HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-12 Board of Selectmen Packetf 3~ .s r al / z0 t)
Town of Reading
DATE: 12-10-06 NAME: Peter I. Hechenbleikner POSITION: Town Manager
Prepared bv: BEN TAFOYA, BOS
WORK PERFORMANCE: Please comment on your performance for the review period.
Job knowledge and skills: We are fortunate to have one of the most experienced and
most able Town Manager's in the Commonwealth. One of Pete's greatest strengths is his
willingness to learn and his openness to new people and ideas. I have seen this first hand
in his work with various ad-hoc committees.
Quality and Productivity: Pete works incredibly hard and shows excellent strength
and follow through on a wide variety of issues. Pete receives high marks for the volume
of auality work produced by the staff at Town Hall.
Time Management and Organization: Pete does a great iob staving organized, it is
rare we have to ask twice for intervention on issues. He is able to keen the demands for
his time balanced between staff and citizen BCC's.
Communication and interpersonal skills: Pete is easv to work with and clear in
communication. I think-it is possible that the Town manager would want to involve the
BOS more closely in some issues such as state funding priorities.
Strengths: Pete's energy and his ability to apply his experience to the issues facing
the community are his greatest strengths. He reallv did a tremendous iob helping the
community during his facilitation of the Addison Weslev Pearson Working Groub. This
was a time consuming and important contribution to the community that was not included
in the original agreed goals.
Areas Needing Improvement / Development: I am concerned by the degree to
which we depend on Pete for so manv issues and would like to see further development
in senior staff allowing for greater delegation. Pete has made great strides in his technical
expertise and this should continue.
Is there specific training or information that will assist you in these areas?: I would
suggest further technical training and development. I would support reimbursement for
Pete's registration to the ICMA Conference each vear as some level of professional
development is important for the TM and all senior staff. Perhaps it would be
appropriate for the BOS to see a professional development report each vear to monitor
the involvement of all senior staff in this area.
Are there changes you would like to see to help you perform your job better?: I think
it is important to build in feedback mechanisms for residents and "customers" of town
services to be able to supply information on their experience after interaction with town
staff. We could use this information as we build a auality assurance process for town
What specific objectives would you like to achieve over the next review period to
enhance your performance? I support the idea of a management retreat to forge better
working relationships and better levels of communication.
To what extent does your present job utilize your talents and address your interests?
We need to make sure the challenges for our Town Manager continue to be
interesting and involving as he gains even more experience. Certainlv 2006 has been an
intense vear with decisions on the Water Source, Hours of Construction, Continued
Development in the town and manv other challenges.
What is the next step you would like to achieve in improving your ability to perf6fm your
job? Next vear's biggest proiect should be the selection of the town's new software
platform. This decision will affect the wav everyone does their iob.
What are your long term goals for your job?: The transfer of knowledge from the
Town Manager to senior staff and members of the town Boards, Committees and
Commissions needs to be a high priority as time goes on. Pete is an important source of
continuitv for town government that is needed as we have new generations of leadership
in our communitv.
What objectives would you like to achieve within youf next review period to help meet
your goals?: I think the successful completion of the technologv implementations for
the new website and business platform will be critical to future success of our
management team. The website proiect needs to include customer feedback and follow-
up to insure the highest possible levels of community satisfaction.
In what way can this Board assist you in meeting those goals?: The BOS should be a
continued partner in all these activities. One initiative for the BOS to consider is meeting
and review timelines for all BCC's. Making sure thev understand their charters and have
the proper training and staff resources.
Employee Signature: Date:
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006
Evaluation By:
Ben Tafoya 12/10/06 I Rating
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by
all departments, with a goal of
implementing this process for FY
1 2008/2009 2
Develop a capital improvement
program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues
and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities
2 Director 2
Develop preventive maintenance
plan (Facilities Director with input
from Department Heads); 1-5.4 -
Develop calendar based schedule of
maintenance activities; 1-5.5 -
Ensure that the Facilities Department
has proper financial resources to
3 achieve mission 2
Conduct employee Technology
Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access.
Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary 3
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually. 2
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats
6 and other mechanisms 1
1=Excellent 3=Fair 4=Poor
2=Good 5=Bad
system for employee
communications and information
7 (benefits, policies) 3
Educate elected and appointed
Boards & staff on respective roles,
8 responsibilities and relationships 3
For Town
(BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide
systematic comment on the conduct
9 of the Town's volunteer government 3
Develop a system of
interconnectiveness with calendars
of members of
This should be similar to the
Microsoft Exchange program in use
for Town employees, to facilitate
better planning of meetings involving
the volunteer portions of Town
10 government 3
Develop and document the budget
process involving Boards & staff,
including all Departments (Town and
School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions 1
Develop a process and plan of how
the Town will address the additional
affordable housing needs in the
12 community 1
Conduct an evaluation of the
Reading Public Library building as
13 well as library services 3
Identify consultants and scope the
cost of conducting such a study.
14 (DPW Management Study) 2
(Quality of Life) Implement the
recommendations of the Initiative
15 Against Substance Abuse
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006 1=Excellent 3=Fair
2=Good 4=Poor
James Bonazoli
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by
all departments, with a goal of
implementing this process for FY
1 2008/2009
Develop a capital improvement
program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues
and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities
2 Director
Develop preventive maintenance
plan (Facilities Director with input
from Department Heads); 1-5.4 -
Develop calendar based schedule of
maintenance activities; 1-5.5 -
Ensure that the Facilities Department
has proper financial resources to
3 achieve mission
Conduct employee Technology
Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access.
Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually.
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats
6 and other mechanisms
system for employee
communications and information
7 (benefits, policies) 2
Educate elected and appointed
Boards & staff on respective roles,
s responsibilities and relationships 3
For Town
(BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide
systematic comment on the conduct
9 of the Town's volunteer government 3
Develop a.system of
interconnectiveness with calendars
of members of
This should be similar to the
Microsoft Exchange program in use
for Town employees, to facilitate
better planning of meetings involving
the volunteer portions of Town
10 government 3
Develop and document the budget
process involving Boards & staff,
including all Departments (Town and
School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions 1
Develop a process and plan of how
the Town will address the additional
affordable housing needs in the
12 community 1
Conduct an evaluation of the
Reading Public Library building as
13 well as library services 3
G C:~~ A.
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006 1=Excellent 3=Fair 5 bad
Evaluation By: 2=Good 4=Poor
-%_DciT-E-VaTuatM I Rating ASG)Rating SSG Comments
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by
all departments, with a goal of
implementing this process for FY
1 2008/2009
Develop a capital improvement
program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues
and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities
2 Director
Develop preventive maintenance
plan (Facilities Director with input
from Department Heads); 1-5.4 -
Develop calendar based schedule of
maintenance activities; 1-5.5 -
Ensure that the Facilities Department
has proper financial resources to
3 achieve mission
Conduct employee Technology
Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access.
Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually.
Results expected CY
2 22008
Need to show
involvement of all
2 2 stakeholders
Facilities department
accountability. Town
Hall, Police and Library
2 1 proqrams in place.
Need to see completed
3 3 training sessions
elected officials (at
least me) not trained. I
only remember
conversations at BOS
2 3 meeting(s).
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats
6 and other mechanisms
Establish a system for employee
communications and information
7 (benefits, policies)
Educate elected and appointed
Boards & staff on respective roles,
8 responsibilities and relationships
For Town
(BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide
systematic comment on the conduct
9 of the Town's volunteer qovernment
Develop a system of
interconnectiveness with calendars
of members of
This should be similar to the
Microsoft Exchange program in use
for Town employees, to facilitate
better planning of meetings involving .
the volunteer portions of Town
10 qovernment
Develop and document the budget
process involving Boards & staff,
including all Departments (Town and
School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions
Develop a process and plan of how
the Town will address the additional
affordable housing needs in the
12 community
Great job including
1 1 weekly notes.
