HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-24 Board of Selectmen PacketPage I of I Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:46 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Town Manager's report. From: Neil and Anne Joyce [mailto:najoyce30@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:09 PM To: Town Manager; Zambouras, George; McIntire, Ted; Cloonan, Mike; Lee, Michael; Schettini, Pat Cc: tdaniels@reading. kl2.ma.us; rstevens@reading. kl2.ma.us; ccaruso@reading.k12.ma.us Subject: Dear Gentlemen: Thank you for meeting with the Birch Meadow Safety Committee today. I appreciate your time and desire to listen to our concerns regarding the safety of community members crossing on Birch Meadow Drive. I am pleased to hear of the new safety measures planned for the Birch Meadow area this summer. I am confident that the new safety measures presented by the town, coupled with the addition of a crosswalk near the emergency access road will only add to the overall safety of the Birch Meadow complex: I look forward to the Town's recommendations regarding the expansion of the school zone on Birch Meadow Drive. Again, many thanks for your time regarding this matter. Sincerely, Anne Joyce G 6/12/2008 r ! )nO B EGAD- SECE' h1V. Cumulative. Available CV(piG 0 H°«= Monthly M°nt Cost Remainder. „rRA ~ 112 Year Used, 522 $30,480 Monthly. Cumulative AVail_ab_le oare ~emainde4.~ $9, $27,595 H hl Monthl`L Used rl- of 112 v ii Allocated, $g ,88 ea, $6 667 $12,407 $211196 Monty- hours Month hours . d Used Allocated 21.30 2-2-3.70 8 $6, 667 $6,399 $$j 8,806 22,3 6 $17,686 21.30 6 g0} $6, $3,510 $11,098 Allocate. 70.3 28.10} 155.5 $6,667 $28,904 $31922 49.0 g ( (8.50) 128.50 $6,588 922 20 $3, July 49.0 (1.70} 1.50} $6,667 $7,176 $36,080 ust 47.3 23.00) (3 80.70 $6 667 $36,080 Aug 49.0 26 (31.70) 27.70 - $36,80 ) 07.70} _ $40,002 $40,900 September 49 .0 8 ((0 4'00 October 48. 48.0 53 0.00 $3 024 $39,104 $36,891 November 49 0 27.70 - $6,667 $43,113 $30,870 mber 266.3 271.60 6,667 $4,009 $49,134 pecep 294.00 54.30) $ 6,021 $26,847 $53, 26.60 +(73.60} 1241 .90 9730 $6,667 $4,023 $53,157 $23,675 22.4 19.30 (78.00} 97.3 0 $6,667 $3173 $56,33 49.0 January 29.7 4.40 6,667 49.0 44 6 VALUE! $20 250 February 49.0 1920 X16 400} # VALUE! 67 29.8 19.20 ..--r $40,00223,675 March 49.0 23,5 April 49.0 $80,0p456,330 May 49.0 26.5 ense June„ 294 rise accountsexp Subtotal 588.00__ 61 . allocated to enterp 392.8 nions of expenses Total does not reflect PO usedis gross and Note - monthly amount a r Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter l~ `L l v From: McNamara, Erica Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:22 AM To: Cormier, Jim; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Burns, Greg; Robbins, Richard; Ramdin, Larry; Schettini, Pat Cc: Schena, Paula; Engelson, Linda Subject: 21 Proof- Responsible Beverage Server Training Program for local liquor licensees Attachments: 21 Proof Training Packet and Faq.pdf Hi, I am writing to request your presence at the upcoming 21 Proof.- Responsible Beverage Server Training program. This is a valuable opportunity for individuals in leadership positions to greet all of the licensees and their employees in one place. If you would like to attend at the beginning or end of each training segment to share a few words, please let me know and I will reserve space on the agenda. Additionally, if you would like to insert any materials into the training folders. -please let me know. Training dates and target audiences info: Liquor Stores 1. Non-pouring establishments/ owners and managers July 22, 2008 9-1 p.m. 2. Non-pouring establishments/ employees July 22, 20o8 4-8 p.m. Bars, restaurants, social clubs 1. Pouring establishments/ owners and managers July 23, 20o8 9-1 p.m. 2. Pouring establishments/employees July 23, 20o8 4-8 p.m. Training Summary is attached for additional background information. The trainings will be held at the police department. Note to Peter: Please pass on to the Board of Selectman and other town leaders if appropriate. Thank you. Best Regards, Erica McNamara, MPH Director Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Email: Emcnamara @ci.readina_ .ma.us Phone: 781.942.6793 C3. 6/16/2008 2.2.6 - Land Sank Committee The Land Bank Committee was established by Town Meeting on March 21, 1966. In addition Article 4-10 of the Reading Home Rule Charter provides for the appointment by the Board of Selectmen of a Land Bank Committee. Neither document is clear as to the membership or mission of the Land Bank Committee. The purpose of this policy is to establish the details of this Committee. There is hereby established a three (3) member Land Bank Committee. The Committee will be made up of three (3) members appointed for 3 year terms, so appointed that one term shall expire in each year. In selecting the Committee membership of 3 members, the Board of Selectmen shall appoint all members and shall give consideration to members representing the following interests within the community: • Experience with land records; • Experience with legal proceedings involving land transactions; • Knowledge of the Community; • Experience with information technology and it's uses in records management; • Knowledge of and experience in local government in Massachusetts. The Land Bank Committee shall serve as a resource to Town government providing information in its possession on Town owned land. In performing its mission, the Land Bank Committee shall undertake the following tasks with and in cooperation with appropriate Town staff- • Using the latest technology, catalogue and maintain an ongoing file of information on all land in which the Town has, or in the past has had an ownership or interest, including easements; • Upon request, or upon knowledge that Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen, or any other officer or body of the Town has interest in any particular parcel of above described land, the Land Bank Committee shall provide to that body a synopsis of the information on that property that the Land Bank Committee has in its possession; • As requested, the Land Bank Committee will do research on property that the Town may have an interest in acquiring in deed or easement. • With staff, organize the periodical perambulation of the boundaries of the Town of Reading. • Make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, and other bodies of the Town on measures appropriate to implement this policy. This Committee shall administratively fall within the Department of Finance. Staff as available will be assigned by the Town Manager to work with the Committee. Adopted - June20, 2006 V FAX: (781) 942 - 5441 Town of Reading AL!~r- 16 Lowell Street G Reading, MA 01867-2685 RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 - 9075 Town of Reading Recreation Division Lightning Policy Final 1. If threats of a fighting storm are in the area, all coaches, officials, and players should be on guard that lighting is a possibility. Coaches and officials are expected to keep their eyes on the sky. It is recommended to check weather forecasts before leaving for a game. 2. The FIRST sign of lighting or thunder will suspend any games/practices from continuing at that moment. 3. The league official, umpire/ref, or coach will instruct all players, coaches and fans that a danger is present and they should seek shelter immediately. Each league should establish prior who will make the decision. 4. All players, coaches, fans and umpires are expected to take cover immediately. Recommended places for shelter are buildings with active electrical circuits or hard-top vehicles. 5. Wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning flash before resuming activities. If field conditions allow you to continue and lighting has not been present for 30 minutes, teams may continue play. 6. Umpire/ Refs, Coaches, or League Officials will determine whether or not it is safe to resume the outdoor activity. (This person will be established by the Organization.) 7. If anyone is struck by lightning (players, coaches, fans or umpires) CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. IMPORTANT NOTE: The rule of thumb for estimating distance from a thunderstorm involves counting the number of seconds between when lightning is seen and when thunder is heard. This is called the "flash to bang" method. However, many people mistakenly believe that the equation is one second equals one mile, when in reality, FIVE seconds equals one mile. To quote from the NCAA policy: "If an individual counts 15 seconds between seeing the flash and hearing the bang, 15 divided by 5 equals three; therefore the lightning flash is approximately 3 miles away. Courtesy: Ken Tucci Adopted 6/11/2008 Modified 6/16/2008 Town of Reading CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942-9016 16 Lowell Street Fax (781) 942-9070 Reading, MA 01867-2683 ffink&i.reading.ma.us Memorandum To: Town Manager Board of Selectmen Finance Committee Bylaw Committee Town Counsel From: Conservation Commission Date: June 13, 2008 Re:. Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands The Conservation Commission is considering several amendments to the Conservation Commission's Rules and Regulations for use of the Town of Reading Conservation Lands. In accordance with Section 4.11 of the General Bylaws, we are sending you the following items for review: The current Rules and Regulations for use of the Town of Reading Conservation Lands, effective date October 15, 2003; The proposed amendments to Rules 7, 10 and 14; and The public hearing notice. The notice of the public hearing will be published in the Daily Times Chronicle on Tuesday, June 17, 2008. Copies of the proposed amendments have been made available to the public at the office of the Town Clerk and will be provided at the public hearing. The Commission's authority to adopt and amend rules and regulations for the use of Town Conservation Land is established under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C. The Conservation Commission welcomes your comments on the proposed amendments, either verbally or in writing, before or during the public hearing. G' Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands Effective Date: October 15, 2003 1. