HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-09 Board of Selectmen PacketPROPOSED VARRANT Am= FoR I.EAY/iN(;, MASSACHUSETTS To see if the Town of Reading will take the. following. action witl# respect to the Town's Zoning. By-Laws: a) Amend Article 2.4; DE WONS: by adding the. following definition as Section 21.28.1: . " Shooaing;Qeftr.... A. group of commercial. establishme : f including;. without limitation, retail, service establishments= one or more restaurants serving food, banks; movie or such other uses: iEustornarilp found in a shoprping center) containing. a Grross Floor. Arne * for all establishments of not.' less tbva 250;000 Wi are feet,,. together, with- ancillary utility facilities, .parking:areas, & veways;roadsiJanndscaped.areas.and'bm er-atelas. A Shopping. Cep. nW. oonsist of one.-. or more hots and° one. or. more: Building%..prdvided that tlii~ separatc..Lots. and Buildings are developed. with a unified appj*h- to access.. and circulation; parking, truck loading. and.-unlaading,. vohicular entrances and exits, drainage, utilitks arid. iiiariagetrient of landsc*d and buffer areas: A. Sbopping.:Center may bye class ed aa: streh despite tl presence, on.. Ilia. Lot. or- Lots, on which the Shopping Center' is located. of of wk. perniittnd uses, ind6ding, without limitation Apartments:and.Qd9ce uses." . b) Anrietrd: x.2.2 _Tabl+e of Uses: tcs folla~ws: in the column: entitled "Bus C" by deleting the word. "No-" in: ttic row entitled "Apartment" and substtt Aing therefor the word "Yes'; by adding a after tire- word 'Wo" in the row entitled,"Retail: Salee; and: by: adding a "*****"after the word `$W* in the. rover entitled "Consumer Services". by adding under ft- "Business and Service Uses after "Retain Sales" and before."Consuiner.. Services" the. following new item: esrromi- +i6 o1rMwssMAM .i. laI P CIPAL RISES RES . US. R A . BUS. BUS BUS- Ift- S-15 A-40 A40 A B C S-20 S-40 b-OPPMg Ceder No Na Na. No No. Yes Into by adding to the notes appearing at the end of the Table of Uses, the following. "*****NotwithstwWing. the above, such use. WWI be permatedim apart ofa Shopping Centers" c} Amend Section- by adding alter the. word "looted" the following: pm►vided that.. the foregoing shall' not preclude the use and opera of - restaurants. or other- 'uses typically included in a. $hoppmg Center.1$ d). Amend- Section 5.1.2 Table ofLUM as follows by adding at the end of the Section entitled "Apartment" the following: . lViinimtim Minimum'Y'ds.. NkAMtz O . . llda (imuff , Lot Building. fTei t . Lot. Width Circle Ares, Sq. Frontage Front Side Rear Coverage Feat Diameter Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet % of Lot Feet In Ba =C' Districts : N.A. RA. 10 10. 1 10 . 64 55** by deleting the mw .entitled "In HU&Q Districts" under `the Sectim entitled "Mer.,N mittid Prim VW Use"' in its,eatittety and, substituting therefor the fallowing: Minimum IvlinimWn.Yds. Maxirmum- : Maximums Lot Building lie--t. Lot.Width. Cireler Area Sq. Frontage Front Side Rear Coverage, Feet Diameter Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet % of Lot Feet . In Bus-C Districts. N.A:. N.A. 1 '10*** 10*** 16"Z 60' S5** -2- 4600C$~11M{1E 4 01r1Q1211d5* AM & 2.,O by adding at the°-end of.the footnote to the Table- of Uses labeled the fallowing "Set additional.provisions, contained. in Section." by adding after footnote to the Table of Uses, the fallowing: "***Except.as provided in Section' e) Amend Section 5.2.3 Y s by adding the following as. Section "5.233.. Notwithstanding. anything containediin this. Fly-I.AW to -thee. contrary'. I. .Shgp*g.center -may be; constructed. on more. . than a sivglc Lot and sudh ;ois i~iay l ee stpnrttte o, rnnet tip; and in such.event the Interi ty regulations set forth in Section 5.0 of this . By-Law (including, without -Iimitatigi ; the Table.. of l}imensional: pls. set:..fvrfii; iii- section- shall:. not be applied to each, individtial- Lot, but.". be applied to all of the Lots on which the Shopping Center is-. located aslif the same werc. a single Lot. f) :Amend Section- 52.8:2 by deleting the Section in its entirety and substitWoj therefor• the following:. "5:2.8,x. F.accegt.as wise set.f+grth:in this Section 5.2:8.2, where two of more. piirtcipal. Buildin gs .on °the sane Lot, #hey shall. be.. loi*ted, at..least :fifty t5~j-.