HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-26 Board of Selectmen Packet~ N OF F?
emu' Town of Reading
d . 'x two 16 Lowell Street
~639.1N Reading, MA 01867-2685
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us
Website: www.readingma.gov
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner
DATE: August 22, 2008
RE: August 26, 2008 Agenda
(781) 942-9043
la) I plan on discussing in Executive Session the matters that we had discussed at the
last Executive Session. This will be a continuation with additional information
provided that evening.
3a) This proclamation celebrates the .75th Anniversary of the Reading Symphony
Orchestra and Gene Nigro will be present to accept the proclamation.
4a) We've had a request from the Chairman of the ZBA to completely fill the Board
of Appeals Associate member positions because of quorum/decision issues. I sent
emails to five applicants who had Previously expressed interest in this or similar
area. Jeffrey Perkins who is on the Land Bank Committee and West Street
Historic District is interested in the ZBA, and I have advised that he would
probably have to resign from his other positions if appointed to the ZBA. We
have one other applicant who is interested in the ZBA, but is not available on the
5a) Town Accountant Gail LaPointe will be in for a quarterly update to the Board of
5b) We have noticed the hearing and provided the attached modification to the curb
and sidewalk policy based on the email review of that policy by Town Counsel.
5c) Based on 5b) above, I would recommend that the requirement for curb at
Tamarack and Timberneck Drive be rescinded. This construction has not taken
place yet.
5d) Abby McCabe has produced for the Economic Development Committee the
attached review of the development/redevelopment progress on a number of sites.
5e, 5f) The CPDC is meeting on Monday night and will make a presentation/arrange for
discussion with the Board of Selectmen on the south Main Street design process.
Selectman Ben Tafoya also suggested that we include in the discussion with
CPDC the downtown 40R process.
5g) We will have available to you on Tuesday night the final Gould Street plans. At
Gould and Haven Street, we were able to save one parking space on the southerly
side of the street, get the crosswalk in and save the two trees in this area. I am
meeting with the property owner at the corner of Ash and Gould Street on Friday
evening at 5:00 p.m. to review options for providing four parking spaces on site
for her four family dwelling.
5h) An outline of the Warrant is attached as well as some background on a few of the
Articles. I'll be looking for direction from the Board of Selectmen as to whether
or not you want to move each of these Articles forward to be included on the
Warrant that closes on September 23, 2008.
5i) Bob LeLacheur has included in this packet the approval for the Bond Anticipation
Note sale for the water system improvements. This will require a vote by the
Board of Selectmen.
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9 Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
63s.»CoReading, MA 01867-2685
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us
Website: www.readingma.gov
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner ^ t
DATE: August 8, 2008
RE: Kennel Licensing
(781) 942-9043
Pursuant to your discussion at your meeting on August 5, 2008, both commercial kennels
and "companion" kennels are inspected once a year. Our Health Services Administrator
notes that last year we actually inspected both of them two times per year while we went
through the transition of a new inspection process.
Pursuant to Section, the fees for licensing are established by the Board of
Selectmen. Therefore, if the Board wanted to amend the fee structure for this purpose,
they can do it without a Bylaw change.
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TEL. (617) 722-2100
August 12, 2008
Mr. Pete Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 0186
Dear Mr. r:
Thank yo for contacting me to express your interest in House Bill 3279, An Act
Relative to Electric Street Poles. I appreciate your concerns.
As you may know, House Bill 3279 was filed by Representative Daniel Bosley and it
was referred to the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. The
Committee conducted a public hearing for this bill in May of last year. A year passed
with no further action and the Committee voted to extend the reporting deadline of the
bill to July 3, 2008. Yet, the Committee took no action on the bill in July. Although the
bill can technically still move forward, it is very unlikely that this will occur during
informal sessions.
Apart from this legislation, my office would happy to assist the Town of Reading in
resolving any issues associated with double electric poles. If you could provide my office
with a specific list of problem poles, we would be more than happy to advocate on behalf
of the Town.
Again, thank you for getting in touch. Should you have further comments or concerns
regarding this or any other issue, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
Br l y H. Jones, Jr.
M city Leader
State Transportation Building
r- . 3
Ten Park Plaza, Suite 2150
Boston, MA 02116-3968
Tel. (617) 973-7100
Fax (617) 973-8855
August 14, 2008
TTY (617) 973-7089
Bernard Cohen
Secretary of Transportation
Mi. Peter Heehenbleikner
and MPO Chairman
Town Manager
Town of Reading
Arnold J. Soolmon
16 Lowell St.
Director, MPO Staff
Reading, MA 01867-2685
Dear Mr. Hechenbleiker:
Thank you and others in the town of Reading for submitting a proposal for
funding to the Boston Region MPO's Suburban Mobility Program. The Suburban
Mobility/TDM Subcommittee recommended your project for funding and the
MPO has appro- ed yourproposal-•fora- bus service within Reading-...'The amount
The Boston Region MPO;
of MPO funding approved for the project is $139,903.
the federally designated
entity responsible for
transportation decision-
As you know, the funding must be obligated and a contract with the Executive
making for the 101 cities
Office of Transportation and Public Works is required in order to make funding
and towns in the MPO
available. I understand that you are working with Jim Cope at EOT on the scope
region, is composed of
and contract requirements.
the following:
Please note that the Boston Region MPO should be identified on all vehicles,
of Transportation
schedules and marketing material as a sponsor of the service.
and Pu
blirW o
City of Boston
In addition, once a new service begins operating under the Suburban Mobility
City of Newton
Funding Program, regular performance updates must be made to the Office of
City of Salem
Transportation Planning of the Executive Office of Transportation (with copies to
City of Somerville
the MPO) on the following items:
Town of Bedford
Town of Framingham
0 Number of service days
Town of Hopkinton
• Number of trips requested.... .
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Number of trips provided
Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority Advisory Board
• ' Average. trip miles-
Massachusetts Bay Transportation
• Average eost.per trip
• Total cost::
Massachusetts Highway Department
, Total fare revenue
Massachusetts Port Authority
. Net cost of service
Massachusetts Turnpike Authority
. Estimated reductions in VMT
Regional Transportation Advisory
Council (nonvoting)
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
(nonvoting) 1 C3
These updates will supplement regular reports to the Boston Region MPO. These reports
should include the following:
a. Trip-level boarding counts for all trips on a daily basis.
b. Results from semiannual on-board passenger surveys that you should conduct to
determine the demographics and origins of customers, among other data..
c. Results from semiannual boarding/alighting data by stop for all trips on a typical
d. A report on the absolute and relative impacts of marketing efforts to increase
ridership and service awareness.
If you have any questions, please contact me at blucas@mapc.org or Jonathan Belcher of
the MPO staff at ibelcherOvDs.ora or 617-973-7253.
Thank you again for your interest in improving suburban mobility.
Barbara Lucas, Chair .
Boston Region MPO - Suburban Mobility/TDM Subcommittee
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150
Boston, MA 0211
-2- C ~
Fax: (781) 942=5441
Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Rea' ding, MA 41867-2683
August 20, 2008
JRM Hauling & Recycling
265 Newbury Street
Peabody, MA 01960
Attn: Susan Motzkin
RE: Curbside Leaf Collection
Dear Ms. Motzkin
The Town of Reading has set the weeks for curbside leaf collection. The weeks this fall
will be the weeks of November 3-7, 2008; November 17-21, 2008 and December 1-5,
2008 on the residents regular trash day. The Town has set one week in the spring for
curbside pickup. This will be the week of April 27 - May 1, 2009 on the residents
regular trash day.
Please make the necessary arrangements.
If you have any additional'questions, please contact me at (781) 942-9077.
Very truly yours;
Edward D: McIntire, Jr.
Director of Public Works
cc Peter Hechenblcikner
Supervisors / Staff
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T Phi- 2. &0,1'bA-T
TEL. (697) 722-2100
August 18, 2008
Mr. Pete Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 018
Dear Mr. er:
I wanted take a brief moment to update you on the status of the Ash Street crossing
gates project.
My office had not heard of any news in this area since we received initial approval for
the project so we contacted a liaison from the Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority (MBTA) to request a progress report. After speaking with the liaison, my
office learned that this project is currently in the design phase with the Massachusetts
Bay Commuter Railroad Company (MBCR). The MBCR is currently in the process of
purchasing long lead materials with a proposed installation of this Spring.
It is our understanding that the MBTA will be coordinating this work with the Town,
In the meantime, my office will check back regularly with updates.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please
feel free to contact me at your convenience.
O y H. Jones, Jr.
ority Leader
WHEREAS: The Reading Symphony Orchestra is celebrating its 75th Anniversary
on September 7, 2008; and
WHEREAS: The Reading Symphony Orchestra has provided the residents of the
Reading area the enjoyment of high quality classical and semi-classical
music for many years; and
WHEREAS: The Reading Symphony Orchestra works closely with the schools in
providing opportunities for young, talented musicians to play in a
symphony orchestra; and
WHEREAS: The Reading Symphony Orchestra provides scholarships for students
to further develop their musical talents.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading, Massachusetts
do hereby proclaim the week of September 7, 2008 to be Reading
Symphony Orchestra Week, and urge all citizens of the community
to be aware of this event and to participate fittingly in its observance.
