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2005-03-29 Board of Selectmen Handout
TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, March 29, 2005 ♦ For the first time in Reading's history, we have topped $1 million in snow and ice control costs for a single year. We will get some FEMA reimbursement for some of the costs of the January blizzard, and also hope to get some state funding. ♦ The Wood End working group has had 3 meetings and is meeting again on April 1. The discussions and cooperative attitude are excellent. ♦ Election - April 5 at Addison Wesley. 7 am Ill 8 PM. Plenty of parking. s The proposed Charter Amendments will be on the ballot, and there has been a mailing in advance of the election. Town Meeting - April 25, 28, May 2, 5; ♦ April 1- morning - fifth grade Town Meeting at RMHS Auditorium ♦ Compost Center re-opens April 1 - full schedule on town web site and RCTV o Rabies clinic April 2 - cats and dogs - DPW garage - 2 to 4 PM; $10 ♦ Coolidge Middle School Spelling Bee - April 2; 2 PM o YCC -mailed this week; Thanks to Calereso's and Harrows for sponsoring ♦ Smoking enforcement - no violations for second time in a row s Volunteers needed to participate in the update o f Reading's Open Space and Recreation Master Plan - Kickoff meeting April 6 at 7:30 PM at Town Hall ♦ Route 128/193 Task Force is meeting I Reading on Wednesday afternoon - 4:30 at Parker Middle school. There is a lot of email correspondence in your packets tonight on this matter. ♦ Representative Brad Jones called today and indicated that the T has withdrawn the bid for the sale of the former Mishwam Station site until the 128/193 Task force and consultants can determine the site's viability for some of the solution to the 128/193 issues. ♦ I have asked Town counsel to hire an outside researcher to determine what heirs there may be to the donors of Memorial Park so that we can determine whether we need a petition of cy pres or whether we can get heirs to sign off on the Memorial Park uses. We have taken and awarded bids for the reconstruction of Summer Avenue from Woburn to Main, including drainage, curb, and sidewalk. We will keep the community informed once we have a construction schedule. The School Committee has approved the lighting of the RMHS "varsity" field, if the funds can be raised privately. 3 ELLEN L. AWSPROCOLA MJ,4P ZZ7 LOT 21 RICHARD & XAR£N N/COINS MARAN & A,00 `MP ZZ7 LOP22 NOREEN RYAN 00 AlWP 227 LOT Z3 yh R=25,00 R- O ms's 00 L 35 36 L=39.27 d=90""00'00" L=164.52 4 =/97320. . ",4-350.'0'0 Q=054777 - N2403'>O E' 745.85 L-176.96 Jg R 4 ~A S(qN '41' R 504 O.,6 5T52'. - 6 , 00 rL= D=05'47:37' L_f'!l F ,2500 207,_70 R-300. 00 R =2 '22 0 . . 'L=30.33 VV403'IOz- 145'6 5 t ,=13'0406- 0 p 'b ' R-550 D0 L=12545 ti h 4ti 4 ~ GORGE B. OLYON , MAP 227 GOP 3 .I i OOMALO LINDA 1.. .yrRP ZZ7 4; N GARY SORAK MAP 227 &r25 i"" JOE L. WILSON AwQSON CONSTANCE MARTIN i f ROE3ERT E JC comNoL YN© LE-SL! VARNEY CIRCZE R~25.00 4=>>C70~O„ 20 rV78:y5ao,' - 67.90 L -2 t. 03 p 48 7 1'2J jq~ O R=25.00 a =1 p p =90 00'00» [ n V .3583j 000" .N J~ 5=688Q NT8 3530'E 6790 ~ 0. d F.1ed with Date:_ - N73os4\ 2g" ~4• ~6' yY FOR` S R,ss 6.22 8 S9' SrReFT NJF FRESCO #33 FOREST ST. R~S66> 8 S9 L=8.13 R=20.00 oz z~ S 04°47'41 " E L=7.67 6~ l J~ ~v sbdh (fnd) 0 `V F 93 E 9 MAMARY P 1 95 PA86CAIN MAP KENNETH MAP 95 PAR G"LL 25 JOHN C. MAP 95 RCCAIN R=2~ oo KENNY 111 L=S7 J1 21 „ 00 55. R=_245•z8 MAP 93 Q 255 5121 „ PARCEL 24 CANOC'950 577-27'00 E 189. 63 ME END Y DIFI VE ,V77-27'00'W 210-05 j,,V77-27'00'W 0^ ARC-LL 18 MAP 9Hp CAIN 77.37 MAP 95 PARCEL 5A OAV10 SORABELLA MICHELE R• Q"4 V ad Q N MAP 186 PARCEL 28 H. B. DEVELOPMENT CORP. A =92740102" t., 8=25.00 L=40.43 ~N) 1 N33'4855W 1 1 MAP 186 PARCEL 2C H. B. DE/EL OPMENT CORP. A = 46'34'03" R=25.00 L=20.32 93.06 - R=780. 00 L =53.05 'n, =03""53'50 CIRCLE FOSTER h 1. o wl. I p=90'00'00" R-25.00 L=39.27 p = 46 34 03 R=25.00 L=20.32 MAP 186 PARCEL 2A V H. 5 DEVEL OPMEIVT CORP. V 9 r1i ti V 0 0 A =03'53'50" R==720. 00 • - 94.00 L=48-97 L =273"08'06 R=55.00 L=262.1,9 MAP 186 PARCEL 2E H. B. DEVEL OPMEIVT CORP. MAP 186 f H. B. DEVEL G AP 221 P 2214 0 yo° 1 P 22 p RCEL 13 MAP 221 PARCEL 12 MAP 221 R~175.00 PARCEL t1A L03 R_ 175.00; L_56.03 R--90.00, L_76.68 ,f MAP 222 PARCEL 134 R~3t.36' %"t MAP 222 PARCEL 11 L_49.66' i Z57750.19 E j y3.65' 1 1 ! 1 1 / O N77 50'19'W t ;t aW J 139.85 R~25.00; i :P 222 L_-56.17 R-30Q.Q0' 12 PARCEL L=6.00' o MAP 221 so PARCEL 15 88.88' ` r 12245' 262-62' 51.29' _ ST258'41 E" 50' LYNN yqLLAGE WAY !91.90' 140.Ofi' MAP r N7258'41 "W ! 