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2009-09-01 Board of Selectmen Packet - Part 1
~oNOrRFgbr~ Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street br ~d. two Reading, MA 01867 639 lxcoae°~ Ben Tafoya, Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Vice Chairman Camille W. Anthony, Secretary Stephen A. Goldy Richard W. Schubert BOARD OF SELECTMEN (781) 942-9043 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us NOTICE OFMEETING - ]BOARD OF SELEC= - i4 o~ wM ; . C r--1 co DATE: September 1, 2009 ~K rT1 rn CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Cn PLACE: Selectmen's Meeting Room 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts OFFICE HOURS - James Bonazoli 6:30 Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments a. 1. Update on Fall Street Faire b. Public Comment Correspondence from Emery Morse 1 7:15 . Town Manager's/Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) C. Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation 3) Personnel & Appointments. 4) Discussion/Action Items 7:30 a. MWRA Water Storage g:30 b. Hearing -Personnel Policies Hearing - Package Store License for Wine Nation 9:00 C. d. Hearing - Package Store License for Reading 9:15 Discount Liquors Hearing - Parking Regulations on Ash Street e 10:00 . between Main and Washington Streets 5) Approval of Minutes a. August 4, 2009 b. August 17, 2009 C. August 18, 2009 6) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 7) Executive Session a. Approval of Minutes August 18, 2009 g) Correspondence Correspondence dated August 13, 2009 from Representative Brad a copy . Jones to Ben Tafoya re: Boards support for "An Act Relative to Service of Civil Process" 8) Correspondence (Continued) copy b. Correspondence dated July 16, 2009 from Chairman Don Boyce, Mass. Emergency Management Agency to Chairman Capt. Richard Tustin, Mystic Region REPC re: Certification of Mystic Region REPC copy c. Correspondence dated August 10, 2009 from Ben Tafoya to Cliff Sullivan, Green Communities Division re: Application for 2009 Green Communities Planning Assistance Program from Town of Reading copy d. Correspondence dated August 10, 2009 from Director Donald Schmidt, Smart Growth Zoning Program, DHCD to Peter Hechenbleikner re: Downtown Smart Growth District Application copy e. Correspondence dated August 19, 2009 from Susan Patterson to BOS re: Resignation - West Street Historic District Commission copy f. E-mail dated August 24, 2009 from Peter Hechenbleikner to Ron McLaughlin re: West Street Reconstruction Plans copy g. E-mail dated August 3, 2009 from Jessica Wozniak, MassRecycle to BOS re: Resolution in support of updating the Mass. Bottle Bill copy h. Notice of Public Involvement Plan Termination Request re: Former AGFA Corporation Facility, 80 Industrial Way, Wilmington, MA COPY i. Tracking of Legal Services - FY2010 j. E-mail dated August 17, 2009 from Ellen Doucette to Peter Hechenbleikner re: Liquor Licenses - Application fee for new liquor licenses, transfer of license, change of manager, transfer of stock k. E-mail dated August 18, 2009 from Jim Cormier to Peter Hechenbleikner re: Boston Globe Article concerning NEMLEC 1. E-mail dated August 14, 2009 from John Doherty to Peter Hechenbleikner re: Surplus Property and Auction M. E-mail dated August 24, 2009 from Camille Anthony to Peter Hechenbleikner re: Jessica Wozniak's comments on Resolution in support of updating Mass. Bottle Bill Note: This Agenda has been prepared in advance and does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. oFR£g0'y4~ Town of Reacting y 16 Lowell Street Reading, NIA 01867-2685 P e39.tHCORe°~ . FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us Website: www. readingma.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: August 28, 2009 TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner , RE: Agenda September, 1 2009 Meeting TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 1) Reports and Comments lb. Public Comment - Emory Morse has presented material indwhich cated to him that the He intends to be at the meeting on Sp limit under Public Comments is five minutes. 4) Discussion/Action Items 4a. = ater Storage - In your packet are the notes from the meeting with our legislators and officials from the MWRA, sponsored by Representative Brad Jones. Representative Brad Jones, Representative James Dwyer and Senator Richard Tisei have been invited to the Board of Selectmen meeting on September 1 st and also the MWRA officials. I believe we will have representation from our three legislators and the MWRA. des 4b. Hearing -Personnel Policies -The revise discussion the Board of Selectmen bolds and highlights in your packet reflects the previously had in a workshop mtingg on this matter. It also reflects the recommendations from Town Counsel and Labor Counsel. 4c. Hearin - Package Store License for Wine Nation 4d. Hearin -Package Store License for Reading Discount Liquors We have two hearings scheduled for a Package Store Liquor License. The one application for Reading Discount Liquors was submitted prior to the application for Wine Nation but because of advertising deadlines and. scheduling, the hearings are scheduled in reverse order. Town Counsel may advise that we actually take them up in the order in which they were submitted. 4e. Hearin - Parkin xe iaguii~ ujl Streets - The proposed changes and regulations for Ash Street will implement the new construction. 15 PL,~ t, C Unit 62 Mr. Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager 1 Reading, Summit Drive 0 Un Unit MA. 18 67 16 Lowell Street August 26, 2009 Reading, MA Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner; and disdtricards, if you feel bute them to necessary,preparaand Would you please copy the attached deeds and property record in,preparat on for pages to my letter, millage chart, and map of Bear Hil an my addressing these issues at the September 1 meeting, area as we discussed. cities and towns, of which have outstanding residential and commercial millage rates of seventeen educational systems. Reading's rate is significantly higher than many of the towns and is the highest of all the other towns. This very fact should raise concerns as you plan the 2010 budget. or the we If you visit the busy new Market Basket, Stop and Shop, or Home Continuing to downtoe~nd it Great)De ress Friday is hard to realize we are in a recession almost as severe and newly developed parking spaces Reading with its widened main street, granite curbing, paver crosswalks, gives testimony to the huge spending of local and same as s thdollars to e residential tmli downtown rate, please see attached chart. Yet in Reading the commercial millage rate is one It is significant that only 6 of the 17 cities and towns have creasing the commercial millage~at to help than, the residential rate. I think the Selectmen need to consider compensate the town for its investing state and local funds for their benefit. ear Hill area At the bottom of the chart page is a listing of the three association aand the average inessethd slue for a unit of Reading. The list includes the number of units in each in each complex. If you multiply the number of unit times the contr'buges to the town of Reading each year. es the millage rate you get the total tax dollars that Association Conservatively, these three Associations contribute $1,274,500.00 each year which is almost 2% of the town's pki Street, yearly budget. Yet the unit owners of these Associations °eof South Street and a repav og of Hopkins and the sidewalk on Hopkins Street from Cedar Street to South Streets as agreed to by the developer GaGzebo Circle. Circle HoweverTthe Town ofReadi gsrel~eased the as made as a condition for the right to develop developer from this condition in exchange for deeding to o the condition town a f the o land, in this area. May I suggest the Board of Selectmen drive over South Street and see th I would ask the Board to review the attached map (page 1), property record cards, and master deed showing lots 81, 82, 85, and 104 on the new town map number 8 and their sale to the Town of Readg for Condominium Association $TheOseocond deed to build the "Bear Hill Apartments" now known as Gazebo Circle is the sale of 10.14 acres of land by the Town of Reading t Cir de. Lot 58 and 60 _were bed by theoownm Company) for the sum of $1,323,200.00 to develop Gazebo because it is the Town of Reading's water tower property. See pages 10-18. The final deed is the sale of lot # 61 for $1.00 to the o Hopkins Reading repavgng of Hopkins and South to do the related widening and installing a sidewalk on pIon wil gianne paving is the Streets. Please see pages 19-22 of the attached sheets appreciate T is ech a nge of land for improving premise of my addressing the Board of Selectmen. ,I presentation. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, 16 Emery T. Morse 5~ i1,//- 7-7 TOWN LINCOLN WILMINGTON NORTH READING NEWTON READING CONCORD WALTHAM LYNNFIELD STONEHAM WINCHESTER LEXINGTON WESTON DOVER BROOKLINE WELLESLEY WOBURN NEEDHAM MILLAGE CHART RESIDENTAL $10.82 $10.60 $12.04 $9.96 $13.21 $11.90 $11.30 $11.22 $10.88 $11.27 $12.97 $11.02 $9.86 $10.69 $9.47 $9.69 $9.96 COMMERCIAL $14.21 $24.63 $12.04 $19.00 $13.21 $11.90 $25.31 $12.94 $18.12 $10.62 $24.62 $11.02 $9.86 $17.32 $9.47 $24.54 $19.56 TAX CONTRIBUTION OF THE THREE BEAR HILL CONDO ASSOC. PER YEAR ASSOCIATION NO. UNITS X AVERAGE VALUE X MILLAGE = TOTAL SUMMIT TOWERS 156 X 225,000 X $13.21/ 1,000 = $463,671.00 SUMMIT TERRACE 66 X $330,000 X $13.21/1,000 = $287,713.00 GABEZO CIRCLE 132 X $300,000 X $13.21/1,000 = $523,116.00 TOTAL 1,274,500 00 17 lo I J////J//_ / /1./ J/~, .~.I. `7 r ra 1B OYI~~ r /S77 n2 -4' r, a>®' ii.►~r° "sear®o~►d: ®os ;:i 125 . •ee~r/ ~irr er►fycilv..irrr - ' ~r,9 „a 7,0[10 i ~ 1 9,392 s,ooD 124 p G Yf,.. 3 O~r,4- 00.0 ~~1 8,166 DOK p4 WALKERS BR 128 ~wI 2 , BO Y276 ` ~ 377 26,003 ° • i• 110 ,555 Acresg i• ' ii a ~ J'~, m pia ' r 131 4.343 Acres 137 112 1.05 Acres 138 3B,712 ° 20,000 o~ .111 ~ 113 9 S,r 34.684 2o,547 y~500 ~a. r 93 e7il . W t 115. 136 132 1120 7 ~ 25,550 0,219, 0 At 1 'r.• SudE? . 0 r 10.457 13'S urr , .:cL4.x~ • 1 re4'Y~~:;,Ji'yj2`,,"',a..'_••','•,i..y.-'Vi'i'; :::I::a}i:i,: 77.3a F 90.0 10,375 134 A` ;y s R,..,t V 10,454 rv • ~"•9 '~~%n•$'~i34~EL~.t,;1;,~-:6 _A, I 30 .y , i}lttsr • s~ ~c~ 133 86 79 o to,ooo 130 s :..i 10000 10,162 3 , iS 00,0 12.573 ;:lili`•I~ r Cs,i 10,006 J w 4':: ° iPF s I. P 77 5 Ba W Y~ij~i!::ta .utt'Y:• `Ej~;' ~ j;. s tiff`, i~ ~liy~ 78 13,106 InIi 80 83 64 r z~ 1.3392 Acres < 27,075 22,026 • 99 N 98 tj J 5 . 1 h v )0 ct M626 N 12614 12,826 Io.o. fib 2000 3 o int 97 tc•• m 4 r ;T,• 75 37. 9,I 10,580 4?0.:c. ry,}jit J .1.,1 )00 m VJ ~~I ,oo.o lfa?.i 16.0 y hd~ ~y/~~ 1mi; , l l,. j y C 91 2'00.00 .~i,.y.,• 10,000• 69 ; ° 74,000 1'` ~ o1i'i2 gg A' i~ 92 3,500 ijY' 'C17;~f:'.i.l.!(:.:~,,' Qp/J, 0•1(;.IiI .r:, „ :u. 4?? 16 o' 2 io,oo .o I 85 °.4,;1 zi X% 100.0 Vii( 0o ri'' d';; ;y !i ~J!'' o, 82 20,000 z0.D0o ;i7? i ~0 93 tsar( ° r 81 ° 162 rill j G• 10,000 (Si. 73 Qt 1' 4(1 Op0 ta5' (1 t;T,B 23,914+{ 0 9 000 41j !1 1, Y, li 1 0000 10,C 72 71 7,915 h s 7 4 14, 8 865 '63 31. 79.93 6a a4- 7 t rTl'„?yI'~~~' 79.56 :4kv,i NQ_..'1'Ha.2S j• - - 5.. , y.• t Ij . r, 56 57 N 59 It,j p 43 ~A 9,914 0 14,915' 25,000 t 1- , ~jr 9.915 too0 ~I ( k dttii •tooB ~oo.o 41 55 44 1 25,000 Yt; 2r~ a M T 5 Itiiillllll ° . )0 7 ,li 54 4:::~ C o i~ 200.0 c 1'i 1 10,000 48 wl;; f III 53 000 47 10.00 t:;r• iaM,:: ,,Goo x~rr}e~~ s9 y • , iii 90 -p, 52 .0 n,uDD 1g 0 203.00 V .rt°: o ~p1i~ 20.000 !r4 D t 1:i{1 8.24+/-Acres'•.'Y 5,000 Ynj i'i'S8 1':1 ~lrr:i 2Acres'• 'h o , 87:;j {,Q58 tV g 51 IW4 19.915 ! g 60 ' ;I tQ 14 Acres :;;..d ° r 1 73 eo ae Acre 11uil E~ ~;4r ..203.00 + B5 -'V~7-0 hill lit' / t.:'i::,.m•::,it:;•q • iii o,1'97 A ro10.110 62 m t sa, /3 .:t,Er~''''"u~•'• 'y 7 . a~~Y3.~~' lip • ~;y : ' r(•3~ ~.fY 3.972 ' • ~ e.~. e...rrrsrrra4T4TTT''FSy1'frf~i~'~1/~i ,i{'~i~ 161 /'aye, a. BK28861PG134 DEED PARTNERSHIP Partnership duly organized under ~l G~eb~ Beacon READING BEAR HILL LIMITED = a limited the la with a usual place a of bandtu~ fiill consideration ws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts= L Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 ("Grantor"), for consideration paid MASSACHUSETTS, a municipal of One Dollar ($1.00) grants to the TOWN OF READING= Massachusetts 01867 corporation with a usual place of b three unimproved parcels of land situated off Summer ("Grantee"), with Quitclaim Covenants, Massachusetts (the "Premises"), bounded Avenue in the Town of Reading, Middlesex County, and described as follows: Parcel One is comprised of Lots 80 and 82 shown on the Reading Assessors' Plat ~ Parcel One: , being described in deeds recorded at the Middlesex County South District 13, Registry of Deeds in Book l 1204, Page 639 Book 243, and deed inoBo k deed in Book confirmed and modified by 12122, Page 207, and being the rear portions of Lot AIA and Lot A2B as shown s? on a plan of land entitled: "Plan of Lats in READING an Drawn Abbott, rReg. Surveyor Nina A. Shulkey," dated April 22, 1966, by H e 365, bounded and described as recorded with said Deeds in Book 11204, Pag a; follows: rivate) St., as shown on said plan, two hundred (200) feet; SOUTHERLY : by North (P ' by Fifth (Private) St., as shown on said plan, two hundred (200) feet; WESTERLY: -~gf,y; by land now or formerly of Clement and now or formerly of Melchion a, NOR h two hundred (200) feet; ivate St., as shown on said plan, two hundred (200) feet. fl ~ EASTERLY: by Sixth (Pn ) be said measurements more or less. Containing 40=000 total square feet according to said plan, be in ~ Parcel Two: Parcel Two is comprised of Lot 79 on said12496s Page13273,and beingcn the rear c v deed recorded with said Deeds loran Book land entitled: "Plan of Land in Reading portion of Lot B shown on a plan " dated January 15, 1954 by H. `SS Surveyed for Donald H. and Nina with or, recorded d with said Deeds in Book 8214, Page Kingman Abbott, Reg. Survey 398, bounded and described as follows: SOUTHERLY: by North (Private) St., two hundred (200) feet; WESTERLY: by Fourth (private)St., two hundred (200) feet; 19 ~BK2886~~G~35 b lot 78 as shown on said Assessors' Plat and being the remainder of said NORTHERLY: y lot B, two hundred (200) feet; EASTERLY: Parcel Three* by Fifth (Private) St., two hundred (200) feet. That certain parcel of land situated off Summer Avenue 2 on a plan of land e a led, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, shown o "Plan Of Land In Reading, Mass." dated October 28; 1980 by Dana F. Perking and Assoc., Inc., recorded with said Deeds s feet land? morel ogOless Book 14134, Page END, containing 27,626 qcare according to said plan. erest to limited The Premises are conveyed together with all of Grantor's right, title n des anted parcehosHowever portions of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and North Streets abutting the no interest is granted in or to any portions of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and North Streets over other land now or formerly of the Grantor. the This deed is given in satisfaction of condition D.4granting Fina~PRD iM appr val Reading Community Planning and Development Commission for Bear Hill Apartments located off of Hopkins Street, Reading, Massachusetts (the "Decision"). The Premises are conveyed subject to the condition that the remises sub ect to intained of perpetuity by the Grantee, as open space. The Premises are also conveyed the Grantor to drain surface water onto the Premises as may result from the development plans as riht during construction of Bear Hitt Apartments to approved in the Decision and the temporary g of completion of such project. enter upon the Premises at Grantors sole risk for the purpose This conveyance is accepted by the Grantee on the terms contained in the grant. For Grantor's title see deed dated November Registry of Deeds at Book 25816, Page 167. 13, 1995 recorded at Middlesex South District 20 - paga, `BK28861PG 136 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their, d~y authorized representatives to ~ of 1998. execute this instrument under seal on this day Reading Bear Hill Limited Partnership By its General Partner, Dolben Bear Hill Corp.,--"' By: Deane H. Dolben, Treasurer TOWN OF READING By its Board of Selectmen C ony Bru Macdonald. Sally M. H r ~ Georg .Hines COMMONWEALTH OF M!NSSACHUSETTS 30 1998 Middlesex, ss: Then personally appeared the above named Deane H. Dolben, as Treasurer of and deed, of Dolben r Hill , Corp., and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act Bear Hill Corp., as General Partner of Reading Bear Hill Limited Partnership before m Notary Public: lviy Commission Expires: 02~ 21 11 ~ 8K28861PG.131 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1998 Middlesex, ss: Then personally appeared the above named Camille W. Anthony, Bruce Macdonald, Sally M. Hoyt, George V. Hines and Matthew I Nestor, being a majority of the board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, Massachusetts and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed, on behalf of said Town of Reading, Massachusetts Notary Public: e My Commissi?Expirr 1 22 i 'ARCEL_ID: 246/013.0-0000-0079.0 MAP 013.0 PARCEL INFORMATION Owner#1: TOWN OF READING Owner#2: CONSERVATION COMMISSION Address#1: 16 LOWELL STREET Address#2: READING MA 01867 Inspect Date: Meas Date: Entrance: Collect ID: Inspect Reas: Road Type: T Rd Condition: P Traffic: M Water: Sewer: Exempt-E3/L'/o: i Resid-B/L%: 1 Comm-B/L%: / Indust-B/L/-: / Open Sp-B/L%: ! LAND INFORMATION ZONE: S15 NBHD CODE: 5 NBHD CLASS: 1 .qpn Tvoe Code Method Sq-Ft Acres influ-1/2/3 Value Class COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS Section: Section: Section: Section: ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code Category: Category: Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Category: Grrtd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Grnd-FI- Area: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt 1 P 903 S 40075 0.92 75/50/ 81 138y DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION etr I Init Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-BIt Grade Cond %Good P/F/E/R Cost Cia co N VALUATION INFORMATION Current Total: 81900 _ Bldg: 0 Land: 81900 MktLnd: 81E Prior Tot: 86200 Bldg: 0 Land: 86200 MktLnd: 86e SKETCH PHOTO Commercial Property Record card #1 or i as of: 8/2' Parcel Year: 2009 PARCEL AD DRESS: NORTH ST BLOCK 0000 LOT 0079.0 Book: 28867 Use-Code: 903 Sale Price: Sale Date: 100 Page: 0134 l~ 1122/1998 Tax Class: E Sale Type: Cert/Doc: Tot Fin Area: 0 Tot Land Area: 0.92 Sale Valid: DOLBEN MARCEL_ID: 246/013.0-0000-0080.0 MAP 013.0 PARCEL INFORMATION Commercial Property Hecoro Parcel Year: 2009 BLOCK 0000 LOT 0080.0 Use-Code: 903 Tax Class: E Tot Fin Area: 0 Tot Land Area: 0.46 ,arU x~ as of: 81 PARCEL ADDRESS: OFF SUMMER AVE Sale Price: 1 Book: 28867 0134 Sale Date: 7/22/1998 Page: e: oc: Sale Type: Cert/D Sale Valid: E_ Grantor:' READING BEAR HILL LI Owner#1: TOWN OF READING B/L°I°: / Road Type: T Exe Exemmpt -B/L / ' Owner#2: CONSERVATION COMMISSION Inspect Date: Rd Condition: P B/L%:: / ^ Address#1: 16 LOWELL STREET Meas Dater Comm Traffic: M / Address#2: READING MA 01867 Entrance: Collect ID: Open Sp- Indust-B/L%: Water: B/L%: / Inspect Reas: Sewer: LAND INFORMATION ZONE: S15 COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS NBHD CODE: 5 . NBHD CLASS: 1 flu-1/2/3 Value I Class Seg Type n Code Method Sq-Ft Acres Section: Section: Section: p 20037 0.46 75/50/ 73436 903 S Section: ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code 1 ID Use-Code Category: Category: Category: GrndFI-Area: Category: Gr Grnd FI Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: B Cl Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: ilt: B Y DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION r-Bull: ass: BldBuilt: - r -Yr-t: Y Effff-Yr Built: u r- Eff-Yr-Built: Str Unit Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-BIt Grade Cond %Good P/F/E/R Cost Eff-Yr r B Built: ff-Yr-B uilt: Eff-Y Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B=FL-A Flrs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt VALUATION INFORMATION MktLnd: 72 Current Total: Land: 73400 73400 Bldg: 0 Land: 77300 MktLnd: Ti Prior Tot: 77300 Bldg: 0 SKETCH PHOTO Parcel rear: 2UU9 ADDRESS: OFF SUMMER AVE PARCEL as or. ac ucwa 0-0000-0082.0 ID: 246/013 RCEL . BLOCK 0000 LOT 0082.0 MAP 013.0 Price: 1 Book: 28867 l S . PA - Use-Code: e a 903 Page: 0134 Sale Date: 7122/1998 Page: PARCEL INFORM ATION Tax Class: E oc: Cert/D Tot Fin Area: Tot Land Area: 0 Sale Type: 0.46 Sale Valid: E BEAR HILL LI Grantor: READING Owner#1: TOWN OF READING CONSERVATION COMMISSION Inspect Date: / Road Type: T Exe Exemmpt-B/L B/L%: / P i Owner#2: Address#1: 16 LOWELL STREET Meas Date: on: Rd Condit Traffic: M Comm-B/L%: / / Address#2: READING MA 01867 Entrance: Collect ID: Water: Indust-B/L%: Open Sp-B/L%: ! Inspect Reas: Sewer: LAND INFORMATION : E S15 COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS NBHD CODE: 5 NBHD CLASS: 1 Value. flu-1/2/3 I Class n Seg Type Code Method Sq-Ft Acres Section: Section: Section: P 903 S 20037 0.46 75/50/ 73436 Section: ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code 1 ID UST tl e Gat B,: do g A Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Category: -Area: Gr Grnd-Fl ea rea: F Grn Area: Fl- Gmd- Story Height: Story Height: Hei Story ght: l Story Height: -Class: dg B Bldg-Class: ass: Bldg-C Y ilt: B DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION Class C rBull -Class: Br-Built: Y -Built: YBuil t: r Y u r- Eff-Yr-Built: Str Unit Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-BIt Grade Cond /°Good P/F/E/R os Eff-Yr Eff-Yr Built: -Built: - Y Built: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: rs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt A F FL Id Cd B-FL-A Flrs Unt i - Id Cd B- N VALUATION INFORMATION 73400 MktLnd: 73400 Current Total: 73400 Bldg: 0 Land: Land: 77300 MktLnd: 77300 Prior Tot: 77300 Bldg: 0 SKETCH PHOTO Parcel Year: 2009 PARCEL_ID: 246/014.0-0000-0018.0 MAP 014.0 PARCEL INFORMATION Owner#1: TOWN OF READING Owner#2: CONSERVATION COMMISSION Address#1: 16 LOWELL ST. Address#2: READING MA 02108 PARCEL ADDRESS: SUMMER AVE as of: 8111 Sale Price: 100 Book: Sale Date: 12/31/1997 Page: Sale Type: Cert/Doc: Sale Valid: A Grantor: BEAR HILL LIM PART Zt3t36 0134 .i--' Inspect Date: Meas Date: Entrance: Collect ID: Inspect Reas: COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS Section: Section: • Section: Section: ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Category: Gmd-Fl-Area: Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Groups: Groups: Groups: Groups: Id Cd B-FL-A Flrs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt SKETCH BLOCK 000 0LOT 0018.0 Use-Code: 903 Tax Class: E Tot Fin Area: 0 Tot Land Area: 0.63 Road Type: T Exempt-B/L%: I Rd Condition: D Resid-BIL%: / Traffic: L Comm-B/L%: I Water: Indust-B/L%: i Sewer: Open Sp-B/L%: / LAND INFORMATION NBHD CODE: 4 NBHD CLASS: 1 ZONE: S15 Seg Type Code Method Sq-Ft Acres Influ-1/2/3 Value Class 1 P 903 S 27626 0.63 N 290107 DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION Str Unit Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-Bit Grade Cond %Good PIF/E/R Cost Clas CD N VALUATION INFORMATION Current Total: 290100 Bldg: 0 Land:. 