676 Reading residents have current library cards (89.6% of Reading population of 23,052.) Using a national consulting.firm, the library conducted a community-wide survey in. 2007. A response rate of 20% led to the following customer profile: ® 88% of residents visited in past year; 75% visit once a month or more ® 93% of library users borrow books; 58% of library users borrow dvds or a-v materials ® 99% of library patrons expressed satisfaction with service received The Value of Library Services The value of library services for the average adult Who uses the library once a month is $3000.00. - You can measure your family's value on our website at http://www.readingpl.org. 1/18/2011 2 Reading Public Library FY12 Library Budget (Request $1,279,220) (FY12 Mgr Projection Level 3 $1,223,530) Please note: The Munis budget report that accompanies this narrative is difficult to read, in detail.in comparison with prior years. In FYI 1, we created four new accounts (612, 614, 616, 618) to track library division salaries closely and accurately throughout the. year. Therefore, the four division salary accounts do not have any history prior to FYI 1 to compare against in Mums. (We have been tracking these accounts in separate excel files for many years, doubling our work on payroll). The result of the breakout in Munis in FY 11 makes the "Administration" portion of the budget (610) difficult to read, as that is where all division salaries used to be located. Future budget reports should be easier to follow! Sundays Funding for Sundays is tracked newly within appropriate division accounts so "Sundays" don't appear as a separate line item. The anticipated amount for Sundays included in the FY12 across three divisions is $28,772. Overtime There is NO overtime budget for the library. Sick time, earned time off, and extended leaves are not budgeted for, nor, have they ever been budgeted. Staffing Levels The library's FTE level is 20.1, which has remained level for the past five years. In 2008, a resignation and budget reduction left the position of a part time (.7 FTE) Technology Librarian vacant. ($36,000) This position remains vacant. This loss in regular professional staffing is invisible in FTE history because the library stretched hourly staff to cover 3.5 hours of Sunday services in 2008. Expenses: All level funded except: Supplies & Equipment (Circulation & Cataloging) $4000 -11.5% Office Supplies (Including paper, toners, public printing) $4000 -9.8% Technology Supplies .(Software upgrades, licenses, etc.) $4000 -11.8%. Books & Materials $-12,000 -6.5% Expenses summary $45,004 -5.6% Capital $0 Current year capital is $85,000 for building design. . There are no capital funds budgeted for the library in FYI 2, due to the construction grant application to the State. There are capital needs but they are not included in the town capital budget. 1/18/2011 3 Reading Public Library Salaries Circulation $201,258 (need $213,429) Division Head 1.0 MLS Library technicians 3.5 FTE (Eleven part-time) Pages 1.25 FTE (Five part-time) Level funded or step increases for qualifying staff. Two pages positions eliminated. One hour of paralibrarians staffmg reduced. Children's Services $212,421 (need $223,836) Division Head 1.0 MLS Children's Librarians 1.77 FTE (Three part-time MLS Librarians) Library Associate .6 FTE Pages 1.1 FTE (Five part-time) Level funded or step increases for qualifying staff. Part time paralibrarians reduced by 20% Two - three page positions eliminated. One weekend paralibrarian eliminated. Reference Division $256,467 (need $261,560) Division Head 1.0 MLS (Master's, in Library Science) Staff Librarians 3.0 FTE (Five part-time MLS Librarians) Young Adult Librarians .5 FTE (Two part-time MLS Librarians) Level funded or step increases for qualifying staff. Reduce .1 reference librarian by 1 hour/wk Technical Services $105,666 (need $108,220) Division Head 1.0 MLS Library Associates 1.0 FTE (Two part-time) Pages .4 FTE (One part-time) Level funded or step increases for qualifying staff. Reduce two part-time positions by combined 1.5 hrs/wk Administration: $193,905 Director 1.0 M.L.S Assistant Director 1.0 M.L.S Administrative Assistant 1.0 Administrative Assistant position was upgraded from. Administrative Secretary and increased -from part time to full time due to retirement Total FY11 $1,234,823 FY12 $1,223,530 (-.9%) Request $1,279,220. 1/18/2011 4 Reading Public Library Budget Impact State Certification The Municipal Appropriation Requirement (M.A.R.) for FY12 is $1,251,170. The MAR is based on a formula of 102 % of the average of the previous three years. The FY12 budizet is short $-27,640 of the MAR. In addition to the MAR, the library is required to spend 15% of its budget on books. The proposed book budget is $-10,800 short of the requirement at 14.1 Service Levels The Trustees are committed to keeping the library open and all services fully available at all times. Current staff have. delivered increasing amounts of service as circulation, attendance at programs, requests for information and help, traffic and general library business have increased by approximately 8-10% annually. The library has maximized every opportunity to share resources, regionalize borrowing and lending, participate in purchasing cooperatives, take advantage of free and low-cost training'possibilities, actively seek grants and private donations, encourage f mdraising, and implement cost- savings across the board. The library is open seven days per week, 64 hours per week, for forty weeks per year and six days and 60 hours per week for the remaining twelve weeks per year. To ensure public safety, minimum staffing levels are essential for a public building with three floors and many blind spots, especially during long winter evenings. At a minimum, three public service desks must be staffed at all open times. The Trustees and administration carefully examined traffic patterns (the library has a people counter and uses software to, collect exact visit statistics daily, hourly, weekly, and annually), circulation data, and past library history to weigh options for how to absorb the current budget reduction. We concluded that in order to manage a small but significant reduction in staffing levels; there will be an inevitable loss in service. To implement the proposed budget reduction, the plan is: ® to close the library on Saturdays from Memorial Day through Labor Day, a total of 13 Saturdays during June, July, and August. This would reduce the overall library hours by 3% over the course of the year; ® to eliminate two pages from Circulation division, a reduction of 11 out of 47 page hours in Circulation, or -23%; 1/18/2011 Reading Public Library ® eliminate two to three pages from Children's services,.a loss of 14.5 out of 40 page hours in Children's Services, or -36%; ® further reduce other support positions by approximately 2.5% in net hours; ® reduce the book budget below state recommended minimum and below requirement for certification. While meaningful in impact and painful to implement, these choices would enable the library to continue to meet the required minimum number of hours open to comply with state aid requirements. It would preserve long-term staff, mitigate the effects of layoffs and unemployment benefit consequences, and it would maintain professional staffing and the availability of high quality services during open hours year round. The Sunday afternoon October - May would be maintained at current levels, as would the four evenings per week that the library is open until 9 p.m. to serve all members of the community equitably. 1/18/2011 6 01/18/2011 16:19 blelacheur PROJECTION: 20121 ACCOUNTS FOR: LIBRARY 2012 General (TOWN OF READING NEXT YEARBUDGET Fund PRIOR FY3 ACTUALS HISTORICAL COMPARISON PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI ACTUALS ACTUALS Y ACTUALS Y REV BUDGET PG 1 Ibgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 PROJECTION PCT LEVEL 3 CHANGE 0610 LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION , 03 - SALARIES 16103511 511010. ADMIN ASST DIRECTOR .00 903:20 76 ..00 64 093 83 .00 017.63 83 7,155.60 42,198.04 5,950.00 83,018.00 .00 84,678.00 -100.0% 2.0% 16103511 16103511 511641 511642 ASST DIREC , 60,839.10 . , 48,306.23 , 67,686.72 34,145.15 67,507.00 68,857.00 2.0% 16103511 511643 ADMIN SECR 25,699.92 26,344.61 27,419.89 11,123.50 26,862.00 40,370.00 00 50.3% 0% 16103511 511644 DIVSN HEAD 216,770.65 228,161.43 233,224.73 .00 00 00 . 00 . 0% 16103511 511645 LIBRARIAN 292,971.44 283,370.12 289,742.79 .00 . 00 . 00 . 0- 16103511 511646 SR ASSOC 23,8.21.46 37,415.04 76,950.65 2,942.09 00 . 00 . 00 . .0% 16103511 511647 LIBR ASSOC .231037.27 ' 11,863.55 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 06 ? 16103511 511648 SR TECH 91906.39 10,579.59 10,477.65 . 01 . 00 . 00 . .0% 16103511 511649 CIRC TECH 104,836.62 112,443.36 98,070.57 . 94 50 . 00 . 