25.80, ARCEL2f7 R_13 26 h~fly~fl,30.77 t R~140.00' ! N7739., vbo 1 L--33.07 70.2 MAP 221 l PARCEL 16 MAP 224 RL=25.Q 28.41' ~ PARCEL w i rn *i 1RaV P'P c ~ r ~N srnNF Page 1 of 1 C, ~dS Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Fiore, Jane Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 5:05 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: tobacco sale compliance Peter, Just an update Reading's second quarter this year with no sales of tobacco to minors. We are certainly improving. Jane 3/28/2005 cieLr MMA Action Alert #2: March 28, 2005 L_~, I ~I Tell Legislators: Gov.'s Fiscal 2006 Local Aid Plan Inadequate State Must Invest in Cities and Towns to Fund Services, Ease. Property Tax Burden CITIES AND TOWNS NEED A LOCAL AID LIFELINE FOR '2006 BUDGETS It is strikingly clear that municipalities are facing their worst year yet. Over the past 2 months, city and town officials have tried to balance local budgets using the local aid numbers included in the fiscal 2006 budget recommendation (House One) filed by the Governor. Major budget shortfalls are commonplace and more municipal and school. aid is necessary to help local government recover from the deep local aid cuts of the past several years and to stem growing over-reliance on the prbperty tax. ' Public hearings on the Governor's budget have ended and legislative budget committees are preparing. their budget bills'for debate, with the House scheduled to consider the budget on April 25. It is imperative that you use the next two weeks to tell legislators of the extent of your budget challenges, and to publicly call for their support for additional municipal and school aid. ra Please remind your legislators that local aid was cut by more than $500 million from fiscal 2 to fiscal 2004, including deep cuts in Additional Assistance, Lottery distributions and Chapter' school aid. The cuts led to huge layoffs (14,500 positions.have been eliminated statewide) and pr%erty tax increases,(MTF estimates at least $3.30 million a year). While the Governor has proposed an iraease in Lottery distributions next year (and the start of 'a 5-year schedule to end the diversion), House O% would still keep an.estimated $134 million in local Lottery revenues to balance the state's fiscal 20@6 budget, and Additional Assistance cuts would stay in place. Overall Chapter 70 school aid would i33 increase slightly under the Governor's plan, but the increases would only go to a small number of Mh6ol districts (109 of 328 school districts). Two-thirds of the districts' would not receive an additional penny, and most districts would face fiscal 2006 with school aid levels up to. 20 percent lower than in fiscal 2003. The spiking property tax burden is a major statewide issue. The property tax has increased to almost 54% of total municipal revenues statewide according to preliminary state data for fiscal. 2005, while Cherry Sheet state aid has decreased to 24%. This local reliance on the property tax is higher than any year since fiscal 1982 -property tax reliance is at a 23 year high. Chapter 70 school aid covered 41% of actual "net school spending" in fiscal 2002 but has dropped to an estimated 37% this year, apout the same level as in fiscal 1997. Please tell your legislators what's happening in your community. Call on your legislators to support the following local aid increases being advocated by the MMA: • Phasing out the Lottery diversion over 2 years (providing $55 million more than House One); • Restoring 25% of the Additional Assistance cuts that hit 159 localities ($24 million); and • Ensuring that every city & town receives an increase in Chapter 70 above fiscal `05 as follows: The highest of 3 options: a) $50 dollars per student; b) restoring 50% of the lost Ch. 70 aid below fiscal 2,003 levels; or c) House One (total adds $69 million above House One). Please call your legislators today and have them pledge to support these vital local aid increases above House One. Ask your legislators to contact the Ways and Means Committees and their leadership and go on record calling for a local aid lifeline. Without their support, this will be the worst year yet for local budgets, local services and local property taxes. 