290100 MktLnd: 2901 Prior Tot: 299100 Bldg: 0 Land: 299100 MktLnd: 2991 PHOTO 6 ajw a25816pg 15 1 DEED b a municipal corporation duly established under the dl x County, cti t~l Q) r a a'+ M m C C''i} The Town of Reading, Massachusetts, Mld ese eet, Reading, laws of the Commonwealth of Masconsideei do P Lowell n full consideration of one receipt of 1 " tor ) for sand Massachusetts (tr►wenty-three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,323,200.00) ~ of 75 State Three Hundred ants to Reading Bear Hill Limited Partnership, TCLAIM which is hereby acknowledged, gr husetts (in the "Grantee") ) er Middlesex County, Street, suite 1650, Boston, Suffolk County, I\tiassae COVENANTS, the land situated off Hopkins Street, Smith, Registered Land shown as Lot 1 on the plan entitled: "Plan Rob nd I TOE of Reading, Massachusetts 40 Ft., July, 1995 by Bear Hill Property, Scale 1 In. _ Surve or, to be recorded herewith, bounded and described as follows: Y 'nt on the Southerly sideline of North Street at Fourth Street, thence running ng at a poi feet; Beginning by ' the sideline of North Sheet, S 85°24'00" E Two hundred 200.00) pen Land Trust, 5 ce turning and running by land now or formerly of the Reading op then 04°36'00" W Forty (40.0) feet; It 00 00} feet; .qr s, oo~ a ~C O1 b- thence turning and running by said Trust land, S 95°24'00 E Twenty feet; by said Trust land, 5 04°36'00" W Two hundred ten (210.0) thence turning and running 120.0) feet; and running by said Trust land, S 85024'00 E One hundred twenty thence turning an250.00} feet; and running by said Trust land, N 04°36'00" E Two hundred fifty thence turning b the sideline of North Street, S 85°24'00" E One hundred (100A0 thence turning and running by feet; it Towers Condominium, S b land now or formerly of Summ thence turning and running y 04°36'00" W Sixty (60.00) feet; feet; Towers land, S 85024'00" E Twenty (20.00) thence turning and running by said Summit by said Summit Towers land, S 04°36'00" W Two hundred twenty- thence turning and running Y 222.28) feet; two and twenty-eight hundredths by said Summit Towers land, S 84°21'21" E one hundred seventy- thence turning and running feet; seven and fifty-eight hundredths (177.58) Summit Towers land th , S 0504613611 W One hundred sixty ence turning and running by said ~ (160.0) feet; 'nb said Summit Towers land, N 84°13'24" W One hundred fifteen thence turning and runny g by (115.00) feet, 27 1-Y a2581sn152 said Summit Towers land, s 05°46'36" W Four heed eighty- th ,nce turning and running by 487.57) feet; seven and fifty-seven hundredths said Summit Towers land, N 87°41'51" W Sixty nine and thirty- thence turning and running by three hundredths (69.33) feet; said Summit Towers land, S 89°15'07" W Three hundred sixty-six thence turning and wing by feet; and sixty-one hundredths (366.61) said Summit Towers land, N 87°59'58" W Seventy-five and six thence turning and ring by hundredths (75.06) feet; . the Easterly sideline of Fourth Street, N 04°36'00" E Two hundred thence turning and running by 26terly feet; sixty-eight and thirty hundredths b said Fourth Street, N 47°53'00" W Twenty-five 'and twenty-one thence turning and running y hundredths (25.21) feet; seven and running by the centerline of Fourth Street, N 041360011 E Eighty- thence turning and N 87 26} feet; red three twenty-six hundredths land of the Town of Reading, s. 85°20'36" E Two hundr d running by thence turning an (203.00) feet; 150.00) feet; by said Reading land' N 04°36'00" E One hundred fifty the turning and running 203.00} b said Reading land, N 85°24'00" W Two hundred three thence turning and running by feet; 04°36'00" E Three hundred turning and running by the centerline of Fourth Street, N thene feet; twenty-five (325.0) b said Fourth Street, S 85°2'1'00" E Twenty (20.0) feet; and thence turning and running by sa eet, N 04°36'00" E One heed twenty- and and running by he sideline of Fourth Str t thence turning five (125.0) feet to the point of beginning. 441,572 + square feet of land (10.14 acres) as sliawn on said Plan. Containing 441, approximately 2.45 acre Meaning and intending to describe all roximately 5.02 acre portion Lot 49, all of Lot 39, an onion of Lot 47 portion of Lot 40, all of Lot 46, all of Lot 48, and an app title and Board of Assessors Plat I. of 1986 of del ~r Lot 3a as Grantor's right, o an all as shown on Reading together with a Reading Board of Assessors Plat 14 of 1985, 2 28 11 lay oK 2 5 81 VG 15 3 interest in and to Fourth Street where it abuts the above described land. The land conveyed hereby is hereinafter referred to as the "Premises". This conveyance is made subject to and with the benefit of the following easements, restrictions, covenants and reservations of rights tow which theana wee by the cceptance of this on its behalf and on covenants Deed and as part consideration therefor hereby behalf of its .heirs, successors and assigns: The Grantor reserves unto itself, its successors, assigns, tenants, lessees, and licensees an access easement from Hopkins Street over the Premises being conveyed hereby and over any abutting land of the Grantee which becomes part of the Bear Hill Apartments Project as shown on the Final Plans for the Bear Hill Apartments approved by the Community Planning and Development Commission of the Town of Reading by decision dated November 30, 1994 (the "CPDC Decision") in common with others entitled thereto, for the purpose of motor vehicle and pedestrian access to the land of the Grantor lying easterly of the centerline of Fourth Street and surrounded on three sides by the Premises and on which land a standpipe/water tower is presently located so that said Grantor's land and all buildings, structures and improvements now or hereafter located on said land may be accessed for all purposes without the necessity of using Cedar Street or any other public or private way. Said access easement shall be located( essentially as shown on the plan entitled: "Water Line Access Easement Sketch" Q dated September 6, 1995 by Allan & Major Associates, Inc. wt _4terevtith. To the extent that.any portion of the access easement as shown on the S Font aforesaid Water Line Access Easement Sketch is located on land of t recordable Grantt e outside the Premises, the Grantee agrees to provide a written, Easement to the Grantor providing for the aforesaid access no later than the date on which the finished course for all roadways and driveways shown on the aforesaid Water Line Access Easement Sketch have been completed. Said Grant of Easement shall be provided by the Grantee at no cost to the Grantor. Grantor, its successors and assigns shall not park or store vehicles, equipment or materials in the easement area. th~acce s easement as & direct result of repair or their urea made by it or them t of the same. 2. The Grantee shall convey to the Grantor by Quitclaim Deed either the fee simple title to or a perpetual easement to the parcel of land shown as "Proposed Recreational" on the plan entitled: "Bear Hill Apartments Reading.. Massachusetts bsac & Bear Hill LTD., Partnership; Revised 2/23/95 and 7/24/95; prepared Y Allen Major Associates, Inc.; prepared for Dolben Company, Inc.; drawing titled: Layout Plan; Sheet No. C-3" to be recorded herewith within one month of the date that all recreational facilities shown on said plan or required by the CPDC Decision have been completed. Said Quitclaim Deed shall be provided by the Grantee at no cost to the Grantor. Grantor shall specify the form of title to be conveyed by 3 29 1 A /3 6~2581 6?c 154 o Grantor - Grantee. As an alternative to such ~ fee to such Parcel at no costtto Grantor conveynce, making an eminent domain taking of es of One ($1.00) Dollar. or for only the nominal award of damag restrictions, covenants and reservations of rights in this Deed are d and for 3• All easements, imposed for the benefit of the Ian covenants running with the land, are imp of the abutting land owned by its the successors, assigns, tenants Inhabitants sf the benefit the Town of Reading, Massachusetts and and licensees and are imposed in perpetuity. There has been full and strict compliance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §63A. There has been full and strict compliance with the provisions of been received by MsachGrantorusetts Laws Chapter 60, §77B relating to the statements to have at Mi For Grantor's Title see Deed of the United States of Deed recorded at saideDeeds iddlesex South Book 5472, District Registry of Deeds in Book 11061, Page 185, D Page 58, and Tax Taking recorded at said Deeds in Book 13548, Page 665. The affirmative vote of the Reading Adjourned Annual Town Meeting of April 28, 1986 under Article 30 of the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting authorized this conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Town of Reading has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signeents acknowledged forth herein to delivered unposed thereby in its restrictions, reservations of rights and easem electmen the name and behalf by the undersigned being all the members onal l ability for the members of he Town of Reading, thereto duly authorized, vvt 1995. Board of Selectmen, in any event, this 7th day of November, 4 Je 30 V a25816n 155 ti Town of Reading By Its Board of Selectmen, G Sally Hoyt, Chai an Georg . Hines, Vice Chairman ille W. An , ,Sec ai f. Daniel A. Ensminger BOF MASSACHUSETTS November 7, 1995 Middlesex, ss. The personally appeared the above-named Sally M. Hoyt, George V. Hines, Camille W. . Anthony, Daniel A. Ensminger, and Bruce Macponand~en oeb the Board of f acts Selectmen the Town of Reading and acknowledged the foregoing such Selectmen on behalf of the Town of Reading, before me. Notary Public My Commission Expires: HTH~ C 01 Septder20 2002 Bon 5 . l: 31 a undersi ed hereby accepts the covenants, restrictions, reservations of rights and The gn easements set forth herein. Reading Bear Hill Limited Partnership By. Its General Partner Dolben Bear Hill Corp. d~ By Andrew Dolben President COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1995 . jesm' ss. I ally appeared the above-named Andrew Dolben as he is president of Dolben The persona Corp., General Partner of Reading Bear Hill Limit Partnership, and acknowledged Bear Hill the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before Notary Public My Commission xPkes: -3 ti' 9 16QU%=U-d-&- 32 6 a i . ffimmgi~t aK 2 5 16 Pc Fc~=_ > c rm -o JAI i M rn~ Z --4.m wy A rTl n z~ 3.r,~ '3d , 33 c .w s~ r I aiv l rear: LUUy as of: 8/24/2009 PARCEL ADDRESS: BEAR HILL 0-0000-0040.0 ID: 246/013 MAP 013.0 BLOCK 0000 LOT 0040.0 Book: 25816 1323200 i . - PARCEL INFORMATION Use-Code: Tax Class: 903 E ce: Sale Pr Page: 0151 Sale Date: 11/14/1995 Cert/Doc: Tot Fin Area: 0 Sale Type: Sale Valid: E Tot Land Area: 0.62 Grantor: TOWN OF READING TOWN OF READING / Road Type: T Exempt-B/L?/o: ! Inspect Date: Resid-6/1%: Rd Condition: P / `1: 16 LOWELL STREET Meas Date: Comm-B/v/0 Traffic: M / 12: READING MA 01867 Entrance: Collect ID: Indust-B!L%: Water: Open Sp-B/L%: ! Inspect Reas: Sewer: LAND INFORMATION ZONE: S15 COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS NBHD CODE: 5 NBHD CLASS: 1 flu-1/2/3 Value Class I Seg n Type Code Method Sq-Ft Acres Section: Section: Section: 1 903 S 27007 0.62 N 305459 P Use-Code ID Use-Code e 1D Use--Code ID Use-Cod Category: Y: Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: Category: Grnd-Fl-Area: -Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: l Bight: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: ass: Bldg-C ilt: B Y ETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION ass ass: lt: Yr-Built: u r- Eff-Yr-Built: D it Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-BIt Grade . Cond %Good P!F/E1R Cost U ff-Yr Built: guilt: Eff-Yr- Eff-Yr-Built: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Str n 1981 A A ///74 100000 3 Cost Bldg: fig: TW S 1 B A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL A Flrs Unt I Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL A Firs Unt fCH Current Total: Prior Tot: PHOTO VALUATION INFORMATION 405500 Bldg: 100000 Land: 305500 Mktlnd: 305500 421500 Bldg: 100000 Land: 321500 MktLnd: 321500 I In. 246/013.0-0000-0047.0 MAP 013.0 PARCEL INFORMATION TOWN OF READING CONSERVATION COMMISSION ff1: 16 LOWELL ST 02: READING MA 01867 pai'ui teal. LUUJ BLOCK 0000 LOT 0047.0 Use-Code: 903 Tax Class: E Tot Fin Area: 0 Tot Land Area: 0.09 PARCEL AD DRESS: BEAR HILL Sale Price: - 1323000 Book: Sale Date: 11/1411995 Page: Sale Type: Cert/Doc: Sale Valid: E Grantor: TOWN OF READING 25816 0151 Inspect Date: Road Type: T Exempt-B/L%: / / Meas Date: Rd Condition: P Resid-B/L%: / Entrance: Traffic: M Comm-B/ o%: Collect ID: Water: Indust-B/L Open Sp-B&%: / Inspect Reas: Sewer: COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUPS Section: Section: Section: Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code Y: Category: Category: Category: -Area: Gmd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: eight: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: ass: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Bldg-Class: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: Yr-Built: luilt: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: Eff-Yr-Built: dg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: Cost Bldg: _-W Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt I Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Untl Id Cd B-FL-A Flrs Unt to rCH as of: 8/2412009 LAND INFORMATION S BHD CType ODE: Code Method Bg~FCLASS: 1lnflu-1/2/3 ZONE: Class $15-Acres Value 1 P 903 S 3920 0.09 N 221812 DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION Str Unit Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-Bit Grade Cond %Good P(F/E/R Cost Class G5 S 3960 1981 A A 1(/74 81200 3 VALUATION INFORMATION Current Total: 303000 Bldg: 81200 Land: 22.1800 MktLnd: 221800 Prior Tat: 313000 Bldg: 79500 Land: 233500 MktLnd: 233500 PHOTO K28861PG141 i'}1 a ,A p'~' DEED treet Realty Trust u/d/t k10 Deane H. Dolben and Andrew K. Dolben as Trustees of the Hopkins S dated October 1, 1996 recorded at Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 26729, 4 Page 327, for consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) received hereby grants to the Town of Reading 'j Massachusetts, a municipal corporation with a usual place of business at 16 Lowell Street, v Reading, Massachusetts 01867 ("Grantee") with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, the land d shown for the as Parcel 3 on a plan entitled "Summit Village Condominium in Reading, p pa ed aby Allen & Dolben Company, Inc. One Beacon Street, Boston Massachusetts, O Major Associates, Inc., 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 5050, Woburn, MA 01801; date September 18, 1996" recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 99 co of 1996, which Parcel 3 is more particularly bound and described as follows: EASTERLY: by the westerly sideline of Fourth Street, one hundred Fifty-four and - 59/100 (154.59) feet; ~ SOUTHEASTERLY: by a parcel shown as parcel 2 on said plan. One hundred thirty-eight and 36/100 (138.36) feet; CJ p SOUT14WESTERLY:by the easterly line of said Hopkins Street, eighty-two and 92/100 (82.92) feet; G b NORTHWESTERLY:by land now or formerly of Crregorio, one hundred ninety-seven and; 24/100 (197.24) feet; j NORTHERLY: by the southerly side line of Cedar Street, one hundred and 00/100 . LJ, (100.00) feet. ~ Said Parcel 3 contains an area of 27,335 square feet of land more or less (0.63 acres) Cal according to said plan. x No rights are granted in or to Fourth Street or any other ways shown on said plan, other `Y' than rights to use Hopkins Street and Cedar Street to-the extent they are public ways. a Deane H. Dolben has been appointed as an additional Trustee and has accepted such appointment. Copies of such action are attached hereto. Section 2.1 of the Trust permits either trustee to act along. The premises are conveyed subject to easements, restrictions, covenants and agreements of record insofar as in force and applicable. Undersigned, as trustee of the Hopkins Street Realty Trust does hereby certify to the truth of the following: 1. Deane H. Dolben is a current trustee of the Hopkins Street Realty Trust, duly appointed and authorized. 36 A BK28867PG 142 2. The Hopkins Street Realty Trust has not been amended, revoked, terminated or altered and remains in full force and effect as of this date. 3. All of the beneficiaries of the trust are of legal age and full capacity. 4. Deane H. Dolben as Trustee has been authorized by the beneficiaries of said Trust to execute this deed. Title Reference: Deed from Reading Bear Hill Limited Partnership to the Grantor dated October 4, 1996 and recorded at said Registry Book 26729, Page 331. Witness my hand and seal this day of 1998. Hopkins Street Realty Trust Deane H. Dolben, Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 1998 Middlesex, ss: Then personally appeared the above named Deane H. Dolben, as Trustee aforesaid and acknowledged the foregoing to be his free act and deed on behalf of said Trust, before me. Notary Public My Commission Expires: a7( a~7 37 I BK28'867PG 143 ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE The attached deed to and conveyance of the land shown as Parcel 3 on Plan No. 997 of 1996 is accepted by the Town of Reading, MA, this 21st day of July, 1998. hew J. es r, Secretary t ony - i Georg .Id'ines COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. July a 1 , 1998 Pays J/ The personally appeared the above-named W. ' Bruce MacDonald, Sally M. Hoyt, Matthew J. Nestor, Camille W. Anthony and George V. Hines, as they are a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free acts and deeds as such Selectmen on behalf of the Town of Reading, before me. otary 'c My Commission Expires: t" ra.u-,c.y 38 TOWN OF READING By its Board of Selectmen Parcel Year: 2009 i 0 L_ID: 246/013.0-0000-0051.0 MAP 013.0 BLOCK 0000 LOT 0051.0 PARCEL ADDRESS: 160 HOPKINS ST as of: 8/2412009 PARCEL INFORMATION Use-Code: 903 Sale Price: 1 Book: 28867 Tax Class: E Sale Date: 7/22/1998 Page: 0141 Tot Fin Area: 0 Sale Type: P Cert/Doc: 183153 TOWN OF READING Tot Land Area: 0.63 Sale Valid: E Grantor: DOLBEN ANDREW K TRUS f1: 16 LOWELL STREET Inspect Date: 6/30/1996 Road Type: T Exempt-B/L%: / 2: Meas Date: Rd Condition: P Resid-B/L%: / READING MA 01867 Entrance: C Traffic: M Comm-B/L%: / Collect ID: FTR Water: Indust-B/L%: / Inspect Reas: M Sewer: Open Sp-,B/L%: / COMMERCIAL SECTIONS/GROUP S LAND INFORMATION NBHD CODE: 4 NBHD CLASS: 1 ZONE: S15 Section: Section: Section: Seg Type Code Method Sq-Ft Acres Infiu-1/2/3 Value Class Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code ID Use-Code 1 P 903 S 27323 0.63 N 289466 Category: Category: Category: krea: Grnd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: Grnd-Fl-Area: 'ght: Story Height: Story Height: Story Height: Bldg-Class: Bldg Class: Bldg-Class: Y Yr-Built: lilt: r-B YBffo- C uilt: rB YB Eff Co- uilt: Eff-Yr-Built: DETACHED STRUCTURE INFORMATION 3: Cost Bldg: Cost Cost Bldg: Cost Cost Cost Str Unit Msr-1 Msr-2 E-YR-Blt Grade Cond %Good PIF/E/R Cost Class I-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt Id Cd B-FL-A Firs Unt W CD - :H Current Total: Prior Tot: PHOTO VALUATION INFORMATION 289500 Bldg: 0 Land: 289500 MktLnd: 289500 298400 Bldg: 0 Land: 298400 MktLnd: 298400 ~o~NOFRgy~~~ Town of Reading .16 Lowell Street .2685 Reading, MA 01867 I6 9: IN[OReo¢P FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager&i.reading.ma.us Website: www. readingma.gov TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM TO: Files FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: August 3, 2009 - A V,t: ivi VV L'-I en Ben Tafoya and Stephen Goldy, Public Works Director Jeff Zager, Town On 7/13/09, Selecttn legislative delegation and representatives of the Engineer George Zambouras and I met with our MWRA• The MWRA indicated that they planned on moving ahead with the redundancy (interconnected pip as to how to Town es) for water supply, and they need a decision e resent t ves indi atedtthat the two tank have of seen water in the storage. The interchange Route 128 and Route 28 is not acceptable. aproceedlternative with that the issue earance) of the tanks. For comparison, the The concern is the height (and therefore the 41 feet higher than the proposed height of the Bunker Hill monument is only 221 feet high -just There is discussion about whether a single tank at that location would be tanks and use electricity to acceptawater.ble towers. Reading, and why the MWRA cannot build shorter ve elation. into and out of the tank. The view of shorter tanks could be obstructed by g pump um into and out of the tank (the M on to The MWRA is not willing to rely d then letcgrvity distribute water out of the tanks.) plan is to pump into the tanks an ounds in Stoneham has been reported The MWRA proposed water tanks on the former hospital gronions capacity in t ress. These tanks are to provide water storage This does noh subst tut folr t e proposed to the p of the MWRA service area - Medford, Malden, the interchange. "northern intermediate high" storage proposed at Reading representatives asked whether or not storage in Wilmington might be viable since they and are now joining the system. The Wilmington connection isanMi~ Y do Rfeeltthat storage in is therefore just addressed same distributor line from that poit. would 40 ding, hen discussion about the current Bear Hill standpip~hOa aide by the Town of and taller wat rRstorage There was t and whether the MWRA could replace that Town standears. It was recently tested and tests fine. tank. This standpipe is due for replacement in 10 y would have an impact. The schematic Replacement of that standpipe with a new MW ac tak of 125 d ~1~TRA has done would be to replace the 56 foot di amathei hth1~ standpipe with 130 feet. work that the M a 90 foot diameter base / 120 foot diameter bowl (up in the air) g be storage. Some would provide for approximately 3 million gallons of reduce the diameter of the That p act would amount of storage might be feasible, although the imp of the tank. Other altern ative sites (additnal Road. Additi land would need to be storage at Auburn bowl, not the height ofor acquired) would be the Lothrop Road site where the "ro kef' was located), is not feasible n Street where the Towns other tank ( pip in from the MWRA the MWRA- because the I`/IaStreet atdrout neeto run new d to that to ao n system on West Street or M pipe on Route eet of The MWRA is proposing in the short term to abThisout prov de san~nterconnection 28 in Stoneham and Reading with a 36 inch pipe. to provide for some redundancy through between Reading and Stoneham and would would be extended in Reading up Main Street to Reading. Ultimately, an increased pipe and over Walnut Street and South Street to West Street. In Stoneham it would Hopkins Street, go southward towards Spot Pond. was Finally, the MWRA representatives indicated that w~ at it isorimportantnot al storage supply in for water constructed in Reading was up to Reading. They feel Reading to accept Reading and other communities. However, they are not going to to force ection with Stoneham, additional water storage. They did indicate that the emergency i nter o to West Str Sto sham, line from Stoneham, through Reading hway and the looping of the MWRA Road in Woburn would be required in any case, regardless of storage. PIH/ps 41 ~w~ LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold the follow- ,,ing public hearings on Tuesday, September 1,. 