HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-15 Board of Selectmen HandoutDRAFT MOTIONS
DECEMBER 15, 2009
Tafoya, Bonazoli, Anthony, Goldy, Schubert Hechenbleikner
3a) Move that the Board of Selectmen and Board of Assessors place the
following name into nomination for one position on the. Board of
Assessors with a term expiring April 6, 2010:
Fred A. McGrane
4a) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on an application
for an All Alcohol Restaurant Liquor License for Kok, Inc. d/b/a O'Yes
at 26 Walkers Brook Drive to December 1, 2009 at 9:00 PM.
Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the application for an All
Alcohol Restaurant Liquor License for Kok, Inc. d/b/a O'Yes at 26
Walkers Brook Drive with a term expiring December 31, 2009 subject
to the following conditions:
■ All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading
and Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed; and
Also subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the
Town Manager prior to opening of the restaurant.
5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of December 1,
2009 as amended.
Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
• Local Elections 2010
o Nomination papers available December 18
o Nomination papers filed by February 16 - 5 PM
o Withdraw nomination papers by March 2
o Register to vote by March 17
o Election April 6
o Annual Town Meeting starts April 26
YOUR DOG in the least cost timeliest manner available
• Federal Census - April 1, 2010
• Flu clinic -
o Seasonal flu clinics are completed
o H1 N1 flu clinics - HS is done; Coolidge MS - Tuesday, December 15;
Parker MS - Monday, December 21; Once additional doses come in, the
Town Health Department will hold an additional school clinic for students in
grades 6-12 in mid to late January for any student who would like the
vaccine, but have not turned in their permission slip.
• Compost Center open Saturday, January 9, 8 am to 2"30 PM for Christmas Tree
disposal - curbside pick=up of Christmas Trees is the week of January 11, 201.0
• Snow and Ice removal - resident obligations - keep it on your own property - don't
block sidewalks
• Tax bills for 3rd and 4m Quarter will be out in December. The rate is $13.75 per
$1000 of Assessed Value
• Fall Street Faire applications for Chairmanships is available on the web site
• Next Board of Selectmen - Office hour at 6:30 on January 5, 2010 - Ben Tafoya
• Toys for Tots - collection boxes in a number of locations including Town Hall
Dates and Events:
• Special Election -Senate seat- January 19
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and HAPPY NEW YEAR
Hechenbleikner, Peter
Meghan Young [meghany@comcast.net]
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:29 AM
Hechenbleikner, Peter
Reading - Selectmen; George Rio; John Russell; Kara Fratto; Kathi Spurr; McCabe, Abigail;
Michele Williams; Michelle Ferullo; Russell Graham; Sharon Peterson; Sheila Clarke; Delios,
Upcoming EDC Meetings
The Economic Development Committee wanted to make all members of the Board of Selectmen
aware of two upcoming meetings that you are all welcome to
Wednesday, December 16 7:00pm
Anne Barton, Peer to Peer Consultant, Wayfinding Project Berger Room
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Public Forum on Proposed Sign Amendment
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM or 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Senior Center
Questions, just let us know.
Meghan Young-Tafoya
Chair, Economic Devleopment Committee
1 (9
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Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:00 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen.
Cc: Schena, Paula
Subject: FW: Fatal Accident - Lowell and High
C for Board of Selectmen on Tuesday
Peter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading MA 01867
phone: 781-942-9043
fax 781-942-9071
web www.readingma.org
email townmanager ci.reading.ma.us
Please let us know how we are doing - fill out our brief customer service survey at http://readin.qma-
From: Lee, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 3:32 PM
To: Cormier, Jim; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Zager, Jeff; Zambouras, George
Cc: Robbins, Richard
Subject: RE: Fatal Accident - Lowell and High
There were a total of 6 accidents over two years in that area. The areas include High, Harvard, and Bond.
From: Cormier, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Lee, Michael; Zager, Jeff; Zambouras, George
Cc: Robbins, Richard
Subject: RE: Fatal Accident - Lowell and High
Mike will get together the accident hx for the intersection. We do not have the final report from the state yet.
Chief James W. Cormier
Reading Police Department
15 Union St.
Reading, MA 01867
781-944-2893 Fax
JCormier(a)ci reading_ma us
When writing or responding, please remember that the secretary of State's Office has determined that
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email is a public record. This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If
you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error,
please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please
indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received.
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:08 AM
To: Cormier, Jim; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Lee, Michael; Zager, Jeff; Zambouras, George
Subject: Fatal Accident - Lowell and High
Can we review accident history at this location for the past 5 years or so?
Do we have the accident report yet from the state?
Is there anything we should be doing about this intersection to make it safer?
2010 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan
Town of Reading MA
Finance - Reading will continue to evaluate revenue sources, cost
reduction, regionalization of services, and level of services with the goal of
maintaining long tenn fiscal stability of the community while providing a
level of service that the community can sustain.
1. Complete labor negotiations for 2011 within the resources of the Town and its
ability to sustain those labor agreements over time.
2. Limit reliance on non-recurring revenue including, reserves.
3. Apply for stimulus funds and other outside resources to support operating and
capital or other one time expenses.
Services - Reading will continue to provide as full a range of municipal
services as resources allow, in a cost effective, efficient, and customer
service friendly manner as possible. Where reasonable a self service
element to Town services will be available for those who choose to use it.
4. Establish a universal customer service policy for use in all departments; train
employees on the customer service policy cohtmue,.to measure customer
satisfaction; identify and recommend changes to regulations that do not meet
customer service goals.
5. Implement a tracking and management system for Community Services permits
and licenses.
6. Establish a "customer service request" module on the web site.
7. Review and improve the Town web site, including providing for customer
interaction with the Town electronically.
8. Implement the elimination of snow plowing of church parking lots effective with
the winter of 2010/2011, and communicate that direction to all of the effected
9. Complete each spring/summer a thorough review of sidewalk snow plowing for
the previous winter, in accordance with the Board of Selectmen policy on this
10. Add additional MUNIs modules.
11. Expand the Records Management efforts including beginning to provide records
as appropriate to the public via the web site.
12. Plan for the renewed bidding of rubbish collection and disposal and recycling
contracts, taking advantage of opportunities to cooperate with other regional
partners, and evaluating the use of improved technology to provide enhanced
service and encouragement to improve recycling among our residents and within
Town government including the School Department.
Health and Safety - Reading will continue to focus on strong public health
and safety services with a goal of malting the community one of the
healthiest and safest communities in suburban Boston.
13. Complete Continuity of Operations (COOPS) planning for all Town, School, and
Light Department functions
14. Complete evaluation of regionalization of Public Safety Dispatch.
15. Continue to work with the School Department on health and safety issues.
16. Focus public health and other resources on obesity prevention as one of the major
health crises facing our country. These efforts may involve many departments,
with efforts led by the Health Division.
