HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-25 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, September 25, 2007 • I would like the Board of Selectmen to approve a motion formally referring the proposed non- 40R Zoning Bylaw amendments for the AWP site to the CPDC for hearing. • The RCASA Annual Meeting is on September 26 at 7 PM at the Parker Middle School. 1 would encourage all residents who are interested in the issue of Substance Abuse to become involved. There is a need for many areas of expertise, if you have the time to volunteer. • The Board of Selectmen have received invitations to the MMA Fall regional Forums • Future of YCC - Electronic • Re: Communication with the Board of Selectmen regarding emergencies, I am suggesting that Selectman Public Safety liaison Camille Anthony meet with Chiefs Burns and Cormier and myself to establish a process and protocol for this. • Repair work on the library elevator is scheduled to begin Monday, October 1. It is expected to be somewhat noisy. The estimated time to complete the fix is two weeks from Monday, or October 15th. • The remainder of the Reading's earmarks from the state budget have been approved through the legislature's override of the Governor's budget vetoes. This includes $50,000 each for- Parking Feasibility Study for downtown, stadium lights, tennis courts. • You have received several invitations for community events in your reading material. October 9, 2007 PH Off at ICMA Selectmen's Office.Hou -Richard Schulhert ( 6:301 Certificates Eagle Scout Awards Highlights Human Resources 7:30 Report - Tax Classification Task Force Review Action Status report jOctob'er 16,.2007 Adopt an Island Reception - Senior Center 7:00 Appointments - CPDC 7:55 Review warrant - Subsequent Town Meeting Discuss traffic issues - stop signs, multi-way stops, October 17, 2007 - Financial Forum-'.Sr. Center October.. 23, 20'07::- . BOS Forum : - 7:30 October 30, 2007 j (j) WORKING DRAFT OF NON-40R ZONING AMENDMENT Article To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw as follows: 1. Amend Section 2.0 Definitions. by adding the following new definition: Senior Independent Living: A facility that provides dwelling units for residents over the age of 55 in a single or multiple buildings or in separate townhouses or cottages, and may include common areas for the use of residents. 2. Amend Section 4.2.2 Table of Uses, in the column for Business C District as follows: Apartment - Delete "NO" and substitute "NOA" and add at the end of the Table of Uses: "A" Townhouses shall be permitted in the Business C District. Nursing Home - Delete "NO" and substitute "YES"" and add at the end of the Table of Uses: "B" Nursing Rome and Senior Independent Living shall be permitted in the Business C District. 3. Amend Section by adding the following new sub-section (d): d. For purposes of determining compliance with the foregoing requirements and the height limitation in Table 5.1.2, all such setbacks and buffer areas shall be measured from the boundary line between the Business C District and the adjoining Residence S-20 District and the Residence S-15 District. 4. Amend Section, Off-Street Parking and Loading/Unloading Requirements, as follows: Insert a new Principal Use and Requirements as follows: Principal Use Minimum Number Minimum Number of Off- of Off-Street Street Loading and Unloading Parking Spaces Spaces Required Required Senior Independent One space for each None for 0-50,000 square feet Living separate rental unit of gross floor area; one space if 50,001-200,000 square feet of gross floor area; one space for each additional 150,000 square feet of gross floor area above 200,000 square feet. Such loading and unloading spaces may be. shared with other uses in the same ru) building. In the Principal Use column, delete "Townhouse Development" and substitute "Townhouse or Townhouse Development". 5. Amend Section 4.3.3., Site Plan Review.. by adding a new section as follows: Waiver of Parking, Loading Space and Related Design Requirements in the Business C District. Upon the applicant's request and submission of supporting documentation, the Community Planning and Development Commission may waive or reduce the requirements under Section and Section 6.1.2, provided there is no adverse impact in the areas described in Section, or tape any other action with respect thereto. FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for I-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Proj... Page 1 of 4 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Frey, Bob (EOT) [Bob. Frey@state.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2:59 PM To: Fink, Fran; Frey, Bob (EOT); Town Manager; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schena, Paula; tmclaughlin@cityofwoburn.com; tharwood@cityofwoburn.com; dragucci@ci.stoneham.ma.us; dpettengill@ci.stoneham.ma.us; tbutler@wakefield.ma.us Cc: Reading - Selectmen; Anthony, Camille; Schubert, Rick; Kowalski, Carol; wcampbell@cityofwoburn.com; bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net; etarallo@cityofwoburn.com; tmurphy@cityofwoburn.com; mdoherty@ci.stoneham.ma.us; selectmen@ci.stoneham.ma.us; pmedeiros@ci.stoneham.ma.us; slynch@ci.stoneham.ma.us; selectmen@wakefield.ma.us; preavis@wakefield.ma.us; rdavis@wakefield.ma.us; rstinson@wakefield.ma.us Subject: RE: FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for 1-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Project ENF Attachments: 93/95 ENF•update Yes - that's correct. MEPA has extended the deadline for comments until October 10, 2007. Please include the EOEA # and project title in your comments: EOEA # 14098 1-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Project - Reading, Woburn, Stoneham, Wakefield and mail to the address