HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-20 Board of Selectmen PacketMIIA Metuber Services
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Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading MA 01867
RE: Indemnification/Hold Harmless Language in proposed cable television contracts
Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner:
Please allow this letter to respond to your recent inquiry concerning the construction of
indemnification agreements and/or hold harmless language frequently contained in cable
television contracts.
It is my understanding that you are reviewing art agreement on behalf of the Town of
Reading. As you know, MIIA provides insurance protection to more than 300 municipal
entities throughout Massachusetts; including the Town of Reading. In our capacity as
insurer to those communities, we are frequently asked to review the insurance and
indemnification provisions of various municipal contracts.
.MIIA has seen an increasing trend in which providers are attempting to limit or reduce
the indemnification/hold harmless provision of a standard service contract. In particular,
providers are attempting to place restrictive time frames or notice provisions into the
indemnity provision of the contract. These requirements seek to limit or void the
indemnity obligation of the provider if notice is not provided within a short window of
While these restrictions may not be unreasonable in a conforming commercial
application, they are not-favorable to municipal entities. In general, the modified
indemnification agreements seek to hold the.parties to a ten-day notice provision. The
contract suggests that if notice is not provided to the service provider within ten days of
receipt of a claim, the provider has no obligation to indemnify the municipality. The
wide range of responsibilities, obligations, departments and personnel with which
municipalities must deal makes acceptance of such a short notice window ill advised. In
addition, it is possible that a municipality could receive a•very general notice of loss and
not be aware of the potential indemnity due from a contractor until well after this short
notice period has lapsed. Finally, claims for insurance subrogation or contribution
against the service provider may be compromised if a municipality fails to recognize the
short notice provision. In such circumstances, that notice provision may lapse months or
years before the subrogation or contribution claim matures.
An Interlocal Service of the Massachusetts Municipal Association
I believe it is prudent for municipalities to seek to remove, wherever possible, restrictive
notice provisions from contracts with their service providers.
Thank you for taking the time to discuss this issue with me. If I can provide any further
information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
M chael E. Cusack
Vice President
Claim Operations
C: Attorney William Solomon
319 Main Street
Stoneham: MA 02180
interimt Inmrance Amcisdon
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Phil Rushworth [phil@rctv.org]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:57 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Cc: LeLacheur, Bob; Connors, Bill
Subject: Fwd: Invoice # 20080224
Attachments: image001.jpg; ATT12078.htm; Reading 3-14-08 20080224.pdf; ATT12079.htm
This is the equipment RCTV needs to broadcast over the WAN. RCTV is paying for this, but I just wanted you to be
aware of the cost considering the contract renewal.
Philip Rushworth
Executive Director, RCTV
Reading Community TV
www. rcty :off
TV Made By Youl
The Cultural Connection
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Donna Baker" <donnaO.accessavnh.com>
Date: June 13; 2008 10:45:54 AM EDT
To: <ohil aC7rctv.orq>
Subject: Invoice # 20080224
The invoice we spoke about yesterday is attached. If you have any questions, or if you need additional information,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
J✓on,t z JOa lcvz
Access A/V, LLC
41 Terrill Park Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 224-2300 / phone
(603) 224-2308 / fax
.acc~.ss .avv
41 Terrill Park Drive - Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-2300 • Fax: 603-224-2308
Bill To
Reading Community.TV
ATTN: Phil Rushworth
224 Ash Street
Reading, MA 01867
Ship To
Reading Community TV
224 Ash Street
Reading, MA 01867
Date Invoice #
3/14/2008 1 20080224
P.O. Number Terms
Rep + Ship Via
F.O.B. I
Municipal Light Net 15
KL 3/12/2008 UPS
Quantity Item Code
Price Each
1 9715DR-L-ST
Optelecom Digital Rx 1 Video-2 Stereo Audio
1 9715DT-LD-ST
Optelecom Digital Tx 1 Video-2 Stereo Audio
2 Power Supply
Optelecom 120V/1 2V Power Supply
2 Custom
Custom Fiber
1 Shipping
Shipping / Delivery charges
Thank you for your business!
18% APR interest charged on past due invoices. Accounts turned over to a 3rd
party for collections will be liable for a
ll pursuit costs including reasonable attorney
Balance Due
Phone # I Fax #
(603) 224-2300 (603) 224-2308
Page I of 2
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Connors, Bill
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:09 PM
To: Phil Rushworth; Hechenbleikner, Peter
Cc: LeLacheur, Bob; Furilla, Kevin; Cain, Joe; Wilson, Matthew
Subject: RE: Invoice # 20080224
Based on what we paid to pull fiber thru the library the cost of the equipment, the fiber and the labor is about $5,000.00
per building. We talked about the senior center, library, Parker, Coolidge, as priority sites and the high school press box and
Burbank as secondary sites.
From: Phil Rushworth [mailto:phil@rctv.org]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:57 AM
To: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Cc: LeLacheur, Bob; Connors, Bill
Subject: Fwd: Invoice # 20080224
This is the equipment RCTV needs to broadcast over the WAN. RCTV is paying for this, but I just wanted
you to be aware of the cost considering the contract renewal.
Philip Rushworth
Executive Director, RCTV
Reading Community TV
TV Made By Youl
The Cultural Connection
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Donna Baker" <donnaO-accessavnh.com>
Date: June 13, 2008 10:45:54 AM EDT
To: <p_hil@rctv_.om>
Subject Invoice # 20080224
The invoice we spoke about yesterday is attached. If you have any questions, or if you need additional information, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
C-17)o~2hcz JJu~/cerc
Access A/V, LLC
James W Cormier
Chief of Police
15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893
F-Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us
Honorable Board of Selectmen June 17, 2008
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Honorable Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the Reading Police Department, I would like to voice support for the
Emergency Notification System that could be provided by cable television. In today's
world of unknown threats and natural disasters, instant communications is the best means
to deal with major catastrophic incidents. We all hope that we never need to use the
Emergency Notification System. But, it would be best to have it in place and never need
it, than not have it and need it. In a true emergency, the ability to contact every
household in town is vitally important. We cannot predict where, how or who an
emergency may impact and the ability to instantly notify all households in town would be
The access provided by cable television into the homes is important today more than
ever. With many homes moving away from traditional land line telephones, and seeing
in emergencies cell phones becoming overloaded, Cable Television could be our only
means of communications with the majority of our residents. Another aspect regarding
Emergency Notification System is the immediacy of it: There are no delays and no
answering machines, it is right into the living room.
It is my understanding that we utilized this system when the gasoline truck overturned on
Route 93. The system worked effectively to communicate emergency information to the
community. I could only imagine that the communication abilities today would be
greatly enhanced from what they were when that accident occurred.
The Reading Police Department takes a position that strongly advocates for the
Emergency Notification System in the Town of Reading. The public will not accept
explanations after the fact as to why we were not prepared.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
Jam . Cormie
Chie of Police
Jarred W. Cormier
Chief of Police
15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893
E-Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us
Honorable Board of Selectmen June 17, 2008
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Honorable Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the Reading Police Department, I would like to voice support for the
government accessibility provided by cable television. The Police Department regularly
uses the cable access provided by RCTV for public service announcements and public
information updates. We also use RCTV as one way to keep ourselves up to date with
current events within the community.
We have worked with the RCTV staff to provide information and create Public Service
Announcements on a variety of topics. The sight impaired pedestrian crossing indicators
were new to our area and RCTV worked with our Community Service Officer to create a
PSA informing the public about the use of these signals and how they operate. When we
were exploring our new Police Station, we were able to show tours of the old building on
television. We felt these were very effective means of communicating this information.
The Police Department would like to work with the RCTV Staff to provide more
information, but we understand RCTV resources are limited. If we can increase their
resources to provide better service to the community, I would suggest we do that to the
maximum level. In today's world of instant information, communications with the public
is at a high demand. Anything we can to do to increase our abilities will provide the best
opportunity to distribute proactive information and positively impact the town
governments relationship with the community. There are many areas we would like to
expand our information services with RCTV going forward, but they will need the
resources to provide those opportunities.
The Reading Police Department takes a position that strongly advocates for the cable
Government Access in the Town of Reading and to maximize the resource commitment
to the town from the cable provider. The public will not accept explanations after the fact
as to why we were not prepared.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
V mier
y - ~
15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
Jamed W. Cormier Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893
Chief of Police ?-Mail: JCormier@ci:reading.ma.us
June 17, 2008
Honorable Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Honorable Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the Reading Police Department, I would like to voice support for the
Expanded Basic service channels be provided to municipal buildings.
It is important for the Police Department to have the ability to access emergency
information. Television stations provided under the expanded basic, such as CNN, The
Weather Channel, and New England Cable News, to mention a few, would assist the
Police Department in keeping up with news and weather during emergencies. These
stations are not available on basic service or through non-cable abilities.
The Police Department houses the communications center that will be responsible in an
emergency situation to communicate essentially with all town departments. This will
include Fire, Police, Public Works, and Reading Light. It would be essential for the
communications center to have access to these news and weather stations in an
emergency to provide adequate service to the community.
The Reading Police Department takes a position that strongly advocates for the Expanded
Basic in Municipal Buildings in the Town of Reading. The public will not accept
explanations after the fact as to why we were not prepared.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter.
Sine ely
UV /
Jam . Cormier
Chie of Police
rs Reading, Massachusetts 01867
a9 rx_ con4°¢
757 Main Street
BUS. Phone: 781-942-9181
STA. Phone: 781-944-3132
Fax: 781-942-9114
June 16, 2008
Mr. James Bonazoli, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Bonazoli,
As Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director for the Town of Reading, I believe
government access to local cable television is critically important. RCTV is an ,
invaluable tool in educating and informing the citizens of Reading on local issues.
