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2007-07-10 Board of Selectmen Handout
Preliminary TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, July 10, 2007 • The "Farm Stand" at Haven and High Streets - Tuesday afternoons starting today • The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project will be controlling mosquitoes in Reading using truck mounted aerosol sprayers on Thursday, July 12th between dusk and 11:30 PM. Spraying is scheduled for neighborhoods that are located in the vicinity of Forest St., Covey Hill Rd., Grove St. and near Lowell St. from Priscilla Rd. and High St. to the Wilmington border. In addition spraying will be done near West St. from Winslow Rd. to the Wilmington border and near Summer Ave. between Willow St. and King St. Spraying will also be done near Cross St., Brook St., and Hopkins St. If spraying is postponed, it will be rescheduled for Monday, July 16th. • AWP development - National Development - Update meeting on July 24 at the Senior Center - will be carried live on RCTV • New web page is up and operating. Comments or suggestions are welcome. Address is the same as previously - www.ci.readina.ma.us • Franklin Street sidewalks are under construction. • The following road construction projects are mostly complete: Wells Rd., Locust St. Wentworth Rd. • In addition, Hampshire Rd., Lawrence Rd. and Governors Drive will be under construction in a couple of weeks, • West Street curb and sidewalks are done except for loaming and seeding. • It is clear that the community needs substantial additional money for curbing and sidewalks - to build new, to "infill", and to replace and reconstruct. We are doing a curb and sidewalk master plan, and hope to have some financing suggestions for the Board as part of our discussion on the Capital Improvement Program in October. • The Human Relations Advisory Committee had a discussion. at its Thursday, June 14 meeting on the "No Place for Hate" program and its potential applicability to Reading. The attendance was good, and the HRQAC had asked for additional information. They will be evaluating this program at a future meeting. • The Fourth Annual Reading Friends and Family Day on Saturday, June 30, 2007, was a great success. A summary of comments from the RCASA booth is included in your packet. The Board of Selectmen had a great deal of interest, particularly in the Downtown project. • Tennis Court grant discussion • The next street sign lottery will be held on July 31. Details are in the packet. • A copy of Town Counsel's letter on the Memorial Park "Service of Summons and Citation" is included in your packet. This is the last part of the process of clarifying the permitted uses of this park. • We have received the LIP application for the project next to 75 Pleasant Street by the Reading Housing Authority. • The first meeting of the ad hoc Birch Meadow area Planning Committee is Thursday. . • Thursday we are expecting the vote by the Water Resources Commission on Reading's application to fully join the MWRA for its water supply. After that, the only requirements are 'a vote from the MWRA Advisory Board in September, and the MWRA Board in October. • Re: the recently passed State budget, we got $2423 less in Charter school tuition reimbursement and $1871 more in Public Library aid than the Senate Ways & Means version had, for a total change of $552 less. There are also substantial earmark funds in the budget. The Governor has until Friday to approve or veto parts of the budget. • We honored a request from the Office of the Governor that the flags be flown at half-staff on Thursday, July 5, 2007 in honor of Staff Sgt. Daniel A. Newsome of Chicopee, MA who was killed in action in Iraq on June 27, 2007. • The surveyors and survey marks around downtown are from representatives from the State Highway Department getting ready to do the Downtown Improvement Project construction. When we know more about the construction schedule we'll let you know. • There is a TIP public comment workshop here in Reading at the Selectmen's meeting Tuesday 7/17. BOARD OF SELIECTMLN AGENDAS ( July 24, 2007- at Senior Center I Joint Meeting with CPDC - presentation of findings to date on AWP August 7, 2,007 (Badge pinning - Police Sergeants and Lt. (Highlights IBuilding Inspection I (Report - CAB (Andrew Herlihy) (Hearing (Parking restrictions - Indiana and California Apply downtown 2 hour restrictions to spaces on Ash Street Hearing between Washington and Main Hearing (Parking regulations - Sevior Van parking - Brande Ct. lot (Hearing (Bancroft and Hartshorn multi-way stop I (Review Goals I (Review Action Status report l'Aia' tM'21 2007 7 . ITown Accountant Quarterly meeting (Discuss Charter and Town Accountant regulations (Hearing (Request for tree removal -16 Vine Street IHearing. (Request for waiver - driveway opening 55 Walnut Street Review Downtown Parking Committee report Review request to sell lot on Birch Road Review request to vacate a portion of Robert Road (Review request to vacate a portion of Tower Road Discuss number of Constables I I September 4, 2007 I! e eetu ep's, Oftice- I - Stepli4r1 i, olii.