HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-24 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
• There was Water Resources Commission (WRC) public Hearing in the Selectmen's Meeting
Room at Town Hall on April 23 at 3 PM on Reading's application to purchase all of its water from
the MWRA. A second hearing is scheduled in West Boylston on Thursday, April 26 in the donor
• An Earth Day fair took place at the RMLD Cafeteria on April 21 from 10 am 'til 2 PM. Several
Town agencies participated. The evening before, two movies were shown - "An Inconvenient
Truth" and "Who Killed the Electric Car".
• Reading's next street sign lottery drawing will be held on April 30, 2007.
• The Reading Lions Club invites you to participate in the Fourth Annual Reading Friends and
Family Day. Save the Date - Saturday, June 30, 200.
• "Help Wanted" - the process is beginning to recruit volunteers for various Boards, Committees
and Commissions of the Town.
• Health Services Administrator Jane Fiore has announced her retirement in September.
• Please see the attached memo from the Town Engineer re: traffic counts.
• The Town is doing reconstruction on 3 roads at the current time - Hillcrest, Maple Ridge, and
• The Town is currently doing line striping in the community.
• REI is celebration its 20th year in Reading on Saturday. The Reading store was the first RE[
store on the east coast and its success has resulted in a number of additional stores in New
• The Library is having an open house this Saturday - April 28 from 10 'til 2.
April 23, 2007 - Annual `Town Meeting .
Reappointment of Town Accountant ( 7:301
Review proposed policy on electronic communications ( 7:45
Town Counsel Evaluation process ( 8:00
Review Vision, Mission, Values, Work program 8:15
April 26, 2007 Annual Town Meeting.
May 19 2007
Sclectmen's.Off ce Hou - Richard Schube' rt 6:30
Proclamation - Forget Me Not Drive
Highlights Water Distribution - status and progress 7:30
Hearing Petroleum bylaw regulations ( 8:00
Hearing Liquor license fees - 2008 through 2010 8:30
Review Action Status report
(May 2007 -:Annual Town Meeting
May.:15, 2007
Progress report - CPA Committee
Extend CPA Committee's tenure
Standards for street width and parldng regulations
Town Accountant Quarterly meeting
Accept Chapter - Social Security vs Deferred Comp.
Sight Triangle bylaw
T-TAC update
June 5, 2007
Selectmen's Offlee`Hours -Camille AnthouY .
Highlights ( Planning and Permits Coordination
Review Action Status report
To: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
From: George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer
Date: April 24, 2007
Re: Town Wide - Traffic Study
The Engineering Division and Police Department were in the process of performing traffic studies
on 16 roadways. The study started in March and would have resulted in the presentation of a final
report to the Board of Selectman at the end of May. Unfortunately due to the late season snow
storm, that damaged the all of the counters data collection tubing and the recent school vacation
week it was necessary to suspend any data collection until this week. This caused a three week
delay in the obtainment of traffic data and will not allow sufficient time to obtain the remaining street
traffic data in time for the planed May report.
Therefore in order to allow sufficient time to obtain the remaining data and furnish a report for all. of
the 16 roadways the time for completion of the report would need to be extended to the end of
0 Page 1 1
LL 9 -Board of Selectmen Communication
It is important to the public and to the Board of Selectmen itself to make it clear
when an individual member is speaking for the Board as a whole, or when he/she is
speaking for him/herself as an individual. In order to ensure this clarity of
communication, the following shall be the policy of the Board of Selectmen:
1. Members of the Board of Selectmen shall be given stationery in printed or
electronic format for their use. This stationery shall name only that
member of the Board on the masthead. Board members may use this
stationery for correspondence relative to Town business or matters.
Correspondence of this type shall be copied to all of the other members of
the Board of Selectmen and to the Town Manager. _Any such
correspondence shall state that the views expressed are those of that
member of the Board of Selectmen only..
2. The Board of Selectmen stationery, naming all 5 members of the Board on
the masthead, will be used only for correspondence from the full
Board of Selectmen. This will be used to communicate positions of the full
Board of Selectmen based on consensus of the full Board or based upon
actually voted positions of the Board.
3. The Board of Selectmen may take votes on recommendations on. Warrant
Articles appearing before Town Meeting, and the Chairman of the Board of
Selectmen or his/her designee will be responsible for communicating those
recommendations to Town Meeting based on votes of the Board.
4. If a Board member rises to speak at Town Meeting, he/she shall identify
whether he/she is speaking for the full Board or as an individual.
Revised March 9, 2004
In today's society, much of the correspondence to the Board of Selectmen is
electronic, and often is copied to all members of the Board. The Board of Selectmen
acknowledges that correspondence in electronic form that is made and/or received
by it and its individual members are "public records". Additionally, the Board of
Selectmen acknowledges that the manner in which it deals with electronic
correspondence may raise concerns relative to the Open Meeting law.
