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2005-11-15 Board of Selectmen Handout
TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, November 15, 2005 • Line striping issue - Walnut Street and South Street • Paving complete - Berkley, Gleason, Greenwood • Pavement to be complete by the end of the week - Summer and Willow • Curbs are installed on Melbourne • Toys for Tots. program • Chairman needs to sign off on MSBA form • Town Meeting may be complete on Thursday. • Last Flu Clinic Wednesday, November 16 at Parker Middle School - 5 to 7 PM - we have an adequate supply of flu vaccine 'The Garden Club's Memory Tree program is on December 4, and they have requested a member of the Board of Selectmen to participate. • Court case re Beacon Street 40 B project - the ZBA approval of the project is affirmed after5 years of legal action. • We have received and staff is evaluating additional information including legislation that appears to authorize storm water management enterprise funds • MWRA decision on Reading's application for supplemental water - November 16. November 17, 2005 - TOWN MEETING November 21, 2005 - TOWN MEETING November 22, 2005 7:00 Review action status reports - 7:30 Toys for Tots presentation - Beck ( 7:25 Continued 4 way stop - Mt Vernon and Bancroft, and No Parking Hearing east side of Bancroft from Mt. Vernon to Woburn 8:00 Stop intersection - Louanis at Avalon, and Avalon NB at Hearing Louanis 8:15 No parking north side of Edgmont Road between Stewart and West Streets; one way on Edgmont Road Hearing Southbound from Stewart to West Street 8:30 Hearing Heavy Vehicle Exclusion on "original" Sanborn Lane. 9:00 Hearing ( Parking regulations - Roma Lane and Sunset Rock Lane 9:30 Establish Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Hearing Change 9:45 (1) Liquor License Renewals I 10:00 Town Manager's evaluation November 28, 2005 - TOWN MEETING November 29, 2005 Water Supply discussion December 6,. 2005 7:00 OFFICE HOURS - James Bonazoli 6:30 Highlights ) DPW - re Rubbish collection, Disposal, bidding 7:30 SWAC re recycling and DPW re bidding of Rubbish/recycling 7:50 Hearing 24 hour operation of WBD Shell Station 8:30 Request for Automatic Amusement devices - Hearing Fuddruckers 8:45 Approval of licenses December 7, 2005 - Financial Forum 1 7:30 1 December 13, 2005 - BOS Forum December 20, 2005 7:00 Review action status reports 7:30 Report from Hospital Development Committee Extension/appointment of Hospital Development Committee Review potential acquisition of land - north Main Street Consideration of a band stand at Town Hall as part of Downtown Improvements Process for consideration of sale of land - Oakland Road Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:15 PM To: Anthony, Camille (W); Bonazoli, James; Schubert, Rick; Schubert, Rick; Tafoya, Ben Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Jordan's Imax Opening From: Cormier, Jim Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:07 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Jordan's Imax Opening Peter, In response to the Comcast IMAX 3D Theater request to open on Christmas Day, December 25, 2005. 1 don't see a public safety impact and therefore would recommend allowing the Theater to open. I have spoken to Police Chiefs in other communities who have theaters that are open on Christmas Day and have had no issues with this occuring. I think that the proximity of the theater to the highway and not being located in a residential area suggest a minimal impact on the residents of the community. Chief James W. Cormier Reading Police Department 15 Union St. Reading, MA 01867 781-944-1212 D 11/14/2005 LATHAM LATHAM & LAMOND~ P.C. 643 MAIN STREET READING, MASSACHUSETTS 01867-3096 W W W. LLLLAW. C O M KENNETH C. LATHAM (1939-1996) 0. BRADLEY LATHAM* JOHN T. LAMOND SHEILAH GRIFFIN-REICHARDT JOSHUA E. LATHAM CHRISTOPHER M. O. LATHAM *ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN MASSACHUSETTS & NEW HAMPSHIRE Board of Selectmen Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA Re: WS Development Traffic Study TELEPHONE: (781) 944-0505 FAX: (781) 944-7079 November 14, 2005 We understand that the purpose of the November 15'l' Selectmen's meeting with the Town's traffic consultant is for the Selectmen to receive a report from that consultant. We further understand that the Selectmen are not looking for a presentation from others at that time. Recognizing those facts and respecting such wishes, we do have one request. Considering the extensive refinements that have been made to proposed traffic improvement plans since the earlier version was presented to the Selectmen this summer, WS Development respectfully requests that an appropriate representative for WS Development be permitted to answer questions and provide constructive comments when recognized by the Board at the meeting. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, V-.4 CD r atham 4i: eau a~ Page 1 of 1 Hechenblefter Peter ` C From: Camille Anthony [canthony@ftmc.net] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 12:49 PM To: 'Janet R. Smargon'; Reading - Selectmen Subject: RE: Water Treatment Dilema Elaine and Doug: We are going to be discussing the whole issue of whether to build a water treatment plant or apply for MWRA in the near future. Stay posted. Camille Anthony -----Original Message----- From: Janet R. Smargon [mailto:jrsmargon@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 6:25 PM To: selectmen@ci.reading. ma. us Subject: Water Treatment Dilema Dear Board of Selectman, Last Tuesday night, my husband and I watched your meeting with the update from the "Water Rats" and the presentation by Mr. McIntire, and Mr. Lal-echur. We feel strongly that the possibility of locating a new water treatment facility at the "old compost site" must be reconsidered. We feel that closing the current compost and going to curbside will be more costly in the long run and will not serve the community as a whole. If you would like to discus this matter further with either of us, please call us at home. We appreciate your time and thorough consideration of this important matter. Sincerely, Elaine and Douglass Webb 781 944-1817 b 11/14/2005 Traffic jamming IKEA's neighbors - The Boston Globe Page 1 of 4 Soonsored Links Solid Wood Furniture #1 Unfinished Furniture Brookline Homes for S solid wood historical reproductions Unfinished Furniture Store. Large Free Pictorial and Prices Amish Shaker Mission Country styles Selection and Free Shipping) homes in Brookline, MA & N, AmericanAcc l!.d- rniture wwwA unfinishedfurniture.com www.c2ltho.com Home I News l A&E Business Sports Travel Your Life Cars Jobs Personals Real Estate Sign In i Today's Globe Opinion Magazine Education Science NECN Special reports Obituaries I HOME > NEWS > LOCAL > r!ASS. ADVERTISE t i 4 , ~i3CF~®f~i'fl®®Gim®©~ `L tq~p~xyy~[ ~1 s r l It r~ (m V ..~I~?'s4Pt I L{~•. ~ ~ Kty y.1 jn,^ . ~11~. ~ ',F * i YAN Y 1 pfr.J/ ~ A Stoughton police officer guided shoppers' cars inching toward the new IKEA store yesterday. (Justine Hunt / Globe Staff) Traffic jamming IKEA's neighbors lT~IC'A~t1r1QCl ~1pJJC Store's opening locks area roads By Michael Levenson, Globe Correspondent I November 14, 2005 STOUGHTON For most of New England, the opening of an IKEA store here last week meant the arrival of copious amounts of blond wood furniture. At long last, the Swedish retail giant had brought its tables and chairs with names like Bolso and Enkoping to the Bay State. But for some residents on the streets surrounding the ARTICLE TOOLS megastore, the grand opening has not been cause for 8 PRINTER FRIENDLY celebration. In a few short days, neighbors such as Ken Ward E SINGLE PAGE have watched in horror as their quiet community has been turned into a parking lot and feeder road for hordes of 0 E-MAIL TO A FRIEND consumers bent on sprucing up their homes. EEO MASS. RSS FEED 0 MOST E-MAILED Pleasant Street, where Ward lives, has been packed with cars hauling shrink-wrapped end tables and lamps. He put a MORE: wooden sawhorse on his front lawn to prevent cars from Globe City/Region stories turning in his yard to head to the store, which is about a mile Latest local news away, hard by the Avon border. Deep tire marks in the grass show the blockade has proved ineffective. "Makes you think, you know, is it time to sell what you got and get out of here?" said Ward, 60, a truck driver who has lived in his modest white house for eight years. "Before, it was a nice little neighborhood down here, with people and quiet. Now, i http://www.boston.coml'iiewsllocallmassachusetts/articles/2005/ 11/14ltrafficJj amming_ik... 11/14/2005 Traffic jamming IKEA'S neighbors - The Boston Globe somebody just opened the floodgates on us." Ward's grandson, Sal Williams, 10, looked down from high in a tree he had climbed and voiced his opinion of the 346,000-square-foot behemoth, which offers 10,000 exclusively designed home furnishings and an in-store cafeteria serving Swedish meatballs and 99-cent breakfasts. "I think it should go," Williams said. Town officials say IKEA has been a blessing with a few downsides for Stoughton, a working-class community of 27,000 located 20 miles south of Boston. IKEA officials could not be reached for comment yesterday. At the store's grand opening Wednesday, selectmen and store managers celebrated the arrival of 500 new jobs and an estimated $1 million a year in tax revenue for the town. "I think it's a good thing," said John J. Kowalczyk, chairman of the Stoughton Board of Selectmen, who attended the gala opening, which drew an estimated 20,000 shoppers, some from as far away as Atlanta. "The town is growing and you need to fund and maintain the services that are necessary." Planning for the opening started months ago, he said, and involved IKEA officials, Avon and Stoughton police, and State Police. The town built a new road, IKEA Way, to bring traffic exiting the store to Route 24. IKEA sits in a shopping park near a Jordan's Furniture, a Christmas Tree Shop, and other big retailers. A high-volume BJ's Wholesale Club is nearby, in its own plaza. Continued.... 1 2 Next ► Ads by Google Solid Wood Furniture solid wood historical reproductions Amish Shaker Mission Country styles AmericanAccentsFu rnitu re #1 Unfinished Furniture Unfinished Furniture Store. Large Selection and Free Shipping! www.lunfinishedfurniture.com Ikea Furniture Great deals on Ikea Furniture Shop on eBay and Save! www.eBay.com MORE: Globe City/Region stories I Latest local_ news I Globe front page Boston.com SIGN UP FOR: Globe Headlines e-mail I Breaki_n_g_News Alerts what's this? Page 2 of 4 http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/11/14/traffic *ammmg_ik... 11/14/2005 FW: Municipal Stormwater Mgt. Financing Seminar Registration- Dec. 8 - Westford MA Page 1 of 2 Hechenblefter, Peter From: Eisenberg, Bethany [BEisenberg@VHB.com] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 4:07 PM To: Reilly, Chris; Engineering; Fink, Fran; Johnson, Cheryl; Finance; Town Manager; Public Works; Planning Subject: FW: Municipal Stormwater Mgt. Financing Seminar Registration- Dec. 8 - Westford MA Dear Reading Officials, I saw the article in the Globe describing your efforts to set up a stormwater fee. Just to let you know that last year a Bill was passed here in Massachusetts (Sponsored by Representative Ann Paulsen) to amend wording in the legislation to allow Municipalities to charge an equitable fee for stormwater management. The information is in Chapter 149 Sections 135-140 of the Acts of 2004. 