HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-05 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
• Long time community activist and Town official Dana Hennigar passed away last week.
Condolences to his family.
• Bids have been opened by the Massachusetts Highway Department on the Downtown
Improvement Project. There were 3 bidders, and the low bidder was within the cost estimates
from the engineer. Town Engineer George Zambouras is seeking information from the MHD on
the award and order to proceed process.
• Franklin Street sidewalks will be under construction right after the end of school, weather
• The following road construction projects should begin within the next couple of weeks, pending a
decision by Keyspan with respect to gas installation: Wells Rd., Hampshire Rd., Lawrence Rd.,
Locust St. Wentworth Rd.
• Water Resources Commission approval of the Town's full MWRA buy-in is expected on July 12;
with MWRA Advisory Board approval in September, and MWRA Board approval in October
• West Street curb and sidewalks are done - loam will be done this spring and seeding done in
the fall.
• Water, Sewer, and Storm Water bills will go out next week.
• The property owner on 15 Timothy Place has removed the fence, pool deck, and other
encumbrances from the right of way of Timothy Place. As the Board of Selectmen will recall
there was a settlement of litigation that required this work to be done by June 1, 2007, and it was
• The Recreation Committee. is holding a public hearing on June 13 on the proposed
reconstruction of the tennis courts on Bancroft Avenue.
• You have correspondence from Walpole in your packet (8bl) re 40B regulations.
• I provided testimony today to the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy
regarding the proposed Verizon legislation which would strip local government in Massachusetts
from any role in cable TV franchising.
• The Reading Lions Club invites you to participate in the Fourth Annual Reading Friends and
Family Day. Save the Date - Saturday, June 30, 2007
June 12, 2007
Report - CAB (Andrew Herlihy)
Town Accountant Quarterly meeting
Appointments (All but CPDC?)
Appoint Town Counsel
June 26, 20071;.
Appointments - CPDC
Final Report - ad hoc Downtown Parking Committee
Hearing ( Water, Sewer, Storm Water rates
Hearing Policy on waiver of hours of retail sales
Traffic Rules and Regulations - Indiana Avenue North of
Hearing California Road
Hearing No Parking anytime - Fox Run Lane Cul-de-sac
Budget Transfers
July 10, 2007 ~
Highlights Planning and Permits Coordination
Hearing ( Parking Regulations - Fox Run Lane
Sight Triangle bylaw ~
Discuss traffic speed and multi-way stops, and possible
standards for multi-way stops
Bancroft and Hartshorn multi-way stop
Review Action Status report
1 .Tuly 24 2047
Discuss Charter and Town Accountant regulations
Review Goals
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Zambouras, George
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 11:06 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Halloran, Michelle; Cormier, Jim; Reilly, Chris; McIntire, Ted
Subject: RE: Main Street
Here are the actual Bid results:
Three bids were received as follows:
J. Marchese & Sons, Inc. $5,490,864.86
AR Belli/AR Equipment Corp $5,822,871.79
ET&L Corp. $7,677,069.00
The office estimate for the project was $5,610,986.00
I asked MHD if they have an anticipated award date, when I get an answer I'll let you know
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:44 AM
To: Halloran, Michelle; Jim Cormier; Peter Hechenbleikner; Reilly, Chris; Ted McIntire; Zambouras, George
Subject: FW: Main Street
From: Zambouras, George
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:05 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Main Street
Bids were opened!
No official word form MHD, but spoke to a contractor that I new was bidding and they were the apparent low
bidder at 5.5M - J. Marchese & Sons
There were only three bidders J. Marchese & Sons, Belli and ETL
June 9, 2007
a day to remember
9:00 am
a place to reflect
Performing Arts Center
a reason for hope
Testimony before the Joint Committee
on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy
S 1975 and H 3385
June 5, 2007
Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager, Reading
Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony on this issue. The right of communities in
Massachusetts to negotiate and execute local cable TV franchises clearly is an important, concern
as you can see by the attendance here today. Cable TV and local PEG access programming are
vital to our democracy in Massachusetts, and enhance the volunteer spirit that we are so proud of.
Reading is in a unique position to be able to comment on the length of time it takes to negotiate a
Cable TV franchise, a situation that these bills seeks to "correct". We were the first community
represented by counsel to negotiate and execute a cable TV franchise with Verizon. The total
elapsed time from the date that the Town advertised to solicit bids to the date that the Town and
Verizon executed the contract was just over 10 months: The time from when Verizon submitted
their proposal to the date of the approved contract was under 6 months.
We welcome Verizon's entry into the Cable TV market in Reading, and we enjoy the competition
that they have brought to our community. As the first community in Massachusetts, and one of
the first in the nation to go through this process, there was a large learning curve on Verizon's
part. We do note, however, that it was really Verizon's inexperience in Cable TV franchising
generally and- in Massachusetts in particular, that leads to a greater than optimal time frame for
negotiation of some of the earlier franchise agreements. For example, we spent hours over
several weeks discussing and negotiating over the issue of Verizon insistence on using a different
definition of Cable System than 'the definition in the Federal statute. We finally agreed to
alternate language, and we understand that Verizon now no longer insists on this different
definition. I will submit with this testimony a copy of the chronology of the Cable TV licensing
Process for your information.
Negotiation of these franchises locally leads to considerable added value to the citizens of the
cities and towns of our Commonwealth. For example, as part of our franchise negotiation,
Reading has required Verizon to offer PEG access programs as video-on-demand if it is offered
anywhere in the US. This is not a requirement that came from anyplace where there is state-wide
franchising - it came from a small Town in Massachusetts, in order to meet our local needs.