listed below: Secretary Ian Bowles Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Attn: Nicholas Zavolas, MEPA Office 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02114 OR, MEPA accepts e-mailed comments. Send them to Ian Bowles, Secretary of EOEEA, attention Nicholas Zavolas, MEPA Analyst, at the following addresses (please include EOEA project # and title): Ian. BowlesO-state. ma. us Nicholas. ZavolasCcD.state, ma. us Yesterday was the first formal announcement for the October 2nd meeting. To those that may not have received previous information regarding this project, please see the attached message for further background information. Please contact me with any other questions. Thanks, Bob Bob Frey Manager of Statewide Planning Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frey@eot.state.ma.us 0 9/25/2007 FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for I-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Proj... Page 2 of 4 From: Fink, Fran [mailto:ffink@ci.reading. ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:34 AM To: Frey, Bob (EOT); Town Manager; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schena, Paula; tmclaughlin@cityofwoburn.com; tharwood@cityofwoburn.com; drag ucci@ci.stoneham.ma.us; dpettengill@ci.stoneham.ma.us; tbutler@wakefield.ma.us Cc: Reading - Selectmen; Anthony, Camille; Schubert, Rick; Kowalski, Carol; wcampbell@cityofwoburn.com; bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net; etarallo@cityofwoburn.com; tmurphy@cityofwoburn.com; mdoherty@ci.stoneham.ma.us; selectmen@ci.stoneham.ma.us; pmedeiros@ci.stoneham.ma.us; slynch@ci.stoneham.ma:us; selectmen@wakefield.ma.us; preavis@wakefield.ma.us; rdavis@wakefield.ma.us; rstinson@wakefield.ma.us Subject: RE: FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for I-93/I-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Project ENF I am the Conservation Administrator in Reading. I am receiving this notice for the first time today. The Reading Conservation Commission plans to send comments on the ENF to MEPA. The cover letter that we received with the ENF stated that comments were due on October 1, 2007. The deadline given in the message below is October 10, 2007, Has the deadline been extended? Fran Fink Reading Town Hall (781) 942-6616 From: Frey, Bob (EOT) [mailto: Bob. Frey@state. ma. us] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:56 AM To: Town Manager; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schena, Paula; tmclaughlin@cityofwoburn.com; tharwood@cityofwoburn.com; dragucci@ci.stoneham.ma.us; dpettengill@ci.stoneham.ma.us; tbutler@wakefield.ma.us Cc Reading - Selectmen; Anthony, Camille; Schubert, Rick; Kowalski, Carol; Fink, Fran; wcampbell@cityofwoburn.com; bruen-n-bruen@comcast.net; etarallo@cityofwoburn.com; tmurphy@cityofwoburn.com; mdoherty@ci.stoneham.ma.us; selectmen @ci.stoneham. ma. us; pmedeiros@ci.stoneham.ma.us; slynch@ci.stoneham.ma.us; selectmen@wakefield.ma.us; preavis@wakefield.ma.us; rdavis@wakefield.ma.us; rstinson@wakefield.ma.us Subject: FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for I-93/I-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Project ENF Attention Municipal Officers/Assistants: Reading: Peter Hechenbleikner / Paula Schena Woburn: Mayor Thomas McLaughlin / Tracey Harwood Stoneham: David Ragucci / Debbie Pettengill Wakefield: Thomas Butler / ? This message is being forwarded by the project proponent per MEPA guidelines to inform your community's: 1) Chief Elected Official and/or Select Board, 2) Planning Director and/or Board, and 3) Conservation Agent and/or Commission of notice of a MEPA site visit/consultation meeting for the subject project. * * * Please forward or deliver this message to the following (note that most are already copied on this message, but please confirm that e-mail addresses are correct): 1) Reading Select Board Members, 2) Carol Kowalski, Reading Planning Dept., 3) Fran Fink, Reading Conservation Comm. 1) William Campbell, Clerk, for Woburn City Council, 2) Ed Tarallo, Woburn Planning Director, 3) Theresa Murphy, Woburn Conservation Comm. D 9/25/2007 FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for. 1-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Proj... Page 3 of 4 1) Muriel Doherty, Office Manager for Stoneham Board of Selectmen, 2) Phyllis Medeiros, Stoneham Planning Board, 3) Sylvia Lynch, Stoneham Conservation Comm. 1) Wakefield Board of Selectmen, 2) Paul Reavis, Wakefield Planning Department, 3) Rebecca Davis, Wakefield Conservation Agent See the message below for the meeting details. For those that may not have received or seen a copy of the ENF, it can be viewed or downloaded at the following web site (just follow the link on the home page): (A printed copy can also be provided upon request) www.9395info.com * * * MUNICIPAL OFFICERS / ASSISTANTS: PLEASE CONFIRM THAT THIS NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY EACH OF THE LISTED BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Bob Bob Frey Manager of Statewide Planning Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frey@eot.state.ma.us From: Zavolas, Nicholas (EEA) Finailto:nzavolas@MassMail.State.MA.USI Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:54 AM To: /o=Commonwealth of Massachusetts/ou= MassMail-0 1/cn = Recipients/cn =Daniel. Nein; Anderson, Paul (DEP); Backman, Andy (DCR); Baker, Nancy (DEP); Beede, Susan (DCR); Boeri, Robert (EEA); Burtner, Jason (EEA); Kilmer, Charlie (OCPC); Chin, Ken (DEP); Christopher Boelke; Dan Walsh; DeLorenzo, David (DEP); Delpapa, Cindy (FWE); Drury, Michele (DCR); Ed Reiner - EPA; Engler, Lisa Berry (DCR); Eric Hutchins; Felix, John (DEP); French, Tom (FWE); Gary Roux (Pioneer Valley Planning Commission); Givens, Craig (DEP); Glenn, Kathryn (EEA); Graves, Melody (EOT); Hamel, Sonia (ENV); Hamm, Jack (DEP); John Walser BRA; Kehoe, Barbara (EEA); Kirby, Christine (DEP); LaRosa, Thomas (DCR); Lionel Lucien; Lyberger, Ronald (DEP); Lynch, Ben (DEP); Malkoski, Vincent (FWE); Martin Pillsbury; Mathew DeSorbo MAC; Marold, Misty-Anne (FWE); Noah Luskin; Regosin, Jonathan (FWE); Sorenson, Elizabeth (DCR); Steve Tucker; Stone, Sharon (DEP); Strysky, Alexander (DEP); Veinotte, Amanda; Warncke, Tracy (EEA); Worrall, Eric (DEP) Cc: Corey, John; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul - Rep. (HOU); Clarke, Dennis; Cosgrove, Joe; DiBlasi, Joe; Doyle, Jennifer (EOT); Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike - Rep. (HOU); Gallagher, Jim; Grover, Robert; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert (SEN); Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU); Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Mayo, Rich; McLaughlin, Tom; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Motter, Andy; Natale, Patrick - Rep. (HOU); Ragucci, David; Rogers, Maureen A.; Schmiedl, Elliot (EOT); Smith, Suzanne; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard (SEN); Webster, Bill; Zavolas, Nicholas (DEP); Blaustein, Joan; Chong, Michael; Cooke, Don; Crupi, Andrea (SEN); DiSarcina, Tony; Draisen, Mark (MAPQ Edwards, Adriel (EOT); Frey, Bob (EOT); Harwood, Tracey (Mayor McLaughlin); Hechenblikner, Peter; Janikula, Tom; Madden, Diane (MHD); Martel, Justin (HOU); McKinnon, Anne; McLaughlin, Thomas; McVann, John; Medeiros, Paul (work); O'Rourke, Carmen (HOU); Purdy, Jim; Pyke, Keri; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Tafoya, Ben; VanMagness, Frederick (HOU); Walsh, Kevin (MHD) Subject: Notice of MEPA Site Visit 0 9/25/2007 FW: Notice of 10/2 Meeting for I-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Proj... Page 4 of 4 EOEA No. 140981-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvements Project - Reading, Woburn,Stoneham,Wakefield The project involves the design and construction of a recommended program of long-term and interim integrated highway, transit, and transportation demand management (TDM) improvements to the existing 132-acre 1- 95/1-93 Interchange area located in and/or adjacent to Reading, Woburn, Stoneham and Wakefield. Tuesday October 2, 2007 @ 4:00 pm - Stoneham Town Hall Auditorium, 35 Central Street, Stoneham DIRECTIONS: From 1-93, take Exit 36 (Montvale Ave.) into Stoneham. Travel about 1/2 mile+ on Montvale, then turn RIGHT onto Main Street (Route 28 South), then an immediate LEFT onto Pleasant. Take next RIGHT onto Central. Town Hall is a few blocks down on the left. Comments Due October 10, 2007 Certificate Due: October 17, 2007 PROJECT questions - Bob Frey, Manager of Statewide Planning, MA Executive Office of Transportation, 617 973-7449 For MEPA questions - Nicholas Zavolas at 617 626 -1030. 6 9/25/2007 '91 a-r2,6v?'a~ea&1 X a '~G~1a~~u~~ett~ Z yj J / 7 / o~M~Ve J0W 20"' MIDDLESEX DISTRICT BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. READING • NORTH READING STATE REPRESENTATIVE LYNNFIE MIDDLETON TEL_' (617) 722-2100 MINORITY LEADER Rep. Brad leyJones@hou.s~tate.malus www.bradjonesonEge.com V C/"1 -'t7 N September 19, 2007 0 Secretary Ian Bowles Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02114 Re: ENF for the I-93/1-95 Interchange Transportation Improvement Project Dear Secretary Bowles: The Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) recently submitted an Environmental Notification Form for the I-93/I-95 Interchange Transportation Improvement Project. Submitting this form initiates the first step in the review process required by the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act. As you know, this project meets certain thresholds that require the publication of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), the final draft of which you must approve. The results of this report must then be included in the EOT's so-called "Section 61 Findings," which EOT will be required to issue pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30, Section 61. The Section 61 Findings will describe the environmental impact of the project and establish practicable measures to avoid or minimize the impact thereof. It is my understanding that such measures must be included in all of the construction permits needed in order to begin the project. Given the EIR's clear influence over the future of this project, I think it might be' helpful for you to know that nearby residents have expressed three chief concerns with this vroiect: that land takings are nothing more than a "sliver". that anv new flyover ramps are built with as low a profile as possible and that excessive noise is addressed, coincidental with construction. Based on the review guidelines, it seems that excessive noise is the dominant concern that would be considered from an environmental perspective so I will focus my present comments on that issue. In 1988 MassHighway sponsored a statewide noise attenuation study that was conducted to identify and prioritize locations in need of Type II noise barriers to offset the excessive noise produced by adjacent roadways. As you know, funding'for Type II noise barriers has been severely limited, but the need for noise barriers along the I-93/I- 95 Interchange has been officially recognized for nearly two decades; and growth in traffic volume over the years had only made this problem worse. (There are three specific references to these noise barriers-numbers 26, 29 and 41-on the priority list.) Reconstruction of the interchange will likely include two new flyover ramps as recommended in both versions of the Interchange Task Force's H3 alternative. The most obvious "down side" to the H3 alternatives is that the new ramps will increase the