HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-02 Board of Selectmen HandoutDRAFT MOTIONS
JANUARY 2, 2008
Bonazoli, Goldy, Tafoya, Anthony, Schubert Hechenbleikner
la) Move that the Board of Selectmen set the Town Manager's salary for
FY2009, beginning on July 1, 2008, at $ per annum.
lc) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the Warrant consisting of
Articles for the 2008 Annual Town Meeting to take place on April 28,
2008 at the Reading Memorial High School, 62 Oakland Road, Reading.
Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m.
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner
Evaluation for the period: CY 2007
• Measure customer /resident satisfaction
3.33 (three ratings)
• Create electronic interaction with
residents /customers for business services
• Create electronic interaction with customers for
3.25 (four ratings)
business services
• Improve communications
4 (four ratings)
• Evaluate the need for a community standard of
civil behavior
• Measure and evaluate best practices within.
operating areas
• Complete DPW management study and develop
a schedule for implementation
Complete strategic planning initiatives in two
• Begin implementation of a new technology
5 j
Expand the commercial property tax base
• Reduce the community dependence on energy
and use of natural resources
• Develop and seek BOS approval of master plans
for individual public properties
• Work with arts organizations on the feasibility of
3.38 (four ratings)
an Art Center
• Secure approval and begin to implement the
affordable housing planned production plan
• Secure a planning grant and get approval for at
least one 40R /40S project
I� • See attached self evaluation and individual Selectman evaluations
,ON.';'(-Pggrqgate.averagp.rptin fib 15
Pete and staff have had another great year filled with major projects and issues. I applaud Pete on his skills in
negotiation and ability to keep an even keel.
Pete played a major part in bringing the AW / Pearson zoning to close which is a major feat. This will allow us to
move forward as a community and take a major step in achieving our housing goal.
Moving forward we have incredible projects in MUNIS and the down town improvements that will require an
enormous amount of staff's time. Vigilante will be required to ensure all priorities and areas are met in a tight
I would like to see Pete continue to leverage the people and staff around him and share his years of experience so
that knowledge may have an eternal life.
Over all a very good year.
Pete and the town staff worked very hard on achieving the goals set in the beginning of CY 2007. Some of the
goals had a higher demand on staff resources which pushed other goals out to CY 2008. Mabe the BOS needsto
differentiate between recurring yaerly goals and specific high priority goals. The BOS also needs to account for
priorities not yet defined in December/January during the goal setting.
Pete is a valuable resource for Reading whose strengths are not all easily quantified. Pete devotes much of his
time making sure the day to day operations are running smoothly but also that the nightly activities in Town Hall
(BCC) are running smoothly as well.
The BOS and Pete need to start formal succession Planning. Pete works well in this area with the department
°There isnodoubt that Pete has a mastery of the job knowledge and skills that makes Reading a fortunate
° high The next is enhanced
concentration on customer satisfaction and productivity improvements through new technology implementations.
This. should be a good challenge for Pete as it may involve pushing the envelope past the comfort zone into new
(Time Mgmt and Organization) This should enable the B0S and Peteto work together more on strategic planning.
• (Strengths) Pate has a great summary in his self evaluation of the amazing amount of work achieved during the
past year. The exceptionally strong financial management of the town also needs to be recognized in our
summary o{2OU7.
• We should do more to reimburse the town manager for lcMAexpenses.
• Working with BCC's on proper expectations for staff involvement, work plan development and agenda may
contribute to better productivity (less meetings or shorter bmes.
• (Long term goals hnm / -evaluation) This is perfect point in that we need Lo transfer es much knowledge as
possible to department heads as they will need to be strong onohor ]n any transition 10, 20 years from now.
"There also needs to be a comprehensive financial nmim° this year to understand the mo| future of resources to
achieve goals.