`feet apart.. Notwithsw ding the above,. two; o; of more.RtuldI* situated n the- sa*. Lot within the Business-G. District shall have no. required minisriitrt distance between Buildings:" g) Amend Section- 53:1.4. by deleting subparagraph a. of the Section in its entirety and substituting therefor the following: "a. Except as otherwise set.. fartbi: in tktis :subparagraph a, no Building shall: b. heated witliln one hundred. (10.0) feet ofa R$sidence.Districk NotwithstmWinganything i:obtained-in. Section.5.3.1 to.tho contrary, provided that no- Retail use within ,the Business-G District exceeds fifty-five. (55Y feet in height, Buildings maybes ed'within fifty-(54)'feet of a Residence: bist&; but only if such Buildings do not exceed fifty-hive (55)-feet in height.." 6~G4C~14t48!6P-S ~f I?bf2~69:64 AiA :s- ~a3 h) Amend. Section. 61.13 Of'-Street barbing and, LoadingfUnloading Requi rra tuts. by' adding the, following after the word "units" contained in the. column entitled- "Waftum Number- of Of-Street Loading and Unloadng Spa we Requhed" and in the tow entitled "Apartment . . Dwelltn~":. provided; however, that where Apartments are situated on the same Lot or Lots . on,. which a_ Shnpp"18:. Center is, located; upon a determination. by the. Inspector of Buildings as to the adequacy of the same;.loading, and unloading spaces; may be shared: between the various uses on su* Lot-or Lots" Amend.: Section 6:1.13M-Street Purldmg- and LoadingM, ntoading Requiswwats, by adding- after. "R estau=& and . before "Industrial and Mane using Establis imen ur the following. new item: Prinelpat Use 14finimuus Ramber of Off-Street Patrldng_Stpacea:Rquited... . 1Vikibut Number of Off-Street LosdinganAXidoading: Spaces Reqd, Shopping Center a' I spacc for each' two hundred.- Fot a Building eontaitiing':between fly (250)- square feet- of Net Floor 0 and 25,000 square. feet- zero-Area for an uses within the Spam. Shopping Center. For a Building wntai wl :between 25,001. square: feet.. and 50,000 square feet one. space. For a Building.conitaining: in excess of 50,001 square feet-two spaces. Notwithsta iding :.the foregoing, a lesser Au tuber of loadih and- unloading spaces may-be-provided for a Shopping Center upon. a determination of sufficiency by the Inspector of Buildings. j) Amend Section 6.2;3..2.3, Suns. in; B mess*C- Z-oning, Districts, by adding after tlte- warty-deleting "F"atagrnph:" and before provided, however;" the following;- "and except. as' . otherwise provided in subparagraph b. of this Section 6.2.3:.2:3." WDOCS,1400874 aV20= 10AMT. 14-11 k) Amend Section 62:3.2.3. to add the following after the end of the fast paragraph: "b. For Shopping Centers, the following provisiohs shall govern. signage within the Business C District and the provisions of Section shall not apply: NOTE: Signage provisions to be inserted. 1) Amend Table 6:2.3., Siena Permitted According to ?own DisId by adding a reference to a new note "(G)" after "Badness-C" in the heading "Busshmms-A, Business=C and Industrial Zoning District:". The revised heading of the second. Section of Table 6.2.3. shall read as follows: "BusinewA, Business-C(G) and Industrial Zoning District:" m) Amend Table 6.2.3., by adding after Note "(F)" the following new note "(0) Shopping Centers shall be subject tD the provisions of Section, and shall not be restricted by the limitations set forth in the- above Table 6.2.3." -s- GSDOCS-4444 Q7-5 MOMM 9:50 AM I Ao< t „om7EEr M 105 ~Y far a o I - ~ a a B 0 o ~ Q ~p I ~o 0 16 i 3 O b 6YkYYY6YkCppYpjJ a o 3 O J J Q Q 0 S S N M r N S2 W x C" o' CC k yy Qi flry 7~ --17Z8~ 8~ +~JE ~ r r C ' C i A O CURTIS STREET 1 t ,A V G i Z Q V J - W 0 Z OF 0 55 N D 0 m~ r lal MOO' t ~rRE . N ' U Cr) 1 Z 's_rs Rr,,, ~o `?S y )i'~ ' Y (h e l ~ ~ c yy ~ 0 V g s A E g 3g~;6'~Is 1. ,C V -S OZ-S ~ 4 ' - ~ ~`v Vf a M~' 1 p g 1, k Y ' t!