HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-22 Board of Selectmen PacketFAX: (781) 942.9071 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: November 18, 2005 RE: November 22, 2005 Agenda TOWN MANAGER (781) 942 -6643 1 a) Please see Ben Tafoya's memo in your packet regarding process re: Addison Wesley. 2a) I would recommend taking up the resolution at the same time as item 4h is taken up. 3a) Four members of the Board of Selectmen had previously interviewed two candidates for the Audit Committee, and their vote was tied 2 -2. Camille Anthony has met both candidates. I would hope the Board would be able to make a decision on this appointment on Tuesday night. 4a) . Fire Fighter Bob Beck will be present to give the Board of Selectmen a brief presentation on the Toys for Tots program. This is the season when the program becomes active. 4b) I will have a copy of an updated Action Status Report for the Board on Tuesday night. 4c) This is a continued hearing* on whether or not to provide a four way stop at Mt. Vernon and Bancroft and provide no parking on the eastside of Bancroft from Mt. Vernon to Woburn. There seems to be a consensus on the parking. Among those who were present at the previous hearing, there was not a consensus on the four way stop. It was my feeling that during the neighborhood walls earlier this Fall, there was a very strong consensus for a four way stop. Additionally, we have determined that there is no legal basis currently for the stop signs on Mt. Vernon Street and at the very least these should be approved by the Board to make them legal stop signs. 4d) The Board of Selectmen has previously indicated that they would approve a two way stop sign: Louanis at Avalon and Avalon northbound at Louanis. 4e) We've had a number of requests for addressing parking and/or direction on Edgemont Avenue particularly from Stewart to West Street. The Principal at the school would prefer to have no parking on the school side of Edgemont, as she would prefer to maintain this area as a drop off area. If one were to follow suit with the Wood End School location for parking regulations, you would have regulations for no parking, standing or stopping 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, September 1 — June 15. 4f) As part of the discussion with residents on the "Original" Sanborn Lane, they requested heavy vehicle exclusion because of the narrowness of the street and because it is not a street constructed to Town standards and would not handle a lot of heavy vehicles. The alternate route would be Sanborn Lane to Lilah Lane to Thomas Drive, etc. Such a heavy vehicle exclusion is not enforceable for vehicles that have to use that road for access — those on the "Original" Sanborn Lane. The maps enclosed show the area that we sent legal notices to. 4g) At the Wood End Working Group follow up meeting earlier this Fall, the Police Department recommended extension of the no parking, standing or stopping 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday for the fiill extent of the cul -de -sacs on Roma Lane on Sunset Rock Lane. During some events this has become a problem. There seemed to be consensus among those at the Selectmen's meeting earlier this Fall on such regulations. 4h) Following up on the discussion with the Ad Hoc Committee, this policy would establish an Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Program. I have suggested that the Committee have a sunset after about 5 1/2 years, so that if it is no longer viable or needed, it would not be renewed by the Board of Selectmen. 4i) Liquor license renewals have to take place by the end of November each year. The attached list shows all the liquor licenses. Those that are places of assembly (restaurants and clubs) have been inspected by the Building Inspector and the Fire Department for conformance to new State safety code. In approving the licenses, the Board of Selectmen will also be approving the fact that these inspections tools place. We will have a file of each of the inspections available at the Selectmen's meeting if you would like to review it. A couple of the licenses have outstanding fees or taxes. We will not issue the license until those fees have been paid. 4j) The policy on the Town Manager's Evaluation, as recently amended by the Board of Selectmen, is included in your packet. The first action would be for the Board to set up the subcommittee to start this evaluation process. That subcommittee will need to develop whatever foruns or format they would like to use for that process. PIH /ps Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Ben Tafoya [ben @planetnw.com] Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 10:24 AM To: Reading - Selectmen; Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Please Include in Packet for Tuesday Discussion Dear Colleagues: I am writing today because I would like to discuss the type of resources we need as we move forward in our discussion of the proposed development at the Addison- Wesley site. I think we can all agree that this is a major discussion facing the Board of Selectmen and the town. I believe that we need a thorough briefing by counsel on what our responsibilities and rights are, as a Town and a Board, as we approach this critical discussion regarding the future of our community. I also believe that we will need counsel's expertise at each step in the process from here until the ultimate decision is made. I would hate to see the effort we are putting into this process spoiled by decisions that did not have the full cover of law. I want to have the discussion of counsel's involvement now so we can be well prepared for our meeting on December 6t` and any subsequent meetings regarding this project. I would suggest that our time on December 6th start with a discussion of this application and what we can expect to be the Board of Selectmen's, CPDC and other town board's involvement in this process. We should talk to Brackett and Lucas about which attorney can best help us with this project. We need to be satisfied that we have the proper attorney, even if we need to retain special counsel for this matter. The goal should be to make sure that we take the proper steps to arrive at a decision. That decision should be made in a manner that minimizes the chances of a lawsuit that could threaten to overturn the will of the town. I appreciate your consideration of this matter, Best, Ben Tafoya P: (800) 786 -1105 C: (617) 953 -2530 I r 11/18/2005 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Fink, Fran Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 10:51 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Reilly, Chris; Virginia Adams Subject: Nelson property Hello all, I have just received the memo from Peter concerning the meetings and phone calls that took place on November 8. Since then, Mrs. Day came in for a demolition application to initiate the 6 -month delay period. I reviewed the various options that might be available to avoid demolishing the house, and gave her the names of several local builders who might be interested in working with her if Mr. Zanni is not. Several members of the Historical Commission came to me a few days ago, and I also discussed the options with them. It is my understanding that they were able to meet with Mrs. Day recently, and she has already or might soon take back the demolition permit application while they pursue some of these options. They are also hoping to bring an article to spring Town Meeting that would allow a reduced lot size or other zoning relaxations where historical structures are involved. If such a measure passes, it also might help with the Nelson property. I remain available to assist anyone who is working on designs and permitting for this site. I am hopeful that we can come up with a plan that will protect both the wetlands and the house, while allowing further development. I will send updates if I hear anything new, and would appreciate hearing from the rest of you in the same manner. Thanks, Fran 11/18/2005 �a. Page f 1 (_ ,S Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:23 AM To: McIntire, Ted; Delaney, Joe Cc: Schettini, Pat; Fink, Fran Subject: Wood End School The conservation commission has no objections to preparation of a pervious pathway from Dividence Road to the nearest paved surface on the north side of the Wood End School this fall, so that we can plow and maintain a walking surface to the school. Please prepare and implement this as soon as possible — using stone dust, gravel, or similar material. Please keep the location as far as practical from wetland areas, and keep the width to 8' from the school to the fence, and 5 feet from the fence to Dividence. It should be installed in the approximate location that Joe will be making an application to the Conservation Commission for a paved pathway to be installed next year. Also please prepare out of similar material, a pathway on the opposite corner of the building to connect the exit doorway to the nearest sidewalk as we discussed in our site walk. Finally, it is my understanding with respect to the as -built plans for the new parking area, that the construction plans as prepared, certified by Joe Delaney that they represent the as -built condition, will meet the requirements for the as- builts for this part of the project. Joe, I understand that you will get a copy of the plans from Josh Alston, certify as noted, and get that certification to Fran Fink. Thanks to all Pete 11/17/2005 RESOLUTION PARTICIPATION IN THE CITIES FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION CAMPAIGN WHEREAS: Scientific consensus has developed that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have a profound effect on the Earth's climate; and WHEREAS: • In 2003, the American Geophysical Union adopted a statement noting that human activities are increasingly altering the Earth's climate and that natural influences cannot explain the rapid increase in near - surface temperatures observed during the second half of the 20th Century; and • In 2001, at the request of the Administration, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reviewed and declared global warning a real problem caused in part by the actions of humankind; and • The 2001 Third Assessment Report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the 2000 U.S. Global Change Research Program's (USGCRP) First National Assessment indicate that global warming has begun; and • 162 countries including the U.S. pledged under the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS: • Energy consumption, specifically the burning of fossil fuels, accounts for more than 80% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; and • Local governments influence communities' emissions by exercising influence over land use, transportation, construction, waste management and energy management; and • Local government actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency provide local benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money for government, businesses and residents; and WHEREAS: The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign sponsored by ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, has invited the Town of Reading to become a partner in the Campaign. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Reading commits to participate in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign and, as a participant, will take a leadership role in promoting public awareness about the causes and impacts of climate change. The Town of Reading will undertake the Cities for Climate Protection Program 5 milestones to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions throughout the community: • Conduct a greenhouse gas emissions' inventory and forecast to determine the source and quantity of greenhouse gas emissions in Reading; • Establish a greenhouse gas emissions' reduction target; • Develop an action plan to meet the local greenhouse gas reduction target; • Implement the action plan; and • Monitor to review progress. 4j ' . BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Town of Reading requests assistance from ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP) as it progresses through the milestones. Camille W. Anthony, Chairman Richard W. Schubert, Vice Chairman Joseph G. Duffy, Secretary James E. Bonazoli Ben Tafoya We I APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 8, 2005 Audit Committee Term: 3 years I Vacancy Appointing Authority: Finance Committee, Board of Selectmen, School Committee, RMLD Candidates: Stephen Herrick Robert Prince "Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Terms(s) Date Exp. Chuck Robinson 81 Prospect Street 2008 Fincom Andrew Grimes 103 Oak Street (04) 2007 Fincom Vacancy ( ) 2006 B08 Harvey J. Dahl 16 Tennyson Road (99) 2008 SchCom. Camille Anthony 26 Orchard Park Drive (04) 2007 BOS Phil Pacino 5 Washington St. (03) 2008 RMLD Lisa Gibbs 59 Minot Street (04) 2006 SchCom. Candidates: Stephen Herrick Robert Prince "Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment AUDIT COMMITTEE Term Three years Appointing Authority See below Number of Members Seven Members appointed for three year terms so arranged that as near an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year. No member of the Audit Committee shall be a Town employee; however, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.4.6 of these Bylaws to the contrary, a Finance Committee member may be a member of the Audit Committee. Two members shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen, two members shall be appointed by the School Committee, two members shall be appointed by the Finance Committee and one member shall be appointed by the Reading Municipal Light Board. Meetings As needed Authority Town Meeting — November 12, 1992, Revised 3/3/03 Purpose The Audit Committee shall recommend to the Town Manager the firm of independent auditors that is to audit and report on the financial statements issued by the Town. The Audit Committee shall review the audit plan with the independent auditors and, upon completion of the audit, meet with the independent auditors to discuss the results of the audit and the annual financial reports. The Audit Committee shall transmit a copy of the completed annual audit and report to the Board of Selectmen, the Finance Committee, the School Committee and the Reading Municipal Light Board by the end of the, calendar year within which the Fiscal Year covered by the audit occurs. I Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street. Reading, MA 01867-2686 FAX: (781) 942-9071 TOWN MANAGER Email: town manager&l.reading.ma.us (781) 942-6643 Volunteer Vacancy Town of Reading Audit Committee One vacancy with a term expiring June 30, 2006, exists on the Audit Committee. The vacancy is for a Board of Selectmen representative. The purpose of the Committee is to review the audit plan with the independent auditors and upon completion of the audit, meet with the independent auditors to discuss the results of the audit and the annual financial reports. Interested persons may apply at the Town Clerk's office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts by 5:00 p.m. on October 13, 2005, or until the vacancy is filled. C= > 0 CID 3 a li Matthew Cummings 11 Lake Street, Unit 126 Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 587 -0466 September 21, 2005 Ms. Camille Anthony, Chairman Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Camille: DS d' r� I hope this letter finds you well; unfortunately we find ourselves at the end of the summer again, how quickly the time seems to move. I also want to let you and the Board of Selectmen know that I am resigning as your representative on the Audit Committee as I have just moved to Wakefield and am no longer able to serve the town in that capacity. I thank you for the opportunity to remain involve after leaving the Board and wish you and the others well for the future. It does seem a little strange to be living other than in Reading, however life is dynamic and ever changing, which serves to keeps us young I think. Again, the best of luck. Warm regards, Matthew Cummings o OCI 28 29 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: Prince Robert H. (Last) (First) (Middle) Date: 10/27/05 Address: 41 Oak St, Reading, MA Tel. (Homp)781- 944 -0957 Tel. (Work) Cell: 617-721-9141 (Is this number listed?) Occupation; Attorney Are you a registered voter in Reading? Us # of years in Reading: 15 e-mailaddiess: rhp238@hotmaiI.r-om Place 'a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a. resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drags Aquatics Advisory Board XAudit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars _Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee — MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council ­Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizen Advisory Board Solid Waste Advisory Committee Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee _Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: dH Have prio-ormunicipal government experience with MPA degree. 