Community Development I Sustainability - Reading has worked to
maintain the character of the community, while . malting planned and
deliberate improvements to the Town. Major efforts have been led by the
Board of Selectmen, the CPDC, the Economic Development Committee, and
the Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection. The World Cafe
held in 2008 helped inform the above bodies of public opinion on the future
of Reading. The list below is intended to address major high priority action
items for 2010 to implement this vision.
17. Continue progress towards meeting the required 10% of housing units as
affordable. This goal may be met through development of the Addison Wesley
Pearson site, development of the Oaktree and/or Mawn projects downtown,
additional units at Peter Sanborn Place, and additional units in downtown as
18. Work towards the beginning of construction of major private downtown
development projects - Oalctree, Mawn, Lynch, and other opportunities.
19. Complete South Main Street design guidelines and proposed amendments to
zoning to achieve those design guidelines.
20. Complete the design of "Way-finding" system for Downtown, and begin
implementation as opportunities and resources allow.
21. Implement high priority parking recommendations for downtown:
a. Expand Employee Parking;
b. improve parking directional signs;
c. sharing of private parking spaces;
d. valet parking;
e. expand parking supply;
f. bike racks;
g. bus shelters
22. Evaluate the acceptance of the Green Communities program in Reading.
23. Continue to work with Town, School, Facilities, and Light Departments to meet
Sustainability goals for CO reduction, anti-idling, etc..
Asset Management - Reading will strive to maintain and improve the
current and desired capital assets of the community through long term
capital planning in a fiscally prudent manner. Where resources for major
projects are not available within available resources, and grants and outside
resources are also not available, the community may be asked to support
such improvements through additional taxes.
24. Complete Performance Contracting by the end of 2010; Work with the School and
Facilities Departments to secure additional funding to expand performance
contracting efforts, perhaps for things like windows.
25. Implement the ad hoc Municipal Building Committee, and as part of that process
address the priorities and programming for improvement to:
a. Cemetery Garage
b. Library
c. DPW vehicle maintenance
d. Improvements to operation, safety/security, and aesthetics of DPW site
26. Begin Memorial Park construction in 2010.
27. Complete Washington Park and Killam playground construction by September
28. Complete a Master Plan for Joshua Eaton site by summer 2010.
29. Secure the services of a Landscape architect for Birch Meadow site.
30. Continue to work towards funding for the West Street project.
Governance, Regulation, and Policy Development - Reading will
continue to address major emerging issues through bylaws, regulations, and
Selectmen's policies. As a general rule, the fewer and simpler the
regulations the better. Additionally, Selectmen's policies may be used to
memorialize current and proposed administrative practices to provide an
historical record and direction for the community in the future.
31. Develop a scope for review and revision of the Zoning Bylaw.
32. Complete the proposed revisions to the Sign By-law for action by 2010 Amn al
Town Meeting.
33. Complete the revisions to Article 6.3 of zoning on non conforming uses for action
by 2010 Annual Town Meeting.
34. Continue to work on the priority items from the DPW Management study.
35. Review the need for Junk regulations (primarily precious metals) and determine
the best way to implement regulations.
36. Review the need for Earth removal regulations and determine the best way to
implement regulations.
37. Establish a common policy with the School Department on naming of facilities
and sites in the community.
38. Establish a communications policy for the town working off the elements of a
past Department head retreat on communications. Specifically include in the
policy and subsequent training, policies on the use of social media as part of the
Town's efforts to communicate with its residents and others.
Human Resources/Personnel - The human capital of the coiminunity is the
major resource that is necessary to achieve the provision of services to the
community. This human capital includes employees, officials, members of
Boards, Committees and Commissions, and the human capital of the
community as a whole. Human capital is to be supported and respected by
the Town.
39. Complete the negotiation of 6 labor contracts for FY 2011.
40. Evaluate the newly implemented Health Insurance program for active and retired
employees, and determine what if any changes are required.
41. Evaluate the provision of a Disability Insurance program for active employees
and the parameters of any such program.
42. Continue B/C/C ChairNice Chair training.
43. Implement training on Ethics and Open Meeting law as required by the recent
changes in law, unless those changes are deemed an un-Rinded mandate by the
State Auditor.
2010 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan
Town of Reading MA
Status Report / /10
Complete labor negotiations for 2011
Limit reliance on non-recurring revenue including reserves
Apply for stimulus funds and other outside resources.
Customer Service policy
Community Services tracking software
Customer Service request module on web
Electronic interaction via web site
Eliminate Church Parking lot plowing
Review Sidewalk snow plowing
Add additional MUNIs modules
Expand records managemen(with public access as
Rubbish collection and disposal and recycling bidding
Health and Safety
Complete continuity of operations (COOP's) planning
Complete evaluation of regional public safety dispatch
Continue work with School Department on health/safety
Obesity prevention
Community Development / Sustainabilit
Affordable Housing
Construction of major downtown private developments
South Main Street design guidelines
Way-finding system
Implement priority downtown parking action items
Evaluate acceptance of Green Communities program
Continue to meet sustainability goals
Asset Management
Complete/expand performance contracting
Implement ad hoc Municipal Building Committee
Begin Memorial Park construction
Complete Washington Park and Killam playgrounds
Complete Joshua Eaton Master Plan
Landscape Architect for Birch Meadow
Funding - West Street project
12/15/2009 1
2010 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan
Town of Reading MA
Status Report / /10
Governance, Regulation, and Policy Development
Scope of Zoning Bylaw revision
Sign Bylaw revision
Revision to 6.3 of Zoning Bylaw - Nonconfonning situations
DPW management study priority items
Junk regulations
Earth Removal regulations
Facilities and site naming policy
Communications policy
Human Resources/Personnel
Labor contracts
Evaluate Health Insurance
Consider Disability Insurance
Continue B/C/C Chair and Vice Chair training
Implement Ethics and Open Meeting Law training and record
12/15/2009 2
Manager Name Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period CY 2009
• Development 4.8
• Personnel
• Finance
4.5 (4 evaluations)
average rating for ,6 goals)
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner
Evaluation for the period: CY 2009
1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH)
Services Policies and Procedures
• Completion of Downtown streetscape project
• Completion of Downtown parking study, and development of priority work items
• Downtown Smart Growth District 4011 bylaw developed - Town Meeting on 11-30-09
• Business development:
• Decara's Deli
• Olde Reading Butcher Shoppe
• Sam's Bistro
• Be Gifted
• Ristorante Pavarotti
• Salem 5 Savings Bank
• Perfecto's - Granted Site Plan Review decision; currently before the ConsCom
• In response to an instructional motion, progress has been made on evaluating need and scope of
Cemetery Garage.
• Under the direction of the Facilities Director, Performance Contracting work has begun on a number of
buildings Town wide, with few problems and good results..
