HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-17 Board of Selectmen PacketDF;AF'T BOARD O'F SLECTMEN'AGENDAS
ICemetery Garage
I 9:00
IDiscussion re: Bollards
(Update on Mattera Cabin
September 21 2009 Joint ineetmg withttthe School
Committee i e Youth Risk Belaor,'Survey (YI2RS}
September 22, 2009
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP
I 7:30
Rachel Baumgartner re: Mass Memories Roadshow
I 7:45
IAppointment - Mystic Velley Elder Services
IClose Warrant - Subsequent Town Meeting
I 8:00
IParking regulations - Mt. Vernon Street
I 8:15
Rescinding. parking regulations on Birch Meadow Drive,
Hillside, Waverly, Oakland?
IParking regulations Lowell Street (in front of CVS)
I 8:45
I Approving amendments to liquor policies
I 9:00
Amendments to policy on Solicitation/Acceptance of
I Continuation of Charter review
Se teYnber 29 2009 BCC Tramm L' axy ;K x
ITime Management of meetings
I Code of Conduct
(New "Appointment Process"
Office Hour
I Stephen Goldy
I 6:30
Town Planner
ACCCP - update
Continued Hearing Personnel Policies
8:00 p.m.
IRequest to clear sidewalks - Fox Run Lane
(Report on sidewalk snow plowing
9/11/2009 Please note this is not the final version and is subject to change.
(Review Roads Program
(Review DPW study - progress to date
2009 Selectmen's Foru"m
October 13
7 30
'7 v
(October 14i ;'2009 FINANCIAL FORTIMTI
Si Ctr"
Joint meeting with FINCOM and the School Committee to
discuss the FY10 & FY11 budgets
October 20 2009
) '
IReview of Ipswich River Greenway project
IReview of Bancroft and Hartshorn intersection
Review Downtown Parking recommendations
Follow up Municipal Building Committee
r 27,2009°
O_ ctobe
Discuss possible appeal of fees to BOS
November 3 2009 `~I ` `
Office Hour
Richard Schubert
I 6:30
Tax Classification
(November 9, -2009,pjzSubsequenftTowu Meeting
INovemberl2 200.9:; =Sub egtrent Town IYteeting~~~ ~
2009 `Subsequent Town eet><ng
November 17 200'9 W .-O
Room _
~ E
(November 18, 2009
S,r Ctr ,
Joint meeting with FINCOM and the School Committee to
discuss the FY10 & FY11 budgets
I ~
I November `.24160
9/11/2009 Please note this is not the final version and is subject to change.
(Review traffic improvements - South Street
(penalties - violation of park rules and regulations
I Review LIP Regulations
(Hearing on regulations on fund raising
Veterans Services Officer - Joint Agreement
Fencing. - Collins Field
9/11/2009 Please note this is not the final version and is subject to change.
-Date _ -Issue/Proiect
11/29/05 Develop a comprehensive traffic study
for the Woburn Street, High Street,
Lowell Street, Main Street area
9/16/06 Request to make Bancroft at Hartshorn a
multi-way stop and move stop sign on
Hartshorn closer to intersection.
Possible installation of a speed table.
3/27/07 Implement policy recommendations for
downtown parking connected with 40R
4/15/08 Review sidewalk plowing routes vis-a-
vis new school districts and other
Action Needed
Impact cannot be
determined until the
Downtown Improvement
project is complete. This
item will be considered in
the FY 2011 budget.
Engineering did a study of
the location. New
crosswalk installed, new
stop sign installed and
moved, new stop line, f
shrubs at SW corner
Discussion on 10-20-09.
Full report on web page
With staff, Walkable
Reading, and Selectman
Anthony, reviewed School
District boundaries and
sidewalks and what we
currently plow. Came up
with proposed modifications
and reviewed with the Board
of Selectmen PH to review
with new DPW Director
Follow ua date-
1-31-09 as part
of FY 2011
Report to Board
of Selectmen 10-
9/11/2009 1 OF 4
-Date _ -Issue/Proiect
Review LIP Regulations - LIP
regulations may need to be updated per
IG' suggestions
Town Forest Master Plan
Ipswich River Greenway
Planting of trees on Haven Street
Action Needed
Follow uv date-
New State 40B regulations
Progress report
have been adopted, and we
are evaluating those prior to
making changes in our local
regulations. .
Progress report
Progress report - with Trails
Replacement of I Elm tree in
Rotary Square. Tree
planting on Haven Street.
Particular attention to PO
9/11/2009 2 OF 4
Action Needed
Follow up date
Master plan for Birch Meadow site
Develop a master plan for
the property, including the
Imagination Station site.
Imagination Station
portion approved, and
ConsCom approval or
riverfront planting. We
have developed maps that
show the entire site
including the new school,
and fine tuned draft master
plan for Board of
Selectmen review and
Establish a standing Municipal
Draft policy developed.