3�,5 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS /COMMITTEES /COMMISSIONS Name: q t✓ f- -vTG p R-JFAJ W Date: b .11 6 S— (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: ,::j 9110 Tel. (Home) "291-19 h' -'/- 09f f Tel. (Work) 7 �'") - ,2 aS -730' (Is this number listed ?) y Occupation: F11J A X G E # of years in Reading: 01 Are you a registered voter in Reading?—Y— e -mail address: S -r E p ti CRP • 14 0 R it le-1< (2 /V Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals _Board of Cemetery Trustees _Board of Health _Board of Registrars _Bylaw Committee _Celebration Committee _Commissioner of Trust Funds _Community Planning & Development Comm _Conservation Commission _Constable _Contributory Retirement Board _Council on Aging _Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves _Finance Committee Historical Commission —Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee _Metropolitan Area Planning Council . ____.Mystic Valley Elder Services _Recreation Committee RMLD Citizen Advisory Board _Solid Waste Advisory Committee _Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee _Town Forest Committee _Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: P3 X-C- s- - A as I Q� 01 L G- G tF Af A U C 0�. C o A[l� G r A29 A 7 /d AU 9U^M,4JJ r-r TA-SC EE 1c 0er Gw�e k h vo��l [ Wt gl ��''!?.dti✓'�' rAP�- 69N41, AV00 , 00,fa-Xs E Go AJ-19A -cc- I-P id--- m, P L-P wi, F, iv TA 7. 1, N . o �oo oi �cl��a� dc� v✓ �- d t-�(. % C 0 V+ c tom+ . `7 cm (,s, �i 10 CC) T Grt S +^t, C Gt /� ' / j �.r3 ?lea // i A4, v'w- 34,1 7 TOWN OF READING To the Inh.abitants of th!6. Town of Reading: Please tak e notice that tl�t� Board of Selectmen of the Towb of Reading will hold public he'.� 7, ings on the following matters qp� Tuesday, November 22, 2005.0, the Selectmen's Meeting Roorptr 16 Lowell Street, Reading,. Massachusetts, ,--'Cointinued Hearing - 4 Way s . top - Mt. Vernon and.Bancroft, *, and No .Parking e . ast side -ot Bancroft t from Mt- Vernon ltd Woburn • Stop Intersection - LoudN9 at Avalon'and Avalon NB ",f Louanis 8:15 p.f%.' iEd,g-emopt R.6ad bbtweeq Stewart" and We,.stlStred­tsi- and/or one way on Edgemonj Road southbound from Stewaq to West Street 8:30 P-ml. • Heavy Ve'hicle Exclusion on "Original" Sanborn Lane 9:00 pjR. • Parking - Regulations on CUP de-sac -'No.Parking, Stoppingy Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:09 p-.m;, . Monday - Friday, 96 12 Lane and Sunset Rock Lane" 9:30 p.K • Establish ' Advisort Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 p4 All interested parties niag app I ear in person, may sub'k-1 their comments in writing,* of A may email comments to towA. manager @ci reading ma.us. By order ci Peter 1'. Hechenbleikner Town Mana*.t 11/15 yCI' MIN.1-MAS r iy I I WE mill Wita p 7m FARM MAP 2460630000000330 2460630000000350 246063000000035A RILEY GEORGE J PAPADOPOULOS GEORGE A BARNES CURTIS W ; ARGIRO PAPADOPOULOS DONNAN S BARNES ! j DOROTHY G RILEY 79 WOBURN ST 11 BANCROFT AVE 11 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 i ;READING, MA 01867 2460630000000360 2460630000034080 1 2460630000034100 H B DEVELOPMENT WU FAN JP MORGAN CHASE BANK TRUSTEE i i 73 -75 WOBURN ST NANA PAN 10 BANCROFT AVE ! READING, MA 01867 j 8 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460640000000360 1 2460740000000070 2460740000000080 i CONATON THOMAS M SMITH ROBERT C JONES MELVIN E ELIZABETH J B CONATON 53 WOBURN STREET JANICE MARIE JONES 16 MOUNT VERNON ST READING, MA 01867 22 MOUNT VERNON ST READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460740000000090 2460740000000100 2460740000000110 CARDEN ROBERT W QUEENEY JAMES G JR RICHARDS FAMILY TRUST RICHARDS ARTHUR B JR TR MARIE L CARDEN PATRICIA A QUEENY 24 MOUNT VERNON STREET 28 MT VERNON ST 27 MOUNT VERNON ST READING, MA 01867 j READING, MA 01867 I READING, MA 01867 i (2460740000000120 2460740000000130 12460740000000140 SHEA FREDERICK T FOYE ROBERT H STOSEZ JOHN P MARYESTHER SHEA MARJORIE L FOYE ROSANNE STOSEZ 25 BANCROFT AVE 29 BANCROFT AVENUE PO BOX 111 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 I 12460740000000150 ' (2460746000000160 02460740000000170 O'BRIEN SEAN POEHLER PRISCILLA S MONAHAN MICHAEL K ELLEN F O'BRIEN 43 BANCROFT AVE LAURA J MONAHAN 37 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 47 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 i READING, MA 01867 246074000000017A 2460740000000180 2460740000000190 SEWALL SCOTT A SORENSON WILLIAM A JR DIDONATO ROGER A 'JENNIFER H SEWALL 2467 RT #10 BLDG #36 #2A 1 KIM A DIDONATO 51 BANCROFT AVENUE MORRIS PLAINS, NJ 07950 59 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 I 2460740000000210 2460740000000220 ;2460740000000230 MCHUGH JOSEPH M HOYT RICHARD F HANNIGAN MARY (L.E.) DEBRA A TOWER DAVID W HOYT TIMOTHY HANNIGAN 28 MIDDLESEX AVE 8 CLIFF ST 60 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 WINCHESTER, MA 01890 READING, MA 01867 12460740000000240 12460740000000250 2460740000000260 BISHOP DAVID DEVANEY ROBERT F FRASER KENNETH J REBECCA HAEFELE 'JUDITH DEVANEY 148 BANCROFT AVE 56 BANCROFT ST 52 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460740000000270 2460740000000280 2460740000000290 1 SMITH JAMES J ZWICKER MICHAEL R WOOD DONALD L ETAL TRUSTEES DIANNE L SMITH MARIANNE T ZWICKER WOOD- LECONTI REALTY TRUST .44 BANCROFT AVE 42 BANCROFT AVE 34 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 c 246074000000029A GILLIGAN MARILYN T 30 BANCROFT AVE I READING, MA 01867 I 2460740000000320 LIVINGSTONE EARLE E JR LIVINGSTONE DENISE M 18 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 2460740000000350 YOUNG DONALD C 50 CHUTE STREET READING, MA 01867 2460740000000300 BOUDREAU LORETTA A 37 MOUNT VERNON ST READING, MA 01867 i i 246074000000032A WARD JOHN W ANN CAULFIELD WARD 14 BANCROFT AVE READING, MA 01867 i, 2460740000000360 SCHARR PAUL) MAVIS DRISCOLL j 47 MT VERNON ST i READING, MA 01867 i i i II j: I 2460740000000310 FAY JOHN R ETAL CAROLYN LAMSON 31 MOUNT VERNON ST # 33 j READING, MA 01867 ,i 2460740000000330 CALLAHAN SEAN W j JULIE A CALLAHAN 49 CHUTE STREET READING, MA 01867 l2460740000000370 TUCKER STEPHEN G M JANE TUCKER 41 MOUNT VERNON ST READING, MA 01867 i� 'I i; I� it NcN ' Legend K-~��TbvvnBoundary �..��� Roads 00�0�Bhdge Paved Unpaved Buildings Gidewoke ENE Driveway n - ,n Retaining Wall oovvo VVoU ""="" Path —8trema open water Wetlands Map by: Town ofReading Map date: Data are for planning purposes only. 0 35 70 14 READING NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ������� U� � � Town Boundary �..�.. —+—+ Railroad Roads K�@�@Bridge Povod Unpaved r---pnroe|e Buildings Sidewalks ����Qhvowoy — Retaining VVa|| vouou VVoU aokatla Path Trail *—�Fence *m w Hedge r�3 Trees -'~-�Stnaamo open water f^�( Wetlands Map by: Town of Reading Map date: Data are for planning purposes only. 0 125 250 500 TOWN OF READING To the lnh.abitants of tti6-- Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of .Reading will hold public hea 7 ings on the following matters qn3 Tuesday, November 22, 2005 ,ilb the Selectmen's Meeting Roorp,r 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts: • Continued Hearing - 4 way stop - Mt. Vernon and Bancroft,; and No .Parking east side ,ot Bancroft from Mt. Vernon Ytb; Woburn .8_00 p.m: • Stop Intersection - Louar § at Avalon and Avalon NB' -a L.ouanis ! '8. p1e ]Ed,gemop t Road' bet;weeq Ste�rart"arid We-stl`Strebtsll . and /or one way on Edgemont Road southbound from Stewari to West Street 8:30 p.m; • Heavy Vehicle Exclusion on "Original' Sanbom Lane 9:00 p.tly: • Parking Regulations on cull de -sac . No.Parking, Stopping] Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:06 p.m:, Monday - Friday, Ro r. 2 Lane and Sunset Rock Lane' 9:30 p.rri • Establish Advisort Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 p: All interested parties niaj appear in person, may subImi'l their comments in writing,' of may email comments to tow manaaer @ci reading ma.us. y By order c Peter I. Hechenbleikn,eer Town Manar 11/15 C-D Oil cc) 2460150000000130 2460150000000140 2460150000000150 WEST WARREN F III MCGINTY PHILIP BURR SUMNER C MARSIE KARIS WEST NANCY L MCGINTY SHARON L BURR 35 AVALON RD 3 WHITEHALL IN 41 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000170 2460230000000290 2460230000000300 MANISCALCO MARIO P FIOCCO THOMAS J LEAHY BRIAN L ELIZABETH L MANISCALCO CAROL A FIOCCO DEBRA L LEAKY 1 LOUANIS DRIVE 7 LOUANIS DRIVE 115 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 � READING, MA 01867 I 2460230000000310 2460230000000320 2460230000000330 SANO JOHN G CARLI THOMAS J ADAMS STEVEN C ! SANO CAROL M BARBARA A CARLI ROSEMARY ADAMS 23 LOUANIS DRIVE 29 LOUANIS DRIVE 37 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000340 2460230000000350 2460230000000360 CADAGAN BRIAN E CONNELLY KENNETH J GHI ARDI JAMES G LAUREN A CADAGAN ELAINE B CONNELLY KAREN E GHIRARDI 43 LOUANIS DR 49 LOUANIS DR 55 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000370 2460230000000380 2460230000000390 MCDONALD MAUREEN F BARBERA PATRICK B TULLY SCOTT R SR 61 LOUANIS DR CYNTHIA J BARBERA SHEILA K TULLY READING, MA 01867 60 AVALON RD 52 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 ;READING, MA 01867 2460230000000400 2460230000000410 2460230000000420 SMOTRYCZ ZENON HIGGINS THEODORE L STEMPECK JOHN W CHARLEEN SMOTRYCZ MARIA TILARO HIGGINS SHEILA M STEMPECK 51 AVALON RD 57 AVALON ROAD 65 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000430 2460230000000440 2460230000000450 LEBLANC RUSSELL R DOWNEY KEVIN J TRINGALE STEVEN J NORMA E LEBLANC CHRISTINE DOWNEY MARGARET A TRINGALE 187 AVALON ROAD 89 AVALON ROAD 93 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000460 2460230000000480 2460230000000490 RODRIGUES GIL J RAMOS GLEN ROUMELIOTIS HARRY JR BARBARA P RODIGUES PAMELA RAMOS LESLEY J ROUMELIOTIS 197 AVALON RD 96 AVALON RD 86 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000500 2460230000000510 2460230000000520 ZERFAS THOMAS S FITZPATRICK JAMES J SCHELLENBACH ROBERT K LUCRETIA ZERFAS BARBARA M FITZPATRICK SCHELLENBACH SUSAN J 80 AVALON ROAD 60 LOUANIS DR 52 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 (2460230000000530 2460230000000540 2460230000000550 RICKERSHAUSER JOSEPH C SCULLY GEORGE R MOULTON LLOYD D RICKERSHAUSER KAREN K ELISE M SCULLY MOULTON KATHLEEN M 44 LOUANIS DRIVE 38 LOUANIS DRIVE 30 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460230000000560 2460230000000570 2460230000000580 BENINCASA MATTHEW R j j OLEARY JOHN M KESLER LEE A BENINCASA LAURA A j OLEARY DEBRA M JOANNE B KESLER 22 LOUANIS DRIVE 16 LOUANIS DRIVE 10 LOUANIS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 I READING, MA 01867 2460230000000590 2460230000000650 2460230000000660 DULONG ARTHUR L I BARTLETT DONALD II I FERRARO JOSEPH JR KAREN P DULONG JOHANNA B BARTLETT ELIZABETH TEIXEIR-A FERRARO 4 LOUANIS DRIVE 105 AVALON ROAD 109 AVALON RD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 I READING, MA .01867 2460230000000670 2460230000000680 LESSARD JANE F COHOON JAMES D 115 AVALON ROAD LINDA A COHOON READING, MA 01867 114 AVALON ROAD READING, MA 01867 Legend C' j Town Bounda ry i Railroad Roads Bridge Paved Unpaved Parcels Buildings .. .... .... . Sidewalks Driveway Retaining Wall OOODO Wall v-- Path Trail Fence Hedge C� Trees Streams Open w< Wetland Map by: Town of Reading Map date: Data are for planning purposes only. IEM 7M � —STownBoumary -+-+ Railroad Roads @0�N�Bhdge Paved 0�0�J Unpaved F--- peron|o §�� Buildings ^ww Gidewoho Driveway Retaining VVeU v000v VVaU a9figna Path """""" Trail w--*- Fence ^ww Hedge Trees binaomo � open water ��� Wetlands Map by: Town of Reading Map date: Data are for planning purposes only. Ft OF IR? - l?"Co TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of th!6-- Town of Reading: Please take notice that tli64 Board of Selectmen ffi ' ctmen of the Tow ii Reading will hold public hea - ings on the following matters qq., Tuesday, November 22, 2005,ip, the Selectmen's Meeting Roorpl, 16 Lowell Street, ReadinQ,_ Massachusetts: • Continued Hearing - 4 way stop -.Mt. Vernon and.Bancroft,'f and No.Parking e . ast side -ot Bancroft t from Mt. Vernon t-d Woburn 8:00 P.M.* • Stop Intersection - LoudNg- at Avalon and Avalon NB',a Louanis '8:15 p. PT Mp�yp if, t - iEd,g-emont Road" e,wQ e Sf6wart"arid Wostl•Stre6ts'jr and/or one way on Edgerriont Road southbound from Stewart, to West Street • Heavy Ve'hicle. Exclusion on "Original" Sanborn Lane 9:00 P.& • Parking Regulations on cup de-sac - NO. Parking, Stopping Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:.06 p.m;, . Monday - Friday,, 96#1.9 Lane and Sunset Rock Lane" ` 9:30 p.rr'k • Establish Advisort Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 p All interested parties niaj appear in person, .may sub7mil their comments in writing,• of may email comments to towl manager@ei.rea ing.ma..us. ti By order cl Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manage 11/15 a , ' ~ D fell � - �� -I.`IR .� ";III �- � 2460470000000560 2460470000000570 2460470000000580 MCLAUGHLIN ELIZABETH M LYNCH ROBERT R SHIVERICK. BRADLEY N MICHAEL H MCLAUGHLIN LYNCH MAUREEN E KRISTINE K. SHIVERICK. 32 SHELBY RD 24 SHELBY ROAD 18 SHELBY DR READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460470000000590 2460470000000600 2460470000000840 FLAHERTY JOSEPH A JR EDDY MICHAEL W ZOLONDICK STEVEN 10 SHELBY RD CATHY M EDDY CAROL ZOLONDICK READING, MA 01867 4 SHELBY RD 77 ARCADIA AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000130 2460590000000520 2460590000000530, 1 DORSI PETER C COHEN RICHARD B DOBBINS JOHN H DORSI LINDA S VIRGINIA A COHEN GERTRUI) DOBBINS 16 ARCADIA AVENUE 48 ARCADIA AVE 56 ARCADIA AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000540. 2460590000000550 2460590000000850 MCKEARNEY JOHN F DRISCOLL KEITH J HARLAN GEORGE S BARBARA G MCKEARNEY JENNIFER C DRISCOLL CHARLOTTE P HARLAN 62 ARCADIA AVE 68 ARCADIA AVENUE 69 ARCADIA AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000860 2460590000000870 2460590000000880 GUAZZALOCA WILLIAM A CHIPMAN ANNE M REGAN JAMES J VIRGINIA GUAZZALOCA 53 ARCADIA AVE LEE A REGAN 61 ARCADIA AVENUE READING, MA 01867 43 ARCADIA AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867-2203 2460590000000890 2460590000000900 2460590000000910 LAUTZENHEISER ROBERT E FAHEY MICHAEL P LAROSA LEONARDO DOROTHY M LAUTZENHEISER JENNIFER L FAHEY LAROSA SUSAN M 35 ARCADIA AVE 27 ARCADIA AVE 19 ARCADIA AVENUE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000920 2460590000000930 2460590000000940 JOOS ANDREW D RICHARDS JAMES EIRO JOSEPH L SUZANNE M JOOS MARY-JOYCE RICHARDS ROSARIA EIRO 11 ARCADIA AVE 404 WEST ST 5 ARCADIA AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 ItQ4 0 2460590000000010 2460590000000020 2460590000000140 YOUNG TREVOR L SCRIBNER ELAINE K WATKINS GORDON S SUSAN H YOUNG 314 WEST ST MARY S WATKINS 4 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 11 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 i 2460590000000150 2460590000000160 ;2460590000000170 KEOGH MICHAEL STEENBRUGGEN JAMES ZERMANI JOHN T JUDITH BARLETT KEOGH 29 EDGEMONT AVENUE DEBORAH W ZERMANI 23 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 33 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 ' I 2460590000000180 1 2460590000000190 2460590000000200 JEANNETTE DAVID I NUNZIATO LOUIS J ( D'AMORE MICHAEL A KATHERINE JEANNETTE NORMA NUNZIATO JEAN MARIE NOCELLA 39 EDGEMONT AVE : 45 EDGEMONT AVE 51 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 '2460590000000210 2460590000000220 2460590000000230 LENIHAN MICHAEL P NELSON ROBERT A ALTOVINO JOSEPHINE j JENNIFER A LENIHAN MARGARET M NELSON 69 EDGEMONT AVE 57 EDGEMONT AVE 63 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 j ;2460590000000240 2460590000000250 2460590000000440 DISANTO AUDREY E DAVIS JOHN P JR ETAL TRS ZERFAS STEPHEN G j WILLIAM G DISANTO ETAL DAVIS FAMILY NOMINEE TRUST 3 STEWART RD 75 EDGEMONT AVE 10 EDGEMONT AVE READING; MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 i i READING, MA 01867 2460590000000450 (2460590000000460 12460590000000470 WELS NORBERT A EMMONS ROBERT TEAGUE PAUL D AGNES R WELS ELLEN EMMONS JOANNE M TEAGUE 11 STEWART RD 19 STEWART RD 25 STEWART RD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000480 2460590000000490 2460590000000500 LAFFERTY KENNETH M DOUGLAS KEVIN CASHINS MICHAEL TRACEY LAFFERTY JOANNE M DOUGLAS LISA CASHINS 35 STEWART RD 58 EDGEMONT AVE j 66 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460590000000510 ;2460590000000950 ;2460590000000960 RANERE RONALD M KATES WALTER A TOWN OF READING RANERE CAROLYN M LILLIAN M KATES BARROWS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 74 EDGEMONT AVENUE 26 ARCADIA AVE 16 EDGEMONT AVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 lofj i, Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Murphy, Tom Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:04 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Cormier, Jim Subject: RE: Barrows She does want the school side just for drop off. Also, we can fit more cars on the opposite side of the street. There is a fire hydrant on the same side as the school and there is an area designated no parking and it is used for drop off. - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:47 PM To: Murphy, Tom; Cormier, Jim Subject: RE: Barrows I would think that we would restrict paring on the opposite side of the street? That way parents could let kids off on the school side. Unless she wants the school side used just for drop off? Pete From: Murphy, Tom Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:45 AM To: Cormier, Jim; Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Barrows I spoke with the principal of Barrows today regarding parking/traffic in that area. She requested that parking be restricted on Edgemont Ave. on the same side of the street that the school is on.