Secondly, in the event of a large scale emergency incident that directly impacts Reading,
RCTV has a unique ability to allow local officials to get out valuable public information.
Examples include using the cable television override feature, scrolling messages,
providing information on the opening of emergency shelters or announcing the location
of local mass inoculation site or sites.
The Reading Fire Department has used RCTV to educate and inform the citizens of
Reading on fire protection issues, impact of proposed budget reductions and to provide
information on the services we provide.
For the reasons stated above I believe it is important that government access to cable
television be preserved and for RCTV to be properly supported.
2 S' rely,
e . Burns
Chi f Department
We're Your Friends for Life
r o~N OBBF~~
Reading, Massachusetts 01867
s P
757 Main Street
BUS. Phone: 781-942-9181
STA. Phone: 781-944-3132
Fax: 781-942-9114
June 16, 2008
Mr. James Bonazoli, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Bonazoli,
I would like to take this opportunity to request and highly recommend that expanded
basic television services be maintained and provided to all Town and School buildings
and be incorporated as part of the next Comcast cable television license renewal.
During major storms the Fire Department uses the Weather Channel and New England
Cable News to track and estimate the impact to Reading. We use this information to
determine if our staffing and deployment of Firefighters will be sufficient for the event
and to scale down when necessary. Secondly, CNN gives us important national
information on a continual basis. Together these channels provide us with a window on
the world.
All these channels are not available via an over 'the air television and the loss would have
a negative impact on our operations.
qChie kofDepa!rtment
ur Friends for Life
We're Yo
e OFR6
,6't9; p4P~ Reading, Massachusetts 01867
757 Main Street
BUS. Phone: 781-942-9181
STA. Phone: 781-944-3132
Fax: 781-942-9114
June 16, 2008
Mr. James Bonazoli, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Bonazoli,.
As Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director for the Town of Reading, I believe it
is critically important that the local cable television license holders provide cable service
to the whole community. RCTV has a unique ability to provide emergency
communications directly to Reading residents during an emergency. Examples would
include using the cable television override feature, providing information on the opening
of emergency shelters or announcing the location of local mass inoculation site or sites.
Reading is at the crossroads of several major transportation routes. Specifically,
interstates Route 93, Route 128, a major commuter rail line, Route 28 and Route 129.
These are major transportation routes that routinely carry significant amounts of
hazardous materials. In recent memory we have had accidents with trucks carrying
liquefied natural gas and gasoline.
In Reading we have the ability through Comcast to override all cable television channels
with a voice message. This is a critically important feature for us to use to inform and
enhance the public safety of Reading residents during an emergency.
Additionally I believe that funding support for RCTV directly impacts their ability to get
their message out. Poor audio or visual quality significantly impacts the number of
viewers who will use this communication tool.
For the reasons stated above I believe it is important that all residents regardless of their
geographic location have access to local cable television service and for RCTV to be
properly supported.
m erely,
Gr y J. Burns
f of Department
We're Your Friends for Life
l G/
Board of Selectmen June 16, 2008
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Selectmen,
During your negotiations with Comcast, I urge you to support increased funding of
RCTV and community access television, Twenty years ago, I initiated and produced
cable access coverage of School Committee meetings. At that time, covering a meeting
required several volunteer crew members and hours to set up and break down equipment,
in addition to the actual coverage of the often protracted meetings. It was a difficult,
time-consuming effort for several years until Continental Cable consented to fund
coverage of School Committee meetings.
Eventually, through careful allocation of scarce resources and selective equipment
purchases, the process of covering public meetings became simplified, which enabled
more residents to become involved in public access television production For example,
as cameras decreased in size and audio improved, I covered nearly all School Building
Committee meetings (and an occasional Historical or Conservation meeting), often using
only the microphone on the camera and a tripod. Now, with improved equipment and
permanent installation of cameras and microphones in some public meeting rooms, a
single volunteer may facilitate cable coverage of meetings; in the studio, one may
produce programs using robot cameras and one or two crew.
I attribute much of this change in ease of program production to long time director Phil
Rushworth's care, dedication and vision. A Reading native, Phil has worked hard to
make RCTV a truly community accessible station, in spite of severe limitations in
funding. He has remained in Reading, working for years with far less than the majority
of neighboring communities receive from their cable providers.
I firmly believe that RCTV as a public access television station contributes greatly to
Reading residents' support of , understanding and involvement in their community. As a
result, our democratic form of government is strengthened. This period of negotiation
with Comcast is crucial to the future of RCTV and the public's right to know and
understand their government in action. As you negotiate, I urge you to imagine the needs
of this ever changing community in the next decade. Do not sell Reading short. Five
percent of behemoth Comcast's profits in Reading is not too much to ask, considering the
proposed ten year commitment. RCTV is a singular gem that deserves your support.
Kendra Cooper
20 Covey Hill Rd.
85- :21 Wd 91 Nnr 8MZ
Administrative Offices
82 Oakland Road
Reading, MA 01867
781 944-5800
June 17, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Charles R. Robinson, Chair
Christopher Caruso, Vice-Chair
Lisa F. Gibbs
Karen Janowski
David C. Michaud
Elaine L. Webb
Patrick A. Schettini, Jr., J.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Re: Comcast License Renewal - Expanded Basic Coverage
I am writing to inform you that the School Committee unanimously passed to motions at our June
16th meeting regarding the captioned. They are as follows:
"Move that the School Committee needs and supports the provision of Expanded Basic Cable TV
service to all of the school buildings in Reading as an essential educational and safety tool for the
employees and students of the Reading Public School System."
"Move that the School Committee requests and supports full maximum funding of the Community
Access Corporation (RCTV) by Comcast, matching similar funding by Verizon, for capital and
operating purposes."
The Reading Public Schools depend on RCTV to broadcast School Committee meetings and
hearings, sporting events, and a range of other school programs at all levels. While RCTV does a
credible job at providing all of these services, the community demands more. Delays in editing
and producing a recent program by the Superintendent of Schools, as and example, could be
resolved with additional staff and funding.
Finally, it would be extremely helpful if the Cable Guide would have the information on the
programming for each of the PEG channels, and further it would be very valuable to have all PEG
programming available "on demand". Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Charles R. Robinson, Chairman
Reading School Committee
June 17, 2008
TO: Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
FROM: Board of Library Trustees
Reading Public Library
Middlesex Avenue
Reading, MA 01867
RE: Comcast Hearing
At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Reading Public Library, it was
brought to our attention that there is concern about the future funding of RCTV.
The board has found the Bulletin Board on RCTV to be a very effective means of
communication and has discussed the possibility of creating a regular program that would
help the citizens of Reading better understand the many functions of the library.
The station is a valuable asset to this community and a very effective way to reach such a
high percentage of the residents. We hope that the Board of Selectmen will be able to
renegotiate the contract with Comcast so that proper funding will be available to maintain
the high standards that have been set by RCTV.
Susan Axelson, Chair
Board of Trustees
Reading Public Library
Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Lois V Erikson [erlo1@juno.com]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 3:49 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: reading cable t.v.
To the board of Selectmen:
My husband and I do watch our local cable station. We listen to interviews
with our town manager, church services, presentation by Janice Hart,
gardening with a Hart. We recently enjoyed watching the Reading Symphony
Pop's concert. The filming of some of these programs is great.
Please see that they continue.
Lois and Erik Erikson
15 Kieran Rd.
Reading, Mass. 01867 Tel. No.
It's never been easier to change your name. Click now,!
i ( DO
Page 1 of 1
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Sullivan, Mark [MarkSuil!van @WeberShandwick.coml
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:14 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: RCTV
Dear Selectmen,
As a 16 year resident of Reading, both my wife and I watch dial in to RCTV each week. We used it to stay on top of the Mall
situation, the Keno debate, as well as the taping of school & sporting events. As our school aged children get older we find we
lean on RCTV more as a local information source. Please use our interest during your negotiations with Comcast.
Mark Sullivan
Beaver Road
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Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: pkoppelp@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:10 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Folopoulos, Dawn; Bonazoli, James
Subject: RCTV
Attention Board of Selectmen:
I'm writing to express the importance of RCTV programming in Reading prior to the public meeting on June 18,
2008. Unfortunately, I will be out-of-town and unable to attend the hearing but feel it is important for you to note the
significance role RCTV has in our community. I am hopeful that this role will not only continue but expand over the
coming years.
Personally, I enjoy watching Reading @ Large and frequently monitor Selectmen and School Committee meetings
on RCTV. RCTV coverage also allows me to watch any of the church services that I am not able to attend on
Sundays. These programs allow me to stay connected to my community even when I am not able to attend meetings in
person. It is a valuable resource for me as a busy and working parent in Reading.
In addition, as. a geriatric nurse practitioner I know that RCTV provides a vital link between the community and
Reading's senior residents. Many seniors are not comfortable driving at night or in the winter and RCTV coverage of
community meetings and church services as well as other senior programs allows these seniors to stay
connected. Reading's Elder/Human Services Administrator is interested in taping programs at the Senior Center to
provide additional outreach. Many of our seniors have enjoyed being involved in the production of RCTV programs.
This is a wonderful win-win opportunity, providing seniors with new skills and the community with new resources.
RCTV is an important resources for parents and seniors in Reading. In a time when parents are becoming
increasing disconnected because of multiple obligations and our senior population is growing, RCTV should be a
cornerstone for our community--facilitating connection and communication.