overall volume and reach of traffic noise. Although excessive noise may not normally be thought of as an environmental issue, 301 CMR 11.02 defines damage to the environment as "any [significant] destruction or impairment..:, actual or probable, to any of the natural resources of the Commonwealth including... excessive noise." With this definition and the above circumstances in mind, it is clear that the EIR should require an up-front commitment by EOT for the inclusion of sound barriers as part of the improvement project. In theory, the three separate nroiects on the current Type II priority list will be consolidated as a single Tvpe I proiect, and possibly modified to include some sort of noise mitigation component to the new flvover ramps. In addition, I am aware that a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) will soon be established in accordance with 301 CMR 11.09. As a long time member of the now- dissolved Interchange Task Force, I have a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding this project; and it is very important to me that the needs and concerns of my constituents in the Town of Reading continue to be represented as this project moves . forward. Thus, I am requesting the opportunity to serve on the CAC with at least two local representatives from Reading. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I hope that this information is useful to you. Should you have any questions or concerns related to this project, please do not hesitate to contact me. 1. Jones, Jr. Leader cc: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Bob Frey, MassHighway Nicholas Zavolas, MEPA Analyst (3 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter V OV . bp From: Daniels, Thomas [tdaniels@reading.k12.ma.us] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:19 AM To: McIntire, Ted; Keating, Bob; Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: Kim Peacock; Stacy Gillis; kbonazoli@comcast.net; Julie Centrella Subject: Thanks! Hi Ted, Bob and Peter, Thanks so much for the prompt service on the courtyard! My apologies for the mixup with the pancake breakfast being on the same day as the paving. It slipped by mind that both were happening at the same time and I hope the onlookers weren't too disruptive. Tom Tom Daniels Principal Birch Meadow Elementary School 27 Arthur B. Lord Drive Reading, MA 01867 (781) 944-2335 tdanielsOreadina. k12. ma. us 9/24/2007 veto overrides. Page 1 of 1 n Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Martel, Justin (HOU) [Justin. Martel@ state. ma.us] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 9:57 AM To: Town Manager Subject: veto overrides. Although you are probably already aware, Rep. Jones just wanted me to make sure you know the good news that the Legislature voted last week to override the Gov's vetos on the tennis courts, stadium lights and parking study money ($50k each). If you have any questions, please let us know. 0 9/24/2007 AIN Hallmark Health Medical enter 30 New Crossing Road, Reading Sunday, September 30th 10a o®n On Sunday, September 30th bring family and friends to join in the celebration of the Community Opening for the Hallmark Health Medical Center. You and your family can take part in and learn about: o tours of the facility ' free blood pressure screenings ® safety tips ® healthy lifestyle choices and i much more Hallmark liealt*. www.hallmarlchealth.org Hallmark Health is a local nonprofit, community-based healthcare system serving Boston's northern suburbs composed of Lawrence Memorial Hospital of Medford, Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, Lawrence Memorial/Regis College Nursing and Radiography Programs, Hallmark Health Cancer Center, Hallmark Health Medical Center, Reading, Ell Pond Medical !,r' 1 Associates and Hallmark Health Home Care. Hallmark Health is affiliated with ai Massachusetts General Hospital for cardiology and Tufts-New England Medical Center for neonatology and is committed to advancing the quality of healthcare. of Debt Authorizations not yet oublicIV funded, g8mil* $1 Review updated as of September 22, 2007 . internal Enterprise Borrow or General Grants Private (BOS) Fund TM vote Project MW RA Buy-in (Full) & $ 8,600,000 800,000 E $ 7' 800,000 $ 200,000 WTP demolition $ 300,000 $ 365,000 E $ 365,000 on 7124/2007 Sunnyside(Fairview Sewer n Improvements $ 650,000 G $ 660'000 Downtow $ 410,000 $ 410,000 G $ 410,000 on 71112007 Fire Engine $ 650,000 G $ 375,000 $ 200,000 $ 75,000 Artificial Turf at Parker MS $ 350,000 G $ 150,000 $150,000 $ 50,000 Tennis Courts at Birch Meadow Financial Systems & $ 1,250,000 Technology E $ 150,000 G $ 1,100,000 Ladder Truck Ask Nov. TM for $850,000 TOTAL internal Borrowing ested until 6(30/08 Additional Borrowing Requested Temporary Internal Borrowing Finan Extinguished by October 2007 Permanent debt sating New TOTAL internal Borrowing pay Temp. permanent Bonds cash BANS For WTP 10/30/07 $ 7,800,000 demo 20yr debt 10/30/07 $ 300,000 $ 65,000 4yr debt 10130/07 $ 650,000 10yr debt 10130/07 $ 410,000 Syr debt 10130107 $ 375,000 Syr debt Full Amount None at Nov. TM $ 500,000 Spring '07 in 2000 $ 1,250,000 Syr debt on 7/1/2007 Spring '07 in 2009 $ 850,000 10yr debt $ 1,210,000 $15k tennis courts $ 515,000 $500k technology; allowable* . $ 1,725, 000 under the mimum sewer project $ (710,000) $410k fire engine; $300k $ 1,015,000 SUBSEQUENT TOWN MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1 2 3 Title SDonsor 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reports Board of Selectmen Instructions Board of Selectmen Amend Capital Improvements Program Board of Selectmen FY 2008 - FY 2012 Amend the FY 2008 Budget Finance Committee Payment of Prior Years Bills Board of Selectmen Establish a Stabilization Fund Board of Selectmen Street