HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-25 Board of Selectmen AgendaTown of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2685
Richard W. Schubert, Chairman
Camille W. Anthony, V. Chairman
Gail F. Wood, Secretary
Joseph G. Duffy
George V. Hines
(781) 942-9043
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us
January 25, 2005 y'
7:30 p.m.
Selectmen's Meeting Room ' c-, rT'
16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts D M.rr*rrm
cn ;X
Discussion/Action Items u'
a. Request for adding Cordials to Restaurant Beer _j 7:30
and Wine Licenses
b. Review of "Smart Growth" Zoning Initiatives 8:00
C. Review of John Street Neighborhood Issues 8:15
d. Smoking in Clubs 8:30
C. Follow Up - Memorial Park Recommendations 8:45
f. Update on Train Whistles
copy a.
Memorandum dated January 8, 2005 from Exec. V.P. Stanley
Corcoran, MIIA to MIIA Members re: Declaration of Dividends
and Participation Credits for Workers' Comp and Property and
Liability Participants
copy b.
Correspondence dated January 5, 2005 from Exec. Director Frank
Petras, Longwood Place to Cheryl Johnson re: Ten Units are rented
to Reading residents as of January 1"
copy c.
Correspondence from President John Coflesky and Secretary
David Cortese, State Police Association of Mass. to Local Officials
re: Concern about regionalization trend among many local Police
copy d.
Correspondence dated January 18, 2005 from Peter
Hechenbleikner to Brenda Jones, Mass. Cultural Council re:
Endorsing Brad Jones for nomination for LCC Leadership Awards
as Outstanding Legislator
copy C.
Facsimile dated January 18, 2005 from Marianne Downing to
Town Manager/Selectmen re: Addison-Wesley Property -
Developer Meeting for proposal for Addison-Wesley site
copy f.
News Release by Jack Hoey re: Verizon's New High-Fiber "Diet"
for 19 Eastern Massachusetts Communities: Blazing Fast Data,
Crystal Clear Voice and Video Capability
2) Correspondence (Continued)
copy g. Council on Aging Formula Grant - Fiscal Year 2005 from
Executive Office of Elder Affairs to Richard Cardillo, Elder
Services Division
copy h. E-mail dated January 12, 2005 from Bob Frey to Task Force
Members re: Next 93/95 Interchange Task Force Meeting
copy i. E-mail dated January 12, 2005 from Peter Hechenbleikner to
Cindy Keenan re: Ambulance Fees to be changed annually to
reflect changes as established by Medicare
copy j. E-mail dated January 18, 2005 from Paula Schena to Peter
Hechenbleikner and Richard Schubert re: Memo from Elaine
Webb of the School Committee on parking issue
copy k. E-mail dated January 18, 2005 from George'McCabe re: FYI -
Tierney Spearheads Effort for First Responder Funding in Fiscal
Year 2006 Budget
copy 1. E-mail dated January 18, 2005 from Peter Tassi to Peter
Hechenbleikner re: Reading DWSRF Proposal
copy in. E-mail dated January 18, 2005 from Peter Hechenbleikner to
Christopher Diemer, Chris Reilly re: Addison-Wesley Campus/
W/S Development
copy n. E-mail dated January 14, 2005 from Peter Smargon, Burbank
YMCA to Richard Davidson re: Coolidge and Birch Meadow
copy o. E-mail dated January 19, 2005 from Christopher Diemer to
Peter Hechenbleikner re: Addison-Wesley Campus- W/S
copy p. E.-mail dated January 19, 2005 from Fred Van Magness to BOS
Re: RMLD Accountant Position
q. Correspondence dated January 13, 2005 from Brian Blaesser.,
Robinson & Cole LLP re: Copy of Notice of Project Change by
Archstone-Smith Operating Trust for proposed Archstone-Reading
multi-family residential development
Note: This Agenda has been prepared in advance and does not necessarily include
all matters which may be taken up at this meeting.