HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-07 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, February 07, 2006 • RCTV has been getting complaints that they are "running advertisements" for the Lifestyle Center project on the Addison Wesley project. The nature of Community Access for Cable TV is such that any member may produce at his/her expense, any program. The recent programs are not produced by RCTV, but by members. If any RCTV member in an opposing point of view wants to do a program, they are welcome to do so. In addition, RCTV has received what they perceive to be threats to RCTV and staff about this matter. If this is true, this is certainly not appropriate behavior towards RCTV and its staff who do a great job in getting a broad range of community programming on the air for the community to use to be informed. • In your packet this evening is a draft revised Mission Statement and Goals Statements that Bob LeLacheur has put together for your consideration. • In your packet this evening is a revised listing of "FY07 - General Town Budget - Significant Additions" put in draft priority order based on the Board of Selectmen review of the priorities and goals. • Police Chief Jim Cormier has put together the written analysis of the Walkers Brook Crossing impact on Police services as presented to the Board of Selectmen at their last budget session. Chief Burns has put together similar information which is in your material this evening. • I attended a meeting last Friday that Lt. Governor Kerry Healy held in North reading. Much of it was a re-cap and additional information about the Governor's proposed budget. I asked specifically about Sewer Debt Relief, and was told by Representative Jones that he would not anticipate any less than the $12.5 million that was included in last years budget, and that it could be as much as the $25 million requested by the MWRA Advisory Board. • We had a meeting with DEP last week to review the issues related to the potential purchase of MWRA water as our exclusive source. We will report to the Board of Selectmen in a future meeting on the results of that meeting. Chairman Camille Anthony and Selectman James Bonazoli attended representing the Board. • The 6-month legal services financial status report is attached. This does not include the services of Special Counsel for Cable TV - I do not have his bill yet. • In your packet this evening is a chart comparing salaries of Town Managers from comparable communities. While we need the Board of Selectmen to establish the salary as soon as possible so that we can finalize the FY 2007 proposed budget, the Board may want to wait until you have a full board present. D Hechenbleikner, Peter From: George Hines [GHines@mbta.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 9:11 AM To: Pat' 'Schettini; Barbara Meade; Cormier, Jim; Feudo, John; Fiore, Jane; Patterson, Kevin; Edson, Matt; Rick Schubert Multiple Addresses; Town Manager; Bonazoli, James; Gary Nihan; Wendy Liston; Paula Perry; Rob Spadafora; Anthony, Camille; Tina Cormio; Bill Carrick; Ben Tafoya; Schettini, Pat; George Hines; Nancy-Linn Swain; Eric Redard; Tim O'Neill Subject: Update Attachments: Susbstance Abuse Mission Statement.doc Susbstance use Mission Stat( Greetings, I am sending a proposed version of a mission statement to prompt discussion. Also, I am planning to attend the Selectmen's meeting tonight to discuss the Substance Abuse effort to date. I will be urging them to take stronger ownership/leadership of this issue. The committee has been slow to get some wind under our wings and I am concerned about getting bogged down and losing some of the people who have shown interest in working on this issue. I will be urging them to appoint someone to chair this group. The effort needs: organized well managed meetings to be productive, continuous timely communication, dissemination of information, firm direction, and assignments for participants to complete and follow-up. This is a unique effort against a vicious enemy and Reading cannot afford to wander before finding direction in this battle. Hopefully we can all put aside ego, turf and constraints of being overly concerned with process and engage in honest open dialogue in a civil way that still has room for constructive criticism, informed differences and respect for achieving consensus toward our goals. Thanks for putting up with my pontificating and if anyone would like to join me tonight please feel free. GH I D Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Rob Spadafora [rpadafora@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 7:35 PM To: Schena, Paula Cc: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schettini, Pat; Anthony, Camille Subject: Substance Abuse Initiative Paula, Could you include a listing of the members of the substance abuse initiative email addresses in the next email to them. Currently, it is set up as a group listing which makes it a bit difficult for the members to send emails to each other. Our next meeting is this Thursday at 7:30 PM - hopefully the police station is available. Also, could you check to confirm that Tim O'Neil is included on the email list - his email is sleeovmhollow o-)vahoo.com. We also need Karen Storti to receive an invite to Thursday's meeting. The agenda will be: Finalize Mission Statement Subcommittee formation 1. Inventory of existing Reading Programs 2. Research statistics and demographics of Reading 3. Study other Community Models 4. Drug Free Grant Application Thanks again for your help. Rob From: Schena, Paula [mailto:pschena@ci.reading. ma.us] Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 12:58 PM To: Advocate; Billard, Dave; Bornstein, Dan; Burns, Greg; Cameron, Vinnie; Chronicle; Connors, Bill; Cormier, Jim; DaSilva, Allison; DeBrigard, Mike; Delaney, Joe; Engelson, Linda; Favaloro, Mark; Feudo, John; Fink, Fran; Fiore, Jane; Foley, Richard; Folopoulos, Dawn; Hughes, Carol; Johnson, Cheryl; Keating, Bob; Knight, Maureen; Langsam, Joan; LeLacheur, Bob; McFadden, Carl; McIntire, Ted; Murphy, Tom; O'Halloran, Michael; petertmartin@gmail.com; Redmond, Glen; Roberts, Carol; Rushworth, Phil; Schettini, Pat; Sousa, John; Spadafora, Rob; Tassi, Peter; Thurlow, Julie; Urell, Ruth; Whyte, Lyn Subject: Selectmen's Agenda 6) 2/7/2006 DRAFT FORMATION OF A STEERING COMMITTEE "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" A member Steering Committee on the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" is formed to consist of the following members: • Chairman of the Board of Selectmen - co-chair • Chairman of the School Committee - co-chair, • Chairman or designee - SAPAC • Chairman or designee - Board of Health • Designee or the Reading Clergy Association • Chairman or designee - Recreation Committee • 3 citizens at large • Medical provider (Dr., Nurse, or Pharmacist) • Student/youth • YMCA • RMHS/CMS/PMS PTO The purpose of the Steering Committee is to develop a program to: • Develop a list of stakeholders in Reading who have interest in the issue of substance abuse prevention • Develop a schedule for the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" • Serve as a community clearinghouse on issues of substance abuse prevention in Reading • Educate the community of Reading on Substance Abuse issues; • As part of that education, review community models for addressing substance abuse issues; • With the members of the "Imitative Against Substance Abuse" and the broader community, develop a coordinated strategic approach to long term substance abuse prevention in the community of Reading. The Steering Committee will develop the program, with the next meeting of the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" to take place on or about March 9, 2006. 