HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-16 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, October 16, 2007 • YCC — Electronic • Selectmen's Forum — October 23 — 7 PM • The Town has secured the release of the escrowed funds ($30,000 plus' /2 of the interest) for the Bear Hill drainage project. The project is complete. I • The Town has received draft revised FEMA Flood maps, and they are being reviewed by staff. • 6th grade essay contest • Joint meeting with the School Committee November 5 re: Youth Risk Behavior Survey results. • Re: Communication with the Board of Selectmen regarding emergencies, I am meeting with Selectman Public Safety liaison Camille Anthony and Chiefs Burns and Cormier on Friday. • Repair work on the library elevator is done — awaiting inspection. • The remainder of the Reading's earmarks from the state budget have been approved through the legislature's override of the Governor's budget vetoes. This includes $50,000 each for- Parking Feasibility Study for downtown, stadium lights, tennis courts. • The reception for Ben Nichols last Saturday was a huge success. Thanks to Bill Brown for the idea, and Maureen Knight in The Community Services office for arranging it. • Halloween parade — Sunday, October 28 at Coolidge Middle School. • I'd like to arrange for a site visit to the Birch Meadow tennis court area for the Board of Selectmen to look at a couple of needed tree removals. • AWP DAT meeting November 3 from 1 to 3 PM — on site if weather is permitting — otherwise at the Senior Center. • Franklin Street Sidewalk dedication — October 27 at noon — at Fox Run Land • Mattera Conservation' land dedication —1481 Main Street —1:00 on October 27 • Street Sign lottery • Flu Clinic dates — November 7 — Killam School — 65 and older — 2 — 4 PM November 13 — RMHS Cafeteria — 5 — 7 PM November 15 — Parker Middle School — 5 — 7 PM • Town Meeting— November 13; Special Town Meeting December 10 • Recreation Administrator John Feudo and I are meeting next Wednesday with Memorial Park abutters to see if we can reach some kind of agreement and consensus on the uses of Memorial Park so we can proceed with the town's petition for a clarification of uses. 470 940 Ft The data shown an this site are provided for planning purposes and 456 Grove Street FEMA Map MASSACHUSETTS MUNICIPAL. ONE WINTHROP SQUARE, BOSTON, MA 02110 ASSOCIATION 617- 426 -7272 • 800- 882 -1.498 • fax 617- 695 71314 • www.mma.org October 5, 2007 Dear Local Leader, Congratulations! Your community was selected as one of nearly 70 communities to participate in the MMA's Statewide 6th Grade Essay Contest. We appreciate your signed commitment. Last week, the principal of each grade school in your community was sent essay contest materials to distribute to the 6th grade teachers. We hope your teachers will soon introduce the contest to their students. Enclosed are the contest materials.. You can also find this information online at www.mma.org. Below are some suggestions to help promote the contest in your community. • Publicize the contest by working with your superintendent, principals and teachers. Alert the PTA, school committee, and community groups. • Promote the contest in community and school newsletters. • Visit your 6th graders to help them understand the role of local government. You can talk about community service, local government's commitment to citizens and the importance of good leadership. A visit from public leaders has a profound impact on the quality of information students and teachers possess about government. • Announce the community's participation. in the essay contest to local newspapers to raise awareness of the important services local government provides to its citizens. (If you need a sample press release or letter to the editor, please let us know.) • Display the contest poster in a prominent location in your city /town hall. We are excited by the opportunity to engage and encourage students to think creatively about local government and civic leadership. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Ellen Stoolmacher or Kristi Williams at 617- 426 -7272. We appreciate your efforts to make the MMA's.Statewide Essay Contest for 6th graders .a great success. Thank you. Sincerely. Geoffrey Beckwith Executive Director. Massachusetts Municipal Association David Kielson, Chesterfield Select Board Member President Massachusetts Municipal Association P.S. Don't forget to remind the kids to go to www.mma.org for contest materials. The contest deadline is November 16! Page, Ofl HechenbleikneK, Peter From: Hochenbleikne[Peter, Gent: Monday, October 15.2OO72:SOP[W To: Uonna. Bradley - Rep. (HOU)' Subject: RE: Brad Thanks for the information. That io good news re 40R. With respect to the GIC — we are going to take a good look at it, but as you may be