Paula Koppel
60 Lilah Lane
Colon al
torus s
June 16, 2008
Attention Board of Selectmen,
We are writing on behalf of Reading Community Television and their relationship
with the Colonial Chorus Players here in Reading.
The Colonial Chorus Players are a non-profit organization dedicated to "bringing
musicals of a more advanced type" to Reading and surrounding communities. Our
main financial support comes from ticket sales to these shows which cannot be
successful without a great deal of publicity on our part. Press releases are not always
a guarantee in the local papers, RCTV, however, has always guaranteed our postings
on the bulletin board and has never let us down.
In the past few years our relationship has grown even stronger. RCTV has helped us
to create a show, "Colonial Chorus: Behind the Scenes." This has shown to be a
great tactic for us to get the community excited about our upcoming show. Our past
board President, Thomas Coffin was aired on an episode of "The Cultural
Connection" where he was allowed to speak about Colonial Chorus and how
important our organization is. RCTV has taped some of our events beautifully.
Lastly, we are in talks of producing PSA's.
Without the help and support of RCTV, the Colonial Chorus Players would not be the
active Reading organization that it has become. Please encourage Comcast Cable
Television to do whatever they can to support such great programming and the true
Reading treasure that RCTV is.
Pamela Denning, Board President
Angela Merrill, Public Relations Chair
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Rita ROBERTSON [rrobertson01 @msn.com]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 7:55 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: RCTV Upcoming Negotiations
June 16, 2008
Board of Selectman
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, Massachusetts 01867
To the Board of Selectman:
We are writing in support of the Reading Community Access Television station.
Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the community meeting this Wednesday
but wanted our position to be heard and recognized. We have lived in Reading for
fifteen years and are both currently active Town Meeting members, representing
Precinct 2.
We strongly support the RCTV and the television coverage it supplies. We enjoy
watching the light programming it offers and we appreciate the' access and
availability it provides to important meetings that impact our town. Often, it is
difficult to attend evening meetings but it is a true convenience and an important
resource to be able to view them at home. The RCTV also acts as a critical town
wide message board which greatly serves this community.
We are greatly concerned that the RCTV be properly funded and would ask that
our elected Board of Selectman do all in your power to assure a fair and
reasonable contract that will allow the RCTV to continue to serve this community
in the future. While the negotiation process can be a challenging one, we are
hopeful that you will not lose sight of the goal of maintaining a viable RCTV which
will continue to serve and enhance our town.
Rita Cunningham Robertson
Page 1 of 1
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Anne Mark [anne_mark@verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 5:47 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: phil@rctv.org
Subject: RCTV PEG funds endorsement
Attachments: RCTV 6.16.08.doc
To the Members of the Board,
During my tenure as Volunteer Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell, HfHGL volunteers built
two homes in Reading. John Surette filmed the whole process--from tree felling in June, through brush
clearing, framing, siding, and painting, all the way to the house dedication the following June. He captured the
hard work of the construction volunteers, the good fellowship brought by the coffee break and lunch providers,
the camaraderie between the Habitat partner families and the volunteer builders as they all worked together,
and the joy as town officials, church leaders, businesspeople, the families, Habitat committee members, and
over a hundred well-wishers shared in dedicating the houses. He carefully and thoughtfully put together 4 one-
half-hour shows for RCTV about this community house- and home-raising. What a wonderful way for more
people in Reading to learn about the mission of Habitat and how they can help!. And what a wonderful way to
celebrate and lift up what the Reading community--individuals, businesses, church groups, and organizations like
scouts-can do together. This was a great series of shows, from many points of view, and expanding this sort of
coverage of community events would be a boon.
Speaking personally, my husband and T have enjoyed other RCTV offerings, especially about Reading's natural
environment (the walk in Kurchian Woods, for instance) and history (who knew that Reading once had a race
track or was home to a circus owner?). Making this type of program available can only deepen the community's
love of place and the townspeople's desire to preserve and care for it, it seems to me.
As a volunteer and a resident, I'm strongly in favor of an increase in the public, education, and government
funds for RCTV.
Anne P. Mark
284 Summer Ave., Reading
June 15, 2008
Board of Selectmen
Reading Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Member of the Board of Selectmen:
2Q18 BUR 16 PM 12= 58
This letter is in support of Reading Community Television. In the mid 1980's, I helped
with the first cable access coverage of school committee meetings, a totally volunteer
effort using Continental Cable equipment. I have watched community television grow
over the past 20 years and I strongly believe RTCV's coverage of government meetings
provides an essential service to the community. In fact, the only reason I have signed
with Comcast is to have access to the community broadcast channels.
The level of funding that Comcast has provided over the past contract period is shameful..
Nevertheless, through the enthusiasm and commitment of RCTV's executive directors as
well as the dedication of a core group of volunteer producers, RCTV has provided
wonderful and plentiful programming, often outpacing the efforts of better funded
community stations in the surrounding towns.
It is now time Comcast shoulder its fair share of the RCTV's financial support. Funding
community access television is much more important than other Comcast "public
relations" spending. Specifically, Comcast spent millions on the naming rights for the
former Tweeter Center and the funding of City Year; these dollars come from the
amounts charged Comcast customers. If Reading residents were surveyed in an unbiased
manner, they no doubt would prefer increased funding for RCTV over those Comcast
Center and City Year expenditures.
Comcast claims it only wants "level playing field" language in their contracts with public
access stations. However, their definition of "level playing field" appears to apply only
when that would lower Comcast's support obligations. While Comcast has benefited
greatly from the audience RCTV draws, Verizon has been contributing far more as a
percent of revenue than Comcast to the running of RCTV. This does not constitute a
"level playing field."
Comcast also should reallocate funding for local customer service. In a recent attempt to
communicate my concerns to Comcast, I used the customer service email address
included in my last Comcast bill. I asked for a clarification of Comcast's position on the
level of funding they propose and requested that Comcast fully support RCTV. I received
a computer generated email response suggesting I contact Amy Brough at RCTV. Amy
has not been the RCTV director for at least five years. I conclude that Comcast has little
interest in customer service, is clueless about the management of local cable stations and
has no commitment to public access television.
Comcast needs to care more about the residents of Reading. RCTV producers should not
have to purchase their own video cameras, editing equipment and software, a necessity at
times because Comcast has not provided an adequate level of funding to community
access television. If Comcast persists in refusing to supply a reasonable and fair level of
support, I would urge Board to reject Comcast's license renewal.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the residents of Reading. I urge you to insist that
Comcast improve their customer service and increase support of community access
Bruce Coop r
20 Covey Hill Road
Treasurer, RCTV Board of Directors
Cc : Phil Rushworth, Executive Director, RCTV
TA UMV)1:01
11 ~ l
cam-, S--x
2M JUN 16 AM lit 01
June 14, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Reading Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, Ma 01867
RE: RCTV funding
Dear Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of Reading Community Singers we would like to voice our support for
continuing the Comcast funding of 5% for RCTV.
Over the years RCTV has been invaluable in bringing local events into our homes,
including the Reading Community Singers concerts. As many of our Reading friends
have told us they have seen our concerts on the local station and we in our converstaioins
with fellow Reading community singers we know n see that the viewership is out there.
To cut any funding to this invaluable community resource would just be wrong.
We hope you will consider these thoughts in making your decision regarding the funding
of RCTV.
Since ly,
oanne Coughlin & Kathleen Carlo
Co-Presidents, Reading Community Singers
cc: Phil Rushworth, RCTV
A08 JUN 16 AM 11:01
84 Batchelder Rd.
Reading, MA 01867
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
To the Board of Selectmen,
We are writing to request that in your negotiations with Comcast, RCTV receives
the necessary funding to provide the coverage that we have all come to expect.
RCTV provides a valuable service in helping Reading residents remain
connected to their community. The viewing of meetings of the various
governmental bodies provides a transparency in government that reading the
local papers does not. We can view the finer nuances of town government for
ourselves without having the information screened through a reporter's eyes.
RCN's Community Bulletin Board is an important service whereby the various
groups and organizations have an opportunity to inform the public of their events.
Many of these organizations have no money to advertise.
In your negotiations, we hope you will remember how important RCN is to the
Carol Lucyniak
Dennis Lucyniak
M3 JUN 16 AM 11:01
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Board Members,
As a member of the St. Agnes and St. Athanasius Adult Education Committee, I
am writing to advocate your strong support for increased funding from
Comcast for RCTV, our local public access television station. RCTV is so
important to our churches and ministries. We often have need to publicize our
religious adult education programs and have no money to spend on
advertising. RCTV's Community Bulletin Board has proven to be invaluable
in getting the word out. Luke Schneider of the RCTV staff has been very
responsive but needs more help.
Some of our members have requested training from RCTV's staff so that we
can operate the cameras ourselves to provide coverage of our events. RCTV
staff has been very cooperative but there are so few of them. They are
stretched so thin. I believe they have only 2 fulltime staff.
RCTV is so popular that they don't always have enough equipment to loan out.
RCTV needs more money to provide the equipment so high in demand. With
increased financial support from Comcast, that may be possible.
Miriam M. Nigro
Member of the St. Agnes and St. Athanasius Committee
Richard H. Curtis
15 Holly Road, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
June 15, 2008 8
Board of Selectmen
Re: Comcast Hearing
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
I regret that I am unable to attend the Comcast hearing
on June 18 but wish to express my
As the producer of "Reading @ Large" and "Gardening with a Hart' for RCTV, I am
deeply concerned with the negotiations between Comcast and the Town of Reading.
Although my efforts are voluntary, I am dependent on RCTV equipment and the limited
fWl-time staff for technical advice.
