HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-05 Board of Selectmen Packeto~N of R~'gL'r y Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street 6~s »50 Reading, MA 01867-2685 FAX: (781) 942-9071 Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us Website: www.readingma.gov MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner DATE: August 1, 2008 RE: August 5, 2008 Agenda TOWN MANAGER (781) 942-9043 1 a) I have set up an Executive Session for 7:00 p.m. to discuss a labor negotiation issue. The material is in your packet. Chief Cormier will be present. 5a) Phil Rushworth and I suspect a member of the RCTV Board will be in to present highlights of the RCTV efforts. 5b) George Zambouras has arranged to have Joan Blaustein from MAPC come in and make a presentation regarding hazard mitigation. This is required as part of their grant from FEMA. 5c) Meghan Young Tafoya and Michele Williams will be in to do a brief review of the proposed alleyway improvements and I have included in your packet a copy of the draft legal agreements between the Town and the two property owners with regard to the alleyway improvements. I will be asking the Board of Selectmen to approve these alleyway agreements and authorize the Town Manager to sign them in substantially the form submitted. We are still working with both property owners on these issues. 5d) George Zambouras or I will be doing an update on the downtown improvement program including the schedule. 5e) Enclosed in your packet is the Warrant for the State Primary Election that the Board of Selectmen needs to close. 5f) Camille Anthony had asked that the three members of the Board of Selectmen who will be present at this meeting review their particular action items. Regional M-ulti-Hazard -Mitigation Plan Why is Reading doing this plan ? ■ Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires that a community must adopt a local plan in order to apply for certain grants. ■ To fulfill this requirement, Reading joined in a regional effort. ■ This plan fulfills that requirement and helps the Town make good use of its resources. 'i { i I `N Participation in Region al Grant MAPC grant to develop a regional plan and 27 local plans. Regional grant includes communities in 3 MAPC subregions: MAGIC, MetroWest and North Suburban. Three regional committees. Regional plan: problems/solutions involving two or more communities and/or regional/state agencies. w a Plan for Preventing Damages from Natural Hazards Not an emergency response p-an. . Al~+"rai ha-yarrlc nnly (f oodina. earthauakes and other geologic hazards, tornadoes, hurricanes, winter storms, brush fires). Emphasis-on flooding. What Is Hazard M-itigation? a 'tea l F i t t L iir ~ t~ F r i ~ ~I E To permanently reduce or prevent losses of life, injuries and property f6-lowing natural hazards by using long-term strategies. f a How the Plan Was Developed Three regional committees; one per subregion. ® Local committee: Representatives from Reading DPW, Planning, Police, Fire, Emergency Mgt. Reading local pla recommendations n ("annex") Includes specific for the Town. Locally Identified Hazard Areas ■ = 6 food hazard areas. ■Two areas prone to brush fires. U~ E Highest Priority Areas ■ Highest priority is the Saugus River watershed. Within watershed: ■ New Crossing @ DPW garage ■ S. Main Street because of f-ooding and access issues on Route 28. ■ Track Road at Line Road -potential flood damage to on--y bridge in area. Future Mifigation Measures Mitigation Measure Undertake a Saugus River drainage study. Undertake an Aberj ona River drainage study. Specific mitigation measures will be determined by the studies. Priority High Nigh Local Review of the Plan Cry s d ■ MAPC completes draft of plan. ■ Pub-ic meeting to present the draft plan. ■ MAPC revises plan based on final town review and public comment. j State/Federal Review and Approval ~ Plans submitted to State Hazard Mitigation Officer ((SF-MO) for initia= review. ~ SHMO forwarcls to FEMA Region I for final review and approva=. Local Adoption of FEMA Approved Plan ■ The plan must be adopted by a vote of the Board of Selectmen. The vote must state that the Board of Selectmen has adopted the plan, not approved or accepted. ■ The Town Administrator must send a letter to FENIA stating that the Town has adopted the plan. f M.eans.,.. v Plan App ® Town is eligible to apply for any of five grant programs. ® FEMA has bundled five grant programs into one unified grant application: Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA). ■ Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive (PDM-C) ■ Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) ® Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) e Repetitive Loss Program a Severe Repetitive Loss Program. Local plan must be reviewed, revised and resubmitted to FEMA in five years to maintain eligibility. Deadlines ■ Applications must be submitted to MEMA by November 21. ■ MEMA wi=l screen applications and submit them to FEMA.by December 19. ■ PDM Plans are apre-requisite and they must be APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY Dec. 19. U~ The Good New-so. Success stories in Mitigation Project. Project wi increase drainage capacity by rep acing drains and adding catch basins. ■ Saugus: Grant for $525,000 of a $700,000 pro W ect to insta a second cu vent at Shute Brook. Public Comment ■ Te us how natura hazards have affected you, your fami y or your business. ■ What prob em areas in the Town are the highest priority to fix? ■ Do you have any questions about the p an or the recommendations? 