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2007-08-28 Board of Selectmen Handout
Page 1 of 1 c Hechenbleikner, Peter From: ron ron [landlord42003@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:33 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: police dept in illegal use of microphones / wire taping thank you !cause i can prove its one of the officers doing it. and i will turn it over to the district attorneys office for investagation. in a meeting the selectmans meeting you did state that they can go to the court for a i think a warrent or something for a microphone . but you have to have a federal agent in there for investagation, which there is not. federal investagation are not heard by anyone . police taps are. cause they leak. so we will see what happens. and i think what im going to do is turn it over to the federal attorneys office to investagate there better. so thanks! "Hechenbleikner, Peter" <phechenbleikner@ci.reading. nia.us> wrote: Ron Wood, Thanks you for your email. You have raised this issue n the past and we have found no validity to it. If you are unsatisfied with local action on this matter I suggest that you contact the Middlesex District Attorney's Office to investigate. Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager Paula - L/c BOS From: ron ron [mailto:landlord42003@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 7:49 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: police dept in illegal use of microphones / wire taping look im getting a interference and i traced it. and found it to be the police dept its a audio surviellance the house shakes when a vehical goes by the house i got a feed back so i know where it is coming from can hear the phones ringing in the police station and the police cruisers can see them moving around and what direction there pointing the microphones. i even know the frequency the microphone is on. and can hear them talking. knock it off. thats illegal. town manager does not help by notifing the detectives . its the selectman or the police cheif . if they want to play games with the microphones at nite and day. then they can go home and play. and they dont need to work for the reading police department. go get another job. play your games somewhere eles and stop listening to the neighbors. town manager cant seem to control the depts below him. maybe you should get rid of the ones doing it. and also remove the police cheif. Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedv with an Edae to see what's on, when. Looking for a deal? Find great prices on fliahts and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. D 8/27/2007 Bo S - e Put Qu ~~S,.wl ':'~~iJJ L,I-• 4t'~I I, - ©o of, oFuture: Flaking a Dear Municipal Leader: Mete Greater Boston Region Several weeks ago, Selectmen and Planning Board members from across the region met at a MetroFuture leadership dialogue to discuss our region's future. MAPC is Leadership Dialogue ;pleased to host another roundtable discussion as a follow-up to that important j conversation. The outcomes of this discussion will be used to help shape specific i iii/ednesciay; September 26; 2007 ;recommendations for implementing the MetroFuture plan, including legislation, model Procter Elementary School j by-laws and ordinances, program guidelines, and recommendations for action by Cafeteria residents, corporations, and institutions. 60 Main Street Topsfield, MA 01983 From 6:30-7:00 pm we will be presenting the MetroFuture regional plan. If you have not seen this presentation, we recommend you join us at 6:30 pm. The full discussion will 6:30.'p.m.: MetroFuture Presentation begin at 7:00 pm. 7:00 p.m =.9:00 p.m.: Discussion A lightsupper will be served MetroFuture is MAPC's regional plan for growth and development in Greater Boston through 2030. As you may know, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is Please contact Brad Stoller ;required bylaw to develop such a plan about once a decade. To date over 4,000 at 617-451-2770 x2048 or people and organizations - including many of you - have participated in developing i bstoler@mapc.org to RSVP the MetroFuture plan. Please feel free to designate a member of On May 1, we adopted a blueprint for what we hope the region will look like in 2030. your Board of Selectmen