HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-23 Board of Selectmen Packet2006 MEETING DATES BOARD OF SELECTMEN May 23, 2006 May 29, 2006 May 30, 2006 June 6, 2006 June 7, 2006 June 12, 2006 June 13, 2006 June 15, 2006 June 20, 2006 June 27, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting Memorial Day Holiday Board of Selectmen Meeting BOS Forum BOS Meeting - I-95/I-93 Special Town Meeting Board of Selectmen Meeting Special Town Meeting Board of Selectmen Meeting Board of Selectmen Meeting July 4, 2006 Fourth of July Holiday July 11, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting July 25, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting August 8, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting August 22, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting September 4, 2006 September 5, 2006 September 12, 2006 September 19, 2006 September 26, 2006 October 3, 2006 October 9, 2006 October 17, 2006 October 24, 2006 Labor Day Holiday Board of Selectmen Meeting Board of Selectmen Meeting Election Day - No Meetings Board of Selectmen Meeting - Warrant Closes Board of Selectmen Meeting Columbus Day Holiday Board of Selectmen Meeting Board of Selectmen Meeting November 7, 2006 Election Day - No Meetings November 10, 2006 Veterans Day Holiday November 13, 2006 Town Meeting November 14, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting November 16, 2006 Town Meeting November 20, 2006 Town Meeting November 21, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting November 23, 2006 Thanksgiving Holiday November 27, 2006 Town Meeting December 5, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting December 12, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting December 19, 2006 Board of Selectmen Meeting December 25, 2006 Christmas Holiday Board of Selectmen Trackina Loa for Current Issues/Proiects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. Liaison Date Traffic Issues The Town should have an extablished policy on detours per Develop a draft as a Board of Selectmen Policy on Detours Chief Cormeri's memo Police. Anthony policy, or as a TM working procedure 03131/06 Ddevelop a process to acquire Ash Street at Main Develop a comprehensive traffic study for the Woburn Street, High Street, Lowell Street, Main 11/29/05 Street area 1/3/05 Grove Street 5/1912006 land and build new connection Action required by --l-l-- to directly between Ash and Main maintain the whistle ban. Contact Street, eliminating the grade new property owner; work with crossing Twn. Mgr. Anthony MBTA 9-31-06 3 accidents in recent months - can we get 3 way stop at Forest, and/or 25 MPH speed limit Need to scop a study and then Engineer Bonazoli seek funding for it. Police Bonazoli Review with PTTF 12/31/06 03/31/06 1 Board of Selectmen Trackina Loa for Current Issues/Proiects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Dept. Liaison Action Needed Follow-up Date Development Projects Town has proposal from engineer. Overflow of detention basin - Will work with developer to split flooding has occurred in the bond amount and Town will neighborhood during severe proceed to hire engineer and get 1/1/90 Gazebo Circle storms Engineer Bonazoli Fl work done. 12/31/06 Release of State Funds - State has funded in previous 1/1100 Pitman Bike Path park/recreation bond bill Planner Tafoya S- Need for Town to access funds 9-31-06 Traffic study submitted 9-14-05; Peer review complete by early October; Then schedule Board of Selectmen meeting with notice to public. Scheduled for Town 1/1/05 Addison Weslev Complete Traffic Presentation - Planner Tafoya Ti Meeting on May 4 05/04/OE: Town has hired lighting consultants. Fagade lighting consultant is to get back tot eh Anthony Town in about 2 weeks. Parking Lighting has impacted neighbors and lot lighting to be done by the end Jordan's Furniture due to height of fixtures Town Mgr. Bonazoli Li of March. 03/31/06 Status of 100% design submission and approval; 100 % Design October 14. MHD determination of what if any review. ENF submission. Tree items will not be funded by the Hearings. Bidding. Construction 1/1/85 Downtown ImDrovemen State Engineer Anthony April 2006. 04/15/06 Decide a location for the Water Treatment Plant, or whether to buy in to MWRA in total for water Review cost and benefot of plant Water Treatment Plant supply DPW Bonazoli location or full MWRA buy-in 02/28/06 Draft regulations; meet with businesses; schedule for follow- up. Gil Rodriguez is setting up a Downtown Parking lack of parking PTTF Tafoya meeting of the businesses. 06/30/06 Monitor and advocate for Reading's interest in keeping any improvements to the interchange Anthony & Rt. 128/1-93 Interchang(to a low impact for Reading Schubert ongoing Try to establish a citizens Imagination Station ' Needs to be refurbished Recreation Bonazoli committee to take this on 06/30106 Consultant presentation to the Board of Selectmen on 10-18-05; How do we avoid another follow up 2-17-06; On hold until a gasoline spill impact on decision is made on what to do 1-93 Containment Reading's wellfields DPW Bonazoli about water supply. 06/30/06- 5/1912006 2 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Loq for Current Issues/Proiects Date IssuelProjectl identified Problem 75 Pleasant Street Resp. Select. Dept. Liaison RHA wants to demolish historical Town house Manager Tafoya Action Needed Follow-up Date RHA given the "go ahead" by the Board of Selectmen to build 4 units - house to be resolved at later date. RHA to develop paperwork for land swap. LIP hearing 3-7-06 03/31/06- 511912006 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Lou for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. Liaison Date Policies/Regulations Fire & Town 4/1/04 Petroleum Bylaw Regulations to be formulated Counsel Duffy BOS delegated approval of stop Stop Signs signs to Town Manager PTTF Anthony Town Memorial Park Controversy over allowed uses Counsel Anthony Write draft regulations for the H Board of Selectmen to consider Criteria and Plan need to be developed Find' heirs and get approval or file a petition for a Cy Pres 03/31/06 03/31/06 11/01/05) Mandate landscaping Should the Town develop a 9/20/05 to save water bylaw or subdivision regulations Planning Tafoya Develop an Economic Master Plan will recommend an Development Economic Development Commission Commission Planner Tafoya Policy on Board of Selectmen appointments - Town Accountant Tafoya Develop a process for addrssing the issue of dealing with 'lost' 'lost' dogs on dogs when the ACO is not Chief 11/1/05 weekends available Cormier Duffy Meet with Verizon and have Town them develop a schedule for Manager Verizon Underground installing underground service for and Town 1125106 . installation M cable TV Engineer Anthony 5119/2006 4 Refer to CPDC as part of Master Plan implementation Establish by bylaw or Board of Selectmen Police Develop procedure Set up a meeting; get a schedule; Board of Selectmen has received schedule 06/30/06 03/07/06 03/31/06 03/31/06 PROCLAMATION TROOP 702: 90 YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS: Boy Scout Troop 702 was charted in 1915, formerly Troop 2, by the Old South Methodist Church, 6 Salem Street, Reading, Massachusetts. The citizens of Reading join in celebrating over 90 years of Boy Scouting; and WHEREAS: Scouting has helped our community's youth grow physically, mentally, and spiritually, the Boy Scout Troop 702 has been . an active part of our community by performing a•Good Turn daily; and WHEREAS: We recognize Scouting in its role of helping our youth to become good citizens and tomorrow's leaders; and WHEREAS: Five generations of boys have learned the meaning of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Slogan and Scout Motto; and WHEREAS: We appreciate and thank past and present members of Troop 702 for the countless number of community service hours and Eagle projects for the benefit of the Town of Reading 'and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, Massachusetts in recognition of the role the Boy Scout Troop 702 has played in the community do hereby proclaim May 26-28, 2006 as Boy Scout Troop 702 Weekend - 90 Years of Service, and invite all citizens to attend and share their memories in Scouting. THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN Camille W. Anthony, Chairman Richard W. Schubert, Vice Chairman Stephen A. Goldy, Secretary James E. Bonazoli Ben Tafoya ,I, q, / I Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:43 PM To: 'Pat lapicca' Subject: RE: Troop 702 90th Anniversary We will definitely get a certificate or p[proclamation for the event. I'll see if any of the Selectmen are available. Pete From: Pat Iapicca [mai Ito: piapicca@comcast. net] Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:32 AM To: Town Manager Cc: Cymbal, Ken; Phillips, Steven Subject: Troop 702 90th Anniversary Good Morning Peter, Boy Scout Troop 702 is celebrating 90 years in Scouting this year. We plan on having a weekend of full of events, during the Memorial Day Weekend. We start off the weekend with the annual Flags and Flowers placement on the Veterans Graves on Saturday. Sunday we will have Scout Sunday, whereby the scouts and their families are invited to participate. This is usually held in February, but we got snow stormed out. On Monday, our troop will march in the annual parade. After wards we plan to gather and have a brief ceremony, in the church hall of the Old South Church.. Would it be possible to have a proclamation celebrating our 90th Anniversary, to coincide with that weekend? Also would either you or one of the Selectman be interested in attending our activity? We will send a more formal note in the coming weeks. We wanted to give you time to plan. Thanks for your attention in this matter. Pat lapicca, Troop 702 Assistant Scoutmaster 90th Anniversary Committee a a Z 4/18/2006 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE MAY 129 2006 Economic Development Committee 2 Vacancies Appointins Authority Board of Selectmen Orig. Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Sheila Clarke 536 Haverhill St. (06) Russell T. Graham 68 Maple Ridge Rd. (06) Leslie McGonagle 140 Pine Ridge Rd. (06) Vacancy Vacancy Candidates: Meghan A. Young-Tafoya Term Lx Tres (08) (08) (07) (07) (06) 3a Policy Establishing an Economic Development Committee There is hereby established a five (5) member Economic Development (Committee) to advise the Community Planning and Development Commission(CPDC) and the Board of Selectmen on matters related to current andTuture economic development in the community. The purposes of the Committee are to advise the Board of Selectmen, the CPDC, and the Town Manager on matters of policy related but not limited to: • Develop a work program including the frequency of reporting to the Board of Selectmen and the CPDC; • Develop an Economic Development Strategy consistent with the Master Plan and goals and objectives established periodically by the Board of Selectmen; • Within the Economic Development Strategy, work with staff to obtain additional State and Federal economic developmental grants; • Explore the need for and legality of forming a "property based" and/or "business based" Business Improvement District(s) funded by assessments on all businesses within the individual district(s); • To the extent feasible, encourage commercial development and office leases of downtown space consistent with the traditional atmosphere of a New England Village Center; • Advise the Board of Selectmen, CPDC, and any other Town agency or official as appropriate, on matters related to economic development in the community; • Maintain an ongoing dialogue with business owners and owners of 'major properties on a pro-active basis to understand how the Town can work with..them to achieve their plans; • In order to achieve the above, review options to funding economic development activities in cooperation with other civic organizations. The Committee will be made up of five (5) members appointed for 3 year terms, so appointed that as even a number of terms shall expire in each year. In selecting the Comrnittee membership of 5 members, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint all members and shall give consideration to members representing the following interests within the community: • Member or designee of the Reading/North Reading Chamber of Commerce; • Member or designee from the utilities serving the community, including electric, gas, internet access, cable TV, or others; • Merchants or businesses from the downtown area of Reading; • Residents of the community who do not represent the above groups, and who have expertise in planning, economic development, finance, business management, construction, training and education, marketing, or other areas of expertise and experience which would assist the community in attracting appropriate businesses to the community and otherwise carrying out the mission of the Committee. Subcommittees may be created by a vote of the Committee. Members of Subcommittees do not necessarily have to be members of the Committee. The Committee shall be advisory in all matters. Decisions as to whether or not to implement measures shall rest as appropriate with the Town Manager, the Board of Selectmen, the CPDC, or other body having jurisdiction in the matter, This Committee shall administratively fall within the Department of Community Services. Staff as available will be assigned by the Town Manager to work with the Committee. This committee shall sunset on June 30, 2012 unless renewed by the Board of Selectmen. Adopted 3-7-06 V\ V v l Ed MAY I I. PM 12: 37 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: /Y, Date: /G~rr~,s~yG' lra (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: !Yd Tel. (Home) • Tel. (Work) Gil- 79y fr'GQ ~c~ (Is this number listed?) Occupation: # of years in Reading: f'1y Y/~~' Are you a registered voter in Reading? Yd5 e-mail address: Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Aquatics Advisory Board -Audit Committee -Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health -Board of Registrars -Bylaw Committee -Celebration Committee -Cities for Climate Protection _Cominissioner of Trust Funds -Community Planning & Development Comm. -Conservation Commission -Constable -Contributory Retirement Board -Council on Aging -Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves conomic Development Committee Finance Committee -Historical Commission -Housing Authority -Human Relations Advisory Committee -Land Bank Committee _MBTA Advisory Committee -Metropolitan Area Planning Council -Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee R.MLD Citizens Advisory Board -Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee -Town Forest Committee -Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee -West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: ~Car.~.S.-.✓t~ s .~av~.,~'rr~~,-,*-~' ,iyai~,~.e'G'~7~tl~ ~~.{~'i T7.r.~Ci ~.~~/T.~ -3Gt3' LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold a public hearing on the following matters on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusettq- 730 er and Sewer rates p.m. M. -increasing Permit Fees 8 p.m. All interested parties may appear in person, may submit their comments in writing, or may email town manager@cl.read ing.ma.us. By order of Peter 1. Hechenbleikner Town Manager 5/16 z4 1~, I TOWN OF READING Water & Sewer Rate History (price per 100 cubic feet) FY2007 FINAL Water & Sewer Rate Calculation Effective Date Water Sewer Total % Change July 1, 1981 $1.50 $0.80 $2.30 n/a July 1, 1985 $1.87 $1.43 $3.30 43.5% July 1, 1986 $2.56 $2.25 $4.81 45.8% July 1; 1987 $2.62 $2.35 $4.97 3.3% July 1, 1988 $2.59 $2.79 $5.38 8.2% August 1, 1989 $2.50 $3.09 $5.59 3.9% August 1, 1990 $2.56 $2.96 $5.52 -1.3% August 1, 1991 $2.29 $3.31 $5.60 1.4% August 1, 1992 $1.52 $4.33 $5.85 4.5% August 1, 1993 $1.68 $5.06 $6.74 15.2% February 1, 1994 $2.13 $4.63 $6.76 0.3% August 1, 1994 $2.33 $5.13 $7.46 10.4% August 1, 1995 $2.39 $4.53 $6.92 -7.2% February 1, 1996 $2.39 $3.64 $6.23 -10.0% Composite, FY96 $2.39 $4.22 $6.61 -11.4% August 1, 1996 $2.85 $3.97 $6.82 3.2% August 1, 1997 $3.11 $5.11 $8.22 20.5% August 1, 1998 $3.39 $4.98 $8.37 1.8% August 1, 1999 $3.41 $5.30 $8.71 4.1% August 1, 2000 $3.56 $5.47 $9.03 3.7% August 1, 2001 $3.66 $5.15 $8.81 -2.4% August 1, 2002 $3.75 $5.28' $9.03 2.5% August 1, 2003 $4.25 $5.28 $9.53 5.5% August 1, 2004 $4.66 $5.35 $10.01 5.0% August 1, 2005 $4.78 $5.78 $10.56 5.5% . ::2Q06.::::::::::::::. '.