(From West St. to Stewart Rd.) She also requested that the posted do not enter with the times posted remain in place. Tom Murphy .a6. q Legend Lj Town Boundary i 1 Railroad Roads Bridge Paved Unpaved Parcels Buildings Sidewalks Driveway — Retaining Wall 00000 wall UONORH Path 0 0 Heage C�3 Trees Streams open water Wetlands Map by: Town of Reading Map date: Data are for planning purposes only. 0 105 210 420 I Ft _ I- READING NEIGHBORHOOD MAP Town Boundary ��. —+—+Ro|rood Roads Br|dga Paved Unpaved F--- Parcels a""""l Trail B�d�� �++Fenbe Sideveko n * * Hedge Dhvevvoy <�\ Trees Retaining Wall Streams 000u" VVoU open water aozoau Path Wetlands Aep by: Town of Reading Aapdato: }ato are for planning mrpooesonly. 140 280 TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of th67- Town of Reading: ' Please take notice that Board of Selectmen of the Tow of Reading will hold public heap - ings on the following matters qp� Tuesday, November 22, 20051.ifb the Selectmen's Meeting Roorpjr 16 Lowell Street, Rea-ding, . Massachusetts: • Continued Hearing - 4 Way stop - Mt. Vernon and Bancroft, and No.Parking e . ast side -ot Bancroft from Mt. Vernon ,tea Woburn .8:00 P.M • Stop Intersection - Loudrid!§ at Avalon and Avalon NB's Louanis 8:15 pik. north E d,g,.e m o n, ad betweerj .:Stewart." and We.st" %Strebislj and/or one way on Edgemont Road southbound from Stewart to West Street • cull Parking -Regulations on cup de-sac.-'No-Parking, Stopping] Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., . Monday - Friday,. 90m2 Lane and Sunset Rock Lane" . 9:30 p.d Establish ' Advisort Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 pi..# All interested parties niaj appear in person,.may sub7mll their comments in writing,* of may email comments to towil ' manacie,r@ci.reading.ma ,8:30 P.M.' • Heavy Ve'hicle. Exclusion on "Original" Sanborn Lane 11115 9:00 P.M. By order d Peter I. Hechenblelknew Town Mana&f W �f s �A ,\\\ -� I - fI--i � L---� �z hre I 2462220000000220 KAVJIAN ANDREW JR JANICE N KAVJIAN 12 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 12462340000000020 NAPPI MARY JOAN 92 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 i 2462340000000050 CHABANE SID A ANN MARIE GREENWOOD 106 SANBORN LANE j READING, MA 01867 4 12462340000000080 HULSE HAROLD V GLORIA R HULSE 107 SANBORN LANE READING, MA 01867 ;2462340000000110 STRANDBERG RONALD C BONNEY JANE STRANDBERG 100 SANBORN LN 1 READING, MA 01867 (2462350000000110 1 NUTTALL FRANCIS MAUREEN NUTTALL 4 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 I i I 2462330000001360 FODERA CIRO MARIA A FODERA 147 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 2462340000000030 GERHARTZ JOHN R KRISTIN M GERHARTZ 98 SANBORN LANE READING, MA 01867 1 x2462340000000060 HULSE HAROLD V GLORIA R HULSE 107 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 2462340000000090 HARDEN EDMUND B i MICHELLE M HARDEN 101 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 i 2462340000000120 PERCY STEVEN W DANA C PERCY 104 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 I� i 246234000000001A BAMBURY KAREN H 80 SANBORN LANE READING, MA 01867 l 2462340000000040 MACKENZIE BRUCE MARTHA E MORRE 102 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 l 246134000UUUUU /U BARRASSO FRANCA G (L.E.) STEFANO M BARRASSO ETAL 105 SANBORN LANE READING, MA 01867 2462340000000100 BROWN FRANCES GALLITANO 99 SANBORN LN READING, MA, 01867 2462350000000060 HAYES MICHAEL G DOROTHY M HAYES 97 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 qJ4 - 2462330000001240 2462330000001250 2462330000001260 ABBONDANZA JOSEPH BUTTARO RAYMOND A JAMES REALTY TRUST ELIANA ABBONDANZA SHEILA A BUTTARO 183 SANBORN LN 4 THOMAS DR 175 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001270 2462330000001280 2462330000001290 PALERMO ROBERT S ETAL RUBIN DANIEL E MOONEY KENNETH J RICHARD C FORREST ETAL KAREN L RUBIN CHRISTINE MOONEY 187 SANBORN LN 193 SANBORN LN 194 SANBORN LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001300 2462330000001310 2462330000001320 DEMICHAELIS JOHN M ETAL TRS WRONSKI RICHARD J LEE QUEN HOCK 188 SANBORN LANE REALTY TRUST ALLISON R WRONSKI SUN LING LIEW 188 SANBORN LN 182 SANBORN LN 174 SANBORN LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001330 2462330000001370 2462330000001380 GIMS MAC A RATTIGAN JOHN E JR ATTACHISALVATORE CYNTHIA A GIMS CAROLE J 0 RATTIGAN ROSE ATTACHI 168 SANBORN LANE 155 SANBORN LN 7 THOMAS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001390 2462330000001400 2462330600001410 GROSSO CLAUDE L ABRAMS GARY M SILVEY EDWARD A ELAINE C GROSSO LORRAINE V ABRAMS CYNTHIA M SILVEY 15 THOMAS DR 23 THOMAS DRIVE 31 THOMAS DRIVE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001420 2462350000000120 2462350000000130 CAVAZZONI JOSEPH PAUL CENTRELLA JOHN A TORRISI PHILIP J MARCIA S DUMAS 364 WOBURN ST SANDRA M TORRISI 37 THOMAS DR WILMINGTON, MA 01887 16 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 . 2462350000000140 2462350000000150 2462350000000160 CALARESO JOSEPH III CLOONAN MICHAEL P ANNARELLI JOHN J JR WENDY J CALARESO STARR CLOONAN JANET M ANNARELLI 24 LILAH LN 25 WEST STREET 38 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 WILMINGTON, MA 01887 READING, MA 01867 2462350000000170 2462350000000180 2462350000000190 LAPANE ROBERT LYNCH, JAMES T HARTFORD MICHAEL SHEILA LAPANE LYNCH KATHLEEN M ANN MARIE HARTFORD 45 LILAH LANE 39 LILAH LANE 31 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462350000000200 :2462350000000210 2462350000000220 SULLIVAN DONALD M JR FREEDMAN MARC F GORLICK JEFFREY A LAURA DARWIN-SULLIVAN KAREN M FREEDMAN LISA A GORLICK 27 LILAH LANE 8 VERDE CIR 14 VERDE CIR READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462350000000240 2462350000000250 2462350000000260 GULLIFA WILLIAM A CHIN GORDON B ZACCARDI VINCENT N GULLIFA TRIENA M CLAUDIA CHIN SHARON L ZACCARDI 11 VERDE CIR 7 VERDE CIRCLE 17 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 q 2462210000000040 246221000000011A TOWN OF READING O'DOHERTY PATRICK TOWN FOREST SUSAN M O'DOHERTY 16 LOWELL ST 15 LYNN VILLAGE WAY READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462210000000130 2462210000000140 HINES STEPHEN J CAMUSO RICHARD J ETAL TRS MARY E HINES SKIBBEREEN TRUST 31 LYNN VILLAGE WAY 33 LYNN VILLAGE WAY READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462210000000160 2462210000000170 PYKE ADRIAN AMES ALLAN E LINDA D PYKE EILEEN P AMES 34 LYNN VILLAGE WAY 26 LYNN VILLAGE WAY READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001030 2462330000001040 ZAGAMI ANTHONY R. OLIVER WAYNE J CHRISTINA SARRIS- ZAGAMI MARIE B CULLEN- OLIVER 65 LILAH IN 71 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001060 2462330000001070 PHELAN JOSEPH J III CUTTING GEORGE J SUSAN J PHELAN ANITA D CUTTING 120 LUMBER LAND 91 LILAH LN TEWKSBURY , MA 01876 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001090 2462330000001100 NOVIELLO JOHN D GAUDREAULT DARREN K LINDA A NOVIELLO NICOLE L GAUDREAULT 105 LILAH LN 111 LILAH LN READING, MA 01867 -1062 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001120 2462330000001130 ROBY DAVID M TRUSTEE RENO JAMES T THE 8 COVE LEDGE LANE NOMINEE MARY ELLEN RENO LYME TIMBER CO ON- THE - COMMON 124 LILAH LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001150 DEMICHAELIS JOHN S ETAL TRS 112 LILAH LN REALTY TRUST 112 LILAH LN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001160 SANDSTROM- SIMARD LINDA J KEVIN J SIMARD 104 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 2462330000001180 2462330000001190 ZOSHERAFATAIN ALI R SANTOSUOSSO ALFRED KATHERINE B ZOSHERAFATAIN SANDRA A SANTOSUOSSO 90 LILAH LN 80 LILAH LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462330000001210 BLEWITT STEPHEN J MARIA R BLEWITT 24 THOMAS DR READING, MA 01867 2462330000001220 BROPHY LAWRENCE F RUTH BROPHY 18 THOMAS DR READING, MA 01867 2462210000000120 BOUCHER DAVID L BETH C BOUCHER 23 LYNN VILLAGE WAY READING, MA 01867 2462210000000150 CONNELLY THOMAS A M CARA CONNELLY 40 LYNN VILLAGE WAY READING, MA 01867 2462220000001340 . CAMPBELL JOCELYN J 154 SANBORN IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001050 FERREIRA ANTONIO ILDA FERREIRA 77 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001080 COLVIN CHARLES W CELESTE C COLVIN 99 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001110 DEMITA KATHLEEN F ETAL TRS DEMITA NOMINEE TRUST 119 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001.140 GROTTKAU BRIAN E SHARON M GROTTKAU 118 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001170 MOLINARO LUDOVICO HERCILLIA MOLINARO 98 LILAH IN READING, MA 01867 2462330000001200 EGAVIAN GREGORY K PATRICIA M EGAVIAN 38 THOMAS DR READING, MA 01867 2462330000001230 FODERA GAETANO MARIA PIA FODERA 12 THOMAS DR READING, MA 01867 2462350000000270 2462350000001010 2462350000001020 STANTON MATTHEW E 1ACOVIELLO JOSEPH A CERBONE PETER V MARY JO STANTON KATHERINE M IACOVIELLO RHONDA M CERBONE 5 LILAH LANE 51 LILAH LANE 57 LILAH LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462350000001430 2462350060001440 2462350000001450 KOPPEL STEVEN P STONE JAMES A DIGIORGIO MICHAEL R PAULA D KOPPEL CATHERINE DIFRANCO-STONE I JESSICA V DIGIORGIO 46 LILAH LN 60 LILAH LN READING, MA 01867 52 LILAH LN j READING, MA 01867 j READING, MA 01867 Page 1 of I Hechenblelkner, Peter From: agehabane [agchabane@mindspring.com] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:38 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Original Sanborn Lane--Meeting November 22, 2005 Dear Board of Selectmen: The residents of "Original" Sanborn Lane request that the Board of Selectman support us in a partial resolution of the traffic problems we have been facing. A favorable vote to eliminate all trucks from using our private road as a short cut would provide a way to partially ease this problem. We would appreciate your support by voting to have "No Trucks" signs posted and enforced. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Sidney Chabane and Gloria Hulse for the residents of "Original" Sanborn Lane =I 11/18/2005 TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of tlii _- Town of Reading: Please take notice that tht Board of Selectmen of the Towii of Reading will hold public head., ings on the.following matters qqn Tuesday, November 22, 2005.il,.b the Selectmen's Meeting Roonp,r 16 Lowell Street, Reading,, Massachusetts: • Continued Hearing - 4 way stop - Mt. Vernon and Bancroft, and No .Parking east side -ot Bancroft from Mt. Vernon ltd Woburn .8:00 p.m: • Stop Intersection - Loudnj§ at Avalon and Avalon NB a# Louanis 8:15 p '1c .rki m ng, n9rtfi ;sidet T ".: sEd,geont .Road'' be'weerj :St'eiNart "and West "Stre6lsll . and /or one way on Edgemont Road southbound from Stewart to West Street 8:30 p.m • Heavy Vehicle Exclusion on "Original" Sanborn Lane 9:00 p.iv. ,Parking Regulations on cu{ de-sac.- No-Parking, Stopping Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, Ror�na Lane and Sunset Rock Lane` 9:30 pxri • Establish Advisort Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 p; All interested parties rriaj appear in person, ,may sub`mi their comments in writing,' o! may email comments to tow manacier@,ci.readina-ma.us. By order og Peter I. Hechenbleiknerr Town Manag 11/15 AL Ile fl-Ji NI , 7", 61 � ��_- � - �_ _� � � � X1,1 iii 2462060000000030 2462060000000040 2462060000000410 SCHOLTEN JASON P HULSE ROBERT E SALAZAR EUGENIO A SANDRA J SCHOLTEN HULSE CONSTANCE M MARY C SALAZAR 349 FRANKLIN ST RR1 BOX 3406 i 12 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 01867 WAYNE, ME 04284 READING, MA 01867 2462060000000420 2462060000000430 2462060000000440 i DICARA MARK C BECKMAN ROBERT J CONNORS CHARLENE F JILL M DICARA PATRICIA F BECKMAN 40 SUNSET ROCK LN 20 SUNSET ROCK LN 26 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 0 READING, MA 01 I READING, MA 01867 � I 12462060000000450 2462060000000460 2462060000000470 CATALDO JOHN A ( FALLICA MICHAEL C PARANJAPE VARSHA V KRISTIN M CATALDO CAROLYN L FALLICA VIBHAS S PARANJAPE 46 SUNSET ROCK LN 52 SUNSET ROCK LN 47 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462060000000480 2462060000000490 2462060000000500 ANTHONY GLENN W RODRIGUES JOHN RICKLEY MICHAEL E LINDA A ANTHONY CYNTHIA T RODRIGUES M DARIA NIEWENHOUS 39 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 01867 31 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 01867 25 SUNSET ROCK LN READING, MA 01867 'I 12462060000000510 2462060000000520 1(2462220000000110 WALSH MICHAEL R BEAUREGARD DAVID GASS MICHAEL T CAROLYN M WALSH LISA BEAUREGARD ; KATHERINE A GASS 19 SUNSET ROCK LANE 11 SUNSET ROCK LN 3 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 i i Jl f READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 i. 2462220000000120 1 (2462220000000130 02462220000000140 E\ DICIANI ADELE I D'AMBROSIO THOMAS E CONNOLLY MARK M NINO INDICIANI ! KATHLEEN D'AMBROSIO ; CAROLANN CONNOLLY 19 ROMA LANE 29 ROMA LN 37 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 (2462220000000150 2462220000000160 2462220000000170 PERRINA LUCIO VENTURA ROBERT R JOHNSON DAVID P 47 ROMA LN CINDY A VENTURA 61 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 55 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2462220000000180 2462220000000190 ) (2462220000000200 DANNEMILLER EILEEN M WALSH KEVIN M ANDREWS WILLIAM JOHN J DANNEMILLER BRENDA L MAYERS -WALSH KATHLEEN ANDREWS 54 ROMA LN 44 ROMA LN 34 ROMA LN READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 i READING, MA 01867 12462220000000210 (2462220000000220 I 246222A000000010 GERRIN JOHN J III KAVJIAN ANDREW JR KELLY PAUL D LINDA M GERRIN �. JANICE N KAVJIAN ! LINDA L KELLY 22 ROMA LN 12 ROMA LN 66 ROMA LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 1246222A000000200 2462340000000050 BLAIS WILLIAM J CHABANE SID A LISA G BLAIS ANN MARIE GREENWOOD 70 ROMA LN 106 SAN-BORN LANE READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 qq3 TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of th!c_' Town of Reading: Please take notice that tM Board of Selectmen of the TovVi` 'ding will hold public he of,Rea ings on the following matters qp- Tuesday, November 22, 2005..ip, the Selectmen's Meeting Roorptr 16 Lowell Street, Reading,, Massachusetts: • Continued Hearing - 4 way stop - Mt. Vernon and Bancroft,; and No .Parking e I ast side - ot Bancroft t from Mt. Vernon Ah Woburn 8:00 P.M. • Stop Intersection - Loudilig at Avalon and Avalon NB 'R Louani.s 8:15 pairc jEd,gemont R.