00 .0% 16103511 11 511651 515000 PAGE OVERTIME 40,878.95 21 494 44,231.81 27,651.50 47,024.59 22,193.75 . 1,569.48 . 1,027.00 . .00 -100.0% 1 161035 16103517 517017 SCK LV BBK . .00 .00 .00 .00 5,145.00 .00 -100..0 1 05 EXPENSES 16105524 524000 MAINT/REPR 3,892.37 7,327.07 8,690.83 31 811 4 2,490.95 253 15 1 3,500.00 00 3 500 3,500.00 500.00 3 .0% .0% 16105531 531090 1 PRDEV REG PRDEV TRAV 3,307.68 710 54 1 3,320.63 616.99 3 . , 3,063.12 . , 569.47 , . 2,135.00 , 2,135.00 .0% 16105531 16105536 53109 536000 LIC SFTWR . , 47,498.00 , 47,224.98 47,147.98 23,579.01 47,278.00 47,278.00 .0% 16105540 540000 SUPP/EQUIP 5,188.71 4,355.20 11,679:05 4,826.87 926 01 7 8,700.00 204 00 10 7,700.00 200 00 9 -11.5% -9.8% 16105542 542000 OFFC SUPPL 10,943.38 00` 10,487.22 94 8 563' 11,090.13 43 731 8 , . 210.38 . , 8,500.00 . 7,500.00 16105555 16105556 555000 556000 TECH SUPP MATERIALS . .00 , . 4,040.00 . , .00 713 19 73 16.70 93 35,801 .00 000 00 76 .00 72,000.00 .0% -5.3% 16105556 556610 ADLT BOOKS D BOOKS 72,389.23 02 711 26 81,753.60 44 29 213 . , 555.82 27 . 10,778.62 . , 28,500.00 26,000.00 -8.8% 16105556 16105556 556611 556612 CHL TEEN BOOKS . , .00, , . .00 , .00 56 816 .00. 83 7 436 9,000.00 00 15 000 ,000.00 144 000.00 .0s -6.7% 16105556 556620 ADLT AUDIO CHLD AUDIO 16,964.45 036 55 4 18,755.86 958.32 4 . 19, 6,607.05 , . 944.67 , . 6,500.00 , 5,500.00 -15.4% 16105556 16105556 556621 556630 ADLT VIDEO . 1 18,508.70 , 22,802.22 23,012.87 10,383.20 22,000.00. 20,000.00 -9.1% 0 16105556 556631 CHLD VIDEO 6,340.92 8,154.30 73 044 10 6,110.72 94 2 008 3,674.48 62 427 1 7,000.00 000.00 10 7,000.00 9,000.00 s . -10.0% 16105556 556640 PERIODICAL 12,909.36 . , , . . , 00 , 00 .00 .0% 16105556 16105556 556650 556660 ELECTRONIC ONLINE DB 19:99 10,984.10 .00 6,032.50 .00 10,428.00 . 5,530.00 . 11,000.00 10,500.00 -4.5% TOTAL LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION 1,117,564.41 1,184,111.88 1,220,275.97 216,034.70 458,326.00 447,718.00 -2.3% 0612 LIBRARY CIRCULATION 03 SALARIES 16123511 511644 CIRC DIVED .00 .00 00 .00 00 27,017.19 74 928 13 53,215.00 553.00 28 54,280.00 29,124.00 2.0% 2.0% 16123511 511646 SR. LIBRAR .00 00 . 00 . 00 . , 48,217.35 , 94,659.00 94,140.00 -.5% 16123511 511649 TECHNICIAN . 00 . 00 . .00 9,993.09 19,684.00 16,731.00 -15.0% 16123511 16123511 511651 515000 PAGE OVERTIME . .00 .00 .00 2,933.63 ..00 0 0 . 0% 01/18/2011 16:19 TOWN OF READING blelaeheur NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI LIBRARY ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 16123511 515610 SUNDAY HRS .00 .00 .00 TOTAL LIBRARY CIRCULATION .00 .00 .00 0614 LIBRARY CHILDRENS DIVISION 03 SALARIES 16143511 511644 CHLD DIVHD 16143511 511645 CHILD LIBR 16143511 511646 SRLIBASSOt 16143511 511649 TECHNICIAN 16143511 511651 PAGE 16143511 515000 OVERTIME 16143511 515610 SUNDAY HRS TOTAL LIBRARY CHILDRENS DIVI 0616 LIBRARY REFERENCE DIVISION 03 SALARIES 16163511 511644 REF DIVHD 16163511 511645 LIBRARIANS 16163511 515000 OVERTIME 16163511 515610 SUNDAY HRS TOTAL LIBRARY REFERENCE DIVI 0618 LIBRARY TECH SERVICES DIVISION 03 SALARIES PG 2 .bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE ..00 6,846.00 6,983.00 2.0o 102,090.00 202,957.00 201,258.'00 -.8% 00 .00 .00 30,647.78 60,542..00 61,753.00 2.0- 00 .00 .00 53,914.38. 106,442.00 108,571.00 2.0% 00 .00 .00 12,285.52 24,703.00 '20,570.00 -16.7- 00 .00 .00 208.95 522.00 .00 -100.01 00 .00 .00 6,878.84 14,154.00 11,425.00 -19.3% 00 .00 .00 3,691.76 .00 .00 .0- 00 .00 .00 .00 9,904.00 10,102.00 2.0.- 00 .00 .00 107,627.23 216,267.00 212,421.00 -1.8% .00 .00 .00 29,828.76 58,753.00 59,928.00 2.0% .00 .00 .00 93,513.54 183,942.00 186,321.00 1.3% .00 .00 .00 2,419.64 :00 .00 ..0% .00 .00 .00 00 10,018.00 10,218..00 2.0% .00 .00 .00 125,761.94 252,713.00 256,467.00 1.5% 16183511 511644 TECH DIVHD .00 .00 .00 30,786.11 16183511 511646 SR. LIBRAR .00 .00 .00 12,940.69 16183511 511648 SR LIBTECH .00. .00 .00 4,910.36 16183511 511651 PAGE .00 .00 .00 3,572.05 16183511 515000 OVERTIME .00 .00 .00 569.16 16183511 515610 SUNDAY HRS .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL LIBRARY TECH SERVICES .00 .00 .00 52,778.37 TOTAL LIBRARY 1,117,564.41 1,184,111.88 1,220,275.97 604,292.24 GRAND TOTAL 1,117,564.41 1,184,111.88' 1,220,275.97 604,292.24 END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur 59,943.00 61,142.00 2.. 0% 25,684.00 25,652.00 10,789.00 10,564.00 -2.1s 7,244.00 7,390.00 2.0% .00 .00 .0% 900.00 918.00 2.016 _ 104,560.00 105,666.00 1.1% 1,234,823.00 1,223,530.00 -.9% 1,234,823.00 , 1,223,530.00 -.9% 1. Overview of Capital & Debt Spending Next Year - FY12 Total Capital Debt School Buildings 29% 1,103,445 49,000 1,054,445 Town Buildings 15% 577,000 157,000 420,000 Energy 17% 633,013 139,000 494,013 Recreation 6% 223,565 45,000 178,565 Equipment 10% 375,710 83,000 292,710 Roads 15% 556,900 475,000 81,900 Technology 8% 286,000 - 286,000 3,755,632 948,000 2,807,632 Next Ten Years Total Capital Debt School Buildings 25% 10,937,997 3,636,000 7,301,997 Town Buildings 9% 4,150,000 2,535,000 1,615,000 Energy 14% 6,036,358 604,000 5,432,358 Recreation 12% 5,283,420 4,932,000 351,420 Equipment 19% 8,239,780 7,017,200 1;222,580 Roads 17% 7,645,609 7,125,000 520,609 Technology 4% 1,641,500 1,075,000 566,500 43,934,664 26,924,200 17,010,464 Planned 10yr Infrastructure Spending Technology Roads 4% School Buildings 17% 25% I Equipment 7ZWTown Buildings 19% IV~ 9% Recreation Energy 12% 14% Debt Service Schedule FY11-FY25 Town of Reading FY - 2J 1/16/1111:26 AM Budget FY-2011 Requested FY-2012 Projected FY-2013 Projected FY - 2014 Projected FY - 2015 Projected FY - 2016 Projected FY - 2017 Projected FY - 2018 Projected FY - 2019 Projected FY - 2020 Projectea FY - 2021 rrolectea FY - 2022 rrolectea FY - 2023 rro/ecteu rruiuvwu FY - 2024 FY - 2025 Debt Service Schedule $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Overview 6158 003- K6-063 446, , ,26 5178,380 967,701 857;946: ,4655 4;1.82;648 4130,884 _4,059,138: 5 646 530 ..5 8..0_;40 3;522;694 3,373;794 ;344,600 33 Principal 4,165,000 4,185,000 3,915,580 3,615,580 3,655,580 3,605,580 3,660,580 3,700,580 3,285,580 3,370,580 3,455,580 3;080,580 3,075,000 3;185,000 330,000 Within Levy Limit 2,595,000 2,570,000 2,250,580 1,890,580 1,870,580 1,755,580 1,740,580 1,710,580 1,215,580 1,215,580 11210,580 740,580 635,000 635,000 330,000 Debt Exclusion 1,570,000 1,61500 1,665,000 1,725,000 1,785,000 1,850,000 1,920,000 1,990,000 2,070,000, 2,155,000 2,245,000 2,340,000 2,440,000 2,550,000 0 Interest 1,993,003 1,878,446 1,730,950 1,664,826 1,522,800 1,362;121 1,197,366 1,047,075 897,068 760,304 603,558 442,114 298,794 159,600 6,188 Within Levy Limit 764,812 699,668 608,820 605,128 532,040 459,998 387,694 314,653 246,664 197,739 148,201 98,470 71,620 46,976 6,188 Debt Exclusion 1,228,191 1,178,778 1,122,131 1,059,698 990,761 902,123 809,673 732,423 650,404 562,565 455,356 343,644 227,174 112,624 0 Total Within Le Limit: 3,359,812 3,269,668 2,859,400 2,495,708 2,402,620 2,215,578 2,128,274 2,025,233 1,462,244 1,413,319 1,358,781 839,050 706,620 661,976 336,188 Issued 3,359,812 3,242,106 2,726,257 2,100,322 2,022,990 1,851,704 1,780,156 1,692,871 1,345,639 1,299,470 1,247,689 730,714 706,620 681;976 336,188 Approved not issued 0 27,563 133,143 130,386 127,630 124,874 122,118 119,361 116,605 113,849 111,093 108,336 0 0. 0 Not approved 0 0 0 265,000 252,000 239,000 226,000 .213,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MSBA share Coolid a 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462,036 462;036 0 0 0 Net Included Debt 2,897,776 2,807,632 2,397,364 2,033,672 1,940,584 1,753,542 1,666,238 1,563,197 1,000,208 951,283 896,745 377,014 706,620 681,976 336,188 School Buildings(net) 1,122,889 1,054,445 986,484 909,081 845,426 792,228 733,960 662,928 474,940 439,240 403,265 (102,779) 346,508 333,620 0 . Town Buildings i R /G E 440,000 473 988 420,000 013 494 0 893 592 265,000 436 583 252,000 573 980 239,000 564 105 226,000 553,393 213,000 539,749 0 525,268 0 512,043 0 493,480 0 479,793' 0 360,113 0 348,356 0 336,188 epa r reen nergy , , 70% 1,968,457 , 1;579,376 , 1,757,517 , 1,671,406 , 1,595,333 1,513,353 1,415,677 1,000,208 951,283 896,745 -377,014 706,620 681,976 336,188 Recreation 184,369 178,565 172,855 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment 300,613. 