'Please contact the MM4 's Legislative Division for more information and to share information!. Call or e-mail MM4 Deputy Legislative Director John Robertson (at john_robertson@mma.org).. Massachusetts Municipal Association, Sixty Temple Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02111; (617) 426-7272 C - tO GARY S. BRACKETT ELAINE M. LUCAS JOAN E. LANGSAM M. YVONNE GONZALEZ*. JAMES T. MASTERALEXIS STEVEN C. FLETCHER** ELLEN CALLAHAN DOUCETTE DONNA GORSHEL COHEN HEATHER C. WHITE *Also Admitted in CT **Also Admitted in ME and CO BRACKETT & LUCAS COUNSELORS AT LAW 19 CEDAR STREET WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS 01609 508-799-9739 Fax 508-799-9799 WINCHESTER 01-FICE 165 WASHINGTON STREET WINCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS 01890 781-729-1500 Fax 781-729-5444 E-Mail:JeLangsam@BrackettLucas.com Please respond to the Winchester office March 25, 2005 Ann Marie Roark, Esq. 229 Billerica Road Chelmsford, MA. 01824 NQ Re: Town of Reading/Search of Heirs FS Dear Attorney Roark: o As per our discussion the Town of Reading has authorized Brackett and Lucas to engage you to. locate the living heirs of the grantors of a gift of land to the Town of Reading by Mary E. Temple, et al, dated February 10, 1917. The Town needs to locate such heirs in order to obtain a release of a deed restriction. The Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner has authorized me to engage you up to the sum of $1000 at which time we can review your progress. I have enclosed for your review and to assist you in beginning the title process, a copy of the deed of land into Reading and a copy of a Release deed executed in 1953. I have also enclosed a memo from a Reading •esidelit, Peggy White who-,has commenced some research on her own concerning the heirs. I thought this information might be helpful. In general the facts are as follows: On January 8. 1917, the Town of Reading voted to accept the parcel of land known as Memorial Park. The land was originally owned by Melvina B. Parker and Edith B. Parker and was conveyed to Mary E. Temple on January 19, 1917. The grantors of the deed to the Town were, Mary E. Temple, May Louise Temple, Lucia L..(Temple) Crocker, Frances A. Batchelder, Clara C. Pierce and Harvey S. Crocker. In 1953 the Town desired to construct a pool on the property and therefore located the living heirs of the grantors who executed a release of certain deed restrictions: l hope this information is helpful. ti Page 1 of 2 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Frey, Bob (MHD) [Bob.Frey@state.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:21 AM To: Corey, John; Marquis, Rick; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul; Curran, John; DiBlasi, Joe; Durrant, Ian; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; 'Gallerani, Michael; Grover, Robert; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley; Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Motter, Andrew; Natale, Patrick; Rogers, Maureen A.; Smith, Susan; Sodano, Paul; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard; Webster, Bill; Woelfel, Steve Cc: Beaudoin, Carla; Blaustein, Joan; Burggraff, Mary; Callan, Melissa; Christello, Tricia; Cooke, Don; Dame, Chris; DiZoglio, Dennis; Draisen, Mark; Dwyer, Margaret; Edwards, Adriel; Florino, Ron; Frey, Bob; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Town Manager; Lucas, Barbara; Mauriello, Lauren; McKinnon, Anne; Mcvann, John; Miller, Kenneth; O'Rourke, Carmen; Purdy, Jim; Reilly, Chris; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Van Magness, Frederick; Wood, Gail Subject: FW: another Mishawum Letter Greetings Task Force Members, Here is another quick update on the potential sale of the Mishawum property in Woburn: Again in the interests of open and timely communication, we have another letter to forward. This one is from Representative Bradley Jones (see below). We will review all correspondence and have a full discussion of the situation at tomorrow's meeting. Thanks, Bob Bob Frey Manager of Statewide Planning Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frey@state.ma.us -----Original Message----- From: Burggraff, Mary (HOU) Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:25 AM To: Frey, Bob (MHD) Subject: Mishawum Letter Hi Bob, I was wondering if you could e-mail the attached letter to the ITF distribution list prior to tomorrow's meeting. It is a letter from Representative Jones regarding the Mishawum Commuter Rail Station property. Thank you, Mary Mary A. Burggraff Legislative Aide Representative Bradley H. Jones, Jr. 3/29/2005 G ~ x ~d State BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER The Commonwealth of Massachusetts House, Boston, Mitt Romney, Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts The State House, Room 360 Boston, MA 02133 House of Representatives MA 02133-1054 20TH MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING - NORTH READING LYNNFIELD - MIDDLETON ROOM 124 TEL. (617) 722-2100 Rep. Bradl eyknes@ho u. state, me. us March 22, 2005 Daniel A. Grabauskas, Secretary Executive Office of Transportation Commonwealth of Massachusetts 10 Park Plaza, Suite 3170 Boston, MA 02116 Michael Mulhern, General Manager Douglas I. Foy, Secretary Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Office