Stephen A. Goldy, Chairman
Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman
James E. Bonazoli, Secretary
Camille W. Anthony
Richard W. Schubert
V. ox 165
Reacbin , SUR 01. $67
Eugene R. Nigro - President
Gene Martin -Vice President
Herlinda Charpentier Saitz - Secretary
Marcus Chanonhouse
Marcia Cutlip
Raymond Gagnon
Arthur E. Knapp
Alan Mosier
May 29, 2008
Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. H n keikner,
Dr. Roland Vazquez - Music Direct
W '
The Reading Symphony Orchestra is celebrationg its 75th Anniversary this year.
Enclosed is a sample proclamation similar to the one issued to the Reading
Symphony Orchestra by the Selectmen years ago at a previous Anniversary.
I respectfully request the Selectmen officially recognize the contributions of the
Reading Symphony Orchestra to the Reading area over the past 75 years and
issue the enclosed Proclamation or one similar to it. It will be read at the RSO
Celebration Dinner on September 7, 2008 for faithful patrons and musicians.
Thank you and the Selectmen for their kind attention.
4gae WNigro
3 az
Board of Aupeals
Term: 3 years 1 Vacancv
Term: 3 years - Associate Members
Apuointine Authoritv: Board of Selectmen
Orig. Term
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Robert E. Redfern, Chairman
54 Prospect St.
John A. Jarema
797 Main Street
Paul Dustin
3 Orchard Park Drive
Clark W. Petschek
659 Haverhill Street
John Miles
532 West Street
Peter Tedesco (Associate)
15 Intervale Terrace
Vacancy (Associate)
( )
Jeffrey D. Perkins
**Indicates Associate member seeking appointment as full member
Term Three years
Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Five Members and two Associate Members
appointed so that the term of one member and one
associate. member shall expire each year.
Meetings Twice a month on the first and third Thursday.
Authoritv Reading Zoning By-Law, Section 7.4; "The Zoning
Act" of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Chapter 40A, Section 12 of the General Laws and
other applicable provisions of the Massachusetts
General Laws.
Purpose To hear and decide appeals from any decisions of
the Building Inspector; to hear and decide
applications for special permits as authorized by the
Reading Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide
petitions for variances as authorized by the Reading
Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide applications
seeking authorization and. a Comprehensive Permit
to build low and moderate income housing
contemplated by GL c. 40B, Sec. 21; to hear and
decide upon all matters. otherwise legally. coming
under the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals.
Schena, Paula
Hechenbleikner, Peter
Friday, August 15, 2008 1:12 PM
'Jeff Perkins'
Schena, Paula
RE: Vacancy ZBA Associate
Jef f
I have not heard from the others - but why don't we schedule you for an interview on
August 26. Paula will send you details.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Perkins [mailto:jeffperk1999@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:46 PM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: RE: Vacancy ZBA Associate
If you don't have people beating your door down for the spot I am happy to-do it. If
several others are interested I will probably stay with committees I am already on.
"Hechenbleikner, Peter"
<phechenbleikner@ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
> 1 to 2 time a month - Thursday evenings.
> Pete
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Perkins [mailto:jeffperk1999@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:43 PM
> To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
> Subject: Re: Vacancy ZBA Associate
> Hi Peter,
> How often does the ZBA meet again?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> "Hechenbleikner, Peter"
> <phechenbleikner@ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
> > There is a vacancy in the position of Associate Member on the
> > Reading Zoning Board of Appeals. You have either
> previously
> > submitted an
> > application for the ZBA, or your.
> application/resume
> > indicated to me that
> > you might be interested and/or qualified for this volunteer
> > position.
> > Please respond to me by email as to your interest, and if we have
> > one or more candidates who express interest, I will schedule an
> > interview with the Board of Selectmen. If you are currently a qa3
> > member of another Board, Committee, or Commission of the Town, and
> > you are appointed to the ZBA, the Board of Selectmen may ask that
> > you give up
> your
> > other position(s).
> > I am copying ZBA Chairman Paul Dustin on this
> email
> > - if you have any
> > questions about the ZBA, its duties, and time requirements, please
> > feel free to contact Paul directly.
> > Thanks for your interest, and I hope to hear from you one way or the
> > other as to your interest I this position.
> > Peter I. Hechenbleikner
> > Reading Town Manager
> Jeffrey D. Perkins, Esq.
> Perkins & Perkins, P.C.
> 403 Highland Ave
> Somerville, MA 02144
> Tele(617) 628-1117
> Fax(617) 666-2720
> The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and may
> be subject to the attorney-client privilege and/or the work product
> doctrine. It may also be private and/or confidential information
> protected under state and federal laws. As such, it is solely for the
> addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If
> you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying,
> distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance
> on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please notify the sender if
> you have inadvertently received this e-mail prior to deleting it.
Jeffrey D. Perkins, Esq.
Perkins & Perkins, P.C.
403 Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144
Tele(617) 628-1117
Fax(617) 666-2720
The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and may be subject.to the
attorney-client privilege and/or the work product doctrine. It may also be private and/or
confidential information protected under state and federal laws. As such, it is solely
for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not
the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or
2 q i
Name: Fe/y- 1 I v~ S -~Si've,,4 D
(Last) (First) y~ J ` (Middle)
Address: COd ® a J
Occupation: 14 rVte o
' J
Date: 1 / 2.- 8 16
Tel. (Home) ?g j- 3 S v 7 y 6$
Tel. (Work) & 117 - (D Z9 - 11 /1
(Is this number listed?) /Va
# of years in Reading: I i
Are you a registered voter in Reading? W 5 e-mail address:
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority.
(Attach a resume if available.)
Animal Control Appeals Committee
Aquatics Advisory Board
Audit Committee
Board of Appeals
Board of Cemetery Trustees
Board of Health
Board of Registrars
Bylaw Committee
Celebration Committee
Cities for Climate Protection
Commissioner of Trust Funds
Community Planning & Development Comm.
Conservation Commission
Contributory Retirement Board
Council on Aging
Culturai Council .
Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
Economic Development Committee
Finance Committee
Historical Commission
Housing Authority
Human Relations Advisory Committee
Land Bank Committee
MBTA Advisory Committee
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Recreation Committee
RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
Telecommunications and Technology
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
Water, Sewer and Storm Water
Management Advisory Committee
West Street Historic District Commission
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:
Dn r Z h 1 DT-a.' R"
u L.1
Attorneys at Law
403 Highland Avenue • Somerville, MA 02144
Tel: 617-628-1117
Fax: 617-666-2720
Wayne A. Perkins Toll Free: 1-800-248-6692
Jeffrey D. Perkins January 28, 2008 Email: info@perkinsandperkinslaw.com
Peter Hechenbleikner N
Town Manager "D
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867 .
RE: Application for Appointment to Board
Dear Peter,
Thank you for taking the time to discuss the various current committee and board
openings in town. Please find enclosed my application for appointment to the Zoning
Board of Appeals. If you or the Selectmen need any further information please do not
hesitate to contact me.
D. Perkins
oq~ 12 Li 040
Jeffrey D. Perkins
403 Highland Ave. Somerville, MA 02144 Phone (617) 628-1117
Perkins & Perkins, P.C. Somerville, MA August 2006 to present
Attorney: Assisted in preparations for trials and.clerk-magistrate hearings, handled negotiations and discovery in civil
matters. Currently schedule to appear in two clerk magistrate hearings and at least one criminal trial in the coming weeks.
U.S. Attorney's Office Missoula, MT September 2005 to May 2006
Clinical Intern: Managed caseload before the Federal Magistrate from initial appearances, plea bargaining, pre-trial and trial.
I also assisted on briefs and trial preparations for cases before the district court judges.
Mineral County Attorney's Office Superior, MT June 2004 to May 2006
Law Clerk: Researched and drafted briefs, handled criminal matters before the Justice of the Peace, and assisted with trial
preparation including discovery and drafting responses to motions.
Arnold & Porter Washington, DC March 2002 to August 2003
Legal Assistant (Litigation): Assisted attorneys in national litigation with trial and deposition preparation, researched expert
witnesses, provided case-specific on-site trial assistance and worked on pro bono cases.
Senator Kennedy's Health Policy Office Washington, DC January 2002 to March 2002
Intern: Assisted Fellows with constituent meetings, preparation of briefs, researched opposition arguments and performed
administrative tasks.
University of Montana School of Law Missoula, MT Class of 2006
Extracurricular Activities
• Law Review Managing Editor 200572006
• Member of the Law School Trial Team 2003-2006
Honors Awards
• The International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award: for distinguished achievement in the art and science
of advocacy.
Connecticut College New London, CT BA 2001
-Government: Political Theory Distinction in Government
-History: American History
Honors & Awards
'Dean's list; five semesters
*Margaret Watson Award: most outstanding member of the Student Government Assembly, 2000-2001.
-Senior Leadership Award: for leadership and service through the Student Government.
Extracurricular Activities
-Senator for the Student Government
-Student Government Committees:
-The Adjudication Review Committee: reviewed and reformed the student adjudication process.
-The Priorities, Planning and Budget Committee: worked with senior faculty and administration to build
an institutional budget and deal with budget concerns.
Connecticut College Men's Varsity Track and Field Team
-Competed in the 400m and 800m events.