1 have excerpted this section (only) from the acts of 2004 for your use if you do not already have it. This new wording was enacted specifically for the purpose of allowing Municipalities to charge a fee for stormwater management as a result of the EPAs increased requirements. It came up during the Chicopee project that the legislation did not specifically support stormwater management fees. It does now. Below you will find a link to our upcoming VHB/AMEC Stormwater Utility Seminar Registration Flyer. The seminar will be held in Westford Massachusetts on December 8, 2005. The purpose of this seminar is to introduce municipalities to the possibility of setting up stormwater utilities to cover their Stormwater Management costs. National Stormwater Utlility Expert Andy Reese will presenting. CEUs Available Registration and Agenda Link: http://www.vhb..com/stormwaterseminar/register.htm Thank you Bethany Eisenberg - Project Manager - Stormwater Specialist Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. Watertown Massachustts beisenberq@vhb.com 617-924-1770 This communication is confidential and intended only for the recipient(s).. Any other use, dissemination, copying, or disclosure of this communication 11/14/2005 Massachusetts Stormwater Management - Amendment of 2004 Chapter 149 of the Acts of 2004 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2005 FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, INSTITUTIONS AND CERTAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMONWEALTH, FOR INTEREST, SINKING FUND AND SERIAL BOND REQUIREMENTS AND FOR CERTAIN PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is immediately to make appropriations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, and to make certain changes in law, each of which is immediately necessary or appropriate to effectuate said appropriations or for other important public purposes, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 135. Section I of chapter 83 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "drainage", in line 6, the following words:- , stormwater treatment and disposal. SECTION 136. The first paragraph of said section 1 of said chapter 83, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the second sentence the following sentence:- The works for drainage may include a stormwater treatment facility or measure of treating, or removing sediment or contaminants from, stormwater discharges. SECTION 137. Said first paragraph of said section 1 of said chapter 83, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by adding the following sentence:- For the purposes of this chapter, the word 'stormwater' shall mean surface runoff from precipitation. CADocuments and Settings\phechenbleikner.TOWN\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI AB\Massachusetts Stormwater (9 Management Bill.doc SECTION 138. Section 10 of said chapter 83, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the first sentence the following sentence:- A city, town, sewer district, or a district established for the purpose of managing stormwater, pursuant to section IA of chapter 40, may from time to time prescribe rules and regulations for the use of main drains and the management of stormwater to prevent the discharge of sediment and pollutants therein which may tend to degrade wetlands, streams, other surface water bodies, and groundwater and to inspect the facilities for the collection and infiltration of stormwater in order to reduce flooding and improve the quality of and decrease the quantity of stonnwater runoff; for the connection of estates and buildings with main drains; for the construction, alteration, and use of all connections entering into such main drains; and for the inspection of all materials used therein; and may prescribe civil penalties, not exceeding $5,000 for each day of violation of a rule or regulation. SECTION 139. Section 16 of said chapter 83, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "sewers", in line 3, the following words:- and main drains and related stormwater facilities. SECTION 140. Said section 16 of said chapter 83, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by adding the following 3 sentences:- In establishing quarterly or annual charges for the use of main drains and related stormwater facilities, the city, town, or district may either charge a uniform fee for residential properties and a separate uniform fee for commercial properties or establish an annual charge based upon a uniform unit method; but, the charge shall be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. The annual charge shall be calculated to supplement other available funds as may be necessary to plan, construct, operate and maintain stormwater facilities and to conduct stormwater programs. The city, town or district may grant credits against the amount of the quarterly or annual charge to those property owners who maintain on-site functioning retention/detention basins or other filtration structures as approved by the stormwater utility, conservation commission, or other governmental entity with appropriate authority. CADocuments and Settings\phechenbleikner.TOWN\L,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet FileAOLKIAB\Massacbusetts Stormwater Management Bill.doc Financing Stormwater Management Stormwater Utilities A stormwater utility could be the answer to your funding needs. VHB, and the team from AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc. are here to assist you. AMEC and VHB have been active supporters of the recently passed Massachusetts bill that allows municipalities to set up stormwa- ter utilities. The VHB/AMEC team can work directly with your commu- nity to determine if a stormwater utility is an appropriate choice. Stormwater Funding If it is determined a utility is not the best option for your community, the team can assist you in developing a customized stormwater financial plan. AMEC & The City of South Burlington: A Successful Community Process In 2003, the City of South Burlington, Vermont formed a citizen's group to assess the City's stormwater-management program and provide recommendations for improvement. This assessment, called a funding feasibility study, followed an orderly process that included six meetings and examined the City's current stormwater program and problems, needs and issues, its program service levels, future program changes needed to address issues, and current and needed funding levels. Recommendations included a five-year program plan dealing with wa- ter quality maintenance and capital needs, as well as staffing issues. Additionally, the group recommended funding of the future stormwater program be centered around a stormwater user fee, also called a utility. On the basis of council approval of the citizens' recommendations, the following work was completed: • A detailed program plan and cost-of-service study filling out the citi- zen and staff recommendations from the feasibility study; • Development of a rate structure analysis and rate study, including the formulation of policies concerning credits, billing mechanisms, rate methodology and other ancillary policies; • Development of the utility's master account file and calculation of customer fees based on the rate determined via this rate study; and • Development and implementation of a public and council awareness and education campaign. The first bill of the South Burlington Stormwater Utility was mailed in July 2005. { I amec f For more information contact: Scott Stoodley AMEC Earth FT Environmental 239 Littleton Road, Suite 1B Westford, MAO] 886 978.692.9090 scott.stoodleyC amec.coin www.arnec.com l.% PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N IS SUPPLEMENTAL. TRAFFIC STUDY November 2005 UPDATES INITIAL `TRAFFIC STUDY' dated AUGUST 2005 Redevelopment of the Addison-Wesley Office Park One Jacob Way, Reading, MA Prepared for. W/S Development Associates LLC 1330 Boylston Street Chestnut Hill, MA. Prepared by. Edwards and Kelcey 343 Congress Street Boston, MA 02110 II PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G OVERVIEW OF `SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC REPORT' This Supmlemental Traffic Reoort (dated November 2005) is the follow up document to the Traffic Report (dated August 2005) previously submitted to the Town of Reading in support of the proposed redevelopment of Addison Wesley. The Town's appointed peer reviewer for traffic, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI), carefully reviewed and commented on the proponent's initial traffic analysis and recommendations, prepared by Edwards & Kelcey (E&K). Then over several months, GPI and E&K worked through several rounds of analysis, comment, response, and recommendation. The result of this professional traffic engineering effort is that several new improvements have been incorporated into the traffic solution for the key intersection at Main and South Streets. Significantly, the key traffic intersection of Main Street and South Street has not only been proven to work well, but has been improved. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 2 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G CONTENTS This supplemental report details key improvements to the originally proposed configuration, as detailed in the original "Traffic Study' dated August 2005, as follows: Part A: Improvements A-1. "Protected only" phasing for northbound Main Street A-2. Expansion of the 1-95 southbound on-ramp to two lanes A-3. Elimination of the South Street eastbound thru movement A-4. Improvement in operational safety of southbound left-turn at Main & South Streets These improvements have been fully integrated into the proposed traffic solution, including roadway layout and operational aspects of the intersection. Part B: Clarifications In addition to the improvements, several points of clarification were addressed: B-1. Review of exiting queues within A-W driveway B-2. Turning movements in computer simulation model B-3. Review and approval by MEPA and MassHighway PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 3 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G CONCLUSIONS OF THE `SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC REPORT' The purpose of the traffic study conducted by professional traffic engineers was to determine with certainty how the intersection can support increased traffic from the Addison Wesley property, while simultaneously improving traffic flow for existing traffic. As a result of lengthy and detailed traffic engineering study, including valuable peer review, the intersection has been proven to work. The proponent's traffic solution should be viewed as a major improvement to the Town's road infrastructure at its key `southern gateway'. Key benefits resulting from this proposed upgrade of the intersection include: • accommodation of the pre-existing through traffic on Main and South Street. • support of all new traffic flow generated by the redevelopment project ® significant improvement in LOS (level-of-service) in several key ways • significant improvement in operational safety The redevelopment of Addison Wesley as a retail lifestyle center includes all costs of design, permitting and construction to make all improvements as outlined in this Supplemental Traffic Report. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 4 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G A-1: "Protected only" Dhasina for northbound Main Street Review comment: • Provide protected phasing for northbound left turns. Resolution: Refer to Figure '1' and Table `1' • Revised northbound approach by widening Main Street to a four- lane cross section to accommodate two exclusive left turn lanes and two other lanes; one for through vehicles and one shared lane for through and right turners (previously a 3-lane section). • In tandem with the new travel lane northbound on Main Street, traffic signal phasing is modified to provide an improved operation with protective left turn phasing. Results: The combined effect of providing protected phasing and the additional lane northbound on Main Street results in a slight decrease in delays for the overall intersection, (17.8 seconds to 15.4 seconds) during the pm peak and on Saturday, (27.1 seconds to 25.6 seconds). It should be noted that the delays for the individual movements, within the intersection, vary (higher or lower) slightly. The queues with the new phasing scheme remained very similar to the original scheme with some minor exceptions. During the PM peak hour, the queues for the southbound approach on Main Street decreased slightly (196 feet/per lane to 176 feet/per lane feet), on the South Street, eastbound approach (thru/left) the queues decreased slightly (179 feet to 156 feet) and for all the other movements the queues were approximately the same. On Saturday, the queues on the Main Street, northbound approach decreased significantly (349 feet to 276 feet), on the South Street, eastbound approach (thru/left), the queues decreased slightly (214 feet to 205 feet). A complete summary of the Main Street/ South Street intersection's operating characteristics, based on the "retail " development scenario, is provided in Table '1': LOS Summaries. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 6 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G Benefits: • The LOS and delays for the overall intersection as well as each individual movement within the intersection are improved with the new design. Note about LOS Tables The format of the "LOS Table" presents a comparison of: ➢ August `05 `Traffic Study' (left-hand side of table); to, ➢ November '05 `Supplemental Traffic Study' (right-hand side of table). ...and ➢ Weekday PM peaks (upper portion of table); to, ➢ Saturday PM peaks (lower portion of table). Complete copies of the Synchro analysis is contained in the appendix. i _J PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 7 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G Intersection/ Movement Weekday PM. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St W B LT South St W B TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Weekday Sat: South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St WB LT South St W B TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Table 1: LOS Summaries Original Traff ic Study, Supplemental Traffic Study, August 2005 November, 2005 V/C Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay LOS Queue 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 34.6 C 156 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.77 10.6 B 347 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.38 21.7 C 53 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.20 20.6 C 51 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.56 11.6 B 85 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.38 2.3 A 38 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.84 29.7 C 176 17.8 B 15.4 B 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.90 52.0 D 205 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.51 22.3 C 74 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.23 20.2 B 60 0.87 25.9 C 349 0.85 18.8 B 276 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.32 2.1 A 28 0.95 37.7 D 227 0.94 36.3 D 225 27.1 C 25.6 C PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 8 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N E3 i i I I' II JJ7 I J ADDITION OF -~,TS1 F o NORTHBOUND LANE W/ ZT. (++PROTECTED ONLY" _ PHASING PARK SQUARE AT READING f WMEY „ PROPERTY RTE 128 mil J ^ RTE r, oe dic3 4~~'ye INTERCHANGE 'v AT EXIT 38 . I-95 / RTE 128 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASEol 'TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o3 u= Fhil )RE I Edb7mud-0 "PRO II-X 1,H)()Ni l'" PHASING t"!R <c lI II113CIC1l~ MArN STIM T PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 9 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G A-2: Expand the 1-95 southbound on-ramp from one to two Review comment: • Reduce queue lengths along Main Street in the southbound direction during the PM Peak. Note: queues on Saturday are virtually the same. Resolution: Refer to Figure `1' and Table `1' • Re-stripe the southbound entrance ramp to 1-95 from Main Street to allow two lanes of traffic to enter the ramp. Results: • The Level of service is unchanged and described under section A-1. Benefit: • By allowing the 1-95 southbound on-ramp to be striped as two lanes, the southbound traffic from Main Street flows more efficiently and reduces queue lengths along Main Street in the southbound direction in the PM peak. Queues on Saturday are virtually the same. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 10 November 2005 PARK SgUARE A T R E A D I N G A-3: Eliminate South Street eastbound thru movement Review comment • Traffic operations at the intersection of Main Street and South Street might be improved if the South Street, eastbound through movement were prohibited. Results: Refer to Figure '2' and Table `2' • Overall the intersection's operation remained virtually the same as compared to the updated intersection presented in section A- 1, with the LOS remaining at B in the PM peak and C on Saturday. A comparison between the original study and the supplemental study is shown in Table `2' for both the PM and Saturday peaks. Benefit: • This would have the added benefit of discouraging cut-through traffic destined for the Town of Wakefield to use South Street area neighborhood streets. I l PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 11 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G Weekday PM. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St W B LT South St W B TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Weekday Sat. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St W B LT South St W B TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Table 2: LOS Summaries Original Traffic Study, Supplemental Traffic Study, August 2005 November, 2005 V/C Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay LOS Queue 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 40.3 D 128 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.81 15.1 B 360 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.27 25.1 C 54 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.26 25.1 C 57 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.53 13.6 B 82 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.35 2.7 A 52 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.71 24.5 C 191 17.8 B 15.5 B 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.80 50.4 D 159 0.96 32.7 C 562 1.01 40.8 D 658 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.27 23.7 C 62 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.27 23.7 C 67 0.87 25.9 C 349 0.75 14.4 B 92 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.31 1.6 A 15 0.95 37.7 D 227 0.96 41.5 D 245 27.1 C 27.5 C 1 PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 12 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G t I .cY? PROHIBIT THROUGH ! v~; - MOVEMENT SOUTH STREET EB r , F I- PARK SQUARE AT READING 4 "7 SON WFST,F,V { CONSTRUCT f ' N DELTA ISLAND rv R E 'may i'~ 7 v I19 OFF RAMP ~ RTE 128 a~~'y8 INTERCHANGE AT EXIT 38 I-95 / RTE 128 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE of TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o2 ! TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o3 u- ~ I FI GI RI: 2 1~.1:1'ailNXIT Sol 7111 STRF.Fl' ° h,AS 11Y )UND I I Il l' .MOVEME\T M Al-MB,PR, 2(1.)5 PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 13 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G A- 4: Improve the safetv of southbound left turn at Main and South Street. Review comment: • In concert with the elimination of the South Street eastbound thru traffic, prohibit southbound drivers on Main Street from turning left Resolution: Refer to Figure `3' and Table `3' • The southbound left turn movement on Main Street is very light and could be eliminated to improve the safety and operations of the intersection. This eliminates the driver who today is forced to make a left turn from a shared left/thru lane by waiting for gaps in the opposing thru traffic. Results: • Overall this alternative provides the best operation as compared to both the original intersection provided in the original August Study (17.8 seconds to 15.0 seconds) during the pm peak and on Saturday, (27.1 seconds to 25.1 seconds) as well as the operation described previously under Sections A-1 through A-3 in this supplementary report ( 15.5 seconds to 15.0 seconds) during the pm peak and (27.5 seconds to 25.1 seconds) on Saturday. A comparison between the original study and the supplemental study is shown in Table `3' for both the PM and Saturday peaks. Benefit: • Overall safety and efficiency of this key intersection is greatly improved. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 14 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D 1 N 13 Weekday PM: South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St W B LT South St W B TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Weekday Sat. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St W B LT South St WB TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection Table 3: LOS Summaries Original Traffic Study, Supplemental Traffic Study, August 2005 November, 2005 V/C Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay LOS Queue 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 40.4 D 128 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.79 13.7 B 348 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.27 25.1 C 54 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.26 25.1 C 57 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.51 12.5 B 79 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.35 2.7 A 47 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.68 24.4 C 182 17.8 B 15.0 B 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.80 50.4 D 159 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.99 34.5 C 658 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.27 23.7 C 62 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.27 23.7 C 67 0.87 25.9 C 349 0.72 12.4 B 92 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.31 1.6 A 15 0.95 37.7 D 227 0.95 40.0 D 245 27.1 C 25.1 C PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 15 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G PROHIBIT LEFT TURN SB MAIN STREET - y { b° PARK SQUARE`, l AT READING ~1 = I ! , WESLEY . it PROPERTY .r L ` t . R7IE 128 OFF RAMP RTE 128 IIAN 1 or> ~titie INTERCHANGE g`'M$ AT EXIT 38 I-95 / RTE 128 7 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE of TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o21 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE o3 WOMM S7 ®w FIGI )R1.3 Sr1t'T.I'Z' (W tit )1TI7{lit )I P-a) III-,I R RN' XI 11;1IN,W1)Sol. 71'1tSI10;1,IS N VI: NI111.R.200U PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 16 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G B-1: Analvtical value of computer simulation model Review comment: • Idiosyncrasies of Synchro were observed in several traffic movements. For example, turns entering the real estate office at the South and Jacob Way intersection were atypical in the Synchro model. Explanation: • The traffic model required specific coding to allow left turns into the real estate office. This real estate office is a training facility with limited operation during the critical peaks for the site. The training center operates primarily on a few weekday mornings. It is not expected to generate any traffic entering the site in the PM or Saturday mid-day peaks. Adjustments were made to the computer model to account for a small volume of traffic entering the site and included revised projections. Benefit: While the Synchro computer model does not produce a true `virtual reality' in every aspect, it does serve as an aid in analyzing traffic flows and is a very useful tool in refining traffic operations, especially signalized intersections. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 18 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G B-2: Review of exitina aueues within the Addison-Weslev drivewav Review comment: On Saturday, at the peak hour demand, exiting queues extend back into the A-W driveway. Explanation: • The queue is a function of the signal timing and geometrics of the signalized intersection at Main Street and South Streets. The capacity analysis calculations prepared for this intersection were based on the optimum cycle lengths of 65 seconds. Cycle lengths any shorter than 65 seconds will shorten queues but increase delays to drivers overall. The Synchro model indicated long queues in the driveway, longest in the right-exiting-lane, approaching the signal. Queue calculations performed with Synchro develops queue calculations assuming the intersection operation is operating as an isolated signal. It does not take into account the signal at the South Street/ Jacob Way intersection. The gap between the two j signals provides a means to manage the queue and allow South Street eastbound drivers an opening to enter Jacob's Way approach Main Street. The driveway in & out of the retail center is a four-lane cross section, which extends into the property nearly 1000 feet back from the intersection. The capacity of the driveway is therefore enormous. By its very nature, this type of driveway is designed for stacked vehicles and efficient entering and exiting flows. As a result, forecast queues are easily j accommodated by the driveway and will not adversely impact the operations of the Main Street /South Street intersection. Benefit • The new driveway is designed to accommodate high capacity traffic queues and flow and is functionally integrated into the adjacent street network. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 19 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G B-3: Review & approval by MassHiahway and MEPA Review comment: • The proposed geometric modifications at the intersection of Main Street and South Street as well as the widening on both the 1-95 on and off ramps, would require MassHighway and MEPA approval. Explanation: • The proponent has met with MassHighway and will continue coordination efforts throughout the permitting process. Following the re-zoning of the property to allow retail, the next phase of the project would involve a comprehensive Traff ic Impact and Access Study, based on an expanded study area as established by MEPA, after a scoping session and the preparation of a draft and final Impact reports. Benefit: • The Town of Reading is protected by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' requirements for a fully comprehensive review of traffic engineering. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 20 November 2005 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main SO 1112/2005 Lane Configurations T* ' . 13 -s .s•;r '~iE'~tcu.S ~:(7 . I,:'Sa Van Yt sk ro .:~'......s _sr. ~ f'~~...,'t~n.!u ':...i•.~ sc.._ i~Y7Uh[t y7 ~ ..:_t..~~1. } m_'.ifw. Lane Width 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 ' r14~i ~.f r~~lc'! 7kry y~.~r'i~, li.r* 1 e a luck'` ~^R..4Yi" 4 1 r~'rnow VF`.F m r,^^a3.i ,.>F+, r, c ~a3,. I; T . f s:.n.... ,a,., r..: ~.~-,i-x.-_'?-~,,k k ~;~4~': a~"....s,- ~°a~--,.».. :r_-~ r.r_ •~,rs?,~ ..:s~-'.,,...... _ Lane U#il. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 0.97 0.95 0.61 ,.c,- - -YH r ?r.,',7 .r c;. 'ir ^s y, s'J v'~j "3ie i~N:l''•-c '•s 1. F .....^a~. ~n MA 0O Flt Protected 0.97 1.00 0 95 1 00 0.95 1.00 1.00 ...c' : ^c;8~~a:Y'4 `t•a.cj i,-sG.h~c~'r.~zc'.i:'-i• i~ ...'~,i2'~ S ~ a~>t wrJ`t~3. ' ' ar..,r'".l'•s~~-~rh5xa.-.r.::rnR.-r_- ..av si.h..> ~fi. .:rlc'•.~~N~. Flt Permitted 0.74 1.00 0.51 1.00 0.95 X 1.00 0.91 s-.c-~y-~^.at^" _ twy '"5F?L':~ s='7~f-~k~. 'YJ.'c. ~n2i,`_ ~.'%?''"''~'.,'Sn-,"'w'^'-~~^~` ~ 4 .`.~',at."~~^~.:F:~•`:';'u sx-sp p~ 'nr~-~"~.: _^'~'~'o ~ < r 7x i"' 2'-t~i ~ f~ t~~T'f °K~24 ~'•~r~ `"9 a,.. ;.t- ~ir`Y.~~._.'J~N^~~~,n ~..~~.s'-31~it . ~ ,y ~ ,'~rr~ _ 1.s~'tS,.,. ,c-•r-TT._. _ Volume (vph) 137 56 742 63 65 8 674 812 49 13 730 158 11 5, s ~;~~~r~'[~, ~~~'J~, •1x~~. ~ ~'r~z. ~`~+'~„~~-'"•~-....`~h~.~~.~.,`x.`, ~~.-tk~ 4~.~,~~'~'~',~:n~~.'w.z,.,~3~~,~.~^~~.c~,~,,~ Add Flow (vph) 144 59 781 66 68 8 709 855 52 14 768 166 lrs i•f-{•~ y 27 F ,c•KS;' ?.~:r a!' =^;~,:r. : ;t s 4 -E s 4 5,`•-y, _tF;S~ ar'.e^r-? rcp"w t e-X~.c %x• 'B,F b E• c L~ I ~hrrSr~ , ='a 3c 3 7~?` z.. U& ME "NS Lane Graup Flow (vph) 0 203 776 66 70 0 709 900 0 0 893 0 - "':f-::4L1<"' c`=^"'f.i::r,~~ r :7-".',.'G-,=r' .;,t ,'_,;.'S; . yar,b , r~~~'i;;Rti". ;q _ ::i ;f! • P _ Turn Type Perms ~ pm+ov Perm Prot Perm r~• r~ t ET' S]'''wf'".'~•"'t•nr,.-ae` gr..vr^:r„c'H's`i. .1di=+;:r`^"i9a. .+as ! r ":C~' rx' -T,.-,s~la •i mw -it lr"~'~'#-c'~c'~`~'„r y r -c •[fl., '5,... I .,,...r...~ ti AA ,.CA. s.,. J.s,. ,r.., ..`^4..~ , i.. it Permitted Phases 4 4 8 2 6 1•y~~ Q ,~„.y Y~;~ ,~'jy, .2' 4 F'P+ Ii '71 N dk Gam' ..7'-1' ~Y." 1 'A+~ !'A1LTZ~ .o.u" .It ~.~'~.PY.m ~ L•r .r,r`~4 xl.y ~~~.fr4",'~;.. .}..t_.1',..y.-......"i. ~';r1 p{ Green, g (s) 11 4 34.0 11.4 11.4 22.6 40..6 14.0 Effective E.ynY{S"d~ .nm '"Y SYB _~i-rF' f1 't~~{f{?' Clearance Time (s) 6 0 6 0 6 0 6.0 6 0 6.0 6.0 ^•a t ^rc 'k .A_pa~.f~ r ~ s ~.--.•~.^''-~~.i - ~ ~.u" ~o' racu''~i, r~-'s~~'r .e`~a^3u~ i r , h, .5...-~4':...- ..sr`'r r~ . ti ~K>~.. ~'-'l ~M,."h~rA~ 2. _.__:a~.c._ est .-,?5:,-va._;~ z..,. -"*.c~ ,J•~,3.',-F_3 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 265 1013 176 352 1262 2398 1068 ~p}}FF'' (j .,.r•-_t-.c-. „n 3a, !rte-^-,.r .................'q- r2-'A'C-.3 y f.s k'yg,F'r-5~. .fzT[cAJS fP 6 I r fir.''-'~~r'Cti'-~, 'e~~k+~Htr 1r,+, `L ...9 7rh~i~.. n.e,a• . a sI y I? t r O 20 vls Ratio Perm 0.15 0.20 0.07 G y _ O '•R..~' nT.. Uniform Dela d1 23 0 10 0 21 2 0.5 _ 14.8 4.2 21.9 ,~---r•-.~;r::>a::-~~++,:,,,,~~5 y';:,:~-~..~. J~.~.~.~;" ``7z'..",~~~`"'rFy 'tNONE .i.J~1:!•`~.•d.l 1 a'rx'i).k+ r~ ar-..i>.. Y Y nw ee:ks 5,ni;..~ Y"..f`'.., y . rn a Incremental Delay d2 10 9 3.1 0 5 0.1 1.7 04 7.8 ~i.....~i~~..xL'~:f'=~,..:.. G.7...tiJC~.. :~,...rt...h~t~.: Level of Service C B C C B ^-i 7'-,.-r•s. 7`A _'^y ~-v ? r', ~+l -i.rl'"'~ -~'7 3c'i- G~~ 1 7 `.i""r1~~.,~'7^r xl>~ti ~'~.,'+.'.a F~ J r: r "G ~rE' 't 'yc.. y~ ,]y~ n i h~ rrr-,~'; ~ r>'•.,si.t "y~yG. i 7 r r..n~ MJ y 7 ~3 ~ 7.x`-^r h ~ _ ~ "r r . 4...Vh,3 x~+.....^. ..3.1,: n.-t". r.iS+.r,an+..ul .N. :....J '.._.....,.x'•f ~~",1..~}. ~r::t... ,4 1. d,.r..c.,..r ..1 .r.. ..rt...._t. t Appr-!h Lbp"S", C ~yA ~,r rC y pg 5~ B .~~-`-.~~~f1~~:c3r~G~.~~!t#~>'.~~~F~~ 4 ~'~~~'i~'2~~~'}7~~'s~y I t j~~. .,.Jt.~~?;~i i~. ~`~~+'~'L~"~"'"~"'.1~5` ~ 4~~'~p•4•st".c• ,s~?&r~~~'~"1`LN ~ ~ylit~r'n5~ifav~.~l~n~~~tM y at r ~~r tJ~.>. c F r~_'i a ~ M .}t ~t z~ti'. F~~r~ `Si~YF,.r._t~•r.. - ~a .r.+u'~ti~S'~r~ :r~:., HCM Average Con#rol Delay 15 4 HCM Level of Service B I.Y aa]3r. ^{^i. t / F - .S . { t Lv~i - . D 9. a S S r u'- F Xj. r -6' Y u J y 7 yt t..,•,,. s t T" .rirr :C a-r Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60 0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 1ae.~5i tlti~i y TM r tTo~r1$TVPCt' t ' t ...n-✓[ Analysis Period (mm) 15 • ♦ rx r.~ Brie NEW MEE .r y r. r.r r f f r t Y tt r r r ~"e c'xfrtifP~p r... ._r._1_. r.. r. 1... 5 2010 Build Weekday PM CADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail).sy7 Edwards and Kelcey C ',;A- ~4 1 ' C - € 't' 0 n ~ C ln ' tit Page 1 ~p 1Cr~S3M:~& to?r~t P Queues 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main SO 111212005 ~~5~~~~~~~ as~'~a"~'~~t~~r.~r~~.:~ ~ u~~ v..:", f .;i,~~l.~.,•.a`s~~x'~`•~•t"~Y.c.-', tEn~~>~~. Lane Group Flow (vph) 203 781 66. 76 70.9 907 948 - r*^t>'^rn: u:.. 'rr' 'eN.Y ~ - „a~"w. ~,ei~^ "i'~ "c:.~i Ftr"^F a~%a:'~s; a:{.. 'r_~~ •.'~'-..'c,3a e"`~c.~"'~-=3~~c"-~ws~ •--=+"iM,'c."^. "yr..c ~ i. Kr'.. ~',""•..rn:r.^ •a,.. "v:~;`~"sF`•~ f~'-~:•....~,~~ 1^.+f.^yl e-~]p m:..,+,'S, ra ;Y: ..;:5• _,,Te 3ya, ar s-. ,..-a;,.~e.5i,.<;"-•..-...`i_~_•»:,s.,»~r_.:,s~:•=mar ~:c::~:~:ta:~x'J. mt:: L'k.f~.,.~w_k.:7ei~1i1%yit~:t•`,~7r.-7„~, _...~..3?~sa~,'_~~%^: .v'.^PU~'.'a:1~n._ '~`c~..-.,iTk ~L:a:.mm a:3'mr3=._ _ Control Delay 41.0 12.4 26.7 20.0 12.0 2.3 29.2 _ ..>........r r.., _,:.,.,se:{.-:r~.c-`re'"•:F--iu-" -iPZ?~'• i'" - t^-d"'- _ n _ _ •c:•~'rr.:2 -~:L:•K Total Delay 41.0 12.4 26.7 20A 12.6 2.4 29.2 -..:f:r.^ci"*ti.:..:.ac^'.'-'",.~ _ ••p- e~:c rc~•~~:.. ':Ezi~`i5' YinE""- .~^~~'.r~3r :ri7;;.s _ t^~i,r^~,~,.~ ~.r5,~;~r~is5 s::,.,n,~.•~......,~,SF~r~~~5`__. ~...xr~~~• war. _z~ <:~:no _ '3~~-_'">.~~'i~6~iG`-.~~~c.c.?~~,ni'~,r.`~.• y %7`a?rtc"5'..~-''r~` -0L'~x._rTi~;•.is~.r<~~~fa" r'd:•E,.::.~_'>r~ ~f!~`ai~~ j Queue Length 95th (ft) #156 #347 53 51 85 38 #176 y ~ _ ..wc~l....._.~~~M1..'~. ~~~~hn,xl~`~'~-_'1,`S~'y~~t„,~,)_~~i.~+r7M,~~•~~.,>~mw-~~H.h?~`'~~~:~.F.: a?i.?~`a~~~xL7xa»i, oh r1n.Z r" I' 4 .l 7 .+LmL11?,.. T~u~rn Bay Length {ft) _ _ ~ Starvation Gap Reductn 0 _ 0 0 0 244 475 0 ~ - vi•"7^.. ~:-y Y.: ~ gs~ > :erG;>=sv ~,::s:;1;~ :r':i~:5: r ::?;s - 'r:~' _ = X°n 'i,`:~al!!`~^`n.=.. ~;5-mac'.-,n"`:'..~.=dF+°~ ~'_(("t~ttr~a'~ ...,ay,... r , .+r.... ~~y ~ Tom.,-t`.• Yi _ r 1 u,c:. 1.. r .n 1A Y Ci'"YA..7 " , ~v~ reu•'-w` Ta-^~..fi,a -,..<'~-'C. J' r.-~d+` '~'i%r i x 4•ra.t_ ~'kYU~.::rn v y. F ,xiz•: x: r ~ "~....rs .'Fi ,m:!r_~;rm~{( Htt . ..S~~•tt _:L.i-y..n i~r._.!-s:-.~e'aa.~t'~y..54~at~•.~~..'Yc4.":_,~ew:''?~.; ."~_.....bxu~nc~J'ci Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 c0 0 _ ON=Nw shown is maximum after two cycles. I ' 2010 Build Weekday PM CADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail).sy7 Edwards and Kelcey r I Page 1 p HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/13/2005 MAO~~41C►"~nHIS =CDR`~?'YE_8.T'N' EBR, WAWII'D 5.13- ~118r~ `.NAT C~~i~.;,.; `~►3Lt TSB Lane Configurations e~I~A~v (v h" Lane Width _19'00 { i19'QO ~,~.00 ;x:900+ 1900, ~ _1~ 900 ,!,~190C1:..19b~J ` 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 krtu ti7b~s ~a{e?' .>tt~7.~., Lane Ufil. Factor >u.__. .~.~.:y~a.,. 4.n.:,.~,_:,~,. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91 Flt Protected _ 7-33 t0p`t','.Q 85;1, ,r12Q0 "O99. 0.97 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 at ' I '~7 f a: it Permitted r 81~~~` `1~599F ~r1728, 1e,1 4 rt E "EI'3351~ 3539 499 I ff_ EE ! ~'tY 4 CF:.zi IA"~S .L N{ L . •~M1 .utL..:a71aw.fvu4al.u,ire'l%:`:l~K.:.ta.ai:}f.N...~.♦'_ta>..J.:.t¢ "t..,u.{.CL.I. LJyttr_.L.av i s_~kvlYamfa•.•tl..._..1L.....t',u. 0.73 1.00 0.42 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.93 d F F oar r r t! 3,717' 5.99r ~~77 tryy ,~r n „fi • FE , r35, ]C _ Volume (vph) 168 66 903 74 79 9 950 688 48 7 ~ -890 199 ^ ~~%ar PEE: ' Or95 0 5 `aQ1 5 "'ti OR95aQ 9" 9'0 95" Q 95. 0 p5; to E 95ir ,0 t s Ct ^`Lela~.W m:d~alu,a:W ::....r 4 w,y. .•ii:l;rd:,raa~mtEiy~_.w~nc.,fs.e;Ysw~ e: .'L-~+. u..~xf.Jl,y;_rtLSes..s.;~,Lw3~ie~x, w,7~-'~...lvoe,z~imu.;.......t rr••r rtn."..w~..av. E.a.ti..YfaFx.w;is Adj. Flow (vph) 177 69 951 78 83 9 1000 724 51 7.: ,-937 209 ry{''~ 'per ,~~~yCi p a (r' S4 ti3LrtI1LL~i~7tailC'ns'J.>1Li~ Lane Group Flow (vph) ii61~(~ E 1st Grp. } JY11 YJ~ I V' 4h f LJ5f~lE f.i 1 J ,xL .__.a ,;'L r 4i1L.u.:ra (cL_..~.L..7'u„_.s'~,_..rsia E•~ ya.,:lo , ;..~.L ,..._J.,..I.~.a~~..u~. ~r ~.~EL7L.:.•,u3. {.l', 0 246 948 78 86 0 1000 766 0 0.; _1:1095 0 ~'~j rye' o i~:: 1,"'RAJ.N."~,A~, rwri? a of , o n>u o , n q -1 tf:i ~p J,t k c1 S is :~r ,{4 ' Turn Type Perm pm+ov Perm Prot Perm 7 h~~p 7 I u 7 t t`r ca t 1 a ° :F~,7.:.?:..~a .tx 1 ,;;aft ..r a.srn:E. Permitted Phases 4 4 8 2 .6,--i F't1.,r. ?A"u kec~Gre a Gas r ; l 1,11 :'hY9 klyl'0:0'a~, Ors 1OOl rf~1©0 '19 O'38'Qr' d4k,_ri ~5 aA~~r f3, o- -S ..r:• auurr.rlu-.;..,1<f1_ Effective Green, g (s) 12.0 33.0 ~ 12.0 12.0 21.0 40.0 15.0 " ER'"..f 4 , f+"ilY.M _ ~ J~►cecl!C uw , d1u w vJ Clearance Time (s) E !'^E t C . a!`_i` t?....F tN G" ~ tf20 x,0;55 020 t'0 20 ;tlt35 + 67 NN N , 7 r » « me..~uwa a. wsu,I 7 w uW Ee wf - L a1 x ue Yt1 f- G;F;1 wS n.' a G a zt3n` 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0~ 6.0 . 7 11hi _1v f ryry r . r 3 trC 6.y~]rltI F,.u.G qY 1 X51` { £}i; i 1,.1~ ~f J.fy. .2 N. _,3 0 X72 Q 2 0 z< ,3,0 4 0 3 f~ JF,~J Lane Grp Cap(vph) 274 986 154 371 1173 2359 1165 r Er T K r, F p 1t . f, G "1 ~y~ s y rr r r f",' ttr r a u.,+(. {rubartF¢.ut !~}cQ.34, { k k~ .,::.Q,0, r::. 5.,'1030 Q v/s Ratio Perm 0.18 0.26 0.10 c0.23 T { lcY atio Y; ..t s>, ~t a, ~~2tQ~96 0 51 9 0 23 MARK, R . t 'r01• : 032 m Q 9~ 0~;.... ..v_rm,.~~.:-_:....__. RV Uniform Delay, d1 23.4 12.9 21.4 20.1 18.1 4.3 . 22.1 '!YT.G7 7Y n.,.; R9a,F' A,iTt'^ o es. ga t F .c or J wY!c'~~ Incremental Delay, d2 ^Ft E , TL '`r>~":S ,r'+r f L 7? ~ ~ '1 00 f ,f1 00~1t„ k •Q .~:M: - Ot 1 00vL °s a,+.':.=r-^"••"u4•u - L_.4.wa..u`1+A1i^ v~',."La'"1'. -31._vvJ ..~.~.-.1r1:A: T.Saml:em4 u.i'L.:.L. 1•. 28.6 19.8 1.0 0.1 7.4 0.3 .14.2 011`192'0 lit ts;'tp f.i'~^a7.7 r 6" . .~T. `1 -§.u77-. 2311' «t O 2?;-i li.Utz v.~...,,,._,..:1LE ~ Sa:f!Li, Level of Service D C C C B A D c5a, i•D'e a $ `ii'{t4 Approach LOS D C B D I?t .cttOh r7minr': -,«~,.h• -~~1e HCM Average Control Delay 25.6 HCM Level of Servir,e C Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 3.0 Interne CaFRIC!t r U lion +r- o tT , 92 [.C7 r] Level t~f Service ` : ti` F ^ , Y ' ~ t ,t ' tz. smax auliv: way uv...._ Analysis Period (min) ......,w...~.sa,J:.,wt.::.r,.l , : ; 15 _ .,~1.:;...1....1.M.,?+:...~. Lida, _ 'L.,...1, •:L G. CltttcaliLane'Grdu 2010 Build Saturday C:\Documents and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10satbt (retail).sy7 Edwards and Kelcey Page 1 5 P 1'1-4-' Fk w/ ~ c - i'v no 1 L cque-- ~-l G Queues 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/13/2005 y~?z..Q n r.. _gaE EZ ~i!:t s.,.w ~1. iwf,.Ya~,.~2.... c,. st~~:~~ L '.a+ur. 1,~..,M s.•,.... ...~~~E~r'~~+k,. . ~._oa~~'c z~'"s ~'.~~~:£5 Lane Group Flow (vph) 246 951 78 92 1000 775 1153 t, ~ 4 t '90~~ 3 9 ' 0`<v1 r , -~~r r y x 'irr A.94 , .2 'A.W. . Control Delay 61.5 34.9 35.1 20.8 20.3 2.1 37.7 ?t~Yx ,w F y 0 W d 00~0r 00" Qt2? d~i :3t? l ' _ z fr. . Total Delay 61.5 34.9 35 1 20.8 20.3 2.3 37.7 ~ ~r~OR, ~ I 6 I~a YA T 74r g 'tl .n ;'y ~uY ' U~ ` ~ G .~'C w 4iJ +hV F u~~ T S 0« x . Vw♦,.-.cC:IL' "wl : +S.a ..F ;..i i+dW s . '].:-~c... A - .~l 28 #225 Queue Length 95th (ft) #205 #562 #74 60 #276 s.+.: » ~{{},`~j..t;Y" uz 4~~~Y~,~~~'1.9. ~Y, lL~ .,Y~t. 'i~~ dl~~'i~ $a ~i `tt ~'$i ~o~~ ~~~i f ~ 9 ula ; ✓ ~ ~xi. Y n . La. k[t w . . i . : Gi 2 i. r > 4 Turn Say Length (ft) .z..u a...x .~~...n..,~....; J.~ c ..,.>1ff>; i f `~:Y3i' ~rt h ~k.`/,4 r L ii " ' 1ir } 'J. - G SI C r "Yr.=;/ 1 y„Y 2 II t ~'.tuL.. LTwU - .j. w. e 9119 W-T 36 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 767 0 -9 7C'^""TJ . 3P IW " i .k f Y r: ~pi Yt T i! t i i Y' V ~y! 't'~tf MOM' mci G ryG'LL~.R i - ii ns Storage Cap Reductn; 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 ' 'I O . '7'~F rv dr 7f:35 t !"S 9q 4 Yra,~' 3 R iTLI; 1 „15+i^fi` ~UZ ahy q'iin}~ F" X ~G4.~ SQ'+ 1F' {yTr,# 11 etxe~ i . 5 -i'+]" 1 5 6. - Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. 2010 Build Saturday CADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10satbt (retail).sy7 Edwards and Kelcey Page 1 VIJ HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/3/2005 ~aYi'~~~~W~. .5• P~,r aS~m., t u~rw. 5n=.•. ! i i s Nffi - Lane Width 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 cir V Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 AO 0.97 + 0.95 v a 4 0.91 tee.. ;r `ia:v x~5~m :'_•s''y.3' 1 rP...,~.'...} u r - a ~y.r r.-ir i 61,1101-1,11 •J'"r,d~~J~~ili3~ INS, c ~c ice' "010511,61 - Flt Protected 0 95 1 00 0.95 1 00 0.95 1.00 1.00 fd,~~"+~~~~~`--, ~~.~Tr:~:~3`_3>'.51^~J~ia''' ~ w. J:r.4?t:~~~'~'+.:~r?.S+'. n~wc.~~~~F:.F ~5.