&a:d'_"bbtWeeq :Stbwarl"artd we.st=,;Stre6lsv and/or one way on Edgemont, Road southbound from Stewart to West Street 8:30 P-ml. • Heavy Ve'hicle Exclusion on "Original" Sanborn Lane 9:00 p1n. • Parking Regulations on cul; de-sac -'No, Pa rking, S oppin Standing from 7:30 a.m. to 9:0 P.M., I Monday - Friday, 9arp-2 Lane and Sunset Rock Lane" 9:30 . P.Mt ------------------ Establish ' Advisory Committee on Cities for Climat6 Change 9:45 p,.,4 All interested parties Maq appear in person, may subIrnij their comments in writing,' of may email comments to tow manacierRciseadina.mam 11/15 By order of Peter I. Hechenbleiknet Town Mana* Policy Establisheing an Advisory Committee (Committee) on the "Cities for Climate Protection" Program The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) has established a "Cities for Climate Protection" program, which works with cities, towns, and counties to reduce the pollution that causes global warming. There is hereby established a five (5) member Advisory Committee (Committee) on the "Cities for Climate Change" program to advise the Board of Selectmen on implementation of the Program. The purpose of the Committee is to: ♦ Advise the Board of Selectmen on matters of policy related but not limited to the "Cities for Climate Protection" Program for use within the Town of Reading. In doing this work, the Committee will: ♦ Conduct a local emissions inventory of greenhouse gas emission. ♦ Recommend an emissions reduction target. ♦ Identify local actions that achieve the target. ♦ Develop a proposed implementation action plan identifying policies and actions. ♦ Quantify and report benefits created. ♦ Make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, and other bodies of the Town on measures appropriate to implement such a program. The Committee will be made up of five (5) members appointed for 3 year terms, so appointed that as even a number of terms shall expire in each year. In selecting the Committee membership of 5 members, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint all members and shall give consideration to members representing the following interests within the community: ➢ Member or designee of the Conservation Commission; ➢ member or designee of the Board of Health; ➢ member or designee from the Reading Municipal Light Department; ➢ an educator or representative of the School Department; ➢ one or more residents of the community who do not represent the above groups, and who has expertise in, conservation, environmental affairs, energy, or other areas of expertise which, in the opinion of the Board would be helpful in meeting the Committee's mission. Subcommittees may be created by a vote of the Committee. Members of Subcommittees do not necessarily have to be members of the Committee. The Committee shall be advisory in all matters. Decisions as to whether or not to implement measures shall rest with the Town Manager, the Board of Selectmen, or other body having jurisdiction in the matter. This Committee shall administratively fall within the Department of Community Services. Staff as available will be assigned by the Town Manager to work with the Committee. This committee shall sunset on June 30, 2012 unless renewed by the Board of Selectmen. Adopted .11 -22 -05 q7...., V LIOUOR LICENSE -wa-RESTAURANT Cafe Capri Owes personal property taxes Chili's Grill & Bar Colombo's Pizza & Cafe Emperor's Choice Restaurant Harrow's Mandarin Reading Restaurant Romano's Macaroni Grill Savory Tastes Cafe Venetian Moon Restaurant LIQUOR LICENSE - PACKAGE STORF, Atlantic Food Mart Busals Reading Liquors North Side Liquors Square Liquors Wine Shop of Reading Owes personal property taxes LIQUOR LICENSE -. CLUB Knights of Columbus Meadow Brook Golf Club Reading Overseas. Veterans/VFW Reading Veterans/American Legion Letters have been sent to all licensees who owe for real estate, personal properly and water/sewer 4 James W. Cormier, Chief of Police Date: November 35 2005 To: Town Manager's Office Cc: Lillian Marino From: Police Chief Jim Cormier RE: Renewal of licenses 2006 (Liquor ntertainment, Amusement, Laundromat, Taxi & Livery, ss I, It, 111 Motor Vehicles. Approved By: Chief C rmier Approval Initials The Police Department has reviewed the applications, and business listings for license renewal, and would recommend approval of all licenses. z. qjj THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION 1VO1600001 License Number READING VETS. ASSN., INC., Name of licensee AMERICAN LEGION POST 62 D/B/A READING City/Town 046"18-�9396 FED of Licensee DENNIS F. LANE. Manager 37 ASH STREET 01867 Address: Number Street Zip Code j-..raL%, ANNUAL ALL ALCOHOLIC . CLUB - Annual or Seasonal Category: All Alcohol, Wine & Malt Type: Restaurant, Club, Package Store, Inn, General on Premise, Etc. We the undersigned, attest that we are in possession of the certificate required by Chapter 304 of the Acts of 2004, signed by the building inspector and the head of the fire department for the above named license. The Local Licensing Authorities M %3" 4.k S/-j /Lr P Z L--7- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Town of Reading In accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code, Section 108 -15, this .CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION is issued to: "ERICAN LEGION POST 62 1 Certify that I have inspected the premises known as American Legion Post 62 located at 37 Ash Street in the Town of Reading, County of,Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The means of egress are sufficient for the following number of persons: BY PLACE OF ASSEMBLY OR STRUCTURE Location Capacity 1St Floor Hall 106 V Floor Hall Bar 12 standing 2 n Floor Commander's Room 22 : Lower Level Bar 54 tables /'chairs Bar Stools 19 Pool Room 16 #05 -041 March 2005 March 2006 IN Ccn 03 -28 -05 Certificate Number Date Certificate Issued Date Certificate Expires ` \, C. Glen Redmond, Building Commissioner Date The building official shall be notified within (10) days of any changes in the above information. 101600001 LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN. APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR READING VETS. ASSN. INC. CLUB NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE AMERICAN LEGION POST 62 ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 87 ASH ST. 01867 LANE, DENNIS F. NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES CELLAR; CLUB ROOM FIRST FLOOR; MEETING ROOM,KITCHEN SECOND FLR; BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROOM I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. - The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: DATE -individ . ual, PartR6r or Authorized Corporate Officer 7f � ,- f - � 046-18-9396 TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED F-1 0 -..-* (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority M- DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) A r%^f%n A /Mr!!% F^rk 11% A A ^% E5 =1k I flel tr%= A f%- .1,01600002. LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR. 2006 CLASS YEAR MEADOW BROOK GOLF CORP.OF READING MASS. CLUB NAME, ON. LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE MEADOW BROOK GOLF CLUB ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 2.92 GROVE 01867 COGAN, GEORGE F. MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES CLUB HOUSE; GROVE ST WITH ENTRANCE AND EXIT BY THE SAME DRIVEWAY TO GROVE ST CLUB HOUSE HAS TWO FLOORS WITH LOUNGE.ON EACH F I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has compiled with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below). Signed by: t Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer %r 291- 9112.133 y 041-60-8216 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority By DATE. APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF-NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) 1- A At A Pa I w w Iw A, LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 . 101600005 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS READING CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006 YEAR EMPEROR'S CHOICE RESTAURANT, INC RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE EMPEROR'S CHOICE RESTAURANT ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS 530 MAIN ST. 01867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES CATEGORY WONG, MICHAEL . MANAGER' THE RESTRAUNT CONSISTS OF ONE MAIN DINING AREA OF ABOUT 1500 SQFT. WITH TWO ADDITIONAL FUNCTION ROOMS ATTACHED OF ABOUT 305 SQFT. AND 400 SQ. FT. RESPECTIVELY. I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that : 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Sinned by: a individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer ivo V 0 5- of 7cP/ F)k2 2991 043-27-9725 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority M. -• DISAPPROVED EJ (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority a DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600006 LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR READING OVERSEAS VETS. INC. CLUB NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE READING OVERSEAS VETS ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 575 MAIN ST. 01867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION' OF LICENSED PREMISES FENNELLY, THOMAS A. MANAGER TWO STORY BLDG, FUNCTION HALL AND CLUB ROOM I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer 031-40-6308 Atle DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority 9 - i...0 0 (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority M Ali DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) A 1- A A v 1 Mw net lf%m A r% LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600007 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006 YEAR MANDARIN READING, INC. RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE MANDARIN READING RESTAURANT DOING BUSINESS AS 296 SALEM ST. 01867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES ALL ALCOHOLIC CATEGORY WONG,,YUK PING MANAGER TWO STORY BLDG WITH WAITING AREA AND LOBBY IN FRONT ESTROOMS IN BACK, 4 DINING ROOMS, KITCHEN ,& STORAGE AREA ON MAIN LEVEL. E EXIT & ENTRANCE AT FRONT & 3 OTHER EXITS. INCLUDES ADDITIONAL PATIO DI NG AREA. I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth Felating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: V. IndiWdual, Partner or Authorized(torporate Officer qlt2— c?? 0 0 043-39-2843 bAfE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED F-1 The Local Licensing Authority DISAPPROVED F-1 By (If disapproved explain) A-� DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 . 101600008 as= CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF — ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR .HOME BUILD.CORP.OF READING COUNCIL K.OF C.INC CLUB NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS 11 SANBORN ST. 01867,; NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES CATEGORY KINTIGOS, ST-EVEN BAR AREA, LOUNGE IN LOWER AREA, BOILER ROOM. HALL 0 FIRST FLOOR, RESTROOM, KITCHEN I . hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that : 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with A laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for . business. (if not explain below) Signed by: in'dividua,-Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer a 237-10-7449 DATE TELEPHONE NO., Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED ❑ The Local Licensing Authority DISAPPROVED F-] By If disapproved explain 100 DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) 101600009 LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 . CLASS YEAR - READING LIQUORS, INC os NAME ON LICENSE fjo READING LIQUORS ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING RHR1MF:qq AS CATE R P". MANAGER PACKAGE STORE TYPE OF LICENSE 345 MAIN ST 0.1867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED ri Y-S-� .Idea V-( 0-P P T O-A PREMISES en.-b,,anee.., . rep s e y irt c- e, em4-Y,a 19 -f-- tc n 113 REAR E-Xt-T—GNE I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that: 1.- The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) IIIUIVIUUQI, r- a\ .Zs11-90V-2U'1 TELEPHONE NO. or Authorized Corporate officer Social Security or Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority --e DISAPPROVED (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority By 90— Identification DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600011 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS READING CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006 YEAR ATHENS LIQUORS, INC, PACKAGE STORE NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE ,SQUARE LIQUORS ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 11 HIGH.ST 01867 SHOMOS., CHRIST NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES 1550 SQ FT AREA•OF RETAIL SPACE LOCATED ON THE FIRS I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that: 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (If not explain below) Signed by: Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer Y 71y/ ?yl;t 519 �J- 043-16-0975 6ATlEf TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will' be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED 1:1 DISAPPROVED D (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority M DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600015 LICENSE NUMBER a"WiTJOHN . CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR MECOM, INC. RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE'OF LICENSE CAFE CAPRI ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY . 355 MAIN STREET 1 01867 NUMBER . STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES ENOS, MICHAEL A. MANAGER ONE STORY RESTAURANT IN THE BUILDING AT 355 MAIN ST CONTAINING 5255 SQ FT. THERE ARE TWO FRONT ENTRANCES THAT LEAD TO A PARKING LOT, 'THREE REAR ENTRANCES I hereby certify and swear under penalties, of perjury that 1: 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed.. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: ,,,,,� C Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer &X-0 q-H- 9,yy 043-26-1788 6ATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED F-1 DISAPPROVED (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority L-Z DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600016 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 , CLASS YEAR SAVORY TASTES INCORPORATED RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE SAVORY TASTES CAFE. WINE AND MALT DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 601 MAIN.ST 01867 BELL, STEPHEN 0 NUMBER STREET* ZIP CODE MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES DINING ROOM, RESTROOMS,KITCHEN AND STORAGE ON FIRST FLOOR. ONE ENTRANCE AND EXIT AT .FRONT AND ONE AT BACK I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: -I Qivi dual, Partner or Authorized CorporAte Officer 7 043-53-5106 AT TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority DISAPPROVED F-1 (If disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority By DATE Lj 1.4 APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) At±-%MC11r%n1f%r- Afl- LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600017 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS am= CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006 YEAR JAI VAISHNODEVI & CHIRAG INC. PACKAGE STORE N "I AME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE NORTH SIDE LIQUORS T- DOING BUSINESS AS 1349 MAIN STREET NUMBER . STREET . ZIP CODE ALL ALCOHOLIC CATEGORY . •ATEL AR R1 B. T 11,11 SP Are , -T�IIIII DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES RETAIL SALES SPACE. 2 STORAGE SPACES, OFFICE, WALK COOLER ON FIRST FLOOR, WITH RESTROOM IN BACK. ONE ENTRANCE.AND EXIT IN FRONT AND ANOTHER ENTRANCE AND EXIT IN BACK,. ADDITIONAL STORAGE IN BASEME I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that : 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer Z4- 71.:::'.o 1 7�?I--94,2 -2zll -- 141-91-8751 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED The Local Licensing Authority DISAPPROVED By If disapproved explain 4k Q OA/ DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600019 LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR RAMOS, INC PACKAGE STORE NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE THE WINE SHOP OF READING DOING BUSINESS AS 676 MAIN ST 01867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES APPROX 2900 SQ FT NOW, -ALL ALCOHOLIC CATEGORY DIONISIO MANAGER I hereby 'certify and swear. under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type f i or the same premises now licensed. 