Building Committee - Plan for
Met with School
building needs - functional planning
Committee chair. Meeting
not capital or maintenance planning
with Library Board in
September. Issue is
potentially connected with
Oakland Road property
Sale of Oakland Road land -
The Town owned tax title
land across Oakland Road
from the RMHS is surplus
to the Town's needs, and
proceeds of a sale could be
used to fund other capital
Renovation of cabin at Mattera
Board of Selectmen
fundraising. Vocational
School willing to do work
Double utility Poles -We have 100+
RMLD has given us a
double poles - how can we get these
detailed list. In the
eyesores eliminated
process of determining top
priority sites. Rep. Jones
is willing to meet with
Verizon to try to get these
Appeals to Board of Selectmen re:
Does the Board of
10-27-09 for
fees. What fees are subject to appeal
Selectmen want to
to the Board of Selectmen
consider whether they
want to hear appeals on
fees from residents
3 OF 4
-Date __Issue/Protect
4/1/08 Noise Barriers
Action Needed
Get answer from the State as
to priority for noise barriers
in Reading along Route 128
and I-93. Reading is on the
State list for study - no
definite time table
Follow uu date
°FRE, - Town of Reacting
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2685
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER
Website: www. readingma.gov (781) 942-9043
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM:. Peter I. Hechenbleikner r
DATE: September 11, 2009
RE: September 17, 2009 Agenda
This meeting is scheduled for Thursday rather than a normal Tuesday. I will be at the ICMA
Conference through Wednesday and appreciate the Board's changing their schedule to
accommodate this.
3a) Town Counsel has drafted proposed earth removal regulations as a General Bylaw for
consideration by Town Meeting at the Subsequent Town Meeting. The Board had asked
to have those involved in this issue discuss with the Board the need for the regulations
and the proposed regulations. Town Counsel, the Building Inspector, Town Planner and
Conservation Administrator as well as the Town Engineer will be present for this
3b) Staff has been mapping the final Birch Meadow Master Plan. These will be available
and will be sent to the Board as a PDF file electronically on Tuesday, with full copies
available at your meeting on Thursday. Also emailed to you on Tuesday will be the
written document that goes along with the Master Plan.
3c) I had submitted a memo to the Board of Selectmen and the Cemetery Board regarding
organization of information and development of a process for evaluating the cemetery
garage and addressing the garage needs. Following the discussion with the Board of
Selectmen on Thursday, we'll take that direction and move forward with this process.
3d) The Board of Selectmen wanted discussion on the downtown bollards on their agenda.
I believe that the Board is aware that the bollards that have been knocked down to date
have been a result of motor vehicle accidents. The bollards have been replaced at no
expense to the Town - the motorists insurance companies are paying for this work as
any motorist's insurance company would pay for damage to public or private property.
3e) Update on Mattera Cabin -,Attached are copies of email materials on the cabin. I will
have an update for the Board on Thursday as to the role of the Vocational School District
on this project.
Page 1 of 2
/Vc Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 9:34 AM
To: Rosemarie DeBenedetto; Reading - Selectmen; Feeley, Paul; Advocate Reading
Cc: Schena, Paula
Subject: RE: MWRA revisits tanks proposal - 9/3/09
Dear Rosemarie :
Thank you for sending an email to the Board of Selectmen. The Board has adopted a policy of not
sending substantive responses to emails in order to try to stay in compliance with the Commonwealth's
open meeting law which prohibits policy discussions by the Board outside of an open public meeting.
Please understand that the Board values your input on issues and your correspondence will be included
in the materials circulated to the Board prior to its next meeting and it is available as part of the public
record. The Board members will have a chance to comment during an upcoming public meeting.
If you want to have a personal discussion of the issue with a member of the Board, we hold "office"
hours in Reading Town Hall before the first regularly scheduled meeting of each month at 6:30 PM in
the first floor conference room. The Board of Selectmen meeting schedule is posted on the web site at
www.readin2ma. Rov.
Please note that the Board of Selectmen is on record as being opposed to the initial proposal of the
MWRA to construct 2 180 foot high water storage tanks at the interchange of Route 28 and Route I-95.
However the Towns and the MWRA do need to address the issue of additional water storage in the
Stoneham, Wakefield, Winchester, Reading, Wilmington area.
Additionally, each of the members of the Board of Selectmen has a listed home phone number:
Ben Tafoya
James Bonazoli
Camille Anthony
Rick Schubert
Steve Goldy
Thank you again for contacting the Board of Selectmen.
Camille Anthony
Reading Board of Selectmen
1/c Board of Selectmen
From: Rosemarie DeBenedetto [mailto:mamadetto@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:09 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen; Feeley, Paul; Advocate Reading
Subject: MWRA revisits tanks proposal - 9/3/09
9/8/2009 11
~ ~z 1
Page 2 of 2
Good Afternoon....
I read with annoyed interest the article in the Daily Times Chronicle on September 3, 2009: "MWRA
Revisits Tanks Proposal".
The article states that Reading officials met with MWRA officials to clarify a few points of the water
tank(s) proposal in July of 2009. Was this July 2009 meeting publicized? What took place at this
If you were "clarifying a few points" at this meeting, is this a done deal?
As a taxpayer, located in this area of Reading, before this goes any further, I strongly suggest that you
immediately request the MWRA float a group of red balloons up 185' high and 120' wide over the
proposed site so that Reading and Stoneham citizens could see exactly the scope of the area that will
forever be blighted, if this proposal is passed by you.
I challenge you, our representatives, the decision makers for Reading's future, NOT TO SUPPORT
THIS PROPOSAL that is fundamentally incompatible with what is left of our small town appeal.
It is bad enough Reading citizens have to deal with the undesirable results of numerous breakable,
unsightly bollards, brick sidewalk strips that will require much oversight, weed removal and repair, and
stamped concrete road surfaces that will stain easily and prove difficult to sweep clean, I do not want to
additional live with the blight of a 185' high by 120' diameter water tank(s) holding 3.4million gallons of
water too ! ! !