Those who have viewed other local access stations in the area are amazed at the quality
and extent of programming produced for Reading Community Television. There is no
accurate means of identifying the cxtent of the viewership. Yet the number of people who
stop me on the street to comment on my productions leads me to believe that viewer
interest with RCTV is very high. _
The station must continue to expand with newer equipment and larger facilities. It cannot
merely maintain the status quo. Any organization that does not grow will eventually fade
from the scene. RCTV has set high standards, and this community expects great things
from its local access station.
RCTV relies on the financial support from its two major sources - Comcast and
Verizon. That support will allow the station to continue to grow, and the beneficiary will
be the local community.
Verizon agreed to pay five percent. Comcast cannot afford to settle for anything less, for
it would put Comcast in an awkward position of being a minor league player in the
Reading community. As a current Comcast subscriber, I would be one who would
reconsider my choice of cable provider if Comcast does not think RCTV is worthy of
support. RCTV is a vital part of this community. Comcast should realize that fact.
Richard H. Curtis
P.O. Box 96 Reading, Massachusetts 01867
June 14, 2008
James Bonazoli
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Bonazoli:
The Reading Public Library Foundation, as you know, depends upon outreach to our
community to maintain its visibility as an advocate for the Reading Public Library.
The Foundation has consistently relied on RCTV to provide valuable information to
Reading citizens in a number of ways. For example, the Community Bulletin Board
enables us to notify residents about the events that we host to enrich community life. The
Reading @ Lange television program highlighted both the Library and those groups who
work to support its mission. In addition, several of our speaker series events have been
taped by RCTV for later use in the community.
RCTV does an excellent job. providing the community with local outreach and
information. We urge the Selectmen to continue to support RCTV for the benefit of all
of Reading's citizens.
Thank you very much.
Neil Cohen
Vice President
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Merel Abruzzese [merelabru@gmaii.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:32 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Local Cable Programming
Dear Selectmen -
am writing to express my support for local cable programming. As a mother of young children, it is difficult to get out at night to
attend meetings, and it is incredibly useful to be able to watch things like the school committee meetings on the TV. The local
channel helps me stay connected to what is going on in the town without having to leave the house.
Thank you,
Merel Abruzzese
31 Autumn Lane
6/16/2008 ~p
Hechenblelkner, Peter
From: Dogtoon Media [dogtoonmedia@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 9:54 AM
To: Town Manager
Subject: In Support of RCTV
Dear Board of Selectmen,
I am writing you to support the invaluable coverage provided by RCTV
(Reading Community Television)
As a student at Reading Memorial High School, I enrolled in the classes
provided by RCTV and enlisted as a volunteer. The experiences I learned
wile a student of RCTV have proved the building blocks for my professional
career in my endeavors as a freelance videographer, as a citified Apple
Creative, as a supervisor for Studio Operations at the New England
Institute of Art, as a teacher of digital editing and digital post effects
for the same institute and as the head of my own start up production
RCTV has not only provided the lessons I would build from but has also
continued to support and display my work. Like many, RCTV has given, and
continues to give the people of Reading the ability to make their own
television, to express themselves and learn in the process, I would very
much appreciate it if you informed Comcast of the integral role RCTV has
had on the community of Reading.
Thank you
Douglas Cowell
Page 1 of 1
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: wyerfam ily@comcast, net
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 9:33 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Cable renewal
Dear Board of Selectmen:
I am writing in support of an increase in the amount Comcast supports and pays for local programming here in
Reading. My family and I use the local cable channels to keep informed with current issues in Reading. My children
are very involved in sports here in town. We are out many nights at games and school functions and must depend on
the rebroadcast of the many public meetings to stay informed. School committee and selectmen meetings are very
important to us. We also enjoy the programs produced by local Reading residents - Face the .Facts, Sports Talk, Mr.
Vaccaro's programs, as well as Ask the Manager, and the Selectmen's occasional round table discussions. We have
also been able to watch sporting events that we don't usually get to see, such as wrestling matches and lacrosse games.
We would like to see an increase in the programming on the local cable channels with the support of Comcast if their
contract is renewed. Ple ase co ntinue to require and support this valuable local access. Thank you.
Denise Wyer
228 Forest St.
Hechenblelkner, Peter
From: Janet Breen Banetob@comcast.net]
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:59 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: PEG (Public Access TV)
Dear Reading Board of Selectmen,
I am a Reading resident who hopes very much to see the PEG programming
continue in this town.
As a citizen and parent I appreciate having the school committee meetings
televised, as well as FInCom and the Board of Selectmen meetings. I also
enjoy watching locally produced programs such as "Reading at Large" and
like that members of the town are able to participate in their own
production and airing of content. I enjoy seeing coverage of school events
including talent shows, graduations, and holiday celebrations. Finally I
use the local coverage to find out election results and local information
through the community notices.
I would like very much to see support of this type of programming continue
in Reading over the next 10 years.
Janet Breen
109 Oak Street
Reading, MA 01867
1 9
Hechenbleikner, Peter
Bo or Gina [bog ina03@earthlin k. ndt]
Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:23 PM
Reading - Selectmen
LeLacheur, Bob; Michele Benson
Reading Cable Public Education
Dear Reading Board of Selectmen,
I would like to encourage you to make sure that local access cable TV is
fully supported in Reading. There is an enormous need to educate citizens
not only on town government issues, but on issues of critical importance
that the town is working on.
The town appointed our committee to address climate change through the
Cities for Climate Protection program. Under this program, as you know from
our Reading Climate Action Plan, we are planning to include a local cable
show in our outreach, to let citizens know what they can do to address the
critical issue of energy reductions at a local level. Local access
programming, services and facilities will be essential for this to be
successful. The Cable TV bulletin board has also been critical in
advertising some of the valuable services we have offered, the Earth Day
Fair and Reading,Recycles appliance collection is the most recent example.
We must all do our part to tackle this issue. Comcast should be doing their
part too.
Thank you,
Gina Snyder
Citizen and member of Reading Advisory Committee on Cities for Climate
1 0
Page 1 of I
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: crwhit99@aol.com
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 4:00 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Comcast Hearing Next Week
Dear Members of the Reading Board of Selectmen:
I am writing just in case I am unable to attend the Comcast hearing next Wednesday.
I like to watch a variety of programs on RCTV, such as the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading services, nature
programs producted by John Surrette, such as the ones about the Town Forest/Ipswich River, programs produced or
provided by Bob Connor, Reading at Large, etc. I hope that Comcast will increase their financial support.
Thank you for your consideration.
Carolyn Whiting
17 Chestnut Rd
Reading MA 01867
Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news, & more!
Page 1 of 1
Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Deborah Gilburg [debgilburg@verizon.net]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:41 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: RCTV
Dear Selectmen:
I am an avid supporter of RCTV and all that they bring to Reading. Not only does RCTV serve as a valuable
communication resource, it has become a cultural mainstay in this community. Please share my perspective with any
and all who are interested, and lets keep their funding alive!
Thank you,
Deborah Gilburg
debailbura a0verizon.net
103 Oak Street
Reading, MA 01867
(781) 942-9427
Page 1 of 2
Hechenblefter, Peter
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:49 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: LeLacheur, Bob; LaPointe, Gail
Subject: Comcast license renewal - government access
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
We are writing to express the opinion of our Finance and Accounting departments that our PEG access needs to improve
substantially in order to serve the Reading community.
The quality and quantity of public meeting coverage must improve. Residents often complain that they cannot get live
coverage of meetings. A few locations in town have been wired for live meeting coverage and connected to the Town's wide-area
network. Because of the huge amount of volunteerism in Reading, even these locations cannot always broadcast live because
there are simply not enough channels available. Many residents have complained about the sound quality of meetings - this is
most often caused by moving broadcast equipment from location-to-location, because RCTV simply cannot afford to buy multiple
pieces of equipment. Residents also note that many meetings are not even taped and replayed at a future time, because RCTV
simply does not have the staff or equipment. Several residents have requested that we provide streaming video on our website
from these taped meetings.
The community bulletin board serves as a vital communications tool for some of our residents. Many of our residents have
internet and email access, but a significant portion rely only on cable to be alerted to the many activities and functions on town
government. Here is a sample of how we use the community bulletin board today:
o all aspects of Finance and Accounting use the community bulletin board (ebb) to direct residents to the Town's
website for important updates and details;
o the Assessing function relies on the ebb to alert residents when staff will be calling to make appointments for home
o the Treasurer/Collectors office uses the ebb to remind residents about the due dates of quarterly tax bills, water,
sewer & stormwater bills, and excise taxes especially valuable since the cost of postage reduces the amount of
reminders sent by mail;
o the Town Clerk's office relies on the ebb to provide updated election information - including registration deadlines,
absentee ballots information, poll information such as rides for seniors, and finally immediate election results
o the Town Clerk's office uses the ebb to inform residents about license (marriage, hunting, dogs) and permit (such as
raffles) requirements;
o the Town Clerk's office uses the ebb to alert Town Meeting members on meeting dates & locations;
o the Human Resources department uses the ebb to communicate with employees and retirees about benefit changes
and updates.
As a community, Reading has a significant amount of highly involved residents. Many volunteer their time for a variety of
government and school activities, and need to receive constant communication from the Town. PEG provides a vital link to these
The younger generation is growing up in a world with much more sophisticated technology than many of us had. Considering that
this Comcast contract will extend for ten years - RCTV as currently funded simply cannot keep up with the changing demands that
our current and future residents will place on them over this period of time.