~ , 49U Highlights ( Town Clerk I 6:30 7:30 I 7:45 8:15 8:30 8:45 I 9:00 I I ( I I I 7:30 I I I I I I 6:30 7:30 IRCASA update (Review Action Status report (Preview Town Meeting warrant I ( I I I (September 18, 2,007 Hearing (Liquor License fees IHearing (Memorial Park Master Plan ~ I I "IS 'ptember25 2007 ' I Close Warrant - Subsequent Town Meeting I (Review proposed changes to LIP regulations I I ( I ('October 9, 2007 ISel ctiucl~'• Offiec„:N in -IZ~nl►pI,d tiC,hiiliert I 6:30 (Highlights (Human Resources I 7:30 (Report - Tax Classification Task Force 0 Review Action Status report October l6, 2007 October 30, 2007 IN.oi ember 6, 2007 ~tia cctu i', Offk09~1 milh itat 6:30 Highlights Cultural Council Review Action Status report .1 November 13, 20.07 - Subsequent Town Meeting November 15, 2007 - Subsequent Town<Meeting November 19, 2007, - Subsequent,Town Meeting NNovembcr 20, 2007 (Town Accountant Quarterly meeting 7:301 November 27, 2'007 Liquor Licenses renewals Deceinber-11, 2007 Scleetmcu'~:OCfice'1lotti `1Sgn Ti1c1}:~ 6:30 Highlights Review Action Status report IJanuaiy'S, 2008 JFc6ruary'26, 2008 314!2008 Primary (and Local?) Election'- no meetings March 11, 2008 I Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Engelson, Linda [lengelson@reading.k12.ma.us] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 1:42 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Archstone Pete, At this'time there are 11 students from Archstone enrolled. ':'7/elementary and 5 middle: Linda From: Hechenbleikner, Peter [mailto:phechenbleikner@ci.reading. ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 11:54 AM To: Engelson, Linda Subject: Archstone Do you have an update on the number of students from Archstone? Pete 0 7/9/2007 o e QOM®ye" BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER c , 2c~ 20'^ MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING • NORTH READING LYNNFIELD • MIDDLETON TEL. (617) 722-2100 Rep. BradleyJones©hou.state.ma.us www.bradjonesonline.com July 3, 2007 N 8 Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager e-- r Town of Reading %o Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner, Yesterday the Legislature passed the final version of the state budget for FY'08. Governor Patrick now has nine days left to act on the budget and return it with any vetoes he deems necessary, accompanied by a message of explanation. The Governor's veto powers allow him to veto, reduce or amend line items and outside sections, but, as you know, the Legislature can override the Governor's vetoes with -a two-thirds majority vote in both chambers. Keeping this in mind, I wanted to take a brief moment to inform you that I was able to secure $360,000 in earmarked funding that will benefit five priority projects in the Town of Reading. With so many local initiatives currently underway, I am sure this is welcome news. Information relative to these earmarks is as follows: Project Budget Category Line Item Funding Level. Water Plant Demolition Watershed. Management 2800-0101 $200,000 Parking Garage Feasibility Study Development Grants 7003-0702 $ 50,000 Stadium Lights Travel & Tourism 7007-0900 $ 50,000 Tennis Courts Travel & Tourism 7007-0900 $ 50,000 Joshua Eaton Clock Tower Travel & Tourism 7007-0900 $ 10,000 I hope this information is useful to you. If you have any questions about these earmarks please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Bradley H. ones, Jr. Minority Leader cc: Members of the Board of Selectmen Q ,9z ~arr~~~2arzu,~e.~a~~G~ac~2u~e~zd ~r-~~JJ OlcPy/~G~G (.+~~,/I.l~7.%!'9C./2I.~Q.~/.lfl.•'.~ Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Zambouras, George Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:15 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Anthony, Camille; Cormier, Jim Subject: RE: Sight Triangles Attachments: Winchester Intersection by-law.pdf Peter Jim has a re-draft of the sight triangles based on our meeting with Camille. I've attached a copy of Winchester's intersection By-Law.. George From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:31 PM To: Anthony, Camille; Cormier, Jim; Zambouras, George Subject: Sight Triangles What do we have on this for the Board of Selectmen meeting Tuesday? Pete -1 7/10/2007 TOWN OF WINCHESTER CODE OF BY-LAWS Enacted by Town Meeting March 4, 1976 Approved by the Attorney General May 25, 1976 Reprinted by the Office of the Town Clerk with the language of all amendments through 2006 Spring Town Meeting September 2006 under the direction of the chief of police or his designee. The owner of the vehicle shall be sub- ject to the penalties established pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 3.9. 