Thank you,
Rosemarie DeBenedetto
74 Haystack Road
Reading, MA 01867
781 944 2695
9/8/2009 12
DRAFT 7-31-09
ARTICLE 16 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Reading
General Bylaws by inserting the following new provision in Article 5, Public Order, as
5.19 Earth Removal
5.19.1 Purpose
The purpose of this bylaw is to promote the health, safety, welfare and
amenities of the Town of Reading and any neighborhood thereof, and to
prevent harmful results from improper excavation. Nothing in this bylaw,
however, shall be deemed to amend, repeal, or supersede the Zoning By-
Laws of the Town of Reading now or hereafter in effect. Nothing in this
bylaw shall derogate from the intent and purpose of such Zoning By-Laws.
In cases of dual application, the provisions of this bylaw and the Zoning
By-Laws must both be met and satisfied.
5.19.2 Authoritv
This section is adopted under the authority contained in Massachusetts
General Laws Chapter 40, §21, X17.
5.19.3 Definition
For the purposes of this bylaw, "earth" shall include soil, loam, rock, peat,
clay, sand and gravel, or other earth material or combination thereof.
5.19.4 Permit Required
No earth shall be removed from any parcel of land not in public use, either
above or under water, without an earth removal permit issued by the
Board of Selectmen (hereinafter the "Board") as hereinafter provided.
5.19.5 Existing Operations
All existing earth removal operations in the Town of Reading shall be
subject to the provisions of this Bylaw. A permit pursuant to the
provisions of this Bylaw shall be required for all earth removal operations
for any operation to continue after the adoption date of this Bylaw.
5.19.6 Exemptions
Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, no permit shall be required for: the removal of earth from any parcel in connection with the
lawful construction of a residential building or structure thereon
or the lawful construction of a driveway or sidewalk incidental to
any such building or structure, provided that the quantity of
material removed does not exceed that actually displaced by the
portion of building, structure, driveway or sidewalk below
finished grade.
13 Where necessary as part of the construction of a road pursuant to
a permit, or under agreements governing road construction in a
subdivision approved by the Community Planning and
Development Commission to the extent as may be necessary to
complete the project as planned. Where necessary in the customary use of an operating farm,
nursery, garden, landscaping activities or cemetery to the extent
that such removal is necessary to the operation of the same. Where the moving and/or removal of earth for any municipal
purpose is by, or on behalf of the Town of Reading. Where the removal is from a parcel for which removal was
authorized under a legal permit issued prior to adoption of this
Bylaw, the same may continue until the expiration date of said
permit provided that all by-laws, permits and conditions
applicable prior to the adoption of this Section 3A shall
be complied with.
5.19.7 Notice and Public Hearin
No permit for the removal of earth material shall be issued by the Board,
until a public hearing is held thereon, by the Board of Selectmen, due
notice of which shall be given by them, at the expense of the applicant, at
least fourteen (14) days in advance, in a newspaper commonly used for
such notices in the community, the posting of copies thereof on municipal.
bulletin boards, and the mailing of copies thereof to property owners
within three hundred (300) feet of the property line, including those across
any streets.
5.19.8 Applications
An application for permit required by this bylaw shall be filed with the
Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen shall transmit one (1) copy
to the Conservation Commission and one (1) copy to the Planning Board
within seven (7) days of the filing. Content of Application
The application shall consist of the following: An operation plan indicating:
a. The location of the proposed excavation and the zoning district
in which it is located.
b. The legal name and address of the owner of the property
c. The legal name and address of the petitioner, which address
shall be used by the Board for all correspondence hereunder.
d. Name and address of all abutting property owners as defined
by G.L. Chapter 40A, §11 (only required when a public
hearing is necessary).
e. A detailed plan of the land involved, prepared by a Registered
Civil Engineer, or a registered surveyor, and acceptable to the
Board, at a scale of 1 "-20', or as determined appropriate,
showing the entire parcel of land based on a perimeter survey
and showing existing topography by five (5) contours within
one hundred (100) feet of, and including, the site of the
proposed excavation or to the property line. This contour plan
shall show locations of a sufficient number of test borings
made to determine the average depth of top soil before
L A detailed plan of the land involved, prepared by a Registered
Civil Engineer, or a registered surveyor, and acceptable to the
Board, showing five (5) foot contours of the site as of the
completion of the excavation project, all drawn to a scale
acceptable to the Board. The plan shall further show the
maximum depth that the applicant intends to excavate, the type
of material the applicant intends to extract from the land, the
manner and depth in which he shall replace the top soil, and the
type of reseeding and planting he proposed to use.
g. Natural features such as wetlands, the 100 year flood plain,
ground cover and surface and ground water. Water-table
elevation shall be determined by test pits and soil borings. A
log of soil borings shall be included, taken to the depth of the
proposed excavation, congruent with the size and geological
makeup of the site.
h. All access road, drives, storage areas and trucking routes to be
used within the Town.
i. Erosion and sediment control plan.
j. The means of disposing of rocks, tree stumps, refuse and waste
k. Provision for safe and adequate water supply.
1. A topographical map showing drainage facilities, final grades
and proposed vegetation and trees. A reuse plan showing:
a. The proposed use, after completion of removal operations, of
all the land of the applicant shown on the plan or contiguous
b. Five foot (5') contours of the site as of the proposed
completion of the excavation project.
