HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-12 Board of Selectmen PacketPage 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter J Y From: DeMartino, Phillip (OCD) [Phillip. Demartino@state.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 2:57 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Reading Planned Production Attachments: 20070606130720518. pdf Hi Peter, I was asked to respond to your May 17th, 2007 letter (attached). Per Planed Production guidelines, once a plan is approved, it will be deemed effective retroactive to the date the complete plan was received by DHCD. That is why we assigned the January 3, 2007 approval date (because we didn't need any changes-I ended up finding the use restriction policy and Was able to approve the plan on the first attempt). I do remember notifying you that I thought it would need some changes but after I made a secondary review I was satisfied the Plan achieved the requirements of the regulation. I apologize for any confusion. It actually works to the Town's advantage to have the 1-3-07 date because it's earlier in the calendar year. Please note, having an approved planned and a certified plan are different. Approval refers to DHCD's action of reviewing an affordable housing plan and determining that it contains the elements required by regulation. Certification refers to DHCD's determination that the municipality has produced units that are affordable to low- or moderate-income households totaling at least % of 1% (66 units) of year round housing units in one calendar year and in accordance with the approved plan. In order for a ZBA's decision on comprehensive permits to be "consistent with local needs", certification (not approval) must be granted. Once a plan is approved it does not automatically stop all pending 40B applications or allow communities to turn away new comprehensive permit applications. In order for a ZBA's decision on a comprehensive permit r. application to be upheld as "consistent with local needs", a municipality must provide evidence to DHCD that at least .75% of housing units have been produced in accordance with an approved affordable housing plan so that we can certify the municipality has compiled with its plan. Please let me know if you have any questions. This can get confusing. Phillip DeMartino Technical Assistance Program Coordinator, DCS, CAU. 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114 617-573-1357 phillip.demartino@state.ma.us C, 6/7/2007 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Lucas, Barbara [BLucas@MAPC.org] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:17 AM To: Town Manager Cc: 'Robert Guptill (rguptill@ctps.org)' Subject: Regionwide Suburban Transit Opportunities Study, Phase III Mr. Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner, Page 1 of 1 Thank you for your May 14 letter expressing interest a staff assessment of the potential for demand response services in the Town of Reading. On behalf of the Boston Region MPOs Suburban Mobility Subcommittee, I am pleased to say that Reading has been selected to participate in the Regionwide Suburban Transit Opportunities Study, Phase III. As part of this program, technical assistance to help Reading assess its potential to support demand-responsive transit service will be provided by the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS). In the next few days, Rob Guptill of the Transit Services Planning group at CTPS will contact you or a person you designate to begin working with in Reading. You may also contact Rob directly at rguptill(@ctos.ora.. I'm excited about the interest Reading has shown in the Suburban Mobility Program. I hope we'll have additional opportunities to work together and will be very interested to see how well you think the study proceeds. Best regards, Barbara Lucas Barbara G. Lucas, Chair Boston Region MPO Suburban Mobility/TDM Subcommittee and Manager, Transportation Planning Metropolitan Area Planning Council 60 Temple Place Boston, MA 02111 blucas mapc.org www.maoc.ore I G`z-- 6/7/2007 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Denise Baker [dbaker@mma.org] Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 2:08 PM To: Denise Baker Subject: Municipal Partnership Act Below is a message from MMA Executive Director Geoff Beckwith Please Take Action on Municipal Partnership Act Pass Local Resolution and Keep Pressure on the Legislature Dear Local Leader, Page 1 of 2 6/) With the state budget for next year approved in both the House and Senate, the main legislative priority for cities and towns is enactment of a Municipal Partnership Act that provides cities and towns with real revenue options to reduce reliance on the property tax and real tools to control costs. We are asking the Legislature to take action on a Partnership Act before beginning summer recess expected at the end of July. Last month, we mailed to you a Municipal Partnership Act Advocacy Kit that many of you have started to work on. With time growing short, this email is a reminder to take a position locally and contact your legislators. We are asking that you adopt a Resolution as soon as possible supporting the Partnership Act filed by the Governor in February. Right now, this is the most important step you can take to keep things moving at the State House. A draft Resolution is attached. The full Advocacy Kit can be f6und on the MMA Website at: httD://www.mma.ora/index.nhn?option=com-content&task=view&id=l 843&ltemid=l 07 Please send us copies of any Resolutions that you adopt or have already adopted locally. _ If you have any questions, please contact MMA Deputy Legislative Director John Robertson at (_617) 426-7272 orjrobertson@mma.org. Thank you. Geoffrey C. Beckwith Executive Director/CEO, Massachusetts Municipal Association President/CEO, Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110 tel. 617-426-7272 fax 617-695-1314 Email: gbeckwith@mma.org This message is a private communication. If you are not the. intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use, or disclose this message or any JC3 6/6/2007 Page 2 of 2 attachments to others. Please notify the sender of the delivery error by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, including the attachments, is prohibited. Email transmission may not be secure or error free. Information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message that arise as a result of email transmission. Thank you. I Gj 6/6/2007 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIP ACT WHEREAS: In order for the residents and the economy of Massachusetts to prosper and thrive, it is essential that the Commonwealth establish an enduring state-local financial relationship that ensures sufficient and stable revenue sources to appropriately and adequately fund all essential local government services and responsibilities, including public safety, public works, public education, and the full range of vital local government activities and obligations; and WHEREAS: The sound financial health of cities and towns, and the high quality of municipal and school services are necessary for the growth of the knowledge-based Massachusetts economy and the well-being of residents and businesses; and WHEREAS: The great majority of cities and towns have not financially recovered from the deep and painful municipal and school aid cuts imposed in Fiscal 2003 and Fiscal 2004 that resulted in widespread reductions and cutbacks in local services and the municipal workforce; and WHEREAS: Reliance on the regressive property tax has increased to historic levels, and has placed a heavy property tax burden on low-. and moderate-income homeowners, especially seniors and those on fixed incomes, and the communities of the Commonwealth should not be forced to further their reliance on the property tax, which is the only major source of tax revenue granted lo local government; and WHEREAS: The Town of Reading and cities and towns across the Commonwealth are facing structural budget shortfalls this year and into the future because existing municipal revenues and current levels of local aid are inadequate to maintain services and fund the high growth in unavoidable local costs, including health insurance for public employees and retirees, special education for disabled students, and rising fuel and energy expenses; and WHEREAS: Cities and towns in Massachusetts have far less autonomy under State law to manage local. revenues and costs than other states. