HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-30 Board of Selectmen Handouto~~ o~RFq~r . Town of Reading ti 16 Lowell Street V Reading, MA 01867-2685 a X39; tNCOR4e4P FAX: (781) 942-9070 TOWN CLERK Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us (781) 942-9050 October 26, 2006 Dear Town Meeting Member: You are hereby notified that the first session of the Subsequent Town Meeting will be held at: • 7:30 p.m. • Monday, November 13, 2006 • Reading Memorial High School new Auditorium, see map on back. Note: High school students will be available until 8:30 p.m. to assist with directions Dress in layers - could be cool in the new auditorium All adjourned sessions will be at the High School. Please make every effort to be on time. The "probable calendar" is as follows: November 13th, 16th, 20th, and 27th Your copy of the Warrant will be available for you to pick up on Friday, October 27th after 5:00 p.m. at the Police Station at 15 Union Street. I will have a sign-up sheet with the Warrant Report and ask that you sign your name as verification that you have received your Warrant. Be sure to bring your copy to Town Meeting, as we have a limited supply. The following precinct Meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13th" to fill by appointment until the next election the following vacancies that exist in.the Town Meeting Membership. Precinct 1 (Room 207) 1- one-year vacancy Precinct 6 (Room 209) 1- one-year vacancy Please remember to sign in at the checker's desk to confirm your attendance'ateach . session. It is your responsibility to make sure the correct name is checked off on the list. Newly appointed Town Meeting members will need to be sworn in by the Town Clerk.. Handouts will be available on a table at the back of the new High School Auditorium. erely,. Chery, . Jo son Town Jerk Reading gublis uti ° X' BIRcll MEADOW Cff Psi~C".LOT Caton' taw 'B ~R FIELD HOUR xmaginatlo and AT pl,,,,kS softball fief ds ~ ~ g ~W.F. between C, LOT AND pA a TKO F LT ° ~IDCx ° p, ,-RIG" sc~°~' TBE RIB ° Ta w- iL BE ~ CT D ~ entrapee level or O °piLT'. at 1it`1 next AYJDTT is handioai' acceso up stairs to 'Tuexe wi1J enter and ea tber members to the rig. Tom Meetan& tox• yn the Goxxidox take. be eleva ecinct ill be on 2nd level s d Y,-Meeting r~ U3 1 4J, C5-- i. Water Rates - Projected changes since June '06 Current* MWRA (Jun'06) WTP (Jun'06) FY2007 $ 6.79* $ 6.14 $ 8.24 FY2008 $ 6.77 $ 6.09 $ 9.08 FY2009 $ 7.49 $ 6.63 $ 9.53 FY2010 $ 8.61 $ 8.61 $ 9.87 FY2011 $ 9.12 $ 9.12 $ 10.18 FY2012 $ 9.06 $ 9.06 $ 10:53 FY2013 $ 9.44 $ 9.44 $ 10.92 FY2014 $ 9.78 $ 9.78 $ 11.46 FY2015 $ 10.06 $ 10.06 $ 11.73 *Rates ignore the use of reserves; the decision to repay some debt early; and the impact of recent water main debt issuance Forty-year projections at June '06 Town Meeting (MWRA +8%) Projected Water Rates Full MWRA New WTP 0-5- Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Linda Phillips [Imfphillips@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 4:49 PM To: Ben Tofoya Cc: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: Comments to Review on Playground Funds Attachments: There has been some talk about the BOS supporting a warrant article to provide additional funding for a Wood End playground.doc Thank you Peter for the call to let me know of Monday's Selectmen's agenda, specifically my concerns about WA 10, funds for the WE playground. 1 am attached some comments for the BOS review prior to the discussion Monday p.m. 1 hope to attend. Please pass them along to each member of the BOS. Thank you. Respectfully, Linda Phillips 10/30/2006 U There has been some talk about the BOS supporting a warrant article providing additional funding for a Wood End playground. I would like to provide some pertinent information regarding funding for this playground that, perhaps, has been forgotten. - On 11/8/04 at a Subsequent Town Meeting, $650K was transferred into the 3 school building projects. From the $650K, $100,000 added to the capital account for the Wood End School specifically designated for a playground and sprinklers. The video of that meeting shows the superintendent stating clearly, "The School Committee wanted to use this money to focus where certain funds are needed; $100K at the Wood End School is sufficient funds to put a playground in that area and to provide a sprinkler system for that field", funds for Barrows contingency are low, as well as FIT & E and technology, and because the bids came in higher than expected, the high school contingency is low as well as FIT & E, and technology", etc. - The town's capital plan was amended to include the funds for these