HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-06 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, September 06, 2005 0 0 New flags in downtown are installed, thanks to the Reading Fire Department, and Fire Alarm operator Peter Vincent Today was the Ist day of school in Reading, and Town staff have worked with the School Department on a couple of thorny issues. All in all things seemed to work well, given the large turnout of parents taking their elementary school students to school for the first day. Things will settle down. All drivers need to be reminded to drive cautiously in the school zones. ♦ RMHS - new access and parking issues related to the school construction ♦ Wood End School - first year as a neighborhood school ♦ Joshua Eaton School - Summer Avenue construction I have received a status report on Memorial Park, and much of it was reported in the Globe this weekend. I have authorized an additional $1000 to continue and hopefully complete the search for heirs. The Board has received the new Monthly Reports from Town staff. Any feedback? Water restrictions - attached is a status report on enforcement from the Police Department. Also attached is a record of water use since the restrictions went into place on August 12. Site walk - September 10, 9 am. Board of Selectmen Forum September 13, 7:30 PM. The Board of Selectmen has asked that we preview future agendas, and get material to the Board longer ahead of time than the weekend before the meeting at which the issue is to be addressed. September 10 Site Walk Chute Street neighborhood Water Treatment Plant locations. September 13, 2005 - BOS Forum 9/20/2005 - WORKSHOP MEETING Master Plan presentation Traffic Issues - Avalon Stop sign, others 0 September 27, 2005 lReview action status report Appointments - Council on Aging; Substance Abuse loose STM Warrant 0 Hechenblefter, Peter From: Avery, Vicki Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:30 AM To: Cormier, Jim Subject: water ban info Chief - The results are: first call/complaint received - 8/12 12 calls for service 3 - no violation noticed by officer 1 - well water in use 8 - violations - officer spoke to someone in all cases, advising them of the bylaw & penalties. Information logged and forwarded to DPW for compilation of warning list. 0 - money fines issued by the RPD Hope this helps.... -Vicld m Pumpage Before & After Restrictions In Effect July 28th to Sept. 5th 3.00 - 2.95 2.90 ~8no 2.85 r, 2.80 2.75 7/30 8/7 2.70 - 2.65 8/6 2.60 2.55 8/13 2.50 ' 8/4 X9 Y8V2 2.45 ~8/3 2.40 - r 2.3 5 ~ 7128 8/14 ~r 2.30 2.25 7/ 2.20 R1z 2.15 2.10 8/18 8/23 9/5 18/17 8119 8/26 71 2.05 - 8/22 & 1 2.00 1.95 - 8 / 8/27 8/20 8/21 8/2 / 8/28 1.90 8/29 9/2 ' 1.85 6/10 1.80 8/31A ~ 1.75 1.70 9/4 911 9/3 1.65 1.60 8/30 1.55 1.50 - -f- Finished Water MGD V Hechenbleikner, Peter From: McIntire, Ted Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 3:54 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: FW: Restriction Effects on Usage From: Tassi, Peter Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:05 PM To: Ted McIntire (tmcintire@ci.reading.ma.us) Subject: Restriction Effects on Usage Ted, Attached is a graph on the finished water pumpage from July 28th to Sept. 5th. The BOS voted the new restrictions on 8/9. They went into effect on 8/15. We had rainfall and amounts on the following days: 8/12 .02 8/14 .19 8/15 .12 8/24 .01 8/25 .02 8/28 .02 8/29 .19 8/30 .34 8/31 .19 The tank levels at start up on 8/12 were approximately 3% higher than previous days. This is probably due to the restrictions since the rain came on the 12th. The tank levels at start up on 8/13 were approximately 1% higher than the 12th. This is due to rain and restrictions, but probably more to do with the rainfall. The tank levels at start up on 8/15 were approximately 2% higher than the 13th. This is due to rain and restrictions, but probably more to do with the rainfall on the 14th. The tank levels at start up on 8/16 were approximately 4% higher than the 15th. This is due to rain and restrictions, but probably more to do with the rainfall on the 14th and 15th. Overall the tank levels at start up are up 10%. This tells us that there are not as many sprinkler system coming on at 4AM as the levels from 4AM to 6 AM are dropping normally. Why are there not as many sprinklers coming on? Obviously, the rainfall, the restrictions, and the not so hot weather all play a role, but how much each contributes is anybody's guess. Call me if I have confused you or when and if you would like to discuss further. Peter Town.of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942.9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-6643 • 9 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 12, 2005 ; TO: Lieutenant Kevin Patterson Health Administrator Jane Fiore l~nnPx.t✓hr~-Reilly------___ J Town P Building Inspector Glen Redmond FROM: Lillian Marino, Town Manager's Office RE: Application for a Transfer of Package Store License Attached is an application for a transfer of a package store license for Busa's Reading Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Busa's Reading Liquors located at 345 Main Street. This material will be going before the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on September 6, 2005. Please review and get back to us with-your comments. Thank you for your assistance. t hn Attachments fooo~ iVVlemorandum To: Lillian Marino CC: d44A~ From: Jane Fiore Health Services Administrator Date: 8/16/2005 Re: Reading Liquors Lillian, If the new owner of the Reading Liquor Store continues to sell food products; such as; candy, chips, popcorn, soda, water, flavoring etc. the new owner needs to file for a new Retail Food Establishment Application and inspection must be completed. They also need to have a Workers Comp. on file. The previous owner had no issue with the Health Division. 