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED on this 12th day of June, 2007 that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, Massachusetts hereby endorses the Municipal Partnership Act, and calls on the Massachusetts Legislature to enact the full scope of the bill this year, as this municipal partnership legislation would give cities and towns practical and meaningful tools to close local budget shortfalls and enhance stability in municipal and school services; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that meaningful partnership legislation must include both substantial revenue self-reliance measures referenced in the next provision, as well as strong administrative cost-cutting opportunities in the areas of health insurance and pension funding as proposed by the Governor in the Municipal Partnership Act filed in February; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the Municipal Partnership Act passed by the Legislature must include the following revenue provisions: A local option sales tax on meals of up to 2%, a local option expansion of the room occupancy excise of an additional 1%, and closing the telecommunications property tax loophole in State law to eliminate the special ability of telecommunications companies to avoid appropriate local taxation and shift this burden onto other taxpayers and communities; and 360k BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Honorable Members of the Senate and House of Representatives for the Town of Reading and be placed in the public record. BOARD OF SELECTMEN Ben Tafoya, Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Vice Chairman Stephen A. Goldy, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert 3 2,-, APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Aquatics Advisorv Board Term: 3 years Ambointina Authoritv: Board of Selectmen & Recreation'Com. Orig. Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Lois Margeson 61 Putnam Road (99) Jack Downing 91 Whittier Road (04) Vacancy ( ) Candidates: *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment I Vacancv Term Exp. 2009 2010 Rec. Com. 2008 qt, AOUATICS ADVISORY BOARD Term Three years Appointing Authoritv See below Number of Members Three Members appointed by YMCA; one member appointed by the Town's Recreation Committee; one member appointed by the Board of Selectmen and one member who shall be the Head Coach of one of the Reading Memorial High School RMHS Varsity Swim Teams. Meetings No less than semi-annually Authoritv Puruose To discuss and make recommendations to the YMCA on aquatic programming, fee changes, policies and procedures. 40311- ~o~~-OR-FtFgb f y r G1 y Town. of Reading ~~d two 16 Lowell Street rs39 xx~oRe°~`~~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 VOLUNTEER VACANCY TOWN OF READING AD HOC BIRCH MEADOW PLANNING COMMITTEE I Nine vacancies exist on the Ad Hoc Birch Meadow Planning Committee. The purpose of the committee is to review and document the current uses and development of the Birch Meadow area; solicit input from the community at large, the 'current users of Birch Meadow, the Town Departments and any Boards, Committees and Commissions that may be affected by the current or changed uses of Birch Meadow. Responsibilities also include preparing a preliminary Master Plan. by September 30, 2007; conduct a public hearing on the. results and then develop a final Master Plan. Interested persons may apply at the Town Clerk's office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts by 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2007. M cry ~.cn UJWAT: w c' ~QQ LLJ o; N cv~ ~ 4,11' Policy Establishing an ad hoc Birch Meadow Planning Committee ad hoc Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee It is the desire of the Board of Selectmen to reach consensus among all "stakeholders" of the Birch Meadow area on a community vision and master plan for recreation and open space uses, so that the community can enjoy and use this valuable resource. "Birch Meadow is defined as the RMHS school site, the parks and playground surrounding the RMHS site, the Coolidge Middle School site, the so called "Higgins Property" on the northerly and westerly side of Birch Meadow Drive, and the property extending along the Aberjona River to and including town owned property on Grove Street (see map): Therefore,. there is hereby created an ad hoc Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee, which. shall exist until December 31, 2007, or until such earlier date the Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee may have completed its. work. The Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee shall consist of nine (9) residents of Reading for terms expiring December 31, 2007, or such earlier date that may be determined. In selecting the membership, the Board of Selectmen shall attempt to fill the membership as follows: 1. One member recommended by the Recreation Committee and appointed by the Board of Selectmen; 2. One member recommended by the Conservation Commission and appointed by the Board of Selectmen; 3. Two members from youth sports and/or athletic organizations in Reading appointed by the Board of Selectmen; 4. One member of the Board of Selectmen;' 5. One representative of the School Department appointed by the Superintendent of Schools; 6. Three residents at large who do not fill the requirements of any of the other categories listed above, appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The ad hoc Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee shall perform the following activities related to developing the Master Plan for Birch Meadow: 1. Review and understand the scope of the charge to the committee, and develop a suggested work plan and schedule,' 2. Review and document the current uses and development of the. Birch Meadow area; 3. Solicit input from the community at large as to what uses can/should.be included for the area; 4. Reach out to the current users of Birch-Meadow for their comments and input; 5.. Reach out to Town Departments and Boards/Committees/Cofnmissions that may be affected by the current or changed uses of Birch Meadow. 'articular attention will be given to the Departments responsible for maintaining park facilities, and. those responsible for issuing permits for use of these sites; 6. Prepare a preliminary Master Plan on their findings including potential uses and draft drawings by September 30, 2007; 7: Submit the preliminary Master Plan to the Board of Selectmen for their review and comment; 8. Conduct a public hearing on the results of the preliminary Master Plan; 440,4z 9. With staff, develop a final Master Plan; 10. Report to the Board of Selectmen and get feedback at key milestones in this process, including prior to the development of the Preliminary Master Plan. Staff and Town Counsel will be assigned to work with the ad hoc Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee through the Town Manager. The ad hoc Birch Meadow Master Plan Committee will be considered to be part of the Department of Public Works for administrative purposes. Adopted 5-22-05 ~~,3' f. Y ~Q J ~ ~a Legend Master Plan Area Parcels Town Owned Land Buildings School JE Other mmaw New High School New Roads & Parking f a ; Tree Cover Sports Facilities Field Tennis r//A Basketball . Track Map by: Town of Reading Map date: 5/24107 Parcels valid 1/1/06. Roads, buildings, sidewalks, drives, parking, sports facilities, tree cover and hydrography are from aerial photos taken spring 1998. RMHS footprint, driveways, parking, and . track from CAD plan. New artificial turf field traced from 2005 MassGIS aerial photo. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ~Ft A q 4' * BIRCH MEADOW MASTER PLAN o~~ o~REq~r Town of Reading `mod.. two 16 Lowell Street X639 rfco Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Recreation Committee Conservation Committee Superintendent of Schools Recreation Administrato FROM.. Peter 1. Hechenbleikner, DATE: May 24, 2007 RE: Birch Meadow Planning 'Committee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Please see the attached policy approved by the Board of Selectmen . on May 22,. 