R pvl~ A
Name:. Date:
(Last) (First) (Middle)
• s
Address: Tel. (Home) 6'
Tel. (Work)
(Is this number listed?) 31Z r-
Occupation: !/1 ~71.~,.LI # of years in Reading: 'I/
Are you a registered voter in Reading? Vkl e-mail address:
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with 91 being your fast priority. (Attach a resume if available.) t J
-Animal Control Appeals Committee
_Aquatics Advisory Board
Audit Committee
7( Board of Appeals
Board of Cemetery Trustees
Board of Health
Board of Registrars
Bylaw Committee
-Celebration Committee
Cities for Climate Protection
Commissioner of Trust Funds
_Community Planning & Development Comm.
Conservation Commission
-Contributory Retirement Board
-Council on Aging
Cultural Council
Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
Economic Development Committee
Finance Committee
Historical Commission
Housing Authority
Human Relations Advisory Committee
_Land Bank Committee
MBTA Advisory Committee
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mystic Valley Elder Services
-Recreation Committee
RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
Telecommunications and Technology
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
Trails Committee
-West Street Historic District Commission
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:
1 f v
V j A116
q ag
Page 1 of 1.
Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 1:28 PM
To: Schena, Paula
Subject: FW: Vacancy ZBA Associate
From: Brian and Linda Snell [mailto:blkct.snell@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:38 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: RE: Vacancy ZBA Associate
Thank you for forwarding this along. However, I don't think that I have anything to add to this position.
Brian Snell
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter [mai Ito: phechenbleikner@ci. read i ng.ma. us]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:56 AM
To: blkct.snell@verizon.net
Subject: FW: Vacancy ZBA Associate
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:55 AM
To: 'rumizen@comcast.net; 'ac5p@yahoo.com'; 'blkctsnell@verizon.com'; 'christopher.nolty@sbgi.com';
'jeffperk1999@yahoo. com'
Cc: 'Paul Dustin'; Schena, Paula
Subject: Vacancy ZBA Associate
There is a vacancy in the position of Associate Member on the Reading Zoning Board of Appeals.
You have either previously submitted an application for the ZBA, or your application/resume
indicated to me that you might be interested and/or qualified for this volunteer position.
Please respond to me by email as to your interest, and if we have one or more candidates who
express interest, I will schedule an interview with the Board of Selectmen. If you are currently a
member of another Board, Committee, or Commission of the Town, and you are appointed to the
ZBA, the Board of Selectmen may ask that you give up your other position(s).
I am copying ZBA Chairman Paul Dustin on this email - if you have any questions about the ZBA, its
duties, and time requirements, please feel free to contact Paul directly.
Thanks for your interest, and I hope to hear from you one way or the other as to your interest I this
Peter 1. Hechenbleikner
Reading Town Manager
8/22/2008 4 apt
To the ~ l.nhabitant~: of the
Town. of Reading:
Please take notice,~that the' ;
Board~.ofi~~Selectmen of the Tnwn
ofi' Reading:`wiH:-hold a public:
' hearing on 'fuesd~y, August 26,
I 20:08 :at,..8:Q0..'p:m. ~ i:n..°the..
S~el~eGtmen's :Me~tirig Room, i.~~.
~`a:~:wel1 ~ar~et~,. , Re~:ding, .
:Massachusetts on amendiri.g~
~.~ttie~ curb arid~sidewalk policy.
i4; a~pj! of~ tl~e do~:ume`rt.:s
~•~~ava-llabie `:~t.n t,he.: ° Tq'wrt ~ .
M.an,ager's ~Office~;. 16' ~ouvel'l::
Street,. Reading,~~ MA from 83t? .
a.rn.~,Y 5f0~t~ p.m.,.M:-F;and is
attaci-ied to.~the.hearing notice
,ori.ths wer~site at~www:readirzg:-~
ma.gov ~ .
' .Ali interested parties. may
.alspear~~in~~perseri, rnay:~submit
.their coraicnerits~~in writing, or"'by..
email.to towr~~r~ianaaer:~ci.read~.'
ina.ma.us. ~ ~ I
. ~ ~ey order of
Peter I. Mechenbieikner
' ~ Toin►n. Manager
8/1.9 .
Hechenbleikner; Peter
From: ecdoucette@brackettlucas.com
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 10:18 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Section.4.5 - curb/sidewalk policy
I left a message that I would not be in the office today and could be reached at home, but I thought it might be best to reduce to writing my
concerns and advice re: the Selectmen's imposition of the above policy. In sum and substance, it is my opinion that portions of the policy are
beyond the selectmen's authority, and are invalid, specifically,those that require property owners to install curb and sidewalk in the right of
way before they can receive an occupancy permit. Because your request to this office was for guidance on how the Selectmen could be
creative in requesting monetary contributions in lieu of curb and sidewalk installation, and the problems those impact requests often create, I
thought it best to first analyze whether or not there was authority for the adoption of such a policy. Additonally, because of the importance of
your request, I wanted the opportunity to discuss the issue with Gary so that I was clear on what our response to your request would be.
Of primary concern, is the fifth bulletted paragraph in both Sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 which states that "the owner shall install
curbing/sidewalks along the full frontage of the property on the existing street prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy."
As a preliminary matter, I did not find a file in this office indicating that Joan Langsam had reviewed or provided advice on this policy. If
prior town counsel issued an opinion, I would appreciate seeing it, if available. As you know, policies do not have the same weight of
authority as statutorily authorized regulations or bylaws. They are generally adopted for guidance only and to bring consistency to a board's
decision making.
Because the policy cites as its authority the Selectmen's "role as Highway Commissioners", I reviewed the statutes apropos to the authority of
road commissioners (as the statutes call it). The duties of road commissioners are set forth in c.84, sec. 7, but there is no provision, or case,
that stands for the proposition that road commissioners have authority to withhold building or occupany permits unless a property owner
improves the public way with curbs and sidewalks. Among other powers, the road commissioners may order the repair of streets, but the
order to repair is directed to public officials.
Also, there are no provisions in the General or Zoning Bylaws which give the Selectmen this authority. The only reference that is some0at
related, is Section 5.2.6 of the General Bylaws which requires the DPW Director to issue driveway permits.
Of equal importance however, is that a town may not withhold the issuance of a building or occupancy permit, unless the reason for
withholding the permit is based upon a violation of either the local zoning bylaw, or the state building code. Requiring home owners to install
curbing/sidewalks before an occupany permit issues, is not permissible. This was made very clear to another of the firm's clients quite
recently when the Department of Public Safety iissued an opinion informing the town that it could not withhold a building permit because of
unpaid sewer fees,
Because I have formed the opinion that the policy, or portion thereof, in question is invalid, I am unable to conclude that the town can
implement a mechanism to require a monetary contribution in lieu of the curb/sidewalk construction. With respect to such contributions, you
cited the Danvers sewer case in a previous email. The case you are referring to is Berry v. Danvers where a sewer commection fee was struck
down as being an invalid tax rather than a properly imposed fee for services. The rational of Berry (which is based upon the seminal case of
Emerson College v. Boston) applies to many cases where a muncipality attempts to impose a charge for town services. (Mr. Brown is trying
to use the Emerson College case to invalidate the stormwater fee).
Please fee free to call me to discuss any or all of the above. I understand that this may not be the position that you wanted, but I cannot
provide either you or the Selectmen with advice on a course of action that is not defensible.
Ellen Callahan Doucette
Brackett & Lucas
165 Washington Street
Winchester, MA 01890 ,
(781) 729-1500 rj
(781) 729-5444 (fax)
Section 4.5 - Installation, Construction and Reconstruction of Curbs and
This policy has been developed in order to provide guidance to future Boards of
Selectmen in their role as Highway Commissioners, and to provide direction to the
Community Planning and Development Commission and the Department of Public
Works. Any variance from this policy will require the specific action of the Board of
As the Town has grown, there has developed a disparate pattern of curbing and
sidewalks throughout the Town. While recognizing and wanting to preserve the
character of different areas of the Town, it is also in the Town's interest to develop and
adhere to certain standards of the type of improvements installed either through private
initiative or through public action.
4.5.1- Curbing
Curbing that is installed in all areas of Town shall conform to the following:
♦ At all intersections, vertical granite curbing will be installed, meeting all
requirements as specified in the Subdivision Control Policy of the Town and
as specified in applicable State and/or Federal law at the time;
♦ Along rural roads in locations where vertical granite curbing is unnecessary or
where it is inconsistent with the character of the roadway, bituminous "cape
cod berm" type of curbing will be permitted;
e Where a new development takes place along a rural road, vertical granite
curbing will be used within the new development streets and along the
existing rural road for the entirety of its frontage;
♦ In all other locations, and including "infill" locations along existing streets,
vertical granite curbing shall be used;
Mcher-e a single lot or- lots en an existing street is being develeped, even
though the VV33 v ...~./i/L V V l11 11
grai4te our-bing along the full fr-entage of the prepei4y on the existing stfeet
♦ The CPDC may, as part of an application for Scenic Road approval and with
the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen, approve an alternative form
of curbing.