6 Town of Reading Alleyway Initiative Goals of the Initiative A subcommittee of the Economic Development Committee (EDC) of the Town of Reading has been assigned the task of working on an alleyway initiative. The initiative arose out of ideas that came from local business owners at the Business Breakfast sponsored by the EDC in the fall of 2007. The goals of the initiative are the following: • Work with the property owners of 668 Main Street and 660 Main Street. The alleyway initiative starts at CVS in the rear and runs between the Middlesex Animal Hospital and The Reading Trophy & Shirt Co. on Main Street. • Make the alleyway an inviting and appealing entranceway to the downtown area from the parking lot in the back of the buildings and make it an extension of the Downtown Improvement Project, keeping it in line with the changes forthcoming as a result of the Downtown Improvement Project. • Collaborate with many local groups such as local artists, the Reading Garden Club, and others to make the initiative a community effort. This project is in strong support of Reading's Master Plan and compliments the Downtown Improvement Project. Components The initiative is made up of the following major components: • brick pavers • lighting • a mural, and • plants. These components are discussed in detail in the pages that follow. Process The process for this initiative is one of collaboration with the property owners, the town of Reading, committees of the town of Reading, the Economic Development Committee and many volunteer groups. To date meetings have been held with the following: • property owners • the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Manager • a subcommittee of the EDC The subcommittee of the EDC has been performing some research and brainstorming on some ideas of how the alleyway may be changed. Subcommittee members contacted a local arts organization and the Reading Garden Club who were enthusiastic and willing to help. Ongoing meetings will be forthcoming and this document will continue to be developed. 8/1/2008 Page I of9 5-GI Financial Outlays A major component of the initiative is cost which is outlined in the financial information section. Tasks and Timeframes Tasks and timeframes will be assigned as appropriate and a project timeline will be developed, see table of tasks and timeframes. The subcommittee of the EDC is committed to moving this project forward with an expected completion date of the fall of 2008. s ) View from Main Street, wall to wall is approximately 8 feet 2 inches; length of walkway is approximately 62 feet. 8/1/2008 Page 2 of 9 The Alleyway Below are pictures of the alleyway to give a clear idea of what we are working with in this initiative. View from parking lot in rear, town property is the orange lined area t I ~ ! ! j ~~e ~ is ~n{:• L.. ! J 11 ~•.t~ "Iis J'6' 1(k~ tl j. c p y I s ! 5 x- ! ; P 4 ~"1 T 1~ l' ~ ' r'4 .~~•YS's"ti ~A''~ <;y, ~ ~r"•"4 nX ///t ',ti s , /c. Ys- is J l " .wa..".. ~3~~~. ...ym~`'{tS~kT~y,4s'~5~ uS.ih'. 1 .a :II'!~ . View from the rear Current lighting 8/1/2008 Page 3 of 9 6-t.--3 4 ~ y~lk9J~ f. t + ~`~~r 4 y ITS 7 l ' r ee~iii Mural to be painted on white building Total alley area equals 963 square feet. An alternate area which is currently asphalt by the stairs to the white building is 292 square feet, and a concrete are near the building is 142 square feet. 8/1/2008 Page 4 of 9 SG Components in Detail Brick Pavers The brick pavers will be the same material as used in the Downtown Improvement Project so that the alleyway looks like a continuation of the downtown. The town property is the orange lined area and would be done in brick pavers which could be set on the current asphalt. There was discussion surrounding putting some of the brick pavers in the front sidewalk to make the alleyway known from Main Street. The property owner should seriously consider brick pavers for the remaining area by the white building. The following information was obtained to gain an idea of what the pavers would look like. b n^ T S ~ _ 11 ~v !!tt h°^ 4 K ~ 61j ~ . W Lighting Lighting in the alleyway will make a big difference aesthetically and for security since it is fairly dark. The lights will need to be high enough so that they do not become a tempting target to vandals. The lights should be energy efficient and sensor controlled. The cost of the ongoing electricity will need to be discussed and negotiated. Approximately 4-gooseneck lights flush mounted and fully shielded would be needed. w, ,M r ow y xA r 1 e oscie~~ 1 G-- -1 p, :A'' ~ r cR , a d h .erd.7-,f F c' C" zu" 1,3 4 91 Proposed Lighting 8/1/2008 Page 5 of 9 Boston Colonial brick pavers shown below. Mural The subcommittee of the EDC is extremely excited about the idea of a mural on the Animal Hospital building, which is currently painted. Studies have shown that buildings with murals, actually are less likely to be used for graffiti. Members of the subcommittee had the opportunity to meet