HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-25 Board of Selectmen HandoutPage 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: . Monday, April 24, 2006 7:55 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Economic Development Committee From: rnrchambercom@aol.com [mailto:rnrchambercom@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:54 PM To. Town Manager Cc: gymnast@readinggymnastics.com; mlinnane@Linnaneinsurance.com Subject: RE: Economic Development Committee Hi Peter, At the April 5th Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce board meeting Leslie McGonalge was appointed as the representative for the Chamber to serve on the Economic Development Committee. I will attend any meeting in her absence, as the Chamber feels this is a very important committee that the town has initiated as a'result of the Reading Master Plan Committee. Leslie will attend the interview process on Tuesday, April 25th at 8:00pm at Town Hall. Thank you Carol Hughes, Executive Director Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 771 Reading, MA 01867 Web address: Reading nreadingchamber.org Phone #781-944-8824 Fax 4781-944-6125 "Our Business Is Your Business" 4/24/2006 APR-25-2006 03:44 FOUR POINTS NORWOOD ?81 551 3552 P.02 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMI UTTEES/COMAHSSIONS Name: ('-IArL \ Adle) Date: (l east) (First) Address: 536 i6jLr ~i J~ Tel. (Home)d-'f 4 - t Tel. (Work) 7$L- ..jt,j~ (Is this number listed?)--m Occupation-*A~ tt e% # of years in Reading; I- J Are you a registered voter in Reading? e-mail address: .-5fl4bVj4rL- (W um t, 11~- Place a. number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) -Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs _Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee -`Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees -Board of Health -Board of Registrars -Bylaw Committee -Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission ^Constable -Contributory Retirement Board council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: _/Economic Development Committee -Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee -Land Bank Committee _MIRTA Advisory Committee -Metropolitan Area Planning Council -Mystic Valley Elder Services -Recreation Committee _RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water ^Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other ~5.~. s C-D13 APR-25-2006 03:45 FOUR POINTS NORWOOD Sheila Clarke 536 Haverhill Street Reading, MA, 01867 (781) 779-1033 781 551 3552 P.03 Professional Exoerience: Target Corporation, Minneapolis,MN 9/02-Present Regional Campus Recruiting Specialist > Serve as the primary administrative resource to Northeast Regional Campus Recruiter > Assist witb the coordination of the company internship, Inroads and Campus Liaison program for the Region > Oversee the accuracy of tracking candidates through the recruitment and selection process ➢ Place all Campus related print advertising for the Region k Surface training issues and trends to Regional Campus Recruiter Collaborative Communications, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 11/98 -10/01 Office Administrator Systems management/computer network administration responsibilities- > Complete knowledge of computer