HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-29 Board of Selectmen PacketTown of Reading Mission
The Town of Reading strives for excellence in all
its services from education to government -
and seeks to enhance and enrich the social,
intellectual, and leisure life of the community.
Municipal Government
In support of the Town of Reading Mission,
Reading Municipal Government will:
® help residents identify with their community
by supporting volunteerism and civic
® create opportunities for public discourse
about community issues and encourage
citizen participation in planning and
® commit itself to community-responsive
services that incorporate best practices and
a strong orientation to customer service
® support open and transparent, government
with convenient avenues for communication
and access
® enhance the integrity and livability of its
many fine neighborhoods by supporting
community initiatives for preservation and
® uphold the character of Reading by actively
encouraging efforts to document and
preserve the history of the community, its
historic buildings and areas, and prized
open spaces.
® embrace diversity by striving to provide
varied housing choices and diversifying the
municipal workforce by recruiting, hiring, and
promoting persons of all backgrounds and
® enhance the social, civic, and intellectual life
of residents by offering a broad range of
services and programs
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Integrity and Transparency
® Reading municipal government and its
employees and officials will be guided by the
highest standards of ethics and integrity.
® Municipal business will be conducted in an
open manner with opportunities for public
discussion and input into decisions.
® The community will be kept informed with
open communication.
® All official business will be conducted in a
civil, professional, and mutually respectful
,*Excellence will be the standard for all
municipal services, with continuous review
and evaluation of best practices,
incorporating new methods and
technologies, striving for efficiency and cost
® Reading municipal government will, make
decisions based on careful planning
consistent with town-wide goals.
® Municipal government will encourage
diversity and respect for differences in the
conduct of its business and in recruiting and
hiring personnel and in providing enrichment
opportunities for the community.
The following are values that the community
holds in high regards:
® Social, Environmental, and Financial
® Tolerance, Civility and Cultural Diversity
® Volunteerism and Civic Engagement
® Historic Preservation and Open Space
® Recreational, Cultural, and Educational
Establishing a pilot program related to
the appointment of volunteers to Town of Reading BCC
The Board of Selectmen hereby implements the following process as a pilot process in order to
address the following 2 issues related to the Board of Selectmen consideration of and appointment to
the various Boards, Committees, and Commissions (BCC) of the Town of Reading:
1. The amount of time taken by the Board of Selectmen and volunteers for this process seems
extraordinary and not necessarily productive
2. The depth of interviews given time constraints does not allow the Board of Selectmen to do a
thorough job of interviewing.
The pilot process will be as follows:
1. Continue the paperwork process of asking incumbents whether or not they wish to be
considered for reappointment
2. Continue the process of application by potential new applicants for BCC's
3. Have the Board of Selectmen appoint a two member Volunteer Appointment Sub-Committee
(VASC) at the time that Board of Selectmen liaison assignments are established. No member
will serve on the VASC for two consecutive terms.
4. Have the VASC schedule meetings to interview all potential BCC members, including any
incumbents that wish an interview, and any incumbents that the Board of Selectmen or the
VASC wishes to interview. This process will be used for the "annual" appointment process as
well as any appointments that come up during the year. The meetings of the VASC will be
posted and open to the public.
5. The VASC would then inform all candidates for appointment or reappointment of the slate of
candidates for each BCC that would be recommended to the full Board of Selectmen.
6. The VASC would transmit a slate of candidates for each BCC to the entire Board of
Selectmen along with a list of all candidates who had applied for each BCC. A copy of the
application form and/or resume for any new candidate would also be provided to the entire
Board of Selectmen.
7. In early June, the slate would be presented to the Board of Selectmen as a "consent" item on.
the agenda. Any member of the Board of Selectmen could ask for any BCC to be removed
from the consent item for consideration by the full Board of Selectmen. Any candidate for a
position to a BCC could also ask the Board of Selectmen to consider the BCC for which they
applied to be removed from the consent item for consideration by the full Board of Selectmen.
The consent item with any remaining BCC appointments would then be considered and voted
in its entirety.
8. Any BCC appointments pulled from the consent item would then be scheduled for interview
during succeeding Board of Selectmen meetings in June, and the appointment process to that
BCC would be the same process as current.
