HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-09 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, September 09, 2008 • Heavy Vehicle Exclusions eliminated for lack of required heavy vehicle traffic — High Street- and Franklin Street (from Main to Haverhill) • Curbside Leaf Collection schedule • Week of November 3 • Week of November 17 • Week of December 1 • Tennis Court status • North Main Street day care center • Assessor's letter on abatements and exemptions to be distributed • Main Street and Downtown • Parking study stakeholders meeting on September 25 at 7:30 PM • Barrows School playground is completed d the EDC webpage. The • Economic Development status report on line - Business webpage an link is called "Available Commercial Space", halfway down this page: http://www.ci.reading.ma.us/Pages/businesses • Street Opening permits — see memo • Debt funding (Bob) Dates and Events: ♦ September 16 — State Primary Election — no public meetings ♦ September 20 — Household Hazardous Waste Collection — Wakefield HS ♦ September 23 — Subsequent Town Meeting warrant closes ♦ October 14 — Selectmen's Forum ♦ October 15 — Financial Forum ♦ November 4 — Election Day - no public meetings o November 10 — Subsequent Town Meeting o November 11 — Veterans Day ♦ November 18 — Tax Classification Hearing NFA-1-10 LOS DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INTEREST BY MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE, CERTIFICATION BY HEAD OF CONTRACTING AGENCY AND APPROVAL AS Note: You are eligible for this exemption only if you meet all of the following requirements: • Your regular ncy� not the oont�obngagency nron agency that �guiobaathe a���eouf the uontn*oUngagency; • You dn not participate inor have official responsibility for any of the activities of the contracting agency; • The contract was made after public notice or competitive bidding; • You onmpete.oign. and file with the town or city clerk this disclosure form; And, if the contract |a for your personal services: " The services will be provided outside your normal municipal working hours; ° The services are not required as part of your regular duties as a municipal employee; * Youoveonmpmnaatedfhrthesewioeofornotmomthan5UOhoumduhngaoa|endaryoar; ° The head of the contracting agency completes and signs the certificate below. ° The city or town oounci|, board of aldermen, or board of.00|octmen approve this exemption from '20 below. Name: Donna Beaulieu Title or Position: Educational Assistant Agency/Department: Town of Reading/School Department/Parker Middle School Office Phone: 781-944-1236. Contracting municipal agency: Town of Reading/Public Library Contract is for: Library Technician Financial interest of employee and $31600 (270 hours) immediate family: Employee Signature: CERTIFICATE 8YHEAD OF CONTRACTING AGENCY (if contract |o for municipal employee's personal services) I certify that no employee of my agency is available to perform the contract services. described above as part of his pr her regular duties. Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Agency: Town of Reading Office Phone: 781-942-9043 APPROVAL OFEXEMPTION (if contract hs for municipal emnp nsonalomrvico*a) The city or town counoi|, board of aldermen, or-bomndofseleotnonmapprnnethis exemption from -2O. After disclosure (and certification and approval, if needed) are completed and signed, file this form with the citv or town clerk. Attach additional pages if necessary. OFREq�� Town of Reading 'r M. F 16 Lowell Street Reading, IVIA 01867 -2683 9- INCOR��¢P�' Fax:. (781) 942 -5441 PUBLIC WORKS Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us (781) 942 -9077 September 3, 2008 Mr. David White, President David W. White and Son, Inc. 454 Sheffield Rd. Manchester, NH 03103 Dear Mr. White: You are hereby notified that the spot repairs being performed on the. tennis court surface today are an unapproved and unacceptable corrective measure.. Since the July 25, 2008 pavement rejection letter, the Town has met with David W. White and Son on two separate occasions, August 8, 2008 and August 28, 2008, of which no agreement has been met. it is the Town's firm position that the court surface, is compromised and needs to be completely removed and. replaced. According to our last meeting on August 28 the Town was to meet amongst ourselves and respond back to White as soon as possible. The Town has since notified Town Counsel and has not