2009 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. -Personnel policies 8:30 p.m. arking Regulations on Ash Street between Main and Washington Streets 10:00 P.M. A copy of the proposed doc- uments regarding these topics are available in the Town Manager's office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA--from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F and are attached to the hearing notice on the website at www.reading ma.gov All interested parties may appear in person, may submit their comments in writing, or by email to townmanager@-ci.read inama.us_. By order of Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager 8/25 42 H~I Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Fax: (781) 942-9037 Website: www readingma.yov DATE: September 1, 2009 TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Carol Roberts RE: Public Hearing - Personnel policies Finance Department Human Resources Division (781) 942-9033 Attached is the final draft of the Personnel Polices with the pbe Bsed oard atges. is final 0draft 09 one that was reviewed by dated 8-26-09, Jiff bs from tminor language changes or clarification and the changes listed the ly 21, workshop p meeting y below. 1) Article 2 - Language modified by Labor Counsel. 2) Section 7.7 Life Threatening Illnesses - Removed at the recommendation of Town Counsel. 3) Both Sections 9.7 Military Leave and 9.9 Family and Medical Leave Act had some language changes at the recommendation of Town Counsel. Harassme and Also the changes that Town Counsel recommended for Section 2009 2 and that arena this Discrimination Prohibited, that were in the draft reviewed on July 21, in . final draft, are based upon the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination , (MCAD) model policy. 43 q -'t Page 1 of 1 Marino, Lillian From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:54 AM To: Marino, Lillian Subject: FW: additional liquor license Include before the liquor licenses From: Ellen Doucette [mailto:ecdoucette@brackettlucas.com] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:11 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Re: additional liquor license The process is as stated with the exception of the ballot question. I recently prepared a home rule petition for additional licenses in another community, and in speaking to Attorney Bill Kelley, ABCC's general counsel, he suggested skipping the ballot question because it isn't absolutely necessary if you do special legislation unless the town requests it and includes it in the special legislation. He also suggested contacting the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure at the State House to ascertain if there is any specific language they would like with respect to such special legislation because that's the committee it will end up in. The Selectmen should also consider if they want to restrict the additional license to a specific area of the town, which we could do, and, special legislation could be filed that gives the additional license to a specific licensee at a specific address. I can provide you with sample legislation that has passed if you would like to see it. Ellen Ellen Callahan Doucette, Esq. Brackett & Lucas 19 Cedar Street Worcester, MA 01609 (508) 799-9739 (508) 799-9799 Facsimile Original Message From: Hechenbleikner, Peter To: ecdoucette@h[ackettlucas.com Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:28 PM Subject: additional liquor license The Board of Selectmen is interested in knowing what the process is for getting a home rule petition to add a package store license (not willing to wait until the 2010 census to see if we qualify). My understanding/recollection is: • Board of Selectmen to put the issue on a Town Meeting warrant . Town Meeting approval of a home rule petition . Legislative approval of a home rule petition Pete 81 I ~c, LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: You are hereby notified that an application for an All Alcohol Package Store License has been made for Winne Nation MA, Inc. d/b/a Wine Nation. The application is for the premises. at 40 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, Massachusetts. Under the provisions of Chapter 138, Section 15 of the Massachusetts General Laws, a public hearing will be held. concerning such application by the Board of Selectmen .on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell- Street, Reading, Massachusetts. All interested parties are invited to attend or submit their comments in writing, or by email to Town Manager at town manager @ ci.readino: ma.us prior to 4:00 p,m. on . . September 1 st. By order of Peter 1. Hechenbleikner Town Manager 8/18 ~~z 82 :460570000000010 ;ALEM FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK ~ MASS CHARTERED SAVINGS BA >,10 ESSEX ST ;ALEM, MA 01970 246057000000012& ZANNI'QOROP,fy M TR LA2ING, ALTY TRUST 22 WAVE RE A 01867 246057000000021A HD DEVELOPMENT OF MARYLAND INC HOME DEPOT USA INC 2455 PACES FERRY RD ATLANTA, GA 30339 246057000000023& WALKERS BROOK CROSSING LLC C/O MARVIN F POER & CO PO BOX 802206 DALLAS, TX 75380 2460460000000030 BOSTON GAS COMPANY DBA NATIONAL GRID PROPERTY TAX DEPT WALTHAM, MA 02451 2460460000000100 25 WBD L C DICKINSO ELOPMENT CORP 1266 F AC ROOK PARKWAY Q CY, MA 02 69 2460570000000020 IODICE MICHAEL F JR TR M J II REALTY TRUST 29 CRAFTS ST STE 250 NEWTONVILLE, MA 02160 246057000000012& ZANNI DO OT Y M TR LAKEVIEW ALTY TRUST 22 LAKEVI VE READING, )A 01867 246057000000021B JORDAN'S FURNITURE INC ATTN AN DEPARTMENT 450 REVOLUTIONARY DRIVE E. TAUNTON, MA 02718 246045000000001& DANIS GEORGE E, TR DANIS READING REALTY TRUST PO BOX 672 READING, MA 01867 2460460000000080 BROOKVIEW INVESTMENTS LLC 15 THIRD AVE BURLINGTON, MA 01803 2460570000000270 BLACKSMITH ENTERPRISES lI LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 88 WALKERS BROOK DR READING, MA 01867 l-'' 8 3 2460570000000110 ZANNI DOROTHY M TRUSTEE ZANNI DOMENICK JR ETAL 1 /4 22 LAKEVIEW AVE READING, MA 01867 2460570.000000190 ZANNI HY M TR Lp~{E REALTY TRUST 22 VI W AVE READING, MA 01867 246057000000022& TWO WALKERS BROOK CROSSING LLC C/O DICKENSON DEVELOPMENT 1266 FURNACE BROOK PKWY QUINCY, MA 02169-4758 2460460000000010 25 WBD C 1266 FURN BROOK PARKWAY Q~N A O N76 2460460000000090 READING PLAZA LLC C/O ARIN REALTY CO INC PO BOX 610227 NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MA 024 q 0-3 v I ' , rr •,rq'"~r'l ;r l 4'5 ~ 9th 46 4 d~,`/~,gt~i~wn"i 'YY SSrYJ a ~ .kt 28 r 84 92 I All, 68A ' "K- . }rt ~ i 66 f r ~ / 57 rv~C~~RiS n f 'c ff r ` s qc,q. I P~~~~w``~~'-pry., ;G y! J / / 1 f sb/ ~ J f !*Q ~ f I n> n y~~... SbJ w 21 44~. 7r J~1 VJO 1''~ p ; r, y~;o r l .~.:~~°-:•~~~=J^:.~~_,.~„-;:,..,:.~,;iz,,.,~,:_.~. rte.. \ y 11 t I Jl I ~ ` ~ ka i ~ mf,/ L7 Y ,r ^ v W OC~ ~ s 1 ~r~• ~~s ~,y~J~ ~1rJ \ 8/19/2009 :'ROP_ID 2460570000000010 2460570000000020 2460570000000110 246057000000012& 246057000000012& 2460570000000190 246057000000021A 246057000000021B 246057000000022& 246057000000023& 24600000000010 246Qj60000000080 2460460000000090 2460460000000100 TOWN OF READING ABUTTERS LIST STONEHAM PLANNING BOARD WAKEFIELD PLANNING BOARD LYNNFIELD PLANNING BOARD MASS DEPT OF HOUSING & COM. DEV. WILMINGTON PLANNING BOARD NORTH READING PLANNING BOARD WOBURN PLANNING BOARD METRO AREA PLANNING COUNCIL MAPC OWNER1 SALEM FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK IODICE MICHAEL F JR TR ZANNI DOROTHY M TRUSTEE ZANNI DOROTHY M TR ZANNI DOROTHY M TR ZANNI DOROTHY M TR HD DEVELOPMENT OF MARYLAND INC JORDAN'S FURNITURE INC TWO WALKERS BROOK CROSSING LLC WALKERS BROOK CROSSING LLC 25 WBD LLC BROOKVIEW INVESTMENTS LLC READING PLAZA LLC 25 WBD LLC LIST PREPARED BY: Penni Dudley OWNER2 A MASS CHARTERED SAVINGS BA M J 11 REALTY TRUST ZANNI DOMENICKJR ETAL 1/4 LAKEVIEW REALTY TRUST LAKEVIEW REALTY TRUST LAKEVIEW REALTY TRUST HOME DEPOT USA INC ATTN A/P DEPARTMENT C/O DICKENSON DEVELOPMENT C/O MARVIN F POER & CO C/O AKIN REALTY CO INC DICKINSON DEVELOPMENT CORP THE READING BOARD OF ASSESSORS R d RT I. NO DSTRAND, CHMN. r~ 2 RAIL H . COLORUSSO, V. N. FRANK J D -N, SEC. 'LING ADDRE CITY MA 02180- 35 CENTRAL ST STONEHAM MA 01880 1 LAFAYETTE STREET WAKEFIELD 01940 55 SUMMER STREET LYNNFIELD MA 02114 ONE CONGRESS ST 10TH FLOOR BOSTON MA 121 GLEN ROAD MA 01887 01864 235 NORTH STREET NORTH READING MA 01801 10 COMMON STREET WOBURN MA 02111 60 TEMPLE PLACE BOSTON CITY OWN MA OWN-STATE OWN_ZIP OWN_ADDR - SALEM MA 1970 210 ESSEX ST 29 CRAFTS ST STE 250 NEWTONVILLE MA 2160 1867 22 LAKEVIEW AVE READING MA MA 1867 22 LAKEVIEW AVE READING MA 1867 22 LAKEVIEW AVE READING MA 1867 22 LAKEVIEW AVE READING GA 30339 2455 PACES FERRY RD ATLANTA A 2718 271 450 REVOLUTIONARY DRIVE E. TAUNTON M 02169 9-4758 1266 FURNACE BROOK PKWY QUINCY M 75380 PO BOX 802206 DALLAS TX MA 2176 1266 FURNACE BROOK PARKWAY QUINCY 1103 15 THIRD AVE BURLINGTON MA 24 NEWTON HIGHLAND; MA PO BOX 610227 1266 FURNACE BROOK PARKWAY QUINCY MA 2169 Asa " IN LICE DEPARTMENT 15 Union Street - Reading, Massachusetts 0186 Emergency Only: 911 -All Other Calls: (781) 944-1212 - Fax: (781) 944-2893 Web: www.ci.reading.ma.us/police/ DATE: AUGUST 24, 2009 TO: CHIEF JAMES W. CORMIER FROM: SGT. DETECTIVE ARC MA IN. K- ND. SEGALLA EW LIQUOR LICENSE RE: WINE NATION I received an application for a new liquor license for Wine Nation MA Inc., 40 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading MA. I reviewed the ABCC's Application in which Jill Trone, Thomas Trone and Wine Nation Inc. are listed on the application as the owners. Taylor Trone is listed as the manager. 'I conducted an RMV check in MA and Maryland on the Trones. There was no BOP or III record indicated. I conducted an RMV check on Tom Wilcox and Paul Cataldo. They are listed on the application as being on the board of directors. There was no BOP information on either person. I contacted the Montgomery County Maryland Liquor Control Board. This is the County where Wine Nation Inc. is located and the Trone's reside. They have no history on the company or the family. Based upon my research, I see no reason why the application should not go forward. 87 4'cn q cl-7 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 1:12 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Liquor License C Board of Selectmen with license information From: Jack Devir [mailt26, 1009 11 49 AM Sent: Wednesday, August To: Town Manager Subject: Liquor License ration.lf this In granting the license,please give Wine Nation MA,lnc.serious conside company is associated with Total Wine, they have a great selection and pricing. John Devir 38 Tamarack Rd LrG~- 88 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner; Peter Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 9:16 AM To: Norm Berner, Jr Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: RE: Walkers Brook development Thanks Janice I'll see that this goes to the Board of Selectmen at the hearing. Pete From: Norm Berner, Jr [mailto:nbernerjr@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:42 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Walkers Brook development Dear Peter: I wanted to speak for I believe many As the parent of a high school junior and a young 3 year old daughter, parents in town when I say we do not want a large liquor store in the former location of Bed Bath and Beyond. Within a in the) ss it tdof the downtown enovation to' be attra t ngla large conglome ate thatt will put therdlong- not seem in p time Reading businesses out of commission. We have nothing against a place where spirits can be purchased, but is it really necessary to add another redundant business type and in such a family friendly location? The mall where this store front is located is a relaxing place to grab a cup of coffee or browse for books or school supplies. It seems unnecessary and disruptive to put in a large, chain liquor store unless it is solely for the purpose of filling the space. With the economy now on the uptick, if we wait a few months we will likely see another healthier business come around looking for space in which to grow and flourish along with the Reading. I have heard that if there were to be a liquor store at this location that there would be almost 1,000 sq feet of liquor retail space per Reading Resident...I am not sure that is the kind of atmosphere I want to create for my kids. As you know, Reading residents are very enthusiastic and have waited patiently for over a decade if not more for a more vibrant downtown. if we truly are trying to Grow Reading Responsibly, I am hopeful that careful thought will be put in to the type of businesses being added. It has almost been a joke in town that we grew by adding redundant types of business such as pharmacies and sub shops. It seems a shame given the positive attention the town is now getting to add yet another liquor store and not a new type of business which does not exist yet in town and which will have a potentially positive influence vs. detrimental impact to the community. If the town need h d t comes t m nd is a large bookstore uchtas Barnes and Noble or even a discountt clothing chhain like thoug TJ Maxx for the budget conscious consumers. As a 16 year resident and a grateful supporter of all that the town is trying to do, I thank you for your consideration and for all you do for Reading, Peter. Sincerely, Janice Berner, Advisor/CPA Reading Parent and Business Owner 89 ~~G Page 1 of 2 Schena, Paula From: Dan Busa [dpbusajr@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:21 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter aol.com;'Chris';'Wine Schena, Paula; Cormier, Jim; McNamara, Erica; RNRChambercom@ Cc: Shop of Reading'; arvind.bpatel@verizon.net Subject: RE: Letter to the Selectmen df Attachments: Letter to The Town of Reading 8.19.09.pdf; The Quota system p ter for submission to the Selectmen's packet oi for the m ease by h dueled Hi Peter, please accept my let lication for an all alcoh q on September 1, 2009. This is pertaining to the app esitate to call email me. Thank you for Nation. I have also attached "The Quota System" from the hBCC Blue Book k for reference. If you or any questions for me please do not of the selectmen have any q your assistance. v 93usa Mine & Syirits 133 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington, MA 02420 Office: (781) 861-1806 Fax: (781) 861-6122 Mobile: (781) 354-3326 d_,6usajr@C0Mcast.net .ti,.~,-,,t,.6usa~wneands~t?irits. com From Hechenbleikner, peter [mailto:phechenbleikner@ci.reading. ma.us] Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:37 AM To: Dan Busa Cc: Schena, Paula Subject RE: Letter to the Selectmen am _ PDF file electronically is fine. I will need anything that you want to send by this Thursday Pete From: Dan Busa [mt 24 p usaj 0 45 AMst.net] Sent: Monday, Augus To: Hechenbleikner, Peter ofreading.com Cc: obsession@verizon.n t; arvi d.bpatel@verizon.net; info@wines op Subject. Letter to the Selectmen std Hi Peter, what is the deadline to get something into the Selec a tm n a packet mat or hould it be hand Do I send it to you or directly to them? Can it be sent via e-m delivered? Thanks. 4 Vaa a" ~C/ I G 90 Page 2 of 2 Busa'Vine & Spirits 133 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington, MA 02420 office: (781) 861-1806 Fax: (781) 861-6122 Mobile: (781) 354-3326 dybusajr@comcast.net WWW 6 gglti neancfspirits.com Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, (200 8209 version of virus signature database 4363 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. tln.,'//www jgset_com information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus; version of virus signature database 4366 (20090825 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. 1 ttp://www.eset.corn 4 II 91 From: Daniel P. Busa, Jr. To: Reading Board of Selectmen My name is Daniel P Busa, Jr, and I am a small business owner and employer in the Town of Reading for the , Inc, last 4 years I have been the license manager of record o and osole owner of Busa's f Reading. I have worked wghin thuors e beverage All Alcohol Package Store located at 345 Main St. in the alcohol trade in Massachusetts for over 37 years. I respectfully request that the Board of License Commissioners deny the applications for an All-Alcohol Package Store Licenses as requested by Wine Nation, Inc for the stated purpose of establishing a 22,361 sq ft wine and liquor "Super Store" at the proposed location of the former Linens & Things at The Crossing at Walkers Brook in Reading. While some may suggest that my opposition to this license application is simply an atteymp p to stifle pen and that I Amendment of the Cons P tution of the cont context of the 215tunequivocal and free competition in the marketplace, Wwithm thestate Section encourage competition as it is realized United States (The Repeal of Prohibition) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts General La d previously, subm 138 pertaining to beverage alcohol. It is also more acknowledged sathat t sfy therelicense is an application, /population guidelines. by one Reading Discount Liquors which would ore uently misun I reference the 21St Amendment of the Constitution b~ ntsSect on 2 essentlallyf gives states ab oldutet control impact upon matters of this nature. The 21 Amend , in matters regarding beverage alcohol. Today, there are 18 states which maintain some degree of state controlled monopoly over the retail of beverage alcohol. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts administers and maintains a more modest authority and control of beverage alcohl under .G.L. Chapt 138 at the looal level. It is these laws and rehgulagions the ABCC at the state level and by local licensing authorities istake about which every licensee must follow in the due course of conducting higher standard than produ is class fied, beverage alcohol is a controlled product, regulated to a as "non-controlled". In Section 23 of M.G.L. Chapter 38 the law states quite clearly: d with erve the "The provisions for the issue of licenses and permit~e hereunder are common good and,eto that ndeto prolvide, Sn the opinion public need and in such a manner as to protect t of the licensing authorities, an adequate number sof places at which the public may obtain.... the different sorts of beverages for the sale of which provision It is my contention, as well as that of many other residents and business owners in the Town of Reading, that the application under consideration fails to meet the criteria of set forth in M.G.L. Chapter 138 Section 23 to serve an unmet public need or protect the comrno good To the first provision, it is the burden of the applicant to demonstrate an unmet public need. With the quors to Busa's approval to transfer the All-Alcohol Package Store license need by res dents oaf t e1Town of Reading, and in Liquors, Inc at 345 Main St. in October of 2005, any unmet Inc particular Precincts 2 and 3, were filled. At the Public Hearing immediateeabudtterg, rthe Busa's esident, or businesslowner of the license, there was not a single objection raised by an re are four All everag Town of Reading to the issuance of the li~hnse of those within 0 4 lestofeeach other and c7hmilesBfrom t e licenses currently operating in Reading proposed new locations.) which, based on the population of 23,708 (2000 Census ci downinfo com/places/massachusetts/reading) is one less than the maximum suggested un/ /wes 1 License, and any fraction over the last 5K increment pop. = I uder the state guidelines; (Each 5K pop.= license.) To that fact the estimated 2005 Reading population has declined 2.29% to 23,164. c/1 92 ts" such Alcoho Tobacco Firearms Many town residents are of the opinion " ions ofrM M.G. Chapt r 138 ident fY beveragealcohol as awe that not suitable for "Sig Box" style of retail. The provis controlled product and charge local licensing authorities to provide "an adequate number of places" for the public to obtain beverage alcohol. To the second provision, the outlandish size/ scope of this proposed Linens & Things location and its close proximity to the proposed 1 General Way (0.2 mi.) application by Reading Discount Liquors goes well beyond very ture any reasonable argument toward public need and adequate access to vera fails the test of"profs t ng to common good'aas it of its size, scope and location the Linens & Things license would put a significant strain on town resources, particularly the police department, (drawing many more out of town shoppers) which would have to deal with outhe ldlnot generate enforcement issues as we as significant add't onal taxrrevenues for project mitigation. It should be noted that this the Town of Reading to offset the impact on town resources. Please ask yourself: Is there a public need and would it protect the common good to more than double the area of retail space in the Town of Reading dedicated to the sale of a controlled product- beverage alcohol? the r sale Is there a public need and would it protect the common good to allow each and every resident of the Town of controlled product- beverage alcohol that is greater 1 square foot o Reading? sale controlled Is there a need and would it protect the common d to allow footaB license for the g Box Super Store" at The C ossing at product- beverage alcohol, on the scale of a 22,361 square Walkers Brook, Exit 39 of Route 128, just two exits away from one of the busiest intersections add tin t customer Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Route 93 and Route 128. The many hundreds daily large delivery trips into and out of the intersection, as well as the significt all1along the Walkers B ookkNorthbAveg the intersection to a regular state of gridlock, impacting busine business corridor. hcation for licensing in the Town of Braintree by Wine Nation, for a 33,874 sq ft wine and In a recent app g liquor "Super Store", also in a vacant Linens & Things space, which was rejected, htt www.wickedlocal.com Braintree home a e x592701139 Wine-su erstore-rejected-in-Braintree the 12 ft of Gin, and applicants intended to offer 44 feet of aisle footage for Vodka, 28 for Rum,-16 ofor wn equrla, translate Gin, and over 50 ft for Whiskey. With a standard industry 4 shelf lay out, the applicants figes to 58 yards of shelf space dedicated to Vodka, 37 yards of shelf space dedicated to Rum, 21 yards of dedicated to key. In l of Tequila, 16 yards to Gin, and 67 yards of shelf space blicneed? Commonsgood? Inoalllduearespectoto the200 yards of liquor, the length of two football fields. applicant... How about we start by meeting the hurdle of simple common sense. the r The application for the Linens & Things location that is up for the our consideration nthis town d mfor ake this idents of Reading and not in keeping with the goals and objectives of community a better and safer place to reside and conduct business. business owner in the Town of Reading, I unequivocally expect those officials l outlined entrusted M G.L with the r Chapter As a responsibility for oversight of Public Need and the Protection of Common Good it is clearly ent 138 Section 23 to act in the best interest of the residents ls to meet to cr feria odf1pubAc need or p otects thehat the license request on the part of Wine Nation, l common good, I ask that the license be denied without condition or prejudice by the Town of Reading Board of License Commissioners. 