9. This pilot program will be in effect through June 30, 2010, and will be evaluated by the Board
of Selectmen no later than August 31, 2010 to determine whether it should be modified and
Adopted 84-09
Operating Procedures for
Boards, Committees, Commissions, and Task Forces
Town of Reading, Massachusetts
The following are operating procedures for all Boards, Committees, Commissions and Task Forces
("bodies") of the Town of Reading. These guidelines are meant to assist you in your work, and to ensure that the
operation of the "body" meets the requirements of State and Town law and practice.
➢ The "body" on which you serve is a legally constituted body of the Town of Reading. All Open Public
Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest Law, and other regulations apply to all members of the body. Training on
Ethics and Conflict of Interest law is available each fall, and all members of every "body" are required to take
the training in order to be covered by the Town's indemnification.
➢ All Town "bodies" fit into an operating Department for organizational and support purposes: All
Departments have a Department Head who will usually be your main contact.
➢ Each "body" of the Town appointed by the Board of Selectmen has a member of the Board of Selectmen as a
liaison. This liaison may change annually as the Board of Selectmen reorganizes. The liaison should be
copied on agendas, and is available upon request to discuss any matters that the "body" needs to discuss with
the liaison. Selectmen liaison members may also periodically attend meetings of each of the "bodies" that
they are liaison to, but time demands do not allow them to always do so.
➢ Staff assistance will be provided to each "body" to the extent that is possible. Recording Secretaries are not
available except in very unusual situations. Unless staff assistance is permanently assigned to a "body",
requests for staff assistance must go through the Town Manager. Generally, staff members are not assigned
to be members of Town "bodies", in order to keep the appropriate separation between policy roles and
administrative roles.
➢ As an organization it is the Town's belief that volunteers deserve the maximum support that the Town can
give them, including having the information they need to conduct their business in a timely manner. The
Town will assist with photocopying and mailing.
➢ Assistance from specialists outside of your Department, such as legal counsel and financial advisors,' are
available upon request through the Town Manager. The RMLD provides legal counsel and financial advisors
for the Reading Municipal Light Board and the CAB.
➢ Before participating as a member of the "body", you must be appointed in the manner determined by the
document that establishes the "body", (usually by the Board of Selectmen) and you must be sworn in by the
Town Clerk.
➢ All meetings must be open to the public, and are required to be posted publicly through the Town Cleric's
office at least 48 hours before the meeting, not including Sundays and legal holidays. Your Staff liaison (if
any) will assist you in doing this posting, or the Office Manager in the Town Manager's office will take care
of this task (942-9043). If the meeting has not been posted, you may not meet, even "informally" or in a
"work session".
In posting a meeting on standard fonms, the meeting place will be determined by staff, based on availability of
space. All meetings must take place in a public place - usually Town Hall. You may not change the meeting
place unless the meeting has been re-posted to a new location at least 48 hours before the meeting, not
including Sundays and legal holidays.
August 5, 2009
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➢ Discussion of business being considered by a "body" must be in public session of the "body": Telephone
meetings or email meetings or discussion of the business of the "body" by a majority of its members is not
permitted. Dissemination of information to members of a body via mail, email or otherwise is permitted, as
long as a copy of that information is made available to the public at the next meeting of the body. Often
including a list of such materials on the agenda.of the meeting is helpful in letting the public know that such a
document exists.
A Meetings are not permitted on election days (where there is an election in this Town), during Town Meeting
(you must adjourn no later than 1:25 PM), on legal holidays, and during certain religious holidays as
determined by the Town Manager.
➢ You must provide minutes. Minutes must, at a minimum, state the date, time, and place of the meeting; who
was present and spoke, and must record the actions taken including the vote. Draft minutes are a public
record, and generally minutes from one meeting should be available for approval by the body at their next
meeting. The original and 1 copy of all minutes is to be sent to the Town Clerk's office once approved. They
will keep the official and permanent file of the minutes, and send the copy to the Reading Public Library as
required by Charter.