aware, theG|C is out ho bid on its entire book of business, and the results of the bid may have a significant impact on our interest in the GIC, So we are waiting until the bid process is complete — hopefully by the end of this calendar year. VVe look forward to seeing you n the 27th in Reading. Pete From: Jones, -Ren UHUUl[maUto:Brad ma. us] Sent: Monday, October 15,2UU7 2:31 PM To: Town Manager _ Hi Peter, In a prior letter to Chairman Bonazoli I hi ghlighted my concerns with the low balance of the Smart Growth Housing Trust uknow.th|abostwoukjbetheeourceofthe�nancjo|rewondopronniaedbothe Tmvvn�� were to adopt the G ' yBmortGrowthOisthoLBy'Lawthethoeboonfi|ndvviththeTovvnC\erk. |. thought it might be good for you to know that the Legislature recently passed a supplement budget, which includes $10,000,000 for the Smart Growth Housing Trust Fund. This supplement is expected to cover existing and anticipated statutory obligations to cities and towns over the next several years.. Total funding for the trust is now somewhere in the vicinity of$11.3OO.00O; and there is an oth �r $15,000,000 in the supplemental budget tobe apnaod across various housing initiatives, including the trust. Additionally, wanted to make sure that you are aware that the deadline for municipalities to'ointheGroup Insurance Commission (GIC) has been extended to October 29, 2007. As you and other local officials continue talks with local unions and employee groups, there might be some need for clarification and guidance nn the new law. Anticipating a need toprovide such guidance, the G|C established o local option information line et(017) 727-2310, ext. 14. Also, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council designated Joel Barrera as its special liaison for this issue; he may be reached at(O17) 451-2770' ext. 2O1Q. I hope you find this update helpful. 1O/l5/2OO7 . The Town of Reading Inv-ites you to attend the {t ra'-- aa�v' alk {t �?�ry�il W4 '. wi'`d � +�WNM..NI �'Sti YM v ^'.1 M � `�•� � wkC Y '= � '�_ •_ m ..f { yaona „m»':. „i„'��'`?;,"�.iar� tw.,F.ek a��+.. r DEDICATION THE IPIM Saturday, October 00 PM Brief Dedication Ceremony Tour of the Log Cabin Refreshments DATE Im Town of Reading PRESS RELEASE October 17, 2007 Reading Daily Times Chronicle, Reading Advocate, Boston Globe, RCTV FROM: Maureen Knight Town of Reading Community Services Office 781-942-6610 Email: inknight@ci,readinR.ma.us Please see the article below regarding a ribbon-cutting ceremony that the Town will be holding to officially open the Franklin Street sidewalks. We would appreciate an article in your newspaper so the community will know about the ceremony and have the opportunity to attend. Thank you and please call if you have any questions. Franklin Street Sidewalks Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony . The Town will be holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, October 27th at 12 noon to officially open the new Franklin Street sidewalks. The brief ceremony will take place on Franklin Street at Fox Run Lane with the ribbon-cutting being: done by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen James Bonazoli, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner and State Representative Brad Jones. The ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate the completion of this project, recognize the Town Engineering Division staff for their work on the project, and to thank our state legislative delegation for their support of this important project These sidewalks are a major walking route to the Wood End Elementary School and are part of the continuing community process for safer access to our schools and overall pedestrian safety in the community. Several years ago a community group known as the "Wood End Working Group" worked with Town staff to recommend improvements for accessing the new Wood End School. Franklin Street sidewalks were a major part of those recommendations. The sidewalks were funded in major part by a $325,000 grant from the state. All children from the Wood End School, Franklin Street neighbors, and other members of the community are invited to attend this ribbon-cutting ceremony. Arlington • Ashland • Bedford • Belmont • Boston • Braintree • Brookline Dedham • Everett • Framingham • Hingham • Holbrook • Leominster Medford • Melrose • Milton • Nahant • Natick • Needham • Newton Revere • Saugus • Somerville • South Hadley • Southborough • Stoneham Watertown • Wellesley • Weston • Westwood • Weymouth • Wilbraham �W rADVISORY t Burlington • it ibridge • Canton • Chelsea • Chicopee • Clinton Lexington • Lynn • Lynnfield • Midden • Marblehead • Marlborough oNorthborough • Norwood • Peabodv • Quincy • Randolph • Reading �<� Stoughton • Swampscott • Wakefield Walpole Waltham Wilmington • Winchester • Winthrop • Woburn • Worcester C