with a mural artist (John Coles) who is a candidate for this project. After a thorough survey of the alleyway, John recommended that with the space available we consider a "park-like" mural as the alleyway is devoid of greenery. An initial sketch is rendered here for initial review. A detailed sketch would be available for a sum, if we choose to go with John Coles. The mural would need to be maintained and refreshed on a periodic basis. The mural would be approved by a small panel (with the property owner as the main panelist and other community members as panelists). The subcommittee feels strongly that in order for this to be successful, there should be a small number of people making the final decision. The mural and the other building should be coated with anti-graffiti sealant. Below is an example of what the mural might look like. d tY i r I , s T r s l 0. ~ 'F! + ~ I7 t ti , }~JC f+ t ' y y°1kr y R~ i6 14,, 77 ~ an r 9; ~ { p +,-cy y 1 'JrF{ ° H'~ .'1f(. y alHd+J y~~ ~ItE~~ Y 1 I p~ 'k 13 k l_,, tiff `l' `TL•I! F09 I A-LL I h;~>r1f~l\(Lr JDN~d S. (bLL,. C}(.:> 811/2008 Page 6 of 9 ` Archway At the initial meetings held by members of the EDC, the town and property owners, awnings and archways were discussed as a way to let people know that the alleyway is inviting and a nice way to transition from parking in the rear to the downtown shops. The archway would need to be attached to the buildings. 6~,tS..-,M1 'r. i~,t' z n4• ! t V~'{ y~ V"~~ • ; -i ~{k 1`t'• l~ hpf l~l fT r Xl~~I~.... i ,X t a r~• t Vs k r i I.t lx ti: . 4 i' r -t 3 1'y tr aV s j•, f L~r3/1~`' S r 5 ~yt`'~ it$t~~-n::~.^ 1, ,.~,,~.r~•.=a~ .s..n..~~"tl ~"t k,f+}! ice..".r+rw-': • _.A{'Fa'Y.m,.LL.~'RSi eaa. ~ .:lr.^".. Y....a~"~~.. Plants Plants have been discussed as a great way to make the entranceway of the alley more inviting and welcoming. Plants should not obstruct the windows of the buildings or interfere with plowing. During the discussions, the subcommittee has decided to wait on the plants until the last phase of the project. 8/1/2008 Page 7 of 9 ,5-c"-7 Below is a picture to give an idea of what can be done. Financial Information Item ! Description Cost Pavers I Pavement Removal and Disposal I Remove payment and dispose I $800.00 Stone Dust Replacement I Replace stone dust I $1,350.00 Fine Grade and Compaction I Grading I $700.00 Bricks-town property Cost of bricks $5,600.00 Installation of bricks-town Lay brick pavers into the asphalt $12,236.00 property Subtotal pavers - town I I $20,686.00 Bricks - private property I Cost of bricks I $1,867.00 Installation of bricks-private Lay brick pavers into the asphalt $4,079.00 property Subtotal pavers - 668 Main St. $5,946.00 property owner Subtotal Pavers I I I $26,632.00 I I Lighting I Lights-property owners-2 each Gooseneck lighting 4 lamps $5,000.00 building alternating sides of the building, ($1250 ea. x 4) $2500 each building Propose cost split between 2 owners $2500 each Installation of lights-property Connect to building conduits $2,250.00 owner Payment of electricity of lights- Use existing electrical meters Should be no additional cost property owners since lights are currently there Subtotal Lighting I I $7,250.00 I I I I I Mural I I Mural- Fund Raising Professional painting of Mural on $10,000-15,000.00 Middlesex Animal Hospital building I Other Plants Plants that will not require much $1,000.00 maintenance & will not interfere with plowing or store windows Archway- downtown Steering Iron Archway above the entrances $2,000.00 Committee meeting on Aug. 20 to the alleyway Other Any unexpected items $1,000.00 Maintenance of Alleyway Replace light bulbs, repair brick, $645.00 etc Subtotal Other I I $4,645.00 TOTAL $54,000 8/1/2008 Page 8 of 9 Tasks and Timeframe-timeframes to be discussed and added Description Timeframe Status Initial Meetings with Beginning of 2008 Completed, January and property owners February Draft document to use in First and second quarters of In Process discussions with all parties 2008 Additional meetings with First quarter of 2008 Completed both property owners Meetings with the Reading August 2008 To be scheduled Garden Club Meetings with local artists May - June 2008 Completed Meetings with all appropriate June 2008 To be scheduled town committees Costs detailed ( May Completed Selection of those who will June Completed do the work on the pavers Selection of brick pavers March Completed Selection of those who will June To be scheduled install the lights Selection of the lights May Completed Selection of those who will May Completed paint the mural Draft of mural June To be scheduled Approvals of mural June To be scheduled Selection of plants On hold Last part of the project Discussion of maintenance of Fall of 2008 To be scheduled plants Installation of brick pavers Fall of 2008 To be scheduled Installation of lights Painting of Mural and planting of plants The targeted end date is the fall of 2008. The timing is contingent on the completion of the Main Street sidewalks of the Downtown Improvement Project. Summary There is full commitment of the town, the EDC, and property owners to move forward in an energetic manner to get this project done. We will explore all avenues of funding to accomplish this project. The proposed timeframe recommends a targeted end date of the fall of 2008. The initiative involves the community, makes Reading more attractive and will help local businesses. 