HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-14 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
• The "Change a Light - Change the World" campaign encourages residents to pledge to change
at least one incandescent light bulb in their home to a Compact Fluorescent Light. These lights
use 75% less energy, and last for much longer. The quality of light is excellent. To pledge, go
to www.rmld.orq. We have indicated that in this community between now and the end of
November, we can get at least 500 households to make and meet that pledge.
• LED lighting for holiday lights we now have $600 for the $800 cost. If we receive additional
donation we will put those donations towards more lights.
• The new community events sign is installed and in use. We will have 1 more sandwich board
sign on the common for the Chamber of Commerce tree lighting - this was a timing issue with
the new sign.
• Adopt a Family program is under way. If you are interested in participating as a donor or
recipient, contact Sure Reardon at 942-6660.
• The Veterans Day celebration was outstanding. Lou Cimaglia did a great job with his
committee in organizing it.
• Town Meeting last evening was a terrific celebration of the new auditorium at the new RMHS.
Thanks and congratulations to the Superindent of Schools, the School Committee, and the staff
and students.
• Flu Clinics
Tuesday November 14, 2006
Coolidge Middle School
For adult Reading residents
Thursday November 16, 2006
Parker Middle School
For adult Reading residents
Monday November 20, 2006
Barrows Elementary School
3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
For Reading residents 65 and older
• Election November 7 - 8 am to 8 PM - at 55 Walkers Brook Drive. We thank Nordic Properties
for their assistance in providing the venue. Next election will be back at the Field House in
• Status - Gazebo Circle area drainage improvements
• Upcoming Board of Selectmen meeting agendas:
• We need 3 members on the Animal Control Appeals Committee - if there are none forthcoming,
I'd like to suggest a "volunteer" from the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Health, and I would
consider being on .the committee. The preference would be to get citizens who are not
members of BCC or staff, but we do need to get these positions filled.
November 16 = Towm Meeting
November 21, 2006
Review Action Status Report
Appointments - Conservation, Landbank, Cultural Council
Retirement I 7:30
Water Conservation report 8:00
Report from Economic Development Committee 8:20
Removal of tree - NE corner of Franklin Street and Sunset
Rock Lane 8:40
Classification plan - Assistant Town Clerk 9:00
Follow-up - Imagination Station 9:15
Fees for underground storage licensees, and tank removal 9:45
Liquor License Renewals 10:001
I Reading Overseas Vets Change of Manager ~
L December 5, 2006
Office Hours - Schubert
Report - Nurse Advocacy program
Interim Report - ad hoc Downtown Parking Committee
Tambone presentation re south Main Street property
December 12; 2006,
Town Manager Evaluation
I '
~ j
December 19, 2006
Review Action Status Report j
24 hour sales - 87 Walkers Brook Drive 8:00
Article 13
■Owned mostly/entirely by the Town
■Taken for tax title
®On July 31, School Committee voted
to "Relinquish all rights, if any.."
■May 4, 2006 Town Meeting
Instructional Motion -
Article 1 (Continued)
1 ' 54
RMHS ` nr21 2
Article 13 (Continued)
■ Total area of approximately 90,000
Square Feet plus streets
■ Zoned S-15 =15,000 s.f. lots
■ Topographically "challenged - ledge
and hills
■ Full access to utilities
Article 13 (Continued)
Process once Town Meetina votes to
■ Meet with neighbors and community to
get input as to conditions on future use
■ Establish a task force to advise Board
of Selectmen on RFP, and evaluate
■ Appraise land
Develop RFP and advertise sale of land
06 2
Article 13 (Continued)
® Receive proposals
■ Review proposals with the Task Force
and with the community - public
® Recommend purchase to the Board of
® Board of Selectmen award sale
Article 13 (Continued)
® Board of Selectmen enter into a
Purchase and Sale agreement
® Close the transaction subject to
conditions as established.
■ Proceeds of the sale go into the Sale of
Real Estate fund, perhaps for purchase
and development of other open space
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Cormier, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 3:04 PM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: FW: parking issues
Some issues we've observed re: downtown. Do you want to mention them tonight or wait until PTTTF tomm.?