MEMORANDUM TO CEO'S FROM: JOE FAVALORO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MWRA ADVISORY BOARD DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2007 ADVISORY BOARD.MEETING `, OCTOBER 1$; 2007 =11:30 A M :'QUABBIN ;VISITORS' CENTER 48,5 WARE; ROAD' MA FIELD TRIP: ➢ BOAT TOUR OF THE QUABBIN RESERVOIR TOUR OF FISH HATCHERIES PRESENTATION(S): B V --a vti 0 w ➢ A QUABBIN PERSPECTIVE — J. R. Greene, Gubernatorial Appointee to the MWRA Advisory Board ➢ WATERSHED PROTECTION — OVERVIEW AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR FY07 — Jonathan Yeo, Director, Division of Water Supply Protection ➢ PCB REMOVAL AT THE WACHUSETT DAM — Michael Hornbrook, MWRA Chief Operating Officer UPDATE(S): ➢ LEGISLATIVE UPDATE ➢ CIP /CEB UPDATE A full packet of materials has been provided to your permanent designee. Joseph E. Favaloro, Executive Director 11 Beacon Street • Suite 1010 • Boston, MA 02108 -3002 • Telephone: (617) 742 -7561 • Fax: (617) 742-4614 Arlington ,Ashland ^oedFord^ Belmont ~oesm"^ Braintree ^Brookline u.dharn ^ Everett ^ Framingham ~ Hingham ^ Holbrook ^Le"=in*er Medford ^Melrose ~ Milton ^m"ha" , Natick ~ Needham ~Newton | Revere - Saugus V Somerville South Hadley , Southborough a Stoneham 60 ' ADVISORY BOARD i Burlington : Cambridge - Canton *Chelsea* Chicopee * Clinton 0 Northborough a Norwood e Peabody a Quincy # Randolph v Reading Stoughton * Swampscott a Wakefield a Walpole *Waltham Watertown *Wellesley e Weston e Westwood e Weymouth * Wilbraham \\, REMINDER Advisory Board Field Trip/Meeting at the Quabbin Visitors' Center On Thursday, October 1Q,2OO7, the MWRA Advisory Board will ba visiting the Quobb|n Reservoir for our regular monthly meeting and a tour of the area. Buses will be leaving from the Weston Reservoir Chlorination Facility at115 Newton Street, Weston, M&, where parking is availablej and from MWRA headquarters, 100 First Avenue (Bldg. 39), Charlestown, MA. (The Advisory Board will validate parking at the MGH Garage, 13 th Street, Charlestown.) Seating in limited boBO Please notify the Advisory Board with the names of the individuals who will bn attending and where they will depart from. Because there is also a regular Advisory Board nmeeUng, preference first will be given to Advisory Board members, but will gladly include other interested parties in your communities. Please contact Mary Ann K8dC|eUen at 617-742-7561 or via mnnai| at with the of the people attending and where they plan to depart from. If you are interested in attending, space is still available. Please no|| as smmm as pmasih|w' 18^ Dress is casual; hoxxmver'boat appropriate footwear isnnandetory. See you mn the ''| Joseph E. Favaloro, Executive Director ll Beacon Street ° Suite ml0, Boston, xrL\Ocl08-3oo2" Telephone: (6l7)r4u'756/ ,Fa, (617) 742-4614 MWRA Advisory Board Field Trip Itinerary 8:15a.mn.Uhnn> Bus leaves Charlestown (in front ofD8VVRA Headquarters on First Avenue [BhjQ. 39]) 10:45o.rn' Arrive atQuabbim Visitors' Center 10:50 a.m. TOURS: GroupK - Qumbb|oBomtTmur Group |]-Ta,urof Fish Hatcheries 11:30111:45 a.m. Return to Qu,a.bbin Visitors' Center for lunch and Advisory Board meeting 1:00 P.M. TOURS: GnuupK - TourofFishHatcheries Group |1-Clmobhin Boat Tour 1:45 p.m. Return from Tours 1:50 p.m. Leave Qm/obbin Visitors' Center (Time permitting, will include additional stops along the vnay.) 3:45 p.m. Arrive et Weston facility 4:30 p.m. Arrive at Charlestown facility Please contact Mary Ann KOcC|m!|an at 617-742-7561 or via mnsul at with the of the | attending and where they plan to depart from. If you are interested in attending, space is still available. Please call as soon as possible. Dress is casual; however, boat App is mandato.rY.-----,,,,— DIRECTIONS TO THE WESTON RESERVOIR CHLORINATION FACILITY AT 115 NEWTON STREET, WESTON The phone number of the facility is: (781) 893-7499. Directions from Boston: 1. Mass Pike West (1-90), take the 1- 95 /Rt- 128 /Rt. 30 exit in Weston. Stay to the left of the exit marked Rt. 30. 2. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto Park Street (over the Turnpike), then at the first traffic light take a left onto South Street (Rt. 30). 3. Bear left onto Newton Street. 4. The driveway to Weston Reservoir Chlorination Facility is on the left (less than a mile). 5. Pull into the driveway (115 Newton Street) and drive up to the gate. The gate will be opened. From 128 North: 1. Take Rt. 128 South to Exit 26 Waltham/Weston. 2. Turn slight right onto Rt. 20 W. 3. 0.6 miles up on the left, turn at the traffic light onto Wellesley Street. 4. Stay straight to go onto Newton Street about 0.6 miles. 5. Driveway on right hand side (#115 on mailbox). From 128 South: 1. Take Rt.128 South to Mass Pike/Rt.30 Exit (stay left). 2. Travel under turnpike bear right to Rt. 30 Exit. 3. End of ramp take a left on Rt. 30 into Weston. Newton Street is on the right after the traffic light. 