8/1/2008 Page 9 of 9 5G L9 LICENSE AGREEMENT DRAFT 7-29-08 THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 25TH day of August, 2008, by and between the TOWN OF READING, a municipal corporation, by and through its duly elected and authorized BOARD OF SELECTMEN, having its usual place of business at Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 (hereinafter "Town"), and BOSTON READING, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability corporation with a principal office at 715 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 ("Boston Reading"). WHEREAS, Boston Reading is the owner of the premises located at 662-680 Main Street, Reading, (the "Premises") by virtue of a deed dated December 17, 2003 and recorded with-the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as Certificate no. 229690 in Book 1278, Page 140; and WHEREAS, the Town is the owner of a right of way (hereinafter the "alleyway") which is located between the Premises and the property located at 660 Main Street and owned by Thomas C. and Barbara A. O'Connor (the "O'Connors"). The alleyway, which is approximately eight (8') feet wide, more or less, extending for a distance of approximately sixty-two (62') feet, serving as pedestrian access between Main Street and the parking area located to the rear of the Premises. WHEREAS, as part of the Town's Downtown Improvement Project, the Town's Economic Development Committee formed a subcommittee to work on a project commonly known as the "Alleyway Initiative" one of the goals of which, is to make the alleyway an inviting and appealing entranceway to the downtown area from the rear parking lot through the installation of brick pavers; lighting; plantings; a mural and archway; and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to place, install, affix and maintain two (2) archways over the alleyway, at Main Street and at the rear of the Premises at the parking lot, which archways must be affixed to a portion of the Premises owned by Boston Reading and that of the O' Connors; and WHEREAS, Boston Reading, through its duly authorized representatives, has authorized the granting of a license to the Town for the purpose of permitting the placement and installation of the archways to be attached to the Premises and thereafter, to allow the maintenance thereof; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of all parties to memorialize the terms of this license so that the rights, obligations, and limitations thereof shall be of notice to all parties, and to future owners of the Boston Reading's property; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows:- 5~f_ / D 1. The Licensor is the Boston Reading, LLC acting by and through its duly authorized representatives. 2. The Licensee is the Town of Reading acting by and through it's duly elected Board of Selectmen. 3. There is no monetary consideration for this License Agreement. 4. The portion of the Premises which is the subject of this License Agreement is the uppermost portion of the front and rear of Boston Reading's building directly adjacent to the alleyway. 5. This license agreement shall commence upon execution hereof, shall be for a term of one (1) year, and shall be automatically extended for additional one year terms each year on the anniversary date hereof unless sooner terminated. 6. The Licensed Premises shall be used only for the purpose of placing, installing, affixing and maintaining archways at the front and back of the alleyway. No other structures, temporary or permanent, may be placed or installed thereon without the express written consent of the Licensor. 7. All costs for the placement, installation and maintenance of the archways shall be borne by the Licensee. 8. There shall be no relocation or re-construction of the archways without the further express written consent of the Licensor. 9. The Licensee agrees that in the event that the Licensor determines that the archways must be removed for any reason, the Licensor agrees to give Licensee reasonable notice of the need to remove or relocate the archways. 10. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Licensor: Boston Reading, LLC c/o James L. Gould 715 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 To Licensee: Reading Board of Selectmen c/o Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Each party may change its address set forth herein by a notice to such effect to the other party given pursuant hereto. 