Page 2 of 2
Thanks for your consideration,
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., CFA
Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2683
(781) 942-6636
(781) 942-9037 fax
finance0ci.readina. ma.us
Gail LaPointe
Town Accountant
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2683
(761) 942-6604
(781) 942-9037 fax
financercDci.readina.ma. us
6/13/2008 b~
y Town of Reading
. ! 16 Lowell Street
°rs~9 40~° Reading, MA 01867-2683
June 13, 2008
Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Selectmen,
Dawn Folopoulos
Elder/Human Services
Phone: (781) 942-6608
Fax: (781) 942-9071
Email: dawn@ci.reading.ma.us
Website: www.readinwma.aov
Reading Elder/Human Services requests that you recognize the importance of cable TV as a
means of community involvement, entertainment, and information for Reading Seniors.
Many seniors have told tell me about the local cable shows they enjoy watching including,
Reading C Large, the Selectmen's meetings, school performances, cooking shows, church
services, Ask the Town Manager, and others. Hopefully, they will soon be able to add
informative and entertaining Senior Center programs to that list. The Etder/Human Services
division is currently working on taping and airing various some senior center programs for
those seniors who are unable to come to the senior center.
Specifically, I have been told about the desire to have more broadcasting of Town events and
board meetings. Many seniors do not drive after dark or do not drive at all and the viewing of
government and community programs keeps them involved in the Town many of them helped
The community bulletin boards are much appreciated by the seniors as a means to find out
about local happenings and up-to-date information. When weather becomes a concern, the.
seniors know they can turn to the bulletin boards to learn about home delivered meat delays
or community closings. For many seniors and disabled residents, the bulletin boards area life
Thank you for the opportunity to express the views of the senior community.
Dawn Folopoutos
Elder/Human Services Administrator
1334tabing *pmmpbonp Orrbe!Wa
V. 38ox 165
'ReAtm, f:OI OIS 7
Eugene R. Nigro - President
Gene Martin -Vice President
Herlinda Charpentier Saitz - Secretary
Marcus Chanonhouse
Marcia Cutlip
Raymond Gagnon
Arthur E. Knapp
Alan Mosier
Dr. Roland Vazquez - Music Director
June 12, 2008
Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner,
I may not be able, to attend the hearing with Comcast but want to express my
support for RCTV in its need for increased funding to provide television
coverage of cultural events to the benefit of the Reading community.
Reading is so fortunate to have a large number of musical and arts organizations.
RCTV does not have the needed space, staffing or equipment to adequately
provide coverage of them all. It desperately needs a new facility and additional
staffing. The Reading community will truly benefit.
Thank you and the Selectmen for their kind attention.
ti e
Eugene R. Nigro
29 Evergreen Rd.
Reading, MA 01867
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Board of Selectmen,
I am writing to support the invaluable coverage RCTV provides our community.
There are many of us who do not receive the local papers and depend on the coverage
RCTV provides of the meetings of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and other
governmental bodies. It was one of the reasons I subscribed to Comcast.
I also enjoy the various programs produced by my friends and neighbors. They are
entertaining and instructional. I find the gardening program with fan Hart and Dick Curtis
particularly helpful in my managing my own garden.
I would appreciate it very much if you informed Comcast of the integral role RCTV
provides in our community.
Eleanor N. Merrill
Page 1 of 2
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Fran Sansalone [fran.sansalone@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:56 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Comcast license renewal.
Dear Board of Selectmen -
I am writing to express some views on the proposal license renewal for Comcast. Out-of-town business travel will
prevent my attendance at next Wednesday's meeting.
Although RCTV does an admirable job in delivering local programming to Reading, much more could be done.
Additional programs could better populate the schedule, offer a greater variety, reduce the number of repeated
programs, and better serve the people of Reading.
In this era of proliferating electronic communication, our local TV offerings should be energetic, timely, varied, and of
interest to a broad spectrum of Reading citizens. Our limited town financial resources constrain the breadth of programs
offered to the citizens of Reading.
Just a few ideas for additional programming, were additional funding available:
. In addition to broadcasting Selectmen meetings, Town Meeting sessions and School Committee meetings, it
would be wonderful to provide some analysis of local government meetings, issues, events.
• Richer, more vibrant coverage of local elections would be terrific.
. Additional educational programming, instructional programs, cultural offerings would be most welcome.
o Offerings from area colleges and universities, as well as broadcasting Reading's adult education would greatly
enrich the slate of programs.
• Broadcast how-to programs on various skills (computer applications, video, production, arts and crafts)
. Programs about local history, geology, meteorology, in addition to current environmental education efforts
would strengthen the schedule.
• Coverage of local clubs, organizations, community groups.
• Broadcasts by town departments (police, fire, Health Dept., schools, Town administration) could inform and
educate citizens on the mission and services of town government.
• Programs directed toward military veterans and their families would be more than timely.
• Recreational offerings that pertained to town recreational sports programs - beyond announcements of sign-ups
and registration information would be valuable.
• More personal interest, interviews, profiles, local interest stories would also be welcome.
• Programs on hobbies, do-it-yourself projects, cultural events, movie reviews, additional cooking instruction,
nutrition and health programs... the list goes on.
Reading is an incredibly frugal town. As a Town Meeting member for some 15 years, I've seen the town struggle to use
its limited resources creatively, responsibly and fairly. I served on Reading's Cable TV Commission and understand the
need for cooperation and common goals. When I served, we had only one cable TV provider in Reading; today we have
several providers, some of whom provide more generous financial support to the town.
I encourage the Selectmen to hold Comcast to a greater financial obligation to Reading. The need is apparent.
Page 1 of 2
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: Tucci, Ken R [krtucci@wbztv.coml
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 9:26 AM
To: Town Manager
Subject: RCTV letter
Hello Peter,
Here's a letter of support for RCTV for the Selectman.
Thanks for. passing it along.
Hope all is well.
Ken Tucci
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA'01867 June 13, 2008
Board of Selectmen:
I am writing in support of Reading Community Television. As someone who has produced programming
through RCTV, and who watches a variety of programs on the local channels, I find RCTV to be a valuable
resource for our town, worthy of support. The fact that RCTV cablecasts Town Meeting, Selectmen's
meetings, School Committee meetings, town election results, etc. is proof enough of the service the outlet
provides. But of special interest is the local programming that RCN members create. From a simple studio
'talk show or a field produced program, to a church service or opinion program, the content adds to the
texture of our community and can also add to the debate that inevitably occurs over many local issues. The
idea that there is an "electronic soapbox" available to all residents is also an exercise in the value of the First
I have personally found the work of Phil Rushworth and his small staff to be exemplary. In my own
experience I found it easy and convenient to get training on camera and editing equipment, and I was
treated politely and professionally. Phil encourages and supports people who choose to do work through
RCTV, and is always available to provide advice or a helping hand. .
Of course to sustain and grow the coverage and services RCTV provides requires consistent and growing
support. Equipment is expensive to buy and maintain. Updates are periodically necessary.
I understand you are about to undertake the no doubt difficult task of negotiating with Comcast over whether
to grant that company a new 10 year deal. I also understand that Comcast now supports RCTV to the tune
of half of what Verizon contributes on a percentage basis. As a Comcast customer and Town Meeting
member, I find that insufficient. To be clear, I am not enamored with any cable company. My dealings have
Page 2 of 2
usually been negative, and I've found customer service to be sorely lacking in the "service" department. I'm
sure you've received many.complaints in the past. But that's what you get with a monopoly. Until recently
Comcast had that monopoly in Reading. Since Verizon began providing competition I've found Comcast to
be easier to deal with. However, Comcast is a massive and wealthy company that looks at supporting the
community as simply the price of doing business, not as an end in itself. They do it only because they have
to, in my opinion. I urge you to play hardball with Comcast for more adequate support for RCTV. You only
have their attention once every ten years. After that, the town loses all real leverage. There's no reason to
be patient or polite with Comcast representatives if they do not pony up. Cable in Reading is not in danger
of "fading to black." You should flip them upside down and shake them until the money falls from their fat
pockets, or send them packing. Verizon will be only too happy to pick up the slack.
I hope you have fun with this negotiation. For once the town holds the best cards.
Ken Tucci
8 Buckskin Dr.
Town Meeting Member, Precinct 8 17(
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Hechenblefter, Peter
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:03 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Comcast license renewal - expanded basic coverage
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
I am writing to express my opinion that one of two financial channels should be included as in the basic cable package. Either
CNBC or Bloomberg TV would be adequate in the event of time-critical financial information.
Many communities during the past year have encountered severe financial hardships - ranging from drawing down free cash to
skipping payrolls - because of poor financial performance.
Prudent financial management begins with the raw financial data that is available on these two channels cited above. By the time
the mainstream media (such as CNN or Fox News) understand the impact of a financial development, it is usually too late for
market participants to react to protect their interests.
Thanks for your consideration,
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., CFA
Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867-2683
(781) 942-6636
(781) 942-9037 fax
financerccD oi. readina. ma. us
Page 1 of 1
Hechenblefter, Peter
From: Ruth and Jack Goldberg Oacobgoldbergl l@comcast.net]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:58 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Comcast broadcast
To the Board of Selectman,Town of Reading:
Dear People,
We are big fans of RCTV and we watch frequently.
We would like to have more programming and coverage of local events.
We are both retirees,and would appreciate having the current exercise programs aired so that in inclement weather we could
exercise at home.The longer we stay healthy,the less possible need of town services is the way we look at it.