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the Reading Conservation Lands at no charge from dawn to dusk. 2. Hours of use may be extended for a specific event or use if written permission has been obtained from the Conservation Commission for the specific extended time. Applications for the extended time must be made at least 21 days in advance of the event or use. The written permission shall be carried by the person in charge of the event at all times during the event. 3. Organized commercial or group activities on Conservation Land require prior written permission by the Conservation Commission. Applications for the activity must be made at least 21 days in advance of the activity. The written permission shall be carried by the person in charge of the activity at all times during the activity. 4. No work of any type shall be carried out on Conservation Land without prior written permission from the Conservation Commission. "Work" includes but is not limited to trail clearing, trail maintenance, excavation, filling, building structures, and posting signs. 5. Smoking is prohibited. Fires and camp stoves are prohibited. 6. No person shall cut, break, remove, deface, defile, or ill-use any structure, fence, or sign, or have possession of any part thereof. No plants (including trees, bushes, grasses, or flowers) shall be defaced or cut. This prohibition applies to dead as well as living vegetation. 7. Discharge of firearms is prohibited in the Town of Reading, including Conservation Land. r. c 8. Hunting of deer with bow and arrow by persons licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife is allowed only during deer hunting season (except Sundays) and only in the following Reading Conservation Lands: North and South Cedar Swamp and the northern parts of Bare Meadow Conservation Land as shown on the attached map. Hunting as allowed above must also comply with the following: A. Hunting shall be conducted in compliance with Massachusetts law. B. No hunting is allowed within 500 feet of any structure or within 150 feet of any road (per Massachusetts law). C. Only deer hunting is allowed. D. Hunting is allowed during deer hunting seasons only. E. No hunting is allowed on Sundays (per Massachusetts law). F. Portable tree stands may be used under the following conditions: • No. tree stand may be attached to any Atlantic White Cedar tree; • Trees stands and steps shall be installed in a manner to avoid or minimize damage to tree bark and limbs; • Tree stands shall be secured to trees with no more than one locking tee- nut; • Tree stands and steps shall be removed at the end of deer hunting season; and • The Conservation Commission and the Town of Reading are not responsible for use of tree stands or steps, or for their loss or damage, or for any injuries resulting from their use. 9. Conservation Land is closed to any type of motor-powered vehicle except in prepared driveways and parking areas, or vehicles necessary for emergency response by the Reading Police and Fire Departments, or with prior written permission of the Conservation Commission. 10. Use of bicycles is prohibited on Conservation Land. 11. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on Town property, including Conservation Land. Glass containers for any purpose are prohibited on Conservation Land. 12. Dumping, littering, filling or any other deposition of imported materials, including but not limited to garbage, debris, earth, leaves or brush is prohibited in Conservation Land. (Please use the town compost area for yard wastes. Call the Public Works Department for information.) Users must carry out everything that they carry in. 13. Dogs may enter Town Conservation Land provided that they are accompanied by and under the effective control of some person. The person accompanying the dog shall promptly remove feces deposited by the dog on Town Conservation Land. 14. Violations of these rules and regulations may be punished by fines up to $100 per violation under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C, which is administered by the Reading Conservation Commission or its agents. 2 Proposed Amendments to the Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands For consideration by Reading Conservation Commission' During a Public Hearing on June 25, 2008 8:30 PM in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street The proposed amendments are as follows: To amend Rule #7 which currently reads: 7. Discharge of firearms is prohibited in the Town of Reading, including Conservation Land. To read as follows: 7. Discharge of firearms is prohibited in the Town of Reading, including Conservation Land. Discharge of BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, airsoft guns, and similar non-lethal weapons is prohibited in Conservation Land. To amend Rule #10 which currently reads: 10. Use of bicycles is prohibited on Conservation Land. To read as follows: 10. Use of bicycles is prohibited on Conservation Land, except in prepared driveways and parking areas, or bicycles necessary for emergency response by the Reading Police and Fire Departments, or with prior written permission of the Conservation Commission. And to amend Rule #14 which currently reads: 14. Violations of these rules and regulations may be punished by fines up to $100 per violation under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C, which is administered by the Reading Conservation Commission or its agents. To read as follows: 14. Violations of these rules and regulations may be punished by fines up to $100 per violation under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C, which is administered by the Reading Conservation Commission or its agents, including the Reading Police and Fire Departments. G Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 LEGAL NOTICE Town of Reading Conservation Commission CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942-9016 Fax (781) 942-9070 Pursuant to Section 4.11 of the Town of Reading General Bylaws, the Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 8:30 PM in the Town Hall Selectmen's Room at 16 Lowell Street. During this time, the Commission will discuss proposed amendments to the Rules and Regulations for use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands. Copies of the proposed amendments are available in the Conservation office and on file with the Town Clerk in Town Hall. The public is invited to comment verbally or in writing on the proposals during or prior to the Public Hearing. Conservation Commission, Mark Wetzel, Chair William Hecht, Vice-Chair Douglas Greene William Finch Jamie Maughan Barbara Stewart Annika Scanlon FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Please run on Tuesday, June 17, 2008. Send bill to Conservation Commission. Please call and confirm. Thank you. Gio 1 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Animal Control Appeals Committee 2 Vacancies Appointinti Authority Board of Selectmen Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Ex pires James Bonazoli 100 Grove Street (06) 2010 David Singer 66 Prospect Street (06) 2008 Vacancy ( ) 2009 Candidates: 3~\ ANIMAL CONTROL APPEALS COMMITTEE Term Three years Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Three members, all Reading residents, none of whom can be employees of the Town, appointed to three-year overlapping terms. At least one of the three members must be a dog owner. Meetings As needed Authoritv Town Meeting Purpose The Animal Control Appeals Committees shall hold public hearings and make decisions on any vicious dog declaration under Section 5.6.6 of the General Bylaws. ~~z OFR~q Town of Reading ~"d f^ ra ~~wq 16 Lowell Street 639.1sc '0 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: David Singer 66. Prospect Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner ` DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Animal Control Appeals Committee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All.incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not, available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will- assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. VAS' Signature Date ~j cc: Committee Chairman APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Board of Cemeterv Trustees Term: 3 years Appointina Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Mary R. Vincent, Chairman Ronald Stortz Janet Baronian William C. Brown, Secretary Elise M. Ciregna Ronald O'Connell Candidates: Olive B. Hecht 1 Vacancv Orig. Term Date Exp. 17 Indiana Avenue (94) 2009 538 Summer Ave. (04) 2010 75 Mill Street (99) 2011 28 Martin Road (96) 2009 48 Pearl Street (08) 2010 63 Colburn Road (96) 2008 *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment BOARD OF CEMETERY TRUSTEES Term Three years Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Six Members whose terms are so arranged that two terms shall expire each year. Meetings First Tuesday of each month Authoritv Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purpose Responsible for the preservation, care, improvement and embellishment of the Town's cemeteries and burial lots therein and such other powers and duties given to the Board of Cemetery Trustees by the Charter, by Bylaw or by Town Meeting votes. JJ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: ~er~ f ( J~/~P .C J<~r.~ p (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: ~7 9 A,, 71i~7 ' /C~ Occupation: / my Date: Tel. (Home) Tel. (Work) (Is this number listed?)_)/Jp s # of years in Reading: 51-o Are you a registered voter in Reading? ✓e,s e-mail address: Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals -//Board of Cemetery Trustees. Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee' Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council co Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee . RIVILD Citizens Advisory Board W. Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commissi on Other Please outline relevant /experience for the position(s) sought`: c ~ /~J~/tr<^ ,(/S./~iN F. C'.D ~~t~r Oo~P r/vOS l,N G1 A" . i.. /.r •o i>/ -Ln `l~r~~/'in/-~Ur~a~ O N/S~O ~'"/~(l~ /Hf?✓°,jT ~r c ra rd~ /~~!r• ,Qi~rlo .>G~~ / /~iv,~l> S'ul~/r~ NrPI ~P/~ f>(/ //D~a~~~riw S -fi v~-> ~J~ A y. . 