15 `-i cz
c. The drainage of site and excavation after the removal
d. The land in a condition no less valuable for development and
use than it was before the commencement of operations.
e. The schedule to restore the land which cannot exceed three (3)
years from the expiration of an initial permit, or a permit
renewed within six (6) months of the expiration of another. The
land shall be restored so that it can be used for purposes
permitted by the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Reading for the
district-in which the land is located. The form of the bond to be used:
a. A bond shall be filed by the applicant before the permit is
granted or as a condition to the permit to assure satisfactory
operation and performance under the requirements of this
bylaw and the conditions of the permit.
b. The bond shall be in a form satisfactory to the Town Counsel
and the Town Treasurer. The bond shall be in an amount which
the Selectmen determine adequate to restore the land at the
expiration of the permit or at any time during the life of the
permit when operations cease, and adequate to repair damage,
if any, to public ways.
c. The bond shall be issued by an insurance company authorized
to do business in Massachusetts or shall be of such surety as
will qualify for security under the Subdivision Control Law,
Chapter 41, 81U (1).
d. The bond shall be in an amount determined by the Selectmen;
but in no case shall be less than Two Thousand ($2000.00) for
each acre shown on the plan. Filine Fee
The Board shall establish such fees for the issuance of permits
as it shall find necessary for the administration of this Bylaw,
taking into consideration the costs of clerical, civil engineering
consultants, legal and inspection expenses.
5.19.9 Permit Expiration
Any permit issued hereunder shall automatically expire upon the
completion of the earth removal project for which it was issued or at such
time as may be specified in said permit, and in any event within one (1)
year from the date of issue thereof. A permit may be renewed by the
Board of Selectmen for a period of one (1) year without a hearing if it
finds that all conditions then applicable have been complied with and that
the work has been carried on continuously and in good faith. A permit
may not be renewed more that once without a hearing, and may not be
3a'~ .
granted for an area in excess of five (5) acres unless in the opinion of the
Board of Selectmen the area of the previous permit is being satisfactorily
restored for use in accordance with the reuse plan.
5.19.10 Conditions for Approval No permit shall be issued for the removal of earth in any
location if in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen such
removal will: Endanger the public health or safety or constitute a
nuisance. Produce noise, dust or other effects observable at the
lot lines in amounts seriously objectionable or
detrimental to the normal use of the adjacent
property. Result in the transportation over ways which will be
injured in any way by loads in excess of the road
capability or by means of handling vehicles used to
transport earth or of handling materials in transport. Cause a change in topography and cover which will
be disadvantageous to the appropriate use of land as
shown on the reuse plan and permitted by the zoning
bylaw. Result in the removal of existing topsoil from the
Town of Reading No permit for the removal of earth shall be approved by the
Board of Selectmen except upon condition that a cover of
topsoil of not less than six (6") inches in depth shall be replaced
or allowed to remain, except where, due to construction of roads,
buildings or permanent physical features, such provision is
impractical. Such topsoil cover shall be seeded with a perennial
cover crop to assure uniform growth and surface soil
stabilization. No permit for the removal of earth shall be approved by the
Board if the work extends within three hundred (300') feet of a
way open to public use, whether public or private, or two
hundred fifty (250') feet of a building or structure, or within one
hundred (100') feet of a property line, or within fifty (50') feet of
a natural stream or a body of water unless the Board is satisfied
that such removal will not undermine the way or structure and
will not cause damage to the abutting property, stream or body of
water. No permit shall be granted for removal from an area in excess
of five (5) acres at any one time. In approving the issuance of a permit, the Board of Selectmen
shall impose such other reasonable conditions as it deems
necessary, which shall be written upon and shall constitute part
of the permit, including but not limited to: The finished leveling and grading. type of topsoil and planting necessary to
restore area to usable conditions. The topsoil shall
be treated with three (3) tons of line per acre and
one thousand (1,000) pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer,
or such other fertilizer as approved by the Board of
Selectmen. The type of seed and trees and shrubs to
be planted to restore the natural beauty and to
reduce the erosion and the procedure to protect the
area from erosion and the procedure to protect the
area from erosion while growth is being establish
shall also be conditions of the permit. The duration of the removal operation. Temporary structures. Hours of operation and trucking, while at no time
shall be between six (6) P.M. and eight (8) A.M.
or on a Sunday or legal holiday. Cover of material being transported, routes of
transportation of material and routes of all
vehicles involved. Control of temporary and permanent drainage. All
natural drainage shall leave the property at the
original drainage point with no increase in flow. Disposition of boulders and tree stumps. Suitable fencing to enclose any excavation which
will tunnel under original ground level or which
3rti6 .
will have a depth of ten (10) feet or more and
create a slope of more than three (3) horizontal to
one (1) vertical. Any opening in such fence shall be
locked when daily operations have ceased and such
openings shall be properly signed describing the
possible danger within. Such fence shall be located
ten (10') feet or more from the edge of the
excavation, shall be at least six (6') feet high and
shall be of a type which will screen the operation
from view from all public ways. Maintenance of natural vegetation on undisturbed
5.19.11 Specifications and Standards of Operation
All earth removal shall be subject to the conditions of the permit and the
following specifications and standards: The methods and stages of removal and of restorations to usable
condition shall include all conditions of the re-use plan. Roadways used for transportation of material must be swept
clean and cleared of material spilled from trucks, at least once
each forty-eight (48) hours and more often, if necessary to
maintain safety and a clean neat appearance. Damage to pavement, drainage, structures and curbing cause by
said trucks or spillage shall be repaired by the applicant. Any repair or cleaning of roadways as outlined in paragraphs 2
and 3 above, if performed by the town, shall be paid for by the
applicant. Adequate steps shall be taken during removal operations to
abate excessive dust and all access roads and drives on the site
shall be oiled at all times. No equipment, except mobile equipment for sorting, washing,
crushing, grading drying, processing, and treating or other
operation machinery, shall be used closer than one hundred
(100') feet from any public right-of-way or any abutting
property line. Side slopes in a pit no steeper than a three (3) (horizontal) to
one (1) (vertical) ratio.