1 Reading Police Department James W. Cormier, Chief of Police MEMORANDUM Date: August 29, 2005 To: Town Managers Office Cc: Lillian Marino From: Lieutenant Kevin Patterson RE: Liquor License Transfer. Buss's / Reading Liquors 345 Main St. Approved By: LT.KP Approval Initials: The Police Department has reviewed the application and information of Daniel P. Busa Jr. and would recommend approval for the transfer of liquor license. 1 I~ TOWN OF READING 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 Phone: 781-942-9012 Fax: 781-942-9071 Email: creilly@ci.reading.ma.us COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 6, 2005 To: Selectmen CC: From: Chris Reilly, Town Plann RE: APPLICATION FOR A TRANSF F PACKAGE STORE LICENSE: BUSA'S READING LIQUORS I have no comments. CR Documenl2 Created on 09/06/05 2:43 PM Section 3.2 - Liauor License Policv This policy shall apply to all premises licensed for the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by the Licensing Authority (Board of Selectmen) pursuant to their authority as the Licensing Authority of the Town of Reading as determined by the Reading Home Rule Charter, Town of Reading Bylaws, and the laws, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The following chart indicates which portion of these regulations applies to which type of license: Cateeorv 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Retail Package Goods Store License for all kinds of Alcoholic Beverages X not to be Drunk on the Premises Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All X X X Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (100 or more seats) Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine X X X and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats) Club License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds X X of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises 3.2.1- General Requirements for All Licensed Establishments Plan Reauired A plan of the building and a detailed floor plan of the licensed premises including the capacity of a restaurant, and parking facilities shall be on file with the Licensing Authority. No alterations shall be permitted to the premises without approval in advance from the Licensing Authority or its designee. - Deliveries Deliveries to licensed establishments shall be made only during business hours and shall be made in a manner so as not to disrupt neighbors or interfere with traffic or parking. - Inspection 0 The licensed premises shall be subject at all times to inspection by members of the Licensing Authority or it's designee, and Reading Police, Fire and Health officials. - Advertisements No advertising matter, screen, curtain or other obstruction, which prevents a clear view of the interior of the premises, shall be maintained in or on any window or door. - Amusement Devices No establishment licensed for the on premises or off premises sale or consumption of alcohol shall permit the use of any amusement device or electronic game unless specifically licensed to do so by the Board of Selectmen. - Dutv to Perform An applicant for a license to sell liquor on or off premises, shall within 45 days of the issuance of such license commence construction of the licensed premises which shall be fully operational within 120 days of the issuance of such license, unless otherwise approved by the Licensing Authority. Thereafter, the licensee will continuously operate the premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of the license. The closing of the licensed establishment for 7 consecutive calendar days or for more than 20 calendar days during a calendar year shall be deemed to be abandonment of the license and sufficient grounds for revocation unless prior approval is granted by the Licensing Authority. Upon application by the licensee, the Licensing Authority may waive this abandonment provision in the event of major renovation, destruction by fire or flood, or other similar circumstance. - Establishment of Written Policies Licensees shall establish written policies regarding the sale or service of alcoholic beverages based upon the requirements of the regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, these regulations, and any other conditions placed on the license. - Alcohol Policv for Staff While Servina Licensees, Managers, principal representatives and employees are required to be alcohol free while selling to and/or serving patrons. - Alcohol Mahaaement or Server Training Licensees, Managers and principal representatives of licensed establishments are required to successfully complete an alcohol management or server training course (depending on the type of license) approved by the Liquor Liability Joint Underwriting Association of Massachusetts at the time of issuance of the license. Servers of alcoholic beverages shall be required to successfully complete a server training course approved by the Liquor Liability Joint Underwriting Association of Massachusetts within six (6) months of becoming employed in a position where they are serving alcohol to customers. All persons required to successfully complete an alcohol management or server training course must be successfully retrained, prior to the end of the certification period. The licensee shall certify annually to the licensing Authority at the time of renewal of the license, that the licensee, Manager, and all employees meet this requirement. 