3 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Community Planning & Development Commission Term: 3 years Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) *John Sasso, Chairman *David B. Tuttle Nicholas Safina John Weston Brant F. Ballantyne *George Katsoufis (Associate) Christopher Nolty (Associate) Israel Maykut (Associate) 2 Vacancies 3 Associates Orig. Term Date Exp. 10 B Street (04) 2008 27 Heather Drive (06) 2008 221 South Street (06) 2010 10 Winthrop Ave. (07) 2010 52 Blueberry Lane (06) 2009 9 Berkeley Street (06) 2008 35 Plymouth Road (07) 2008 22 Middlesex Ave. (07) 2008 Candidates: *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 3U\ COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Term Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five Members whose terms are so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year Meetings Twice a month on the second and fourth Monday Authority Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purpose CPDC shall make studies and prepare plans . concerning the resources, developmental potential and needs of the Town. CPDC annually reports to the Town giving information regarding the physical condition of the Town and any plans or proposals known to it affecting. the resources, physical development and needs of the Town. CPDC shall have the power to regulate the sub-division of land within the Town by the adoption of rules and regulations governing such development. CPDC shall have all of the power and duties given to Planning Boards, Boards of Survey and Industrial Development Commissions under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth, and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by the Charter, by Bylaw or by other Town Meeting vote. I~ .~o~ OF~Of Y GTown of Reading ~dJ. r ~~wo 16 Lowell Street 9.INCORR°~P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: David Tuttle 27 Heather Drive Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner cDATE: March 31, 2008 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 RE: Reappointment to Community Planning & Development Commission Our records indicate that your tenor of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,'and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assurne that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I,/ I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. 141 OK DateV ~gnature cc: Committee Chairman C~ oFRFgor~ Town of Reading f2 t 16 Lowell Street 639°~NcoR4°4P Readin MA 01867-2685 g, FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TO: John Sasso 10 B Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleilmer DATE: March 31, 2008 MEMORANDUM TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 P.! 8 m w to to RE: Reappointment to Community Planning & Development Commission Our records indicate that your tenn of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer fonns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,'and return this signed fonn to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do wish to be onsi bred for reappointment. 5/i -2,10? Signature date r cc: Committee Chairman 2 /q' Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 TO: George Katsoufis 9 Berkeley Street Reading, MA 01867 fl FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 MEMORANDUM RE: Reappointment to Community Planning & Development Commission (Associate) •o ro w Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Cleric's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assum that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. 1 do not wish to be considered for reappointment. lDate CS cc: Committee Chairman 3 OF~R w Town of Reading Y Ewa 16 Lowell Street 63S.rNeco y0 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Israel Maykut 22 Middlesex Avenue Reading, MA 01867 •t FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 RE: Reappointment to Community Planning & Development Commission (Associate) Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office Eby May 9, 2008. If we do riot hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. to r 7/0,P , Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman G Q Page 1 of 2 Schena, Paula From: Kowalski, Carol Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:47 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Selectmen to vote on CPDC Paula, Israel Maykut does not seek reappointment to CPDC. Carol Carol Kowalski AICP Community Services Director/Town Planner Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 (781) 942 - 6612 From: Israel Maykut [mailto:imaykut@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 7:52 PM To: Kowalski, Carol Subject: Re: Selectmen to vote on CPDC Hi Carol: Please do not include me as a returning appointee. Unfortunately I have been tied up and not been able to participate. Thank you, Israel On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Kowalski, Carol <ckowalskia.ci.readinQ.rna.us> wrote: Israel, The Board of Selectmen will vote next week on CPDC member appointments. Would you let me know if you wish to continue serving as an associate CPDC member, please? Thank you, Carol Carol Kowalski AICP Community Services Director/Town Planner 6/17/2008 OFR$q~~ of Town of Reading rya; two 16 Lowell Street 63s ISF0- Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher Nolty 35 Plymouth Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Heehenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 RE: Reappointment to Community Planning & Development Commission (Associate) Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer fortes. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,' and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we 'do not hear froze you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman Date APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Conservation Commission Term: 3 years Appointing Authority- Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Mark Wetzel, Chairman *William Hecht, V. Chair William Ogden Finch Douglas N. Greene Barbara Stewart Jamie T. Maughan Annika Scanlon Candidates: 163 County Road 73 Martin Road 51 Mill Street 31 Cape Cod Avenue 52 County Road 263 Woburn Street 3 Copeland Avenue *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 2 Vacancies Orig. Term Date Exp. (05) 2010 (03) 2008 (98) 2008 (00) .2009 (06) 2009 (03) 2009 (06) 2010 3~\ CONSERVATION COMMISSION' Term Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Seven Members whose terms are so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year Meetings Twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday Authoritv Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purpose The Conservation Commission shall have all the powers and duties given to Conservation Commissions by the General Laws, by the Charter, by Bylaw or by Town Meeting vote. Under the provisions of MGL Chapter 40, Section 8C, the Town established the Conservation Commission for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. Included are the following: open space planning. ~v 3 aFR~goZ ,~roTown of Reading w two 16 Lowed Street ~63s ,Ne°4P~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: William Ogden Finch 51 Mill Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleilcner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Conservation Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forins. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. i wish-To-be considered -for reappaintrrrm-r- I do not wis to be considered for reappointment. Signature ~~Date ` cc: Committee Chairman Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: willfinch@juno.com Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:15 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: resignation from Cons Com Hi Paula, Sorry to spring this on you at the last minute. I obviously have second thoughts about signing on for another 3 years. So effective with the end of my current term, I am resigning from Conservation Commission. Thanks for your support over the years. William O Finch Fabulous Soa Getawav! Enter for vour chance to WIN ereat beautv prizes evervdav! 3 6/13/2008 Sj Arm 4iy r Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 63s'1NC0FRo¢P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TO: William Hecht 73 Martin Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikmer , DATE: March 31, 2008 MEMORANDUM RE: Reappointment to Conservation Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 N c i Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forns. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume th you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wisl b sidered for reappointment. ignature Date - cc: Committee Chairman ~J 3~ APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Cultural Council Term: 3 years (6 years maximum) Avoointine Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Lorraine Horn Susan G. Fay Vacancy Vacancy Kathleen Kelly Elizabeth Whitelam, Chr. Vicky Schubert Candidate Alice Armstrong 99 Beaver Road 56 Grey Coach Rd. 36 Grove Street 7 Gilmore Avenue 119 Winthrop Avenue *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment Orig. Date (06) (08) (03) (05) (06) 2 Vacancies Term Exp. 2010 2011 2011 2011 2009 2010 2009 3~~ CULTURAL COUNCIL Term . Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Seven Members to be appointed to no more than two consecutive terms Meetings Held monthly Authoritv January 1, 1987 revision of the Massachusetts Arts Lottery Council Guidelines consistent with the Town of Reading Charter and applicable Bylaws. The Cultural Council is established by Chapter 10, Section' S8, of the Public Laws. Pursuant to this law, no elected or other official may serve on the Cultural Council. Purpose The Reading Cultural Council is the local agent for the distribution, receipt and evaluation of applications for funds from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. It will also act to serve as a resource for the dissemination' of information as well as to encourage activities related to furthering and stimulating interest for the ' arts in the community. Y/ 7/i 3 RECEIVE TOWN CLERK APPLICATION PWAPP06~ FNT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS Name: rVV~~" C (Last) (First) Address: 34 6 &&w rrvta_ L Occupation: (~NI Are you a registered voter in Reading? Date: p (Middle) Tel. (Home). Tel-(Work) c 7 - ~0 16 (Is this number listed?) I # of years in Reading: V" e-mail address: Ccb_e- c m %V9-4 c~ Place a number next. to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees . Board of Health Board of Registrars ~Bylaw Committee" Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging i,ZCultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee -Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee 'Land Bank Committee `MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee ~RMLD Citizens Advisory Board `Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee 'Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commission 'Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: D A LAYk -V D Uk ~_/,t ,c_ L/VC U_ UO I 06~_o `Cm 1 S J i)y,3 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 Recreation Committee Term: 3 years Term: 1 year - Associate Members 5 Vacancies Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen & School Committee Present Member(s) and Term(s) John Winne Catherine R. Kaminer Jack Downing Francis P. Driscoll **Mary Anne Kozlowski (Sch.Com. Michael DiPetro, V. Chr. Mary Ellen Stolecki Nancy Linn Swain, Chairman *Christopher Campbell ***Beth Claroni (Associate) *Eric Hughes (Associate) Adam Chase (Associate) Candidates: 29 Clover Circle 37 Warren Avenue 91 Whittier Road 7 Ordway Terrace 16 Weston Road 23 Sanborn Lane 33 Lewis Street 35 Minot Street 12 Overlook Road 32 Emerald Drive 143 Salem Street 8 Gardner Road *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment **Wants to be reappointed as full non-school member. ***Wants to be reappointed as full member Orig. Term Date Exp. (97) 2009 (88) 2010 (97) 2008 (04) 2010 (03) 2008 (04) 2010 (00) 2009 (03) 2009 (93) 2008 (06) 2008 (08) 2008 (08) e 2009 3 ~f RECREATION COMMITTEE Term Three years Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen Number of Members Nine Members - eight appointed by the Board of Selectmen and one appointed by . the School Committee for a one year term whose terms are so arranged that three terms shall expire each year Meetings Held monthly on the second Wednesday Authoritv Reading Charter - Adopted March 24, 1986 Purnose The Recreation Committee shall'be responsible for the evaluation of program activities, formulation of overall plans for the-program development and for the scheduling of Town parks and the Field House when not in use by the School Department. 3 %y .~j OFgfigOl~ Town of Reading z ~wo 16 Lowell Street 639'tx~pge°~P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher Campbell 12 Overlook Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Recreation Committee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. A11 positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this. position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, -we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. ( I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. ape 1 Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman oF'F?pgO~ V.f Town of Reading . r two 16 Lowell Street 63s INCOR4p4P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Mary Anne Kozlowski 16 Weston Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Recreation Committee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records, indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All.incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from. you. by this date, we will assume'that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature cc: Committee Chairman Date A i Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Feudo, John Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:18 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator Town of Reading From: Family Kozlowski [mailto:manda16@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:49 PM To: Feudo, John Subject: RE: Dear John, As you know, I have been participating on the Recreation Committee as the School Committee Representative. I have asked Chris Caruso to request the School Committee appoint a different individual as their Recreation Committee representative, preferably someone who has a child or children enrolled in our schools. I prefer to simply seek a position on the Recreation Committee. Thank you. Mary Ann Kozlowski 16 Weston Road Reading, MA 01867 D I 6/4/2008 OFRFgOr~ Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 1639'INCOR4~¢~ Reading, MA 01867- 2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Beth Claroni 32 Emerald Drive Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Recreation Committee (Associate) REC.EI VED TOWN CLERK READING. PEAS,. 1000 MAY -b a , TOWN MANAG R (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board cf Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All. incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that.you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. AS 1--% e dO I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. Signature Date ' cc: Committee Chairman Page I of 2 Schena, Paula From: Feudo, John Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:28 PM To: Claroni Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: RE: Rec Com. Appointments Great. I will let the Town Manager's office know. John John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator Town of Reading From, Claroni [mailto:claroni@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:08 PM To., Feudo, John Subject: Re: Rec Com. Appointments Hi John, I'd be honored. Thanks, Beth Original Message From: Feudo. John To: claronircDcomcast.net Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:47 AM Subject: FW: Rec Com. Appointments Beth, You have the first option to move up to voting member. Let me know if you are interested. John John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator Town of Reading From: Schena, Paula Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:30 PM To: Feudo, John Subject: Rec Com. Appointments Hi John: As you know, the Selectmen held on the appointments for some clarification. They want to know if Beth Claroni or Eric Hughes are interested in Jack Downing's position on the Rec Committee. Can you find out for me? Paula Schena Office Manager 6/17/2008 ~y OF)? s : Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 63s'IXC0 qcp) Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Jack Downing 91 Whittier Road Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter 1. Hechenbleikner. DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to Recreation Committee TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043- Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of S electmen's. policy provides that: 1. All.incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including. those where the incumbent desires reappointment. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are-not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position,*and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear .from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment.. 7k I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. pt. _ J'Aciw Signature '51 / VA4 Date cc: Committee Chairman Schena, Paula From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: M RE: Feudo,John Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:04 AM Schena, Paula FW: RE: FYI - Jack Downing not returning to the Rec Committee. John A. Feudo Recreation Administrator Town of Reading -----Original Message----- From: home.downing@comcast.net [mailto:home.downing@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 7:40 AM To: Feudo, John Subject: RE: John - I am sorry, I will not make it tonight. I hope we get a quorum. I will be in the position through June when my appointment ends. I have really enjoyed working with you and all the other members of the Rec Committee. It really is a great group, with a lot of good.ideas and enthusiasm. However, my business travel is getting a little intense and will require more time away. In the past I was able to schedule around most of the Rec Committee meetings, but now ther is almost no working around a Wednesday night meeting. See you in June or if you don't get a quorum for tonight, I will be arounf next Wednesday if you need to reschedule. Jack Original message From: "Feudo, John" <jfeudo@ci.reading.ma.us> > I am sending a 2nd version of the agenda as I sent the first one with > out saving changes so it did not have all the details. y > So far for the meeting: > > Yes - Frank, Mike, Nancy > No - > > Maybe or Late -Mary Ann, Chris, Eric > > > Still waiting to hear from- Jack, Beth, Kate and Mary Ellen. > > > John ' .3 r APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 RMLD Citizens Advisorv Board Term: 3 years 1 Vacancv Annointing, Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date EXP. Andrew Herlihy 432 Haverhill Street (06) 2008 Candidates: Richard W. Junker Tracy Ellen Sopchak *Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment 3g RMLD CITIZENS' ADVISORY BOARD Term Three years Agpoin.tin.2 Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five Members - One from Reading, one from North Reading, one from Lynnfield and two from Wilmington. The three year terms are staggered Meetings CAB meets once a month in the evening and rotates its meeting locations among the four towns. Authoritv Purpose The Citizens' Advisory Board reviews and makes non-binding recommendations to the RMLD Board on budgets and financial matters including rate setting as well as other policy and operational matters. CAB members also serve as liaisons to the communities they represent and specifically to the Board of Selectmen. 3~ OF R~q~ f~ Town of Reading ~q 116 Lowell Street 639PINcoRp°4P Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Andrew Herlihy 432 Haverhill Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter 1. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to RMLD Citizen Advisory Board TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear* from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. V, I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. f -ft Inp2;u Ter D",~jx- A Signature Date cc: Committee Chairman 311% 20 APR 3 0 AN 11: i' 4 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COM USSIONS Name: LIUAIIL9l2, / Ij 69 W fit,. (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: 1 MI-4c AYE- Occupation: PUS' C/ S/NG AsS1sr,9, 'r Date: ;-1-2-q-69 Tel. (Home) 78/-911 5qV Tel. (Work)_g7,?