for Commonwealth Development State Transportation Building Commonwealth of Massachusetts 10 Park Plaza 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1010 Boston, MA 02116 Boston, MA 02114 Dear Governor Romney, Secretary Grabauskas, Secretary Foy and G.M. Mulhern: Through my involvement in the I-93/I-95 Interchange Transportation Study Task Force ("ITF"), I have recently become aware of proposals for the sale or disposition of the Mishawum Commuter Rail Station in the City of Woburn. I am writing to express my concern that such a transfer of property at this time would be detrimental to the efforts of the ITF and potentially could shift a disproportionate responsibility for resolving issues identified by the ITF, onto the Town of Reading and its residents. For these reasons, I am urging you to continue efforts to study the state's use of the Mishawum property within the scope of the ITF and to delay final decisions on disposition of the land until the ITF's potential need for the property is fully known. My involvement in the interchange project stems back to the inception of the ITF several years ago. The ITF was created because residents in the vicinity of the I-93/1-95 interchange were taken by surprise when MassHighway released conceptual plans for redesign of the highway. Of particular concern was the fact that MassHighway's plans included the possibility of substantial residential land takings in several different communities, including the Town of Reading, and had been proposed with what residents perceived to be a lack of adequate public notice and community involvement. Since its creation, the ITF has been instrumental in bringing 6 stakeholders together to conduct research and have informed discussions about the project, encouraging a result which is sensitive to transportation needs and neighborhood concerns alike. This is a great example of the state working together with local officials for the greater good. I have consistently praised.the Administration, and in particular officials at MassHighway for their dedication to the ITF and its processes. With the ITF now fully engrossed in its work and proceeding rapidly toward conclusions about the future of highway design at one of the state's busiest transportation intersections, I am more hopeful than ever that the ITF's mission will be successful. I also have a strong interest in seeing that the ITF is not sidetracked in its work. It was with these thoughts in mind that I became very concerned to hear of plans discussed at the most recent ITF meeting related to the potential disposition or sale of the Mishawum property. The information I have received tends to indicate there might have been a lack of coordination between state agencies with an interest or potential interest in the property and the public when it was first slated for transfer. If so, I would find the process troublesome because it is contrary to the standard polling procedure for surplus property, and it also would run against principles of public notice and involvement which serve as the underpinnings of the ITF. More importantly, I am worried that if the state were to abandon its interest in the Mishawum property it would eliminate the potential to use the land as part of the solution for problems at the I-93/I- 95 interchange, thereby narrowing the range of options available to the state. This raises concerns not only as to the effectiveness of solutions which could be considered by the ITF and implemented at the interchange, but also as to the possibility that the locus of solutions would be shifted away from the City of Woburn (given the lack of available property) and toward other communities, including the Town of Reading. Aside from basic issues of fairness, this result would potentially increase reliance on residential land takings instead of the use of surplus state property to satisfy land needs for redesign of the interchange, which I believe to be contrary to the best interests of residents and the state as a whole. Many of these issues are more fully documented in correspondence from the Town of Reading dated March 14, 2005 which was sent to. your offices by local officials under separate cover and is incorporated herein by reference. I have been advised it is the intent of the Administration to place plans for the Mishawum property on hold pending review of the situation by the ITF and consultation with area officials. I would support such efforts and appreciate the stakeholders' decision to proceed slowly and with appropriate community involvement. I am convinced the ITF is the best forum for such assessment and decision-making because of its