93 4. C, 173 Respectfully, a jl/liio~j_ Daniel P Busa, Jr Busa's Reading Liquors 345 Main St. Reading, MA 01867 781-861-1806 dpbusair(ci;comcast.net Cc: Peter 1. Hechenbleilcner, Town Manager maiIto•townmanager(d.1ci reading. ma.us James W. Cormier, Chief of Police icormier(d),ci reading.m.a.us Erica McNamara, Reading Coalition against Substance Abuse cmcnamara@ci reading.ma.us Irene Collins, Executive Director Reading-Worth Reading Chamber of Commerce rnrchambercom@aol.com This letter endorsed by; Chris Shomos - Square Liquors Arvind Patel -North Side Liquors Reading Bharati Patel -The Wine Shop or ycl4 94 f lw .I L'c -t HI I T, Boo V In)'. 2004 Edpion 1. THi✓ __UOTA SYSTEM 1 lie Massachusetts Liquor Control Act places a quota or limit on the number of on-premise and can issue. That qua is off premise licenses aircM or ed by the most recent federal ectnsusbased on the population of the community as detern On-Premise: (Section 12) one on-premise (Section 12) all alcoholic license breach Each city or town may grant unit of IO(QUQI(oOf 14. r fraction thereon additional over the cfiroslt` unit of 1,000 persons (or fraction thereof) With a 1) I license may he granted fo each p P 25,000. One wine and malt license may be granted for each unit of 5,000 persons (or fraction thereon with a minimum of 5. . veteran's Club License: The local licensing authority may grant a license, outside the quota system; subject to ABCC approval. to any corporation whose members are war veterans which owns. hires or leases a building, or space in a building, for the use and accommodation of a post of any war veterans' organization incorporated by the Congress of h t United S te5~' to sell to members of that post only, and, subject to local licensing a introduced by such members and to no others. Oft-premise: (Section 15) Each city or town may issue one off-premise (Section 15) all-alcoholic license for each unit of 5,000 persons (or fraction thereon with a minimum of 2. nted for each unit of 5.000 persons (ot fraction One wine and malt license may be gra thereof) «ith a minimum of 5. Seasonal I..icenses: Seasonal Section 12 (on premise) licenses can be issued effective from April 1 to January 15 or any portion thereof and to the number that the local licensing authority deems to be in the public interest. Seasonal Section 15 (off-premises) licenses may be issued based on a quota set by the estimate provided by the 1 C},A ebefore March I of the stimate must be submitted ttc inComcreased ssiondn~ior w,Aprii l as of the following Jul}' 10 Off-premise seasonal licenses are issued based on that estimate at the rate of one license for each 5,000 population (or fraction thereut~ and can be issued effective from April 1 to November 30 and also until January 15, or any portion thereof, as set by the local licensing authority. Franklin and Berkshire counties may issue winter seasonal licenses and estimate before October 1)5 the temporary increased resident population as of the following February 10. Such licenses are effective from December 1 to April 1. 32 4 C/ ( 95 (irc .llf( i RU 1. Be)O& (Ma) 2004 ['dmunl City/Town Quota Allowed All Alcohol Wine & Malt 'tion l5 Population Section I2 Section 15 (Off Premise) Section 1 (On Premise) tiec (OffPrernise) (On premise) 1-10000 14* 2* 5* 5* 10001-14000 14* ; 5x 5" minimum n umber of licenses under quota law) SM 5* 14001-15000 15 ' 15001-16000 16 4 S* 16001-17000 17 4 5* 5* 17001-18000 18 4 5* 5* 18001-19000 19 4• 5* 5* 19001-20000 20 4 5* 5* 20001-21000 21 5 5 5 21001-22000 ?2 5 5 5 2`'001-23000 23 5 5 5 23001-24000 24 5 5 5 24001-25000 25 5 5 5 25001-26000 27 6 6 6 26001-27000 28 6 6 6 27001-28000 29 6 6 6 28001-29000 6 6 6 29001-30000 31 6 6 6 30001-31000 3,~ ` 7 7 7 33 96 I V /hr:!ltt.( ifl.( l.ltilttti'r(~~c.2004 tdnirnl ALL ALCOHOL WINE & MALT POPULATION SECTION 12 SECTION 15 SECTION 12 SECTION 15 (On Premise) (Oft P i remise) (On premise) se) (Off Prem 31001-32000 33., 7 7 7 32001-33000 34 7 7 7 3301-34000 35 7 7 7 34001-35000 36 7 7 7 35001->6000 38 8 8 8 36001-37000 8 8 8 37001-38000 40 8 8 8 38001-39000 41 8 8 8 39001-40000 42 8 8 8 10001-41000 43 9 9 9 41001-42000 44 9 9 9 42001-43000 45 9 9 9 43001-44000 46 9 9 9 44001-45000 47 9 9 9 4500]-46000 49 10 10 10 46001-47000 50 10 10 10 47001-48000 51 10 10 10 48001-49000 52 10 10 10 49001-50000 53 IU 10 10 50001-51000 54 11 11 11 51001-52000 55 it 11 11 34 97 11m .1/w t ' Bl I 'F 13( n )A (May, 2004 Union I ALL ALCOHOL WINE & MALT POPULATION SECTION 12 SECTION 15 SECTION 12 SECTION 15 (On premise) (OlTPremise) (On Premise) (Off Premise) 52001-53000 56 II 11 Il 53001-54000 57 11 11 11 54001-55000 58 11 11 Il 55001-56000 60 12 12 12 56001-57000 61 12 12 12 57001-58000 62 12 12 12 58001-59000 63 12 12 12 59001-600100 64 12 12 12 60001-61000 65 13 13 13 61001-62000 66 13 13 13 62001-63000 67 1 13 13 63001-64000 68 13 13 13 64001-65000 69 13 13 13 65001-66000 71 14 14 14 66001-67000 72 14 14 14 67001-68000 73 14 14 14 68001-69000 74 14 14 14 69001-70000 75 14 M 14 70001-71000 76 15 15 15 35 98 Wine Nation MA, Inc. r Application for Package Store License Reading, Massachusetts Table of Contents l~ 1. ABCC Form 43 2. ABCC Application 3. ABCC Form A, and Driver's License 4. Alcohol Training Certification for Manager 5. Department of Revenue Attestation 6. Articles of Organization 7. Vote of Corporate Board 8. Letter of Intent for Proposed Lease 9. Floor Plan 10. Checks a. $2200 to Town of Reading for Filing Fee b. $200 to Commonwealth of Massachusetts for ABCC Investigation 99 1 q C/ I q THE COMMONWEALTHONTR OFNTROL MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FORM 43 August 14, 2009 Reading Date City/Town License Number Pledge of License T e of Transaction lease check all ( ) N w OOff.eer/hDouector Pledge of Stock ( New License Change of Location Other ( ) Transfer of License Alter premises ( ) Change of Manager nsfer of Stock T a N ra O N W Wine Nation MA, Inc FID of Licensee Name of licensee Taylor Trone Wine Nation Manager D/B/A 4a ' MA 01B67 140Walkers Brook Drive Reading, Vi O zip 'Code Address: Number Street package Store Annual All Alcohol Club, PaclcaBe Store, Type: Restaa-t : All Alcohol, wine & Malt General on Premise, Etc- Annual or Seasonal Category Description of Licensed Premises: A Retail Package and Gourmet Food store of 16,5D0'SF. Application was filed: 8/17 /09 8:50 a.m. Date & time $ 09 - Chronicle Advertised: 8-• Date & Publication No Abutters Notified R - Yes Person to contact regarding this transaction: Gerald Caruso, Esq. Boston, MA 02110 Name. -Rubin and Rudman, 50 Rowes Wharf, Address: Phone 617-330-7000 Remarks: Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission The Local Licensing Authonties By: 100 Remarks: Executive Vrector ~I lAc> .r,;•;,;...:, :,::::rte x m m r M i d a N . Q C 44 r r`~'~M Sy~v The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, MA- 02114 Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Retail Sale Reading city/Town: New Officer/Director (ED New License other (r-b Transfei of License TD (specify) (D Transfer of Stock Section 1 Wine Nation MA, Inc Name to appear on the license: Wine Nation Business Name (d)b/a, if different): Taylor Trone Manager of Record: 40 Walkers Brook Drive Reading, MA Address of Premises: . Applied For Phone number of premises: Section 2 Type of license: (check one only) Package Store Club Restaurant on Premisr 43) ( 0 hmholder Tavern Section 3 License Category FID of Licensem 01867 Zip Code: ([l Veterans Club (E Other Wine and Malt All Alcoholic ( El Wine Only Malt Only Wine and Malt with Cordials Permit Section 4 License Class (a Annual Seasonal Section 5 Person (attorney if applicable) who can be contacted concerning this application Gerald Caruso, Esq. Name: es Wharf,. Boston, MA 0211 Rubin and Rudman, 50 Row Address: 617-330-7000 Phone Number: 101 e wli uste Section 6 Give a full description of the pr With 22,432 SF of retail space of which theastores an exis, jises to be licensed includin location of all c A Retail Package and Gourmet Food store approximately 18,500 SF, with six entrances and exits. 6a. N/A Seating Capacity: Section 7 NIA Occupancy Number: Applicant is an: Individual Corporatton I,LC Association Non-profit corporation partnership Section 8 If applicant is an individual or partnership - List for individual or each partner: DOB SST M Yes No 8a. Is individual or all partners United States citizens? . . ( 0 If no, specify citizenship: Yes (E3 No Sb. Is individual or all partners involved at least twenty-one years old?( applicant is a corporation; complete the following: May 28 , 2009 Date of Incorporation: May 28 2009 Section 9 If the State Massachusetts of Incorporation: Date qualified to do business in MA.: 1000 1000 How many shares are issued, of the vote by the Board of Directors appointing a manager or principal representatives. 9b. Attach a copy See Attached a-- C 102 applicant is a corporation, answer the following questions: 9c. If the No 1. Are the majority of directors United States citizens? Yes (0) No' 2. Are the majority of directors citizens of Massachusetts? (x[, Yes (0) No 3. is the manager or principal representative aU.S. citizen? Yes Section 10 If the applicant is an association, provide in the box below the names of all association officers and members. lob. Attach a list of all members of the LLC. Section 11 Will there be any construction, remodeling, redecorating or building on the Premises for this license? (a Yes (13 No (If yes complete a,b, c and d) a. Give an exact description of the construction, remodeling, redecorating or building on the premises: _ „n r.rpate Full Service Retail Package Store Full Build Uut OT UGnuacu $200,000 b, what are the estimated costs: approval Two months from date of Town app c. What is the construction schedule: Corporate Funds d. State all sources of construction, financing: Section 12 ' Q} Yes No. if yes, please respond to the question below. Do you own the premises? (Dyes Name of Realty Trust ( n As an individual Jointly Name of Corporation (Eb Other (If you do not own the premises to be licensed, provide the following information about the owner.) 617-770-1955 Dickinson Development Phone Number. Name: 1266 Furnace Brook Parkway, Quincy, MA 02169 Address: 103 L~ ~ 7-,-) 28,040 Month $ (month, year, etc.) 12a. If a lease or rental, provide the following information: per October 31, 2019 November 1, 2009 Ending Date of lease Beginning date of lease (provide copy of the lease) FI ANCIAL Section 13 What assets were purchased and cost? N/A NIA Goodwill: $ Equiprnent: $ N/A Furniture: N/A N/A License: $ N/A Premise: Inventory: 13a. Total Purchase Price: $N/A 13b. Identify below all sources of financing: Seller: $N/A Mortgage: $N/A N/A N/A Other (specify): $ Cash: $ Document all sources e.g. Loan papers, checking accounts, stock sales, etc. 13c. N/A All other terms and conditions: documents) (provide purchase and s 13d. Are you seeking approval for license to be pledged: Yes No If yes, to whom: x Yes -No. 13e. Will the inventory be pledged: if yes, specify to whom: stock to be pledged: 13f. If a corporation, are you seeking approval for any (El Yes (Eb No if yes, identify to whom and identify the number of shares: OWNERSffiP INTERESTS Section 14 State the following information for all persons or entities who will have any direct or indirect beneficial or financial interest in this license: S5N Phone Number Full Name Home Address DOB 240=632-8322 Jill Trone 13408 Bissel Lane, Potomac, MD 240-63278322 Tom Trone 13408 Bissel Lane, Potomac, MD 240-632-8322 Wine Nation, Inc 13408 Bissel Lane, Potomac, MD Lk (2~ (4, 104 escribe all types of beneficial or financial interest each person or entity identified in Question 14 will have in 14a. D this license: 'erson or enti Beneficial or nnanwll u.,~.~~• Joint owner of 1000 Shares of issued Stock Jill Trone Joint owner of 1000 Shares of Issued Stock. Tom Trone Wine Nation, Inc. of Delaware is the Owner of Wine Nation MA, Inc. Wine Nation, Inc. ect beneficial or financial interest in any 14b. Does any person or entity listed in Question 14 have any direct or indir other license granted under Chapter 138? (13 Yes No 105 a . -Yes No 14c. Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever n1-'U under Chapter 139 following is f presently each person der entity.) (If yes, provide the Date Ownershi surrendered Pn~P Name and Address sfer AA rlPCCribe how all licenses in Question 14c were terminated (e.g. tran of ownership, non-renewal, surrender, 14e. Ms any person or entity named in Question 14 ever had a license suspended, revoked or cancelled? (CD Yes NO (Ir yes, provide the following information) e., vn~ nr cancelled . Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever been convicted of violating any stale, federal or military 14f law? ( ) Yes ~ No 15 a. Fncb individual applicunt must Sign' b. App cations by n. partnership must be signed by a majm•lty of the pad a vote of the c. Applications by a corporation must be signed by an Officer authorized by y a corporations Board of Directors, of the members if the governin ; d. Applications by as asso estion n 1 1ciation mast be signed0u majority body. All signers must have anstivered qu. e False information or failure to disclose are reasons to revoke a license or deny a license .application. Signed and subscribed to under the penalty of perjury, this day of i Title g ; Si afore of Full Name PM d 4C,)--L 106 E'=--=== TA r M d Fw. '~hf 5y0 The commonwealth of Massachusetts ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH: ^A NEW LICENSE APPLICANT ® B. APPOINTMENT OR CHANGE E OF MANAGER IN A CORPORATION 13 C, TRANSFER OF LICENSE (RETAIL ONLY-SEC. 12 & SEC. 15). this Form A.) (Please check which transaction is the subject of an application accompanying %m Krr A] I INFORMATION IONS MUST BE ANSWERED AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED O ALL QUEST APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Wine Nation MA, Inc. 1, LICENSEE NAME (NAME AS IT WILL APPEAR ON THE LICENSE) Taylor Trone 2. NAME OF (PROPOSED) MANAGER 3. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 13408 Bissel Lane, Potomac, MD 4. HOME (STREET) ADDRESS CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER (S): (Give both, your home telephone and a number at which 5, AREA you can be reached during the day). 240-632-8322 240-632-8322 HQME# 11 1 g DAY TIME # ME a MA 7. DATE OF BIRTH: . PLACE OF BIRTH: YES 19 NO 8A. WHERE?: 8. REGISTERED VOTER: S © NO YE g, ARE YOU A U. S. CITIZEN: N/A 10 COURT AND DATE OF NATURALIZATION (IF APPLICABLE): (Submit proof of citizenship and/or naturalization such as Voter=s Certificate, Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers) 107 Moui Thomas 12. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME _ 11, FATHER'S NAME: 13, IDENTIFY YOUR CRIMAI E IN CRIMINAL COURT CHARGED WITH A CRIMINAL OFFENSE NY OTHER ARREST OR APPEA REGA13pLESS OF FINAL DISPn-x ' -NO : MUST CHECK EITHER YES OR NQ) L_____-------YES ( IFYES, PLEASE DESCRIBE OFFENSE (S) SPECIFIC CHARGE AND DISPOSITION (FINE, PENALTY, ETC.) 0 YES El - NO 14. PRIOR PLEASE DESCRIBE* IN BEE LIQUOR INDUSTRY: level to management in Retail and On-Premises alcohol Industry- of experience from entry Six years 15. FINANCIAL INTEREST, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, IN THIS-OR ANY OTHER LIQUOR LICENSE, PERMIT OR CERTIFICATE: 13 - - yl~S - -NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: Address and If known, Numbers): Employer, 16. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS (Dates, Gaithersburg, MD 240-631-0003 910$-Present, Manager, Red Rock Canyon Grill, 100 Hoard Walk Place, 11 /03-10/OB, Several Positions, Total Wine and More, Suite 214,11325 Seven Locks Rd„ Potomac, MD 301-795.1000 50 17, HOURS PER WEEK TO BE SPENT ON THE LICENSED PEMISES' E NAL I HEREBY SWEAR THAT UNDER THE TIES OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, 1g I HAVE GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION ION IS IN y- '~1•'~'~ ~ BY PROPOSED MANAGER SIGNATURE DATE _7 F-.%RLE5LMAUREEN.I1tiAURF,EM50F d51FORMA.WPO 8199 2 108 acne w J..,..._ ry it with,you as evidence of vour skills and knowledge in the responsible e, sw consumption of alcohol. Ong ratollations! By successfully completing the TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) tr arn, you have taken your place in the forefront of a nationwide movement reduce the u agedies resulting from the nvsuse of alcohol. We value your :ticiparion in the TIPS program. peers and/or You will help to provide a safer environment for your patrons, p ileagues by using the techniques you have learned and taking a positive ?roach towards alcohol use. If you nave any information you think would enhance the TIPS program, or ue can assist you in any way, please contact us at 703-524-12D0• Thank you your dedication to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol. Sincerely. Adam F. Chafetz President, HCI n 7~ . , . ...i: fi'r' . .•i.. r your certification number because you will need it when contacting TIPS. For assistance or additional information, contact Health Communications, Inc, by using the information provided on the reverse side of your certification card. There is a minimal charge for a replacement card if your original card becomes lost, damaged or stolen. a eTIPS Off Premiss SSN: XXX-XX-XM Issued: 13/1212009 Expires:d'11'2/2012 259GM2 D.O.B XXlkXI>DO~X Taylor T one 1340& Bisset Ln. PtAomec, MD 20854 For service visit us online atwww.getffps.cot'n 109 (.~c W"I 02/07/1999 04:18 4013342003 TRONE PAGE 04 MASSACHUSE't'iS, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ~~UR EN!°QACEMENT AtdiS PRAT P "T T t cemlfy under the penalties of perjury that I, to my best knowledge and bellaf; have filed all state tax rates and paid all state taxes regilred urider law, *.Signature of r.Koviduai or Corporate Namo Mandatory* This Ilcense will not be Issued unless this certlficatlon, "clamse is signed by the Ali: applicant- _ *x Ya_r:- social sacwlty number will be furnished to the Massactxisatts Department of Revenue to determine whether you have met tax filing or tax Payment obligations. L'ic s who fall to correct their non-fillrg or dellr cy will lie subject to•••Ilc flan w mvocatlon, This request is made under the authority of ass. G.L. c. 62C s. 49A. i • ~A • ~r^1 ~ U f 110 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin -Public Browse and Search page 1 of 2 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts s'~. °#tr*,.. William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division One Ashburton Place,17th floor Boston, MA 02108-1512 Telephone: (617) 727-9640 7 • Help with this form VINE NATION MA, INC. Summary Screen Request a Certificate The exact name of the Domestic Profit Corporation: NINE NATION MAC' The name was changed from: WINE NATION INC. on 6/22/2009 Entity Type: Domestic profit corporation identification Number1N: - 111~ Date of organization in Massachusetts: 05/2$ 2009 Current Fiscal Month I Day: 12 / 31 The location of its principal office: No. and Street: 13408 BISSELL LN. Zip: 20854 Country: USA PO__O_TMA•C State: MD P~ City or Town: If the business entity is organized wholly to do business outside Massachusetts, the location of that office: No, and Street: State: Zip: Country: City or Town: Name and address of the Registered Agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY Name: . No. and Street: 84 STATE ST State: MA Zip': 02109 Country: USA City or Town, BOSTON The officers and all of the directors of the corporation: Address (no Po Box) Expiration Title Individual Name of Term First, Middle, Last, Suffix Address, City or Town, State, Zip Code PRESIDENT THOMAS TRONE POTOMAC13408 , MD 201854 USA THOMAS WILCOX 35 SEDGEWICK DR. TREASURER SCITUATE, MA 02056 USA THOMAS WILCOX 35 SEDGEWICK DR. SECRETARY SCITUATE, MA 02006 USA THOMAS TRONE 13408 8155EL LN. DIRECTOR POTOMAC, MD 20854 USA PAUL CATALDO 163 BULLRUSH FARM RD. $ttp://corp.sec. state.ma.us/corp/corpsearch/Co1p;~larchSummaTy. asp?R•eadFromDB=True... 4C,3 8/14/2009 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin. - Public Browse and Search Page 2 of 2 SCITUATE, MA 02066 USA THOMAS WILCOX 35 SEDGEWICK DR. DIRECTOR SCITUATE, MA 02066 USA business entity stock is publicly traded: The total number of shares and par value, if any, issue: - Par Value Per Share Class of Stock Enter 0 If no Par of each class of stock which the busme Total Authorized by Articles of Organization or Amendments Num of Shares Total Par Value :ss entity is authorized to =outstanding 00 - C p $0.00000 Manufacturer Confidential Data, Does Not Require Annual Report Consent For'Proft Merger Allowed Partnership Resident Agent Seiec .from bei_ ov! to vf2v this business entice fiiin i ALL FILINGS Administrative Dissolution IN, `Annual Report ival Application For Rev Articles of Amendment New Search View Filings M HeID © 2001.2009 Commonwealth of Massachusetts All Riahts Reserved c.state.mans/core/corpsearchlCo~~aTChSummarY.asp?ReadFromDB=True••• 8/14/2009 htL-c://corpse MAY, OF " 1.1~B ) g197880 Date: 05/28/2009 4:56 PMNO, 5352 P-2 'ffliam Francis Galvin 5ecrgny of the C,ommonweahh one Ashburton place, Boston, .Massacttusew 021084512 FORM MUST BE TYPED FO 1;M nnt~s~ a Pl? ("e 1, ws ArfiCICS p 1i5$D, Sotdoti °9 0 (MIR 113.16) AWrCLE1 The eza name oFthe corporation is: Wine won Inc. AI M'fCM 11 ty~lrsa site articles of atgariF iQn otherwise pmlida, all wz polations formed pursuant to G.L Cbaptrr 156D have the pwrpQx Qf engnging in any lawful bvFineas- Please Sp060 if you want a mom 1►mircd purpon~ NfA AFMCLE IR State the toml number of shares and par value, " if any, of eeth class of stock thnt rb ~P rioln is ~orized to hst,e. All cotpo' rations tnn6t eut6arize stock. if only one rim= or Mies i6 outho*&d, his not neces to eciy an rrimvlar dcaignadon. WITS OUT PAR VALU P.. WITH PAR VALU] TYPE NUMBER OF SHARES YYI'E NUMBER OF S} ARI!b pA& vil-WD common 1,000 V,L, Gr*w J%D diminaxs the ram'apr of pru rafur, bwvlr a 1v1pradax orgy $vgYAar Voklr In Artkk III 5rt G.L Chapur 1562), 3eruda 9..21.. od the LHRllrrerl a tY1&~Ak tbprr- EGL 113 at60d,7(Ia1fVe1191leirySpi~( J MAY. 28, 2009 4:53PM CN6173678314 ' NUJ. 5352 P. 3 A,k TICLE IV Prix+r to the imantt oFahares nfnny class' ar seller, the wlcks of Owahnti4n must ffor forth the pre&rencts, timiracfons and rcln- rive rlgur is of that class ar series. 