4.5.2 - Sidewalks
It is the intent of the Board of Selectmen that, over time, all areas of Reading will
have sidewalks on at least one side of every street, and that on busier streets, sidewalks
shall be provided on both sides of the street as follows:
♦ In areas that have intermittent sidewalks, sidewalks shall be installed of a type
(either cement concrete or bituminous) that is predominant in the area;
♦ In the area generally bounded by Lowell, Salem, John, Washington, Willow,
Summer and Prescott Streets, sidewalks shall be constructed of cement
♦ In other areas of the community where there is no predominant type of
sidewalk, bituminous sidewalk will be permitted;
♦ Where sidewalks are repaired or replaced, they will be repaired or replaced
with the same type as previously existed, unless the previously existing
sidewalk is not of the type that predominates in the area;
4 Whefe a single lot or- lots an an--e*istif:g Etmet is being developed, even
Planning and Development , the owner- shall install sidewalks
along the Ul fFeFAage ef the pr-opefty on the existing street prior- to . .
a Geftifleate of Oeeupaney. The type of sidewalk sha4l be Gonsistent with the
remainder- of this poh-j,
♦ As new areas of the community develop and the issue arises as to the need for
sidewalks within a development, the Board of Selectmen urges the
Community Planning and Development Commission to evaluate the need for
sidewalks on both sides of the proposed street(s). In instances where the
CPDC feels that the roadway is not a major one, that the road is not subject to
further extension, and that the public interest is served by having sidewalks on
only one side of the street, the Board of Selectmen urges the CPDC to require
the developer to extend an amount of sidewalk equal to that being waived, in a
location to be determined by the Town Manager.
4.5.3 - Tree lawns
In most areas of the community, there is a tree lawn consisting of a strip of
planted material that exists between the curb or curb line and the sidewalk area. The tree
lawn is to be preserved as such, and is not to be used as a parking area,or widened
sidewalk unless specifically approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Adopted 3-30-93; Revised 12-I3-94,
s 6q
Board of Selectmen Meeting - July 8, 2008- page 4
Birch Meadow 40 feet to either side of center No Parking Standing or
Drive line of emergency access road Stopping
The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Anbeal of Curb and Sidewalk Reouirement - Ronan - Kate and Keith Ronan were
Town Engineer George Zambouras noted that the lot is a corner lot with 390 foot
frontage and has a sidewalk and curbing at the intersection. George Zambouras noted
that the sidewalk is damaged and the owner is planning on replacing the entire sidewalk.
According to the Board's policy he will have to install 290 feet of granite curbing.
Camille Anthony asked if any other houses in the neighborhood have curbing and Mr.
Ronan indicated no, there is curbing only at the radius of the intersecting road.
Mr. Ronan noted that this is not a new subdivision. The ranch down the street was not
required to put in curbing. He noted that he will replace the sidewalk, but curbing was
not in the budget.
Camille Anthony indicated she has no problem with granting a waiver because there is no
curbing on the rest of the street.
James Bonazoli noted that that the Bylaw needs to be enforced. He noted that the Bylaw
says that bituminous is acceptable in some areas and suggested that he do a Cape Cod
Ben Tafoya noted that this is extending curbing and he doesn't see any reason to grant a
Chuck DeCoste, a West Street resident, noted that this is a hardship for a young couple to
install curbing along 390 feet of frontage. He noted that the original intent of the Bylaw
had to do with drainage and aesthetics. He also noted that granite curbing could actually
create a drainage problem.
Richard Schubert indicated that he supports the policy.
Stephen Goldy noted that he has a problem with the policy.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to grant a waiver of Section 4.5.1 -
Installation. Construction and Reconstruction of Curbs and Sidewalks, of the Board
of Selectmen's Policies for 53 Tamarack Road failed by a vote of 2-3-0 with
Schubert. Bonazoli and Tafova opposed.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - July 8, 2008- page 5
Bonazoli made a motion to allow a 36 foot driveway opening, but the motion was not
Update - Downtown - This was rescheduled to the next meeting.
Filing of Grant Anolication for Acauisition of Land - Ipswich River Greenway -
Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur reviewed the information on the parcels. He
noted that three independent appraisals were done. The three parcels total approximately
11.50 acres for a total cost of $302,500 and the grant is for $172,000.
Stephen Goldy asked if these people are interested in selling and Bob LeLacheur
indicated they are.
James Bonazoli suggested selling the Oakland Road property to pay for this, but Bob
LeLacheur noted that there is enough money in the sale of real estate fund to pay for this.
Liaison Assimnents - Stephen Goldy noted that he did not make a lot of changes to
what was requested. He noted that James Bonazoli and Camille Anthony will share the
Economic Development Committee.
Busa Liquor License Suspension An-peal - James Bonazoli recused himself from the
meeting because he was not at the first meeting on this issue.
Attorney Michael Rubin noted that Daniel Busa runs six stores in the area and he has
since changed the policy to only accept two forms of ID. He noted that statute provides
for an appeal and he is asking for a stay until after August 6, 2008. He also noted that if
the Board does not allow the stay then they are taking away the right to an appeal.
Assistant Town Manager Bob LeLacheur noted that Town Counsel indicates that if the
Board does not allow the stay then they have the option of going to Superior Court.
Camille Anthony asked if the ABCC can overturn the closure and Stephen Goldy
indicated they could if the ruling was not legitimate.
Daniel Busa noted that the first offense is usually a warning.
A motion by Tafoya seconded by Schubert to stay the two day license suspension for
Busa Reading Liquors, Inc. scheduled to begin on July 14, 2008 pending the results of
Busa's appeal before the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission on August 6, 2008,
was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Approval of Minutes
A motion by Anthony seconded by Bonazoli to approve the minutes of May 13, 2008 was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Economic Development, Activity
Property Location
# Street
Status report on current known or expected economic development activity
_ ~ uF.-~~--a-;r~~:er`r "ter-'•-_ z'. m
S"g~~-."L -atv _ r. .-s_ _ J.~-~ -r
88-98 Walkers Brook Dr
1128 Ford
Building permits issued for Honda Gallery under construction.
8 Walkers Brook Dr
fformer Exxon Station
Salem Five Bank Approved 5-12-08. Demolition of canopy 8/20108.
1 Jacob Way
(Addison Wesley
Expect Site Plan Review application fall 2008.
80-100 Main Street
I Reading Crossing
Special permit granted summer 2007.Tambone seeking tenants
144 Main Street
I Laschi's Plaza
Fitness place coming to vacant cafe
306 Main Street
former Getty Station
4-18-08 meeting Reading, MOBD, DEP. Clean uo is underway.
DRT meetings held July and August. Special Permit will be sought to re-construct in
place, though the site design is in conflict with design direction for South Main Street
285 Main Street
Mr. Saunders Tux
and the new building would stay in the brook.
281 Main Street
(Frame Shop
Owner contact info provided to potentially interested developers.
1349 Main Street
(White Hen Pantry
Building permit issued June 2008. Now under construction.
553-557 Main Street
I Fabric Town
Town Planner is trying to interest a possible buyer.
600 Main Street
IMF Charles building
Utilities dug for re-development. Town Mgr and Town PI met with J. Mawn 8/5108.
J. Lynch expecting final plans from architects and engineer 8-1-08 to submit for
18-20 Woburn Street
demolished after fire
building permit application. Restaurant to be similar to Harrington's, Sylvan Street Grill.
601 Main Street
(Savory Tastes
new Restaurant coming soon.
335 Main Street
former Comcast office
Encore Dance Studio openend August 8, 2008.
575 Main Street
Comically Speaking has been tenant since winter 2008.
580 Main Street
580 Main LLC
Christopher's Restaurant re-opened. Bank of America opening January.
622 Main Street
Sense of Wonder
See Abovie (MF Charles Building) same owner.
275 Salem Street
RMV Building
Looking for tenant (19,000 so. ft. space)
55 Walkers Brook Dr
ITASC Building
Keurig coffee company expanding pending submittal of parking plan.
Bold Print = Most recent updates
Last updated on August 21, 2008
DRAFT -November 10, 2008 Subsequent Town Meeting
# Article Description
Mover/ Moderator
~ponsor Comment Notes
:luicn~I I~~~ ?UU~! I~uci~~et II\~~'O~l
6 Establishment of a Stabilization Board of Selectmen
1 ( Street Acceptance - Baldwin Lane 1 Board of Selectmen •
24 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - CPDC
correction of typo's
25 Majorit~ vote
Sh i
23 Zoning Bylaw Amendments - lot CPDC •
Page 1 of 1
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:42 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob; Jackson, Deborah; Heffernan, Nancy
Subject: RE: Raising Personal Property limit to $2,000 in valuation
This could go on the warrant for the fall Town Meeting - warrant closes in late September. It should be
sponsored by a vote of the Board of Assessors, assuming that they are in favor.
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:34 PM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: FW: Raising Personal Property limit to $2,000 in valuation
Pete - FYI.
We'll research as to what approval is needed next - if TM, next November to take effect as soon as possible.
From: Jackson, Deborah
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:12 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: RE: Raising Personal Property limit to $2,000 in valuation
The board approved or supported the notion of raising the limit to $2,000 minimum for a personal property account. Now what.
State law provides what is called:
Small Personal Property Accounts - property tax exemption G. L. Ch.59 5(54) added by Ch. 159 114 of the Acts of 2000 up to
$10,000 in property tax exemption.