2. The -licensee has complied with all laws of the Com * monwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: Individual, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer //Zy I y- sad ©Y3 2-12- 61 S_ - DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority DISAPPROVED EJ (if disapproved explain) The Local Licensing Authority M DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER- (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) 0 IDMINA 0.1:4 1, IATITEAIJF-1112ax� �0�9 101600020 LICENSE NUMBER am= CITY.OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 CLASS YEAR CAC FOODS, INC RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE VENETIAN MOON DOING BUSINESS AS ALL ALCOHOLIC CATEGORY 680 MAIN ST 01867 CAVALLO, ANTHONY NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES TWO FLOORS APPROX 28.90 SQFT. 1ST FLOOR IS AT STREET LEVEL APPROX 1600SQFT. 2ND FLOOR IS AT BASEMENT LEVEL APPROX 1.290 SQFT WI EMERGENCY EXIT TO THE REAR. I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that : 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (If not explain below) Signed by: Individual, Partner .or Authorized Corporate Officer -7LI 9�141-3633 043 -57 -1983 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority --e DISAPPROVED 1:1 ('If disapproved explain ) The Local Licensing Authority By Ll 4 Jow DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 AC2r+A0Ajo=wno/nA-At--%o1:%t no/nr,-At-- LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS • • 1 111 • CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006 - YEAR BRINKER MASSACHUSETRS CORPORATION RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE CHILI'S GRILL & BAR DOING BUSINESS AS 70 WALKER'S BROOK DRIVE 01867 NUMBER' STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES ALL ALCOHOLIC CATEGORY DUMONT JR., E. THOMAS .MANAGER ONE STORY FRAME BUILDING WITH FULL KITCHEN AND DINI FACILITIES. BAR: 190 SQ.FT, DINING AREA, KITCHEN, OFFICE, RESTROOMS,' COOLERS (BACK OF HOUSE) 2433SQ.FT. I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. - The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business.. (if not explain below) Signed by: -4gAy-t4nz . Bryan McCrory, VP, Treas & Asst. S Individual, Oartner or Authorized Corporate Officer 11/2/05 972/980-9917 - 1 752-61-6175 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED 1-1 (If disapproved explain.) The Local Licensing Authority By 0. DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600022 LICENSE NUMBER READING. CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR. 2006 CLASS YEAR ATLANTIC FOOD MART INC. PACKAGE STORE NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE ALL ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS -CATEGORY 30 HAVEN STREET NUMBER STREET am- ZIP CODE DUFFY, PAUL F. MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES RESTRICTED DISPLAY CASES IN FIRST FLOOR AND SECURED AREA IN BASEMENTOF SAME FACILITY. I hereby' certify and swear under penalties of perjury that: 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee- has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (If not explain below) Signed. by: 6,zk- fo 1.1r - . (.� �"Orz "-- — - v Individual, P #fn—er-� uthorized Corporate Officer 7 oo 04.1-04-7180 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority APPROVED El DISAPPROVED n ( If disapproved explain ) The Local Licensing Authority. a DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR 2006 101600023 LICENSE NUMBER READING CITY OR TOWN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LICENSE FOR 2006 . . CLASS YEAR FRANK J. COLOMBA RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE COLOMBO'S PIZZA & CAFE WINE AND MALT DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 2 BRANDE COURT 01867 NUMBER STREET ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES COLOMBA, FRANK J: MANAGER 1000.S/F OF WHICH 600 S/F IS DINING AREA W/ FRONT ENTRANCE AND SIDE ENTRANCE. KITCHEN IS 400 S/F WITH REAR 'EXIT. .2 HANDICA ACCESS. RESTROOMS. ADJACENT STORAGE AREA. I hereby certify and swear under penalties of perjury that: 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (If not explain below) .. Signed by: Rmrm��� or Authorized Corporate Officer 043-48-5353 Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below, will be completed by the local licensing authority m -7 DISAPPROVED 1:1 (If disapproved explain) The Local - Licensing Authority By tj DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) A 1- A All I Ilk /'AA lf%C A P% 101600024 LICENSE NUMBER APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ANNUAL CLASS READING , CITY OR TOWN LICENSE FOR 2006* YEAR BRINKER MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION RESTAURANT NAME ON LICENSE TYPE OF LICENSE ROMANO'S MACARONI GRILL ALL..ALCOHOLIC DOING BUSINESS AS CATEGORY 48 WALKER'S BROOK DRIVE 01867 7111MIMT1 ZTMEM�Fj E-1 =1 q - DESCRIPTION OF LICENSED PREMISES DINING FACILITIES. MANAGER ONE STORY WOOD FRAME BUILDING W/ FULL KITCHEN AND I hereby, certify and swear under penalties of perjury that 1. The renewed license will be of the same type for the same premises now licensed. 2. The licensee has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. 3. The premises are now open for business. (if not explain below) Signed by: Bryan McCrory,VP/Treas/Asst Sec. Individuol, Partner or Authorized Corporate Officer 11/2/05 752-61-6175 DATE TELEPHONE NO. Social Security or Federal Identification Number The space below will be completed by the local licensing authority. DISAPPROVED El ( If disapproved explain ) The Local Licensing Authority a �ti DATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL MUST BE FILED BY LICENSEES DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER (SEE M.G.L. Ch. 138 s16A) A MrInCA 10=%1nQ inn_ An\mr-%i noinx;-A(ft. ARTICLE 6 - PERSONNEL RELATED POLICIES The Personnel Policies of the Town of Reading are adopted separately by the Board of Selectmen, and those policies apply to personnel who, in accordance with the Reading Home Rule Charter, are appointed by or report to the Town Manager, the Library Board of Trustees, and the Board of Assessors. The following policies are adopted by the Board of Selectmen, not in their role as Personnel Board, but in their other roles, such as the appointing authority of the Town Manager (Section 6. 1), or in their authority to determine regulations for payroll and other issues (Section 6.2). Section 61- Evaluation of the Town Managaer Since the position of Town Manager is of great importance in establishing the direction of Town Services, the Board of Selectmen formulates through this policy a .process for evaluating the performance of the Town Manager at two levels: 1. Annual establishment of the Town Manager's goals for the coming calendar year. 2. Annual evaluation of the Town Manager's overall performance as defined in the role description for the position and in meeting established objectives. 6.1.1 - Goals Prior to the end of the calendar year, the Town Manager shall submit in writing to the Board for discussion and mutual approval, a list of annual key goals that reflect the Town's needs and priorities. The Town Manager will then establish, with Department Heads, the specific objectives and work plan to accomplish the agreed upon goals. During the year, normally at three -month intervals, there will be open sessions of the Board during which the Town Manager shall report progress in achieving the goals and objectives and receive feedback from the Board. 6.1.2 - Annual Evaluation The annual evaluation of the Town Manager's overall performance shall be based on the role description for the position and the achievement of goals and objectives that had been previously agreed upon. The evaluation shall cover the previous year's performance. With input from the Town Manager, the Board shall establish a role description for the position of Town Manager which may be reviewed from time to time at the request of either the Board or the Manager. When changes in items on the role description are made by the Board, the Town Manager shall be given at least six months to demonstrate performance on the changed item before an evaluation on that issue is made unless the Manager and the Board agree otherwise. An evaluation subcommittee, appointed by the Chairman, shall initiate the annual evaluation process late in each year by distributing to each Board member and the Town Manager: 6 - 1 Board of Selectmen Policies • a copy of an Annual Evaluation Form, • the current years goals and objectives and current progress reports from the Town Manager and • the previous year's Evaluation Report. Each Board member and the Town Manager shall submit the completed evaluation form to the subcommittee within four weeks. The subcommittee will then prepare a composite of the Evaluation Reports and submit this to the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager for presentation and discussion in a regular session of the Board of Selectmen. The Board will take into consideration the Town Manager's overall performance and progress in meeting the annual key goals and objectives in establishing the Town Manager's salary for the following year beginning July 1. A copy `of the Annual Evaluation Report is to be placed in the Town Manager's personnel file. Adopted 12-13-94, amended November 1, 2005 Section 6.2 - Before-Tax Health Care Premium Payment Plan for Employees Paid Biweekly The Town of Reading desires to establish a Cafeteria Plan, as permitted by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 132 of Chapter 697 of the Massachusetts Acts and Resolves of 1987, in order to permit eligible employees of the Employer to participate in the Employer's Group Health Plan on a basis which is intended to provide them with significant income tax advantages, as permitted by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended. The Town of Reading desires that the Plan shall be effective for the pay period ending March 2, 1990, and that the Plan shall be known as The Town of Reading, Massachusetts Pre-Tax Health Care Premium Payment Plan for Employees Paid Biweekly (hereinafter referred to as "Plan"); said plan will be limited to those employees paid biweekly. To implement and carry out the purposes of said Plan, the Employer does hereby establish the Plan as follows: 6. 11 - Definitions 1. CODE shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. 2. COMPENSATION shall mean total annual compensation earned by an Employee during a Plan Year as reported on Form W-2. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE shall mean March 2, 1990. 4. EMPLOYEE shall mean an employee of the Employer, paid biweekly. 5. EMPLOYER shall mean the Town of Reading, Massachusetts. 6. MEMBER shall mean an eligible Employee who is duly enrolled under the Plan. 7. PLAN shall mean The Town of Reading, Massachusetts Before-Tax Health Care Premium Payment Plan for Employees. 6-2 Board of Selectmen Policies �;v Board of Selectmen Meeting October 18, 2005 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Vice Chairman Richard Schubert, Secretary Joseph Duffy, Selectman James Bonazoli, Town Engineer Joe Delaney, Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties: Bill Brown, Tracy Ellen Sopchak, Bruce Cerullo, Steve Chapman, Ron D'Addario, Ray Porter, Steve Goldy, Gina Snyder, Stephanie Anderberg. Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments — Selectman James Bonazoli noted that the perambulation of the Town boundaries was postponed due to rain. It has been rescheduled for next Saturday. The Nurse Advocacy Task Force will be meeting on November 8, 2005. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert noted that an abutter to Sanborn Lane dropped some material off to him regarding signage for no trucks and State regulations concerning the authority the Board of Selectmen have in setting speed, etc. He asked the Town Manager if he has met with the neighbors yet, and the Town Manager indicated that he is waiting to hear from them. He also noted that he has concerns regarding the plowing. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that the Town plowed last year when it was filled with gravel, and asked why not this year. The Town Manager indicated that DPW has concerns regarding safety. The trench needs to be filled in with hot top. He will not put his employees or contractors in danger. He also noted that we cannot sweep the street with the trench either because loose gravel can pop out and damage the equipment. Public Comment — Bill Brown referred to the letter from Town Counsel regarding the enterprise fees. Town Counsel indicates that the homeowner has the option to reduce the amount of impervious surface. If he was to do that, Bill Brown would have to tear his house down, and he suggests that the Town contact the Attorney General for an opinion. The Town Manager noted that he spoke to Town Counsel and it was very clear that this is a fee, but he will try to get the Attorney General's opinion. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he saw an enterprise fund in Vermont that was assessed as a betterment. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert noted that the storm water management is a federal mandate. Selectman James Bonazoli asked if there was any penalty to not being the first town to do this. The Town Manager indicated that we could wait for someone else to do this and pay the legal fees but it is not sensible to sit back and wait. It needs to be done and funded somehow. Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 18 2005 — Page 2 Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur noted that the federal regulations want us to identify the revenue source. Bill Brown noted that street sweeping is under the tax rate right now. If that moves, then the taxes need to be reduced. Town Manager's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: ♦ We have gotten proposals to replace the American Flag on the Common. The flag came down in a severe windstorm, and we need a steeplejack to replace it. The community response was excellent. ♦ We have received an updated Historical inventory from the Historical Commission. ♦ We have received two donations for the playground at Memorial Park. These donations combined with Town funds will allow us to move forward with this project, hopefully to be completed this Fall. ♦ In the draft State Supplemental Budget is an additional $325,000 funding for Franklin Street sidewalks, and $200,000 in matching funds for recreation improvements. ♦ The Town has long sought the position of a School Resource Officer, and the School Committee recently voted to support such a position at the Subsequent Town Meeting. ♦ Verizon Wireless Store is holding a ribbon cutting at their new store on Walkers Brook Drive on Thursday at 1:30. ♦ Reading's application for the MWRA supplemental water buy -in is scheduled for action on October 20th at the MWRA Advisory Board, and then on November for the MWRA Board. ♦ The RPD will be running an Auto Glass Etching Program to deter auto theft — DPW Garage on October 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ♦ The Annual Halloween Parade is October 23rd. ♦ Household Hazardous Waste Collection — Wakefield High, October 29th, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. ♦ Overnight parking ban starts November lst. ♦ The Police Department is malting a Reverse 911 call to the community regarding car breaks. ♦ There was a South Main Street utility pole down across part of Main Street yesterday morning. There was a full response from all Town Departments and the issue was resolved before rush hour. ♦ "Farmers Market," Tuesday at Rotary Square through October, 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. ♦ Road reconstruction on Berkley, Gleason and Greenwood — hopefully beginning next week. Personnel and Appointments Board of Registrars ` — The applicant withdrew their application. Climate Protection Task Force — The Board interviewed Tracy Ellen Sopchak for a position on the Climate Protection Task Force. Bonazoli moved and Duffy seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Ad Hoc Cities for Climate Protection Committee with a term expiring November 30, 2005• Tracy Ellen Sopchak Ms Sopchak received three votes and was pointed. 