A A quorum of the meeting is a majority of the members of the "body" (i.e. the full authorized membership). If
there is not a quorum present, the meeting cannot take place. The only action that can betaken taken is
➢ Actions of the "body" will be effective only if a majority of the full authorized membership votes in the
affirmative. For example, if a 9 member "body" has 6 members present, 5 affirmative votes are required to
pass any action. (by State statute the Zoning Board of Appeals requires a unanimous affirmative vote on most
➢ Voting must be done by roll call or by a show of hands -just voice votes are not permitted.
A In general there will not be a need for an executive session. If the "body" anticipates discussing somethhzg
that it feels will need to be discussed in Executive Session, please contact the Town Manager in advance to
review the need and procedures. (For the RMLB and CAB, contact the General Manager).
A Each "body" must select a chairman who will be responsible for running the meetings and developing an
agenda. Additionally a vice-chairman may be selected, and someone will need to be designated to take
A No "body" has authority to expend funds unless it has been specifically authorized to do so. If you're not
sure, you probably are not authorized to expend money. To the extent that there is a need for funding, you
should discuss this need with the Department Head, and then the Town Manager. (For the RMLB and the
CAB, see the General Manager.)
➢ Pursuant to Selectmen's policy, no "body" is authorized to solicit or accept gifts unless specifically cleared
through the Town Manager.
➢ Various "bodies" may have their own operating guidelines or "bylaws", and this is permissible so long as the
operating guidelines or "bylaws" do not conflict with these procedures or any provision of State Law, Town
Bylaws, or the Charter.
➢ Each "body" is accountable to its appointing authority, and reports should be made on either a specific or a
periodic basis to the appointing authority. If the appointing authority is the Board of Selectmen, the report
may be scheduled through the Town Manager. Additionally, annual reports of all bodies are required.
August 5, 2009
➢ The press may cover meetings of Town "bodies". All information available at the meeting is available to the
press. Press releases on other than routine matters should be cleared with the Town Manager in advance.
(RMLD press releases are cleared through the General Manager).
Note - the Reading Municipal Light Department has somewhat separate governance from parts of Town government,
although most of these guidelines still apply. The RMLD provides its own staff support to Boards, Committees and
Commissions; provides legal assistance as required through the General Manager; and clears press releases through
the General Manager.
I hope these procedures help you in your work as a Town of Reading volunteer. If there's anything that
hasn't been covered, or if there's any assistance you need, please don't hesitate to ask.
Peter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
Amended 1-28-99
Amended 7-11-00
Amended 8-29-01
Amended 8-1-03
Amended 5-17-06
August 5, 2009
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Code of Conduct
Every member of every Board, Committee, or Commission (B/C/C) who has been
appointed by the Reading Board of Selectmen to that position is expected to comply with
the following Code of Conduct.
• Realize that his or her function is to follow the mission statement of the B/C/C.
• Realize that he or she is one of a team and without stifling free speech, each member
should abide by all decisions of the B/C/C once they are made.
• Be well informed concerning the duties and responsibilities,of the B/C/C.
• Remember that he or she represents the entire community at all times.
• Accepting the role of a B/C/C member is a means of unselfish service, not to benefit
personally or politically from his or her B/C/C activities.
Laws and Regulations Governing Action
• Abide by the ethics guidelines established by the State.
• Abide by all applicable state statutes and General Laws, Reading Home Rule Charter, Town
Bylaws, and all applicable policies established by the Board of Selectmen, especially the
email communications policy.
Decision Making
• Request assistance from Town staff or consultants only through the staff person assigned to
the B/C/C. If no staff person is assigned, go through the Town Manager.
• Not make statements or promises of how he or she will vote on matters that will come before
the B/C/C until he or she has had an opportunity to hear the pros and cons of the issue
during a public meeting of the B/C/C.
• Make decisions only after all facts on a question have been presented and discussed.
• Refrain from communicating the position of the B/C/C (as opposed to the member's
personal position) to reporters or state officials unless the full B/C/C has previously agreed
on both the position and the language of the position conveying the statement.
Treatment of Public, Staff, and Other Members
• Treat with respect all members of the B/C/C, all applicants to come before the B/C/C, and all
staff and consultants working with the B/C/C, despite differences of opinion. Concerns
about staff performance should only be made to the Town Manager or the Board of
Selectmen liaison to the B/C/C through private conversation.