19 No area shall be excavated so as to allow the accumulation of
free standing water. Adequate lateral support for all adjacent properties shall be
provided and maintained. No excavation below the existing grade of any tract boundary
nearer that fifty (501) feet to abutter's property boundary or
public right-of-way, or lower that four (4') feet above
maximum high ground water level, except where a pond is
approved on the re-use pan. Final elevation of the pit not in
excess of three percent (3%) grade from the nearest public way
or ways. Entrance to the premises for the Board of Selectmen or their
agent to inspect the site shall be allowed at any time. A requirement that within six (6) months after termination of
operation, all buildings, structures and equipment shall be
removed from the premises.
5.19.12 Rules and Regulations
The Board of Selectmen may adopt rules and regulations governing the issuance
of earth removal permits.
5.19.13 Waiver
Strict compliance with the requirements of this bylaw of the Board's rules and
regulations may be waived in connection with earth removal operations and in
existence on the date of adoption of this bylaw or on a new operations when, in
the judgment of the Board, such action is in the public interest and not
inconsistent with the intent of this bylaw.
5.19.14 Suspension or Revocation of Permit
Any permit issued hereunder may be suspended or revoked, after a notice and
hearing, for cause or violation of this bylaw and/or the Board's rules and
5.19.15 Blasting
No blasting shall be allowed unless permitted, with conditions imposed, by the
Fire Chief and otherwise in conformance with State and Federal law.
5.19.16 Validitv
The invalidity of any section of provision of this bylaw shall not invalidate any
other section of provision thereof.
5.19.17 Administration and Enforcement
The Board of Selectmen or duly authorized representative shall review the
progress of the work from time to time to ensure proper conduct. If the Board of
Selectmen concluded that there has been a violation of this bylaw, a notice of
violation shall be sent to the applicant, by registered or certified mail, to the
address state on the initial application, and if applicable, a notice ordering a
cessation of the improper activities.
Enforcement of this bylaw may also be made in accordance with Section 5.11,
Noncriminal Disposition of Certain Violations of Bylaws and Rules and
Regulations, of this bylaw.
36cq* I
TO: Board of Selectmen
Cemetery Board of Trustees
Date: Monday, August 10, 2009
Re: Outline of a process for evaluating the need for, location of, and general scope of a
Cemetery garage facility
This memo is provided to the Cemetery Board of Trustees and to the Board of Selectmen for
discussion in a workshop meeting in mid September
In order to consider how to address space needs of the Cemetery Division, there is a certain
amount of information that we need to develop. The intent of this part of the process is not to
design a building, but rather is to understand the locational criteria for where we can/should
meet the Cemetery Division's space needs, and to develop information which would allow an
architect, engineer, or other designer to scope out the amount of space needed.
General Assumptions:
■ We should be designing to meet the needs of the Cemetery Division for approximately 50
■ As much flexibility as possible should be built into a facility
■ We should assume that we will not be creating new cemeteries or expanding the size of our
existing cemeteries
■ We should make no assumption that the basic form of governance of the Town or the
Cemetery Division will change - i.e. the Cemetery Division will remain as part of the DPW,
with a Cemetery Board of Trustees
■ The quality of design. and construction of whatever facility is designed for the Cemetery
Division should reflect the historical nature (if any), quality, and scale of the neighborhood in
which it is to be located
1. What elements of the Cemetery Division are we designing a facility to house?
■ Employee space - lockers, showers, eating facility
■ Storage of vehicles (heated or cold)
■ Storage of equipment (mowers etc.)
■ Maintenance of smaller equipment
■ Storage of seasonally used materials and equipment
• Storage of general materials and supplies
■ Administrative offices?
s Page 1
2. How much of the elements identified should a facility be designed for
• # of Employees
• Equipment
■ Storage.
3. Considerations in location and design
■ Security of cemeteries
■ Security of facility
• Operational efficiency
• Proximity to Administrative Offices - currently at Town Hall
• Access to records
• Access to fuel and other supplies provided by others or in common with remainder of DPW
■ Availability of infrastructure - gas, electric, water, sewer
• Ease of vendor drop-off
4. Impact on abutters
• Aesthetics of building
■ Are -the abutters used to the use next to them
■ Passive recreation use of cemeteries
• Historical cemetery?
5. General Management Issues
■ Cemetery better integrated into DPW - Management study
• Different culture of Cemetery Division
■ Equipment sharing with remainder of DPW
■ Information sharing - with rest of DPW, Town systems, etc.
6. Shared stuff (primarily with DPW)
■ Equipment (interchangeable with parks)
■ Equipment maintenance
■ Fuel
■ Administration
■ Support staff
■ Storage of some materials
® Page 2
3 c~~
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 4:57 PM
To: 'Peter Coumounduros'
Cc: Anthony; Camille; 'bonazoli@comcast.net'
Subject: RE: Mattera Cabin - I hope this does what you are looking for
The Mattera Cabin is a small log cabin which was purchased on its 2.5 acre site in 2007 with a grant from the
Commonwealth of MA and a generous donor. The site is on north Main Street in Reading MA, and abuts the
much larger Bare Meadow Conservation land. This site and abutting properties form Reading's "emerald
necklace" which is known as the Ipswich River Greenway, and which will be, when constructed, an interconnected
2.5 mile trail and boardwalk system.