'Ihe uncles rosy alsp Ilralt dre type or specify rbe.mlniwum mnount of eaneideradon for v"cb sbsrec oNuir class ar sarles may be !sued. Please set forth the preferences, limitatlans and relatlve rig4= of each class or rerfes and, iNesircd, the atguited LM and minimum amount afconsideratianto be received. Nolte 4ICLE V The rrmtd tiara, if atsy, imposed by the ardda of organiintIon upon dre rranFFgr oFsbares oFany clans or series of stork are: Nohe AR'ICLEVI tither 14evU provihmns, and if rl=d are no such provlsiarrs, this amide tray be leFthlank. see Continuation Sheet - Article VI pine Mvprardbig&(QortkInare eonsibmttoBtpdrmn+xrua ataay6eehanodonlyb00VapprmprIatearrlckrOfmtiandrMM y 114 M 5352 P. 4 MAY, 26.2009 4.53PM CSC6173676314 ARTICT E% OF ORGANIZATION CONTMATION SHEET ARTICLE VI 'UY A. No director shallbe personally liable to the corporation arto any of its shareholder for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty by such director as a director natwithstanding my provision of ItM imposing Stich liabilitl , provided, however, that, to the extent roguired from time to tuns by applicable law, this provision shall not eliminate or limit the liability of a director, to the extent such liability is provided by appli(%ble law, (1') fair any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the Garporation ar its sbareholders, (u) for acts or omissions that in good faith or which involve inl0ational. inisconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iti) for improper disttibutiow under Seotion 6,40 of the Business Corporation Act of the Commonwealth of Massaclmctts, or (iv) for any traMaation from which the director derived an improper personal benefit. No amendment to or repeal of this Article V1 A shall apply to or have any cffeut on the liability or alleged liability of any director for or with respect to arty acts of Omissions of such, director occurring prior to the effective date of Rua amendmont or repeal. VI B. At annual meetings of the shar6olders, any business maybe transacted whether or not the notice of such aneetfng contains a 'eferenco thereto, exceptwhelt. such a.teferenee 16 required by law, these Articles of Organization or the By-Laws of the corporation, VI C. Any action that may be t*mby shareholders maybe taken without a meeting if (i) all shareholders entitled to vote on the matter or (ii) the shareholders having not less than the minimum number of votes necessary to take the action at a meeting at which all shareholders entitled to vote on the aotigA are present and voting, consent to the aetion in writing and the written consents are delivered to.the corporation for inclusion with. the records of the meetings of sbarehdldezs within 60 days of the earliest dated consent delivered to the Corporation. ' I D. T14o Board of Directors may consist of one, two or mom individuals regardless of the number of shareholders. ME. The directors may make, amend, or repeal the By-Laws m whole or in part except with respect to any provision thereof which by law of the By-Laws zety&es action by the shareholders. # 2(196287,_vl L~ C'3 115 NO, 5352 P. MAY,28,2009 4:53PM C80173678314 AMC s VII 'Ihe effecava dsxc of organization of the corpotstton is rbtdaty Ind time the mictrs were ttud•edfor fiilrrt; if d,eArticIrs are nor rajecsed within the tuna prescribed by law, If a. toter effeahn date its desired, specify such dote, whle6 may not be later than the 90rtt dayaAcr the arridu are received for filing ARTIM VUI 'Ihe tnfarraltion cormained in this arri de is not a permanent part of the articles aforganizatian, a. Sc street address of the InIrW registered OMcc of do corporation, th the comttronweaithr S4 SWe Street, Bosfen, MA VI 09 b, 'flit nano of Irs;a'" registered Agent at its Mostarrd officer Corporation Service Compan u The narne: aoW street addressee of the 1ndiv14Nal4wlxo will serve as the inirial disc hors, president, trc wr'Arand accrecvy of the cprpnrstidn (aa orl~rrss nced hot he specified 1Fthe buFiners address of the of6car or director is tl,c same as rhG Principal o8`rce loczrian); Pres;dericnomea Trone,13408 Slssel Lane, Potomac, MD 20854 'ireasurw Thomas 11Vdcox, 35 $sdgewi* drive, Sdtuate, MA 02066 Secretary: Thomas Wilcox, 35 Sedgwkk Drive, Sarluate, MA OHM I}imnor.00- Thomas Trone,13408 BISSSI Lane, Potomac, MD 20854 Thomas Wilcox, 35 Sedgewlek Dive, SdWata, MA 02060 Paul Cataido,11M Wiruvh Perm Road, SOW % MA 02066 d. The fig d year end of the corpor-%ftn' ' L7esember 31 e. A bdofdesttiptiou of the type of btlsitim in which the corporadon intends to engage; Who retail f. The suers ad mss of the ptim1pat. a8ire of the corpesrarianv 13488 Kissel LWO, PUIUM00, MD 20854 1., 'Ihe street oddrcss Aere the records of the corpotatlon requited to be kept iu the commonwpM Are I=red is: which is (rrurfrber; jmrx of y or roran, ttn r, wtp code) ❑ its principal uMcet Cl an affice of irs transfer agent; G1 an of&ce of Its sccrstarplasslsornt accrararyt ❑ its tr;lsterr;d office. Signed this .90%== n day of May znng _ 67 the Incorporator(s): .,4' . Name: uraidlay an -nrt Addreu'. 116 L~c3b MA SOC Filing Number: 200968197880 Date: 05/28/2009 4:56 PM THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS I hereby certify that, upon examination of this document, duly submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative to corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said articles; and the filing fee having been paid, said articles are deemed to have been filed with me on:' May 28, 2009 4:56 PM wml, AM FRANCIS GALVIN secretary of the Commonwealth 293695-1-0 LA c31 117 z • o~ William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth dwmnonwaz" IYCY 00 0,91 June 3, 2009 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby certify that according to the records of this office, WINE NATION INC. is a domestic corporation organized on may 28, 2009, under the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I further certify that there are no proceedings presently pending under the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 15 6D section 14.21 for said corporation's dissolution; filed rticlles of dissolution have not been filed by saido su such reports,a'd so far as appears of record said reports, and. paid all fees with r P corporation has legal existence and is in good standing with this office. in testimony of which, I have hereunto affixed the Great Seal of the Commonwealth Processed By, TAA on the date first above written. Secretary of the Commonwealth . G~U 118 WINE NATION MA, INC. CERTIFICATE OF VOTE To the Town of Reading Licensing Board: This is to certify that by written consent of the Directors of WINE NATION MA, IN,C the licensed was voted to authorize the application d St s as the Manager with full authority and control o and Taylor Trane, a citizen of Unite icensee should relative to alcoholic beverages as the premise and of the conduct of all business therein of the Commonw alth, of Wine (Nation located in any way have and exercise if it were a natural at The Crossing at Walker's Brook, Reading, Massachusetts. The foregoing statements are made under penalty of perjury this /`t' day of +-3i 2009. , President 4.c~?q. 119 THE WILDER COMPANIES DEVELOPMENT. MANAGEMENT. LEASING. 800 BOYLSTON STREET I SUITE 1300 1 BOSTON, MA 02199 PHOgE 617.241.0200 1 FAX 61'7.247.4044 1 WWW.WILOERCO.COM Mr. David McCarthy The Dartmouth Company 351 Newbury Street Boston, MA 02115 Re: Wine Nation N The Crossing at Walkers Brook - Reading, Massachusetts Dear David: The Wilder Companies, Inc., on behalf of Dickinson Development, hereby proposes to enter into a Lease Agreement for the above referenced location and Tenant. The terms and conditions for the occupancy are as follows. LANDLORD: Walkers Brook Crossing LLC TENANT: Wine Nation PREMISES: 22,432 sf ,18,500 sf of retail space LEASE TERM: One Ten (10) Year Term with One 5 (Five) Year Option, 2 five year options Ok. COMMENCEMENT DATE: 120 days after the delivery of the space to the Tenant or when Tenant opens for business, whichever comes sooner. RADIUS RESTRICTIONS: MIlNEM M ANNUAL RENT Years 1-5 $15.00 psf $ Annually (First Floor): Years 6-10 $16.80 psf $ Annually Years 11-15 (Option Period) 12% increase over year 10 rent Years 16-20 (Option Period) 12% increase over year 15 rent COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE: Pro rata; currently estimated to be $3.36psf REAL ESTATE TAXES Pro rata; currently estimated to be $4.31psf USE OF PREMISES: For the operation of a fall beer, wine and liquor store with incidental sales of alcohol related items such as wine accessories. Language to be further defined in Lease. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS: Tenant will submit a full set of Architectural Plans for 120 4 q 0 NOW THE WILDER COMPANIES DEVELOPMENT. MANAGEMENT. LEASING. 800 BOY LSTON STREET I SUITE 1300 1 BOSTON, MA 02199 reone 617.247.0200 I Fns 617.247.4044 I WINW.WILDERGO.CUM review and approval. LANDLORD'S CONSTRUCTION: Landlord will deliver the space As-Is except for. Landlord shall provide Tenant with $90,000.00 for Tenant to use toward store build out, to be given as rent credit. Tenant may install such tenant improvements, fixtures and finishes in the Premises as Tenant deems necessary or desirable. TENANT'S CONSTRUCTION: Tenant will be responsible for all other necessary construction beyond Landlord's work. SECURITY DEPOSIT AND Required. Amount of security deposit to be determined GUARANTEE: after review of Tenant's Financials. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Tenants must submit a current financial statement for Landlord's review and approval. The submission of this document for examination and negotiation does not constitute an offer to lease or a reservation of or option for the premises. The parties will only be bound upon the execution and delivery of a mutually executed Lease, regardless of any written or verbal representation made by any agent, manager or other employee of Landlord to the contrary. Should the above be agreed upon, kindly signify your acceptance by signing and returning a copy of this letter to the undersigned. Sincerely, Alison J. Galgay Leasing Representative ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY TENANT: Thomas Trone DATE: 8/12/09 cc: Andy LaGrega Mark Dickinson 4 c~1 121 I 7-11 ~c 122 ~ J t rr~ MwrnandisinD Plan -Q I Is Wa►kors Brook Crossing m/YV ~,,1 „J jr 4'• 1~ /i4G .t• ~-t i O /y •I~ICn • it / O ~i• ' ~J,~ii.. i/J'~J , i'N / :~th„a~ ~ v+~ fh Will" r~i%r "?!jri,, •i~:`:4;~_ r'CJ '4; •'/;l' / '•'~rf. ~i5~. , v' iV,`'rf , J l . y ' ~.'i~ S is - / -ell r:~,. 'a. ~v •l. .'//r'~. Jan. / t Ae, • ''iS i r~j J/.till. 'i.Y;i• ,'tom - r'_.. J I 'r' t t 411E Ur q (21 43 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the inhabitants of the Town of Reading:, You are hereby notified that an application for an All Alcohol Package Store License has been made for, Reading Discount Liquors, i.nc. d/- -/a Reading Discount Liquors. The application is for the premises g, at One General Ways Massachusetts. s of Under the provision Chapter 138, Section 15 of the Massachusetts General Laws, held a public, hearing be h d concerning such appli will. the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at g.15 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. parties are All interested p .invited to attend or submit their. comments in writing; or by email to Town Manager at town - anager @ ci rea o ma,us prior to 4:00 p•rdi September 1 st. By order of peter i. Hechenbieikner Town Manager 8/4 124 Hall 1 1 1~. . 68A t + FST , ~r ~ ~ Nll 57 45 s~ Rp r . 46 i 4tr I K tll ~ 4y. ~ ~ II OQA1O~\~ I I 1 I! I !i !1 ~i 1 l 26 / r J I I I I 1 1 I I~ ~,l t ~f I j I 25 i t r fJov ly t ltf A~ !l l NA f ~j ~ ~z .11 /-35 w r ~f , !A 1: fi' tl z 27~ r~ 1 ./~1 ~ /r EF 57 I T GO ~ o . 4'5 4A,h~ 'ti.~~4 h 11 ~ f 'r F rr~. 47 ` ~~~4v 46 ia~ t w^c'" ~ c 1 f \ Q jo, ~s r~ I I 23 `~{w r 51 ~ f % toy / Y T. 2,6 Easy Peel® Labels Use Avery® Template 5160'D 460280000000210 4EW CROSSING LIMITED ,ARTNERSH -/O FRAEN REAL ESTATE DIVISION 10 NEW CROSSING RD LEADING, MA 01867-3254 2460550000000270 W,LIAMSON ELAINE M JEFFREY M RIZZO ETAL 179 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000300 NAVANANDAN ANANDAN ANANDAGOWRI NAVANANDAN 189 WASHINGTON STREET READING, MA 01867 2460550000000330 GRIFFIN SUSAN M 203 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000360 ERRICO ROBERT J ERRICO, EMILY A CASTOR 30 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000390 MUNNIS JANIS S 20 BOLTON STREET READING, MA 01867 2460550000000490 SOVEREIGN RA II LLC A DELAWARE LTD LIP.BILIT CO 30 HUNTER LN CAMP HILL, PA 17011 246056000000001A PAVAO MICHAEL ELIZABETH ROURKE 211 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000030 ROYCE PHILIP M JUDITH M ROYCE 223 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000060 CULLINANE CHARLES J MARGARET P CULLINANE 59 OAK RIDGE RD READING, MA 01867 EMM Bend along line to it Feed Paper - expose Pop-Up FdgeT"^ 246055000000011A HOUPES THOMAS J II KAREN HOUPES 204 WASHINGTON STREET READING, MA 01867 2460550000000280 MALAY ROBERT M EILEEN M MALAY 183 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000310 COVINO JOHN J MARY E COVINO 193 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 246055000000033A GILLIGAN DANIEL L DEBORAH L GILLIGAN 42 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000370 GEDDRY ERIC C LAUREN M GEDDRY 24 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000400 SILVER MICHAEL S MELISSA A SILVER 4 DEL CARMINE ST WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 2460550000000500 SOVEREIGN RA II LLC A DELAWARE LTD LIABILITY CO 30 HUNTER LN CAMP HILL, PA 17011 246056000000001B REDARD ERIC JULIE D REDARD 215 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000040 DELLORUSSO JEANELLE T ARTHUR M DELLORUSSO 227 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000080 OSBORNE LEON N MARGARET A OSBORNE 235 WASHINGTON ST READING, Mjk2 91867 + AVERY@ 51600 ~ 2460550000000260 TOWER KEITH M SUSAN M AHERN 175 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000290 GARDINER NORMA E 185 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000320 HOWIE GEOFFREY LISA HOWIE 197 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 246055000000034& CROWLEY DANIEL M MARY L CROWLEY 36 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460550000000380 NAPOLI ILLEANA 22 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 , i 2460550000000410 SUMNER NEIL J BRIDGET C SUMNER 12 BOLTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000010 CERRETANI JOHN A ETAL TRS C/O RITE AID P O BOX 3165 HARRISBURG, PA 17105 2460560000000020 CALLAHAN RUSSELL MICHELLE K SEMLER 45 SANFORD COURT #2 MELROSE, MA 02176 2460560000000050 REDMOND ARTHUR L BLANCHE V REDMOND 229 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000090 UNDERWOOD-DERANANIAN JUDITH 239 WASHINGTON ST READING, MA 01867 www.avery.COM A Bend along line to Easy Peel® Labels Feed Paper expose pop-Up Edgerm L Use Avery® Template 5'160 2460560000000110 .460560000000100 30URIKAS VASSILIOS ETAL TRS DICEGLIE DIANE M 3OURIKAS NOMINEE TRUST MICHAEL J DICEGLIE .26 LOWELL ST 141 VILLAGE ST \R.LINGTON, MA 02474 READING, MA 01867 1460560000000130 <IRK JOYCE A 151 VILLAGE STREET READING, MA 01867 2460560000000140 NEARY DOUGLAS J 155 VILLAGE ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000160 INTONTI GERALD A LUCY M INTONTI PO BOX 385 READING, MA 01867 2460560000000310 CHILDRES S WILLIAM L ELLEN C CHILDRESS 105 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 246057000000022& TWO WALKERS BROOK CROSSING iLC C/O DICKENSON DEVELOPMENT 1266 FURNACE BROOK PKWY QUINCY, MA 02169-4758 2460670000000130 EVANS COURTNEY A ETAL TRS EVANS FAMILY 2002 REVOCABLE TRUST 128 JOHN ST READING, MA 01867 2460670000000220 ALLEN FREDERICK D JR. ALLEN DEBRA J 4 LAKEVIEW AVE READING, MA 01867 2460440000000030 TOWN OF READING LIGHT DEPT 208 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 2460440000000110 SARTELL EDWARD F SCOTT C SARTELL ETAL 236 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 2460440000000310 PIECES OF EIGHT,LLC 169 SOUTH RIVER RD BEDFORD, NH 03110 2460560000000170 MCINERNEY BEVERLY MARK MCINERNEY 212 PEARL ST READING, MA 01867 2460570000000010 SALEM FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK AMASS CHARTERED SAVINGS BA 210 ESSEX ST SALEM, MA 01970 2460670000000110 BOISSONEAU CAROLE P 122 JOHN ST READING, MA 01867 246067000000014& D'AREZZO ANTHONY ELIZABETH A D'AREZZO 130 JOHN ST READING, MA 01867 2460440000000010 RAVENS FRED J III ETAL TRS 198 ASH ST REALTY TRUST 198 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 246044000000004& TOWN OF READING MUNICIPAL LIGHT DEPT 218 ASH ST # 226 READING, MA 01867 2460440000000120 DOE DONALD E TRUSTEE THE D & M REALTY TRUST 460 SALEM RD DRACUT, MA 01826 ~ AVERY@ 51600 2460560000000120 SAGGESE TODD JENNIFER JOSEPH 145 VILLAGE ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000150 TOWN OF READING 16 LOWELL ST READING, MA 01867 2460560000000180 CR.AMPTON PAUL F NANCY E CRAMPTON 140 VILLAGE STREET READING, MA 01867 2460570000000020 IODICE MICHAEL F JR TR M J II REALTY TRUST 29 CRAFTS ST STE 250 NEWTONVILLE, MA 02160 2460670000000120 FARNHAM DAVID A FARNHAM DEBORAH A 124 JOHN STREET READING, MA 01867 2460670000000160 SHARPE AUSTIN E ABIGAIL H SHARPE 2 LAKEVIEW AVE READING, MA 01867 2460440000000020 MELENDY MILDRED L (L.E) DIANE LILLIAN FRATUS ETAL 40 ARCH ST MALDEN,.MA 02148 2460440000000100 BARBAS STEVEN J TRUSTEE JCM REAL ESTATE TRUST 232 ASH STREET READING, MA 01867 2460440000000180 READING MUNICIPAL LIGHT DEPT 25 HAVEN STREET READING, MA 01867 246045000000001& 2460450000000030 MASS BAY TRANS AUTHORITY DANIS GEORGE E, TR DANIS READING REALTY TRUST A 500 ARBO PO BOX 672 02130 MA BOSTON, READING, M 867 www.avery.com i Easy Peel® Labels ` Use Avery@ Template 51600 d ',460460000000010 !5 WBD LLC ,266 FURNACE BROOK PARKWAY )UINCY, MA 02176 Z46046000000009A HH30 NEW CROSSING ROAD LLC. LAUREN SEAVERNS C/O COLLEGE ST pARTNERS 900 CUMMINGS CENTER, SUITE 301-U BEVERLY, MA 01915 2460670000000170 BRAMHALL KERRY G 11 JOHN ST CT READING, MA 01867 A~ Bend along line to Feed Paper , expose Pop-Up Edger"" 2460460000000080 BROOKVIEW INVESTMENTS LLC 15 THIRD AVE BURLINGTON, MA 01803 2460460000000100 25 WBD LLC DICKINSON DEVELOPMENT CORP 1266 FURNACE BROOK PARKWAY QUINCY, MA 02169 129 © AVERY@ 5160 2460460000000090 READING PLAZA LLC C/O ARIN REALTY CO INC PO, BOX 610227 NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MA 024 2460460000000120 NEW CROSSING TRIANGLE LLC 15 THIRD AVE BURLINGTON, MA 01867 wwvu.averv.corn (J ZF Q J W W LL W 0 'S O m N M r oood rd Nr r'rrr Lr)rrrr..(D r OM t'~w co to c0 co d 00(o o Z W 000 m~~ O m co co OOD W N N O O O N O O) N r N r 0 0 0 000 0 000 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 O o 0 0 0 w a m i z ¢ Q d Q Q a a Q Q ~t Q <L Q <t ~t Z, Q¢¢¢ Q Q¢ :E 2 2 2:5 2 2 2 O M 2 2 2 2 m a 2E :E 2F 2 aQaaQ 0 Z Q pQ JCc O O LLJ =Wwzc~9 mCCOU) ~.c~00zu)zzzzz zoozi 0Z zul ED z~°°¢¢¢mW°¢°° °¢°¢¢~zw>Z o 0 W O D W 0 Oazw 000:,:wu5wwWQaWw m J m z m o=___= U S=___= m= Co o co m o m oO d w ¢ O Y H Y U- = _ _ d a o p W O awcw~ www w = vm j F- = W C] CL E~ ~ Cc m co w W uriWU) W0) CL f-I-t-F F Z ~W wmmCD~ "S Q>z_Q> 1Qr=om=ZOw=zzzzZ=o C~C7C3C3 JX r =Z¢~=C] ccc S:ZQ~0 JOOW 200000 ZoY~~g~ v~ix0¢=~ULL= "WU C7Z ~00000~md»>0W co OBE ocCOO~ JO~U)W rLO ZMmmmm=O00iv TTco°Oo N T°~r r r LO O N co O O> N 0 O d' N O N a 0 O N co a to ¢ m N r (P U V' c*) CO N IL Q W W F = CD O (DQ JU O Z Cc OU Z _ w ¢ p W m < CL ZQ O r J Z W W Z OO U J _ > J p d w = z J U U) cc ¢ p J~O °ap ° 0 O = S U) O S a U W z Q W= = w U = Zo w O} U W J= 0' Z Q 7 Y Z ZMCC D 000¢Z U- U) Q Z ~ U a 0oo~wg dW g° Q w 0 J Y Q 5 z U 0[~00Qm d JJ J co W ~ m° W Q¢ Q 0000 cr 0 O O O m Z Q F z = 'n o J MMMZOZOO a > w= z (3 ZZmZ Q 1- 0 Q C7 0 U) zzz:D z maw -V(DU) < u~iN cc zzzogzzEL wWtOaQ=~° ~0LU W¢ zo z -j CD 0 ELoo -~oQ~t~ Qpm-WZZw~WO=w0F- J W W O JCD „ Q Wf- CCZQ ° =W J~QZw~ p~Z - Q-~> W J= O mL]YZmU 11l 4,Zw0 CCCCQOJCWL~ WW WI-mZF= p m w0 U ~ °OW[C Z W _JCwYrt w 0c~ ZOQzQ C) 0 w3: d==wQ0 w5jQ wOQ¢aS NZ bcnZ3~ OC'3U W C7ZCflUUCD YZ{-tA°2 Nm2 F- Q o6 0 0 0 C) 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 cz 0 O 00 < OO N 0 v w r O N- "I t2 co Cl) '(7 co 0 to r0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 OO C5000 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a. LD ° t00 tOD tOfJ tOD (0 (OD fOD (OD 000000 d0'CO'V ~CWV 0 9~ O c{ N N~Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N T -o 0 CL m °W a W IL U) I C/) O U) W U) Q W 0 0 O m 0 z Q W _ z w 0 J O C7 Y d w w of READING POLICE DEPARTMENT k Readin9, Massachusetts 01887 15 Union Street-- - ---------------------(781) • Fax. 781) 944-2893 - Emergency Only: 911 • All Other Calls: 944-1212 Web: www.ci.reading.ma.us/police/ e r 2009 DATE: AUGUST 6, TO: CHIEF JAMES W: CORNIER FROM: SGT. DETECTIVE MARK D. SEGALLA 'D u - R FADING DISCOUNT LIQUORS INC. -NEW LIQUOR LICENSE ~ 1W. I received an application for a new liquor license for Reading Discount Liquors Inc., 1 General Way, Reading MA. application as the I reviewed the ABCC's Application in which George Danis is listed on the application as the owner. I conducted an RMV check into Mr. Danis. He had no BOP or III indicated. I contacted the Hudson MA Police Department where Mr. Danis is CEO of integratech Solutions. They have no history on Mr. Dams. I contacted the Lynnfield MA Police Department where Mr. Danis had two previous liquor licenses. They have no history on Mr. Danis- Based upon my research, I see no reason why the application should not go forward. 101 4 ~k 131 Page 1 of 1 Marino, Lillian From: Ramdin, Larry Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:45 AM To: Marino, Lillian Cc: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schloth, Mike; McCabe, Abigail Subject: Reading Discount Liquors Lillian, This applicant has to apply for a food establishment permit, until we have received some contact from the applicant we are unable to support their application. Also, they have not contacted us as yet, also I believe they should schedule a DRT meeting, but Mike and Abby are in a better position to address that. Larry Larry A. Ramdin MA REHS CHO Health Services Administrator Reading Health Division 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 781-942-9061 781-942-9071-Fax When writing or responding, please remember that the Secretary of State's Office has detennined that email is a public record. This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received. 