HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-14 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, June 14, 2005 ♦ Former DPW Director Tony Fletcher passed away last Saturday after a bout with cancer. Tony retired from Reading in 1992, and accomplished much in his tenure here, including the renovation of Town Hall, the construction of the new DPW garage, and the construction of the new Fire Station. o The Town has received approval for an Interbasin Transfer from the Water Resources Commission (WRC). This approval is required in order for the Town to purchase water form the MWRA, as approved by Town Meeting in November 2003. 1 have asked Representative Jones, Representative Natale, and Senator Tesei to immediately file a home rule petition to complete this approval. Once legislative approval is granted, approval from the MWRA Board will be required. This has been a long process - The Town was before the Water Resources Commission for over a year. The negotiations were arduous, and the Board of Selectmen became directly involved in much of the later negotiation. The WRC approval: ♦ The application on the part of the Town was strictly voluntary, primarily reflecting a concern of the Town about the condition of the Ipswich River; ♦ The approval does not increase the amount of water available to the Town during summertime use - it only changes the source of the water; ♦ The Interbasin transfer allows the Town to draw up to 219 million gallons of water per year from the MWRA during the months of May though October when the Ipswich River is most stressed; ♦ It will limit the withdrawals from the Town's wells in the Ipswich basin during those months to 1 million gallons per day, or about 40% of current withdrawals; ♦ Based on a combination of monitoring use from the MWRA and the status of the Ipswich River flows, the Town agrees to institute additional progressively stringent water conservation measures involving outdoor water use; Portions of the cost of the MWRA buy-in are to be funded by developers contributions, and the remainder are funded from the Town's water rates. Developer contributions have and will be received from Walkers Brook Crossing, Archstone development, and Johnson Woods. ♦ The Board of Selectmen is holding a meeting re Walkers Brook Crossing lighting and site issues, as follow-up to the winter meeting the Board had held. The date is June 23 at 7:30 at the Senior Center ♦ The "Safe Routes to School" program is not likely to be funded. We had hoped to use this source of funding along with Town funds for the Franklin Street area 0 sidewalks. This program was part of the most recent bond bill, but requires funding. Representative Jones is looking into alternative funding for sidewalks in the Franklin Street area. ♦ Selectmen Forums 6/21/05. ♦ Reading Friends and Family Day will take place on Saturday, June 25 right outside of Town Hall and the Upper Common. If you or your department would like to participate with an information table or program, please contact John Feudo at ext. 074 or email him at jfeudo@ci.reading.ma.us. There is currently over 30 different groups and organizations involved. Should be a fun day for all involved! ♦ The Town has been approved for 80% of the cost of a new lift-equipped Senior Van. The remaining 20% will be paid from the Burbank Trust. ♦ Rumor is that the MF Charles building has been sold. This building is on the National Register of Historic Places, and we look forward to working with the buyers on any plans that they may have. ♦ First opening of WBC Phase 2 is scheduled for June 18. 9 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager&l.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: June 14, 2005 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 RE: Department of Revenue Response The Department of Revenue has apparently asked for comment by the Town Accountant and the Board of Selectmen as well as the School Committee regarding what their understanding of the intent of the action by Town Meeting in May 2005 was in regard to transferring $850,000 from the School Department's budget to the. Barrows Elementary School project and the Reading Memorial School project. Attached is a copy of the letter written by the Town Accountant. The Town Accountant's letter reflects my understanding of the facts with regard to this matter. If the Board agrees, I'd like to draft a letter on behalf of the Board indicating that. PIH/ps 5 James R. Johnson Director of Accounts Division of Local Services P.O. Box 9569 Boston, MA 02114-9569 Dear Mr. Johnson: May 27, 2005 Based upon the opinion you issued on September 21, 2004 stating that the School Committee did not have the authority to charge certain capital outlay expenditures to its budget without Town Meeting's approval, the Town of Reading's Fiscal Year 2004 financial statements were revised to comply with the directive. In effect, payments that were originally charged to the operating budget were subsequently charged to the capital projects. In addition, the School Department's unencumbered funds at year-end increased from $33,713 to $683,713, which was closed to unreserved fund balance at the end of Fiscal Year 2004. On November 8, 2004, to accomplish what was originally intended, Town Meeting appropriated $650,000 from unreserved fund balance ("certified free cash") to provide