11. The parties agree that this license agreement shall be recorded at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds at Licensees' expense; that Licensor's certificate of title shall reference this License Agreement as an encumbrance; and that Licensor shall, at the time of any sale of the Premises at 662-668 Main Street, inform the purchaser of the existence of this license agreement, and furnish a copy hereof to said purchaser. EXECUTED AS A SEALED INSTRUMENT ON THE DATE FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE. BOSTON READING, LLC. TOWN OF READING By: Board of Selectmen James L. Gould Stephen Goldy, Chair Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss. August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were valid Massachusetts Driver's Licenses, to be the persons whose names are signed to the attached or preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act on behalf of the Town of Reading, for the purposes expressed therein. My commission expires: Notary Public ~5G12,- LICENSE AGREEMENT DRAFT 7-29-08 THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 25TH day of August, 2008, by and between the TOWN OF READING, a municipal corporation, by and through its duly elected and authorized BOARD OF SELECTMEN, having its usual place of business at Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 (hereinafter "Town"), and THOMAS C. O'CONNOR and BARBARA A. O'CONNOR, of 163 Van Norden Road, Reading, MA 01867 (the "O'Connors"). WHEREAS, the O'Connors are the owners of the premises located at 660 Main Street, Reading, (the "Premises") by virtue of a deed dated October 26, 1998 and recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as Certificate no. 213094 in Book 1195, Page 144; and WHEREAS, the Town is the owner of a right of way (hereinafter the "alleyway") which is located between the Premises and the property located at 662-668 Main Street and owned by Reading Boston, LLC ("Reading Boston"). The alleyway, which is approximately eight (8') feet wide, more or less, extending for a distance of approximately sixty-two (62') feet, serving as pedestrian access between Main Street and the parking area located to the rear of the Premises. WHEREAS, as part of the Town's Downtown Improvement Project, the Town's Economic Development Committee formed a subcommittee to work on a project commonly known as the "Alleyway Initiative" one of the goals of which, is to make the alleyway an inviting and appealing entranceway to the downtown area from the rear parking lot through the installation of brick pavers; lighting; plantings; a mural and archway; and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to place, install, affix and maintain two (2) archways over the alleyway, at Main Street and at the rear of the Premises at the parking lot, which archways must be affixed to a portion of the-Premises owned by the O'Connors and that of Boston Reading; and WHEREAS, the O'Connors, have agreed to grant a license to the Town for the purpose of permitting the placement and installation of the archways to be attached to the Premises and thereafter, to allow the maintenance thereof; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of all parties to memorialize the terms of this license so that the rights, obligations, and limitations thereof shall be of notice to all parties, and to future owners of the O'Connor's property; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows:- 1. The Licensors are Thomas C. O'Connor and Barbara A. O'Connor. 13 2. The Licensee is the Town of Reading acting by and through it's duly elected Board of Selectmen. 3. There is no monetary consideration for this License Agreement. 4. The portion of the Premises which is the subject of this License Agreement is the uppermost portion of the front and rear of the O'Connor's building directly adjacent to the alleyway. 5. This License Agreement shall commence upon execution hereof, shall be for a term of one (1) year, and shall be automatically extended for additional one year terms each year on the anniversary date hereof unless sooner terminated. 6. The Licensed Premises shall be used only for the purpose of placing, installing, affixing and maintaining archways at the front and back of the alleyway. No other structures, temporary or permanent, may be placed or installed thereon without the express written consent of the Licensor. 7. All costs for the placement, installation and maintenance of the archways shall be borne by the Licensee. 8. There shall be no relocation or re-construction of the archways without the further express written consent of the Licensor. 9. The Licensee agrees that in the event that the Licensor determines that the archways must be removed for any reason, the Licensor agrees to give Licensee reasonable notice of the need to remove or relocate the archways. 10. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Licensors: James C. O'Connor Barbara A. O'Connor 163 Van Norden Road Boston, MA 02116 To Licensee: Reading Board of Selectmen c/o Peter Hechenbleilcner, Town Manager 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Each party may change its address set forth herein by a notice to such effect to the other party given pursuant hereto. 