- 757.E -1 /6?3 (Is this number listed?) t/6-5 . # of years in Reading: Sy Are you a registered voter in Reading7yE5 e-mail address: l' lunke/ ~7vlurn • raL• ~i Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume. if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee _Aquatics Advisory Board _Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee -Celebration Committee Y Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging -Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services -Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology -Telecommunications Committee Town Forest Committee -Trails Committee -West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: 7 i. lit-1_6e 7` /Al EW6116'1 fiJ7AA0-1'f(114?%a.t) 07VP 96eVC_L11U4( Z. Ltu/(46V EMP&oyea , .9,1&V fiN/H ~!~/~'l/N4 S~VrCES ~q~t/ or- OS2+Tm ~YGd~N/F} 9 6aA11-9 iWr6P nvPu r 7v AML i~ R,66,17ZOx Mrska, R.VarrvD 266YU_110'r e ~Qnq~/tCT (LU~~csC ~aT( ~Gl mns th+/D F eke y S'7X~iZ- Hr"l?u R~ticES CC11- c,K b inT 1k1fCh16LE BaIV,5an3 IF AI6C-r--55t' y 3~~ RICHARD W. JUNKER 21 Mark Avenue Reading, MA 01867 (781)944-5449 rjunker@alum.rpi.edu SUMMARY • Extensive. experience in customer service and sales, production management, product procurement and inventory control. EXPERIENCE Purchasing Assistant, Sylvania Lighting Services, Beverly, MA 2007 - Present (Contract employment through Superior Technical Resources, Woburn, MA: 03/07-11107) • Determine sources and compare price information on direct purchase items. • Review purchase requisitions for content and accuracy, and prepare purchase orders. • Communicate with vendors and branches to ensure delivery schedules are met. • Check invoices for accuracy. Structural Engineering Technician, SVS Engineering, Reading, MA 2006 -2007 (Independent Contractor) • Determined and marked placement of seismic restraints on piping and ductwork plans for new building construction. • Entered data on Excel spreadsheets. Merchandise Customer Associate, Sears, Burlington, MA 2006 -2007 • Assisted customers with product selection (footwear). • Managed sales floor inventory and appearance. Adhesives Specialist- Machine Operator, UFP Technologies, Haverhill, MA 2000 -2006 UFP Technologies designs and manufactures cushion foam and molded fiber packaging products, specialty foam and plastic products. • Facilitated formation of new business relationships with former customers of A. F. Junker Company. • Operated Flame Laminating, Spray Coating, Trimming and Inspection Machinery. • Operated die-cutting and tensile test equipment and entered data.on Excel spreadsheets. • Provided technical advice for selection of liquid adhesives and coatings. Partner- General Manager, A.F. Junker Company, Wakefield, MA 1976 - 2000 A.F. Junker Company provided laminating and coating services to component suppliers and manufacturers of footwear, packaging, apparel, collectible dolls, and medical devices. • Communicated with existing and potential customers as primary sales and service contact person. • Selected best adhesives, coatings and process methods to-satisfy job parameters. • Purchased component materials, chemicals and shop supplies to meet production schedules. • Set production schedules and assigned personnel to specific job functions. • Managed company-owned and customer-owned inventories. • Managed compliance with OSHA regulations and Material Safety Data Sheet advisories. • Operated and maintained all processing machinery. EDUCATION BS Degree, Chemical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Finance Commission Member, St. Agnes Church, Reading, MA 3 9s VE MASS. AW4p, APPLICATTIION FOR APPOI TMENT TO BO)A,R,,DS/COMM1'TTEES/COMMISSIONS. Name: c ) i,t7l c'4 15iJ1 Date: 2~ g (Last (First) (Middle) Address: f , n~ • Tel. (Home)~~'I' ~144~~ Tel. (Work) n, (Is this number listed?)4 f S Occupation: ~ i (t..5 /~-~'~t U~ ~m # of years in Reading: Are you a registered voter in Reading? ~,le e-mail address: -I- Scot ' C~o romco S~ • (~Q'~ Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #I being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee '.Cities for Climate Protection Commissioner of Trust Funds -Community Planning & Development Comm. Conservation Commission Constable Contributory Retirement Board Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves LtecTs (af~~ Curren-)3~ i~o~ (~o~;16 on &'_es v ) ~ Mn,~-~-~ Me chc~ n; ~ ~ ~Gi c~.vi ~ 4 cY1 ~ - • I :Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission .Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RULD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commission L~ ~er (^i-~-i ~fJ~r-a f~U iSd nP Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: t;i2 r~ G 1 cy- n fI~'x G1~ 35° TRACY SOPCHAK 364 Franklin Street Reading, MA (781) 944-5264 tsopchak@comcastmet Objective: Since leaving my job in 2004 to stay home with my pre-school age son, I have. been exploring the field of environmental sustainability in preparation for a return to work. Technical Skills: Designn: PrintShop, Adobe Photoshop Proarammin2_ ' Visual C/C++, Win32API, MFC, StingRay, STL, GUI, 00 Design, FORTRAN, Turbo Pascal, C Shell Scripts, Design Patterns Oneratine Svstems: Windows (95, 98, 2000, NT, XP) & .Unix (Linux, BP, IBM, Solaris) Finite Element Analvsis: ANSYS, ABAQUS; NASTRAN/PATRAN, ADINA and I-DEAS Experience: CITIES FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION, Reading MA, 2005 present. Committee Member, Chair of Climate Action Plan Sub Committee • Co-developed the Climate Action Plan currently being implemented • Co-wrote the Metropolitan Planning Organization Suburban Mobility grant application • . Presented update,reports to the Reading Board of Selectman and Town Meeting • Developed and maintained the committee website • Co-wrote several Green Sense-newspaper articles • Worked with committee on public. awareness campaigns UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF READING - GREEN SANCTUARY COMMITTEE, Reading MA, 2004 - present Co-Chair • Organized the formation of the committee • Co-developed the Green Sanctuary Action Plan currently being implemented • Facilitated committee meetings Co-planned and executed Sunday morning worship services PARENTS OF TOTS, Wakefield MA, 2005 - present Newsletter Designer & Member Representative MUSEUM OF SCIENCE, Boston MA, 2002 - 2004 . Weekend Volunteer in Cahner's Computer Center and Discovery Center CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS, INC., Chelmsford, MA, 2000 - 2004. Senior Member of the Technical Staff • Led development of new WC based model verification tool (Model Integrity) and existing waveform display tool (SigWave) through 5 complete product development cycles. • Wrote, presented, obtained approval for and ensured completion-of functional specifications. • Designed and developed STL based C++ waveform library complete with API and exception handling that consisted of primitive waveform manipulation operations for use in other products. Used State, Observer & Visitor Design Patterns. • Developed constructive working relationships with members of various groups including Marketing, Product Verification, Control Management & Technical Publications as well as customers such as Intel. • Coordinated employee charitable giving to Charity Teamwork Inc. as a member of the Cadence Charity Committee (2001 through 2003) through monthly. charity drives. 39~ THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, Boston MA, 1999. GIS Intern-Martha's Vineyard Conservation Partnership Project • Designed GUI to database, using the ArcView object-oriented Programming Language, Avenue, to provide reliable access to information needed to make critical conservation related decisions. • Streamlined parcel coding process by improving related Simple Macro Language script, thus improving the efficiency of the data entry process. BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS. MEDICAL CENTER, Boston MA, 1997-1998. Graduate Thesis: "A Finite Element Model of a Femoral Intertrochanteric Fracture" • Analyzed a fractured and repaired human femur bone using Finite Element Analysis and demonstrated that resorbable bone cement can be used to successfully augment the repair and prevent failure. • Presented at the 1998 Orthopedic Research Symposium and at the Orthopedic Bio-Mechanics Lab. GENERAL ELECTRIC - Aircraft Engines, Lynn MA, 1992 - 1999. . Aeromechanics - Aeromechanics Analytical Engineer Canadair Compressor Airfoils • Wrote FORTRAN program to optimize the placement of strain gauges used for engine tests, saving the company 10-15% of the time and money required for instrumentation support. • Analyzed jet engine airfoils using Finite Element Analysis. on a Unix and Windows platform to prevent destructive resonance of the airfoils and possible engine failure; documented work in technical report. Design -Program Manager and Design Engineer -Canadair Compressor Sectors • Led an'interdisciplinary team that introduced easily manufactured jet engine hardware into production. • Created Unigraphics based drawings of hardware by working -with manufacturing and drafting groups. • Facilitated risk management reviews focused. on developing strategies to reduce anticipated design, manufacturing, assembly and.operational risks.. . • Presented technical design to chief engineers in design reviews and gained their support of the design. Technical Leadership Program - Program Engineer • Completed 6 month assignments in design, manufacturing, analysis and material failure groups. • Graduate of corporate leadership seminars: Leadership Course and Technology Process In Control. Northeastern Co-op Program - Co-op Student-Heat:Transfer-Analysis, Stress Analysis • Analyzed new compressor rotor design using Finite Element Analysis ona Unix platform, improving the cycle time of the design process by 25%. MIT LINCOLN LABORATORY, Lexington MA, 1990 - 1991. Co-op Student - Mechanical Engineering Group, ' ' • Analyzed structural components using Finite Element Analysis on•a Unix platform Education: BOSTON UNIVERSITY --Computer Careers Program; Boston, MA Master's Certificate In. Windows Development[Visual C++ MFC.Programming, 2000, (Grade: A) • Worked with student team on various coding projects.to learn. the basics of C, C++-.programming, multi-threading, WC GuLdevelopment, DLLs, STL; file manipulation, database; COM & object oriented programming principles. • Elected Vice President in charge of student affairs.. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge MA. Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering (MSME), 199$, (4.6/5.0). NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY, Boston MA., Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), 1993, (3.6/4.0 - Magna Cum Laude). APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE MAY JULY 1, 2008 Trails Committee 2 Vacancies Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen Present Member(s) and Term(s) Thomas S. Gardiner Joan A. Hoyt Charles Donnelly Moran David Williams *Alan Rosh *Susan Giacalone (Associate) Orig. Term Date Expires 182 Franklin Street (08) 2009 89 Oakland Road (08) 2010 32 Vale Road (08) 2009 117 Oak Street (08) 2010 232 Van Norden Rd. (08) 2008 9 Orchard Park Dr. (08) 2008 Candidates: READING TRAILS COMMITTEE Term Three years ARpointina Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five members with consideration given to members representing the following interests within the community: recommendation of the Conservation Commission; recommendation of the Town Forest Committee; recommendation of the Recreation Committee; one or more residents of the community who do not represent the above groups, and who has expertise in conservation, environmental affairs, trails operation and maintenance or other areas of expertise which in the opinion of the Board would be helpful. Associate members may be appointed. Meetinss As needed Puruose The Reading Trails Committee will assume the responsibilities of planning, developing and maintaining present and future trails in the Town of Reading. The goal is for the Town to create and maintain a connected, well coordinated system of trails to serve the residents of the community. u~ 3 APPOINTMENTS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008 West Street Historic District Commission Term: 3 years 2 Vacancies A pointing Authority Board of Selectmen Orig. Term Present Member(s) and Term(s) Date Exp. David Kruh 3 Westcroft Road (05) 2009 Rick Nazzaro I I Partridge Road (07) 2010 Susan Patterson 572 Haverhill Street (05) 2010 Jeffrey Perkins 1 Coolidge Road (08) 2009 Dorothy Casolaro 150 West Street (05) 2008 Kathryn Greenfield 192 Woburn Street (05) 2008 Candidates: e - l WEST STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION, Term Three years AoointinLz Authority Board of Selectmen Number of Members Five members that may include representatives from, but no exclusive to, one member of the Reading Antiquarian Society; one member . from the American Institute of Architects covering Reading; one member from the Board of Realtors covering Reading; one or two property owners from the District area; and one member of the Reading Historical Commission. Up to four associate members with three year terms may be appointed. Meetings As needed Authority Reading General Bylaws Puruose To exercise its powers in administering and regulating the construction and alteration of any structures or buildings within the District. Adopt Rules and Regulations for setting forth of forms and procedures. Adopt guidelines which set forth the designs and descriptions for certain exterior architectural features which are suitable for the issuance of a certificate to present other designs to the Commission for approval. The Commission shall undertake educational efforts to explain to the public and property owners the merits and functions of a District. 3 ~J'~ Gz y~ Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 639' tXCORp04~ - Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.mams MEMORANDUM TO: Kathryn Greenfield 192 Woburn Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to West Street Historic District Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 Our records .indicate that your term of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terms that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terms expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. I do not is o be col ls' e e f.)r~ciffointment. 5-27 -©S Si z tune Date cc: Committee Chairman i Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM TO: Dorothy Casolaro 150 West Street Reading, MA 01867 FROM: Peter 1. Hechenbleikner DATE: March 31, 2008 RE: Reappointment to West Street Historic District Commission TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 N E3 -v e co 0 N Our records indicate that your tern of office on the above Board, Committee or Commission will expire on June 30, 2008. The Board of Selectmen's policy provides that: 1. All incumbents for terns that are expiring will be sent this questionnaire regarding their desire for reappointment. This form must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. 2. All positions which are vacant or with terns expiring will be posted, including those where the incumbent desires reappointment. 3. Incumbents will not be required to fill out new citizen volunteer forms. The Board requests that all incumbents be available for an interview, or if you are not available, that you submit a written statement outlining your experience and your interest in being re-appointed. Please indicate below whether or not you desire reappointment to this position, and return this signed form to the Town Clerk's Office by May 9, 2008. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that you do not wish to be re-appointed. I wish to be considered for reappointment. V I do not wish to be considered for reappointment. A),0411-~ 6 1'7 /0-V Signature 0 Date' cc: Committee Chairman LEGAL. NOTICE TOWN OF. READING To 'the .-Inh6bitants,-of, the Town of Reading: Please take notice that,.the Board of Selectmen of the-71: of. ReA'di.ng will hold a pubQ.c hearing on.Tuesday, :June.94, 2t7.08. at. 8:45 p.m. i.n ;the: Selectman's;Meeting ;Room';`16 Lowell Street; 14.eadi'ng. Mascae.husetts ;on the. Wate' r ` : and Storm:w,ater. Ente.rprid& Rath. A copy of the document Cs '.ava j.' bi:e in the '.Town: Manag-er's Office; 16 [:.owell; Street; Reading, MA from 8 3Q:` a1m , = .5:00: p:rn.; M' F and:, is attached- to:th hearing, notice'. . on the webslte at, www:reaein: g':, ma:gov. Atl.inte.reste;d parfies criay. appear in personmay: submit -the:ir co:mrn..;nts.in.writing, . or rr ay.email 'to :fownmanaa.er@ mreadina.mams 15y'. ordee'of Peter. l.'Hechenbleikner: Town Mariager. 6/17 LEGAL.NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants o.f.fhe.' _ Town of. Reading: Please .take; notice that :the: . .Board- of`.Selectmeri:.as We O'tensing-Authority far the Town ,of. Reading will. hold a ub:lic hearing on Tuesday, Jun.e'24,.. .2008'.at :9:Q0 p.m.t` in' the. Selacthian's..Meeting. Room,' 16- Street . , , _.,Re;ading, :I Massachusetts` to show cause:. why <Busa's .R.ead`ng Liqu_grs,. ,1nc.; ,:d .0/a B~usa's' Read'.ng Liquors,:.345'. Main: Streef',,*All Alcohol: Off-Premises -License..-... 'haul.d not. be .rriodi.fied, sus- , . pended or revoked for :violating, G.L: Chapter 138,534--oh, -.may 31.,,2~006 'to ..wit: the,sA[6:or.. delivery. of-cgIcoholi.c beverages:: to arson' under 21 years of" age. All :irtetested,;parties may app#ar.Ih :pe'rsoh, ::may`.sub;mit : their. c6tnirie.nts in. writing, 'or may email commonts :W.. town manager., ureadina:rrtia.us. By order. of Deter I.=Hechanbldi.kner... Town. (a/lanager. 6/1.7, E ~J ~o~N OF"R,~AO~G c Town of Reading oq 16 Lowell Street 639 tNCOR'p4~ Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@readingma.gov Website: www.readingma.gov June 12, 2008 Daniel Busa Busa's Reading Liquors, Inc. 345 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 CERTIFIED MAIL #7007 0710 0003 0446 9536 NOTICE OF HEARING Alleged Violation - M.G.L. Chapter 138, §34 - Sale to Minor Dear Mr. Busa: You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Selectmen as the Licensing Authority for the Town of Reading, on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 9:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Hearing Room, Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA, to show cause why your All Alcohol Off -Premises License should not be modified, suspended or revoked for violating G.L. Chapter 138, §34 on May 31, 2008 to wit: the sale or delivery of alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age. This public hearing will be held pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.138, §64. After the hearing, the Board 'of Selectmen may vote to suspend or revoke your license if it finds that there is satisfactory proof that a violation has occurred. You may appear on your own behalf and/or with your legal counsel and present witnesses. For your information and review copies of police report(s) concerning the alleged incident are enclosed herewith. . dnc Yrely, C Peter. I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Encl. cc: Town Counsel Chief James Cormier Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission y ~ r DDIRINC6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 06/02/08 07:31 v5.5m PAGE: 1 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE#: D076037 org.case#: 455042 rpt date: 05/31/08 21:09 reported: SATURDAY 05/31/08 19:11 from date: to ucr: 106 INVESTIGATION location: PROCURING ALCOHOL follow up by: NONE NEEDED case status: CLEARED NORMAL officer: rpt status: COMPLETE Change Status: review officer: 53 SGT DET SEGALLA comp/vict notify: N sup review officer: cir/involve type: Solvability Factors CIR: complaint: INVEST. #77-08 PROCURING ALCOHOL USING FAKE ID reporting officer: 54-DET. HOLMES - assignment: C car: 54 second officer: 53 SGT DET SEGALLA sup/back-up: NAMES type mast# name/add phone 45 LAMBERTS SOUTH BERWICK ME 03908 PROPERTY prop.type make mod/style color ser#/vin# EVIDENCE rpt'd: 05/31/OB class: 02 ALCOHOL 13UDWEISER CANS id/desc: value: $0 ncic: reg 104881 - CHRISTIAN LAMBERTSLOEWENBREUCK control bin analy gen note: BUDWEISER 6 PACK (1602. CANS) EVIDENCE rpt'd: 05/31/08 class: 02 ALCOHOL SMIRNOFF VODKA id/desc: value: $0 ncic: reg 104881 - CHRISTIAN LAMBERTSLOEWENBREUCK control bin analy gen note: 1 LITER BOTTLE OF SMIRNOFF VODKA EVIDENCE rpt'd: 05/31/08 ID'S/LICENSES/P CALIFORNIA id/aesc: reg control class: 50 DRIVERS LI value: $0 ncic: 104881 - CHRISTIAN LAMBERTSLOEWENBREUCK bin analy G 1-d 61L9-Zb6(TBL) n U3df1H 3AII3313G adN WU60:iI Booe eT unr DD.RINC6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 06/02/08 07:31 V5.5m PAGE: 2 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE: D076037 org.case#: 455042 PROPERTY prop.type mare mod/style color ser#/Vi.n# gen note: FALSE CALIFORNIA DRIVERS LICENSE NARRATIVE THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE FACTS THAT LED TO A COMPLAINT APPLICATION BEING FILED AGAINST CHRISTIAN LAMBERTS- . LOEWENBREUCK 7/10/1988 FROM 45 LAMBERTS LANE SOUTH BERWICK, ME 03908 FOR-MGL.