agreed upon nor accepted any corrective measure. Please be advised, per our discussion today, you are working at your own risk, and your actions may further jeopardize the integrity of the surface layer and are against the Town's direction. If you have any questions please feel free to contact George J. Zarabogilas, Town Engineer, . @ 781- 942 -6683. Cc: P. I. Hechenbleikner E.D.McIntire,.Jr. Atty. E. Callahan Doucette . Very ty yours, y nb ras, P.E. e INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: BEN TAFOYA, CAMILLE ANTHONY SUBJECT: BCC COMMITTEE CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR TRAINING SEPTEMBER 30 DATE: 9/8/2008 CC: PETER HECHENBLEIKNER, TOWN MANAGER We want to take a moment to outline the upcoming training for board, committee and commission chairs and vice chairs. The training is scheduled for Tuesday September 30, 2008 at 7 PM in the Library Meeting Room.. The idea is to invite a limited number of participants from the referenced bcc's to the session. The proposed agenda is listed below. The idea is to concentrate on those areas of work most closely related to soliciting public input and working with other town bodies on policy formulation. Some topics like conflict of interest, ethics and the open meeting law will be covered in depth at a session in January/February done with personnel from the state and county offices. Agenda Outline 1. Organization of Board, Committee, or Commission: Selection of Officers Rotation of Chair and other Officers Responsibilities of Each Office (Board of Selectmen example) Designation of workload items 2. New Members Orientation: Process for training in Board procedures Training of all members of current trends and regulations Procedure of how a members may speak (in written or verbal form) for the commission or as an individual D MEMO ON BCC TRAINIGN SEPT 30, 2008 3. Agenda: Who prepares Insurance of complete information needed Posted on web page Determine the stakeholders needed in discussion. Ensure proper timing for discussion in order to move to the next step. 4. Legal Issues: Formal Hearing Process Public Input Session Conflict of interest laws (Training in Jan /Feb) Open Meeting Law (basics... more in Jan /Feb) 2 5. Meeting Protocol: How does a member indicate a desire to speak What mechanism is in place for the public to speak and how does the board seek public input How does the chair keep a meeting focused and civil? Process: Listen, Act, Communicate to board and public 6. Planning for the Year EDC as case study with work plan Working with BOS liaison Preparing for Town Meeting Issues 2 I MEMO ON BCC TRAINIGN SEPT 30, 2008 3 7, Working with Town Hall (Pete H.) Scheduling Rooms Access Staff Other resources Invitee List, representatives from... Animal Control Appeals Committee ACCCP (Climate Protection) Cultural Council Human Relations Advisory Committee TTAC Trails Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Recreation Committee Historical Commission Council on Aging Economic Development Commission Community Planning (CPDC) Conservation Commission Board of Assessors Housing Authority West Street Historic District Commission 3 M Peter Hechenbleikner Town Of Reading Town Manager 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -26 �y' 1NCOR4� QO FAX: (781) 942 -5441 RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 -90U CO RECREA T /ON COMM/TTEEAGENDA Wednesday, September 10, 2008 v Police Community/ .Room Call to Order 7'OO PM Approval of July 91 Minutes 7:05 PM Old Business None New Business 7:10 PM Town. Hall 4 -Day work week (see clarifications) Capital Improvement Plan proposed FY2010 Administrator's Report- General 7:45 PM Meeting with School Dept Re: School Usage Summer Program Review Fall Recreation. Magazine Volunteers for October 4th Registration Day (3 -4 people) Barrows Playground - Completed! Turf Field at Parker Underway Tennis 'Court Update Annual FORK Ball Hockey Tournament at Memorial Park Subcommittee Reports 8:20 PM Reading Coalition against Substance Abuse Washington Park Ad Hoc Committee Adjournment RECREA T /ON COMM/TTEEAGENDA WEDNESDA Y, September 100, 2008 Clarifications The Town is-discussing.the possibility,of going to a 4 -day work week. This is in an-attempt to save energy costa The planning is in the infantile stages; however this would affect the Recreation Division and; its programming. The Recreation Administrator would like to discuss the issue with