HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-04 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
• Tennis Courts
• Sale of Bonds
• Removal of tree — High/Haven Street
• HC crosswalk on Birch Meadow Drive is complete
• Curb/sidewalk work on Prescott at Washington Streets
• Franklin Street reconstruction
• Sewer inflow Infiltration smoke tests being conducted this summer/fall
• Downtown update —
o detour over the weekend
o Current detail on 129
o Next week detour on Main for last cross-walk (Main north of Salem)
• Amplified sound in public parks
• Additional credits on insurance
• 128.1-93 — Fay Spofford and Thorndike selected as consultant for next phases of
work — not clear as to what those phases and options are
• Preparation for September 29 Board/Committee/Commission training
Dates and Events:
• September 13 — Fall Faire
Page lof}
H2che0blefter, Peter
From: Feudo.John
Sent Monday, August 03.200912:06 PM
To: Hmchenb|eikner,Petor,
Subject: scoreboards and Tennis Screens
Hi Peter,
Tennis courts went off without a hitch this AM. Lots of smiling faces. VVo are taking down the Bancroft side wind
screen oowespeak. | will seek opurchaser. | have a few more ideas for them too that seem practical.
| measured the scoreboard edSymonds Way, While dodging the horse fl/s'it appears tobe1UFt Long and 5Ft
Tall. |n comparison, the Varsity Football field scoreboard is 22 Ft Long and 15 Ft Tall and the Turf 2 Scoreboard
|a12'by5' These are approximations oo| had to measure from ground level.
In my opinion the scoreboard at Symonds is probably too onnaU for Morton Field. From the home plate to the
scoreboard |sabout 2GO FT, 1 found it small but adequate for that field. Ad Morton the location will be more like
40Uft away from the plate. That should beconsidered.
| plan to attend the meeting on Tuesday Night. The baseball folks will be prepared to present and answer
John A.Reudo
Recreation Administrator
Town of Reading
Q1"A'A W7
As part of the Town of Reading's Engineering Division efforts to improve sewer service, CDM and
ADS have been contracted to conduct a sewer system study for the purpose of locating sources of
storm water inflow to the sanitary sewer system. The study will locate direct and indirect
connections such as catch basins, area drains, roof drains, broken sewer pipe and deteriorated
pipe joints. One of the methods to be utilized is smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system.
During testing, white smoke is introduced through the sanitary sewer system via a smoke
generating machine. During this procedure white smoke will be venting from holes in manhole
covers located on the street and plumbing vent pipes located on or near your roof surface, and
Persons who should not be exposed to smoke of any type such as those with emphysema or other
lung ailments should request that their house be registered as a "Home of Special Concern." To
do so, notify ADS Environmental Services at (40Oy353,-'5056 prior to testing so that the
appropriate precautions can be taken.
Smoke should not enter your premises unless there is a dry trap in your basement floor drain or
any unused plumbing fixtures. You may wish to pour some water down your basement floor drain
or unused plumbing fixture to ensure that the drain trap will be effective. Smoke could also
enter the building through defective plumbing. The owner should note this because if odors were
to develop in the sewer system, these odors may possibly enter your building through the
defective plumbing.
Should smoke be detected within the building, DON'T BE ' ALARMED. The smoke is NON-TOXIC
AND NON-STAINING; however, it may be irritating to nasal, passages in high concentrations. If at
all possible, persons with heart or respiratory ailments should leave the house. House pets if
they are inside should be provided with proper ventilation. To remove the smoke, simply
ventilate the home by opening windows and doors and report the presence of smoke to the field
1-!6 71�
personnel conducting the test, or, by calling AOS,0" S r1V1 -;(i�Q3). -9, if
pyi r9p pni� e
possible, they will assist you in locating the source which allowed smoke to enter the building.
1. You are not required to be home when the testing is being performed on your street.
2. Testing will begin within 72 hours after delivery of this notice. Rain, holidays, and
weekends, however, may shift test periods beyond this time frame. Testing will be
conducted weekdays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
3. All contractor personnel should present you with identification. If at all concerned, contact
the l(ica't'P(itici�'� tovOnfy'..,'tha"�'t.the identification ....rr.iatcl e�s`'i 6,:.Ii*5t,of"-""''
Your cooperation is appreciated in this effort to provide you with sanitary sewer service for the
lowest possible cost.