Jack and Ruth Goldberg
June 12, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Board of Selectmen,
I am unable to attend the public hearing with Comcast, scheduled for Wednesday, June
18 but I would like to voice my support for RCTV and the television coverage it
Town Meeting, the legislative body of the community, is where the major decisions
facing residents are resolved. Issues, such as bylaw amendments, capital spending, the
setting of the operating budget - ultimately determining the tax rate and quality of our
schools and infrastructure - are decided on the town meeting floor. By covering every
session on television, those meetings are delivered directly to our citizenry. The
population remains informed and a transparent government is maintained. In short,
RCTV contributes to the maintenance of a healthy democracy.
Additionally, of course, the local cable channel covers meetings of the board of
selectmen, school committee, and other town bodies, helping to assure that everyone can
remain involved whether or not they have the time to volunteer.
I add my voice to those that hope to see local access television maintain its financial
support and remain a vital part of our community. During your negotiations with our
cable providers I urge you to make that a priority.
Alan E. Foulds
2 Elderberry Lane Apt. 014
Reading, MA 01867
June 6, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
Reading, MA 01867
Please vote RCTV to get at least 5% funding from Comcast.
I watch RCTV channels every day and appreciate the excellent programs
which are entertaining and informative.
In addition 1 have used their equipment and made use of the excellent instruction
RCTV staff provided. This has allowed me to air travel programs which were so
popular when my husband Bill was able to give slide shows at the Reading Public
Library and nursing homes.
The wonderful varied programs that Dick Curtis and John Surette produce are
very popular as well so many others that keep us informed about the town and flown
Sincerely yours,
f 041.1.c. .
Rose McLaughlin
Re a cr
Lh 9-
June 17, 2008
Board of Selectman
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA
To Whom It May Concern.
As a representative of your community Bank that employs residents of this community, I
am familiar with the benefits provided by not for profit access programming. The local
benefits are informational, cultural and educational, and some expand beyond just
programming to hands on technical learning. I regularly hear about local events, issues
and meetings based on what my staff has learned watching RCTV.
The Reading Cable Channel is the perfect uncompromised venue for residents to tune in
and find out what is happening in their town. More importantly the broadcasting of
Selectman, CPDC, ZBA and other committee meetings allows for participation by and
transparency for all. Finally, I am most certain that broadcasting this information in this
medium cultivates future participants in a voluntary town government.
I encourage the Board of Selectman to support RCTV in this contract renegotiation so
they can continue to provide local programming to the Reading community.
Jullenn M. Thurlow
Presi em& CEO
Schena, Paula
From: James J. Dwyer ojdwyerw4@yahoo.com)
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:38 PM
To: Schena, Paula
Subject: Re: Cable TV Hearing
Good afternoon Paula,
Thank you for forwarding to me the meeting regarding Public Access. I will not be able to attend, I have
a previously scheduled City Council obligation, but will send a letter of support. I have supported our
Public Access, and know first hand the importance in creating a Community feeling and discussion of
local topics. Again, thank you for bringing this meeting to my attention, if I am elected, I will do my
utmost to continue the support of local programming. Jim.
OFRTown of Reading
16 Lowell Street
o. Ewa Reading, MA 01867-2683
rs39UNCO R°4P~
c: (781) 942-5441
,bsite: www.ci.reading.ma.us
June 17, 2008
Mr James Bonazoli
Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell St
Reading MA 01867
Dear Mr. Bonazoli:
(781) 942-9077
It is important that Comcast provide Government access to the Community. It is particularly important as
an emergency notification system for the Town. On September 30, 1992 a Gulf tanker truck carrying
approximately 11,000 gallons of gasoline was involved in an accident on Interstate Route 93 adjacent to
the Town's water supply, spilling over 10,000 gallons into the Towns' aquifer. It was necessary to shut
down our water treatment plant and receive water from surrounding communities. The Town Manager
was able to override programming through the cable system and notify residents of the accident and its
effect on supplying the community with potable water. He was able to inform the citizens of an
emergency water declaration by the Board of Selectmen, prohibiting outdoor use of water. One very
important message to thousands of households in the community. This is only one example of the
importance of having this access to the community.
Through the community access channel and the bulletin board, we have been able to notify residents of
construction projects such as water main construction and roadway projects, including updates as the
projects proceed. By broadcasting meetings of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, and Finance
Committee officials are able to provide the facts to help citizens make the right decisions at our annual
and special town meetings. RCTV has also broadcast many meetings and hearing related to water
conservation programs, water, sewer, and storm water utility rates and discussions related to the
development of recreational parks and sports facilities throughout Town. This department has been
involved in the taping and broadcast of informational meetings on our yard waste composting area and
program, and one of the most important decisions that was made by this community - deciding whether
the Town of Reading should continue to produce its own water or to join the MWRA water system. These
broadcasts provided a tremendous amount of information so that we would have an informed community
to move ahead and make this important decision. This is a very important tool for municipal government
to disperse information to its citizens and important for the operation of our department.
For these and many other reasons, please work to maintain and approve the public access programming
component of the up coming cable contract.
~~o /
Edward D McIntire, Jr
Director of Public Works
OF Town of Reading
r 16 Lowell Street
r Reading, MA 01867-2683
cp ~ . ~~p
r63'9. INCOAQ~~P
Fax.- (781) 942-5441
Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us
June 17, 2008
Mr James Bonazoli
Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell St
Reading MA 01867
RE: Strand Map, Cable Services, Town of Reading
Dear Mr. Bonazoli:
(781) 942-9077
I am writing to express my strong support for a detailed strand map of Comcast's cable system
for use by the Reading Public Works Department. I request that this town-wide strand map be
available in both paper and electronic format to allow easy manual data retrieval as well as
maximum compatibility with the Town's existing GIS system.
The current lack of clear documentation of the location of cable system strands poses numerous
problems for Public Works. I require accessible and reliable data regarding the location of cable
infrastructure so that I may make prudent and informed decisions for maintaining, repairing and
improving public ways and public facilities. Digging, regrading and general construction all
pose a risk to existing but poorly identified cable infrastructure, and our normal course of work
brings us into inherent conflict with conduits, cable, fiber, lines and pipes located within public
Access to the cable network is of great importance to our community.
Edward D McIntire, Jr
Director of Public Works
oFTown of Reading
16 Lowell Street
two Reading, MA, 01867-2683
s,9. txcoue°~P
Fax: (781) 942-5441
Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us
June 17, 2008
Mr James Bonazoli
Board of Selectmen
16 Lowell St
Reading MA 01867
Dear Mr Bonazoli:
(781) 942-9077
The Reading Public Works Department request that the Board of Selectmen do everything
possible to maintain the expanded basic channels in Reading.
Channels such as CNN, the Weather Channel and other informational channels should be kept as
the basic package for they are very important to us in our daily work schedule. The Weather
Channel is important to maintain the safety of the citizens of Reading. We continually monitor
this channel to prepare for snow and rain storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters.
We appreciate your assistance to our needs. Thank you.
a "M
Edward D McIntire, Jr
Director of Public Works
Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Rev. Tim Kutzmark, Minister
June 17, 2008
James E. Bonazoli and Members
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Town of Reading
Massachusetts 01867
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the people of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading, I write to strongly encourage
your full support of Reading Cable Television in the current contract negotiations with Comcast.
Reading Cable Television provides an invaluable service to this community. I am always impressed
by the number of people who mention to me that they watch RCTV. They clearly value the various
religious services and other community events that are broadcast through RCTV. The includes
members of this congregation, residents in the town nursing homes and assisted living residences that I
visit, and non-church members who watch services on a regular basis. Reading Cable Television is
seen and heard in the community, and is a creative communicative outlet for our town.
Media and communication are essential components for a thriving community. To lose Reading Cable
would be to lose a key element of what makes Reading an attractive place to reside and do business.
Our church values Reading Cable Television, as do I. I hope we can continue valuing RCTV for many
years to come.
Rev. Tim Kutzmark
Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
Aileen Dashurova, Director of Religious Education Dr. Mark Bennett, Choir Director
239 Woburn Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
781-944-0494 uucr(cV uureadinq.orq http://www.uureadinq.orq
Church of the Good Shepherd
95 Woburn Street
Reading, MA 01867
The Rev. Deborah M. Woodward
June 17, 2008
James E. Bonazoli and
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Town of Reading
Massachusetts 01867
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the people of The Church of the Good Shepherd, and on behalf of the Reading
Clergy Association, I write to strongly encourage your full support of Reading Cable
Television in the current contract negotiations with Comcast.
RCN provides an irreplaceable communications medium for the town of Reading. Complex
21St century life styles isolate individuals, families and organizations. Rapidly changing
demographics compromise our ability to communicate effectively. RCN allows information
to be exchanged widely and clearly. For the religious community, RCN allows us, as
individual parishes, to broadcast our worship services, reaching many who cannot attend.
RCN allows the Reading Clergy, as an association of parishes, to broadcast our joint
services such as our Martin Luther King Celebration and the Reading Baccalaureate service.
Clearly, Reading needs this crucial resource to move forward as a well informed, integrated
and creative community.
With encouragement,
The Rev. Deborah M. Woodward
Priest-in-Charge - Good Shepherd
Treasurer - Reading Clergy Association
The Churches of the Reading Clergy Association:
St. Athanasius Parish Korean Church of the Nazarene
St Agnes Parish The Church of the Good Shepherd
First Baptist Church Unitarian Universalist Church
First Congregational Church
Old South United Methodist Church VP
. S w
(617) 722.1206
(781) 246-3660
June 13, 2008
Mr. Peter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
c/o Reading Town Hall
16 Lowell St.
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner:
Thank you for forwarding me the notice for the Board of Selectmen's June
18 public hearing to discuss the renewal of Reading's cable service contract with
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the hearing due to a scheduling
conflict. However, I am submitting the enclosed letter to the Selectmen asking
that they take steps to ensure the new contract includes funding for local public,
education and government (PEG) access programming.
