HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-16 Board of Selectmen HandoutBoard of Selectmen Meeting
January 16, 2007
1. Review mission
2. Review values
5 minutes
10 Minutes
3. Review Vision - The future of municipal and services and planning a five
year vision. Round table discussion by board members and staff on long
range views that can inform goals for the coming year(s)
45 minutes
4. Review Goals - Review Objectives and Actions for 2007
30 - 60 minutes
5. Email policy for BOS. How to respond to service requests? How to
respond to questions on policy?
15 minutes
6. Adj ourn by 10 PM
Mission Statement
The Town of Reading municipal government will provide essential services to the
citizens of the community. Through leadership provided. by the Board of Selectmen,
municipal government will balance its vision with prudent financial discipline, to ensure
that the community remains a vibrant and sustainable place to live and work.
In meeting its vision, the municipal government of the Town of Reading will be guided
by the following statements of values:
Integrity and Transparency
Reading municipal government and its employees and officials will be guided by
the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Municipal business will be
conducted in an open manner with opportunities for public discussion and input
into decisions. The community will be kept informed with open communication.
All official business will be conducted in a civil, professional, and mutually
respectful manner.
Excellence will be the standard for all municipal services, with continuous review
and evaluation of best practices, incorporating new methods and technologies,
striving for efficiency and cost effectiveness. Reading municipal government
will make decisions based on careful planning consistent with town-wide goals.
Municipal government will encourage diversity and respect for differences in the
conduct of its business and in recruiting and hiring personnel and in providing
enrichment opportunities for the community.
The following are values that the community holds in high regards:
• Social, Environmental, and Financial Sustainability
• Tolerance, Civility and Cultural Diversity
• Volunteerism and Civic Engagement
• Historic Preservation and Open Space
• Recreational, Cultural, and Educational Opportunities
Reading is a welcoming community that values balanced and varied residential,
commercial, and business development, and strives to provide diverse housing, cultural,
recreational, and lifelong learning opportunities for all residents.
• Completion of planned production for affordable housing within 3 years to meet
current goals, and within 5 years an adequate amount of affordable housing to meet
2020 goals
• Major progress on meeting downtown parking demands within 5 years
• Complete the Downtown Improvement Project and make major progress in
downtown improvement. including development of mixed use projects.
• Completion of recreation and open space improvements such as the Northern Area
Greenway; development of additional athletic fields including artificial fields;
improvement of hard courts; continuing renovation and improvement of playgrounds
and tot lots including Imagination Station
• Completion of upgrading of electronic infrastructure to maximize efficiency and
quality of service to the community
• Establishment and implementation of a community standard of Civil Behavior for the
community, having positive effects on all aspects of the community including civil
discourse in Town business, and even having a positive effect on traffic and driving
• Promoting actions of the community to ensure that Reading is in a leadership position
regarding long term sustainability of the community - environmentally, financially,
I .
2007 GOALS
1. Expand the commercial property tax base - EDC efforts; parking; Addison Wesley
2. Complete MWRA buy-in; and maintain the community's low per-capita water use
3. Efforts on reducing Town government (including schools and RMLD) energy use -
buildings, and transportation
4. Efforts in reducing community energy use - transportation, residential use
1. Measure customer satisfaction
2. Measure and evaluate best practices - at lease one review per department per year
3. Expand professional development and training for staff and volunteers
4. Implement DPW Management Study recommendations
5. Complete strategic planning initiatives in at least 2 departments - Library and Police
6. Begin implementation of a new financial platform
7. Complete new basic web page and add modules
8. Advance electronic interaction with customers for business services
9. Improve procurement process and capacity
10. Maintain infrastructure (including buildings)
1. Develop a process to create a community standard of civil behavior
2. Implement housing planned production to achieve 10% affordable housing within 3
3. Implement measures to expand diversity in municipal hiring
4. Improve diversity of programs, services, and access to facilities
1. Improve communications through a variety of means - expand electronic
communications; evaluate BCC; implement "citizen Request system;