• In addition a number of building improvements have been done Town-wide by the Facilities Department
including new windows at the West Side Fire Station.
• The Town secured State finding under the "Peer to Peer Grant" enabling the Town to hire a consultant to
develop a systematically planned, visually unified way-finding signage and way finding program that
orients people to the downtown, improves signage related to off-street parking areas, and makes the
downtown more user friendly.
Identified needed changes to sign by-law in collaboration with the EDC and the CPDC
• Developed recommendations for permit tracking software
• Completed Belmont Street water main replacement project.
• Completed 2009 town wide roadway reconstruction and paving program (11 streets).
• Completed installation of artificial turf field at Parker Middle School.
• Completed Bancroft tennis court project, including contractor settlement agreement & extended warranty
• Completed the Washington Park Master Plan process and the Board of Selectmen adopted the Master Plan
• Completed the Birch meadow Master Planning process, and the Board of Selectmen adopted the Master
• Completed approvals of the Conservation Commission for improvements to Memorial Park.
• Oversaw completion of MBTA railroad grade crossing protection project on Ash Street.
• Completed Phase 3 of the town wide water meter installation program
• Completed demolition of the former Louanis Water treatment plant including grading the site for future
recreation use.
• Completed non-union pay and classification plan and Board of Selectmen implemented it
• Began Union negotiations for FY 2010 - 2011
• Addressed "2008 in 2009" Quinn Bill underfunding with both Police Unions
• Hired DPW Director - Jeff Zager - and arranged for transfer of duties
• Hired new Community Services Director Jean Delios
• Hired new Town Clerk Laura Gemme
• W►th the Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director spoke with all employees 3 times about Town's
financial situation, FY 2009 and FY 2010 budgets, and effect on employees
implemented major change in Health Insurance and Dental Insurance for employees and retirees - 10's
or thousands of dollars in savings.
• Implemented FY 2010 budget with minimal use of free cash - record levels of free cash are available and
ready to assist the Town in the next several years of down economy.
• Progress being made in Records Management, with Board of Selectmen packets scanned back to 1996,
minutes in the process of being scanned back to 1986 (beginning of Charter)
• A great deal of progress has been made in MUNIs implementation, most recently in tax billing, and
water/sewer/storm water management billing
• Converted all of property records system to new numbering (almost 10,000 parcels
• Implemented GIS flyover implementation - new maps now usable
• Issued personnel escape ropes to all Firefighters to improve safety
• Examined the public safety communications system and taken a number of steps to improve the
reliability and performance of the equipment. New system purchase will be completed by the end of 2009
• A new fire pumper was purchased and placed in service
• Received FEMA Grant to purchase two new thermal imagers and purchase large flow fire nozzles
• Completed training program for all personnel in rescuing downed firefighter
Implemented a number of recommendations from the completed DPW management Study including
project tracking, staffing analysis, department wide communications/ interaction,
• Implemented new summer youth employment program with coordination from both school dept. and
town personnel.
• Obtained from DEP a solid waste/ recycling technical grant for upcoming contract analysis and RFP
• Expanded Public Safety services in a number of areas, including providing ALS on Ladder truck
• Implemented Customer Service Survey, and tracking and reporting quarterly
• Customer Service Action Plan developed and being implemented
• Upgrades to Community Services (EDC) website - status of various development projects prominently
featured on webpage with links
• The Mass. Memories Road Show at the Library was a great success. We collected 136 photos and 31
video interviews from 46 contributors. A total of 84 people attended the event. RCTV followed a few
participants through the process and plans on making a TV program about the Road Show
• The Reading Public Library captured FIRST PRIZE in the highly competitive bi-annual Massachusetts
Library Association PR Awards held in Sturbridge in May. The entry for Humor Me! Summer Reading
Program took first place in its category. Further recognition was awarded for the LiveWires program
brochure and for Guys and Gals Booklists
Teen librarians completed the two-year federal LSTA grant, met all the requirements of reporting and
programming, and filed the final grant reports in October. Grant funds refurbished the Teen Spot top to
bottom, purchased new furnishings, paid for fresh and bright new paint, and added two new computers
(one paid for by a library patron) for teen use!
• Launched new library website. The new site was designed by Reading Public Library librarians and built
using open source WorclPress software.
Policies and Procedures
• Gift policy and procedures completed and adopted by Board of Selectmen
• Ad hoc Municipal Building Committee policy drafted - School Committee, Library Board, and Finance
Committee are in agreement
• Reviewed and revised Liquor policies - after an exhaustive outreach process.
• Completed the first year of the Board of Selectmen youth liaison program - very successful, and a
student has stepped forward for the second year of the program
• Implemented a new Volunteer Appointment process, which seems to be working well
Implemented a "paperless" process of scanning and emailing the Board of Selectmen meeting packets to
them, and then making them available on the Town web-site before the Board of Selectmen meeting.
The School Committee has also gone paperless, and we are trading information with the Superintendents
off ice about what works and what doesn't.
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner
Evaluation for the period: CY 2009
Evaluator: Camille Anthony
1(LOW) 5 (HIGH)
Policies and Procedures
• Completion of Downtown streetscape project
• Completion of Downtown parking study, and development of priority work items
• Downtown Smart Growth District 4011 bylaw developed - Town Meeting on 11-30-09
• The Town secured State finding under the "Peer to Peer Grant" enabling the Town to hire a consultant to
develop a systematically planned, visually unified way-finding signage and way finding program that
orients people to the downtown, improves signage related to off-street parking areas, and makes the
downtown more user friendly.
• Identified needed changes to sign by-law in collaboration with the EDC and the CPDC
• Developed recommendations for permit tracking software
• Completed non-union pay and classification plan and Board of Selectmen implemented it
• Began Union negotiations for FY 2010 - 2011
• Addressed "2008 in 2009" Quinn Bill underfunding with both Police Unions
• Hired DPW Director - Jeff Zager - and arranged for transfer of duties
Hired new Community Services Director Jean Delios
• Hired new Town Clerk Laura Gemme
• Implemented major change in Health Insurance and Dental Insurance for employees and retirees - 10's
or thousands of dollars in savings.
• Implemented FY 2010 budget with minimal use of free cash - record levels of free cash are available and
ready to assist the Town in the next several years of down economy.
• A great deal of progress has been made in MUNIs implementation, most recently in tax billing, and
water/sewer/storm water management billing
• Converted all of property records system to new numbering (almost 10,000 parcels
• Secured AA bond rating
Implemented a number of recommendations from the completed DPW management Study including
project tracking, staffing analysis, department wide communications/ interaction,
• Implemented new summer youth employment program with coordination from both school dept. and
town personnel.