292,710 285,170 199,130 .194,590 86,100 83,660 81,220 0 0 0 Roads 84 419 81,900 79,463 77,025 74,588 72,109 69,225 66,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Technology , 291,500 286,000 280,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30% 839,175 817,988 276,155 269,178 - 158,209 152,885 147,520 0 0 0 _ 0 Total Debt Exclusion: 2,798,191 2,793,778 2,787,131 2,784,698 2,775,761 2,752,123 2,729,673 2,722,423 2,720,404 2,717,565 2,700,356 2,683,644 2,667,174 2,662,624 0 191 Issued 2 798 2,793,778 2,787,131 2,784,698 2,775,761 2,752,123 2,729,673 2,722,423 2,720,404 2,717,565 2,700,356 2,683,644 2,667,174 2,662,624 0 , , 872 MSBA share est. 698 722,014 745,155 772,925 800,695 830,779 863,177 895,575 932,601 971,942 1,013,596 1,057,565 1,1.03,848 1,154,759 0 , Net Excluded Debt 2,099,319 2,071,764 2,041,975 2,011,773 1,975,066 1,921,344 1,866,495 1,826;848 1,787,803 1,745,624 1,686,760' 1,626,079 1,563;326 1,507,864 0 SCHOOLS per $400k SF home 219 216 212 206 200 196 192 187 181 174 168 162 LIBRARY per $400k SF home 104 104 104 104 164 104 104 104 104 104 Estimate for Library- local share $7mil of $12mil 970,049 970,049 • 970,049 970,049 970,049 970,049 970,049 970,049 970,049 970,049 Z Debt Service Schedule FY11-FY25 Town of Reading FY - 2J Budget Requested Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 111611111:19 AM FY - 2011 FY - 2012 FY - 2013 FY - 2014 FY - 2015 FY - 2016 FY - 2017 FY - 2018 FY - 2019 FY - 2020 FY - 2021 FY - 2022 FY - 2023 FY - 2024 FY - 2025 Debt Service Schedule $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Overview Principal + Interest Within'Le limit" 359,812_ 3;269;668,, • =2;859,400. 2,495;708 .;2;402,620,. ;2;215578 2,128,274°;' 2;025;233 .1;962;244. -.:1.,41=, . 3 319 : . . °839`050 1'358 781 706 620. ':681,976 : s :336,188a; , Issued 3,359,812 3,242,106 2,726,257 2,100,322 2,022,990 1,851,704 1,780,156 1,692,871 1,345,639 1,299,470 1,247,689 730,714 706,620 681,976 336,188 Approved not issued 0 27,563 133,143 130,386 127,630. 124,874 122,118 119,361 116,605. 113,849' 111,093 108,336 0 0 • 0 Not approved 0 0 0 265,000 252,000 239,000 226,000 213,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 remium RMHS 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 0 Energy Improvements 473,988 466,450 459,750 453,050 446,350 439,231 431,275 420,388 408,663 398,194 382,388 371,456 360,113 348,356 336,188 Green Repair 1.05mil 0 27,563 133,143 130,386 127,630 124,874 122,118 119,361 116,605 113,849 111,093. 108,336 0 0 0 BarrowsMd End $522k 47,025 45,900 44,775 43,650 42,525 41,400 39,900 38,400 37,200 36,000 34,800 33,600 32,400 31,200 0 Wood End 235,913 230,663 225,263 219,713 212,963 206,213 199,463 193,463 187,463 181,463 175,313 169,125 162,825 156,450 0 Barrows 202,134 197,584 192,904 183,094 177,469 171,844 166,219 161,219 156,219 151,219 146,094 140,938 135,688 130,375 0 Coolidge 735,000 711,250 687,500 663,750 640,000 616,250 587,500 564,000 540,500. 517,000 493,500 0 0 0 0 Parker@ 274,988 258,125 246,491 230,086 218,910 202,963 187,320 152,288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Joshua Eaton@ 53,203 41,830 25,839 15,229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Birch Meadow@ 21,068• 15,534 10,153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parker Turf $375k 82,125 79,219 76,406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tennis Courts $485k 102,244 99,346 96,449 0 0 0 0 0 0• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Downtown Im r $650k 84,419 81,900 79,463 77,025 74,588 72,109 69,225 66,300 0 0 0 0 0 Police Station 440,000 420,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ladder truck $800k 98,300• 95,860 93,420 90,980 88,540 86,100 83,660 81;220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pumper En #2 $410k 87,600 84,500 81,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial S s $1.1mi1 291,500 286,000 280,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Pumper En #1 $525k 114,713 112,350 110,250 108,150 106,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cem. Garage $1m 0 0 0 265,000 252,000 239,000 226,000 213,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 =-Debt Exclusion ; Z-798 ,191; 1 793J710. 8 2;7 87;131 . . 2;784,69 , 775 761,..2 752123 : 2 . `:2 729'673 • - 2 722"423 :2;720;404 -2;7:17,565 ==.2;700,356 2;683;644.:2;667;174. `2;662,624 . . 0 BarrowsMd End $787k 75,725 68,850 67,163 65,475 63,788 62,100 59,850 57,600 55,800 54,000 52,200 50,400 48,600 46,800 0 RMHS 2,706,738 2,709,550 2,704,950 2,704,575 2,697,775 2,676,275 2,656,525 2,651,925 2,652,106 . 2,651,468 2,636,469 2,621,969 2,607,719 2,605,394 0 Wood End 15,728 15,378 15,018 14,648 14,198 13,748 13,298 12,898 12,498 12,098 11,688 11,275 10,855 10,430 0 Town of Readins, MA Net Available Revenue annual % 5% NAR policy - debt & capital Debt Schedule - Net Included Debt Allowance for energy savi FY-2011 I FY-2012 I FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 FY-2020 FY-2021 2.12% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% .2.50% 2.50% 3,540,577 3,533,287 3,608,358 3,698,567 3,791,031 3,885,807 3,982,952 4,082,526 4,184,589 4,289,204 4,396,434 39,452,755 2,897,776 2,807,632 2,397,364 2,033,672 1,940,584 1,753,542 1,666,238 1,563,197 1,000,208 951,283 896,745 17,010,464 317,869 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3,000,000 Dedicated funds to roads (425,000) (OUNUu) (0uu,uuu) (o0u,vuu) touv,uvvl toav,vvvl kIw,vvvJ k,:,v,vvvi kVVVjVVVr kv-,-vi k-,-, k."-1-1 Allocate to other requests 535,670 498,000 900,000 1,414,895 1,550,448 1,782,265 1,916,714 2,069,329 2,684,381 2,787,921 2,899,689 18,503,642 I Schools - Equipment - - 120,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 920,000 Buildings -Schools (non Energy) 1,020,000 49,000 105,000 127,000 471,000 526,000 130,000 39;000 1,504,000 685,000 - 3,636,000 Buildings - Schools (Energy) 1,000,000 74,000 12,000 12,000 - 42,000 158,000 - 15,000 25,000 26,000 364,OOD Buildings - Town (non Energy) - 157,000 70,000 1,000,000 30,000 327,000 469,000 202,000 280,000 - - 2,535,000 Buildings - Municipal (Energy) 65,000 120,000 - - 20,000 20,000 15,000 240,000 Library - - 120,000 20,000 20,000 - - - - 160,000 Public Safety - Fire 255,000 14,000 36,000 155,000 69,000 654,000 316,500 90,600 150,000 849,000 339,000 2,673,100 Public Safety - Police - - - 35,000 211,000 10,000 - - 35,000 - - 291,000 Public Works - Equipment 115,000 69,000 224,300 249,800 293,100 275,100 653,900 763,400 604,800 914,700 - 4,048,100 Public Works - Parks & Cemetery 45,000 45,000 75,000 778,000 295,000 200,600 545,000 730,600 1,450,800 767,000 45,000 4,932,000 Public Works - Roads 558,000 475,000 525,000 575,000 625,000 675,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 950,000 7,125,000 TOTAL CAPITAL 2,993,000 948,000 1,407,300 3,051,800. 2,114,100 2,829,700 3,142,400 2,740,600 4,989,600 4,240,700 1,460,000 26,924,200 Dedicated to Roads (previous over-ride) 425,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 6,750,000 Capital Requests above road portion 2,568,000 498,000 - 907,300 2,501,800 1,514,100 2,179,700 2,442,400 11,990,600 4,189,600 3,390,700 560,000 20,174,200 Capital Funding to allocate 568,000 498,000 900,000 1,414,895 1,550,448 1,782,265 1,916,714 2,069,329 2,684,381 2,787,921 2,899,689 . 18,503,642 Annual Surplus (Deficit) (2,000,000) - (7,300) (11086,905) 36,348 (39.7,435) (525,686) 78,729 (1,505,219) (602,779) 2,339,689 Cumulative Surplus (Deficit) (7,300) (1,094,205) (1,057,858) (1,455,293) (1,980,979) (1,902,2491 (3,407,468) (4,010,247) (1,670,558) School Buildings 49,000 105,000 127,000 471,000 526,000 130,000 39,OOD 1,504,000 685,000 31636,000 Town Buildings 157,000 70,000 1,000,000 30,000 327,000 469,000 202,000 280,000 - 2,535,000 Energy 139,000 132,000 12,000 - 62,000 178,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 26,000 604,000 Facilities Capital 345,000 307,000 1,139,000 501,000 915,000 777,000 256,000 1,799,000 710,000. 26,000 6,775,000 Facilities Debt 1,968,457 1,579,376 1,757,517 1,671,406 1,595,333 1,513,353 1,415,677 1,000,208 951,283 896,745 14,349,354 Recreation Equipment Roads Technology 83,000 400,300 459,800 418,100 939,100 976,400 854,000 789,800 1,763,700 339,000 7,017,200 475,000 525,000 575,000 625,000 675,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 950,000 7,125,000 - . 