3 3 Waiting for results
Maybe develop
3 3 session/manual
Waiting to see results
2 3 in CY 2007.
2 3 No results in 2006
1 1 Nice job
1 1 Great progress
Conduct an evaluation of the
Reading Public Library building as
13 well as library services
Identify consultants and scope the
cost of conducting such a study.
14 (DPW Manaqement Study)
(Quality of Life) Implement the
recommendations of the Initiative
15 Aqainst Substance Abuse
Average rating
3 3 Process not yet bequn
2 3 Process not yet bequn
2 1 Great work
2.07 2.20
06-DEC-12 12:57PM FROM-First Call Mortgage 8764086162
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006
Evaluation Sy: Camille Anthony
Pete Hechenbleikner -self Evaluation l Rating C. Anthony
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by all
departments, with a goal of implementing
1 this process for FY 2008/2009 2
Develop a capital improvement program
process involving all stakeholders; 1-5.2 -
Identify issues and capital and
maintenance needs for each facility
performed by all Department Heads with
2 the Facilities Director 2 9
Develop preventive maintenance plan
(Facilities Director with input from
Department Heads); 1-5.4 - Develop
calendar based schedule of maintenance
activities; 1-5.5 - Ensure that the Facilities
Department has proper financial resources
3 to achieve mission 2 2.5
Conduct employee Technology Training in
Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, the
web, and Access. Conduct an in-house
resources inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary 3 3
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually. 2 1
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats and
s other mechanisms 1 1
T-813 P.001/003 F-775
1=Excellent 3=Fair 4=Poor
2=Good 5=Bad
06-DEC-12 12:57PM FROM-First Call Mortaaze 9794096162 T-913 P.002/003 F-775
Establish a system for employee
communications and information (benefits,
7 policies)
Educate elected and appointed Boards
staff on respective roles, responsibilities
s and relationships
For Town
Board s/Dommittees/Commissions (BCC)
develop an internal feedback mechanism
for the public to provide systematic
comment on the conduct of the Town's
9 volunteer government '
Develop a system of interconnectiveness
with calendars of members of
Boards/Committees/Commissions. This
should be similar to the Microsoft
Exchange program in use for Town
employees, to facilitate better planning of
meetings involving the volunteer portions
to of Town government
Develop and document the budget process
involving Boards & staff, including all
Departments (Town and School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions
Develop a process and plan of how the
Town will address the additional affordable
92 housinq needs in the oommunitV 1
Conduct an evaluation of the Leading
Public Library building as well as library
13 services
Identify consultants and scope the cost of
conducting such *a study. (DPW
14 Management Study)
3 2
3 2
3 3
2 2.5
06-DEC-12 12:57PM FROM-First Call Mortgage
5764090162 T-813 P-003/003 F-775
(Quality of Life) implement the
recommendations of the Initiative Against
15 Substance Abuse
Average rating
2.07 1.73
This past year has been one filled with challenges for the community which have significantly impacted
the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen. The Town Manger has been directly involved in the action
strategy for dealing with the issues of determining our future water supply,
establishment of the Substance /abuse Initiative, and facilitating the Addison Wesley working group.
All of these initiatives have taken countless hours and the energy of all involved in the decision-making
process. The Town Manager has maintained his composure and professionalism throughout all of these
deliberations and has exhibited the perseverence needed to complete the tasks at hand.
Upon reflection of our new goal-evaluation process, I think it is obvious that a great deal of progress was
made this past year under the direction of the Town Manager The community can be assured that its
Town Departments have embarked upon a process of functioning as a team with a stated set of priorities.
The year ahead should bring closures to many of the goals that have been initiated this past year.
As always, I have the highest regard for the dedication to the well being of the community that the
Town Manager has continually demonstrated--
Camille Anthony
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006
Evaluation By:
Rick Schubert Bating
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by
all departments, with a goal of
implementing this process for FY
1 2008/2009 1
Develop a capital improvement
program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues
and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities
2 Director 2
Develop preventive maintenance
plan (Facilities Director with input
from Department Heads); 1-5.4 -
Develop calendar based schedule of
maintenance activities; 1-5.5 -
Ensure that the Facilities Department
has proper financial resources to
3 achieve mission 2
Conduct employee Technology
Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access.
Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary 2
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually. 1
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats
6 and other mechanisms 1
Establish a system for employee
communications and information
7 (benefits, policies) 3
1=Excellent 3=Fair
2=Good 4=Poor
Educate elected and appointed
Boards & staff on respective roles,
s responsibilities and relationships 3
For Town
(BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide
systematic comment on the conduct
9 of the Town's volunteer government 3
Develop a system of
interconnectiveness with calendars
of members of
This should be similar to the
Microsoft Exchange program in use
for Town employees, to facilitate
better planning of meetings involving
the volunteer portions of Town
10 government 1
Develop and document the budget
process involving Boards & staff,
including all Departments (Town and
School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions 1
Develop a process and plan of how
the Town will address the additional
affordable housing needs in the
12 community 1
Conduct an evaluation of the
Reading Public Library building as
13 well as library services 2
Identify consultants and scope the
cost of conducting such a study.
14 (DPW Management Study) 2
(Quality of Life) Implement the
recommendations of the Initiative
15 Aqainst Substance Abuse
Average rating
Town of Reading
DATE: 12-6-06 NAME: Peter I. Hechenbleikner POSITION: Town Manager
WORK PERFORMANCE: Please comment on your performance for the review
Job knowledge and skills: I rate my iob knowledge and skills as high. I keep uD-dated
on issues in the profession through at least 40 hours of professional development Der vear
as reauired by ICMA Credentialling. Even though I am knowledgeable. I am still willing
and excited to learn.
Quality and Productivity: The duality of work is good, whether it's working through
the Verizon cable TV license. Drocessing the work of the AWWG, or doing the more
routine work of the Town. There are manv issues that the Town Manager handles that
aren't on the goals list. but need to be done and done well. Oualitv staff including the
Office Manager and senior staff also reflect and help to enhance this high quality of
work. As to Droductivitv, it is as reasonable as Dossible considering the manv issues that
come uD, and Droviding oDDortunities for customer service through email. Dhone, or in
Time Management and Organization: We are fortunate to have manv tools available
to help manage time and be more Droductive. These include the scheduling program that
we depend on, as well as some of the standard computer tools. I ioke about my
technological illiteracv, but I feel I have learned to use much of the technologv to keep
me on track and organized. I trv to keep the Board of Selectmen organized in their
meetings and functions. The largest Droblem in my time management is learning to sav
no, but I'm afraid that isn't in my vocabularv.
Communication and interpersonal skills: I believe that this is strength. I work verv
well for the benefit of the community with elected and aDDointed Town Boards.
legislative delegation, Town emDlovees, unions, regulatorv agencies, citizens, and Town
Meeting members. As a result of the effectiveness of these interpersonal skills, the Town
has excellent emDlovee relations, secures a good amount of State assistance (sidewalks,
open space, fields, etc.) and eniovs a good reputation with state agencies. Issues such as
the Downtown Improvement Program, MWRA buv-in, the finalization of closure of the
landfill, have all gone or are going well in large Dart because of these skills.
Strengths: Strengths that I bring to the Dosition of Town Manager include -
• Recruiting and retaining excellent staff - most markedlv some maior changes and
even improvements in senior staff.
Y Setting an excellent example of hard work, ethical standards, fair treatment. and
• Working well with residents, emDlovees, elected officials, and legislators to
accomplish the goals of the Town:
• Abilitv to learn and accent new wavs to do things - there have been a lot of changes
in my 33 vear career:
• Exercising good iudgment on behalf of the Town in dozens of wavs everv dav.
Areas Needing Improvement / Development:
• I need to remember to ask others for their recommendation/comments on issues more
before I offer my own:
I need to exercise more patience with those with whom I disagree:
I need to ask/allow others to assist when I've hit a roadblock - like in having the
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen make the contact with a Dropertv owner when
I've failed.