• Obtained from DEP a solid waste/ recycling technical grant for upcoming contract analysis and RFP
• Implemented GIS flyover implementation - new maps now usable
Implemented Customer Service Survey, and tracking and reporting quarterly
• Customer Service Action Plan developed and being implemented
Upgrades to Community Serv_ices_(EDC) website- status of various develop ,ment-. projects_prominen
. -
on webpage with links
Launched new library website. The new site was designed by Reading Public Library librarians and built
using open source WordPress software.
Policies and Procedures
Gift policy and procedures completed and adopted by Board of Selectmen
• Ad hoc Municipal Building Committee policy drafted - School Committee, Library Board, and Finance
Committee are in agreement
Reviewed and revised Liquor policies - after an exhaustive outreach process.
Completed the first year of the Board of Selectmen youth liaison program - very successful, and a
student has stepped forward for the second year of the program
Implemented a new Volunteer Appointment process, which seems to be working well
Implemented a "paperless" process of scanning and emailing the Board of Selectmen meeting packets to
them, and then making them available on the Town web-site before the Board of Selectmen meeting.
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for goals)
It can be said that the Town had an outstanding year when evaluating our development initiatives. The
completed streetscape project was finished as scheduled and has greatly enhanced the Main Street
Business area. The passage of the 40R zoning overlay was the result of two years of hard work by the
CPCD and Town Planner and gives the Town the opportunity to approve very exciting developments.
Considering the economic difficulties of the past year, Reading has seen several new businesses open
their doors and from all appearances are doing well. The Economic Development Committee has certainly
been an integral part of this growth and success. The revision of the sign bylaw is long overdue and will
be much appreciated by the Reading businesses.
The hiring of our DPW Director and Town Planner has brought two very professional individuals into the
management team. I anticipate that the next year will see many changes in both of the departments as
the evaluation of current practices will be scrutinized.
I would suggest that Peter seek inputfrom all new employees to ascertain if our. training is sufficient to
understand the culture and expectations of the residents and elected officials. This input could be
accessed through the Personnel Director or by direct interaction.
This past year has seen several instances of less than acceptable interaction by personnel with the business
community. There has to be a concerted effort to ensure that these actions are not considered
acceptable behavior.
Another year of an outstanding job by Peter , Bob and Gail
The past year has seen many new initiatives with many more in the offering. Because of the many areas
where we could be making great strides,. we not only need to prioritize, but we need to look at other
options for completing the task, i.e., volunteers or other organizations.
Policies and Procedures:
Peter is willing to listen and try new ideas. He is also extremely adept at suggesting changes in how we are
approaching situations in order to be more productive.
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner
Policies and Procedures
4 ...Comments below
4.5 ...Comments below
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for goals)
Pete has continued to demonstrate the professionalism that has earned him his strong reputation in the
community and through the Commonwealth. I look forward to working with Pete on the continuing
municipal government challenges in this era of limited resources and high demands for services. I look
forward to Pete and staff continuing their efforts to manage transitions in Community Services, DPW and
Clerk's offices. There are important decisions looming on infrastructure related to the library, Cemetery
and DPW. I anticipate 2010 being another successful but busy year. Weighted total 4.4
Development - We have seen an extraordinary amount of small commercial development work considering
the economic conditions of the times. Staff has done a good job paving the way for this growth of
entrepreneurial activity. Combined with the successful completion of the downtown streetscape project,
the Fall Street Faire, the passage of the 40R zoning by-law ...we are poised for continued success. All
these achievements are in no small part due to the good work by Town Manager and staff. Despite a
change in a significant director position (Community Services including Planning) we have not skipped a
beat. There will be continued challenges helping the residential and redevelopment projects come on-line
and get the appropriate board approvals. Town Manager and Staff have done a good job in aiding the
developers with external resources. I look forward to continued efforts to improve customer service and
overall operations in community services.
Finance - There is no better testament to the strength of our professional management that in the midst of a
major fiscal crisis for state and local government, the Town of Reading has been able to maintain its fiscal j
reserves and avoid large scale lay-offs. The next two fiscal years will be very challenging for our town,
but the picture could be far worse were it not for the prudent management style of our Town Manager
and senior staff. The_ability .of.the_community to deal with these issues without rancor Is due in no_small
5 ...Comments below
4 ...Comments below
Evaluation for the period: CY 2009 by Ben Tafoya
1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH)
4.5 ...Comments below
part to the excellent relationship between Town Hall and the School Department.
Operations - The Town Manager and staff have done a good job managing the transition to a new Director of
Public Works. I look forward to continued operational improvements in DPW and progress toward
implementation of the planning study. The critical implementation of new software for the management of
the municipal enterprise has been going well. This is the most important initiative underway for our
operation. There is a need for workflow management software in permitting to ease communication
between departments and to clearly illustrate the critical path to applicants for development projects. The
town did an excellent job mobilizing resources to protect students and the public during the production of
the Laramie project. We are off to a good start evaluating the issues surrounding the Cemetery Garage,
and the consideration should continue looking toward a decision in 2010.
Services - A high level of service delivery has been maintained through difficult financial circumstances. We
saw what is possible in coordination between staff and citizen groups We must look hard at opportunities
that redefine how services are delivered and that allow us to maintain customer service at lower cost.
One strategy to continue exploring is regionalization of services with like minded communities. Staff has
led us through good experiences in some areas such as veteran's services and purchasing where
regionalization has brought benefit. This work must continue. The Town Manager and staff have made
continued improvements to the website increasing transparency and improving information available for
the community.
Policies and Procedures - The Town Manager has done good work assisting the BOS through revisions in
major policies related to alcohol (various areas), gifts, personnel, the municipal building committee and
the continued training of members of boards, committees and commissions. The town is off to a good
start in training citizens on the important new ethics rules, an Initiative that must be successfully
completed next year.
- - - - -
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: CY 2009
Evaluator: James Bonazoli
Policies and Procedures
• Completion of Downtown streetscape project
• Completion of Downtown parking study, and development of priority work items
• Downtown Smart Growth District 40R bylaw developed - Town Meeting on 11-30-09
• The Town secured State finding under the "Peer to Peer Grant" enabling the Town to hire a consultant to
develop a systematically planned, visually unified way-finding signage and way finding program that
orients people to the downtown, improves signage related to off-street parking areas, and makes the
downtown more user friendly.
• Identified needed changes to sign by-law in collaboration with the EDC and the CPDC
• Developed recommendations for permit tracking software
• Completed non-union pay and classification plan and Board of Selectmen implemented it
• Began Union negotiations for FY 2010 - 2011
• Addressed "2008 in 2009" Quinn Bill underfunding with both Police Unions
• Hired DPW Director - Jeff Zager - and arranged for transfer of duties
• Hired new Community Services Director Jean Delios
• Hired new Town Clerk Laura Gemme
• Implemented major change in Health Insurance and Dental Insurance for employees and retirees - 10's
or thousands of dollars in savings.
