HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-16 Board of Selectmen PacketBoard -of Selectmen Trackina Loa for Current Issues/Proiects Date Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. Liaison Date Traffic/Parkina Issues Ash Street at Main 11/29/05 Develop a comprehensive traffic study for the Woburn Street, High Street, Lowell Street, Main Street area 9/16/06 Stop signs at . Bancroft Develop a process to acquire Town. land and build new connection Mgr. directly between Ash and Main Street, eliminating the grade crossing Anthony Action required by 2010 to 9-31-06 maintain the whistle ban. Contact new property owner; work with META Engineer Bonazoli Need to scope a study and then 12/31/07 seek funding for it. Because the downtown improvement program will have an impact on this neighborhood, and that impact cannot be determined until the Downtown Improvement project is complete, this item will be programmed for consideration in the FY 2009 budget. Request to make Bancroft at Hartshorn a multi-way stop and move stop sign on Hartshorn closer to intersection. Possible installation of a speed table. 12/5/06 Employee/merchant Full utilization parking on High Street Police Goldy Review to see if it meets 02/27/07 warrants for all way stop - take before the Board of Selectmen. Awaiting Board of Selectmen development of standards for multi-way stops Police Goldy Review utilization of these 50 02/27/07 spaces and renters plans - review lottery process 1/12/2007 1 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loci for Current Issues/Proiects Date Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem Re sip. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. _ Liaison Date Development Proiects 1/1/90 Gazebo Circle Overflow of detention basin - Engineer Bonazoli The Town Engineer has done a 01/30/07 flooding has occurred in study and determined the neighborhood during severe course of correction. The total storms cost is estimated to be $55,000. The bond is $30,000. in the past we were willing to share the bond with the developer. But I have informed the developer that we will take the entire bond and do the work. We will begin the work this fall. Will look at changes to Zoning Bylaw to require interim as-builts to ensure drainage completion. Corrective action is out to bid with construction to be done this fall. Funding from the bond and the storm water enterprise fund. Wesl VF85 Addis ?lannef Tafe a T'faff'stud sukRitted 9 14 Aa 01/39/07 sn ey y y- gee 9ste a Beard f S G e nGti6~jS-AVVW4;h d-filed 2- f+naf repent with the Beard of seleetrn , 1/1/85 Downtown Project is out to bid. Engineer Anthony Project is out to bid, with bids 01/30/07 Improvements due on January 15. The Town's "non-participating costs" of estimated $525,000 will be on a warrant in January 2007after the bids are in. Rt. 128/1-93 Monitor and advocate for Anthony Public Hearing in Reading 01109107 Interchange Reading's interest in keeping & for October 25 any improvements to the Schubert interchange to a low impact for Reading 1112/2007 2 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Loq for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. Liaison Date !Magiaati9R StatiGo Needs to be ref~rrbishe¢ of €iesreatie Beaazoli 12131106 dernelished-and-a-neW- playgreuR4-built n SaI9G#naR-reviewed-the- site - e~«.~Qd-r~o d~,.,rb,,~eat ;ers- review-te-be-dsae-en- November 4. F= l repent B c b a9 8/22106 Develop a lighting The Town needs to have Planning Bonazoli e em er Hire a consultant to develop a 03131/07 section o f the Zoning established standards and and Town draft bylaw Bylaw processes for reviewing site Manager lighting for new developments Timothy Place Property owner has built Inspection Enforcement to be started the 01/30/07 encroachment on improvements into the ROW of & Counsel week of August 21 Ticket right-of-way the private street served by RPD. Ticket not paid. Court October 24 Clerk Magistrate found for the town and ordered the fine to be paid within 90 days (January 23) If not corrected by January 23, will institute court action and impose daily fines. Sale of Oakland The Town owned tax title land Town Tafoya Include as part of September 16 05/01/07 Road land across Oakland Road from eh Manager, "Board Walk". This is an article RMHS is surplus to the Town's Town on the November 13 Town needs. Planner Meeting warrant. To be discussed by Board of Selectmen on Dec. 5. Develop process to be implemented in summer 2007 6/15/06 MWRA Buy-in Process the MWRA buy-in for DPW Bonazoli Engineer hired. First threshold 06/30/07 the Town's full MWRA use of filing NPC to MEPA met. MEPA decision on NPC delivered in late September ahead of schedule. October 11 last day for comment October. Preparing filing for WRC 1/12/2007 3 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Loq for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem Resp• Select. Action Needed Follow-uD Dept., Liaison Date r t 1 - z ,a,. Policies/Regulations 411/04 Petroleum Bylaw Regulations to be formulated Fire & Goldy Fire Department has been Town doing data collection and Counsel posting to an electronic spread sheet. New Town Counsel (Judy Pickett) is reviewing Bylaw and will outline next steps to the Board. Meeting scheduled for this Thursday, September 28. Town Counsel is drafting regulations for the BOS and for the FD. Working Group meeting with Counsel on October 26 Counsel working on revised drafts of policies and regulations. 