From: Halloran, Michelle
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:39 PM
To: Cormier, Jim
Subject: parking issues
Here are some streets that may need to have the parking regulations changed:
1) Washington Street between Briarwood Apartment to Woburn Street (West side)-was not posted with any
regulation before-under new regulation it is posted for resident permit parking---I recommend that is
should be No parking, way to narrow
2) Sanborn Street between Woburn and Haven (North east area-by funeral home)-was No parking before -
under new regulations it is 2 hour---I recommend it should be No parking
3) Linden Street between Haven and Woburn (North east area-by telephone company)-was No parking-
under new regulation it is 2 hour---I recommend it should be No parking
4) Green Street between Elliot and Main-resident request to make this area resident permit parking only---
I did a site visit and saw no issues, at this time I recommend we monitor the area to see if a regulation is
-Michelle #64
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
Thursday, November 09, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: Selectmen's Meeting for November 14th
Hello Members,
The Selectmen are going to revisit the Downtown Parking Issues, and I would encourage Chamber Members to
please attend this meeting as there are going to be many sides to the argument asking for other things. It is
important that we get as many members as possible to attend. Thanks,
Carol Hughes, Executive Director
Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 771
Reading, MA 01867
Phone #781-944-8824 Fax #781-944-6125
Web Address - readingnreadingchamber.org
"Our business is your business"
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Hechenbteikner, Peter
From: Jody Avtges godyavtges@gmaii.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:57 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen; selectmen @ci. reading
Subject: Washington St. parking problem..it is dangerous
Dear Selectmen:
Since the town reduced the number of parking spots at the station, there have been cars parked on both
sides of Washington - between Woburn and Prescott - so narrow it is difficult for cars, never mind trash
or firetrucks to get thru.
I respectfully request a change that says parking on one side only! It seems to me this is the most
reasonable compromising taking into consideration importance of encouraging mass transit. The side
does not matter to me - just as long as it is one side only - and the parking distance from corners is
enforced. In fact, even if enforced, while pulling from Washington onto Woburn, it is impossible to see
around the large SUVs - I think spots near the corner should say "compact cars only". This also
discourges gas guzzling, road tearing large vehicles.
Thank you. Jody James Avtges, 42 Washington St., Reading, MA 01867
Jody James Avtges
781-942-5756-home or
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Jody Avtges Godyavtges a@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 2:25 PM
To: Town Manager
Subject: Washington St. parking is worse since less lots at station
Dear Peter,
Since there are less lots at the station, the parking on Washington St. between Woburn and Prescott has
been heavy and dangerous as parkers willy nilly park where they like and on both sides which someday
will mean a firetruck or ambulance can't get thru.
I think it is only reasonable to make it one side only parking. and, the other should be none at all
because in mid day there will be parkers on both sides - as would be case right now. I also recommend
compact cars only parking on corners because it is just too hard to see around those elephant cars! If
not, this is accident waiting to happen land.
thank you very much for your consideration. See you tonight! Truly, Jody Avtges, 42 Washington,
Reading, MA
Jody James Avtges
781-942-5756-home or
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Bstewl6l@aol.com
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 9:15 AM
To: Town Manager
Subject: Legal Notice
In reference to the stop regulations on County Rd. at Lothrop Rd. - given the number of speeding cars and trucks
that race down County Rd. and the number of children and pets in the neighborhood, a stop might be a good
idea. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to regulate. Be that as it may, the stop is a good idea that might
Barbara Stewart
52 County Rd.
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: WISYA@aol.com
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 10:36 AM
To: Town Manager
Cc: W1SYA@aol.com
Subject: Stop Regulations at County/Lothrop road
Sir I would agree that stop signs at this intersection would help prevent accidents. Also 100 yards West on
Lothrop is Jere Rd. It is a circle with four houses, one being mine #12.
Often cars enter the circle looking for a thru way to Rt. 93. The circle is use by children for play. I would like a
NO THRU WAY sign at the entrance so cars would not enter at random.
Thankyou in advance Redmond Sheets
12 Jere Rd
Reading Ma
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: ffull@att.net
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 10:42 AM
To: Town Manager
Subject: town meeting Nov 14, 2006
We are very much in favor of stop signs at the intersections of Lothrop Road with County Road and
with Howard Street and Westcroft. People unfamiliar with the area have expressed surprise that there
are no stop signs as traavelers on county road seldom slow down at these intersections - Frank & Sheila
Fuller, 5 Jere Road, Reading.
5.2.11 - Parking of Trailers
No person shall park or stand any trailer on any part of any street, way,
highway, road, or parkway under the control of the town, unless such trailer is
attached to a motor vehicle capable of towing it. For purposes of this by-law,
"Trailer" refers to the term "trailer" as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 90, §1. Trailers
parked in violation of this bylaw are subject to fine and tow. The "speedboard" and
other such equipment associated with municipal operations are exempt from this
by-law. Short term exceptions to this section may be permitted by the Chief of
Police or his designee so long as public safety is not compromised.