and.Planning Now, we are developing an implementation strategy to get us there. Local elected Board to attend this meeting. officials have been active participants in this process, and we need you to engage in the critical phase of developing implementation steps. Directions Attached Please join us on September 26 to learn more about the MetroFuture plan, and to generate the ideas that will make it a reality. We are limiting this event to selectmen and planning board members, to truly hear the perspectives of local elected officials - I feel free to designate one of your colleagues to represent your community if you are ryy~~r unable to attend. Please RSVP to Brad Stoler at (617) 451-2770 ext. 2048 or bstoler@mapc.org and for more information, please visit www.metrofuture.ora. Your participation is an invaluable part of our success! i MAPCO Marc Draisen Executive Director Future Over the past four years, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council has studied regional growth issues to figure out what Metro Boston might look life if current trends continue. And the projections are murky. The region is likely to face ongoing housing shortages, a dramatic loss of open space; more frequent water bans, increased traffic congestion, and more fiscal crises. MetroFuture can point the region in a better direction. MetroFuture's Plan for a Greater Boston Reuion MetroFuture's growth plan capitalizes on the region's most important assets: diverse people and landscapes, a history of innovation, and a commitment to education and civic engagement. It is a plan that will help the region to overcome its challenges and embrace its future - a future where cities are more vibrant and towns are full of character, where healthy families are connected with their communities, where the economy and the environment are both stronger, and where communities work together to find common solutions to common problems. MetroFuture was created through the participation of over 4,000 residents, municipal and state officials, business leaders, advocates, and community groups who worked over the past four years to study current trends, to develop alternatives, and to craft a plan that would lead the region to a brighter future. MetroFuture is more than a planning project - the "plan builders" who have helped develop the plan intend to see it through to reality. MetroFuture is now developing a detailed implementation strategy that will include model bylaws and model legislation, and the "plan builders" will be the driving force to help implement changes in their communities, the region and the state. Whether their primary interest is housing, jobs, traffic,'the environment, public health or municipal finances, MetroFuture constituents are working together to make the future they have defined into a reality. Join in the effort - take action, share MetroFuture with others, and get involved! Contact MetroFuture today at MetroFuture(&mapc.orR or visit www.MetroFuture.org to "Make a Greater Boston Region." MetroFuture is an initiative of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPQ 60 Temple Place - Boston, MA 02111 -617-451-2770 - MetroFuture a,mavc.om Visit MetroFuture online at www. MetroFuture. ore Learn more about MAPC at www.manc.or2 . . AN INITIATIVE OF THE METROPOLITAN. AREA PLANNING COUNCIL What Is MetroFuture? Directions Proctor School 60 Main Street Topsfield, MA 01983 Travel to Route 128/95 North. Route 95 North splits from 128 in the Lynnfield area. Take 95 North to the exit for Topsfield/Route 1 North. Travel on Route 1 North for approximately 2 miles, with the Topsfield Fairgrounds on right. Come to a stoplight after fairgrounds at the intersection of Route 97 and Route 1. Take a left onto Route 97 North. Travel to first stop sign and take a left on Main Street. Proctor School is immediately on your right. (9 READING MUNICIPAL LIGHT DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING 230 Ash Street Reading, MA 01867 August 29, 2007 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Opening Remarks Ellen Kearns, Chair Northeast Public Power Conference Summary 7:40 p.m. Introductions Citizens Advisory Board Members Selectmen's Liaison Customer Comments 7:45 p.m. Approval of Minutes for July 25, 2007 Board Meeting Vote required Mary Ellen