Electronic correspondence will be handled in the following manner:
• Correspondence about a particular service that needs attention from town
staff. The Town Manager will respond to this electronic correspondence, with
an electronic copy to all members of the Board of Selectmen, and this
correspondence will be listed on the next Board of Selectmen agenda.
• Correspondence addressed to the Board of Selectmen expressing an opinion
or comment on a matter before. the Board of Selectmen. The Town Manager
will respond to acknowledge this electronic correspondence, with an electronic
copy to all members of the Board of Selectmen, and this correspondence will be
listed on the next Board of Selectmen agenda.
• Correspondence addressed to the Board of Selectmen asking the Board for
action on a particular matter. The Secretary to the Board of Selectmen will
draft a form letter, acknowledging the receipt of the correspondence, outlining
that the Open Meeting Law prohibits the Board of Selectmen as a whole from
commenting on the matter outside of a public meeting, and that the Board will
consider at a future meeting whether to schedule agenda time on that matter.
• Acknowledging that it is possible that private one on one electronic
communications may reach a quorum of members without the knowledge of
all participants, members of the Board of Selectmen shall not comment in
electronic form on any correspondence received.
• Members of the Board of Selectmen may communicate electronically on
housekeeping matters such as the scheduling, cancellation and time of
meetings and requests to put matters on its agenda.
• Documents may be distributed via email from the Board of Selectmen to all
members of the town's boards, commissions and committees to permit
advance review of materials to be discussed at upcoming meetings.
• Hard copies of all electronic communications will be created and immediately
placed in a central file where it can be provided as a public record upon
Adopted -/--/07
a 1963
April 23, 2007
e ,
22 Frank D. Tanner Drive . Reading, MA 01867-2399. 781-944-6755
Mr. Ben Tafoya, Chair
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Re: Gazebo Affordable Unit
Dear Mr. Tafoya:
The Reading Housing Authority was successful in assisting a single mother in her purchase of an
affordable unit at Gazebo Circle that had recently been up for resale. The sale took place on April 13th and
all proper paperwork associated with this sale has been recorded.
As you may recall, I recently approached the Board in March to request possible use of Affordable Housing
Trust Fund monies so that the Housing Authority could proceed and purchase the unit in the event that this
sale did not take place. We certainly did not want to lose another affordable unit and your support and
cooperation in this regard was very much appreciated.
Please extend our thanks to all of the Board members for their willingness to assist us in our endeavors to
maintain affordable housing units within the Town of Reading.
Resp 'tfully,
Lyn E. Whyte, PHM
Executive Director
cc: Diane Cohen, RHA Chair
C& LA MOT UN 7V*4G cho Opm - This icon a rtol have it tranWat®d.
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XIN Vul Lbm CM MW W =T=At Eaft es un aviso Im 4radi=r.
Z 8_ 6 wn aviso i nte. Quaka m o traduair.
Equal Housing Opportunity
~ : ,~~5
Hechenbleikner, Peter V14-''?`'
Bo or Gina [bogina03@earthlink.net]
Friday, April 20, 2007 3:38 PM
Hechenbleikner, Peter; Michele Benson; RONALD M D'ADDARIO; tsopchak; Michele Benson;
Stephanie Anderberg; Reading MA CCP Committee; Raymond.Porter@CH2M.com; Joan
Boegel; Dan Blodgett; Michelle Mini
MassEfficiency program
Hello Ms. Berwick-
I would like to nominate Reading and the Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD, the
largest Municipal Light Department in New England, encompassing the four towns of Reading,
North Reading, Lynnfield and
Wilmington) to participate in the new MassEfficiency program. Reading joined the Cities
for Climate Protection program in 2006 and has been very active in energy efficiency
outreach and conservation efforts. The RMLD is actively working on demand side management
programs and the MassEfficiency program would be well timed to assist the community and
the light department with the start-up costs of a large-scale energy efficiency program.
Please let us know how to proceed to get involved in this new program.
Thank you,
Gina Snyder
Chair, Reading Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection
Street condition
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Zambouras, George
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 1:38 PM.
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: RE: Street condition
Page 1 of 2
Mr. Robillard address is 48 Barrows Road which is the section of Barrows on the northerly side of Lowell.
The program schedules the roadway to be reclaimed in FY14 at an estimated cost of $27,000. The roadway is
380 feet in length with a PCI of 49.
Not one of our worst but obviously not in the greatest condition. The edge of the roadway, both sides, is fairly well
broken up for 2 to 3 feet along the edges especially in for the last 100 feet. The worst section is in front of Mr.
