HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-09 Board of Selectmen HandoutPage 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:20 AM To: 'Ed Riopelle' Subject: RE: RCTV On Demand ? Ed We agree that on demand broadcasting of Town programs would be desirable. Unfortunately it is not now available, either through Comcast, or even through the proposed new Verizon contract at this time. We will continue to pursue it, and of course if you have Comcast's digital system you can tape things to play at your leisure. Pete From: Ed Riopelle [mailto:ed.riopelle@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 4:07 AM To: phil@rctv.org Cc: Town Manager Subject: RCTV On Demand ? Hi Phil, Any thought to moving RCTV programming from "Scheduled" based to "On Demand" utilizing Comcast's "On Demand" facility. I for one would love to be able to pull up the Selectmans, or other meetings/events when I have the time. Many Thanks, Ed Riopelle 11 Bethesda Lane Reading, MA 1/9/2006 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Fred Van Magness [vanmagness@comcast.net] Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 9:59 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Reading - Selectmen Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: Verizon License Opinion Hi folks ...Happy New Year !I!!! Let me say at the outset that I am NOT a current or former emalovee of Verizon. As a consumer, I strongly urge the BOS to provide competition in the local Cable TV market instead of the current Cable TV monopoly (other than the "Dish" type networks) that Comcast has established in Reading and other communities. I applaud the BOS and the Town Manager for the diligence they are exhibiting in negotiating a proper long term contractual arrangement with Verizon and I certainly feel that the last issue is very important. However, Reading residents are getting raped by Comcast and we need to find a way to resolve the issues with Verizon ASAP and move forward quickly. 1 have had Comcast and its predecessors for Cable TV. Internet, and Phone. Just recently, I experimented and switched to their newly introduced Digital Voice service and was totally dissatisfied. After 3 weeks of major disruptions, no service (and no E911 during the interruptions) , poor service, poor customer service, etc., I requested they remove their Digital Voice phone service from my house immediately. They had a lackluster response and after three weeks of verbally fighting with them, my wife and I had to personally drive to their regional headquarters and demand to speak with the regional manager to resolve the removal. It was interesting that they said I could not migrate back to my prior Comcast Digital Phone (different from their Digital Voice product) service without changing my phone number. Rest assured, after 35 years in Reading with the same phone number and three weeks with Comcast's extremely poor phone service, one thing was going to give way and it wasn't losing my phone number. I find Comcast to be arrogant (and the BOS has seen similar reactions in the past with the mess of setting up RCTV with Comcast and the whole lack of response previously with the town loop), non responsive, and not sensitive to costs. Now we are faced with another round of cost increases from Comcast.... and no way to fight back UNLESS the BOS grants another license. From my perspective, we need Verizon as a lever to keep rates reasonable. I intend to switch 100% of my services to Verizon as soon as it is available in Reading, and I think many others will do the same. Again, thanks for your efforts to help all residents offset the monopoly conditions that currently exist with Comcast TV. Fred Fred Van Magness 1/9/2006 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: lisaandgeoff [lisaandgeoff@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 7:45 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Stop & Shop Peter, I am writing to you concerning the issue of the new Stop & Shop on Walkers Brook Drive. We are in receipt of the notice for the upcoming Conservation Cominission Meeting this Thursday night and are most likely going to attend. We are unsure as to the status of this project and whether it does any good at this point to voice our opinion over the construction of this grocery store. As I stated at the time of the previous development at the Danis property, I am extremely concerned over the traffic impacts on our road (Washington Street) and the other roads in the neighborhood. The construction of this store will mean more local traffic and trucks traveling on our street to access the store. The area seems saturated with development and the addition of this store will