O'Neill, Secretary Minutes at Tab A 7:48 p.m. Financial Reports Robert Fournier Material at Tab B 8:00 p.m. Reports from RMLD Board Subcommittees a. Green Power Subcommittee Mary Ellen O'Neill b. Operating and Capital Budget/Pension/Legal Services Richard Hahn Motion made at Subcommittee Meetine: Mr. Hahn made a motion seconded by Ms. O'Neill that the Operating and Vote required Capital Budget/Pension/Legal Services Subcommittee recommend to the RMLD Board of Commissioners that the capital funding mechanisms outlined by the General Manager and staff to use existing operating funds, and not bonding or changing depreciation rate, to fund the upgrades to the Gaw Substation and the other elements of the six year capital plan. Motion passed 3:0:0. c. Strategic Planning Subcommittee Ellen Kearns 8:30 p.m. M. G. L. c. 30B Bids Peter Dion i. Triplex Service Cable IFB 2008-1 Vote required Proposed Motion: Move that bid 2008-1 for Triplex Service Cable be awarded to WESCO for a total cost of $43,945.20 as the lowest qualified bidder on the recommendation of the General Manager. 1 M. G. L. c. 30B Bids 2. 15 kV Aerial Spacer Cable IFB 2008-2 Vote required Proposed Motion: Move that bid 2008-2 for Spacer Cable be awarded to WESCO for a total cost of $47,160.00 as the lowest qualified bidder on the recommendation of the General Manager. 3. Single Phase Watt-Hours Meters IFB 2008-3 Proposed Motion: Vote required Move that bid 2008-3 for Single Phase Watt-Hour Meters be awarded to Graybar Electric Company for a total cost of $40,956.00 as the lowest qualified bidder on the recommendation of the General Manager. 4. Single Phase Watthour Meters IFB 2008-4 Proposed Motion: Vote required Move that bid 2008-4 for Single Phase Watt-Hour Meters be awarded to AvCom for a total cost of $54,325 as the lowest qualified bidder on the recommendation of the General Manager. . Material at Tab C 8:45 p.m. Power Supply Report Jane Parenteau Material at Tab D 8:50 p.m. Engineering and Operations Update Peter Dion Material at Tab E 8:55 p.m. General Managers Report Vinnie Cameron 9:00 p.m. Move to Executive Session Vote required Mary Ellen O'Neill Sunested Motion: Move that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss strategy relative to MMWEC, collective bargaining strategy and return to Regular Session for the sole purpose of adjournment. 9:35 p.m. Motion to Adjourn BOARD MATERIAL AVAILABLE BUT NOT DISCUSSED Rate Comparisons, August 2007 E-Mail responses to Account Payable/Payroll Questions September Rotation at CAB Meeting, Secretary O'Neill NEXT BOARD MEETINGS: September 26, 2007 Regularly scheduled meeting 2 Community Planning & Development Commission comments on Reading Gateway 40R Smart Growth application, bylaw Application: 1. The Table on p. 2 shows "N/A" for Number of Future Zoned Units. There should be a number in "Affordable Multi-Family Units". 2. "Area of Concentrated Development": double-check the definitions and on page 1; It's possible that the site could be categorized as an Area of Concentrated Development. Draft Bylaw: 3. p. 10 Table of Dimensional Regulations. 10' set backs may be insufficient. Consider including the buffer zone in the Table. 4. Parking spaces for each dwelling unit. Confirm that this is adequate/standard. 5. page 15, reference to Southern Essex Registry should be Middlesex 6. Section, p..Pradd that the submission should also be electronic, either PDF or CAD. 19. 7. At, p. 19, specifically request review by the Reading Design Review Team. specify that the Administering Agency has to communicate in writing to the Community Planning & Development Commission that the affordability is consistent with state or federal guidelines, etc. 9. Add a requirement for a pre-construction conference with staff and a pre- Certificate of Occupancy meeting with staff. The defi 'tion of "Minor change" may not be adequate. This needs more thought. ZZ 11. The CPDC understand that the design guidelines need to be developed, but there is a lot missing from the section on Minor Change, such as dumpster screening, fencing, sidewalks, walkways, lighting, signage, shade trees. C-S %~4 3, S:k A, 4 0,1 L, Gateway Smart Growth District proposed pursuant to M.G.L. cAOR Town of Reading - Board of Selectmen Public Hearing - Tuesday August, 28 at 7 PM Ted Carman, President