the Recreation Committee to fully discuss any impact. . a FAX: (781) 942 - 5441 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 - 9075 READING RECREATION COMMTTEE MINUTES July 9, 2008 --Town. Hall Berger Room Attendance: Nancy Swain, Rec. Committee Member, Kate Kaminer, Rec. Committee Member, Mike DiPietro, Rec. Committee Chair, Frank Driscoll, Rec. Committee Member, Adam Chase, Associate Member, Mary Ellen Stolecki, Rec. Committee Member, Mary Ann Kozlowski, Rec. Committee Member, . John Feudo, Recreation Administrator Guest: James Bonazoli M. DiPietro called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. M. DiPietro asked the Recreation* Committee to review the minutes from the previous meeting. N. Swain made a motion to accept the minutes for the June 1 lth meeting. M. Kozlowski seconded the motion. Motion passed in favor of accepting the minutes 5-0-0. Mary Ellen Stolecki entered the meeting at 7:15 PM. Travel Basketball Discussion The Recreation Committee held discussion on the literature that will be put out by the Recreation Division this fall regarding the travel basketball program. The committee felt the language needed to be clear in its intent to offer a travel basketball program that meets the need of the community.- There was extensive discussion on how the word competitive is defined by the committee. The committee appointed Mary Ellen Stolecki to work with staff to word smith language to put in the Recreation Magazine —fall edition. Administrators Report J. Feudo went over the numbers for camp. He stated that numbers were about the same from the year prior for Regular Camp. They did see .a small increase for Junior Camp. Most of the other programs were not underway, however Boys basketball, which took place in late June saw about 35% increase from the year previous. J. Feudo and K. Kaminer gave an update regarding the courts. Seems the spreader box for the asphalt Was leaking fuel internally. The fuel got into the mix causing a paving failure. The Town's engineers are looking in to the situation to see what will need to happen for the project to be completed. Early indications are that the asphalt may need . to be ripped out completely and started over. More information should be available M* the next few weeks. In the meantime all summer, lessons will take place at Barrows elementary school. READING RECREATION COMIVIITTEE MINUTES July 9, 2008 Con't The Town has received its order, of conditions and it appears that. the Parker Turf field will begin in mid - August. The company estimates that the project will be done by Thanksgiving. The Barrows Elementary School playground will begetting a facelift in August. The new playground will feature GAMETIME equipment, rubber mulch and plastic curbing. The installation is expected to happen the week before school starts with the unveiling to take place on opening day. RCASA N. Swain updated the committee on the happenings of RCASA. Erica McNamara has been working on a youth group. N. Swain spoke of.a fake i.d..incident with a local retailer.. RCASA has been working on a training program for local businesses to spot fake W.'s. As a point of interest, Melrose recently passed a civil liability law for home owners that host underage drinking on their property. The home owner can now be held responsible. Washington Park Master Planning Committee The committee has been. working on a survey and will meet with the neighbors in September to •get some feedback. The wall at the outset of the park has drawn the most interest. The question of whether it can be taken down is still being discussed. The. committee has discussed additional parking on Washington Street as well as moving some of the play areas in the park. The plan is expected to. take shape after the meeting with the neighbors. M. Stolecki made a motion to adjourn the meeting. N. Swain seconded the motion. Motion passes 6 -0 -0. Meeting adjourned at 8:4.8 PM. Respectfully submitted by: John A.Feudo Recreation Administrator to, MASSACHUSETTS UNICIPAL ONE WINTHROP .SQUARE, BOSTON, MA 02110 ASSOCIATION 617- 426 -7272 m 800 - 882 -1498 . fax 617- 695 -1314 a www.mma.org REGISTER TODAY FOR THE MMA'S FALL. LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST MEETINGS September 2008 Dear Local Official, Once again, Ahis fall we will be conducting our statewide Legislative Breakfast. Meetings, set for October 10t ", 17" and 31St all throughout Massachusetts. These