systems at a supervisory level, training, and education of staff ➢ Monitored trouble-shooting work of consultants and programmers on all new hardware and software purchases, follow-up and documentation on all procedures pertaining to automation S> Obtained all vendor proposals for new hardware and software 3> Designed and implemented all procedures, which enhanced the use of office computer systems. This included implementing preventative maintenance procedures and creating training and user-documentation operations responsibilities: D General office management, including obtaining equipment and supply proposals, office space maintenance Managed buying costs and recommended vendor changes ➢ Coordinated internal meetings Ford Model Management, Boston, MA 1/92 12/97 ,executive Assistant to Agency Director 1 /95 - 12/97 Promotions Director 3/93 - 12/97 Intern 02 - 5/92 Event Planning/Special Event responsibilities: Researched hotel accommodations, made travel arrangements, and handled correspondence with vendors for eight city fashion show tour > Scheduled instructors, prepared agendas, and planned refreshments, breaks, and meeting rooms with hotels for monthly seminars ➢ Developed exhibit materials, managed lead follow-up efforts, coordinated booth logistics and acted as primary liaison to convention center Sales & Mt rketing responsihilities: A Managed clients sales and service for both print and promotional divisions; Clients included Filene's T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Sports Illustrated, and Nabisco > Developed new client sales resulting in $1.5 million in additional company billings > Increased sales territory by 80% during 5 year tenure as Promotions Director > Negotiated rates, usage, and buyouts for all model, agency, and client contracts Adminisrrative responsibilities. Managed internal staff, including hiring retention, and performance appraisals > Maintained client/model databases for large mailings, processed, monitored, and approved all invoices D Implemented conversion of manual accounting systems to computerized resulting in increased efficiency Additional Exoerienee: The Penthouse, Boston, MA, Contract Fork 11/02 - 8/02 Office Manager (administrative work and customer service for a full service salon) 1/98-11/98 Education: Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg. MA, Bachelor ofArts in Communications, 1992 i Cornouter Skills : Microsoft Office TOTAL P.03 Grove Street Accident Historv (near MarlMeinze/Forest/Suruce): 1. 2001= 0 2. 2002 =1 1. #136 Grove at Forest-Car vs. Pole (case #337987) 3. 2003 =1 1. #76 Grove Street-Road Rage caused crash (case #347781) 4. 2004 = 4 1. #255 Grove-Car slid onto home owners lawn due to greater than reasonable speed with ice/snow on road way(case #366617) 2. Grove at Forest-2 car MVC-stop sign violation (case.#381818) 3. Grove at Forest-2 car MVC-stop sign violation (case#383213) 4. #54 Grove Street at Mark Ave-Car vs. Pole-Op. unable to control vehicle around curve (case #371976) 5. 2005 = 3 1. Grove at Forest-Operator dropped cigarette, bent down to pick it up, and struck pole (case #402415) 2. #71 Grove Street at Henzie-2 car MVC(case #386161) 3. #10lGrove at Forest-Trash truck vs. Car-rear end-Op. of car blamed solar glare (case #401930) 0 MW O Y ` 51r s ~ ts\ yy TJ: ll ~~1f 'GV' OF I.g3lPT 1281NTERGH0.NG£ ` of ROADWAY 6 ~ REMOVE NW LOOP \ \ D1SApVAN1AGE5 T MYSHAWUM ROAO ppVAt~TAGES RETAINS RT 528 SH W£AV.URYNG AM PEAK 140 R rC ` \ 2288WFAVING VEH1GtF.