Is there specific training or information that will assist you in these areas?: None
that I can think of. It is helpful for me to continue to attend the ICMA annual conference
- the networking is great and the content is verv useful. It would be nice if the Town
paid at least the cost of registration and educational sessions - about $1000 Der vear.
Are there changes you would like to see to help you perform your job better? The
implementation of the Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Dosition has been a
huge help in my iob Derformance. The abilitv to, shed a significant annual workload of
budget meDaration and CIP development (other than general direction and oversight) has
been huge. We have asked for an addition of %Z clerical help in my office to help manage
the workload better and to allow some re-organization of duties.
What specific objectives would you like to achieve over the next review period to
enhance your performance?:
1. ParticiDate in a retreat with the Board of Selectmen and Department Heads. I
think that this could build on the concept of a strong management team. with an
understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Dolicv makers, the CAO.
and the administration of the community. It seems to me that the Board of
Selectmen is in a good place to do this. and with the relative newness of much of
the Board of Selectmen and the senior staff. it would be verv worthwhile.
2. Get information and feedback Darticularly from the newer Department Heads and
Selectmen, on how we can Drovide better orientation to their new roles.
To what extent does your present job utilize your talents and address your
interests? I think this position utilizes all of my talents and then some. I find the work.
even after 20 vears, extremely interesting and challenging. I have been in the business
long enough that I get a chance to mentor vounger Drofessionals and those considering
the filed, and I feel flattered that thev look to me for guidance
What is the next step you would like to achieve in improving your ability to perform
your job? Several universities including Harvard and UVA have Senior Management
Institutes which I would be verv interested in attending. Time and monev are an issue.
What are your long term goals for your job?: My long term goal is to continue to
contribute dvnamically to the management of this Town until I retire. There is still much
to be done, and I feel that I continue to have a lot to contribute. Part of the mission I see
in this is making sure that the senior managers are in place to continue to carrv the
community forward in the directions it wants to go.
What objectives would you like to achieve within your next review period to help
meet your goals? In what way can this Board assist you in meeting those goals?:
Chairman Tafova mentioned on December 12 when discussing this evaluation that it is in
a sense an evaluation of the Board of Selectmen too, because we are a team. I
wholeheartedly endorse this approach. Over the vears this concept has waxed and
waned. but it is a philosophv that I agree with. I think that if we can keen this concept in
mind going forward. that will be verv helpful to the community in developing.
prioritizing. and implementing goals and vision for the, community. One wav to pursue
this would be to have a retreat with the Board of Selectmen and Department Heads, since
thev are a critical part of the management team that is vital in getting things done.
Employee Signature:
15 highest priority work items - 2006
From Town Manager's Goals and. Objectives for FY 2007
(not in priority order)
Updated Status 12-6-06
1. 1-4 and 4-5 - Develop and implement a process to evaluate and improve
the financial computer platform which is used by all departments, with a
goal of implementing this process for FY 2008/2009. Assistant Town
Manager/Finance Director and Town Accountant. This process has
bequn. 3 vendors were previewed in October. Town Meetina will be
asked to fund $20.000 for a consultant at the Februarv Town
Meetina. Sample RFP's have been requested and received from
other communities
2. 1-4.2 - Develop a capital improvement program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all Department Heads with the Facilities
Director. Assistant Town Manager/ Finance Director. The ATM has
implemented the new CIP software. The Facilities Director has
developed the CIP for all buildings. He has been workinq with the
buildina "users". In addition. the Facilities Department has hired an
enerav Manaaer and a committee made up of manv of the users has
been formed. Maior proaress is beinq made on capital
improvements this vear, and the Facilities Director has been
extremelv responsive.
3. 1-5.3 - Develop preventive maintenance plan (Facilities Director with
input from Department Heads); 1-5.4 - Develop calendar based
schedule of maintenance activities; 1-5.5 - Ensure that the Facilities
Department has proper financial resources to achieve mission. Fire
Chief, DPW Director, and Facilities Director The Facilities
Department has purchased a software program, and is outtinq,
buildinas into the software as circumstances and fundina permit.