30.5 The police department shall keep a record of all vehicles towed or remov under the provisions of this section. Such record shall be retained for one (1) year and all contain at least the following information: (a) The registration number, if available, and identification informatio of the vehicle (b) The location from where it was towed and the time and date the tow order (c) The location to which it was towed and/or stored (d) The fee charged for towing and storage (e) Name of the town contractor or tower (f) Name and rank of officer who autho zed towing 30.6 The police department shall ' e notice to the registered. owner of any vehicle towed or removed under the. provisions of t . section. The owner, before being permitted to remove the vehicle, shall establish his right do so, shall pay to the town any fines assessed, and shall pay to the keeper of the place of s rage the fees of removal and storage resulting therefrom as estab- lished pursuant to Chapter Section 3.9. If the owner of a veh' e, that has been towed or removed, cannot be determined, then the chief of police may disp e of said vehicle, without liability, as in accordance with the disposition of other unclaimed r lost property. If said vehicle is worth less than the cost of removal and stor- age, then the ief of police may without incurring liability on his part or the part of the town take posses 'on of such motor vehicle and dispose thereof as refuse. 30.7 he tower shall be liable to the owner for any damage to the vehicle arising out of negli- ge e during the course of removal and storage. No person owning, possessing or having under his control any real estate abutting any intersec- tion of streets in any section of the town zoned for residential uses, shall erect, place, plant or permit or suffer the erection, placing or planting or maintenance of anything in such a manner that it shall materially impede the vision of operators of motor vehicles between a height of two and one half (2 1/2) and ten (10) feet above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the street lines of said real estate and a line joining points thirty (30) feet along said street lines from the point of intersection of said street lines. Any person who violates this provision and, after being notified of violation by the board of se- lectmen in writing , permits said violation to continue for 30 days after receipts of notice, may be Code of By-Laws Chapter 8 34 punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50). For the purposes of this section, each successive day during which any violation is committed or continued shall be deemed a separate offense. 32. COASTING ON STREETS OR SIDEWALKS Nc\person shall coast in or upon any streets or sidewallcs in the town unless such places have bee designated for such purpose by the board of selectmen. Section \and3 NALTIES Whoevehe provisions of any section of this chapter of these by-laws, except Sections 1, 17, 28 ay be punish ed by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300)6 for each offense. Section 34. RECD ERY BY TOWN FOR EXPENSES OF ACHIEVING COMPL NCE Whenever any provision of t \amo s imposes a duty and affixes a penalty for the neglect or violation thereof, if such nelation shall nevertheless occur, the selectmen may per- form or cause the perfonnanduty, at the expense of the persons liable to perform the same; and such expense, to anot exceeding the penalty, m ay be recovered in contract by the town. Section 35. VIOLATIONS OF BOA OF HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONS 35.1 Whosoever violates any provision of t ' section or any rule or regulation of the board of health shall be penalized by a criminal complaint rought in the district court or by a noncriminal disposition pursuant to Chapter 40, Section 21D of e General Laws. 35.2 Any person who upon application of a crimin'j complaint brought in the district court and found guilty of a misdemeanor shall be fined in an a ount not to exceed three hundred dol- lars ($300.00). Each day such violation is committed or ptted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. 35.3 Any person who is penalized by a noncriminal disposition ought pursuant to the provi- sions of Chapter 40, Section 21D'of the General Laws, shall be sub'ect to a specific penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00), provided however, that any person who violate any rule or regulation of the board of health which restricts the feeding of water fowl shall be sub ct to a specific penalty 6 Art 16 of the 1984 Fall Town Meeting changed the fine from $50 to $300. 7 Art 6 of the 1991 Fall Town Meeting added this new section; Sections 35.3 and 35.4 were 1993 Spring Town Meeting. Code.of By-Laws Chapter 8 by Art 12 of the 35 ~v • ARTICLE 16 To see if the Town will vote to amend the General Bylaws of the Town of Reading by adding the following Section 5.2. 