expansive and inclusive nature, involving both a wide range of state agencies and representatives of each of the affected communities. Ultimately, it remains my hope and request that final decisions regarding the Mishawum property will be delayed until the ITF can fully assess and resolve the potential need to use portions of the Mishawum land for redesign of the interchange and related transit purposes. Thank you for your consideration of these comments and for your continued attention to the needs of the Town of Reading and surrounding communities with respect to the interchange project and the disposition of the Mishawum property. Should I be in a position to assist you with this matter or to bring state and local officials together to discuss plans and land use needs, the resources of my office are at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 114a Bradley H. Jones, Jr. Minority Leader Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Camille Anthony [canthony@cdmtitle.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:57 PM To: Frey, Bob (MHD); Corey, John; Marquis, Rick; Schubert, Rick; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul; Curran, John; DiBlasi, Joe; Durrant, Ian; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; Gallerani, Michael; Grover, Robert; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley; Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Molter, Andrew; Natale, Patrick; Rogers, Maureen A.; Smith, Susan; Sodano, Paul; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard; Webster, Bill; Woelfel, Steve Cc: Beaudoin, Carla; Blaustein, Joan;. Burggraff, Mary; Callan, Melissa; Christello, Tricia; Cooke, Don; Dame, Chris; DiZoglio, Dennis; Draisen, Mark; Dwyer, Margaret; Edwards, Adriel; Florino, Ron; Frey, Bob; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Town Manager; Lucas, Barbara; Mauriello, Lauren; McKinnon, Anne; Mcvann, John; Miller, Kenneth; O'Rourke, Carmen; Purdy, Jim; Reilly, Chris; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Van Magness, Frederick; Wood, Gail Subject: Re: review data for meeting I guess my question is: Why aren't we using the data from 2001? Camille Anthony Original Message From: "Frey, Bob (MHD)" <Bob.Frey@state.ma.us> To: " Corey, John" <jcorey@ci.woburn.ma.us>; " Marquis, Rick" <rick.marquis@fhwa.dot.gov>; " Schubert, Rick" <rick schubert@harvard.edu>; "Anthony, Camille" <canthony@cdmtitle.com>; "Barnes, Jonathan" <jebarnes@mit.edu>; "Bruen, Darlene" <bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net>; "Casey, Paul" <rep.paulcasey@hou.state.ma.us>; "Curran, John" <jcurran@ci.woburn_ma.us>; "DiBlasi, Joe" <rnrchambercom@aol.com>; "Durrant, Ian" <Ian.Durrant@state.ma.us>; "Everson, Jeff" <CnJ4@aol.com>; "Festa, Mike" <rep.mikefesta@hou.state.ma.us>; "Gallagher, Jim" <jgallagher@mapc.org>; "Gallerani, Michael" <mgallerani@ci.stoneham.ma.us>; "Grover, Robert" <rgrover@ci.stoneham.ma.us>; "Hamblin, Eileen" <ehamblin@aol.com>; "Havern, Robert" <rhavern@senate.state.ma.us>; "Jones, Bradley" <rep.bradleyjones@hou.state.ma.us>; "Katsoufis, George" <g-r@comcast.net>; "Kennedy, Anthony" <anthonykennedy@comcast.net>; "Kinsman, Art" <akinsman@aaasne.com>; "Leiner, Craig" <cleiner@massport.com>; "Meaney, Paul" <woburnbusiness@earthlink.net>; "Medeiros, Paul" <paulderman@prodigy.net>; "Motter, Andrew" <andy.motter@fta.dot.gov>; "Natale, Patrick" <rep.patricknatale@hou.state.ma.us>; "Rogers, Maureen A." <maureen@northsuburbanchamber.com>; "Smith, Susan" <sueandmikes@comcast.net>; "Sodano, Paul" <psodano@stonesav.com>; "Stinson, Richard" <rstinson@wakefield.ma.us>; "Sullivan, Dan" <dansullivan@assetleasing.com>; "Tarallo, Ed" <etarallo@ci.woburn.ma.us>; "Tisei, Richard" <rtisei@senate.state.ma.us>; "Webster, Bill" <billwhome@juno.com>; "Woelfel, Steve" <swoelfel@mbta.com> Cc: "Beaudoin, Carla" <carla.beaudoin@hou.state.ma.us>; "Blaustein, Joan" <jblaustein@mapc.org>; "Burggraff, Mary" <mary.burggraff@hou.state.ma.us>; "Callan, Melissa" <melissa.callan@hou.state.ma.us>; "Christello, Tricia" <tricia@lynchassociates.net>; "Cooke, Don" <dcooke@vhb.com>; "Dame, Chris" <cdame@rcn.com>; "DiZoglio, Dennis" <ddizoglio@mbta.com>; "Draisen, Mark" <mdraisen@mapc.org>; "Dwyer, Margaret" <Margaret.Dwyer@state.ma.us>; "Edwards, Adriel" <Adriel.Edwards@state.ma.us>; "Florino, Ron" <rflorino@ci.stoneham.ma.us>; "Frey, Bob" <Bob.Frey@state.ma.us>; "Grzegorzewski, Josh" <Joshua.Grzegorzewski@fhwa.dot.gov>; "Hechenbleikner, Peter" <townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us>; "Lucas, Barbara" <blucas@mapc.org>; "Mauriello, Lauren" <Lauren.Mauriello@state.ma.us>; "McKinnon, Anne" <amckinnon@hshassoc.com>; "Mcvann, John" <John.Mcvann@fhwa.dot.gov>; "Miller, Kenneth" <Kenneth.Miller@state.ma.us>; "O'Rourke, Carmen" <carmen.o'rourke@hou.state.ma.us>; "Purdy, Jim" <jpurdy@louisberger.com>; "Reilly, Chris" <creilly@ci.reading.ma.us>; "Schwartz, Bill" <wschwartz@neighborhoodamerica.com>; "Stein, Kathy" <kstein@hshassoc.com>; "Van