HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-29 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, July 29, 2008 • The Town's home rule legislation on liquor licenses has passed the legislature has been signed by the Governor. • Paving - Sunnyside and Fairview - done. We are working to stabilize edges of pavement and while rains are good for growing things, the level of rain we have had makes it very difficult. • The water leak detection survey has been completed and the leaks identified account for 35,000 gallons per day, or 12 million gallons per year. We do this leak detection program annually. • We have been spending significant staff time and money on a drainage issue on Bond Street in the area of Lowell. The drainage is surcharging, in spite of having done extensive clean-out of drain lines, including extensive root removal. We will continue to follow up on this. • The Farmers Market is now open - at High and Haven Street next to the depot. They are open Tuesdays from 1 PM until 7 PM. • The Board of Selectmen has received information on a potential LIP on North Main Street. I have asked the applicant to come in and discuss the proposal in concept form with the Board of Selectmen when they have digested the DRT comments from staff. • The MEPS certificate has been received for the National Development site and has been copied to the Board of Selectmen. • The hearing of an appeal by BUSA's liquors of the Board of Selectmen 2 day suspension for selling to a minor is scheduled for August 6. Town Counsel advises that they just need the Police Officers present for that hearing. • Training for owners and servers at all restaurant and packages store and club licensees was offered last week. 4 package stores, 3 restaurants, and 2 clubs took advantage of the training. This was offered through RCASA. • I included in your packet a copy of the survey conducted for the Town in the COMCAST renewal. There is some interesting information that you might find valuable. • We received the COMCAST license proposal last week and are in. the process of reviewing it with Counsel. ® A write-up in the World Caf6 was published in "system Thinker" and is in your packet. • Washington Park planning committee has prepared a survey, and it is available through the town's web site - go to Departments - Recreation - Washington Park Survey. • A resident asked if the Town was holding up the redevelopment of the "Ship" site on Franklin Street. The Board of Selectmen has a response in their packet. The applicant had asked to re-submit plans to reduce impervious cover to meet Town Zoning Bylaws and the Town has been processing this through the CPDC and ZBA - there is no Conservation jurisdiction. Dates and Events: ♦ September 16 - State Primary Election ♦ September 23 - Subsequent Town Meeting warrant closes ♦ November 4 - Election Day ♦ November 10 - Subsequent Town Meeting o November 11 - Veterans Day (]P Other than One-Familv. Two-Familv Dwellings: 14=' a. An existing nonconforming building, other than a one-family or two-family dwelling, which is nonconforming only with respect to a minimum setback may be enlarged or extended.in any other direction in compliance with this By-Law by the issuance of a building permit, provided all other uses, structures, and activities on the lot comply fully with the requirements of this By-Law. An existing nonconforming building, other than a one-family or two-family dwelling, which is nonconforming with respect to dimensional and/or density requirements of the Zoning By-Law for the district in which said building is located, may not be enlarged or extended except by a Special Permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. 6.3.12. Nonconforminq Lots: Any lot which does not comply with the provisions of this By-Law with respect to minimum lot area, minimum lot frontage, or minimum lot width or with the requirements then in effect at the time of recording or endorsement, whichever occurs sooner, shall. not be subdivided or otherwise changed in area or shape, except through public action, so as to be in violation of the provisions of this By-Law. A lot already nonconforming with respect to those provisions shall not be changed in area or shape so as to increase the degree of noncompliance. A lot which is nonconforming with respect to those provisions may be changed to be made closer in compliance, but once brought closer into compliance, i.e., the amount or. degree of nonconformity is reduced, it shall not be permitted to revert to noncompliance which is greater than the closest amount or degree of compliance which it had achieved. A lot, which is nonconforming, shall not preclude the issuance of permits allowed pursuant otherwise in this Zoning By-Law. 6.3.13. Nonconformina Off-Street Parkina and Loadina: Any off-street parking spaces or.loading. bays in existence on the effective date of this by-law or thereafter established, which serve a building or use, may not be reduced in. number or changed in location or design contrary to the By-Law requirements so as to increase the degree of nonconformity with said requirements. If the use of an existing structure or lot, which does not have sufficient parking or loading, including a use which has no off-street parking or loading area, is changed to a different type of use for which a different number of parking spaces or loading bays is required as set forth in this By-Law, and there is no increase in the net floor area, the following rules shall apply: a. If there is a net increase in the number of required parking spaces or loading bays, that net increase shall be provided, which number shall not include any existing parking spaces or loading bays, or, b. If there is a net decrease in the number of required parking spaces or loading bays, that lesser number shall be the new basis for determining whether, in the future, there is a net increase in the number of parking spaces or loading bays required. If it is proposed to increase the net floor area of a building, whether by addition to the exterior of the building or by internal reconstruction, and the building does not have sufficient off-street parking or loading area, full compliance with the applicable parking requirements for the entire building shall be a condition of the issuance", of a building permit for the construction of the increase of net floor area. r s Reading Zoriing By-Laws 143 Revised as of April, 2008 Y s~ j C o~ t\ e/ Ft., t~~~v J4~ hit `t~~ ~~at° ~~pR' Q'~~a`a~ ~,o~`G - N6 q t° Q of ti a~ ~a° y` °k ~ t5 to r qt\ a° Sao y~ ° Go Ito \\\'q ~4 0 ro t r pU ` ~QO ~,'d ° q J gy'p`. t ~ G °Q Jt`\ qt 1 / C its, O \P t ~7~, Na x AA, o d h,y GIN,, 6•aP d 'Pill i V a ~ f(~) ~ ~y' arm 01 r / /e~ o ~ .4 ~ /d~ • p Op ~7 `sip ; c df/ /Sp ~0 ~ A~ ' el Joe t c ~(S~ /C\ A6 Z/0 b a ell ~pO(J r~o r• c~ of ~tQt 19Q r~~ ~c` O 4 i ,fin, / X~ ~-y ~ F Q w:^ t• ~e ^Y 0L ~,Lrp r` 1'~ iT ` c .6p sir g~ °'~r Ito r4 OB, aht llo~~ O 6y sro rie pp~ o orb ~N fJ 1q, ok~ o~N SIGN-IN SHEET FOR..TRE B,QARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: _ p2D P NAME Y`r ADDRESS (Please print) XkW le .1 /q cua/" (A2 T~~4kul4- fo )TnU, At r.. 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