HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-18 Board of Selectmen HandoutPage 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 4:59 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Pete: I believe this would be a Town Meeting Warrant item Bob Bob LeLacheur Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, NIA 01867 (P) 781-942-6636 (F) 781-942-9037 (E).Tnance a,ci.reading.ma.its From: Jackson, Deborah Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 4:53 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: LeLacheur, Bob Subject: Peter, We were going over the Exemption qualifications for fiscal year 2010 with the Board of Assessor's and were talking about maybe encouraging the Selectmen to approve adding in the COLA for the Elderly 17D and 41 C Exemptions. What brought this up was a few of our elderly coming to the counter asking about exemptions and going to a few houses that needed a lot of work with an elderly resident. I have talked to Dawn and she is aware of most elderly in need but it made us think about and take a closer look at what we do. The numbers are low for each with a total of 35 receiving the 17D ($6,125 total) and 36 for the 41C ($18,000 total). The cost of living has been around 2.5% to 3.5% in the past few years. I have talked to Bob about this, the BOA wants more detail from our office and exact numbers and projections so in preliminary stages of this request. Just wanted you to know that we are having this discussion at this time. Please contact me with any questions you might have. Deb Deborah A. Jackson Town of Reading Appraiser phone 978-942-9027 fax 978-942-9037 8/18/2009 6 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Feudo, John Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:34 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: Keating, Bob Subject: FYI HI Peter, I met with'Bob Keating this morning Re: Scoreboard in left field at Morton. We have room back there, but not too much. We will need to know the size of the footings to make sure they are not an issue. Peter Moscariello is working on getting that spec to us, hopefully for tonight's meeting. There are some trees back there Bob said he could trim if need be, that did not seem to be too much of an issue. See you tonight. John John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator Town of Reading 8/18/2009 Eversan Scoreboards F_versalt r seba8I Desc r i ptio n Scoreboards Design Page 1 of 4 Eversan is dedicated to bringing you the latest in technology, we have added more advanced sCOreboaros than we can oispiay. I:f you oo riot see a board mecrtmg; your specs or pricing, please call one of our scoreoci lyd staeriallst for a custorn 1) o:"ard. klaset»II/5ofibaQ Scorehoaard Baseball/Softball Scoreboard Baseball/ Softball With Ultra Bright Wide Angie Outdoor LED Digits Baseball/Softball Scoreboard Ft.is;et',ail Scnreboarci Baseball/Softball With 18" Ultra Bright Wide Angle Outdoor 1, t ED Baseball/ Softball With 244" Ultra Bright Wide Angle Outdoor LED Features .onrrol c('nsol, with I_CC) feadout > Eai1 indlca!:or' ! ~t t.0 uri 'l illlrt r:' U~yd ` o k 6LL.:ator i)"9<1 lul ne; gll~t,t sf 'ire Out rleflt~.')wr . 