11. The parties agree that this license agreement shall be recorded at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds at Licensees' expense; that Licensor's certificate of title shall reference this License Agreement as an encumbrance; and that Licensor shall, at the time of any sale of the Premises at 660 Main Street, inform the purchaser of the existence of this license agreement, and furnish a copy hereof to said purchaser. EXECUTED AS A SEALED INSTRUMENT ON THE DATE FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE. ~G) TOWN OF READING By: Board of Selectmen Thomas C. O'Connor Stephen Goldy, Chair Barbara A. O'Connor Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss. August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared Thomas C. O'Connor and Barbara A. O'Connor proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were valid Massachusetts Driver's Licenses, to be the persons whose names are signed to the attached or preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, ss August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared ?oroved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act on behalf of the Town of Reading, for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: RIGHT OF ENTRY/AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS DRAFT 7-30-08 AGREEMENT entered into this day of August, 2008, by and between the TOWN OF READING, a municipal corporation, by and through its duly elected and authorized BOARD OF SELECTMEN, having its usual place of business at Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 (hereinafter "Town"), and BOSTON READING, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability corporation with a principal office at 715 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 ("Boston Reading"). WHEREAS, Boston Reading is the owner of the premises located at 662-680 Main Street, Reading, (the "Premises") by virtue of a deed dated December 17, 2003 and recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as Certificate no. 229690 in Book 1278, Page 140; and WHEREAS, the Town is the owner of a right of way (hereinafter the "alleyway") located adjacent to the Premises which serves as a pedestrian access between Main Street and the parking area located to the rear of the Premises. WHEREAS, as part of the Town's Downtown Improvement Project, the Town's Economic Development Committee ("EDC") formed a subcommittee to work on a project commonly known as the "Alleyway Initiative" one of the goals of which, is to transform the alleyway into an inviting and appealing entranceway to the downtown area from the rear parking lot through various aesthetic and security improvements; and WHEREAS, the EDC's subcommittee has proposed the painting of a mural along the entire length of the wall of the Premises to further enhance the "Alleyway Initiative" which mural will need to be maintained and refreshed on a periodic basis, and for the installation of lighting to be affixed to the wall of the Premises; WHEREAS, to ensure that the rear portion of the Premises is consistent in appearance with that of the alleyway, Boston Reading, through its duly authorized representatives, has requested that when installing brick pavers to improve the appearance of the alleyway, the Town also install brick pavers in an area of Premises located adjacent to the alleyway and the parking lot, such area consisting of approximately two: hundred and ninety-two (292.00) square feet as depicted as area "B" on the attached sketch plan; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of all parties to memorialize the terms of this Agreement so that the rights, obligations, and limitations thereof shall be of notice to all parties, and to future owners of the Boston Reading's property; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:- 1. Boston Reading does hereby grant to the Town of Reading, by and through its duly authorized agents, servants or employees the right of access to enter upon that portion of the Premises as depicted on the attached sketch plan, which is incorporated herein by 5-C / (49 reference, for the purpose of installing brick pavers as part of the "Alleyway Initiative". The installation of the brick pavers shall be limited to the area indicated on the attached plan. 2. Boston Reading hereby grants to the Town of Reading, by and through its duly authorized agents, servants or employees an additional right of access for the installation of a mural on the entire length of the wall of the Premises. 3. Expressly included in this grant is the right to have the officers, employees, contractors and agents of the Town ("Town Permittees") enter upon the Premises and to pass along and over the Premises for the above purpose, and to pass over such other portions of the Premises as is reasonably required in connection with the Town's exercise of its rights hereunder. The Town shall exercise its rights hereunder so as to minimize interference with the use and occupancy of the Premises by Boston Reading and its tenants, customers, guests and invitees. Similarly, Boston Reading agrees that it shall not substantially interfere with the rights of the Town granted hereunder. 4. In consideration for the Town's installation of the brick pavers on the Premises, Boston Reading agrees to reimburse the Town for any all costs associated with the purchase of the pavers and the installation thereof in the area of the Premises as shown on the attached plan. Boston Reading agrees that it will reimburse the Town within fourteen (14) days of the submittal of an invoice detailing the costs incurred. There is no consideration to be paid by Boston Reading for the installation of the mural. 5. Boston Reading agrees that subsequent to the installation of the mural and the brick pavers on its Premises, it will be financially responsible for any and all maintenance associated therewith. 