As I reflect upon the*past year, I am amazed at all of the many areas that have been on Peter's agenda, He and
his departments are serving the community extremely well. We'(the residents) do have high expectations
concerning the quality of town provided services and I believe Peter and his staff are more than accomplishing
Peter has incredible energy. is creative in solving problems, and portrays a manager who is respectful in his
interactions with those with whom he comes incontact. In summary, it has been a very productive year for the
` ! Town Manager and therefore for the community. `
77777= 7
Name: |Name:
Date: Date:
Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner
°------ ---- ._ - - - -- ---
Evaluation for the period: j
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• See attached self evaluation and individual Selectman evaluations
EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for 15 goals)
- --- - - -- _ _ . __.. ------
Appraisal Period:
Title: Vice Chairman
Reason for Appraisal:
❑ Trimester
Department: BOS
Selectman's comments
Snowy sidewalks
Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Heuhanbleikner,Poter,
Sant: Monday, December 31.20071:11 P&4
Subject: RE: Snowy sidewalks
Page I of 2
There is no bylaw that required property owners to clear their own sidewalks. |am actually suggesting such a
bylaw to the Board of Selectmen, and it may be on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.
The Town does plow some sidewalks, including Franklin Street — but during the first 2 storms we had a sidewalk
plow out of commission for repairs it|s now back |n operation. However, even with this equipment, the DPW ia
overstretched, and the type equipment we have only gets the majority nftheonow offthevva\ha — itdnaen'tdo
ao good a job aoa home snow-blower orashovel.
So — let's see where the potential bylaw goes.
Thanks and have a Happy New Year.
From: M0DetteVerder [maUtV: net]
Sent: Monday, December 31,2UO7 10:11 AM
To: Heche bleikmer,Peter,
Subject: Snowy sidewalks
HI Peter! ! hope you had awonderful holiday. Ao the snow falls outside, it jogged my memory that |had
volunteered to drop you an emailabout the snowy sidewalks on the access roads to the Wood End School. At
the beginning ofDooanber|attendedooefutyonmnU±eemeeUngatthmechoo|. | attended primarily to ask what
the policy is townwide about shoveling sidewalks, particularly those that lead toaschool. Richard explained that
the DPW uses the bobcat on the sidewalks ofGunoetRoohLannondthenthnochon|eideyva\ko.Henoidthatitia
not o town law that residents shovel sidewalks in front nf their homes.
Aa you know, |vvo|k ' d vv
ughtnrtnaohoo|eaohday. Th�oidea|koonFranNin Street have been oHUGE
improvement toour safety, Now that much snow has fallen, the sidewalks are not passable. Ao| drive up
Franklin Street, | see about half the homeowners have shoveled the sidewalks while half have not, Aa you know,
these sidewalks have been high traffic, not only by children attending school but also neighbors out for.walks with
each other and with their dogs, |e there anyway to encourage the homeowners to shovel them? Maybe they
don't know that this is their responsibility, maybe they think the town bobcat is supposed to come down the whole
length of Franklin Street? Could a letter be sent to all the homeowners on the odd side of Franklin Street
explaining the care of the sidewalk and its tree lawn is their responsibility? What about Fox Run Lane? N
there |oa path there many parents park here and walk uptn the school.
There are also a number ofuo who walk
our children to school this way.
Let me know what you think. Any guidance you can provide would be helpful.
Thank you for your time.
Happy New Year!
ARTICLE .To see if the Town will vote to amend the General Bylaws of the Town
of Reading by adding Sections 5.19, 5.19.1 5.19.2 and 5.19.3 as follows: .
5.19 Snow and
5,19.1 -------�� The owner or O�UDaD Of any residentially �Dg land abutting 8 paved sidewalk that has been designated by the Board of
Selectmen 8S8 walking route in the Town shall cause all snow and ice tO
be FeOnOVed from said sidewalk by plowing, GhOme\iDg, scraping or
Oth8Rm\Se SO as not LO damage such sido\we|h, and within eight hours
between sunrise and sunset after such snow and iCe'h8Ye come upon the
sidewalk. At @ rOiDiDlUDl, only so [OUCh of said sidewalk that meets the
/\rO8ric8DG with Disabilities /\[t //\DA\ [8qU\[8Dl8Dts for 8 DliO\POU[D
'cleared width of thirty six inches /36'\ Gh8|| be required. y\o|8boOS of this
section shall be punishable by 8 fine of $25 per day that the snow and ice
are not SO F8OOVVed. The p[o\iGi0DS Of this bVlgVV may be enforced
through the DOO-c[iOOiDa| disposition method as provided in M.G.L. C. 40'
G 21 and Section 5.11 of this Bylaw. For the purpose of OOO-C[iDliD@|
disposition' the following Sho|| be enforcing persons: po|iCO [)OiCenS.