2007, establishing an ad hoc Birch Meadow Planning Committee. The timeframes on this Committee are very tight. Please forward to me no later than June 15, 2007, the recommended appointee from the Recreation Committee, Conservation Commission and School Department. In addition, John will you please forward this to the sports and athletic organizations and ask for volunteers from these organizations. They should fill out a volunteer application form and submit it also by June 15 if possible. PIH/ps 41 1 5- % Jun-01-o7 12:28pm From-1 S STORE SYSTEMS +508-253-7818 Mth ; I.s lc~rn a _ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTM Name: R C mx 1y\ ~ ,-r, (Last) (First) Address: -7 Z a iq 5t- Occupation: Bvff4eff &narlysQr, T-907 P.01/01 F-355 ENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS - Date: Tone- 0"7 (Middle) ~,m Tel_ (home) 7 6g 4t Tel. (Work) 5'g8- 004r4- (Is this number listed?) vex 5 T/l Pt. ~Et _ # of years in Reading: ~ Are you a registered voter in Reading? Yes e-mail address. be-ATelf- mn f rt!Q A *qp r. cvnt Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #I being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee -Aquatics Advisory Board Audit ComnuTtee Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee _Cities for Climate Protection -Commissioner of Trust Funds _ Community Planning & Development Comm. -Conservation Commission Constable. -Contributory Retirement Board ^Council on Aging -Cultural. Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee -Finance Committee -Historical Commission „Dousing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee META Advisory Committee Metxapolitan Area Planning Council Mystic 'V'alley Elder Services -Recreation Committee ~RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee 'town Forest Committee JWater, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee -West Street Historic District Commission ,father 13(r c.h M P,,-.4o .w !fit'&,i P) rA," ,y ~.,ma~~ ze Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: live ;A '5ircl. Mead,c.l m.. C, yr-o1"d; fW/As c{o tkz 51~ CA A~rrcl cw 4~ ) c1+i r-, `c y. n,Apol - T..-love p ky,~ avnJU ` V wIT.r ~tov`c n1Gna~7cs -Poe To k ye, a,As bur 1` /MY 4 Vft A curer, Z-e crett mv,e, m 4A~ &Cget, CDAyel"5v5, 11 a .n I' y to v, tom, KC" L4 1 ~ ZM7 JUN -b AN 1!: p~ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD/ OMMITTEE/COMMISSION Name.VP-Pr t r C0 j~►l~c~+~ V `tom. Date: ~On e _ ~ 0~2 Gc> (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: (U `4 1 a ~ ~-~s(-N ) cti..) ~ l , . Tel. ome ~ q Tel: (Work)'. . (Is this number listed?) eS Occupation: ck_, i- < ess-p.r # of years in Reading: 20 u eo- r5 Are you a registered voter in Reading? e-mail addfess:~,-~ rwr~~ o~ Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your firs`' priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Finance Committee Please outline relevant experience. for the position(s) sought: Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations-Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Board Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee School Building Committee Solid Waste Advisory Committee Substance Abuse Advisory Committee Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water & Sewer Advisory Committee A-06her P f'C,~ Mt'_cv 1'Y1c,~Se t' V J 20)7 JUN -5. AM lo.. 54 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: CJ f~~~~ J'~U.It-V ~A`((c'6m Date: Zod (Last) (Fil (Middle). Address: C,,e- R-oa Tel. (Home) Tel. (Work)6 =SZ3 -©65 e, 3~d (Is this number listed?) Y.,s Occupatibn: Se~- # of years in Reading: Are you a registered voter in Reading? Ll-2S e-mail address: q rX Co Aywry, 0,9; Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees ~Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable 'Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging . Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves^ _Economic Development Committee _Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee _Land Bank Connnittee _MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council ~_Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee ^RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water ~Management Advisory Committee _West Street Historic District Commission ^Other 4doc L2,`c4 dl~u~aa/ jfl~.r~SQr 1 A N Co Ja tv~ i (l ~ e Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: tl~ ► d~ P.( r~~ , Th rl' c~ r~ k-eec. /a,.c~ Rec 711 , ` ~ f11 tOr` P~cIT"d C9r)f' 1`-~° G h2ea~ JlM.I3~~J?~ ~ ~9r=~ c'~-e~~f1 ~t Am Gt,: r Q 1C .~G'd fit.G~ Cif t d /`r'i i S' G~ r qJ/ APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Board of Appeals Term: 3 years 2 Vacancies Term: 3 years - Associate Members Appointing Authorit- Board of Selectmen Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Exn Susan Miller 26 Avon Street (99) 2008. Robert E. Redfern, Chairman 54 Prospect St. (01) 2009 *John A. Jarema 797 Main Street (78) 2007 Paul Dustin 3 Orchard Park Drive (03) 2009 Michael Conway 129 West Street (04) 2008 *Peter Tedesco (Associate) 15 Intervale Terrace (03) 2007 Clark W. Petschek (Associate) 659 Haverhill Street (06) 2008 Candidates: Kerin A. O'Donnell *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment q cl BOARD OF APPEALS Term Three years AAppointin,a Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five Members and two Associate Members appointed so that the term of one member and one associate. member shall expire each year. Meetings Twice a month on the first and third Thursday. Authoritv Reading Zoning By-Law, Section 7.4; "The Zoning Act" of the. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 40A, Section 12 of the General Laws and other applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws. Purpose To hear and decide appeals from any decisions of the Building Inspector; to hear and decide applications for special permits as authorized by the Reading Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide petitions for variances as authorized by the Reading Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide applications seeking authorization and a Comprehensive Permit to build low and moderate income housing contemplated by GL c. 40B, Sec. 21; to hear and decide upon all matters, otherwise legally. coming under the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals. ~ cv Town of Reading RECEIVED 16 Lowell Street TOWN CLERK Reading, MA 01867-2685 READING, MASS. FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: John A. Jarema 797 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 r FROM: Peter I. Heebenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Board of Appeals qOWNYMANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Cornrnission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: I. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This fonn must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not owish to be considered for reappointment. Sigma re / e cc: Committee Chainnan Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Tedesco 15 Intervale Terrace Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleilmer DATE: April 5, 2007 , RE: Reappointment to Board of Appeals (Associate) RECEIVED TOWN CLERK READING, MASS. 1I)91 APR 21 p * a TOWN MANAG (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terins that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish't c -r f reappointment. Q/ ria ire Oate f cc: Committee Chairman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: Date: ; (Last) (First) (Middle) c Address: 4 cSM1,W k (55~9 Tel. (Home) p3 4-5 Tel. (Work) q-1 -4& (Is this number listed?)~ Occupation: f M7WOT 6-w.r. # of years in Reading: lzp Are you a registered voter in Reading?. y e-mail address: X)-)~ In ' d dowp a Cc i ' co p"'I Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board. of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities-for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations. Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council.. Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic. District Commission -Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: > i-1) W co q Cs % KERIN A. O'DONNELL 4 Summit Drive, Unit 313 Reading, MA 01867 (978) 273-6949 Work Experience: CGI INFORMATION SYSTEMS & MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, Inc., Andover, MA 1997 - Present Director, Contract Management Responsible for the management of the U. S. contract process for all legally binding Agreements made by CGI Information Systems & Management Consultants, Inc. • Negotiated, drafted and executed all software, consulting, third party & vendor contracts. • Negotiation of multi-million dollar Joint Ventures, Joint Marketing Agreements; License Agreements, Strategic Alliances and Outsourcing Agreements • Management of the filing qualifications for CGI to do business in all fifty states along with the ongoing management of the State Corporate annual and bi-annual reporting requirements. • Ongoing management of the DSIproduct/escrow inv6ntories relating to CGI's Intellectual Property. MAR.CAM CORPORATION, Newton, MA Senior Contract Negotiator Responsible for the development, negotiation and execution of global contracts. • Primary point of contact for the negotiation and execution of addenda to, standard customer agreements, including standard agreements for end-users, Application Partners, System Integrators, University Partners and trademark licenses. • Preparation of new and/or modified contracts as necessary to reflect changes in business practices or other developments. PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, Waltham, MA Contract Negotiator Responsible for the effective and pro-active management of global contracts. • Devised business strategies by reviewing terms and conditions of all contracts and assured compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulations and all commercial contract regulations and codes. • Negotiated and managed all commercial and public sector contracts and third party client contracts. • Implemented procedures for system integrators and royalty calculations as a result of company acquisitions. KEANE, INCORPORATED, Boston, MA Contract Administrator Developed, negotiated, and managed all contracts. • Negotiated and administered all government, commercial and hospital contracts. • Developed and implemented a corporate contract process that insured the efficient completion of outstanding contracts and resulted in prompt revenue recognition. 1996-1997 1994 -1996 1992-1994 REUTERS INTORMATION.SERVICES, Boston, MA 1988-1991 Northeast Regional Contract Supervisor Managed and executed contracts in the Northeast region. • Restructured the revenue sales report provided to senior management on a weekly basis. This report was subsequently adopted by senior management throughout sales offices nationwide. • Negotiated pricing for all customers in the east coast region including soft dollar customers resulting in a 15% increase in annual revenue. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL, Andover, MA 1986-1988 Marketing Representative Education: Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Merrimack College, North Andover, MA 1983 --1986 Marketing Major, Finance Concentration Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH 1981-1983 Economics Major 4 c- 0 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Board of Health Term: 3 years ARpointine Authority Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Colleen Seferian *David Singer Barbara A. Meade 56 Vine Street 66 Prospect Street 11 Ash Hill Road 1 Vacancv Orig. Term Date Exp. (99) 2008 (00) 2007 (01) 2009 Candidates: *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 14 d BOARD OF HEALTH Term Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Three Members whose terms are so arranged that one term shall expire each year Meetings Second Thursday of each month Authority Reading Charter - Section 4-2 Purpose The Board of Health shall be responsible for the formulation and enforcement of rules . and regulations affecting the public health. It shall have all of the powers and duties given to Boards of Health under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth, and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by -the Charter, by Bylaw and by other Town Meeting vote. Nd~ OFt{-gO f~ Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street sag°rNCORY~4P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@cLreading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: David Singer Prospect Street 66 Rcadirlz, MIA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleilcner DATE: April 5, 2007 1-' E: Reappointment to Board of Health RECEIVED TOWN CLERK READING, MASS. V hYMAf AEI- 21 (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for teens that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Cleric's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with teens expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. not be r,7 1gaired io fill n-ut )I .w citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed fonn to the Town Cleric's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signa~ Date cc: Committee Chairman - Gi RECEIVED TOWN CLERK READING, MASS. To: Peter I. Hechenbleikner From: David Singer Re: Reappointment to the Board of Health 2001 MAY -1 . A 9= 5 2 I do wish to be considered for reappointment for the Reading Board of Health. I have had an excellent experience on the Board. I have served on this board for many years and feel it is a good way for me to contribute to community health and safety. I am a dentist with a long-standing interest in public health and would like to continue to preserve, promote, and protect the health of Reading citizens. Sincerely, David Singe v 66 Prospect Str Reading, NIA 01867 (781) 942-2746 1, ~q APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Cities for Climate Protection Proeram Committee Term: 3 years 2 Vacancies & 1 As sociate Avvointina Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Exp. Ronald D'Addario 97 Summer Ave. (06) 2009 Stephanie Anderberg 181 Lowell Street (06) 2008 *Michelle Benson 128 Eastway (06) 2007 *Gina Snyder 11 Jadem Terrace (06) 2007 Tracy Ellen Sopchak 364 Franklin Street (06) 2008 Daniel E. Boldgett (Associate) 49 Pratt Street (06) 2007 Candidates: Joan Boegel ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE "CITIES FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION" PROGRAM 'T'erm Three years Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five members appointed for three years terms so arranged that as near an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year. Meetings As needed Purpose To advise the Board of Selectmen on matters of policy related but not limited to the "Cities for Climate Protection" Program for use within the Town of Reading. In doing this work, the Committee will: Conduct a local emissions inventory of greenhouse gas emission. Recommend an emissions reduction target. Identify local actions that achieve the target. Develop a proposed implementation action plan identifying policies and actions. Quantify and report benefits created. ~~z OF 1'~9br~ Town of Reading ~ RECEIVED 16 Lowell Street I OWN CLERK 639 7 Y°gP Reading, MA 01867-268gCAGING, MASS, . FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@eLreading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Michele Benson 128 Eastway Reading. MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Heehenbleikner J DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Cities for Climate Protection Committee 1601 APR h%va WSZOER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or'Cominission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: I. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionriaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This fonn must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed forin to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. v I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do no isl .to be considered for reappointment. / C .C 1 O~~o ~SY~ -~/A /6 / S'gn~ture /Datd cc: Committee Chairman 3 ~~~N OF$F~~~ Town of Reading two 16 Lowell Street js3'9'rNCORp04P~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Michele Benson 128 Eastway Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 R.E. Reappointment to Cities for Climate Protection Commnittee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 H. 0 M M a"°a ova' a M . c-)._ u 3r! ri rn Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for tenns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining. your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be, considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman ` AUA&G-fie. C~~ OF r? Town of Reading r ~w•' 16 Lowell Street 0163a.1N 40 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM ::0 TO: Gina Snyder M by nom, 11 Jadem Terrace Cr 'n < Reading, MA 01867 r.. ~ ~r *t rn FROM: t Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Cities for Climate Protection Committee Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionrlaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with teens expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be. available for an i?iterview, or if you are, not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I/ I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. cCe~•.