HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-07 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, June 07, 2005 ♦ Railroad horn blowing - status ♦ Meeting re Jordan's - June 23 at Senior Center ♦ Joint workshop re Pearson (Addison Wesley) on Monday June 13 at Parker Middle School at 8 PM ♦ re-paving Woburn Street. ♦ Construction projects: ♦ West Street water line ♦ Franklin Street water line ♦ Summer Avenue • Willow Street ♦ Various other street paving projects ♦ Selectmen Forums 6/21/05. ♦ Reading Friends and Family Day will take place on Saturday, June 25 right outside of Town Hall and the Upper Common. If you or your department would like to participate with an information table or program, please contact John Feudo at ext. 074 or email him at jfeudo@ci.reading.ma.us. There is currently over 30 different groups and organizations involved. Should be a fun day for all involved! C9 ~ ~ N ww M N H N as M a~i ~ d a~ 00 ~ N N to Q Q1 ~ t~ 4.4 G v zs o v 00 0~ C~ as N Cn LL N as 4 H ao Ir* Ir-~ IN (9 Roland Segalini, Jr. Segalini & Neville Thomas M. Neville Robin A. Maher* Steven C. Malone Of Counsel: Michael D. Kelly * Licensed to Practice in Connecticut VIA HAND DELIVERY Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Re: Reading Liquors, Inc. Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: June 6, 2005 iA,4 411 Waverley Oaks Road Waltham, MA 02452 (781) 891-0404 Fax(781)893-5004 According to the rules of the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission the majority of the Board of Directors must consist of Massachusetts residents. Pursuant to your conversation with my paralegal enclosed please find the revised forms which reflect the change to the Board of Directors which now consists only of one director, Adam Berger. A copy of the changes filed with the Department of Corporations is also enclosed. It is my understanding you will bring this to the attention of the Board of Selectmen's meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2005. If you have any questions, please let me know. RS/dm Enclosures 0 Verytrul 1 galini, Jr. r om THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION of G-cc,co7 License Number FORM 43 9)z~ City/Tovg Type of Transaction (Please check all relevant transactions ( ) New License (X) New Officer/Director ( ) Transfer of License ( ) Change of Location (x) Change of Manager ( ) Alter Premises (x) Transfer of Stock Reading Liquors, Inc. Name of licensee Reading Liquors D/B/A 3 b/ 05_ Date ( ) Pledge of License ( ) Pledge of Stock ( ) Other Manager 345 Main Street, Reading, MA 01867 Address: Number Street Zip Code Annual All alcohol Package store Annual or Seasonal Category: All Alcohol, Wine & Malt Type: Restaurant, Club, Package Store, Inn, General on Premise, Etc. Description of Licensed Premises: First floor, approximately 5,000 square feet, front entrance. rear service Application was filed: Advertised: Date & time Date & Publication Abutters Notified Yes No Person to contact regarding this transaction: Name: Roland Segalini, Jr. Address: 411 Waverley Oaks Road Waltham, MA 02452 Phone 781-891-0404 Remarks: The Local Licensing Authorities Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission RV. rcrr rn~ Executive Director 04-2477868 FID of Licensee Bruce Berger Remarks: 0 N Y The Comrnorzvvealth of Massachusetts S The Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street, Suite 200 Boston, MA 02114 Telephone: 617- 727-3040 FAX: 617- 727-1256 FORM A ;LICENSEE PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH: A. NEW LICENSE APPLICANT x B. APPOINTMENT OR CHANGE OF MANAGER IN A CORPORATION C. TRANSFER OF LICENSE (RETAIL ONLY-SEC. 12 & SEC. 15) (Please check which transaction is the subject of an application accompanying this Form A.) ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED OR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LICENSEE NAME Reading Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Reading Liquors (NAME AS IT WILL APPEAR ON THE LICENSE) NAME OF (PROPOSED) MANAGER Adam Berger SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 024-64-4821 HOME (STREET) ADDRESS 15 Cranberry Lane, Burlington, MA AREA CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER (S): (Give both, your home telephone and a number at which you can be reached during the day). DAY TIME # 781-768-3894 HOME# 781-270-5168 6. PLACE OF BIRTH: Framingham 8. REGISTERED VOTER: X YES 9. ARE YOU A U. S. CITIZEN: X YES 7. DATE OF BIRTH: 10/12/75 NO 8A. WHERE?. Burlington NO 10. COURT AND DATE OF NATURALIZATION (IF APPLICABLE): N/A (Submit proof of citizenship and/or naturalization such as Voter's Certificate, Birth Certificate or Nuluralizatioii Papers) (Over) 0 1 11. FATHER'S NAME: Bruce Berger 12. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Laura E. Flanigan 13. IDENTIFY YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD, (Massachusetts, Military, any other State or Federal): ANY OTHER ARREST OR APPEARANCE IN CRIMINAL COURT CHARGED WITH A CRIMINAL OFFENSE REGARDLESS OF FINAL DISPOSITION: YES NO (MUST CHECK El HER YES OR NO) IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE OFFENSE (S) SPECIFIC CHARGE AND DISPOSITION (FINE, PENALTY, ETC.) 14 15 16. 17 18 PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN THE LIQUOR INDUSTRY: X YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: Part-time work in the liquor industry for six years. FINANCIAL INTEREST, DIRECTOR INDIRECT, IN THIS OR ANY OTHER LIQUOR LICENSE, PERMIT OR CERTIFICATE: X YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: I am a 1/3 owner of the stock in Reading Liquors, Inc. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS (Dates, Position, Employer, Address and if known, Telephone Numbers): Advanced Technology Venture, Waltham, June 2003 to the present, Associate. HOURS PER WEEK TO BE SPENT ON THE LICENSED PREMISES: 30-40 I HEREBY SWEAR THAT UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION I HAVE GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. _ _ BY: PROPUSSED MANAGER SIGNATURE F AFiLEGWAUREEN.1 WAUREEMFORIASTORMA. W PD 9/99 -3/21/C)s DATE 010 2 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Retail Sale ( )New License (x) New Officer/Director { )Transfer of License { ) other- (x)Transfer of Stock (Specify) 1. Name to appear on the license: Reading Liquors, Inc. Business name (d/b/a),.if different: Reading Liquors Manager of Record: Bruce Berger FID of Licensee: Address of Premises; Street: 345 Main Street, Reading 01867 Zip code: Phone number of premises: ( 781 ) 768-3894 2. Type of license: (check only one) -Club X Package store Veterans club -General on premise -Restaurant -Other _Innholder _Tavern (Specify) 3. License Category:. X All Alcoholic -Wine and Malt -Malt only -Wine only -Wine and Malt with Cordials Permit 4. License Class: _x Annual Seasonal rerson attorney if applicable) who can be contacted concerning this application: Name: Roland Segalini, Jr. Address: 411 Waverley Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02452 . Phone number: (781)_ 891-0404 6. Give a full and complete description of the premises to be licensed, including location of all entrances and exits: 5 non gg ra font first flQnr retail with front entrance and rear service entrance/exit 6a JCGL1119 capacity: Occupancy number: 7. Applicant is an: -Association X Corporation _Individual -Partnership Non-profit corporation 8. If applicant is an individual or partnership: List for individual or each partner. Full Name Home Address D.O.B. SSN 8a. Is individual or are all partners United States citizens? _Yes No If no, specify citizenship: 8b. Is individual or are all partners involved at least twenty-one years old? _Yes No 9. If the applicant is a corporation, complete the following: State of Incorporation: Massachusetts Date of Incorporation: 1977 Fiscal Year Ends: December 31 Date qualified to do business in MA: 1977 9a. How many shares of stock are authorized? • 100 How many shares of stock are issued? 30 Provide in the box below the names of all officers, directors, stockholders and manager. Use * to indicate director itle ull Name ome Address .O.B. SN Shares of stock owned or controlled President Eric Berger 635 Upper Way, Wharton, NJ 5/20/73 .024-64-5122 10 (1/3) Treasurer Leah Berger 41 Bretton Road, #2, W. Hartfor , 10/9/77 024-64-7058 10 (1/3); Secretary Adam Berger 15 Cranberry.Lane, Burlington, A 10/12/75 024-764-4821 - 10 (1/3) Manager Adam-Berger 15 Cranberry Lane, Burlington, A 10/12/75 024-64-4821 10 (1/3) Director Adam Berger 15 Cranberry Lane, Burlington, MA 10/12/75 024-64-4821 10 (t1./3) 9b. Attach a copy of the vote by the Board of Directors appointing a manager or principal representa Zve. 9c. If the applicant is a corporation, answer the following questions: 1. Are the majority of directors United States citizens? X Yes No 2. Are the majority of directors citizens of Massachusetts? X Yes