Acceptances - Timothy Place Board of Selectmen Rescinding Debt Board of Selectmen Additional Debt Authorization - Tennis Court Board of Selectmen Improvements Debt Authorization - Fire Department Ladder Board of Selectmen Truck Debt Authorization - Curbs, Sidewalks and Board of Selectmen Pedestrian Improvements Accepting the Community Preservation Act Board of Selectmen Zoning By-Law Amendment -Accessory CPDC Structures and Lot Coverage Release Conservation Restriction - Peter Board of Selectmen Sanborn Place APPENDIX Conduct of Town Meeting Page # 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 16 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Officer's Return, Reading: By virtue of this Warrant, I, on notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at the place and at the time specified by posting attested copies of this Town Meeting Warrant in the following public places within the Town of Reading: Precinct 1 J. Warren Killam School, 333 Charles Street Precinct 2 Registry of Motor Vehicles, 275 Salem Street Precinct 3 Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street Precinct 4 Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue Precinct 5 Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street Precinct 6 Austin Preparatory School, 101 Willow Street Precinct 7 Reading Library, Local History Room, 64 Middlesex Avenue Precinct 8 Mobil on the Run, 1330 Main Street The date of posting being not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 13, 2007, the date set for the Subsequent Town Meeting in this Warrant. I also caused an attested copy of this Warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle in the issue of John Della Paolera, Constable A true copy. Attest: Cheryl A. Johnson, Town Clerk 1 V-? SUBSEQUENT TOWN MEETING (Seal) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Reading Memorial High School Auditorium, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading, on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, at seven-thirty o'clock in the evening, at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by Town Meeting Members in accordance with the provisions of the Reading Home Rule Charter. ARTICLE 1 To hear and act on the reports of the Board of Selectmen, Town Accountant, Treasurer-Collector, Board of Assessors, Director of Public Works, Town Clerk, Tree Warden, Board of Health, School Committee, Contributory Retirement Board, Library Trustees, Municipal Light Board, Finance Committee, Cemetery Trustees, Community Planning & Development Commission, Conservation Commission, Town Manager and any other Board or Special Committee. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 2 To choose all other necessary Town Officers and Special Committees and determine what instructions shall be given Town Officers and Special Committees, and to see what sum the Town will raise by borrowing or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, and appropriate for the purpose of funding Town Officers and Special Committees to carry out the instructions given to them, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 3 To see if the Town will vote to amend the FY 2008 - FY 2012, Capital Improvements Program as provided for in Section 7-7 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 4 To see if the Town will vote to amend one or more of the votes taken under Article 13 of the April 23, 2007 Annual Town Meeting relating to the Fiscal Year 2008 Municipal Budget, and see what sum the Town will raise by borrowing or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, and appropriate as the result of any such amended votes for the operation of the Town and its government, or take any other action with respect thereto. Finance Committee (3 ARTICLE 5 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the payment during Fiscal Year 2008 of bills remaining unpaid for previous fiscal years for goods and services actually rendered to the Town, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 6 To see if the Town will vote to establish a stabilization fund, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Board of Selectmen upon the laying out as a public way the following described private way under the provision of law authorizing the assessment of betterments, such ways being laid out in accordance with plans duly approved by the Board of Selectmen; and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to take such ways under the provision of law authorizing the assessment of betterments, in fee or rights of easement therein by eminent domain, under the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws, as amended, or acquire said lands in fee or rights of easement therein by purchase, gift or otherwise and to assess betterments therefore, the plans and descriptions for such way being filed in the Office of the Town Clerk in accordance with the statutory requirements; and to see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate by borrowing, or from the tax levy, or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, for the acquisition of said lands or easements therein or for payment of any eminent domain damages and for the construction of said ways, or take any other action with respect thereto. • Timothy Place Board of Selectmen' ARTICLE 8 To see if the Town will vote to rescind authorized but unused debt for: The Barrows School project as authorized by Article 5 voted 12/10/98 and amended by Article 12 voted 4/24/00, and further amended by Article 13 'voted 5/6/04; The Birch Meadow Tennis Courts as authorized by Article 21 of the 2007 Annual Town Meeting. or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 9 To see what sum the Town will raise by borrowing, or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, and