100,000 100,000 275,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,075,000 Other Capital 603,000 1,100,300 1,912,800 1,613,100 1,914,700 2,365,400 2,484,600 3,190,600 3,530,700 1,434,000 20,149,200 Other Debt 839,175 817,988 276,155 269,178 158,209 152,885 147,520 - 2,661,109 Y FY12 Capital Requests $ 948,000 . available from 5% NI debt + capital $ 948,000 Requested capital Dept. Request Estimate Reason Town Fac: Security system: DPW $ 85,000 Gate, card access, cameras Town Fac. Fire Alarm: Town Hall $ 40,000 Addressable Fire Alarm panel. Town Fac. Windows & doors: Senior Ctr $ 25,000 exterior doors Town Fac. Carpet/flooring: Town Hall $ 20,000 Annex/Berger/Town Mgr Town Fac. HVAC/energymgmt: Police $ 20,000 5-ton dispatch unit Town Fac. Other: Town Hall $ 12,000 Front steps/rebuild piers Town Fac. Windows & doors: West Side Fire $ 10,000 door replacements Town Fac Windows & doors: DPW $ 10,000 2 overhead doors School Fac. Electrical: Birch Meadow $ 25,000 PA system School Fac. Electrical: Killam $ 25,000 PA system School Fac. Other: RMHS $ 25,000 Add power to motorize bleachers School Fac. Windows & doors: Joshua Eaton $ 24,000 replace 3 circle top windows in cafeteria School Fac. Carpettflooring: Coolidge $ 24,000 replace 2 rooms of tile with moisture issues Fire Air Bottles $ 14,000 - Safety DPW Roads (local share) $ 400,000 Previous over-ride/accelerated pace DPW Skim Coat/Crack Seal $ 50,000 Previous over-ride/accelerated pace DPW Playground $ 45,000 Annual playground (Joshua Eaton) . DPW Chevy pickup (1989) . $ 37,000 Parks dept. DPW Survey#1 Ford Explorer(2000) $ 32,000 Engineers DPW Curb/sidewalk $ 25,000 Pedestrian safety S Fax: (781) 942-9027 Website: www.readingma.gov FINANCE DEPARTMENT (781) 942-9005 To: Board of Selectmen From: Bob LeLacheur, Asst Town Mgr/Finance Director Re: FY12 Budget Overview - Employee/Retiree Benefits 'Date: 1/18/11 The FY12 Employee/Retiree Benefits budget of $12,690,736 reflects an overall projected increase of 8.4%, from current FY11 budget levels. The driving force behind this increase is the budgeted 10% increase in health insurance, which represents about 2/3 of the employee/retiree benefit costs. We will be able to replace this +10% estimate with announced changes in price, coupled with our estimate for changes in enrollment, by the middle of February. The timing will be close to when the Town Manager's budget is fmalized and given to the FINCOM for deliberation. Health Insurance (66%l Historically for some years this budget was underfunded and annual spring Town Meeting adjustments were needed; then as the Town negotiated a series of benefit changes with the unions (Town, School, ' and RMLD) the budget had a surplus for a couple of years, highlighted by the nearly $600,000 surplus in FY10 that paid for a lot of snow & ice removal at the last annual Town Meeting. Today we find the budget is alarmingly accurate for FY11 - through seven months a projected $7.529 million in expenses is just barely funded by the $7.535 budget. This year Schools (68%) continue to take a slightly increasing share of this general fund expense due to increased enrollment relative to the Town. Some good news is that overall pace of enrollment is down from the +3% rate a year ago to about +1.5% during the past 12 months. Enrollment Jan `11 Jan 10 Jun `09 Since 6/09 Schools 735 723 691 +6.4% Town 344 342 346 -0.6% RMLD/Wat/Sew 150 148 145 +3.4% TOTAL 1,229 1,213 1,182 +4.0%. 1 The most recent change to a three-tiered structure encouraged all employees to shop for medically/fmancially efficient coverage because of varying copayments. One expected result because of the new pricing-was a shift away from HMO (-37) and towards PPO (+28) coverage. There was also an increase in Medex (+25) for a net increase of 16 new enrollments. Today, enrollment is 45% HMO, 18% PPO and 37% Medex. It is important to remember that when a married employee retires and- signs up for Medex, one HMO or PPO enrollment is replaced by two Medex enrollments. Pension (24%) Pension contributions are established by the five-member Reading Retirement Board, using actuarial projections on employment, retirement, and investment performance. Their objective is to.fully fund the Town's retirement contributions at or before deadlines set by the state, but also to have a small impact of the Town's annual budget by smoothing results over a long period of time. For FY12 the pension assessment is up 4.5% and consists of charges of $2.5 million for municipal employees and just over $0.5 million for school employees (those not covered by the Teacher's retirement system). A new actuarial study will be completed in time for the FY13 budget, and may take into account relaxed rules about the target date for actuarially fully funding this obligation. However, the Town should be mindful of the unfunded OPEB liability that will need to be addressed as soon as possible. Other (10%) Medicare ($650,000) is again projected at +7% although this number may be unnecessarily high as employee retirement and turnover have slowed considerably. Projecting this number is a complex exercise that relies on date of hire as well as expected wages earned. As. turnover increases and older workers are replaced by younger ones, the budget need runs at a rate higher than the expected change in wages. At some point, when all `new' employees are in place, the rate of change, for this figure will simply be the rate of changes for wages - assuming no federal changes to the contribution requirements by the Town. Workers compensation ($320,250) is projected at +5%. The actual cost may be reduced by an early payment discount, if it is offered as it has been in the past. Unemployment benefits ($175,000) are nearly impossible to predict, as factors including ever-changing federal policies and the condition of the local economy several months into the future come into play. In FYI 0 this figure was $118,424, but in FYI 1 thus far the pace has dropped below $100,000. Police/Fire indemnification ($60,000) is also impossible to predict, although for the past two years a figure of about $50,000 has been accurate. 2 01/16/2011 12:39 blelacheur PROJECTION: 20121 ACCOUNTS FOR: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2012 General TOWN OF READING (NEXT YEAR BUDGET Fund PRIOR FY3 ACTUALS HISTORICAL COMPARISON PRIOR FY2 LAST FY1 ACTUALS ACTUALS Y ACTUALS Y REV BUDGET PG' 1 Ibgnyrpte FOR PERIOD 99 PROJECTION PCT LEVEL 3 CHANGE 0911 RETIREMENT AND PENSION CONT 05 EXPENSES 19115519 519700 RETR ASSMT 2,595,763.00 2,653,102.00 2,714,032.00 2,878,456.00 2,878,456.00 3,007,986.00 4.5% 19115519 519710 NONCONTRIB 84,205.55 74,299.44 74,379.84 37,729.92 73,500.00 75,000.00 2.0% 19115519 519720 OBRA FEES .00• 10,862.62 9,634.50 756.00 15,000.00. 15,000.00 .0% 19115530 530129 ACTUARIAL .00 .•00 .00 .00 25,000.00 .00 -100.0% TOTAL EXPENSES 2,679,968.55 2,738,264.06 2,798,046.34 2,916,941.92 2,991,956.00 3,097,986.00 3.5% TOTAL RETIREMENT AND PENSION 2,679,968.55 2,738,264.06 2,798,046.34 2,916,941.92 2,991,956.00 3,097,986.00 3.5% 0912 WORKERS COMPENSATION 05 EXPENSES 19125574 574500 DEDUCT/CLM 32,246.40 3,870.52 7,821.00 4,704.54 40,000.00 50,000.00 25.0% 19125574 574550 INS PREMS 313,976.63 238,121.48 238,070.30 247,118.70 265,000..00 270,250.00 2.0% 19125574 596170 ENT FUND S .00 -36,821.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% TOTAL EXPENSES 346,223.03 205,171.00 245,891.30 251,823.24 305,00.0.00 320,250.00 5.0% .TOTAL WORKERS COMPENSATION 346,223.03 205,171.00 245,891.30 251,823.24 305,000.00 320,250.00 5.0% 0913 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 05 EXPENSES 19135519 519000 UNEMP BEN 37,228.38 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0%. 19135519 519100 UNEMP TWN .00 36,066.24 35,903.99 15,578.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 10.0% 19135519 519300 UNEMP SCH .00 19,793.00 80,779.56. 29,911.31 75,000.00 120,000.00 60.0% 19135530 530000 PROF SVCS .00 .00 1,740.00 1,740.00 .00 00 .0% TOTAL EXPENSES 37,228.38 55,859.24 118,423.55 47,229.31 125,000..00' 175,000.00 40.0% TOTAL UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSAT 37,228.38 55,859.24 118,423.55 47,229.31 125,000.00 175,000.00 40.'0% 0914 HEALTH INSURANCE 05 EXPENSES 19145530 530000 PROF SVCS 8,282.50 23,070.50 .00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .0% - 19145530 530082 EAP 3,902.50 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Q- 19145574 574000 HEALTH INS 7,686,022.79 6,787,304:28 6,745,622.41 4,398,422.02 8,535,000.00 8,287,500.00 -2.9% 19145574 574050 LIFE INS 29,486.81 39,210.21 32,557.48 15,378.33 75,000.00 85,000.00. 13.3% 19145574 596130 RVFND SUPP -21,545.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 19145574 596170 ENT FUND S .00 -862,320.81 .00 .00 -1,000,000.00 .00 -100.0% TOTAL EXPENSES 7,706,149.60 5,987,264.18 6,778,179.89 4,413,800.35 7,625,000.00 8,387,500.00 10.0% TOTAL HEALTH INSURANCE 7,706,149.60 5,987,264.18 6,778,179.89 4,413,800.35 7,625,000.00 8,387,500..00 10.0% 0916 MEDICARE O 01/16/2011 12:39. TOWN OF READING IPG 2 blelacheur ( NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON. bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20121 2012 General Fund FOR PERIOD 99 ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 05 EXPENSES - 19165519 519000 MEDICARE 563,451.07 506,834.34 531,704.40 291,427.73 607,375.00 _650,000.00 7.0% 19165519 519990 IRSPEN-INT .00 15,860.31 .00 .00 .00 .00 . .0% TOTAL EXPENSES 563,451.07 522,694.65 531,704.40 291,427:73 607,375.00 650,000.00 7.0% TOTAL MEDICARE 563,451.07 522,694..65 531,704.40 291,427.73 607,375.00 650,000.00 7.03 0917 INDEMNIFICATION 111F 05 EXPENSES 19175519 519210 POLC INDEM 15,972.96 19,936.66 22,620.09 4,041.17 28,875.00 30,000.00 3.9% 19175519 519220 FIRE INDEM 32,735.49 63,323.06 26,234.06 21,158.58 28,875.00 30,000.00 3.9% TOTAL EXPENSES 48,708.45 83,259.72 48,854.15 25,19.75 57,750.00 60,000.00 3.9% TOTAL INDEMNIFI CATION 111F 48,708.45 83,259.72 48,854.15 25,199.75 57,750.0.0 60,000.00 . 3.9% TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 11,381,729.08 9,592,512.85 10,521,099.63 7,946,422.30 11,712,081.00 12,690,736.00 8.4% GRAND TOTAL 11,381,729.08 9,592,512.85 10,521,099.63. 