2/7/2006 (9 TRACKING OF LEGAL SERVICES - FY 2006 Monthlv Hours $ Month Monthlv Monthlv Hours Cumulative Available Monthlv, Monthlv Cumulative Available Hours Hours Used vs Remainder $ $ Cost Remainder Allocated Used Allocated of 1/2 vear Allocated Used Year July 76.7 28.2 (48.50) (48.50) 432 $10,350 $3,525 $3,525 $120,675 August 76.7 45.3 (31.40) (79.90) 386.7 $10,350 $5,663 $9,188 $115,013 September 76.7 52.2 (24.50) (104.40) 334.5 $10,350 $6,777 $15,965 $108,236 October 76.7 48.9 (27.80) (132.20) 285.6 $10,350 $6,113 $22,078 $102,123 November 76.7 36.7 (40.00) (172.20) 248.9 $10,350 $4,687 $26,765 $97,436 December 76.7 34.7 (42.00) (214.20) 214.2 $10,350 $4,338 $31,103 $93,098 460.2 246 (214.20) $62,100 $31,103 $31,103 $93,098 January 76.7 (76.70) (290.90) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 February 76.7 (76.70) (367.60) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 March 76.7 (76.70) (444.30) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 April 76.7 (76.70) (521.00) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 May 76.7 (76.70) (597.70) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 June 76.7 (76.70) (674.40) 500 $10,350 $31,103 $93,098 Subtotal 460.2 0 $62,100 $0 Total 920.4 246 -674.4 $124,200 $31,103 $93,0981 9 Hechenblefter, Peter From: willfinch@juno.com Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:09 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: MWRA buy in To the Board of Selectman, I would like to thank the Town Hall staff for organizing the meeting with DEP concerning the town's purchase of MWRA water. It was a good exchange of information, and all parties benefited. I am glad I had the chance to attend. One point which I failed to make at the meeting concerns the fact, as I see it, is that at times of low flow the pumping of the wells has an adverse impact on Reading wetlands, which is clearly a violation of the Wetlands Protection Act as administered by DEP Wetlands Division. Of course I realize that the town has permits to withdraw water granted from a different department of DEP.I am not sure what DEP's position is on this contradiction. If Reading was successful in purchasing all of our water from the MWRA, Reading would come into compliance with Massachusetts wetland laws. Also, speaking as a citizen as well as a Conservation Commission member, a dilemma which has concerned me for some time would be eliminated, by the town coming into such compliance. I am speaking for myself, not for the Commission as a whole. Thank you for wrestling with this difficult issue. Sincerely, Will Finch 1 Laura P. Busick 113 Bancroft Ave Reading, MA 01867 781-942-1581 February 6, 2006 Dear Board of Selectmen: I am writing in support of the proposed shopping center to be built on the Addison Wesley site. As a mother with small children at home and Reading resident, I feel this project is very good for our town. In addition to caring for my family, I also work part time in Boston so my time is very precious to me. The convenience of having a variety of shops right here in town as opposed to having to head off to the big shopping halls would be a huge benefit to everyone in town. With the high cost of fuel and limited time in the day, there are many good reasons for us to welcome this shopping center to our town. Besides the convenient shopping and restaurants, I am very much in favor of the additional jobs and tax revenue this project will bring to Reading. We must look to underutilized commercial property like the Addison Wesley site to bring monetary support to our schools and town. I am uncertain as to what they pay in taxes now, but I am sure it is a small fraction of what a retail center would pay. The Whole Foods Market is another added plus to this shopping center. I do not believe that a market of this type will be a threat to any existing traditional food market because Whole Foods offers many specialty items that are not typically sold at the traditional markets. Many of us in town already shop at places like Whole Foods, but are forced to drive out of town to do this. The center would be a great place to meet friends with preschoolers. It would give us someplace to walk and stop for a bite to eat while getting a little shopping done. I would also welcome a place to have a nice meal with friends in the evening. We rarely go into Boston for dinner because of the distance, but it would be great to have a larger selection of nice restaurants right here in Reading. The convenience and. added tax dollars of having this new shopping center in Reading will benefit us all in a variety of ways. Please join me in supporting this new development in town. Sincerely, Laura P.. Busick 6) O HEADQUARTERS READING FIRE DEPARTMENT P~ Reading, Massachusetts 01867 3sPlNCORY~~ GREGORY J. BURNS, Chief 757 Main Street BUS. Phone: 781-942-9181 STA. Phone: 781-944-3132 Fax: 781-942-9114 TO: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager FROM: Chief Gregory J. Burns DATE: January 30, 2006 RE: Responses to Walkers Brook Drive New Development At the Board of Selectmen's meeting on Saturday, January 28, 2006, I was requested to provide data to the Board on the Fire Department's response to the new development on Walkers Brook Drive. To properly evaluate the additional emergency response impact of the new construction on the Fire Department all responses to existing businesses were eliminated. The figures below reflect responses for calendar year 2005. Percent of Description Number Category Emergency Medical Response 37 2.00% The minimum response is one Engine and the Ambulance Box Alarm - Alarm Sounding 22 5.93% This is a reported structure fire and receives a full response Motor Vehicle Crash 17 5.33% The minimum response is one Engine and the Ambulance Car Lock Out 18 8.87% This is a one unit response Public Assist - Investigate Hazardous Condition 5 2.76% This is a one unit response Total Response to Phase I and Phase II 99 Analysis: The largest category of response is for emergency medical treatment and we are currently able to meet the increased demand for service with present staffing. The Box Alarm - Alarm Sounding responses are high and this could be attributed to new fire alarm systems coming on line with installation defects. We will be looking closer at the occupancies with a high false alarm rate to ensure this trend does not continue. APT We're Your Friends for Life Q01 0>00, Requested additions to the Town Budqet for FY07 BOS Goal Cumulative TOTAL W ages Benefits Expenses Priorities: 2,4 Police $ 71,500 $ 71,500 $ 55;000 $ 16,500 Police business administrator 2 Parks & Forestry $ 75,500 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Playground mulch 2,6 Long Range Plan $ 101,423 $ 25,923 $ 25,923 DPW - Department review by consultant 2 Technology $ 121,082 $ 19,659 $ 19,659. Increase from PT to FT for GIS co-ordinator 3,5 Technology $ 132,827 $ 11,745 $ 11,745 Website improvements 3,5 Human Resources $ 144,594 $ 11,768 $ 11,768 Customer Service training/software 6 Community Svcs(x) $ 144,594 $ - ` $ 45,000 $ 13,500 Permits Co-ordinator or technology 1 $144,5941 $ 74,659 1 $ 16,500 1 $ 53,436 Defer until FY08: Library* $ 210,032 $ 65,437 $ 56,902 $ 8,535 Restore four hours of operation 3 Library* $ 245,820 $ 35,788 $ 15,560 $ 15,560 $ 4,668 Technology Librarian - incr. from 12hrs to 28hrs Library* $ 274,570 $ 28,750 $ 28,750 fully fund library materials 1 Assessment $ 307,143 $ 32,573 $ 20,903 $ 11,671 Increase from PT to FT 1 Assessment $ 307,543 $ 400 $ 400 New digital camera 4 Fire $ 313,843 $ 6,300 $ 6,300 Position promotion - Asst. Fire Chief Community Svcs $ 326,470 $ 12,627 12,627 Increase from PT to FT clerical Community Svcs $ 327,470 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 . Prof. Dev. - ICMA conference Elder/Human Svcs $ 337,774 $ 10,304 $ 10,304 Operator of a 2nd Van Elder/Human Svcs $ 339,874 $ 2,100 $ 2,100 : Operation of the 2nd Van 1,2,5 Technology $ 342,223 $ 2,349 $ 2,349 Prof Dev. - network administration training 2,5 Technology $ 344,572 $ 2,349 $ 2,349 Prof Dev. - GIS training $199,978 1 $122,596 $ 27,231 ( $ 50,151 Storm Water Management Enterp rise Fund: 2 Storm Water $ 77,179 77,179 59,369 $ 17,81`1 Two new laborers 2 Storm Water $ 84,679 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Vacuum Truck Services 2 Storm Water $ 94,679 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Consulting Services 1 $ 94,679 1 $ 59,369 $ 17,811 $ 17,500 1 * = all Library costs have been increased by a 15% additional materials requirement (x) this will be funded entirely by permit fees 0 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street COMMUNITY Reading, MA 01867-2683 PLANNING AND Phone: 781-942-6612 DEVELOPMENT Fax: 781-942-9071 Email: creilly@ci.reading.ma.us COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF ACTION RE: Zoning By-Laws Textual Amendments: Section Accessory Apartments To the Town Clerk: This is to certifi/ at a meeting of the Commicnittij Planning and Development Commission on January 23, 2006, by a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted: "We, the Reading Community Planning and Development Commission, under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 5 to consider zoning by-law amendments for