Magness, Frederick" <frederick.vanmagness@hou.state.ma.us>; "Wood, Gail" <mossywood@juno.com> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 6:58 PM Subject: review data for meeting > Greetings Task Force Members: > Attached for your review is a set > 1997-99 and 1999-01. > <<interchange stats.xls>> > This data is similar to what was and at of interchange data for the periods handed out at the March 5th workshop > the last data subcommittee meeting, but with revisions and clarifications. > We will go over this in more detail at Wednesday's meeting. > Thanks, > - Bob > Bob Frey > Manager of Statewide Planning > Office of Transportation Planning > Massachusetts Executive Office of > (611) 973-7449 > bob.frey@state.ma.us Transportation 2 Page 1 of 2 Hechenblefter, Peter From: Camille Anthony [canthony@cdmtitle.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 3:08 PM To: cnj4@aol.com; Bob. Frey@state.ma.us; jcorey@ci.woburn.ma.us; rick.marquis@fhwa.dot.gov; Schubert, Rick; jebarnes@mit.edu; bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net; rep. paulcasey@hou.state. ma. us; jcurran@ci.woburn.ma.us; rnrchambercom@aol.com; Ian.Durrant@state.ma.us; rep.mikefesta@hou.state.ma.us; jgallagher@mapc.org; mgallerani@ci.stoneham.ma.us; rgrover@ci.stoneham.ma.us; ehamblin@aol.com; rhavern@senate.state.ma.us; rep. bradleyjones@hou.state.ma.u s; g-r@comcast.net; anthonykennedy@comcast.net; akinsman@aaasne.com; cleiner@massport.com; woburnbusiness@earthlink.net; paulderman@prodigy.net; andy.motter@fta.dot.gov; rep. patricknatale@hou.state. ma.us; maureen@northsuburbanchamber.com; sueandmikes@comcast.net; psodano@stonesav.com; rstinson@wakefield.ma.us; dansullivan@assetleasing.com; etarallo@ci.woburn.ma.us; rtisei@senate.state. ma.us; billwhome@juno.com; swoelfel@mbta.com Cc: Cmcconville@globe.com; carla.beaudoin@hou.state.ma.us; jblaustein@mapc.org; mary.burggraff@hou.state.ma.us; melissa.callan@hou.state.ma.us; tricia@lynchassociates.net; dcooke@vhb.com; cdame@rcn.com; ddizoglio@mbta.com; mdraisen@mapc.org; Margaret.Dwyer@state.ma.us; Adriel.Edwards@state.ma.us; rflorino@ci.stoneham.ma.us; Joshua.Grzegorzewski@fhwa.dot.gov; Town Manager; blucas@mapc.org; Lauren. Mauriello@state.ma.us; amckinnon@hshassoc.com; John.Mcvann@fhwa.dot.gov; Kenneth. Miller@state. ma. us; carmen.o'rourke@hou.state.ma.us; jpurdy@louisberger.com; Reilly, Chris; wschwartz@neighborhoodamerica.com; kstein@hshassoc.com; frederick.vanmagness@hou.state.ma.us; Wood, Gail Subject: Re: CRASH RATE FORMULA Question: Has the data subcommittee met since our last meeting? Camille Original Message From: cni40.aol.com To: Bob. Frev(astate.ma.us ; icorev aa..ci.woburn.ma.us ; rick.marauisO.fhwa.dot.aov ; rick schubertO-harvard.edu ; canthonv(ocdmtitle.com ; iebarnes(cDmit.edu ; bruen-n-bruenO.comcast.net; reD.gaulcasevOhou.state. ma.us ; icurranO..ci.woburn.ma.us ; rnrchambercomO..aol.com ; Ian. DurrantcOstate.ma.us ; req.mikefesta(c hou.state.ma.us ; jgallaaher(o)-maoc.orq, ; maallerani cr.ci.stoneham.ma.us ; rarover cDci.stoneham.ma.us ; ehamblin(a~aol.com ; rhavern(a)senate.state. ma.us ; reD.brad leviones(cDhou.state. ma.us ; a-rO.comcast.net ; anthonvkennedvO..comcast.net; akinsman(oaaasne.com ; cleiner0massoort.com ; woburnbusiness(cDearthlink.net ; Daulderman(ftrodiav.net ; andv.motter(cr~.fta.dot.aov ; req. DatricknataleOhou. state. ma. us ; maureen0-northsuburbanchamber. com ; sueandmikes ..comcast.net ; psodanoO.stonesav.com ; rstinsonO.wakefield.ma.us ; dansullivan(&assetleasina.com ; etaralloa.ci.woburn.ma.us ; rtiseiO..senate.state. ma.us ; billwhome a(7.iuno.com ; swoelfel(cDmbta.com Cc: CmcconvilleOalobe. com ; carla.beaudoin ..hou.state. ma.us ; iblausteinemaDC.orq ; marv. bu raa raff0hou. state. ma. us; melissa.callan(Dhou.state.ma.us ; tricia ..lvnchassociates.net ; dcookeO-vhb.com ; cdamea-rcn.com ; ddizoalioO-mbta.com ; mdraisenO.maoc.orq ; Maraaret.Dwvere.state.ma.us ; Adriel.Edwards(dstate.ma.us ; rflorino ..ci.stoneham.ma.us ; Joshua. GrzeaorzewskiO.fhwa.dot.oov ; townmanaaer(&ci.readina.ma.us ; blucas ..maoc.ora_ ; Lauren. Mauriello0state. ma. us; amckinnonD-hshassoc.com ; John. Mcvanno.fhwa.dot.aov Kenneth. Miller0state. ma. us ; carmen.o'rourke(cDhou.state. ma.us ; iourdvMouisberaer.com ; creillv0.ci.readina.ma.us ; wschwartzO..neiahborhoodamerica.com ; kstein(ahshassoc.com ; frederick.van maanessahou. state. ma. us ; mossvwood(cr)iuno.com Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2:21 PM Subject: CRASH RATE FORMULA 2 3/29/2005 Page 2 of 2 Bob, The formula you selected for crash rate calculations is inadequate. It does not distinguish between crash frequency (i.e., number of crashes per time), crash rate (number of crashes per million entering vehicles) and crash severity. All three rates can be added to obtain a total score that is then used as an index to assess crash problem area. See the following link that discusses this in detail. httD://www.odot.state.or.us/traffic/PDF/Safety/SPIS%20Brochure. Ddf The Oregon DOT uses these rates as the basis for a Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) to identify potential problems on state highway. This SPIS method has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and uses the rates identified above. According to the Oregon DOT, these rates are calculated per each 0.1 mile roadway segment. Based on my paper sent to you on Monday, it is highly unlikely that much of your accident data can be located to that level of precision. In summary, you pulled a formula out of thin air with no discussion. Further, you don't have enough decent accident data to use in this formulation. Also, you have not yet addressed the question on how many years of accident data are needed to adequately characterize the current condition of the interchange. Moreover, you have not stated how complete/accurate accident data ought to be to support various interchange redesign concepts. Please don't defer these issues for a subsequent engineering study (assuming that one is needed). You folks have been at this interchange for at least 8 years. We don't need another subcommittee. We need some straight talk on these issues. I'm sure that the US Inspector General will want to know. Regards, Jeff Jeffrey H. Everson, Ph.D. Principal Investigator, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Member: PRESERVE, I93/95 Task Force 21 Pine Ridge Circle, Reading, MA 01867 781-944-3632 (home); 781-684-4247 (work); cni4aa.aol.com ~z 3/29/2005 I want to thank the Board for this opportunity on the occasion of my last meeting in a 15 year succession of meetings to thank some folks who helped and supported me before and during my a tenure as a Selectman and for the opportunity to make a few observations. First and foremost, I have to use this public forum to thank my family, and especially my wife who put up with all the time I spent away from family and homestead obligations, all the rushed or missed meals, all the late nights, the working Saturdays and the absence from family and school events. Thank-you. The next priority thank-you has to be to the voters of Reading who gave me this opportunity and kept returning me to the job. Despite the litany of things I thanked my wife for putting up with; I truly loved this job and want the people who gave it to me to know how much I appreciated the opportunity. I also have to thank the Board members I served with over the years for maintaining a standard of civility and cooperation that should be an example for all the Boards commissions and committees to follow. I will admit that there were times perhaps when my own demeanor came close to crossing the line but it was only out of frustration in trying to do the right thing for the town. I want to thank my parents for providing me with a great foundation of values that I could bring to public service and I want to thank some our great contemporary leaders like John and Robert Kennedy, and M. L. King for giving me the inspiration to participate in the public arena and hopefully make a positive difference. I guess the final thanks would be to Peter, his management team, Paula and all the town employees present and past for doing a wonderful job in support of the policies and initiatives the Board established, they truly made us look as if we knew what we were doing most of the time. As part of making this my last forum I want to say to the voters that during my tenure on the Board I had the opportunity to serve with a number of other Selectmen who I think number around 10 or 12 different individuals. During my 15 years I can honestly report that I never detected a single sign of motivation from any of the other Selectmen that they were involved for any reason other than to do the best possible job and achieve the best possible outcome for the town of Reading. I can honestly say that, even though there wasn't a single one of whom I agreed with on every single issue and hope you will be reassured by this observation as issues or events directly effect you despite what has become in this country a steadily increasing skepticism about the