2. Increase effectiveness of support for citizen volunteers in local government
3. Support broad community interaction through a community calendar
4. Advance the Northern Area Greenway project
5. Complete the process of consideration of the CPA.
6. Update and maintain in an electronic format, the local history collection, and
historical property inventory
7. Develop a master plan for individual public properties - beginning with the Birch
Meadow complex and Memorial Park
8. Work with the Arts Connection and/or other organizations on the feasibility of an
arts center in Reading
The Mission of the Town of Reading Municipal Government is to
provide essential services to the residents of the Town of Reading.
Town government will balance near and long term objectives with
prudent fiscal discipline to ensure that the community remains a
vibrant place to live and work.
The Board of Selectmen will provide the vision and leadership to guide
Town Government to act in a manner consistent with their adopted
Values in the pursuit of their stated Goals.
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The following values shall guide Reading Town Government and its
employees and officials in conducting their business. These values are
adopted as an element of the Town's Mission ►Statement.
➢ All business of the Town shall be conducted according to the
highest standards of ethics and integrity.
➢'Employees and officials shall operate in an open manner, providing
opportunities for public discussion and input into their decisions.
➢ Employees and officials will keep the community informed with
accurate, timely, and factual information.
➢ Mutual respect and an attitude of caring shall govern all aspects of
Town Government.
➢ Employees and officials shall conduct themselves in a professional
manner at all times. Reading values professionalism.
➢ Reading residents value the quality of services provided by their
Town Government. The highest feasible quality of service is the
standard for Reading Town Government.
➢ The Town strives for continuous improvement in all services that it
➢ The Town is open to new methods and technology to make
improvements in its services.
➢ All services need to be provided in the most efficient and cost
effective manner possible.
➢ While respecting the past and present, Reading will continue to plan
for the future, embracing improvements that make the community a
better place to live and work.
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➢ Residents . of. Reading strongly identify with the community, and
have a great deal of pride in their Town. This is evidenced in the
level of civic involvement within the community. This is a standard
that is embraced and supported by Town Government.
➢ Reading is an open and welcoming community.
➢ Reading embraces diversity.
➢ The Town will strive to maintain and enhance the character of the
community including: volunteerism, history as reflected in historic
buildings and areas, quality of residential development, a
concentrated and focused commercial center, outstanding public
buildings, and a quantity and quality of open space and recreation
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In its effort to continuously improve the quality of life and civic
involvement in the community, the Board of Selectmen adopts the
following goals.
1. Financial Strength
• Enhance and maintain the financial strength of the community
in order to have the resources to accomplish its priority services.
• Develop and maintain both physical and intellectual
infrastructure in a manner that reflects significant community
investment and financial support.
2. Public Health and Safety
• Support Public Health and Safety as priority local services.
• Enhance local efforts with assistance from Federal, State, and
regional resources.
3. Communication
• Continuously enhance open two-way communication between
Town Government and its residents.
• Emphasize and enhance effective communication within Town
4. Planning
• Utilize long-range strategic planning on all levels, to provide a
consistent and reliable framework for decision making.
• Continuously evaluate and improve the services the Town
provides, and how the services are delivered.
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GOAL 1 - Financial Strength:
• Enhance and maintain the financial strength of the community, in
order to have the resources to accomplish its priority services.
• Develop and maintain both physical and intellectual infrastructure
in a manner that reflects significant community investment and
financial support.
Obiective 1. -1: Expand the Commercial Property Ta x Base
1. Create and implement an Economic Development Committee in the community as a
focus for the community's many economic development activities.
2. Complete the development of Archstone, Maplewood Village, Johnson Woods, 10
Haven Street and Walgreen's sites.
3. Work with the property owner, residents, and proposed developer(s) of the Addison
Wesley site to ensure the re-zoning, approval, and redevelopment of that site for
uses that maximize the benefit to the Town consistent with the Master Plan.