additional funding of $100,000 for the Wood End Elementary School project, $200,000 for the Barrows Elementary School project and $350,000 for the Reading Memorial High School project (Attachment A). On March 14, 2005 the School Committee voted to request that Town Meeting approve the transfer of $850,000 from the School Department's Fiscal Year 2005 Budget to provide additional funding of $350,000 for the Barrows Elementary School project and $500,000 for the Reading Memorial High School project (Attachment B). On April 28, 2005 Town Meeting voted to approve the transfer under Article 6 (Attachment C). The School Committee's March 14, 2005 action was based upon a projected surplus identified in the Regular Day segment of the School Committee's Budget. However, as the minutes of the School Committee's March 14, 2005 vote did not indicate the specific segment of the School Department's Budget, I sent a letter to the Superintendent of Schools for clarification dated May 20, 2005 (Attachment D). At its meeting on Monday May 23, 2005, the School Committee voted to transfer the funds for the school building projects from the Regular Day segment of the School Committee's Budget (Attachment E). If I can be of any additional assistance in this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, Cc Reading Board of Selectmen Reading School Committee Maura O'Neil, Department of Revenue Richard P. Foley Town Accountant (1) PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Elizabeth (Beth) W. Klepeis has announced her retirement as Reading's Finance Director (and Treasurer/Collector) effective June 24, 2005; and WHEREAS: Beth has a long history of service to the Town of Reading including the following: ♦ Member of the Finance Committee 1972-1977 ♦ Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee 1973-1974 ♦ Chairman of the Finance Committee 1975-1977 ♦ Employed as a Senior Clerk in the Treasurer's Office June 13, 1978 ♦ Elected Treasurer 1979 e Appointed Treasurer/Collector July 1, 1987 ♦ Appointed Finance Director July 1, 1987 ♦ Member of the Reading Retirement Board ♦ Member of the Commissioner of Trust Funds since 1979; and WHEREAS: Beth has served the municipal finance profession on a statewide basis with distinction, including membership and chairmanship of the Massachusetts Treasurer-Collector's Association. She has not only served the community for a long time but has developed a reputation for being one of the premier Finance Directors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and WHEREAS: Beth has provided financial advice to the Reading community which has saved the Town countless thousands of dollars, including improvements in technology, innovative proposals for employee benefits, debt structuring and municipal budgeting. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, Massachusetts on this 13a' day of June 2005 express a deep appreciation to Beth Klepeis for her many years of extraordinary service to the community; the Board wishes her well in her retirement; and the Board encourages the entire community of Reading to express their appreciation to Beth in an appropriate manner. BOARD OF SELECTMEN Richard W. Schubert, Chairman Camille W. Anthony, Vice Chairman Joseph G. Duffy, Secretary James E. Bonazoli Ben Tafoya ~ ~ N N r X T O Co U U N r M x N e} N c7 x c LL y ~ t0 V 0 y r 0 o o X q D C7 00 ~ ~ 'v E M r r X ~ O Q U w > O T T o U N O N X X a a T T x x 0 O 3•= Qetr X g p + U U M 0 O aMtn x x x x x a ~ N C O C O C M N O ~ O m U a d .c +p y N N N x x C O U w 0 •p __o 'fl d ca = ca p N ~ - ~ V • _ ~ ~ cc dr x O N O ~ U S N 2 a ~ v `0 rn aaacs H y E c Q 'C O y "p•' 2 - d v R y u w U = U) ~ CD 3 y c CL C U m N En d A M f6 E Q W p d A U 3 O 9 y c m V d .~G N Y V U A C a > d E r r V „ y 0 ~k 4k Z d' W W m O 7 N ~ Fiore, Jane From: William CARRICK [wmpcarrick@msn.com] Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:32 PM To: Fiore, Jane Subject: Written Statement IN IN Written Statement CV SAPAC.doc (51 for SAPAC 06... KB) Jane, I was unable to access the town of Reading home page, therefore I was unable to send this email to Peter and others. Can you please forward this written statement and my CV if applicable. I will try to make the Tuesday meeting. Thanks, Bill Peter Hechenbleikner June 10, 2005 Town Manager Board of Selectmen Town of Reading Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner and Selectpersons, Please accept this written statement as evidence of my desire to continue to serve on the Substance Abuse Prevention Advisory Committee (SAPAC). I have been a member of this important committee since 1996, chaired the committee 2001 through 2003, and have served as the vice chair 2004 to present. I feel well qualified to assist the committee in its purpose of advisement and education. I am the program manager of a fifty bed inpatient residential detox with a focus on alcohol and opiate addiction. I also serve as the chairperson for the Acute Treatment Service committee of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Corporation of Massachusetts. I have twenty two years experience in mental health and substance abuse services as a Registered Nurse, and have recently received a Master's degree in Nursing Administration. I have enjoyed providing service to the community of Reading and hope to continue with SAPAC as an active member. Sincerely, William