- Iq /42,5 Signature 0 Date cc: Committee Chairman Wbs I OF REq~ f~ N Town of Reading 1 D= y 16 Lowell Street sa0.rxc° Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel Blodgett 49 Pratt Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 RE: Reappointment to Cities for Climate Protection Committee (Associate) Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, *and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature Date r cc: Committee Chairman OF Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street s39'rNcoReading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 TOWN MANAGER Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma,us (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel Blodgett o X 49 Pratt Street rn Reading, MA 01867 o. .X FROM. Peter I. Hechenbleikner ar ~~m DATE: April 5,2007 RE: Reappointment to Cities for Climate Protection Committee (Associate) Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Corrunission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, 'and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: fJveAe) 3-00n Veronica (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: 3 Ot'~jk 1e-k-et Stre e-f Occupation: Unvl'ronrvmenir( .Cna,"neer 1Manc cjer v Date: 10 1 -2-71 Zvb Tel. (Home) `l S l -rt~l'et-t & Tel. (Work) 5-08-2-70-2-1-76 (Is this number listed?) ---Y e.g # of years in Reading: 2 2- Are you a registered voter in Reading? Ve s e-mail address: i a 6 1 GO ve.r'i zDo V1 e " vIu v Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board ofRegistrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: lkL a.4-t-ach-ed reS um f _ Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other iv w N co (A )-,8 JOAN V. BOEGEL 3 Highland Street Reading, MA 01867 joan.boegel@genzyme.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE home: (781)-942=1856 office: (508)-270-2176 cellular: (508)-328-0329 Genzyme Corporation Environmental Engineer - June 1997 to June 1999 Manager, Environmental Engineering - June 1999 to April 2004 Associate Director, Environmental Affairs - April 2004 to present Resuonsibilities: • Ensure compliance with applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations and permits at all Genzyme facilities in Massachusetts by developing and maintaining appropriate environmental policies, programs and procedures. . Supervise staff of five, environmental professionals and administrative assistant. • Monitor Genzyme capital projeets and process changes for potential new environmental impacts or permitting requirements and ensure that these issues are addressed. • Promote environmental stewardship, pollution prevention and recycling at Genzyme. Accornnlishments: • Developed comprehensive environmental compliance'self-auditing program. • . Established annual corporate and site environmental performance reporting, including collection and analysis of data for the following key, indicators: energy use, water use, solid waste, chemical .waste, air emissions, compliance and stewardship. • Guided introduction and implementation of Genzyme Environmental Management. System (GEMS) at Genzyme manufacturing, laboratory and office facilities in Massachusetts. • Promoted involvement of Genzyme employees in environmental stewardship activities. ® Supported implementation of the EPA WasteWise program at one Genzyme facility in 2002, resulting in Honorable Mention for 2002, followed by Partner.of the Year for 2003 in Small Business Category. • Expanded Geiizyme's EPA WasteWise program participation to four Massachusetts sites in 20.05, achieving Honorable Mention in Large Business Category and Gold. Achievement Award for Employee Education. • Received Worcester Business Journal / MA Audubon Society Environmental Award for successful solid waste reduction and recycling program' at Genzyme-Framingham. Polaroid Corporation. Chemical Operations Division Senior. Engineer - June 1987 - June 1997 Environmental EnaineermR Managed industrial wastewater discharge permit for complex manufacturing and research facility discharging 300,000 gallons daily. • Provided process engineering technical support for wastewater pretreatment system design and operation, including neutralization, solids removal by coagulation, flocculation and settling, and steam stripping for removal of volatile organic compounds. • Developed and championed implementation of Toxic Use Reduction Plan for synthetic organic chemical, polymer manufacturing and coating mix operations using 31 TURA-listed chemicals. • Developed and successfully implemented program to track process source and composition of wastes sent from multiple processes to bulk hazardous waste blend tanks, resulting in improved cost accountability, better process understanding and identification of opportunities. for waste reduction. ~q. • Prepared SARA Form R, SARA Tier R inventory, TURA Form S, air pollution source registration and annual hazardous waste recycling report. Process Engineerina Improved procedures for chemical synthesis, purification, isolation and drying of products and associated solvent recovery and wastewater treatment. Conducted operator training sessions and process hazards review meetings. Coordinated with analytical laboratory to ensure quality control of batch processes. Metcalf & Eddv, Inc. Project Engineer - January 1984 to June 1987 • Evaluated industrial waste treatment processes through laboratory and pilot plant studies. • Conducted field tests of air stripping for removal of volatile contaminants from groundwater. • Used computer model to evaluate test data and design full-scale air stripping towers. • Performed conceptual design and cost estimates for groundwater remediation projects. • Managed EPA contract program to evaluate hazardous waste treatment technologies at commercial facilities - site selection, development of test plans and field log books, equipment mobilization, supervision of sampling team, data evaluation and report preparation. • Conducted industrial plant survey to identify waste reduction opportunities: E.I. DuPont & Comuanv. Inc. R&D Engineer - March 1979 to August 1982 Provided process engineering., support for titanium dioxide manufacturing plant. , • Planned. and carried out bench scale research on polymerization and spinning of new high. strength polyesters, started up a semi-works continuous polymerization unit and supervised four technicians. at textile fibers laboratory. EDUCATION M.S. Environmental EnaineerinEr, University of Houston; GPA 3.9/4.0; coursework in water and wastewater treatment and-air. pollution control; thesis research on ion exchange for removal of selenium'. from groundwater. M. ChE. Chemical Enaineerina. University of. Delaware; GPA 3.9/4.0; National Science Foundation Fellowship. Elective classes in'biochemical engineering and. microbiology. B.S. Chemistrv. University of Delaware; GPA 3.9/4.0; elective classes in biochemistry, genetics and engineering; summer research projects in biochemistry. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION • Toxic Use Reduction Planner, Limited Practice (Planner ID #W051759) VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES • CoastSweep annual beach and shoreline clean-up, 1.998 - 2005 • Charles River Earth Day Cleanup, 1998 - 2006 • Ipswich River Watershed Association - macroirivertebrate monitoring, 1999 - 2003 • Coach; Coolidge Middle School Science Olympiad - Water Quality event, 1998 - 2006 • Massachusetts Envirothon volunteer, 2005-2006 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Conservation Commission Term: 3 years Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen ]Present Member(s) and. Term(s) *Mark Wetzel, Chairman William Hecht, V. Chair William Ogden Finch Douglas N. Greene Barbara Stewart Jamie T. Maughan *Annika Scanlon Candidates: Orig. Date 163 County Road (05) 73 Martin Road (03) 51 Mill Street (98) 31 Cape Cod Avenue (00) 52 County Road (06) 263 Woburn Street (03) 3 Copeland Avenue (06) *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 2 Vacancies Term Exp. 