Trying to determine in 2007 what the state of technology and the needs of the citizens of the
communities in this Commonwealth will be for the next 10 years is difficult, but this is part of the
local cable TV franchising process. What Verizon is proposing through these bills will have the
effect of freezing what a cable TV franchise looks like for the entire state for a very long time.
This would be like trying to diagnose and prescribe medical treatment in 2007 for a disease that
would occur in 2017 - you could do it but it wouldn't be good for the patient or the doctor.
Again, thank you for your patience in hearing these comments, and ultimately we appreciate your
support. of continuing local franchising authority for Cable TV in Massachusetts.
Town of Reading - Verizon New England, Inc.
Cable Television License Application
Chronoloav of Cable Licensing Process
February 1, 2005: Verizon representatives meet with Town of Reading Board of Selectmen to
discuss Verizon's interest in obtaining a cable license in Reading. The Board of Selectmen
unanimously vote to initiate the cable licensing process.
February 3, 2005: The Town sends letters to the Cable Division of the Department of
Telecommunications and Energy requesting waivers and giving notice of the Town's initiation of
the cable licensing process.
February 16, 2005: The Cable Division issues waivers to the Town.
March 18, 2005: The Town places advertisement soliciting cable television license applications.
April 15, 2005: Verizon submits a cable television license application.
July 12, 2005: The Town issues an Issuing Authority Report.
August 9, 2005: Verizon submits proposed cable license to the Town.
August 2005 - November 2005: The Town issues extensions for Verizon to submit an amended
August 2005 - December 2005: Verizon and the Town meet 15 times for negotiation sessions
on: August 11, August 30, September 8, September 23, September 30, November 22, November
28, November 29, December 5, December 7, December 9, December 13, December 15,
December 16, and December 19.
December 5, 2005: Verizon submits IAR response (amended application) to the Town.
December 5, 2005: The Town places public notice for December 19 public hearing.
December 9, 2005: Verizon submits proposed final license to the Town.
December 19, 2005: Board of Selectmen holds a public hearing.
January 2006: Verizon and Town meet for additional negotiation sessions on: January 6,
January 19, January 23, and January 24.
January 25, 2006: Board of Selectmen holds continued hearing and awards final franchise.
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Denise Baker [dbaker@mma.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:52 AM
To: Denise Baker
Subject: MMA Leadership Academy
Dear MMMA Member,
You recently received an invitation to the kick-off event of the MMA Leadership Academy, to be held
June 13 at 8 a.m. at Northeastern University featuring Governor Deval Patrick.
I encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear Governor Patrick's insights on
leadership, from his diverse background in both the private and public sector.
This free event is open to all managers, selectmen, and councillors. Please click on this link to view the
details of this event. You can register online or you can just reply to me that you would like to attend.
htt n://www.mma.ora/indeX.nhD?
option=com events&task=view detail&agid=164&vear=2007&month=06&dav=13&Itemid=47
If you have any questions, please contact me. I look forward to seeing you on the 13th.
If you have already registered, you will receive an email confirmation with directions shortly.
Denise Baker
MMA Senior Member Services Coordinator
One Winthrop Square
Boston, MA 02110
617-426-7272 ext.105
617-695-1314 (fax)
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2683
Fax: (781) 942-5441
Website: www:ci.reading.ma.us
June 5, 2007
Ben Tafoya, Chairman
Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Tafoya,
(181) 942-9077
The Engineering Division has reviewed the request to widen the driveway at 221 West
Street and have determined the following:
1. The existing driveway width is 23 feet and the proposed expansion would result in a
driveway width in excess of the Town's 24 foot maximum driveway width at the
property line.
2. We recommend that the expansion be limited to a maximum of 24 feet (at the property
line) and that the driveway apron be centered within the limits of the driveway. This
will enable full use of the portion of the driveway within private property.
3. The applicant should provide a plan of the proposed driveway improvements, as
approved by the Board of Selectman, to the Engineering Division.
4. All work within the Town of Reading's property will require a street opening permit by
a licensed drain layer.
George J. Zambouras, P.E.
Town Engineer
Cc: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
C.\ Documents and Settings\phechenbleikner.TOWN\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKIAB\221West-driveway.doc
?V JUN _S AM IQ1* 59
Name: C 7 {S~' ( l C~ ~r
(Last) (Firs
Address: 3 t% Cc cc/u-. G" -
Occupation: ~-vv, ~dcc ; SeC .
# of years in Reading: '7-
Are you a registered voter in Reading? t1-2S e-mail address:
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first. priority.
(Attach a resume if 'available.)
_Animal Control Appeals Committee
_Aquatics Advisory Board
Audit Committee
Board of Appeals
_Board of Cemetery Trustees
Board of Health
Board of Registrars
`Bylaw Committee
Celebration Committee
Cities for Climate Protection
Commissioner of Trust Funds
'Community Planning & Development Comm.
Conservation Commission
'Contributory Retirement Board
Council on Aging
_Cultural Council
_Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
_Economic Development Committee
_Finance Committee
_Historical Commission
Housing Authority
_Human Relations Advisory Committee
Land Bank Committee
~MBTA Advisory Committee
_Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mystic Valley Elder Services
_Recreation Committee
_RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
Telecommunications and Technology
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
`Water, Sewer and Storm Water
Management Advisory Committee
West Street Historic District Commission
~Other r.. L2.Tr4 G9-e4c6u.1 A.as~ef-
AK Ca~(a+i~L, 2
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:
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A m a-.4 e X' pad` )-eo ca r- ~
/C v 1/vlaec~ iai'', 11r,17
Date: J-""-
PCea Tel. (Home)
Tel. (Work)67/77- 31/0
(Is this number listed?)ems