~S50~iNG PM PEAKHOUR =J \ \ WEAVEATS - -93 .2fNGVEWC ~\5 C 1 , EUMYNAT50N OF A7 528 59 AM PEAK HOUR 686 vyEAV ,ry£AVyNG VEHICLES CIURING KHOUR } -2588 EHIGL£S iN PM PEA .2968 WAVING V Ii ~\.~r 1 5 HY PEOUC4NG THE NUMBER ' M1\ 1 O VEM£NTH _ ~o C e M1\ o SPaovESAFETY GMO 111 \ 1 O OF GONFUGTiNG O t 'R Q PROPERTY TAKINGS .0 APP-EW PROM" o e p O lJ v U~`V _ ° to 1 1.10 -N ~ 835g e ~`wf r2g +f3+s~ ~S ~L_j fbwa~!-''u'-s~=.s - •L=-~j r 'S - 19 a a a ~ 1 1 f~ 'tea ~ 1 ltd ~ 1 , (p ON ` gm6 O p OF 1-93IRT 1281NTERCRPNGE...,.~-^"'' 1 REMOVEN41oo PISA 'f~ _ ~R~pp3FpOM ~ t - 1piRE r L - \ l\ p pDVAgTAGS~S....--~ ~128`'gWAVEAT 1.9~~R N•~ GOTUfNEK ERGNPN - - N\ EAIMIN~~1E8 OllRiN PM~pK~OUR l~ 1 .2588WEA VVSIGVEFi1C1.ES _ M1~oA0 nl ~ F ` /41 2994WfA VE qT A115HA` HOUR ~ 1 n 14''~ ~ ~ ~W 12859WEA ipEAK HDU . SOURING AA R o it Q 2 ING pMP EER \ )V.Y~-~ ` (y EUM W NGVVEHII~ R pPROVE SAFE't'~NGT~F~o MOVEME11T5 r,o O ^~6 d ' " ` '`--S_ n~ 1Jn r Q pS^~,.w to OF coNFAiOTi Q F > ~ V o . Np t V ` `i ftt ~12a s6 tt~ ° O l \ 1~ ofSramp to • ir'~ ~ ~ 9 , ` t 1 128 CID a , 51 ir.~ - $ y ft ` "J 20 0"l i3 ' IV, q ®pS OF 1A31RT t281NTEACHANGE REMOVE NW ANO NELOa t WUMROPO FROM ApVANTAG~s tNataEGT accES~£°~~`~c~HANGEE"~~+ ~ wuMRGAo VE AS 495 493 SOU'A'1 p pt1O ArytSHt' ELtMiNA ES aUR WEA iCHOURR EpTESW~VEAT 1AON I'All gOIOC AM pEatCHOUR TtaN 6F RT 2 RING Aet PEAK p~ytHOUR ViNGVEHtG~ 1N ppt PEA CR a~IyGVENtC SOURING PM -25 pEVdEAV{NG VEHICLES WUM ROAO t .7368tNE 11 200 ViNGVENt ...~,nN OF RT .28,~ESn RiN `p'Mp~KHaUA WEA O rp~ F. RN TAKINGS _ ..r_uVFtCANT pAOaE L 72g A `ha~Ard~~~ i' rfS Cai~Q ~j , 4 ~9ia O~e~ _ I J ~ ~ Fk- `0 \ t~ 1 o ~ ~ 7 01 w/ 0 ~d T o0 0 RL 128 Sa _ -f ,amp to - afrKamuxtssx +L.>, Rt. t28 SB CJD " mom gY}~+33+~ , f Fill, r ~ + r n ` !tl V { II.. f U c 1 4. `1 '1 1 h ~ 1 ' ° " p O N ENT ` de/ ROAD NO STRI6UTOR AOAtWNAV RT52850U W DISADVANTAGES iNDIREOT ACCESSTO,: ADVANTAGES fA3 NORM C ill's D FROM OUT1i N GEEXVT t28 S5 WEAVE AT IAHOUR NSE INTEfi or ITT EUMINV~ V NiCLES DURING AMP t10UA , , _g5 VINGVEHtCLES IN _,900`N~ PMP i 290° WUM ROAD 1 VE ATA4 PEAKHOUR EU.220 NOF AVEHICLESOURING HOUR , -2ro' WEAVING VEHICLES DURING PM PEAK _Zog wEA WVRO ONF C(4NG SRAP C MBE ~NMSER OF r OPER- TAKINGS - C ND SIGNIFtcANT PA ` 1.... b ~J t Rr 4 his a a ' °CZ\ fi a \ vv _ o ° ~ ~t \ ~ a as - 5 z ~t \ v N lvv~ off. afiPBD ' ~ t , ~I. rza se V4 q~O O A N ~ Z w { c~i 4' ~ ' 11 t c ~t 0 ~ 'A n V t ~ t t i 1 I 1 t ~ 1 1 0 Q \ , tit t , s SZALE%} ROADWAY CompO E T 5 COLLECTORIDISTalaUTOR ROAD`HAY RT'128 SOUTHBOUND DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES ACC49 To Mµ o' ROAD PROM :)P PIT 126 SE, VVFAVEAT K HOUR {USE fNTERCHA,GE EXIT 3TC) ELIMINATION VE 1 ES DURING AM PEAA YPEA 1 .2500 LES M PM PEAK HOU ' .2gp6 WEAVING VEHIC ELI 220p wEAVO1NG VI HICLSqnEAVE AT MI ESOU NG AMS-HOUR .2ppOWEAV{NG VEHICLES DURING PM PEAK HOUR IMPROVE SAFETY TRAPC MOM NTSER r~ NO SIGNiF{CANT PROPERTY TAKtNGS U o 4u ~ l d I N i ` SCALE, I c \ O Vl' 0-V V 0 /03 \ Q J„ 4 . ;i,E \ X93 "'A ~ ` °438 1° \ 1 0'` ago '41 4 1 iv 'Ir ? ~'f\ N' G u O N 4 FQ s {l Q "1,.2009 Wj?oT Fa o I ll A GG i•931RT 12B43'tERGtiANGE i REMOVE SW DISADVAt~A_.G~E-.