appropriate for the purpose of making improvements to or replacing the Birch Meadow Tennis Courts, including the costs of engineering services, plans, documents, cost estimates, bidding services, construction management services, and all related expenses incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith, said sum to be expended by and under the direction of the Town Manager; and to see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, or any other agency of the Town, to apply for a grant or grants, to be used to defray the cost of all, or any part of, said improvements; and to authorize the Town Manager to enter into any and all contracts and agreements as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen l~ ARTICLE 10 To see what sum the Town will raise by borrowing, or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, and appropriate for the purpose of purchasing a fire ladder truck, including the costs of consulting services, plans, documents, cost estimates, bidding services and all related expenses incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith, said sum to be expended by and under the direction of the Town Manager; and to see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, or any other agency of the Town, to apply for a grant or grants, to be used to defray the cost of all, or any part of, said fire engine; and to authorize the Town Manager to enter into any and all contracts and agreements as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 11 To see what sum the Town will raise by borrowing, or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, and appropriate for the purpose of constructing curbing, sidewalks, and pedestrian improvements, including the costs of consulting services, plans, documents, cost estimates, bidding services and all related expenses incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith, said sum to be expended by and under the direction of the Town Manager; and to see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, or any other agency of the Town, to apply for a grant or grants, to be used to defray the cost of all, or any part of, said fire engine; and to authorize the Town Manager to enter into any and all contracts and agreements as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article; provided however that any borrowing authorized by this article and any appropriation subject to this article shall be contingent upon the passage of a debt exclusion referendum question under General Laws Chapter 159, section 21c within 90 days of the close of this Special Town Meeting, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 12 To see if the Town will vote to accept General Laws Chapter 44, Sections 3-7, inclusive, otherwise known as the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act, by approving a surcharge on real property for the purposes permitted by said Act including the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space, the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources, the acquisition, creation and preservation of land for recreational use,.and the creation, acquisition, preservation and support of community housing; to determine the amount of such surcharge on real property as a percentage of the annual real estate tax levy against real property in an amount not to exceed 3%, such surcharge to be imposed on taxes assessed for fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 2008; and to determine if the Town will accept one or more of the following exemptions from the surcharge as set forth in Section 3(e) of the Act : (1) Property owned and occupied as a domicile by a person who would qualify for low income housing or low or moderate income senior housing in the community; (2) Class 3 commercial, and Class 4 industrial property as defined by Section 2A of c. 59 in any year the Town adopts a classified tax rate; (3) The first $100,000 of the taxable value of each parcel of residential real property. or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 13 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of Reading as follows: Add Sections,, 2.2.21 and as follows: Accessorv Buildinq: A detached single story building the use of which is customarily incidental and subordinate to that of the principal building and which is located on the same lot as that occupied by the principal building. An Accessory Building shall not be used to house people, domestic animals or livestock. Nor shall it be used as an independent commercial enterprise. An Accessory Building located within 10 feet of the principal building shall be subject to the dimensional requirements applicable to the principal building. Garage, Detached: A detached single story accessory building serving as storage for personal vehicles or other items belonging to the occupants of the premises that is used for residential purposes. Such building shall be fully enclosed. A detached garage located within 10 feet of the principal building shall be subject to the dimensional requirements applicable to the principal building. 