Concord Square Development Company, Inc. www.concordsgdev.com Smart Growth. Zoning: ICey Features u Smart Growth Location ® As-of-Right Zoning for Specified Higher Densities ® Design Standards for Local Control and Predictability ® State Incentives 1-T Concord Square Development Company, Inc. 1'c~, 1 T Moot, 2007 - r, 0 NOW 4000' 0000' 11-40008 1 Y 2 Concord Square Development Company, Inc. Concord Square Development Company, Inc. IN . Smart Growth Zoning Incentives Incentive Payment - unrestricted ® Density Bonus - unrestricted ® Preference for State Discretionary Funds (Grants, etc.) ® 40S School Cost Insurance - Education funds based on actual incremental cost (if any) IT Concord Square Development Company, Inc. It * , Estimate of Incentives Value Attachment 5-2. Chp. 40R Application Sec. 53. Smart Growth Residential Density Spreadsheet d' r~ (r 7 ~~1t1},~~'rr~ t>it, District E~tst(ng L~u rr►Ri~htr Incentive l)nlts l W ( avcrlft~i;.l ~(r rr~y.~ r. r ` t {qp7(,{' Density ~Existfng Und`er6martGrowth Futtbl{a Uuni isustl. 7., ) y I rre~( ~ cr .uf ':G'~da`tts! :''Zoned iris t Zonitig SC~1 't z-t' ~ ~ ' l Zohed Fxlsling 2:oneil' ; `i r i ~ r u d r pro osedReadin 4f1 ; Distri ~1 r r ' i~OWS f acre tln t 3 i•1 . 9 8 , R ~,d,r 9 l~~ r ) : Units) - . , . R: , , . . 1 A least O ( Gateway District 1 6.911 0.00 o ( 202 i ~ x 202 1 District Totals 1 6.911 ) 0 ' 1 202* 1 202 1 Zoning Incentive Payments Formula per M.G.L. cAOR Sec. 9(a) * Note. Per the By-taw at Section the Up to 20 510,000 aggregate number of Dwelling Units that may be 21.100 $75,000 pomdtted shall be two hundred and two (202). 101.200 $200,000 201-500 $350,000 50 1 or more $600,000 Projected Zoning Incentive Payments: Reading Smart Growth District) $350,0001 Density Bonus Payments Formula per M.G.L. cAOR Sec. 9(b) Payment per unit of new housing S3,000 Projected Density Bonus Payments: Reading Smart Growth District 1 $606.000 1 Total Incentive and Density Bonus Payments (excluding 40S): ` $955,0001 r 40S School Cost Insurance (reimbursement of costs, if any, based on annual reporting of actual student enrollment, and new property taxes) T Concord Square Development Company, Inc. i` 3 40R Review Process Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District Program Flow Chart: Application, Letter of Eligibility DHCD will accept applications on last day of month. 40R Application 114 day notice ( I 30 day completeness review, add'160 day approval review -Completed I ' application form -Locator map (to show eligible location) DHCD Letter of -Plan of developable Local DHCD Eligibility land (to calculate review I Zoning Incentive I > hearing I (with or without Payment) conditions) -Plan of underlying densities (to calculate -71 Density Bonus Rerdine: August 26, 2007 e, tin : Compieeuos review by Resiine: Letter of Eligibility Payments) for submittal of App. on 9/30; Substantive review by 11/30 I no later dean 11/30 -Smart Growth zoning 01 text, map I -Underlying zoning text, NOTE: Sc3hemadc diagrams illustrating the review process were prepmal by lay Wickersham, Esq. on belmifof the DHCD map committee appointed to draft Regutations for 40R, and amended for the Town ofRmding by Concord Square Development -Comp. Housing Plan Company, Inc. -Certification of The original diagrams, as well as ime nl papers regarding smart growth zoning, are avnilnble in a publication ofthe Suffolk University Law School, Schaal orAdvmcW Legal Studies entitled Gtouing Smart by Mooing with 40R. Information infrastructure capacity regarding this publication is available at:hnml/www.Lwsntrnik. iWne~drmirlnis/rnorserletnil.efm?cid=-0fii rT Concord Square Development Company, Inc. L 40R Review Process (cont'd) Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District Program Flow Chart: Zoning Adoption, Letter of Approval, Zoning Incentive Payment Up to ISS days (city), or 30 day review (60 days ifzoning changed, other ( Timing at up to 8+ months (town) than as conditioned in Letter of Eligibility) community's choice i I Local zoning adoption: DHCD Letter of DHCD Letter of public Approval Zoning Eligibility hearing, city DHCD Incentive council / review (stating # of future (with or without zoned units, as Payment conditions) Town basis for Zoning from 40R Trust Meeting vote Incentive Payment) Fund \ (per 40A) 