inclusion in the Town Meeting for Spring 2006, do hereby vote; to commence the zoning enactment process by recommending to the Board of Selectmen the inclusion of the zoning by-law textual amendments below in the warrant. As per the MGL reference, the CPDC will hold a public hearing, advertised for a minimum of two consecutive weeks prior to the date of the hearing, with notification to Town Meeting members and subject abutters, if appropriate, within the specified time period and subsequently forward final language to the By-Law Committee and the Finance Committee. Section Accessory Apartments: 1. The language of Section is deleted and replaced with the word "Reserved" 2. The phrase as it existed on August 1,1982" is deleted from Section Signed as to tl ccuracy o the vote: Chris Reilly, Town Planner v Cc: Board of Selectmen, Finance Conu-nittee, By-Law Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, Building Inspector, Town Counsel RMLD ding Municipal Light Deparfinent RELIABLE POWER FOR GENERATIONS February 3, 2006 To: Vincent Cameron, General Manager From: Joe Bilicki, Key Accounts Manager W Subject: Potential Rate Impact As requested, attached please find a summary sheet as well as the detailed spreadsheets for the Reading town accounts showing the impact of the Fuel Charge Adjustment rising by one half of one cent ($.005) each month starting with March 2006; going through August, and keeping the Fuel Charge at the August level through December 2006. The top half of the spreadsheet is the actual billings for the calendar year 2005. The bottom half of the spreadsheet, using the same billing history, shows the impact on potential increasing Fuel Charge Adjustment. As you are aware, these figures are the "Worst Case Scenario", and do not necessarily reflect what will happen in 2006. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at extension 426. cc: Jane Parenteau William Seldon D Summary Sheet Town of Reading Accounts Police Station Fire Sta. Woburn St. Fire Sta. Main St. DPW Garage Senior Ctr. Library Town Hall Wood End School Birch Meadow School Main Birch Meadow School Modular Barrows School Coolidge School Joshua Eaton School KYiam School Parker School `High School r Total 2005 Potential Potential Percentage Cost Impact Increase Increase $31,706.00 $44,311.73 $12,605.73 39.76% $4,141.27 $5,760.49 $1,619.22 39.10% $14,436.48 $19,943.07 $5,506.58 38.14% $21,478.76 $28,969.06 $7,490.30 34.87% $7,099.38 $9,623.61 $2,524.23 35.56% $35,377.27 $48,719.02 $13,341.74 37.71% $27,604.73 $38,148.21 $10,543.48 38.19% $42,015.11 $56,458.78 $14,443.67 34.38% $25,077.32 $34,031.47 $8,954.14 35.71% $5,900.94 $7,463.80 $1,562.86 26.49% $33,087.07 $44,937.91 $11,850.85 35.82% $65,503.26 $89,588.45 $24,085.18 36.77% $29,696.67 $39,649.24 $9,952.57 33.61% $36,211.29 $48,393.42 $12,182.13 33.64% $71,646.47 $97,275.57 $25,629.10 35.77% $173,750.85 $238,004.42 $64,253.57 36.98% Totals $624,732.88 $851,278.24 $226,545.36 36.26% D Police Station Actual 2005 Dec-05 Nov-05 Oct 05 Sep-05 Aug-05 Jul-05 Jun-05 May-05 Apr-05 Mar-05_ Feb-05 Jan-05 Billing KVV DEMAND 74.2400 74.2400 74.2400 75.8400 92.8000 81.6000 80.1600 74.8800 74.8800 74.8800 74.8800 74.8800 92.8000 KVVH ENERGY BASE COST 23,360 $1,231.41 23,520 $1,280.36 26,560 $1,387.81 32,800 $1,500.69 40,000 $1,777.71 40,800 $1,793.59 31,360 $1,583.34 20,800 $1,177.13 20,960 $1,134.30 21,600 $1,197.56 _24,320 $1,282.23 23,520 $1,174.24 329,600 $16,520,37 jincreased Fuel Charge KVV KVVH DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST Dec-05 74.240 23,360 $1,231.41 Nov-05 74.240 23,520 $1,280.36 Oct 05 74.240 26,560 $1,387.81 Sep-05 75.840 32,800 $1,500.69 Aug-05 92.800 40,000 $1,777.71 Jul-05 81.600 40,800 $1,793.59 Jun-05 80.160 31,360 $1,583.34 May-05 74,880 20,800 $1,177.13 Apr-05 74.880 20,960 $1,134.30 Mar-05 74.880 21,600 $1,197.56 Feb-05 74.880 24,320 $1,282.23 Jan-05 74.880 23,520 $1,174.24 92.8000 329,600 $16,520.37 )Potential impact $12,605.73 39.76% QV*** MONTHLY MONTHLY PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA $45.55 $1,497.38 $2,728.79 $0.117 43.10% $0.064100 $0.001950 $93.84 $1,390.03 $2,670.39 $0.114 43.40% $0.059100 $0.003990 $97.48 $1,436.90 $2,824.71 $0.106 49.01% $0.054100 $0.003670 ($23.94) $1,610.48 $3,111.17 $0.095 59.25% $0.049100 ($0.000730) ($88.00) $1,764.00 $3,541.71 $0.089 59.05% $0.044100 ($0.002200) ($36.31) $1,697.28 $3,490.87 $0.086 68.49% $0.041600 ($0.000890) $97.84 $1,248.13 $2,831.47 $0.090 53.59% $0.039800 $0.003120 $79.04 $931.84 $2,108.97 $0.101 38.05% W044800 $0.003800 $25.36 $890.80 $2,025.10 $0.097 38.34% $0.042500 $0.001210 $71.28 $864.00 $2,061.56 $0.095 39.52% $0.040000 $0.003300 $61.77 $972.80 $2,255.03 $0.093 44.49% $0.040000 $0.002540 ($27.75) $882.00 $2,056.24 $0.087 43.03% $0.037500 ($0.001180) -$396.16. $15,185.63 $31,706.00 $0.096 40.54% $0.046392 $0.001548 MONTHLY MONTHLY PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA -$45.55 $2,198.18 $3,429.59 $0.147 43.10% $0.094100 $0.001950 $93.84 $2,213.23 $3,493.59 $0149 43.40% $0.094100 $0.003990 $97.48 $2,499.30 $3,887.11 $0.146 49.01% $0.094100 $0.003670 ($23.94) $3,086.48 $4,587.17 $0.140 59.25% $0.094100 ($0.000730) ($88.00) $3,764.00 $5,541.71 $0.139 59.05% $0.094100 - ($0.002200). ($36.31) $3,635.28 $5,428.87 $0.133 68.49% $0.089100 ($0.000890) $97.84 $2,637.38 $4,220.71 $0.135 53.59% $0.084100 $0.003120 $79.04 $1,645.28 $2,822.41 $0.136 38.05% $0.079100 $0.003800 $25.36 $1,553.14 $2,687.44 $0.128 38.34% - $0.074100 $0.001210 $71.28 $1,492.56 $2,690.12 $0.125 39.52% $0.069100 $0.003300 $61.77 $1,558.91 $2,841.14 $0.117 44.49% $0.064100 $0.002540 ($27.75) $1,507.63 $2,681.87 $0.114 43.03% $0.064100 ($0.001180) $396.16 $27,791.36 $44,311.73 $0.134 40.54% $0.082850 $0.001548 Woburn St. Fire Station jActual 2005 Siding I KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 10.2520 3,263 $175.66 - $6.36- $209.16 $384.82 $0.118 43.60% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 9.9820 2,634 $156.44 $10.51 $155.67 $312.11 $0.118 36.15% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct 05 11.0060 3,553 $195.52 $13.04 $192.22 $387.74 $0.109 44.22% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 11.4640 4,590 $218.68 ($3.35) $225.37 $444.05 $0.097 54.85% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 12.4600 5,732 $254.65 ($12.61) $252.78 $507.43 $0.089 63.02% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jut-05 12.4770 4,843 $231.74 ($4.31) $201.47 $433.21 $0.089 53.17% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 12.4580 3,983 $217.23 $12.43 $158.52 $375.75 $0.094 43.80% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 9.2000 2,113 $132.29 $8.03 $94.66 $226.96 $0.107 31.46% $0.044800 $0.003800 Ape 05 9.2000 2,531 $142.15 $3.06 $107.57 $249.72 $0.099 37.69% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 9.2000 2,861 $159.20 $9.44 $114.44 $273.64 $0.096 42.60% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 9.2000 2,991 $162.00 $7.60 $119.64 $281.64 $0.094 44.54% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 9.2000 2,992 $152.02 ($3.53) $112.20 $264.22 $0.088 44.55% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 12.4770 _ 42,086 $2,197.58 - $46.67- $1,943.70 $4,141.27- $0.098 38.51% $0.046392 $0.001548 Increased Fuel Charge I KVV KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 10.252 - 3,263 $175.66 - $6.36 $307.05- $482.71 $0.148 43.60% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 9.982 2,634 $156.44 $10.51 $247.86 $404.30 $0.153 36.15% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 11.006 3,553 $195.52 $13.04 $334.34 $529.86 $0.149 44.22%* $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 11.464 4,590 $218.68 ($3.35) $431.92 $650.60 $0.142 54.85% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 12.460 5,732 $254.65 ($12.61) $539.38 $794.03 $0.139 63.02% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 12.477 4,843 $231.74 ($4.31) $431.51 $663.25 $0.137 53.17% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 12.458 3,983 $217.23 $12.43 $334.97 $552.20 $0.139 43.80% $0.084400 $0.003120 May-05 9.200 2,113 $132.29 $8.03 $167.14 $299.43 $0.142 31.46% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 9.200 2,531 $142.15 $3.06 $187.55 $329.70 $0.130 37.69% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 9.200 2,861 $159.20 $9.44 $197.70 $356.90 $0.125 42.60% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 9.200 2,991 $162.00 $7.60 $191.72 $353.72 $0.118 44.54% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 9,200 2,992 $152.02 ($3.53) $191.79 $34180 $0.115 44.55% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 12.4770 42,086 $2,197.58 $46.67 $3,562.92 $5,760.49 $0.137 38.51% $0.082850 $0.001548 jPotential Impact $1,619.22 39.10% (0~ Main St. Fire Station Actual 2005 Billing I , KVV KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 31.4800 11,760 $591.83 $22.93 $753.82 $1,345.64 $0.114 51.176/. $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 27.4560 10,600 $548.64 $42.29 $626.46 $1,175.10 $0.111 52.89% $0,059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 28.6000 12,680 $629.67 $46.54 $685.99 $1,315.66 $0.104 60.73% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 34.3200 13,080 $622.56 ($9.55) $642.23 $1,264.79 $0.097 52,21% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 30.8800 12,520 $569.34 ($27,54) $552.13 $1,121.47 $0.090 55.54% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 32.2400 13,680 $629.97 ($12.18) $569.09 $1,199.06 $0.088 58.13% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 33,8800 12,440 $641.87 $38.61 $495.11 $1,136.98 $0.091 50.30% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 27.2000 10,320 $534.95 $39.22 $462.34 $997.28 $0.097 51.97% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 31.6800 11,560 $577.96 $13.99. $491.30 $1,069.26 $0.092 49.99% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 33.0000 12,800 $652.73 $42.24 $512.00 $1,164.73 $0.091 53.13% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 37.4400 16,120 $788.36 $40.94 $644.80 $1,433.16 $0.089 58.98% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 38.3200 14,280 $677.85 ($16.85) $535.50 $1,213.35 $0.085 51.05% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 38.3200 _ 151,840 $7,465.72 $220.84 $6,970.76 $14,436.48 $0.095 45.23% $0.046392 $0.001548 increased Fuel Charge I KVV KVVH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY SASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 31.480 11,760 $591.83 $22.93 $1,106.62 $1,698.44 $0.144 51.17% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 27.456 10,600 $548.64 $42.29 $997.46 $1,546.10 $0.146 52.89% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 28.600 12,680 $629.67 $46.54 $1,193.19 .$1,822.86 $0.144 60.73% $0.084100 $0.003670 Sep-05 34.320 13,080 $622.56 ($9.55) $1,230.83 $1,853.39 $0.142 52.21% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 30.880 12,520 $569.34 ($27.54) $1,178.13 $1,747.47.. $0.140 55.54% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 32.240. 13,680 $629.97 ($12.18) $1,218.89 $1,848.86 $0.135 58.13% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 33.880 12,440 $641.87 $38.81 $1,046.20 $1,688.07 $0.136 50.30% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 27.200 10,320 $534.95 $39.22" $816.31 $1,351.26 $0.131 51.97% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 31.680 11,560 $577.96 $13.99 $856.60 $1,434.56 $0,124 49.99% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 33.000 12,800 $652.73 $42.24 $884.48 $1,537.21 $0.120 53.13% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 37.440 16,120 $788.36 $40.94 $1,033.29• $1,821.65 $0.113 58.98% $0.064100 $0.002540 J8n-05 38,320 14,280 $677.85 ($16.85) $915.35 $1,593.20 $0.112 51.05% $0.064100 ($0.001180) y 38.3200 ~ 151,840 ^ $7,465.72 $220.84 ' $12,477.34 $19,943.07 $0.131 45.23% $0.082850 $0.001548 )Potential Impact $5,606.58 38.14% I Q~ 5 DPW jActual 2005 Billing KW KWH DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST Dec-05 66.9000 21,060 $1,110.50 Nov-05 57.3600 14,280 $843.00 Oct 05 54.6600 14,040 $815.87 Sep-05 53.2320 12,660 '$706.48 Aug-05 53.2320 13,800 $726.54 Jul-05 53.2320 14,400 $762.90 Jun-05 66.5400 17,460 $997.32 May-05 54.9000 13,920 $814.23 Apr-05 67.5000 19,080 $1,029.57 Mar-05 73.2000 26,640 $1,376.55 Feb-05 69.9000 26,100 $1,321.48 Jan-05 70.4400 22,380 $1,113.36 73.2000 215,820 - $11,617.80 Increased Fuel Charge KW KWH DEMAND ENERGY SASE COST Dec-05 66.900 21,060 $1,110.50 Nov-05 57.360 14,280 $843.00 Oct-05 54.660 14,040 $815.87 Sep-05 53.232 12,660 $706.48 Aug-05 53.232 13,800 $726.54 Jul-05 53.232 14,400 $762.90 Jun-05 66.540 17,460 $997.32 May-05 54.900 - 13,920 $814.23 Apr-05 67.500 19,080 $1,029.57 Mar-05 73.200 26,640 $1,376.55 Feb-05 69.900 26,100 $1,321.48 San-05 70.440 22,380 $1,113.36 73.2000 215,820 $11,617.80 )Potential Impact ( $7,490.30 rf 34.87% V PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR $41.07 $1,349.95 $2,460.44 $0.117 43.12% $56.98 $843.95 $1,686.94 $0.118 34.10% $51.53 $759.56 $1,575.43 $0.112 35.19% ($9.24) $621.61 $1,328.09 $0.105 32.58% ($30.36) $608.58 $1,335:12 $0.097 35.51% ($12.82) $599.04 $1,361.94 $0.095 37.06% $54.48 $694.91 $1,692.23 $0.097 35.95% $52.90 $623.62 $1,437.85 $0.103 34.73% $23.09 $810.90 $1,840.47 $0.096 38.72% $87.91 $1,065.60 $2,442.15 $0.092 49.85% $66.29 $1,044.00 $2,365.48 $0.091 51.15% ($26.41) $839.25 $1,952.61 $0.087 43.52% $355.41 $9,860.96 $21,478.76 $0.100 33.66% PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST $41.07 $1,981.75 $3,092.24 $0.147 $56.98 $1,343.75 $2,186.74 $0.153 $51.53 $1,321.16 $2,137.03 $0.152 ($9.24) $1,191.31 $1,897.79 $0.150 ($30.36) $1,298.58 $2,025.12 $0.147 ($12.82) ' $1,283.04 $2,045.94 $0.142 $54.48 $1,468.39 $2,465.71 $0.141 $52.90 $1,101.07 $1,915.31 $0.138 $23.09 $1,413.83 $2,443.39 $0.128 $87.91 $1,840.82 $3,217.38 $0.121 $66.29 $1,673.01 $2,994.49 $0.115 ($26.41) $1,434.56 $2,547.92 $0.114 $355.41 $17,351.26 $28,969.06 $0.134 LOAD FACTOR 43:12% 34.10% 35.19% 32.58% 35.51% 37,06%. 35.95% 34.73% 38.72% 49.85% 51.15% 43.52% 33.66% MONTHLY FUEL CHG $0.064100 $0.059100 $0.054100 $0.049100 $0.044100 $0.041600 $0.039800 $0.044800 $0.042500 $0.040000 $0.040000 $0.037500 $0.046392 MONTHLY FUEL CHG $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.089100 $0.084100 $0.079100 $0.074100 $0.069100 $0.064100 $0.064100 $0.082850 MONTHLY PPA $0.001950 $0.003990 $0.003670 ($0.000730) ($0.002200) ($0.000890) $0.003120 $0.003800 $0.001210 $0.003300 $0.002540 ($0.001180) $0.001548 MONTHLY PPA $0.001950 $0.003990 $0.003670 ($0.000730) ($0.002200) ($0.000690) $0.003120 $0.003800 $0.001210 $0.003300 $0.002540 ($0.001180) $0.001548 Senior Center Actual 2005 Bitting KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 28.2560 3,920 $292.66 $7.64 $251.27 $543.94 $0.139 19.00% $0.064100 $0.001950 'Nov-05 28.2560 3,160 $271.09 $12.61 $186.76 $457.84 $0.145 15.32% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 32.7600 5,920 $397.23 $21.73 $320.27 $717.50 '$0.121 24.75% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 31.3200 8,040 $437.59 ($5.87) $394.76 $832.35 $0.104 35.17% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 35.3200 9,120 $482.56 ($20.06) $402.19 $884.75 $0.097 35.37% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 34.4000 8,240 $459.09 ($7.33) $342.78 $801.87 $0.097 32.81% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 29.9600 6,560 $403.52 $20.47 $261.09 $664.60 $0.101 29.99% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 26.4000 3,720 $282.03, $14.14 $166.66 $448.69 $0.121 19.30% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apt-05 26.4000 3,400 $262.04 $4.11 $144.50 $406.54 $0.120 17.64% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 26.4000 3,840 $284.83 $12.67 $153.60 $438.43 $0.114 19.93% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 26.4000 4,320 $299.75 $10.97 $172.80 $472.55 $0.109 22.42% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 26.4000 4,080 $277.31 ($4.81) $153.00 $430.31 $0.105 21.17% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 35.3200 64,320 $4,149.69 $66.26 $2,949.68 $7,099.38 $0.110 ' 20.79% $0.046392 $0.001548 !Increased Fuel Charge KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 28.256 3,920 $292.66 $7.64 $368.87 $661.54 $0.169 19.00%0 $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 28.256 3,160 $271.09. $12.61 $297.36 $568.44 $0.180 15.32% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 32.760 5,920 $397.23 $21.73 $557.07 $954.30 $0.161 24.75% .$0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 31.320 8,040 $437.59 ($5.87) $756.56 $1,194.15 $0.149 35.17% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 35.320 9,120 $482.56 .($20.06) $858.19 $1,340.75 $0.147 35.37% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 34.400 8,240 $459.09 ($7.33) $734.18 $1,193.27 .