Robillard's house.
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:20 AM
To: Anthony, Camille
Cc: Zambouras, George
Subject: RE: Street condition
Barrows Road off of Lowell Street
George - where is this on the pavement management plan?
From: Camille Anthony [mailto:canthony@ftmc.net]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 4:35 PM
To: 'Robillard, Scott'
Cc: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: RE: Street condition
What is your street address? I will bring this issue up to the BOS tomorrow night. We do have a pavement study
of road conditions being conducted presently. It will be interesting to see where your street is in the program.
Camille Anthony
-----Original Message-----
From: Robillard, Scott [mailto:Scott.Robillard@FMR.COM]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 2:58 PM
To: cwanthony@ci.reading.ma.us
Subject: Street condition
Street condition
Page 2 of 2
Good afternoon, I'm a Reading resident and the street I live on wants to petition the Town to look at our
Street for getting paved. The street is in very poor condition and parts of it are worn down to dirt. Five
families, including my family, have children age 5 years and younger and we believe the poor condition is
becoming a safety issue for our children. This is the fourth year in a row I will have to have a strip of 40
feet of pavement cleaned up because it is breaking away from the street. Some of my neighbors have
the same problem.
I know this is a busy time for the Town. Could you tell me where I can best direct our petition and
photographs of the street.
Thank you,
Scott Robillard
Street condition Page 1 of 2
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Camille Anthony [canthony@ftmc.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 12:32 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: FW: Street condition
Info for tonight's comment period.
Camille Anthony
-----Original Message-----
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter [mailto:phechenbleikner@ci.reading.ma.us]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 7:20 AM
To: Camille Anthony
Cc: Zambouras, George
Subject: RE: Street condition
Barrows Road off of Lowell Street
George - where is this on the pavement management plan?
From: Camille Anthony [mailto:canthony@ftmc.net]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 4:35 PM
To: 'Robillard, Scott'
Cc: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: RE: Street condition
What is your street address? I will bring this issue up to the BOS tomorrow night. We do have a pavement study
of road conditions being conducted presently. It will. be interesting to see where your street is in the program.
Camille Anthony
-----Original Message-----
From: Robillard, Scott [mailto:Scott.Robillard@FMR.COM]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 2:58 PM
To: cwanthony@ci.reading.ma.us
Subject: Street condition
Good afternoon, I'm a Reading resident and the street I live on wants to petition the Town to look at our
Street for getting paved. The street is in very poor condition and parts of it are worn down to dirt. Five
families, including my family, have children age 5 years and younger and we believe the poor condition is
becoming a safety issue for our children. This is the fourth year in a row I will have to have a strip of 40
feet of pavement cleaned up because it is breaking away from the street. Some of my neighbors have
the same problem.
The Piace toze
as she en ?ub lip Library!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..
This joint
is jumping!
.V.- 1--"
< [ o~
And Children
SIC ce4hance 1{mt4
(Don't miss the all ages family concert
"Laughter In the Library" featuring me Of
David'Polansky. 20:3o am in the Meeting"RQom) y
5omet i
The 6th Annual Wading Public Library open House is being sponsored by
The friends of the'ReadingPublic Library.
Reading Public Library 64 Middlesex Avenue 781-944-0840 www.readingpl.org
tplea5~ prxn ~ .J%..----
193-95 Reading Survey Results:
1. Beneficial Effect 15 2. H3-OS 11
Negative 13 H3-US 9
No Impact 3 Do Nothing 2
H30S Flipped 2
(Note: Beneficial ranked H30S all but twice/Chose H3-US 2 times)
3. Non Highway Measures
Workplaces close to home
Less Growth
Improved Transit
Flexible schedules
Work at home
4. Take advantage of above:
5. Problematic areas:
Don't know
Rte 3/128
Roosevelt Circle
Rte 2/128
6. More Supportive with non-highway added: Yes
Don't Know
7. Important Measures:
Noise Barriers
Reduction of Local Traffic
Visual Screening
Wetland Protection
Less use of cars
I93-95 Reading Survey Results:
1. Beneficial Effect 15 2. H3-OS 11
Negative 13 H3-US 9
No Impact 3 Do Nothing 2
H30S Flipped 2
(Note: Beneficial ranked H30S all but twice/Chose H3-US 2 times)
3. Non Highway Measures
Workplaces close to home
Less Growth
Improved Transit
Flexible schedules
Work at home
4. Take advantage of above:
5. Problematic areas:
Don't know
Rte 3/128
Roosevelt Circle
Rte 2/128
6. More Supportive with non-highway added: Yes
Don't Know
7. Important Measures:
Noise Barriers
Reduction of Local Traffic
Visual Screening
Wetland Protection
Less use of cars
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