The Mattera Cabin is the only town owned structure on the Ipswich River Greenway, and as such will serve as a
headquarters for a number of programs, and as a resting but for people using the trail.
The Cabin was purchased "as is" and needs a fair amount of work to make it usable. Major items are:
Replacement of the furnace
Replacement of all floors with a "Pergo" type of low maintenance floor
Conversion of one bathroom into a handicapped bathroom, including new fixtures
Removal of some. walls to open the interior of the cabin to accommodate program needs
Modification of the kitchen area
Lighting and security
This project has broad community support.
m The local regional vocational school district has agreed to provide the labor for most of the work that needs
to be done.
® A local Eagle Scout is constructing a handicapped ramp connecting the adjacent parking area to the cabin.
® The Trails Committee partnering with local business REI has constructed the first section of trail, and has
connected it to a viewing platform on the adjacent Bare Meadow Conservation area.
Assistance is needed to provide the materials that will be used to do the renovations to the cabin. It is anticipated
that the work will take 6 months to complete.
From: Peter Coumounduros [mailto:petegc@cargo-transport.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7:58 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Re: Mattera Cabin
Good Morning Peter-
Hope your summer is going well.... I've made some store level contact at Home Depot, but with a
project this size, it needs to goto their regional / corporate offices as a formal request to their "Team
Depot" department.
I've got the contact info and will draft a letter on FORR letterhead.
Would you be able to forward me a couple of paragraphs to give a brief overview of what Materra is,
and explain the scope of the project at hand, and what we'd like to request from Home Depot. I want to
make sure I / we convey exactly what you're looking for.
9/11/2009 -P
Page 2 of 2
If you want to forward to me, I can either cut / paste into my letter or if you wanted put on town
letterhead as an overview, I can put in my letter that FORR is spearheading the fundraising portion as
the town does not have the funds for this endeavor.
Either way' is fine.. if you need me, my cell is 781-640-7351.
Peter Coumounduros
"The Carrier That Cares!"
Never Forget 9/11
800-696-2021 x19
978-663-4300 x19
"Official Supporting Sponsor to the 2008 Falmouth Road Race"
-----Original Message-----
From: "Hechenbleikner, Peter" <phechenbleikner@ci.reading.ma.us>
To: "Peter Coumounduros" <petegc@cargo-transport.com>, "Camille Anthony"
<camillea42@gmail.com>, <bonazoli@comcast.net>
Cc: "Fink, Fran" <ffink@ci.reading.ma.us>, "Feudo, John" <jfeudo@ci.reading.ma.us>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:54:37 -0400
Subject: Mattera Cabin
Peter, Camille, and James and I met on Tuesday about fund raising for the renovations. This is my
understanding of the discussion and action items.
The ballpark estimated cost of the cabin project is about $15,000 for materials.
Of that about $7500 is for the new furnace.
The remainder would be for materials needed by the Voke School - they have agreed to provide labor
The Voke School will be ready to start their work in September, and it will take about 6 months.
We need to have funds for materials in place by then.
The Voke School will give us a cost estimate before they actually start work.
Action items:
• PH will put together an application for a state grant for a CHP (combined heat and power) furnace
• PC and JB will put together a list of organizations that might use the cabin if it were available, and ask
each for a list of 3 to 4 things that they might use the cabin for - that will form the basis of a fund raising
• PH will get a more detailed cost estimate from the Voke in the fall
• JF will follow through on the status and completion date for the HC ramp
• PC will talk with Home Depot about the potential donation of materials
• PC will identify a licensed plumber who would be willing to donate time to sign off on plumbing - HC
bathroom and moving the kitchen sink
• CA will talk with the Fire Chief about the potential for having a fire pit at the site - permitting would
probably be required.
9/11/2009 25
Hechen ..ei ner, . Peter
. R.....:... . , .,.........f..
From: Peter Coumounduros [petegc@cargo-transport.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 8:11 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Mattera
Attachments: Mattera Cabin Home DepotRequest.doc
come DepotR(
Good Morning Peter -
Just wanted to drop you a copy of the letter I'm sending to Home Depot Corp. I wanted to
make you're ok with it before I send it.......
In talking with their Corp Community person, she said that with a project this size, she
would need us to work with her and the store (she ultimately
decides). I'm also going to drop a copy of this letter to Dean Hugo (Store
manager) to start the conversation.
If he's receptive to the idea, would you be available to meet with he & I on a subsequent
meeting ?
Thanks Peter!
Peter Coumounduros GOD BLESS AMERICA!
CARGO TRANSPORT, INC 800-696-2021 x19
"The Carrier That Cares!" 978-663-4300 x19
Never Forget 9/11
"Official Supporting Sponsor to the 2008 Falmouth Road Race"
s 3--02 3
August 5, 2009
Home Depot
Sheriee Bowman
Community Affairs - Northern Area
2455 Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta, GA 30339
Re: Mattera Cabin Project - Reading Massachusetts
Dear Sheriee,
Thank you for your time the other day to introduce the project that Friends of Reading
Recreation (FORR) is undertaking in partnership with the Town of Reading
The Mattera Cabin is a small log cabin which was purchased on its 2.5 acre site in 2007
with a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a generous donor. The site is
on north Main Street in Reading MA, and abuts the much larger Bare Meadow
Conservation land. This site and abutting properties form Reading's "emerald necklace"
which is known as the Ipswich River Greenway, and which will be, when constructed, an
interconnected 2.5 mile trail and boardwalk system
The Mattera Cabin is the only town owned structure on the Ipswich River Greenway, and
as such will serve as a headquarters for a number of recreational and conservations
programs, and as a resting but for people using the trail.