• Implemented FY 2010 budget with minimal use of free cash - record levels of free cash are available and
ready to assist the Town in the next several years of down economy.
• A great deal of progress has been made in MUNIs implementation, most recently in tax billing, and
water/sewer/storm water management billing
• Converted all of property records system to new numbering (almost 10,000 parcels
• Secured AA bond rating
• Implemented a number of recommendations from the completed DPW management Study including
project tracking, staffing analysis, department wide communications/ interaction,
• Implemented new summer youth employment program with coordination from both school dept. and
town personnel.
• Obtained from DEP a solid waste/ recycling technical grant for upcoming contract analysis and RFP
• Implemented GIs flyover implementation - new maps now usable
• Implemented Customer Service Survey, and tracking and reporting quarterly
• Customer Service Action Plan developed and being implemented
ment_ proiects_promi-nently _ ,..._.j
• _ Up-grades, tCommunity_ Services-(EDC) website -status of vanous_develop
featured on webpage with links
• Launched new library website. The new site was designed by Reading Public Library librarians and built
using open source WordPress software.
Policies and Procedures
• Gift policy and procedures completed and adopted by Board of Selectmen
• Ad hoc Municipal Building Committee policy drafted - School Committee, Library Board, and Finance
Committee are in agreement
• Reviewed and revised Liquor policies - after an exhaustive outreach process.
• Completed the first year of the Board of Selectmen youth liaison program - very successful, and a
student has stepped forward for the second year of the program
• Implemented a new Volunteer Appointment process, which seems to be working well
• Implemented a "paperless" process of scanning and emailing the Board of Selectmen meeting packets to
them, and then making them available on the Town web-site before the Board of Selectmen meeting.
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for goals)
Considering the current economic state Reading showed positive movement in Development in 2009. The
completion of Main St and the passing of the 4011 district are major milestones to a productive and more
vibrant down town. I look forward to seeing future great results of the wonderful collaboration of staff
and the EDC.
It was a difficult year in Personnel due to all the turnovers in major positions but Pete and team never
skipped a beat. As we move forward in these difficult economic times I urge Pete to continue his efforts
at looking at regionalization and automation (where possible) of positions.
Our stretch compared to other communities has been our financial standing and conservative approach. Pete
has done a great job steering the ship through a very difficult economic storm. Unfortunately there is no
rest for the weary here and continued vigilance is required for the next couple of years.
Services and our "customer facing" departments continues to be perceived problem especially when new
organizations (Making Reading Better) pop up. We must find a way to change the perception that
Reading is difficult to deal with and believe the customer survey is a good start but don't believe we are
capturing the true areas that need improvement.
Over all another good year for Pete and his staff in accomplishing much.
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: CY 2009
Evaluator: Steve Goldy
. _ - - - - _ _
Development 5
• Completion of Downtown streetscape project
Completion of Downtown parking study, and development of priority work items
• Downtown Smart Growth District 40R bylaw developed - Town Meeting on 11-30-09
• The Town secured State finding under the "Peer to Peer Grant" enabling the Town to hire a consultant to.
develop a systematically planned, visually unified way-finding signage and way finding program that j
orients people to the downtown, improves signage related to off-street parking areas, and, makes the
downtown more user friendly.
• Identified needed changes to sign by-law in collaboration with the EDC and the CPDC
Developed recommendations for permit tracking software
• Completed non-union pay and classification plan and Board of Selectmen implemented it
Began Union negotiations for FY 2010 - 2011
• Addressed "2008 in 2009" Quinn Bill underfunding with both Police Unions
• Hired DPW Director - Jeff Zager - and arranged for transfer of duties
• Hired new Community Services Director Jean Delios
• Hired new Town Clerk Laura Gemme
• Implemented major change in Health Insurance and Dental Insurance for employees and retirees - 10's
or thousands of dollars in savings.
• Implemented FY 2010 budget with minimal use of free cash - record levels of free cash are available and
ready to assist the Town in the next several years of down economy.
• A great deal of progress has been made in MUNIs implementation, most recently in tax billing, and
water/sewer/storm water management billing
• Converted all of property records system to new numbering (almost 10,000 parcels
• Secured AA bond rating
• Implemented a number of recommendations from the completed DPW management Study including
project tracking, staffing analysis, department wide communications/ interaction,
• Implemented new summer youth employment program with coordination from both school dept. and
town personnel.
• Obtained from DEP a solid waste/ recycling technical grant for upcoming contract analysis and RFP
• Implemented GIS flyover implementation - new maps now usable
• Implemented Customer Service Survey, and tracking and reporting quarterly
• Customer Service Action Plan developed and being implemented
• U rades to Communit Services EDC website - status of various develo . ment_pFgjects prom
featured on webpage with links
• Launched new library website. The new site was designed by Reading Public Library librarians and built
using open source WordPress software.
Policies and Procedures
• Gift policy and procedures completed and adopted by Board of Selectmen
• Ad hoc Municipal Building Committee policy drafted - School Committee, Library Board, and Finance
Committee are in agreement
• Reviewed and revised Liquor policies - after an exhaustive outreach process.
Completed the first year of the Board of Selectmen youth liaison program - very successful, and a
student has stepped forward for the second year of the program
• Implemented a new Volunteer Appointment process, which seems to be working well
• Implemented a "paperless" process of scanning and emailing the Board of Selectmen meeting packets to
them, and then making them available on the Town web-site before the Board of Selectmen meeting.
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for goals)
Excellent year for development by Peter. The downtown project was completed, parking issues are being
proactively addressed, and Town Meeting approved the downtown 40R district. The focus was clearly our
downtown and I am happy to see proactive efforts to bring vibrancy. Examples of these efforts are the
Fall Street Faire initiative, work on improving the sign by-laws and the outreach done by the Community
Services department. Great work in 20091
In the areas of personnel, operations, and finance Peter was very consistent and met the goals and
expectations of the board. There were multiple important hires completed in 2009 that will help staff
meet the-goals and objectives for the Town. Peter and staff worked hard to make sure that Reading will
get through the current economic crisis with minimal cuts in staff and services. In 2010 I recommend
exploring opportunities to find savings and protecting services through increased regionalization efforts.
Services are an area that suffered in 2009 needs more focus. The perception that the Town is tough to deal
with for both residents and businesses continued to be an obstacle to growth. Development and
implementation of the customer service survey was a good first step in correcting this as well as the
recent creation of the Customer Service Action Plan. I am encouraged by the actions of Peter and the
message he is sending to all Town Staff regarding improved customer service. Change in behavior and
culture must start with leadership/management but needs to permeate the entire organization in 2010.