4. Implement the Downtown Improvement Project beginning construction in 2006 to its
completion in 2007. While this is not a Town administered project, work with the
State and the contractor(s) to ensure the least possible disruption to the businesses
and the community from the construction of the project.
5. Implement mixed use development in downtown including 40R and or 40S.
6. Work with property owner of M.F. Charles building on redevelopment plans.
7. Explore outside funding to implement improvements to Downtown Reading including
parking and other appropriate improvements.
8. Work with owners of the buildings in town that were damaged by fire to redevelop
the sites in a manner that provides the maximum benefit to the community.
9. Work with Walkers Brook Drive property owners to expand commercial development
in this area in a manner appropriate to the community.. This includes Stop and
Shop, Dickinson, the TASC building, 128 Marketplace, 128 Ford, and Fraen.
10. Provide improved information to the development community and potential
companies that would want to relocate to Reading, outlining the key elements of
locating in the community, including location, utilities, taxes, and internet access.
Provide this information on the web page, and try to get parties benefiting from such
exposure (utilities, brokers, property owners) to pay any costs associated with these
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and grants
Objective 1-2 Apply for and secure outside funding an
consistent with the community's goals, focused primarily on one-time
and capital-expenses
1. Identify and apply for at least one grant for a capital project.
2. Evaluate the use of a grant person to assist the Town in securing additional grants
for programs or projects consistent with Town goals and the Capital Improvement
3. Identify and seek grants to fund the Town's "Initiative Against Substance Abuse".
4. Seek grants that will assist in implementation of approved strategic plans.
Obiective 1-3: Work with State and Federal officials to enhance local
government services and projects.
1. Develop a comprehensive local legislative agenda, and host an annual meeting
with the Town's state legislative delegation.
2. Stay up to date on Health Care and other hot button State and Federal issues.
3. Identify as quickly as possible the Town's FY 2007 financial needs, and work with
the legislative delegation to try to address any shortfalls through increased aid or .
4. Attempt to secure a priority position for the Town on the SRF program for low
interest funding for the Water Treatment Plant in the event that the Town decides
to move forward with the project.
5. Work with the legislative delegation and the MBTA and others to try to secure
assistance with relocation of the portion of Ash Street at the railroad, to try to
eliminate the grade crossing.
6. Determine whether there are any state or federal programs available to assist the
Town with major drainage projects like the Saugus basin improvements.
7. Determine whether assistance is available or appropriate to develop the
connection from Walkers Brook Drive to Main Street bypassing the Washington
Street neighborhood.
8. Secure a position on the state Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the
West Street project.
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Obiective 1-4: Review the Capital Improvement Program a -
nd capital
operating budgets with a focus on maintaining and improving the
current infrastructure.
1. Purchase capital planning software.
2. Develop a capital improvement program process involving all stakeholders.
3. Develop a capital funding strategy recognizing the current and projected debt
service and the Town's ability to pay.
4. The CIP has been enhanced in recent years by the development of a water
distribution master plan, a GIS master plan, a water supply master plan, a Road
Improvement program, a storm water management plan, and a telecommunications
master plan. These plans should continue to be evaluated, updated, and
implemented through the CIP.
5. Work on implementing the program for funding the storm water management master
6. Develop additional infrastructure master plans in areas not yet covered by such
plans, including a sidewalk and bike path master plan,
Obiective 1-5: Develop a long term plan to identify capital needs
ensure each building and related equipment receives proper
preventive maintenance, receives timely repairs, and is properly
Facilities of Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools for a strong
1 ..,and Coneffective firm the
c ties Department.
2. Identify issues and capital and maintenance needs for each facility performed by all
Department Heads with the Facilities Director.
3. Develop preventive maintenance plan (Facilities Director with input from Department
4. Develop calendar based schedule of maintenance activities.
5. Ensure that the Facilities Department has proper financial resources to achieve
-6. Develop e-mail based work order system that:
■ Allows the building manager to prioritize repairs.