03/31/07 Memorial Park Controversy over allowed uses 9/20/05 Mandate landscaping Should the Town develop a to save water bylaw or subdivision regulations Town Anthony At its July 25 meeting with Counsel Town Counsel the Board of Selectmen authorized Town Counsel to move forward with the filing of the cy pres petition. Town Counsel had a discussion with AG - additional information sent to AG prior to setting up a meeting here in Reading. Planning Tafoya Refer to CPDC as part of Master Plan implementation; Town is applying for a grant for an educational program on landscape maintenance Tafoya to talk to CODC about including this in Master Plan implementation discussion. Ask CCP Committee if they can review this 9/26/06 Master plan for Birch There are some key decisions DPW - Goldy Meadow site to be made on this site and we Recreatio need a master plan for the area n Develop a master plan for the property, including the Imagination Station site 12/31/06 06/30/06 04/30/07 Develop a housing Understand the 40 R and 40 S Town Tafoya Housing Forum conducted on 10/24/06 ' production plan programs, and utilizing them Planner September 28. Application for and other efforts, develop a grant for professional housing production plan to assistance has been submitted. eliminate the vulnerability to October 24 - presentation to unwanted 40B projects. BOS; November 13 - presentation to Town Meeting; Dec. 2006 - BOS approval of filing plan with DHCD; February 5/8 - Special Town Meeting; March 2007 - submit plan to DHCD 1/12/2007 4 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Loci for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem 1215/06 Sight Triangles Review and reconsider in light of Town Meeting rejection of proposed bylaw Resp• Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept, Liaison Date Police Anthony CA to review tape of Town 01/30107 Meeting and develop list of issues raised. Chief to develop questionnaire to Town Meeting members to gauge acceptability of bringing issue back to Town Meeting 12/19106 Discuss who/how to address follow- up from citizens Citizen Complaints 4/30/06 Drainage on Haverhill ditch has silted up and is not, DPW Goldy Street free-flowing - backs up and affects neighbors property John McCracken re Owner paved a portion of the Town 10/12/06 road opening permit tree lawn without a permit Engineer Anthony 10/12/06 Paul McKinnon Winthrop Road 9116/06 drainage 9118/06 112 Winthrop wall Cross Street Street ponding in front of Town driveway Engineer Anthony Drainage ponds in the area of Town 108 Winthrop Engineer Bonazoli wall is deteriorating - whose Town responsibility is it? Engineer Bonazoli work to be done this fall as part 12/31/06 of the storm water management program Engineer needs to contact property owner re potential violation - issue could be appeal able to the Board of Selectmen Property owner has been formally notified. 11/14/06 Review situation. It appears that the entire street needs to be reconstructed. Is there anything that can be done re ponding in the short term? What is the schedule in the Pavement Management Program. PMP work to start in December. In the meanwhile the DPW will do some remedial work next spring Review to see if the pipe is clear. It appears to the neighbors that part of a ditch was piped 30+/- years ago on the upstream side and that has caused the problem. Wall was installed when Town did improvements to street as a betterment 30+ years ago. Wall retains private property - and a tree on the private property is buckling part of the wall. Is the wall the Town's responsibility or the owners? It is the owners responsibility and the Town Engineer will write a letter telling him that. 12/31106 03131/07 12/31/06 i 1/12/2007 5 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loq for Current Issues/Proiects Date Issue/Protect/ Identified Problem Resp, Select. Action Needed Follow-uo Dept. Liaison Date Longvies/Palmer Hill drainage 1/12/2007 L C & r C. veftl'_~A`011 2m1 JAN --9 AM 11: 49 January 5, 2006 Reading Board of Selectman 16 Lowell Street Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Attention : Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Dear Reading Board of Selectman: Verizon is committed to providing our FiOS TV customers in Reading with the broadest variety of