P. Carrick 239 West Street Reading, Ma 1 Page 1 of l Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Colleen781 S@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:49 AM To: Town Manager Subject: Reappointment to BOH Board of Selectman Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 Dear Board of Selectman I have been a Board of Health member for 6 years. It has been an interesting experience that I would like to pursue for another term. Reading is fortunate to have a Health Administrator that is very knowledgeable about public health issues and connected in the public health community. The State Department of Public Health and CDC work closely with the local BOH providing information and assistance when needed. This provides the members of the BOH many resources to make decisions in an educated and informative manner. I would appreciate an opportunity to be reappointed to the BOH and feel confident in my ability to serve as a member to formulate and enforce the rules and regulations affecting the public health. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Colleen Hennessy Seferian 6/14/2005 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2005 Reading Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Term: 3 years Appointing Authority: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) *Douglas Cowell *Domenic J. LaCava James Keigley Tom Mottl John Griechen *Benjamin T. Ream (Assoc.) 958 Main Street 38 Francis Drive 3 Pilgrim Road 93 Oak St. 22 Dudley St. 972 Main Street Orig. Date (99) (02) (02) (03) (03) (04) 3 Vacancies Term Exp. 2005 2005 2007 2006 2007 2005 Candidates: Erick Carpenter Bill Cowie Ronald Powell Elizabeth Whitelam David Tuttle *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 6) Schena, Paula From: Domenic J. LaCava [diacava@vxmg.com] Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:01 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: TTAC - Associate Paula, I noticed that Ben did not cc you on this mail and will probably send to you directly Thanks Dom -----Original Message----- From: Ben Ream [mailto:benream@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:14 PM To: Domenic J. LaCava Subject: Re: TTAC - Associate Dom, I will take care of this immediately. I definitely want to re-up. Getting laid off by IBM has, well, occupied alot of my time and attention of late. Thanks for the heads up. "Domenic J. LaCava" <dlacava@vxmg.com> wrote: > Hi Ben, > > Your re-appointment to be a TTAC associate has come > up, and as I understand it, > > you have not returned your paperwork. > The Board of Selectmen re-appoints based on the > paperwork that they receive and > sets up time > to speak with the person at the Selectmen meeting, > which in this case is Tuesday > thel4th. > If you want to continue, please let Paula Schena > know, whom I have copied on > this email. > Regards, > Dom > > o 2I05 JUG 1 4 AN Its 1 W APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION Name: y~-~,,v~^ct~ Date: -2nQS (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: 27 4e6,:,4- h-n v-e Tel. (Home) 78`1- 9 -3 88' Tel. (Work)_Q 3Ie- (Is this number listed?) ~ Occupation: pnh &L # of years in Reading: 2z_ 14 Are you a registered voter in Reading?_Xe e-mail address: J-4,44 le- ® aG m. o rq Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up.to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Aquatics Advisory Board -Audit Committee -Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees -Board of Health -Board of Registrars -Bylaw Committee -Celebration Committee _Co mnissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. -Conservation Commission -Constable -Contributory Retirement Board -Council on Aging -Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves -Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority -Human Relations Advisory Committee -Land Bank Committee _MBTA Advisory Committee -Metropolitan Area Planning Council _Mystic Valley Elder Services -Recreation Committee -Solid Waste Advisory Committee 2 Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee -Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: 4 . ~ V 4 T David B. Tuttle 27 Heather Drive Reading, MA 01867 Tel: (781) 944-5788 dtuttle@acm.orZ http: / /home.comcast.net/ -Viewpt SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Principal / Consulting Engineer with over thirty years of product development experience creating state of the art technology in operating system software, I/O device interfaces, data communications, and hardware/ software combined systems. Extensive experience with all aspects of system product conception, software and hardware architecture, planning, design, implementation, delivery, and support in a wide range of company environments. Proven ability to quickly understand and effectively exploit new and emerging technologies in both hardware and software. EXPERIENCE Independent Contractor, Principal S/W Engineer Sept. 2004 - Present Crossbeam Systems Inc. Concord, Mass. www.crossbeamsystems.com Experimental Linux kernel development for Intel-compliant x86 SMP platforms, supporting Crossbeam Systems' network security products for safer, simpler networking. Principal Engineer Jun. 2003 - May 2004 Virtual Iron Software Inc. (formerly Katana Technology) Acton, Mass. www.virtualiron.com Extensive kernel-level design and