For reference only/not a part of the article:
M.G.L c.90, §1 - "Trailer", any vehicle or object on wheels and having.no motive
power of its own, but which is drawn by, or used in combination with, a motor
vehicle. It shall not include a pole dolly or pole dickey, so called, nor a pair of. wheels
commonly used as an implement for other purposes than transportation, nor a
portable, collapsible or separate two wheel tow dolly limited only to the purpose of
transporting or towing a registered vehicle, nor farm machinery or implements
when used in connection with the operation of a farm or estate, nor any vehicle
when towed behind a farm tractor and used in connection with the operation of a
farm or estate.
Phone (781) 942-6616 Fax (781) 942-9071
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2683
Reading Conservation Commission Meeting
Selectmen's Meeting Room, 8:30 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
8:30 Public Meeting, Request for Determination of Applicability, Atlantic Tambone, 80-100
Main Street and 370 South Street, RGB 2006-42, wetlands identification
8:40 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Walter Marshall, 88 Timberneck Drive, RGB 2006-
43, addition to house
8:50 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, James Ghirardi, 1050 Main Street, RGB 2006-44,
retaining wall, fill, landscaping
9:00 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Robert Scarano, end of Fairchild Drive, DEP 270-
475, RGB 2006-13, new single-family house and site work (NOTE: This hearing will
be postponed to November 29, 2006.)
9:00 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Aaron Amara, Tyree Corp., 306 Main Street, RGB
2006-41, fuel tank removal
9:10 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Motiva Enterprises LLC, Shell Station, 87 Walkers
Brook Drive, DEP 270-479, RGB 2006-25, canopy over pump island, fencing, removal
of contaminated sediments
Old/New Business:
• 25 Walkers Brook Drive, DEP 270-470; RGB 2005=51- Pre-construction submittals for
• Maplewood Village, DEP 270-402, RGB 2003-28 and DEP 270-423, RGB 2004-13- As-built
plans and request for Certificates of Compliance
• Reading Memorial High School, DEP 270-416, RGB 2003-51 - Status of work
® 37 Pinevale Avenue, RGB 2005-35 - Status of work
• MassHighway Bridge, Main Street at Ipswich River
• Wood End School, DEP 270-241, RGB 2000-8 - As-built plans and request for Certificate of
• 315 Salem Street, DEP 270-449, RGB 2005-17 - Issue Certificate of Compliance
• 12 Timberneck Drive, DEP 270-317, RGB 1999-13 - Issue Certificate of Compliance
• 13 Harvest Road, DEP 270-457, RGB 2005-24 - Status of work
• 36 Pitman Drive, DEP 270-385, RGB 2002-36 - Status of work
• 22 Pondview Lane, DEP 270-467, RGB 2005-46 - As-built plan and status of work
• Site Visit Reports - 212 Main Street
• Minor Projects
• Minutes for approval
0 other... (This agenda is prepared in advance and may not list all items for the meeting.)
Notes to Commission. November 13. 2006
VIDEO -Please keep passing the videotape from Mona DeAngelo for 14 Strawberry Hill Road
among yourselves. Then, will the last person please return it to me. Thanks!
Boy Scout Dana Hanson will continue work in Higgins Conservation Area on November 18 and
19 - bridge construction.
80-100 Main Street, 370 South Street
88 Timberneck Drive -
1050 Main Street -
Fairchild Drive - Postponed to November 29, 2006.
306 Main Street -
Shell Station, 87 Walkers Brook Drive
0 25 Walkers Brook Drive - Will meet with contractor this week re: pre-construction submittals.
Maplewood Village - Sent letter requesting additional information on as-built plans.
0 RMHS - See letter sent by email on 11/9.
0 37 Pinevale Avenue - Engineering send letter ordering removal of pavement unless owner gets
permission from BOS to leave it.
0 MassHighway Bridge - Hearing is at 7:00, North Reading Town Hall on North Street. Plans
will be on view beginning at 6:30 PM.
0 Wood End School - Need to review as-built plans. '
0 315 Salem Street - You voted to issue Certificate of Compliance last time. I will bring the
0 12 Timberneck Drive - Ditto.
0 13 Harvest Road - Will inspect on 11/14.
0 36 Pitman Drive - Have spoken to owners. They did not pave a new driveway, but rather have
or will plant grass in the area. They are working on obtaining and planting trees to replace the
pines that were cut down.
0 22 Pondview Lane - Need to review revised as-built plan and check runoff from pavers during a
rain storm.
0 212 Main - Hope to go by and see that they have put up an erosion barrier.
0 1
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