sessions provide municipal leaders with an opportunity to meet directly with area legislators to discuss the vital issues and priorities that are impacting communities. PLEASE VISIT THE MMA WEBSITE TO REGISTER FOR THE MEETINGS, SEE THE SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS, AND GET DIRECTIONS. We urge you to make every effort to attend and participate in one of the upcoming breakfasts. The meetings will take place on three separate Friday mornings in October from 8;30 to 10:00 a.m. in nine communities across the Commonwealth. Our breakfast meetings come at a very important time, as legislators are planning for the new Legislative session in January and closely monitoring the state's precarious fiscal situation, in case they need to return in a special session to address a growing state budget shortfall. Further, as election day approaches, now is the time to,secure commitments to protect and grow local aid, expand municipal authority, and pledges to work together during the next two years. It is critically important to have a strong turnout from cities and towns across the Commonwealth to describe the problems our communities face, discuss the solutions you need, and address what we can all do collaboratively to enhance the quality of life for residents and taxpayers. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! As noted above, for your convenience you may register online at www.mma.org, or you can contact Jackie Le'Grand via e -mail at jlegrand @mma.org, or by calling (617) 426 -7272 ext. 104 to confirm your attendance. After you register, we ask that you please call your local legislators to extend a personal invitation to the breakfast. If you have any questions about the Legislative Breakfasts, please call MMA Legislative Director David Baier at 617 -426 -7272, ext. 120. Please feel free to forward this information to municipal and legislative colleagues. Thank you very much for your leadership and dedication to public service at home, and to building a strong future for communities across the state. Sincerely, Geoff Beckwith Executive Director 6' d3S 8011. -Massachusetts Municipal Association .-all 2008 Local Government Legislative Breakfast Meetings The meetings will be held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. on the following Fridays: • October 10, Sturbridge, Old Sturbridge Village Host: James J. Malloy, Town Administrator • October 10, Milford, Senior Center Host: Louis J. Celozzi, Town Administrator • October 10, Dedham, Endicott Estate Ballroom Host: William Keegan, Town Administrator • October 17, Salem, City Hall Annex Host: Mayor Kimberley Driscoll • October 17, Stockbridge, Gymnasium Host: Jorja -Ann Marsden, Town Administrator • October 17, Boxborough, Public Library Host: Selina Shaw, Town Administrator • October 31,,:9reenfield, Greenfield Community College Host: Mayor Christine Forgey • October 31, Plymouth, Public Library, Fehlow Room Host: Town Manager Mark Sylvia, Town Manager October 31, New Bedford, Public Library Host: Mayor Scott Lang • Date TBA, Cape Cod Selectmen and Councilors' Association To register on line, get directions and view additional information, please go to: http: / /www.mma.org/ 0 OF Rt Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 169 .-INCO Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: _townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us Website: www.readingma-gov Memo To: Board of Selectmen From: Peter I. Hechenbleikner Town Manager TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Re: Driveway permits Attached is the chart of the driveway permits issued during the past 5 years by the Engineering Division. As you can see the numbers vary greatly from year to year. The only street opening permits for driveways that we are certain that we are capturing are ones where it is a new lot or redeveloped lot and the Town Building Inspector is requiring that they get a driveway opening permit. Additionally, occasionally we find someone working without a permit such as the incident on Fairview. Based on this analysis, I am taking the following action: 1. Directing the Town Engineer to refund the fee for Fairview. 2. Directing that the DPW join the 'dig-safe" program effective as close to November 1 as possible. Through the dig safe program we will pick up a number of instances where people are excavating in the public way without a permit, including for driveways. 