54:1111, Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 18 2005 — Page 3 Cultural Council — Since Elizabeth Whitelam was recently interviewed by the Board, it was not necessary for her to be present this evening. Duffy moved and Bonazoli seconded to place the following name into nomination for one ,position on the Cultural Council with a term expiring June 30, 2007: Elizabeth Whitelam. Ms Whitelam received three votes and was appointed. Discussion /Action Items Report on the Hospital Development Committee — Bruce Cerullo, Chairman of the Hospital Development Committee, was present. He noted that the Hospital Trust was established when three donors donated money totaling approximately $115,000 to the Town to build a hospital. The amount of the trust has since grown to approximately $4 million. In the meantime, the interest from the trust income may be used to defray medical hospital service elsewhere for needy citizens of Reading. In 1988, the Hospital Trust Commissioners decided to go to the court with a cy pres to establish Reading Response for transportation, lifeline, home care, etc. to be funded by the hospital trust. The mission of the Hospital Development Committee is to review the feasibility of the development of a hospital or like facility /service to be funded by the Hospital Trust. Mr. Cerullo noted that a hospital is not feasible, and the committee recommends that the Town rule out other bricks and mortar because there is no need and/or no economic viability. The Town is surrounded by excellent health care already. The Town Manager noted that the Committee did a survey and sent it out to the surrounding medical facilities. The result of that survey is that there is no need for bricks and mortar. Mr. Cerullo noted that the next decision is whether to offer the programs and services to all or just the needy. The Committee suggests doing a formal needs assessment. The Board agreed with the no bricks or mortar. The consensus of the Board was to offer the programs and services to the needy. Selectman James Bonazoli agrees with offering to the needy but to a certain level. He noted that there are gray areas that are difficult and should be addressed. Mr. Cerullo noted that the gray area is the working poor who don't qualify for Medicare, etc. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert asked how much a needs assessment would cost. Mr. Cerullo noted that a focused assessment would be $25,000 - $50,000, and a broad assessment would be $50,000-$100,000. He feels that we could spend $25,000 or less and get good information. The Town Manager noted that he advocates for a focused needs assessment and suggests doing one every five years. Mr. Cerullo noted that the Committee has expired. The Selectmen need to redefine the mission of the Committee and extend the term. Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 18, 2005 — Page 4 Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he wants to spend more time on the broad versus the focused assessment and to look at the gray areas of the needy. A motion by Bonazoli seconded Lbbl-puffy to extend the term of the Hospital Development - Committee and reappoint all members until December 31 2005 was approved by a vote. of 3-0-0. Report .on 1-93 Containment — Town Engineer Joe Delaney and Consultant Steve Chapman from Fay, Spofford and Thorndike were present. Joe Delaney noted that this relates back to the gas spill on 1-93 in 1992. The purpose of the study was to quantify the risk associated with hazinat spills on this highway, and to identify appropriate mitigation measures to help protect Reading's water supply. Steve Chapman noted that they looked at crash and spill statistics on Route 93 north to Concord Street. Between 1987-2005, 1-93 had an average spill rate of five gallons or more equaling 1.3 spills per mile. The type of spills are predominately petroleum 90% - 95% of the time. The statistics indicate that there will be two hazinat spills every 10 years, and there is a 2.6% chance it could be more than 300 gallons. This is a high risk area of 1-93 that is in the Ipswich River Watershed. A half inch of run off capture is a goal, and a 10,000 gallon spill would need to be captured. Mr. Chapman noted that there are five possible solutions: ♦ Alternative #1 would be a detention basin at the upland area. The surface storage basin would need an 18 foot ditch to work. It would also have to be 100 feet across and 200 feet long, and would require property taking in Wilmington. ♦ Alternative #2 would be a toe of slope detention basin with swale and berm. This would work the entire embankment of 1-93 and an impervious liner would have to be installed. This plan puts all the runoff into the river. o Alternative #3 has underground containment chambers with a hydrocarbon sensor. The tank would hold a 10,000 spill with a V2 inch of runoff. This is not a proven technology -- it is a concept. The structures are quite large and requires deep excavation. o Alternative #4 is a consolidated conduit that is a 48" pipe in diameter. It has overflow capability and outlet control ability at the down end. The untreated runoff would be discharged into the river. o Alternative #5 is a stormceptor system that has a vortex concentrator that pulls out solids such as oil and gas. It does provide a 10,000 gallon capacity and is a proven system. It is currently used at private installations. Costs for the alternates ranged from $300,000 to $600,000, and this does not include bringing power to the site or telemetry. Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 18 2005 — Page 5 Joe Delaney noted that they met with Mass Highway and they were impressed and agreed to review the report. They liked Option 2b — the toe slope because it is easy to maintain. The Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee reviewed it and liked Option 2b. They eliminated Option 1 because of the land takings and size of construction. Option 3 is unproven. Joe Delaney noted that they will take this report to the Conservation Commission, Police and Fire Departments. They will also meet with the Town of Wilmington and then come back to the Board of Selectmen. The issue of how to do this, who will maintain it, and who will pay still are unanswered. He suggested that at the minimum, the Town would probably design and maintain it. He hopes to bring this back to the Board of Selectmen mid - Winter. Report — Cities for Climate Change Task Force — Cities for Climate Change Task Force Members Ron D'Addario, Ray Porter, Stephanie Anderberg, Steve Goldy, Tracy Sopchak and Gina Snyder were present. Gina Snyder noted that the Task Force has met eight times. The Cities for Climate Protection Program is a five step process — conduct local emissions inventory, adopt a reduction target, identify actions, implement action plan policies and actions, and quantify and report benefits created. She noted that a questionnaire was done regarding the program and the results show that it is a good organization with no pressure and each town works at their own pace. Ron D'Addario noted that Medford saved $7000 by using solar panels, Newton saved $79,000 in lighting, Salem saved, $22,000, and Brockton installed solar panels in one area to supply power to 120 homes. He recommends joining the program. The Board of Selectmen would have to adopt a resolution, establish a permanent committee, and implement a five step plan. He asked the Selectmen to lower their thermostats 1 degree in the Winter and raise it 1 degree in the Summer, drive 2 mph less, and replace three bulbs with energy saving bulbs. The Town Manager noted that the Selectmen need to decide whether or not to join. They would then need to hold a hearing to establish a policy setting up the committee, find funding of $600 to join, there is no staff capacity to take on this committee, and a Proclamation would have to be done. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert asked if we can do some of these things without joining. The Town Manager noted that we could look at other communities and ask RMLD to fund. Tracy Sopchak noted that the organization provides an established program, training, software, etc. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he would like to see alternatives where the Town doesn't hold up the costs. He agrees with the program but is concerned regarding budget restraints and long -term financial impact. The Town Manager noted that he will put this on an Agenda in November for the resolution and establishing the committee with a promise to work with three other communities — perhaps Keyspan will fund. A W Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 18 2005 — Page 6 Liguor License Pledge of License/Pledge of Stock — Busa's Reading Liquors — The Town Manager noted that the Board of Selectmen granted a transfer from Reading Liquors to Busa's Reading Liquors. The Pledge of License is to be used as collateral for financing. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert asked if the licenses were pledged on their other stores. The Attorney for Busa's indicated that they are for a total of $300,000 between all of the stores. The Town Manager asked if it was for working capital, and the attorney indicated that it was. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Duffy to approve the Pledge of License and Pledge of Stock for Busa's Reading Liquors, Inc d /b /a Busa's Reading Liquors at 345 Main Street was approved by a vote of 3 -0 -0. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Duff t� o adjourn the meeting of October 18, 2005 at 9.51 p.m. was approved by a vote of 3 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 0 Board of Selectmen Meeting October 25, 2005 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Camille Anthony, Vice Chairman Richard Schubert, Secretary Joseph Duffy, Selectmen James Bonazoli and Ben Tafoya, Police Chief Jim Cormier, Safety Officer Tom Murphy, Superintendent of Schools Pat Schettini, Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties: Bill Brown, Sheila Krekorian Tully, Charleen Smotrycz, Lauren Cadagan, Mary Higgins, June Ewing, Lynda Fallica, Darla Whipple, Monette Verrier, Michelle Iantosca, Richard Davidson. Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments — Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that he and Selectman James Bonazoli perambulated the Town borders on Saturday. He also noted that a house at the end of Grove Street is partially in Reading and partially in Wilmington. Chairman Camille Anthony noted that the Board members just came from an Adopt -an-Island Reception. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert noted that there is an interest for the School Committee and Board of Selectmen to address the drug problem in Reading. Chairman Anthony noted that she spoke with Rob Spadafora and he indicated that the School Committee is waiting for the results of the Youth Risk Survey and he suggested having a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen on November 8, 2005 with the Substance Abuse Prevention Advisory Committee. Superintendent of Schools Pat Schettini noted that drug abuse is not a school problem, it's a community problem, and statistics show that school is the safest place for the children. Public Comment — Bill Brown noted that he accompanied James Bonazoli on the perambulation of the Town borders. He also noted that they found a house that is half in Reading and half in Wakefield. Town Manager's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: ♦ The Town Manager noted that Walgreens wants to add their name to the sign. The consensus of the Board was agreeable. ♦ Construction on Summer Avenue should be done in two weeks. The Willow Street culvert has been installed. ♦ The Police did the window etching program last Saturday. ♦ The Household Hazardous Waste Collection is in Wakefield. ♦ The Warrant reports will be going to the printer tomorrow. S Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 25 2005 — Page 2 Discussion /Action Items Traffic Issues— Avalon Road Stop Sign — Residents of Avalon Road and Louanis Drive were present. Chairman Camille Anthony noted that Sheila Tully called her regarding issues with traffic on Avalon Road. The Town Manager noted that the request is for a two way stop sign at the intersection of Avalon Road and Louanis Drive. Traffic counts were done. Chairman Anthony asked if there was an issue of doing the traffic counts in the Summer. The Town Manager noted that there was, so a second traffic count was done. Police Chief Jim Cormier noted that the Police Department conducted a speed study from September 28th to October 5th. The study results showed that 85% of the vehicles traveled at 29 mph, 90% traveled at 30 mph, and everyone except 14 cars were under 36 mph. Selectman Ben Tafoya asked what part of Louanis Drive the study was conducted, and Chief Cormier indicated that it was around #26. The Town Manager noted that the issue from the speed and volume perspective does not warrant a stop sign but if the Selectmen are considering a stop sign, then he would recommend a stop sign on Louanis at Avalon Road. Charleen Smotrycz of 51 Avalon Road noted that the rate of speed on a regular basis is a concern, and the residents are fearful of the Archstone Development. She also noted that the neighborhood has become a shortcut for people avoiding the detour. She noted that residents are parking their cars at the end of the driveway to slow traffic down. She also noted that there are 16 children on Avalon Road and they couldn't play in their front yards when the traffic was being detoured. The Town Manager noted that the Archstone project design is to come out right turn only and no cutting across to Louanis Drive. He also noted that the Police also did a study on Pine Ridge and there is a lot of speeding there. Mary Higgins noted that West Street was closed farther down when the traffic counts were done and that affects the data. Selectman Ben Tafoya asked what the down side is to installing stop signs. Chief Cormier noted that they try to use federal regulations when installing stop signs. A four way stop requires five accidents within a one year period. If there are too many stop signs, then it is hard to enforce. Selectman Ben Tafoya asked how many residents signed the petition. Charleen Smotrycz noted that all of the residents on the street signed the petition except for two homes. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert noted that this is an issue of safety, and this will help to reduce the speeding culture. Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 25 2005 — Page 3 Selectman Joseph Duffy suggested lowering the speed limit. The Town Manager indicated that would have to go through the State for approval. Chairman Camille Anthony noted that the consensus of the Board is to schedule a hearing for stop signs on Avalon Road and Louanis Drive . The Town Manager noted that the residents are requesting a reduced speed limit under 30 mph, No Thru Traffic and Residents Only signs, and malting Louanis Drive a one way. Charleen Smotrycz noted that she questions the accuracy of the counts due to the detours. The Town Manager noted that he will schedule a hearing at the end of November. Review Wood End School Area Operation — The Town Manager noted that signs are being put up as we receive them. The "Do Not Enter" sign into Dividence Road is wrong. He noted that there doesn't seem to be the volume of activity as expected. The flashing zone sign will go out this week. The sidewalks won't be done until the Spring. We are waiting for the conservation closeout to do paving and if we get that soon, then we might be able to get the road into Dividence soon. Safety Officer Tom Murphy noted that the signage in the cul -de -sac on Sunset Rock Lane should be the same as the west side of Sunset Rock which is No Parking from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. He also .noted that he would like to do the same on Roma Lane in the cul -de -sac. He noted that a lot of people are walking so he has moved a Crossing Guard to Emerson Street. June Ewing of 17 Partridge Road noted that she organized the bus and 55 students are being bused. If that stops, then we will be adding about 40 cars to the traffic. She wants to see the continued use of a bus. Lynda Fallica of 52 Sunset Rock Lane noted that the regulations are working great but during the Harvest event, the parents parked at the cul -de -sac, and fire trucks would not have been able to get through. Darla Whipple noted that she was concerned about the traffic and speed on Franklin Street. She hopes the flashing signs, crosswalks, etc. will help. She also noted that the Police are out there every day and she appreciates this. A Franklin Street resident noted that there are sidewalks on her side of Franklin but they are dangerous because they are only 3 feet wide and have no tree lawn. The Town Manager noted that the rest of the sidewalk will be the same width but will have granite curbing. Monette Verrier of 30 Kurchian Lane noted that the Do Not Enter sign on Emerson Street makes the street safer. She requests that the Town keep the sign there to make it safer for pedestrians. Safety Officer Tom Murphy noted that the Do Not Enter sign on Emerson Street is for everyone. Michelle Iantosca noted that the Dividence Road sign does not include Wednesdays, and cars are parking on Dividence Road across from Emerson Street for events. t3 Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 25 2005 — Page 4 A resident asked if people were having an event, could they call the Police Department and see if the parking regulations can be overlooked. Chief Cormier noted that his concern is the cul -de- sac and whether emergency vehicles can get through. Richard Davidson noted that the improvements have been tremendous. He also noted that the large tree on Franklin Street at Sunset Rock needs to come down — it blocks the site line. The Town Manager asked if we should keep the Do Not Enter sign on Emerson Street. Chief Cormier noted that it is a valid point of keeping it if there is a lot of pedestrian traffic and no sidewalks. The Town Manager indicated that he will schedule a hearing on the cul -de -sacs regulations in November. Review Memorial Park — Status of Contacting Heirs — The Town Manager noted that Town Counsel has not made contact with special counsel yet so there will be no report tonight. Review Town Meeting Warrant — The Town Manager reviewed the Warrant for the Subsequent Town Meeting. The Town Manager noted that both the Finance Committee and Bylaw Committee do no recommend Article 7. The Finance Committee had concerns regarding legal challenges and the Bylaw Committee just doesn't like it. Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that his father -in -law did this in Ohio. They hired an intern who assessed every single piece of property. He suggested asking the State legislators to clarify this. Vice Chairman Richard Schubert noted that this is a mandate from the Federal government and it needs dedicated financial funding. He asked if we approve and get challenged, could we take no action. The Town Manager noted that the Article establishes an enterprise fund but we don't have to do anything with it. It was decided this Article will be tabled with a full explanation. The Town Manager noted that the Finance Committee voted "No" on Article 9. They want to see where we are next Spring with the project. The Town Manager noted that the School Committee voted to move this Article forward. Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur noted that the School Committee voted to get the sense of Town Meeting first. The architect stated that there was no hurry. The Finance Committee is in support of the $400,000 but not the methods and timing. The Town Manager noted that Article 13 is to authorize the sale of tax title properties that are under the custody and control of the School Department. He also noted that even if the School Committee doesn't relinquish, the Board of Selectmen can still go ahead. Chairman Camille Anthony noted that Rob Spadafora is concerned about doing this before the High School project is done. Board of Selectmen Meeting — October 25 2005 — Page 5 Vice Chairman Richard Schubert suggested tabling this .Article and have CPDC start brainstorming regarding what to do with the property. Bill Brown noted that the property was taken in 1932 for taxes. The Town Manager noted that this property is not for the High School parking. Chairman Camille Anthony noted that Rob Spadafora thinks the land should be a buffer to the 500 parking spaces that are going in. The Town Manager suggested to table this Article with an explanation and indicate the Board's intent to move forward with the planning process. Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that in Article 20, Section, the parking requirements should be 1100 square feet. On motion by Tafoya seconded by Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 3 by a vote of 4 -0 -0 (Schubert had left the room . On motion by Tafoya seconded by Duffy, the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 6 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duff seconded b Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 8 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duffy seconded by Schubert the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 10 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duffy seconded by Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 11 by 'a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duffy seconded by Tafoya, the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 12 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafoya, the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 14 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duffy seconded by Tafoya, the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 15 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 16 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Duffy, the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 17 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Duffy seconded by Bonazoli the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 18 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. S . Board of Selectmen Meeting — Oct. er 25 2005 — Page 6 On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafo a the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 19 by a vote of 5 -0 -0. On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafo a the Board of Selectmen voted to recommend the subject matter of Article 20 by vote of Review of Action Status Report — No changes were made to the Action Status Report. Approval of Minutes A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of September 20, 2005, as amended, was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of September 27, 2005 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of October 4, 2005, as amended, was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of October 11, 2005, as amended, was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Schubert seconded by Duffy too into Executive Session for the purpose of approval of minutes and strategy with regard to litigation not to come back into Open Session was approved on a roll call vote with all five members voting in the affirmative. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Number: 2005-52 Fee: $50.00 TOWN OF READING This is to certify that LINENS 'N THINGS, 40 WALKERS BROOK DRIVE, seating 0 customers COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE in said Reading, Massachusetts and at that place only and expires December 31, 2005, unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common victuallers. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authorities by General Laws, Chapter 140, and amendments thereto. Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Board of Selectmen's Policies, patrons are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages on the premises for their own consumption and licensees are not permitted to keep alcoholic beverages on the premises except for a small quantity that is used in the preparation of certain specialty cooked foods. All signs shall conform with the sign regulations of the Town of Reading. In Testimony Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto affixed their official signatures. - ­ I,-,' t Date Issued: November Y 2005 OFR6q�l� 4� js3s'INCOR4�4� THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Number: 2005 -53 Fee: $50.00 TOWN OF READING This is to certify that READING STATION COFFEE DEPOT, 32 LINCOLN STREET, seating 2 customers IS HEREBY GRANTED A COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE in said Reading, Massachusetts and at that place only and expires December 31, 2005, unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common victuallers. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authorities by General Laws, Chapter 140, and amendments thereto. Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Board of Selectmen's Policies, patrons are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages on the premises for their own consumption and licensees are not permitted to keep alcoholic beverages on the premises except for a small quantity that is used in the preparation of certain specialty cooked foods. All signs shall.conform with the sign regulations of the Town of Reading. In Testimony Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto affixed their official signatures. Date Issued: November 17, • Mr. Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell St. Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner, ry cr• November 10, 2005 The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) has completed the final draft of our population and employment projections for the 101 communities in our regional planning district. These are the "baseline" of likely growth patterns in the region if past trends continue into the future. Thank you for your assistance in helping us to develop these projections. The information many of you provided to us was considered in finalizing the community totals for population, households and employment. These projections were then allocated to Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) based on past land use trends, zoning and your comments. Enclosed is a table of your community's population, households, and employment projections, and their allocation to TAZs. Please review these updated baseline projections. Maps of the projected household and employment allocations by TAZ for your community, as well as a paper that explains the methodology can be found on our web site at www.mapc.org; click on "Population and Employment Projections ". If you have any additional comments, please respond by the close of business on Wednesday November 30, 2005. Please submit all comments to Holly St. Clair Data Center Manager via email (List lair mapc.or) or by fax (617- 482 - 7185). If you have trouble downloading TAZ maps or have any questions, call Holly at 617- 451 -2770 x 2014. These projections will be used by the Boston region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to develop its new Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) as required by federal law. MAPC's MetroFuture project will also use the baseline growth scenarios to develop a comprehensive plan for the metro Boston region. It is important to note that this is only abaseline analysis. It indicates how the region is most likely to grow if current trends continue. We will also be developing "alternative scenarios" for where and how the region might grow in ways that will better meet residents' goals for the fixture, and we will be seeking your advice again soon on what alternatives to this baseline are most appropriate for your community. Thanks again for your help. Sineerely; Marc Draisen Executive Director Richard A. Dimino, President Gordon Feltman, Vice President Grace S. Shepard, Treasurer Marc D. Draisen, Executive Director PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER M Jeanne. E. Richardson,Secretaiy Population, Household and Employment Projection 2010 - 2030 Municipality: Reading Before Community Comments After Community Comments Population 2000 23,708 23,708. 2010 24,465 25,695 2020 25,056 26,287 2030 25,501 26,731 % Change 2000 -2030 8 13 Household* 2000 - 8,688 2010 - 9,913 2020 - 10,481 2030 - 10,960 % Change 2000 -2030 - 26 Employment 2000 7,211 7,211 2010 7,500 7,700 2020 7,697 7,897 2030 7,850 8,050 % Change 2000 -2030 9 12 * Household were developed from population after community comment. coo Thursday, November 10, 2005 Metropolitan Area Planning CeunCll t Household and Employment Allocation by Traffic Analysis Zone [TAZI 2000 -.2030: Community Comments Draft for Review Municipality: Reading Households Employment TAZ 2000 2010 2020 2030 2000 2010 2020 2030 1265 866 951 1,008 1 ,054 1,610 1,722 1,779 1,824 1266 865 936 990 1,036 825 865 880 892 1267 958 1,519 1,612 1,686 109 114 117 120 1268 592 639 673 702 245 257 266 272 1269 1,067 1,144 1,201 1,250 433 462 478 490 1270 405 437 462 483 424 453 468 480 1271 226 246 260 273 738 817 833 846 1272 481 523 554 580 1,653 1,728 1 ,759 1,783 1273 742 805 852 892 168 185 194 203 1274 451 472 487 500 427 487 499 508 1275 931 1,037 1,100 1,151 136 140 143 145 1276 1,104 1,203 1,282 1,354 444 469 480 488 Total 8,688 9,913 10,481 10,960 7,211 7,700 7,897 8,050 For a map of the TAZ's in your town and the methodology paper, go to http: / /www.mapc.org/ Thursday, November 10, 2005 71 Metropolitan Area Planting CeUOCII b, o g c November 10, 2005 C , b lOv) Selectwoman Camille Anthony Selectman Richard Schubert Selectman Joseph Duffy Selectman James Bonazoli Selectman Ben Tafoya r-4 16 Lowell Street +-ri Reading, MA 01867 Dear Selectmen and Selectwomen, -- Thank you for this opportunity to write to you today. I am not one to typically take yo�t time, however I do feel strongly about this issue that I am writing to you about today, M would appreciate your further time and consideration. Car I will try to be brief, with the hope that I will be able to speak with you at some point. A few months ago, work was being done in my neighborhood on Franklin Street, and aside from the expected slow spots, noise, and a general mess, all had gone pretty well. The worst of it,was really the constant detours, making it sometimes nearly impossible for me to get from my home on Partridge Road, to my office. one block away on Franklin Street. One day, I had arranged a moving company to deliver items I had in storage in Wilmington to my home in Reading. I could have done this any day, however the day and time I had arranged, happened to be on a day that I could literally not get to my house. Main and Franklin closed. Franklin and Pearl closed. Franklin and Haverhill Closed. As you can see, I literally had no way to get to my home. When I left in the early morning to meet the mover at the storage facility, everything was open, after loading the truck and heading back to my home, is when we realized we had no way in. I would like to add that my wife and infant son were at home at the time, and this meant they had no way out. In the event of an emergency, this condition could have been devastating. I pleaded with the workers to let us in, I was abruptly, and rudely told "no way ". I parked my car on the side of the road, told the movers to go away, walked to my home, and called the town manager. He was sorry, and had the police department call me. The police really wasn't sure why they were calling me, but told me they had no authorization to disrupt work so that my movers could get in. I asked Mr. Hechenbleikner how I could expect to be compensated for my inconvenience, and was told that many had been inconvenienced, and there. was nothing he could do. It cost me an additional $275.00 to have my movers sit at their parking lot until the road was: open. In my opinion, this is outrageous. I was never notified of the town's intention to close all access to Partridge Road on this day. In fact, I believe it is actually unlawful to create such a setting. PI I further followed up on my disappointment with Mr. Hechenbleikner's decision to do nothing with a letter to him. I received a letter back, again stating he was sorry, but there was nothing further he could do. This is not a lot of money in question, but the point of this I believe is very important. What if my elderly parents on the West side were to need me, as they often do, and I could not get out of my street? With 7 homes on Partridge Road, a number of things could have occurred during a full day of not being able to come and go at all. I would see neighbors parking their cars on Parsons Lane, or in the cemetery and walking home. This is not right. As mentioned previously, I would appreciate the opportunity to be heard regarding this, and hope.that you will reconsider Mr. Hechenbleikners's decision to further leave me stranded. Many Thanks. r Res t ck Nazzaro 11 Partridge Road Reading, MA 01867 November 9, 2005 Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Via UPS: Tracking Number 1Z X13 327 22 1003 8365 Dear Mr. Hechenbleilmer: b 1(' �-Us 1� Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. 