2.2.21 Lot Coverage: The percentage of the total lot area covered by principal and accessory buildings (Accessory Building, Detached Garage and/or Carriage House-Stable-Barn). Open Space: The percentage of the total lot area that consists of undisturbed natural vegetation, grasses, landscaping or otherwise naturally permeable materials, and is completely devoid of any building, structure, road, driveway, parking area, walkway, patio, deck, pool, tennis court, basketball court, or other similar pervious and/or imperious materials. Add the following (un-shaded) rows to the end of 4.2.2 Table of Uses, Accessory Uses I PRINCIPAL USES "I,RES-1'RE$` I RE,$` I BUS I BUS I BUS I' IND I I S=15 I A-40 1 A-8'0 I A I B I C S-20 1 S-4o Accessory, Uses I I ( I L . Accessory Building Yes No I No I No No I No I No Detached Garage I Yes No I No I No No I No I No Replace the existing Paragraph with: No building shall be located within the required side yard setback except for a detached garage or accessory building for a one or two family dwelling or any other permitted principal use in a Residence District. Such building shall conform to the dimensional requirements of Table 1, 1) Replace the existing Paragraph with: No building shall be located within the required rear yard setback except for a detached garage or accessory building for a one or two family dwelling or any other permitted principal use in a Residence District. Such building shall not occupy more than 25% of the rear yard. Such building shall conform to the dimensional requirements of Table Add the following Table Table Detached Garage Accessory and Accessory Building Dimensional Controls - S-15, S-20 and S-40 Districts Accessory Floor Area Max. Building Height to Min. Side and Rear (square feet) Ridgeline or Highest Point Yard (feet) on Roof (feet) 100 or less I 10 ( 3 101 to 300 14 I 10 301 to 650 I 16 I 15 651 or greater I Not Allowed or take any other action with respect thereto. Community Planning and Development Commission ARTICLE 14 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to file the following or similar legislation with the Great and General Court: AN ACT RELEASING CERTAIN LAND IN THE TOWN OF READING FROM THE OPERATION OF A CONSERVATION RESTRICTION Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of same, as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the General Laws and notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, the department of conservation and recreation may release a conservation restriction dated January 24, 1983, recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds at 14938, Book 486, being more particularly described as follows: The parcel of land labeled "Parcel B" (Developed) containing 2.85 acres more or less, as shown on the plan of land entitled "Plan for Conservation Restrictions, Bay State Road, Reading, Mass.", Scale 1" = 40' by R.E. Cameron & Associates, Inc. dated January 25, 1982 recorded said deeds in Plan Book 1983, Page 259. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen tiv and you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least one (1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 13, 2007, the date set for the meeting in said Warrant, and to publish this Warrant in a newspaper published in the Town, or providing in a manner such as electronic submission, holding for pickup or mailing, an attested copy of said Warrant to each Town Meeting Member. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at or before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands this 25th day of September, 2007. James E. Bonazoli, Chairman Stephen A. Goldy, Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert SELECTMEN OF READING John Della Paolera, Constable ,L3 Roadway Resurfacing versus Granite Curbing Expenditures I Road Paving I Curbing Total Hillcrest Road ' $ 84,600) $ 26,4001 $ 111,000 Maple Ridge Road I $ 50,200 I $ - $ 50,200 Cumberland Road I $ 15,300 I $ - $ 15,300 Locust Street I $ 84,700 $ 32,300 I $ 117,000 Wentworth Road $ 38,000 $ - $ 38,000 Wells Road I $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 Hampshire Road ( $ 52,800 $ 6,200 I $ 59,000 Lawrence Road ( $ 70,500 ( $ 54,500 I $ 125,000 Bancroft Avenue I $ 32,500 I $ 16,500 $ I 49,000 Totals : $ 453,600 $ 135,900 $ 589,500 O(7U ' pg ONy~ . 9H33Nt~N,~ HTf~14NINSa~ 18e .gtlOh$l+kl. QOONJlON AJO 0(oN a ~var,..a Ha O311N(~ *Yjw _ aNt'~aNtioven 3 nvg "'yQg~ ~iay~uo}8 p ~ x oou. 5~ Y-El -t aQ ! 9 t 9 ~8~J .39ZZ} C s N Mgt ~o~a~o OFR~AO~ m ` READING POLICE EPARTmENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 'o 639`1NCORpa 15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Jarred W Cormier Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893 Chief of Police E-Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us r-j -.a ~v N September 20, 2007 Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager 16 Lowell St. Reading, MA 01867 Dear Peter: Regarding your memo dated September 13, 2007, addressing the Restaurant Liquor License submitted by Long Horn Steak House located at 39 Walkers Brook Drive, the police department has researched the application and has found nothing contained in the application that would cause us to oppose this application. If there is any other information you would need, please feel free to contact me. Since y, James C :Jier Chief o oli2 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Burns, Greg Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 2:37 PM To:. Schena, Paula; Marino, Lillian Subject: Longhorn Steakhouse Liquor License Lillian and Paula, I have reviewed the liquor license application for Longhorn Steakhouse. Based upon that review I have no objection to the issuance of the license. Greg 0 9/24/2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942-6616 Fax (781) 942-9071 Town of Reading 1.6 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 AGENDA Reading Conservation Commission Meeting Selectmen's Meeting Room, 7:00 PM Wednesday,. September 26, 2007 7:00 Old/New Business 7:20 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, William Maheris, 565 Haverhill, RGB 2007-27 - Patio, fences, driveway, and landscaping 7:30 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Reading Department of Public Works, Parker Middle School, 45 Temple Street, RGB 2007-31, replace grass playing field with artificial turf and drainage system 7:40 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Reading Memorial