•.•n nL~Ri0~-ON}~,~~1c.._ r Flt Permitted_ 0 71 1.00 0 95 1 00 0.95 1.00 _ 0.92 ~~~~'.~~u. L`( ~ ~ 4 ,.+~3.s'-F~ r~'~".~.y~''~-m ~.7~~ cr-'E+-..,*~.. a r;~t`~ ~ ~Sr!,~,.t?~[.~"a~i?~ Volume (vph) 137 0 742 63 65 8 674 812 49 13 730 15588 Adj. Flow {vph) 144 0 781 66 68 8 709 855 52 _ 14 .77+~6i8 y 16{6 ,':Y.,w'}~=e r •~^,cgl' ; ?.,"N`"'"om ~ p.. ae•~lf'f. ~ • > `Ky 4;'F~=' ~1 ;w s T.r~..rrc.~, H 7~. r ~ (r"t ~ ~ .Y ua ~7'. ~ Lane Group Flow (vph) 144 0 776 66 6~9 0 709 901 0 0 9{00 _ 0 "a;, ' ' 't"rf ..~''~-'"c tl yam-,r.i`.•a"~'r ~3`c3:.j ti'. , t, py^- r~"--'zi"p7 5., 3""'={ e'.n Turn Type custom custom Perm Pr Perm r „r`7.-p '1.n"y^,,T'7^"•,~-d° r c.~='w w"'?G?Y- 'q r, i s~.'?1r-c. _t ya.-wa" "7. 4 ,•.:c z a?~,~~~~~'~~~~'~. . ~~:x-.;~..~nr:~r''a.-=.w.-JI4c..~~~~'^.~~ 5.•yyS:L„_, _ ..n-, •..:~.1.4.1F.Y ..m... ra ~F . ~'Aw- m..._...~.~:'ir~. r_.. Sv:~`tn sue` . Permitted Phases 4 4 8 2 6 4% jg Q -r'~'~pr7 f 'r7 ~~wXF~+a;~+'t'~i?.Jr.,an~~1Jnr.,~ •~~'C•:'I...r~~F~t3...~, "t: rF,="i~.,.+U~~'~~: '=''c~~y ,-e'~~ ~ r4k -~-~i,.-r,~r,;,~~.zt,,,_ ~~'`..~~•~s'3'~..K Effective Green, g (s) 9.2 35:0 9.2 92 25.8 47.8 18.0 N~r1. ~t~_~ ^ry.. g~-~tits'+.rl t a• ~i.1-?"~4~~F~~~ ~S.-. ws"'", "fT l,, t y~ .a, .r. - _ . ~:~.r m~~~~IG •c~(r.,9~ ,~~4.r ~S.iY.~ -{,.~.....uwe;, tab a' .'~+k. J ~ ~ ~ Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 +L✓x } 3 _r , N Fr `Wry N Lane Grp Cap (vph} 188 959 245 262 1330 2606 1271 i y~~}J - p ryv-"5.~ Y4n' '+f' ~.F-r r ~ a.`"i~°.'-'""~" -w.^. r ~ .w 3 ~rv u .GY F J rr~ v/s Ratio Perm 0 11 0.16 0 04 c0 20 p.~{^: .r'.. t d ,<s' » r t'4 n~~.m"- ~ 4'q.t 3 sfE,x+~>, r„a„n~.,Er-f"~ spy 1k~3r-'~.-...,~ r~~1L~~c3~~~uXS~•-;+~..-t..y~..?':w~.'_~.rl...~`rr~~....J.d'.'e~;'~YK-3'a'?2n~~~•~•:r:..:._~t:/.4-.~ ..,~~~"ti!"~~•-,-~".~l:;;Ss:St~at Uniform Delay, d1 26 9 12.3 24.9 24.9 15,0 3 1 21.1 r r'L5' }__~"°"`~d r~'Yl YY^u^cr~- .tom" •9T•I~.,sxi'. `r -r-s`"` :..rwr. .`.7i '~A'fi"q`s 'tern. NW, ~~i Y~P'Ii~~'Gi q[~i'. ,{rr 6;+7 ,.t~~d~r~,•'~L.1~.ct~Sc~~~3r.~:Y3,~~~. ~4> o :,~~.~:9.,- 02 1.5 0.4 3.4 7 0 Incremental Delay, d2 14 9 4. 2 x r ..x u ~J '^'Sry. .rte" J- ya' F r + '°,~tr..l f.-~-• r (,N ,F',~ r x. F~5 i 1 Level of Service D B C C B A C . ~-:cs~~}:-;{•~.,~rv ..~+r, }~:,~s a~=-r-r ,r x. weer ~-.,r -Lr„'~'_,.1-° -ia-` r ~ ~.r~vu ° - r✓ ~.-''zr".~~"`.,3 f "r~+" `ias' u y v^ £ ~9 i t `~.,Z*•=f+t~,.z• ~ i~ Y 'Z ~ r ~ ~ _ r '~s~~,n1 ~ -~'~Y'S.~It1"~_IC'~ ~ i.4.* aP:c?~;-7.. ~ ~ <..»_.r~. ~~~z ~r ~r~ ~x~, _ . G~~~ _ ....s-'c":..M"..m~.,. ,_L_2~:,~".r ~ Approach LDS ~ B C A C - ,ryE y, r ° r ~t R'Id1 v~7'..,.•i,~'"~ brt f '+r frv +~>•S 4 rs ~1"~"... ' OMON TOO HCM Average Control Delay 15.5 HCM Level of Service B 1.._ + a rte'zx ?:s t!f7QF~yC Actuated Cycle Length (s) w 65 0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 .,.a•,.rt... u,~ . ~ x.~ i -S.~ r.-i.•..,nru• r.... ~ .3 i M! r' ~ a lg,~ Analysis Period (min) 15 t~s.~a- .;~~(.~'3-tr'= -a=.=^- _ .~3:t.~. ,~r~ ~~:;rt,~r,'~rsx:p:~srr.- Yom: >v .•`Si3ie~}.;'., ;.~.:::r . t + 4 s ~ r ~ ~ ~ a 3 ?ii s-i+ F;.' .....l~f`3tB~~t:~.~t'i~~: Q~Q~I~;._,...?, t. t,... f:rL... t._. _'{'7 . T. ~L ~ x. . _ ~ Y-..., r . t.... , •?.A.. , i. _.•f ' 2010 Build Weekday PMC:\Documents and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Kelcey Pagel 'TV 4 Queues 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/3/2005 t w ~~Fv~,Oc~+3'V'T~'~ t;ft;O~li~~~.~.M1~ri+~~rRAIN,n.. k dt , . Y....- Y... , ~.!i ski- ~`.r•. , miU deg, eP m~ ;~,m~ rLF' Lane Group Flow (vph) 144 781 66 76 709 907 948 ~y,Wy->x;'S'. ...,5":d.._.•,+:J,?..,.. .~._,c...,. =r~°+1... p .,.:.f;e'F:`ir.~==y=` ~:>;rw~:~~t •-2;: f~: ~ra``'^~tY`Yi.~j;iwL,~~"~~:.3.'<--~".:;. } "rv X;~a'15:,~ fa a Q_ _ -x' . y ~"`.t--~,`'~~hr ,3.r Y '~£3r-vr:rrr:r,M1,",~,"''~t~~:~.,:~~",•'~u~c?~:1.r•- - u~, 'is";; t.rFY a ~'x4~. z' ~ [9 Ck~ '''.ai`~,tr~y~ . °'~S, . ~~~,n' ¢ ir~ • ~ ~ " ' r~'~lu~':?~c(,5.•.K~::r::.°rn:^a%r ~ a'2.. 5~ ~ ~ v~,rr~ ..r..• . --,.:a.x_ ,n_-a._~x:YS.r~.2~'..«. u...^~:d:~7aus':'% Control Delay 38.9 15.7 25.7 23.6 12.9 2.8 M25.4 -hz. r - --t.. _ '-•':;Y.~"-r•'•~ - .:,;y~,,L}- e„v •a~s.~?T,eyi'~ a*';"r.'_v .ant~•;nZ w ~~is;;y "'~°•'~c?~ 9r"z} : *']I ra~Y S%a.% ~s%'`uy'°FG 1" fiJ • .e'~" :1 , 5~'i°t i[7 y¢ ..t=1'~ 'La X ~ ap .r t/money,,..} UR 1.! na`,' O . 0. ~5~v~F -IMP 3ax i'•' Total Delay 38.9 15.7 25.7 23.6 13 7 3.0 25.4 "::.:'~C'3!r! v1 'r,,: ~':S+C' - - ..u:: ti, `~,+,w...o.'~%y~''-' •(:.,5-`' ,!~•SS+-.-;...~. ~ '?3,_r_`~~''n "~Ga.~ ~-i~. 4'.~3.^s,.,.:,C~rc ;r4~r-,-^~ T1~ ~p~ ~9? .G~ -.r ~j '~;~t{I e~.~ . Jynx,~~""'~,_,.~~R2~~,~~'~,~~..~ x~P~+c~~`bJ.f-'~-~~~"~~' Tr^r1 .2,r, .,,,,-.r,.a.~.•,::5w;;, "'"2. ~~~•4,.....,~~~ ~fi~ `'y ~ 'a ~ u,c ,a~ M.t. -r~r' Jw .•:w4 a-,~ ~ ..s' _^"~,-.~traa:3a~. r r Queue Length 95th (ft) #128 360 54 57 82 52 #191 ,~y,,.y=^ ^r.^;~-- ~ c..r~^.TMr, nr•n ~;"°ti' C r, i-•-`t`T15*I,=~' a:J~ g•i".,r R~ '•~Rc"'" "t~i}`."-~':, ✓~.T:,:mk. ,t ,r~ ~ ~ sr .ate •~^a{~,~~'.J.~,°~y~,tY'~'^`4 ~~4-z+~'y~~,,~,,~~°'i~ %~Ya-~y-,~,tT,rl~'L ~ ~ ~.r~C'%s~i~~~.~,^`~,~Kta~`'r~~5... ~ ~?`x~.--5`'°."^.~k" ~i~~:~ ~8ar`~-fc*,k;~ a ..,.i:~r~._.~^~"#"¢;~:W~t t:._ 3__u....'>_~''.e,~._~„er,~•"-~~a'ir~K~~~~n x~ :~5s., Turn Bay Length (ft) _ t c~~• _ , - - ra -3'+' ya. c r x ~ _ ~~s°`tric`~""t-r-°$~ ~3• q,+' ' s ~P`"i-~ryr I` ':'2' a s •5~/s~`',t-"Y'„7.v+''.~{j~~~t~~ ~j _ ~_.t u.~v.r. t^'"'y.•f,,•r~.~y;~ ~ ,u ~~"~,.~~r~, x w.i~v:~ i S ~ r ~5~-.-.ir9 r2. a ,~w •a..itc ~'?J vt' ~~J.~a.3~ ~ J Starvation C.yap Reductn 0 0 0 0 382 904 0 Y t ry{..a'z~'hP,.r~c..''.~ mss--~~•d"~'"Cr`. ,.~L,J,a"~x~,~i+~,;~ N~a.e35'~~i ~i~•t~r~~ -"~~~,.a..,r'-x`~ r M rx S E ~Y~~,~_.......~~.~~,_..~ar7cnC,:S`rsJ"i~r. ~n~4,`.^.~ wtt r ~ .-S.>,.o..,,..~ n :~r.~a,..a~,.._... ,,~.rxS:F,c..nE`~`c•• r3La~=. R3,,:,Hh`w,..,a.xrS:45s7.•~~a.~.c. Iw.-:i„ ~._s:a Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .~y,•:~+^. ~a~~~ {ec~.. ~ ' •,t~. S F .~r!,jy,. ,•r•~• •_..,q..nv~.-,(.~_.. ~ .e ~,~y~ ,,.^.~,'^n-~L? r*,-,-i'75",p-3x'yr"`" ~a~y ~"y""~••, .~7~;.; ~;!';i='1e. ~~~1G'~ti'.~i~'~~-i~.~~.,.s ~..x•.~~~s~A .tom ~ .f."'~l'~~~~L'v.' R r ~.:~r ~ ~t!'~!;''~J,u~~~1.~ r` SR'~~~:g. Y~.~'~'r~ ~Y' •,.x vi$".'.~,~!, l~ ice-5~.~ifW ^ Queue shown is two cycles. 2010 Build Weekday PMC:\Documents and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 ~I Edwards and Ke(cey Th i~, Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/10/2005 Lane Configurations may, ni+ if I aw-- . u:'i^trr - z r MJ w .1:t .4:t=11M 1 -Y' 10. 'r 7't' i ~i V ' ? t ~~sr''' ~ ~ ,r1. 5 i. r° »t• U t( , 3., ~1-• 2 12 12 11 12 12 ~ 11 12 12 11 12 j 12 Lane Width M 1.x .tf.'L1,3 (,~w•.lY ~rS. ..w..f u~J-111 i N L~a :sZ'ia. 5 i tnj,.!F.......x J.~~F..~.. f Y.l... ?...`'2.`` 3, S~_~ -1-70001 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91 ......._`i-_.x.r..,. ~i:..Map; ..r- d.~r-~....:¢:: ~ i !4.'-."r.,: .a" •-,94 --:?^~,---'3-', tJa I, ter-.. ~i;~ ,>nv~'-+i•;:~ ;e •:.'~n... :.•a:~i.. s-$^ ✓ ~.it'~ r-:. Y;., tit"'r=ri_9.~ ~ ~.7st..m",. ~y ' r ='1a, .:n-:,, ^:S:~r' :?G'= arc a~rn-. . ~ r E_ (y~ .=7~ r:: ,.~SZ-• ~ '_:rr•: _i:~ .n. v, ~~S v: g~:i~- .wa ~ _-r''•r!, ~i1F~~i~..,..•._. ..!c _ l!. v?.s:...:~.','nFF:3~ •Gf~'.'c~,^!iEr%~ i ~?;f~.~~=r..:~ P U Z J ) Ma•. ~r: x.~r-.•. p.~• S ~.~~:.:ou'~~s-.•:~!e:~.3::z°m>!.c-.b~:,hf-~( 'r . S & ~ .:1.L _l-~.,r__ ...rS„ Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0,95 1.00 0.95 1,00 1.00 •.«;s.s':'_..[e.....-vr-a^~?;rv•':,.: 1:'::'1y" _Y. iwn`x,~.L'=~a ~!,~y..,i...,.,..j .0:~:....~i~w:Y~.Y fi~Y ~•ii~('7 141 ,~f,•a Y'1.w7 -w++'.. i-~.1 t!'`: Gtr3f..1 EJf L 7! fir'. ^.I"r.`_'"il'r"']Gl ;ie?:c'TiT f Flt Permitted 0.7 1.00 0.95 00 0.95 1.00 0.93 ~ Mtt:`;:n.-rJ- ....,.ra,..-.. -,--v--.. . ~ S5Y:i;; ;-~~a~ F'r'"^ " 'z•-cy ~ . i.. ` .•,y z f (i 4 :r'.a?:' i. 2'3 f.-.ir-,,~>4KxX f4f]...,,, t.,:,ay t' t~ t i'. r Volume (vph) 168 (}0 96{9 74 _ 79 9 9500 688 48 77+ 8(9.00 199 e-rms4,1"rsF1.f x•,,x „9,t~::t'fc~a v~5-'d.'Tr. S'+.• :,.i ".,.r,..'! .Y~....,r,si?L~ta!i.~ ..t-t}'7 i1..,r,.i~Y".a jx...~. Adl Flow (vph) 177 0 1020 78 83 9 1000 724 51 7 937 209 ._-_-j.yrt~g r`~V,`s •s';"J J~ i-P'.'}, r•: i?x3r rf Y" - ftr s 'Y"3r a y'-•s~ai :r'',i .3•,' ~ ,,Tj'•;~:..ti•i.~a"^e"`IJ;.1n:..,.,....,.~'~~'_.'T-i'_•~'J!.:: ..vim. u,1CJ...,a X.:a~Y Y FOR,, Lane Group Fiow (vph) 177 0 1017 78 86 0 1000 767 0 0 1099 0 Turn Type _ custom custom Perm Prot Perm ^T:ro-'r/.!.;S:s~ ~f'•Y`, - .1..3.,.,.:•J,. .C ii .!•"nv r^u '•S v'~S - - f.7,~`s Gs h-.-:<:=1? uB_ru:...x~'.:_•=•2s: zf ..:_-.~:."c' s r;':n a .v,•-'•__.. ed..•_>_ ..m.._ T(~..._c...~r..+c ..Y:~ .K...,-..!>r_.._.. vx: -„rfi_.._.•~,-,a._•.., Permitted Phases 4 4 8 2 6 -c . ...;,x.. •:--'•n::-,e:: '.:rira~.:,v..f-'..!. ..r-...~;.»~_,.ra^:•^r":-^'z!':^r:.2' - :.h:•ji~L=" _ Z~`:L': ^.,};'~"~'.~,.~St^'~~'~~.r:••:n:- '~4:~ `:;~'.'C~i y ~ ' q}+~r ~!~~.'~j}.%f.~ _^<,~7~:~'r. ,`e~>~•.~~.`)~_ . J ~ ~~~h'.-:. ..'~~`•~,'esa~:tic'•?^Y , a s':.-. 'f ~1~a E lJ~r~'.to>~.~~'~''~Y'-'.ll:r~iT.~~ '~``~~..~`~'r~.'~....>,. `.'e~1i)a•- •-i•r Sx.:l•"~.5: 'J'':.,,e_..S ~~?z.. iu .,r;..., ....n:1::f<„>.,-..ne:..~-. 7,.i_.,:I:_,:. u. _a.'.CF.:LUr....: fryryfective Green, g {s) 11.0 37 0 11 0 11 0 26 0 46 0 16 0 »._..v ~J~~::1:"ciii~"-~.''.~'H-`~'''%S:~,T~-.:.{++I~w'~. Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6 0 6 y 0y_ 6.'0 6.0 6.0 6.0 ~ r.^" ~Y'^=?'i~ y'~s.°_T_'. ~=r~~~t>~' r~3.'•„ r.w ~~~~~.rak;lsli~.,,'iT../; ~ ~.K~ :s{i8"y. 9.t,~{`1 L~-~,:. Y.K,,._ ...,}~x;^ _ .,_.sNc... ....zs,. r a.l_..`~...~...._~ 'rf .i< ..a Lane Grp Cap (vph) 222 1009 292 314 1340 2505 1147 _ _ _ - $.~.n,T.:^l!J„ rJC:~ i~Y`.un,n'u - _ ~-•v5:v~r':v :i.F ..-fc...,.[.:.....-,.:+w •.:a'rv tt:._. la, ::.-,F.. 'vr.-: 'rc~ a ..c `d..'..'F.3i':'c'~` .';I:•'rc _ -.t•._-,z;.- 7,~ - ."~i-:' r,:<- r...... -';i~-i;,'~?".:i..a..:<?eFl:..y.iY•a':i:: j,-.!.~ # +L.- .fir .ri~+~i.~~.+t~~~, a1+!i~ ;~~"'~?r r_:J:S»~..» ..7:.r.,._fi a'r..i z.,,}S :'~^F.m •3., ~.l".~ ~lk~•?:~;~',Q4:~•:n!.. m~,-' :r^•?~r'[,~ - r a,•crF e,.,:ct::r_ i~r~_'T_: :;P:f'-.+ .:.._....,>.e~-+ ~::.F.'r:,.,,Mw> .................i:::=.rtc~ran::::.a::....._..... .9%' _.,:n~?:::.f•._.._.rn;: v/s Ratio Perm 0.13 0.23 0.05 c0.24 : IN ; !=j:i y , t.v ~m:~-~."..~;r~tis.ic:,..-~k~`:; J:r. ~sisrv::.. .r: "3 ~ EM ,.'ts....•. Uniform Delay, d1 25.9 14,0 23.5 23.5 16.7 3.5 24.2 p `".`.3s"' - ..r„~,:y .o ~ ~ N ;=F~£~3fi'ore'.•~,i' L-' ..;f~gf '~!.~i.-,s'.-~-sevSu.,,wP.,ds`',1' ~u ~ r'~r.--~r' x..f a a , - .•J _ •.c.i• 'cr. t 'fJ i r l JL Yr1P.. ..~3 r:Fc• _ ...eU yT:.l:.. tT~'.~I...I...~w..C ~•A '_L~ ...'G..\ ,.7 Incremental belay, d2~ 23.7 sY 29.5 0.2 042? 3.6 0.3 17.3 - t •ryi. •a'.Cy.'sf _ ••-•'~•.M1ey...~ sCiTR"✓;.c. - .4: FAn;1:.`4 . ~J^~ {~ycr~ A ' ~>-:.ttir' y..:,.u .h-,-,.z .,t ............v '~'C:e2i:n::;-✓.:....r•. r....-..;:--~;?:.L~~ s.'':.;~TSM.,,..._..., c.:1,~.:...-..:... ~ad~yy~..,{;..::=?a'~r,.:^.,.r.§t-_n.: xo rt w•s_..r....ti_..tu_rn-:e.^-•-.v ,~nc i. a:. ,~,~-y Level of Service D D C C_. sh A D .pr :JT":t.^gf^M -:x+~ _ ;:V~'N->"."~~~;°~~ •k-_. ,r,,,..16* 5} x+'•~h 9. ;~N~3~"~-;.''p .'•e{.} u" :;,-,.e_i>^~'"~+...•',.-.'.°.' -~i r~ rr -ar•,. ,Q Aoach LOS D C A D i ;NA 'R I E 11 ~ ON ~ts 'r HCM Average Control Delay 27.5 HCM Level of Service C .r. t 7 t 4 gar' x1. ! , . ~'t, ~'•'t 1 ..r,.~ ~ Actuated Cvcle Lenqth (s) 65.0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 pa., CON 2010 Build Weekday PM C:\Documents and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10satbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Kelcey ii Page 1 Queues 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/10/2005 -A 4, t i ~~-0~9~~~~~~'~Fn74.,iwy i"i;e✓i~C[~~~~..,~~'.t-"~~~~~~~",'~~i'~•.~,. • r f p~ ~ _ ~~~~:~~~~~41..~,~'~t~ Lane Group Flow (vph) 177 1020 78 92 1000 775 1153 ~ Iri :_v7T _•r,?.er iicr.~ z~.- ::c~~;s 'rz c....r C.r.;.5t.. ;.c.,;,;:'.: zi''-e';1"mom :"~•n".4t, tF r.:sij ~`i,rci&- a.ar.. ,~.ut ~~y • s~-.r•ucx- ^.'N b.~.,.f ,.4*'1 - r• fir.'--,F' ._,M. .•:'t".. "^.:C:^'.' ~-.vki• 'YAK. 3~.. f c':?^'~•'^C".ti'!v'.,w v;LT.~u?; f -i:.•:. ~i.^.:l]~ . ~ Ate, ~~yy-- ~ ::iZ: ~X.'F°. l.i .r....t. ..:a•. i 5 j %o^..; >t3~~.. ' v^C' ~ zm :"3e~i~ ' .ai~ ~ r?:lt,:.~~'~ ,..k:ae .t.. -rz::? P~sa'a.aT ~ ri ]r+]'.3~~~~,.e.». ':;]::~~F.1:•,,.. r- 3;i,~ v~~iA .rv^~i:>~ v2~r>:.: r _~~....,Y.n,Lw.•,1,.-,..,u.es.~~u_..n.~i>s~..>n.s•Frw..~a..,..._..........,.n.s..- n ..rcF::..r his-'";9r..~ M,_,..,,!n..u~......x^.,wr3-~tF' • y,n.,a.v..s.~.x:.• .+,d.S':+.r •.'...f i. ..dt,r..'-~ Cantrol Delay 53.9 42.9 26.3 24.9 14.7 1.6 42.4 _ _ ...1. y;-}. _ ::1H':a :OHrY3 •ii'i-:a:: 'aii:*;: li'Y.~' ii:t .t.. Y'.':K9ii.~'.'^° i:.t°;b^ v i . ~F.. - [!.v e31.. e.•S: • -a:b3: - L) A-T~' . y~~:[~~~~,~y~, jp :.yL ^ ~i}„ ...rl-•.- x=( ~...L{~J)u.~~.Y. J..- -'V.0 l:n'-L cl.::~~'•N. .~f1['~...,.d~t. J..~V? . ~::lci,4.ti ' v'::/. rt_'t v: n - -1 .1.. . - r:: ~ .+^]n:r.-:crc _ \ n f~~:; z~ `ro' fi .-.4,. e.>trfF~liii'x+!!•n~~iv+..'» _.':n11L.-..LPL n.:>:>:. .Y.!~ '••-t1'•~7`~T•^e1,>`„M~~..~~~~r_9i1„:w..~.r`tiim~e`~:'ir.~.~-~>_-"li-r~'.w`i:ui:~`.'3.•Y.Y:~.•:::d.?.