No 3. Is the manager or principal representative a U.S. citizen? X Yes No 10. If the applicant is an association, provide in the box below the names of all association officers and members. Title Full Name Home Address D.U.8. SSN Phone Number Criere be an X connst(Iftion,cremodeling, redecorating or building on the premises for this license? ~yll yes yes omplete a,b,c, and d) / an exact description of the construction, remodeling, redecorating or building on the Give a Premises What are the estimated costs? What is the construction schedule? C• State all sources of construction financing: d• t-; own the premises? Yes x No.'If yes; please respond to the question below. o YOU individual _Jointly Name of Realty Trust A5 Name of Corporation C other (specify) j~ wner..) are do not own the premises to be licensed, provide the following information about the o o EAL Realty Trust Phone number: 781 ):768-3894 • BE 345 Main Street, Reading, MA Cf a lease or rental, provide the following information-$ 6.000.00 per month (month, year, etc.) N/A date of lease mananl- ai- Wi~1 Ending date of lease jeginning provide a copy of the lease.) Financial ~~aa .-A t-? Inherited aSSC~a hat t ent: $ N/A Furniture: $ Goodwill: $ = $ License: $ Pr emise: $ ory NIA Wr'jj purchase Price: $ fy in the box below all sources of financing? age: $ None Seller: $ R$ other (specify): $ t all sources e.g., -Loan papers, checking accounts, stock sales, etc.) aer terms and conditions: None $e purchase and sale documents) You seeking approval for license to be pledged? to whom? Yes X No 13e. Will the inventory be pledged? _Yes _.X_No If yes, specify to whom 13f. If a corporation, are you seeking approval for any corporate stock to be pledged? If yes, identify to whom and identify the number of shares to be pledged. OWNERSHIP INTERESTS 14. State the following information for all persons or entities who will have any direct or indirect hanaficial nr finanrial interest in this license: Full Name Home address D.O.B. SSN Phone Number 973-876- Eric Berger 635 Upper Way, Wharton, NJ 5/20/73 024-64-5122 9444 860-408- ; Leah Berger 41 Bretton Road, #2, W. Hartford, CT 10/9/77 024-64-7058 2246 781-768- Adam Berger 15 Cranberry Lane, Burlington, MA 10/12/75 024-64-4821 3894 14a. Describe all types of beneficial or financial interest each person or entity identified in Question 14 will have in this license: I Person or entity Beneficial or financial interest Eric Berger 1/3 stock ownership Leah Berger 1/3 stock ownership Adam Berger 1/3 stock ownership 14b. Does any person or entity listed in Question 14 -have any direct or indirect beneficial or financial interest in any other license granted under Chapter 138? Yes X No (If yes, provide the following for each person or entity.) Name Type of license License name and address Description of Interest ji i - - - _Yes X No flq I 14c. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever held a license or a beneficial interest in a license issued under Chapter 138 which is not presently held? _Yes No (If yes, provide the following for each person or entity.) Name Type of License License name and address Date ownership surrendered 14d. Describe how all licenses identified in Question 14c were terminated (e.g. transfer of ownership, non-renewal, surrender, etc.): Date License Reason why the license was terminated 14e. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever had a license suspended, revoked, or cancelled? Yes X No (If yes, provide the following information) Date License Reason why the license was suspended, revoked, or cancelled 14f. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever been convicted of violating any state, federal or military law? _Yes X No (If yes, attach a statement of details.) 15.1 a. Each individual applicant must sign. b. Applications by a partnership must be signed by a majority of the partners. C. Applications by a corporation must be signed by an officer authorized by a vote of the corporations Board of Directors. d. Applications by an association must be signed by a majority of the members of the governing body. All signers must have answered question 10. e. False information or failure to disclose are reasons to revoke a license or deny a license application. Signed and subscribed to under the penalty of perjury, this ~ day of i i P; Title CORPORATE VOTE THE UNDERSIGNED, being all of the shareholders of Reading Liquors, Inc., acknowledges that they attended the