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2007 L U ` CONSERVATION COMMISSION, Term Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Seven Members whose terms are so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year Meetings Twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday Authoritv Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purpose The Conservation Commission shall have all the powers and duties given to Conservation Commissions by the General Laws, by the Charter, by Bylaw or by Town Meeting vote. Under the provisions of MGL Chapter 40, Section 8C, the Town established the Conservation Commission for the promotion and development of the 'natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. Included are the following: open space planning. ~oj UFRFgOr~Y r Town of Reading 16 L®welI Street IS., R40 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@cLreading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Wetzel 163 County Road Reading, MA 01861 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Conservation Conunission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. K I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Pe4- hvA-R-W 6164, 7 Signature Date cc: Committee-Chairman ~o~~y of R~gOlfG sTown of Reading 16 Lowell Street sag ~N~oRe9¢P Reading, IIIIIA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmana9er@c1.read1ng.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Annika Scanlon 3 Copeland Avenue Reading, MA. 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Conservation Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. X I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature Date - cc: Committee Chairnan f APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Council on A21nR Term: 3 years Appointine Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Carol Patterson, Chairman 128 Grove Street *Carole N. Scrima, V: Chr. 709 Gazebo Circle Margaret Havey 23 Van Norden Road Elizabeth Cronin 403 Pearl Street *Sally M. Hoyt 221 West Street Edwina Kasper 75 Village Street Barbara A. Powers 25 Belmont Street Ruth Goldberg 11 Bond Street Stacy Bertocchi, Secretary 250 High Street Marguerite Bosnian 46 Putnam Road *Charles J. McDonald, Jr., (As soc.) 41 Canterbury Drive Candidates: William Dunham Steven Oston Brian Snell *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 3 Vacancies & 1 Associate Orig. Term Date Exv. (03)` 2009 (04) 2007 (06). 2009 (96) 2007 (04) 2007 (98) 2008 (00) 2009 (02) 2008 (05) 2008 (05) 2009 (06) 2007 C COUNCIL ON AGING Term . Three years Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Ten Members whose terms are so arranged that as nearly an equal -number of terms as possible shall expire each year. All members shall be inhabitants of the Town and at least two members shall be over 60 years of age. Meetings Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of each calendar month at 6:30 p.m. unless a legal holiday when the meeting will be held the following Monday unless otherwise designated. Authoritv Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purnose The Council on Aging shall have all the powers and duties given to . Councils on Aging by the Massachusetts General Laws, by the Reading Home Rule Charter, by Bylaw or by Town Meeting vote. Included are the following: To ascertain needs of residents 60 and over, to conduct and sponsor programs and disseminate information addressing those needs, to directly assist individuals and to be advocates for the elderly of Reading at the community, State and National levels. OUR 4, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 63s°NCOaQ°4~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Elizabeth Cronin 403 Pearl Street Reading, MA 01867 1 FROM: Peter 1. Hechenbleikner ' DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Council on Aging TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 N rn s~ f )>C:> 3rr'1rn .:t~ cn .mac W Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or ComLNNssion will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This fon-n must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with tennis expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that 11 l't11GtLZZUGI'1lJ C)G CLVCIillUie !UL Gt111111 i1V1G N, or IL yU 2 1. TLVI c~v Liiav. , j u .Ji... QL statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. vl. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. J-t Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman ~V ~ 1 Town of Reading N 16 Lowell Street 639'L~CORRQ¢~` Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Carole N. Scrima 709 Gazebo Circle Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Council on Aging TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 0 v Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Coixunittee or Corunission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terins expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. /I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. 17 Signature " Date cc: Committee Chairman Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 TOWN MANAGER Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM N 8 TO: Sally M. Hoyt I~j 221 West Street Reading, MA 01867 ' FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner J DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Council on Aging Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. hlcumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer fonns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an intelview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment, to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. V I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. f ~-~-Vi=i ~77 , J~~~~ ~1~~~ ~ ~ ~ , j. Signatu ate cc: Committee Chairman Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Charles J. McDonald,. M 41 Canterbury Drive Reading, MA 01867 t FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Council on Aging (Associate) TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: All incumbents for tenns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappoinlanent. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if.you are not available, that yore subin?t a Avritten statement outlining your experience and your interest in-being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. Lam'' 1 wish to be considered for reappointment. T y Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman Z01,~ SE P 13 Ki 3: 58 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: _ /Y) fl~l3'►'1'.~~/~G,l~ (Last) first) (Middle) Addross:L/V Fronk Occupation: - Ate you a registered voter in Reading? 41_p Date: s~p~-~o (y Tel. (Home)/ .7 Tel. (Work) ' (Is this number listed?) # of years in Reading: e-mail address:n o~ 0---ll:° ri ~y6 Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Advisory Council Against the Misuse and Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board v.~Council on Aging 4,uv~a Cultural Council Custodian of Soldier's & Sailor's Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee ' Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s): ou -ev J APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: ~i r)Ai !S, "7"5_il CA) 6•. ~~t(L//ast) ,r~ (First) (Middle) Address: .(1(o S~R r G~e S5 Occupation: 4~_ I-/ (f C, >6 Date: Tel. (Home) 291 ft Y Y F 1j')_ Tel. (Work) Jt;/~f1 (Is this number listed?) V r;5 I - # of years in Reading: - ~J. Are you a registered voter in Reading?S ' e-mail address: CQ~n1'j~~C{bZl ff?~t~G( cJ Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee -Audit of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: I'to c% If 7- awfco vd?_5e< O ,T- S P, C&j TWZ_ ~-AiS (Vi -rk/Try P~Z~Xdlk `~2 C viexe;r-r' Cf~/ ~ ,12 ~Gc~ c11 'PC T/ 4-\ -RECEIV YD" TOWN CLAK APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/CO MMITTEES/COM#&M8&S.H A S S: Name: 3o e.. 1( -eL)rtcvL, . c.. (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: Uj/k./O d -r Occupation: Are you' aregistered voter in Reading? v1 e-S Date: 5 ! IY 2 P ' Tel. (Home) `9 a 0' TS- -2- Tel. (Work) 0i7 k^ b r-Cf -35 7 (Is this number listed?) r /-e-:5 # of years in Reading: / e-mail address: ~Jf ° 5r e- i l cp Jai Z LA-l Place a number next to. your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable _Contributory Retirement Board v`Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation. Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: Off- t c;t,~''~G~'h-~~~ ,1~►~~CG~ ivy f?