6. Boston Reading agrees that it will install two (2) lighting fixtures on the wall of the Premises of a size and style and in a location to be approved by the EDC. Boston Reading agrees that it shall be responsible for the maintenance of the lighting fixtures as well as the cost of electricity. Boston Reading further agrees that it will perform and complete any necessary repairs or replacement of the lighting fixtures, including bulbs, within forty-eight (48) hours or receiving notice that such repairs or maintenance are required. In the event that Boston Reading does not perform the requisite maintenance or replacement, the Town may elect to do so and Boston Reading will thereafter be required to reimburse the Town for all costs associated therewith. 7. Boston Reading agrees and warrants to hold harmless the Town of Reading, its agents, contractors, and subcontractors, for damage of any type, whatsoever, to the Premises and hereby releases, discharges, and waives any action, either legal or equitable that might arise out of any of the Town's activities while on the Premises. SG EXECUTED AS A SEALED INSTRUMENT ON THE DATE FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE. BOSTON READING, LLC. James L. Gould TOWN OF READING By: Board of Selectmen Stephen Goldy, Chair Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were valid Massachusetts Driver's Licenses, to be the persons whose names are signed to the attached or preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: Middlesex, ss COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act on behalf of the Town of Reading, for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LIGHTING DRAFT 7-30-08 THIS AGREEMENT entered into this th day of August, 2008, by and between the TOWN OF READING, a municipal corporation, by and through its duly elected and authorized BOARD OF SELECTMEN, having its usual place of business at Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 (hereinafter "Town"), and THOMAS C. O'CONNOR and BARBARA A. O'CONNOR, of 163 Van Norden Road, Reading, MA 01867 (the "O'Connors"). WHEREAS, the O'Connors are the owners of the premises located at 660 Main Street, Reading, (the "Premises") by virtue of a deed dated October 26, 1998 and recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds as Certificate no. 213094 in Book 1195, Page 144; and WHEREAS, the Town is the owner of a right of way (hereinafter the "alleyway") located adjacent to the Premises which serves as a pedestrian access between Main Street and the parking area located to the rear of the Premises. WHEREAS, as part of the Town's Downtown Improvement Project, the Town's Economic Development Committee ("EDC") formed a subcommittee to work on a project commonly known as the "Alleyway Initiative" one of the goals of which, is to transform the alleyway into an inviting and appealing entranceway to the downtown area from the rear parking lot through various aesthetic and security improvements; and WHEREAS, the EDC's subcommittee has proposed the installation of lighting to be affixed to the wall of the Premises; WHEREAS, it is in the interests of all parties to memorialize the terms of this agreement so that the rights, obligations, and limitations thereof shall be of notice to all parties, and to future owners of the O' Connors' property; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:- The O'Connors agree that they will install two (2) light fixtures on the wall of the Premises of a size and style and in a location to be approved by the EDC. The O'Connors further agree that they shall be responsible for the maintenance of the lighting fixtures as well as the cost of electricity. The O'Connors further agrees that they will perform and complete any necessary repairs or replacement of the lighting fixtures, including bulbs, within forty-eight (48) hours or receiving notice that such repairs or maintenance are required. In the event that the O'Connors do not perfonn the requisite maintenance or replacement, the Town may elect to do so and the O'Connors will thereafter be required to reimburse the Town for all costs associated therewith. '-s-C,,19 EXECUTED AS A SEALED INSTRUMENT ON THE DATE FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE. Thomas C. O'Connor Barbara A. O'Connor TOWN OF READING By: Board of Selectmen Stephen Goldy, Chair Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. August , 2008 Before one, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared Thomas C. O'Connor and Barbara A. O'Connor proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were valid Massachusetts Driver's Licenses, to be the persons whose names are signed to the attached or preceding document, and acknowledged to me that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: Middlesex, ss COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS August , 2008 Before me, the undersigned notary public, on this date personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act on behalf of the Town of Reading, for the purposes expressed therein. Notary Public My commission expires: 2-0 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH STATE PRIMARY ELECTION WARRANT Middlesex, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in State Primary Election to vote at Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 RMHS Hawkes Field House, Oaldand Road