132 q Jq, Reading Discount Liquors, Inc. One General Way PO Box 672 Reading, MA. 01867 July 29, 2009 Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town Of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 RE: Package Store -Liquor License. Application v u L4 i U %I {`a IV All --o Dear Peter, Please find enclosed our application for a liquor s has held two Massachusetts Reading. As you can see from the application, Mr the past, without incident: our-proposed location, at 128 Marketplace Liquor Licenses in le parking and two access ways for customers next to the Market Basket, already has amp to the site. Enclosed please find the following items relative to the liquor license application: ® Application • Form 43 ABCC Form A ount of $2,200 to the Town of Reading o License Fee in the am onwealth of Massachusetts ® Check in the amount of $200.00 to the Comm ® Copy of the Lease Copy of the proposed plan for the premises a Action of Sole Incorporator by Written Consent ® Articles of organization for Reading Discount Liquors, Inc. with stamp from Secretary of State. be a benefit We strongly believe a package store at this commercial store io wi and continue to the community. We look forward to obtaining the package to work with the Town of Reading for new business development. Please'contact me at 781-944-5558 x2704 or hey dany s sponses.com and let me know if any further information is needed or i you have With Regards, Jody and On behalf of George E. Danis 133 q ato, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ALCOHOLIC BE'Y.ERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION. License Number FORM 43 :R.eading City/Town Type of Transaction (Please check all relevant transactions) ~ )•New License ( ) New Officer/Director ( ) Transfer of License ( ) Change of Location Change of Manager ( ) Alter Premises Transfer of Stock Reading Discount Liquors, Inc. Name of licensee Reading Discount Liquors D/B/A George E. Danis Manager one General Way :Readin MA ' 01867 Address: Number Street Zip Code ALL al~ni• Package store Anmia1 Category: All Alcohol, Wine & Malt Type:.Itestaurant, Club, Package Store, Annual or Seasonal Inn, General on Premise, Etc. Description of Licensed Premises: Premises shall be :in'.the sho ing center where Market.-Basket and- other retail stores are,lbeated.• The shopping center :is,owned by an a i. .late entl y an ' is located in an indaf zoning district o the town:. -L oca serve the public well. Advertised: 804/09 Chronicle Application was filed: JulY 29., 2009 - 4:12 Date & tone • Date & Publication Abutters Notified X - Yes No Person to contact regarding this transaction: Name: George E. Danis Address: One General Way,.Reading, :MA 01967 Phone 339-222-0416 or 781-944.-5558• 4-2 Remarks: The Local Licensing Authorities Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission ~lren Wo iarty By' E~,-ecutive (Director 7115/09 Date ( ) Pledge of License ( ) Pledge of Stock Other . .v o ',Licensee M Remarks: 134 a~' LN- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Retail Sale Cityfrown: E. A a A 1 D^ ( New Officer[Director New License ( ) Other . ( ) Transfer of -License ( ) (specify) ( ) Transfer. of Stock Sectioin•1 LOtkYP) U~ YS . F 4'1~" Name to appear do the license: a1 C wc~. Business Name pb/a, if different):. C'a"dY/i f, !a!n~5 FID of Licensee ti= r tw h , Manager of Record. Zip Code: V U Address of Premises: V V J Phone number of premises: Section 2 Type of license: (check one only). 4) Veterans Club club , Package Store ( ) Other Geneial on Premise ( ) . ant ( ) ( ) Il avern ( ) Innholder ( ) Tavom ' Section 3 License Category ( All Alcoholic Wine and Malt Wine Only ( ) Malt Only ( ) Wine and Malt with Cordials Permit Sedtiozn 4 License Class Annual ( ) Seasonal ) who can be contacted concerning this application Section 5 Person (attorney if applicable Name: IG Address: 4 Qn r v ~ - Phone Number: 7✓a2a-0 AA~v 135 Section 6 Give a full description of the premises to be licensed, including location of all entrances and exits: 6a. Occupancy Number: Seating Capacity: Section 7 Applicant is an: Corporation ( ) Individual ( ) Association Non-profit corporation ( ) LLC ( ) Partnership ( ) Q rfan„ grant is an individual or partndrship - List for individual or each partner: d States citizens? ( ) x t 8d. Is individual or all partners Unite es If no, specify citizenship: Yes ( ) Na 8b. Is individual or ali partner's involved at least twdnty-one years old?( ) section. 9* If the applicant is a corporation, complete the following: r1 t\!1(t A NA Date of Incorporation: _"l a d r---- State of Incorporation: Date qualified to do business in MA: tt~~~y <j a~Q How many shares are issued: 1 9a. How many shares of stock are authorized: 01 7 Provide in the, box the names if all officers, directors, stockholders and manager. Use * to indicate director • " ' ' N Shares of stock Title Full Name Home Address DOB owned or.controlled' n { y Uhl{ CZCD i t 1 k r p(~ Y{'S~ QCt 11{?blAC ti' ~lQ C IQSnM1 n, fi1111'r r 9b. Attach a' copy of the vote by the Board of Directors appointing a manager or principal representatives. 136 9c. If the applicant is a corporation, answer the following questions: 1. Are the-majority of directors United States citizens? 2. Are the majority of directors citizens of Massachusetts? 3. Is the manager or principal representative aU.S. citizen? ( Yes ( } No ( Yes ( ) NO' (>e-) Yes ( ) No Section 10 If the applicant is an association, provide in the box below the names of all association officers and members. ,Ait v (Vl 1' r t 6ZK v -c- t t 0I A r ~ a-A -1 Disto, V, l (~.Vl e Gtu~i ~ ~ OD U • ff b. What are the estimated costs: t _ ► • _ -1 11 . i JAI, i in ~ ZU Jws- c. What is the construction schedule: 2pue ►N6 d. State all sources of construction financing, Section 12 No. If yes, please respond to the question below. Do you own the premises? (x) Yes ( ) Name of Realty Trust ( C,w(vw U I GQ,4I. r~P, Jointly ( ) As an individual ) Name of Corporatibn, ~,tnrvUG~~, ~t},mnno~n ate-vshtp awes ~ pr~tm(~s (`f,) Other ~~~,,«1~~ J (If you do not avm the pre es to be licensed, provide the following information about the owner.) Phone Number: ~ - 5 5 S1 Address: q & ~ ~ * 137 I Ob. Attach a list of all members of the LLC. Section'll Will there be any construction, remodeling, redecorating or building on the premises for this license? (y yes ( ) No (If yes complete al?, c and d) ption of the construction, remodel' g, r+ decorating or building on the premises: a.- DV) Give an exact descri 12a. If a lease or rental, provide the following information: $ p (month, year, etc.) issuun(k a C ~ Y) ~n Ending Date of lease Beginning date of lease VO 0M (provide copy ofthe.lease) (~I~U~f ICeN F IN.ANCIAL Section 13 EXp$Clept AGSe" -r V Le FLAVov ua..-- What assets were purchased and cost. (f Furniture: $ Goodwill: Equipment: License: $ Premise: Inventory: $ D~ 1bl►~z_ 1.3 a. Total Purchase Price: S•_________-- , 13b.: Identify below all sources of financing: Seller: $ Mottgage: $ OD •1 ar f O~ OV Other (specify): $ Cash:. $ U c' aN1 Docume'at all sources e.g. Lolan papers, checking accounts, stock sales, etc. •~g~,Ue tde~nkihedf. c~tst~ tis e.~a'U ' 13c. All othe*r terms and conditions: (provide purchase and sale documents) Yes No 13d. Are you seeking approval for license to be pledged: ( ) If yes, to whom: be pledged: 13 e.. Will the inventory ( ) Yes 00 , No If yes, specify to whom: orate stock-to 13f. If a corporation, are you seeking approval for any corp•to be pledged: ( ) • Yes No If yes, identify to whom and identify the number of shares: OWNERS-MP lIdTERESTS for all persons or entities who will have any direct or indirect beneficial Section 14 State the following information or financial interest in this license: n, o TT„mhar ae Home Address 16. 334 -aaa -Owlk 138 14a. Describe all types of beneficial or financial interest each person or entity identified in Question 14 will have in this license: Person or enti Beneficial or financial interest • No person or entity named in Question 14 ever held a lice nse ur a U-_•~~~~•- 14c. Has any C`-J Yes ( ) under Chapter 138 which is not presently held? (If yes, provide the following for each person or entity.) Date ownersha surrendezed Name T e of License License Name and Addr va Fusiwan l ~esrcruuVA ! ~nravleaYt 3~~1~U~ L►:ceviseTYav -'rO Mu)MVIP-C. G~YrJf_ n, . 17 ~t11 ~~M,4... 5~ I'P t2csrauvand- ~ st~~S Cvr~ 1~ 1 ~ - ~f gtiaa~lu.` `.e ]4d. Describe how all licenses in Question 14c were terminated (e.g. transfer of ownership, non-renewal, surrender, etc.) Date License Reason wh the license was terminated 40 V& ~ O l ulc¢x tLe+LgE USitn2r~5 Sb~d a I (~CSI'aurak~ f 31~10~ • ubr ~ liu.~ r~uva~~ u5it~ss su a~ ve V a taaa . ~k 139 erson or entity listed in Question 14 have any direct or indirect beneficial or financial interest in any 14b. Does any p other license granted under Chapter 1387 No ( ) Yes (`jQ Has any person or entity named in Question 14 ever had a license suspended, revoked or cancelled? 14e. ( ) Yes ) No (If yes, provide the following info t' n) T + License_ Reason wh v the license was suspended revoked or cancelled law convicted pf violating any state, federal or military • person or entity named in Question l4 ever been Has any p ( . law? ( ) Yes No 15 a, Each individual applicant must sign. of the partners. b Applications by a partnership must be signed by'a majority C. Applications by a corporation must be signed by an officer authorized by a vote of the corporations Board of Directors. of the members if the governing d. Applications by an association must be signed by a majority body. A11 signers must have answered question 10. e. False information or failure to disclose are reasons to revoke a license or deny a license . application. Y ' 5 day of Signed an'd subscribed to under the penalty of perluryi this 20 „ Title 140 The Commonwealth of -Massachusetts ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGF-S CONTROL COMMISSION THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH: A NEW LICENSE APPLICANT B. APPOINTMENT OR C HANG NG OF MANAGER IN A CORPORATION' C, TRANSF5R OF LICENSE (RETAIL ONLY-SEC. 12 & SEC.55)•orm A.) -accompanying (Please check which transaction is the subject of an application PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION ROVIQED OR ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERWi A NaT BE ACOCEPT'ED• gERS P APPLICATION ~iS toU~rnk UlvLICV E-~ ~-1 LICENSEE NAME (NAME A IT W ILL APPEAR ON THE LICENSE) , Y-A 2 NAME OF(PROPOSED)MANAGER 3 SOCIAL SECURITY. NUMBER _ {•"1'Dh 6 r 1'PP 010 L 4. HOME (STREET) ADDRESS AREA CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER (S): (Give both, your home telephone and a number at which 5. YOU can be reacY2e-d-~'dnuring the day). 0416 _ HOME# ~ r~~a • DAYTIME## ~~qZ ~ Oq~ (3~ ea W 7. DATE OF-BIRTH: 6. PLACE OF BIRTH: V YES NO BA. W HERE V B. REGISTERED VOTER: NO : g• ARE YOU A U. S. CITIZEN YES 1 p_ COURT AND DATE O~ NATURALIZATION (IF APPLICABLE): (Submit proof of citizenship and/or naturalization such as Voter=s Certificate, Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers) 141 12, MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: .Mt~~.~."rSIS 11. FATHER'S NAME: Military, any other State or Federal), ANY OTHER 13. IDENTIFY YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD, (Massachusetts, ' OR APPEARANCE IN CRIMINAL COURT CHARGED WITH A CRIMINAL NFOFENS ARREST _ (MUST GHECK EITHER YES OR REGARDLESS OF FINAL DISPOSI N _ ---_YES IBE OFFENSE (S) SPECIFIC CHARGE AND DISPOSITION (FINE, , PLEASE DESGR IF YES PENALTY, ETC.) YE5 - NO 14• PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN HE LIQUOR INDUSTRY: IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE; S o q 11 I v IRECT OR INDIRECT', IN THIS OR AN OTHER LIQUOR LICENSE,, PERMIT 15• FINANCIAL INTEREST, 0_ YES OR CERTIFICATE: { t A '7 IF YES, PLEASE DI Dates, Position, Employer, Address and if known, 16. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE LAST TEN YETe ePhone Numbers): ~PV elgq; 2Gtr~b. Cu.v r~JL~ -~v rhre e--~- 3k- a ' 0.r SjaY`t~GO , ~L ~ Q.cPrr ~ { tY114 W( MISES: 1 HOURS PE . W EEK TO BE SPENT ON THE LICENSED PRT ES OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION 18 I HEREBY AR.THAT UNDER THE PAINS AND PENH 7 , 'S U g HAVE T IS k("UNDE TH IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW LEDGE AND BELIE PPLICAtION • -6 -AT I BY. R NAGER SIGNATURE F:\FILMMAUREEN.1\MAUREEN\F ORMs\F ORMA.wN O 9199 2 r 142 mcm,1W m__x c+x=_urver~a W awmt n'` m he "c FLOOR PLAN - I / I G" = 1 `-0'• Reading Di_ 128 MARKET PIAGE• RFADING MA 5cale: I'= 129 LOCATION PLAN - I " = 128'. a e Q~ A q 0 a m m a q ~ ~ O ~ W q ~O S~ m O ~7 N~ fl1 9 C7w ~o d AW c ~c A5-- ENTRY ELEVATION - I " = I G' LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold the follow- .ing public hearings on Tuesday, September 1,. 2009 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading,. Massachusetts: -Personnel Policies 8:30 p.m. . Parking Regulations on Ash Street between Main and Washington Streets 10:00 P. A copy of the proposed doc- uments regarding these topics are available in the Town Manager's Office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MAjrorim 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., M-F and are attached to the hearing notice on the website at www.reading ma.gov All interested parties may appear in person, may submit their comments in writing, or by email to townmanager@-ci.read ing.ma.us. By order of Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager 8/25 144 0-0.1 1 1%. 34 Bi con Z d -°1 44 4u.4e° xo2sB 6A00 12.565 ~y[(j.' \ d p 11 12 14' s z4 + 1 .~B e 4 6.o1s ,sa9° t 5,63 ,5D T6 l 'p S'i rye' p 64os nsz 7X- -VA I 128 Z B gu`~ - _ T50 12416 \ ,C7n 5 i. 7 s o. 40. =.nl `l() C GJ. 9 58. 8 15940 n) TG. 6 5 O ...,13 G. 15 fo ) 50si7 --,'YYTem''' 11.19 14 50 ui ,t1 B 9 S~= z.ts 7A° Bio •~.N 3 n Z 347' :753.1 - ~y't. 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ASSOC. 527 MADISON AVE 19TH FL NEW YORK, NY 10022 246054000000004A READIBANK PROPERTIES ONE EASTERN PLACE, EP 1-07 LYNN, iv1A 01901 2460540000000080 AMERICAN LEGION POST 62 37 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 2460540000000100 FISCHER ANGELA G 45 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 246054000000011B ZOPATTI MONTE J IVY K ZOPATTI 69 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 A SEEM Bend along line to Feed Paper --w. expose Pop-Up Edge"" 2460530000000280 BOISVERT MARCEL P ASH STREET REALTY TRUST 161 ASH STREET READING, MA 01867 2460530000000310 WATSON JOHN J THEODORE R WATSON 155 SOUTH ST READING, MA 01867 2460540000000020 READING SAVINGS BANK ONE EASTERN PLACE, EP 1-07 LYNN, MA 01901 2460650000001180 MORLEY JOSEPH S HOLLY A MORLEY 256 HAVEN ST READING, MA 01867 2460540000000090 TAORMINA JOYCE 7 GOULD STE READING, MA 01867 2460540000000110 DWYER WAYNE M KATHLEEN SHALE-DWYER 61 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 246054000000011D CAPOBIANCO TONY R AMANDA C CAPOBIANCO 8 GOULD ST READING, MA 01867 2460540000000130 246065000000106& CAIN KENNETH J ETAL TRS YI KAI CAIN REALTY TRUST LUN YI 16 GOULD ST 253 HAVEN ST READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 246054000000020& 2460540000000220 WILLWERTH WADE TRUSTEE BRUKILACCHIO THOMAS J HANLEY REALTY TRUST SARAH H BRUKILACCHIO 26 GREEN ST 48 MAPLE RIDGE ROAD READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460540000000240 SCIANDRA ANGELA J 34 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 Etiauettes faciles a peter 2460540000000250 ADRIAN PAMELA 87 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 146 Repliez a la hachure afin de Snnc rya _ .._.r.. I n AVERY0 51600 1 24605300000000'290 DEPERRI ANGELA TRUSTEE RJR. REALTY TRUST 17 WOODLAND RD WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 WASH.-READING PLACE LLC A MASS LTD LIABILITY CO 3 INDIANA AVE READING, MA 01867 246065000000119& CLANO JOHN P ARACELI CIANO 244 HAVEN ST- READING, MA 01867 2460540000000050 CROSBY JOHN K ETAL TRS J & B CROSBY REALTY TRUST 175 HAVEN ST READING, MA 01867 246054000000009A WETZLER RICHARD E LUCINDA L DAMON-BACH 9-11 GOULD ST READING, MA 01867 246054000000011A MORIN DONNA M 10 GOULD ST READING, MA 01867 246054000000012B DADY KRISTEN TAMES SINAGRA 83 ASH ST READING, MA 01867 RUCKER CLIFFORD L C & M REALTY TRUST PO BOX 4051 PEABODY, MA 01961 2460540000000230. DORANDI DENNIS M MARY S DORANDI 32 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 2460540000000270 TKV ASSOCIATES LLC 11 AYNSLEY CIR BILLERICA, MA 01821 4k3, www.avery. om e _sznn_r n_nuP RV Easy PeelO Labels i 0 ® A Bend along line to i Feed Paper expose Pop-Up Edgern~ I ~ AVERY O 51600 Template 5160 Use Avery 2460540000000390 2460650000001050 DALELIO JOSEPH J JR TKV ASSOCIATES LLC BOHLIN PETER J AUNYX REALTY TRUST 11 AYNSLEY CIR TIMOTHY A CLIFFORD 5 BARNSLEY RD BILLERICA, MA 01821 249 HAVEN ST LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 READING, MA 01867 2460540000000410 2460540000000420 2460540000000430 FARNUM LINDA HUMPHREYS SCIRE WILLIAM DOUCETTE EDWARD J 397 FAKNUM STREET RALPH J TEDESCO KATHERINE A DOUCETTE NO.ANDOVER, MA 01845 505 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 PO BOX 273 NO.READING, MA 01864 2460540000000440 2460540000000450 2460540000000460 CARLO TRUSTEE BACCI NICHOLLS SCOTT E LC STREET 1J M E , ASB REALTY TRUST 104 ASH ST 2 OOD LN W MA 01864 NORTH READING 25 WAKEFIELD AVE READING, MA 01867 , WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 2460540000000470 LIAKOS TRIANTAFYLLIA. 2460650000001030 READING OVERSEAS NATSIS STAVROS 10 RAWSON RD VETERANS EKATERINI NATSIS ARLINGTON, MA 02174 575 MAIN ST 27 WAINWRIGHT ROAD MA 01867 READING WINCHESTER, MA 01890 , 2460540000000510 SIMPSON BRANDON S 2460540000000770 MARSHMAN JOAN GIACALONE STEVEN 550 MAIN ST. REALTY TRUST 77 ASH STREET 8 BOULDER DR 550 MAIN ST MA 01867 READING BURLINGTON, MA 01803 READING, MA 01867 , 2460540000000810 246055000000001A 246055000000020& TOTH ROBERT RPB PROPERTIES INC MBP LLC KIMBERLY TOTH 600 SHIRLEY ST 467 MAIN ST 81 ASH ST WINTHROP, MA 02152 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 246055000000020A 2460550000000210 2460550000000230 CATALFAMO GARY GRAY'S MAIN & WASH. LLC ET LLC 413 MAIN R 459 MAIN ST 15 HERITAGE IN JEAN AVE # READING, MA 01867 LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 CHELMSFORD, MA 01824 2460640000000010 2460650000001020 246065000000092& HAVEN PROPERTIES LLC MKM REALTY ELC ANTHONY J TRI 215 LEXINGTON ST 565A MAIN ST MA 01867 READING MAIN S TEWKSBURY, MA 01876 WOBURN, MA 01801 , 246064000000004A 246064000000005& VACCARO PHILIP N MU MAY NEW ENGLAND PROPERTIES P&D VAC REALTY TRUST THOMAS CHOU 739 CREEKS EDGE 12 LATHAM IN 632 MAIN STREET. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 READING, MA 01867 READING, MA 01867 2460640000000140 246064000000014A 246064000000014B KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INC PIERRO JERRY 15 SANBORN ST GERALDINE N MURRAY ETAL 11 SANBORN ST READING, MA 01867 9 ELVIRA RD READING, MA 01867 NORTH READING, MA 01864 Etiquettes faciles a peler ' - - . - .,ran --a 0 147 , Repliez a la hachure afin de Sens de reveler le rebord Pon-Up TM ; ry WVtv.ave .com w 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel® Labels Use Avery@ Template 51600 READING CO-OP BANK 180 HAVEN ST READING, MA 01867 625 MAIN ST ASSOCIATES LLC C/O CAPITAL PROP. ASSOC. 527 MADISON AVE NEW YORK, NY 10022-4304 2460650000000430 YI HOO-SEOK JUNG-SOOK YI 71 JUDIQUE RD TEWKSBURY, MA 01876 2460650000000840 BOSTIC FRANKLIN ELIZABETH BOSTIC 8-10 ORDWAY TER READING, MA 01867 A Bend along line to Peed Paper um- expose Pop-Up Edge TM 2460650000001240 CHESTERTOWN LLC 643 MAIN ST READING, MA, 01867 2460650000000410 FONTES PAUL JEFFREY L VEGLIA 33 EDWARD ST LYNNFIELD, MA 01867 246065000000044& WOBURN DAILY TIMES INC 531 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 POLONSKI LEONARDO MIRACLE REALTY TRUST 14 CHAPIN AVE READING, MA 01867 2460650000000420 ALVI RvIRAN N KIM L CATER 519 MAIN ST READING, MA 01867 246065000000046& POWER BRIAN NEIL MCCUISH 9 CHAPIN AVE READING, MA 01867 b~Sl 148 Q AVERY@ 51600 A 2460540000000060 MAIN STREET READING LLC POBOX6 READING, MA 01867 Etiquettes faciles a peter A Repliez a la hachure afin de ! www.avery.com Sens de .._7M i ~_Qnn_r_n_nvGav 4_ N s Z m~ ~1 y. y i 't~ a ASH STREET TO BECOME TWO WAY FROM MAIN STREET TO GREEN STREET ASH STREET PARKING AREA TO BE ONE WAY. SOUTHERLY DIRECTION FROM HAVEN STREET] z ;,gym: i NP i PARKING m ( DOUBLE pRAE,WA...: cc ' }-------"-°'i - . KING ox` AT ASH STREET TO REMAIN _ TWO WAY FROM ti m, M1i c r.~sc, tia . 3~ ` 5 y zypma WASHINGTON STREET TO GREEN STREET , L _ MAIN ST. -cam S y to t i I y W `i t z ! y ~ i czi 5~e y e~:iE i a ?t•~_ x F~" Z T i T T _ t y t TOWN OF READING Voted: The Traffic Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 28, 1995, for the Town of Reading, are hereby amended as follows: By adding to Article 5, Section 5.3, the following: STREET LOCATION REGULATION Ash Street Between Main Street and Green St on the Westside "No Parking Anytime" Ash Street Between Main Street and "No Parking Anytime" Green Street on the easterly side a distance of 88` west and south of Main Street DATE OF PASSAGE TOWN CLERK OF READING TOWN CORPORATE SEAL SELECTMEN'S SIGNATURES ~ -C7 150 TOWN OF READING Voted: The Traffic Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 28, 1995, for the Town of Reading, are hereby amended by adding to Article 5, Section A-2a the following regulation (s). "Parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets two hour parking all day in the business district 8:00 am to 5:00 PM (Monday through Friday)" Street Location Regulation Ash Street - in the designated parking spaces Between Green Street and Washington St on the west side "2hr Parking 8:00 an-1 5:00 pm Mon - Fri DATE OF PASSAGE SELECTMEN'S SIGNATURES TOWN CLERK OF READING TOWN CORPORATE SEAL q 1~ 151 TOWN OF READING Voted: The Traffic Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 28, 1995, for the Town of Reading, are hereby amended as follows: To rescind from Article 6, Section 6.25.5, the following: Street Location Regulation Ash Street DATE OF PASSAGE Ash Street at Gould Street "DO NOT ENTER" SELECTMEN'S SIGNATURES TOWN CLERK OF READING TOWN CORPORATE SEAL ,\,Q,/ 152 Board of Selectmen. Meeting August 4, 2009 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James Bonazoli, Secretary Camille Anthony, Selectmen Stephen Goldy and Richard Schubert, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Managei/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur, RCASA Director Erica McNamara, Recreation Administrator John Feudo, Office Manager Paula Schena, and the following list of interested parties: Erica Lynne Deane, Joseph Rossetti, Nancy Linn Swain, Lisa Gibbs, Terry Kennedy, Peter Moscariello and Rick Carter from Reading Baseball Club, Mark Nelson. Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments - Selectman Stephen Goldy noted that he will be meeting with the owner of Swiss Bakers to get feedback on the permitting process. Vice Chairman James Bonazoli thanked Reading Recreation and the Police and Fire for the 5K Road Race. Selectman Richard Schubert noted that the RMLD is looking into the possibility of a joint power plant with Middleton. There are no concrete plans, just schematic designs. The RMLD is determining if it would be financially viable. He also noted that the Board received a petition regarding the windscreens at the tennis courts. The neighbors want the screens to be taken down. The Town Manager noted that staff was also surprised with the windscreens. They are a $10,000 item and we would like to recover some of the cost. A motion by Schubert seconded by Anthony to direct the Town Manager to have the _windscreens at the tennis courts removed and properly disposed of was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Selectman Camille Anthony noted that she had Office Hours this evening. She also noted that the Audit Committee will be meeting to discuss what areas the auditors should focus on. Town Manager's/Assistant Town Mana-aer's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: • Tennis Courts • Sale of Bonds • Removal of tree - High/Haven Street • HC crosswalk on Birch Meadow Drive is complete. • Curb/sidewalk work on Prescott at Washington Streets • Franklin Street reconstruction 5~I 153 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 4 ,.2009 - Page 2 o Sewer inflow Infiltration smoke tests being conducted this Summer/Fall. ® Downtown update - o Detour over the weekend o Current detail on 129 o Next week detour on Main for last cross-walk (Main north of Salem) a Amplified sound in public parks o Additional credits on insurance • 128/I-93 - Fay, Spofford and Thorndike selected as consultant for next phases of work - not clear as to what those phases and options are. ® Preparation for September 29th Boards/Committees/Commissions training. The Assistant Town Manager noted that September 9, 2009 will be the first Financial Forum this Fall. The main topic will be the FY 2010 Budget. Personnel and Appointments Council on Aging - The Board interviewed Erica Lynne Deane for one position on the Council on Aging. Bonazoli moved and Anthony seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Council on Aging with a term expiring June 30, 2012: Erica Lynne Deane Ms Deane received five votes and was appointed. Recreation Committee - The Board interviewed Joseph Rossetti for one Associate position on the Recreation Committee. Bonazoli moved and Anthony seconded to place the following name into nomination for one Associate position on the Recreation Committee with a term expiring June 30, 2010: Joseph Rossetti Mr. Rossetti received five votes and was appointed.. Discus sion/Action-Items Highlights Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA) - RCASA Director Erica McNamara, Nancy Linn Swain and members of the youth group were present, and gave an update on the events over the past year. Introduction - Terry Kennedy, Executive Director, ARC - Lisa Gibbs introduced 'Terry Kennedy, the new Executive Director of the Are of Middlesex. Mr. Kennedy gave an overview of his experience and invited the Board members to a tour of his facility. Update on Fall Street Faire - Selectman Stephen Goldy noted that they have 65 vendors for the Fall Street Faire on September 13th and they are looking for volunteers. Progress Resort on ad hoc Municipal Building Committee - Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that a meeting is being scheduled and asked who will be the Selectmen representatives. He and Vice Chairman James Bonazoli volunteered for the positions. (1'-2 154 Board of Selectmen Meeting= August 4 2009 - Page 3 Discussion - Revised Liquor Policy - The Town Manager noted that the changes reflect the recent vote to not restrict the number of seats for an all alcoholic liquor license. Selectmen Camille Anthony and Richard Schubert recommended striking the requirement for clubs to use pottery because it is more relevant for restaurants. The Town Manager noted that the orderly closing for clubs is the same as for restaurants, just one hour later. Chairman Ben Tafoya directed the Town Manager to ask Town Counsel if the Town can charge an application fee for liquor licenses. _Review/Approval of Installation of Scoreboard at Morton Filed and Future Expansion to Serve Lighted Softball Field - Recreation Administrator John Feudo, and Peter Moscariello and Rick Carter from the Reading Baseball Club were present. Mr. Moscariello noted that the scoreboard will be used by all organizations and will enhance the experience. He also noted that the funding, installation and maintenance will be done by the Reading Baseball Club. Mr. Carter reviewed the location and design of the scoreboard. He noted that they are requesting a scoreboard that is 36' long by 16'8" high and would be located in left centerfield. John Feudo noted that the scoreboard at Symonds Way is 10' by 5', and the scoreboard at the football stadium is 22' by 15'. Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the master plan should be worked on first. Vice Chairman James Bonazoli had concerns about neighbors who are behind home plate and want a view. Mr. Carter noted that there is a dead spot behind the softball area and there is no sight line due to the screen. Selectman Richard Schubert noted that this will look like a building in the air it is so big. He also noted that neighbors have complained that they can't see the children walking to school because of the fence and there needs to be a balance. He noted that the fences prevent certain uses of the fields. Mr. Carter noted that this will be signature piece of the club and that timing is more important than size. Chairman Ben Tafoya asked about the components of the scoreboard. Mr. Carter noted that the components are innings, scoreboard, LED message display, and advertising. Chairman Tafoya also asked what the revenue from sponsors will be spent on, and Mr. Carter indicated that it will be spent on maintenance of the field. 155 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 4 2009 - Page 4 Mark Nelson from Remax noted that they have made a six year commitment to be on the football field sign. Mr. Moscariello noted that the reps recommend 24" digits. He also noted that they can eliminate some of the categories if necessary. Chairman Ben Tafoya asked where the revenue goes if the board is used for advertising. The Town Manager noted that if it is a one time revenue, it would offset the cost of the sign and if it is annual, it goes to the Town. The consensus of the Board was to havea site visit on August 17th and then make a decision at their meeting on August 18th. Approval of Pilot Program for Appointment of Volunteers; Appointment of two Selectmen members to the Volunteer Appointment Subcommittee - The Town Manager noted that this is a pilot program and it doesn't need a formal process. Chairman Ben Tafoya suggested adding a number for mid-year appointments using the saine process. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony to approve the policy establishing the Pilot Program related to the appointment of volunteers to Town of Reading Boards, Committees and Commissions, as amended, was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthony to place the following names into nomination for two positions on the Volunteer Appointment Subcommittee: Ben Tafoya and Richard Schubert was approved by a vote of 5-0-0 and both were appointed. Approve Debt Sale of July 30, 2009 - The Assistant Town Manager noted that the debt sale is for the fire truck and energy performance. The $5.5 million is for energy savings in Town buildings and will take 18 months. Selectman Stephen Goldy requested that the Standard and Poor rating be put on the website, and noted that this is a credit and compliment to the Finance Committee, Bob LeLacheur, the Town Manager and Gail LaPointe. A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy that the sale of the $5,525,000 General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2009 Bonds of the Town dated August 1, 2009 (the "Bonds"), to Fidelity Capital Markets, a division of National Financial Services LLC, at the price of $5,588,214.20 and accrued interest is hereby approved and confirmed. The Bonds shall be payable on August 1st of the years and in the principal amounts and bear interest at the respective rates, as follows: 156 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 4, 2009 - Page 5 Interest Interest Year Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 2010 $440,000 2.50% 2018 $335, 000 3.00% 2011 440,000 2.00 2019 335 ,000 3.25 2012 440,000 2.00 2020 330 ,000 3.25 2013 440,000 2.00 2021 330 ,000 3.375 2014 440,000 2.00 2022 330 ,000 3.50 2015 335,000 2.25 2023 330 ,000 3.625 2016 335,000 2.50 2024 330 ,000 3.75 2017 335,000 4.00 Further Voted: that in connection with the marketinIZ and sale of the. Bonds, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated July 24, 2009, and a final Official Statement dated July 30, 2009 (the "Official Statement"), each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. Further Voted: that the Bonds shall be subject to redemption, at the option of the Town, upon such terms and conditions as are set forth in the Official Statement. _Further Voted: that the consent to the financial advisor bidding for the Bonds, as executed prior to the bidding for the Bonds, is hereby confirmed. Further Voted: that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a continuinlz disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC Rule 15e2-12 in such. form as may be approved by Bond Counsel to the Town, which undertaking sha❑ be incorporated by reference in the Bonds for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds from time to time. Further Voted:. that each member of the Board of Selectmen the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of.the foregoing votes. The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Approve Debt Sale of July. 30, 2009 - The Assistant Town Manager noted that this is for the MWRA loan for infrastructure work. The loan is at 2% and that results in $327,575 in savings. A motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli that the Treasurer and/or the Town Manager be hereby authorized on behalf of the Town to enter into and to execute a Loan Agreement and a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (the "Authority") and any other agreements as may be deemed necessary in connection with the issue and sale of an interest free loan in the agl4regate principal amount of a $164,670 Sewer Bond (the "Bond") to Authority; 157 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 4 2009 - Page 6 That the Bond is authorized pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7(1), of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, and being a portion of the $299,400 unissued balance of the $380,000 Sewer Bonds authorized by a vote of the Town duly adopted under Article 17 at the 2007 Annual Town Meeting, shall be an interest free loan in the aggregate principal amount of $164,670 dated as of its date of issue, and shall be payable $32,934 on August 15 in each of the years 2010 to 2014, inclusive, was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Approval of Hiring of Community Services Director/Town Planner Position at Step 8 - The Town Manager noted that he recruited an excellent replacement whose level of experience and education are tailor made to what we need in Reading. He noted that Step 8 is where we need to be to hire this person. Chainnan Ben Tafoya noted that he participated in both screening processes, and this person has significantly more experience especially in management. A motion by Anthony seconded by Goldy to approve the hiring of the Community Services Director/Town Planner position at Grade L, Step 8 was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Approval of Minutes A motion by Goldy seconded by Bonazoli to approve the Minutes of July 13, 2009 was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. _A motion by Goldy seconded by Anthony to approve the Minutes of July 14, 2009, as amended, was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. A motion by Goldy seconded by Anthony to adjourn the meeting of August 4, 2009 at 9:55 D.M. was approved b_y_a vote of 5-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 51~ 158 Board of Selectmen Meeting August 17, 2009 The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. at Birch Meadow Park - Morton Field, Bancroft Avenue, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Secretary Camille Anthony, Selectmen Stephen Goldy and Richard Schubert. Also present were Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Recreation Administrator John Feudo, Reding Baseball Club Representatives Peter Moscariello and Rick Carter. Discussion/Action Items Site Visit - Morton Field - The Board reviewed a mock up of a proposed scoreboard at Morton Field which would be 36 ft. in width, 16' 8" in height, and the maximum height would be 25' 8" above the ground. The Reading Baseball Club made a presentation for the need for the scoreboard and why they wanted to have it designed the way it is. The Board discussed the location, the size and whether or not it should have advertising on it. Following much discussion, the Board agreed that this would be on their Agenda for August 18, 2009 at 8:45 p.m. (giving Selectman Camille Anthony time to get to the meeting). The Board indicated its inclination to move the Board into the centerfield, snake the face of the scoreboard flush with the face of the fence, reduce the space between the top of the fence and the bottom of the scoreboard to between one and two feet. A catalog of scoreboards from the vendor being used is available on Eversan.com. There being no further business, on motion by Schubert seconded by Goldy, the Board voted to adjourn their meeting of August 17, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. by a vote of 3-0-0. (Selectman Camille Anthony had left before the end of the meeting.) Respectfully submitted, Secretary 5~ 159 Board of Selectmen Meeting August 18, 2009 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. On motion by Schubert seconded by Goldy, the Board voted to Vo into Executive Session for the purpose of labor negotiations to come back into Open Session at approximately 7.45 p.m. The motion was approved on a roll call vote with all three members voting in the affirmative. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Ben Tafoya, Secretary Camille Anthony (arrived at 8:15 p.m.), Selectman Richard Schubert and Stephen Goldy, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Recreation Administrator John Feudo, Peter Moscariello and Rick Carter from Reading Baseball Club, Town Moderator Alan Foulds, Town Meeting Member Stephen Crook, Paul Feely from the Chronicle, Stephen Hagan from the Advocate, Dale Mancuso, John Halsey. Discussion/Action Items Preview Subsequent Town Meeting Warrant - The Town Manager reviewed the outline of a warrant for several draft articles with the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen asked for a staff report on Articles 13 and 14. They also asked for a report from Town Counsel on Article 16. Selectman Richard Schubert asked whether we should include articles relative to 40R approval, and the Town Manager indicated that he felt this would better be done at a Special Town Meeting. Selectman Camille Anthony entered the meeting at 8:15 p.m. She suggested that the Board of Selectmen should have a discussion on the earth renewal bylaw, and include representation from Conservation, the Building Inspector, CPDC, Town Counsel and the Town Engineer. The Board of Selectmen discussed a memo sent by the Town Manager to the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Ben Tafoya remembered seeing the memo but the rest of the Board members did not. The Town Manager will resend the memo to the Board of Selectmen. This will be the subject for one of the reports at Town Meeting. Selectman Camille Anthony asked to have DPW Director Jeff Zager in for one of the Board of Selectmen meetings to talk about roads and the status of the DPW Study. Review "Gifts" Policy - The Board of Selectmen reviewed the gifts policy. The Board agreed to put this on for a hearing and utilize it as proposed. It can always be changed at a later date if needed. 160 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 18, 2009 - Page 2 Morton Field Scoreboard - Representatives of the Reading Baseball Club came in to talk about the proposed scoreboard at Morton Field. Selectman Richard Schubert showed some graphics of a 14 x 10 scoreboard versus the 36' x 16' x 8" scoreboard that the Reading Baseball Club had proposed. There was a great deal of discussion on size, advertising and location. Ultimately, the Board of Selectmen approved the following motion subject to the following conditions: On motion by Goldy seconded by Anthony, the Board of Selectmen accepts as a gift from the Reading Baseball Club, and does hereby approve an illuminated score- board for installation at Morton Field, subject to the following conditions: • The scoreboard shall be constructed and maintained at no expense to the Town of Reading. • The location shall be in left centerfield with the exact location as determined b the Town Manager with advice from the Recreation Administrator and the Parks, Forestry and Cemetery Supervisor. The Parks, Forestry and Cemetery Supervisor shall be responsible for trimming any trees or shrubs required for the scoreboard installation and operation. • The scoreboard shall be constructed with a 1 to 2 foot gap between the top of the existing fence and the bottom of the scoreboard. • The scoreboard shall not include advertising, or acknowledgement of donations or a message board. • Electric service shall be installed underground to the scoreboard from a location determined by the Town Manager, keepmg in mind the proposed Birch Meadow Master Plan which would re-orient the lighted softball field and remove the green building adjacent to the lighted softball field. The scoreboard controls shall be wireless, and shall be available to any permitted users of the field as determined by the Recreation Division. • 11lumination shall be LED or equivalent lights, not larger than 18" in height. • _The background color of the scoreboard shall be black or dark green, and may include accent colors. • The scoreboard shall have the name of "Morton Field" included on it. • The maximum size of the scoreboard shall be 24' in width by 10' in height, with a maximum height above ground of 17' to 18' and 6" in depth, and shall be similar in design to Eversan catalogue # 9871. • The structural supports shall be adequate in size to handle the size, weight and height of the scoreboard, and the support shall not deviate from the vertical • plane • This approval is subject to receipt by the donor of any permits required including but not necessarily limited to Conservation, building and wiring. • This approval shall be void if construction is not completed by December 31, 2010. The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0. % 161 Board of Selectmen Meeting - August 18, 2009 - Page 3 Review Charter - Town Moderator Alan Foulds and Town Meeting Member Stephen Crook were present. Selectman Stephen Goldy noted that he had suggested a review of the Charter at the Town Meeting. Some of the issues that may need to be reviewed are Town Meeting size, Town Manager authority, number of write in votes, etc. Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he was comfortable with the Charter. Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that he was comfortable with the Town Manager section because it outlined the need for having a professional Town Manager. Alan Foulds reviewed some research that he had done on the size of Town Meeting and interest in running for Town Meeting. He noted that there are 37 Representative Town Meetings in Massachusetts, and all of them have the same issues with the number of candidates running. The Board started at the beginning and reviewed the Preamble in Article 1 - There were no issues raised. Article 2 - There was discussion about precinct boundaries, and the Town Manager reminded the Selectmen that the precinct boundaries get redrawn every ten years following the Census. There was discussion about whether Town Meeting Members should be registered voters, and also discussion about the Election cycle and whether it should be changed to two years which the Board of Selectmen ultimately felt was not desirable. Article 3 - The section that references the "Present Personnel Board" should probably be eliminated. Article 4 Section 4-10 - Selectman Stephen Goldy asked if the Boards, Committees and Commissions functions overlap, that should be addressed. Also the qualifications for the Boards, Committees and Commissions members should be detailed. The hour being late, the Board asked to continue the discussion on the Charter review at their meeting on September 22nd. _On motion by Schubert seconded by Anthony, the Board voted to.adiourn their meeting of August 18, 2009 at 10:30 p.m. by a vote of 4-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 5-C 3' 162 L / C~63 ae a~~e~e.