programming choices available, 100% digital picture quality and top-notch customer service. We realize that our customers have other alternatives for entertainment and our goal is to offer the best choice and value in the industry. As the FiOS TV channel line-up continues to expand, FiOS TV subscribers can look forward to the addition of exciting new channels, including AMC, WE!, IFC and many more. However, to accommodate these new channels, we need to realign the ones we already carry. Therefore, effective on or about 02/22/07, most of the channels in the NOS TV Premier package will change position in our lineup. Please find enclosed a notification and updated channel lineup that will be mailed to each FiOS TV subscriber in your area at least 30 days prior to the channel realignment. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact me at 617-342-0555 Verizon appreciates the opportunity to conduct business in your community, and we look forward to a long and rewarding relationship. Sincerely, 06 0" - Jill M. Reddish Franchise Service Manager - Massachusetts a~ John Q. Sample 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345-6789 We're making room for more channels - and more entertainment, Dear FiOS TV Customer, At Verizon, we're constantly trying to improve your TV experience. In the past year alone, we increased the number of channels we offer to close to 400 - all of which are 100% digital. We launched Widgets, our free interactive traffic and weather service. We also introduced our state-of-the-art Home Media DVR that lets you watch three different recorded shows, on three different TVs, at the same time. Plus, it allows you to use your TV to access photos and music stored on your PC. FIOS TV has also become an industry leader in several key TV categories, including: • Hi-Def channels - we offer more than cable • The largest percentage of customers with Hi-Def or DVR Set Top Boxes • One of the largest On Demand offerings with over 7,000 titles per month Even with all this, our fiber-optic network still has plenty of room to grow. So you can look forward to the addition of exciting new channels, including AMC, WE!, IFC and many more. (See the enclosed channel lineup for a complete listing.) However, to accommodate these new channels, we need to realign the ones we already carry. Therefore, effective 02/22/07, most of the channels in the Premier package will change position in our lineup. How will the realignment affect you? The good news is our channels will still be arranged in genre groupings. So it's easy to find your favorites. Also, the G4 Network will be moving from the ROS TV Sports package to the FIOS TV Premier lineup. That means AOS TV Premier subscribers will get the G4 Network at no extra charge. Please note: to ensure a seamless transition of your viewing preferences, you will be required to make the following changes on the day of the channel realignment: • Adjust your channel favorites to the new channel numbers • Reset blocked channels and validate that Parental Controls are accurate • Verify that your DVR/Home Media DVR is set to record the correct channels/programs For assistance, please refer to the FIOS TV Help Videos (Favorite Channels, Parental Controls and Digital Video Recorder) located under the Help section of the Video On Demand Menu. Or visit verizonfios.com/tv. Thanks for your patience during this channel realignment. It's all part of making ROS TV even more entertaining for your whole family. Sincerely, Terry Denson Vice President, Content Strategy and Acquisition 6~~ * MA-CHLU-1/07 WGBH-TV PBS 1 11 ,.,Ig ih I, 1 h)I~ JI 1i . Ili ~ I,u,l ~IO 100 Discovery Channel 190 BET Jazz 2 - 191 OUT 3 I:WSBK-TV E 101 National Geographic Channel `m E 192 GMT Pure Country 0 4 J CBS - WBZ-TV : 102 Science Channel 2 193 Great American Country 6 ABC - WCVB-TV a 103 Discovery Times a 194 Gospel Music Channel n 6 0 My WZMY-TV 104 Pentagon Channel 195 UEr Gospel 7 NBC - WHDH-TV I N 011 Channel 105; Military 199 :.rdtrackGh~-! 8 FOX-WFXTTV ; 106' Military History 9 ABC-WMUR-TV Channel 10 Telemundo- 107 H(storyChannel WNEU-TV International 11 ETV - WENH-TV 108 History Channel 12 CW-WLVI-TV 109 Biography Channel 13 ion - Supperetat 110 Animal Planet TV WGN- 119 TLC (The Learning 15 I:WBPX Channel) 21 Telefutura - Iiw n 24 WUTF-TV Local Programming 120 LiteUme 25 ETV - WYDN-TV 121 Lifetime Movie Network 26 Local Programming 122 Lifetime Real Women 27 Univislon- 123 SoapNet i WUNI-TV 124 Oxygen 28 Local Programming 129 Women's Entertainment 29 Local Programming A.A109'99- 30 Local Programming 130 QVC 31 Local Programming 131 HSN 32 Local Programming I 133 Amedca'sStore 33 Local Programming n 135 Jewelry 34 Local Programming f 137 Shop NBC 36 Local Programming i ~ _@I[N)~-"`1GIhIINildt:t~~lii° II"!iP. - 37 Local Programming 140 Style 39 Local Programming 141 Discovery Health 40 Local Programming 142 