HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-22 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, August 22, 2006 • The Addison Wesley Working Group (AWWG) met August 9 to hear a presentation by WS Weiner Development group on their response to the AWWG's vision statement. The Board continues to receive correspondence on this matter. The meeting scheduled for tomorrow, August 23, has been cancelled. We are trying to re-schedule for September 7. • Volunteers needed • Town Manager's testimony at DTE re Verizon's petition to change the process for cable TV franchises • The Downtown Parking task force met for the second meeting on August 14. Their most immediate task is to identify shared parking opportunities - identify possible locations where there is available day time parking, and identify possible users of that parking. • Depot advertising -met with the CFO last week. Letter will go to State Sen. And Reps. • Housing Forum - September 28 • Board of Selectmen "Walk and Talk" in the Birch Meadow area September 16 • Utility bills including the first installment of the annual Storm Water Enterprise Fund bill will go out on September 8 • Sidewalk Construction: • Franklin Street • Remainder of • Wood End School - • (William to Fox Franklin Street - Dividence Rd. to Run) mostly done working on school - ConsCom - easements this agreement with on August 31 - week, construction MHD - some this Construction this 2 weeks John - Street - Salem to Green - done; Looking for funding for Green to Village • West Street - Enos to Catherine - cost estimate $100,000 • fall some next spring. Will be installing curb on portions of from SRL to William Minot at Main - developer contribution - done fall • Governors Drive - • Habitat for Humanity contribution - east side done - west side awaiting funding and completion of construction - next spring • Wood End School -Fox Run La.. to school - ConsCom on August 31 - Construction next spring South Street - Whitehall to West ConsCom August 31 - construction this fall 0 • Road Construction: • Berkley Street - Gleason Road - • Greenwood Rd. - • Deering Street Done Done Done (Lowell to Middlesex) - Done • Green Street • Harriman Avenue - Arcadia Avenue - • Edgmont Ave - (Main to High) - Done this week this week Done • Maple Ridge Rd - • Middlesex Ave - • Cumberland Rd. - • Cape Cod Ave. - 2-4 weeks this fall this fall this fall • Eaton Street - this • West Street (Willow • Deering Street • Hillcrest Rd - fall to Wilm. Line) this (Dudley to reconstruction - fall - depending on Middlesex) this fall this fall sidewalk • Nichols Rd - Done • Fielding Rd - Done • Gilmore Ave. - • Wenda Street. - by DPW by DPW Done by DPW Done by DPW • Report re Main Street northbound at Birch Meadow Drive - left turn signal request • Upcoming Board of Selectmen meeting agendas: BOARD OF SELECTMEN AGENDAS September 5, 2006 Office Hours - Tafoya 6:30 Conservation Highlights 7:30'' Atlantic request for change in plan - liquor sales 8:00 Review Water rate projections 9:00 Preview Town Meeting warrant 9:30 Is 12, 20.06 PH off Appointment I Mystic Valley Elder Services Appointment I Northside Greenway Committee RMLD presentation on Green Choice Presentation - Creative Arts - RCTV plans I 6) 26, 2006' September. Appointment Mystic Valley Elder Services Board Appointment ACAC Close Warrant for STM 8:00 Amending Traffic Rules and Regulations - regulations on Hearing trailers; stop regulations on County Road at Lothrop Road 8:30 Review 128/193 position 9:00 Review status of Imagination Station 9:30 Review Goals status 10:00 e us t view Aet on StatuAk fi Re p 1 Q 3, September 28 2006 -,,`Housing Forum October, 3 2006 Office Hours - Bonazoli Iuspect*ons October 4;`2006 -1i,.mancial Forum 0 Vacancies on Boards. Committees and Commission Aquatics Advisory Board -1 Board of Appeals -1 Bylaw Committee -1 Council on Aging -1 Cultural Council -1 Land Bank Committee -1 West Street Historic District Committee -1 Animal Control Appeals Committee - 3 Ad Hoc Task Force for Planning the Northern Area Greenway - 7 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:06 PM To: Anthony, Camille Subject: Welcome Back For the September "Walk and Talk" in Birch Meadow - do you have any particular route in mind. I am thinking the following: • Park on Bancroft at the tennis courts - start at 9 - everyone seems to bring their own coffee these days • Walk up Bancroft to the site of the reconstruction of the playground - there might be some of the neighborhood folks who are working on that project. • Walk up Bancroft to Tower • Over Towner to Winthrop • Down Winthrop to Hartshorn • Over Hartshorn to John carver • Down John Carver to Woodland (private way in terrible condition - some residents want it accepted but don't want to pay the price • Down John Carver to the new curb and walk • X-country over Birch Meadow to Imagination Station • Back to the cars. This would get you into the neighborhood, look at some of the issue that I'm aware of in the neighborhood (mostly positive) - see some of traffic control that the Board has approved, and give you time to see Imagination Station so you can make a decision on it. Thoughts/comments about the itinerary? Thoughts on how to publicize? Rain Date? Welcome back from vacation. Btw, Walgreens has cut out the area