The Cabin was purchased "as is" and needs a fair amount of work to make it usable.
Major items are:
❑ Replacement of the furnace
❑ Replacement of all floors with a "Pergo" type of low maintenance floor
❑ Conversion of one bathroom into a handicapped bathroom, including new
Friends of Reading Recreation - 24 Smith Avenue - Reading, MA. 01867
❑ Removal of some walls to open the interior of the cabin to accommodate
program needs
❑ Modification of the kitchen area
❑ Lighting and security
This project has broad community support.
The local regional vocational school district has agreed to provide the labor for
most of the work that needs to be done.
A local Eagle Scout is constructing a handicapped ramp connecting the adjacent
parking area to the cabin.
The Trails Committee, partnering with local business REI, has constructed the
first section of trail, and has connected it to a viewing platform on the adjacent
Bare Meadow Conservation area.
Assistance is needed to provide the materials that will be used to do the renovations to the
cabin. It is anticipated that the work will take 6 months to complete. We estimate the
cost of the materials to be approximately $8,000.
As suggested, I will follow up with the local Home Depot in Reading, MA with a copy of
this letter to see about their support of this project for reconunendation.
I am also enclosing a copy of our non-profit 501(c)3 certification.
Is there anything else you need from me at this point? I look forward to hearing from
you. I can be reached at (781) 640-7351.
Peter Coumounduros,
President, Friends of Reading Recreation
Friends of Reading Recreation - 24 Smith Avenue - Reading, MA 01867
August 24, 2009
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
Town Hall
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Members of the Board:
ZG#9 AUG 27 PM 12: 03
In keeping with our practice of informing you of business developments at Comcast, I'm
writing to provide an update on a topic of interest to our customers in Reading - customer
service. Having made significant investments in new technologies and processes that I'll
describe further below in this letter, Comcast is now taking the step, unprecedented in our
industry, of backing all of our residential services with a multi-faceted guarantee that
assures accountability to our customers.
While we always try to deliver great customer service every time, we acknowledge that
there are times when we make mistakes. When that happens, we believe it is important
for our customers to know what they can expect from us. The Comcast Customer
Guarantee reinforces our commitment to provide a consistently positive experience for
our customers. When we fall short of this commitment, we will compensate our
customers for the inconvenience.
The guarantee outlines this promise with the following components:
• To give a 30-day, money-back guarantee on all of our services;
• To be respectful and courteous of customers and their homes;
• To answer customers' questions at their convenience 24 hours a day, seven
days a week;
• To offer easy-to-understand packages and provide a clear bill to customers;
• To continually offer the best variety of video choices;
• To quickly address any problems that customers experience; and
• To schedule appointments at our customers' convenience and be mindful of
their time
The Comeast Customer Guarantee not only demonstrates to our customers that we are
dedicated to getting it right the first time, it also empowers our employees to make it right
when we miss the mark. For example, after the first visit to a customer's home, if we do
not satisfactorily complete installation or can't resolve a routine service issue, we will
extend a complimentary 3-month premium service or $20 credit to their account. We
Comcast • 92 Glenn Street • Lawrence, MA 01843 /
Tel: 978-685-0258 • Fax: 978-794-0845
also won't charge them for a service visit that results from a Comcast equipment or
network problem. And if we fail to arrive for a scheduled visit during the promised
appointment window, we will provide the customer with a $20 credit for the
As you may be aware from previous updates, Comcast has made significant investments
in recent years in this part of our business, focusing on new training and the deployment
of next-generation technologies for our local network engineers, field technicians and call
center teams. As the voice, high-speed Internet and video services that we provide on our
fiber-optic network have become more sophisticated, so too has our approach to
supporting our customers. These investments today are allowing us to proactively
trouble-shoot network issues before they impact customers, provide better diagnoses and
faster resolution of issues within customers' homes and deliver crisper support to
customers on the phone and via emerging communications channels online.
In the highly competitive telecommunications market that exists today, the Comcast
Customer Guarantee is truly unique. It is our promise that we will hold our products, our
services and our employees to the highest standards. Our goal is to provide a superior
customer experience the first time, every time. This is not a promotion. This is a long-
term commitment to our customers and to your community.
Though our ongoing investments in the customer experience have made the Comcast
Customer Guarantee possible, we know there is always room for improvement when it
comes to delivering a superior customer experience. To this end, we are also using the
Comcast Customer Guarantee as a tool for finding areas of our business where we can do
better. Though we have only had the Guarantee in place for a few months, we are already
seeing it drive improvement in our operations, and the customer response has been very
As always, I welcome any feedback you may have about this or any other aspect of our
business in Reading.
For more information on the Comcast Customer Guarantee or any of our other initiatives
to improve the customer experience at Comcast please feel free to contact me at
john_fouhy@cable.comcast.com or 978-685-0258, ext. 3543.