The Board of Selectmen is authorized to exempt citizens from the
requirements Of this section upon petition showing demonstrable eXIr8Dle
hardship due to8 combination of health and financial duress.
5.19.2 Apartments Condominiums. The of any residential property
utilized for apartment house or multi unit condominium use that abuts a
paved sidewalk in the Town shall cause all snow and ice to be removed
from the entire width of such sidewalk by plowing, shoveling, scraping or
otherwise so as not to damage such sidewalk, and within the first three
hours between sunrise and sunset after such -snow and ice have come
upon such sidewalk. Violations of this section shall be punishable by a
fine of $25 per day that the snow and ice are not so removed. The
provisions of this bylaw may be enforced through the non-criminal
disposition method as provided in M.G.L. c. 40, § 21 D and Section 5.11 of
this Bylaw. For the purpose of non-criminal disposition, the following shall
be enforcing persons: Police Officers.
5.10.3 Businesses. The owner oroccupant of any land abutting Upon a paved
Gid8VV8|k Of 8 public VVgV in this TOVVO' which said pPDp8dw is ZDn8U or
used for business purposes shall cause all snow and ice to be removed
from the 8OtinB width of such Sid8VV@|k. Such SOOVV and ice shall be SO
removed by plowing, shoveling, scraping or otherwise So as not to
damage such sidewalk, and within the first three h0U[S hebN8eO GVn[\Se
and sunset after such SDoVV and ice has come upon such sidewalk.
Violations Of this section shall he punishable by8fine of $25 per day that
the SDVVV and ice are not so removed. The provisions of this by|GvV may
be enforced through the non-criminal disposition method 8G provided iD
M.G.L. :. 40. G 21O and Section 5.11 of this Bylaw. For the purpose of
non-criminal disposition, the following shall be enforcing persons: Police
5.19'4 IO addition tO the remedies provided above, the Board of Selectmen may,
in its discretion, after due notice tO the owner Ofthe naG| property and an
opportunity to he he8nj' perform or otherwise cause the c|88hOg or
treating of snow end/or ice to be performed and recover from said owner
the expense therefore which ehB|| not exceed $500.00. Such expense
.shall constitute a municipal charge lien against the real property as
or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
Middlesex, ss. officer's Return, Reading:
By virtue of this Warrant, 1, on notified and warned the
inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at the
place and at the time specified by posting attested'copies of this Town Meeting Warrant
in the following public places within the Town of Reading:
Precinct 1 J. Warren Killam School, 333 Charles Street
Precinct 2 Peter Sanborn Place, 50 Bay State Road
Precinct 3 ' Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street
Precinct 4 Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue
Precinct 5 Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street
Precinct 6 Austin Preparatory School, 101 Willow Street
Precinct 7 Reading Library, Local History Room, 64 Middlesex Avenue
Precinct 8 Wood End School, 85 Sunset Rock Lane
The date of posting being not less than fourteen (14) days prior to February 5, 2008, the
date set for the Local Election in this Warrant.
I also caused an attested copy of this Warrant to be published in the Reading
Chronicle in the issue of
Thomas H. Freeman, Constable
A true copy. Attest:
Cheryl A. Johnson, Town Clerk
Middlesex, ss.