only exacerbate the traffic issues. I look forward to hearing back from you about the status of the project. Thanks in advance for your help concerning this matter. Lisa Howie 197 Washington Street 1/9/2006 D Hechenblefter, Peter From: Frey, Bob (MHD) [Bob.Frey@state.ma.us] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:48 AM To: Corey, John; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul; Clarke, Dennis; DiBlasi, Joe; Durrant, Ian; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; Grover, Robert; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley; Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; McLaughlin, Tom; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Molter, Andrew; Natale, Patrick; Rogers, Maureen A.; Smith, Suzanne; Sodano, Paul; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard; Webster, Bill; Woelfel, Steve Cc: Blaustein, Joan; Callan, Melissa; Christello, Tricia; Cooke, Don; DiZoglio, Dennis; Draisen, Mark; Dwyer, Margaret; Edwards, Adriel; Florino, Ron; Frey, Bob; Town Manager; Lindstrom, Mike; Lucas, Barbara; Lutz, Elaine; McKinnon, Anne; McLaughlin, Thomas; Mcvann, John; Miller, Kenneth; O'Rourke, Carmen; Pap, Mary; Purdy, Jim; Pyke, Keri; Reilly, Chris; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Tafoya, Ben; Van Magness, Frederick; Wood, Gail Subject: material for 1/11 ITF meeting (93/95) IN x Alternative Alternative valuation matrix_raluation matrix- Hello Task Force Members, Just a reminder that our next meeting of the I-93/1-95 Interchange Task Force will be: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Shamrock Elementary School Green Street Woburn For your reference, I have attached the initial evaluation matrix used at the last meeting. On Wednesday we will continue to fill out this matrix as a guide for considering the positive and negative aspects of each option we discuss: <<Alternative Evaluation matrix_051205.doc>> <<Alternative evaluation matrix- 051205.pdf>> Thanks, - Bob Bob Frey Manager of Statewide Planning Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frey@state.ma.us 1 D 1-9' 11-95 Interchange Study Screening Matrix as of 30 November 2005 Problem: 128 SB Weave Lengthen Remove a Add SB Lane CD Road Others? `Weave loop, replace on 128 next to 128 with direct mainlines ramp - _ NE Loop, NW Loop, or Both? Improve Yes Yes (Need to check) Yes congestion? i - Improve Safety? Yes Yes . (Need to check) Yes . Avoid Takings? ; Doesn't avoid Probably no Probably no Probably no major takings takings takings takings . Access to local Interferes (Need to Check) No effect (Need to check) streets? ^Disposition Drop Study Study Study LBG: Alternative Evaluation matrix 051205.doc 1 12/5/200510:53:00 AM .1-9111-95 Tnter.change Study Screening Matrix as of 30 November 2005 Problem: High Traffic Volumes _ TMA/TDM in Bus Service Bus Service HOV Lanes Land Use Parking for Free P/R Parking for Woburn 128 on Route 128 Policies Transit business area Patrons Stoneham/ Anderson TC- Peabody, Near Options: Woburn Burlington- 128/95 Split, & ■ Added Lane Lexington- Waltham Waltham - ■ Existing Lane ■ Zipper Lane Improve Yes, Interchange & Yes Yes Yes congestion? also 128 Area (How much?) (How much?) (How much?) (How much?) Improve Safety? Yes Yes Yes Yes (How much?) (Plow much?) (How much?) (How much?) Avoid Takings? (Need to check) Yes yes yes No takings if existing or zipper lane Access to local Can improve No effect _4._ No effect (Need to check) streets? transportation and traffic on local streets Disposition Study Study Study Study D LBG: Alternative Evaluation matrix-051205.doc 2 :53:00 AM 12/5/200510 1-93/1-95 Interchange Study Problem: 128 NB Weave I~a LBG. Alternative Evaluation matrix 051205.doc 3 1215/200510:53:00" Hechenbleikner, Peter Page 1 of 3 CS From: cnj4@aol.com Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 12:06 PM To: Bob.Frey@state.ma.us; jcorey@ci.woburn.ma.us; Schubert, Rick; canthony@cdmtitle.com; jebarnes@mit.edu; bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net; rep. paulcasey@hou.state.ma.us; dac@cummings.com; rnrchambercom@aol.com; Ian.Durrant@state.ma.us; rep. m ikefesta@hou. state. ma.u s; jgallagher@mapc.org; rgrover@ci.stoneham.ma.us; Joshua.Grzegorzewski@fhwa.dot.gov; ehamblin@aol.com; rhavern@senate.state.ma.us; rep. brad leyjones@hou.state.ma.us; g-r@comcast.net; a nthonyken nedy@comcast. net; akinsman@aaasne.com; cleiner@massport.com; tmclaughlin@ci.woburn.ma.us; woburnbusiness@earthlink.net; paulderman@prodigy.net; andy.motter@fta.dot.gov; rep.patricknatale@hou.state.ma.us; maureen@northsuburbanchamber.com; sueandmikes@comcast.net; psodano@stonesav.com; rstinson@wakefield.ma.us; dansullivan@assetleasing.com; etarallo@ci.woburn.ma.us; rtisei@senate.state.ma.us; billwhome@juno.com; swoelfel@mbta.com