0 - Liauor Liabilitv Insurance Reauirement Licensees are required to have, or otherwise provide, liquor liability insurance in the minimum amount determined from time to time by the Licensing Authority. This requirement is applicable regardless of whether the licensee rents, or otherwise provides the licensed premises to a third party. Limited exceptions to this requirement may be granted by Licensing Authority for reasons of hardship or upon adequate proof of inability to obtain the required insurance. There is no right to an exception, and the Licensing Authority is not required to grant such an exception. Licensees shall provide the Board of Selectmen with a copy of the Certificate of Insurance upon the issuance or renewal of a license. - Staffing Licensees shall maintain an adequate ratio of staff to patrons in order to properly monitor beverage sales and consumption. - Supervision - Presence The licensee, a Manager or principal representative of the licensee shall be present in the licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic beverages are being sold pursuant to the license, and shall be available to the licensing authorities and its agents during all such times unless some other person, similarly qualified, authorized and satisfactory to the Licensing Authority, and of whose authority to act in place of such Manager or principal representative shall first have been approved by the Licensing Authority in the manner aforesaid, is present in the premises and is acting in the place of such Manager or principal representative. - Dutv to Keen Order No licensee for sale of alcoholic beverages shall permit any disorder, disturbance or illegality of any kind to take place in or on the licensed premises, including the parking lot or lots that serve the premises. The licensee shall be responsible therefor, whether present or not. There shall be no indecent or immoral entertainment on the licensed premises. - Proof of Age The Licensee, Manager, principal representative, bartender, and waitress/waiter shall refuse to serve any patron under the age of twenty-one (21). When in doubt of age, they shall require the showing of an identification card or license in accordance with Chapter 138, Section 34B of the General Laws. - Minimum age of emplovee or server No employee of any licensed establishment who is serving, clearing, or otherwise handling alcoholic beverages shall be under the age of 18. - Prohibition of bringing alcoholic beverages onto the premises There shall be no alcoholic beverages brought onto the Premises of a licensed establishment except for deliveries for the operation of the business as controlled by the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Information Regarding the Alleged Service of Alcohol prior to Violation for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liauors Upon the receipt of a letter from the Office of the Attorney General or the Middlesex District Attorney's Office pursuant to G.L. c. 90, Sec. 24J or any other statute or any other notice, regarding the alleged service or sale of alcohol to an individual who is subsequently convicted or pleads guilty to a violation of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors or enters a disposition under Section 24D of Chapter 90, the Licensing Authority: ➢ Shall forward a copy of the letter to the licensee cited, along with a copy of these Rules and Regulations. ➢ May request that the licensee appear before the Licensing Authority to respond to the allegation. Upon the receipt of two or more letters in a two year period, the licensee shall be required to appear before the Licensing Authority to respond to the allegations. Any disciplinary action taken by the Licensing Authority shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Reading Liquor Policy, the Massachusetts General Laws, and rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.. Neither a letter from the Office of the Attorney General or the Middlesex District Attorney's Office, nor the original letter from the court to these law enforcement agencies shall, by itself, constitute sufficient evidence so as to allow for a finding that a licensee has committed a violation. - Dutv to report an attempt to burchase by a minor The licensee shall be required to report to the Reading Police Department any time a person attempts to purchase alcohol while being underage or attempts to use an altered or forged identification for the purpose of purchasing alcohol. Furthermore, the licensee shall immediately report to the Reading Police Department any time they suspect an adult is purchasing alcohol for a minor. These infractions must be reported even when the incident takes place off premises, such as for home deliveries. - Liauor License Fees The following fees are established for each calendar year for the categories of license available in the Town of Reading: CATEGORY Retail Package Goods Store License for all kinds of Alcoholic Beverages not to be Drunk on the Premises Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises Club License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises 2005 2006 $2000 $2000 $3000 $3100 $2400 $2400 $800 $900 2007 $2000 $3200 $2400 $1000 9 - Hours of Operation The following shall be the hours of operation for premises licensed for sale and/or service of alcoholic beverages by the Town of Reading: CATEGORY Retail Package Goods Store License for all kinds of Alcoholic Beverages not to be Drunk on the Premises Hours of Operation Exceptions Sunday Sales Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises Club License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises 8:00 am to 11:00 PM, See except 8:00 am to below 11:30 PM the day before a holiday 11:00 am to 12:00 midnight on weekdays, and 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight on Sundays 11:00 am to 11:00 PM on weekdays, and 12:00 noon to 11:00 on Sunday 8:00 am to 2:00 am except on Sundays and legal holidays when the hours are 12:00 noon to 1:00 am - Breech of Policv or conditions For breach of any of the requirements, restrictions or conditions of this policy of license, the Licensing Authority reserves the power and right to modify, suspend, revoke or cancel the license in accordance with the law. - Sundav Sales for PackaLye Stores Sunday sales in Package Stores are permited, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 138, § 15, subject to the following conditions: ➢ No sales may be made prior to Noon on Sunday; ➢ No sales may be made after 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, except that no sales may be made after 11:30 p.m. on a Sunday that immediately precedes a legal holiday; ➢ Employees must be paid for working on Sunday at a rate not less than 1 % of the employees' regular rate; ➢ No employee may be required to work on a Sunday; refusal to work on a Sunday is not grounds for discrimination, dismissal, discharge, deduction of hours or any other penalty; ➢ If a Section 15 licensee intends to close one day per week except Sundays, such licensee must notify the Licensing Authority of such licensee's intended hours of operation. 3.2.2 -Requirements for all: i c~ ➢ Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises, and ➢ Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises All licensees for the service of alcohol, whether the holder of ➢ Restaurant License - All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages, ➢ Restaurant License - Wine and Malt Beverages or shall, in addition to Section 3.2.1 of this policy, adhere to the following policies: No premises shall be licensed that contain any advertisement or sign upon which appears the brand name of any product sold in the establishment including wine or beer, except that signs or advertisements inside of the premises that cannot be seen from the exterior of the premises are permitted - Reauirements for service of food and drink In licensed premises, all food and drink service shall conform to the following: ➢ Food shall be served on china, pottery or other solid dinnerware and shall use metal silverware. No plastic or paper dinner- ware or silverware is permitted. ➢ An establishment that has a separate and distinct take-out area may be licensed for the sale of beer and wine on the premises. ➢ Alcohol must be served in glass or pottery containers only. No paper, plastic or other containers will be used for service. Pitchers or carafes of beer or wine with a capacity of 750 ml or less will be permitted. - Toilet facilities reauired No premises shall be licensed unless toilet facilities meeting all requirements of the current code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are generally available to the customers of the facility. - List of Alternative Transportation Licensees shall maintain a written list of the telephone numbers of local taxicab companies next to the public telephone. If there is no public telephone, the list should be available for patrons when requested. - Orderlv Closing Licensees shall ensure that patrons leave the premises at the closing hour in an orderly manner. All tables and service locations shall be cleared of alcoholic beverages within '/2 hour after the legal time for sale. - Prohibition of taking alcoholic beverages from the premises 0 There shall be no alcoholic beverages taken from the Premises of a licensed establishment except for deliveries for the operation of the business as controlled by the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. - Refusal of Service The Manager of any premises licensed under this policy shall refuse to serve any patron who is approaching a condition of "Under the Influence." -Service of alcoholic beverages limited to hours that food services is brovided The hours during which sales of alcoholic beverages may be made in a licensed premise is further limited to the times when food service is available. No alcoholic beverages may be sold or served in a licensed premise before food service is available, nor after the food service has been suspended. - Service Bar In the event that an area is designed as a "service bar," which is distinct from what is commonly referred to as a "bar," no liquor is to be served to the public at such service bar and no stools or chairs are to be placed at said service bar. 3.2.3 -Reauirements for all: Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises, All Restaurants licensed for the service of "All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages" shall adhere to the following policies in addition to the provisions of Section 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of this policy: - Minimum Seating Reauirement A license shall not be granted for an establishment having a seating capacity of less than one hundred (100) persons. No more than 15% of the seats shall be at a bar. 3.2.4 -Reauirements for all Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverases to be