To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to
notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in the
Presidential Primary and Local Elections and Town affairs, to meet in the following place
designated for the eight precincts in said Town, namely:
Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
RMHS Hawkes Field House, Oakland Road
from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to act on the following Articles, viz:
ARTICLE 1 To cast their votes in the Presidential Primary for the candidates of
political parties for the following offices:
PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE ...................................... FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH
TOWNCOMMITTEE ........................................................................................... READING
To elect by ballot the following Town Officers:
A Moderator for one year;
Two members of the Board of Selectmen for three years;
One member of the Board of Assessors for three years;
one member for one year;
Two members of the Board of Library Trustees for three years;
Two members of the Municipal Light Board for three years;
Two members of the School Committee for three years; and
seventy two Town Meeting Members shall be elected
to represent each of the following precincts:
Precinct 1
Eight members for three years; one member for two years;
one member for one year;
Precinct 2
Eight members for three years; two members for one year;
Precinct 3
Eight members for three years; one member for one year;
Precinct 4
Eight members for three years; one member for two years;
Precinct 5
Eight members for three years; one member for one year;
Precinct 6
Eight members for three years;
Precinct 7
Eight members for three years;
Precinct 8
Eight members for three years; one member for one year.
2 -(N
and to meet at the Reading K4emOoh@| High School, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading
Ed seven-thirty o'clock inthe evening, 8t which time and place the following Articles are
tobe acted upon and determined exclusively bv Town Meeting Members |Oaccordance
with the provisions of the Reading Home Rule Charter.
ARTICLE 2 To hear and act oO the reports of the Board of Selectmen, Town
Accountant, TreaGUR3FCbUgctO[' Board of /\ss8GGo[e' Director of Public \8/O[ks' Town
Qerk, Tree VVenden. Board of Health, School COOl0itt8e, Contributory Retirement
Board, Library Trustees, Municipal Light Board, Finance Committee, Cemetery Trustees,
Community Planning 0^ Development Commission, Town Manager and any other
Official, Board, or Special Committee.
Board ofSelectmen
ARTICLE 3 To choose all other necessary Town Officers and Special
Cornnnh±eea and determine what instructions shall be given Town Officers and Special
Committees, and to see what sum the Town will Vote to appropriate by borrowing or
transfer from available funds, or otherwise, for the purpose of funding Town Officers and
Special Committees to carry out the iOat[U{tiOOs given to them, or take any other action
with respect thereto.
Board ofSelectmen
ARTICLE To see if the Town will vote to amend the FY2008-FY 2017
Capital Improvements Pnzg[@Om as provided for in 8eCUoO 7-7 of the Reading Home Rule
Charter and as previously amended, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 5 To see U the Town will vote to amend one ormore of the votes
taken under Article 18Vf the Warrant 0f the Annual Town Meeting 0f April 23.2OO7.8G
amended by Article 4 of the November 13, 2007 Subsequent Town Meeting; and to see
what sVnn the Town will vote to appropriate by borrowing or transfer from available
funds' or otherwise, as the result of any such amended votes for the operation of the
Town and its government, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Finance Committee
ARTICLE To see if the Town will vote to authorize the payment during Fiscal
Year 2008 of bills remaining unpaid for previous fiscal years for goods and agnvioea
actually rendered to the Town, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board ofSelectmen
ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to approve the FY 2009—FY 2018
Capital Improvements provided for in Section 7-7ofthe Reading Home Rule
Charter, o[ take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate by bD[n]VvinQ'
whether in anticipation of reimbursement from the State under Chapter 44, Section O'
Massachusetts General LgVV8, or pursuant to any other enabling authority orfrom the tax
levy, o[ transfer from available fUOds, or oth8Rw|a8' for highway projects in accOnJGno8
with Chapter 90, Massachusetts General L2VVs. or take any other action with respect
Board OfSelectmen
ARTICLE 9 To see if the Town will vote toauthorize the Board of, Selectmen to
sell, or exchange, Vrdispose of, upon such terms and conditions a8 they may determine,
various items of Town tangible property, or take any otheraction with respect thereto.