10 entitled "Sight Triangles:" • 5.2.10 Sight Triangles • Definition • A sight triangle is defined as that area formed by the intersection of property lines and a straight line joining said property lines to the street or right of way at a point 25 feet distant from the point of their intersection. For corner lots, the sight triangle is determined from the point of intersection of their tangents. • Corner Lots • Except in the Downtown business district, no new or replacement materials including but not limited to, a building, fence, wall, landscaping, parking of vehicles, signs, or the placement or replacement of, or growing of any other obstruction between the height of 2 %2 feet and a height of 8' shall be located within the sight triangle so as to obstruct visibility in a manner that will jeopardize the safety of vehicles or pedestrians. For purposes of this bylaw, the Downtown business district is defined as that portion of the Business B Zoning District that is generally bounded by the MBTA rail line, Woburn Street and a line east of Main Street. 111.,,.:.1-«,+i.,l Distfiets On any lot in a residenee p no building, o wall, landseaping, other- vehicles; plaeemepA of signs, or- the placemeiA of or growing of any abstmetion between +h height of 21/ feet .,n " height of 9' shall be 1.....,+o.l ef the Chief of Peliee that sueh vegetation er- stnaetffe'will net r-estr-iet visibility i stfeet. • Exemptions • Principal buildings existing on a lot at the time of adoption of this bylaw shall not be required to conform to this bylaw. Sha` e tFees pla e by the T of Reading, mailboxes, street and traffic signs, and utility poles are also exempt from the provisions of this bylaw. • Fences of "open-type construction" defined herein as a fence constructed so that its vertical surface area is unobstructed, enabling motorists and pedestrians to have a clear view through such fence (e.g., a fence of chain-link or post and rail construction). - { Deleted: Board of Selectmen ¶ J CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942-6616 Fax (781) 942-9071 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 AGENDA Reading Conservation Commission Meeting Selectmen's Meeting Room, 7:00 PM Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:00 Old/New Business 7:30 Public Meeting, Request for Determination of Applicability, Todd Beaupre, 49 Longwood Road, RGB 2007-20, addition to house 7:40 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Anthony Cerasuolo, 29 Shackford Road, DEP 270- 507, RGB.2007-16, addition and infiltration system 7:50 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Daniel Aretusi, Lot. 18, Nelson Avenue, DEP 270-506, RGB 2007-17, new house, driveway, grading and landscaping 8:00 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Bernard Baker, 71 Tennyson Road, DEP 270-501, RGB 2007-10, pool, shed, driveway 8:10 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Reading Public Works Department, Woodland Street reconstruction, DEP 270-508, RGB 2007-18 8:20 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Reading Memorial High School, Patrick Schettini, Supt., Town of Reading School Building Committee, DEP 270-504, RGB 2007-14, light poles at football field 8:30 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, JK Realty Trust, 212-214 Main Street, DEP 270-505, RGB 2007-15, dumpster enclosure, grading and landscaping (NOTE: This hearing will be postponed to August 8, 2007.) Old/New Business: • Johnson Woods, DEP 270-416, RGB 2004-10 - Request for Occupancy, Building 20 • 522 Summer Avenue, DEP 270-465, RGB 2005-47 - Draft Order of Conditions • 7 Oak Ridge Road, DEP 270-509, RGB 2007-19 - Draft Order of Conditions • Reading Memorial High School, DEP 270-416, RGB 2003-51 -Response to Enforcement Order and status of work • 37 Pinevale Avenue, RGB 2005-35 - Response to Enforcement Order, ratification • 107 Walnut Road, DEP 270-430, RGB 2004-14 - Deadline for restoration planting . • 445 Pearl Street - Response to Enforcement Order • Walkers Brook Crossing, DEP 270-352, RGB 2001-14 -Request for Certificate of Compliance • 125 Fairchild Drive, DEP 270-170; RGB 1987-8 - Request for Certificate of Compliance • 609 Haverhill Street; DEP 270-473, RGB 2006-10 - Request for Certificate of Compliance • 26R Summer Avenue, DEP 270-454, RGB 2005-27 - Draft Conservation Restriction, Appendix B and C for DCS submittal • 127 Charles, RGB 2006-7 - Request for plan revision • 48 Park Street, DEP 270-374, RGB 2002-18 - Request for plan revision • Open Space and Recreation Plan - Draft plan submittal to DCS L~ Notes to Commission, Julv 5, 2007 SITE VISITS -Begin at 6: 00 PM on MONDAY, July 9 at: Johnson Woods - Building 20 is one of the two large apartment-style buildings at the western end of the Johnson Woods Drive roadway loop, just beyond Green Meadow Drive. Does that area look ready for occupancy? Also, did they put a berm around the catch basin opposite Building 2 to force water to go in? What have they done recently with grading and planting behind Buildings 2 and 3? Did they clean out the area drains behind those buildings? Have they done the general spring drainage system inspection and maintenance? Do the open detention basins in the meadow below Green Meadow Drive look good? Any other site conditions need attention? 