13g~iag: Town Meeting endin :Leila or - anticipated Docunber 2007 Eligibility no later darn 11/30 NOTE; Schematic dingmms illustrating We review process were prepared by Jay Wickersham, Esq. on heholfofdhe DHCD commiumappointel to droll Regulations for 40R, and amended for the Town ofRunding by Concord Square Development Company, Ina The original diagrams, as well as sevend papas regarding smart growth muing, ore available in a publication of the Suffolk University Low School, school ofAdvancel Legal Studim entitled Growing Smarr bw Warding Wilt 40R. information regarding this publication is available at: pnnJ/www.Incasatfnik.ahilncademidalc/rnnrselaaii.efm?cid=4G1 Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I i 4 Outline of Proposed By-Law ® District Boundaries ® Allowed Uses and Densities a Affordability ® Design Standards ® Site Plan Review Process Concord Square Development Company, Inc. Allowed Uses Multi- Family Dwelling Unit GSGD Yes Retail and Office Conservation Recreational Restaurant Use, Accessory No No Yes Yes Town of Watertowtreet Ile Concord Square Development Company, Inc. 5 Dimensional Standards m New buildings within the GSGD shall not exceed a height of 55 feet (same as underlying Business C District) m 25 foot landscaped buffer and 100 foot building setback from adjacent residential properties (same as in Business C District) m Required front setbacks of 10 feet consistent with underlying Business C District m Other setbacks consistent with existing zoning I a Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I I Design Standards m Proposed By-Law includes a placeholder for Design Standards as authorized by 40R Statute m This section will be expanded to include additional detail to ensure high quality design m We will be working with the community while the state review process is underway to draft and finalize standards T ~ Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I 6 Affordable Dousing a 20-25% affordable ❑ For rental: 25% of units at 80% AMI OR 20% of units at 50% AMI ® Affordable unit price range based on # of bedrooms (est.): ❑ 1 Bedroom: approx. up to $970 / month ❑ 2 Bedroom: approx. up to $1,153 / month ❑ 3 Bedroom: approx. up to $1,300 / month ® Local preference option for up to 70% affordable units n Consistent with Reading public plans T Concord Square Development Company, Inc. Site Plan Review 'Proces s s Community Planning and Development Commission would be permit-granting authority ® Public hearing to review compliance with By-Law including Design Standards ® Application approved upon finding that it complies with By-Law and Design Standards T ~ Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I ~r 7 Controls Built into By-Law ® Allowable unit count (202) and type based on conceptual site design ■ Design standards will be finalized to ensure positive development outcome ■ Minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscaped buffer strip along the full abutting length of a Single Family Residence District ■ No building within 100 feet of a Single Family Res. District _T Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I Infrastructure Adequacy n Under 40R, Town must certify adequacy of infrastructure to accommodate zoned development ® Meetings will take place with the community and town staff ® Development agreement may be prepared based on necessary project mitigation Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I, 8 State Review Process n If 40R Application is submitted by the Selectmen, DHCD will complete 30-dap completeness review, followed by 60- day substantive review a Revisions to By-Law can take place during state review process if consistent with 40R statute. regulations ® State will issue 40R Letter of Eligibility ® Upon issuance of Letter of Eligibility, Reading has the option to adopt 40R zoning Concord Square Development Company, Inc. Next Steps s CPDC Zoning Workshop to be held on September 101h at the Senior Center n Work with Town Planner, the community, and others to create design standards s Board of Selectmen will consider specific policy for local preference for affordable units ® Review of infrastructure adequacy ® CPDC will hold public hearing(s) regarding whether to recommend zoning to Town Meeting ~T~ Concord Square Development Company, Inc. I * 9