~f~~.:: :•.:$:~J~:~.;::::::::::::::.:::::::::::. ..~:~_YIIM:~::ii::.i:.i:v.i:ii:.i::::::.: :.i:.::::::::.::: % Change 16.9% 4.8% 10.3% SEASONAL RATE Summer (May 16- Nov 15) $5.69 $6.06 $11.75 11.3% % Change 19.0% 4.9% 11.3% Winter (Nov 16 - May 15) $5.45 $6.06 $11.51 9.0% % Change 14.0% 4.9% 9.0% F07-3rdPrel -BOSFinal 5/19/2006 Page 1 Hiisnst~ It q (/1. TOWN OF READING FY2007 FINAL Water & Sewer Rate Calculation (price per 100 cubic feet) ` FY07 FY07 Water Sewer Required User Payments $3,729,065 $3,844,545 Discount - % of Water Payments vs Billing 0.890 460,896 % of Sewer Payments vs Billing 0.890 475,168 Required Billing $4,189,961 $4,319,713 User Billing Volume - 100 Cu Ft 750,000 712,500 % Sewer to Water= 95.0% Rate per 100 Cu Ft 5.5866 6.0628 USE - $5.59 $6.06 Water Sewer TOTAL FY 2006 $4.78 $5.78 $10.56 Above (FY2007) $5.59 $6.06 $11.65 Change 16.9% 4.8% 10.3% F07-3rdPrel-BOSFinal 5/19/2006 Page 2 RCalcW ' Vt.~ TOWN OF READING FY2007 FINAL Water & Sewer Rate Calculation (price per 100 cubic feet) FY07 FY07 Water Sewer Required User Payments $3,729,065 $3,844,545 Discount - % of Water Payments vs Billing 0.890 460,896 % of Sewer Payments vs Billing 0.890 475,168 Required Billing $4,189,961 $4,319,713 User Billing Volume - 100 Cu Ft 750,000 712,500 % Sewer to Water= 95.0% Rate per 100 Cu Ft 5.5866 6.0628 USE - $5.59 $6.06 Water Sewer TOTAL FY 2006 $4.78 $5.78 $10.56 Above (FY2007) $5.59 $6.06 $11.65 Change 16.9% 4.8% 10.3% Page 3 q Vv TOWN OF READING FINAL WATER & SEWER RATES RESERVE FUND STATUS WATER SEWER Certified Balance July 1, 2005 $2,030,600 $1,140,268 Town Meeting Transfers November 2005 ($252,232) $0 April 2006 ($346,922) ($680,000) Revised Available Balance $1,431,446 $460,268 ADD: Estimated Unexpended Appropriation - FY 2006 $0 $0 Estimated Reserve Balance $1,431,446 $460,268 June 30, 2006 Page 4 L', 6cs- % FY 2007 BUDGET FINAL WATER REVENUES BUDGET REVENUE: User Payments: Other Revenue: Abatements Service Const./Renew. Real Estate Liens Interest Charges Interest Income Reimbursements: Grants Gulf Oil Spec. Asmt/Hazard. Waste Sale of Assets Transfer from Reserve: FY 2007 $3,729,065 (4,500) 35,000 78,000 18,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal - Other Revenues GRAND TOTAL REVENUE REQ'T: 146,500 $3,875,565 Page 5 L", '0,,0 FY 2007 BUDGET FINAL SEWER REVENUES BUDGET REVENUE: User Payments: Other Revenue: Abatements Real Estate Liens Inspection Fees Interest Charges Interest Income Spec. Asssessments Reimbursements: Grants Transfer from Reserve: Subtotal - Other Revenues FY 2007 $3,844,545 (6,000) 93,000 900 20,000 20,000 7,800 0 600,000 735,700 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE REQ'T: $4,580,245 Page 6 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the j Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold a public hearing on the-following matters on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts: -Water and Sewer rates 7:30 p.m. •In easing Permit Fees. 8 p.m. All interested parties may appear in person, may submit their comments in writing, or may email townmanager@cl.read ing.ma.us. By order of Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager 5/16 q"'~l I GLEN REDMOND COMMISSIONER OF BUILDINGS Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867-2683 Phone: 781-942-9013. Fax: 781-942-9071 Daily Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:30 - 8:30 AM Mon - Wed - Fri: 12:30 -1:30 PM BUILDING PERMIT FEES Residential New Construction (including additions & swimming pools) $10 ($11) per $1,000 of value of construction (Minimum $75 ($85) Fee) Re-roofing, siding, porch, deck, sheds, interior alterations $10 ($11) per $1,000 of value of construction (Minimum $25 ($30) Fee) Commercial New Construction (including additions and interior alterations) $11 ($12) per $1,000 of value of construction (Minimum $150 ($175) Fee) Re-roofing, siding $10 ($11) per $1,000 of value of construction (Minimum $25 ($30) Fee) Demolition $25 ($30) plus $5 ($6) per $1,000 total value of demolition cost Permit Renewal $25 ($30) per year Residential $50 ($55) per year Commercial Certificate of Occupancy $50 ($55) ($25 ($30) for open decks & above-ground pools) Signs $11 ($12) per $1,000 total value of construction (Minimum $100 ($110) Fee) Rules Regarding Permit Fees: ➢ Permit fees are payable at the time of application and are non-refundable. ➢ Round check to the nearest dollar amount. ➢ Permit fees shall be doubled for any activity commenced without a permit. ~i "V JOHN HOLLAND INSPECTOR OF WIRES Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867-2683 Phone: 781-942-6614 Fax: 781-942-9071 Daily Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:30 - 8:30 AM Residential Commercial Miscellaneous General Fees ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES New Rouse $ 200.00 ($225) Additions/Renovations: First 1-10 outlets $ 15.00 ($1.7) Each additional outlet $ 1.00 same Fixed appliances $ 10.00($11) Service Change or alteration $ 25.00($30) Sub panels, each $ 25.00($30) New Condos or Apartments per unit $ 200.00 ($225) Additions/Renovations: First 1 -10 outlets $ 25.00($30) Each additional outlet $ 5.00($6) Fixed appliances $ 20.00($22) Service change or alterations: 1 Phase $ 50.00($55) 3 Phase $ 100.00 ($110) Sub panels $ 25.00($30) Burglar Alarms - residential or commercial $ 50.00($55) Fire Alarm Systems-residential/commercial $ 50.00($55) Central AC - residential $ 50.00.($55) Central AC - commercial $ 75.00($85) Swimming Pools (in ground) $ 100.00 ($110) Swimming Pools (above ground) $ 50.00($30) Hot Tubs $ 25.00($30) Temporary service $ 50.00($55) Special Equipment (well pumps, heaters, etc.) $ 20.00($22) Pre-securing service/vinyl siding $ 20.00($22) All Signs $ 50.00($55) Re-inspection fee $ 25.00($22) Late filing fee (per five working days) $ double initial fee Lost Permit $ 25.00($30) Rules Regarding Permit Fees: ➢ Permit fees are payable at the time of application and are non-refundable. ➢ Round check to the nearest dollar amount. ➢ Permit fees shall be doubled for any activity commenced without a permit. ➢ All electrical work shall be done in accordance with the National Electric Code & Mass. State Code. ➢ Homeowners are not allowed to do electrical work in their home, they must hire licensed electrician. EDWARD CIRIGLIANO PLUMBING & GAS INSPECTOR Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867-2683 Phone: 781-942-6615 Fax: 781-942-9071 Daily Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:30 - 8:30 AM PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT FEES Residential New & Domestic Replacement (3 units or less) Plumbing Up to three fixtures $ 20.00($22) Each additional fixture $ 5.00($6 ) Piping (Gas also) $ 10.00 ($],1) Sewer Connection $ 50.00 ($55) Back Flow $ 25.00($30) Residential boiler or heater $ 25.00($30)oil - 20.00($22)gas Residential electric hot water heater $ 10.00($11) New or replacement oil hot waterhankless (plumbing only)$ 20.00($25) New House Minimum fee $ 100.00 ($110) Commercial or For one fixture $ 50.00($55) Multiple Family Each additional fixture $ 5.00($6) Plumbing Piping (Gas also) $ 10.00 ($11) Sewer Connection $ 50.00($55) Back Flow $ 25.00($30) Commercial electric water heater $ 50.00($55) Residential New & Domestic Replacement (3 units or less) Gas Up to three fixtures $ 20,00($22) Each additional fixture $ 5.00($6) New or replacement gas hot water (gas & plumbing permit)$ 20.00($22) Residential propane pool heater $ 20.00($22) New House Minimum fee $ 100.00 ($110) Commerical For one fixture $ 50.00($55) Gas Each additional fixture $ 5.00($6) Commercial water heater replacement (gas & plumbing) $ 60.00($70) Propane Tanks #100 or smaller Domestic Commercial General Fees Re-inspection charge Late filing fee (per five working days) Lost Permit Rules Regarding Permit Fees: 20.00($22) + 4.00($5) per tank 50.00($55) + 4.00($5)per tank $ 25.00($30) $ double initial fee $ 25.00($30) ➢ Permit fees are payable at the time of application and are non-refundable. ➢ Round check to the nearest dollar amount. ➢ Permit fees shall be doubled for any activity commenced without a permit. ➢ All plumbing work shall be done in accordance with the National Plumbing Code & Mass. State Code. ➢ Homeowners are not allowed to do plumbing in their home, they must-hire licensed plumber. vl Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Cheryl Monday, April 10, 2006 3:52 PM Hechenbleikner, Peter Fees We currently charge $12.50 per tank of a total of $950. We should double this figure. What other Towns charge: Andover - $20 Lexington - $65 Lynnfield - $200 North Reading - $50. Stoneham - $40 Wakefield - $75 Wilmington - $25 Winchester - $20 Cheryl Johnson Town Clerk Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 781-942-9050 FAX 781-942-9070 1 q"~6- N OFRgO Town of Reading ~~13- Reading, 16 Lowell St p MA 01867-2693 9 JNC0 COtie0¢ Fax: (781) 942-9037 Email: glapointe@ci.reading.ma.us MEMO Date March 29, 2006 TO: Peter Hechenbleikner FROM: Gail LaPointe ' RE: Inspection Division Revenues Revenues from the various divisions that might be part, of the Permit Coordinator responsibility cannot be printed in a single report. I printed all the general fund revenues and marked in red (on pages 2 and 3) the departments that you might be interested in. For FY06 you have 8 months of revenue. For FY05, you have 12 months of revenue. Let me know if you would like me to get more data for you. Accotmting Department (781) 942-9604 L, v GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING, MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED 29Mar2006 ACCOUNT 01 38311 REVENUE 012 TOWN MANAGER . 4188 . CONSTABLE FEES 012 TOWN MANAGER 4366 RENT (SPRINT SPECTRUM) 012 TOWN MANAGER 4369 RENT (VOICE STREAMIT-MOBILE) 012 TOWN MANAGER 4375 RENT 012 TOWN MANAGER 4376 RENT (CINGULAR WIRELESS() 012 TOWN MANAGER 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS 012 TOWN MANAGER 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS 012 TOWN MANAGER 4403 LIQUOR LICENSES 012 TOWN MANAGER 4409 FRANCHISE FEE - CABLE TV 012 TOWN MANAGER 4860 TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS 012 TOWN MANAGER 4880 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 015 GENERAL SERVICES 4340 NOTARY FEES 031 BOARD OF ASSESSORS 4181 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES 031 BOARD OF ASSESSORS 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 035 FINANCE 4131 DEFERRED PROPERTY TAXES 035 FINANCE 4142 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 035 FINANCE 4172 INTEREST CHARGES-DEFERRED TAX 035 FINANCE 4173 INTEREST CHARGES-TAX LIENS 035 FINANCE 4178 REDEMPTION FEE 035 FINANCE 4179 COLLECTION FEE (RMLD) 035 FINANCE 4180 LAND COURT FEES 035 FINANCE 4188 CONSTABLE FEES 035 FINANCE 4334 COURT FEES 035 FINANCE 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 035 FINANCE 4765 COURT FINES 035 FINANCE 4820 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 035 FINANCE 4822 INTEREST (STABILIZATION FUND) 035 FINANCE 4880 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4112 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2002 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4112 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2002 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4113 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2003 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4114 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2004 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4115 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4115 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4116 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2006 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4123 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2003 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4124 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2004 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4125 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4125 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4126 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2006 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4126 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2006 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4150 MOTOR VEH EXCISE PRIOR 2001. 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4151 MOTOR.VEHICLE EXCISE 2001 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4152 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2002 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4153 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2003 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4153 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2003 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4154 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2004 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4154 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2004 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4155 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4155 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2005 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4156 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2006 F-(aocv( DEBIT CREDIT .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 600.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .DD .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 38.07 .DO .00 .00 475.12 .00 266.57 1,273.15 .00 80,881.87 .00 88,426.91 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,801.47 .00 26,392.30 .00 24,961.74 .00 12.50 23,000.00 20,700.00 2,252.25 20,700.00 7,800.00 .00 43,200.00 3,793.50 90.68 1.68 170,00 32,488.90, 460.68. 10,576.26 74,942.64 1,429.72 13,360.73 675.00 100.00 2,197.98 58.75 10.40 7.20 8,545.00 963,630.49 22,218.55 94.77 -9.54 .00 1.52 18.66 157.58 .00 147,940.64 .00 .00 328,984.51 .00 31,943,360.54 .00 1,290.84 260.63 604.28 3,546.29 .00 24,163.08 .00 445,150.88 .00 793,954.61 P-e e'OA~~ PAGE 1 L" 9 . GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING., MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED 29Mar2006 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4171 INTEREST CHARGES-PROP.TAXES .00 54,045.51 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4174 INTEREST CHARGES-EXCISE TAXES .00 7,050.73 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4177 DEMANDS AND FEES .00 5,146.40 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4185 REGISTRY RELEASE FEES 00 5,100.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4281 AMBULANCE CHARGES .00 381,291.83 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4281 AMBULANCE CHARGES 3,568.39 .00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4315 CERTIFICATE OF MUNICIPAL LIEN .00 21,325.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4322 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES .00 5,614.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4323 PLUMBING INSPECTION FEES .00 95.