4. The facility is on the left of Newton Street about 0.6 miles up. (115 Newton Street) To the Charlestown Navy Yard (CNY) from the South: 1. Take 1-93 North to Sullivan Square Exit 28. 2. Take a right at the bottom of the ramp onto Washington Street. 3. Entering the Sullivan Square Rotary, take the first exit onto Rutherford Avenue. 4. On Rutherford Avenue, bear left and go under the Gilmore overpass. 5. Stay in the left lane and take a left at lights onto Chelsea Street. 6. At the fourth set of lights, take a right (Gate 5) and park in the MGH Garage. 7. Bring parking ticket stub for validation. Charlestown Navy Yard - From the North - Route 1 1. From the North Shore, take Route I South over the Tobin Bridge. 2. Stay in right lane. At the bottom of the bridge, bear right. The ramp will curve around to the right. 3. At the lights, take a right onto Rutherford Avenue. Move into the left lane. 4. At the next set of lights, take a left onto Chelsea Street. 5. At the fourth set of lights, take a right (Gate 5) and park in the MGH Garage. 6. Bring parking ticket stub for validation. Charlestown Navy Yard -Trom the North - Route 93 1. When traveling South on Route 93 from Wilmington/NH area, take Exit 28 "Sullivan Square/Charlestown". 2. When at Sullivan Square, stay left at fork and go up ramp (Schrafft's Building on left), follow onto Rutherford Avenue. Stay left. Go through underpass. 3. Follow signs for City Square/Downtown Boston. Stay left. 4. At second set of lights, take a left at Chelsea Street. 5. At the fourth set of lights, take a right (Gate 5) and park in the MGH Garage. 6. Bring parking ticket stub for validation. (3 Gate 4 w z, BLDG'34 v, �BUISQ.S r CA _Dv iv e 470'R .k;,r September 19, 2007 John Feudo Recreation Division Town of Reading Reading, MA 01867 Dear John- Please find this letter to indicate the Friends of Reading Recreation (FORR)'s intention of providing some of the enhancements to Memorial Park. It is FORR's intention to not only provide for those enhancements, but to maintain an ongoing funding mechanism for those enhancements. Sincerely, Peter G Cournounduros President, Friends of Reading Recreation Friends of Reading Recreation — 24 Smith Avenue — Reading, MA 01867 91� Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street ��J Reading, MA 01867 -2683 CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942 -6616 Fax (781) 942 -9071 ffmk @ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM To: Board of Selectmen From: Conservation Commission Date: October 15, 2007 Re: Memorial Park The Conservation Commission notes that the Selectmen are considering plans for new walkways, parking, and recreational facilities in Memorial Park. The Commission has received several phone calls from citizens concerning the park, but has not been able to attend the recent public meetings in which various proposals have been discussed. Thus, the Commission does not know what the balance is. at present between the public interest in maintaining the park in its present condition as a predominantly passive recreation area versus the public interest in facilities for bocce, horseshoes, and volleyball. However, we would recommend that any new facilities added to the park be located away from the existing trees and other landscaping to preserve shade, wildlife habitat, visual buffers, and scenic beauty. The Commission would also like to point out that the existing skating ponds and stream, along with an undetermined portion of the land around them, are wetlands resource areas. The proposed reconfiguration of the pond, trail and parking layout, volleyball court, and other work in the 100 -foot buffer zones adjacent to the wetlands will require a Notice of Intent and Order of Conditions under State and Town wetlands laws. The Commission would be happy to work with the Selectmen and other town officials as plans become more detailed to assure that the plans will meet wetlands permitting requirements . We would recommend that the first step be delineation and survey of the wetlands boundaries, topography, and other existing site features to create an existing conditions site plan. Such a plan will then serve as a solid basis for the design of proposed improvements. We would also recommend that the Town engage a professional with expertise in pond design to work on the reconfiguration of the skating pond. Advice might be available from the Agricultural Extension Service, as they are familiar with designing farm ponds. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. Please let us know how we can help in the future. 