-S-~ WEAVEA WA5 tGFEAXµUUR ADVANTAGES Rpi 3&RTVtNGVEMGLETi OtIRWGP PEAX1iOUR T1-93 ,,OWEN VENICE ON OF 1'~ 'Al .5 NGVE VENSByN MP~'H URR ..-_~iMPROVE5AL~NG'SRpfFC ~ CM ~M N 5 . OF CONP NO APPARENT PRapERI"I TAXVNGS ~ n ~~~Q77 V O S ~ G w~a C , , ~ ~2B ura b."Ri C. dmbraCjO T 3S6 to ' l ~ \ 1 . ;t+rj eZ .~..t:~.> .ti to ~1....,.c- .i v ~•'(y t._i} _ _ ,.a-.-sue. e al _ ~ i a { 5 Shy} { _ _ 1 _C~.,_-.- "'P~ ~ _ ~a~ ~ ~..-,sue ~ t COMPO REMOVE SE LOOP OF t•931RT 128 {NTERCHANGE t \ \ , I ROADWA \ D,SAOVANTAGES ADVANTAGES D{STANCE EETWEEN \ \ \ N STREET ON.OMP AND OFF-RAMP TO 493 ` `\ti'\~ 1 u RT 128 NS: REDUCED WEAVING HOUR WASHINGTO t \ 1 51 ','RON OFRTI2BNRWEAVEAT UR AT WASHINGTON STREET )VT" -1799 WEAVINGVEH{G41C DURING AM PEAK RE7AYN5 RT 128 N8 WEAVE HOUR -2c.,49 WEAVING VEH4Ct.£S YN AM PEAK HOUR 1 r \ r VEH4CltES DURING MY P£Ai< ~n -1899 WEAVING C(. \ ti,~ 1 ` VEH4 ES OUR4NG PM PEAK ~ll/ 1 ~ Q IMPROVE SAFETY BY REDUCjNGZENUM££R -2899 WEAVING OF CONFllCT1NG TRAFFYGMOEMENTS ~ \ ° % q off-ramp to 1.93 SB "04, E~30 ( C~} ~r A ~O jS e t l y.~+~\eaz4-u-=Lb i~.£. 1 ! t f - t ~ t*~ `.+•'aI_- MIA 1-93" B ~~pp1NG c oq-ramp to Rt.i28N8 I ~ t ,ro 6CR4E: t99' .,.a t 1.2696 R`,' nom` V i.JA!~~~UTE 128N0R5HR0UNO ~►.{ag P~ N/ V (,STP13D17f0RROAD TAGS crOw~a_ J C DiSADVA~ t °,,,,,.---""'"'~-~~tO1.43 N0RrN5O1G£ £Y9r 37G1 ppVANYAr'~S rRGC£ss e1NC£PCHa MDiREG StPEEr tU , h2DNBW~VEAT WRSHINGSON A SdAWU K S.ipL1R £U1,41NAr14N0~S0URtDL pMj,IPF~.P.itHOUR Wp5VVNG QE 1CLE 56URtNG _5496W ~V,,NGVEH~ i28 N8WEAVEAPEAK HpUR , ~4DOW UPixG AM }10UP ELIMiNAG V£HICLS 5 DURtNG PM PEAx`y \ .4760W~`V1~GVENtCL£ .2599W ENMS£R pVB Sp.FErY BYrPAFtnC m r0` IMPOP ppNPUCrIxG 1NG`' PRDPERn tAK f . Np SiGNIPtGANT t,~ \ \ 1 n n` _ 5 r ~ gyp- n n ~ ~ 1 , _ , 17 ~ gS8 1 \ t ~ O Q ~ \ ~ ~1' Lame to D~ 9g Mg , ~ , n \ to [.u' fw.:ac ~~~'c~-,y. '.":k`+~°r_T`~+. A.eS.i^~---,-'e`:. ^ \ 4L f ~ t.. 4:r,t-~.-~ ~t`•.-` Xr - t 1 i ~ t. VVV ~ n 4 ,1 I d / x ROADWAY COMPONENT 9 EXTEND RT 128 ,-JNO 4TH LANE PAST EXIT 40 ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES RETAINS FIT 128 NB WEAVE Ai WASHINGTON STREET ELIMINATES LANE CROP AT 1.931RT 128 INTERCHANGE -1900 WEAVING VEHICLES DURING AM PEAK HOUR -2900 WEAVING VEHICLES WRING PM PEAK HOUR IMPROVE SAFETY BY REDUCING THE NUMBER CONFLICTING TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS RETAINS RT 128 NB WEAVE AT 1.93 PEAK HOUR / -1700 WEAVING VEHICLES DURING (E (ELIMINATES MERGE AT INTERCHANGE) PEAK HOUR 2500 WEAVING VEHICLES DURING P NO SIGNIFICANT PROPERTY TAKINGS IMPROVES WEAVE CAPACITY BY ADDITION OF AUXILARY LANE FROM 193NBIRT 128 ND RAMP TO FIT 128 NB1RT 28 OFF RAMP -1500 WEAVING VEHICLES DURING AM PEAK HOUR HOUR -1900 WEAVING PM PEAK a ' oS k- y 0A ~J Lc' ` c c a DING 'l/ JJI Z jp ti' O \ ~O o~ d 6 o a t I ~p 1 mm ~N N ~a F /a a r f~ I sG s ° 'yap ONS, I (7d-! SCALE.' ° 200• n0 i 1, 2006 q ~AY eVn f _ l PO MAINUWE ~`~r-\ D,\ i 1 ,v\ `~~/t . 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S 128 N ~I NN~ l ~ ul x` r GrOUP, Inc -The Louis Berge - 7,44 37 a 9 8.53` ~(t tit r ~ `a b ~F &,r r 3• a N® i II Z f l ' ,ff~ ti~fi 94~ 1-9311®95 interchange `TransportationGrades ~,Xlstin9 l~pad~av ti23a 0 300 ~.r-DO.. SCALE IN FED Taw .RTgE'S~~R~ Ott SIG -,ArcE.. AV al s L~ N- A .t please P 4 ort r ~ j, t bu+41 1