77'" ,!Ir^::L•::rr , Lti .,nri;. ,7ir7 i. trio 1'tFU~r.) br:l rcP.t> • htn;rrgi.'o::en;Ot c'.nr:frol . i Ist ui p CC 70 f9'.o dU high > ConUOI Cori oir LCD • a" L.ED D19-ts • 0-99 Flome/Guest Score > Innings 1-9 ai'c adapter • 140 Degree Viewing Angle • t-iountlr,n Bracket 5 Year Warranty "i 1" LIHi dig CS • 0 99 Home; Guest Score • Eiall, Sirlke, Out > 140 Degree! viewing angle • C:ont.lol console sv/ t.CD 15LED t. Ill Hal Sink(, it .i Out 4,kAr . t ) 5 a t ? t t t :,n.! t . t g . , t : S c Of N•, 2.1" LED D t)Igtts: > ball, Strke, CAA , Af Bat, fUF . 0-99 HOME 'Guest Score • Innings 1.19 > 140 Degree Vievting Angle. . Nounting Bracket 1;1" LED digits • 0 - 99 Home/ Gue.sl: Score • Ball, Strike, Out Indici,tors > 1 73 .nirq < 140 De-gte vle:ving angic r U Ol Onsoic- vJ/ LCD < A/C adapter Net .orl< Callable. • hLlUntiny bra CketS • 24" LED digits • ! 99 Horne?/Guest Score: Ball, Strike, Out indwators http://eversan.com/productlist.efin?cat-id=43 Model 7175 y } KR `r/'?fife l' 20C IL - Specs DOl1aoload t ~ ~41 x 2.51H x G"D c t ILI Weight: 70 lb,. t - t I s~ E", l fit ] Specs Download 6.51 x 41-1 x fi"D (I Weight: '70 tbs: r i ' rr ' 9,x.24 m~ b 1., a t y <,A k• ~dy;; v,,~' k ';s Specs Download 2.0'I. x 8• li x fi"I) k 4 r t' r ~ Welghl:; 525 lbs f 'j? s ~t! ' a 912 Tfi13 t 7 SpeCS Down oaci ~ 1,11 x 511 x G"D Weight: 200 ib:>. s y" 3 ' r it - t . I' D 9175 8/18/2009 Eversan Scoreboards i;as+ehaf!/Sott?)aIl Pitch Counter with 2e, S" Ultra Brfghx V'-tide Angle. Outdoor LED Baseball/So tbail LVlth 11'. Wfi*t, G691r Wide Angle Cn.lt,.iuo+ LED C3asc:isall jSoithalf Sc:)r+~board ,a:>ula=sil%Sot'Lbalt With 18" Ultra Bright Wide Angle Outdw)r LED Base" HISOfIt-,ou Scareboard S'aseball/ Saft ball/ Football Scoreboard 1 u Inn t c. tnD Dt t tot viewing angle • CO nrrol O I Olt?. iv/ LCO iltI ) N tl ,foie + f°n,t Iu nil nra kets. :'-1" LED, dit'O, E~i11I :•~I rIi,.N .),It : ,:1 Cc'l'"; y 1~ 1. i.:1J:a « hlouni:mq brackets • 111,.1) 1i)II> C; l tI r1. I;UCSt scord = halt SU lkt .•iul, F. hiiF Or olttn;oeviltCD Ai C. ada(JCt':r • Mounthrt b. vi kc'I:a 74" LED digits « Up/Gown T'Irnlnk) 0 `49 Home; Guest Score • Fall, Strike, Out Intbcator; + Inning Pertod 1.9 140 13t yr t v1,7ww(.) angle': CI t7 ! Iscl:: W; CI) < nd<tl;,er • 1°l0uniing brackets I i n. ! Guest scoi r- F iSI tf IYl ll i '1 I'T Io!s ;I ~ult ( rl<t I + I t C1.: 1 ,::fit::... r'f:t, it '<i'.,.> t , . ere 1 - T Inn, • 140 (Bugled wewing angle (•i ~,I, is it..,41'„':I::KE?Ul P.<:?:.,ork Capable %ontrcl C.orl;<olc: v." h t ) 1:)ultl.s 0-99 hon-, r(;nesP Score • pOs IoI nCi t:a+t.(,' im ut _ert Tlrlanu 14'• Ec 18 " J: 0 digits e3asr:•:>ai4/SoFrb.)11 Scoreboard y9 hlo.rr ;)r.U Goesi iircr W i)A -,A IR" Ultra Bright Wide in Tmvv, I irnl) 7 Angle Outdo-:)r LED Ban U r (nl, lilru)s u r f'.D NOv r_fi, ..av ,L.t. UiffGt ri rtt'1 h±''vi+r?'i i!. i,n is 4e,: <i t.f is r3 t:.c~r LEG VW'NiI'I,. 3nt:l t: conswe 'w! http://eversan.com/prod-Lictlist.cfln?cat-id=43 Page 2 of 4 Specs Downloads ` n' f ~ p ~I I° x p°d r I Weight: _10 lb;. ttf y V I) . r ~ 9.76 '071. 