High School, Patrick Schettini, Supt., Town of Reading School Building Committee, DEP 270-504, RGB 2007-14, light poles at football field 7:50 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Bernard Baker, 71 Tennyson Road, DEP 270-501, RGB 2007-10, pool, shed, driveway 8:00 Public Hearing, Notice of Intent, Gary Buonarosa, 287 Lowell Street, RGB 2007-30, addition, decks, landscaping Old/New Business: • 553 Haverhill Street, DEP 270-409, RGB 2003-38 - Planting plan for approval. • 48 Park Street, DEP 270-374, RGB 2002-18 = Status of work under Enforcement Order • I-93/I-95 Interchange improvements, Environmental Notification Form ® 7 Heritage Drive, DEP 270-433, RGB 2004-31 - Request for Certificate of Compliance • 147 Belmont Street, DEP 270-499, RGB 2007-6 - Proposed site plan revision • Kylie Drive, DEP 270-462, RGB 2005-41 - Proposed site plan revisions • 84 Eastway - Status of work under Enforcement Order • 11 Nugent Lane, DEP 270-248, RGB 1992-24 - Request forTartial Certificate of Compliance. • Reading Memorial High School, DEP 270-416, RGB 2003-51 -Response to Enforcement Order and status of work. • Walkers Brook Crossing, DEP 270-352, RGB 2001-14 -Request for Certificate of Compliance • 1 General Way, DEP 270-428, RGB 2004-22 - As-built plans for roof drains, detention basin and forebay • Maplewood Village, DEP 270-402, RGB 2003-28 and DEP 270-423, RGB 2004-13 - As-built site plans and request for Certificate of Compliance • Archstone, West Street, DEP 270-412, RGB 2003-46 - As-built site plans and request for Certificate of Compliance • 19 Zachary Lane, DEP 270-496, RGB 2007-1 - Draft deed restriction 0 Site Visit Reports e Minor Projects: • Minutes for approval 0 other... (This agenda is prepared in advance and may not list all items for the meeting.) 9 Notes to Commission. September 20, 2007 MACC workshop registrations - Please bring ASAP! SITE VISITS - Begin at 9: 00 AM on SUN at Town Hall, September 23 Parker Middle School - Check BVW boundaries and look for possible wetlands along south side of field and within field. Try to assess extent of Vernal Pool in wetland. Note stream channels near edge offield. Note existing drainage structures and conditions at outfall areas. Note existing erosion problems (under bleachers or elsewhere on slopes). Check condition of street drains in Morgan Park. 48 Park -Are 10 new shrubs and seed mix planted in ZNV near shed behind house? Is new gravel parking space in front of house, along with new lawn? Has gravel driveway been removed from Town land? Deadline is 9/23 for this work. 7 Heritaze - (H Street off Libby.) I inspected last week. Shrubs are in ZNV, wooden bounds set, grass growing, stone under addition. Looks good to me. Do you see any issues? 553 Haverhill - Check conditions where lawn around garage was extended into ZNV, and also gravel parking area near the other house. Check whether ZNV bounds have been installed on this lot. Please see memo and site plan handed out during 9112107 meeting. Letter was sent to Tim along with that memo and site plan, asking him to submit a plantingplan by 9126 to restore ZNV. Kylie Drive - Check conditions on two lots proposed for work (plans enclosed). Also check whether land near end of Baker Road has been cleaned and seeded. HEARINGS 565 Haverhill - I am expecting a revised site plan soon. Look for draft OOC in e-mail. Parker Middle School - NOI was handed out 9/19, in packets for Jamie and Barbara. See above. Need more complete information about extent and condition of existing drain systems, soils tests data, water table elevation, vernal pool delineation, drainage calculations. George also reported that the stream and downstream culverts are seriously blocked with sediments, and he anticipates doing some work to restore design grades - will need more details, surveys, etc. Look for e-mail comments. Readinv Memorial High School - Likely to be postponed again.... 71 Tennvson - Nothing new has arrived. This is dragging on for no apparent reason. I will contact owner again, and will tell him that if he has nothing further to submit, the Commission will make a decision based on the materials provided to date. 287 Lowell - Expect revised plans soon. If too late for this packet, I will snail separately. Look for e-mail comments. OLD/NEW BUSINESS • 553 Haverhill - See above. I will work with Tim on planting plan. • I-93/I-95 Interchange improvements, Environmental Notification Form - Check e-mail for draft comments. • 147 Belmont - Plan revision was given out 9/19, in packets for Jamie and Barbara. • Kylie Drive - See enclosed plans for two lots. I will ask for drainage calcs and soils test results. • 84 Eastway - Deadline to remove fill is 9/24. I will inspect to check BVW delineation. • Reading Memorial High School - I will inspect to follow up on the recent report. • Walkers Brook Crossing - Still hoping to review.... • 1 General, Maplewood, Archstone - I will follow up with engineers on as-builts. • 19 Zachary - Maybe there will be a final version of the restriction to review. Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 Economic Development Committee Draft AGENDA Senior Center 2°d Floor 49 Pleasant Street September 26, 2007, 7:30pm CAROL KOWALSKI Community Services Director/ Town Planner Phone: 781.942.6612 Fax: 781.942-9071 clcowalski@ci.reading.ma.us 1. Call to order 7:30pm 2. Update on Business Breakfast Plans 7:35pm 3. Reports: 8:00pm Business owner database (M. Williams) Farmer's Markets Cohasset, Lexington (S. Clarke) Architect Resource volunteers (R. Graham) 4. Minutes 9:00pm 5. Other business 9:1 Opm 6. Adjourn 9:20pm 9 : 9I00N-IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 9 5"co2O p NAME ADDRESS (Pi e xnt). t~~\kj 711-vor 10,~® Ac v 0. cQife-, ZL-C, t -r r PA-vt a4Z,7. 4066 kw G r J .