Could we get this on the agenda for the June 30 town meeting or wait until Oct. and have more or supporting information at hand
to get an approval that would take effect next year (FY2010)? Nancy and I talked last night after the BOA meeting and mentioned
that we may have the provision in only sending the actual bill if an amount is below a certain number, ie $50. She was going to
look into this. If this was approved on June 30, in the printout it said that it could be applied the next July 1. Hence, fy 2009.
w"'t 0ARTICLE To see if the Town will vote to subordinate any and all of it's rights
and easeme is in the land taken by eminent domain as authorized by Article 29 of the
May 6, 1976 Adjourned Annual Town Meeting and recorded on September 27, 1976 with
the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 13078, Page 191 and with the Land
Registration Office of said Deeds as Document no. 549397, as shown on a plan of land
entitled "Plan of Land in Woburn, Massachusetts, Showing Sewer Easements for Willow
Street Interceptor for the Town of Reading, " Scale 1 "=40', dated February 27, 1976,
prepared by Dana F. Perkins & Sons, Inc., " sheets 1 through 4 inclusive, recorded in the
Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 1976, Page 1171, to a Grant of
Environmental Restriction and Easement granted by Resources for Responsible Site
Management, Inc., Trustee for the Industri-plex Site Interim Custodial Trust and
recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 19866, Page 190 and filed
with the Land Registration Office of said Deeds as Document No. 800447; and to
authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute and deliver such documents as may be
required for the subordination of such rights and easements,
Or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
BACKGROUND: The property taken by the Town of Reading for the installation and
construction of the Willow Street Interceptor is located within a portion of the physical
site boundaries of the 245-acre hazardous waste site known as the Industri-plex Federal
Superfund Site in Woburn. Approximately 117-acres of the site is owned by Resources
for Responsible Site Management, Inc., Trustee for the Industri-plex Site Interim
Custodial Trust (the "Custodial Trust") which was created as part of the U.S. District
Court Industri-plex Site Consent Decree to perform clean at the Site and then to
redevelop and manage the Site. As part of the Consent Decree, the Custodial Trust
was required to institute land use restrictions, referred to as Institutional Controls, which
govern the preservation and maintenance of the EPA approved remedy installed at the
Site while permitting varying amounts of activity under very stringent conditions. The
EPA requires subordination of the town's rights in the easement to ensure that the
Institutional Controls function as the primary method for governing the town's access to
the easement area for emergency repairs and maintenance to protect health and safety
of the public and the environment.
1. Signage Article: 22-
- change awning ground clearance height
- add the word "calendar" before "year" for how often temporary signs can be
- All Illuminated Signs to be turned off at a designated time in all districts. Define
"Site Lighting".
- language addressing "internally illuminated" signs and "opaque" sign
- Sign Area: to include structure to which sign is attached (see also "Sign
- What constitutes an awning sign
2. Lot coverage Article 2~
Amend Lot coverage definition as follows: To the sentence in Section 2.2.21 remove
"principal" such that Section 2.2.21 reads
Lot Coverage: That proportion expressed as a percent of the total lot area covered by
3. Article to address the Town Cleric's list of ZBL typographical errors. Z
5-minute Report on South Main Street Design guidelines and future zoning article
(reducing setbacks, shared parking and curb access, extending district to entire
Nang.O t ` ~
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Mu we the hnes dividing e..sting ownerships. vnd
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of Ovbfie w priwte streets e, wvys .heady
eslvbtilhld. vnd that no new lines Im tlinsivn oI
e.isting ownership or /or new ways ore shown.
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That all action taken by the Town Treasurer in advertising for
public sale of the $ 450,000 Bond Anticipation Note, (the "Note") of
the Town authorized pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 8, and
Chapter 62 of the Acts of 2005 of the Mass General Laws, as
amended and supplemented, and by votes of the Town duly adopted,
be and hereby is ratified, approved, and adopted;
That the Note shall be dated as of September 3, 2008, shall
mature on February 4, 2009, shall bear interest at maturity, and
shall not be subject to redemption prior to its stated maturity;
That the Note shall bear interest and is hereby sold and awarded
as follows:
Amount Int. Rate Premium
Century Bank $ 450,000 2.34% $ 0.00
That the Town Treasurer is authorized to deliver the Note to
purchaser and
That the Board of Selectmen, the Treasurer and the Town Clerk
be and hereby are authorized to take action to execute and deliver
all documents related to the Sale.
Board of Selectmen Meeting
June 10, 2008
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in
which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order
in which any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman James Bonazoli, Vice Chairman
Stephen Goldy, Secretary Ben Tafoya, Selectmen Camille Anthony and Richard
Schubert, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director
Bob LeLacheur, Office Manager Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties:
Russ Graham, Angela Binda, John Miles, Bing Xia, Stephanie Anderberg, Tracy Ellen
Sopchak, Joan Boegel, David Williams, George Rio, Virginia Adams, Roberta Sullivan,
Kevin Mulvey, George Lonergan.
Reports and Comments
Selectmen's Liaison Retorts and Comments - Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that CPDC held
a zoning workshop regarding design guidelines on south Main Street.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that the Selectmen have a policy on communication and if
the letter is being sent from the full Board, then the Selectmen's letterhead should be used
and if it is one Selectman writing, they should use their individual letterhead.
Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that he will be at the Senior Center for Office Hours
this week.
Chairman James Bonazoli put out a public challenge for the 5K Road Race on July 24, 2008
at 6:30 at Memorial Park. He indicated that he needed the Selectmen or a designee to run
against the Police and Fire. Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy and Chairman Bonazoli indicated
that they would be running.
Town Manner's Report
The Town Manager gave the following report:
• Zip Trip - INCLUDES "Reach out and Read" BOOK DONATION
• Downtown Improvement Project
• Comcast hearing - June 18th - 7:00 p.m.
• Trail Build June 7th
• Site Walk - Birch Meadow - Tentatively July 9th at 5:30 p.m.
• Hearing on Liquor License violation - June 24th
• Paving - Sunnyside and Fairview -Tuesday and Wednesday, then Colburn Road on
• Fence fabric being installed at Tennis Courts
(Oc~ ~
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 10. 2008 - Pace 2
Dates and Events
• Fox 25 "Zip Trip" June 13th
• Ipswich River Canoe Trip -June 14th
• Friends and Family Day - June 21 st
• Special Town Meeting -June 30th
Assistant Town Manager's Report
• The Assistant Town Manager noted that approximately 50 Town Meeting Members
have responded that they will be at the Special Town Meeting.
• He noted that there is a surplus in the health insurance budget.
• He noted that he has borrowed money for technology, and that half of the $1.25
million that was authorized by Town Meeting for technology has been spent.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Goldv to accept the bid of a 2.50% interest rate on the
Town of ReadinLy's recent $1.250.000 Bond Anticipation Note submitted by Eastern
Bank which includes a premium of $2.793.61. The percent net interest cost to the Town
is 2.144% was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation
Girl Scout Bronze Award - A motion by Tafova seconded by Goldv to approve the
Certificates of RecoL-nition for Marv Kate Kellev and Kasev Cook for their
achievements in Girl ScoutinLy was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Personnel and Appointments
Board of Abbeals - The Board interviewed John Miles and he indicated that he was
interested in becoming a full member on the Board of Appeals.
Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
two positions on the Board of Appeals with terms expiring June 30. 2011: Clark W.
Petschek and John Miles. Each candidate received five votes and were appointed.
Board of Health - The Board interviewed Bing Xia for a position on the Board of Health.
Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
one position on the Board of Health with a term expiring June 30, 2011: Colleen
Seferian and Bing Xia. Ms. Seferian received five votes and was appointed.
Cities for Climate Protection Committee - The Board interviewed Stephanie Anderberg,
Tracy Ellen Sopchak, Joan Boegel and David Williams for positions on the Cities for
Climate Protection Committee.
Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
two positions on the Cities for Climate Protection Committee with terms expiring June
30.2011: Stephanie Anderbera and Tracv Ellen Sopchak. Each candidate received five
votes and were appointed.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 10. 2008 - Pave 3
Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
four Associate positions on the Cities for Climate Protection Committee with terms
expiring June 30, 2009: Rav Porter, Joan Boegel, David Williams and Bing Xia. Each
candidate received five votes and were appointed.
Council on Aging - Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name
into nomination for one position on the Council on Aging with a term expiring June 30.
2011: Stacv Bertocchi. Ms. Bertocchi received five votes and was appointed.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for
one position on the Council on Aging with a term expiring June 30. 2011: George
Lonergan. Mr. Lonergan received five votes and was appointed.
Economic Development Committee - The Board interviewed George Rio and Russ Graham
for positions on the Economic Development Committee.
Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
two positions on the Economic Development Committee with terms expiring June 30.
2011: Sheila Clarke and Russ Graham. Each candidate received five votes and were
Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
four Associate positions on the Economic Development Committee with terms expiring,
June 30, 2009: Michele Williams, Sharon Peterson, Michelle Ferullo and George Rio.
Each candidate received five votes and were appointed.
Historical Commission - The Board interviewed Virginia Adams, Roberta Sullivan and
Angela Binda for positions on the Historical Commission.
Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
two positions on the Historical Commission with terms expiring June 30, 2011: Virginia
Adams and Roberta Sullivan. Each candidate received five votes and were appointed.
Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for
three Associate positions on the Historical Commission with terms expiring June 30,
2009: Karen Herrick, Susan Patterson and Angela Binda. Each candidate received five
votes and were appointed.
Housing Authoritv - Chairman James Bonazoli noted that John Coote has withdrawn his
application for reappointment. The Board interviewed Kevin Mulvey for one position on the
Housing Authority.
Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for
one position on the Housing Authority with a term expiring June 30. 2013: Kevin
Mulvev. Mr. Mulvev received five votes and was appointed.
is 03
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 10. 2008 - Page 4
Metropolitan Area Planning Council - Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the
following name into nomination for one position on the Metropolitan Area Planning
Council with a term expiring June 30. 2011: Steven Sadwick. Mr. Sadwick received
five votes and was appointed.