development for x86 SMP platforms, including kernel interfaces for Infiniband, RDMA, IPMI and DMI. Principal Engineer StarBak Communications Inc. Waltham, Mass. www.starbak.net Feb. 2003 - Jun. 2003 [StarBak merged with Vividon in February 2003] Integrated Vividon WCCP Linux demon with StarBak Origin Server Appliance (OSATM), then worked on OSA implementation of Windows Media Server 9 server-side playlists. O/S Software Engineer Vividon Inc. (originally Exotec) Sudbury, Mass. David B. Tuttle Jun. 2000 - Jan. 2003 Pagel of 4 ( ~j Operating system kernel and file system development supporting a very high performance streaming media Internet appliance. Proprietary ExOS kernel, based on the MIT Exokernel research projects. Extensive work in 1686 architecture dependent layer, PCI device discovery and drivers, VMM, system call interfaces, process management, SCSI block I/O, network I/O. Major revision of ExOS virtual address space, block cache, memory allocators (malloc/free), file system space allocation and file system performance. Application-specific asynchronous file system I/O for RedHat Linux; Linux demon for Cisco Web Cache Control Protocol (WCCP) version 2, operating with'iptables' and'squid'. Project Engineer Feb. 2000 - Jun. 2000 Hammer Technologies Inc. Wilmington, Mass. Project lead for PacketSphereTM network analyzer and network behavior simulator for Gigabit Next Generation Networking (VOIP), based on C-Port C-5 Programmable Network Processor. Compact PCI appliance with PowerPC processor running VRTXsa. Hardware and software design work on platform, plus technical oversight of internal microcode/firmware team, on- site consultants and external consulting firm on applications and GUI. Chief Engineer Northstar Internetworking Inc. Waltham, Mass. Sep. 1999 - Feb. 2000 Took over the NetFlare IDU (Internet Diagnostic Unit) project with 6 weeks to a Beta target. Completed Beta trials, continued development and additional customer qualification testing of Compact PCI appliance with dual Ariel T1/E1 adapters and multiple Ethernet ports. Technical lead on hardware component selection and integration with customized RedHat 6.1 Linux kernel. Co-inventor on two patent applications, U.S. and international. Consulting Engineer VideoServer Connections Inc. Marlborough, Mass. Oct. 1997 - Feb. 1999 Individual contributor in New Products Engineering. Responsible for multi-platform driver software support of the new BrickTM family of ISDN interface components. Developed initial functional and preliminary design specifications for the BrickTM PCI Carrier Card and some alternative products based on BrickTM modules. Sole engineer on speculative project to utilize a BrickTM module and an unusual multi-processor ASIC to build standalone ISDN videophone reference design for 8x8 Inc. and TeleTek (TeleEye-384). Chief Technology Officer Augment Systems, Inc. Westford, Mass. Nov. 1993 - Aug. 1997 Lead technical role in successful reorganization, refinancing, and revival of the company. Designed and developed the AFX-210 and AFX-410 SuperServer for MacOS 7.6/8.x and WindowsNT, via multiple-initiator, multiple-target FC-AL Storage Area Network (SAN). David B. Tuttle Page 2 of Chief Engineer Mar. 1990 - Jul. 1993 Ungermann-Bass Inc., Product Operations Group Andover, Mass. • Chairman of the Product Operations Technical Review Board Instigator, architect, Project Engineer for Access/ Open rack-mount servers • Instigator, architect for Peregrine Fibre Channel project (UB, Siemens, Emulex) • Principal contributor to UB Virtual Network Architecture (VNA) definition Principal Technical Consultant Jun. 1985 - Oct. 1989 Prime Computer Inc., Technical Consulting Group Framingham, Mass. • Delegate to the Corporation for Open Systems (COS) Strategy Forum, member of COS Strategy Forum Architecture Committee • Assisted architecture and design of NetWare for UNIX joint project with Novell Inc. • Participated in X/Open XNET, UND( International Comms SIG Chief Scientist, PAD Architecture Oct. 1981- May 1985 GTE Telenet Communications Corp. Burlington, Mass. • Packet Assembler/Disassembler products and protocols for CCITT X.25, X.3/X.29, IBM 3270, BSC, and SNA networks • Telenet representative to GTE corporate task forces on integrated voice/ data networks, digital switching architecture, carrier network services (ATM precursors) • Co-author and editor, 3270 Display System Protocol, jointly issued by Telenet, Tymnet, and Datapac (Bell Canada), 1981 and 1983 Manager, Front End Software Oct. 1978 - Sep. 1981 Cambridge Telecommunications Inc. (purchased 10/79 by GTE Telenet) Burlington, Mass. Managed a group of 5 to 8 programmers responsible for development and field support of X.25 network software for the IBM 3704/3705 communications front-end processors (FEP). Rescued 6 troubled customer installations while developing new features and stable code. Principal Software Engineer Sep. 1976 - Sep. 1978 Digital Equipment Corp., Distributed Systems Group Maynard, Mass. • Project leader and primary developer for the RSX-11M/3790 SNA Protocol Emulator • Member of DECnet Stage II design task force and the DECnet Review Group (DRG) Staff Programmer IBM Corp., VM/370 Development Group David B. Tuttle Aug. 1971- Aug. 1976 Page 3 of Burlington, Mass. • Control Program (CP) developer for IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370). Primary