3. Directing the Town Engineer to write a letter to be sent to all driveway paving companies listed in the local phone book, reminding them to get a permit before they do work in the Town that involves the public right of way, with a schedule of sending this out in the early spring of each year. 4. Asking the Board of Selectmen to approve a penalty that will double the fee in any instance where work is being done in a public right of way without a permit from the Town Engineer. This is the process we use when we determine that work is being done on a property without a building permit. I would ask the Board of Selectmen to approve the following motion "Move that the Board of Selectmen institute effective October 1, 2008, a requirement that the Town Engineer impose a fee equal to double the regular fee for working in the public right of way without a permit from the Engineering Division of the DPW." oil To Peter |.Heohonbleikner Town Manager From: George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer Date: September 4, 2008 Re. Driveway Permits Issued by Engineering Division Attached please find o listing of the driveway permits which were issued bythe Engineering Division from 2002 to date. Year # Driv way Permits Issued 2002 22 2003 * 2004 2 2005 2 2006 3 2007 l 2008 u The number and location for driveway permits issued from 2002 to 20004 were obtained from our receipt book as the permit book could not be located. This resulted in the lack of a permit number for these locations. ng g DI To Peter |.Heohonbleikner Town Manager From: George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer Date: September 4, 2008 Re. Driveway Permits Issued by Engineering Division Attached please find o listing of the driveway permits which were issued bythe Engineering Division from 2002 to date. Year # Driv way Permits Issued 2002 22 2003 * 2004 2 2005 2 2006 3 2007 l 2008 u The number and location for driveway permits issued from 2002 to 20004 were obtained from our receipt book as the permit book could not be located. This resulted in the lack of a permit number for these locations. Engineering Division Sept. 4, 2008 Driveway Permits Issued 2002-2008 Location Permit Type/Contractor Fee Permit # Year Middlesex Ave Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 10/28/2004 39 Fairview Sidewalk and Driveway $ 50.00 08-13 2008 28 Elliot driveway $ 25.00 08 -12 2008 104 Green driveway $ 25.00 08-11 2008 301 Ash St driveway repair and drain conn $ 50.00 07-13 2007 2 John driveway $ 25.00 06-33 2006 82 Forest driveway $ 25.00 06-31 2006 197 Pearl street and sidewalk repair by RMLD) --,n/c 06-19 2006 1175 Washington driveway $ 25.00 05-34 2 Forest St @ Dunbar Road ipave Dunbar Rd $ 25.00 05-131 2005i Checks Received Permit information Lost Middlesex Ave Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 10/28/2004 Lowell Street Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 10/28/2004 34 Maria Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 9/16/2003 10 Eastway Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 9/16/2003 20 Eastway Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 9/16/2003, 3 Putnam Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 9/16/2003 26 Ridge Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 6/6/2002 341 Ash Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 6/6/2002 326 Ash Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 6/612002 21 Harvard Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 10 Springvale Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 27 Willow Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 92 Grove Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 18 Knollwood Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 30 Applegate Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 5/20/2002 113 Haverhill Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 5/6/2002 484 Summer Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 196 Franklin Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 187 West Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/20021 490 West Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 10 Intervale Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 19 Weston Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 56 Arcadia Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 173 Van Norden Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 124 Willow Reading Asphalt $ 