John S. Fouhy
Vice President - Government & Community Relations
cc: GR Manager
Comcast - 92 Glenn Street - Lawrence, MA 01843 qao>,
Tel: 978-685-0258 - Fax: 978-794-0845
September 2, 2009
Chairman Ben Tafoya
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
TEL' (617) 722-2014
FAX: (617) 626-0831
RE: Senate Bill 1830 with regard to amount of damages for Constables to serve process
Chairman Tafoya,
I am writing to you to indicate my support for Senate Bill 1830 with regards to increases in the amount of
damages for Constables to serve process from $2,500 to $25,000. I have spoken with Constable Sally
Hoyt as well as other Constables that serve the 300' Middlesex District. Through my 34 years of
experience within the judicial system, I understand the importance of the occupation of Constable and the
need for alterations to the current statutes.
30th Middlesex District
Woburn, Reading, Stoneham
4I- .
Children, Families 5 Persons with Disabilities
Steering, Policy 8 Scheduling
2(19 AUG 32 PM 12= 29
August 25, 2009
Reading Board of Selectman
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
RE: Resignation
West Street Historic District Commission
Dear Selectmen:
It is with regret that I inform you of my resignation as a member of the West Street
Historic District Commission. It appears that I would be the last remaining member.
Despite efforts to recruit new members, we have been unsuccessful.
I have enjoyed serving on the Commission, and look forward to other opportunities to
serve our town as they may become available.
Rick Nazzaro
L 0---, 1
L / c &A
ONE WINTER STREET, BOSTON, MA 02108 617-292-5500
Governor Secretary
Lieutenant Governor Commissioner
September 3, 2009
Mr. Peter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner,
Thank you for your request for assistance through MassDEP's FY 10 In-Kind TechnicalUJ
Assistance application. The Department is pleased to be able to provide your community with
80 hours of hands-on assistance for the project entitled Solid Waste and Recycling Contract
Assistance. The person assigned to provide this assistance is Sharon Kishida, who serves as
MassDEP's Municipal Assistance Coordinator for your region.
Sharon Kishida will contact your municipality's designated recycling contact (copied below)
to arrange a meeting to develop a scope of work and project deliverables. You will be asked to
review and sign the scope of work, once it meets with your approval. Upon completion,
MassDEP will make the results of your project and/or its deliverables available to interested
municipal officials so they may learn from your community's efforts to reduce waste and
increase recycling in the Commonwealth.
The Department applauds your commitment to maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness
of your municipal recycling program and looks forward to working with you.
Greg Cooper
Deputy Division Director
BWP - Consumer & Transportation Programs
ecc: Michael O'Halloran, Administrative Assistant .
Sharon Kishida, Municipal Assistance Coordinator
This information is available in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDDff 1-866-539-7622 or 1-617-574-6868.
MassDEP on the World Wide Web: hfp://www.mass.gov/dep
Zia Printed o3i&cycled Paper
rTSI OFR1 Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
MA 01867-2685
\39+Ixenn4p4~ ;
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us
Website: www. readingma.gov
September 8, 2009
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
350 Main Street
Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023
L / C (~w
(781) 942-9043
Re: Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational. School Fiscal (NEMRVSD) Year
2090 Budget
Dear Commissioner Chester:
I am the Town Manager of the Town of Reading, which is a member community
of the Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School District ("Northeast"). I am
writing in support of, and to expressly confirm the validity of the facts set forth in, the
August 31,.2009 letter submitted to you by the Town of Wakefield (the "Wakefield
letter"). Like Wakefield, the City is requesting a determination by DESE as to the
validity of the Northeast's Adjusted Final FY10 Budget dated June 11, 2009.
Although Reading was not one of the communities that voted to reject the latest
NEMRVSD budget, I have been directly involved in the process and Reading would
have had a Special Town Meeting to reject this budget, had there not already been five
community votes to reject the budget by the deadline.
Based on these facts, and all the other information set forth in the Wakefield
letter, the Town of Reading respectfully urges you to rule that the Northeast's Adjusted
Final FY10 Budget dated June 11, 2009 has not been approved by the member
Deter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
September 3, 2009
Re: Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield - MassHighway Project # 605605,
Interchange Improvements I-93/I-95
Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner:
On behalf of the Massachusetts Highway Department, I, am writing to inform you that
MassHighway's Project Review Committee has evaluated the subject project and determined
that it is eligible for Federal Aid STP funding. This determination is based on an estimated
construction cost of $276,000,000 MassHighway will now begin the project development
process for this project.
It should be noted that Project Review Committee approval is not a commitment of state
or federal funding to the project. MassHighway, in conjunction with the Boston
Metropolitan Planning Organization, continually evaluates transportation needs and
priorities. We will keep you informed of the project's progress, and will involve you in any
key decisions related to the project scope, any right-of-way impacts, possible environmental
concerns, traffic management plans, or anything else as warranted. You can monitor this
project's progress by utilizing the project information system available to the public through
MassHighway's web site at www.mhd.state.ma.us/oroiectinfo. You may also contact this
District office for more information.
Thank you for your support for transportation system improvements. If you have any
questions, or would like additional information, please contact me, or Diane Madden, the
Project Manager, at (617) 973-7477.
Patricia A. Leavenworth, P.E.
District Highway Director
TELEPHONE: (617) 973-7800 • TELEFAX: (617)-.973=8040 • TDD: (617) 973-7306 •WW.MHD.STATE.MA.US
cc: Luisa Paiewonsky, Commissioner
Frank A. Tramontozzi, P.E., Chief Engineer
Mark Guenard, EOT Office of Transportation Planning
Project Review Committee
Hayes Morrison, CTPS
Frank Suszynski, DPDE
Diane Madden, Environmental Services
TELEPHONE: (617) 973-7800 • TELEFAX: (617) 973-8040 • TDD: (617) 973-7306 •WW.MHD.STATE.MA.US