motivations of public officials. None of us should be so naive as to think this does not occur but this witness can assure you that in Reading you have consistently put your municipal leadership in good hands. In order to effectively perform as Chief Elected Officials Selectmen can't be single issue or single sector motivated. We are entrusted with providing leadership for the entire community and we have to do so as a team. As one of five Selectmen we cannot individually control the direction of policy. So while some of us may have had leading interests or even constituencies, I have never seen a Selectman make an issue an overriding motivation that drove them to vote or behave in a way that was in any way unethical or detrimental to the community. My hope is that the future will see that spirit of motivation continue as the voters select future citizens to fill these seats and as they select fellow citizens to fill other elected positions. I am pleased that the town has been able to accomplish so much in fifteen years and to have been able to be a part of so many positive things. The positive and admirable character of this community is so evident to most observers but it never so evident as it is during such events as the 350th celebration or the Imagination Station project that standout to me as such great milestone events. As great as those moments were I'm sure we can all come up with many more events great and small that can be offered of evidence of the great character of this community. I am also confident that if ever we are faced with some of the truly devastating tragedies created by nature or man that have befallen other places, the spirit and character of our people will come together to prevail and heal. I hope everyone, elected official, appointed volunteer, interested participant or concerned spectator will ponder on the spirit and strength I have talked about and let that be their guiding principle in their voting, their participation or even just their daily living in this great community. I won't leave this position telling you that there haven't been events or outcomes that I have been disappointed in, and although the successes and positives I have seen, been and integral part of or observed far outweigh the negatives, it is always enormously sad to witness the tearing down of an individual, an institution or a building toward no good end and those occasions can leave lasting impressions. As we go forward as a community we should be on guard to prevent such incidents from occurring. The opportunities you citizens of Reading have given me to participate in the leadership of our great town and to be witness to so many things that have enriched my life and I hope I have repaid that generosity by making a positive contribution. It has been so rewarding to witness the many improvements the community has made but also to see the growth and achievements or our citizens. I have seen the towns effort to improve, result in a strengthening downtown and the commerce that makes it so vital, an improved Depot area, preservation and respect for our past, finally fruition of the 30 plus year effort to develop of our former landfill as a tax producing asset, constant addition of sidewalks and the beginnings of a road improvement program, development and protection of our capital assets including investment in building maintenance and manpower studies to understand our public safety staffing needs. I have seen young people including my own sons come up through our great schools and youth programs to achieve so much intellectually, athletically and artistically and become parents, productive members of the work force and even sworn in as public safety officers. I swell with pride as I think of these things we have achieved and humbly express my gratitude once again for being allowed to play whatever small part I may have played in these achievements. All of this may sound like I am riding off into the sunset but I am too committed and have been too involved to quit cold turkey. I will be remaining in Town Meeting if the voters of my precinct are willing, I am offering the Board to continue as their representative to the positions on the Hospital Development committee and the Ice Arena Board of directors if that is their pleasure and while I am closing this chapter of my involvement no one should be surprised if I surface in some other not as involved capacity. Thank-you for your indulgence tonight, God Bless you and God bless America! ;f SIGN-IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: NAME ADDRESS (Please print) i (B.U ~ Pfy DGU~SLO ~ c.2 ~ ~1_t G I1--t I-Z, t .1 ,~11G1. h ( J. ~~7 c I91Adh- -3°7 t 4 c r tp' y