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4324 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES 00 672.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4325 GAS INSPECTION FEES 00 95.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4756 STREET ASMT - TAXES 2006 .00 171.73 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4766 SIDEWALK ASMT TAXES 2006 .00 431.79 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4776 COMMITTED INT TAXES 2006 .00 2,793.73 042 HUMAN RESOURCES 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES .00 17.20 045 TECHNOLOGY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 00 10.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4313 SPORTING LICENSE ISSUE FEES .00 181.40 051 TOWN CLERK 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS .00 150.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4407 DOG LICENSES .00 12,139.00 051 TOWN'CLERK 4421 VITALS / ABSTRACTS .00 21,828.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4423 MARRIAGE INTENTIONS .00 •1,200.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4780 FINES 00 8,148.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4780 FINES 200.00 .00 051 TOWN CLERK 4818 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS .00 631.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4880 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS .00 5,162.58 061 CONSERVATION DIVISION 4352 FILING FEES 00 16,949.28 065 PLANNING 4354 SITE PLAN FILING FEES .00 26,826.00 065 PLANNING 4356 PRD APPLICATION FEES .00 .00 065 PLANNING 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 00 330.06 066 ZONING BOARD 4351 ZONING AND SUBDIVISION FEES .00 1,800.00 111 POLICE 4328 ADMIN FEES - SPECIAL DETAILS .00 19,941.16 111 POLICE 4329 ACCIDENT REPORTS .00 1,343.00 111 POLICE 4331 RESIDENT PARKING / COMPOST FE .00 35,830.00 111 POLICE 4364 PARKING SPACE RENTALS 00 6,345.00 111 POLICE 4375 RENT .00 220.00 111 POLICE 4411 F.I,D. CARDS .00 362.50 111 POLICE 4413 LICENSE TO CARRY .00 1,662.50 111 POLICE 4415 PARKING PERMITS .00 9,700.00 111 POLICE 4666 MOTOR VEH. LESSOR SURCHARGE 00 1,558.80 111 POLICE 4783 PARKING FINES 00 47,595.00 121 FIRE 4321 FIRE INSPECTION FEES .00 10,797.00 121 FIRE 4347 AMBULANCE CHARGES .00 2,539.12 121 FIRE 4347 AMBULANCE CHARGES 463.47 .00 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4320 OCCUPANCY PERMITS .00 5,950.00 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4322 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES .00 169,819.07 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4323 PLUMBING INSPECTION FEES .00 11,865.00°° 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4324 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES .00 28,272.00 - 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4324 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES 3,675•.00 .00 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4325 GAS INSPECTION FEES .00 5,885.00 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4338 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION .00 1,080.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4336 COMPOST ACCESS PERMIT .00 690.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4337 STREET OPENING FEE .00 2,975.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4405 DRAIN LAYER LICENSE .00 1,600.06 11 A'f GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING, MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED 29Mar2006 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4420 BULK TRASH COLLECTION FEE .00 26,450.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4810 PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF ASSETS .00 711.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4816 SALE OF MAPS .00 33.50 317 RECREATION 5845 PARK REHAB (CAPITAL) .00 1,500.00 317 RECREATION 5845 PARK REHAB (CAPITAL) 1,500.00 .00 460 LIGHT DEPARTMENT 4181 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES .00 95,258.67 481 CEMETERY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES .00 64,781.67 ® 511 HEALTH 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS .00 23,417.00 - 611 LIBRARY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES .00 488.00 611 LIBRARY 4781 LIBRARY FINES .00 3,268.69 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4611 LOSS OF TAXES, STATE LAND .00 53.,779.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4619 LOSS OF TAXES ELDERLY PERSONS .00 21,586.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4621 SCHOOL AID CH. 70 00 3,145,078.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4627 SCHOOL BUILDING ASSISTANCE 00 1,549,153.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4628 CHARTER SCH TUITION ASMT .00 3,384.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4629 CHARTER SCH CAPITAL FACILITY .00 910.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4645 ADD. ASSIST. TO LOCAL AID .00 767,450.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4647 LOTTERY .00 1,041,589.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4651 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT .00 177,320.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4652 MASS REHAB COMMISSION 00 15.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4654 U.C.C. REFUND .00 195.14 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4659 CIVIL MOTOR VEH. INFRACTIONS .00 28,077.50 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4691 COST OF LIVING REIMBURSEMENT .00 4,444.86 REVENUE ACCOUNT TOTAL 234,544.06 42,696,067.62 -42,661,523.56 01 GENERAL FUND 234,544.06 42,896,067.62 -42,661,523.56 r~f 210 ~~XG Fq a 0 ca GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING, MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED 29Mar2006 ACCOUNT 01 38311 REVENUE 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 012 TOWN MANAGER 015 GENERAL SERVICES 031 BOARD OF ASSESSORS 031 BOARD OF ASSESSORS 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 035 FINANCE 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 6501 CLOSING - REVENUE 4366 RENT (SPRINT SPECTRUM) 4369 RENT (VOICE STREAMJT-MOBILE) 4375 RENT 4376 RENT (AUBURN ST.) 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS 4403 LIQUOR LICENSES 4403 LIQUOR LICENSES 4409 FRANCHISE FEE - CABLE TV 4860 TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS 4340 NOTARY FEES 4181 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 2520 UNCLAIMED CHECKS 4135 PROP TAX PENALTY (SPENCE FARM 4142 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 4145 TAX FORECLOSURES 4173 INTEREST CHARGES-TAX LIENS 4178 REDEMPTION FEE 4179 COLLECTION FEE (RMLD) 4185 REGISTRY RELEASE FEES 4188 CONSTABLE FEES 4334 COURT FEES 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES 4785 COURT FINES 4820 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 4822 INTEREST (STABILIZATION FUND) 4110 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2000 4111 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2001 4111 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 20D1 41,12 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2002 4112 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2002 4113 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2003 4113 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2003 4114 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2004 4114 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2004 4115 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2005 4115 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 2005 4122 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2002 4123 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2003 4123 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2003 4124 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2004 4124 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2004 4125 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2005 4125 REAL ESTATE TAXES 2005 4150 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2000 4151 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2001 4152 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2002 4152 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2002 4153 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2003 4163 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2003 DEBIT 60,140,304.79 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 121.56 .00 93.59 .00 33.90 .00 31.29 .00 13,416.38 1,386.02 .00 .21,501.24 .00 202,874.09 .00 113,054.37 .00 .00 .00 45.42 .00 6,061.63 CREDIT .00 36,800.00 23,000.00 2,873.25 27,600.00 8,402.00 44,000.00 .00 3,910.00 231.33 358.00 45,611.28 793.19 1,337.25 18,188.07 156,202.88 130.00 35,316.19 1,050.00 140.00 45.00 220.00 510.00 60.55 9,030.00 1,112,860.01 15,919.79 .00 -3.36 .00 -53.13 .00 4.96 .00 901.19 .00 179,930.20 .00 .00 3,209.16 .00 331,062.29 .00 41,604,560.27 .00 595.32 1,168.88 4,828.15 .00 29,965.45 .00 PAGE 1 GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING, MASSACHUSETTS P RINTED 29Mar2006 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4154 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2004 .00 562,299.10 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4154 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2004 21,170.89 .00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4155 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2005 100 2,362,305.54 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4155 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 2005 17,142.02 .00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4157 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE PR 1998 00 323.23 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4158 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 1998 .00 300.83 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4159 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE 1999 .00 86.75 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4171 INTEREST CHARGES-PROP.TAXES .00 90,078.41 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4174 INTEREST CHARGES-EXCISE TAXES .00 12,251.29 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4177 DEMANDS AND FEES .00 13,319.90 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4185 REGISTRY RELEASE FEES 00 9,435.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4279 ADVANCE PAYMENT - TITLE V .00 .00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4281 AMBULANCE CHARGES 00 159,906.87 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4281 AMBULANCE CHARGES 475.31 .00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4315 CERTIFICATE OF MUNICIPAL LIEN 00 28,327.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4322 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES .00 302,293.07-o-% 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4323 PLUMBING INSPECTION FEES .00 20,795.00--~ 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4324 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES .00 53,951.00 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4324 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES 13,675.00 .00-4 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4325 GAS INSPECTION FEES .00 8,421.00--• 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4755 STREET ASMT - TAXES 2005 .00 17133 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4765 SIDEWALK ASMT TAXES 2005 .00 431.79 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4774 COMMITTED INT TAXES 2004 .00 289.11 036 TOWN COLLECTOR 4775 COMMITTED INT - TAXES 2005 .00 4,072.49 042 HUMAN RESOURCES 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES .00 84.95 045 TECHNOLOGY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES .00 65.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4313 SPORTING LICENSE ISSUE FEES .00 671.35 051 TOWN CLERK 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS .00 937.50 051 TOWN CLERK 4407 DOG LICENSES .00 20,729.50 051 TOWN CLERK 4421 VITALS / ABSTRACTS .00 30,185.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4423 MARRIAGE INTENTIONS .00 2,325.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4780 FINES .00 8,328.00 051 TOWN CLERK 4818 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS .00 1,046.70 051 TOWN CLERK 4880 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS .00 7,928.80 061 CONSERVATION DIVISION 4352 FILING FEES .00 15,223.40 065 PLANNING 4354 SITE PLAN FILING FEES .0.0 34,342.00 065 PLANNING 4377 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES .00 529.41 - 066 ZONING BOARD 4351 ZONING AND SUBDIVISION FEES 00 2,790.00 - 111 POLICE 4328 ADMIN FEES - SPECIAL DETAILS 00 43,887.53 111 POLICE 4329 ACCIDENT REPORTS :00 1,815.50 111 POLICE 4331 RESIDENT PARKING / COMPOST FE .00 81,325.00 111 POLICE 4331 RESIDENT PARKING / COMPOST FE 45.00 .00 111 POLICE 4364 PARKING SPACE RENTALS 00 7,290.00 111 POLICE 4364 PARKING SPACE RENTALS 840.00 .00 111 POLICE 4375 RENT .00 435.00 111 POLICE 4411 F.I.D. CARDS .00 1,400.00 111 POLICE 4413 LICENSE TO CARRY .00 2,150.00 111 POLICE 4415 PARKING PERMITS .00 15,195.00 111 POLICE 4666 MOTOR VEH. LESSOR SURCHARGE .00 1,765.20 111 POLICE 4783 PARKING FINES .00 95,255.00 111 POLICE 4783 PARKING FINES 80.00 .00 121 FIRE 4321 FIRE INSPECTION FEES .00 16,468.00 121 FIRE 4347 AMBULANCE CHARGES .00 354,469.12 Z' GENERAL LEDGER SUBSIDIARY DETAIL FILE TOWN OF READING, MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED 29Mar20O6 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT 121 FIRE 4347 AMBULANCE CHARGES 544.24 .00 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4316 PERMITS (MAPLEWOOD VILLAGE) .00 9,132.27 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4320 OCCUPANCY PERMITS .00 7,650.00 ~ 141 INSPECTIONS DIVISION 4322 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES .00 6,745.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS, 4336 COMPOST ACCESS PERMIT .00 3,065.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4337 STREET OPENING FEE .00 5,375.00 300 .PUBLIC WORKS 4405 DRAIN LAYER LICENSE .00 975.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4420 BULK TRASH COLLECTION FEE 00 42,750.00 300 PUBLIC WORKS 4816 SALE OF MAPS 00 719.94 460 LIGHT DEPARTMENT 4181 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES .00 186,323.45 481 CEMETERY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES .00 122,106.00 511 HEALTH 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS .00 46,102.00 511 HEALTH 4401 LICENSES AND PERMITS 50.00 .00 611 LIBRARY 4301 CHARGES FOR SERVICES .00 978.20 611 LIBRARY 4781 LIBRARY FINES .00 4,586.89 710 DEBT SERVICE 4940 ACCRUED INTEREST .00 2,893.26 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4611 LOSS OF TAXES, STATE LAND 00 43,630.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4613 EXEMPTIONS; VETS,BLIND&SPOUSE 00 42,475.00. 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4619 LOSS OF TAXES ELDERLY PERSONS .00 23,092.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4621 SCHOOL AID CH. 70 .00 6,082,107.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4627 SCHOOL BUILDING ASSISTANCE DO 1,678,534.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4628 CHARTER SCH TUITION ASMT .00 18,573.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4629 CHARTER SCH CAPITAL FACILITY 00 2,992.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4641 VETERANS BENEFITS 00 1,258.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4643 POLICE CAREER INCENTIVE 00 182,000.58 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4645 ADD. ASSIST. TO LOCAL AID 00 1,534,901.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4647 LOTTERY .00 1,841,015.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4649 SUPPLEMENTAL AID :00 183,430.