LIME 41 Local Programming 143 Fit TV 42 Local Programming 144 Food Network 43 Local Programming 145 HGTV (Home & Garden 44 PBS-WGBX-TV Television) Q 48 TV Guide 146 Fine Living 49 Weatherscan Local 147 DIY (Do It Yourself) 148 Discovery Home 50 . Notm 149 Wealth TV 51 T>. f I 150 Travel Channel E 52 ri ti m a 4ii> ss 5a ri 160 Sci-Fi C',- ine' 161 A&E l - ` C LL & Investigation 162 C8me o ii . _ 60 EsHN e 163 Court TV 61 ESPN Classic Sports 62 ESPNews 4 GBN 1 5 64 63 ESPNU Bravo 1 64 ESPN 2 16C Sleuth 157 Logo 65 New England Sports Network 166 Ovation 66 Fox Sports Net - 169 BBC America New England 170 Comedy Central 71 Speed Channel I 171 G4 72 NFL Network 176 El Entertainment, Television 75 . VERSUS ,.I 177 Fsx Rt-Ay t II` , 9i 173 Fuel 60 C- N 179 l.3C F-:tly at CNN Headline News 82 Fox News 180 r 1 1 V 83 CNBC 1 B1 Mi 81 MfVL 84 MSNBC 1 V.~!~ms 86, Bloomberg TV 164 MTV Hlts 86 CNN International 185 ;IMF (international 87 'CNBC World Music Feed)' 86 ABC News Now 186, FUSE 89 CSPAN 187 VH1 90 C-SPAN 2 188 V- CI t 200 tort: -r( ,cr.'s 301 AS1C 202 Fox t - cr 210 Hallmark Channel (East; 212 Family Net 213 Amedcanyfe TV 214 TV Land 220 Disney 221 Toon Disney 222 Nickelodeon 223 Nick Too V 224 NickToons 225 GAS: 226 Noggin 227 Cartoon Network (ESP)` 228 Boomerang (ESP)' 229 Discovery Kids 230 Varsity 231 FUNimation 232 PBS KIDS Sprout "t Ma ~qw' IL l 240 BET 241 TV One 242 Black Family Channel 243 MTV Tris 244 Galavisl6n 245 Mun2 246 Sf TV 247 AZN Television i 248 Bridges TV 26EW N 261 INSP 262 i-Life 263 Church 264 JCIV 265 BYU 266 Three Angels 268 Daystar 269 Smile of a Child xt' 270 4nlty Broadcast 2t' 'rli~ulr'!) utwmimm iiu JI I i 1r~'9 300 FoxCollege Sports - Atlantic 6:1i11 301 Fox College Sports - Central 302 Fox College Sports - Pacific 303 Tennis Channel 305 Golf Channel 307 Outdoor Channel 308 The Sportsman Channel 311 Fox Sports an Espahol 312 Fox Soccer Channel 313 GoITV 315 TVG (Horse Racing) 316 Horse Racing TV 316 MavTV ass o 319 Blackball TV 91 C-SPAN 3 189 VHt Soul' x?l 99 The Weather Channel 'A Spanish-language Secondary Audio Program (SAP) Is avaliabie for selection. -Subscription to corresponding premium channels and packages required. ROB TV Is frequently changing Its channel offerings. To view our latest published channel lineup, please visit vertzonffos.cornAv. -M ~IIY' 340 Start. m 341 Starz West a 342 Starz Edge 343 Starz Edge West 344 Stare In Black 345 Stag Kids & Family 346 Starz Cinema 347 Starz Comedy 34a Encore 349 Encore West 350 Encore Love 351 Encore Love West 352 Encore Westerns 353 Encore Westerns West 354 Encore Mystery 355 Encore Mystery West 356 Encore Drama 357 Encore Drama West " 3SD Encore Action 359 Encore Action West 360 Encore WAMI 361 Showtime 362 Showlime West 363 Showlime Showcase 364 Showtime Showcase West 365 Showtime Too 366 Showlime Too West 367 Showtime Beyond 368 Showlme Beyond West 369 Showtims Extreme, 370 ShoWtime Extreme West 371 Showlime Women 372. Showlime Women West 373 Showlime Next 374 Showlime Next West 376 Showtime Family Zone 376 Showtime Family Zone West 377 The Movie Channel 378 The Movie Channel West 379 The Movie Channel mra 360 The Movie Channel Xtre West aei FIN 382 Rix West 3B4 Sundence' U 385 Independent Film Channel Q.. 400 HBO ii. 401 HBO West ; F 402 HBO 2 F 403 HBO 2 West m 404 HBO Slgnature 405 HBO Signature West 406 HBO Family 407 HBO Femlly West 408 HBO Comedy .409 HBO Comedy West 410 HBO Zone 412 HBO Zone West 413 HBO Latino 414 HBO Latino West I ~T 41S Cinemax 416 Clnemax West 417 More Max 418 Mora Max West 419 Action Max 420 Action Max West 421 Thnlier Max 0 FIC)£ ill l:_r^.al 0 Arts R _t'- ainrrrent @ Sports iII;~l'IrJ rd2ws a, (D LHastyle ®Prt?miur.~3 ~P3 U 422 Thrillor Max West 423 Women's Max E 424 At Max m 425 Five Star Max a` 426 OUterMar 430 Playboy TV Q. 431 Playboy TV en Espanol 435 hovel r; 440 Galavisl6n all 442 ESPN Deportee a 443 Fox Spores an Espanol mV .444 GoIN 446 CNN an Espanol 1447 Canal SUR 448 TVE Internaciona) n l 452 History Espanol 453 Discovery an Espanol 454 ViajaryVivir 456 Infinite, 457 MTVTr3s 458 VH Uno 459 Telehit 462 DePelfcula 463 De Pelfcula Cldslco 464 Cine Lalino 466. Clne Mexican 468 LaFamllia 469 TV Chile 470 TV Colombia 472 Sorpresa 473 Toon Disney Espanol 474 Boomerang (ESP)* 475 Discovery Klds an Espanol 477 TBN Enlace 478 EWTN Espanol 7F1 h1'~~ = = f2 t~ Qv lfttt l::1 ' 1 4BO SBTN (Vietnamese) m:. 481 CCTV-4 (Mandarin E n Chinese) E 482 CTI - Zhong Tian 1162 Channel (Chlneso) 483 TV Japan 0 I 484 1 (Ko.ean) ' m 485 The Filipino Channel `m 486 TV Asia 487 AHT (Aradlc) 488 RAI (Italian) 469 TV 5 (French) 490. TIP Polonia (Polish) 491 Rang A Rang (Pavel) 492 RTN Russian 493 Channel 1. Russian 497 MTV K .Q 498 MTV Chi 499 MTV Desi: 500 USA. Not, w` 501 TNT x 502 TBS ldo S03 'Galavlsi6n 504 FX 9 505 Spike TV _ EX. II J 606 ESPN Deportee 510 New England Sports Nil Network c:1 c 511 Fox Sports Net - ° New England 513 Fox Sports an Espanol 514 Fox Soccer Channel 516 GoITV I ~ul~g 1r1~1i ; ' i1~~111111 ;11L1111 I'll 578 CNN an Espanol 619 CNN 520 CNN Headline News 521 Fox News 522 CNBC 523 MSNBC 524 C-SPAN 525 Canal SUR 529 TVE intemaclonal 530 History Espanol 531 Discovery Channel 532 Discovery an Espanol 634 Animal Planet 535 TLC(The Loathing Channel) 6d~feun,a 1 638 Lifetime Movie Network m16' . c . 