Board ofSelectmen
ARTICLE 10 1 To see what sU08 the Town will vote to appropriate 10 establish,
revolving funds under Chapter 44' Section 53E'/2fo[ any 0r all Cf the following purposes:
Using the Feo8iDte generated through the sale of mJnOpOGt and recycling bins to
purchase additional compost and/or recycling bina
purc / ' said expenditures to be
administered by the Public Works Director;
+ Administering the consultant fee provision of the Reading General By|ovve Section
5.7' Wetlands Protection, said expenditures to be administered by the Conservation
+ Using all or part of the receipts generated from the issuance Of Building, Plumbing
or Gas, and Wiring and other permits for the AnChatODe Development, the Johnson
VVoVda Development, and/or the Addison Wesley/Pearson development to pay the
costs of legal expeDseG, oversight and inGpeotiVn, plan n3v|8VV' initial property value
appraisal and oppeo|G' and general management of the Community Services
operations related to that development; and to pay for curb, sidewalk, and pedestrian
innpnoV8nlents, and to pay for related eXpenditUreG, said expenditures to be
administered by the Town Manager;
+ Operating public health clinics and any related expenses which fund shall be credited
with receipts from clinic fees and third party neinnbU[a8rnent administered Under the
authority of the Health Services Administrator acting with the approval of the Town
and to determine the total amount of expenditures during Fiscal Year 2000 which may
be made from each such fund, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board ofSelectmen
ARTICLE 11 To sea if the Town will vote to determine how much money the
Town will appropriate by borrowing, or from the tax levy, or transfer from available funds,
or othemiGe, for the operation of the Town and its government for Fiaoo| Year 2008
beginning July 1'2OO7.or take any other action with respect thereto.
Finance Committee
ARTICLE 12 To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Board Of
Selectmen upon the laying OuU8GGpUb|icVVgyth8fo|kowiOgdeGChbedp[ivgtevVayUDd8[
the provision of law authorizing the assessment Of betterments, such ways being laid out
in ac cordanC8xvith plans duly approved by the Board [f Selectmen; and bJ authorize the
Board of Selectmen to take such ways under the provision of |@xV authorizing the
8Gseoem8Dt of betterments, in f88 or rights 0f easement therein by eminent d0nOaiD'
under the provisions of Chapter 78 of the General Lowm, as emended, or acquire said
lands in fee or rights 0f easement therein by pU[chaGe, gift or otherwise and to 8GGesG
betterments therefore, the plans and descriptions for such way being filed in the Office of
the Town Clerk in accordance with the statutory requirements; and to see what sum the
Town will vote to appropriate by bonovving, or from the tax levy, or transfer from
available fUOdG. or otherwise, for the. acquisition of said lands or easements therein or for
pgymO8D1 0f any eminent domain damages and for the construction of said ways, or take
any other action With respect thereto.
Timothy Place
Nugent Lane
� Board VfSelectmen
ARTICLE 13 To Gee if the Town will Vote to pV[8UaO1 to Section 2-0 of the
Reading Home Rub* Charter, to declare the seats of certain Town Meeting Members to
be vacant and remove certain described persons from their position as Town Meeting
K4ornbere for failure to take the oath of office within 30 days following the notice of
election -or for foi|Ur8toattgndoOeh@|forDlDn3oftheToVVOMeetingsesaiOOsdU[ingthe
previous year, or take any other action with respect thereto:
Precinct 1
Steven LPerry
Robert L.Green
LizGbeth Ann K8@|iOski
Christopher A.Powers
Karen Lynn Powers
Donald C. GtnJeb|e
John B.Latham
Patrick K8.FeOneUy
Thomas Joseph Quintal
Diane N.S|ezak
John E.Carpenter
Michael F.Lyons
Michael Carmen Mem|lo
Andrew Patrick Murphy
Robert LGpmdafona'Jr.
Board ofSelectmen
and you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof iOatleast
one (1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than fourteen (14) days prior to
February 5' 2008' the do[o set for the Election in said Warrant, and to publish this
Warrant in a newspaper published in the Tovvn, or providing in a manner such as
8|8CtnJOic sUbnliasioR, holding for pickup or 0O8i|iDg. an attested Copy of said VVa[nBOt to
each Town K8eetin Member.
Meeting em er.
Hereof fail not and make due return ofthis Warrant with your doings thereon to
the Town Clerk at or before the time appointed for said meeting.
Given under our hands this 2nd day Cf January, 2OO8.
Thomas H. Freeman, Constable
James E. Bonazoli, Chairman
Stephen /\Gold»' Vice Chairman
Ben Tafoya, Secretary
Camille W. Anthony
Richard W. Schubert
( Dl-