%,r,:~ e ~t S a € p 3 4cr I n.. Lr~j T} I+F, y S a•Nti 9R+pt.:bi~~+. f Y(('{r'~Il'~fi ~~ri4 ~ C y:SCSS ~ ) ~t ~ S y~i { ~ ~ l ~f ~Al " Tl ~1~' W' n'~ S L y , 1 t 9 Sd ~ ~i h~ ~ CURT~S STREET ~~`"10N t o s 10 p w a 8 0~l w F C M LLL 0.g t. ~ w ,.BA263 , ? NON SPEWMX I.7N56 5F. TOTAL 3-67.21 57: l . ,n t..v -F. 1 t j :n rv:: rR• ' $ 5 y':54?'~ W79F, + cr,•`:-.. 1-\' Y'l. t SXOULOER t• J6217 9;F. . < q:: u I Y _ 1 t{ ~ raG SWAL SQUTHiI ~~i s sNaabEx 5 i e FREE7 OCATE I " ...u~ }BQ H>r e^ 22.0 if sJ41 S'y'4,y - q+ _ 'rF ~•.yay r 7 .Y (12 16V t ' e " r ~ 5 y. 'mss w\t~~ •1~y ib E ,5.... +f t y f' . fi p a 5n'l. I 1 C ` rRRE h - / 1'.i ~F y;/y YS.6~ t~ •t 1~ j j uutY r74 ~1~~~!-f W-ft E r F / ~ y 5 1 ,t~:, Yf1 t~-•-+,i' 1 l1j •+!f .2 i_ ...1' ,F • / y4 tii45 SM s f f, r v. ! t j ,r ~ ~ .d 145 r. Z. IY; r ~ `n ?p i :tj Iy,+ ,V /®M o 40 so ■ St»1¢ in Feet PREPARED BY: 71TLE; Conceptual ImproVement Trslatfali~a inq tetrs £ (cin ,r~ Plan B Preliminary Right-Of-Way Requirements ,.r>Yc^. „ .?0 =.'Y ''L•~.4• u . Rae^.vd. Jag TowN OF READIN 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 Phone: 781-942-9012 Fax: 781-942-9071 Email: creiilyOci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM DEVELOPMENT Date: May 4, 2005 To: Selectmen CC: From: Chris Reilly, Town Planner RE: TALKING POINTS FOR JOINT ZONING WORKSHOP ON DOWNTOWN MIXED- USES The intent of this memo is to outline the issues the CPDC and MPAC have identified while considering policies and zoning by-laws amendments to allow mixed-uses in the downtown. Based on these issues the CPDC has requested a joint zoning workshop with the Selectmen to discuss options for addressing concerns in advance of any regulatory amendments that may be considered to facilitate downtown mixed-uses. Since the Selectmen have authority over the two primary areas of anticpated impact to the downtown from the addition of mixed-uses the CPDC felt it was necessary to incorporate their input before developing The MPAC has designated zoning amendments allowing mixed-uses in the downtown as a master plan priority given the following benefits: ➢ - Expanded housing choice ➢ Adherence with smart growth principles emphasizing transit-oriented mixed- uses ➢ Potential enhancement of downtown business climate ➢ Capture of undertutilized downtown space As a result of MPAC proceedings resulting in master plan needs analysis and goal identification and prioritization, in relation to downtown mixed-uses the CPDC recommends the following: G\MyDocuments\dm ntownmlxedbullets.doc Created on 05/03/05 214 PM Ibi ➢Allow mixed-uses in the downtown Business _B_district compatible with existing uses Allow residential uses above commercial storefront, and consider additional compatible uses in above-ground floors such as professional office/arts ➢ Maintain or only slightly alter existing dimensional controls in the downtown ➢ Maintain historical and architectural assets ➢ Designate the CPDC as the SPGA for all proposed mixed-use projects The concerns/issues that have been identified for discussion include: •x ➢ Inadequacy of existing parking downtown requires need to review regulat ions and by-law requirements, including: ✓ Zoning bylaws parking requirements for mixed-use projects ✓ Off-street, off-site parking approval ✓ Amending parking exemption within 300` of municipal lots ✓ Amend overnight, on-street parking to allow in Business B district ✓ Whether Business B district expansion is needed to accommodate more parking options The impact on traffic circulation in the downtown A Whether mixed-use containing residential is appropriate in other districts ➢ Affordable component criteria, including density-bonuses, housing mix, local preferences and affordability limits ➢ Density limits ➢ Focus on Chapter 40R or alternative of exclusive, local by-law The CPDC supports appropriate regulatory reform in the downtown to facilitate mixed-uses. In collaboration with the MPAC,'the CPDC looks forward to working with the Selectmen to amend the, zoning by-laws and other regulations as needed to allow for the best and highest uses in the downtown, while of course mitigating for existing and potential impacts. CMR I b A