1(0 FAX: (781) 942 - 5441 October 1, 2007 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 Dear Neighbors of Memorial Park, RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 - 9075 We are writing to you in response to a petition we received signed by you regarding amendments to the deed for Memorial Park. At the Board of Selectmen's meeting on Tuesday, September 18th, 2007 a public hearing was held regarding the proposed Master Plan for Memorial Park. One of the areas that was not addressed at that hearing was the topic of modifications to the deed for the park, because that is not a Master Plan issue. We would like an opportunity to meet with interested parties to discuss the issue of modifications to the deed. As you know, a petition requesting modifications to the terms of the original deed to the park has been brought before a probate court via the Attorney General's Office at the request of the Town. This petition followed an extensive review by an ad hoc Town committee, review by the Board of Selectmen, and action by Town Meeting. We would like to extend an invitation you to meet with us to discuss the single topic of modifications to the deed to Memorial Park on October 24th at 7:00 PM at the Senior Center. The major concern as we understand the petition is the issue of the use of portions of the park for youth sports practices. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you are encouraged to submit any comments via email (jfeudo@,ci.reading.ma.us) or letter to us. If you know of any other neighbors that might like to attend this meeting, please pass along the information as only those on the petition are receiving this notice. We look forward to meeting with you and sharing ideas. Sincerely, Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator 0 Oct 12 07.11:23a RCTV RTV Studio 228 Ash Street Reading, MA 01867 Attn: Ask the Town Manager 7813440313 P.1 1. Why are there no sidewalks from corner of John Street down Pleasant Street to Eaton Street-and from Pleasant Street at least to the end of the Little League Park on the Eaton Street side if not to the end of the vacant area on Eaton Street? This present a safety issue to the residents who use the park as well as the children who wait for the school bus. Would the town be held liable if anyone was hurt? What is the procedure to get the sidewalks? Also the number of cars that ignore the No Turn Signs off of Salem whenever there is a traffic issue is increasing. When we spoke to one of the police officers, he informed us that there were "short staffed due to budget constraints". This did not encourage a "warm and fuzzy" feeling. I hope this explanation is not listed as cause of death on a death certificate. Considering the number of cars that violate the No Turn Signs, a police car on Osborne or at the wax factory could probably earn the police officer's salary and then some. 2. Who is responsible for supplying lights at the Reading Depot? Again this is a safety issue. We enjoy watching your program. Thank you for taking the time to read this. F-S Ash Street at RR Develop a process to acquire land and build new connection directly between Ash and Main Street, eliminating the grade crossing Town. Mgr. Anthony Meeting held on site 6 -7- 09/30107 07. Additional meeting to be scheduled. Construction of gates could be done in 12 months. 9/16/06 Stop signs at Request to make Bancroft at Police Goldy Awaiting Board of 10/31107 Bancroft Hartshorn a multi -way stop Selectmen development of and move stop sign on standards for multi -way Hartshorn closer to stops. Scheduled for Board intersection. Possible of Selectmen discussion 7- installation of a speed table. 12 -07. (5�'10/1612007 1 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Project/ Identified Problem Res p. Select. Action Needed Follow -up "nnn nnrFinip2tinn Dept. Liaison Date 3/27/07 Parking Garage Develop the process and time- Town Tafoya Develop a schedule and 09/30107 line to address the need for a Engineer; action plan. Funding for parking garage on the upper Town feasibility was vetoed by parking lot Manager the Governor. We will get estimates of the cost of a full feasibility study, and explore private funding sources for a study. State funding approved. Development Projects !IA/95 ('lownr a rn prninrt is n t +n hid Engineer ARtheRy pFejOnt Fids'- taken is gut to bid with 06i= - May 30. The impreyemnnt .�.....�., Tntnrn' "nnn nnrFinip2tinn GGoto" $659,OC)O April 2007. I'tltH ID of estimated was approved in- Bid awarded b�- Town Counsel review LIP Regulations 10/16/2007 LIP regulations may need to be updated per IG' suggestions Town Anthony . Review LIP regulations Counsel and and make Schubert recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. Board members are aoina to review with 2 �9/25107-12 31 -07 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow -up Dept. Liaison Date 7- (n nontnr general's lG's audit of 1`175 Main stroot � � 08/31107- `• vv- t„7`�. Tniun GeuR nl to review FeGemmLlRd tinnQ rn i •,��`• g- has generated rennmmenrl;+tinno pnvessible re 1375 Main Street develnner 8/22/06 Develop a lighting The Town needs to have Planner and Bonazoli Hire a consultant to 9/3O 2987 section of the Zoning established standards and Town . develop a draft bylaw. 