~: ~~'g'.•"1.1r.r?]a .Y[A'a.'y".«.1rix~ .t-Y ~ n.Y+.n. r,:~ix r.:rSVaa~N. Total belay 55.9 42.9 26.3 24.9 14.7 1.8 42.4s r: ;.`nn•:;'y'•:{>"fr.'t.`: r.;4 sf 1S SKf':F xm-• ~v;. ^;:a:v. z:r «e:. pe! LL:.a . I . . {ti^ _.y_..:. ~ ;.ice SI ...fix: J,aT:- y'L;,'"?xc~G t`' =:Y . s ':l'c:''~.-..(' ~:e •7.h ~ ;F:';•.:,.a1.::: . ``'s r,'•F},t ~~,~TT'"'~ '.'~`J-;l'>'i,. t' ?~r_:.a'r.~-,+J•%~/"' :Y1:-. •Y i~~G .+x rc>;s ?~.L~'`s:?'_i3 tc*ii:• n:~ •fi-,'v:.- _ ' i <5•tY.. .:wA .-u~~,..... "F ...1~"Y*~'a.. +~-••-7'-' ..z:: s.;i. 9r i''z;. '~R : a'{-'~r,.,•. ~._•v _ ..a:.~%L.- i'...;,!;..t`.'a4~r _w.Y :d:.... _::7?5W..... m5";1~f Jsti.,.~,.,.;....,b'1kurUF.r.~;.•,C,c~',.:.:.tr::3,.r.,S-:;~,w..K.v.;x3i.t+.;.y.n f:. Ir- ..r:ktr+:-.. Queue Length 95th (ft) #159 #658 - -62 67 92 15 #245 - - ' '=''T's^' r. ..p ~ .::gtlEij° i~5s "";tti%„-. v:tr~:a:as ..:z:u~r ..F:. ',-:ns.:. - i~'-x .r.-P , ' 1'ft::~X... ?i.:i`.'1i`'.":s`>-''-~`,~tt• " S's=3 . .s13:•sr, ;-.:t:.c tEr....c:5 ..sr " ...a~•',n.. =.y.-} . •:;.C C.: ..3. ~^y ~.~sx%' .]r.`fi~i.;. .y{.... :~T- ~'F'. 2?,sz ~ n..~,.~. e~V ~',a::k':fr~5t,'•x.. ,1i ,t t'~i:~ .t.;.. .:;`9a ti . ~:~•3.' •:r, a7j .!~'z: ~..r ^ .,si:..::, d:::'.,.ve... 3 ....dc` - _ ^v;L~- i.r _F: .tr:: ,-~•.f.-., ^.'S.J.:. ..:1::,•, T :7fir•.»,,,.''.°.:r=,^• ..~-s.... ;sx .e..... p....._.._t S~,,,,jj ~~yy,.{1, ff 4:1i.I7L'3 'r. -3%,'i">~.~~,.•,7.;; .dFxtt^wi..,.r.;Fv ->,c»,...:V'_.'•, . C-..l.u .Ktt._ _'k4 . Y, e, cre•::.S:a.,_.....:...us?..».c"C:::>;1'~'?':'..(n.ri`..,a-a... ~;j~l•~~ ~LQt~~'U~~.. ^r:L~~r._...:_?_,':<;'%:.ti~. 'F~=t rnm._<..,•n.....~ c'.''rr:?-~s,.Pf:.:`ry.:..,S.ifl,;:fi...~,.~~K.,:.14.....M~m+!:kw._._l.ct-~...T.A']::.......3.'Y.t?t~...i.. s3 Turn Bay Length (ft) - -.'11dN,-- "?.i%+~f9Ax ....c... ~..a ti - hp: ~ l..e'f~uti~r._ 31ti.~ Y ; ..r...., ~~a f.... z:! -...3.._u a.~,Yr?£..r-~- i r_..,,....eru7 S_.., ,a.....;..,,... ...,r ^•-i~:~srk.e~ ._w ~ c"x ~..,{,8L-~7:.,. F~ RL x Starvation Cao Reductn 0 0 0 0 1 877 0 Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. NOW Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. 2010 Build Weekday PMCADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10satbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Kelcey 4 Page 1 i HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main Std 11!3/2005 Lig ~ Lane Width 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 a 1 ~ ..dn ^3', ..~y __'.4.ei=%,'i': _..x`~.• ^ ::a>.,~..~'•'..''y~'^'.~' "srt . "?eC G V;+bt~ 47. 3 rr. S .s--, rr...i •f3' -r`'~,rx'7 3Lf Lane Util. Factor 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 M5 0.91 .~^"7 w ' ~ r 7' 1zi t -'ic ! ~ryc r'.ua ~ ,~i•- g .dr ~5,' p sI i. x:; _ . `{J~ r 9Y!'~? s• `r."l^ .,'r' j-.'el'fLy h~SFC °uK.S• .r-7 F t i :"-z°N'w YP::^S .I T `7, ..~..;iL.- Flt Protected 0,95 1.00 0,95 1.00 0,95 1.00 1.00 Flt Permitted 0.71 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Volume (vph) 137 0 742 63 65 8 674 812 49 0 730 158 781 66 68 8 709 855 52 0 768 Permitted Phases 4 4 8 2 - •'1 a..._ "^',':'I '7"'•.. - - _ ..yi.•2. ...~il ~.«'w ^•'ii:Y." u. .^.fiTn .x,. '*:~3, ,r i•^::i+r 360 92 92 268 478 17.0 Effective Green, {g (s) 9.2 ~,~~.'c• raw- ? 2~'~.",^..."j(' c ~,.i; *`i' rs 'Jy..- .s*,^ .fsa~ ~ yy -.--,.;U., i:.:~w+:,~cx.:~'rh_ eY Y~•_m_ta~ ~~'~Y'~~!`~1 rte. ~ ~ +.~7 -~etCii '~~5'1~•yT..~ih~i•AJ-5,.~~~ ~ G ~~~l`y}~X~r~ X ~7~'a rYr ~~j' ~ ^ Clearance Time (s) 6 0 6 0 6 0 6.0 6.0 6.0 660 r .y"" "~,Y 7 ,:L.7' " `53y,-3~,,x...r T'+9~~~L~'~'t~ Y yst "~lw~ ~~a'~•~ ~ ~ , ~ jur~1 ~~ry~~ ~~1^.li3fi~-r+~'.. ~x-Y .1(r J T..,}"~ 1~'~_,,. ~4.~.t~ S~~m~ .~...t'3~..~'?".x.:.-.... ;R:. S'.+..'~4n .C'...i'1' .3 _,i ~'•.r. _.`z~ «...sfi43~•~'~i~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 188 984 245 262 1382 2606 1307 Perm 0.11 0.16 Uniform Delay, d1 26.9 11.5 24.9 24.9 14.2 3.1 21.5 Incremental Delay, d2 14.9 4.0 0.2 0.2 1.3 0.4 2.8 Level of Service D B C C B A ~*5~.y+Ci-( yC ~j r~~ S .+1.'S` G Y` t*3" C"! ([r p .r'•~"'~r~ Kr -Tr-A... 25. ~E ~-Cr /^i~e..rr«!~~~G~J77t _ 7~ 3 C.. ~ ~ ~ 4 Y' i~ixfi'ry,- ~'F- Y. . ~~'f ,.C'a' f ~ •I•J' .r..~~ { 1 ri~j~~ ~'.r*.. •i~~-~r.. Approach LOS B C A C HCM Average Control Delay 150 HCM Level of Service B e ii. x..... ~ t r.e ~ . ...5 .~t ~ , n r ..r , , 2F..w h~':,. t ~m...._^-a. ..y ~ J •a S 9^ ted gm-._. i, ~~rcn riu--t Analysis Period (min) 15 ';w z:)!^ ..t. ^',K<1; ~r:74' %ry•"" ...r..; gpi -g yy~C (L' i. a .a« !ice 4 •.x~. _:s.•..-~.... r,.. 3I _t-.-...._..r •y. ......~_..c..~.... r 2010 Build Weekday PMC:\Documents and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Kelcey -l k~ { ?Page 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Gt i ~ ~'t 1 ~ ~ ~~'U U •~Y ~t.-~' !A S '1"~'11','r•°6 -5 ~ t r. J ~a''' 1 Turn Type custom custom Perm Prot Queues _ 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/3/2005 4, ~ t ~ ~q,,y, ""t t{1 ~ N K• ~ej~,; t ~~;t y!~r~ -l,t :C~ 4 x ~ `r",ri'y~,y'~y!' r'~'S ..P' '~.7(ti.{~ i~~l~ ' '~s~r~;~h-. ,.ter. .~f~~,.~~~~i~E~s+~~hYt~:t'~,~~.,..,'ia.~.~'"'~"'t_z'fi?~~k~3~•`~r n.'~d"s`.maa;in~ ='`x~~;`~ Lane Group Flow (vph) 144 781 66 76 709 907 934 ~..-...r........•~n ..a,.. :.:•x,v :~r aYr=.:c~a ,-...x_.._.nc...... ,;,.,m:>:..~.. ...Tr,.: •yM ~ ~';~'-2'~. ~T~"`i:YS°'j~,'i' _ -r;•" '('ne:: ' J ;:"1+:clts. •:t4`6; ~::.9 l-N'+ ' t;~ . ~U.' ;~1`_4 ~ ~ tir~.•.'.;!ifxtiik'-••ittK: ..,.'~.t..,:.:.~r n L+,F.., U-f...x~•~i "'?}7 ~a ?~:-n,;_...y;.. . -r.;i a s a-i ;'x ~w'i tic `;{,r • .sJ i.~ _ ~y a~:.~(~ ...7 %.~'d'~a^s,•~t~p:,~. ~''~i''. ;.a. ;JP Control Delay 39.0 14.1 25.7 23.6 11.9 2.8 24.9 - - ...M^I~^:L",'.S _ '.M..' ~ Tye.. O•i~~(~""«""<`/T•5~ ~ >.~:~~"~Yil:i.~.cM-^:ts' ~ T~' 'P `rn+~T,.? ..;rv2j=F~~r~.e: ~:?.r~~f,~~'..i: '.f'•~.:rvilc~: - it = ~:;1'. . `rEr.7:.,T .~.~7~'%.,;,,,.. ~h. q;-•?.. -r.;~,ho.. i,.~.'.,~6 ^~~n`.' ?f~_ .r~_. . ~n~~,. .r... •r :s_s:~~ '-'f'. s:;c ~rv^»:!✓: rT.:.;cr~., t w :.5..:•"~=pr.` „f,.. a'~;.8::-st~'r.;~i+"es2y n,2,,y._t~^- .ij7„z,': a~s,•.~ro,~,'~~~t:3~~'~9'.ih ~,?~•w~~„~UE~,a~,-~_' ~a:'--r--+Cf:i,~~~~u~~..T,:,!~1"...~a 1.,^,~~i~-,.,..~~xk.r~•~ i1;'td'•utsfv.,~4r,.~::t- ~~e~z~"..'~ixert~~:'..::u, Total Delay 39.0 14 1 25 7 23.6 2.6 3.0 24.9 .=,«~p..e:n .y~h•. -:r:-. ~,~~;:.,y.L.~>.r~.'j..~_.'.-,>•;,:,.:,:, r~r,w4~cr+, y ........:..y~,~~.;;S, _:.,.,~alcs~T~~.:ry2>:,~ g=•;s"^:ry:~•r~...n 5a-~ ~`rva_q~~xe r~^ ^'„.:f5_°~,~•-«ei IIi=w.,~.t~~-'-i v-,'ise.vr`.~xr~,,•07'-t'w•r,7ieE"~:s k";aC.r'r'~..~i•r•r-3nC °t-~r3.~',g.e?i:"r!~'4~f d _.3~•_• =rf g'~r" :c.. t..:,,.:~~.•.r' .,k:r,-t „i, ~,c.`.'7~~.-~~..'~„~nr' .~.x7Ys_ •'•~~>e Queue Lenath 95th (ft) #128 348 54 57 79 47 #182 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 402 890 0 }'~~ry ~~j{} , ~s{.(• .-"~~`5'.~"•*t~ y W~~'y' tr"F ),~.a~~-,2' -iwz`5 a •w-! ~9 -,n-c'7 ;bl F.'wru'xSTY.~a.+.2r' Y h-~L=7?iL K "~i L1`YS s `Yy .~,t.}R ~S 'fey. 'nk 'C ~+"..'il~~~ 7< ❑ n~^,x.•3~'3 ~^c~-:Y.':~.a.~r .rttt; s,r~...~,r". ~„5: L .,.,.a?z_.-tea w•'~,r'_`,~a•~:r_~'~~.cVr,£ec~`"'a~ayre~ Storage Cap REnv. tn 0 0 0 _0 _ 0 0 0 ~y~, `.f,. -.Ia ms. -i .ie...... -~t. .r3'il..xs... ~...i .~•u ~ • .,Ci''nt'i~"'xs.anF. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. 2010 Build Weekday PMCADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10pmbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Kelcey Page 1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: South Street & Route 28 (Main St) 11/3/2005 4\ 4' Lane Confiaurations Vii r Vi 1* 1) 0 tfiT, Lane Width 12 12 12 11 12 12 _ 11 12 12 11 12 12 _ ~:rrr,^° ~:t;~ `3^~?'M~i%?_:~ Y: - - .s "-r t z. .a1 r;s~-lx'~~•' - v;~r~.•'°r.-~=.3•~~` ' i3'~Sa~~aa~ a'? a T'w.' >=4F = j • i'•.'~~J`3 a`,z:'ti'.'n ud'c- •,~•5=1yu. n 7 r ~.?r a.v r:. ra• 1:ti~ d,'>~`.'~cr.,a.,c,rr c~.a:;...a.,~..;,-.~,...~f:~t~rw.r.>..a~......,t~~_..:br_:_~:,:._~::r~~.•;~Tr,:_.~,ai~".z'~,!`.~.t..~.~. .__~~:7~~~~ri,.r_.•~,;3~•.•~- ~;w~.~. 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'.`L»`.1{> r~. , Queue Lenath 95th (ft) #159 #658 62 67 92 15 #245 Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. 2010 Build Weekday PM CADocuments and Settings\remery\My Documents\Four-Lane\10satbt (retail) - HECK.sy7 Edwards and Keicey Page 1 W~~ f t ~F fj 7 { d? ltt✓'✓'' L 4f~'L l Starvation CaD Reductn 0 0 0 0 1 77 C, ~~o Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town'Manager -----Original Message----- From: RALPH C BLUNT [mailto:ablu22@juno.com] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 10:31 AM To: Town Manager Cc: Reilly, Chris; ablu22@juno.com Subject: zone change Article 21 Rezoning of Sanborn, Woburn and Linden St. to Business zone B * Increased traffic congestion * Increased noise * Potential negative effect on property values * Future domino effect of rezoning down Woburn St. * No notice of potential change Ralph C. & Adele F. Blunt 22 Linden St Reading, Ma 01867 781-944-5222 Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager -----Original Message----- From: Naomi J. Kaufman [mailto:njkaufman@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:10 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Questions about proposed re-zoning - Article 21 Just today it was brought to our attention that there is a proposed re-zoning of the area bounded by Sanborn, Woburn and Linden Streets to Business zone B. We were told that this re-zoning is being considered and voted on relatively soon - and is perhaps being bundled in with the re-zoning request for mixed use of portions of the downtown area. Is this true? As residents of Reading, and ones who lives quite close to the area proposed for re-zoning, we are surprised that we haven't received notification from the town that this is even an issue. Is there information you can share/send us that will explain in detail the proposed re-zoning, and the purpose? What is driving this request? If indeed this is up for review shortly, then we request that any voting be postponed until additional information is made available to explain the purpose and benefits of re-zoning that area, and impacts are considered. As I'm sure you are aware, a change like this could have substantial impact on the existing businesses in Reading as well as the community adjacent to this property. We look forward to your response, Naomi Kaufman and Tom Quintal 64 Woburn Street, Reading Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager From: gillyi@comcast.net [mailto:gillyl@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:12 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Linden/Sanborn Redistricting Plans We are writing to strongly discourage your putting on the Town Meeting agenda any vote regarding your proposal to change the zoning for the Linden/Sanbom area from a Residential S-15 to Business B classification. This topic has not been properly introduced to the neighborhood, there has been no public notice concerning this proposal, and it is premature to have a vote or discussion at Town Meeting without the proper informative information being distributed to the residents of the area so that a discussion can be had concerning the impact on this section of town prior to any vote. Please take this matter off the agenda. Karen Rose-Gillis/Bill Gillis (781)942-7161 Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity'for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager From: julie callahan [mailto:jacallahan@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:14 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Article 21 Rezoning of Sanborn, Woburn and Linden Street to Business zone B Dear Town Manager, Last Friday I was notified by a neighbor (on Mount Vernon Street) that rezoning was being discussed in Article 21. My husband and I have one major concern about this rezoning, parking! Where will all the clients of these new businesses park? Sincerely, Julie A. Callahan 49 Chute Street 781-942-0276 Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager From: Vnnyg58@aol.com [mailto:Vnnyg58@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:11 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Re;;Article 21 rezoning Dear Peter, I wish to express my view on the rezoning of Woburn,Sanborn and Linden streets which I am against. As a homeowner on 58 Linden St;. 1 do not wish to have this rezoning near my street. Its enough that we have lots of traffic on Linden Street and with rezoning it will create havoc and safety issues on the above streets I mentioned. I hope you take this under consideration I have been a Reading resident for over 35 years and have seen a great deal of "positive improvements" to my home town. This particular rezoning (Article 21) is definitely NOT AN IMPROVEMENT.... but an impediment to me my friends and neighbors of this beautiful town Again I hope you take this under consideration at Mondays' meeting. Thank you in advance, Vincent J. Giannusa Connie Leoncello 781-944-2681 781-944-6489 Thanks you for your email regarding Article 21. We have received a number of emails asking that this matter be tabled so there would be an opportunity for more neighborhood discussion and input. I will discuss this with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting tonight. In any case, this matter will not come before Town Meeting this evening - it could come up on Thursday of on the following Monday, depending on how long Town Meeting lasts. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager -----Original Message----- From: philmaher3333@comcast.net Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 To: Town Manager Subject: Article 21 Rezoning of Dear Sir: [mailto:philmaher3333@comcast.net] 3:41 PM Sanborn, Woburn st. I am very concerned that the rezoning of Sanborn and Woburn St. to Business zone B will be considered without proper notice of nearby residence and be put to a Town Meeting vote soon. This potential removal of homes and the replacement with business occupancies will serve to destroy my neighborhood by surrounding my home further with businesses. We have plenty of new businesses on the old dump site. We don't need to expand the center of town by taking residences.. If anyone thinks this is a good idea let them volunteer their neighborhood to do it in. Yours truly, Phil Maher 72 Woburn Street Reading, MA 7 E111' Greenman - Pedersen, Inc. Engineering and Construction Services MAX-2005101.00 November 11, 2005 Mr. Christopher Reilly Town Planner 16 Lowell Street Reading, Massachusetts 01867 SUBJECT: Park Square at Reading Dear Mr. Reilly: In response to Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.'s (GPI) October 6, 2005 review letter, Edwards & Kelcey (E&K) has provided a Supplemental Traffic Study dated November 2005 addressing the concerns expressed in that letter. In addition, representatives from E&K and GPI met on October 28, 2005 to discuss a number of design alternatives, as described in the November Supplemental Traffic Study. The design plan for the Main Street at South Intersection has been modified to improve both vehicle operations and safety. The following highlights the changes that have been incorporated into the design: • The northbound approach has been expanded to provide two (2) dedicated left turn lanes as wel I as two (2) general purpose lanes. • The signal phasing has been revised to provide a "protected-only" left turn movement northbound entering the site. • The southbound on-ramp to 1-95 has been increased to two (2) lanes. This configuration reduces the congestion and queues at the South Street intersection by providing access to 1-95 southbound from both the far right and center lanes approaching South Street. These vehicles were previously forced to merge just south of the Main Street/South Street intersection to access 1-95. • At the request of the Town, both E&K and GPI evaluated the benefits of prohibiting through movements eastbound from South Street. While it was agreed that this would be a benefit to reduce cut through traffic, the implementation and enforcement of such a restriction would be difficult without a physical barrier. The result was the creation of a median island on the easterly side of South Street, which physically prohibits the through movement. • In conjunction with the construction of the median island, the southbound left turn would also be prohibited. Recent counts in June 2005 indicate that there is minimal demand for this movement (25 vehicles during the PM peak hour and 15 vehicles during the Saturday peak hour). The safety benefit of eliminating this movement is two fold. First, it eliminates the conflict between left turning and through vehicles in the southbound left lane and second, it eliminates the conflict between the permissive left turn movement southbound and the northbound through movement. • The turning movements associated with the real estate training facility have been incorporated into the analysis. • The vehicle queues along the eastbound approach will be accommodated along the Addison-Wesley site drive and will not adversely impact the South Street or Main Street operations.- The signal proposed at South Street and Jacob Way will act to meter the exiting traffic and facilitate the movements from South Street to Main Street. 105 Central Street, Suite 3100, Stoneham, MA 02180 Tel: (781) 279-5500 Fax: (781) 279-5501 www.gplnet.com Mr. Christopher Reilly November 11, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Overall we feel comfortable that the current design of the intersection will sufficiently accommodate the anticipated traffic associated with the Addison-Wesley facility. Furthermore, the modifications to the intersection will provide improvement to the safety of the interaction when compared to the current design. Once again, the entire project will be subject to MEPA and MassHighway review, during which the study area will be increased to determine the projects impacts on additional intersections and street networks in the vicinity of the project. As part of the MEPA process, the proposed modifications to this intersection will be evaluated and subject to review and comment by MassHighway officials. Therefore, GPI would recommend that the project be accepted as a feasible project and approved by the Town to begin the MEPA process and preparation of a detailed Traffic Impact and Access Study based on an expanded project area. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact me directly at (781) 279-5500 ext. 3008. Very truly yours, i i GI~PENMAN-PEDERSEN, INC. ohn W. Diaz. P.E., ft.O.E. Assistant Vice President Proposed re-development of Addison-Wesley Hechenblefter, Peter From: Askin, Richard [Richard.Askin@srweiner.com] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:44 AM To: Town Manager Cc: Reilly, Chris; Engineering; Brad Latham (E-mail) Subject: Proposed re-development of Addison-Wesley Importance: High Hi Pete: Page 1 of 2 We got your e-mail regarding the BOS meeting on Tuesday night. Thank you for scheduling our proposal and its traffic solution for discussion. The Supplemental Traffic Report was completed last week on the strength of purposeful coordination between the Town's peer reviewer, John Diaz, and our traffic engineer Rod Emery. Attached please find the report in 'pdf format. Hardbound copies are being delivered to your office this morning by courier. Given that our BOS meeting date was moved up a month, we are hopeful that this very important document can be available to everyone involved in the meeting. The report confirms that the intersection works, and in fact has been made better as a result of the peer review phase. On a related matter: you may recall we discussed landscaping the corners of the intersection, to enhance the Town's gateway. Our landscape architect is developing a solution & presentation board on this idea, which will be ready for review in December. If you have any questions on the Supplemental Traffic Report, please do not hesitate to let us know. Best Regards, Richard Attachments (2): Supplemental Traffic Reoort: [dated November 20051 <<SuppTraffic-Nov 20051.pdf>> Appendix to Report: <<Supp Appendix rev #2.pdf>> Richard K. Askin WIS Development Associates LLC Affiliated with: S. R. Weiner & Associates, Inc Tel-Direct: 617-646-3226 Cell: 617-571-7693 e-mail: dchard.askin(cDsrweiner.com 11/14/2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC STUDY November 2005 UPDATES INITIAL `TRAFFIC STUDY' dated AUGUST 2005, Redevelopment of the Addison-Wesley Office Park One Jacob Way, Reading, MA Prepared for: W/S Development Associates LLC 1330 Boylston Street Chestnut Hill, MA. Prepared by: Edwards and Kelcey 343 Congress Street Boston, MA 02110 PARK SQUARE A T R E A O I N O OVERVIEW OF `SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC REPORT' This Supplemental Traffic Report (dated November 2005) is the follow up document to the Traffic Report (dated August 2005) previously submitted to the Town of Reading in support of the proposed redevelopment of Addison Wesley. The Town's appointed peer reviewer for traffic, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI), carefully reviewed and commented on the proponent's initial traffic analysis and recommendations, prepared by Edwards & Kelcey (E&K). Then over several months, GPI and E&K worked through several rounds of analysis, comment, response, and recommendation. The result of this professional traffic engineering effort is that several new improvements have been incorporated into the traffic solution for the key intersection at Main and South Streets. Significantly, the key traffic intersection of Main Street and South Street has not only been proven to work well, but has been improved. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 2 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G CONTENTS This supplemental report details key improvements to the originally proposed configuration, as detailed in the original "Traffic Study' dated August 2005, as follows: Part A: Improvements A-1. "Protected only" phasing for northbound Main Street A-2. Expansion of the 1-95 southbound on-ramp to two lanes A-3. Elimination of the South Street eastbound thru movement A-4. Improvement in operational safety of southbound left-turn at Main & South Streets These improvements have been fully integrated into the proposed traffic solution, including roadway layout and operational aspects of the intersection. Part B: Clarifications In addition to the improvements, several points of clarification were addressed: B-1. Review of exiting queues within A-W driveway B-2. Turning movements in computer simulation model B-3. Review and approval by MEPA and MassHighway PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 3 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G CONCLUSIONS OF THE 'SUPPLEMENTAL TRAFFIC REPORT' The purpose of the traffic study conducted by professional traffic engineers was to determine with certainty how the intersection can support increased traffic from the Addison Wesley property, while simultaneously improving traffic flow for existing traffic. As a result of lengthy and detailed traffic engineering study, including valuable peer review, the intersection has been proven to work. The proponent's traffic solution should be viewed as a major improvement to the Town's road infrastructure at its key 'southern gateway'. Key benefits resulting from this proposed upgrade of the intersection include: • accommodation of the pre-existing through traffic on Main and South Street. • support of all new traffic flow generated by the redevelopment project • significant improvement in LOS (level-of-service) in several key ways • significant improvement in operational safety The redevelopment of Addison Wesley as a retail lifestyle center includes all costs of design, permitting and construction to make all improvements as outlined in this Supplemental Traffic Report. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 4 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N 13 A-1: "Protected onlv" Dhasina for northbound Main Street Review comment: • Provide protected phasing for northbound left turns. Resolution: Refer to Figure '1' and Table '1' ® Revised northbound approach by widening Main Street to a four- lane cross section to accommodate two exclusive left turn lanes and two other lanes; one for through vehicles and one shared lane for through and right turners (previously a 3-lane section). • In tandem with the new travel lane northbound on Main Street, traffic signal phasing is modified to provide an improved operation with protective left turn phasing. Results: The combined effect of providing protected phasing and the additional lane northbound on Main Street results in a slight decrease in delays for the overall intersection, (17.8 seconds to 15.4 seconds) during the pm peak and on Saturday, (27.1 seconds to 25.6 seconds). It should be noted that the delays for the individual movements, within the intersection, vary (higher or lower) slightly. The queues with the new phasing scheme remained very similar to the original scheme with some minor exceptions. During the PM peak hour, the queues for the southbound approach on Main Street decreased slightly (196 feet/per lane to 176 feet/per lane feet), on the South Street, eastbound approach (thru/left) the queues decreased slightly (179 feet to 156 feet) and for all the other movements the queues were approximately the same. On Saturday, the queues on the Main Street, northbound approach decreased significantly (349 feet to 276 feet), on the South Street, eastbound approach (thru/left), the queues decreased slightly (214 feet to 205 feet). A complete summary of the Main Street/ South Street intersection's operating characteristics, based on the "retail " development scenario, is provided in Table '1': LOS Summaries. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 6 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A O I N Gt Benefits: • The LOS and delays for the overall intersection as well as each individual movement within the intersection are improved with the new design. Note about LOS Tables The format of the "LOS Table" presents a comparison of: ➢ August '05 'Traffic Study' (left-hand side of table); to, ➢ November '05 'Supplemental Traffic Study' (right-hand side of table). ...and ➢ Weekday PM peaks (upper portion of table); to, ➢ Saturday PM peaks (lower portion of table). Complete copies of the Synchro analysis is contained in the appendix. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 7 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G Table 1: LOS Summaries Intersection/ Original Traffic Study, Supplemental Traffic Study, Movement August 2005 November, 2005 V/C Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay. LOS Queue Weekday PM: South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 34.6 C 156 South St EB RT 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.77 10.6 B 347 South St WB LT 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.38 21.7 C 53 South St WB TH RT 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.20 20.6 C 51 Route 28 NB LT 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.56 11.6 B 85 Route 28 NB TH RT 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.38 2.3 A 38 Route 28 SB 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.84 29.7 C 176 Overall Intersection Weekday Sat. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St WB LT South St WB TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB 17.8 B 15.4 B Overall Intersection 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.90 52.0 D 205 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.51 22.3 C 74 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.23 20.2 B 60 0.87 25.9 C 349 0.85 18.8 B 276 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.32 2.1 A 28 0.95 37.7 D 227 0.94 36.3 D 225 27.1 C 25.6 C PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 8 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G ~rI PARK SQUARE AT READING, `'fADISDDIS0:1 .1' ~ nnrinr. n•n~~ . II ` i a ' ADDITION OF NORTHBOUND LANE WI fl , PROTECTED ONLY" PHASING { I ~ 51 f ~ //ff111 ~ 7 / (I 00- v r ' I ~:n sy- INTFItGF1INGE ` " iE~sti I A I'XI:T 38 ` i -95 / wrri,..t28 Ilb1PT1C51Q1AL1'i1A56c+I TRAPIICSKi\A1,IllIMFaz JI j( IRAITIl51i7\AbPIIASi u3 ✓ 1~ t I I~ J_ F1+:iGR1? I PPr~C'E:CI'I':17{.i?i!.'i"'I'[G1SI\Ci I'i`I:IliII1 )l.! I)NlAl S1 10A., I' A .1"il A). ,005 i PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 9 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G A-2: Exr)and the 1-95 southbound on-ramp from one to two Review comment: • Reduce queue lengths along Main Street in the southbound direction during the PM Peak. Note: queues on Saturday are virtually the same. Resolution: Refer to Figure '1' and Table '1' • Re-stripe the southbound entrance ramp to 1-95 from Main Street to allow two lanes of traffic to enter the ramp. Results: • The Level of service is unchanged and described under section A-1. Benefit: • By allowing the 1-95 southbound on-ramp to be striped as two lanes, the southbound traffic from Main Street flows more efficiently and reduces queue lengths along Main Street in the southbound direction in the PM peak. Queues on Saturday are virtually the same. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 10 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G A-3: Eliminate South Street eastbound thru movement Review comment • Traffic operations at the intersection of Main Street and South Street might be improved if the South Street, eastbound through movement were prohibited. Results: Refer to Figure '2' and Table '2' • Overall the intersection's operation remained virtually the same as compared to the updated intersection presented in section A- 1, with the LOS remaining at B in the PM peak and C on Saturday. A comparison between the original study and the supplemental study is shown in Table '2' for both the PM and Saturday peaks. Benefit: • This would have the added benefit of discouraging cut-through traffic destined for the Town of Wakefield to use South Street area neighborhood streets. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 11 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G Table 2: LOS Summaries Original Traffic Study, Supplemental Traffic Study, August 2005 November, 2005 VIC Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay LOS Queue Weekday PM: South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 40.3 D 128 South St EB RT 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.81 15.1 B 360 South St WB LT 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.27 25.1 C 54 South St WB TH RT 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.26 25.1 C 57 Route 28 NB LT 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.53 13.6 B 82 Route 28 NB TH RT 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.35 2.7 A 52 Route 28 SB 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.71 24.5 C 191 Overall Intersection Weekday Sat: South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St WB LT South St WB TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB 17.8 B 15.5 B Overall Intersection 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.80 50.4 D 159 0.96 32.7 C 562 1.01 40.8 D 658 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.27 23.7 C 62 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.27 23.7 C 67 0.87 25.9 C 349 0.75 14.4 B 92 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.31 1.6 A 15 0.95 37.7 D 227 0.96 41.5 D 245 27.1 C 27.5 C PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 12 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N 8 PROHIBIT THROUGH MOVEMENT SOUTH STREET EB ai x??5rr C PARKSQUARE READING ~ 11a M3~ ' FI~ CONSTRUCT w . DELTA jd co ISLAND l f r J ~.J d zf" I r y j - ? r te 411 `[-95 l 'R1"L 128: F114IFFICiIGNALI'tLtbGol I'ItAF11CSlf\r1LIILASlia t TWIFFICSIG\ALPHASE 0 1161 TI: 11 rl.nlr.art; IfA lll.rrrrr !'aSl'13+~["~il; I']ik(`litti'1:3pi:~l PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 13 November 2005 a~ rr~~ri~.9 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G A- 4: Improve the safetv of southbound left turn at Main and South Street., Review comment: In concert with the elimination of the South Street eastbound thru traffic, prohibit southbound drivers on Main Street from turning left Resolution: Refer to Figure '3' and Table '3' The southbound left turn movement on Main Street is very light and could be eliminated to improve the safety and operations of the intersection. This eliminates the driver who today is forced to make a left turn from a shared left/thru lane by waiting for gaps in the opposing thru traffic. Results: Overall this alternative provides the best operation as compared to both the original intersection provided in the original August Study (17.8 seconds to 15.0 seconds) during the pm peak and on Saturday, (27.1 seconds to 25.1 seconds) as well as the operation described previously under Sections A-1 through A-3 in this supplementary report ( 15.5 seconds to 15.0 seconds) during the pm peak and (27.5 seconds to 25.1 seconds) on Saturday. A comparison between the original study and the supplemental study is shown in Table '3' for both the PM and Saturday peaks.. Benefit: Overall safety and efficiency of this key intersection is greatly improved. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 14 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G Table 3: LOS Summaries Original' Traffic Study, Supplemental"Traffic Study, Auqust 2005 November, 2005 VIC Delay LOS Queue VIC Delay LOS Queue Weekday PM. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT 0.77 38.1 D 179 0.77 40.4 D 128 South St EB RT 0.75 13.6 B 347 0.79 13.7 B 348 South St WB LT 0.40 25.4 C 61 0.27 25.1 C 54 South St WB TH RT 0.20 24.0 B 58 0.26 25.1 C 57 Route 28 NB LT 0.57 14.0 B 90 0.51 12.5 B 79 Route 28 NB TH RT 0.66 6.7 A 39 0.35 2.7 A 47 Route 28 SB 0.82 32.1 D 196 0.68 24.4 C 182 Overall Intersection 17.8 B 15.0 B Weekday Sat. South St & Route 28 South St EB TH LT South St EB RT South St WB LT South St WB TH RT Route 28 NB LT Route 28 NB TH RT Route 28 SB Overall Intersection 0.98 75.3 E 214 0.80 50.4 D 159 0.96 32.7 C 562 0.99 34.5 C 658 0.59 26.6 C 82 0.27 23.7 C 62 0.25 21.1 C 61 0.27 23.7 C 67 0.87 25.9 C 349 - 0.72 12.4 B 92 0.68 4.9 A 46 0.31 1.6 A 15 0.95 377 D 227 0.95 40.0 D 245 27.1 C 25.1 C PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 15 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G PROHIBIT LEFT TURN SB MAIN STREET -71 J 'r 1 . i \ v iqf 1.1 ~f i / j ✓ j,, 1~ f OFF R:1 4 AL PIIXU X731 I t % > IRAFFIC SIGNAL PHASE W A.- i 4~ r~i,t rr•; I'tiit'Id1ATSAH ,(11:StiI"I'IMoIt'<I H;I1"f URN Al \1:11NAx1)St)IAIISlRl.P.1.`S PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 16 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G B-1: Analvtical value of computer simulation model Review comment: Idiosyncrasies of Synchro were observed in several traffic movements. For example, turns entering the real estate office at the South and Jacob Way intersection were atypical in the Synchro model. Explanation: The traffic model required specific coding to allow left turns into the real estate office. This real estate office is a training facility with limited operation during the critical peaks for the site. The training center operates primarily on a few weekday mornings. It is not expected to generate any traffic entering the site in the PM or Saturday mid-day peaks. Adjustments were made to the computer model to account for a small volume of traffic entering the site and included revised projections. Benefit: While the Synchro computer model does not produce a true `virtual reality' in every aspect, it does serve as an aid in analyzing traffic flows and is a very useful tool in refining traffic operations, especially signalized intersections. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 18 November 2005 PARK SQUARE A T R E A D I N G B-2: Review of exitina aueues within the Addison-Weslev drivewav Review comment: On Saturday, at the peak hour demand, exiting queues extend back into the A-W driveway. Explanation: The queue is a function of the signal timing and geometries of the signalized intersection at Main Street and South Streets. The capacity analysis calculations prepared for this intersection were based on the optimum cycle lengths of 65 seconds. Cycle lengths any shorter than 65 seconds will shorten queues but increase delays to drivers overall. The Synchro model indicated long queues in the driveway, longest in the right-exiting-lane, approaching the signal. Queue calculations performed with Synchro develops queue calculations assuming the intersection operation is operating as an isolated signal. It does not take into account the signal at the South Street/ Jacob Way intersection. The gap between the two signals provides a means to manage the queue and allow South Street eastbound drivers an opening to enter Jacob's Way approach Main Street. The driveway in & out of the retail center is a four-lane cross section, which extends into the property nearly 1000 feet back from the intersection. The capacity of the driveway is therefore enormous. By its very nature, this type of driveway is designed for stacked vehicles and efficient entering and exiting flows. As a result, forecast queues are easily accommodated by the driveway and will not adversely impact the operations of the Main Street /South Street intersection. Benefit The new driveway is designed to accommodate high capacity traffic queues and flow and is functionally integrated into the adjacent street network. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 19 November 2005 PARK SQUARE AT R E A D I N G B-3: Review & aaoroval by MassHiahwav and MEPA Review comment: • The proposed geometric modifications at the intersection of Main Street and South Street as well as the widening on both the 1-95 on and off ramps, would require MassHighway and MEPA approval. Explanation: The proponent has met with MassHighway and will continue coordination efforts throughout the permitting process. Following the re-zoning of the property to allow retail, the next phase of the project would involve a comprehensive Traffic Impact and Access Study, based on an expanded study area as established by MEPA, after a scoping session and the preparation of a draft and final Impact reports. Benefit: • The Town of Reading is protected by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' requirements for a fully comprehensive review of traffic engineering. PSR: Supplemental Traffic Study 20 November 2005