■ Provides feedback to building manager on approximate date of repair.
7. Provide feedback to the Facilities Department on quality of service, with the Facilities
Director meeting quarterly with Department Heads.
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Obiective 1-6• . Provide training and other resources in key areas to
maximize the human resource potential of our employees.
1. Conduct employee Technology Training in Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, the
web, and Access. Conduct an in-house resources inventory; then seek outside
resources as necessary.
2. Develop a Customer Service program utilizing Training & a web linked Software
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GOAL 2 - Public Health and Safety:
® Support Public Health and Safety as priority local services.
® Enhance local efforts with assistance from Federal, State, and
regional resources.
Obiective 2-1: Evaluate recent and projected economic development
projects and their impact on local Public Health and Public Safety
services, and address any deficiencies.
1. As part of FY 2007 departmental operations, evaluate the demand for additional
service created by the new commercial and residential developments.
2. Address the additional demands through provision of additional resources as
3. As part of the Water Treatment Plant design development (if this project is to be
built), include security measures for the Town's water supply.
4. Identify resources to implement a comprehensive ID system for employees and
those volunteers who would be involved in addressing an emergency incident.
Obiective 2-2: Respond to demands for Emergency Preparedness and
Response on local Public Health and Public Safety services and
develop a flexible plan to address these demands.
1. Identify resources/costs associated with emergency preparedness and response
2. Implement Planning for emergency preparedness and response in an updated web-
based system (includes GIS).
3. Respond in a timely manner to all Surveys and reporting requirements related to
emergency preparedness.
4. Conduct training on Emergency Preparedness for Key employees & elected officials
updated annually.
5. Develop a process to let the community know how to find out about emergency
preparations in the event of an emergency.
6. Secure equipment as needed and available to implement priority emergency
preparedness goals.
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Obiective 2-3: Work to secure all available resources to support
Public Health and Safety/ services in the Community.
1. Utilize Town resources and/or a grants-person to fund additional demands for
services, particularly in capital or one-time expenses.
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GOAL 3: Communication:
® Continuously enhance open two-way communication between
Town Government and its residents.
Emphasize and enhance strong communication within Town
Objective 3-1: Improve the internal communications within Town
Government, and between the Town, School, and the RMLD, both on a
staff and on a Board basis.
1. Establish and foster internal communications, through retreats and other
2. Build a secure web based system for employee communications and information
(benefits, policies).
3. Educate elected and appointed Boards & staff on respective roles, responsibilities
and relationships.
4. Develop a New Board / staff orientation process.
5. Continue "Highlights" once a month on the Board of Selectmen agendas.
6. Continue to incorporate the RMLD & School Dept in Department Head meetings and
7. For Town Boards/Committees/Commissions (BCC) develop an internal feedback
mechanism for the public to provide systematic comment on the conduct of the
Town's volunteer government.
8. Develop a system of interconnectiveness with calendars of members of
Boards/Committees/Commissions. This should be similar to the Microsoft Exchange
program in use for Town employees, to facilitate better planning of meetings
involving the volunteer portions of Town government.
9. Develop guidelines and procedures for all Boards, Committees, and Commissions
based on the best practices exhibited within town government.
10. Develop and document the budget process involving Boards & staff, including all
Departments (Town and School) and major Boards/Committees/Commissions.
Obiective 3-2: Develop a universal and comprehensive strategy
how Town Government aets information to and from our residents.
1. Identify stakeholders.
2. Inventory current communications systems.
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3. Assess information needs (including specialized needs).
4. ID how to get info to and from residents.
5. Use a focus group of residents not involved in Town government to evaluate
different communication models.
6. Establish a policy of how the Town departments communicate with the public, and
under what circumstances.
7. Establish a system of citizen feedback for customer service.
8. Evaluate the above results and establish a communication strategy.
9. Provide the resources needed to operate, maintain and continuously evaluate the
communication strategy. It would be helpful to understand how many residents/what
percentage of the community has access to computers with internet access and
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GOAL 4 - Planning:
• Utilize long-range strategic planning on all levels, to provide a
constant and reliable framework for decision making.