additional requests. - Invoices charged to this capital account show the playground equipment ordered cost only $17,167.50, with nearly $2K for stone borders. ($19,103.50 total) - Invoices for the requested field sprinkler system cost $16,987. - Total costs for the specified capital expenses are $36,090 leaving a balance of nearly $64K. - The rest of the capital money was spent on: 7 trips to Winchester Hospital for students affected by a contractor's noxious fumes occurring in October 2004 with resultant costs of ambulance fees. Gravel and fill for enlarging the existing parking lot (that were promised in the project's specs to begin with). Electrical troubleshooting & repair of existing electrical work already completed. Project manager's invoices for services. Computer and software totaling $1,660 07 It is also important to note that this request for $100K for the playground and sprinklers at Wood End came six months after the April `04 T. Mtg. transferred $634,000 from the incomplete Wood End project, directly into the Barrows project. Why was the Wood End project money transferred before the project was was completed? These financial request for additional project funding, made by the superintendent were a major part of an official Town Meeting where town business was conducted, and are listed separately listed on the capital plan for that T. Mtg. session. For some unfortunate reason, none of this was put in writing within the warrant and this playground information can only be found on the video tape of that Town Meeting when the superintendent requested the funds. Some members of our community believe that if the "playground specifics" were not in the written warrant, the school department can use the money for any project needs. I feel that if the needs of the children were used to garner support for the $100K playground and field sprinklers, all of that money should have been spent for that purpose alone. We have to stop paying twice for the same things and facilitate better accountability with how the taxpayer's money is spent.. School department request for additional funding should be vetted prior to these issue coming up before this or any board so there is agreement, in the least, that the factual information presented is the most accurate. 09 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Tina Brzezenski [tins@statefn.com] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 4:07 PM To: Town Manager Subject: ribbon cutting - wood end playground Please Note: Due to the poor weather forecasted, the ribbon cutting originally scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to next Saturday, 11/4, at 1® AM. To a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony To celebrate the successful Phase I installation of our wonderful, new playground. Saturday, NOVEMBER 4, 2006 At 10:00 A Join us and play! 10/30/2006 ~c Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Reilly, Chris Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 9:11 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; 'jvanasse@nisource.com'; Reading - Selectmen Subject: RE: Construction of a business at 453 West Street will result in dangerous traffic situation Thanks to all for the correspondence-I will share with the CPDC. The Town Manager is quite correct-as was explained at the CPDC hearing on October 23 state statute exempts the educational use from zoning restrictions. In fact by agreeing to go through full site plan review the applicant is essentially accepting more regulation than Mass General Law 40A Section 3 may allow. As permitting authority and staff responsible for this application the CPDC and I welcome and value any input from the Selectmen and Town Manager on any aspect of the application. Since the Selectmen serve as Road Commissioners any input on the traffic is particularly relevant. I would be happy to provide any recommendations to the CPDC for review on November 6. Chris Reilly Reading Town Planner 16 Lowell St. 01867 781-942-6612 fax 781-942-9071 http://www.ci.reading.ma.us/planning -----Original Message----- From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 8:53 AM To: 'jvanasse@nisource.com'; Reading - Cc: Reilly, Chris Subject: RE: Construction of a business traffic situation ion and Jenny Thanks for yo9ur email. Selectmen at 453 West Street will result in dangerous I just want you to'be aware that by State law a school can be located in any zoning district. That is not to comment on traffic issues - I just wanted you to be aware of the zoning issue. Pete Hechenbleikner Town Manager -----Original Message----- From: jvanasse@nisource.com [mailto Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 4:20 To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Construction of a business situation Town of Reading Selectmen: jvanasse@nisource.com] PM at 453 West Street will result in dangerous traffic I'm writing to make you aware of a dangerous proposal to construct a Montessori school at 453 West Street. This week there was a CPDC hearing at the town hall at which the developer of the project presented their plans, and a good number of neighbors voices their strong opposition, including me. We drafted a petition with about 40 signatures and presented it to the CPDC. The main reason I am opposed to the project is safety. This property is on a dangerous curve, with a posted speed limit of only 25. I live right across the road from the property. In the morning as I attempt to back out of my driveway, I often have to drive back into my driveway to avoid speeding cars suddenly appearing around that corner. Accidents and speeding tickets are common in front of my house. A motorcyclist almos 1 there just this year. And as you know our street is going to become much more congested with the addition of thousands more residents at Johnson Woods, Archstone, and Avalon, which will only excacerbate the problem at this location. Now on top of that added traffic imagine placing a school for 80 kids right there, with cars turning in and out during rush hour! And as if that weren't enough, there are plans to install a traffic light on West St. a couple hundred feet down the road from this location who knows what impact that will have. Another reason I'm opposed the school being built there residential zone and they are placing what is basically nothing against a high-end preschool being built in our and feel it would be a positive addition to the town spot. How about Main Street or some other commercially traffic? is zoning we are in a a public business there. I have town, in fact I admire the program if it were built in the right zoned area that is built to handle At the CPDC meeting it was determined that the developers didn't do enough research into traffic issues so they have been asked to conduct another study and submit to the town. There will be another hearing on November 6th at 9:30. I moved to West Street only four years ago and within that time it has undergone big changes, with three huge developments resulting in a dangerous increase in traffic. We have two kids and feel that placing a business in this spot is a bad idea! If you know of ways to help me stop this project, please let me know. Thanks in advance for your help. Jon and Jenny Vanasse 454 West St. Reading, MA 01867 (781) 942-1281 work: 603-436-0310'x5922 Scanned by IBM Email Security Management Services powered by MessageLabs. For more information please visit http://www.ers.ibm.com 2 C UAL OF SELE 'fit -8 -FORT ~ . IN SHEET I o ~ 39 51C•~.. pA"tE~ (please prlut)s Gr r++ C'playgrounds built for safety and fun To: REMIT PAYMENT TO: -~y CHILDSCAPES 612 PLAIN STREET MARSHFIELD; MA 02050 781-837-6412 billea()childscaaes.net v - nvoice Yo-4z-m , 0 5 avn $ 55, - 4 st,i INVOICE NO: 261 DATE: 1-10-051 C' A.01, Ship To: 1 Reading Public Schools Wood End School Attn: Patrick Schettini, Jr. Attn: Richard Davidson 28 Oakland Road, PO Box 180 85 Sunset Rock Road Reading, MA 01867 Reading, MA 01867 SALESPERSON P.O. NUMBER SHIPPING DATE SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. POINT SD QUANTITY 1 28 Contract Award 12-23-04 ABF Fond du Lac, WI PAYMENT DUE . DATE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Contract-Burke Custom Playground 17,167.50 17,167.50 Addition of Stone Borders 1,936.00 1936.00 PAYMENT DUE IN FULL UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE ! LESS DEPOSIT SUBTOTAL SALES TAX Exempt DELIVERY Included TOTAL DUI $19,103.50 .Make all checks payable to: CHILDSCAPES . 1t you have any questions concerning this invoice, call: Priscilla (781) 837-6412 ..:..THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Y EIrl:> WE HOPE THE CHILDREN ENJOY THE PLAYGROUND FOR MANY YEARS TO COME.;, TOWN OF READING ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CUMS REPORT PRINTED 21Sep2006 15:47:42 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT: 01 GENERAL FUND CURRENT BUDGET . 2.08 SCHOOL CAPITAL OUP N E1:EMEN7PQ~l~~fi ~ t. APPROPRIATION ADJUST APPR. REV/REINiB EXPENDED BALANCE . 000 00 100,000'.00 . .00 79,003.15 .20,996.85 DATE TYPE CK# VENDOR 23Nov2004 TRANSFER 100,000.00 08Mar2OO5 EXPENSE 247,405 10520 HEFFRON MATERIALS 75.52 08Mar2005 EXPENSE 247,356 04230 CHILDSCAPES' 19,103.50 29Mar2005. EXPENSE 248,547 . 