6 I l J 1 926 w tl VJelyht: 9270 Specs Download IS• E 74'1 x 4'l+ x. 6"D tNelght: 250 Ibs T_r i `!u j ,111 1 rt 9275 y~ Ji iW I 5 51 m V. 4 ( PION Mr~~I +fa~' al, IJ L' >h. Fi I) I 1 lII 3 9310 specs Download ? r~ U'L x 611 x 6"D Vdelght: 175 lb s. I a a, v Y ~u }}7 v; ~ ~7rI Ki'd 1 ,SGT -M~l I -V EY] 'LIT SUf".:S 170t7nIOafl aml 77 181 x B+1 X ()"D S p l iJelUllt:: 470 Ibs. 41, -kh. raj MA a 9360-T B { , t Specs Dot•:nl,ac? y 1.3"1 f) 11aitC; 4iI)» a E8111 ONE a - a 9: 653 pfncs ("Ir""dood 141 x 51.: x 6"D 8/18/2009 p Eversan Scoreboards Baseball/ Softball Scoreboard shown with optional sponsor ptruel Baseball,'softball Scoreboard :1a lfYlli/;`flfl'17.7t1LLJ14"t}I9'rt B Igh WinJ1 Argil. (:e [tfnG~o: L,.t) U;:;iI, zhowll with O} tionai "ponsor panel Baseball/Softba(l With 24" Ultra Bright Wide Angle Outdoor LED Digits i;ascac;~,ti/5ofto.~11 V11/18" Ultra Bright Wine Angle Outdoor i..EU) Digtt'.; c..-..: ,..r.;.t S< o, uIr"w 0 baseball/ Softball Scoreboard d a.,etn liJsoi'tball Scoreboard A1C adap!:er rielt?ork c.:pawe • Mcuntrng bt ackets • :'ont'ni Con..,ole. LCI'1 15 & 11" LED digits • FNnt~?;;u+1st Innings 1-10 t'iontei(L'west Runs, Hits, liar, < Ball, Strike, Out N Di gl e e Viewing Angle rie 10l k c mpable • 1''.1ouribrg tai acl;eti., ).1.'i J r 71 (ri i elf) ➢:rii g.. 1 t . A gl„ t, t ~t L „ .i.-1 O L'mcr: i vrt'.•,'utg ~irtgi C)tftloi Console,/ LCD` %.i% adapter e Pd(;h,mrk Caoiibie 2-1' IF." I LEO alults =o 9 Rtr &HII::: • Ball trll:. & Out w?Full Dlg, is J 9 E, Tors • 1 19 rigs " 110 I) gr!..e vleyvung angle • Control console w 1..(.',0 • Mounting brackets ' ) r1 :fIL :1' Ut t ::i)rF ball 'iUikil ;,u. c. II /F i. ( 1 1 • i~el) f) t fi arHJi;: Ili Co } I 1 ! f { 1' t'. n rll, t-1i,I ril, are- ',I- Ung ;1 le • Is" ;1., 15" LEA) At Bat, Ball, :iitrike., Out, H/ F " l-iorvo & Guest Innings 1-10 • H nme, C;UuSt, RUng, Hits & I rl. Ci,Ut'.r,l nsoze,,iII.CD A`-:: adaptei Network (:amble) I'~IUUnt!It'J brackets er rcl Ulf >oli' w:? LCD 15 X15 tDD101s At h i b ul :iCrik('s, OLIO, H(f Hornell t Inning-l' 1-10 • Hpnl ? Ir P Iris - ii Oe , Jl ink) Angle r"in, 1 g I,r:ar.l.c.t http://eversan.com/productlist.efin?cat id=43 Page 3 of 4 Weight: 225 1bs. r~ s 93.0 SEBALL! spec, Download yll &til W r~t1} P 1 1 71 18'Lx8H x6"D YY' y f p yyyy)~~® ;Nefyhl::.i00lbs• I'; ~J X1 M r4 w 937 ~1 fr ' r i G51 ~ j. r) ~ :I 16'Lx811 617 s r yihl.: - f :3 ~wir ~tt h l~ UT 14'L Y. 7'H x i7'D Nleigh[: 300 Ibs, L ~(j xa7; . y,._~i pppp57 y~ t'9P ~ Fi~ £.K7~~f X212 L 'a 377 ~ ;i a 11'~bu t r S r S~ F r t Specs Dowilloarl 181E x 91-1 x 6"D Weight: 650 lbs. 1r~~T. 9378 Specs 0owniaou - I 16'1 .c 8'H % fi' 1; y i e Y. 'vy raHJ iY 4.,, Ib•{ kVNl~w ..~L ' 4 7 d i Tti ~i f l r Alt, t Y p p y., ~ 4 1 of <'THx6"fi A ":ice{ i a: ! /eijht. 57.5 Ira 9872 51.ilsr.s DavanR)ad ''11 y~ 281 x TH x 6"D t~ l FY }II f_irl QJ ;R v~l"~I'Ttd Weight: 700 Ibs. 7~ L! r'a 6! "N R R k~MU 6~~~ 087 t f amt 1 ~7u}f"'~ 5 f~~ ~V S Specs Dol•rnloatl l l r#i 2811. x 91H x 61; a 4~ Q ~ t ~1 sr W-i9htt 70 lbs. j w m,......., - ....-.,,M._...,., r s/1 s/too