developer for many CP virtual machine services and communications I/O support. • VM/370 representative to SNA Architectural Maintenance Board (AMB). Technical reviewer of IBM SNA Formats and Protocols (FAP) manual, rev. 1.0 • Project leader of 5-person team to design and develop "native" SNA support in VM/370 Control Program. CP Architect responsibility for VM/370 Release 3. Senior Associate Programmer IBM Corp., Cambridge Scientific Center Cambridge, Mass. Oct. 1968 - Jun. 1971 Program design and development based on CP-67/CMS and OS/360, including an advanced online editor, BSC protocol design, subsystems for client-server interactive graphics system and graphical object database. System Programmer/ User Consultant MIT Computation Center Cambridge, Mass. Feb. 1967 - May 1968 Part-time user technical support for IBM 7094, CTSS and IBSYS; IBM S/360, OS/360 and ASP 1.0; Fortran 1V, OS/360 Job Control Language and Utilities; SHARE software 'librarian'. Extensive S/360 system programming in assembler; scientific programming in Fortran. SKILLS SUMMARY "Been there, done that, enjoyed it." Data Communications, Networking, Kernel and I/O Wizard, from mainframes, minis, and PCs to embedded systems and 8-bit microcontrollers. Intel/PC, Motorola/ Macintosh, IBM mainframe, DEC PDP series, Prime 50 Series, embedded processors from 8-bit to multi-engine 32-bit custom. Fortran, Algol, PL/1, Pascal, C, many assemblers; familiar with C++ but more experienced in critical-path software development. AFFILIATIONS / MEMBERSHIPS / RECOGNITION Voting Member, Association for Computing Machinery Associate Member, IEEE and IEEE Computer Society Charter Life Member, National Space Society Life Master, American Contract Bridge League Who's Who in the East 23rd and subsequent editions Who's Who in America 51s' and subsequent editions Who's Who in the World 11th and subsequent editions Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2nd and subsequent editions Who's Who in Finance and Industry, 29th and subsequent editions Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America, 41h edition Who's Who in the Media and Communicati ons,1st edition David B. Tuttle Page 4 of 4 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2005 Cultural Council Term: 3 years (6 years maximum) AppointinE Authority: Board of Selectmen 3 Vacancies + 2 Associates Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Exp. Alison Sloan DaSilva, Chr. 40 Putnam Road (00) 2007 *Anne W. Hooker 87 Village Street (02) 2005 Harold E. Bond 33 Hartshorn St. (01) 2007 Nicole Cain 7 Melendy Drive (03) 2006 *Karyn S. Storti 31 Green Street, #8 (02) 2005 *Valerie J. Alagero 28 Smith Ave. (02) 2005 Kathleen Kelly 36 Grove Street (03) 2006 *Janet Grace Hatherly (Associate) 9 Smith Ave. (04) 2005 Amelia Louise Golini (Associate) 62 Martin Road (05) 2005 Candidates: Elizabeth Whitelarn *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 0 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading; MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager&i.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 TO: Janet Grace Hatherly 9 Smith Avenue e Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter L Hechenbleilcner c DATE: April 11, 2005 RE: Reappointment to Cultural Council (Associate) . _ ..Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Conu-nission will expire on June 30, 2005. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their. desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Cleric's Office by May 9, 2005. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. will not be required to fail out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed for to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2005. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will, assume that you d o not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to "be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reap ointment. Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman 9 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD/COA MIITTEE/COMMISSION Name: We-5A-C>A Date: (0 0`57 (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: 1 Cy Tel. (Home) .94Z-2510 Tel. (Work)_a i? 9ga q (8a 5 (Is this number listed?) Occupation: C 1p,,~~e✓s- # of years in Reading: WS- Are you a registered voter in Reading? es e-mail address: t:00-491\ G oc~~ < <a.nn Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse ____:Advisory Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs _Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee -Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee -Commissioner of Trust Funds -Community Planning & Development Comm. -Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought. Finance Committee _Historical Commission Housing Authority -Human Relations Advisory Committee -Land Bank Committee _MBTA Advisory Committee 'Metropolitan Area Planning Council _Mystic Valley Elder Services -Recreation Committee -Solid Waste Advisory Committee -Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee -Town Forest Committee -Water, Sewer and Storm Water tal Management Advisory Committ& c:) Other Z-5~ P7 - w G-) r z.Tri r o Aw~ec;~ck e~~e,Kv% ecS U "1 ~C.wv~et" Tam Lc~~Scio~1~ ~oe~ty V ;cS~ ti~ c~ ~ ~~}.}~3 u C. 3 t.~ leas.. aree.