640 QVC 541 HSN 543 Shop NBC 545 Discovery Health 646 Viajar y Vivir 549 'Infinito 550 Food Network me & Garden 551 'T8 TV (H o i t ) 552 Travel Channel 555 L'f Eni.flmorl Television 556 A&E 557 SITV 558 Mun2 559 c nedyCentral 56o E-:-Fl Cfi3nnei. 662 MTV Tr3s 563 MTV2 564 Tnlshlt. s6S `:'H Uno 566 Cf IT 569 Do I - 570 a I ; C! sico 571 C 572. GIT' L di . L - ---I b74 - ABC Family 675 La Famllia 576 TV Chile 577 TV Colombia 578 TV Land 10 ri K4rv U'1 580 Nickelodeon - 581 Disney an Espanol 582 Toon Disney Espanol nrl: 583 Boomerang (ESP)' 584 Cartoon Network (ESP)' 685 Sorpresa Sea Discovery IQds an Espanol %X83 TBN E~ u43a EWTt: espanoi IIQ 600.':Sfioivcase 601 Today's Country ' a 602 Classic country 603 Bluegrass _a 604 R&B and Hip-Hop 605 Classic R&S L. 606 Smooth R&B 607 R&B Ws 603 Rap 609 Metal 610. Rock 611 Arana Rock. 612 Classic Rock'., 613 Alternalive 614 Rotro-A.ctivo 61S Electronics 616 Dance 617 Adult Alternative .618 Soft Rcck 619 Hit Ust 620 Party Favorites 621 905 622 80s 623 70s 624 Solid Gold Oldie's 625 Sinners & Standards 626 Big Band & Swing 627 Easy Listening 628 Smooth Jazz 629 Jazz .630 Blues 631. Reggae 632 Soundscapes a; : 633 Classical Mastorploces 1 634 Opera 635 Light Classical 636 Sh ow Tunes 637 Contemporary Christian 638 Gospel -639 Radio Disney 640 Sounds of thoseasons 641 Musica Urbana q.i 642 Salsa y merengue 643 Rock an Espanol 644 Pop Latino 645 Mexicans 646 Americana ll9P'l 701 TVN Events 702-707 x1V ESPN-NCAA Sports/ 7. GamePlar Full Court OO„ 802 PBS-WGBHHD n -I 503 I:WSBK HD - 604 ,CBS-WI3ZHD -A Spanish-language Secondary Audio Program (SAP) Is available for selection. "Subscription to corresponding premium channels and packages required. Programming services offered within each package are subject to change, and not all programming services will be available at all times. Blackout restrictions also apply. Liiereiyle IS ^re.rrmurns I Arts & Ent r%tenr.rnent sports t...J LOCE Is .'I iV.z•-vs i..`o.nr.:unn 0 iAusic Choi r~rv t Ho vor> I very on We never stop working for you. Mass-1 pg-12/06 rv) 805 ABC-WCVBHD SOS CW-WLVIHD c 807 NBC-WHDHHD 808 FOX-WFXTHD II 1325 TNT HDTV 825 ESPN HDTV 827 ESPN 2 HDTV 828 NFL Network HDTV 833 HD Net 834 HD Nat Movies 835 Universal HDTV 836 Discovery HDTV el Wealth TV HD 838 National Geographic Channel HD B39 MW RID uhudt 851 HBO HDTV 852 Cinemax HDTV 853 8howtime HDTV Ua 854 TMC HDTV 855 Stare HDTV Local Plus , Q, 860 NBC Weather Plus 862 WLVIDT- a The TUbe Music Network III; 870 PBS - WGBH 2 871 PBS-WGBX44 672 PBS-GBHKds ?Jill 873 PBS-GBXWORLD 1674 PBS-GBXCREAT hY(1~~ tr_)16rYry'yY, r'V' ' 'ryl Flh?1~~~. 900 ''C1,$ u; L dry n Kids FREE G ! ALL FREE Home &Leisure info & Education ° Kids v Music News Pop Culture Shopping Sports Movies New Movies New by Category All Movies All Movies by Category In Theaters En Espanol Subscriptions Cinemax HBO I, Showtime Stare Sundance The Movie Channel WWE Karaoke Playboy Adult Hustler Spice TEN' Q Uncensored n FIOSTVHelp VEFIFF601(722 V LI c~cS 0- ~i *,`OrPnraled b* Tef- 781-585-0500 (Fax; 781-585-0534 TOWN OF KINGSTON Boardofsefectmen Sosep(z (D. Kelfefier, CGainnan Wark S. Beatozh Vice Cfrairman ftuf%f. Gahagfxr 3ean 9W. Landis-Naumann Sandra (D. MacTadane January 5, 2007 offwe of the Board of Sefectmen Town Mouse 26 Evergreen Street 2ingston, Massachusetts 02364 T'ownAdmirdarator Kevin R. (Donovan N. B v- kz 9! CO s~ Dear Members of the Board of Selectmen: ~o This is to serve as official notification that at a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen, held Tuesday, January 2, 2007, it was voted to request your consideration prevailing upon the Governor to include the enclosed policy statement concerning the statutory obligations of liquor licensees as state policy or regulation. The intent of the policy is to insure that all liquor licensees pay current Massachusetts meal taxes and compensate their employees in accordance with state and federal law. Too often we hear of complaints from some restaurant owners who indicate that it is common practice in some businesses to pay employees "under the table" and not record meal taxes as required. The result is that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is shorted much needed revenue and employees are not rightfully credited with FICA wages which result in lost wages credited towards social security benefits. The Town of Kingston, like so many of Massachusetts communities is experiencing revenue shortfalls while trying to keep current with rising