25.00 n/a 4/26/2002 346 Franklin Chris Coviello and Sons $ 25.00 n/a 4/23/2002 42 Heather Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 4/16/2002 40 Criterion Star Trucking and Paving $ 25.00 n/a 4/16/2002 Town of Reading, MA Spring'08 Fall'08 9191200814:13 FY -2009 FY -2009 Current CIP Method Net Available Revenue $ 68,346,579 NAR annual change 4.98% FY -2010 FY -2011 FY -2012 FY -2013 I FY -2014 FY -2015 $ 70,238,709 $ 72,697,064 $ 75,241,461 $ 77,874,912 $ 80,600,534 $ 83,421,553 2.77% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 5% NAR policy - debt & capital $ 3,417,329 $ 3,511,935 $ 3,634,853 $ 3,762,073 $ 3,893,746 $ 4,030,027 $ 4,171,078 Debt Schedule - Net Included Debt $ 2,615,709 $ 2,602,994 $ 2,554,152 $ 2,424,621 $ 2,362,777 $ 1,701,011 $ 1,498,848 Available to fund Cash Capital $ 801,620 $ 150,000 $ 908,941 $ 1,080,701 $ 1,337,452 $ 1,530,969 $ 2,329,016 $ 2,672,230 less annual pledge to roads $ (338,800) $ (347,200) $ (355,800) $ (364,600) $ (373,700) $ (383,043) $ (392,619) $ 462,820 $ 150,000 $ 561,741 $ 724,901 $ 972,852 $ 1,157,269 $ 1,945,973 $ 2,279,612 Net Capital Funding to allocate Borrow Syr for earmarked roads Net Available Revenue $ 68,346,579 NAR annual change 4.98% 5% NAR policy - debt & capital $ 3,417,329 New road debt New Net Included Debt $ 2,615,709 Available to fund Cash Capital $ 801,620 $ less annual pledge to roads $ (338,800) $ 70,238,709 $ 72,697,064 $ 75,241,461 $ 77,874,912 $ 80,600,534 $ 83,421,553 2.77% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% $ 3,511,935 $ 3,634,853 $ 3,762,073 $ 3,893,746 $ 4,030,027 $ 4,171,078 $ 397,500 $ 378,000 $ 358,500 $ 339,000 $ 319,500 $ 3,000,494 $ 2,932,152 $ 2,783,121 $ 2,701,777 $ 2,020,511 $ 1,498,848 150,000 $ 511,441 $ 702,701 $ 978,952 $ 1,191,969 $ 2,009,516 $ 2,672,230 $ (392,619) Net Capital Funding to allocate $ 462,820 $ 150,000 $ 511,441 $ 702,701 $ 978,952 $ 1,191,969 $ 2,009,516 $ 2,279,612 Change from Current CIP Method $ (50,300) $ (22,200) $ 6,100 $ 34,700 $ 63,543 $ - Footnote: additional cash for capital due to refinancing CE37 $ 151,133 $ 125,448 $ 108,342 $ 89,418 $ 68,835 $ 51,847 $ (131,790) Reading Around Town Shuttle Summary September 9, 2008 MISSION Make Reading more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable by: • providing intra -town transportation to residents • supporting local commerce by enabling convenient access to town businesses • alleviating the competition for parking in the downtown region and at the train depot • reducing in -town traffic congestion • reducing vehicle green house gas emissions and air pollution 1. MBTA & Downtown Employee Commuters 2. High School & Middle School Students 3. Senior, Disabled and Non - Licensed Population 4. Green Residents SERVICE PLAN Two Routes provide service for 10 hours /day and 5 days /week: Route 1: • Fixed route service • Three - 30 min. a.m. routes • Four - 30 min. p.m. routes • Deliver commuters to and from the Reading commuter rail depot and downtown • Schedule is coordinated with the commuter rail Route 2: PROPOSED COMMUTER BUS ROUTE - READING, MA u:pey T0.Vn OtReaC+ig legend uJp eze: +m.w O9aan rcurda� euueinpJisJ�nitrcmaevi �canmuier eus � ronn 9crin3 pnaoslaR.9 m.e. ngnaa,s;am Wssci2 '[. Doer va:a r�rr gar.�n7w�wsn mb. � mwn pwiec lab !1 Route 1 • Point deviation, demand - responsive service (fixed stops but no fixed route) • Midday Hours • Six - 1 hour circuits around 5 key locations throughout town • Departure times from train depot are used as anchor points for the service Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection Reading Shuttle Summary SUPPORT 1, Transportation Services Coordinator (TSC) — a town employee 2. Driver — Employed and Insured by the shuttle bus company FINANCIAL PLAN 9/9/2008 • Total Cost of Service for Year 1 = $202,000 • Total Fed /State Funding over 3 years = $365,000 (80 %:Year 1, 70 %: Year 2, 60 %: Year 3) Some Ideas to help offset the cost to the town in Year 2 and beyond: • Partner with Reading businesses whose employees are in need of shuttle transport to downtown • Seek additional grant money STATUS • Metropolitan Planning Organization has approved Reading's application • Executive Office of Transportation Application is in the process of approval Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection '� Town Town 17% 28% r Fares �~ j 14% Fed /State 58% 'r +> Fares t Fed /State 14% % .. ' �'.'