$0.145 32.81% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 29.960 6,560 $403.52 $20.47 $551.70 $955.21 $0.146 29.99% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 26.400 3,720 $282.03 $14.14 $294.25 $576.28 $0.155 19.30% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 26,400 3,400 $262.04 $4.11 $251.94 $513.98 $0.151 17.64% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 26.400 3,840 $284.83 $12.67 $265.34 $550.17 $0.143 19.93% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 26.400 4,320 $299.75 $10.97 $276.91 $576.65 $0.133 22.42% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 26.400 4,080 $277.31 ($4.81) $261.53 $538.84 $0.132 21717% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 35.3200 64,320 $4,149.69 $66.26 $5,473.91 $9,623.61 $0.150 _ 20.79% $0.082850 $0.001548 Potential impact $2,524.23 35.56% Library jActual 2005 Billing KW KWH DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST Dec-05 101.3120 21,440 $1,302.58 Nov-05 101.3120 22,560 $1,384.35 Oct-05 101.3120 34,960 $1,843.78 Sep-05 101.3120 41,840 $1,936.61 Aug-05 126.6400 38,240 $1,896.31 Jul-05 103.9200 40,480 $1,898.59 Jun-05 109.1200 25,120 $1,502.09 May-05 109.1200 23,520 $1,457.15 Apr-05 109.1200 26,560 $1,509.83 Mar-05 109.1200 24,960 $1,500,20 Feb-05 109.1200 25,920 $1,518.22 Jan-05 109.1200 25,680 $1,423.47 126.6400 351,280 $19,173.17 Increased Fuel Charge j KW KWH DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST Dec-05 101.312 21,440 $1,302.58 Nov-05 101.312 22,560 $1,384.35 Oct-05 101.312 34,960 $1,843.78 Sep-05 101.312 41,840 $1,936.61 Aug-05 126.640 38,240 $1,896.31 Jut-05 103.920 40,480 $1,898.59 Jun-05 109.120 .25,120 $1,502.09 May-05 109.120 23,520 $1,457.15 Apr-05 109.120 26,560 $1,509.83 Mar-05 109.120 24,960 $1,500.20 Feb-05 109.120 25,920 $1,518.22 Jan-05 109.120 25,680 $1,423.47 126.6400 351,280 $19,173.17 1PotentialImpact $13,341.74 37.71 MONTHLY MONTHLY PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA $41.81 $1,374.30 $2,676.88 $0.125 28.99%- $0.064100 $0.001950 $90.01 $1,333.30 $2,717.65 $0.120 30.50% $0.059100 $0.003990 $128.30 $1,891.34 $3,735.12 $0.107 47.27% $0.054100 $0.003670 ($30.54) $2,054.34 $3,990.96 $0.095 56.57% $0.049100 ($0,000730) ($84.13) $1,686.38 $3,582.69 $0.094 41.36% $0.044100 ($0.002200) ($36.03) $1,683.97 $3,582.55 $0.089 53.36% $0.041600 ($0.000890) $78.37 $999.78 $2,501.86 $0,100 31.53% $0.039800 $0.003120 $89.38 $1,053.70 $2,510.85 $0.107 29.53% $0.044800 $0.003800 $32.14 $1,128.80 $2,638.63 $0.099 33.34% $0.042500 $0.001210 $82.37 $998.40 $2,498.60 $0.100 31.33% $0.040000 $0:003300 $65.84 $1,036.80 $2,555.02 $0.099 32.54% $0.040000 $0.002540 ($30.30) $963.00 $2,386.47 $0.093 32.24% $0.037500 ($0.001180) $427.22 $16,204.10 $35,377.27 $0.101 r 31.66% $0.046392 $0.001548 MONTHLY MONTHLY PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA $41.81 $2,017.50 $3,320.08 $0.155 28.99% $0.094100 $0.001950 $90.01 $2,122.90 $3,507.25 $0.155 30.50% $0.094100 $0.003990 $128.30 $3,289.74 $5,133.52 $0.147 47.27% $0.094100 $0.003670 ($30.54) $3,937.14 $5,873.76 $0.140 56.57% $0.094100 ($0.000730) ($84.13) $3,598.38 $5,494.69 $0.144 41.36% $0.094100 ($0.002200) ($36.03) $3,606.77 $5,505.35 $0.136 53.36% $0.089100 ($0.000890) $78.37 $2,112.59 $3,614.68 $0.144 31.53% $0.084100 $0.003120 $89.38 $1,860.43 $3,317.58 $0.141 29.53% $0.079100 $0.003800 $32.14 $1,968.10 $3,477.92 $0.131 33.34% $0.074100 $0.001210 $82.37 $1,724.74 $3;224.93 $0.129 31.33% $0.069100 $0.003300 $65.84. $1,661.47 $3,179.69 $0.123 32.54% $0.064100 $0.002540 ($30.30) $1,646.09 $8,069.56 $0.120 32.24% $0.064100 ($0.001180) $427.22 $29,545.86 $48,719.02 $0.139 31.66% + $0.082850 $0.001548 Town Hall )Actual 2005 Billing I KW 1MM MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT, COST LOAD FACTOR - FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 81.4720 16,080 $1,006.62 $31.36 $1,030.73 $2,037.35 $0.127 27.04% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 81.4720 16,400 $1,048.26 $65.44 $969.24 $2,017.50 $0.123 27.57% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 93.5200 27,280 $1,514.81 $100.12 $1,475.85 $2,990.66 $0.110 39.96% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 92.0800 32,160 $1,563.36 ($23.48) $1,579.06 $3,142.42 $0.098 47.84% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 94.1600 32,640 $1,547.10 ($71.81) $1,439.42 $2,986.52 $0.091 47.49% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 90.5600 32,160 $1,550.85 ($28.62) $1,337.86 $2,888.71 $0.090 48.65% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 101.8400 22,960 $1,384.25 $71.64 $913.81 $2,298.06 $0.100 30.88% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 72.5760 18,240 $1,068.70 $69.31 $817.15 $1,885.85 $0.103 34.43% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 72.5760 19,280 $1,062.95 - $23.33 $819.40 $1,882.35 $0.098 36.39% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 72.5760 18,400 $1,066.45 $60.72 $736.00 $1,802.45 $0.098 34.73% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 72.5760 19,840 $1,106.50 $50.39 $793.60 $1,900.10 $0.096 37.45% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 72.5760 19,680 $1,034.77 ($23.22) $738.00 $1,772.77 $0.090 ^ 37.15% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 101.8400 275,120 ~ $14,954.62 $325.17 r $12,650.11 $27,604.73 $0.100 30.84% $0.046392 $0.001548 Increased F uel Charge KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 81.472 N16,080 $1,006.62 $31.36 $1,513.13 $2,519.75 $0.157 27.04% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 81.472 16,400 $1,048.26 $65.44 $1,543.24 $2,591.50 $0.158 27.57% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 93.520 27,280 $1,514.81 $100.12 $2,567.05 $4,081.86 $0.150 39.96% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 92.080 32,160 $1,563.36 ($23.48) $3,026.26 $4,5B9.62 $0.143 47.84% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 94.160 32,640 $1,547.10 ($71.81) $3,071.42 $4,618.52 $0,141 47.49% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 90.560 32,160 $1,550.85 ($28.62) $2,865.46 $4,416.31 $0.137 48.65% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 101.840 22,960 $1,384.25 $71.64 $1,930.94 $3,315.19 $0.144 30.88% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 72,576 18,240 $1,068.70 $69.31 $1,442.78 $2,511.48 $0.138 34.43% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 72.576 19,280 $1,062.95 $23.33 $1,428.65 $2,491.60 $0.129 36.39% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 72.576 18,400 $1,066.45 $60.72 $1,271.44 $2,337.89 $0.127 34.73% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 72.576 19,840 $1,106.50 $50.39 $1,271.74 $2,378.25 $0.120 37.45% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 72.576 19,680 $1,034.77 ($23,22) $1,261.49 $2,296.25 $0.117 37.15% $0.064100 ($0.001180) ^101.8400 275,120 $14,954.62 ^$325.17 $23,193.59 $38,148.21 $0.139+- _ 30.84% $0.082850 $0.001548 jPotential Impact $10,543.48 38.19% 0 Wood End School Actual 2005 Billing KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 144.8400 29,400 $1,815.00 $57.33 $1,884.54 $3,699.54 $0.126 27.81% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 150.4800 33,720 $2,061.79 $134.54 $1,992.85 $4,054.64 $0.120 30.70% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct 05 127.5600 38,040 $2,095.58 $139.61 $2;057.96 $4,153.55 $0.109 40.85% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 113.1840 28,680 $1,555.78 ($20.94) $1,408.19 $2,963.97 $0.103 34.71% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 113.1840 20,160 $1,242.71 ($44.35) $889.06 $2,131.77 $0.106 24.40% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 136.2000 28,680 $1,670.97 ($25.53) $1,193.09 $2,864.06 $0.100 28.85% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 141.4800 36,480 $2,091.07 $113.82 $1,451.90 $3,542.97 $0.097 35.32% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 149.0400 32,280 $1,994.28 $122.66 $1,446.14 $3,440.42 $0.107 29.67% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 138.2400 37,680 $2,054.00 $45.59 $1,601.40 $3,655.40 $0.097 37.34% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 137.6400 36,840 $2,090.48 $121.57 $1,473.60 $3,564.08 $0.097 36.67% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 147.0000 45,600 $2,434.05 $115.82 $1,824.00 $4,258.05 $0.093 42.49% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 138.9600 41,880 $2,116.16 ($49.42) $1,570.50 $3,686.66 $0.088 41.29% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 150.4800 409,440 $23,221.88 $710.72 $18,793.24 $42,015.11 $0.103 31.06% $0.046392 '$0.001548 lincreased Fuel Charge KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 144.840 29,400 $1,815.00 $57.33 $2,766.54 $4,581.54 $0.156 27.81% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 150.480 33,720 $2,061.79 $134.54 $3,173.05 $5,234.84 $0.155 30.70% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 127.560 38,040 $2,095.58 $139.61 $3,579.56 $5,675.15 $0.149 40.85% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 113.184 28,680 $1,555.78 ($20.94) $2,698.79 $4,254.57 $0.148 34.71% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 113.184 20,160 $1,242.71 ($44.35) $1,897.06 $3,139:77 $0.156 24.40% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 136.200 28,680 $1,670.97 ($25.53) $2,555.39 $4,226.36 $0.147 28.85% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 141.480 36,480 $2,091.07 $113.82 $3,067.97 $5,159.04 $0.141 35.32% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 149.040 32,280 $1,994.28 $122.66 $2,553.35 $4,547.63 $0.141 29.67% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr 05 138.240 37,680 $2,054.00 $45.59 $2,792.09 $4,846.09 $0.129 37.34% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 137.640 36,840 $2,090.48 $121.57 $2,545.64 $4,636.12 $0.126 36.67% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 147,000 45,600 $2,434.05 $115.82 $2,922.96 $5,357.01 $0.117 42.49% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 138.960 - 41,880 $2,11616 ($49.42) $2,684.51 $4,800.67 $0.115 41.29% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 409,440 $23,221.88 $710.72 $33,236.90 $56,458.78 $0.138 31.06% $0.082850 $0.001548 iPotential Impact ( $14;443.67 f+ 34.38% Birch Meadow Main )Actual 2005 Billing j KW K1NH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 y 74.0000 - 20,160 $1,114.88 $39.31 $1,292.26 $2,407.14 $0.119 37.32% $0.064100 .$0.001950 Nov-05 69.1200 21,280 $1,169.00 $84.91 $1,257.65 $2,426.65 $0.114 42.17% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct 05 80.6400 22,560 $1,270.69 $82.80 $1,220.50 $2,491.18 $0.110 38.32% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 74.1600 17,920 $991.79 ($1108) .$879.87 $1,871.66 $0.104 33.10% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 66.1120 14,800 $825.61 ($32.56) $652.68 $1,478.29 $0.100 30.67% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 69.4400 18,160 $972.77 ($16.16) $755.46 $1,728.23 $0.095 35.82% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 64.6400 24,880 $1,262.60 $77.63 $990.22 $2,252.83 $0.091 52.73% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 72.8000 20160 $1,142.22 $76.61 $903.17 $2,045.39 $0.101 37.93% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 72.5600 22,640 $1,181.68 $27.39 $962.20 $2,143.88 $0.095 42.74% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 77.3600 21,120 $1,192.54 $69.70 $844.80 $2,037.34 $0.096 37.40% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 76.2400 23,360 $1,254.18 $59.33 $934.40 $2,188.58 $0.094 41.97% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 75.0400 22,800 $1,151.15 ($26.90) $855.00 $2,006.15 $0.088 41.62010 $0.037500 ($0.001180) ± 80.6400 249,840 $13,529.12 $428.96 $11,548.20 $25,077.32 $0.100 35.37% $0.046392 $0.001548 jincreased F uel Charge j KVV KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 +-74.000 20,160 $1,114.88 $39.31 $1,897.06 $3,011.94 $0.149 37.32% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 69. 120 21,280 $1,169.00 $84.91 $2,002.45 $3,171.45 $0.149 42.17% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 80.640 22,560 $1,270.69 $82.80 $2,122.90 $3,393.58 $0.150 38.32% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 74.160 17,920 $991.79 ($13.08). $1,686.27 $2,678.06 $0.149' 33.10% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 66.112 14,800 $825.61 ($32.56) $1,392.68 $2,218.29 $0.150 30.67% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 69.440 18,160 $972.77 ($16.16) $1,618.06 $2,590.83 $0.143 35.82% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 64,640 24,880 $1,262.60 $77.63 $2,092.41 $3,355.01 $0.135 52.73% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 72.800 20,160 $1,142.22 $76.61 $1,594.66 $2,736.88 $0.136 37.93% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 72,560 22,640 $1,181.68 $27.39 $1,677.62 $2,859.31 $0.126 42.74% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 77.360 21,120 $1,192.54 $69.70 $1,459.39 $2,651.94 $0.126 37.40% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 76.240 23,360 $1,254.18 $59.33 $1,497.38 $2,751.56 $0.118 41.97% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 75.040 22,800 $1,151.15 ($26.90) $1,461.48 $2,612.63 $0.115 41.62% _ $0.064100 ($0.001180) 80.6400+ 249,840 _ $13,529.12 ^$428.96 $20,502.34 $34,031.47 $0.136~a 35.37% $0.082850 $0.001548 jPotentiai impact i $8,954.14 t{ 35.71% NJ, Birch Meadow Modular )Actual 2005 Billing KW DEMAND Dec-05 32.0360 Nov-05 26.3580 Oct-05 26.3580 Sep-05 26.3580 Aug-05 26.3580 Jul-05 26.3580 Jun-05 32.9480 May-05 36.7560 Apr-05 34.9880 Mar-05 32.5160 Feb-05 35.6560 Jan-05 32.8440 36.7560 )Increased Fuel Charge KW DEMAND Dec-05 32.036 Nov-05 26.358 Oct-05 26.358 Sep-05 26.358 Aug-05 26.358 Jul-05 26,358 Jun-05 32.948 May-05 36.756 Apr-05 34.988 Mar-05 32.516 Feb-05 35.656 Jan-05 32.844 36.7560 )Potential Impact $1,562.86 26.49% D KWH ENERGY BASE COST 5,629 $373.83 3,054 $257.23 1,776 $208.33 1,572 $194.44 2,403 $219.20 1,960 $207.20 2,479 $267.68 2,297 $282.08 4,093 $331.07 7,227 $442.67 8,966 $517.58 7,058. $409.62 48,514 $3,710.93 PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR $10.98 $360.82 $734.65 $0.131 24.07% $12.19 $180.49 $437.72 $0.143 15.87% $6.52 $96.08 $304.41 $0.171 9.23% ($1.15) $77.19 $271.63 $0.173 8.17% ($5.29) $105.97 $325.17 $0.1.35 12.49% ($1.74) $81.54 $288.74 $0.147 10.19% $7.73 $98.66 $366.35 $0.148 10.31% $8.73 $102.91 $384.99 $0.168 8.56% $4.95 $173.95 $505.02 $0.123 16.03% $23.85 $289.08 $731.75 $0.101 30.45% $22.77 $358.64 $876.22 $0.098 34.45% ($8.33) $264.68 $674.29 $0.096 29.44% $81.21 $2,190.00 $5,900.94 $0.122 15.07% MONTHLY FUEL CHG $0.064100 $0.059100 $0.054100 $0.049100 $0.044100 $0.041600 $0.039800 $0.044800 $0.042500 $0.040000 $0.040000 $0.037500 $0.046392 MONTHLY PPA $0.001950 $0.003990 $0.003670 ($0.000730) ($0.002200) ($0.000890) $0.003120 $0.003800 $0.001210 $0.003300 $0.002540 ($0.001180) $0.001548 KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA 5,629 $373.83 $10.98 $529.69 $903.52 $0.161- 24.07% $0.094100 $0.001950 3,054 $257.23 $12.19 $287.38 $544.61 $0.178 15.87% $0.094100 $0.003990 1,776 $208.33 $6.52 $167.12 $375.45 $0.211 9.23% $D.094100 $0.003670 1,572' $194.44 ($1.15) $147.93 $34237 $0.218 8.17% $0.094100 ($0.000730) 2,403 $219.20 ($5,29) $226.12 $445.32 $0.185 12.49% $0.094100 ($0.002200) 1,960: $207.20 ($1.74) $174.64 $381.84 $0.195 10.19% $0.089100 ($0.000890) 2,479 $267.68 $7.73 $208.48 $476.17 $0.192 10.31% $0.084100 $0.003120 2,297 $282.08 $8.73 $181.69 $463.77 $0.202 8.56% $0.079100 $0.003800 4,093 $331.07 $4.95 $303.29 $634.36 $0.155 16.03% $0.074100 $0.001210 7,227 $442.67 $23.85 $49939 $942.06 $0.130 30.45% $0.069100 $0.003300 8,966 $517.58 $22.77 $574.72 $1,092.30 $0.122 34.45% $0.064100 $0.002540 7,058 $409.62 ($8.33) $452.42 $862.04 $0.122 29.44% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 48,514 $3,710.93 $81.21 $3,752.87 $7,463.80 $0.154 - 15.07% $0.082850 $0.001548 Barrows School Actual 2005 Billing KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 98.6400 28,140 $1,530.11 $54.87 $1,803.77 $3,333.88 $0.118 39.08% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 93.8400 25,620 $1,461.48 $10222 $1,514.14 $2,975.62 $0.116 37.40% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct 05 88.1400 24,780 $1,392.99 $90.94 $1,340.60 $2,733.58 $0.110 38.51% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 121.3800 47,580 $2,233.59 ($34.73) $2,335.18 $4,569.77 $0.096 53.70% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 72.192 13,840 $826.12 ($30.45) $610.34 $1,436.47 $0.104 26.26% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 87.760 19,000 $1,095.86 ($16.91) $790.40 $1,886.26 $0.099 29.66% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 90.240 27,440 $1,490.24 $85.61 $1,092.11 $2,582.35 $0.094 41.65% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 89.680 23,680 $1,362.41 $89.98 $1,060.86 $2,423.27 $0.102 36.17% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 95.320 31,600 $1,616.51 $38.24 $1,343.00 $2,959.51 $0.094 45.41% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 98.080 27,880 $1,551.71 $92.00 $1,115.20 $2666.91 $0.0% 38.94% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 97.680 31,280 $1,654.87 $79.45 $1,251.20 $2,906.07 $0.093 43.87% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 97.240 29,760 $1,497.38 ($35.12) $1,116.00 $2,613.38 $0.088 41.92% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 121.3800 330,600 $17,713.25 $516.12 $15,373.81 $33,087.07 $0.100 31.09% $0.046392 $0.001548 )increased Fuel charge KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dee 05 98.640 28,140 $1,530.11 $54.87 $2,647.97 $4,178.08 $0.148 39.08%0 $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 93.840 25,620 $1,461.48 $102.22 $2,410.84 $3,872.32 $0.151 37.40% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 88,140 24,780 $1,392.99 $90.94 $2,331.80 $3,724.78 $0.150 38.51% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 121.380 47,580 $2,233.59 ($34.73) $4,477.28 $6,710.87 $0.141 53.70% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 72.192 13,840 $826.12 ($30.45) $1,302.34 $2,128.47 $0.154 26.26% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 87.760 19,000 $1,095.86 ($16.91) $1,692.90 $2,788.76 $0.147 29.66% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 90.240 27,440 $1,490.24 $85.61 $2,307.70 $3,797.94 $0.138 41.65% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 89.680 23,680 $1,362.41 $89.98 $1,873.09 $3,235.49 $0.137 36.17% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr-05 95.320 31,600 $1,616.51 $38.24 $2,341.56 $3,958.07 $0.125 45.41% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 98.080 27,880 $1,551.71 $92.00 $1,926.51 $3,478.22 $0.125 38.94% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 97.680 31,280 $1,654.87 $79.45. $2,005.05 $3,659.91 $0.117 43.87% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 97.240 29,760 $1,497.38 ($35.12) $1,907.62 $3,405.00 $0.114 41.92% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 121.3800 330,600 $17,713.25 $516.12 $27,224.66 $44,937.91 $0.136 31.09% $0.082850 $0.001548 ~PotentialImpact $11,850.85 35.82% Coolidge School Actual 2005 Billing I KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 176.0000 49,600. $2,704.28 $96.72 $3,17b.36 $5,883.64 $0.119 38.61% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 181.2800 50,560 $2,859.07 $201.73 $2,988.10 $5,847.16 $0.116 38.21% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct 05 196.6400 65,920 $3,501.28 $241.93 $3,566.27 $7,067.56 $0.107 45.92% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 .196.6400 55,200 $2,879.89 ($40.30) $2,710.32 $5,590.21 $0.101 38.45% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 149.7600 46,880 $2,295.16 ($103.14) $2,067.41 $4,362.57 $0.093 42.88% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 149.7600 54,240 $2,596.78 ($4827) $2,256.38 $4,853.17 $0.089 49.61% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 187.2000 60,480 $3,218.00 $188.70 $2,407.10 $5,625.11 $0.093 44.26% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 182.0800 48,640 $2,782.20 $184.83 $2,179.07 $4,961.27 $0.102 36.59% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 197.7600 57,120 $3,049.97 $69.12 $2,427.60 $5,477.57 $0.096 39.57% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 170.0800 52,320 $2,835.16 $172.66 $2,092.80 $4,927.96 $0.094 42.14% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 175.6800 64,640 $3,278.79 $164.19 $2,585.60 $5,864.39 $0.091 50.40% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 ' 175.2000 58,400 $2,852.66 - ($68.91) $2,190.00 $5,042.66 $0.086 45.66% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 197.7600 664,000 $34,853.25 $1,059.25 $30,650.02 $65,503.26 $0.099 38.33% $0.046392 $0.001548 Increased Fuel Charge KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 176.000 -49,600 $2,704.28 $96.72 $4,667.36 $7,371.64 $0.149 38.61% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 181.280 50,560 $2,859.07 $201.73 $4,757.70 $7,616.76 $0.151 38.21% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct 05 196,640 65,920 $3,501.28 $241.93 $6,203.07 $9,704.36 $0.147 45.92% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 196.640 55,200 $2,879.89 ($40.30) $5,194.32 $8,074.21 $0.146 38.45% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 149.760 46,880 $2,295.16 ($103.14) $4,411.41 $6,706.57 $0.143 42.88% $0.094100 ($0,002200) Jul-05 149.760 54,240 $2,596.78 ($48.27) $4,832.78 $7,429.57 $0.137 49.61% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 187.200 60,480 $3,218.00 $188.70 $5,086.37 $8,304,37 $0.137 44.26% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 182.080 48,640 $2,782.20. $184.83 $3,847.42 $6,629.62 $0.136 36.59% $0.079100 $0.003600 Apr 05 197.760 57,120 $3,049.97 $69.12 $4,232.59 $7,282.56 $0.127 39.57% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 170,080 52,320 $2,835.16 $172.66 $3,615.31 $6;450.47 $0.123 42.14% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 175.680 64,640 $3,278.79 $164.19 $4,143.42 $7,422.22. $0.115 50.40% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 175.200 58,400 $2,852.66 ($68.91) $3,743.44 $6,596.10 $0.113 45.66% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 197.7600- 664,000 $34,853.25 $1,059.25- $54,735.20 $89,588.45 $0.135 38.33% $0.082850 $0.001548 117otentiai Impact $24,085.18 1 36.77% V Joshua Eaton Sch )Actual 2005 Billing KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 110:2000 23,220 $1,412.78 -$45.28 $1,488.40 $2,901,18 $0.125 28.86%0 $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 97.5000 24,300 $1,430.47 $96.96 $1,436.13 $2,866,60 $0.118 34.14% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 101.8200 24,120 $1,439.10 $88.52. $1,304.89 $2,743.99 $0.114 32.45% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 94,6800 18,180 $1,106.90 ($13.27) $892.64 $1,999.54 $0.110 26.30% $0.049100. ($0.000730) Aug-05 82.2720 12,600 $838.34 ($27.72) $555.66 $1,394.00 $0.111 20.98% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 90.1200 16,980 $1,040.48 ($15.11) $706.37 $1,746.85 $0.103 25.81% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 102.8400 23,580 $1,412.43 $73.57 $936.48 $2,350.91 $0.100 31.41% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 99.5400 22,320 $1,362,26 $84.82 $999.94 $2,362.20 $0.106 30.72% $0,044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 96.1200 30,600 $1,585.29 $37.03 $1,300.50 $2,885.79 $0.094 43.61% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 99.2400 28,380 $1,576.35 $93.65 $1,135.20 $2,711.55, $0.096 39.17% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 109.7400 32,640 $1,767.10 $82.91 $1,305.60 $3,072.70 $0,094 40.74% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 104.0400 29;940 $1,538.61 ($35.33) $1,122.75 $2,661.36 $0.089 39.42% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 110.2000 286,860 $16,510.11 $511.29 $13,186.56 $29,696.67 $0.104^~ 29.72% _ $0.046392 $0.001548 Increased Fuel Charge i KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 110.200 23,220 $1,412.78 $45.28 - $2,185.00 $3,597.78 $0,155 28.86%- $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 97.500 24,300 $1,430.47 $96.96 $2,286.63 $3,717.10 $0.153 34.14% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct 05 101.820 24,120 $1,439.10 $88.52 $2,269.69 $3,708.79 $0.154 32.45% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 94.680 18,180 $1,106.90 ($13,27) $1,710,74 $2,817.64 $0.155 26.30% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 82.272 12,600 $838.34 ($27.72) $1,185.66 $2,024.00 $0.161 20.98% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 90.120 16,980 $1,040.48 ($15.11) $1,512.92 $2,553.40 $0.150 25.81% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 102.840 23,580 $1,412.43 $73.57 $1,983.08 $3,395.51 $0.144 31.41% $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 99.540 22,320 $1,362.26 $84.82 $1,765.51 $3,127.77 $0.140 30.72% $0.079100 $0.003800 Apr 05 96.120 30,600 $1,585.29 $37.03 $2,267.46 $3,852.75 $0.126. 