Reading Ice Arena Authority - The Board interviewed George Lonergan for a position on the
Reading Ice Arena Authority. They indicated that the incumbent was requesting
reappointment, and asked Mr. Lonergan if he would be interested in serving on the Council
on Aging. Mr. Lonergan indicated that he was interested.
Anthonv moved and Tafova seconded to place the following names into nomination for
one position on the Reading Ice Arena Authoritv with a term expiring June 30. 2011:
George Hines. Mr. Hines received five votes and was appointed.
RCTV Board of Directors - Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following
name into nomination for one position on the Reading Communitv TV Board of
Directors with a term expiring June 30. 2011: Edward Smethurst. Mr. Smethurst
received five votes and was appointed.
Discussion/Action Items
Update - Downtown - The Town Manager gave an update on the Downtown project.
Hearing - Approval of Parking Regulations on Birch Meadow Drive in the Area of Birch
Meadow School - The Secretary read the hearing notice.
The Town Manager noted that there is an event tonight honoring the outgoing Principal at the
Birch Meadow School, and the staff has requested that the hearing be continued.
A motion by Schubert seconded by Goldv to continue the hearing on parking
regulations on Birch Meadow Drive to Julv 8. 2008 at 8:15 p.m. was approved by a vote
of 5-0-0.
Review Bid Results - Turf Field - The Town Manager noted that the bid results are on Pages
22 and 23 of tonight's handout. David W. White was the low bid at $669,409 and 10%
contingency. The available funding is $736,350 so an additional $87,000 in funding is
The Town Manager indicated that he will put an Article on the Special Town Meeting
Warrant for the additional funding through free cash.
Grant of Conservation Restriction - The Town Manager noted that the Conservation
Commission requests that the Board of Selectmen approve the conservation restriction for the
Fulgoni property on Willow Street. The definition of frontage has been clarified, and a
single family house has been permitted and is under construction.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 10. 2008 - Pase 5
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to grant the conservation restriction
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws. Chapter 40. Section 8C. for a 2.64 acre
portion of a 3.8857 acre parcel shown as Parcel 19 of Reading Assessors Map 81 located
on Willow Street and owned by Kevin Fulgoni was approved by a vote 'of 5-0-0.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to adjourn the meeting of June 10. 2008 at
9:15 mm. was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Selectmen Meeting
June 20, 2008
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in
which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the
order in which any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 8:10 a.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman James Bonazoli, Vice Chairman
Stephen Goldy, Secretary Ben Tafoya, Selectman Camille Anthony, Office Manager
Paula Schena and Attorney Bill Solomon.
Discussion/Action Items
Approve the Filing of an RFP to Renew Comcast License - Attorney Bill Solomon,
Special Cable Counsel, reviewed the RFP. He noted that the draft RFP will be finalized
today. The RFP asks Comcast to make a proposal. The RFP requests information on
finances, operation, service to all residents and emergency alert.
Attorney Solomon also reviewed the future cable related community needs and interests
which include a new and expanded PEG access facility; what RCTV does and what it
needs to move forward; the need for PEG video on demand and a place on the program
guide; local emergency alert is very much needed; service must be available to all
residents and businesses; free cable service to public and school buildings, etc.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Goldv to issue an RFP to Comcast of
Massachusetts. Inc. pursuant to the presentation of Special Cable Counsel and as
will be finalized this date was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Reorganization - The meeting was turned over to Office Manager Paula Schena to take
nominations for Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Tafova to nominate Stephen Goldv as Chairman
of the Board of Selectmen was approved by a vote of 3-0-1, with Goldv abstaining.
The meeting was then turned over to Chairman Stephen Goldy.
A motion by Goldv seconded by Bonazoli to nominate Ben Tafova as Vice Chairman
was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to nominate James Bonazoli as Secretarv
of the Board of Selectmen was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
b 1
Board of Selectmen Meetin(z - June 20. 2008 - Page 2
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Golder to adiourn the meetine of June 20. 2008 at
8:25 a.m. was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Selectmen Meeting
June 24, 2008
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which
the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which
any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Stephen Goldy, Vice Chairman Ben
Tafoya, Selectmen Camille Anthony and Richard Schubert, Town Manager Peter
Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur, Town Engineer
George Zambouras, DPW Director Ted McIntire, Town Counsel Ellen Doucette, Police Chief
James Cormier, Office Manager Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties: Wayne
Dwyer, Angela Fisher, Olive Hecht, Alice Armstrong, Mary Anne Kozlowski, Richard Junker,
Tracy Sopchak, Police Officer Richard Abate, Sgt. Detective Mark Segalla, Lt. Detective
Richard Robbins, Attorney Rubin, Daniel and Dan Busa.
Reports and Comments
Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments - Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that he attended
the lighting ceremony at Joshua Eaton Clock Tower a couple of weeks ago. He indicated that
Friends and Family Day was great. He also noted that the pedestrian light at Pleasant Street was
not long enough for seniors to get across the street. He attended the Traffic Dummy Demolition.
He noted that the traffic going north on Main Street is backing up starting at Pleasant Street.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that she had a water audit today, and it was free through the
Water Department. She encouraged residents to take advantage of this free opportunity.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he attended the Friends and Family Day event.
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that the Senior Center had an antique car show, and they have an
intergenerational kick off tomorrow with the Wii. The seniors will be starting a bowling league
using the Wii.
Public Comment - Wayne Dwyer of 61 Ash Street stated that he was not happy with the
reconstruction plans for Gould Street from Atlantic up to Ash Street, and noted that more parking
spaces are needed. He requested that this item be put on a Selectmen's agenda. The Town
Manager noted that the intent is to have curbing on both sides of the street and a sidewalk on one
Angela Fisher of 45-47 Gould Street noted that she owns the four family on Gould Street. She
also noted that the side was always used for parking. If the Town puts in a 6" curb, that will be a
hardship for her and her tenants. She noted that there is parking for employees but not for
tenants. She also noted that the Town did not consult with the residents and the impact is
negative. Selectman Camille Anthony suggested a site visit on July 9, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
(p C k
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 24. 2008 - Paae 2
Town Manaeer's Report
The Town Manager gave the following report:
• Zip Trip was a success.
• Friends and Family Day - This event went very well this year. It was better than any other
year, as I remember. There were tons of people with lots of great stuff going on. I wanted
to recognize some of the people who really helped to make the day go smooth:
• John Davis and Skip Mansfield worked the hardest parts of the day setting up and
breaking down. This year they set up seven tents for Town departments, and
helped with chairs and pretty much anything else that was needed.
• The Water Department helped make water service happen for the carnival which I
understand went well.
• Our DPW crew for getting the grounds looking great, and getting all the great new
equipment out for people to check out.
• RMLD gave us all the electricity that we needed, and were very accommodating to
getting it up on temp poles.
• Reading Friends and Family Day Committee for their coordination of the event.
• Friends of Reading Recreation for paying for the rental of a portable stage so all the
performers could be in the shade of the trees!
• Reading United Soccer Club for letting us borrow their liner to line the field.
• Dummy Demolition - Thanks to Maureen Knight for pulling this event together.
• Downtown Improvement Project
• Comeast Hearing - June 18th
• Paving - Sunnyside and Fairview Avenue, Colburn Road
• Birch Meadow Drive Parking Regulation
• Lightening Policy for recreation events
• Proposed Regulations - Conservation Commission
• Review of development status
• Tennis Courts
• Mosquito Spraying - Wednesday
• We have done a number of streets with a skim coat of pavement to help hold those roads
together for additional' years until full and proper treatment.
• Finance Committee Appointments
• MMA Action Alert
• Feedback on Trail
• News on Medicaid reimbursement to municipalities
Dates and Events
• Special Town Meeting - June 30th
• Next Board of Selectmen's Meeting - July 8th
• Site Walk - Birch Meadow - Julv 9th at 5:30 n.m.
Personnel and Appointments
Animal Control Appeals Committee - There were no applicants.
(0G Z
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 24, 2008 - Page 3
Board of Cemeterv Trustees - The Board interviewed Olive Hecht for one position on the Board
of Cemetery Trustees.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
position on the Board of Cemeterv Trustees with a term expiring June 30, 2011: Olive
Hecht. Ms. Hecht received four votes and was appointed.
Communitv Planning and Development Commission - Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded
to place the following names into nomination for two positions on the Community Planning
and Development Commission with terms expiring June 30, 2011: John Sasso and David
Tuttle. Each candidate received-four votes and were appointed.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
Associate position on the Communitv Planning and Development Commission with a term
expiring June 30, 2009: George Katsoufis. Mr. Katsoufis received four votes and was
Conservation Commission - Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that Will Finch is leaving the
Commission after serving 10 years.
Schubert moved and Tafova seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
position on the Conservation Commission with a term expiring June 30, 2011: William
Hecht. Mr. Hecht received four votes and was appointed.
Cultural Council - The Board interviewed Alice Armstrong for one position on the Cultural
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
position on the Cultural Council with a term expiring June 30, 2011: Alice Armstrong.
Ms. Armstrong received four votes and was appointed.
Recreation Committee - Mary Anne Kozlowski indicated that she wants to be reappointed as a
full non-school member since her children are no longer in school. The Board directed the Town
Manager to send a letter to the School Committee requesting that they appoint Beth Claroni as
their representative on this Committee.