7,946,422.30 11,712,081.00 12,690,736.00 8.4% END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur _Q Enterprise Funds - Prelim Budgets January 16, 2011 Approved Percent Approved Percent Requested Percent Estimated Percent • Estimated Percent Estimated Percent ' N FY-2010 09to'10 FY-2011 10to'11 FY-2012 11to'12 FY-2013 12to13 FY-2014 13to'14 FY-2015 15 14to o. Y1 Storm Water Salaries and Wage: 70,076 7.48% 70,076 0.00% 127,753 82.31% 130,308 2.00% 132,914 2.00% 135,573 2.00% Y2 Expenses 21,315 4.93% 19,750 -7.34% 30,885 56.38% 32,429 5.00% . 34,051 5.00% 35,753 5.00% 330,000 100.00% 317,000 -3.94% Y3 Y4 Debt Service Capital Outlay 200,000 -13.04% 288,000 44.00% 210,000 -27.08% 225,000 7.14% 268,500' 19.33% 210,000. -21.79% 7 Y5 Storm Water Fund 291,391 -7.65% 377,826 29.66% 368,638 -2.43% 387,737 5.18% 765,465 97.42% 698,326 .8.7 % Reserves Net Storm Water 391 291 -7.65% 30,000 347,826 19.37% 368,638 5.98% 25,000 362,737 -1.60% 25,000 740,465 104.13% 698,326 -5.690% estimated SF house , 387k/ r $40 $40 $80 $80 target Reserve Fund levels Water 602,000 1 1,485,064 1,185,064 985,064 810,064 810,064 500k+ Sewer , 817,000 792,756 792,756 792,756 792,756 692,756 500k+ Storm Water 177,000 275,590 275,590 250,590 225,590 225,590 150k+ W1 Water Salaries and Wage: 632,349 3.30% 632,349 0:00% 639,490 1.13% 652,280 2.00% 665,325 2.00% 678,632 2.00% W2 Expenses 2,734,455 2.55% 2;698,736 -1.31% 2,762,487 2.36% 2,900,611 5.00% 3,045,642 5.00% 3,197,924 5.00% W3 Debt Service 890 234 1 -2.05% 1,839,206 -2.70% 2,014,091 9.51% 1,326,051 -34.16% 1,299,286 -2.02% 1,539,901 18.52% W4 Capital Outlay , , 340,000 111.18% 263,000 -22.65% 435,000 65.40% 922,000 111.95% 821,000 -10.95% 300,000 -63.46% W5 Water Fund 5,597,038 4.24% 5,433,291 .-2:93% 5,851,068 7.69% 5,800,942 -0.86% 5,831,253 0.52°!6 5,716,457 -1.97% Reserves Net Water Fund 425,000 5,172,038 3.47% (100,000) 5,333,291 3.12% (300,000) 5,551,068 4.08% 200,000 5,600,942 0.90% 175,000 5,656,253 0.99% 5,716,457 1.069/1. X1 Sewer Salaries and Wage: 286,274' 2.41% 308,147 7.64% 267,908 -13.06% 273,266 2.00% 278,731 2.00% 284,305 2.00% X2 Expenses 4,394,780 6.99% 4,444,463 _ 1.13% 4,528,356 1.89% 4,754,774 5.00% 4,992,512 5.00% 5,242,138 5.00% X3 Debt Service 207 124 -62.19% 165,113 32.93% 162,206 -1.76% •85,800 -47.10% 76,934 -10.33% 76,934 0.00% X4 Capital Outlay , 450,000 6.48% 495,000 10.00% 297,000 110.00% 260,000 -12.46% 167,000 -35.77% 140,000 -16.17% X5 Sewer Fund 5,255,261 2.28% 5,412,723 3.00% 5,255,470 -2.91% 5,373,840 2.25% . 5,515,178 2.63% 5,743,378 4.14% Reserves Net Sewer Fund (100,000) 5,155,261 7.41% 100 000 5,312,723 3.050% 5,255,470 -1.08% 5,373,840 2.25% 5,515,178 2.63% 100 000 5,643,378 2.32% W&S gross 10,852,299 10,846,014 11,106,538 11,174,782 11,346,431 11,459,835 WS W&S reserves W&S net 525,000 10,327,299 200,000 10,646,014 . 3.09% 300,000 10,806,538 1.51% 200,000 10,974,782 175,000 1.56% 11,171,431 100,000 1.79% 11,359,835 1.69% 01/14/2011 13:26 TOWN OF READING IPG 6 blelaeheur (NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20122 FY2012 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 99 ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FY1 CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 0428 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 03 SALARIES 65003511 511417 LABORER 65003511 511453 CIVIL ENGI 65003511 5150'00 OVERTIME 65003511 516050 OUT OF GRA TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES 65005519 519700 RETIREMENT 65005527 527301 EQUIP RENT 65005530 530000 OUT PRFSVC 65005530 530110 LEGAL COUN 65005554 554000 CLOTHING 65005574 574000 HEALTH INS TOTAL EXPENSES 08 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 6500.8585 585000 ADDTNL EQU 65008598 588412 DRNGE IMPR 65008588 588421 MAPPING DE 65008588 588425 DRAINAGE 65008588 ..588430 SAUG RIV D TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 09 OTHER FINANCING USES 65009596 596500 XFERTO ENT TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT GRAND TOTAL 57,226.64 .00 1,421.57 .00 58,648.21 67,122.77 68,695.19 .00 .00 2,416.89 2,491.57 143.44 699.52 69,683.10 71,886.28 34,84.9.78 70,076.00 71,615.00 .2.2% .00 .00 52,138.00 .0% 2,127.15 .00 2,500.00 .0% 342.80 .00 1,500.00 .09- j7,319.73 70,076.00 127,753.00 82.3% .00 2,310.00 2,412.00 00 847.00 00 847.00 803.00 7 885.00 7,000.00 4.56 -10.3% .00 4,595.00 .00 4,964.14 . .00 . 1,863..00 , 10,200.00 10,000.00 0 -2.016 0% .00 86 440 202.50 374 68 .00 800.00 .00 800.00 .00 900.00 .0 1,00.0.00 . 11.1% . .00 . .00 .00 .00 .00 12,000.00 .0% 5,035.86 7,851.32 3,212.00 3,510.00 19,750.00 30,885.00 56.4% 95,890.08. .00 126,488.36 149,022.00 173,000.00 135,000.00 00 -22.0% 0% -100 .00 00 .00 000.00 50 .00 '.00 .00 .00 55,000.00 .00 • . 50,000.00 . .01 . 14,780.96 , 13,910.00 31,418.21 4,061.60 60,000.00 25,000.00 00 -58:3% 0% .00 150,000.00 .00 .00 .00 . . 110,671.04 213,910.00 157,906.57 153,083.60 268,000.00 210,000.00 -27.1% 00 .00 200,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .0% .00 11 355 174 .00 291,444.42 200,000.00 433,004.85 00 193,913.33 .00 377,826.00 .00 368,638.00 .0% -2.4% . , 174,355.11 291,444.42 433,004.85 193,913.33 377,826.00 368,638.00 -2.4% 9,376,280.06 10,069,098.31 11,056,163.90 5,485,860.70 11,284,841.28 11,475,176.00 1.7% END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur Z Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget d d t P 111611113:11 Approved Requested Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projecte e rojec Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service New - Not Approved in italics FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY - 2014 FY 2015 _ FY 2016 FY 2017 FY - 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 0 $ 317;000; $ :634;000 608;000 $ 945,000 $ 904;700. 0 $ °864,4 orm_:_. ec :un Saugus River lmr ovemenf/ 2.0 mil 10 r 0 0 0 330,000 317,000 304,000 291,000 278,000 265,000 252,000 Saugus River Im ovemenf 11 2.0 mil 10yr 0 0 0 0 0 330,000 317,000 304,000 291,000 278,000 AbedonaRiver Improvement 2.2•mi1 10 r 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 363,000 348,700 334,400 Repayment of Principal: 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 400,000. 400,000 620,000 620,000 - 620,000 Saugus River lm ovement I) 2.0 mil 10yr 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Saugus River Imppovement U) 2.0 mil 10yr 200,000 200,000 200,000 000 220 200,000 220,000 200,000 220,000 Abedona River Improvement 2.2 mil 10 r , Interest on Lon Term Debt: 0 '0 0 130,000 117,000 234,000 208,000 325,000 284,700 244,400 Saugus River 1mrpovement(l 2.0 mil 10yr 130,000 117,000 104,000 91,000 " 78,000 65,000 52,000 Saugus River Im ovement 11 2.0 mil 10 r 130,000 117,000 104,000 143,000 91,000 128,700 78,000 114,400 Abedona River Improvement TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 2.2 mil 10yr $ 2,004,319 2,176,298 $ 1,411,851 $ 1,706,220 $ 1,933,835 $ 2,295,529 $ 2,275,601" $ 2,500,779 $ 2,635,827 $ 2,329,995 Water Fun ,839,206 2,0 ,09 326, 5 ,299, 86 1,539,901 ,66 ,529 1,607,60 ,555,779 11731,127 1,465,595 Sewer Fund 165,113 162,206 85,800 76,934 76,934. 0 0 000 608 0 945 000 0 700 904 0 864 400 0 0 0 330;000 317,000 634,000 , , , , Storm Water Fund Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 111611113:11 New - Not Approved in italics Projected Projected. Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Debt Service Debt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServiceDebt ServiCEDebt ServiceDebt ServicOebt Service FY - 2021 FY - 2022 FY - 2023 FY - 2024 FY - 2025 FY - 2026 FY - 2027 FY - 2028 $ -824,100 $ 783,800.' $:743;500 ~ ${503,Z00;~ $ 475;9.00 $°248,600 :$;234,390` $ " . 0 Saugus River Imrpovement(l) Saugus River Imrpovement(II) Abedona River Improvement 2.0 mil 2.0 mil 2.2 mil 10yr 10yr 10yr 239,000 265,000 320,100 226,000 252,000 305,800 213,000 239,000 291,500 0 226,000 277,200 0 213,000 262,900 0 0 248,600 0 0 234,300 0, 0 Repayment of Principal: 620,000 620,000 620,000 420,000 420,000 220,000 220,000 0 Saugus River Imrpovement(I) 2.0 mil 10yr 200,000 200,000 200,000 - Saugus River Imrpovement(ll) 2.0 mil 10yr 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Abedona River Improvement 2.2 mil 10yr 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: 204,100 163,800 123,500 83,200 55,900 28,600 14,300 0 Saugus River lmrpovement(I) 2 0 mil 10yr 39,000 26,000 13,000 Saugus River Imrpovement(II) 2 0 mil 10yr 65,000 52,000 39,000 26,000 13,000 Abedona River Improvement Tnrni nr-RT CFRVlr r 2.2 mil 10yr 100,100 S 2.039.319 85,800 $1.733.569 71,500 .$1,656,319 57,200 $1,149,069 42,900 $1,099,475 28,600 $ 839,975 14,300 $ 803,888 $ 397,800 Sewer Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 u u Storm Water Fund 824,100 783,800 743,500 503,200 475,900 248,600 234,300 0. y Town of Reading, MA 11161201113:10 Cashl , Debt Debt Approved FY-2011 Requested FY-2012. Projected FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 FY-2020 FY-2021 TOTAL FY12-21 Public worl~s -;'Storm Water GAP : 288,000 `210;000 0225;000 266;506 210,000 160 000 160,000 160;000 , 160,000 16000 ' 4;000 1,871,500, General Drainage. Cash 60,000 25,000 25,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 530,000 Drainage improve (Project specific). Cash 55,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1001000. 