Cc: jbiaustein@mapc.org; melissa.callan@hou.state.ma.us; tricia@lynchassociates.net; dcooke@vhb.com; ddizoglio@mbta.com; mdraisen@mapc.org; Margaret.Dwyer@state.ma.us; Adriel.Edwards@state.ma.us; rflorino@ci.stoneham.ma.us; Town Manager; Michael. Lindstrom@state.ma.us; blucas@mapc.org; elutz@hshassoc.com; amckinnon@hshassoc.com; thomaslmclaughlin@comcast.net; John.Mcvann@fhwa.dot.gov; Kenneth. Miller@state.ma.us; carmen.o'rourke@hou.state.ma.us; mary.pap@hou.state.ma.us; jpurdy@louisberger.com; kpyke@louisberger.com; Reilly, Chris; wschwartz@neighborhoodamerica.com; kstein@hshassoc.com; Tafoya, Ben; frederick.vanmagness@hou.state.ma.us; mossywood@juno.com Subject: Re: material for 1/11 ITF meeting (93/95) To Bob Frey and ITF Members: I will not be able to attend the ITF meeting scheduled for January 11th. However, I offer the following comments for your consideration: 1. The Meeting Summary of Wednesday, November 30, 2005 lists 10 open issues (pages 4/5 to 5/5) from previous meetings that I compiled. Yes, the Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) did respond, but the response is totally unacceptable, because, for example, (1) the MHD is still unable to estimate accident reduction percentages for a given interchange design, (2) cannot estimate travel time impacts for a typical commuter traveling from home to office via a redesigned interchange, and (3) has shown no methodology on calculating benefit to cost ratios for a redesigned interchange. This is pathetic. To the ITF: does this lack of progress meet your expectations or are you satisfied with the excuse, "This is only a study?" 2. I have a question for Kathy Stein, in particular. She has an excellent resume on the subject of outreach and consensus building (I checked). With this impressive background, she should have no trouble producing at least one reference on the subject of using a group of amateurs (i.e., mediocre technical background at best) for engineering analysis of highway accident reduction and congestion mitigation. Then, after having found one such reference, please show us a few more .references to demonstrate that the use of one such amateur group was not a statistical fluke. These technical papers should clearly show the outcomes of highway planning projects based on using untutored technical people versus the customary utilization of experienced highway engineers. THIS SUBJECT WILL MOST LIKELY ARISE AT THE PUBLIC MEETING WHICH HAS DELAYED FOR ALMOST A YEAR (trust me, it will happen). 1/9/2006 6 Page 2 of 3 3. The attachments sent with todays email from Bob Frey strike me as sophomoric and repetitive from previous ITF meetings (e.g., that workshop from March 5, 2005). It seems to me that the MHD is "killing time" with this exercise until the traffic flow computer simulation is ready to go. What is the current status of this computer simulation and will it address my "wonderful commute" from Reading to Waltham? Regards, Jeff Jeffrey H. Everson, Ph.D. Principal Investigator, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Member: PRESERVE, 193/95 Task Force 21 Pine Ridge Circle, Reading, MA 01867 781-944-3632 (home); 781-684-4247 (work); cni4(d)aol.com January 9, 2006 -----Original Message----- From: Frey, Bob (MHD) <Bob.Frey@state.ma.us> To: Corey, John <jcorey@ci.woburn.ma.us>; Schubert, Rick <rick_schubert@harvard.edu>; Anthony, Camille <canthony@cdmtitle.com>; Barnes, Jonathan <jebarnes@mit.edu>; Bruen, Darlene <bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net>; Casey, Paul <rep.paulcasey@hou.state. ma.us>; Clarke, Dennis <dac@cummings.com>; DiBlasi, Joe <rnrchambercom@aol.com>; Durrant, Ian <Ian.Durrant@state.ma.us>; Everson, Jeff <Cn34@aol.com>; Festa, Mike <rep.mikefesta@hou.state.ma.us>; Gallagher, Jim <jgallagher@mapc.org>; Grover, Robert <rgrover@ci.stoneham.ma.us>; Grzegorzewski, Josh <Joshua.Grzegorzewski@fhwa.dot.gov>; Hamblin, Eileen <ehamblin@aol.com>; Havern, Robert <rhavern@senate.state.ma.us>; Jones, Bradley <rep. brad leyjones@hou.state. ma.us>; Katsoufis, George <g-r@comcast.net>; Kennedy, Anthony <anthonykennedy@comcast.net>; Kinsman, Art <akinsman@aaasne.com>; Leiner, Craig <cleiner@massport.com>; McLaughlin, Tom <tmclaughlin@ci.woburn.ma.us>; Meaney, Paul <woburnbusiness@earthlink.net>; Medeiros, Paul <paulderman@prodigy. net>; Motter, Andrew <andy.motter@fta.dot.gov>; Natale, Patrick <rep.patricknatale@hou.state.ma.us>; Rogers, Maureen A. <maureen@northsuburbanchamber.com>; Smith, Suzanne <sueandmikes@comcast. net>; Sodano, Paul <psodano@stonesav.com>; Stinson, Richard <r'stinson@wakefield.ma.us>; Sullivan, Dan <dansullivan@assetleasing.com>; Tarallo, Ed <etarallo@ci.woburn.ma.us>; Tisei, Richard <rtisei@senate.state. ma.us>;'Webster, Bill <billwhome@juno.com>; Woelfel, Steve <swoelfel@mbta.com> Cc: Blaustein, Joan <jblaustein@mapc.org>; Callan, Melissa <melissa.callan@hou.state.ma.us>; Christello, Tricia <tricia@lynchassociates.net>; Cooke, Don <dcooke@vhb.com>; DiZoglio, Dennis <ddizoglio@mbta.com>; Draisen, Mark <mdraisen@mapc.org>; Dwyer, Margaret <Margaret.Dwyer@state.ma.us>; Edwards, Adriel <Adriel.Edwards@state.ma.us>; Florino, Ron <rflorino@ci.stoneham.ma.us>; Frey, Bob <Bob.Frey@state.ma.us>; Hechenbleikner, Peter <townmanager@ci.reading. ma.us>; Lindstrom, Mike <Michael. Lindstrom @state.ma.us>; Lucas, Barbara <blucas@mapc.org>; Lutz, Elaine <elutz@hshassoc.com>; McKinnon, Anne <amckinnon@hshassoc.com>; McLaughlin, Thomas <thomaslmclaughlin@comcast.net>; Mcvann, John <John.Mcvann@fhwa.dot.gov>; Miller, Kenneth <Kenneth.Miller@state.ma.us>; O'Rourke, Carmen <carmen.o'rourke@hou.state.ma.us>; Pap, Mary <mary.pap@hou.state.ma.us>; Purdy, Jim <jpurdy@louisberger.com>; Pyke, Keri <kpyke@louisberger.com>; Reilly, Chris <creilly@ci.reading. ma.us>; Schwartz, Bill <wschwartz@neighborhoodamerica.com>; Stein, Kathy <kstein@hshassoc.com>; Tafoya, Ben <btafoya@comcast. net>; Van Magness, Frederick 1/9/2006 Page 3 of 3 <frederick.vanmagness@hou.state. ma.us>; Wood, Gail <mossywood@juno.com> Sent: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 09:48:22 -0500 Subject: material for 1/11 ITF meeting (93/95) Hello Task Force Members, Just a reminder that our next meeting of the I-93/I-95 Interchange Task Force will be: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Shamrock Elementary School Green Street Woburn For your reference, I have attached the initial evaluation matrix used at the last meeting. On Wednesday we will continue to fill out this matrix as a guide for considering the positive and negative aspects of each option we discuss: <<Alternative Evaluation matrix_051205.doc>> <<Alternative evaluation matrix051205.pdf>> Thanks, - Bob Bob Frey Manager of Statewide Planning Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frev@state.ma.us tly 1/9/2006 FORMATION OF A STEERING COMMITTEE "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" A member Steering Committee on the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" is formed to consist of the following members: • Chairman of the Board of Selectmen - co-chair • Chairman of the School Committee - co-chair • Chairman or designee - SAPAC • Chairman or designee - Board of Health • Designee or the Reading Clergy Association • Chairman or designee - Recreation Committee • 3 citizens at large • Medical provider (Dr., Nurse, or Pharmacist) • Student/youth • YMCA • RMHS/CMS/PMS PTO The purpose of the Steering Committee is to develop a program to: • Develop a list of stakeholders in Reading who have interest in the issue of substance abuse prevention • Develop a schedule for the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" • Serve as a community clearinghouse on issues of substance abuse prevention in Reading • Educate the community of Reading on Substance Abuse issues; • As part of that education, review community models for addressing substance abuse issues; • With the members of the "Imitative Against Substance Abuse" and the broader community, develop a coordinated strategic approach to long term substance abuse prevention in the community of Reading. The Steering Committee will develop the program, with the next meeting of the "Initiative Against Substance Abuse" to take place on or about March 9, 2006. 1/9/2006 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR THE BOAR D 10, 'C1N MEETING DATE: ti NAME ADDRESS (Please print) ~ri'm Lessa-d &VI e3 IZZ, r ' a 3 Ij) di- ! r r2e-Z, .1 i l OZ155 r i I Hv(A- I on ed 7) v-k. y-7 CqL,,A, (ec,a 0 yd 's 41 C4A) F IGN-IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: d NAME ADDRESS (Please print) _J,_ k/Twv*MA,6 0) CRK /oc-a~;l 54 6 E'C ETII`IG ME ~ TME~ L H S AP Of SE t 4t. I A) NPNI int) l (please P /We~ a----' ~jt) ,V ~ Am /I CA, r fvw- ~gtA l~ ~ ONO T1NG E.NE ARD OF 5ELECTM T FOR MHO S1G~ ~please P ~ v r ~r~iy 5 4 --0 r-o W/ 0000 1 - s 1~ Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Fiore, Jane Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 8;57 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: Substance Abuse Task Force Peter, FYI Barbara Meade, Vice Chair of the BOH will sit on the Substance Abuse Task Force. Barbara Meade 11 Ash St 781- 944-8664 bmeadeCa.challiance.ora Thanks Jane Jane M. Fiore, RN,CHO Health Services Administrator Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 781-942-9061 f781-942-9071 1/9/2006