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 242.37 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,547 • 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 242.37 29Mar20.05 EXPENSE 248,547 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 242.37 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,547 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 242.37 29Mar200.5 EXPENSE 248,384 09550 GRAINGER 137.70 29Mar2OO5 EXPENSE 248,419 12831 LANTERN LIGHT & ELECTRIC 386.60 29Mar2005 EXPENSE .248,419' 12831 LANTERN LIGHT & ELECTRIC 2,173.32 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,419 12831 LANTERN LIGHT & ELECTRIC 1,122.08 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,419 12831 LANTERN LIGHT 8& ELECTRIC 68.00 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,41.9 12831 LANTERN LIGHT & ELECTRIC. 984.87 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,454 17557 NORTH READING AMBULANCE •566.00 29Mar2005- EXPENSE 248,526 24404 UNIVERSAL ENVIRONMENTAL 1,500.00 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,545 25646 TOWN-OF WILMINGTON 530.27 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,545 25646 TOWN OF WILMINGTON 530.27 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,547 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL- 242.37 29Mar2005 EXPENSE 248,547 25682 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 242.37 12Apr2005 EXPENSE 248,879 02120 MARY ELLEN BEGONIS 75.00 12Apr2005 EXPENSE 248,909 06384 DELL MARKETING-$ L.P.- 1,239.43 12Apr2005 EXPENSE 248,938 10600 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 429.00 12Apr2005 EXPENSE 248,969 16253 PAUL MORIARTY &•ASSOC INC 600.00 19Apr2005 EXPENSE 249,126 0121.2 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION, 3,670.50 19Apr2005 EXPENSE 249,360 19915 READING DAILY CHRONICLE 172.05. 26Apr2005 EXPENSE 249,540 01212 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION, 9,977..00 03May2005 EXPENSE 249,999 25683 WINCHESTER HOSPITAL 80.00 10May2005 EXPENSE. 250,066 01212 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION, 3,071.50 10May2005 EXPENSE 250,066 01212 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION, 5.25 24May2005 EXPENSE 2503,776 17470 JUDITH NITSCH•ENGINEERING 2,500.90 14Jun2005 EXPENSE 251,440 01212 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION; 162.10 14Jun2005 EXPENSE 251,440. 01212 ARCHITECTURE INVOLUTION, 3,373.00 14Jun2OO5 EXPENSE 251,603 17470 JUDITH NITSCH ENGINEERING 4,250.00 30Jun2005 EXPENSE 252,700 25830 WOBURN CONCRETE AND 186.56. 30Jun2005 EXPENSE 252,893 15843 ALFRED MORRISON.dba 107.65 30Jun2005 EXPENSE 252,893 15843 ALFRED MORRISON dba 883.50 - 3OJun2005 EXPENSE 253,501 15698 .MFB, INC. 19,587.36 100,000.00 .00 79,003.15 TOWN OF READING ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CUMS REPORT PRINTED 21Sep2006 15:58:10 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT: 02 GENERAL FUND-PRIOR YRS BUDGET 208 SCHOOL - CAP ITAL O UTLAY 5811 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROJECT APPROPRIATION ADJUST APPR. REV/REIMS EXPENDED BALANCE 000 000 20,996.85 .00 .00 20,996.85 :00 PATE TYPE CK#. V ENDOR . 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,658 00427 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 484.00 05 23AU920 EXPENSE 254,661 00740 AMERICAN BOLT & NUT CO. 125.10 " 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,677' 02175 BENEVENTO SAND & STONE 159.20 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,764 12831 LANTERN LIGHT & ELECTRIC 340.00 23Aug2.005 EXPENSE . 254,772 14290 MARTIGNETTI ENTERPRISES 12.00 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,817 16409 PACIFIC NORTHWEST SEED 130.00 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,860 21550 SCITUATE CONCRETE PIPE 2,003.40 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,860 21550 SCITUATE CONCRETE PIPE 3,110.22 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,872 22705 STANDARD ELECTRIC 150•.31 23Aug2005 EXPENSE 254,898 25830 WOBURN CONCRETE AND. 126.00 23Aug2005. EXPENSE 254,898 25830 WOBURN CONCRETE AND 126.00 13Sep2005 EXPENSE 255,485 00427 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 1,881.00 13Sep2005 EXPENSE 255,485 00427 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 2,178.00 13Sep2005 EXPENSE 255,602 21299 SAUNDERS CONSTRUCTION CO 7,452.00 27Sep2005 EXPENSE 256,057 02175 BENEVENTO SAND & STONE 2,121.42 27Sep2005 EXPENSE 256,058 02180 BENEVENTO ASPHALT CORP. 384.89 27Sep2005 EXPENSE 256,058. 02180 BENEVENTO ASPHALT CORP. 132.00 27Jun2006 EXPENSE 268,098 10680 -HIGHSMITH INC. 9.11 27Jun2006 EXPENSE 268,098 10680 HIGHSMITH INC. 72.20 .00 .00 20,996.85