800,000 MS4 Permit- Consult & lab Testing cash 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Saugus River Improvement (1) Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt - -Saugus River Improvement(II) Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Aberjona River Design cash 150,000 150,000 Aberjona River Improvement Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Sweeper: Elgin Pelican cash 135,000 135,000 Truck: int. #15 Cash 173,000 TAKEUCHI Excavator (1985) Cash 58,500 58,500 5 01/18/2011 10:52 TOWN OF READING PG 1 blelacheur INEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON Ibgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20122 FY2012 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 99 ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FY1 CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT WATER ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL3 CHANGE 03 SALARIES 61013511 511401 SUPERVISOR 34,253.64 36,820.52 32 065 38,826.34 28 677 58 19,636.31 291.00 30 38,831.00 58,372.00 39,609.00 59,837.00 2.01d 2.5% 61013511 511403 FOREMAN WRKNG FRMN S4,578.36. 465.32 72 . 58, 51,989.48 . , 89,073.54 , 57,051.04 104,907.00 110,842.00 5.7% 61013511 61013511 511405 511409 EQUIP OPER , `136,820.7.4 146,249.46 117,118.54 61,936.48 96 1 148,531.00 00 995 83 141,149.00 00 672 79 -5.0% -5.1% 61013511 511413 SKLLD_LABR ORER 45,128.02 70 423 64 82,244.85 280.48 32 78,502.24 34,104.96 40,51 . 17,338.72 . , 33,032.00 . , 33,032.00 .0% 61013511 61013511 511417 511471 LAB CLERK(S) . , 15,905.34 , 16,876.29 17,308.15 8,673.85 17,260.00 00 500 17,598.00 00 500 -6 2.0% 0% 61013511 511481 SNOW REMOV E RTI -4,197.56 05 650 121 -7,709.63 065.11 71 .00 62,495.18 .00 32,927.60 . -6, 38;355.00 , 50,000.00 . 30.4°% 61013511 61013511 515000 516050 M OVE OUT OF GRA . , 1,055.82 , 1,394.34 1,894.10 3,267.44. 00 68 1,882.00 00 818 8 3,000.00 00 818 8 59.4% .0% 61013511 516060 ONCALL PRM VITY 8,130.00 00 7 100 10,270.46 337.50 7 9,760.00 6,625.00 5,3 . 5,750.00 . , 7,500.00 . , 7,500.00 61013511 516080 000 LONGE WAGES TEMP , . 281.64 8 , 8,831.12 6,552.33 2,837.58 9,126.00 7,192.00 -21.2% 4% 61013512 61023511 512 511461 SUPERVISOR , 78,383.52 83,798.33 84,062.88 42,514.56 00 84,048.00 00 -500 83,741.00 -500.00 .0% 61023511 511481 SNOW RMVL -600.64 27 564 31 -232.14 18 403 3 .00 5,586.11 . 3,764.32 . 4,692.00 4,500.00 -4.1% 61023511 515000 OVERTIME . , . , TOTAL SALARIES 674,942.22 602,684.67 610,586.65 331,868.86 632,349.00 639,490.00 1.1- 05 EXPENSES 61005519 519000 MEDICARE 5,425.00 6,000.00 00 13 7,000.00 00 17 075 .00 724.00 26 7,000.00 26,724.00 7,500.00 27,927.00 7.1% 4.596 61005519 519700 RETIREMENT WST DI 89,093.00 18 346 15 16,4 . 419.00 6 , . 7,771.40 , 5,563.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .0% 61005529 529433 HAZ . , 00 , 13 361 00 .00 .00 .00 .0- 61005530 61005530 61005530 530105 530110 PRINTING LEGAL COUN . 15,000.00 . 11,159.10 121.50 .00 00 16,.000.00 00 531 5 10,000.00 269.00 5 -37.5% -4:7% 61005530 530480 PRIMACEY A WKFLD 5,828.03 76 546 5 5,451.82 567.09 5 5,530.87 7,601.06 . 3,957.17 . , 7,140.00 , 7,140.00 .0% 61005530 61005531 530491 531000 SVC PRDEV TRN . , 4,044.25 , 2,992..00 2,674.00. 645 48 130.00 407 28 80 3,000.00 500.00 149 2,500.00 166,000.00 -16.7% 11.0% 61005574 574000 HEALTH INS 170,952.00 00 165,000.00 00 580 31 . 102, 460.00 20 , 23,017.00 , 44,000.00 000.00 46, 4.5% 61005574 61005574 574010 574500 PROP/CASUA DEDUCT/CLM . 1,499.00 . , .00 32 00 , .00 905 00 15 .00 411.00 15 00 30,000.00 . .00 31,500.00 Os 5.0-- 61005574 574550 WC INSURNC ICIT 63,581.00 71 892 8 . 20,3 910.59 10 . , 9,678.95 , 4,682.29 10,206.00 10,700.00 4.9% 61015521 61015521 521301 521303 ELECTR NATRL GAS . , 352.10 , 483.79 353.50 193.19 410.00 00 410.00 00 .0% .0% 61015521 521392 WRLS PHONE .00 3,035.87 2,902.39 00 1,351.34 00 . .00 . .00 .0% 61015530 530110 0 LEGAL-COUN PLCE DTAIL 1,728.00 857.84 10 .00 10,271.64 . 9,583.69 . 10,033.41 10,700.00 16,000.00 49.5% 0% 61015530 61015,530 53042 530470 WTR SYSTEM , 7,280.28 1,141.11 5,516.96 306.94 380 00 15,230.00 00 200 12 15,230.00 12,200.00 . .0% 61015530 530472 MAIN PIPE/ SVC PIPE/M 9,990.00 00 10,720.00 45,325.19 9,706.52 60,933.11 . 36,162.97 . , 49,750.00 49,750.00 .0% % 61015530 15530 610 530474 530478 CROSS CONN 4,960.00 5,040.00 4,900.00 1,800.00 8,400.00 00 8,400.00 00 .0 .0% , 61015531 531000 PRDEV TRN 00 00 398.00 00 800 7 .00 6,236.15 .00 5,000.00 . 10,000.00 . 10,000.00 .0% 61015536. 61015540 536000 540470 LIC SFTWR WD GEN SUP . 19,055.09 . , 21,488.07 24,736.81 91 406 21,380.49 96 748 9 26,775.00 180.00 33 26,775.00 33,180.00 .0% .0% 61015540 540472 MAIN PIPE 29,088.61 6 28,633.78 00 24, . 00 151 . , 380.00 , 7,625.00 7,625.00 .0% 61015540 540474 554000 SVC METERS UNFM/CLTH 8.12 41,2 029.98 1 . 8,825.21 . 3,.949.21 3,149.97 5,500:00 5,500.00 00 .0% 0% 61015554 61015578 '578100 LICENSES , 794.00 315.00 864.00 347.00 714.00 714. . 01/18/2011 10:52 blelaeheur PROJECTION: 20122 ACCOUNTS FOR: WATER (TOWN OF READING NEXT YEAR BUDGET FY2012 Enterprise-Funds PRIOR FY3 ACTUALS HISTORICAL COMPARISON PRIOR FY2 LAST FY1 ACTUALS, ACTUALS Y ACTUALS Y REV BUDGET IPG 2 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 PROJECTION PCT LEVEL 3 CHANGE 61025521 521301 ELECTRICIT 22,108.08 13,910.65 24,721.78 9,345.90 20,000.00 21,000.00 0 5.0% 0% 61025521 521308 FUEL OIL 20,593.29 .00 .00 2,077.62 107 36 6,000.00 00 470 6,000.0 470 00- . 0% 61025521 61025521 521309 521390 SWR/STM WA TELEPHONE 604.85 2,340.79 439.95 2,098.93 127.90 2,291.25 . 618.48 . 3,280.00 . 3,280.00 .0% 61025530 530000 OUT PRFSVC 72,288.81 7,360.51 12,155.56 1,358.00 10,200.00 10,000.00 -2.0% 0% E1025530 61025540 530457 540000 WELLS DEPT SUPP 5,017.15 3,424.13 .00 1,806.96 .00 5,242.16 1,377.76 840.53 .00 7,000.00 00 6,000.00 . -14.3% 61025540 540455 WELLS .00 8,384.92 13,486.93 3,635.50 57,962.00 58,000.00 .1% 0 61025540 61025563 540499 563400 WTR EMERGN MWRA .00 1,536,924.41 .00 1,636,165.00 25,200.50 1,737,501.00 .00 1,036,126.80 .00 1,726,878.00 .00 1,770,050.00 . 5 2..5% 61025563 563410 RESIDUALS 55,324.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% TOTAL EXPENSES 2,230,737.46 ' 2,095,830.31 2,171,430.59 1,305,613.96 2,321,369.00 2,385,120.00 2.7% 07 DEBT SERVICE 61007530 61007591 530705 591000 DEBTCOSTS DEBT PRINC 63,049.00 756,OOQ.00 1,412.92 1,225,000.00. .00 1,375,000.00 .00 470,000.00 .00 - 1,375,000.00 .00 1,598,500.00 .0% 16.3% 61007591 592000 LTDEBTINT 420,291.00 557,170.00 514,352.50 244,712.50 464,206.00 415,591.00 -10.5% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 1,239,340.00 1,783,582.92 1,889,352.50 714,712.50 1,839,206.00 2,014,091.00 9.5% 08 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 61018584 584410 BOBCATLOAD .00 .00 00 .00 00 43,827.95 00 254 37 45,000:00 000.00 38 .00 .00 -100.0% -100.0% 61018584 61018585 584411 585000 VAN #2 ADDTNL EQU .00 116,761.69 . .00 . 6,769.88 . , .00 , .00 275,000.00 00 .0% -100 0% 61018585 585451 METRINSTAL .00 63,225.75 206,774.00 .0.0 00 180,000.00 00 . 00 . .0% 61018588 588450 SYSTEMS .00 .00 00 57,595.86 00 . 00 . .00 . 160,000.00 .0% 61028583 61028585 583000 585452 PLANT BOOSTER TE .00 .00 . 36,000.00 . .00 . .00 .00 .00 0 .0% 0% 61028585 585453 EMERG ENGI .00 35;000.00 .00 .00 00 ..00 00 .0 00 . .09- 61028588 588455 WELLS 75,000.00 .0.0 .00 . . . TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 191,761.69 134,225.75 271,139.74 81,081.95 263,000.00 435,000.00 65.4% 09 OTHER FINANCING USES 61009596 596111 WAGE-TWNMG. 14,061.00 13,886.00 14,896.00 .00 14,896.00 14,896.00 00 .0% 0% 61009596 596112 6121 EXP SUPP WAGE-ACING 3,187.00 084 00 9 3,234.00 226.00 9 .00 10,078.00 .00 .00 .00 10,078.00 . 10,078.00 . .0% 61009596 61009596 59 596122 EXP ACTNG . , 98.00 , 95.00 180.00. 00 - .00 00 180.00 032 00 32 180.00 032.00 32 . 61009596 596131 WAGE-FINCE XEFINANCE 28,897.00 680 00 5 30,247.00 009 00 6 32,032. 653.00 21 . .00 . , 21,653.00 , 21,653.00 :01. 61009596 61009596 596132 596141 E WAGE HR . , 4,025.00 . , 4,090.00 , 4,900.00 .00 4,900.00 4,900.00 00 64 .0% 0% 61009596 596142 EXP HR •1,136.00 3,268.00 2,264.00 0 .00 00 2,264.00 777 00 31 2,2 . 00 31 777 . .0% 61009596 596151 52 WAGE TECHN EXP TECH 22,158.00 667 00 23 26,531.00 255.00 27 31,777..0 8.00 30,41 . .00 . , 30,418.00 , . 30,418.00 .0% 61009596 61009596 5961 596161 WAGEDPWADM . . , 84,928.00 , 110,313.00 . 