~ e s~° , <5~d' 1 C 0 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Economic Development Committee 2 Vacancies Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Sheila Clarke Russell T. Graham, Chr. *Leslie McGonagle *Meghan A. Young-Tafoya John Russell, V. Chr. Candidates: Orig. Term Date Expires 536 Haverhill St. (06) 2008 68 Maple Ridge Rd. (06) 2008 140 Pine Ridge Rd. (06) 2007 40 Oak Street (06) 2007 91 Spruce Road (06) 2009 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Term Appointing Authority Number of Members Meetings Three years Board of Selectmen Five members appointed for three year terms so arranged that as near an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year. As needed Purpose Develop an Economic Development Strategy consistent with the Master Plan and goals and objectives established by the Board of Selectmen. Work with staff to obtain State and Federal economic developmental grants. Explore the need for and legality of forming a "property based" and/or "business based Business Improvement District(s) funded by Assessments on all businesses within the individual district(s). Encourage commercial development and office leases of downtown space consistent with the traditional atmosphere of a New England Village Center. Advise the Board of Selectmen, CPDC and any other Town agency or official on matters related to' economic development in the community. Maintain an ongoing dialogue with business owners and owners of major properties on a pro-active basis to understand how the Town can work with them to achieve their plans. 1 v. OFP Town of Reading ~~wa 16 Lowell Street ,tNC0-- P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Meghan Young Tafoya 40 Oak Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Economic Development Committee TOWN }RECEIVED CLERK READING, MASS. 4001 APR - 9 A ioi r TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your tenn of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. SignaKre Date cc: Committee Chairman Town of Reading .RE.cE[ ED 16 Lowell Street TOWN CLERK Reading, MA FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma-us REA 41867-2685 DING, MASS. 2001 APR TO_ -MLGER (781) 942-9043 MEMORANDUM TO: Leslie McGonagle 140 Pine Ridge Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter 1. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Economic Development Committee Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer fonns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for anjiiterview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not sh to be considered for reappointment. ~lo, 7 V Signature Date cc: Committee Chainnan APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 Historical Commission AvDointin2 Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Term: 3 years 2 Vacancies Term: I year - Associate Members plus 4 Associates Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Exp. Kathryn Greenfield (Assoc.) 192 Woburn Street (05) 2009 Virginia M. Adams 59 Azalea Circle (78) 2008 *Marlc Cardono 26 Boswell Road (98) 2007 Roberta M. Sullivan, Treasurer 76 Minot Street (96) 2008 *Sharlene Reynolds Santo 46 Wakefield Street (99) 2007 Karen Herrick (Assoc.) 9 Dividence Road (05) 2007 *Susan Patterson (Assoc.) 572 Haverhill Street (05) 2007 Linda Tuttle (Assoc.) 625 Main Street (05) 2007 *Clayton Jones (Assoc.) 16 Mt. Vernon St. (06) 2007 Candidates: *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment ~f ~ HISTORICAL COMMISSION Term Three years for full membership; one year for Associate members ADDointinLy Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five Members whose terms are so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year as well as an unspecified number of associate members appointed for one year terms Meetings Held monthly on the first Tuesday Authority By vote under Article 9 of the Subsequent Town Meeting, November 14, 1977 Purbose To identify and record historic assets of the Town, and to develop and implement a program for their preservation. L OF R~gbr~ y Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 63s°r,roRQ°¢' Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (789) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Karen Herrick 9 Dividence Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner'DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission (Associate) TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman Date ~ j, 3' OFRE9b~~ f.s Town of Reading K ''I 16 Lowell Street IN~oRY°¢~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager&l.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Linda Tuttle 138 Washington Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission (Associate) TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. x I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature G4ja Date cc: Committee Chairman L .N Town of Reading TOWN CLERK 16 Lowell Street READING, q s Reading, MA 01867-2685 . Z081 MAY - P FAX: (781) 942-9071 TO N MARAIG~R Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us (781) 942.9043 MEMORANDUM TO: Susan Patterson 572 Haverhill Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner~. DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission (Associate) Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on rune 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed fonn to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. .r/J~t ra ~i Signature Date cc: Conmmittee Chairman G OF RFq~ f~ y 9 Town of Reading mow , two 16 Lowell Street ~63a.txcoRy°4P~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Clayton Jones 16 Mt. Vernon Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner le i DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission (Associate) TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 8 111-4 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007: The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer fonns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, -and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish t/o' be considered for reappointment. r -gnnature Date ' r cc: Committee Chairman J .OFR~',gOf ~ . , Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TO: Mark Cardono 26 Boswell Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 MEMORANDUM RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 M > 3'mm cn.~c asa Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be eonsi ed for reappointi-nent. d 7' /l/te Signature D cc: Committee Chairman OFl~Fq. G+ w Town of Reading . ~ two 16 Lower Street TOWN GLEkK , Js3g'jxCO_~o4P~ Reading, MA 018674 69ING' MASS, FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Sharlene Reynolds Santo 46 Wakefield Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to Historical Commission 2001 MAY 18 A 97, 01, TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission ,N ill expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Cleric's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available,, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience mid your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. ~r ~:cPt`;~r(~U1 Si'gnatu Date6- cc: Committee Chairman 1~-' APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JUDY 19 2007 North Suburban Planning Council Term: 3 years Anvointine Authority: Board of Selectmen, CPDC Present Member(s) and Term(s) Richard W. Schubert(BOS Alt.) 119 Winthrop Ave. Camille Anthony 26 Orchard Park Dr. Vacancy Vacancy (CPDC Alternate) Candidates: 4 Vacancies Orig. Term Date Exv. (01) 2007 ( ) 2007 ( ) 2009 CPDC ( ) 2009 CPDC . I ld-~tt- Metropolitan Area Planning Council jnmmmm~ 60 Temple Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02111 617-451-2770 fax 617-482-71.85 www.mapc.org MA PC Serving 101 cities and towns in metropolitan Boston MEMORANDUM To: Municipal Appointing Authorities CC: MAPC Council Representatives. From: Marc D. Draisen, Executive Director ' RE: Change in law to permit alternate appointments to the Council b Date: March 15, 2007 On November 27, 2006 Governor Romney signed into law. Chapter 369 of the Acts o~ 2006. This law makes further amendments to the enabling legislation that created the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MGL Chapter 40B, Section 24). This Act, became effective on February 25, 2007. First of all, it allows the Commissioner of the Department of. Conservation and Recreation to make an.ex-officio appointment to the.Council, replacing the longstanding position held by the Metropolitan District Commission. Secondly, it provides the following: "The municipal appointing authority of any city or town may designate an alternate representative to serve coterminously with the representative appointed under this section." This means that your municipal government may now appoint an alternate Representative at any time to serve for the same term of office as your Representative. Terms for all Council Representatives and alternate members are for three years. The alternate member may attend meetings of the Council and vote on behalf of your community in the absence of the Representative.. The designation of an alternate Representative by your municipality is optional. If named, remember to make sure that your alternate member "tracks" the term of appointment of your Representative. You may send your letter of appointment for your alternate Member to: Thomas E. Hauenstein, Manager of Human Resources MAPC 60 Temple Place, 6t' Floor Boston, MA 02111 A recommended'form of-appointment is included. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Hauenstein or me if you should have any questions on this new law. Richard A. Dimino, President Gordon Feltman, Vice President Grace S. Shepard, Treasurer Jeanne E. Richardson, Secretary Marc D. Draisen, Executive Director. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Date Mr. Marc D. Draisen, Executive Director Metropolitan Area Planning Council 60 Temple Place, 6th floor Boston, MA 02111 Dear Mr. Draisen: In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40B, section 24, 1 hereby appoint as the City/ Town of 's Alternate Representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. Said appointment shall be for a term to end [must exactly track the appointment date and expiration date of the Representative]. Sincerely, Mayor/ Town Administrator/ Chairman Board of Selectmen (NOTE: If you have a question about the term of your MAPC Representative, please contact Tom Hauenstein (THauensteinO.Maoc.ora) or Joanne Calid (JCaliri( .maoc.ora,) with your question). ~ ~3 OFT{~9~ f ~ Town of Reading two 16 Lowell Street J63g t~ca~R°4P~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Schubert 119 Winthrop Avenue Reading, MA 01$67 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner 1 J~' t DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to North Suburban Planning Council (BOS Alt.) TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your. interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,'and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman Date y,y OFI~pq~ Town of Reading r~o 16 Lowell Street js39 rx 40 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@eLreading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Camille Anthony 26 Orchard Park Drive Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to North Suburban Planning Council TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: I. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,* and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman Date APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2007 West Street Historic District Commission Term: 3 years ppointin2 Authority Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) David Kruh Michael T. Gray, Chr. *Susan Patterson Vacancy Dorothy Casolaro Kathryn Greenfield Orig. Date 3 Westcroft Road (05) 46 Timberneck Drive (05) 572 Haverhill Street (05) 150 West Street (05) 192 Woburn Street (05) 3 Vacancies Term Exv. 2009 2007 2007 2009 2008 2008 Candidates: Rick Nazzaro WEST STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Term Three years 2pointine Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five members that may include representatives from, but no exclusive to, one member of the Reading Antiquarian Society; one member from the American Institute of Architects covering Reading; one member from the Board of Realtors covering Reading; one or two property owners from the District area; and one member of the Reading Historical Commission. Up to four associate members with three year terms may be appointed. Meetines As needed Authoritv Reading General Bylaws Purpose To exercise its powers in administering and regulating the construction and alteration of any structures or buildings within the District. Adopt Rules and Regulations for setting forth of forms and procedures. Adopt guidelines which set forth the designs and descriptions for certain exterior architectural features which are suitable for the issuance of a certificate to present other designs to the Commission for approval. The Commission shall undertake educational efforts to explain to the public and property owners the merits and functions of a District. L Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 41867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@c1.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Michael Gray 46 Timberneck Drive Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to West Street Historic District Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, 'and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman e -D 3 cY Date J . Town of I 'n 16 Lowell VA , PgASS. 9A01867-2685 Reading, 0 fool MAY -3 P , 3I l FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Susan Patterson 572 Haverhill Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: April 5, 2007 RE: Reappointment to West Street Historic District Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2007. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and returl this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 7, 2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. / I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. F Signature Date L cc: Committee Chairman 'i' Jy 2(17 APR 27 AM 11: 14 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS, Name:' N 0, zal y Tic (Last) (First) Address: r4 i d(Z 16i U ~JLY Occupation: t~ Date: qh-~6157 (Middle) Tel. (Home) 7,51 -mil yM 1 S-6 Tel. (Work) 7F~! -9y~j `~3oC~ (Is this number listed?) 0 5 # of years in Reading: Are you a registered voter in Reading? e-mail address: I-I cICP (WOIUO,'P' all~jWfaP11)I't&9)7 Place 'a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) -Animal Control Appeals Committee -Aquatics Advisory Board -Audit Committee -Board of Appeals -Board of Cemetery Trustees -Board of Health -Board of Registrars -Bylaw Committee -Celebration Committee -Cities for Climate Protection _Conunissioner of Trust Funds -Community Planning & Development Comm. -Conservation Commission -Constable -Contributory Retirement Board -Council on Aging -Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves -Economic Development Committee Finance Committee -Historical Commission -Housing Authority -Human Relations Advisory Committee -Land Bank Committee _MBTA Advisory Committee -Metropolitan Area Planning Council -Mystic Valley Elder Services -Recreation Committee _RMLD Citizens Advisory Board -Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee -Town Forest Committee -Water, Sewer and Storm Water Management Advisory Committee West Street Historic District Commission -Other Please outlinerglevant experience for the position(s) sought: I f ~tGrr J (krLu) la_cri~~ , d -eQ(~ 0e he V~~D h, 4AM tl447Za& 43 I I~I~ r C3nb6.,)h Vcu to Jo 4(6 ez 07 4 obk' ir-4 lrt,ktAj sell c~- A1Q1.PJV C41 4iD u kjou s. z ~ A Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:42 PM To: 'Susan Patterson' Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: RE: West St. Hist Dist Comm Susan When we get closer to the appointment process in June we'll take a look, but generally the Board of Selectmen looks to each B/C/C to try to get additional applicants interested in that B/C/C. I will copy this to the Board of Selectmen though in the event that they know of anyone. Pete Paula 7- please I/c Board of Selectmen From: Susan Patterson [mailto:sopatterson@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:49 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: West St. Hist Dist Comm Hi Pete - Hope you're well. I wanted to let you know that our Corrunission will have a vacancy this spring. Mince Gray will not be able to "re-up" when his term expires in June. So we're on the lookout for another architect to step in. Also, under the bylaw the Comm is allowed 4 alternates, in addition to the 5 regular members. We could use the additional help, especially when/if a situation comes up where our homeowner-members need to recuse themselves because they are abutters to a proposed project in the district. Currently 2 of our 5 members are homeowners in the district Per the bylaw, the Commission would ideally be composed of 1 architect, 1 realtor, 1 Antiquarian Society member, 1 Historical Comm member and 1-2 homeowners. After Mike departs we will have only 2 homeowners and 2 Hist. Colmn members. Can the Selectmen help us to increase the breadth and depth of our ranks? Please let me know how we should handle this. Thanks for your help ---Susan Patterson TV dinner still cooling? Check out "Toniaht's Picks" on Yahoo! TV. 3/28/2007