-138-34B PROCURING ALCOHOL USING A FAKE/FALSE IDENTIFICATION AND MGL. 138-34C MINOR IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL. ON SATURDAY 5/31/08 I WAS ASSIGNED TO THE DETECTIVE DIVISION AND WAS WORKING THE 4:00PM TO 12:OOAM SHIFT IN PLAIN CLOTHES. ALSO WORKING THAT NIGHT WAS SERGEANT DETECTIVE SEGALLA., DETECTIVE SAUNDERS AND SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ABATE. OUR ASSIGNMENT THIS EVENING WAS TO MONITOR LIQUOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS IN TOWN AND TO MAKE SURE INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 WERE NOT PURCHASING OR ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY ANY MEANS. AT OR~AROUND 7:11PM I WAS WITH SGT. DET. SEGALLA AND SRO ABATE IN CAR #6, AN UNMARKED GREEN FORD TAURUS. WE WERE POSITIONED IN THE PARKING LOT OF 345 MAIN STREET MONITORING THE PATRONS GOING IN AND OUT OF BUSA LIQUORS. I OBSERVED A GREEN FORD EXPLORER ENTER THE PARKING LOT FROM MAIN STREET WITH A MAINE PLATE OF 6737PY. INSIDE THE VEHICLE WERE 4-5 YOUNG, LATE TEENS EARLY TWENTIES, MEN. THE VEHICLE CAME TO A STOP IN FRONT OF BUSA LIQUORS AND A SINGLE MALE EXITED AND WALKED INTO THE LIQUOR STORE. HE WAS A YOUNG WHITE MALE WITH A WHITE TEE SHIRT AND BLUE JEANS. I HAD DISPATCH RUN THE MAINE REGISTRATION AND IT CAME BACK TO•A 1996 GREEN FORD EXPLORER REGISTERED TO PAMELA A FIFE 40D NORTON ST. SOUTH BERWICK, ME 03908. THE REGISTERED OWNER z-d 6TL9-Ztr6tT8Gl nU3mna 3AI10313Q add Wd60:11 6002 zT unr DD.RINC6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 06/02/08 07:31 v5.5m PAGE: 3 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE#: D076037 Org.case#: 455042 HAD A DATE OF I DROVE OFF TO A LIQUOR STORE A] PARKING SPACES BUSA LIQUORS. NARRATIVE 3IRTH OF 1/21/57. THE VEHICLE PARKING LOT THAT WAS PAST THE qD PASSED SEVERAL OPEN THAT WERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF APPROXIMATELY 3 MINUTES LATER THE ABOVE DESCRIBED MALE WALKED OUT OF BUSA LIQUORS CARRYING 2 BROWN PAPER BAGS. SGT. DET. SEGALLA, SRO ABATE, AND I EXITED OUR VEHICLE AND APPROACHED THE MALE AS HE WAS WALKING TOWARDS THE ABOVE DESCRIBED GREEN FORD EXPLORER. I IDENTIFIED MYSELF AS A POLICE OFFICER WITH THE TOWN OF READING AND SHOWED HIM MY BADGE AS DID SGT. SEGALLA AND SRO ABATE. I ASKED THE MALE WHO HE WAS AND IF HE HAD ANY IDENTIFICATION ON HIM AND"HE HANDED ME A CALIFORNIA DRIVERS LICENSE, #D1604813. THE NAME ON THE LICENSE WAS CHRISTIAN LAMBERTS 280 ARGILLA DR. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. THE LICENSE APPEARED VERY FADED AND OF POOR QUALITY, COLOR, AND CLARITY. THE IMAGE ON THE LICENSE WAS' SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE PERSON STANDING IN FRONT OF ME. I ASKED WHAT HE WAS DOING IN MA. AND HE SAID "JUST HANGING AROUND". I .ASKED HIS AGE AND HE.STATED HE WAS 22. THE DOB ON THE LICENSE WAS 2/20/86. I ASKED HIM IF THIS WAS HIS REAL'LICENSE AND HE SAID YES IN A VERY NERVOUS MANNER; LOOKING AWAY, TALKING VERY QUIETLY, AT TIMES MUMBLING AS IF HE WERE UNSURE OF HIS ANSWERS. I ASKED HIM WHAT. WAS THE ZIP CODE IN SANTA CRUZ AND HE SAID 95500. ACCORDING TO HIS DRIVER'S-LICENSE IT WAS 95060. 1 ASKED HIM AGAIN IF THIS WAS HIS REAL LICENSE AND HE ADMITTED TO US THAT IT WAS A FAKE AND HE WAS ONLY 19 YEARS OLD. I ASKED HIM WHERE HE GOT THE LICENSE AND HE SAID HE PAID $150.00 FOR IT ON AN ONLINE WEB SITE. I ASKED HIM WHAT THE NAME OF THE WEB SITE WAS AND HE STATED HE COULD NOT REMEMBER. HE THEN PRODUCED A VALID MAINE DRIVER'S LICENSE, #0914293. WE HAD DISPATCH RUN IT. IT CAME BACK TO A CHRISTIAN LAMBERTS- LOEWENBREUCK 7/10/88 45 LAMBERTS LANE SOUTH BERWICK, ME 03908. HIS PICTURE WAS ON THE DRIVER'S LICENSE. I LOOKED IN THE. TWO BAGS HE WAS CARRYING AND IN ONE WAS A 6 PACK OF 13UDWEISER 1602. .v E'd 6TG9-atbGti8Gl nU3mng 3Ali3313Q QdN WdGO:ti 800e al unr DD.RI.NC-6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 06/02/08 07:31 v5.5m _=_=_=________PAGE: 4 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE##: D076037 org.case#: 455042 NARRATIVE CANS AND THE OTHER BAG CONTAINED A LITER BOTTLE OF SMIRNOFF VODKA.. THESE ITEMS AND THE FAKE CALIFORNIA DP.IVER'S LICENSE WERE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE. SGT. SEGALLA WENT INTO BUSA LIQUORS AND SPOKE TO THE CLERK, ANDREW BUSA 4/29/84, PHONE #781-698-8325, AND INFORMED HIM OF THE SITUATION. BUSA STATED TO SGT. SEGALLA THAT HE SCANNED THE QUESTIONED CALIFORNIA DRIVERS LICENSE THROUGH THEIR ID CHECKER SYSTEM AND IT CAME BACK VALID. SRO ABATE AND I WALKED OVER TO THE GREEN FORD EXPLORER. WE IDENTIFIED THE OCCUPANTS AS GARRETT D CHENEY 2/15/88 40D NORTON ST. SOUTH BERWICK, ME 03908; PATRICK D WORMEL 6/2/89 30 BERWICK RD. SOUTH BERWICK, ME 03908; JUSTIN C LEAVITT 5/30/88 3 GREAT WORKS DR. SOUTH BERWICK, ME.03908; ELLIOTT FREESE 2/19/88 595 CRYSTAL LAKE RD. GILMANTON, NH 03837. THERE WERE NO SIGNS OF'ANY ALCOHOL INSIDE THE VEHICLE. LEAVITT STATED THAT THEY WERE.IN TOWN GOING TO THE IMAX THEATER TO WATCH THE MOVIE "SPEED RACER". I INFORMED LAMBERTS- LOEWENBREUCK THAT HE WOULD BE SUMMONS TO COURT FOR MGL. 138-34B PROCURING ALCOHOL USING FAKE/FALSE ID AND MGL. 138-34C MINOR IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL. BACK AT THE STATION I RAN THE LICENSE NUMBER ON THE CALIFORNIA DRIVERS LICENSE I SEIZED, #D1604813 ON MY LEAPS TERMINAL, AND IT CAME BACK EXPIRED TO IGNACIO BENGOECHEA 12/31/1973 329 SYCAMORE RD. LOS ANGELES, CA. Solvability Factors - Eliminated by Investigation: Developed by Investigation: Remaining for Investigation: Additional Evidence/Tech Work - Photographs [ ] Composite [ ] Fingerprints [ ] Other [ ] Performed by: --gen status------------------------------------------------------------------ 'b .d EIL9-0f16 (18L) nW3'ana 3AI1051EQ Qda wu6o:I T Booe ZI unr DD.RINC6 REA.DING.POLICE DEPARTMENT. 06/02/08 07;31 v5.5m PAGE: 5 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE#: D076037 org.case#: 455042 Invest ating Officer's Signature Re officer's Signa~6r0 Date ~v S-d ETG9-2i46(T8G) n U3Nn ff 3AIi33l3Q QdN Wd60:TT 8002 21 Unr r )D.RINC6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 05/31/08 23:23 v5 . 5m PAGE : 1 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE#: D076036 :)rg.case#: xppt date: 05/31/08 23:21 reported: SATURDAY 05/31/08 16:00 =rom date: to ucr: 102 OFFICER SHIFT ASSIGNMENT location: ALCOHOL COMPLIANCE follow up by: NONE NEEDED case status: CLEARED NORMAL officer: rpt status: COMPLETE Change Statue: review officer: 53 SGT DET SEGALLA .omp/vict notify: N sup review officer: -ir/involve type: Solvability Factors CIR: complaint: DET'S ON DUTY FOR ALCOHOL ESTABLISHMENT COMPLIANCE CHECKS reporting officer: 54 DET. HOLMES assignment: C - car: 54--s NARRATIVE ON SATURDAY 5/31/08 THE DETECTIVE DIVISION, SGT. DET. 3EGALLA, DET'S SAUNDERS AND HOLMES, AND SRO ABATE, ~QNDUCTED ALCOHOL COMPLIANCE CHECKS FROM 4:OOPM TO 10:30PM AT THE '3 MAIN RETAIL LIQUOR STORES IN TOWN; SQUARE LIQUORS ON HIGH STREET, BUSA LIQUORS AND NORTHSIDE :,IQUORS BOTH ON MAIN STREET. WE WERE SPECIFICALLY LOOKING ?OR. INDIVIDUALS UNDER 21 PROCURING OR ATTEMPTING TO ?ROCURE ALCOHOL. WE SPLIT UP INTO TWO TWO MAN UNMARKED POLICE 7RUISERS, CARS #6 AND 7. SGT. SEGALLA AND DET. HOLMES 4ATCHED SQUARE LIQUORS FROM 4:25PM TO 6:OOPM AND )BSERVED 31 PEOPLE ENTER THE ESTABLISHMENT. WE STOPPED )NE CAR DURING THAT TIME FRAME TO CONFIRM THE AGE OF THE )PERATOR WAS 22 YEARS.OLD. DET. SAUNDERS AND SRO ABATE WATCHED BUSA LIQUORS DURING THE SAME TIME FRAME. THEY OBSERVED 40 PEOPLE ENTER rHE STORE AND CONFIRMED IDENTITY ON TWO CARS. SGT. SEGALLA AND I THEN WENT TO BUSA LIQUORS'FROM 5:OOPM TO 7:30PM AND SRO ABATE AND DET. SAUNDERS WENT TO .VORTHSIDE LIQUORS. SEE BELOW ATTACHED REPORT ON CHARGES 3EING FILED FOR ILLEGAL PROCUREMENT. SGT. SEGALLA AND ABATE THEN WATCHED SQUARE LIQUORS IkGA.IN FROM 8:00PM TO 10:30PM. THEY OBSERVED 13 PEOPLE AND .DID NOT HAVE TO CONFIRM ANYONE'S AGE. 9'd EIL9-0tr6[IBL) nd3NnH 3AI19313Q QdN Wd60:TT B00a al unr )D.RINC6 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 05/31/06 23:23 v5 .5m PAGE : 2 INVESTIGATIVE ACTION REPORT CASE#: D076036 )rg.case#: NARRATIVE DET. SAUNDERS WATCHED NORTHSIDE LIQUORS FROM 3:OOPM TO 20:30PM. HE NOTED THE TRAFFIC TO BE LIGHT AT THE STORE WITH ONLY A HALF DOZEN CUSTOMERS AND RAN ONE ZEGISTRATION TO CONFIRM APPROPRIATE AGE. WE NOTED THAT SQUARE LIQUORS HAD ONE CLERK, BUSA :iAD ONE, AND AS DID NORTHSIDE LIQUORS. AT NO TIME DURING BUR SURVEILLANCE DID WE OBSERVE ANYONE LOITERING AROUND THE ESTABLISHMENTS ATTEMPTING TO HAVE SOME ONE PURCHASE ALCOHOL FOR THEM. Solvability Factors - - - " Eliminated by Investigations Developed by Investigation: Remaining for Investigation: - Additional Evidence/Tech Work - _ _ Photographs [ ] Composite [ ] Fingerprints [ ] Other [ ] Performed by : gen status: 4 )t18 AV 1--d ETL9-2i?6(T8L) nu3mna 3AI10313a QdN WUS O:TT 8002 2T unr Board of Selectman Meeting May 6, 2008 The meeting convened at 5:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Board of Selectmen Chairman James Bonazoli, Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy and Selectman Camille Anthony, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Acting Police Chief Michael Cloonan, RCASA Director Erica McNamara and the following list of interested parties: Nancy Linn-Swain (RCASA), Joseph Finigan (RMHS Principal/RCASA), Richard Abate (School Resource Officer/RCASA), James Staples. Discussion/Action Items Traininia sponsored by the Readinc Coalition Aaainst Substance Abuse (RCASA) - Each participant received a folder packet containing the detailed PowerPoint (attached) presentation, legal decisions and enforcement guidelines. Additional copies of legal decisions and guidelines may be requested by contacting emcnamaranci.readina.ma.us The meeting was officially called to order at 7:05 p.m. The Town Manager introduced guest speaker James Staples stating that he is the owner of J.B.S. Professional Services L.L.C., an alcoholic beverage consulting service for licensed premise operators on all aspects of compliance issues for both on and off premise operations. J.B.S. provides