--'•1999 0 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: NAME ADDRESS (Please print) z 7 it ~ R,e Cam"`-mil 6'o/ y/0- January 27, 2005 Mr. Glen Redmond Building Inspector's Office 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Redmond: This past Monday, January 20 I dropped off two photos that show that the shed on my property at 14 Cross Street has been existing since 1994. The Dowling Family, past owners, were kind enough to give them to me. I also delivered three letters from two abutters and the Dowlings testifying that the shed has been here since 1994 or earlier. Since I have provided you with this proof of age, I would like to know if this is sufficient for you to override the violation of the shed? I have tried you on the phone this week, but we can't seem to connect, so I did leave two messages with Maureen. Sincerely yours, Debbie Hartman McCulley 14 Cross Street Reading, MA 01867 February 2, 2005 Mr. Olen Redmond Building Inspector's Office 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Redmond: Per our telephone conversation of January 31, 2005 re shed at 14 Cross St. I have provided you with photos with dates and testimonies from past owners and abutters proving the shed on my property has existed since 1994. I believe you suggested that this was proof enough to not require an appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals (January 3, 2005 and again on January 18, 2005). Peter Hechenbleikner assured me of the same requirements in a personal meeting on January 21, 2005. Now you have requested that I indeed, make that application to the Board of Appeals for a hearing to look at the same photos and letters to determine that the shed has, in fact, been on that same spot at 14 Cross Street since 1994. This is a step that will cost me hundreds of dollars (filing fee, newspaper ads, survey, 10 sets of copies, abutters postage, assessor map copies). I can understand charging fees for new building, but this is technically a grandfathered structure that has existed for the last three owners. The only reason this violation came to your. attention was because of personal harassment by John Appolos, aka Apostolou who is still constructing his property next door to me at 211 Main Street since 2001. I have written a formal request for documentation from my mortgage attorneys, and they are currently researching a copy of the plot plan. I hope to have a copy in the next week. In the meantime, would you like the incomplete application re-submitted to you again? I am still awaiting the survey, and it may take some time since it is being handled by an outside entity. I am writing to make a written record that I have acknowledged your letter of violation as well as the fine you issued to me on January 274", 2005. Sincerely yours, Debbie Hartman McCulley 14 Cross Street Reading, MA 01867 cc: Zoning Board of Appeals Members Selectmen & Town Manager Timeline of Notice of Shed Violation, 14 Cross Street, Reading, MA 01867 Friday, December 10, 2004 Received notice of certified mail from Town of Reading Saturday, December 11 Picked up letter stating the violation at Post Office Monday, December 13 Called Building Inspector 3 times, not available Tuesday, December 14 Called Building Inspector twice, returned call at 9:30 AM Told me I had three weeks to respond to violation without fines. Pick up application # 17 and fill it out. Monday, January 3, 2005 Dropped off package # 17 with 10 of each items requested. Friday, January 14 Received abutter's list signed by G. Redmond Wednesday, January 19 Stopped in at Town Hall to inquire about hearing and found application package had not been acted upon. Received my envelope with scribbled notes on the back that the application was incomplete. First I had heard of this - no letter, no calls. Called Paul Dustin, ZBA requesting a clarification need for a ZBA review. He suggested I talk with Town Manager for clarification. Friday, January 21 Meeting with Peter Hechenbleikner to clarify need for an appeal due to the grandfathering issue. P. H. stated that dated photos would be excellent proof of ten year grandfathering clause. Friday, January 24 Dropped off Dowling letter and photos dated 1993, 1995 to Building Inspector from the Dowlings. Abutter Crowley letter delivered to Building Inspector's office and M. Knight verifying age of shed. Monday, January 27 Received $25 violation certified mail. Letter from Abutter, Mike Bertone delivered to Building Inspector's Office verifying age of shed. February 8 Letter received from Town Manager to DHM demanding I submit an application to go before Zoning Board of Appeals. February 9 Brought application to M. Knight with question about abutters list. Ms. Knight threatened that "we'll fine you again" if I did not file the application that day. She could not answer question about process regarding the 76 abutters on the list. I asked her to take the completed application without the envelopes, she refused. Town Manager's secretary could not answer question regarding abutters. Sent to Assessor's Office for clarification at 4:45 PM. Received answer about abutter's distance (300 feet, 76 abutters). Feb 10 2005 Filed complete application with fee of $90.00 and 76 abutters envelopes with postage of $56.24 and $9.56 in copies and maps. Feb 11 Received second violation notice dated February 10 for $50. February 17 First call from M. Knight stating I must