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4651 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT 00 351,083.00 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4654 U.C.C. REFUND .00 765.15 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4657 OIL TANK REMOVAL (KILLAM) 00 5,429.48 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4659 CIVIL MOTOR VEH. INFRACTIONS .00 37,632.50 755 STATE DISTRIBUTIONS 4696 ABANDONED PROPERTY CLAIM .00 10,524.05 999 YEAR END ADJUSTING ENTRY 2142 STATE TEACHER RETIREMENT 215.26 .00 999 YEAR END - ADJUSTING ENTRY 2154 SOCIAL SECURITY 141.01 .00 * REVENUE ACC OUNT TOTAL 60,555,305.01 60,555,305.01 01 GENERAL FUND 60,555,305.01 60,555,305.01 .00 0 1'3 6o(ow Z j/. SS'2 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:46 PM To: Reilly, Chris Subject: RE: permit coordinator Al of those things are a consideration. Let's talk. Pete From: Reilly, Chris Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 11:44 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: permit coordinator Pete, I have a few requests out for permit coordinatorjob descriptions; I'll let you know when/if I receive any responses. More locally in terms of general feedback the impression/assumption I am hearing is that as described this is part of maureen's responsibilities, although Mike and Darlene handle most of this workload or it is just easier for various staff to take care of themselves. Perhaps it would be helpful to have maureen's exact job description to avoid any duplication/redundancy Chris Reilly Reading Town Planner 16 Lowell. St. 01867 781-942-6612 fax 781-942-9071 bttD://www.ci.readilig.n-ia.us/plaiining v 2/1/2006 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Reilly, Chris Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:03 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Stop and Shop SPR During prior discussions on the Stop and Shop SPR you had stated that the CPDC should deny the application if the BOS recommendations dated January 18 were not adhered to. So as not to be in conflict with the Selectmen to the extent possible the CPDC will need a recommendation from the BOS on how to proceed given the applicant has indicated they will not comply with the recommendations. The public hearing was continued to February 13. Chris Reilly Reading Town Planner 16 Lowell St. 01867 781-942-6612 fax 781-942-9071 httn://www.ci.readina.ma.us/planning 1/31/2006 NSBS Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Reilly, Chris Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:11 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: FW: NSBS I'm not sure how to respond on budgetary requests. Please advise. Cluis Reilly Reading Town Planner 16 Lowell St. 01867 781-942-6612 fax 781-942-9071 httD://www.ci.readina.ma.US/.Dlamiing From: Wagner, Johannes [mailto:wagned@wseinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:07 PM To: Reilly, Chris Cc: HGriffin@northreadingma.gov; mvivaldi@town.wilmington.ma.us Subject: NSBS Page 1 of 1 I would appreciate your explaining the project to the appropriate persons in Town, that we are actually designing and surveying the bikeway for the Town. The Town is obligated to render $6000 in services or funds to the project design as a result of a $314,000 FHWA/MHD grant for design services. The town is also obligated to provide. 10% of the construction funds for MHD to build Reading's portion of it (earlier e-mail to you). Please review the terms of your agreement with Heidi who is the grant administrator for the five towns at this point. It is essential that we all get on the same page to move this along. We need your help as the town's representative. Thank You. ~P L' 2/1/2006 Page 1 of 2 Hechenblelkner, Peter From: Reilly, Chris Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 5:07 PM To: Hechenblelkner, Peter Subject: FW: Information From: Camille Anthony [mailto:canthony@cdmtitle.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 2:27 PM To: Reilly, Chris Subject: Re: Information Sound great! CAmille Original Message From: Reillv. Chris To: Camille Anthonv Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:28 PM Subject: RE: Information I would be happy to make myself available some saturday at your convenience this spring to drive around, look at some "hotspots" and figure out what traffic calming measures might work. Of course when you are talking geometric/profile changes you are talking money-from the seminar we gleaned that even highly effective, small speed tables are expensive to install and maintain in the northeast. The addition of on-street parking is always the most effective, low cost traffic calming measure but that opens up neighborhood and public safety access issues the Fire Dept. is always pushing back against. I think the first step is just to figure out what the hotspots are-given budgetray constraints one interesting idea we heard a lot about was having the neighborhood make a financial contribution for measures they demand on their streets. From: Camille Anthony [mailto:canthony@cdmtitle.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:59 PM To: Reilly, Chris Subject: Re: Information Thanks for the info. I would love to have a discussion with you as to what steps Reading could take to slow traffic in town. It is a constant problem for the Selectmen. Camille Original Message From: Reillv. Chris To: Camille Anthonv Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:28 PM Subject: RE: Information Thanks Camille-I'll share this with the Town Engineer and CPDC. Joe and I attended a traffic calming seminar about 2 months ago and Cara Seiderman presented; I will get you the handout we received from national database. Next time I'm in Cambridge I plan to hunt some of these down to see how they function in the real world. 2/28/2005 Page 2 of 2 From: Camille Anthony [mailto:canthony@cdmtitle.com] Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:45 PM To: Reilly, Chris Subject: Fw: Information Chris: Looks very promising for Reading! Camille Original Message From: MerrFilms (a).aol.com To: canthonv(acdmtitle.com Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:16 PM Subject: Re: Information Dear Ms. Anthony, I am not Cara Seiderman but one of the organizers of her appearance in Belmont. However, she had provided us with some information electronically & links to others. Attached is the principal handout in PDF form. Other resources may be found at: www.l c.or (try, e.g., htto://www.lac.ora/freeoub/land use/factsheets/ The traffic calming brochure is also available at: httr)://www.cambridoema.aov/-CDD/et/tc/tcb.Ddf Cordially, Sue Bass Belmont Citizens Forum In a message dated 2118/2005 11:17:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, canthony@cdmtitle.com writes: Dear Cara: Unfortunately, I was unable to attend your presentation. Is there some way I could get the all of the handouts. Also, how do I go about finding out about possible presentations to communities? Thanks, Camille Anthony, Selectman from the Town of Reading t4sk~ I 2/28/2005 IQ5 APR 29 ` AN 9, 56 April 27, 2005 Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: I have been a long time resident of Reading and am writing to you out of frustration and discontentment regarding residential and commercial property conditions. I have been a property owner here for over two decades and have always been proud to be a resident in Reading. I have contributed to tax increases, always maintained my property, and have abided the town bylaws. Lately, I have become increasingly frustrated by the rundown condition of residential and commercial properties particularly along Main Street. I have noticed several properties in disrepair with littered lawns/back and front yards covered with junk material and UNREGISTERED OR ABANDONED vehicles (it is my understanding that the Reading bylaw allows ONE unregistered vehicle per property). It is my understanding that The Community Planning and Development Commission should be reporting information regarding the physical condition of the Town. In addition, I understand that the Board of Health is responsible for the FORMULATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH. Also, I understand that the TOWN MANAGER is responsible for the MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF ALL TOWN PROPERTY WHICH IS DESIGNATED TO BE UNDER HIS CONTROL. If the Community Planning and Development Commission, Board of Health and Town Manager were properly monitoring and reporting physically rundown properties or issuing fines to property owners who use their property as a KINKYARD FOR CARS AND DEBRIS this town would have maintained a standard of pride and excellence. A dirty property spreads disease and lowers neighboring property values and to be paying nearly $5,000 per year in property tax I find this to be unacceptable! The following commercial and residential properties are a PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD: Smith Oil Company 267 Main Street (The property has numerous trailers, car, boat and debris throughout the property and is a complete disgrace). L' , ~ ~ I In addition, the adjacent property, (no house number) with two abandoned vehicles, an old barn and debris throughout the yard has remained in this condition for several years. Dustbusters Cleaning Company 400 Main Street The property is consistently dirty and covered with debris. In addition, there is an abandoned vehicle located behind the dumpster, which has not been moved for several years. The back of this property is covered with trash and the brook next to the property has been used as a dumping area for wood, trash, etc. Doyons Appliance 172 Main Street The property is a consistent mess with trash and broken palettes surrounding the property and a town sewer covered with debris. The Getty Gas Station Main Street The property has been under new ownership but the landscaping and general maintenance of this commercial property is VERY rundown. Resident 797 Main Street The resident of this house has SEVERAL UNREGISTERED/ABANDONED vehicles on their property. The property is a PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD which houses a barn with broken windows, old tires thrown in the side yard, old trailers and other debris which has remained in tact for SEVERAL YEARS WITHOUT CLEANUP. The property owner has no consideration for other nearby residents upgrading their property or raising small children. I question whether these abandoned vehicles have become nesting areas for small animals, which is a public health issue. It is my anticipation that you will address these issues and remain vigilant toward insuring that property owners are being cooperative and compliant. I thank you for your consideration to my letter. Sincerely, A Reading Property Owner cc: Brad Jones, State Representative Z4 i GP ,~~cv ~c.~. t4A S ~ Poo f05L os~- \ Communitv Plannine and Development Commission (CPDC) CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY , The CPDC values public input on how well the public hearing/agenda process and conduct bf the Commission serves the Town. Your input will allow the CPDC to evaluate the effectiveness of their current procedures and consider suggestions on improving the process. Your response should be submitted to the Town Planner (16 Lowell St.) We thank you for your comments. Please circle bold: Are you an abutter or applicant? Please circle: What was the hearing about/for? Site Plan Review Special Permit Subdivision Zoning Workshop Certificate of Appropriateness Scenic Road Administrative Review Have you visited the Town Planner or CPDC web pages (www.ci.reading.ma.us/planning)? Please circle: Yes No Please circle a number for the followinsy 4 Ouestions: Please rate the availability of information prior to (e.g. planning web page) and during the hearing: Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent If you are familiar with them, please rate the CPDC's public hearing procedures (see back): Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent Please rate how well the procedures were followed: Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent Please rate the level of public input allowed: Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent Please rate your overall level of understanding regarding the CPDC's authority and responsibilities: Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with the performance of the CPDC: Inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent What would you change about the public hearing/agenda procedures? Additional Comments: ~v Introduction: The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC), established by the Reading Home Rule Charter (Section 4. 1), was granted perinitting authority as indicated by SPP* in Zoning By-Laws Section 4.2.2-Table of Uses, which can be found at (www.ci.reading.ma.us/planning). The CPDC is a volunteer, Selectmen-appointed Board staffed by the Town Planner. Role of the Board: The CPDC's role is to objectively, independently and consistently review each application for its compliance with the appropriate Town by-laws, regulations and standards. The primary areas reviewed as part of a site plan include (but are not limited to) the following: Pedestrian and vehicular access to and egress from the site; Parking and loading; Landscaping, screening and buffers; Lighting; Signage; Stormwater management; Architectural style and scale; Water and wastewater systems; Refuse disposal. CPDC Public Hearine Process: The following procedures have been developed to guide the committee through the public hearing process. Note these steps all occur after appropriate notice has been sent and the meeting posted in accordance with the Town by-laws. 1. Open public hearing & read legal ad. The CPDC meeting agenda specifies the time at which a public hearing will begin. At the scheduled time, the chairman of the CPDC will open the public hearing and direct the Secretary to read the legal ad. 2. Introduce the Board and staff After the legal ad has been read, the CPDC Chairman will introduce the members of the CPDC and any and all town staff present at the meeting. In addition to the CPDC members, these meetings are often attended by the Town Planner and Town Engineer. 3. Explain the Process to the Public Next the CPDC Chairman will explain this process to members of the public present at the meeting. He or she will ask those in attendance that plan to speak (or that do speak) to first state their name and address for the record, as well as sign in on the sign-in log located at the back of the room. 4. Ask the Applicant to present their proposal The CPDC Chairman will ask the Applicant to identify him or herself and introduce any individuals present that are there to support or represent the applicant. The Chairman will then request that the applicant make a presentation of the submitted site plan. The applicant may request relief from certain requirements that may not be applicable to the specific site plan. Otherwise, all applicable zoning requirements must be addressed by the site plan submission. 5. Review DRT results if anv The majority of site plans submitted will be reviewed by the town's design review team. This team is made up of members from the various town departments (including health, police, fire, engineering, conservation, RMDL, etc.). The results of this meeting are officially recorded and then reviewed by the CPDC and applicant. 6. Go over other staff memos During the course of any site plan review, it is likely that additional information may be required to be submitted and reviewed separately (for example, traffic studies reviewed by an outside vendor, or the results of soil tests and/or drainage calculations reviewed by the town engineering). These reviews and the additional information are submitted to the CPDC as part of the public hearing process for consideration in their decision. 