12 -31 -07 Bylaw processes for reviewing site Manager Have had discussion with lighting for new developments one consultant and am expecting a proposal. The Town Planner is collecting regulations .from around the state and nation to see how we can accomplish.this as simply as possible. 10/16/2007 Sale of Oakland The Town owned tax title land Town Tafoya Develop process to be 09/30/07 Road land across Oakland Road from the Manager, implemented in summer RMHS. is surplus to the Town's Town 2007. Tafoya to outline needs. Planner process and send to Town Manager 3 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loq for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Project/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow -up L%ll 10/16/2007 4 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue /Proiect! Identified Problem L%I Res p. Select. Action Needed Follow -up wept. Liaison UaLC Memorial Park Controversy over allowed Town Anthony Public Hearing was held on 9130/07 -10- uses; Counsel park master plan; 16 -07 Development of Master Plan Recreation has written up the comments and is amending the plans; Town Counsel had a hearing before Probate judge on June 28 re "reasonable deviation" petition. Per court direction, published and noticed abutters. Abutters sent in a petition with a number of comments negative to the petition. The AG does not feel we should proceed with the petition. We will have a revised park plan for BOS hearing on September 18. Modifications to the plan were made as a result of the hearing and the BOS is requested to approve the plan on 10 -15 -07 10/1612007 5 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loq for Current Issues /Proiects Date Issue /Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow -up 9/26/06 Master plan for Birch There are some key decisions Meadow site to be made on this site and we need a master plan for the area Recreation Bonazoli Develop a master plan for 12131107 the property, including the Imagination Station site. We are developing maps that show the entire site including the new school. Board of Selectmen appointed a committee.. 10/16/2007 6 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Project/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed 3113/2007 Policy on fund - raising The Town needs a policy re Town Bonazoli Develop draft policy I have g/38/87--12- for public projects whether to encourage, and Manager asked MMMA colleagues 31 -07 how to direct private groups and not gotten much who want to raise funds for feedback. public.projects like parks 8/21/2007 Review with members Potential Charter Revision of Town Accountant's Association the supervisory relationship between the Town Manager and town Accountant Town Anthony Get information Accountant 12/31/07 25 -07 Establish a standing Plan for building needs - Town Anthony Get information on what 12/31107 Municipal Building functional planning not Manager other communities may Committee capital or maintenance have in this regard planning 10/16/2007 7 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Project/ Identified Problem Res p. Select. Action Needed Follow -up Dept. Liaison Date Citizen Requests Drainage on Haverhill ditch has silted up and is not DPW Goldy work to be done this fall as 10/31107 Street free- flowing - backs up and part of the storm water affects neighbors property management program. Right of entry needed from the Open Land Trust and Drainage from Main runs DPW installed a new Drainage - Pearl. at down Pearl and into an bituminous berm along Main (across from abutters yard - abutter wants DPW - Main at the end of Pearl to Mill) curbing Engineer Tafoya keep drainage in gutter line 10/16/07 DPW will do some remedial work this summer - See George Zembouras letter 1- Storm water ponding in front of Town 11 -07. Work has been 10/12/06 Paul McKinnon driveway Engineer Anthony completed 08131/07 5/15/07 10/16/2007 We do not.recycle bottles and Recycling in parks cans in parks —can we? DPW Director Bonazoli 9 regulations and processes to see if we can set up can and bottle recycling in parks. Also add to this issue the problem with trash left in the parks. Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues /Projects Date Issue /Proiecti Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow -up Dept. Liaison Date Review logistics when we Fly Town Flag at half hire a new Veterans Service staff when a veteran Veterans Officer. See material from 6/20/07 passes away Agent Schubert VSO 09/30/07 N 10/16/2007 10