• Continuously evaluate and improve the services the Town
provides, and how the services are delivered:
Obiective 4-1: Complete the Community Master Plan up-date and all
ancillary elements of this Plan
1. Complete the Open Space and Recreation element to the Master Plan.
2. Develop an implementation strategy and process.
Obi ective 4-2: Develop a process and plan of how the Town will address
the additional affordable housing needs in the community.
1. Update the inventory of affordable housing.
2. Convene a housing forum to solicit input from all parts of Town government involved
in housing, as well as the community at large. °
3. Evaluate alternative methods of developing affordable housing, including 40R, new
developments, use of the housing trust fund, and other methods.
4. Based on the above, develop a pro-active program to address affordable housing
needs with a goal of meeting or exceeding 10% of the Town's housing stock as
affordable housing within 5 years.
Obiective 4-3: Complete the 5 year Library plan
1. Conduct an evaluation of the Reading Public Library building as well as library
Obiective 4-4: Review all aspects of the Department of Public Works
operations, and develop a strategy for ensuring that the Department
has the resources to address infrastructure maintenance.
1. Develop a scope of services to evaluate the entire operation of the DPW.
2. Identify consultants and scope the cost of conducting such a study.
3. Identify funding for the study including use of utility enterprises, left over, budgets, etc
:1 F .1 J1
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for such a study.
4. If funding is,available to proceed with the study, develop an RFP, and secure the
services of a consultant to start work before the end of the fiscal year.
_ .a
Obiective 4-5: Evaluate alternative ways to more efficiently and
effectively deliver Town services.
1. Improve the overall collections process and its availability to consumers, including
building on the recent ability to pay via the web. Expand the number and type of bills
that can be paid that way.
2. Establish additional e-commerce opportunities.
3. Establish an electronic records management system and begin implementation.
4. Evaluate communications connections between phones & computers.
5. Improve Town telecommunications network using the WAN funding from Verizon.
6. Develop an electronic room reservations & meetings posting system for internal use.
Implement a mechanism to show the meeting schedule on the website and send it to
via email to participants.
7. Implement a Permits Coordination system using additional personnel and software,
to improve the customer service functions in the Community Services Department.
As part of this process, establish a universal, written, user friendly system of
application forms and instructions for citizens/developers to better understand the
development review process.
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GOALS - Quality of Life:
® Evaluate and promote services that improve the quality of life
for significant portions of the community, distinguishing
Reading,rom other similar communities. e
Obiective 5-1:
1. .
1. .
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1.1. 9 - Board of Selectmen Communication
It is important to the public and to the Board of Selectmen itself to make it clear when an
individual member is speaking for the Board as a whole, or when he/she is speaking for
him/herself as an individual. In order to ensure this clarity of communication, the following
shall be the policy of the Board of Selectmen:
1. Members of the Board of Selectmen shall be given stationery in printed or
electronic format for their use. This stationery shall. name only that member of
the Board on the masthead. Board members may use this stationery for
correspondence relative to Town business or matters. Correspondence of this
type shall be copied to all of the other members of the Board of Selectmen and to
the Town Manager. Any such correspondence shall state that the views expressed
are those of that member of the Board of Selectmen only..
2. The Board of Selectmen stationery, naming all 5 members of the Board on the
masthead, will be used only for correspondence from the full Board of Selectmen.
This will be used to communicate positions of the full Board of Selectmen based
on consensus of the full Board or based upon actually voted positions of the Board.
3. The Board of Selectmen may take votes on recommendations on Warrant Articles
appearing before Town Meeting, and the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen or
his/her designee will be responsible for communicating those recommendations to
Town Meeting based on votes of the Board.
4. If a Board member rises to speak at Town Meeting, he/she shall identify whether
he/she is speaking for the full Board or as an individual.
Revised March 9, 2004
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