foregoing meeting without protest of absence of notice and that the foregoing vote was taken and it was unanimously voted that Adam Berger be authorized to act as Manager of Reading Liquors, Inc. Eric Berger, Shareholder r Leah Berger, St a~holder Dated: r Dated: el Adam B ge Shareholder Dated: 3 21 PETITION FOR LICENSE TRANSACTION THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS//77 CHANGE OF LOCATION PLEDGE OF LICENSE CHANGE OF D/B/A CHANGE OF LICENSE TYPE To the Licensing Board for the The undersigned respectfully petition for A change in the Manager. PLEDGE OF STOCK CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME X CHANGE OF MANAGER CORDIALS AND LIQUEURS PERMIT Sig ed Form 997 Title 12 MA SOC Fi Number: Date: 06/02/2005 12:40 PM The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512 Telephone: (617) 727-9640 1. The exact name of the business entity is: READING LIQUORS, INC. 2. Current Registered Office Address: No Fee Name: BRUCE BERGER No. and Street: 345 MAIN STREET City or Town: READING State: MA Zip: 01867 Country: USA 3. The following supplemental information has changed: Names and addresses of the directors, president, treasurer, secretary Title Individual Name i Address (no PO Box) First, Middle, Last, Suffix ? Address, City or Town, State, Zip Code C T PRESIDENT y ERIC BERGER j 635 UPPER WAY I WHARTON, NJ 07885 USA - TREASURER ~ LEAH BERGER i 41 BRETTON RD., #2 i W, HARTFORD, CT 06119 USA SECRETARY _ ADAM BERGER 15 CRANBERRY LN ^ BURLINGTON, MA 01803 USA W~ DIRECTOR - ADAM BERGER ; 15 CRANBERRY LN. BURLINGTON, MA 01803 USA d. The fiscal year (i.e., tax year) of the business entity shall end on the last day of the month of: December e. A brief description of the type of business in which the corporation intends to engage: LIQUOR SALES f. The street address (post office boxes are not acceptable) of the principal office of the corporation is: No. and Street: 345 MAIN ST City or Town: READING State: MA Zip: 01867 Country: USA g. The records of the corporation required to be kept in the commonwealth will be kept at (post office boxes are not acceptable): li i i No. and Street: 345 MAIN STREET City or Town: READING State: MA Zip: 01867 Country: USA which is X its principal office - an office of its transfer agent its secretary/assistant secretary - its registered agent I 1 Signed by ERIC BERGER, its PRESIDENT on this 2 Day of June, 2005 © 2001 - 2005 Commonwealth of Massachusetts All Rights Reserved 10 MA SOC Filing Number: 200517000630 Date: 06/02/2005 12:40 PM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I hereby certify that, upon examination of this document, duly submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative to corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said articles; and the filing fee having been paid, said articles are deemed to have been filed with me on: June 02, 2005 12:40 PM WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN Secretary of the Connnonwealth 0-5478-0 # P Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading; MA 01867-2685 2015 APR 25 AN D 54 FAX: (781) 942.9071 Email: townmanager@c1.read1ng.ma.us TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM TO: Benjamin Nichols 25 Avon. Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I.' Hechenbleikner DATE: April 11, 2005 RE: Reappointment to Landbank Committee Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on harie 30, 2005. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment` This form must be reiurned-to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2005. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being reap inted: Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed for to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2005. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to, be re-appointed. o or reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. ' Y, . " ignature acs Date cc: Committee Chairman JUN-07-2005 01:24 AM June 6, 2004 to B Street Reading„ MA 01867 781-962-6274 Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Subject: Reappointment to the Community Planning & Development Commission (CPDC) Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: This letter is in response to your recent communication regarding the subject reappointment. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend tomorrow's Board of Selectmen's hearing, Since my appointment in June of last year, I have developed a better appreciation for the various town processes required to support the functions of the CPDC. This is due in large part to the wonderful and dedicated individuals currently serving on the Commission, Jonathan, Neil, Susan, and Dick have a wealth of experience and I have benefited from their wisdom and insight, Chris Reilly has a demonstrated ability to keep the Commission focused on the key issues, and along with other town staff (such as Joe Delaney), provide the right information, at the right time and at the right level. I sincerely hope that my efforts have had a net positive affect on the Commission. I have attempted to leverage my engineering, project management and medical device background to help identify novel approaches to some of the difficult issues the Commission regularly faces. One such effort resulted in a guidance document for the public hearing process of site plan reviews, In addition, I have become actively involved with the Master Planning Advisory Committee (MPAC). On that Committee, my focus has been on keeping the team organized, developing consensus around the tasks to accomplish, prioritizing the efforts, and trying to set forth a structured process that includes using . documented criteria for making decisions. The town continues to face a difficult challenge with how to balance the desire to retain a glow England Character' while needing to address the many economic, housing, development (land use), transportation, and other issues common to our region. My perspective is that the CPDC, in concert with the other town Committees and Boards, must continue to work together with the public, businesses and other local, state and federal agencies in order to be successful. I would like to continue to offer my support to those efforts by asking for reappointment to the CPDC. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly, Regards, = ~~c/ ohn Sasso P.02 Page 1 of 2 C - Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 1:59 PM To: 'frank murray'; Reading - Selectmen Cc: Fiore, Jane Subject: RE: dog attack Frank Thanks for your email. You may be aware of the following, but in case you are not: • The incident took place on May 28 • The dog was quarantined immediately at home, which is appropriate practice in such a situation. • The Animal Control Officer has visited the house to make sure that the quarantine is being enforced • An administrative hearing was held on June 2 by the Health Services Administrator. • A fine was issued and paid • The owner has been ordered by the health Services Administrator to have the animal taken to behavioral training school • The dog was/is registered in another community, and proof of rabies vaccination was submitted to the local Health Services Administrator. • The dogie is required henceforth to always be on a leash. This matter comes under the Board of Health who have adopted regulations on these kind of situations. They are taken very seriously, and fortunately we have very few incidents. When incidents do occur, they are handled very swiftly. Some communities have bylaws addressing pit bulls. I am told that this is not a pure bred and would not fall under such a bylaw. I know we all share your concerns for safety, and especially the safety of children. That;'s why we take the issue so seriously and respond as soon as we become aware of an issue. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager -----Original Message----- From: frank murray [mailto:frank.murray@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 1:28 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: dog attack Hi everyone, My name is Frank Murray and I live on Hampshire Rd. Recently a pit bull owned by a person on our street attacked a young boy. And as I understand it, the dog is still in the owners house (being quarantined). I hear every year of many incidents like this and with this very dangerous breed. I live in Reading for many reasons, but the safety of my children is the top reason. I can't believe that this dog is not being held by the police. Imagine this dangerous animal in your neighborhood. I don't know what you can do, but I would appreciate anything that you can do. Going forward, we should pass a law that handles cases like these, swiftly. I like dogs, but this breed or any 6n12005 23 ARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET FOR THE 21olczoos- DATE:' (Please print) NAME ADDRESS logy. IT Nvcvl-,-~ Gc~ o Lc~o w►d aove4o '7, M)