43.61% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 99.240 28,380 $1,576.35 $93.65 $1,961.06 $3,537.41 $0.125 39.17% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 109.740 32,640 $1,767.10 $82.91 $2,092.22 $3,859.33 $0.118 40.74% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 104.040 29,940 $1,538.61 ($35.33) $1,919.15 $3,457.76 $0.115 39.42% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 110.2000 286,860 $16,510.11 $511.29 $23,139.13 $39,649.24 ^ $0.138+ 29.72% Y $0.082850 $0.001548 )Potential impact, $9,952.57 33.51 Killam School Actual 2005 Silting KW DEMAND Dec-05 140.5600 Nov-05 141.9600 Oct-05 130.7600 Sep-05 119.8400 Aug-05 119.8400 Jul-05 119.8400 Jun-05 149.8000 May-05 140.8400 Apr-05 136.6400 Mar-05 135.2400 Feb-05 137.2000 Jan-05 151.7600 151.7600 )Increased Fuel Charge KW DEMAND Dec-05 Nov-05 Oct-05 Sep-05 Aug-05 Jul-05 Jun-05 May-05 Apr-05 Mar-05 Feb-05 Jan-05 Potential Impact ~J 140.560 141.960 130.760 119.840 119.840 119.840 149.800 140.840 136.640 135.240 137.200 151.760 151.7600 $12,182.13 33.64% KWH ENERGY 27,160 29,680 32,200 22,120 12,880 21,560 34,440 31,640 35,280 31,080 34,160 34,720 346,920 1 KWH ENERGY 27,160 29,680 32,200 22,120 12,880 21,560 34,440 31,640 35,280 31,080 34,160 34,720 346,920 BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR $1,651.10 $52.96 $1,740.96 $3,392.05 $0.125 26.47% $1,801.64 $118.42 $1,754.09 $3,555.73 $0.120 28.64% $1,831.69 $118.17 $1,742.02 $3,573.71 $0.111 33.73% $1,318.38 ($16.15) $1,086.09 $2,404.47 $0.109 25.28% $996.43 ($28.34) $568.01 $1,564.44 $0.121 14.72% $1,296.79 ($19.19) $896.90 $2,193.69 $0.102 24.64% $1,990.15 $107.45 $1,370.71 $3,360.86 $0.098 31.49% $1,863.78 $120.23 $1,417.47 $3,281.25 $0.104 30.77% $1,896.04 $42.69 $1,499.40 $3,395.44 $0.096 35.37% $1,801.76 $102.56 $1,243.20 $3,044.96 $0.098 31.48% $1,900.75 $86.77 $1,366.40 $3,267.15 $0.096 34.11% $1,875.53 ($40.97) $1,302.00 $3,177.53 $0.092 31.34% $20,224.04 $644.62 $15,987.24 $36,211.29 $0.104 26.10% BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR $1,651.10 $52.96 $2,555.76 $4,206.85. $0.155 26.47% $1,801.64 $118.42 $2,792.89 $4,594.53 $0.155 28.64% $1,831.69 $118.17 $3,030.02 $4,861.71 $0.151 33.73% $1,318.38 ($16.15) $2,081.49 $3,399.87 $0.154 25.28% $996.43 ($28.34) $1,212.01 $2,208.44 $0.171 14.72% $1,296.79 ($19.19) $1,921.00 $3,217.79 $0.149 24.64% $1,990.15 $107.45 $2,896.40 $4,886.55 $0.142 31.49% $1,863.78 $120.23 $2,502.72 $4,366.50 $0.138 30.77% $1,896.04 $42.69 $2,614.25 $4,510.29 $0.128 35.37% $1,801.76 $102.56 $2,147.63 $3,949.39 $0.127 31.48% $1,900.75 $86.77 $2,189.66 $4,090.40 $0.120 34.11% $1,875.53 ($40.97) $2,225.55 $4,101.09 $0.118 31.34% $20,224.04 $644.62. $28,169.37 $48,393.42 $0.139 - 26.10% MONTHLY FUEL CHG $0.064100 $0.059100 $0.054100 $0.049100 $0.044100 $0.041600 $0.039800 $0.044800 $0.042500 $0.040000 $0.040000 $0.037500 $0.046392 MONTHLY FUEL CHG $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.094100 $0.089100 $0.084100 $0.079100 $0.074100 $0.069100 $0.064100 $0.064100 $0.082850 MONTHLY PPA $0.001950 $0.003990 $0.003670 ($0.000730) ($0.002200) ($0.000890) $0.003120 $0.003800 $0.001210 $0.003300 $0.002540 ($0.001180) $0.001548 MONTHLY PPA $0.001950 $0.003990 $0.003670 ($0.000730) ($0.002200) ($0.000890) $0.003120 $0.003800 $0.001210 $0.003300 $0.002540 ($0.001180) $0.001548 Parker School Actual 2005 Billing I KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 199.6000 59,400 $3,179.69 $115.83 $3,807.54 $6,987.23 $0.118 40.77% $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 215.2000 63,800 $3,536.22 $254.56 $3,770.58 $7,306.80 $0.115 40.61% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 188.4000 60,600 $3,258.67 $222.40 $3,278.46 $6,537.13 $0.108 44.06% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 200.0000 51,200 $2,762.85 ($37.38) $2,513.92 $5,276.77 $0.103 35.07% $0.049100 ($0M0730) Aug-05 162.8800 38,600 $2,095.80 ($84.92) $1,702.26 $3,798.06 $0.098 32.46% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 174.8000 51,800 $2,644.92 ($46.10) $2,154.88 $4,799.80 $0.093 40.59% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 192.8000 65,000' $3,414.63 $202.80 $2,587.00 $6,001.63 $0.092 46.18% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 194.8000 52,200 $2,982.32 $198.36 $2,338.56 $5,320.88 $0.102 36.71% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 214.2000 70,600 $3,611.86 $85.43 $3,000.50 $6,612.36 $0.094 45.15% $0.042500 $0.001210 Mar-05 212.8000 73,200 $3,834.23 $241.56 $2,928.00 $6,762.23 $0.092 47.12% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 212.6000 67,600 $3,578.40 $171.70 $2,704.00 $6,282.40 $0.093 43.56% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 207.8000 69,000, $3,373.68 ($81.42) $2,587.50 $5,961.18 $0.086 45.49% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 215.2000y 723,000 $38,273.27 $1,242.83 $33,373.20 $71,646.47 $0.099 38.35% $0.046392 $0.001548 increased F uel Charge I KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 M ^199.600 59,400 $3,179.69 $115.83 $5,589.54 $8,769.23 $0,148 40.77% $0.094100 $0.001950 Nov-05 215.200 63,800 $3,536.22 $254.56 $6,003.58 $9,539.80 $0.150 40.61% $0.094100 $0.003990 Oct-05 188.400 60,600 $3,258.67 $222.40 $5,702.46 $8,961:13 $0.148 44.06% $0.094100 $0.003670 Sep-05 200.000 51,200 $2,762.85 ($37.38) $4,817.92 $7,580.77 $0.148 35.07% $0.094100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 162.880 38,600 $2,095.80 ($84.92) $3,632.26 $5,728.06 $0.148 32.46% $0.094100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 174.800 51,800 $2,644.92 ($46.10) $4,615.38 $7,260.30 $0.140 40.59% $0.089100 ($0.000890) Jun-05 192.800 65,000 $3,414.63 $202.80 $5,466.50 $8,881.13 $0.137 46.186/a $0.084100 $0.003120 May-05 194.800 52,200 $2,982.32 $198.36 $4,129.02 $7,111.34 $0.136 36.71% $0.079100 $0.003600 Apr-05 214.200 70,600 $3,611.86 $85.43 $5,231.46 $8,843.32 $0.125 45.15% $0.074100 $0.001210 Mar-05 212.800 73,200 $3,834.23 $241.56 $5,058.12 $8,892.35 $0.121 47.12% $0.069100 $0.003300 Feb-05 212.600 67,600 $3,578.40 $171.70 $4,333.16 $7,911.56 $0.117 43.56% $0.064100 $0.002540 Jan-05 207.800 69,000 $3,373.68 ($81.42) $4,422.90 $7,796.58 $0.113 45.49% $0.064100 ($0.001180) 215.2000 723,000 $38,273.27 $1,242.83 $59,002.30 $97,275.57 ^ $0.135 38.35% $0.082850 $0.001546 jPotential Impact $25,629.10 35.77% ~9 High School Actual 2005 Billing KW KWH MONTHLY MONTHLY DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA Dec-05 443.9040 84,480 $5,157.71 $164.74 $5,415.17 $10,572.87 $0.125 26.07%0 $0.064100 $0.001950 Nov-05 443.9040. 87,360 $5,420.07 $348.57 $5,162.98 $10,583.05 $0.121 26.96% $0.059100 $0.003990 Oct-05 443.9040 95,040 $5,678.74 $348.80 $5,141.66 $10,820.40 $0.114 29.33% $0.054100 $0.003670 Sep-05 443.9040 80,640 $4,827.23 ($58.87) $3,959.42 $8,786.66 $0.109 24:89% $0.049100 ($0.000730) Aug-05 443.9040 125,760 $6,149.64 ($276.67) $5,546.02 $11,695.65 $0.093 38.81% $0.044100 ($0.002200) Jul-05 487.6800 169,920 $7,961.82 ($151.23) $7,068.67 $15,030.49 $0.088 47.73% $0.041600 ($0.000890) Jun-05 554.8800 189,120 $9,602.34 $590.05 $7,526.98 $17,129.31 $0.091 46.69% $0.039800 $0.003120 May-05 566.4000 173,760 $9,204.73 $660.29 $7,784.45 $16,989.18 $0.098 42.02% $0.044800 $0.003800 Apr-05 583.6800 206,400 $10,017.82 $249.74 $8,772.00 $18,789.82 .$0.091 48.44% $0.042600 $0.001210 Mar-05 587.5200 194,880 $10,002.86 $643.10 $7,795.20 $17,798.06 $0.091 45.44% $0.040000 $0.003300 Feb-05 576.0000 215,040 $10,538.00 $546.20 $8,601.60 $19,139.60 $0.089 51.14% $0.040000 $0.002540 Jan-05 578.8800 193,920 $9,143.75 ($228.83) $7,272.00 $16,415.75 $0.085 45.89% $0.037500 ($0.001180) 587.5200 1,816,320 $93,704.71 $2,835.90 $80,046.14 $173,750.85 $0.096 35.29% + $0.046392 $0.001548 jlncreased Fuel Charge KW KWH DEMAND ENERGY BASE COST Dec-05 443.904 84,480 $5,157.71 Nov-05 443.904 87,360 $5,420.07 Oct-05 443.964 95,040 $5,678.74 Sep-05 443.904 80,640 $4,827.23 Aug-05 443.904 125,760 $6,149.64 Jul-05 487.680 169,920 $7,961.82 Jun-05 554.880 189,120 $9,602.34 May-05 566.400 173,760 $9,204.73 Apr 05 583.680 206,400 $10,017.82 Mar-05 587.520 194,880 $10,002.86 Feb-05 576.000 215,040 $10,538.00 Jan-05 578.880 193,920 $9,143.75 587.5200 1,816,320 $93,704.71 MONTHLY MONTHLY PPA FUEL COST TOTAL COST UNIT COST LOAD FACTOR FUEL CHG PPA $164.74 $7,949.57 $13,107.27 $0.155 26.07% $0.094100 $0.001950 $348.57 $8,220.58 $13,640.65 $0.156 26.96% $0.094100 $0.003990 $348.80 $8,943.26 $14,622.00 $0.154 29.33% $0.094100 $0.003670 ($58.87) $7,588.22 $12,415.46 $0.154 24.89% $0.094100 ($0.000730) ($276.67) $11,834.02 $17,983.65 $0.143 38.81% $0.094100 ($0-002200) ($151.23) $15,139.87 $23,101.69 $0136 47.73% $0.089100 ($0.000890) $590.05 $15,904.99 $25,507.33 $0.135 46.69% $0.084100 $0.003120 $660.29 $13,744.42 $22,949.15 $0.132 42.02% $0.079100 $0.003800 $249.74 $15,294.24 $25,312.06 $0.123 48.44% $0.074100 $0.001210 $643.10 $13,466.21 $23,469.07 $0.120 45.44% $0.069100 $0.003300 $546.20 $13,784.06 $24,322.06 $0.113 51.14% $0.064100 $0.002540 ($228.83) ^ $12,430.27 $21,574.02 $0.111 45.89% $0.064100 ($0.001180) $2,835.90 $144,299.71 $238,004.42 $0.131 _ 35.29% $0.082850 $0.001548 iPotential Impact $64,253.57 36.98% 0 . 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