for the brick pavers on pleasant Street (and by this time maybe installed them) Pete v 8/22/2006 ~M gVV•~ Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mitt Romney, Governor ♦ Kerry Healey, Lt. Governor MEMORANDUM To: Local Official From: Jane Wallis Gumble, Directo Subject: 2006 Subsidized Housing In t iennial Update Date:. August 17, 2006 Jane Wallis Gumble, Director w, tl •f N The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is in the process of updating the Chapter 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory (SM. Pursuant to 760 C.M.R. 31.04(1)(a), DHCD is required to update the Subsidized Housing Inventory biennially. As you know, the SIR is used to measure the community's attainment of affordable housing goals for the purposes of M.G.L. Chapter 40135 the Comprehensive Permit Law. A developer may appeal'to the state Housing Appeals Committee for review of local action on a Comprehensive Permit if less than 10% of the community's total year round housing stock is subsidized and restricted for low or moderate income households. The percentage of subsidized housing in a community is derived by dividing the number of qualifying units (4013, units) in the community by its total number of year-round housing units as enumerated in the 2000 U.S. Census. Enclosed for your review and use is our current SHI record for your community which reflects our most complete information regarding the number of all units which qualify for inclusion on the SHI. Please note the following: 1) Corrections to your inventory record should be made by simply writing directly on the enclosed .draft and sending it to the address indicated below. 2) Please request that new eligible ulzits be added to the inventory by submitting a coinpleted copy of the "Requesting New Units Form" along with the documentation required by said form. To request the addition of new units and to track units for CDBG and HOME housing rehabilitation units only, please use DHCD's "Housing Rehab Units Only" spreadsheet. 3) If a comprehensive permit.has been issued more than 12 months ago and building permits have not been issued, comprehensive permit units 'are no longer counted on the Subsidized Housing Inventory until such time as building permits are issued. Please provide copies of building permits for any such units to ensure or restore their inclusion on the Subsidized Housing Inventory. 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 www.mass.gov/dhcd Boston, Massachusetts 02114 ' 617.573.1100 4) Any developments for which the period of affordability has expired (see: "Affordability Expires" column of the enclosed report) will be removed from the final update unless adequate documentation is submitted confirming the period of affordability has been extended. Similarly, if the indicated term of affordability expires prior to the next biennial update in 2008 but the term has already been extended, please submit the relevant documentation. 5) If you have no changes to the draft inventory, please confirm.that your inventory is correct by writing "no changes" and returning the inventory page(s). This correspondence is being mailed to the Mayor, Board of Selectmen, Town Manager/Administrator, Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Planning Director, and Local Housing Authority in each community as applicable. We ask that the appropriate officials in each municipality review this information and provide a coordinated response either confirming the. information contained in the report, or submitting corrections. We further request that you-complete this review and return the enclosed draft inventory record with any applicable corrections and additions, along with requests to add new units if applicable, to DACD at 100 Cambridge St., Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114, Attention: Margaux LeClair by September 1, 2006. The DHCD Eligibility Summary for the SHI provides detailed information on eligible programs and eligibility requirements and, along with the SIII Requesting New Units Form and the Requesting Rehab Units Only Form, may be found at httD://www.mass.Qov/dhed/ToolKit/sbi.htm. DHCD's Requesting Rehab Units Only spreadsheet may be submitted electronically to margaux.leclair@state.ma.us. Planned Production and LIP are powerful tools to assist communities in meeting their affordable housing goals in a manner consistent with local planning and development goals. The Planned Production Guidelines clarify the requirements of the affordable housing plans and the steps to implement the plans under the regulation. DHCD offers M.G.L. Chapter 40B Guidelines for Planned Production Regulation available at htt-o://www.mass.gov/dhcd/ToolKit/PProd/default.htin (see also 760 CMR 31.00). A fact sheet for the Local Initiative Program (LIP) is available at httD://vrwW.mass.gov/dhed/Dublications/ fact sheets/lio.