107 Walnut -Are shrubs and trees planted per plan? Are permanent bounds installed at flags #7 and #8, and 25 feet west of flag #5 ? See enclosed letter and planting plan. We sent reminders last summer and fall, and then gave a firm deadline of May 31, 2007. The OOC expired last month. 37 Pinevale - Has shed been moved per Enforcement Order? 127 Charles -Will removing the hedge and putting up a fence affect the wetlands? Have the plants out back survived in good shape? 609 Haverhill - The builder, Tom Bringola, wants to close on the sale on July 13. Are the gutters, downspouts, shrubs, and lawn stable and complete? Are the ZNV markers installed? Is there no mowing beyond the markers? Tom is supposed to submit an as- built plan showing the markers, house, etc. before the COC is issued. And we should see a copy of the Deed to verify that the deed restriction is included. We are holding a bond of $8,500. RMHS - Stop by if you want to see what progress has/has not been made since the last visit. If there are new site plans in the packets for Woodland Street, you might want to take a look at that also. HEARINGS 49 Longwood -Revised plans are in packets. 29 Shackford Road - Luke is planning to submit revised plans for packets Nelson Avenue - Have not heard from engineer or applicant. 71 Tennyson Road - Have not heard from engineer or applicant. See enclosed letter from direct abutter to the south. Woodland Street - Nothing new yet. Reading Memorial Nigh School - Pat Schettini called 7/3/07, said School Comm. was holding an emergency meeting that afternoon about the light poles. They did not get any bids on the first RFP. They put it out again and only got one bid, from TLT. TLT would have to bring in a subcontractor with pier installation qualifications, and Pat did not know whether a sub had been identified yet. I said that the direction at the first hearing was to do an alternatives analysis and consider other locations with more room between the stream and the track, and to have the pier contractor describe the installation methodology. He said he would check with JNEI to find out whether they had done an alternatives analysis, and would check with TLT about the sub. If they can bring anything in time for the packets, they will. 212-214 Main Street - Jack Sullivan has requested postponement until August 8. OLD/NEW BUSINESS • Johnson Woods - See above. • 522 Summer - Look for draft OOC via email. • 7 Oak Ridge - Look for draft OOC via email. 16 • RMHS - See enclosed letters from TLT, and memo to School Committee. I inspected 7/3 with Chris Cormier, Steve Taylor, and John Arena (AD). Went over all problems. Chris took notes and photos, and said he would write up everything and send it to me with a timeline for resolution of each problem. We need the School Dept. to respond about the metal containers behind the bleachers and the wood chip slope above the loading dock, and some other potential plan changes, and then give final direction to TLT. + 37 Pinevale - See enclosed Enforcement Order. • 107 Walnut - See enclosed letter re: deadline for restoration planting at vernal pool. e 445 Pearl Street - The first deadline in the Enforcement Order is July 9. The owner is supposed to provide a site plan and arrange a site inspection. I called him and he said he had an engineer and botanist to do the work, but needs more time. He will submit a written request for an extension and plans to submit the site plans and proposed planting plan for the August 8 meeting. That sounds okay to me, but we need to follow up to keep things on track. • Walkers Brook Crossing - Maybe....? • 125 Fairchild Drive - Expect as-built plan for packets. • 609 Haverhill - See above. • 26R Summer - I sent Kevin's lawyer the comments from the last meeting. She is on vacation this week, so I am waiting for her response next week. • 127 Charles - See request in packet for 6/27 and site visit notes above. • 48 Park Street - Engineer is working with owner on revised as-built and solution to shed setback problem and parking in front yard. Not sure when plans will come in. + OSRP - Draft plan has to be submitted to DCS on July 31 with the grant application for the tennis court project. Have not actually made much progress with the draft yet. Will get as far as I can by July 13; then will have Pat Lloyd and Kim H. working on further revisions while I am away. Hope to have some time to look at it on July 30 and 31. Might need you to vote on submittal - I will check. • Vacation coverage - I will give some instructions to the office staff about where to find