• Insure that any materials or information provided to a B/C/C member from Town staff should
be made available to all B/C/C members.
• If circumstances change so that meeting attendance on a regular basis becomes difficult,
the B/C/C member will offer his or her resignation to the Board of Selectmen, so that
someone who can regularly attend meetings can be appointed by the Board.
If a B/C/C member's conduct is inconsistent with this code of conduct, the Board of Selectmen
will determine whether action needs to be taken. Action may include:
• a discussion with the Chairman of the BCC and/or the Board of Selectmen liaison to try to
address the conduct;
• Consideration by the Board of Selectmen relative to reappointment when that consideration
comes before the Board of Selectmen.
Adopted by the Board of Selectmen 619109
Board of Selectmen Meeting
July 31, 2006
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which
the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which
any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James
Bonazoli, Secretary Stephen Goldy, Selectman Camille .Anthony, Town Manager Peter
Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur, Town Counsel Judy
Pickett and DPW Director Ted McIntire.
Discussion/Action Items
Approval of Consent Order - MWRA Buy-In - The Town Manager presented the proposed
Administrative Consent Order addressing the Town's purchase of MWRA water. He reviewed
the Water Supply Update dated July 31, 2006.
The Board asked several' questions including whether or not it would have an impact on the
current year's water budget, and the effective date as listed in the MWRA commitment letter
from Mr. Laskey, etc.
All questions having been answered, on motion by Goldy seconded by Anthony, the Board of
Selectmen pursuant to Section 5-2(a)(g of the Town of Reading's Home Rule Charter
voted to accept the provisions of the Administrative Consent Order (ACO) NE - 06-F001,
and authorize the Town Manager to sign the Administrative Consent Order on behalf of
the Town of Readin! by a vote of 4-0-0.
Appointment of Animal Control Appeals Committee -.The Town Manager asked the Board to
establish an interim Animal Control Appeals Committee pursuant to the Animal Control Bylaw.
The Board had questions about the definition of employee and deferred action on this matter
until their meeting on August 8, 2006. The Town Manager indicated that there will probably be
an appeal for the Committee to hear.
The Town Manager presented the Board with two letters of support for grant applications to the
Climate Change Program. One was for 34 trees on south Main Street, and the other was for the
cost difference between a hybrid vehicle and a conventional passenger vehicle for the
Department of Public Works Engineering Division. The Board endorsed both and the Chairman
signed the letters, It was asked whether the trees for Main Street need to be on Main Street or
'can be at other locations. The Town Manager noted that this was part of the Master Plan for
Downtown and extending the improvements on Main Street, and it really needed to be for Main
Street. .
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Board of Selectmen Meeting=JJuly 31, 2006 - Page 2
Additional information regarding the artificial turf fields and needing to remove the trees had
been requested from Phil Vaccaro. The Town Manager suggested that additional trees to be
planted might be planted elsewhere on the High School campus and when the Board does its site
walk in September, they can look at potential locations.
On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony, the Board voted to adiourn the meeting of
July 31, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. by a vote of 4-0-0:
Respectfully submitted,
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Chairman Ben Tafoya email: btafoya@ci.reading.ma.us
Community Planning & Development Commission ✓ MAPC
Historical Commission
Board of Health
Library Department
Cultural Council
Vice Chairman James Bonazoli email: jbonazoli@ci.reading.ma.us
Economic Development Committee
Trails Committee
Department of Public Works
Board of Cemetery Trustees
Town Forest Committee
Recreation Committee
Downtown Steering Committee
Secretary Camille Anthony email: canthony@ci.reading.ma.us
Accounting Department
Cities for Climate Protection Program Committee
Economic Development Committee
Trust Fund Commissioners
Department of Public Safety
Human Relations Advisory Committee
Police Department
Fire Department
Selectman Stephen Goldy email: sgoldy@ci.reading.ma.us
Council on Aging / Mystic Valley Elder Services
Board of Registrars
Board of Assessors
Reading Telecommunications & Technology Advisory Committee (T-TAC)
Finance Committee
Land Bank Committee
School Department
Selectman Richard Schubert email: rschubert@ci.reading.ma.us
Board of Appeals
Conservation Commission
Housing Authority
Reading Municipal Light Department
(Please print)
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