7. Open hearine for Commission auestions and additional input from anv other Boards or Commissions. Once the applicant, staff and any other vendor's information has been presented, the Chairman will ask for any comments or questions from members of the CPDC. 8. Open hearine for Dublic questions/comment Upon completion of questions by the commission, the Chairman will open the discussion for members of the public to ask questions or make comments. Any member of the public that speaks is requested to sign in at the back of the room to ensure the proper name is recorded in the meeting minutes. 9. Continuation or ClosinLy of the Public Hearine At the end of this process (steps 1-8 above), the board must determine whether to close or continue the public hearing. Often tunes the hearing is continued to allow for additional information to be submitted or for the applicant to make changes to the site plan to address questions or comments raised. The CPDC can elect to continue the hearing as long as the decision due date is beyond their next scheduled meeting. However, if it is not, the Committee must secure a request for extension from the applicant in order to continue the hearing. If this meeting brings to conclusion all the open issues, the then CPDC will normally elect to close the public hearing before continuing to with reviewing the site plan decision. 10. Review draft decision Prior to the meeting at which the draft decision will be reviewed, the Town Planner will provide a copy of the draft decision to the applicant. A copy of that same decision will be made available on the Town's website (www.ci.readinLy.ma.us/nlamiincl). Comments on this document should also be presented to the Committee during the public hearing by either the applicant or members of the public. The CPDC, with assistance of the Town Planner, will then review the draft decision. Much of the decision will be based on standard language required for every site plan. Issues specific to the specific site plan are normally identified in the findings section of the decision, and then conditions for the decision (required at certain times in the process - such as before issuance of a building permit) are explicitly listed. 11. Continue or close Once a draft decision has been reviewed, the committee can elect to vote on the decision as finalized, or continue (if additional time is available or required - via an extension) to the next meeting. Upon voting to approve a decision, the subject is considered closed an the decision is provided to the town planner for distribution to the applicant and other appropriate parties. Type of Activity NOI Filing Fee Recomme nded fee A. Each addition to or accessory use activity associated $100 $110 with an existing single-family or multi-family residential dwelling , including but not limited to driveways, sheds, swimming pools, athletic courts, additions to existing houses, grading, and landscaping B. Each new single-family dwelling, including $450.00, plus all applicable fees listed in $500 associated driveway, utilities,, grading, landscaping, and lines F through K of this chart drainage structures C. Each new multi-family dwelling $450.00, plus $100 per unit located in any $500 plus Resource Area or Buffer Zone, plus all $110 per applicable fees listed in lines F through K of unit this chart D. Each subdivision roadway, or other roadway, or $500.00, plus all applicable fees listed in $550 driveway (other than for a single-family dwelling), and lines F through K of this chart all associated drainage structures, utilities, grading, curbing, landscaping, and other associated work exclusive of dwellings E. Each commercial, industrial, institutional or other $600, plus all applicable fees listed in lines F $700 non-residential project through K of this chart F. Boundary delineation for any Resource Area $1.00 per linear foot of Resource Area $1.11 per boundary, up to a maximum of $100 for a foot, single-family lot and $1000 for any other lot, maximums $111 and $1110 G. Temporary and/or permanent alteration of land $1.00 per square foot of Buffer Zone altered $1.25 per within the Buffer Zone for any temporary or permanent alteration s.f., or within 25 feet of a Resource Area or any $0.025 per permanent structure within 35 feet of a S.f. Resource Area; and $0.02 per square foot of Buffer Zone temporarily or permanently altered for any other work H. Work in Floodplain $0.50 per square foot of Floodplain $0.60 per temporarily or permanently altered outside s.f. of any other Resource Area and Buffer Zone 1. Work in Vernal Pool or its Buffer Zone $10.00 per square foot of Vernal Pool $11.10 per temporarily or permanently altered and $1.00 s.f, and per square foot of Buffer Zone of Vernal $1.11 per s.f. Pool temporarily or permanently altered ' J. Work in Freshwater Wetland, Wet Meadow, Bog, Swamp, Marsh, Creek, River, Streem, Pond, Lake, Land Under Waterbody K. Work in Bank $10.00 per square foot of Resource Area $11.00 per temporarily or permanently altered s.f. $10.00 per linear foot of Bank temporarily or $11.00 per permanently altered s.f. ~S Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Burns, Greg Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:50 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Detector Inspection Fees Peter I recommend increasing our fees to the following: $20.00 Single Family: $40.00 Two Family $150.00 Six or fewer residential units $500.00 Buildings with more than six units. Page 1 of 2. -6 ~ [ 0 V~ 13 The fees recommended represent a slight increase for one and two family homes. They are designed to charge the larger buildings owners more due to the amount of staff time necessary to perform the inspection I have contacted our surrounding communities and have found the following: North Reading Charges: $50.00 per unit Stoneham charges: $50.00 per permit Wakefield Charges: $50.00 Single Family: $100.00 Two Family $150.00 Six or fewer residential units $500.00 Buildings with more than six units. Woburn is in the process of recommending: $25.00 Single Family: $50.00 Two Family $150.00 Six or fewer residential units $500.00 Buildings with more than six units. Greg From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 5:02 PM To: Burns, Greg Subject: RE: What do you recommend for the fees? What do other communities charge? l . P 4/12/2006 Page 2 of 2 From: Burns, Greg Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 4:18 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Peter The State of Massachusetts has passed legislation that requires carbon monoxide detectors in every residential structure that contains fossil fuel burning equipment or has enclosed parking. The legislation goes into effect on March 31, 2006. We will be doing most of our inspections on the sale of the property in conjunction with a smoke detector inspection. The legislation has included an updated maximum fee schedule. When it is a carbon monoxide inspection or a combined carbon monoxide and smoke detector inspection the maximum fees are as follows: $50.00 Single Family: $100.00 Two Family $150.00 Six or fewer residential units $500.00 Buildings with more than six units. Our current fee schedule is as follows: $15.00 Single family) $10.00 Per unit multi family Considering the number of large residential buildings that are in construction the Board of Selectmen may wish to consider increasing fees in one or more categories. Greg Vt.k a, 4/12/2006 fSO~`y OF R~q~ ti ~c- Town of Reading ~o f M ~~wo 16 Lowell Street 639 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942.9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Land Bank Committee FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: May 12, 2006 RE: Policy . Attached please see a draft policy that formally establishes membership and its mission. The last time appointments Committee, we discussed a need for such a policy. TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 a Land Bank Committee, its were made to the Land Bank Please review this, and feel free to make recommended changes. We will then schedule this for a hearing and adoption by the Board of Selectmen. Thanks for your cooperation. PIH/ps L' DRAFT Policv Establishing the Land Bank Committee The Land Bank Committee was established by Town Meeting on March 21, 1966. In addition. Article 4-10 of the Reading Home Rule Charter provides for the appointment by the Board of Selectmen .of a Land Bank Committee. Neither document is clear as to the membership or mission of the Land Bank Committee. The purpose of this policy is to establish the details of this Committee. There is hereby established a five (5) member Land Bank Committee. The Committee will be made up of five (5) members appointed for 3 year terms, so appointed that as even a number of terms shall expire in each year. In selecting the Committee membership of 5 members, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint all members and shall give consideration to members representing the following interests within the community: • Experience with land records; e. Experience with legal proceedings involving land transactions; • Knowledge of the Community; • Experience with information technology and it's uses in records management; • Knowledge of and experience in local government in Massachusetts. The Land Bank Committee shall serve as a resource to Town government providing information in its possession on Town owned land. In performing its mission, the Land Bank Committee shall undertake the following tasks with and in cooperation with appropriate Town staff- • Catalogue and maintain an ongoing file of information on all land in which the Town has, or in the past has had an ownership or interest, easements; • Upon request, or upon knowledge that Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen; or any other officer or body of the Town has interest in any particular parcel of above described land, the Land Bank Committee shall provide to that body 'a synopsis of the, information on that property that the Land Bank Committee has in its possession; • As requested, the Land Bank Committee will do research on property that the Town may have an interest in acquiring in deed or easement. L; • Make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, and Y' other bodies of the Town on measures appropriate to implement this policy. This Committee shall administratively fall within the Department of Finance. Staff as available will be assigned by the Town Manager to work with the Committee. Adopted - -06 ~~v Board of Selectmen Meeting April 24, 2006 The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. in the Reading High School Auditorium, 62 Oakland Road, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Camille Anthony, Vice Chairman Richard Schubert, Secretary Stephen Goldy, Selectmen James Bonazoli and Ben Tafoya. Also present were Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner and Town Counsel Ellen Doucette. The Board discussed with Town Counsel the options of tabling Article 26 or referring to the Planning Commission. The Board understood that tabling would be a negative motion on the particular Article that is before Town Meeting, and that this Article cannot be brought forward to Town Meeting within two years unless it has a 415 vote of the Planning Commission. A modification of this Article or another Article on this property could be brought forward without that restriction. If this matter is referred to the Planning Commission, then that is not a negative vote and the same Article can be brought back. On motion by Tafova seconded by Schubert, the Board voted to recommend to Town Meetine the tablinu of Article 26 by a vote of 5-0-0. On motion by Tafova seconded.bv Bonazoli, the Selectmen voted to adjourn the meetine of April 24, 2006 at 7:00 A.m. by a vote of 5-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary ~a. I THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Number: 2006-36 TOWN OF READING Fee: $50.00 This is to certify that LI'S KITCHEN, INC. d/b/a EASTERN CHINESE RESTAURANT, 672 MAIN STREET, seating 20 customers IS HEREBY GRANTED A COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE in said Reading,. Massachusetts and at that place only and expires December 31, 2006, unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common victuallers. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authorities by General Laws, Chapter 140, and amendments thereto. Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Board of Selectmen's Policies, patrons are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages on the premises for their own consumption and licensees are not permitted to keep alcoholic beverages on the premises except for a small quantity that is used in the preparation of certain specialty cooked foods. All signs shall conform with the sign regulations of the Town of Reading. In Testimony Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto affixed their official signatures. Date Issued: May 1, 2006 } s V THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Number: 2006-37 TOWN OF READING Fee: $50.00 This is to certify that TWIN SEAFOOD OF READING; INC. d/b/a TWIN SEAFOOD, 591 MAIN STREET, seating 18 customers IS HEREBY GRANTED A COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE in said Reading, Massachusetts and at that place only and expires December. 31, 2006, unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common victuallers. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authorities by General Laws, Chapter 140, and amendments thereto. Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Board of Selectmen's Policies, patrons are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages on the premises for their own consumption and licensees are not permitted to keep alcoholic beverages on the premises except for a small quantity that is used in the preparation of certain specialty cooked foods. All signs shall conform with the sign regulations of the Town of Reading. hereunto affixed their official ter" L Date Issued: May 18,21006 ~y`5 SAC KIN G. W rn ~ c SSbW 3~D~^0 MITT ROMNEY Governor KERRY HEALEY Lieutenant Governor April 21, 2006 PWS ID 3246000 Ted McIntire Reading Water Department 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. McIntire; STEPHEN R. PRITCHARD Secretary ROBERT W. GOLLEDGE, Jr. Commissioner The Department of Environmental Protection's Drinking Water Program is pleased to extend its congratulations to the Reading Water Department for its outstanding performance during the year of 2005. It is an achievement to have placed among the top five percent (5%) scoring community public water systems in the state. The Department recognizes the effort and dedication that Reading Water Department has manifested over the past year to meet the ever-evolving federal and state requirements. The Department also recognizes the i'act that your system has also conducted many non-regulatory activities to help promote quality drinking water. It is the Department's belief that public water systems going above and beyond what is required to supply quality drinking water should be recognized for their endeavors. The Department encourages you to continue to carry out your work on protecting and supplying safe and fit water to our communities. I look forward to seeing you at the awards ceremony at the State House on May 11, 2006. If you have any questions regarding the Awards Program you can reach Marie Tennant at 617-292-5885. Congratulations Dave Terry, Program Director Drinking Water Program gam, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Ll C `(&45 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ONE WINTER STREET, BOSTON, MA 02108 617-292-5500 'rhis information is available in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1.800-298-2207. MassDEP on the World Wide Web: http://www.mass.gov/dep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper I / c (&)s c 7-1-k ComCastw May 10, 2006 lvty 47 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Members of the Board: Comcast Cable 676 Island Pond Road Manchester, NH 03109 T: 603-628-1400 F: 603-628-3303 www,comcast.com As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed about key aspects of our service, I would like to tell you about some important changes that will go into effect on June 20, 2006. Comcast will no longer be providing certain digital packages that are not currently available to all other New England customers, and were originally offered by MediaOne. A minimal number of customers in your community may be affected by this change. In accordance with 207 CMR 10.02, please find herein information describing the changes and a copy of a brochure describing all of our digital service options and pricing. Effective June 20, 2006, these digital packages will no longer be available to customers who are currently receiving them. Over the next few weeks we will be making several attempts to communicate with these customers by mail and by telephone to discuss their digital options. Enclosed are copies of the letters we are sending to affected customers. If for any reason we are unable to reach these customers, they will automatically be moved to either Digital Classic or to our lowest level digital service which provides 46 commercial-free music channels and TV Guide Interactive, depending upon their current level of service. For some, the price of the new package will be less than the price they are currently paying. For all other customers, the price will remain the same. The affected customers will be instructed to contact Comcast prior to June 20th if they wish to subscribe to one of our current digital packages. In some instances this transition may cause customers to lose some of their existing digital channels. Because this may result in a change in programming services, customers will have the following options: 1) Do nothing and on June 20, the customer's service will change as described. The change will be reflected in the next monthly statement after June 20, 2006. 2) Contact a Customer Account Executive at 1-800-COMCAST (266-2278) to discuss available options. The enclosed brochure.desccibes Digital Classic and all of our other digital service options and current prices. 3) Depending upon the customer's; decision on the level of service, a cable box may not lie necessary for the level of service the customer selects In the event a box is.not;necessary, the box charge will be removed from the customer's account when the customer returns the box(es) to Comcast. F."~ Reading, MA Page 2 All affected customers will receive a customer communication regarding these service changes at least 30 days prior to the effective date. Again, please be assured that Comcast will make every reasonable effort to contact these customers to discuss their digital service options. Comcast is committed to offering the best value in home entertainment and investing in new technology to expand the programming services that we offer, including Comcast High Speed Internet, On Demand and High Definition Television. Should you have any questions about the information contained herein or about our services, please do not hesitate to contact me at 978-207-2264. Respectfully, Jane M. Lyman Manager of Government and Community Relations Enclosure Version 1.5: NexTV Multi Enclose Digital Product Brochure May 2006 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR COMCAST DIGITAL CABLE SERVICE Dear Valued Comcast Customer, We want to let you know about some important changes in our services that will affect your current cable subscription. Our records indicate you currently subscribe to a digital service package(s) originally offered by MediaOne that will no longer be available as of June 20. A Comcast representative will be contacting you, or you may contact a Customer Account Executive at 1-800- COMCAST (266-2278) any time day or night to review other program service options and make any changes to your subscription. The enclosed brochure describes all of our digital service options and their current prices. Please note that if we are unable to contact you and do not hear from you before June 20, 2006, you will no longer receive the current digital service(s) on your account. You will continue to receive crystal clear reception, access to 46 commercial-free music channels and TV Guide Interactive through your digital cable box. If you choose not to receive these services, however, you may no longer need a. cable box. Please call and speak with one of our Customer Account Executives to determine whether or not a cable box is required to continue viewing any of the programming and features you would like to receive after June 20. If you no longer require a cable box, please return your cable box to a local service center (you can find your closest service center online at comcast.com). Once we receive your cable box, the monthly charge for the cable box will be removed from your account. Thank you for choosing Comcast, and we hope you will continue to enjoy the quality programming that we have to offer. Sincerely, John R. Waddell VP of Sales & Marketing Prices are subject to change and do not include applicable taxes and franchise fees. Please call Comcast for details and restrictions. Additional charge for monthly rental of cable box and remote control may apply. g 3% Version 2.5: NexTV Multi Enclose Digital Product Brochure May 2006 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR COMCAST DIGITAL CABLE SERVICE Dear Valued Comcast Customer, We want to let you know about some important changes in our services that will affect your current cable subscription. Our records indicate you currently subscribe to a digital service package(s) originally offered by MediaOne that will no longer be available as of June 20. A Comcast representative will be contacting you or you may contact a Customer Account Executive at 1-800- COMCAST (266-2278) any time day or night to review other program service options and make any changes to your subscription. Please note that if we are unable to contact you and do not hear from you before June 20, 2006, you will no longer receive the current digital service(s) on your account, and you will automatically begin receiving Digital Classic in their place. The retail rate for Digital Classic is $6.20 per month. The enclosed brochure describes Digital Classic and all of our other digital service options and their current prices. Also, please note that Digital Classic does not include premium channels, Digital Access, or the Service Protection Plan. (The Digital Access service provides you with reception of premium or digital services on additional outlets and is regularly $2.75 per month per outlet.) If we do not hear from you before June 20 as to whether you would like to receive Digital Classic on your current additional outlets, you will only receive Standard Cable over these connections. If you choose not to receive Digital Classic on your additional outlets, you may no longer need a cable box on those outlets. Please call and speak with one of our Customer Account Executives to determine whether or not a cable box is required on your additional outlets to continue viewing any of the programming and features you would like to receive after June 20. If you no longer require a cable box on your additional outlets, please return your cable box to a local service center (you can find your closest service center online at comcast.com). Once we receive your cable box, the monthly charge for the cable box will be removed from your account. Thank you for choosing Comcast, and we hope you will continue to enjoy the quality programming that we have to offer. Sincerely, John R. Waddell VP of Sales & Marketing Prices are subject to change and do not include applicable taxes and franchise tees. Please call Comcast for details and restrictions. Additional charge for monthly rental of cable box and remote control may apply. J Version 3.5: NexTV Multis Enclose Digital Product Brochure March 2006 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR COMCAST DIGITAL CABLE SERVICE Dear Valued Comcast Customer, We want to let you know about some important changes in our services that will affect your current cable subscription. Our records indicate you currently subscribe to a digital service package(s) originally offered by MediaOne that will no longer be available as of June 20. A Comcast representative will be contacting you or you may contact a Customer Account Executive at 1-800- COMCAST (266-2278) any time day or night to review other program service options and make any changes to your subscription. Please note that if we are unable to contact you and do not hear from you before June 20, 2006, you will no longer receive the current digital service(s) on your account and you will automatically begin receiving Digital Classic in their place. The retail rate for Digital Classic is $6.20 per month. Please note that Digital Classic does not offer any premium channels. The enclosed brochure describes Digital Classic and all of our other digital service options and their current prices. Thank you for choosing Comcast and we hope you will continue to enjoy the quality programming that we have to offer. Sincerely, John R. Waddell VP of Sales & Marketing Prices are subject to change and do not include applicable taxes and franchise Pees. Please call Comcast for details and restrictions. Additional charge for monthly rental oPeable box and remote control may apply. oO .e ! BUNDLE SERVICES Bundle your Comcast services and gain the convenience and control of one bill and one company for all your entertainment and communication! One company. One reliable network. Bundle Comcast High-Speed Internet and Comcast Digital Voice TM for Only $69.00 per month for 12 monthsib With great features including: • Downloads up to 100 times faster than dial-up... • Up to 1.75 GB of storage with up to 7 e-mail accounts • Video Mail, PhotoShow and The Fan TM - exclusively for Comcast High-Speed Internet customers • Security downloads from McAfee - included at no additional cost with your Comcast High-Speed Internet Service! • Unlimited local and long distance calling" I 12 popular calling features ' Even keep your current phone number! I Also, don't forget to ask about Comcast Digital Cable - giving you access to amazing programming and crystal clear reception with great features like ON DEMAND, Digital Video Recorder and High-Definition! Not a Customer? Call us at 1-800-COMCAST about our other bundles combining Comcast Cable, Comcast High-Speed Internet and Comcast Digital Voice - all on one bill, from one company. Call 1-800-COMCAST today to customize a bundle package solution that is right for you. 50ffer expires 6130106. Promotional offer equals the monthly recurring charge of j $69 for your first 12 months of service for both Comcast Digital Voice and Comcast R~gh Speed Internet. Regular rates apply after promotion. Prices vary based on level of subscription to other Comcast products, Equipment and installation charges are additional. Comcast Digita/Voice: Service is available in limited areas. "Unlimited j Package pricing applies to direct dialed domestic caNs from home. Plan does not include international calls. Pricing shown does not include our Regulatory Recovery Fee, which is not a tax or government required, or other applicable charges (e.g., per-call charges). +•.Comcast Hlgh Speed lntemet: Speed comparisons for downloads only for Comcast 6.OMbps compared to 1.5Mbps DSL. Comcast speeds range from 4.OMbps to B.OMbps download speed (maximum upload speed from 384Kbps to 768Kbps respectively.) Comcast High Speed /ntemet speed received and respective pricing will vary depending upon the level of video service . any) received. Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. Many factors affect download speed: Additional equipment may be required All Se es: 0ffer available to new residential customers located in Comcast sermceable areas that select Comcast for all their home calling needs and Internet service. Pricing shown does not include federal, state, or local taxes and fees. Prices subject to change. Offer may nat be combined with any other offer. Services are subject to terms and conditions of Comcasts ysubscriber agreements and other /a s an condons. omr cast Cable Co~mmuncationsoLLC. Ai righCall 1-800-C CAST for details. ts reserved. FOLLOWING THE I 2006 C PROMOTIONAUINTRODUCTORY PERIOD, COMCAST'S STANDARD SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT FEES APPLY, UNLESS SERVICE IS CANCELLED. YOU MAY CANCEL SERVICEAT THE END OF THE PROMOTIONAUINTRODUCTORY PERIOD BY CALLING 1-800-COMCASTAND REQUESTING SERVICE CANCELLATION. ~x 'E= _ S Gore Choice M ore Control Comcast Digital Cable Comcast High-Speed Internet Comcast Digital Voice TM Ccomcast. More of What You Want Comcast brings you the latest technology and advanced products that will give your family choice and control at your convenience. Whether it is Comcast Cable with Standard Cable service - including all your local channels, Comcast Digital Cable, Comcast High-Speed Internet or Comcast Digital VoiceTM, you can choose what's right for your household. Comcast Digital Cable Comcast Digital Cable has more of what you want from cable, with a variety of programming choices for everyone in your home, Now you can pause, rewind and record LIVE TV with one. touch of your remote with Digital Video Recorder (DVR)tl Also, available FREE to digital cable subscribers is ON DEMAND*;. a library of cable shows, news, sports, kid's programming and the latest hit movies available to start the moment it's convenient for you. If you have a high-definition television, we also offer a variety of HD programming^ including many local networks. Comcast High-Speed Internet Our Comcast High-Speed Internet connection will give you speeds up to 100 times faster than dial-ups{- and exclusive features like Video Mail. Video Mail is free to High-Speed Internet subscribers and allows you to send video messages with ease to anyone in the world with an e-mail address. And for those households who have more than one computer, you will want Comcast Home Networking so you can connect up to 5 computers in your home with wireless convenience. Comcast Digital Voice Now you have an opportunity to get to know us as a phone company - and save money with Comcast Digital Voice. With Comcast Digital Voice, we are able to provide you home phone service with enhanced new features - it works just like your current phone service, but better. Getting connected to our products and services has never been easier. Simply call us 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-800-COMCAST or log on to comcast.com. Services subject to availabil, Basic Service subscription is required to receive other levels of service. Please call 1-80 -COMCAST fof pdcing, minimum requirements, equipment, restrictions and complete details about these and other services. Restrictions may appiy. provided by Comcast) is needed to receive and record HD IV programming. Up to 7 hours of HDTV programming can be recorded with DVR. HDTV proggrams can be paused up to 15 minutes, A Digital Cable Service subscription is required to receive l) service, Service is not available to current or former Comcast customers with un aid balances. Certain services with DVR are available separately cr as apart of other evels of service. Equipment is required and equipment fees may apply. DR recording time is limited. Upon service termrna6on, all Comcast provided equipment must be returned fo Comcast m good conditia Installation charges mayapply. Pricrng and programming may Change. Service is subject to terms and conditions of Comcast Cable SubscdberA regiment 'ON DEMAND avarlabie to residential customers in Comcast Digital Cable wire dgand senlceab/e areas only and reoulres subscription to a qualified Digital Cable Package and premium ON DEMAND requin 49fWD programming is limited and subject to change. an HD television (notprovded), a digital cable box, to Comcast in H4~1 vtonnat by the programming iect to change. Speed compadsons are for 6M,os dial-up. Actual speeds may vary and are not Convenient Package Options with Comcast Comcast Digital Value packages are exactly that in home entertainment • A variety of new entertainment and information channels • Access to High-Definition programming • 46 channels of music • On-Screen Program Guide • ON DEMAND 5-, k 0 1 ~t~{ei GCS F 9r DiogMIDhy Charnel Discotcry NomeCnannel Discrv ry Times' ' Do It Yanr e Netv.arc _ Encore Ence e Action En GO Fe 'D rama Pncore LoJo Encore Mystery Encore VJAM! Enco Viestenc Pine I C'chnn! Fti ! GreatAnei'ican Courtly ff66 _,J1 H,stc-y International Litz P! Lifetime Movia Net.vor LOGO Mililar Channel ""'IN eso nd MTIl s FIT ~ MP1Jums ~ NFL N-twork omit rws NicToo J~ QX';P_,ef sunCarca Cnannel TVG VH-1 Coumr, VIM i p I - - paw ON= For demonstration purposes only. Packaging may differ by location. Refer to your cot Digital or high-definition cable box, remote and Standard Cable not included in Digital F available. Certain restrictions apply. Service subject to avatiabilly Minimum service let Cable Package. Access to some HDTV channels requires minimum levels ofdigrtal cable (2) The UPN affiliate, WSBK is not available in Providence market towns. al Cable great value H~ 0 On PBS m Duero N 0 HBO 1-IDTV pTNT OO CIB,S NBC ~/~r.