55 Concord Street North Reading, MA 01864 www,comcast.com IgPE Enclosed please find a check in the amount of One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighty Seven Dollars and Zero Cents ($113,587.00) and made payable to The Town of Reading. This payment is in accordance with Section 6.4, Reading Access Television, of the Cable Television Renewal License with the Town of Reading. If you have any questions about the enclosed annual payment, please call me at 978.207.2264. Sincerely, (�r. J . Lym Manager of Government & Community Relations /j ml enclosures m V o i Ccomcast. Denise Mason Franchising Coordinator Table 10. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI -U): Selected areas, all Items Index (1982 -84 =100, unless otherwise noted) A 4 ............................... ............................... All items 174.6 Indexes Percent change to Percent change to 2.9 Area Pricing 3.1 Jan. 2005 from- Dec. 2004 from - B/C 3 ...:........................ ............................... schedule 118.1 118.2 117.7 117.9 2.9 -.3 .2 3.4 -.3 -.4 D .................................. ............................... 1 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Nov. Dec. Dec. Oct. I Nov. Selected local areas5 2004 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004 2004 2003 2004 2004 U.S. city average ............. ............................... M 190.9 191.0 190.3 190.7 3.0 -0.2 0.2 3.3 -0.3 -0.4 Region and area size2 M 196.3 196.9 195.2 195.4 3.7 -.8 .1 4.4 -.6 -.9 Northeast urban ............... ............................... M 202.5 202.6 201.9 202.6 3.4 .0 .3 3.6 -.3 -.3 Size A - More than 1,500,000 ..................... M 204.5 204.6 204.1 205.0 3.6 .2 A 3.6 -.2 -.2 Size B/C - 50,000 to 1,500,000 3 ................ M 120.1 120.1 119.2 119.4 2.9 -.6 .2 3.7 -.7 -.7 Midwest urban ................. ............................... M 184.5 184.8 183.8 184.1 2.6 -.4 .2 3.0 -.4 -.5 Size A - More than 1,500,000 ..................... M 186.8 186.9 185.7 185.9 2.3 -.5 .1 2.7 -.6 -.6 Size B/C - 50,000 to 1,500,000 3 ................ M 117.4 117.7 117.3 117.3 2,8 -.3 .0 3.5 -.1 -.3 Size D - Nonmetropolitan (less than 2 183.9 - 183.2 - - - 2.3 -.4 50,000) ................ ............................... M 177.1 177.7 177.2 178.2 3.7 .3 .6 3.3 .1 -.3 South urban ..................... ............................... M 183.7 183.7 183.3 183.6 3.0 -.1 .2 3.3 -.2 -.2 Size A - More than 1,500,000 ..................... M 185.0 185.0 184.9 185.2 3.0 .1 .2 3.2 -.1 -.1 Size B/C - 50,000 to 1,500,000 3 ................ M 117A 117.4 117.1 117.1 2.9 -.3 .0 3.4 -.3 -.3 Size D - Nonmetropolitan (lass than 2 200.2 197.8 4.7 1.2 50,000) ................ ............................... M 182.8 182.5 181.9 182.3 4.0 -.1 .2 3.9 -.5 -.3 West urban ...................... ............................... M 195.0 195.1 194.2 194.5 2.7 -.3 .2 3.1 -.4 -.5 Size A - More than 1,500,000 ..................... M 197.5 197.6 196.5 196.7 2.6 -.5 .1 3.1 -.5 -.6 Size B/C - 50,000 to 1,500,000 3 ................ M 119.2 119.3 119.0 119.5 3.0 .2 .4 3.3 -.2 -.3 Size classes A 4 ............................... ............................... M 174.6 174.6 174.0 174.3 2.9 -.2 .2 3.1 -.3 -.3 B/C 3 ...:........................ ............................... M 118.1 118.2 117.7 117.9 2.9 -.3 .2 3.4 -.3 -.4 D .................................. ............................... M 182.9 183.0 182.4 183.0 3.4 .0 .3 3.3 -.3 -.3 Selected local areas5 Chicago-Gary- Kenosha, IL -IN -WI ................... M 190.8 190.7 189.6 189.9 2.4 -.4 .2 2.2 -.6 -.6 Los Angeles- Riverside - Orange County, CA ... M 196.3 196.9 195.2 195.4 3.7 -.8 .1 4.4 -.6 -.9 New York - Northem N.J.-Long Island, NY- NJ -CT -PA .......... ............................... M 207.3 207.2 206.8 208.1 4.1 .4 .6 3.8 -.2 -.2 Boston - Brockton- Nashua, MA- NH -ME -CT ..... 1 211.7 211.3 2 Cleveland- Akron, OH ....... ............................... 1 183.2 183.3 : 1 - - Dallas -Fort Worth, TX ...... ............................... 1 179.9 180.0 2.4 .1 Washington- Baltimore, DC- MD -VA -WV 6 ...... 1 120.9 121.3 3.6 .3 Atlanta, GA ...................... ..:............................ 2 183.9 - 183.2 - - - 2.3 -.4 Detroit -Ann Arbor - Flint, MI .............................. 2 187.6 185.3 22 -1.2 Houston - Galveston- Brazoda, TX .................... 2 171.8 170.0 3.6 -1.0 Miami -Fort Lauderdale, FL ............................. 2 187.0 188.6 3.9 .9 Philadelphia - Wilmington - Atlantic City, PA- NJ -DE -MD ......... ............................... 2 200.2 197.8 4.7 1.2 San Francisco - Oakland -San Jose, CA ........... 2 200.3 199.5 2.2 -.4 Seatfle- Tacoma - Bremerton, WA :................... 2 196.5 195.1 2.1 -.7 1 Foods, fuels, and several other Items priced every month in all areas; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland- Salem, OR -WA; St. Louis, MO -IL; San Diego, CA; most other goods and services priced as indicated: Tampa -St. Petersburg - Clearwater, FL. M - Every month. 6 Indexes on a November 1996 =100 base. 1 - January, March, May, July, September, and November. - Data not available. 2 - February, April, June, August, October, and December. 2 Regions defined as the four Census regions. See map in technical NOTE: Local area Indexes are byproducts of the national CPI program. notes. Each local index has a smaller sample size than the national Index and is, 3 Indexes on a December 1996 =100 base. therefore, subject to substantially more sampling and other measurement 4 Indexes on a December 1986 =100 base. error. As a result, local area Indexes show greater volatility than the national 5 In addition, the following metropolitan areas are published semiannually index, although their long -term trends are similar. Therefore, the Bureau of and appear in Tables 34 and 39 of the January and July issues of the CPI Labor Statistics strongly urges users to consider adopting the national Detailed Report: Anchorage, AK; Cincinnati - Hamilton, OH- KY -IN; average CPI for use in their escalator clauses. Denver - Boulder - Greeley, CO; Honolulu, HI; Kansas City, MO -KS; Milwaukee- Racine, WI; Minneapolis -St. Paul, MN -WI; Phoenix -Mesa, AZ; NOTE: Index applies to a month as a whole, not to any specific date. M1 FINANCIAL REMITTANCE ADVICE M C rCOMCAST cast. AGENCY CORPORATION A Comcast Cable Communications Group Company Eastern Division 200 Cresson Blvd. No, 239517439 Oaks, PA 19456 Date :02-NOV-05 Vendor Name: READING TOWN OF MA Vendor No. 154878 INVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE DESCRIPTION DISCOUNT AMOUNT NET AMOUNT 102505FF 25-OCT-05 4 MARC 1039 LICENSE COMP PER SE(6* IL( 0.00 113,587.00 ..................... ........ ...... ------ ...... -------- ........... --------- TOTAL .... ..... 0.00 ------ 113,587.00 I'm 2395 L743911° 4044 L I54431: 6755 2EI 3 1-, P, 29)5 NOV 17 Ati 10* 44 November 15, 2005 Mr. Peter I. Heckenbleikner Reading Town Manager 16 Lowell Street ssac Readin, P,a, husetts 01867 Dear Thank you for your assistance in arranging my recent community meeting in Reading. We had an excellent turnout for a Saturday morning, and a lively discussion on topics ranging from energy issues, the war in Iraq and the new Medicare drug benefit. It is always encouraging to meet with constituents, and helpful to hear their opinions and insights. Your senior center is a wonderful meeting space, and your staff was very helpful in making the event a success. Thank you again, and please do not hesitate to contact my office whenever I can be of assistance. M ey ongress COMMITTEES PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE EDUCATION & THE WORKFORCE SUBC ON 21ST CENTURY COMPETITIVENESS SUBC ON EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 120 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING DEMOCRATIC STEERING & POLICY COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202)225-802D Printed on recycled paper. http://www.house.gov/tierney 1?0 UO* 17 PEABODY SQUARE PEABODY, MA 01960 (978) 531-1669 LYNN (781) 595-7375 b [ C Thanks for your email Jim and Pat. This issue has been continued to the Board of Selectmen meeting on November 22 at 8 PM. I'll see that the Board gets your email. Pete From: Queeney [mailto:queenzo@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:57 AM To: Town Manager Subject: Parking, Traffic, Zoning Mr. Hechenbleikner, Thank you for meeting with the residents in the Southern Bancroft street area on November I st to discuss traffic and parking. Pat and I are in favor of the East side parking ban and against a four way stop at Mt. Vernon and Bancroft. We purchased our home at the corner of Mt. Vernon and Bancroft because it was a pleasant neighborhood to raise a family. It is our wish to maintain it's quality and relative value. I write you to ask what can be done to do this. Recently without our or our neighbor's knowledge, Chute St. was made one way. This action takes traffic from a wide street and detours it to a narrow one; Southern Bancroft. What can be done to return Chute St. to a two way ? Commercial Traffic was recently prohibited from neighboring streets. This will divert the commercial traffic to our area. When this happens, what steps can be taken to get bans for Mt. Vernon and Bancroft ? When the three-story office building was proposed for Haven St. we were told nothing could be done to prohibit it. This along with increased gas prices will put the squeeze on available parking spaces. What can be done to maintain access for us to park in front of our house during daytime hours ? A parking ban for all but Mount Vernon St. residents and guests would be our ideal choice. Please let me know my options. Finally, I have been informed of potential zoning changes in the Sanborn St. area. I would like to state that we are specifically against any changes that increase business, commercial, or industrial use in the area bordered by Rt. 129 / Rt. 28 / Railroad tracks. In general we are opposed to any changes that take from the residential aspects of the town and convert them to business / industrial urbanization of the town. Had I wanted to live in a town with more business and traffic, there were many choices that fit the bill better than Reading when I chose it as my town. Please help prevent a block by block decline of Reading by letting business, traffic, and parking encroach upon residential areas. Thank you for your attention. Please contact us regarding our questions. 9VO, Best regards, Jim and Pat Queeney 9A KAt \/Prnr)n St. We vt, eal estate mogul and astute .entrepreneur Donald Trump nce commented, "Real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned." .But even The Donald might have balked at the prospect of using a land- fill for a large commercial retail com- Alex. Nevertheless, one Massachusetts town has done just that, converting its 33.5-acre;.abandoned landfill into a 475,000 - square -foot retail complex. Reading, Massachusetts, a town of over 23,000 people located just north of Boston; operated a dump and land- fill until 1984 when town officials closed the landfill for good, leaving it unused and abandoned for several years. When the town then began planning a new public works garage, the landfill property was proposed as a possible site. That got town officials thinking — perhaps there were other ways they could use the land that would reap more significant benefits for the town. They began exploring the options for redeveloping landfills, including town uses (such as the garage), commercial development, or a recreational field, which is the most common use for redeveloped landfills. Town officials put together a task force to explore their options, and the group resolved that the landfill should be put to use for economic development purposes. The task force selected economic development for the landfill site based on a number of incentives. First, says town manager Peter Hechenbleikner, were the tax benefits. "All communities need ratables, and Reading probably more than most at that time," he says, indicating that the town's tax base was This flare stack combusts the gases collected from decomposing waste under the complex. John Murphy (inset) reviews the system's controls. almost entirely residential rather than commercial. If businesses were to use the land, their annual taxes would gen- erate millions of dollars for the town. Second were the benefits to the local economy. The considerable size of the landfill could accommodate tens of thousands of square feet for a hotel, shops, restaurants, banks, and other retail outlets, all of which would pre- sumably boost the town's economy. And the landfill's position directly off Interstate 95 made it an attractive loca- tion for top -name retailers. Third, and most significant for the town, was that selling the land to a developer meant the community could avoid pay- ing the $3- million price tag for capping the landfill. But this stipulation also became a sticking point for potential developers, says Dufresne - Henry's sen- ior project manager, Jim Laurila. "This is not something that is very common because it presents a lot of challenges and restrictions," Laurila says. `But in the end, the remediation costs were still worth the potential revenue." Left; The flare is unobtrusively set `, behind The Home Depot. Above: Discreet manholes conceal valve controls. Page 1 of 2 Hechenbleilkner, Peter From: Cormier, Jim Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:26 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Delaney, Joe; McIntire, Ted; Reilly, Chris; Murphy, Tom Subject: Edgemont Ave. Peter, I just wanted to put in writing what we discussed briefly yesterday re: traffic and parking issues on Edgemont Ave. Officer Muprhy and I went and observed first hand how the situation is currently. Cars park on both sides of Edgemont in the morning'when the street is designated one-way thus narrowing the street, this is not a problem until the one -way restriction comes off at 9aM. At that time we have cars parked on both sides of the street, one side of the street facing the wrong direction. The street as a two way street cannot handle the narrowing condition. In speaking w/ the principal, this problem is serious on those occasions when the one-way restrictions are not in place, i.e. early release on Wednesdays or evening functions. As we see it there are two paths to take: 1. Designate that section of Edgemont Ave. north of Stewart one-way all the time. We would recommend this and then not put any other regulations in effect, that are not already in place. The system works currently and there is ample room to pass when the road is one-way with parking on both sides. There are approximately 9 homes north of Stewart that would be forced to enter from Arcadia, not having a great impact on Arcadia traffic. 2. Leave the current one way restrictions in place and regulate one side of Edgemont W/ parking restrictions. If this option is chosen the principal recommends restricting the school side thus allowing that area for drop offs, but not parking. The problem with this option is once the road is open to two way traffic again, the vehicles parked on the other side are inhernetly parked illegally (on the wrong side of the street). This creates a dangerous situation having cars pull out.into oncoming traffic especially on a corner. Also, everyone has to cross the street that is parking. A couple of other notes, there is not enough parking on site for facutly, they use on street parking. Regulating around the front of school at the corner is problematic due to the need for on street parking and the other regulations in effect. We recommend option 1 above, and then we can re-evaluate, if we need to add regulations later, we can. We believe this will also help with traffic during non-school hours and functions using the community building. Any other questions or comments please feel free to contact me. I would be interested in other members of the PTTTIF comments. 11/22/2005