Anthonv moved and Tafova seconded to place the following names into nomination for two
positions on the Recreation Committee with terms expiring June 30, 2011: Christopher
Campbell and Marv Anne Kozlowsl. Each candidate received four votes and were
Anthonv moved and Tafova seconded to place the following names into nomination for two
Associate positions on the Recreation Committee with terms expiring June 30, 2009: Beth
Claroni and Eric Hughes. Each candidate received four votes and were appointed.
6, c. 3
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 24. 2008 - Page 4
RMLD Citizens Advisorv Board - The Board interviewed Richard Junker and Tracy Sopchak
for one position on the RMLD Citizens Advisory Board.
Tafova moved and Schubert seconded to glace the following names into nomination for one
position on the RMLD Citizens Advisorv Board with a term expiring June 30. 2011:
Richard Junker and Tracv Sopchak. Ms. Sopchak received four votes and was appointed.
Town Counsel - A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to reappoint the firm of
Brackett & Lucas as Town Counsel with a term expiring June 30. 2009 was approved by a
vote of 4-0-0.
Trails Committee - Tafova moved and Schubert seconded to place the following name into
nomination for one position on the Trails Committee with a term expiring June 30. 2011:
Alan Rosh. Mr. Rosh received four votes and was appointed.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
Associate position on the Trails Committee with a term expiring June 30. 2009: Susan
Giacalone. Ms. Giacalone received four votes and was appointed.
West Street Historic District - There were no applicants.
Discussion/Action Items
Review Warrant for Special Town Meeting - The Town Manager reviewed the Warrant for the
Special Town Meeting. He noted that Article 5 will be postponed, and Article 7 is clarification
of a Zoning By-Law.
A motion by Schubert seconded by Tafova to recommend the subject matter of Article 3 of
the 2008 Special Town Meeting Warrant was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Tafova to recommend the subject matter of Articles 4.
6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the 2008 Special Town Meeting Warrant was approved by a vote of 4-
Engineering Studv - Bancroft Avenue and Hartshorn Street - Town Engineer George Zambouras
reviewed the engineering study that was done on Bancroft Avenue and Hartshorn Street. He
noted that there is a problem with the stopping sight distance, and the stop sign is set back too
far. There are also hedges that restrict the sight distance.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that there is a tot lot with small children crossing the street,
and she asked why there was not a crosswalk. The Town Engineer noted that crosswalks and
stop signs do not control speed, only enforcement does, and he proposes to relocate the stop sign.
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that he would like a recommendation on traffic calming before
putting a stop sign. The Town Manager indicated that he will come back to the Board with
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 24. 2008 - Pave 5
Chairman Stephen Goldy suggested moving the stop sign forward and adding a crosswalk. Police
Chief Jim Cormier noted that there are crosswalks all over Town without stop signs and they are
The Town Manager suggested a high visibility warning sign. Chairman Stephen Goldy directed
the Town Manager to give notice to the home owner that the Town will trim the hedge if they
Hearinp- - Water. Sewer and Stormwater Enternrise Rate - The Secretary read the hearing notice.
Public Works Director Ted McIntire was present. He reviewed the water and sewer reserves. He
noted that we must bill $5.5 million for water and $5.294 million for sewer, and he recommends
$36.88 for stormwater.
Chairman Stephen Goldy asked about the history of abatements, and Ted McIntire noted that
they were less than $5,000 per year.
A motion by Anthony seconded by Schubert to close the hearin¢ on setting the Water,,
Sewer and Stormwater Enterprise Rates was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Schubert to set the utilitv rates effective with the first
billing after July 1, 2008 effective with the first billine on September 10. 2008 as follows:
Water Rates: $7.65 per 100 CF with a quarterly minimum of $15.30
Sewer Rates: $7.59 per 100 CF of water used with a quarterly minimum of
Stormwater Manasement Rates: $36.88 per one and two family dwellinss
and per 2552 SF of impervious area for
all properties other than one and two
family dwellines
The motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Hearing - Liauor License Infraction - The Secretary read the hearing notice.
Town Counsel Ellen Doucette was present. Also present were Police Officer Richard Abate,
Sgt. Detective Mark Segalla, Lt. Detective Richard Robbins, Attorney Rubin representing Busa's
Liquors, Inc., owner Daniel Busa and Assistant Manager Dan Busa.
Notary Paula Schena swore in all of the witnesses.
Lt. Detective Richard Robbins indicated that this was a special assignment on May 31, 2008.
The Officers were patrolling for youths trying to purchase or get someone to buy for them. They
concentrated on three stores - Busa's Liquors, Northside Liquors and Square Liquors. The
Officers observed in unmarked vehicles. From 4:25 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., 40 people entered Busa's
Liquors and two motor vehicles were stopped. From 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., one vehicle was
stopped that had the 19 year old from Maine.
t G~
Board of Selectmen Meetina - June 24, 2008 - Paae 6
Sgt. Mark Segalla noted that at 7:15 p.m., a green Ford Explorer with Maine plates and six
youths pulled into the parking lot. One person jumped out and the vehicle passed by and parked.
When the young man came out of the store, Sgt. Segalla stopped him to check his ID. It was a
California driver's license so he asked him the zip code for California and the young man did not
know the zip code. He showed his real ID which indicated that he was 19 years old and lives in
Maine. The young man indicated he purchased the ID on the internet. Sgt. Segalla then spoke
with Assistant Manager Dan Busa who indicated that he scanned the ID and it came out okay.
Attorney Rubin asked if the young man has been summonsed to court yet, and Sgt. Segalla
indicated that he has but he has not appeared yet.
Town Counsel Ellen Doucette asked Sgt. Segalla if he confiscated the license, and Sgt. Segalla
indicated that he did and he ran a check that came back expired to someone else.
Selectman Camille Anthony asked if that information shows up on the liquor store scanner and
Sgt. Segalla indicated that it does not. Lt. Detective Richard Robbins noted that only four forms
of ID are acceptable and if the liquor store relies on them, then they avoid the risk of selling to
underage. Town Counsel noted that the ABCC requests that out of state ID's not be accepted.
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya asked if the liquor store scanner is just reading the strip and not
hooked up to a computer. Sgt. Segalla indicated that was correct.
Attorney Rubin noted that there are four forms of ID that they have to accept but do not have to
accept others. He also noted that Dan Busa relied on the scanner report. They have since
changed their policy on selling to people with out of state licenses. He is requesting that a report
of the incident be put in their file but that there be no reprimand because it was the error of the
Selectman Camille Anthony asked if it was their policy to ask for a Massachusetts license?
Attorney Rubin noted that only the Manager can make the determination for out of state licenses
and a second form of ID. Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya asked if the forms of ID will be the ABCC
requirements, and Attorney Rubin noted that it is - anything other than that would be at their own
Owner Daniel Busa noted that he tries not to discriminate against people from out of state. The
Town Manager noted that to have a defense, it would have had to be one of the four acceptable
ID's. If not, then there is no defense. Attorney Rubin noted that this is a college state and most
package stores accept out of state ID's.
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya indicated that he was stumped that the owner accepts out of state
licenses. If he was in Boston or Cambridge, he would understand but not here in Reading.
Attorney Rubin noted that there are colleges in the local area. He also noted that with the
exception of one other time, this is the first time that this has happened to Busa - they got fooled
by technology.
~ G (0
Board of Selectmen Meetina - June 24. 2008 - Pace 7
Selectman Richard Schubert asked Town Counsel if they should wait until the criminal
proceeding. Town Counsel noted regardless of the scanner, they sold to a minor and the
Selectmen should not wait because the criminal proceedings can go on forever.
Chairman Stephen Goldy asked if there was any public comment and there was none.
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Tafova to close the hearine on the possible modification
of the All Alcholic Off-Premises License for Busa's Liquors. Inc. was approved by a vote of
The Town Manager noted that in the past 20 years, there have been three sales to minors in
Reading. The standard action was to suspend the license for three days.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he is leaning towards a short-term suspension. He also
noted that the ABCC puts out guidelines, and this would be the consequence of not doing an
adequate job as difficult as it is.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv that Busa's Liquors. Inc. be found in violation of
M.G.L. Chapter 138. S34 - the sale of alcoholic beveraces to a person under 21 years of age
on Mav 31.2008 was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Anthonv moved and Tafova seconded that Busa's Liquors. Inc. be penalized with a two day
suspension for sale of alcoholic beveraces to a minor on Mav 31. 2008. The motion passed
by a vote of 3-1-0. with Goldv opposed.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the license looks altered, and is an out of state license - it
would have been easy to deny the sale.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he supports the motion but feels that three days would be
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that Busa's Liquors has stepped up and taken the RCASA Pledge
but he is a RCASA member and wants to send a message.
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that Busa's Liquors didn't do all that they could have. They
should have had a policy of not selling to people with out of state ID's. He also noted that the
out of state ID showed the young man was only 22 years old - he supports the motion.
A motion by Schubert seconded by Anthonv to amend the main motion to a three day
suspension failed by a vote of 2-2-0. with Tafova and Goldv opposed.