~erctatived BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER August 13, 2009 Mr. Ben Tafoya, Chairman Reading Board of Selectman 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Tafoya: 20'n MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING • NORTH READING LYNNFIELD • MIDDLETON TEL (617) 722-2100 Rep.BradleyJones@hou.state.ma.us Thank you for contacting me regarding the Board's support for An Act Relative to Service of Civil Process. I appreciate your interest in this matter. As you know, Senator Richard Tisei filed Senate Bill 1830 and it was referred to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary where it received a public hearing on June 2" d. You will be pleased to know, I have spoken to the Judiciary Chairman, Representative Eugene O'Flaherty about my support for this bill. I have also met with Mrs. Hoyt regarding her support for this bill. Again, thank you for getting in touch with me. Should you have additional thoughts or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. T. Jones, Jr. Leader 8 ~o c G") O ' 163 Deval L. Patrick Governor Timothy P. Murray Lieutenant Governor Kevin M. Burke Secretary July 16, 2009 Capt. Richard Tustin, Chair Mystic Region REPC 32 Mount Vernon St. Winchester, MA 01890 Website: www.mass.gov/mema RE: Certification of the Mystic Region REPC Tear Capt. Tustin: Don R. Boyce Director 8 .o Q On behalf of the Massachusetts State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), I congratulate the Mystic Region REPC for achieving Recertification status. The SERC approved your application at its meeting on June 23, 2009. You can be proud of the hard work and accomplishment that you and the members of the Mystic Region REPC have made to achieve this level of certification. The Mystic Region REPC has Recertification status until June 23, 2012. Your REPC is eligible for technical assistance in developing exercises and updating its plan, and may attend regional and national conferences related to this program. Please know that an additional recertification process is required. Your application for Recertification is due to the SERC by June 23, 2012. Listed below is the SERC's guidance on activities your REPC should undertake during the next three years: ® Continue training to the appropriate level, all emergency responders and other personnel who may be involved with a hazardous materials event; ® Annually review the hazardous materials emergency plan for the REPC; ® Develop and conduct an annual exercise of the hazardous materials emergency plan, including a critique and after action review; and ® Annually update hazardous materials profiles in the HAZMAT plan: of your REPC after the Tier II reporting deadline of March 1. Region I P.O. Box 116 365 East Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 Tel: 978-328-1500 Fax: 978-851-8218 Region II P.O. Box 54 124 Rear Administration Road Bridgewater, MA 02324-0054 Tel: 508-697-3600 Fax: 508-697-8869 164 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 400 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01702-5399 Tel: 508-820-2000 Fax: 508-820-2030 Region III / IV 1002 Suffield Street Agawam, MA 01001 Tel: 413-821-1500 Fax: 413-821-1599 I g The SERC is committed to helping your REPC succeed and continue moving forward in this program. Several resources are available to help your REPCin its responsibilities: • Electronic Filing of Tier II information from industry; • Computer software for planning and emergency response (CAMEOfin, ALOHA, MARPLOT); • Federal Guide for Hazardous Materials Training for Public Sector Employees; • Federal Guidance for Reviewing Hazardous Materials Emergency Plans (NRT-1); and • Massachusetts SERC Website www.mass.gov/mema Once again, on behalf of the Massachusetts SERC, congratulations and thank you for the tremendous work and commitment the Mystic Region REPC has made to this program. The SERC looks forward to working with your REPC in the future. Please accept the enclosed certificate to commemorate your committee's achievement. If you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact Elaine Denniston at (508) 820-1447. Sincerely, Don R. Boyce, SERC Chair Director, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency CC: Mystic Region REPC Chief Municipal Official Kevin Tully, MEMA Region I Manager Kerry Evans, MEMA Region I Planner ~y 165 M A Presented to Mystic Region Regional. Emergency Planning Committee On their Achievement of ~Q Full Certification Beginning June 23, 2009 and expiring on June 23, 2012 Lr(~4l ~o~N oFS~go~ Town of Reading 41 16 Lowell Street ~a . two Reading, MA 01867 P~ f639 IncoRe~ August 10, 2009 Cliff Sullivan Green Communities Division cliff sullivan(a-state ma.us Dear Mr. Sullivan, Ben Tafoya, Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Vice Chairman Camille W. Anthony, Secretary Stephen A. Goldy f / Richard W. Schubert ~j L'- BOARD OF SELECTMEN, at (781) 942-9043 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us Please accept the attached as an application for the 2009 Green Communities Planning Assistance Program from the Town of Reading. Our chief contact for this application is Town Manager Peter I. Hechenbleikner (781-942-9043 or townmanager @, ci reading.ma.us). At the present time, Reading meets both the first and third criteria listed under Eligibility. Please find attached an As-of-Right zoning bylaw for the first criteria; April 2009 Town Meeting approved a $5-million energy improvements `performance contracting' project, and work has already begun. The project will take almost two years to complete, and is designed to reduce the energy usage of every town and school building. Nearly $4-million of the project is estimated to be self-funding through expected energy savings, but Reading is doing an additional $1-million in work as a commitment towards helping the environment without an immediate financial return. This is similar in many regards to the Town's decision a few years ago to join the MWRA in order to help protect the Ipswich River Basin. In addition, this letter will serve as the Town of Reading's further commitment to meet all five criteria within one year of a technical assistance award. Finally, Reading has partnered with The Reading Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection (hLtp://www.readingm gov/Pages/ReadingMA BComm/cities) for several years to address energy issues. The mission of this group is "To advise the Board of Selectmen on matters of policy related but not limited to the "Cities for Climate Protection" Program for use within the Town of Reading. The Committee will: conduct a local emissions inventory of greenhouse gas emission; recommend an emissions reduction target; identify local actions that achieve the target; develop a proposed implementation action plan identifying policies and actions; quantify and report benefits created". If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, L./ Be afoya, Chairm Reading Board of Selectmen 167 GREEN COMMUNITIES PLANNING ASSISTANCE ROGRAM 2009 APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION Municipality Town of Reading Street Address 16 Lowell street City/Town State Zip Code Reading MA 01867 Contact (print) Peter I. Hechenbleikner Title Town Manager Telephone Email 781-942-9043 townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us GREEN COMMUNITIES PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2009 APPLICATION ELIGIBILITY 1. Meets one or more of the following Green Communities Criteria (check each box that applies): As-of-Right zoning for renewable or alternative energy generation, R&D facility or manufacturing facility (Please attach a copy of the applicable zoning bylaw) ❑ Expedited permitting process (Please provide evidence of expedited permitting requirement) Established energy baseline for all buildings, vehicles and streetlights and commits to reducing the baseline by 20% over five years (Please provide evidence of energy baseline and policy on energy reduction commitment) ❑ Procure only fuel efficient vehicles (Please provide evidence of purchasing policy) ❑ Requires all new construction to minimize the life-cycle cost of the facility by utilizing energy efficiency, water conservation and other renewable or alternative energy technologies (Please provide evidence that the BBRS (Board of Building Regulations and Standards) stretch code has been adopted, or some other standard that minimizes life cycle energy costs and is enforceable by the municipality for new construction) 2. Letter of commitment to meet all five criteria within one year of technical assistance award (please attach letter from Chief Executive Officer (Board of Selectmen, Mayor) 3. Has established an energy committee and/or partnership with community energy organization to address energy issue (please provide minutes, policy, bylaw or / other evidence) ~J U 168 4. Check the box to indicate regional application 11 List municipalities represented by regional entity NOTE: Regional applicant must include letters from the Chief Executive Officer for each of the municipalities listed in this section acknowledging that the regional entity is applying on their behalf and that they are a party to this application. NA AUTHORIZATION I Peter I. Hechenbleikner, as the Town Manager hereby confirm that 1 am duly (state your name) (state your title) authorized to submit this application on behalf of the city /town / regional entity of Readina MA and that all information contained in this application is true T accurai . L ~-~A .01 ,0, Date: - Title: Town Manager CONTACT INFORMATION For more information please contact: Cliff Sullivan Green Communities. Division cliff.sullivan@state.ma.us (617) 626-7360 Applications are due by 5:00pm on Friday, August 7, 2009. Applicants may submit their applications either as hard-copy or via email ~c3 169 Reading Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection 16 Lowell Street Reading, MAO 1867 readingmassccp@hotmail.com www.ci.reading.ma.us/climate Preliminary Report of the Town of Reading's CO2 Emissions Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary Report Municipal C02 Tons C02 % MMBtu Cost Streetlights 371 1.6% 335,905 1,454,562 Buildings 24,446 90.9% 15,470 105,255 Vehicles 1,334 5.7% 3,410 192,968 WaterlSewage 746 3.2% 6,857 192,777 Finding established by the Clean Air and Climate Protection Software, which calculated the greenhouse gases and criteria air pollutants produced by Reading's Municipal operations and the communities' energy use and solid waste disposal. Through data collection and entry, the software analysis module helps create an emissions inventory. The establish benchmark of Cot emissions will enable the CCP Committee to work with Town Management, Departments and the Community to create and implement a full Action Plan to reduce Reading's greenhouse gas emissions. Waste 2% 4,136 ! ! Transportation 61% 165.14 Water/Sewage X% 5'ro 1% Streellights Vehicles 5% 371 1,334 r ~ a r_q Pr W r .&,I @rtr t rl?;irv~iU -12 Ell- 24,446 Buildings Municipal 002 Emission in Tons and Percentage Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary Report 29% Residential 76.740 Community C02 Tons C02 % MMBtu Residential 76,740 28.7% 866,304 Commercial 21,098 7.9% 205,961 Transportation 165,145 61.8% 1,916,784 Waste 4,136 1.5% 8% Commercial 1,098 Community CC2 Emission in Tons and Percentage gG~ 170 4.2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1.. Use regulations for all uses shall be as specified in Paragraph 4.2.2., "Table of Uses" and are a part of this By-Law. In the table, "Yes" denotes a use permitted by right in a particular district, the letters "SPA" denote a use permitted in a particular district only by Special Permit from the Board of Appeals; the letters "SPS" denote a use permitted-in a particular district only by Special Permit from the Board of Selectmen; the letters "SPP" denote. a use permitted in a particular district only by Special Permit from the Community Planning and Development Commission; "No" denotes a use prohibited in a particular district. Aga iodic 3s to ction ding r the ublic i the and rithin sons gipal lings ages and less h is 19 is ions Residential Uses One Family Dwelli Boarding House Planned Residential PUD-R Public and Quasi-Public Uses Private Kindergartens School Church Nursing Home Club or Lodge Combined Service Use Business and Service Uses rRetail Sales mer Services nancial Inst itution Wholesale Business Hotel or Motel Reading Zoning By-Laws 4.2.2. Table of Uses es No No No No es No No No es No Ne No q * Yes No No No No No No No N N No No No No SPA SPA SPA No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No SPA No SPA SPA No No SPA SPA No SPA SPA YesB No No No No Yes Yes No No SPA SPA SPA No No LfNo:: No N No N Y Yes No Yes W No N No N No N Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No N Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 171 Revised as of July 2009 S &.5 4.2.2. Table of Uses .(Continued) _ - ?4`,5y+=; '~S~ RES< < 12ES B.~JS~ Il y P =1(7C,tJS$,,?~~ (2E~a= _B.US = ~ZtiS , . `O ~ . w-9^'n:il:.^}' =~dr 31 .1(`„ _•Z''µ'1a_,crlli at'~: 5=~15ih.:A-40 80r' 1' { f ' a` 1 2~.'l 1..+~ i•. htrh ~ ( r ' I~t7~n 'CjF.~l+f~ . 7'^ h.. ~~ys_hc1~v -may rsy wash e:-. ~`~`+y~11ey - ,.a `-.`tz ilk 9 ",T.-''~.. Tourist or Trailer Camp No No No No No No No Place of Assembly No No No Yes Yes No Yes Funeral Establishment No No No Yes Yes No Yes Veterinary Establishment No No No Yes Yes No Yes PUD-B SPP* No No SPP* No No No PUD-1 No No No No No No SPP* Adult Uses No No No No No No SPP* Automotive Uses Sale of New or Used No No No Yes Yes No Yes Service Station No No No Yes Yes No Yes Repair Garage Car Wash No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Commercial Parkin Lot No No No Yes Yes No Yes Auto Grave Yard No No No No No No No Industrial Uses Computer Services No No No No No Yes Yes Laboratories No No No No No Yes Research and Development No No No No No Yes Yes Publishing and Printing No No No No No PS Yes Communication Facilities Commercial Communications Structures No SPA No No No SPA No SPA No SPA Yes SPA Yes SPA Public Utilities Yes Yes No Yes Yes Enclosed Storage No K No Yes Yes No Yes Open Stora a D Cleaning Plant No No o No No No No No No No No No No No Recreational Uses Commercial Amusements No No No SPS SPS No SPS Commercial Race Track No No No No No No No Other Uses Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, Viticulture on 5+ acres Structures Accessory to Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, Viticulture on 5+ acres Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Reading Zoning By-Laws 172 10 Revised as of July 2009 4.2.2. Table of Uses (Continued) A INDi~7'~'i• ar✓ `'`s`-t .;a....u:'r :tt VI L7 I:JS' RES~,~,x!F~ES„~,;: 'B_US ~:.,r~;~ e pAL;a7 ,,•ns? ~.'t..~u,S.,.Y'~?r,.="a : •_4 _ - .~r. l aL'^ n:~~ i° "u ; ~1nLy w1...,~',7-r~--~i7;?F - :PRI .e- '--~E~-"3.~ :y~•~ ~~7 r~- s~ g~~ ~,~..~r~ ~ v . .'iv-.~:~]'`-~"'. - - _ j~r"~_''~: [f'+~.g_JI~:Y l-h+rN_'Cs;~may:.. vT.,~`.~-~.`.~--. u~ ~:r~--.a-'-•aLr•Fjl .t x '*#+.~r.,_a _ W.. ~RM1+ i'v3 v~y~ _ _ ...n ,I; .y-1=i'^r~-e"~y ~r'1,•,st. r _r_v-.' Y. 3av' {1'34J-• - 5.~ t".y' t? •ac-_r.!'!-° a.:...wV-r. {-r...••.s,-_v. -•r_ n~_ y~ '~1'' sr.~. cR-`4 _?L~' _ i(n ~-J'I._~iL'_fi-~'.-'S^rt~Gc~,'.-'.,'~.:q tia~i•;a.:'.r.:n4~i ..e Win. ......,t. rTG..:_. ?e -{S= ,..e,:, _ '.'~"---_'."~s~r'~._. -+•^_i~.t''.'~--_-'-,;_;,`. ~n~^ ~:'G:f~':+:~!1'~ wrS=O.Y,~:' v: ?_oFir:fs^.:'-':u:.r=~'i~.: - - w-7•~i ' - _ F-"- 7~ .r->• = ,~-;*'~"'S-.~~ :was?.'-_u.-~e. ,~...L~r-✓_.. _ - e_:.:s , . _ _ , ~c".•L`. ~;.d~-. '-F ..y.. 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Planned Residential Development may be permitted only within a PRD Overlay District which may exist only in an S-15, S-20, S-40 or A-40 or A-80 underlying as Zoning District on the Zoning Map. as Adult Uses may be permitted only in the Industrial District by Special Permit 10 granted by the Board of Appeals according to the requirements of Section 4.3.4. 10 May be permitted only within a State-owned Interstate highway right-of-way. Mixed Use Overlay may be permitted only in the Downtown Business B District, principally traversed by Main and Haven Streets. 'S A Townhouses shall be permitted in the Business C District B Nursing Home and Senior Independent Living shall be permitted in the Business C 0 District. 4.3. SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS :s All uses shall be subject to the following additional requirements. ?5 ' 9 Reading Zoning By-Laws 11 Revised as of July 2009 173 S61, LIc(3(,'~ ~W 4 y^~~N SJC~. Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Deval L. Patrick, Governor ® Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor O Tina Brooks, Undersecretary ~ Dvv' August 10, 2009 Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Re: Downtown Smart Growth District Application Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: ~ ptt 1 • N TI-11 iz On July 30, 2009, the Department of Housing and Community. Development (DHCD) received a smart growth 40R application from the Town of Reading (Town) for a preliminary determination of eligibility pursuant to 760 CMR 59.03. As provided in 760 CMR 59.05 (2)(a), DHCD accepts applications on the last day of each month. The receipt date of this application was July 31, 2009. In accordance with 760 CMR 59.05, DHCD conducts a completeness review and has 30 days after receipt of the 40R application to notify the Town in writing or by electronic communication if any required element of the application is missing or incomplete. Such notice constitutes a denial of the application. At the end of the completeness review period, DHCD has 60 days to conduct a formal review to determine whether the application satisfies the approval requirements set forth in 760 CMR 59.04(1). The formal review period for this application commences on August 31, 2009 and ends on October 29, 2009. DHCD may require the submission of. additional materials during this period. The formal review period may be extended with the written consent of the Town. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Donald Schmidt Director, Smart Growth Zoning Program cc: Abigail McCabe, Staff Planner 174 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 www.mass.gov/dhcd Boston, Massachusetts 02114 ' ' 617.573.1100 btc 96S 572 Haverhill St. Reading, MA 01867 August 19, 2009 Reading Board of Selectmen 16 Lowell St. Reading, MA 01867 RE: Resignation, West Street Historic District Commission Dear Selectmen: I am hereby submitting my resignation from the West Street Historic District Commission, effective immediately. The Commission is currently without a quorum, and unable to take action. I have served on the Commission since June 2005, and in the position of Chairman since June 2006. In the absence of an active and interested membership of sufficient number to make the Commission operate effectively, I see no purpose in my continuing membership. I am willing to act in an advisory capacity if the Commission is reconstituted with new members. Very. truly yours, S an Patterson cc: Reading Town Clerk Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Kathy Greenfield, Chair Reading Historical Commission ~ 3ZI- C- r ,a C1 N O P 175 Page 1 of 2 LIC, 605 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 9:57 AM To: Ron McLaughlin Cc: Schena, Paula; Cormier, Jim; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Lee, Michael; Zager, Jeff; Zambouras, George Subject: RE: West Street Reconstruction Plans Ron Thanks very much for your review and comments on the West Street project. The process that is being conducted now is for Conservation purposes, and is not a review of the entire project. The public hearings on the project as a whole were conducted by the Massachusetts highway Department months ago, and the question of the signalization of West/Woburn/Wescroft was raised at that time. Interestingly there was a difference of opinion among residents who attended that hearing, but the direction from the Board of Selectmen was to include the signalization of that intersection in the project. I think that there is pretty universal opinion as to the need to construction of proper sidewalks on both sides of the street. There has been no consideration of speed bumps on the street. Thanks for your thoughts. I agree that this project will affect the daily lives of the many residents and motorists who live in the area and who use West Street. 1 hope that we will be able to get this project funded in the near future and get it into construction before the existing pavement fails completely. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager I/c Board of Selectmen From: Ron McLaughlin [mailto:mclaughron@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:26 PM To: Town Manager Subject: West Street Reconstruction Plans Dear Peter Hechenbleikner, I was unable to attend the 8/12 meeting on the West St. Reconstruction Plan but I would like to voice my concerns about the plan. My family and I live at 115 Howard St: (two houses in from West St.). Concerns 1) Traffic lights at intersection of Woburn and West: I strongly oppose that any additional lights be added to West St. The morning and evening traffic is very heavy on West and I fear that additional lights will negatively effect traffic flow and result in an increase of cars cutting through side streets. In addition, I'm concerned that with additional lights overall traffic will be significantly worse throughout the entire week regardless of time of day. 2) Safety on West St.: My children attend Barrows Elementary and walk along West St. to get to school. The street is very dangerous for pedestrians as it is in great need of proper sidewalks. There should also be some consideration of wide speed bumps similar to the ones found in other towns, which would control the speed of cars traveling on West. 176 8/24/2009 x Dear Mayor/Admin/BOS (Name) Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 10:54 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Your community has signed the Bottle Bill Resolution L Board of Selectmen From: Jessica Wozniak, MassRecycle [mailto:info@massrecycle.org] Sent: Monday; August 03, 2009 3:24 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Your community has signed the Bottle Bill Resolution Page 1 of 2 L-~G (3 a S Hi I am emailing to say 71izw tk/YoW.! Your community has signed the resolution in support of updating the Massachusetts Bottle Bill. MassRecycle has been working hard to make the Updated Bottle Bill a reality. What has MassRecycle been doing? • Working closely with a coalition of advocates, including Sierra Club, MassPIRG, and Environmental League of Massachusetts. • Developed a series of web pages, which describe action steps and provide advocacy tools. (vmw.massrecycle.org/bottlebill) • Featured the Updated Bottle Bill in the last In The Loop free newsletter (www, massrecy..cle,org/i nTheLoop_)Lol6..pdf) What else can you do to help? Since your community has signed the.. resolution, I wanted to follow up with a few more action items. • Mail your resolution to MassRecycle, 60 Thoreau Street, #203, Concord, MA 01453 • Mail your resolution to your community's Senator and Representative(s). Find yours at www.mass:gov/leais/city town.htm. • Send out a press release to your local newspapers. MassRecycle has developed a template for you (www_massr"c -cle.orgbottlebill/UBB PRtempI ate.doc) Distribute our Fact Sheet to your residents (www.massrecycie_org/bottlebill/MRubbfactsheet,.pdf) Direct your residents to fill out a pledge card, collect them and send them into MassRecycle. (www massrecycle org/bottlebill/pledgecard side1.pdf & www.rnassrecyciQ..org/bottlebill/ple-dae-Q dside2_pdf) Thank your legislators if they have indicated support! Don't forget - thank those who have indicated support! Several legislators have indicated support of the Updated Bottle Bill in a Sierra Club questionnaire. If yours are on this list (see www.massrecycle.org/bottlebill/support.html), please call and thank them. It's easy! All you need to say is: "Hi, my name is Jane Smith and I wanted to thank Senator Jones for indicating support on the Updated Bottle Bill." Thanks again! I will continue to update you on the progress of our efforts. Stay tuned! 178 8/24/2009 Dear Mayor/Admin/BOS (Name) Jessica Wozniak Executive Director MassRecycle, Inc. 60 Thoreau Street, #203 Concord, MA 01742 617-338-0244 (V) 801-760-5056 (F) info(a massrecycle.org www.massrm -cle.org www.massrecyclespaper.ora Page 2 of 2 ~9v 179 8/24/2009 Cee-r~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN TERMINATION REQUEST FORMER AGFA CORPORATION FACILITY 80 INDUSTRIAL WAY WILMINGTON, MA Release Tracking Nwnber 3-17097 Permit Number: W023879 Agfa Corporation designated the 80 Industrial Way Site as a Public Involvement Plan site on November 18, 2005. In accordance with the Public Involvement Plan, a document repository was established at the Town of Reading Library and annual public information meetings were held on December 16, 2006, December 18, 2007 and December 17, 2008. With the support of the Town of Reading, Agfa has submitted a request to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to terminate the Public Involvement Plan for the 80 Industrial Way Site. A copy of this request is available at the Public Information Repository located in the Town of Reading Library. Public comments regarding termination of the Public Involvement Plan may be submitted on or before September 1, 2009 to: Alicia Kabir Environmental Resources Management 399 Boylston Street 6a' Floor Boston, MA 02116 N C) tT 9. 180 b I C ~C/ cc) T C I LEGAL SERVICES- Y 2010 Hours $ Month Monthl Monthl Available Month[ Month[ Available Hours Hours Remainder $ $ Remainder Allocated Used of Year Allocated Used of Year July 51.8 30.6 59 1.4 $7,000 $4,148 $79,852 August i 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 Septembei 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 October 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 November 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 December 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 January 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 February 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 March 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 April 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 May 51.8 591:4 $7,000 $79,852 June 51.8 591.4 $7,000 $79,852 Total 622.0 30.6 84,000 4,148