The Town Hall. Police Station. and Senior Center have been put in
to the proaram to date.
4. 1-6.1 - Conduct employee Technology Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access. Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside resources as necessary. Assistant Town
Manager/Finance Director. The inventorv has been conducted. The
Technoloav Committee has met to review manv issues including,
trainina. web pace design, records management svstem. and
financial operating platform.
5. 2-2.4 - Conduct training on Emergency Preparedness for Key employees
& elected officials updated annually. Fire Chief. Over 100 staff have
been trained in Incident Manaqement, exceeding Federal
reauirements. A "table-top" exercise was held in October. The
Health Division has been doinq traininq. In Januarv I anticipate
doina a traininq in Executive Session for the Board of Selectmen.
6. 3-1.1 - Establish and foster internal communications, through retreats
and other mechanisms. Town Manager and Library Director. The
second Department Head retreat took place in October. and
included all Department Heads as well as the Superintendent of
Schools. the GM of the RMLD, the school Director of Finance and
Human Resources, and the Facilities Director. Kev topics were be
"Civility in the Community" and "Sustainability in the community".
Workina aroups wee established to develop specific work proarams
in these areas.
7. 3-1.3 - Establish a system for employee communications and
information (benefits, policies). Assistant Town Manager/Finance
Director This will be part of the chanae in the web page. with a sub-
paae for emplovees. We have siqned a contract with a web site
8. Educate elected and appointed Boards & staff on respective roles,
responsibilities and relationships. Town Manager. Trainina includina
Ethics training. best Practices in agendas and meetings. and
development of a feedback mechanism for in person viewing of
meetinas as well as electronic viewinq of meetinas will be done in
9. 3.1.7 - For Town Boards/Committees/Commissions (BCC) develop an
internal feedback mechanism for the public to provide systematic
comment on the conduct of the Town's volunteer government. Town
Manager and Library Director. See 8 above.
10. 3-1.8 - Develop a system of interconnectiveness with calendars of
members of Boards/Committees/Commissions. This should be similar to
the Microsoft Exchange program in use for Town employees, to facilitate
,better planning of meetings involving the volunteer portions of Town
government. Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director. We are now
usina Microsoft Exchanqe more completely. and will have further
capability through the WAN and web Paae.
11. 3-1.10 - Develop and document the budget process involving Boards &
staff, including all Departments (Town and School) and major
Boards/Committees/Commissions. Assistant Town Manager/Finance
Director The Assistant Town Manager has been working with
School Department and the Finance Committee on puttina toaether
a revised budaetinq system. The Financial Forum meeting on
October 18 was part of the implementation of this svstem. All
Departments are in budaet development at this time. and the FY
2008 budaet will be the first trial of the process. It will need to be
evaluated and fine tuned after that.
12. 4-2 - Develop a process and plan of how the Town will address the
additional affordable housing needs in the community. Town Planner
The September 28. 2006 Housina Forum focused on understanding
the 4011 and 40 S processes. reviewed the kev elements of a
Planned Production plan. and move forward with a Special Town
Meetina in Februarv on implementinq kev elements of this plan.
The Board of Selectmen will be asked to adopt the Housinq Plan on
December 19.
13. 4-3.1 - Conduct an evaluation of the Reading Public Library building as
well as library services. Library Director The RPL Director has
completed an on-line course on Strateqic Planninq for Libraries.
The Librarv Director will then look for a facilitator to beqin the
14. 4-4.2 - Identify consultants and scope the cost of conducting such a
study. (DPW Management Study). DPW Director Sample RFP's have
been received. An RFP has been finalized. The RFP will be
advertised no later than the end of Januarv. We will establish an
advisorv aroup to work with the consultant. includina Board of
Selectmen, staff. union representatives. FINCOM representative.
and communitv representatives.