I hope the ongoing contract negotiations between the town and Comcast
will produce positive results for PEG access programming in Reading. If I can be
of any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Richard R. ei
(617) 722 1206
June 13, 2008
Honorable Reading Board of Selectmen
c/o Reading Town Hall
16 Lowell St.
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Honorable Selectmen:
(781) 246 3660
I understand the Board is scheduled to hold a public hearing on June 18 to discuss the
town's contract renewal talks with Comcast.
Although I had hoped to attend the hearing in person, I am unable to do so due to a prior
scheduling commitment. However, l would like to goon record in support of a contract that
includes continued funding for local public, education and government (PEG) access
programming in Reading, at an amount that matches or exceeds current funding levels.
I know first-hand the value of having a strong public access channel operating in the
community. For many years, Reading Community TV (RCTV) has broadcast my Legislative
Report show, allowing me to reach out to my constituents in. Reading and provide them with
timely information about state legislation that could have an impact on their lives and their
Public access television provides a vital connection between private citizens and their
local elected officials, and offers a creative outlet *for residents who want to produce and direct
their own original programming to share with a larger audience. It is crucial that any new
contract the town negotiates with Comcast include, at a minimum, the 5 percent funding share
that RCTV currently receives. This, funding is needed to address future equipment and facility
needs so that RCTV can continue to provide an essential service to the community.
I urge the Board of Selectmen to support RCTV and ensure that it is adequately funded in
the new Comcast contract. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and please feel free to
contact me if I can be of any further assistance in this matter.
Hechenbleikner, Peter
From: John and Mary Ellen O'Neill [mjconeill@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:18 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Comcast Contract
Dear Ben, Camille, James, Steve, and Rick,
Due to a meeting at the RMLD this evening I, will not be able to attend the
public hearing on the renewal of the town's contract with Comcast.
John and I, however, wish to express our strong support for the continued
support of local cable programming through RCTV and for increased funding
from Comcast for that programming.
Over the past years, community television has grown significantly and
opened up opportunities for education, information, cultural enrichment,
and participation in civic affairs that have been a benefit to many here in
Reading, including ourselves.
We would like to see these opportunities expand and would like to see an
increase in funding from Comcast to help achieve this goal. I am
particularly interested in seeing expanded coverage of high school sports,
an addition of at least one environmental awareness program, and support
for innovative/experimental programs created by Reading residents.
Thank you for your consideration of our comments.
Mary Ellen O'Neill
16 June, 2008
Matthew McWilliams
1 Virginia Circle
Reading, MA 01867
Town of Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Board of Selectmen,
As a resident of Reading, as well as a member and volunteer at RCTV, I am writing to
express my concerns about Comcast s proposal to make cuts in its funding for the station.
RCTV is not only a community resource that has proven its value time and time again-it
is also a factor that causes many residents to subscribe to cable services. While telecoms have
been trying hard to cut funding to non-profit entities with a renewed fervor in the past
several months, it is important that people recognize that these firms are not just taking
money away from public-spirited organizations-they are taking away from the very
communities that comprise their revenue. It seems that Comcast's decision to roll back its
support of RCTV, falling below the current level of funding provided by Verizon, mirrors
the comparable quality of their services.
My first real contact with the studio was through an RMHS Video Production class. It was
because of funding from Comcast that the class was able to run, and I was fortunate enough
to become very involved in the station as a result. RCTV has given me and several others
opportunities to become active in media production and has spurred an interest that, for
me, led to film school. I am writing a letter, rather than showing my support in person, only
because I will be shooting a film in Providence at the time of the hearing.
RCTV acts as a hub for several Reading's important grassroots organization. As an member
of the station, I worked closely with members of the Reading Technology Education Fund
to produce programming for their fundraising events. Several of the town's churches,
musical groups and art-oriented organizations rely on RCTV to raise awareness of their
events and exhibit programming. I hope that the Selectmen recognize that allowing
Comcast to lower its current rate of funding sets a unsettling precedent that undervalues
not just the contributions of Reading Community Television, but those of nonprofit
organizations in the community at large.
Matthew McWilliams
Reading Technology and Education Foundation, Inc.
62 Oakland Road
Reading, MA 01867
June 18, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Re: Comcast cable contract
Reading Board of Selectmen:
On behalf of the Reading Technology and Education Foundation, Inc., RTEF, I would
like to offer our support for Reading Cable Television, RCTV.
RCTV has been a very important partner with the RTEF in not only publicizing our
fundraising events, but in keeping our mission alive through telecasts of our fundraisers.
If it were not for the commitment of RCTV to the RTEF, we would not have been able to
raise over $250,000 for the Reading Public Schools.
If RCTV does not receive the current level of funding by Comcast, I fear for the future of
the RTEF, because without the ability to reach the viewers of the Town of Reading,
support of our foundation will be greatly diminished.
Please feel free to contact me with further questions.
Debra M. Boschetti
(6i Z
301 Ash Street
Reading, Massachusetts 01867
June 18, 2008
Philip Rushworth
224 Ash Street
Reading MA 01867
Dear Phil:
The consolidation of the main stream media underscores the need for an independent
forum so that each community can have meaningful discussions of local issues that result
in resolution of conflicts. The time for a virtual town meeting has arrived. You and your
staff, including many Reading volunteers have made a good start in that direction. You
provide us with unfiltered and uncensored news of the community events, such as town
government meetings, school, church and business functions and activities to name but a
few of the many services you provide our town.
Looking to the future the need for public access services will expand as we (the
subscribers) become more used to digital media and use it increasingly to network our
neighborhoods. This means that we (town, cable companies and citizens) must budget to
greatly expand RCTV resources. The technology will continue to evolve and RCTV
must keep pace with it. That does cost money. You can no longer run RCTV on a shoe
string depending mainly on volunteers. You will need at a minimum, enough staff to
coordinate all your functions and lead the volunteer efforts. I would say that each
function must have a permanent staff member assigned to it. This of course means that
RCTV have outgrown their "garage" on Ash Street and new quarters must be found.
Hopefully, through partnership with either business or non-profit town organization this
could be achieved and soon.
I would like to volunteer my services for helping RCTV in outreach and fund raising
activities. My e-mail is libdver(@,comeast.net. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for a job well done and I wish you all the best for the future.
Helen Dyer
June 14, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
My name is Eric Altbush. 1 grew up in Reading, and graduated from RMHS with the class
of 2002. Throughout high school I've spent a lot of time with RCTV and it has been -
and still is - an important piece of my life. My relationship with RCTV first started when
my friend and I wanted to make our own TV show, and it soon led to the class they
taught at the HS, a job at the station, and a lot of great friends.
There are a lot of things RCTV does for the town that are indispensable, but for the sake
of this letter I am going to focus on why RCTV is so important to me. I was initially driven
to the station for the same reason I'm sure many young members join. Simply put, I was
a bored kid desperate for something to do with my creativity. In a town with so little to do
for fun, RCTV is playground for anyone inspired to create something, and share it with
their community. Outlets like YouTube have added new ways for people to share their
creations, but a website could never replace what goes on within the walls of the RCTV
First of all; to be able to use, get familiar with, and be a part of a TV station is an
unbelievable opportunity for anyone interested in any number of creative fields. After
high school I went off to art school, and am now a graphic designer and art director. The
things I learned at RCTV are still with me today, and have only made me a more well
rounded and valuable asset.
It wasn't until I moved to NYC though, that the most important part of RCTV really
became clear to me. Even here in the city with "everything," I have not been able to find
the type of community and group of people that attract to RCTV. It draws together like-
minded people, and serves as a kind of club house. This creates the kind of environment
that is not only a great place to make new friends - but one where learning is fun and
easy, and creativity can truly flourish.
Not to get overly nostalgic here, but I remember the morning of September 11th. People
were going crazy and things were all over the place. I decided it really didn't make much
sense to sit around in class wondering what the hell was going on, so I left. I went to
RCTV. Phil had different news channels up on all the monitors, and we just watched as
events unfolded. I don't think there is anywhere else I would have gone, that is the kind
of place that RCTV is.
I'm not the only person who grew so much, in so many ways, from my time at RCTV. 1
know because a lot of them are still my friends today.
It would truly be a shame if RCTV wasn't able to feed all those bored and creative kids
like it did for me. Because chances are; without a place to flex their creativity, most of
them would just turn into bored kids.
Eric Altbush
Dear Reading Board of Selectmen
I have been involved with RCTV for the last 10 years, as a student, a volunteer, and member. I
started out by taking a summer TV production class and have since been involved in countless
cable shoots, covering events all over town. I feel that RCTV is an invaluable asset to our
community-, it promotes creativity and provides an opportunity for kids in Reading to learn about
TV production and technology in general tat- beyond what is offered by RMHS. Many of my
friends ended up going to school to study communications after being involved with RCTV for
many years, RCTV provided them with a direction, it helped them to realize what they really
lilted to do and what they wanted as a career. I myself considered going to school for
communications, but decided against it after working at the studio, and understanding al.l that the
field entails. For me, RCTV helped to guide me to where I am today. For the community, RCTV
provides insight as to what is going on in town, I often watch meetings and presentations on
RCTV about what projects are being carried out in town. In my time at RCTV, I have always
seen a need for more space, more equipment, and replacements for out of date equipment. I think
RCTV is growing, and needs better funding to do so, I think that it is also something that is very
valuable to the town and should not be limited by funding. Thank you for your consideration.