Peter was very busy in 2009 making changes and working on new policies and procedures. Peter's attention
to the demands of the board and the possible future implications is to be commended. I am glad that
new board procedures were trialed and hope to see these become permanent. I ask that Peter and staff
continuously look at new and different ways to serve the residents and businesses in town.
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: CY 2009
Evaluator: Rick Schubert
Policies and Procedures
1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH)
_ -I
• Completion of Downtown streetscape project
• Completion of Downtown parking study, and development of priority work items
. Downtown Smart Growth District 4011 bylaw developed - Town Meeting on 11-30-09
Business development:
• Decara's Deli
• Olde Reading Butcher Shoppe
• Sam's Bistro
• Be Gifted
Ristorante Pavarotti
• Salem 5 Savings Bank
• Perfecto's - Granted Site Plan Review decision; currently before the ConsCom
• in response to an instructional motion, progress has been made on evaluating need and scope of
Cemetery Garage.
• Under the direction of the Facilities Director, Performance Contracting work has begun on a
number of buildings Town wide, with few problems and good results.
• In addition a number of building improvements have been done Town-wide by the Facilities Department
including new windows at the West Side Fire Station.
• The Town secured State finding under the "Peer to Peer Grant" enabling the Town to hire a
consultant to develop a systematically planned, visually unified way-finding signage and way
finding program that orients people to the downtown, improves signage related to off-street
parking areas, and makes the downtown more user friendly.
• Identified needed changes to sign by-law in collaboration with the EDC and the CPDC
• Developed recommendations for permit tracking software
• Completed Belmont Street water main replacement project.
• Completed 2009 town wide roadway reconstruction and paving program (11 streets).
• Completed installation of artificial turf field at Parker Middle School.
• Completed Bancroft tennis court project, including contractor settlement agreement & extended warranty
• Completed the Washington Park Master Plan process and the Board of Selectmen adopted the Master Plan
• Completed the Birch meadow Master Planning process, and the Board of Selectmen adopted the Master
• Completed approvals of the Conservation Commission for improvements to Memorial Park.
• Oversaw completion of MBTA railroad grade crossing protection project on Ash Street.
• Completed Phase 3 of the town wide water meter installation program
• Completed demolition of the former Louanis Water treatment plant including grading the site for future
recreation use.
• Completed non-union pay and classification plan and Board of Selectmen implemented it
• Began Union negotiations for FY 2010 - 2011
• Addressed "2008 in 2009" Quinn Bill underfunding with both Police Unions
• Hired DPW Director - Jeff Zager - and arranged for transfer of duties
Hired new Community Services Director Jean Delios
• Hired new Town Clerk Laura Gemme
• With the Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director spoke with all employees 3 times about
Town's financial situation, FY 2009 and FY 2010 budgets, and effect on employees
• Implemented major change in Health Insurance and Dental Insurance for employees and
retirees - 10's of thousands of dollars in savings.
• Implemented FY 2010 budget with minimal use of free cash - record levels of free cash are available and
ready to assist the Town in the next several years of down economy.
• Progress being made In Records Management, with Board of Selectmen packets scanned back to 1996,
minutes in the process of being scanned back to 1986 (beginning of Charter)
• A great deal of progress has been made in MUNIs implementation, most recently in tax billing,
and water/sewer/storm water management billing
• Converted all of property records system to new numbering (almost 10,000 parcels)
• Implemented GIS flyover implementation - new maps now usable
• Issued personnel escape ropes to all Firefighters to improve safety
• Examined the public safety communications system and taken a number of steps to improve the
reliability and performance of the equipment. New system purchase will be completed by the end of 2009
• A new fire pumper was purchased and placed in service
• Received FEMA Grant to purchase two new thermal imagers and purchase large flow fire nozzles
• Completed training program for all personnel in rescuing downed firefighter
• Implemented a number of recommendations from the completed DPW management Study including
project tracking, staffing analysis, department wide communications/ interaction,
• Implemented new summer youth employment program with coordination from both school dept. and
town personnel.
• Obtained from DEP a solid waste/ recycling technical grant for upcoming contract analysis and RFP
• Expanded Public Safety services in a number of areas, including providing ALS on Ladder truck
• Implemented Customer Service Survey, and tracking and reporting quarterly
• Customer Service Action Plan developed and being implemented
• Upgrades to Community Services (EDC) website - status of various development projects
prominently featured on webpage with links
• The Mass. Memories Road Show at the Library was a great success. We collected 136 photos and 31
video interviews from 46 contributors. A total of 84 people attended the event. RCTV followed a few
participants through the process and plans on making a TV program about the Road Show
• The Reading Public Library captured FIRST PRIZE in the highly competitive bi-annual Massachusetts
Library Association PR Awards held in Sturbridge in May. The entry for Humor Me! Summer Reading
Program took first place in its category. Further recognition was awarded for the LiveWires program
brochure and for Guys and Gals Booklists
• Teen librarians completed the two-year federal LSTA grant, met all the requirements of reporting and
programming, and filed the final grant reports in October. Grant funds refurbished the Teen Spot top to
bottom, purchased new furnishings, paid for fresh and bright new paint, and added two new computers
(one paid for by a library patron) for teen use!
• Launched new library website. The new site was designed by Reading Public Library librarians and built
using open source WorclPress software.
Policies and Procedures
• Gift policy and procedures completed and adopted by Board of Selectmen
• Ad hoc Municipal Building Committee policy drafted - School Committee, 'Library Board, and Finance
Committee are in agreement
• Reviewed and revised Liquor policies - after an exhaustive outreach process.
• Completed the first year of the Board of Selectmen youth liaison program - very successful, and a
student has stepped forward for the second year of the program
• Implemented a new Volunteer Appointment process, which seems to be working well
• Implemented a "paperless" process of scanning and emailing the Board of Selectmen meeting packets to
them, and then making them available on the Town web-site before the Board of Selectmen meeting.
The School Committee has also gone paperless, and we are trading information with the Superintendent's
office about what works and what doesn't.
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for goals)
Without a doubt - 2009 has been an outstanding year of accomplishments in the area
of development. The plans for the Downtown Streetscape project, which have been in
the works for 15 years, have become a reality. Amazing to see the number of new
businesses that have opened or are in the process of opening during these challenging
economic times.
In the area of personnel, key department head positions were successfully filled with
well qualified individuals. The financial constraints of the Town are certainly cause for
concern by staff; import work to communicate the realities and challenges to staff.
Customer service, since it's so integral to the public value we provide to our residents,
should get a little more attention so we can understand how we're doing.
Board of Selectmen Meeting
December 1, 2009
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in
which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the
order in which any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James
Bonazoli, Secretary Camille Anthony, Selectman Richard Schubert, Town Manager
Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur and the
following list of interested parties: Ron O'Keefe, Jr., Joan Hoyt, Brendon Hoyt, Attorney
Mark Gallant, Dave Williams, Recreation Administrator John Feudo, Joshua Eaton
Principal Patty de Garavilla.