/.. iii• 69% 2008-2009 2009-2010 Fares 13% z, Town 36% 3. b Fed /State 51% 13% 2010-2011 s7 0 2011 -2012 STATUS • Metropolitan Planning Organization has approved Reading's application • Executive Office of Transportation Application is in the process of approval Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate Protection '� PAVEMENT 1 um om 11000 10000 c o 9000 1 0 0 LO C N 8000 0., o x � � d 7000 m � � 0 6000 Z m 5000 4000 300( Construction Cost Index gh ^� o moo^ YEAR ENR Construction Cost Index (1913 - Base) Bureau of Reclamation Construction Cos Trends- Primary Road Bureau of Reclamation Construction Cos Trends - Secondary Roads N L O 0 Pavement Management Actual Expenditures (Chapter 90 + Override) Mo m $1,500,000 $500,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fiscal Year $1,500,000 $1,000,000 E N S $C Pavement Management - Comparison Actual Expenditures to Recommendations in 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 Fiscal Year N L 2 Q 0 11 111 111 111 ii Ili $1,000,OOC 1/ 111 M Pavement Management Comnarison Expenditures to 2000 Recommendations Adjusted by CCI Index 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ZU1 "1 LU-1 Z LU 1 J L.0 l `+ Fiscal Year 9/s ii iii ' /// Future N6iwork ' f $ 's m w rr- f ur rf tau � r r u � tf 11 4u Llo YEARS 762-7/l/2008 75.6 TIMMS: 75A 771=10 - - - - - -- 75.2 711.12011 :0:74w9:711/2012 75.471112013- - - -- 75,5 71112031 +� M'[ 1112a 5 7 &6 7///2016 rr- f ur rf tau � r r u � tf 11 4u Llo YEARS Town of Reading FY - 2009 Budget Actual Expected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 9!1108 9:49 AM FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY - 2010 FY - 2011 FY - 2012 FY - 2013 FY - 2014 FY - 2015 FY - 2016 FY - 2017 FY - 2018 $ $ Debt Service Schedule $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ as of APRIL 2008 TM = => 6,546,472 6,959,654 6,775,209 710-e-n-e-HaTT-U n : = Begin End 6,546,472 5,874,377 5,864,550 5,814,428 5,680,484 5,611,993 4,947,794 '4,736,693: 4,562,808 4,453,860 3,994,906 Principal 4,034,000 3,755,000 3,820,000 3,890,000 3,910,000 3,887,400 3,387,400 3,327,400 3,317,400 3,372,400 3,060,000 Within Levy Limit 2,592,000 2,275,000 2,295,000 2,320,000 2,295,000 2,222,400 1,662,400 1,542,400 1,467,400 1,452,400 1,070,000 Debt Exclusion 1,442,000 1,480,000 1,525,000 1,570,000 1,615,000 1,665,000 1,725,000 1,785,000 1,850,000 1,920,000 1,990,000 Interest 2,512,472 2,119,377 2,044,550 1,924,428 1,770,484 1,724,593 1,560,394 1,409,293 1,245,408 1,081,460 934,906 Within Levy Limit 1,158,594 802,794 770,079 696,237 591,706 602,462 500,696 418,533 343,285 271,787 202,484 Debt Exclusion 1,353,878 1,316,583 1,274,471 1,228,191 1,178,778 1,122,131 1,059,698 990,761 902,123 809,673 732,423 Total Within Levy Limit: 3,750,594 3,077,794 3,065,079 3,016,237 2,886,706 2,824,862 2,163,096 1,960,933 1,810,685 1,724,187 1,272,484 Issued 3,750,594 2,995,529 2,591,579 2,479,612 2,377,306 1,875,757 1,539,122 1,470,590 1,412,473 1,348,881 1,272,484 Approved not issued 0 17,265 341,000 324,500 308,000 291,500 0 0 0 0 0 Not approved issu`eicos?= 0 132,500 212,125 201,400 657,605 623,974 490,343 398,212 375,306 0 7765;000-: Total Debt Exclusion: 2,795,878 2,796,583 2,799,471 2,798,191 2,793,778 2,787,131 2,784,698 2,775,761 2,752,123 2,729,673 2,722,423 Issued 2,795,878 2,796,583 2,799,471 2,798,191 2,793,778 2,787,131 2,784,698 2,775,761 2,752,123 2,729,673 2,722,423 Approved not issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not approved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev�srt lu p sum prepayment from MSBA & refinance Coolidge MSBA Payments(est.) 1,395,908 .462,085 462,085 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 1,854,942 . Within Levy Limit 1,395,908 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 Coolidge 462,085 462,085 462,085 ,462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 462,085 Parker 606,658 Birch Meadow 102,492 Joshua Eaton 224,673 Debt Exclusion 0 0 0 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 1,392,857 RMHS(estimated PRIM) 0 785,714 785,714 785,714 785,714 785,714 785,714 785,714 785,714 RMHS(estimated INT) 0 607,143 607,143 607,143 607,143 607,143 607,143 607,143 607,143 Net Included Debt 2,354,686 2,615,709 2,602,994 2,554,152 2,424,621 2,362,777 1,701,011 1,498,848 1,348,600 1,262,102 810,399 as of APRIL 2008 TM =_> 2,766,513 2,579,180 2,605,155 2,455,680 2,205,282 1,807,249 1,301,641 847,105 1,064,364 . 