Coalition Update
RCASA Status Report as of 814109
■ 1822 surveys and/or evaluations were completed
to expand the RCASA community needs
■ 6 environmental scans conducted
■ Review of related school, town, & police policies
Strong collaboration with schools on 2009 YRBS
process and advocated for inclusion of core
measures and new substance abuse questions
■ I planning grant and 2 implementation grants
• Short-term outcomes reached in assessment,
21 Proof Training
capacity, skill-building, implementation, and
• Event Calendars
Coalition membership increased from 76 to 267
■ Youth Crew involvement increased from 0 to 29
■ 1822 surveys and/or evaluations were completed
to expand the RCASA community needs
■ 6 environmental scans conducted
■ Review of related school, town, & police policies
Strong collaboration with schools on 2009 YRBS
process and advocated for inclusion of core
measures and new substance abuse questions
■ Board members engaged in policy development
■ Law enforcement training on alcohol compliance
& party patrols
21 Proof Training
Faculty engaged through a variety of projects
including Red Ribbon Week, Choose 2 Refuse
• Event Calendars
Program, Faculty Surveys, & Staff Training
Pledge Project
■ 1822 surveys and/or evaluations were completed
to expand the RCASA community needs
■ 6 environmental scans conducted
■ Review of related school, town, & police policies
Strong collaboration with schools on 2009 YRBS
process and advocated for inclusion of core
measures and new substance abuse questions
Youth & Parents
■ RCASA reached 868 individuals
■ 16 workshops and 2 events developed for the
community on a variety of topics
21 Proof Training
Liquor Licenses...
• Event Calendars
ad series in both local papers to raise awareness
Pledge Project
• 21 Proof training
+Cops in Shops
• ID guides
• Signage
■ 1822 surveys and/or evaluations were completed
to expand the RCASA community needs
■ 6 environmental scans conducted
■ Review of related school, town, & police policies
Strong collaboration with schools on 2009 YRBS
process and advocated for inclusion of core
measures and new substance abuse questions
Youth & Parents
■ RCASA reached 868 individuals
■ 20 Youth Grew members completed 130 hours
■ 16 workshops and 2 events developed for the
community on a variety of topics
. 226 students completed "Choose to Refuse"
■ New media featuring Youth Crew PSAs and print
ad series in both local papers to raise awareness
■ 1822 surveys and/or evaluations were completed
to expand the RCASA community needs
■ 6 environmental scans conducted
■ Review of related school, town, & police policies
Strong collaboration with schools on 2009 YRBS
process and advocated for inclusion of core
measures and new substance abuse questions
. Staff completed 142 hours of training:
♦ Town of Reading /PD trainings i.e. Dept of Justice
Training on diversity; and workplace harassment
training, MUNIS Training, Law Enforcement strategies
for drug cases
♦ National CADCA Mid -Year Institute
♦ Communities Mobilizing for Change
♦ Alcohol Compliance, Responsible Service & Party
♦ Tobacco Prevention
. Networking with DFC coalitions including Melrose,
Newburyport, Danvers, and Peabody.
■ Training and /or collaboration with...
• CADCA National Coalition Institute
• Northeast Center for Healthy Communities
• Mass Youth Against Tobacco
• Mass Forum for Healthy Communities
• MA Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
• HEAT Program/Recovery High School
• MA Dept. of Public Health
• National Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws v
. Staff completed 142 hours of training:
♦ Town of Reading /PD trainings i.e. Dept of Justice
Training on diversity; and workplace harassment
training, MUNIS Training, Law Enforcement strategies
for drug cases
♦ National CADCA Mid -Year Institute
♦ Communities Mobilizing for Change
♦ Alcohol Compliance, Responsible Service & Party
♦ Tobacco Prevention
Youth Crew Projects
Presented by:
Will Cunningham
Chris Casolaro
Ashley Testa
Created to provide a resource that
teens will carry and use
Partnerwith a local business (special
thanks to S. Goldy)
Teens can personalize their own card
1,600 cards created
■ Monthly updates for RCASA Board
. 28 press releases
■ 30 news articles
■ 5 e- newsletters for coalition members
■ Release of Annual and Fiscal Year reports
■ Notices in Your Community Connection
. Youth Crew trained to tape events for RCTV
Youth Crew Projects
Presented by:
Will Cunningham
Chris Casolaro
Ashley Testa
Created to provide a resource that
teens will carry and use
Partnerwith a local business (special
thanks to S. Goldy)
Teens can personalize their own card
1,600 cards created
Grants Management:,.