Reports and Comments
Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments - Selectman Richard Schubert noted that
with regard to the information submitted by the Making Reading Better Group; he felt
that we should have a policy or procedure in place where people who hand out material in
public places identify who they are by name. He also asked whether we had the Accident
Report on the fatal accident on High and Lowell Street, and whether or not there is
anything we can do about the safety of the intersection. The Town Manager will get the
accident history, secure the Accident Report when it is available from the State Police,
and talk with the Parking, Traffic and Transportation Task Force about the intersection.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that CPDC did a great job on the 40R presentation.
She also commended the work that the Community Services Director/Town Planner Jean
Delios did, particularly considering that she took on this project 9/10 of the way through
the process. She also noted that it is the holiday season and if people want to give a gift
to the community, donations are being accepted by the Town for the improvements to the
Mattera Cabin.
Chairman Ben Tafoya provided kudos to all involved in the 40R process.
Town Manager's Report - The Town Manager gave the following report:
• I have gotten a price from Town Counsel to put together a comprehensive amendment
to section 6.3 of the Zoning Bylaw re nonconforming uses, and would plan on moving
this process ahead for consideration at the Annual Town Meeting.
• State funding for special elections - some funding has been provided but not all
funding needed to run the elections.
• Request to meet with Wine Nation - Town Counsel's comment
• H 1 N 1 Flu vaccination process
• Seasonal flu clinic December 10 at parker Middle School
• Reading High School Football play-off game tonight - wish them luck
Board of Selectmen Meeting - December 1, 2009 - page 2
• Austin Prep - our other High School - is also playing a football play-off game tonight
in Reading, and I'm sure that we all wish them luck also
• Toys for Tots - collection boxes in a number of locations including Town Hall
• Tree Lighting ceremony was spectacular
Discussion/Action Items
Highlights - Trails Committee - Dave Williams from the Trail Committee introduced
members of the Trails Committee who were present and gave the highlights of the project
to-date. In addition to the Ipswich River Greenway where most of their efforts have been
focused, additional trails that have been adopted include Kiley Drive and Johnson
Woods. Williams noted that there are a couple of land purchases that would facilitate
trail development and these have been.previously reviewed with the Board of Selectmen.
With regard to the Adopt a Trail locations, Birch Meadow, Pinevale and Marion Woods
have been adopted.
There was discussion about whether or not the Town should organize a paintball area and
therefore avoid some of the problems that the Town has encountered with unauthorized
paintball use in trail areas and conservation areas. The Board of Selectmen asked staff to
prioritize development of a traffic signal which will provide for crossing of Main Street
as part of the Ipswich River Greenway Program. The Board of Selectmen thanked the
Trails Committee members for their excellent work.
Discuss Possible Improvements to Joshua Eaton Playground - John Feudo, Recreation
Administrator, and Patty de Garavilla, Joshua Eaton Principal, presented to the Board of
Selectmen the proposed improvement of the Joshua Eaton playground. This playground
is scheduled in the Capital Improvement Program for improvement in 2012. In the
meantime there is an interest in doing fundraising and beginning some of the work
currently. It is anticipated that $10,000 - $20,000 in donations would be secured for the
project. They would like to prioritize the construction of a swing set to be constructed
this summer. The cost of a swing set is $10,000 plus the mulch (estimated to be $3,000 -
$5,000). The useful life of the equipment plus the swing set would be approximately 20
years. The proposed swing set would be in a location somewhat set aside from where the
existing swing set is. This will enable construction to take place in an easier way, and
will free up a portion of the site for other uses including potentially additional off street
parking. The Board was disposed to allow fundraising to proceed with the caveat that
there would be no construction on the site until a master plan has been developed and
adopted by the Board of Selectmen.
On motion by Anthony seconded by BonazoH the Board of Selectmen voted,
pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Board of Selectmen Policies, to hereby approve
fundraising efforts by the Joshua Eaton PTO for the installation and construction of
a new swim set as indicated in the plans presented, with all parties recognizing that
there is an intent but no commitment to reconstruct the remaining portions of the
playground in fiscal year 2012. The construction of the swing set is to be
coordinated by the Recreation Administrator who will work with the Parks,
Board of Selectmen Meeting - December 1, 2009 - page 3
Forestry and Cemetery Supervisor and the School Principal to insure a smooth
completion of this proiect. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Update on Town Forest Master Plan - This item was deferred to January.
Dunkin Donuts Request for Early Opening - Bill Rianhard was present to answer any
questions. The Town Manager noted that the only complaint received was the parking of
a tow truck on landscaped areas of the property. The Town Manager noted that the tow
truck was actually parked on State highway property and the applicant noted that they
had worked with the tow track operator to park elsewhere on their property where it
would not cause a problem.
On motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to
approve an application by Dunkin' Donuts, including the Mobil Gasoline Service
Station and the Convenience Store on the premises at 2 West Street to open at 5:00
a.m., Monday through Friday, effective January 1, 2010, and excluding state
designated holidays. This approval will expire December 31, 2010. The Board of
Selectmen finds that in accordance with Section 5.10.4 of the General Bylaws:
• It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare or that
public necessity or convenience will be served by permitting such
operation; and
• There is no detrimental effect of such operation on the Town or the
immediately abutting neighbors.
• The Board determined that in accordance with Section 5.10.5 no
public hearing will be required for this application.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Shell Station Request for 24 Hour Operation - Motiva Enterprises - Attorney Mark
Gallant was present to answer any questions that the Board may have.
On motion by Anthony seconded by Schubert the Board of Selectmen voted to
approve the application for 24 hour sales by Motiva Enterprises, LLC and Leigh
Enterprises, Ltd. d/b/a Reading Shell Station at 87 Walleers Brook Drive. The
Board finds that in accordance with Section 5.10.4 of the General Bylaws:
• It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, or that public
necessity or convenience will be served by permitting such operation; and
• There is no detrimental effect of such operation on the Town or the
immediately abutting neighbors.
• The Board determined that in accordance with Section 5.10.5 that no
public hearing will be required for this application.
The approval of this application is subject to the following conditions:
1. This approval expires at midnight, December 31, 2010;
2. All signs shall conform to the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of
Board of Selectmen Meeting - December 1, 2009 - page 4
3. The gasoline service station shall, in fact, be open 24 hours a da
seven days a week,
4. The operator will ensure that there is a supply of gasoline available at
the station during all hours that the station is open;
5. The operator will provide gas cans for motorists who run out of
gasoline on the road;
6. The operator will prepare and post a list of local towing and repair
shoes that are oven 24 hours a day for those who need it:
7. Restroom facilities shall be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Approve Plan Change - Mandarin Restaurant - The Town Manager showed the revised
plan to the Board of Selectmen. This restaurant re-modeling in accordance with the plan
is currently under construction, having received site plan approval from the Community
Development and Planning Commission.