training to local and federal law enforcement, local government officials as well as Alcohol Awareness Seminars to diverse groups. Mr. Staples has 17 years with the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. He also served 15 years as the Supervising Investigator responsible for the training of field investigators, developing and implementing enforcement operations and prosecuting cases, and served 13 years as a Police Officer in Boxboro, MA. Mr. Staples began by affirming that the Town of Reading policies were reviewed, and minor recommendations would be made to further strengthen these materials. He provided an overview of the training packets provided to each participant. He also described the purpose of the training seminar is to assist local liquor licensing boards and police in developing and implementing policy, procedures and guidelines for liquor enforcement operations and hearings for violations of the Liquor Control Act. Mr. Staples reviewed each of the following topic areas: I. Best practices 2. Local licensing regulations 3. Appointing agents of the LLB 4. Section 63 5. Mandate training for servers 6. Mandated training for floor staff 7. Liquor Liability Insurances t-, Board of Selectmen Meetinp- - Mav 6, 2008 - Pate 2 8. Employee list 9. Mandatory reporting of incidents 10. Consuming AB 11. Drink sizes and limits 12. Closing hour issues for patrons 13. Require police detail 14. Require posting of sign 15. After hours for employees 16. Miscellaneous regulations 17. Local regulations for ID use 18. Regulate as needed 19. Education 20. Working with licensees 21. Liquor License Violation Hearing 22. Notices 23. Stay of suspension 24. Fine in lieu of 25. ABCC appeals 26. Compliance vs. closing 27. License investigations 28. Background check 29. Restrictions 30. Direct or indirect interest 31. Enforcement/Police Department 32. Enforcement operations 33. Underage sting operations 34. Court cases 35. Guidelines 36. Recommended guidelines 37. Sting report 38. Operation report 39. Local licensing board 40. Unexpected issues 41. Criminal complaint 42. Non-violation sting 43. Underage operative 44. Cops in shops 45. Violations 46. Implementing Program 47. In store procedures 48. In store observations 49. Outside procedures 50. Shoulder Tap Programs 51. Trap Door Programs 52. Package Store Enforcement 53. Licensed Area av 5 Board of Selectmen MeetinLy - Mav 6.2008 - Pase 3 54. RMV Form 55. Minors 56. Evidence 57. Last call operations 58. DUI Reports 59. Signs of intoxication 60. Behavioral Cues 61. Violation Report 62. Public Reaction 63. Enforcement/local board 64. LLB Disciplinary Action 65. Issues 66. Violation Hearing 67. Liquor Purchase ID cards 68. Military ID cards 69. Reasonable reliance 70. Off premises issues 71. Prohibited practices 72. Unauthorized AB 73.. Special licenses 74. Recommendations 75. Gaining 76. Wine to go 77. Requirements 78. Legal advice A motion by the Board of Selectmen to adjourn their meetin,2 of Mav 6.2008 at 8:40 p.m. was auvroved by a vote of 3-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary a1*3 M w o ~~M®VeV BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER Made a~~e~uedeiatatused ,9tatc Male, -Wnil-6w 02/~ 7054 L ~c 20" MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING • NORTH READING LYNNFIELD • MIDDLETON TEL. (617) 722-2100 Rep. Elradley-lones©hou.state.ma.us www.bradjonesonline.com June 9, 2008 Mr. James Bonazoli 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 hJ E3 o~ na Dear Mr. Bonazoli: aa. Knowing of your interest in having a dedicated turn signal installed in the northbowq- center lane of Route 28 where it intersects Franklin Street, I wanted to take a moment tt update you. As you may know, I wrote to MassHighway last fall to ask that such a dedicated turn signal be installed at this intersection. Unfortunately, MassHighway felt that the traffic patterns at the intersection did not justify the new signalization. Subsequently, I asked for a compilation of accident data from the Reading Police Department. Once my office was in receipt of this report we requested a meeting with MassHighway officials to present the report as well as the anecdotal evidence you and many others have shared with my office. I am pleased to let you know that the meeting is scheduled for next week. At this time it remains to be seen what the outcome of the meeting will be, but it is my hope that the presentation of these details will convince MassHighway of the need for the additional signalization. Please be assured that I will update you once a final decision has been reached. If there is anything I can do to assist you in the meantime, please do not hesitate to ..contact, my office. H. Jones, Jr. v Leader OL _ W w~ e v` 09M~y0 SENATOR RICHARD R. TISEI MIDDLESEX AND ESSEX ROOM 308, STATE HOUSE (617) 722-1206 Honorable Ben Tafoya, Secretary Reading Board of Selectmen c/o Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell St. Reading, MA 01867 Dear Selectman Tafoya: June 10, 2008 E3 00 W a w ~n Thank you for making me aware of the Selectmen's concerns about the proposed Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) changes included in the Senate budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2009. Please be assured that I understand the Board's concerns about increasing the COLA base for municipal retirees from $12,000 to $16,000. Although this change would provide a modest increase in monthly income for retirees, I am well aware it would have a much larger impact on communities like Reading, which would be forced to adjust - and likely extend - its unfunded pension liability payment schedule to reflect these changes. The Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) has already weighed in on this issue, and has warned that the COLA provisions will increase costs for cities and towns without providing any new revenue stream to pay for the enhanced pension benefits. MMA is also opposed to the state mandating the base increase without local input or approval. During the Senate budget debate, an amendment was adopted that would make the COLA base increase a local option. I have enclosed a copy of the redrafted language for the Board's review. Because the House and Senate budgets contain different COLA language, the fate of this proposal will ultimately be decided in conference committee. I will be sure to contact you once the committee completes its work to provide you with an update on the status of this proposal. Once again, thank you for taking the time to make me aware of the Board's concerns. If I can be of any further assistance in this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. chard . Tisei cc: Honorable Reading Board of Selectmen Enclosure I - ~Cr- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SENATE MINORITY LEADER STATE HOUSE. BOSTON 02133-1083 STATE SENATOR DISTRICT OFFICE 979 MAIN STREET WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 (781) 246 3660 k\*' REDRAFT LOC 81 LOCAL COLA BASE Ms. Walsh, Ms. Jehlen and Ms. Menard and Mssrs. Morrissey, Galluccio, Timilty, Hart, Pachecho and Marzilli moved that the bill be amended by deleting Section 15 and inserting in place thereof the following section:- "Section 15. (a) Section 103 of said chapter 32 is amended by inserting the following new paragraph:- 0) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) to the contrary, any system, by accepting the provisions of this paragraph as hereinafter provided, shall establish a base amount of $16,000 upon which the cost-of-living adjustment shall be calculated. Prior to accepting the provisions of this paragraph, the board of such system, in consultation with the commission, shall determine the costs associated with the cost of living adjustment that may be paid in accordance with this section. Acceptance of this paragraph shall be by a majority vote of the board of such system, subject to the following approval procedure: in the case of a city the city council in accordance with its charter, in the case of a town, the town meeting, in the case of a district, the district members, and, in the case of an authority, the governing body. In the case of a county or region, acceptance of this paragraph must be approved by the governmental units, the employees of which are members of any such system, as follows: the board of selectmen of every town which is a member of the county or regional system, the county commissioners on behalf of a county, the district members in a district and the governing body in an authority, with the vote of each governmental unit weighted in the proportion that the number of employees in such unit bears to the total number of employees in all governmental units of such system as of the succeeding January first. Approval in a county or region shall be by no less than two-thirds of the weighted vote being cast in the affirmative. Acceptance of this paragraph shall be deemed to have occurred upon the filing of the certification of such vote and approval with the commission. A decision to accept the provisions of this paragraph may not be revoked. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (6A) of Section 22 or Section 22D to the contrary, for each system that has accepted the provisions of this paragraph, the board, in consultation with the commission, shall prepare a funding schedule which shall reflect the costs and the actuarial liabilities attributable to the cost of living allowance that may be paid in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and said schedule shall be designed to reduce the applicable retirement system's pension liability to zero by such year, that may be subsequent to June 30, 2028, as approved by the commission. The board shall file revised funding schedules triennially with the joint committee on public service until such costs and liabilities are reduced to zero. (b) Section 22D of said chapter 32, as appearing in the 2006 Official Edition, is amended by inserting in line 29 after the word "approve" the following words: - provided further, however, that in the event that a system has accepted the provisions of paragraph 0) of Section 103, the funding schedule, and any updates thereto, shall be designed to reduce the unfunded actuarial liability of said system to zero as of such year, that may be subsequent to June 30, 2028, as the commission shall approve." i7