expenses. The Selectmen feel that this is one effort that we can enact that will hopefully provide a tool to encourage fair trade by our entire business community. The Selectmen are hopeful that you will take these comments into consideration and prevail upon your legislative delegation and His Excellency the Governor to address our revenue needs for the ensuing years. Very yours, 1 Kevin R. Donovan Town Administrator -L't moo? ~rn ~~0"poraledl~2 Iel' 781-585-0500 Tax- 781-585-0534 December 15, 2006 'OWN KINGSTON Office of the (Board~ofSelectinen Town Yfouse 26 Evergreen Street Kingston, Wassachusetts 02364 TO ALL LIQUOR LICENSEE HOLDERS: BoardofSalectmerr .90seph tn. Kelf(efter, Chainnan Mark S. Beaton, Nice(;hainnan Pau[M Gaf(a8her dean .9Y1. Landis :9Yaumann Sandra 0. WacTar(ane ?omi, 9drninistrator lCevin Z. Donovan Enclosed please find your 2007 Liquor License issued by the Board of Selectmen. As part of the renewal process the Selectmen adopted a new policy statement relating to the statutory obligations of all license holders. At a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen, held Tuesday, November 28, 2006, it was voted to notify all liquor licensees that if a licensee is found guilty of flagrant violations of not paying the state meals tax or not paying employees in accordance with Internal Revenue Service or state Department of Revenue guidelines, said licensee could be subject to a hearing before the Board of Selectmen which may result in the revocation of the liquor license. The Selectmen wish to remind all licensees of the requirement to continually adhere to all laws as it relates to payment of tax obligations to all levels of government. Very y s, Sevin R. Donovan Town Administrator Enclosure a-~2 u( THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS d OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION 1350 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 01103-1629 THOMAS F. RFILLY (413) 784-1240 ATTORNEY GENERAL www.ago.state.ma.us January 3, 2007 Cheryl A. Johnson, Town Clerk 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 RE: Reading Subsequent Town Meeting of November 13, 2006 - Case # 4103 Warrant Article # 15 (General) Dear Ms. Johnson: Article 15 - I return with the approval of this Office the amendments to the town by-laws adopted under this Article on the warrant for the Reading subsequent town meeting that convened on November 13, 2006. The amendments adopted under Article 15 add to the town's general by-laws a new Section 5.5, "Construction Hours and Noise Limits." Section provides exemptions for certain work performed and provides in pertinent part as follows: - Exemptions. The restrictions set forth in this bylaw shall not apply to any work performed as follows; • By any Federal or State Department, Reading Department of Public Works, the Reading Municipal Light Department and/or any contractors working directly for these agencies, when working within a public way or within easements. In approving the above-quoted text, we remind the town to apply its provisions in a manner consistent with federal and state law. "The doctrine of federal supremacy protects the legitimate activities of the United States government from regulation by state and local authorities." Mav v. United States. 319 U.S. 441, 445-48 (1943) (a state could not impose an inspection fee on fertilizer owned by the United States. "It is necessary for uniformity that the laws of the United States be dominant over those of any state."); United States Constitution, art. VI, clause 2 (the "supremacy clause"); TownshiD of Middletown v. United States Postal Service. 601 F. Supp. 125, 127-28 (D. N.J. 1985) (local zoning regulations inapplicable to the Postal Service's construction plans). "State and State instrumentalities are immune from municipal zoning regulations, unless a statute otherwise expressly provides to the contrary." Inspector of Buildines of Salem v. Salem State College, 28 Mass. App. Ct. 92, 95 (1989) (The Commonwealth's immunity from zoning regulation is broader than the exemption for as of right uses set forth in G.L. c. 40A, § 3); Countv Commissioners of Bristol v. Conservation Commissioners of Dartmouth, 380 Mass. 706, 708-711 (1980) (neither Home Rule Amendment or the Zoning Act changed presumption of state and county immunity from municipal F:\USERS\RITCHIE\WP61 \DOCS\TOWNS\Reading\#4103 S.APP.wpd d,c 00 zoning). Thus, we caution the town to apply Section in a manner consistent with state and federal law. We next call the town's attention to Section, which pertains to enforcement of the proposed by-law and provides in pertinent part as follows: The Police Department, Zoning Officer and/or other agent designated by the Town Manager shall enforce the restrictions of this bylaw. Fines shall be assessed and collected in the amount of up to $300.00 for each violation:... Any alleged violation