On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert the Board of Selectmen, pursuant to
section of the Liquor License policy, voted to approve the change in plan
dated 12-1-09 for Mandarin Reading, Inc. d/b/a Mandarin Reading Restaurant, 296
Salem Street. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Approve Liquor License Renewals - A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony that
the Board of Selectmen approves the All Alcoholic Club Liquor Licenses for:
♦ Reading Overseas Veterans, Inc. d/b/a Reading Overseas Veterans, 575 Main
♦ Meadow Brook Golf Corp. of Reading, Mass. d/b/a Meadow Brook Golf
Club, 292 Grove Street
♦ Home Building Corp. d/b/a Knights of Columbus, 11 Sanborn Street
for a term expiring December 31, 2010 subject to the following conditions: All
Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the
establishment by the Town Manager, was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Brendon Hoyt from the American Legion (Reading Veterans' Association, Inc.) was
present. The Board was concerned that seven noise complaints with regard to the
operation have been received during the past year. Hoyt indicated that until this was
mentioned at the last Selectmen's meeting he was not aware of the complaints. Hoyt
agreed that they will add language in the contract when they rent the function hall that
there is to be no outdoor activity related to the rental. The Reading Police Department
will make sure that the Reading Veterans' Association has a copy of any complaints as
they are received. This will be done for all of the liquor licensees.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - December 1, 2009 - page 5
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony that the Board of Selectmen approves
the All Alcoholic Club Liquor Licenses for:
o Reading Veterans' Association, Inc. d/b/a American Lel4ion Post 62, 37Ash
for a term expiring December 31, 2010 subject to the following conditions: All
Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the
establishment by the Town Manager, was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert that the Board of Selectmen approves
the All Alcoholic Package Store Liquor Licenses for:
o Busa's Reading Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Busa's Reading Liquors, 345 Main Street
♦ Athens Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Square Liquors, 11 High Street
♦ Jai Vaishnodevi & Chirag, Inc. d/b/a North Side Liquors, 150 Main Street
♦ Jahnavi Riva Wine Shop, Inc. d/b/a The Wine Shop of Reading, 676 Main
for a term expiring December 31, 2010 subject to the following conditions: All
Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the
establishment by the Town Manager, was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli that the Board of Selectmen approves
the All Alcoholic Restaurant Liquor Licenses for:
♦ Mandarin Reading, Inc. d/b/a Mandarin Reading Restaurant, 296 Salem
♦ Mecom, Inc. d/b/a Cafe Capri, 355 Main Street
♦ Emperor's Choice Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Emperor's Choice Restaurant, 530
Main Street
o CAC Foods, Inc. d/b/a Venetian Moon Restaurant, 680 Main Street
♦ Pepper Dining Inc. d/b/a Chili's Grill & Bar, 70 Walkers Brook Drive
o Mac Acquisition of Delaware d/b/a Romano's Macaroni Grill, 48 Wallcers
Brook Drive
♦ The Boland Group III, LLC d/b/a Fuddruckers, 50 Wallcers Brook Drive
♦ Bertucci's Restaurant Corp. d/b/a Bertucci's Italian Restaurant, 45 Walkers
Brook Drive
♦ Rare Hospitality International, Inc. d/b/a Longhorn Steak House, 39
Walkers Brook Drive
for a term expiring December 31, 2010 subject to the following conditions: All
Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the
establishment by the Town Manager, was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - December 1, 2009 - page 6
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony that the Board of Selectmen approves
the Wine and Malt Liquor Licenses for:
Colombo's Pizza & Cafe, 2 Brande Court
• Ristorante Pavarotti, Inc. d/b/a Ristorante Pavarotti, 601 Main Street
• Palatat Pattenesuan d/b/a Bankok Spice Thai Restaurant, 76 Haven Street
for a term expiring December 31, 2010 subject to the following conditions: All
Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the
establishment by the Town Manager, was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Approve Licenses - The Town Manager submitted to the Board of Selectmen a list of all
the other licensees and the Board had no problem with approval of the licenses once all
requirements had been met including payment of taxes and fees.
The Board of Selectmen reviewed Town Counsel's comments with regard to the request
by Wine Nation to meet informally with the Board of Selectmen. The consensus of the
Board was that they should wait until the ABCC appeal is completed. If the matter is
remanded to the Board of Selectmen, then the Board would meet with Wine Nation as
part of the public hearing process as recommended by Town Counsel.
The Board of Selectmen should submit their comments on the Town Manager's
evaluation to Stephen Goldy and James Bonazoli by December 7, 2009, and Chairman
Tafoya requested that they be copied to Paula Schena in the Town Manager's office.
On motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli, the Board of Selectmen voted to
adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
ecember 15, 2009
Subject: Salary Increases For The Town of Reading
In view of today's economy with people losing jobs, homes for sale with no buyers, on fixed
incomes trying to make ends meet, this is NOT the time to consider pay raises for our town
manager or anyone else. We, the taxpayers CAN NOT afford it.
In addition to the above reasons, much to my surprise, our town manager, Mr. Peter Hechenbleikmer,
seems to have had a change of attitude regarding some town issues that were brought to his attention.
Not only have I detected the change, so have others. Sorry to say when leaving the town hall after a
discussion, because of some comments he made, I felt like the problem was created by me and one
other with the same complaint. It was just a waste of time. People look for solutions to solve
problems not create the problems.
Through the years I have had great respect for Mr. Hechenbleikner as a manager. After all, being
in his position is not easy. His rating, in my opinion, was always an "A". Unfortunately, if I were to
give him a grade today, it would be no higher than a "C".
Make no mistake people in what I am saying. My respect for Mr. Hechenbleikner as a person has not
changed. My evaluation of him as a manager has.
To summarize: With all due respect for our town manager, with the citizens of the Town of Reading
struggling to get by on very little each month, he most certainly should be able to live like a king on
his salary. If not, then shame on him. The taxpayers Can. Not afford an increase of salary at this time,
nor should it be expected.
If I could and were to vote on an increase in salary at this time (regardless of who or what position was
held) (It most certainly would be "NO')
P.S: My suggestion would be, if an increase is provided, than all the money that is being wasted on
Non-essential projects for everyday living: such as walkways in various areas, parks, moving or
changing streets, etc. be stopped immediately. Use part of that money for the salary increase.
Use the balance of that money for the essentials required for everyday living. There is too much
money spent on projects that are not required for survival. Is it more important to beautify the
town, or have food on tables for citizens?
It most certainly would be a Welcome Relief if people in town government, for a
change, Use Their Heads Instead Of Their Eyes. Think of people trying to survive in
this economy, not beauty.
Peg Pratt