104,690.00 .00 104,690.00 104,690..00 8 ..0% 0% 61009596 596171 WAGE ENGIN 94,339.00 99,945.00 98,407.00 .00 00 98,407.00 730 00 6 ,407.00 9 730 00 6 . .0% .61009596 61009596 596181 596182 WAGE HGWY EXP HGWY. 6,560.00 22,325.00 6,730.00 22,771.00 6,730.00 19,.342.00 . .00 . , 19,342.00 . , 19,342.00 .03; 01/18/2011 10:52. TOWN OF READING PG 3 I blelacheur (NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20122 FY2012 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD-99 ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT WATER ACTUALS ACTUALS _ ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 320,145.00 363,600.00 377,367.00 .00 377,367.00 377,367.00 .0% TOTAL WATER 4,656,926.37 4,979,923.65 5,319,876.48 2,433,277.27 5,433,291.00. 5,851,068.00 7.7% GRAND TOTAL 4,656,926.37 4,979,923.65 5,319,876.48 2,433,277.27 5,433,291.00 5,851,068.00 7.7% END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur v Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 111611113:11 New - Not Approved in italics Approved Debt Service FY - 2011 Requested Debt Service FY - 2012 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service FY - 2013 FY - 2014 FY - 2015 FY - 2016 FY - 2017 FY - 2018 FY 2019 Projected Debt Service FY - 2020 Wate fOd _ $1;839,206.= $20f4091 $1,299;286 :$1,539;901_. $.1;6611529 ,6076.0:1 $1;5.55;779i $1731_ T 2 $ 1;465;595: Join MWRA full $7.8m 08-28 Nov 01 662,513 647,400 632,775 618,150 603,525 588,656. 571,350 553,800 538,200 522,600 Join MWRA partial $3.18m Demo WTP/chlorinate $0.8m 07-27 09-18 Apr 15 Jul 01 270,656 98,300 264,656 95,860 258,656 93,420 252,656. 90,980 246,656 88,540 237,719 86,100 229,719 83,660 224,069 81,220 217,669 0 211,269 0 Demo WTP/chlorinate $450k 09-13 Feb 01 156,000 153,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 119,800 116,300 112,700 109,000 104,500 0 0 0 0 0 Water Mains $2:471m 08-12 Apr 15 531,938 508,375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM:Hvrhill-Frnkln-Wkfld 2285k MWRA 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 WM: Hwrd-Cnty-Summer WM: South-West-Gleason 1012k 1002k 5 r 5 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 268,180. 0 255,024 265,530 241,868 252,504 228,712 239,478 215,556 226,452 0 . 213,426 Storage Tank 1150k 5 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304,750 289,800 Repayment of Principal: Join MWRA full $7.8m Join MWRA partial $3.18m 08-28 07-27 Nov 01 Apr 15 1,375,000 390,000 160,000 1,598,500 390,000 160,000 958,500 390,000 160,000 958,500 390,000 160;000 . 1,160,900 390,000 160,000 1,261,300 390,000 160,000 1,261,300 390,000 160,000 1,261,300 390,000 160,000 1,411,300 390,000 160,000 1,208,900 390,000 160,000 Demo WTP/chlorinate $0.8m 09-18 Jul 01 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Demo WTP/chlorinate $450k 10-12 Feb 01 150,000 150,000 Water-Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Water Mains $2.471m 08-12 Apr 15 495,000 490,000 WM:Hvrhill-Frnkln-Wkfld 2285 MWRA 228,500. 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 228,500 WM:Hwrd-Cn -Summer WM., South-West-Gleason Storage Tank 1012k 1002k 1150k 5 r 5 r 5yr 202,400 202,400 200,400 202,400 200,400 202,400 200,400 202,400 200,400 230,000 200,400 230,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: Join MWRA full $7.8m Join MWRA partial $3.18m Demo WTP/chlorinate $0.8m 08-28 07-27 09-18 Nov 01 A r 15 Jul 01 464,206 272,513 110,656 18,300 415,591 257,400 . 104,656 15,860 367,551 242,775 98,656 13,420 340,786 228,150 92,656 10,980 379,001 213,525 86,656 8,540 400,229 198,656 77,719 6,100 346,301 181,350 , 69,719 3,660 294,479 163,800 64,069 1,220 319,827 148,200 57,669 256,695 132,600 51,269 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k.) 10-12 Feb 01 6,000 3,000 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 19,800 16,300 12,700 9,000 4,500 Water Mains $2.471m WM:Hvrhill-Frnkln-Wkfld 08-12 .2285 Apr 15 MWRA 36,938 18,375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM: Hwrd-Cnt -Summer WM. South-West-Gleason Storage Tank 1012k 1002k 1150k 5 r 5 r 5 r 65,780 52,624 65,130 39,468 52,104 26,312 39,078 13,156 26,052 74,750 13,026 59, 800 t Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 111611113:11 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected . Debt Service Debt ServiceDebt ServicEDebt ServIGEDebt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServICE)ebt Service New Not Approved►n italics FY 2021 FY 2022 FY - 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY - 2026 FY - 2027 FY - 2028 =Water Fund $1949;769 $ 912,819 645,869...$ 623;575 $-591;375 $ 569;'588 $;397,800: 08-28 Nov 01 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 507,000 491,400 475,800 460,200 444,600 429,000 413,400 397,800 _ _ Join MWRA(partiai $318m) 07-27 Apr 15 204,869 198,469 192,069 185,669 178,975 162,375 156,188 0 Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 274, 850 - 259,900 244,950 0 0 •0 0 0 Repayment of Principal: 1,008,500 780,000 780,000 550,000 550,000 540,000 540,000 390,000 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 Join MWRA(partial $318m) 07-27 Apr 15 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 150,000 150,000 Demo WTP/chiorinate($0 8m) 09-18 Jul 01 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 Water Mains($2 471 m) 08-12 Apr 15 WM:Hvrhill-Frnkln-Wkfld. .2285 MWRA .228,500 WM;Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr WM• South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 230,000 230,000 230,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: 206,719 169,769 132,619 95,869 73,575 51,375 29,588 7,800 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 117,000 101,400 85,800 70,200 54,600 39,000 23,400 7,800 Join MWRA(partial $318m) 077-27 Apr 15 44,869 38,469 32,069 25,669 18,975 12,375 6,188 Demo WTP/chlodnate($0 8m) 09-18 Jul 01 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 Water Mains($2 471 m) 08-12 Apr 15 WM:Hvrhill-Fmkln-Wkfld 2285 MWRA 0 WM.Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr WM• South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 44,850 29,900 14, 950 ~a Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Mains($2 471 m) 08-12 Apr 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM:Hvrhill-Fmkln-Wkfld 2285k MWRA 228,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM•Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Town of Reading, MA Cash( Approved Requested Projected 11161201113:10 Debt FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2013 FY-2014 FY.-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 FY-2020 FY-2021 TOTAL Debt FY12-21 Water Main Lining Cash 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 Various Water Mains ($2.471 mil) Debt Debt Debt WM - H St. Loop (Ivy St) Cash 350,000 350,000 WM - Causway Road Loop cash 276,000 276,000 WM - Larch Lane Cash 120,000 120,000 WM - Haverhill-Franklin-Batch ($420k) Debt WM - Haverhill-Franklin-Wkfld ($1.865m) Debt WM - Howard-Cty-Summer ($1.012m) E Debt WM - South-West-Gleason ($1.02m) F6 Debt Meter Replacement Cash 180,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 Water System Hydraulic Model Cash 85,000 85,000 Storage Tank Inspection Cash 12,000 12,000 24,000 Tank InspectlDesign-AUbunn Cash 70,000 70,000 Tank Maintenance - Auburn Cash 475,000 475,000 Tank Maintenance - Bear Hill cash 220,000 220,000 Storage Tank ($1.15mil.) 9- F Debt - Booster Station SCADA Cash 165,000 165,000 SCADA Upgrade (every 5yrs) Cash 20,000 25,000 45,000 Replace Bob Cat Loader Cash 45,000 40 000 Pickup Truck #12 (1997-10yrs) Cash 40,000 , Replace Car #2 Cash 35,000 35,000 Replace Van #2 Cash 38,000 000 120 120,000 Replace Truck.#6 Cash , Replace Truck 414 Cash 120,000 120,000 Replace Backhoe #420E . Cash 100,000 100,000 Replace Utility Truck #5 Cash 15.0,000 150,000 Water Supply 160,000 97,000 325,000 40,000 80,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 837,000 WTP design Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Join MWRA (partial-$3,18mil) Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Join MWRA (full-$7.8mil) Debt Debt Debt Debt: Debt Debt Debt Debt. Debt Debt Debt Plant demo & chlorine trmt ($800k debt) . Debt Debt . Debt Debt. Debt Debt Debt. Debt Debt Plant demo & chlorine trmt ($450k debt) Debt _ Debt Debt Water Conservation Program Cash 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 200,000 Wells Upgrade Cash 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Well Abandonment Cash 225,000 225,000 Hydraulic Study - 2nd connection Cash 150,000 150,000 MWRA Valve Rebuild & Dehumidify Cash 10,000 15,000 25,000 Pickup Truck #3 (2003 - 10yrs) Cash 37,000 37,000 Pu66c V4',orks Water,.CAPTI'AI, • ` ` 263,060; : .,.935,000 ` 922,Q00 821;000 10D,000 . ' 365,000 - 270,000`? "500,000 '562,000 4A7,000 ,;120;000 4,782;000`: Water DlStrlbution 263,000 275,000 625,000 496,000. 260,000 265,000 235,000 450,1100 562,000 437,000. 