provide three more maps # 20, #35, #19 and one stamp. February 18 Purchased additional three maps from Engineering Dept for copying $4.50 February 19 Maps #20, #35, #19 and 10 copies of each plus one stamped envelope was provided to Building inspector's Office at cost of $13.87. February 12 Letter from Town Clerk regarding violation will become a criminal complaint if not paid in three weeks. March 15 Served with violation fine by Town Constable. March 17, 2005 Meeting before the Zoning Board of Appeals who determined there was no violation per bylaw Abutters McCulleys, Crowleys, Durans, Griffins present at meeting in support of existing shed. Sworn affidavit received from Dowlings who could not be present. Letters of support received from Bertones, Patels. Apollos, complaintant present at meeting without supporters. Costs of filing for Zoning Board of Appeal: $ 169.30 Advertisement for Newspapers 99.00 Fines due to violation 75.00 Total without attorney fees $343.30 Attorney's fees for Appearance + $380.00 Total for Non-violation $723.30 Timeline of Notice of Shed Violation, 14 Cross Street, Leading, MA 01867 Friday, December 10, 2004 Received notice of certified mail from Town of Reading Saturday, December 11 Picked up letter stating the violation at Post Office Monday, December 13 Called Building Inspector 3 times, not available Tuesday, December 14 Called Building Inspector twice, returned call at 9:30 AM Told me I had three weeks to respond to violation without fines. Pick up application # 17 and fill it out. Monday, January 3, 2005 Dropped off package # 17 with 10 of each items requested. Friday, January 14 Received abutter's list signed by G. Redmond Wednesday, January 19 Stopped in at Town Hall to inquire about hearing and found application package had not been acted upon. Received my envelope with scribbled notes on the back that the application was incomplete. First I had heard of this - no letter, no calls. Called Paul Dustin, ZBA requesting a clarification need for a ZBA review. He suggested I talk with Town Manager for clarification. Friday, January 21 Meeting with Peter Hechenbleikner to clarify need for an appeal due to the grandfathering issue. P. H. stated that dated photos would be excellent proof of ten year grandfathering clause. Friday, January 24 Dropped off Dowling letter and photos dated 1993, 1995 to Building Inspector from the Dowlings. Abutter Crowley letter delivered to Building Inspector's office and M. Knight verifying age of shed. Monday, January 27 Received $25 violation certified mail. Letter from Abutter, Mike Bertone delivered to Building Inspector's Office verifying age of shed. February 8 Letter received from Town Manager to DIM demanding I submit an application to go before Zoning Board of Appeals. February 9 Brought application to M. Knight with question about abutters list. Ms. Knight threatened that "we'll fine you again" if I did not file the application that day. She could not answer question about process regarding the 76 abutters on the list. I asked her to take the completed application without the envelopes, she refused. Town Manager's secretary could not answer question regarding abutters. Sent to Assessor's Office for clarification at 4:45 PM. Received answer about abutter's distance (300 feet, 76 abutters). Feb 10 2005 Filed complete application with fee of $90.00 and 76 abutters envelopes with postage of $56.24 and $9.56 in copies and maps. Feb 11 Received second violation notice dated February 10 for $50. February 17 First call from M. Knight stating I must provide three more maps # 20, #35, #19 and one stamp. February 18 Purchased additional three maps from Engineering Dept for copying $4.50 February 19 Maps #20, #35, #19 and 10 copies of each plus one stamped envelope was provided to Building inspector's Office at cost of $13.87. February 12 Letter from Town Clerk regarding violation will become a criminal complaint if not paid in three weeks. March 15 Served with violation fine by Town Constable. March 17, 2005 Meeting before the Zoning Board of Appeals who determined there was no violation per bylaw Abutters McCulleys, Crowleys, Durans, Griffins present at meeting in support of existing shed. Sworn affidavit received from Dowlings who could not be present. Letters of support received from Bertones, Patels. Apollos, complaintant present at meeting without supporters. Costs of filing for Zoning Board of Appeal: $ 169.30 Advertisement for Newspapers 99.00 Fines due to violation 75.00 Total without attorney fees $343.30 Attorney's fees for Appearance + $380.00 Total for Non-violation $723.30 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Development .Reeding, MA 01867-2683 Community (7881) 1) 94 942-9010 -9010 Fax (781) 942-9070 o m ZONING VIOLATION Town of Reading Zoning By-Laws Certified mail # 7003 0500 0000 6864 7392 Date: 12/03/04 Address: 14 Cross St map 0027 par 0002 Time: 9:00am Nature of Violation: Zoning By-law Town of Reading section No building shall be located within a required front yard. You are hereby Notified: To contact this office within 48 hours of this notice Notice served to: Richard J. Mcculley 14 Cross St Reading, Ma, 01867 Failure to comply with this notice will result in further legal action. A second notice will result in a fine being issued. c-'W~ IUJ_ ~ t Zoning Enforcement Officer 1`''~ I C'/ COP .Ftl ,I '4al~ FAVALORO & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW MARK J. FAVALORO STEVEN G. MANGHINI MATTHEW M. MAcKOUL, OF GOUNSELt WILLIAM F. GROWLEY, OF COUNSEL tALSO ADMITTED IN GALIFORNTA PARK PLACE EAST 348 PARK STREET, SUITE 202 NORTH READING, MA 01864 WWW.FAVLAW.GOM March 23, 2005 Debbie Hartman McCulley 14 Cross Street Reading MA 01867 TELEPHONES: (978) 884-1000 (781) 944-2729 FAGSIMILE: (978) 884-3953 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES In Reference To: (05-180) Zoning Board of Appeals Matter Invoice #8844 Professional Services 3/17/05 SGM Preparation for and representation at Reading Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing, Reading, Massachusetts. For professional services rendered Amount $380.00 TERMS:. Net 10 days. A finance charge of 1% per month will accrue on all overdue balances. Please include File Reference Number on your check and make payable to FAVALORO & ASSOCIATES. THANK You FOR YOIIR BUSINESS. IT IS GREATLY APPREOI.A.TED. Town of Leading ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Application for Public Hearing Name of Applicant Phone# d- Applicant's Address:-- Location of Property:'' Applicant is (circle one i-Ow•ner) Agent . Tenant Prospective Owner Owner (If not applicant): Phone# Address: Application is for (check one): Variance from Section Special Permit in accordance with Section Appeal from Decision/Order of Building Inspector (Attach Building Inspector's Letter) Accessory Apartment Special Permit, Section Other: Please specify: Nature and justification for request (attach extra sh/et(s) if necessary): 11eference to the alb ve I hereby request a hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals wi application (Application requires signatures of both owner(s) and agent): Signature of Owner(s) Signature of 1`Agent ( ~ s f- C Office Use Only This application certified complete and authorized for filing with the--T-,-o w-n^1 rk. t ) Signed: Date• L Building Inspector V Y, U OF RFgO Town of Reading + 16 Lowell Street r F ° ' R Reading, MA 01867-2685 639'INCORp0 FAX: (781) 942-9070 Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us TOWN CLERK (781) 942-9050 REMINDER OF ISSUANCE OF CITATION February 11, 2005 Debbie H. McCulley 14 Cross Street Reading, MA 01867 Please be advised that on February 10th, you were issued a citation (#3827) by C. Glen Redmond, Building Inspector for the Town of Reading, for violation of Reading Zoning Bylaws, section The citation issued to you stated, in part, that the matter would be finally disposed of provided the fine for each offense of $50.00 was paid to the Town Clerk within twenty-one days of the aforesaid citation. While that period has not yet expired, this office wanted to remind you that you may still elect to pay the fine for such offense to the Town Cleric. Such payment will operate as a final disposition of this matter, with no resulting criminal complaint being brought against you. However, payment of -the fine does not excuse the underlying violation, and in the event the violation continues or occurs again, further citations may be issued or the Town may take such other enforcement action as authorized by law. Please be advised that if the fine described above is not paid within twenty-one days of the date of the original citation, a criminal complaint may be issued against you. cc: C. Glen Redmond Location of Violation: 14 Cross St. - Reading, MA Description of Violation: Accessory building in front yard Please bring or mail this notice with your pa i FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us February 4, 2005 Debbie McCulley 14 Cross Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Debbie: TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 You have thoroughly confitsed our staff with the letter that you dropped off yesterday. It is not clear whether I was supposed to respond to it or not, so in the event that you are expecting a response here it is. When you and I talked, I indicated to you that if you had a survey plan, or if you had dated photographs.tbat clearly showed the existing shed in it's location on the property, that the Building Inspector could use that as evidence that the existing shed existed on that property prior to 1994. I indicated to you, that if the evidence submitted was not conclusive the Building Inspector would not agree to the "grandfathering" of the shed, but that you could present that evidence to the Zoning Board of Appeals as part of your application. I did see the photographs you presented to the Building Inspector and I personally did not find them adequate to establish the "grandfathering" of the shed. Therefore, until you have a completed application before the Zoning Board of Appeals, you are deemed to be in violation of the Zoning Bylaw, and the Town will continue to enforce. My understanding is that you've received plenty of notice about the violation, and have had more than enough time to secure the necessary surveys and other things needed in order to proceed with this application. I Imow that, you are an intelligent individual and understand this process and what is being asked of you. ince ely, Peter I. Hecheilbleikner Y own. Maiiagei ` PIHlps t CD o :n -n m o 92 i?fn- 0 ' ADOO \ -mi ° Off CL ~ aCL m<° m a 0 av S -a:2 i iu O n R N fp' NN.. 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