15. 5 - (Quality of Life) Implement the recommendations of the Initiative
Against Substance Abuse. Town Manager The Readina Coalition
Against Substance Abuse has been formed. Tax filinqs and other
administrative issues are underway. The RCASA Board is filled.
and committees are being assigned. The School Department and
Police Department were successful in securing a 2 vear COPS arant
which will help offset the cost of the SRO and provide for other
securitv matters. The Town through the Health Services
Administrator and School personnel have secured a $10.000
Staff responsibility is assigned for each work item. This is generally a
Department Head, and it is recognized that other staff within each
Department may be responsible to the Department Head for all or any part
of the assignment
Achievement of other goals (not top 15):
. 'Economic Development Committee established
• Archstone, Walgreens, Maplewood Village, and Haven Junction
developments completed.
• Work on Addison Wesley/Pearson is on-going - Huge amount of time spent
with the AWWG
• Downtown Improvement Project is out to bid - bids due January 30
• Hallmark Health and new restaurants at 55 WBD
• Received grants and outside funding for:
o Acquisition of north Main Street property - $800,000
o Franklin Street Sidewalks - $325,000
o Fields - $200,000
o COPS/School Security - $150,000
o Homeland Security
o Substance Abuse Planning - $10,000
o Decision on Water Treatment Plant means that no SRF funding is
Purchased and implemented CIP software
® Developed and revised CIP funding strategy - FINCOM adopted revised
• Established and Funded Storm Water Enterprise system
Public Health and Safetv
Filled in additional hours I Health Division
® Acquired emergency management equipment
• Department Head retreat - very successful
• Conduct Department "Highlights" once a month at the Board of Selectmen
• RMLD and -School senior staff participate as Department Heads - very
• Completed the Master Plan, and CPDC and Staff have a detailed
implementation process
• Updated inventory of affordable housing units
• Held a Housing Forum with presentation on 40R and 40S. Got consulting
help to file a technical assistance application.
• DPW management study was funded, RFP developed, and will be out for
requests by the end of January
• WAN phase 2 is under construction.
• Permits Coordinator position funded and filled
Qualitv of Life
e RCASA established and in full gear.
Town Manager's Evaluation 2006
Evaluation By:
Pete Hechenbleikner -Self Evaluation Rating
Develop and implement a process to
evaluate and improve the financial
computer platform which is used by
all departments, with a goal of
implementing this process for FY
1 2008/2009 2
Develop a capital improvement
program process involving all
stakeholders; 1-5.2 - Identify issues
and capital and maintenance needs
for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities
2 Director 2
Develop preventive maintenance
plan (Facilities Director with input
from Department Heads); 1-5.4 -
Develop calendar based schedule of
maintenance activities; 1-5.5 -
Ensure that the Facilities Department
has proper financial resources to
3 achieve mission 2
Conduct employee Technology
Training in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Power Point, the web, and Access.
Conduct an in-house resources
inventory; then seek outside
4 resources as necessary 3
Conduct training on Emergency
Preparedness for Key employees &
5 elected officials updated annually. 2
Establish and foster internal
communications, through retreats
s and other mechanisms 1
1=Excellent 3=Fair 5=Bad
2=Good 4=Poor
Establish a system for employee
communications and information
7 (benefits, policies) 3
Educate elected and appointed
Boards & staff on respective roles,
8 responsibilities and relationships 3
For Town
(BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide
systematic comment on the conduct
s of the Town's volunteer qovernment 2
Develop a system of
interconnectiveness with calendars
of members of
This should be similar to the
Microsoft Exchange program in use
for Town employees, to facilitate
better planning of meetings involving
the volunteer portions of Town
10 government 2
Develop and document the budget
process involving Boards & staff,
including all Departments (Town and
School) and major
11 Boards/Committees/Commissions 1
Develop a process and plan of how
the Town will address the additional
affordable housing needs in the
12 community 1
Conduct an evaluation of the
Reading Public Library building as
13 well as library services 3
Identify consultants and scope the
cost of conducting such a study.
14 (DPW Manaqement Study)
(Quality of Life) implement the
recommendations of the Initiative
15 Against Substance Abuse
Average rating