-adf (see also 760 CMR 45.00), and interested municipalities can.fmd the LIP application on DHCD's website at: htti)://www.mas*s.gov/dhod/Temb/03[LIP/40B A-MDOC. We appreciate your assistance verifying the information contained in the. SIR. If you have any questions, please do hesitate to contact Margaux LeClair at (617) 573-1108, or e-mail her at rmamaux.leclair i , state.ma.us.. D DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CH40B SUBSIDIZED HOUSING INVENTORY teading Built W1 Total SHI Affordability Comp. Subsidizing DHCD ID # Project Name Address Type Units Expires Permit? Agency 2602 n/a Frank Tanner Dr. Rental 40 Perp No DHCD 2603 n/a Frank Tanner Dr. Rental 40 Perp No DHCD 2604 n/a 74 Bancroft Ave. Rental 8 Perp No DHCD 2605 n/a Oakland. & Waverly Rental 6 Perp Yes DHCD 2606 n/a Pleasant & Parker Rental 4 Perp No DHCD 2607 Cedar Glen 2 Elderberry Lane Rental 114 2010 Yes MassHousing 2608 EMARC Reading 6 Pitman Dr. Rental 12 2036 No HUD 2609 Longwood Place at Reading 75 Pearl Street Rental 86 2046 No MassHousing MassHousing 2610 Peter Sanborn Place 50 Bay State Rd. Rental 74 Perp Yes HUD 2611 Reading Community Residence 40 Sanborn Street Rental 3 2037 No EOHHS HUD 2612 Summer/Main 173 Main St1505 Summer Ave Rental 6 2014 No FHLBB 2613 Schoolhouse 52 Sanborn Street Rental 4 2013 No FHLBB Reading Page 551 of 795 8/17/2006 and Community Development (DHCD) by individual communities and is subject to tment of Housin D h change as new information is obtained and use This data is derived from information provided to g epar t e restrictions expire. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CH40B SUBSIDIZED HOUSING INVENTORY teading Built w/ DHCD Total SHl Affordability Comp. Subsidizing 1D# Project Name Address Type Units Expires Permit? Agency 2614 Gazebo Circle 401,501,901 Gazebo Cr. Rental 3 2016 No FHLBB 2615 Pleasant Street Pleasant Street Rental 2 2020 No FHLBB 2616 Wilson Street Wilson Street Rental 2 2021 No FHLBB 3730 Longwood Estates 468 West Street Ownership 63 /j Perp Yes FHLBB 3731 Spence Farm 40-42, 70 West Street Rental 204 Perp Yes FHLBB 4000 Hopkins Street Residence 159 Hopkins Street Rental 4 2042 No HUD 4432 DMR Group Homes Confidential Rental 35 N/A No DMR 4600 DMH Group Homes Confidential Rental 4 N/A No DMH 4771 Summer Cheney 1375 Main Street Ownership 2 Perp Yes FHLBB 4772 George Street 23 George Street Ownership 3 Perp Yes FHLBB Reading Totals 719 Census 2000 Year Round Housing Units 8,811 ~ VS Percent Subsidized 8.16% l 8/17/2006 Reading Page 552 of 795 This data is derived from information provided to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) by individual communities and is subject to change as new information is obtained and use restrictions expire. TRACKING OF LEGAL SERVICES - FY 2007 Monthlv Hours $ Month Monthlv Monthlv Hours Cumulative Available Monthly Monthly Cumulative Available Hours Hours Used vs Remainder _ $ 1 Cost Remainder Allocated Used Allocated of 1/2 vear Allocated Used Year July 51.2 48.6 (2.60) (2.60) 258.6 $6,667 $6,318 $6,318 $73,686 August 51.2 (51.20) (53.80) 258.6 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 September 51.2 (51.20) (105.00) 258.6 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 October 51.2 (51.20) (156.20) 258.6 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 November 51.2 (51.20) (207.40) 258.6. $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 December 51.2 (51.20) (258.60) 258.6 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 307.2 48.6 (258.60) $40,002 $6,318 $6;318 $73,686 January 51.2 (51.20) (309.80) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 February 51.2 (51.20) (361.00) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 March 51.2 (51.20) (412.20) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 April 51.2 (51.20) (463.40) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 May 51.2 (51.20) (514.60) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 June 51.2 (51.20) (565.80) 565.8 $6,667 $6,318 $73,686 Subtotal 307.2 0 $40,002 $0 . Total 614.4 48.6 -565.8 $80,004 $6,318 $73,6861 TOWN OF READING Voted: The Traffic Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 28, 1995, for the Town of Reading, are hereby amended by adding to Article 5, Section 5.3 the following regulation (s). "PARKING PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS NO PARKING" STREET LOCATION Pearl Street At the Fire Lane located at the northerly portion of the property at #75 Pearl Street DATE OF PASSAGE SELECTMEN'S SIGNATURES TOWN CLERK OF READING TOWN CORPORATE SEAL C3) TOWN OF READING Voted: The Traffic Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 28, 1995, for the Town of Reading, are hereby amended by adding to Article 5, Section 5.3 the following regulation (s). "PARKING PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS NO PARKING HERE TO CORNER" STREET LOCATION Pearl Street At the telephone pole located at the property line of #75 and #91 Pearl Street At the telephone pole located north of #57 Pearl Street DATE OF PASSAGE SELECTMEN'S SIGNATURES TOWN CLERK OF READING TOWN CORPORATE SEAL PROPOSED PARKING: PEARL STREET AT LONGWOOD PLACE LMT S~R6E 7' ; No Parking Here to Corner co i. cod [1. gh~Yso Late 1_ Nv'vb(OD Rid / F Fire rr L~PLACE r - d I No Parking . U ell a No Parking Here to Corner \ V, V., y 1 l .'tP0 J \ N `SHpRNp,K sal Legend Map by: Town of Reading Map date: 8/21/06 Parcels j Playing Field Roads ' Parcels valid 1/1/06. Buildings Sidewalks Bridge Roads, buildings, sidewalks, drives, trails, etc from aerial Fence . " Driveway Paved photos taken spring 1998. Hedge Parking Unpaved Data are for planning purposes only. Light Pole 1,.Paved 0 40 80 160 E':%~~.': paved .Ft 0 Utility Pole Un 0