120,000 3,945,000 01/14/2011 13:14 TOWN OF READING PG 1 blelaeheur. (NEXT YEAR BUDGET HISTORICAL COMPARISON Ibgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20122 PY2012 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 99 ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI CY CY REV PROJECTION PCT SEWER ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET LEVEL 3 CHANGE 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 03. SALARIES 62003511 511401 SUPERVISOR 34,253.64 812 50 4 36,820.53 756 60 52 38,826.38 887 19 55 19,636.33 221.13 27 38,831.00 53,954.00 39,609.00 53,239.00 2.0°s -1.3% 62003511 62003511 511405 511409 WRKNG FRMN EQUIP OP . 9, 48,384.06 . , 50,964.18 . , 51,907.68 , 27,246.56 51,908.00 51,908.00 .0% 6200351]. 511413 SKLLD LABR 38,068.30 97 770 37 '67,217.19 96 272 3 37,375.53 14 57 800 3,500.21 179.41 30 40,987.00 62,862.00 .00 66,062.00 -100.0% 5.1% 62003511 62603511 511417 511471 LABORER CLERK(S) . , 15,905.34 . , 16,876.53 , . 17,308.47 , 8,674.10 17,260.00 17,598.00 2.06 62003511 511481 SNOW RMVL VERTIME -2,516.52 88 336 36 -4,648.33 13 22 318 .00 856.34 20 .00 13,406.70 -2,500.00 39,644.00 -2,500.00 35,000.00 .0% -11.7% 62003511 62003511 515000 516050 . O OUT OF GRA . , 213.68 , . 358.24 , 23.76 1,281.76 209.00 2,000.00 2 00 856.9% 0% 62003511 516060 ONCALL PRM 1,628.00 2,390.00 00 050 2 2,644.00 00 125 3 1,220.00 950 00 1 2,942.00 2,050.00 . 2,94 2,050.00 . .0% 62003511 516080 LONGEVITY 2,050.00 . , . , . , TOTAL SALARIES 261,906.85 250,376.03 285,754.49 .134,316.20 308,147.00. 267,908.00 -13.1- 05 EXPENSES 62005519 519000 MEDICARE TIREMENT 603.00 00 566 20 700.00 512 00 14 1,000.00 14,876.00 .00 22,273.00 1,000.00 22,273.00 1,075.00 23,275.00 7.5% 4.5% 62005519 62005521 519700 521301 RE ELECTRICIT . , 25,155.27 . , 1.5.7 29,45 28,536.59 . 10,622.27 32,250.00 32,'000.00 00 -.81 0% 62005524 524.475 I&I REIMB DI .00 00 . .00 206 43 9 500.00 429.33- 8 300.00 .00 00 10,000.00 . 10,000.00 . .0% 62005529 62005530 529433 530000 HAZ WST PURCH SVC . .00 . , 15,701.31 1 19,793.05 10,008.13 16,650.00 16,650.00 .0s 62005530 530105 PRINTING LGL COUNSL 00 000 00 2 361.12 229.50 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .0% .0% 62005530 62005530 530110 530420 PLCE DTAIL . , 1,957.60 1,846.64 1,844.98 6,737.17 2,250.00 4,000.00 00 77.8% 0% 62005530 530490 CNTSVCPUMP 7,476.38 12,607.08 18,895.01 1,.040.00 15,725.00 . 00 15,725. 00 . 0% 62005530 62005530 530491 530492 OTHCOMMSVC SYS INSPEC 16,107..68 15,793.45 .00 1,735.83 .00 14,750.00 .00 1,761.58 . 16,950.00 . 16,950.00 . .0% 62005531 531000 PRDEV TRN .00 00 .00 000 00 7 .00 000.00 1 .00 .00 510.00 10,000.00 500.00 10,000.00 -2.0% 62005536 62005540 536000 540490 LIC SFTWR PMPSTASUPP . 1,909.97 , . 2,864.54 , 12,532.04 4,381.58 7,100.00 7,100.00 .0% 0% 62005540 540493 DIST SYS 1,788.37 00 .2,277.82 00 550 2 3,930.78 96 355 3 2,199.29 339.48 3 8,200.00 13,300.00 8,200.00 13,300.00 . 0% 62005540 62005554 540495 554000 CHEMICALS UNFM/CLOTH . . 928.94 . , 3,414.06 . , 2,844.91 , 1,399.99 2,200.00 2 62005563 563400 MWRA 3,410,216.70 3,555,143.00 3,844,457.00 2,353,249.20 3,921,051.00 4,019,077.00 0 . 0% -20 62005574 574000 HEALTHINS 67,574.00 60,500.00 .663 00 58,067.08 627 00 38,222.19 726.00 87,500.00 1,000.00 . 1,050.00 . 5.0% 62005574 62005574 574010 574500 P&C INSUR DEDUCT/CLM .00 10,000.00 . .00 . 8,415.00 .00 .00 .00 0 0 .0% 0% 5 62005574 574550 WC INSURNC 11,496.00 8,250.00 10,181.00 10,368.00 15,000.00 00 15,75 .0 00 . 0% 62005578 578100 LICENSES 185.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 . . . TOTAL EXPENSES 3,593,757.76 31729,073.90 4,054,095.73 2,466,687.88 4,185,459.00 4,269',352.00 2.0% 07 DEBT SERVICE 62007591 591000 IT DBT PRI 83,677.00 167,543.00 0 167,543.00 406 25 7 41,800.00 25 77 906 160,800.00 .00 313 4 160,800.00 1,406.00 .0% -67.4% 62007591 592000 LTDEBTINT .00 10,687.5 . , , . . , I'l- 01/14/2011 13:14 (TOWN OF READING blelacheur. NEXT YEAR BUDGET PROJECTION: 20122 FY2012 Enterprise Funds ACCOUNTS FOR: PRIOR FY3 SEWER ACTUALS HISTORICAL COMPARISON PRIOR FY2 LAST FYI ACTUALS ACTUALS Y ACTUALS Y REV BUDGET PG 2 Ibgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 99 PROJECTION PCT LEVEL 3 CHANGE, 62007593 593000 ST DBT INT 5,951.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0. TOTAL DEBT S ERVICE 89,628.94 178,230.50 174,949.25 119,706.25 165,113.00 162,206.00 -1.8. 06 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 62008585 585000 ADDTNL EQU 104,201.90 .00 122,156.00 .00 .00 167,000.00 00 .0. -100 0. 62008585 585451 METRINSTAL .00 00 .00 00 143,618.48 00 .00 481.29 58 180,000.00 246,001.28 . .00 . -100.0. 62008588 62008588 588411 588505 CALIF RD S INFLOW/INF . 277,197.13 . 67,579.57 . 140,422.41 , 79,500.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 .0. 62008588 588510 SEW ST REH .00 .00 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00 00 .0. 0. 62008588 588512 SEW ST STU .00 .00 10,000.00 - .00 00 .00 00 . 00 . 0. 62008588 588541 GLEN ROAD .00 169,168.24 11,282.21 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 0. 62008588 588542 W GROVE ST .00 10,000.00 .00 . . . TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 381,399.03 246,747.81 457,479.10 137,981.29 556,001.28 297,000.00 -46.60 09 OTHER FINANCING USES 62009596 596111 WAGE-TWNMG 12,477.00 13,010.00 14,062.00 .00 14,062.00 14,062.00 00 .0. 0. 62009596 62009596 596112 596121 EXP SUPP WAGE-ACING 2,828.00 7,990.00 3,029.00 8,642.00 .00 9,517.00 .00 .00 .00 9,517.00 . 9,517.00 . .016 62009596 596122 EXP ACTNG WAGE-FINCE 87.00 645 00 25 89.00 333.00' 28 170.00 30,249.00 .00 .00 170.00 30,249.00 170.00 30,249.00 .0. .0. 62009596 62009596 596131 596132 EXEFINANCE , . 5,037.00 , 5,629.00 20,440.00 .00 20,440.00 20,440.00 .01- 62009596 596141 WAGE HR 3,573.00 3,831.00 4,628.00 00 .00 00 4,628.00 00 2 137 4,628.00 00 2 137 .0. .0. 62009596 62009596 596142 596151 EXP HR WAGE TECHN 1,008.00 19,662.00 3,061.00 24,849.00 2,137. 29,998.00 . .00 , . 29,998.00 , . 29,998.00 .0. 62009596 596152 EXP TECH 21,001.00 25,536:00 ' 28,715.00 0 .00 00 28,715.00 475 00 47 28,715.-00 00 475 47 .0. .0. 62009596 596161 WAGEDPWADM WAGE ENGIN 46,773.00 555 00 57 424.00 50, 892.00 61 47,475.0 60,065.00 . .00 . , 60,065.00 . , 60,065.00 .0's 62009596 62009596 596171 596181 WAGE HGWY . , 2,358.00 , 2,419.00 2,419.00 .00 00 2,419.00 00 129 9 2,419.00 00 129 9 .0. .0. 62009596 596182 EXP HGWY 12,312.00 12,558.00 9,129.00 . 00 . , 00 . , 00 .0. 62009596 596300 XFER TO CA .00 00 75,000.00 00 .00 00 000 33 . .00 . .00 . .00 .0. 62009596 596500 XFERTO ENT . . . , TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 218,306.00 58 544 998 4 318,302.00 24 722 730 4 292,004.00 282 57 264 5 .00 858,691.62 2 259,004.00 5,473,724•.28 259,004.00 5,255,470.00 ,0. -4.0. TOTA L, SEWER - OPERATIONS , . , , . , . , , , 0990 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 09 OTHER FINANCING USES 62009590 599910 DEBT COSTS .00 '.00 3,000.00 .00 00 .00 .0. TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES .00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 00 .00 00 .0% 0. TOTAL OTHER TOTAL SEWER FINANCING SOURCE .00 4,544,998.58 .00 4,722,730.24 3,000.00 5,267,282.57 .00 2,8S8,691.6.2 . 5,473,724.28 . 5,255,470.00 . -4.0. I9 Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 1/1611113:11 New - Not Approved in italics Approved Debt Service FY 2011 Requested Debt Service FY 2012 Projected Projected Projected Projected Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service FY 2013 FY - 2014 FY - 2015 FY 2016 Projected Projected Projected Projected Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service FY - 2017 FY - 2018 FY - 2019 FY - 2020 Viewer;: un 1653113; $ 162;206 $ Y85,800 $ 76,934. $ MWRA Inflow & Infiltration.interest loan 85,800 85,800* 85,800 76,934 76,934 0 0 0 0 . 0 Sunn side/Fairview Sewer 07-11 Nov 01 79,313 76,406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Repayment of Principal: 160,800 160,800 85,800 76,934 76,934 0 0 0 0 0 MWRA Inflow & Infiltration 32,934 32,934 32,934 32,934 32,934 MWRA Inflow & Infiltration 8,866 8,866 8,866 MWRA Inflow & Infiltration 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 Sunn side/Fairview Sewer 07-11 Nov 01 75,000 75,000 Interest on Lon Term Debt: 4,313 1,406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sunn side/Fairview Sewer 07-11. Nov 01 4,313 1,406 H MA Town of Reading Cashl Approved Requested Projected . , 1/161201113:10 . Debt FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 FY-2020 FY-2021. TOTAL FY12.21 Debt Public Works =SewerGAPITAI 495,D00 ; 297;OD0. 260,060 167,440 140,OOD 130,000 280,000 390;000 38D;000 . 38D;004 14D OOD; 2,564;000 Inflow/infiltration Cash 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 Seal Sewer Manholes Cash 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Sower Station Rehabilitation Cash 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30;000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 300,000 FairviewlSunnyside $300kl4yr debt) Debt Debt Debt California Road - Sewer Main Cash 185,000 Lewis Street - Sewer Main Cash 75,000 75,000 Meter Replacements Cash 180;000 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 Backhoe 430D Cash 130,000 130,000 Replace Vehicles Cash 82,000 37,000 150,000 45,000 314,000 1.1~