■ $191,966 grant dollars under management
o Tracked and entered expenses via MUNIS
♦ Federal: (5) narrative & financial reports
♦ State: (4) narrative & financial reports
• Foundation: (5) narrative & financial reports
♦ Coalition: Narrative reports for Coalition Fiscal
Year and Town calendar year.
Youth Crew Projects
Presented by:
Will Cunningham
Chris Casolaro
Ashley Testa
Created to provide a resource that
teens will carry and use
Partnerwith a local business (special
thanks to S. Goldy)
Teens can personalize their own card
1,600 cards created
Building the Tobacco
Prevention Movement
. Conducted research
. Participated in 3 state trainings i.e. Kick Butts Day
. Worked with the Reading Board of Health
. Wrote press releases & PSAs
. Developed workshops for 6 schools
. Worked with 400 (5th, 6�, and 7th graders)
. Painted the block exhibit
. Hosted a 'block party"
400 blocks completed
What we learned...
Cigars and chewing tobacco are as risky as
Tobacco companies spent millions on
advertising targeting Massachusetts youth
Local youth really do want to.change how we
view tobacco use in Reading
Photovoice Project:
Photovoice focuses on our assets & challenges,
"its how we see Reading"
.20 crew members trained
* 1,498 photos taken since October 2008
♦ Field trip to Griffin Museum of Photography
What do you See here? What is really Happening? How
does this exist? lives? a can we does it?
Location: Town Forest (behind Sunset Rock Lane)
Photographs byObservatlons: Beer 6otlles ber Ch na^tl Ofe priekday (d35 P.M.
Location: Behind Criterion Rd & Aberjona Woodland
PhofoBraphs bvYouth OrewS BOar� embers, SparpinpOc'09,wecMIevnNnu 6:J9 pm.
Obscrvallons: easr�o ^Ihsom m egavo' er 6aa,.Ig-r hrrlfa ^Jrtianainiu -h t, ouches, Ore pll, and
Behind Criterion Rd.
April '09
Behind Sunset
Rock Lane
Enviro Scans
Environmental scans include' I u ':i{� iy i
visits to locations identified for �f
possible substance use. : ` • :w?
'. Tasks:
. Review of primary police or
resident concems x
■ Types of signage
■ + and - observations txr
■ Liability concerns, LL
. Take photographs
. Ideas /suggestions for change
Location: Town Forest (behind Sunset Rock Lane)
Photographs byObservatlons: Beer 6otlles ber Ch na^tl Ofe priekday (d35 P.M.
Location: Behind Criterion Rd & Aberjona Woodland
PhofoBraphs bvYouth OrewS BOar� embers, SparpinpOc'09,wecMIevnNnu 6:J9 pm.
Obscrvallons: easr�o ^Ihsom m egavo' er 6aa,.Ig-r hrrlfa ^Jrtianainiu -h t, ouches, Ore pll, and
Behind Criterion Rd.
April '09
Behind Sunset
Rock Lane
& cigar
Photographers on field trip
Capturing life in Reading
I Ilily
Youth Crew @
Friends & Family Day
• Provided free prevention info
• Displayed Block Exhibit
• Offered free fun activities for
children including top toss,
sack races, limbo, human
pool toss, stickers, and small
prizes for over 300 kids!
• Raised $110 from water
sales for RCASA Youth
Activities Fund
What's next?
Annual Meeting featuring Photovoice Exhibit
(Save the Date for 10/1109,7-9 p.m., location TBD)
Federal application for the STOP grant
pending (to expand underage drinking
Parent survey results
Traveling exhibit & website launch
Leadership development projects
For more information
Erica McNamara, Director
Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse
15 Union Street
Reading, MA 01867
Email: Emcnamara0ci.reading.ma.us
Length of scoreboard
Overall height of scoreboard, including panels 16' 8"
Distance between bottom of scoreboard and fence 4' (can be less)
Height of top of scoreboard above ground 25 98"
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