Attorney Rubin noted that Busa's Liquors takes this very seriously. He also noted that the
message is only being sent to the owner, not the public. He noted that July 4`h would be the
worse time for a financial impact, and they are willing to give a donation to the Town.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 24, 2008 - Paae 8
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv that the two day suspension take Place on Julv
14th and Julv 15, 2008 and placement of a Placard on the premises during the period of
suspension indicating the business is "closed due to a suspension of the liquor license for
sale of liquor to an underaLle Person" was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Approval of Minutes
A motion. by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to approve the Minutes of Mav 6, 2008 was
approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to adjourn the meetine of June 24. 2008 at 10:40
p.m. was approved by a vote of 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
(,mac S
L(C &S
C . ICCG, A b - I.
M8 AUG 1 I API 11= 17
35 Lincoln Street
Reading, MA 01867
August 7, 2008
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Selectmen and Selectwoman:
After reading the front page article entitled, "Downtown 40R Talks Continue" published
August 6, 2008 in the Daily Times Chronicle, I feel compelled to reply. David Eisen of Housing
Partners, Inc. made a statement as published on page 2 of the Chronicle which states in part "to
him, auto oriented and fast-food places were weakening Reading, where multi-family
residences would strengthen it." I am the owner of Brown's Auto of 35 Lincoln Street and
take great offense to this statement. My business has served Reading customers for over 25
years and I hope many years to come. My business has seen many town planners and visionaries
come and go. For Mr. Eisen to feel auto oriented businesses weaken Reading only exemplifies
his disconnect with this community and his own irreverence to the small business, i. e., Brown's
Mr. Eisen, if you really feel true to your word "walk to work."
Very truly yours,
...2~ ~
Kevin Brown, Owner
Brown's Auto
August 8, 2008
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Re: Conicast's New Bill Design
Dear Members of the Board:
C • j i tic
Comcast Cable
12 Tozer Road
Beverly, MA 01915
1mS AUG) Tel: 978-927-5700, ext. 4409
QM II: 17 www.coincast.com
Comcast is committed to keeping the cities and towns we serve well-informed about key aspects of our business.
As part of our ongoing commitment to excellent customer service, I air pleased to let you know that, beginning
this September, Comcast customers in Town of Reading will see a new and unproved billing statement.
The new format reflects feedback that we have received from our customers, including specific customer
suggestions of ways we could snake our billing statements simpler to review and understand.
Here are some of the things customers will see on their new bills:
• Key Information. Account number, due date, and total amount due are right at the top.
• Monthly Statement Summary. A concise overview of everything affecting the customer's account.
• Service Details. An easy to follow, detailed listing of current charges for all Comcast services.
• Simplified Product Names and Descriptions.
• Countdown Messages. A special notification if a customer's promotion is about to end.
• Partial Month Charges & Credits. Any service changes, additions or removals, or partial month
charges or credits, will be explained clearly.
To make this transition as easy as possible for our customers, wee will notify them of this new format through
special inserts in their bills starting this month. With their first new billing statement, customers will receive a
full-page "How to Read Your Bill" insert. I have included a copy of both documents with this letter.
In addition to the unproved billing statement, I'd like to remind you about Coincast's new Ecobill option. Ecobill
is the environmentally friendly way to view and pay a Comcast bill online. Customers can go to
www.comeast.com/ecobill and sign up to have their Comcast bills delivered electronically. We will continue to
send paper copies of bills to customers unless they specifically request Ecobill.
Going forward, Comcast will continue to look for new ways to provide value and convenience for our customers.
If you have. any questions about our new bill design or about Comcast in general, please do not hesitate to contact
Jane M. Lyman
Senior Manager of Government and Community. Relations
Go green.
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uoguLLuo}u! luellodwt ayi pug ANgnb of noA aaf ia!sea u, a1{ew 01'angeuu0Ju! pue.Ieelo
aldw!s Illq Jno 6ul>lew aa,am'Ilelep to lanai 146u ay pue az!s adAl n6lel ilUAA'souauadxa
aawolsno lm6 a igMep of luewu.mvE4ua pue slonpoid leai6 ueL4 avow seXt8 mow! em
,111q Alpualjj pug majo `eldwls AAOU ;Du.L
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Previous Balance
Payment- 03106100 - thank youl
New Charges-see Wow
Total Amount Duo
Payment Due by
"IAA. -;~"IVIAM.
Qameast Bundled Services
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r) Partial Month Charges & Credits
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account. Seellie ldbwurgpayes kxmord dafdls
Takes. Surcharges & Fees
Total New Charges
De¢tch and enWse this mupon w9h yourpayment. Pteaae writs your account numbaron your
ccomicQrjt. Account Number
ra smDuPoNrmcxw4y Payment Due by
\ hEWCASTLEDE 19720-0014
l Total Amount Due
check or maneyorder. t3o not send cash
Amount Enclosed $
1 SCOMCP omcast
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Billing Date 03110108
TOlalAmeunt Due $18025
SeNICe Details
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Premiem Triple Play 030-04/24 159.99
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Federal Regulatory Fee 0.08
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Copy of Customer bill insert notice.
Page 1 of 1
Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 10:19 AM
To: Schena, Paula
Subject: RE: Resignation from TTAC
1/c BOS and post.
From: Schena, Paula
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 10:16 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Johnson, Cheryl
Subject: FW: Resignation from TfAC
Paula Schena
Office Manager
Reading Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Fax 781-942-9071
From: Pitt Crandlemire [mailto:pittc@syncon.com]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 10:09 AM
To: Schena, Paula
Cc: dougcowe11958@hotmail.com
Subject: Resignation from TTAC
My company has recently taken on a new client who is a significant player in the technology and
telecommunications market in Reading. As such, I believe there is an apparent conflict of interest between my job
and my TTAC responsibilities. Accordingly, it is with regret that I must resign my position with TTAC effective
It has been a great pleasure working with all the members of the Committee, as well as all the Town employees
with whom I've interacted. I hope that I will have opportunity to do so again in the future.
Pitt Crandlemire
32 Cross Street
Reading MA 01867
0 -
Page 1 of 1
4~c gbS
Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 3:16 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Schena, Paula; Ramdin, Larry
Subject: West Nile
Reading's first incidence of West Nile virus showed up in test results received today. A dead
bird was taken from Main at Hopkins Street by one of our DPW workers to the Health Division,
and it was immediately sent to the State lab. We got the test results back today.
Larry is putting together a press release using standard information from the state. It should
go out today or first thing tomorrow. It may also be on evening news.
There is no need for alarm - we just need to urge caution - long sleeves, insect repellant with
DEFT, and remove standing water from your property. We place larvicide briquettes in all
catch basins and in fact are in the process of doing a second round right now.
I/c Board of Selectmen
Page 1 of 1
L/C 6 oS
Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 1:27 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Schena, Paula
Subject: FW: second Positive bird
I/c Board of Selectmen
From: Ramdin, Larry
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 1:18 PM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Kowalski, Carol; Foley, Darlene; Vitale, Joan; Carabello, Leslie; Cormier, Jim; Barbara
Meade; Barbara Meade; Colleen Seferian; David Mitchell Singer
Cc: DeBrigard, Mike; McIntire, Ted; Feudo, John
Subject: second Positive bird
We have received notification that the second bird, (a crow collected at Woburn and linden) that we collected has
tested positive for the West Nile virus. What this means is that we are no longer have to submit birds for testing,
but the state lab will be still accepting dead bird calls.
As a community we will still be vigilant and continue to promote protective /preventative measures in addition to
treating the catch-basins for larvae and spraying for adults.
Larry A. Ramdin MA REHS CHO
Health Services Administrator
Reading Health Division
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
781 -942-9071 - Fax
When writing or responding, please remember that the Secretary of State's Office has determined that email is a public
This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or
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Page 1 of 1
Schena, Paula
From: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:10 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Schena, Paula
Subject: FW: Rotary's fundraiser
I/c Board of Selectmen
From: Burns, Greg
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:49 AM
To. Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Rotary's fundraiser
I spoke to Bobbi Botticelli regarding the article in the Daily Times Chronicle detailing the Rotary's
fundraiser for a 12 lead defibrillator. The article indicated we have not purchased a defibrillator for the
West Side Engine. In. May we received a $6,000 donation from the Rotary to purchase a 12 lead
defibrillator. I thanked Bobbi and the Rotary for their efforts on our behalf. I told her that we used
those funds and some internal funds to purchase the defibrillator and it is currently in-service at the fire
engine assigned to West Side Fire Station. I wanted her to be aware we have the defibrillator and we
were not waiting for a fund raiser to purchase the equipment.
I explained to Bobbi that we will be receiving a new Ladder Truck in late October or early November
and it has bee designed to carry ALS equipment. I said if the Rotary was still interested in maintaining
the fund raiser I would like to purchase an additional unit to have for the Main Street Fire Station's
response district. Having backup ALS equipment in both response (Station 1 and Station 2) districts
makes sense so we don't have to send the West Side Fire Engine to a medical on Haverhill Street.
Z--(E/,g d-S
Town of Reading
Notice of Submittal of Formal Proposal
By Comcast of Massachusetts I, Inc.
For Renewal of its Cable Television License
Please take notice that in accordance with Section 626(c)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934
as amended (47 USC Sec 546), the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading is in receipt of a
Formal Proposal By Comcast of Massachusetts I, Inc. for Renewal of its Cable Television
License. Comcast's proposal is available for public inspection during regular business hours,
and reproduction at a reasonable fee, at the Board of Selectmen's Office, Town Hall, 16 Lowell
Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867. Comcast's proposal is also available for public inspection
at the Reading Public Library.
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
To the Editor:
To be published for one day on August 18, 2008
Send bill and tear sheets to Town Manager, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867