of this bylaw may, in the sole discretion of the enforcing agent, be made the subject matter of non-criminal disposition proceedings' commenced by such agent under Section 21D of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. In approving Section, as amended, we call the town's attention to G.L. c. 40, § 21D. General Laws Chapter 40, Section 21D, allows municipalities to use non-criminal disposition as a method to enforce town by-laws and regulations. However, the law has several specific requirements, including the requirement that the violation be subject to a specific penalty. The proposed by-law amendment provides that violations shall be punished by a fine "in the amount of up to $300.00." This is not a specific penalty. In order for the town to utilize the non-criminal disposition method of G.L. c. 40, § 21D, it will have to establish specific penalties for violations of the town's zoning by-laws. Note: Under G.L. c. 40, § 32, neither general nor zoning by-laws take effect unless the town has first satisfied the posting/publishing requirements of this section. Once this statutory duty is fulfilled, (1) general by-laws and amendments take effect on the date that these posting and publishing requirements are satisfied unless a later effective date is prescribed in the by-law, and (2) zoning by-laws and amendments are deemed to have taken effect from the date they were voted by, Town Meeting, unless a later effective date is prescribed in the by-law. If the Attorney General has disapproved and deleted one or more portions of any by-law or by-law amendment submitted for approval, only those portions approved are to be posted and published pursuant to G.L. c. 40, § 32. We ask that you forward to us a copy of the final text of the by-law or by-law amendments reflecting any such deletion. It will be sufficient to send us a copy of the text posted and published by the Town Clerk pursuant to this statute. Nothing in the Attorney. General's approval authorizes an exemption from any applicable state law or regulation governing the subject of the by-law submitted for approval. Very truly yours, THOMAS F. REILLY A T Y Q-ENE by: 'Kelli E. Gunagan, Assistant Ir ey General By-law Coordinator, Municipal Ow Unit 1350 Main Street, 4"' Floor Springfield, MA 01103-1629 (413) 784-1240, x 117 enc. PC: Town Counsel F:\USERS\RITCHIE\WP61\DOCS\TOWNS\Reading\#4103S.APP.wpd Hechenblefter, Peter From: peter.t.bowman@verizon.com Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:58 AM To: peter.t.bowman@verizon.com Subject: Cable Choice Legislation Update Dear Municipal Leader, I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much we value our relationship with your community and to thank you for working with Verizon to craft and approve a video license agreement that benefits your community, Verizon, and most importantly, your residents. We are pleased to have the opportunity to offer your constituents the benefits of cable choice and competition. Consumer response to Verizon's FiOS TV has been extraordinary. Customers overwhelmingly want cable TV competition, and they want it quickly. In response to this groundswell of consumer demand, we support legislation filed this week to streamline the cable TV franchising process in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Cable Choice and Competition Act will accelerate cable competition in Massachusetts by allowing cable TV providers to apply to the Department of Telecommunications and Energy for permission to offer cable TV service. The legislation will not affect our agreement with you. Existing local franchise agreements will be grandfathered until they expire or if both sides agree to terminate. We believe the bill is a win both for consumers and for communities. It leaves intact local benefits, including franchise fees paid to municipalities, financial support for public, educational, and government channels, and free cable service at municipal buildings. Municipalities also retain full authority over their rights-of-way. The bill also will foster economic development. While this legislation encourages more cable choice and competition, it also is good for the economy as it will spur innovation, provides incentives for investment, and help retain and create jobs in Massachusetts. Highlights of the bill include: • Cable TV providers apply to the Cable Division of the Department of Telecommunications and Energy for a state-issued cable TV franchise for the areas they intend to offer service. The franchise must be updated whenever the service is expanded to additional areas. The Cable Division has 15 days to approve an application. • Existing local franchise agreements are grandfathered until they expire or unless both sides agree to terminate. • Municipalities maintain their public right-of-way authority and their control over the content of public, educational, and