things and how to handle urgent matters, including a list of all your phone numbers in case someone needs an immediate site inspection while I am away. The contractor at 39 Walkers Brook is getting ready to begin and might need a witness for the underground infiltration bed or other underground structures. The bed should be level and free of sediments. Make sure they have filter fabric lining the sides of the excavation and over the top of the gravel bed. Make sure the center row of chambers is wrapped (top, sides, and bottom) in filter fabric. Make sure they are surveying to get the elevations right. If you need technical help, call the Engineering office, 942-9082. Also you can ask the contractor to take photos, or take some yourself. • MACC dues - Payable July 1. Need vote to authorize payment from annual budget professional development funds. • Officers for 07-08 -Need Chairman and Vice Chairman. MISC • 10 Torre Street - Hearing before DALA judge is July 30, 10 AM. Town Counsel is working with DEP lawyer on questions for witnesses, etc. e 14 Strawberry Hill Lane - Insurance company lawyer has taken over case from Town Counsel. I have contacted them and expect they will arrange a meeting here soon to look at the files, etc. • 565 Haverhill and 84 Eastway - Owners working on NOI's to address unauthorized/future work. 0 C , so( Reading Youth Baseball, Friends of Reading Recreation & Friends of Hunt Park Offer Reward Several recent insensitive and cowardly acts of destruction at the Hunt Baseball Field and Playground brought together Reading Youth Baseball, Friends of Reading Recreation and Friends of Hunt Park to help identify and prosecute those individuals responsible. Collectively, in cooperation with the Reading Police Department, they are offering a $400.00 reward to anyone who comes forward with information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of the the person(s) responsible. Under the cover of darkness, cowardly vandals kicked in the doors of the snack shack and equipment room, ransacked the rooms and stole the cash register. As disturbing as this is, they also spray-painted graffiti and defaming symbols on the shack, kids' playground structures and even home plate. The defaming symbols now raise the level of this crime from vandalism to possibly a hate crime. The Reading Youth Baseball organization, its coaches and volunteers have spent countless hours of sweat equity and money to upgrade the field conditions. A portion of the ongoing maintenance funds come from proceeds of the Snack Shack that provides refreshments for players, spectators and visitors. RYB also installed a new scoreboard and maintain the field conditions on their own time - a true volunteer effort. Several years ago, the Friends of Hunt Park formed to raise funds to rebuild the children's playground structures for the enjoyment of all Reading residents and neighbors. Over 20 volunteers spent entire weekends installing the structures. Since then hundreds of children and their families play while grown ups relax on benches that were installed as part of the play area - another true volunteer effort. Please become involved in preventing these types of acts and reporting any information. These organizations and many individual residents give of their time and money for our kids and these are their parks. Their involvement is rewarded in many ways, especially the reward of having safe and fun playgrounds and parks. We all must take ownership of our parks and ensure their integrity. RYB, FORR and FOHP are asking residents to be aware of activity around Hunt and other parks where vandals take pleasure in destroying others' property. The reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of those involved in the Hunt Park vandalism. Please contact Reading Police Department Lt. Detective Richard Robbins 781-942-6757 or Detective Michael Saunders 781-942-6767. ~g oFR Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street ~~o o Reading,. MA 01867-2683 G39. INCOR4~~P Fax: (781) 942-5441 Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us July 6, 2007 Charles Robinson 81 Prospect St Reading MA 01867 Dear Mr. Robinson: PUBLIC WORKS (781) 942-9077 Thank you for your generous gift of $285.00 to Reading's Sponsor a Street Sign Program. Your donation will be used to purchase and install a new reflective Prospect St, Charles St and Weston Rd signs. Please allow approximately six to eight weeks for the new signs to be produced and installed. Our office will contact you when the wooden street signs are available for pickup at the DPW Office at 16 Lowell Street. Your willingness to help improve the appearance of our community is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Edward D. M ntire, Jr. Director of Public Works cc: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager 010\ "....EL'S CTM' s YoAWD V E~ ,rvOR` itt ~ jcr SIG? iN 5i Op,~E. tplease P ~ZZ - .