~ 2 ( A la Carte Choices ! P '11WTIME 'tl~irT~~ Canal.52MX prp~,1~,~P~eh ggy6tg 1 Ql Ce - fc HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO g Family- COMEDY, Ga~:..n . ~ - - I ` HBF1~ HBO HBO k..~ F~o-rv 'tT cine* ~e~„ Cine a ~j!T00 ~ 8 N B International Channels** _ `cr Canales Selecto. (Hispanic). $6.95 ailol Includes Video ON DEMAND en as ~SIWi1ME3. FL®(, Casa Club TV Cirie Latino Cine Mexican Q J1t,ax L10~ ° CNN en espanol Discovery an espanol Fox_Sports an espanol i Gol TV (English) MTV espanoi he anne~® Xtri1 NFL Network (English) Supercanal Cale A ~Ihemoviechannel The History Channel en espanol_. Toon11sney 1_ andemandr 1 wAPAAmerca_...= M pjp ~ RAI (Italian) X%95 start ' RTN (Russian) $14.95 s art start st 1 Ib )SPT(Portugu_eseBrazilian) $9.95 + N~ TV5MONDE (french) $9 art start .95 st Zee TV (South Asian) $14.95 st 1.99-- Zhong Tian (Chinese) $11.95 y lineup card and price list for pricing and channel specifics or contact us at comcast.com ing, These Digital Packages are the current packages offered. Packages not listed are no longer l in order to receive these channels. Local broadcast HDTV programming is available withouta Digital l11-800-COMCAST for details. (1) The AW affiliate, WJAR is available in Providence market towns. At Comcast we are constantly looking for new ways to bring you and your family products that offer you more control, choice, and convenience. Comcast Digital Cable brings you more features with ON DEMAND, Digital Video Recorder and HDTV. ON DEMAND* - Pick a Show. Play it Whenever. A library of thousands of movies and shows are available ON DEMAND, many at no additional charge. Best of all, ON DEMAND is included with your subscription to Comcast Digital Cable. When you subscribe to Digital Cable with a premium channel like HBO, Showtime, Starz, Cinemax, or The Movie Channel you get unlimited access to the ON DEMAND offerings from these networks at no extra charge. Begin movies and shows when you want, with no waiting! Just use your remote control to order a movie or program, and it starts immediately. Pause, rewind, and fast-forward whenever you like, without a DVD player or VCR. Save your program to finish it later or watch it again within a 24-hour period. To learn more about programs currently available from ON DEMAND, go to comcast.com/whatsonondemand. Digital Video Recorder (DVR)$ - Pause LIVE TV! Comcast's new digital cable box with built-in DVR lets you control TV in ways you've never imagined. Comcast offers several models of DVR's. Some DVR's easily record up to 60 hours for standard definition programming and up to 15 hours of high-definition programming without tapes. Pause, rewind, and replay LIVE TV with the touch of a button. Record your favorite programming without tapes, VCR, or an additional phone line. High-Definition A - Crystal Clear Picture and Sound! Comcast makes it easy to enjoy a great selection of high-definition programming with your high-definition television set. You'll be able to see sports, movies, and family shows and experience a crystal-clear picture and sound. Plus, Comcast offers you local broadcast channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and Discovery HD Theater in HD where available without the need for an antenna. There is no need to buy expensive equipment. All you need is your HDTV television set and Comcast's HDTV cable box.- To learn more about programs currently available in high-definition, go to www.cbmcast.com/whatsonhdty. For interactive demonstrations of ON DEMAND, DVR and HDTV, visit comeast.com/productdemo. 1-800-COMCAST (266-2278) comcast.com Ccomicast® Keep in Touch with Family and Friends Never pay extra again! Tired of paying extra for features with your current phone service? With Comcast Digital VoiceTM, you can keep your old phone number and get rid of all those extra charges for good. For just one low monthly rate, you'll enjoy unlimited nationwide calling. Plus you'll get all the features you expect and more! Why switch to Comcast Digital Voice? • Unlimited local and long distance. Call anyone, anytime, anywhere in the country. • Enjoy 12 popular calling features, including Call Waiting and Caller IDS, plus Voice Mail. • Web Access to Voice Mail. Check your home Voice Mail from any computer, anywhere in the world. • One bill for all of your Comcast services. When you have Comcast Digital Voice, you can enjoy the convenience of one bill for Cable TV, Phone and High-Speed Internet. It's easy to make the switch. • Keep. your current phone number. • You can easily manage your account online. » Comcast Digital Voice Prices§ Monthly price when purchased with Comcast Cable TV & High-Speed Internet ....................................................................$39.95 . Monthly price when purchased with Comcast Cable TV or High-Speed Internet ....................................................................$44.95 Monthly price when purchasing Comcast Digital Voice only .............$54:95 Refer to the Bundle Services panel in this brochure to learn how to save even more with Comcast Digital Voice! V ~ "Caller ID equipment required Call for complete details. §Comcast Digital Voice service is available in limited areas. Unlimited Package pricing applies to direct-dialed domestic calls from home. Plan does not Include intemational calls. Equipment charges may apply. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Pricing shown does not include federal, state, or local taxes and fees; our Regulatory Recovery Fee, which is not tax or government= required,, or other applicable charges (e.g., per caN charges). Following sernce cancellation, atl Comcast provided equipment must be retumed in goad condibon. Comcast Digital Voice service (inciudfng 911/emergency services) may not function dudn~ an extended power outage. Certain customer premises equipment may not be compa6b/e with Comcast Digital Voice services. 02006 Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. AM Rights Reserved. Access the Internet Instantly ; Comcast Wireless Home Networking*t (includes Comcast High-Speed Internet monthly service) Connect up to 5 devices to your High-Speed Internet account. All without wires, »Comcast High-Speed Internet## r Download the latest movie clips, huge music files, or cool graphic video games instantly. One quick click lets you send photos to your entire family via _ e-mail. Even send personalized video and audio messages to family and friends. These aren't only possibilities, they're everyday events with the blazing speed of Comcast High-Speed Internet. » Comcast High-Speed Internet Prices Monthly price when purchased with Comcast Cable or Digital Voice TM service $42.95 Monthly price when purchasing Comcast High-Speed Internet only $57.95 Speed Ter'+ Add $10 to your monthly service price Modem Lease (monthly) $3.00 Self-Installation Kit~* $29.95 Premium Installation~ $99.95 Monthly price when purchased with Comcast Cable or Digital Voice service $42.95 Monthly price when purchasing Comcast High-Speed Internet only $57.95 Speed Tierce+ ..................................Add $10 to your monthly service price Comcast Certified Home Networking Device Lease (monthly)............ $5.00 Professional Installation (up to 5 devices) .....................................$149.99 Self-Installation Kit includes: software, splitter and necessary cabling, and requires customer self-installation. Self-Installation Kit may not be available in all areas. Customer responsible for installation of software, Ethemet device, and connection of computer to cable modem. Premium Installation limited to standard installation of one computer to one data outlet. Ethernet device may be required for service and is available from Comcast for an additional fee. Custom installation charges are additional. Compatible cable modems can be purchased through Comcast or at select retail locations. Comcasts standard charges apply to the underlying bundled service and are in addition to prices shown. '+Comcast speeds range from 4.0Mbps to 8.0Mbps download speed (maximum upload speed from 384Kbps to 768Kbps respectively). Comcast High-Speed Internet speed received and respective pricing will vary depending upon the level of video service (rf any) received. Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. Many factors affect download speed For restrictions, minimum requirements and details about service and prices, calla 1-800-COMCAST. Comcast Home Networking will let you connect up to 5 PCs (IP devices) to the Intemet at one time. Computers using a wireless connection must be within 150 feet of the gateway. Certain devices using radio frequency rincluding 2.4GHz cordless phones and microwave ovens), may interfere wrih or disrupt Intemet connections. Comcast Home Networking service is only available to Comcast High Speed Internet customers. Please note: the File and Printer Sharing Interface neither supports interaction between Apple and Windows based computers, nor sharing between two or more Apple devices. Regular service and equipment charges apply. Equipment, including a Gateway which may be purchased from Comcast or leased at Comcast's standard prices (currently $5 per month) required. Leased equipment must be retumed to Comcast if service is cancelled. Additional equipment may be required. You will have the ability to add 4 additional PCs for a total of 5 networked PCs per household. Wireless cards are required for additional connections beyond the first computers. Wireless cards may be purchased from Comcast (see price listing for pricing) or at retail. Installation charges are additional. 05/15/2006 MON 07:51 FAX 617 722 2390 -E~ .BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER HOUSE GOP LEADER'S OFF Ca 001 L/Cgus FAX COVER SHEET TO: Peter Hechenbleikner (781) 942-9071 . William Gustus (781) 334-0014 FROM: Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (DATE: May 15, 2006 Dear Town Managers: 20'h MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING • NORTH READING LYNNFIELD • MIDDLETON ROOM 124 TEL. (617) 722-2100 Rep.BradleyJones@hou.state.ma.us Greg Balukonis (978) 664-6053 Ira Singer (978) 774-3589 TOTAL PAGES: I By all accounts this past weekend's weather was extremely damaging to our state, particularly areas on the North Shore. I know from personal observation that a number of locations within ray district were particularly hard hit by the recent rains and resulting floods. I am writing to inquire if there is anything my. staff and I can do to assist you as.public safety and public works crews deal with the aftermath of this weather. Please let me know if there is any assistance you need- A member of my staff or I will call you later today to check in and see if there is anything we can do to assist. Also, should I receive any important information from officials here at the State House today, I-shall be sure to pass it along to you. Until then, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, /Afl Bradley H. Jones, Jr. Minority Leader Massachusetts Department of Revenue Division of Local Services Alan LeBovidge, Commissioner Gerard D. Perry, Deputy Commissioner AN 2 deline Release Informational Gui Bureau of Municipal Finance Law Informational Guideline Release (IGR) No. 06-209 May 2006 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2006 (G.L. Ch. 44 §33B) This Informational Guideline Release (IGR) informs local officials about new legislation that gives cities and towns greater flexibility to make end of year budget transfers. Topical Index Kev: Appropriations Budgets Town Meetings Distribution: Accountants/ Auditors Mayors/ Selectmen Finance Directors Finance Committees City/Town Councils City Solicitors/Town Counsels The Division of Local Services is responsible for oversight of and assistance to cities and towns in achieving equitable property taxation and efficient fiscal management The Division regularly publishes IGRs Onforrnadonai Guideline Releases detailing legal and administrative procedures) and the Bulletin (announcements and useful information) for local officials and \ others interested in municipal finance. n ` Post Office Box 9569, Boston, MA 021149569, Tel. 617-626.2300, Fax: 617-626-2330 httpJ/www.mass.gov/dls Informational Guideline Release (IGR) No. 06-209 May 2006 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2006 (G.L. Ch. 44 §33B) SUMMARY: These guidelines explain recent legislation that amends G.L. Ch. 44 §33B, which governs appropriation transfers in cities and towns. The amendment gives cities and towns greater flexibility to make end of year budget transfers in order to avoid appropriation deficits. A provision of the 2003 Municipal Relief Act that provided similar flexibility was in effect for fiscal year 2004 and 2005 only. Ch. 46 §123 of the Acts of 2003. The alternative year-end transfer procedures apply for the last two months of the fiscal year, i.e., May and June, and the first 15 days of July, which is the statutory period for closing the municipality's financial records for the fiscal year. G.L. Ch. 44 §§56 and 56A. This legislation took effect on May 4, 2006. GUIDELINES: A: Appropriation Transfers in General The amount of any appropriation available to be used as a financing source for another appropriation is the unspent and unencumbered balance, i.e., the amount after all potential liabilities to be charged to the appropriation are considered. Accounting officers should determine this amount before any transfer from an appropriation is approved. Transfers from surplus bond proceeds after a project that was financed by borrowing has been completed or abandoned may only be made in the manner and for the purposes set forth in G.L. Ch. 44 §20. Transfers from appropriations financed by other restricted sources, e.g., stabilization, enterprise, water surplus or community preservation funds, are subject to the same statutory restrictions as the original appropriations. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE LAW KATHLEEN COLLEARY, CHIEF -2- B. Appropriation Transfers in Towns 1. General Procedure Any town meeting may by majority vote transfer any appropriation to any other municipal use. 2. Alternative Year-end Procedure During May and June, and the first fifteen days of July, the selectmen, with the agreement of the finance committee, may transfer any departmental appropriation to another appropriation within the same or other department. This procedure may not be used, however, to transfer: a. From a municipal light or school department budget. b. More than three percent of a department's annual budget, or $5,000, .whichever is greater. An end of year transfer using this alternative procedure requires a majority vote of the board of selectmen and a majority vote of the finance committee. Any end of year transfer from the light or school department, or involving more than three percent (or $5,000 if greater) of a department's budget, requires town meeting approval. See Section B-1 above. C. Appropriation Transfers in Cities 1. General Procedure a. Intra-departmental Transfers At any time during the fiscal year, the city council, upon recommendation of the mayor, may transfer any departmental appropriation to another appropriation within the same department. Intra-departmental transfers require a majority vote of the council. ~~3 -3- b. Inter-departmental Transfers At any time during the fiscal year, the city council, upon recommendation of the mayor, may transfer any departmental appropriation to an appropriation within another department. Inter-departmental transfers require the prior written approval of the amount by the department from which the transfer is being made and a two-thirds vote of the council. If the transfer is being made from a municipal light or school department appropriation, the light board or school committee must approve the amount by majority vote. 2. Alternative Year-end Procedure During May and June, and the first fifteen days of July, the city council, upon the recommendation of the mayor, may transfer any departmental appropriation to another appropriation within the same or other department. This procedure may not be used, however, to transfer: a. From a municipal light or school department budget. b. More than three percent of a department's annual budget. An end of year transfer using this alternative procedure requires only a majority vote of the council. Any end of year transfer from the light or school department, or involving more than three percent of a department's budget, requires approval under the applicable general transfer procedure. See Section C-1-a and C-1-b above. Page 1 of 2 b1c g( Hechenblelkner, Peter From: McCabe, George [George.McCabe@mail.house.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:05 AM To: Amesbury-Thatcher Kezer; Andrew Maylor; Bedford-Richard Reed; Beverly-Bill Scanlon; Boxford-Alan Benson; Burlington-Robert Mercier; Danvers-Wayne P. Marquis; Essex- Brendhan Zubricki; Gloucester-John Bell; Hamilton-Candace Wheeler; Ipswich-R. Markel; Lynnfield-Bill Gustus (E-mail); Lynnfield-Joseph Maney; Manchester-Rosemary Cashman; Marblehead-Anthony Sasso; Middleton-Ira Singer; Nahant-Michael P. Manning; Newburyport- John Moak; Newbury-Richard Joy; North Andover-Mark Reese; North Reading-Thomas Younger; Peabody-Michael Bonfanti; Town Manager; Salem- Kim Driscoll; Salisbury-Neil Harrington; Swampscott-Carole Shutzer; Wakefield-Thomas Butler; West Newbury-Marge Peterson; Wilmington-Michael Caira Cc: Amesbury-Michael Cronin; Bedford-James Hicks; Beverly-John Cassola; Burlington-William Soda; Cindy Chase; Danvers-Neil Ouellette; Essex-David Harrell; Gloucester-James Marr; Groveland-Ronald Weeks; Hamilton-Walter Cullen; Ipswich Chief Surp; Kenneth Walsh; Lynn- John Suslak; Manchester-Ronald Ramos; Marblehead-James Carney; Middleton-Paul Armitage; Nahant-William Waters; Newburyport-Tom Howard; Newbury-Roger Merry; North Andover-Richard Stanley; Peabody-Robert Champagne; Silva, Bob; Robert St. Pierre; Rockport-John McCarthy; Salisbury-Lawrence Streeter; Swampscott-Ronald Madigan; Topsfield-Dan O'Shea; Wilmington-Bernard Nally Subject: FW: Attachments: A Guide to Disasters(DMA2K changes) FY06 (2).doc; IHP Fact Sheet Jan 06 (2).doc Good Morning, Congressman Tierney wanted you all to be aware of this initial communication from FEMA on the floods. We will continue to provide you with updates as they become available. We anticipate emergency centers to open as soon as the disaster declaration is made by the president. Thank You, George McCabe U.S. Rep. Tierney's Office 978-531-1669 From: Teehan, Jane [mailto:Jane.Teehan@dhs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:47 PM To: Good Afternoon, To bring you up to date on FEMA's activities related to the flooding, we assigned a State Liaison Officer to each of the State EOCs, activated the FEMA Regional Response Coordination Center in Maynard, MA, deployed other federal agencies to the RRCC overnight last night in case of states' need for federal response assistance, and, at the request of the Governors, will begin Preliminary Damage Assessments for Individual Assistance in each of the states Friday morning. The teams will have FEMA representatives of the Individual & Households Program, SBA (Business, Home, and Personal Property Loan Programs) and Voluntary Agencies. Preliminary Damage Assessments for Infrastructure will tentatively begin early next week. I've attached a copy of the Disaster Declaration Process and a Fact Sheet about FEMA's Individual & Households Program (limited grant assistance). For information about SBA's disaster assistance loan programs, please see the following links: 5/17/2006 g~ Page 2 of 2 htto://www.sba.aov/disaster recov/loaninfo/orooertv.html htto://www.sba.aov/disaster recov/loaninfo/ohvdisaster.html htto://www.sba.aov/disaster recov/loaninfo/ecoiniurv.html This is an excellent link for advice with respect to flooded homes and businesses. htto://www.redcross.ora/services/disaster/0.1082.0 570 .00.htmi Thanks, Jane Teehan DHS/FEMA Region I Boston ql~~ 5/17/2006 4 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: McIntire, Ted Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:43 PM To: Paul Millett P.E.; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Anthony, Camille Subject: RE: Fairview Avenue sewer manhole surcharging Mr. Millett, Thanks for your email. I spoke to the Water and Sewer Supervisor and he was aware of the situation Sunday afternoon. The sewer system is surcharged in this, and other areas of Town. There is nowhere to pump to as downstream system is also surcharged. Fortunately the system is subsiding somewhat. Some of your neighbors contacted the Police and/or DPW and we responded to their homes on Sunday. The catch basins are not connected to the sanitary sewer system, they are connected to the storm water system. Ted From: Paul Millett P.E. [mailto:paulm@watermarkenv.com] Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 10:09 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; McIntire, Ted; Anthony, Camille Subject: Fairview Avenue sewer manhole surcharging Hello: There is sewer manhole overflowing out through its cover at the lower end of Fairview about 100.feet up from Sunn.yside Avenue. Also, my neighbors are telling me there basement sinks are backing up, and some toilet paper floating down the street--- There are 3 catch basins (CBs) that I am aware of that appear to be connected to the sanitary sewer---one at Fairview & Pratt; and 2 more down near the overflowing manhole. The overflow water out of the sewer goes back onto the street and then to the CBs and back to the sewer---it's going round in a circle. 1. Can the sewer manhole downstream be pumped down to provide some relief, and avoid sewer backups? The manhole that is overflowing has been spouting water since yesterday and is not helping as the water/sewage is just going round and round as explained earlier. 2. Can the CB's be disconnected this summer and a new separate storm drain installed---this is the permanent solution. This should be prioritized as the direct CB connections to the sewer are illegal, as you all probably aware of. Thanks for your help. Paul Millett P.E. 25 Fairview Avenue 944 8417 Watermark Environmental Inc. Boott Mills South p 100 Foot of John Street, 4th Floor Lowell, MA 01852 www,watermarkenv. com Tel: (978) 452 9,696 Fax: (978) 453 9988 Page 1 of 3 bl. C 9 . Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU) [Bradley.Jones@state.ma.us] Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:47 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 I think Paul filed it by request. Naming state roads sometimes is a problem and Rte 28 is already named in some portions on the Cape I believe but we will keep an eye out for the bill but not the biggest priorty going down the home stretch. From: Hechenbleikner, Peter [mailto:phechenbleikner@ci.reading. ma.us] Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:30 AM To: Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU) Subject: FW: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 Brad I had sent a previous email -just to keep you up to speed on this. Pete From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:29 AM To: 'Bob Sansone' Subject: RE: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 Thanks for the update - I have asked our State Rep Brad Jones for his comment on this. Pete Hechenbleikner From: Bob Sansone [mailto:bobsansone@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:14 PM To: Benjamin.Swan@state.ma.us; Jeffrey. D. Perry@ MassMail.state. ma. us; Rep.Bradley3ones@hou.state.ma.us; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Natale, Patrick - Rep. (HOU) Subject: Fw: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 Gentlemen, The construction of Tolerance Road seems to be in the works. With your help it went through the House successfully. The Senate concurred with you. Hopefully the Joint Committee on Transportation shares your wisdom. Thanks again. Bob Sansone Original Message From: Buoniconti. Stephen (SEM To: Bob Sansone J~ 5/18/2006 Page 2 of 3 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: RE: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 Dear Mr. Sansone: Both Senator Buoniconti and I have read your most moving a-mail. Senator Buoniconti had already decided that this piece of legislation should move forward and your e-mail just reinforced it. We are planning on admitting it on the next session, which will be tomorrow, Thursday, May 18, 2006. Thank you again for your e-mail and keep up your good deeds. Sincerely, Mary Riley Chief of Staff Office of Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti From: Bob Sansone [mailto:bobsansone@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:44 PM To: Buoniconti, Stephen (SEN); Tisei, Richard (SEN); Travaglini, Robert (SEN); Menard, Joan (SEN); Murray, Therese (SEN); Lees, Brian (SEN) Subject: Petition Sponsored By Rep. Paul Casey to Rename Route 28 Tolerance Road (initially Glory Road) on 06/06/06 To the Distinguished Members of the Senate Committee on Ethics and Rules: As a child growing up in Everett, I was very fortunate to have two loving parents each of whom had a very important job. My father was an elementary school principal and my mother stayed home to care for my two sisters and me. It was obvious to me even then that the two of them made our family the most important thing in their lives. Looking back, I now realize that although they may have lacked certain abilities, they did everything within their means to provide the three of us with love, safety and shelter. Now that I'm a parent of two children of my own I truly appreciate everything they sacrificed and gave us. My father's childhood was much different than mine. His father was an absentee and an alcoholic, his mother worked tirelessly in a shoe factory. I guess. I didn't truly appreciate what it was like for him since I had a basketball hoop in my driveway and cable tv in my basement (the brown box with two rows of buttons attached to the long brown cable). What else did a teenager need? However, something must have penetrated the thick skull that I possessed as I grew a little older, since I volunteered as a Big Brother for seven years in the 80's & 90's. I couldn't imagine what it was like for my father not to have a male influence in his life and I wanted to do something about it. That's when Tommy came into my life and he still remains a large part of it. He went from my little brother, to an usher in my wedding, to Norwich University graduate, to co-worker as he took a position in my company on my 20th anniversary. Last month that little boy I met about 20 years ago joined'me at The State House as we visited several of your colleagues in the House and Senate and asked them to support the petition filed by Rep. Casey. You see, we both realize that one person can actually make a difference. I don't want to take up too much of your valuable time. I just ask that you read my attachments and make the decision to expedite this act and move things to the next stage ASAP. My goal is to have Route 28 renamed Tolerance Road on 06/06/06 to educate people about race relations and tolerance and honor former Celtic great Bill Russell on the exact road where he lived and in the exact town (Reading) where he was the victim of awful hatred, simply because he was black. 5/18/2006 Page 3 of 3 When Tom turned 18, our "official match" through the Big Brother Association was over, and another phase of our friendship began. This eventually created a void. Even though I was married and started a family of my own, I missed the weekly interaction and I really missed not being able to give something back to those less fortunate. So in 1999 I became a volunteer for the Boston non-profit 'Christmas in the City' that helps homeless families in area shelters. This easily filled any void that existed until last summer. That is when I experienced something so powerful with my eight-year-old daughter Rachel that it prompted me to write to Gov. Romney, Representative Casey and Senator Tisei. You can help me start what I consider my greatest challenge and something that I will be committed to for the rest of my life. By creating this powerful symbol of naming a road about tolerance, it will provide a foundation for a journey to educate children and adults about mutual coexistence in today's ever changing world. I am hopeful to begin the first phase of things at my daughter's school, St. Patrick's in Stoneham, as I am putting together a proposal to implement a student exchange program with Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar in Roxbury, where the son of two co-workers attends. Your cooperation will show these children that tolerance over ignorance is an easy choice. I was recently invited to attend a function on May 25th that the Red Sox are having as they are implementing a mentoring program. Bill Russell is the guest speaker and hopefully I will have the opportunity to meet him and tell him why I'm doing this and how you made it happen. The following individuals (or one of their representatives) have informed me they supported this project (or it's original version): President of the Big Brother Association of MA Bay, John Pearson; Wife of the late Leonard Zakim, Mrs. Joyce Zakim; CEO of the Boston Celtics, Wyc Grousbeck, Executive Vice President of the Boston Celtics, Rich Gotham; Mayor Thomas M. Menino; Former Speaker of the House, George Keverian; Sen. Edward Kennedy, Founder of Christmas in the City, Jake Kennedy. We've crossed that proverbial bridge and now we've come to it. Tolerance Road! Please feel free to contact me with any questions at bobsansone(ccomcast.net or 617-803-3393 Thanks for your time and God bless. Bob Sansone 22 Wilson Road Stoneham, MA 02180. ~y3 5/18/2006