government access channels. • Municipalities can set franchise fees up to the federal maximum of 5 percent of gross cable TV revenues from each subscriber. • Municipalities also can create an additional fee to support the capital equipment needed to support Public, Education and Government (PEG) charnels. The fee will match on a per-subscriber basis the support provided by the incumbent provider, or when the incumbent agreement 1 expires, the municipality can set this fee at no more than 1 percent of gross revenues from each subscriber. • New cable TV providers will carry the same number of PEG channels as the incumbent provider. • Communities will continue to receive free TV service at all municipal buildings. New cable TV providers cannot deny service to residents based on income. • Incumbent cable providers like Comcast, Charter, Time Warner and others can use the new rules to more easily compete with each other or serve any of the 43 Massachusetts communities currently without cable service. Please be assured that we are committed to the terms of our license, and to serving your constituents with the best quality TV service available in the market today. To date, Verizon has been granted franchises in 3B Massachusetts communities, and continues to negotiate local licenses with other municipal officials across the state so that more consumers can realize the benefits of competition and our advanced FiOS network. We appreciate your leadership in fostering cable competition in your community, and look forward to enjoying a long-standing relationship with you and your constituents. We will continue to provide you with updates on this process. In the meantime, if you have any questions please let me know. Regards, Peter Bowman . Vice President of External Affairs Verizon Page 1 of 2 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:42 AM To: 'Mark Doherty' Cc: Richard Davidson; Paula Tucci; Halloran, Michelle; Jim Cormier; Peter Hechenbleikner; Reilly, Chris; Ted McIntire; Zambouras, George Subject: RE: Blueberry Lane/Sunset Rock Intersection The main line of the sidewalk is complete in this area. We will be doing the additional work using state funding starting this spring. Part of the additional work is to provide the proper handicapped access ramps at Sunset Rock Lane/Blueberry Lane, which will include an extension of the sidewalk on the Blueberry Land side of Franklin Street westward, and the necessary HC ramps on the Sunset Rock Lane side as required by ADA. Then we will paint the crosswalk connecting those ramps. Again - this is spring/summer 2007 work. Pete From: Mark Doherty [mailto:dohertyfamily4@verizon.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 9:32 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: Richard Davidson; Paula Tucci Subject: Fw: Blueberry Lane/Sunset Rock Intersection Hi Mr. Hechenbleikner - The sidewalk extensions on Franklin Street look to be completed. Will you be, moving forward with a painted crosswalk at the intersection of Franklin and Sunset? Unfortunately, an additional visual reminder is still needed in order to ensure the safety of the children attending Wood End Elementary School (not to mention the neighborhood community.) Please consider as soon as possible. Thank you, Brenda Doherty 60 Blueberry Lane Original Message From: Mark Dohertv To: Hechenbleikner. Peter Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 3:54 AM Subject: Re: Blueberry Lane/Sunset Rock Intersection Thanks very much for the update. Look forward to seeing the work completed. Original Message From: Hechenbleikner. Peter To: Mark Dohertv Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 1:08 AM Subject: RE: Blueberry Lane/Sunset Rock Intersection Brenda Thing s are never as easy as they appear - in order to properly do this we have to do some sidewalk extension on the south side of Franklin, and do the handicapped accessible ramps. We will be doing this this fall as part of the broader sidewalk work with state funding. Pete 1/10/2007 Page 2 of 2 From: Mark Doherty [mailto:dohertyfamily4@verizon.net] Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 9:40 PM To: Town Manager Cc: Richard Davidson Subject: Blueberry Lane/Sunset Rock Intersection Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: I was hoping that with the start of the new 2006/2007 school year, a new crosswalk would be installed on Franklin Street from Blueberry Lane to Sunset Rock. As you know, this is a difficult and busy intersection during the school year and although we are very fortunate to have a wonderful crossing guard, it is not enough. Please consider installing a crosswalk to ensure the safety of the Wood End Elementary School community as well as the entire neighborhood. Thank you, Brenda Doherty 60 Blueberry Lane, Reading Protected by a Spam Blocker Utility. Click here to protect your inbox from Scam. ~v 1/10/2007