715,445 Changes since TM =_> (150,804) 23,814 (51,003) (31,059) 157,495 (106,238) 197,207 501,495 197,738 94,954 NET from refinancing (151,133) (125,448) (108,342) (89,418) (68,835) (51,847) 131,790 351,170 53,244 82,289 premium 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 Fire Engine #3(was capital) 166,950 158,760 150,570 142,380 134,190 Fire Engine #1 106,940 13,110 12,148 11,186 10,224 (90,738) other debt shifts & issuance vs. pros (15,266) 26,728 28,634 30,616 32,599 (238,970) (10,010) (7,650) (5,290) (2,930) Net Excluded Debt 2,795,878 2,796,583 2,799,471 1,405,334 1,400,921 1,394,273 1,391,841 1,382,903 1,359,265 1,336,815 1,329,565 Town of Reading FY - 2009 Budget Actual Expected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 911108 9:49 AM FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY-2010 FY - 2011 FY - 2012 FY - 2013 FY - 2014 FY - 2015 FY - 2016 FY - 2017 FY - 2018 Debt Service Schedule $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Principal + Interest Within Levy Limit-. 3,077,794 3,065,079 3,016,237 2,886,706 2,824,862 2,163,096 '1,960,933 ` 1,810,685 - 1,724,187 1,272,484 Issued 3,750,594 2,995,529 2,591,579 2,479,612 2,377,306 1,875,757 1,539,122 1,470,590 1,412,473 1,348,881 1,272,484 - Approved not issued 0 17,265 341,000 324,500 308,000 291,500 0 0 0 0 0 Not approved 0 65,000 132,500 212,125 201,400 657,605 623,974 490,343 398,212 375,306 0 premium(RMHS) 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 15,595 Barrows/Wood End 2006 2024 58,908 55,150 48,225 47,025 45,900 44,775 43,650 42,525 41,400 39,900 38,400 Wood End 2005 2024 249,863 245,363 240,863 235,913 230,663 225,263 219,713 212,963 206,213 199,463 193,463 Barrows 2005 2024 214,224 210,324 206,424 202,134 197,584 192,904 183,094 177,469 171,844 166,219 161,219 Coolidge 2002 2021 796,750 775,375 755,188 j; X735 000x] 711,250 687,500 663,750 640,000 616,250 587,500 564,000 Parker® 2008 0 297,105 287,079 274,988 258,125 246,491 230,086 218,910 202,963 187,320 152,288 Joshua Eaton® 2008 0 79,827 69,956 53,203 41,830. 25,839 15,229 0 0 0 0 Birch Meadow® 2008 0 31,754 26,754 21,068 15,534 10,153 0 0 0 0 0 Parker 1998 2018 604,004 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parker 1997 2018 416,581 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Joshua Eaton 1998 2017 28,315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Joshua Eaton 1996 2015 494,376 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Birch Meadow 1996 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RMHS /Birch Meadow 1998 2009 74,498 71,505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Birch Meadow 1998 2009 63,855 61,290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RMHS 1997 2009 196,886 188,978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parker Turf ($375k) 2007 2013 7,594 88,500 85,219 82,125 79,219 76,406 0 0 0 0 0 Tennis Courts ($485k) 2008 2013 0 109,200 110,218 102,244 99,346 96,449 0 0 0 .0 0 Downtown Impr($650k) 2007 2018 13,203 89,944 87,100 84,419 81,900 79,463 77,025 74,588 72,109 69,225 66,300 Land /Police 1997 2008 25,569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police Station 2002 2012 497,650 479,425 462,213 440,000 420,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Laddertruck($800k) 2008 2018 0 96,470 100,740 98,300 95,860 93,420 90,980 88,540 86,100 83,660 81,220 Pumper Eng #2($410k) 2007 2013 8,319 99,725 96,006 87,600 84,500 81,500 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Sys(; 1.25mil) 2009 2014 0 19,619 387,500 368,750 350,000 331,250 0 0 0 0 0 paid.by EF 12% est. 0 (2,354) (46,500) (44,250) 42, 000 (39,750) 0 0 0 0 0 Pumper Eng#1($500k) 2010 2014 0 65,000 132,500 126,000 119,500 113,000 106,500 0 0 0 0 PumperEng#3($630k) 2013 2018 0 0 0 0 0 166,950 158,760 150,570 142,380 134,190 0 Tech.- Pub Safe($175k) 2011 2015 0 0 0 46,375 44,100 41,825 39,550 37,275 0 0 0 Cem. Garage ($1,132m) 2013 2017 0 0 0 0 0 299,980 285,264 270,548 255,832 241,116 0 Imaain Station ($150k) 2011 2015 0 0 0 39,750 37,800 35,850 33,900 31,950 0 0 0 I Debt Exclusion ' 2,795,878 1. 2,796,583 12,799,471 2,798,191 , Z,110,101 , A,14U,01a Z,iA4, Barrows/Wood End 2006 2024 84,945 80,475 77,725 75,725 68,850 67,163 65,475 63,788 62,100 59,850 57,600 RMHS 2004 2024 2,688,975 2,694,600 2,705,688 2,706,738 2,709,550 2,704,950 2,704,575 2,697,775 2,676,275 2,656,525 2,651,925 Wood End 2004 2024 21,958 21,508 16,058 15,728 15,378 15,018 14,648 14,198 13,748 13,298 12,898