Sean McEachern
Laura e. Crook
731 South Plymouth Ct, #314
Chicago, IL 60605
April 1, 2008
RCTV Board of Directors:
Reading Community Television is an essential organization. As a high school
senior, I completed my internship-a graduation requirement--at RCTV under the
guidance and sponsorship of Phil Rushworth and Luke Schneider. I am currently
attending Columbia College Chicago-home of one of the largest film schools in the
country-and the knowledge they have imparted to me has been extremely beneficial.
RCTV provides a valuable community service. Members have access to a world
they have never seen-the world of television. During my internship, I learned how to
use a camera, edit both the video I had shot and a community access show. Phil taught
me how to use the broadcasting equipment and he allowed me to direct a community
access show. Everything I learned during my six-week internship was everything that is
available to RCTV members. As a college student looking to break into,the television
industry, the inside glimpse that RCTV offered me will be infinitely helpful in my future
T n}~ro o (yrnnU
i7. a IN,,, X10
Board of Directors CREATIVE ARTS
Deborah Gilburg, inspire - enrich • connect
Katherine McKie,
Vice President June 17, 2008
Norman Blanchard,
Bill Rounds, Dear Comcast Executives and Reading Board of Selectmen:
Kathleen Bracken Please accept this letter in support of Reading Community Television (RCN) and as encouragement for
Alex Carr Comcast to fund RCN to the full extent possible. The many good things done by RCN should not go
Sandy Giaquinto unnoticed, but should be recognized and applauded.
Jennifer Loo
Laurie Trifone Simpson Creative Arts is a nonprofit community school for the arts and has worked with RCTV on various projects,
Advisorv Board including building a stronger cultural community base in Reading. Without RCN we would not be able to do
Marie Brennan-Taylor the following:
Carl D'Ang!o
Carol Dehne
Eugene R. Nigro The Cultural Connection - RCTV Executive Director Phil Rushworth was instrumentel in creating The
Eugene A. Nigro, III Cultural Connection (TCC) and continues to take a leading role as Co-Chair. TCC was formed in response
Judy O'Hare to a need for a more unified arts and cultural community in Reading. The goal of TCC is to bring local arts
Wendy Putnam and cultural groups together to spur greater collaboration and coordination to improve their collective
Karin Samatis impact thereby increasing benefits to the community.
Jean Pagliuca Smith
Peter Stickel TCC Web-Based Calendar - One of the first projects of TCC was to create a web-based calendar with all
Nancy Twomey the local arts and cultural events in the community. RCTV helped to launch this site and continues to help
Administration maintain it.
Jennifer Hart,
Executive Director TCC TV Program / Local. Programming - Community Television gives the public a chance to create and
Kathryn Zak, air their own programs on TV. The Cultural Connection created a TV Program to highlight local arts and
Office Manager cultural organizations through the help of RCN.
Sheryl LaFayette,
Music Director Joint Classes - Creative Arts is honored to be able to jointly offer TV Acting classes and summer camp
Lee Hadden, programs with RCTV. We would not be able to offer these classes or camps for the youth in the
Music Coordinator community without the physical RCTV location or the technical support.
Jamie Maclnnes,
Art Director Filming of Events - Filming of local events, concerts, and meetings by RCN allows a wider audience to
Angela Merrill, become involved in the community. RCTV has filmed and aired many of Creative Arts events allowing
Theatre Director those unable to attend to still participate and appreciate concerts and other performances.
Ann Carter,
Bookkeeper Calendar - The community calendar is extremely helpful in keeping up with all the activities going on in
Alice Webb, town. It is also a very important marketing instrument for organizations, especially nonprofit organizations
Office Volunteer such as Creative Arts that have very small (or none at all!) marketing budgets.
Joseph Beninati Meeting Coverage - Being able to watch town and school committee meetings on RCN is very helpful
Judy Braude since I am often unable to attend. It allows me to stay in touch with what is happening in town without
Diana Brewer taking me away from other work related meetings or my family.
Elizabeth Brown
Kirsten Brown I find it amazing that RCTV is able to do all of this (and more!) with the limited resources it has. They are
Ruth Canonico bursting at the seams in their current location and are in need of new space. Without increased funding, RCTV
James Conner will not have the resources needed to acquire or lease new space, maintain programming at the current level
Tatyana Foaksman or expand programming, nor will they be able to increase personnel to sustain the quality of programming that
Laura Fredericks we have all become accustomed to and love.
Lee Hadden
Hambourg Lambert An increase in funding for RCN is needed to provide quality programming and services and to meet the
Dennis Hart demands of the community. By supporting RCN you are also supporting other nonprofit organizations, small
Sheryl LaFayette businesses, the town and the individuals within the community.
Nathan Lafontaine
Andrea Loretz-Frey Creative Arts looks forward to continuing a collaboration with RCN. We hope that Comcast will join us in that
Jamie Maclnnes collaboration and help us build an even.stronger cultural community by supporting RCTV.
Jacob Mathews
Angela Merrill Sincerely,
Chris Mullins
Brian Ocock
Carl Phillips
Scott Pittman Jennifer L. Hart
Tracey Putnam Executive Director
Elena Raucci
Rick Shaffer Cc: Reading Community TV
Monica Wallace Creative Arts . 25 Woburn Street, Reading, MA 01867. 781.942.9600
Roald Wilson www.creativeartsforkids.org . creativeartsforkids@hotmail.com
I will be delayed getting to the hearing this evening so I want to make sure my comments are
available in writing for the meeting record. Public access cable through RCTV is a very valuable
resource to our community. It is one of the most significant `channels" we have as a community to
communicate with each other. The protection and expansion of this resource is a high priority for
our civic life.
The broadcast of local governmental meetings including our board, the School Committee,
CPDC, Town Meeting and other bodies is a major way our residents stay informed about what is
under discussion by our town government. It also provides informal ways for people to ask questions
and provide input through "Ask the Town Manager" and the semi-annual Selectmen's Forums.
RCTV provides an important creative outlet for our students and adults alike. It is a truly
democratic institution requiring little more than some training and imagination for residents to share
their thoughts, talents and activities to a larger audience. This aspect of its operation deserves nurture
and support to expand opportunity for local programming.
There is also excellent programming created by RCTV staff and volunteers. Reading-At-Large is
an excellent example of what the group is capable of sharing with the community. The humor and
quality of recent "Save the Dummy" presentation was a well received take on recent town events for
all of us active in the community. The wide variety of programming represents the depth of
commitment by the community for public access.
But this only succeeds if we have the proper resources to build upon what has been done in
recent years. As we move through the process of granting cable franchises we should make sure we
provide the maximum possible support for our local public access organization, RCTV.
124 Belmont Street
Reading, MA 01867
2(0$ JUN 18 PH 3. 50 June 18, 2008
Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street
Reading, Mk 01867
Subject: Comeast Funding of RCTV
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board of Selectmen:
I am writing to express my support of RCTV and my appreciation of the positive impact the
station has had on our community. For the past five years I have worked with the station and the
dedicated members of the Friends of Reading Wrestling to televise most of the wrestling meets the
RMHS team participates in. High School Wrestling is a demanding sport and the young members of
our community who participate deserve recognition for their dedication and hard work. RCTV has
provided us the equipment, technology, training, support and most importantly the broadcast time to
showcase the remarkable efforts of these young Reading athletes. RCTV's support for our efforts
has been outstanding, especially given their limited resources.
I believe that Comcast should support RCTV at the highest level. They have been granted a
monopoly in our community and should be forced to partner with the town to the fullest extent
possible. Thank you in advance for your support of RCTV.
Sincerely, /
V ohn B Sullivan
cc: Phil Rushworth, RCTV V
Greater Boston
® Keeping Families Strong
June 13, 2008
To Reading Board of Selectmen,
2m8 jum 18 Pty 3. 50
Over the years the YMCA and RCTV have had a wonderful partnership. RCTV
has provided many benefits for the YMCA ranging from technical support to community
One of the aspects of RCTV that we use regularly is the community bulletin
board. This is a great benefit to us as it provides a quick and easy way to get information
disseminated to a large portion of the community.
We have also produced a number of shows and PSAs to be shown on RCTV
which have promoted both our programs as well as various seasonal safety information
for the community. This is a benefit for the town as they are better informed on how to
be safe during certain seasonal activities. It is also a benefit for the YMCA as it gets our
name associated with safe family practices and encourages people to come to us for the
various programs we offer.
The third way that RCTV has benefited the YMCA is through various trainings
and technical support that RCTV has provided for the YMCA over the years. They have
helped to train some of our employees and volunteers in how to produce shows as well as.
they have been "on call" for panic phone calls when something is not working.
Once again we would like to reiterate how valuable RCTV is, not just to the
YMCA, but to the community as a whole. Thank you for your attention.
Since ely,
JKa e W
Executive Director
Burbank YMCA
36 Arthur B. Lord Drive
Reading, MA 01867
Burbank Branch-Reading
36 Arthur B. Lord Drive, Reading, MA 01867 • 781-944-9622 • 781-942-1130 Fax • wvwv.ymcaboston.org O
Branches Way
Black Achievers • Burbank • Camping Services • Central • Charles River • Dorchester • East Boston • Education and Training • Unite Way
Hyde Park • Metropolitan Office • North Suburban • Oak Square • Roxbury • Walpole • Waltham • Wang • West Roxbury/Roslindale o,M.... h~,.„o.Y