Drunk on the Premises All Restaurants licensed for the service of "Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises" shall adhere to the following policies in addition to the provisions of Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of this policy: Purpose and Intent Pursuant to a Home Rule petition by the Town of Reading, the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts authorized the Town of Reading to issue a limited number (currently 5) of Beer and Wine licenses to restaurant establishments with fewer than 100 seats. This legislative action was confirmed by the voters of the Town in the election of March 24, 1998. This policy is established pursuant to those votes. The intent of this policy is to encourage the development and retention of smaller specialty restaurants in the Downtown area of Reading in order to enhance the economic vitality of the Downtown area. It is recognized that the serving of beer and wine in a restaurant is part of the customers' dining experience. IS - Maximum seats A restaurant holding a "Wine and Malt Beverage" license shall have seating for less than 100 customers. All seats shall be at tables - there shall be no seating at a bar. - Service Bar Only a service bar is permitted. Its function is to serve to restaurant employees who serve the customers and can be used to serve drinks to those customers waiting to dine. There will be no seats at this bar. Seating Reauirement There shall be no service of alcohol to anyone unless they are seated at a table. 3.2.5 -Reauirements for Club License to Expose. Keen for Sale. and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises All Clubs licensed for the service of "All kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises" shall adhere to the following policies in addition to the provisions of Section 3.2.1 of this policy: - Minimum Seating Reauirement A license shall not be granted for an establishment having a seating capacity of less than one hundred (100) persons. No more than 15% of the seats shall be at a bar. - Advertisements No premises shall be licensed that contain any advertisement or sign upon which appears the brand naive of any product sold in the establishment including wine or beer, except that signs or advertisements inside of the premises that cannot be seen from the exterior of the premises are permitted - Reauirements for service of food and drink In licensed premises, all food and drink service shall conform to the following: ➢ Plastic glasses are permitted. Service will be by the glass or bottle, or glass or pottery pitchers or carafes of beer or wine with a capacity of 750 ml or less will be permitted. - Toilet facilities required No premises shall be licensed unless toilet facilities meeting all requirements of the current code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are generally available to the customers of the facility. - List of Alternative Transbortation Licensees shall maintain a written list of the telephone numbers of local taxicab companies next to the public telephone. If there is no public telephone, the list should be available for patrons when requested. - Orderlv Closing Licensees shall ensure that patrons leave the premises at the closing hour in an orderly manner. All tables and service locations shall be cleared of alcoholic beverages within %z hour after the legal time for sale. 0 - Prohibition of taking alcoholic beverages from the premises There shall be no alcoholic beverages taken from the Premises of a licensed establishment. - Refusal of Service The Manager of any premises licensed under this policy shall refuse to serve any patron who is approaching a condition of "Under the Influence." - Service Bar In the event that an area is designed as a "service bar," which is distinct from what is commonly referred to as a "bar," no liquor is to be served to the public at such service bar and no stools or chairs are to be placed at said service bar. 3.2.6 - Reauirements for One-Dav Liauor Licenses - One-day liquor licenses may be issued by the Town for commercial establishments or for non-profit organizations. - Holders of one-day licenses shall provide the liquor to the attendees of any event - "Bring your own liquor (or beer or wine)" will not be permitted. - Holders of one day licenses shall provide a bartender and/or servers who are trained and authorized to make decisions regarding continued service of alcoholic beverages to attendees.- There shall be no self service of any alcoholic beverage at an event approved as a one day license. - Applicants for one-day licenses shall provide proof of insurance to the Town with the application for the one-day license. Revised 5-25-04 Section 3.3 - Issh acnce of Peddler's Licenses Chapter 101, Suctions 12a through 33 of the Laws of the Commonwealth, provide for regulations of peddlers. Pa3t\\of the State law allows the Board of Selectmen to establish local rules and regulations for the gra ing of such licenses. The following rules and re ations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applicatio for Peddler's Licenses: Each application will be dealt with o a case by case basis. The following guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be deg ith by the Board but are merely guidelines to the applicant. 1. Approval will be granted within a commercia industrial zoning district only. 2. No peddlers will be permitted to operate wit I the public right of way including a roadway or sidewalk area. 0 Z,CT Fa~T . 4r IN gg gIGN- u. P JA-TIP (please printi) I Foo~d ■1 l