TUESDAY, THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2008 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the following purpose: To cast their votes in the State Primary for the candidates of political parties for the following offices: SENATOR IN CONGRESS .....................................FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS .........................................SIXTH DISTRICT COUNCILLOR SIXTH DISTRICT SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT ..........................MIDDLESEX AND ESSEX DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT TWENTIETH & THIRTIETH MIDDLESEX DISTRICTS REGISTER OF PROBATE MIDDLESEX COUNTY 6th District All Precincts 20th Middlesex District Precincts 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 30th Middlesex District Precincts 2, 3, and 5 And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least one (1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than seven (7) days prior to September 16, 2008, the date set for the State Primary Election in said Warrant, and to publish this Warrant in a newspaper published in the Town. Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said voting. ~~1 Given under our hands this fifth day of August, 2008. Stephen A. Goldy, Chairman Ben Tafoya, Vice Chairman James E. Bonazoli, Secretary Camille W. Anthony Richard W. Schubert BOARD OF SELECTMEN John Della Paolera, Constable A true copy. Attest: Cheryl A. Johnson, Town Clerk 5~ September 16, 2008 Presidential Primary Warrant COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Officer's Return, Reading: By virtue of this Warrant, I, on August , 2008 notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the place and at the time specified by posting attested copies of this State Primary Election Warrant in the following public places within the Town of Reading: Precinct 1 J. Warren Killain School, 333 Charles Street Precinct 2 Peter Sanborn Place, 50 Bay State Road Precinct 3 Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street Precinct 4 Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue Precinct 5 Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street Precinct 6 Austin Preparatory School, 101 Willow Street Precinct 7 Reading Library, Local History Room, 64 Middlesex Avenue Precinct 8 Wood End School, 85 Sunset Rock Lane The date of posting being not less than seven (7) days prior to September 16, 2008, the date set for the State Primary Election in this Warrant. I also caused an attested copy of this Warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle in the issue of John Della Paolera, Constable A true copy. Attest: Cheryl A. Johnson, Town Clerk 3 5~,3 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loci for Current Issues/Pro.iects Date Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-up Dept. Liaison Date Traffic/Parking Issues Ash Street at RR Develop a process to acquire land and build new connection directly between Ash and Main Street, eliminating the grade crossing Town. Mgr. Anthony Meeting held on site 6-7-07. 09/30107 Additional meeting to be scheduled. Construction of gates could be done in 12 months. MHD has approved the project - hopefully for construction summer 2008 11/29105 Develop a Engineer Bonazoll Impact canhof be Review, comprehensive traffic determined until the status of study for the Woburn Downtown Improvement downtown Street, High Street; project is complete; this project Lowell Street, Main item will be programmed for 1213112007 Street area consideration in-the FY 2009 budget• 9/16/06 Stop signs at Bancroft Request to make Bancroft at Engineering Goldy Engineering to begin 06130/08 Hartshorn a multi-way stop and study of the location move stop sign on Hartshorn closer to intersection. Possible installation of a speed table. v~ 811/2008 1 Board of Selectmen Trackinq Loci for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Project/ Identified Problem 3/27/07 Parking Garage Develop the process and time- line to address the need for a parking garage on the upper parking lot 1/9/08 4/15/08 Grove Street/Compost Resident complaints regarding Center traffic at the Compost Center Resp. Select. Dept. Liaison Town Tafoya Engineer; Town Manager Action Needed State funding approved. RFP for consultants issued. Proposals due 5- 16-08 Curbside leaf collection approved in 2009 budget - will schedule for fall and spring collection Sidewalk Plowing Review sidewalk plowing DPW Anthony Review Elementary School routes vis a vis new school District bouondanes and distracts and other priorities sidewalks and what we currently plow. Come up with proposed modification and review with the Board of Selectmen and then have a hearing Follow-un Date 12/31/07 09/01/08 • _ YhAAW~Y4u[t~ShBSa" ~~§e""y~k z"'..~.~._.. ait.i,Ng:t~t4'#~F~a=,.r~~ Y} ~ . , ' ' - l`5~f.§A'vs4a`3 rAv`. ~[.r3..reAtr v~., ..1'K'A rit3 ^Li1Rx'3 .~,s, r.'t w"L~ ^fi `l7•.. ~ ~i~ 7 Development Proiects 8/1/2008 2 ues~~'r°~ects r Current Iss r Fottow-uR eC1 TraCW p'ctton Needed pate, rd Seleetrn $e`eCt" OVA 8°a Cn Res ' ~iaisrn ...'Review t.1P regulations ato dations Date ,s ueIPr6r+erl e Counsel rview Town Llp Regulations 8122106 identified Proole ®e regulations may need to b ulp a ed Per lG' suggestions 'Develop a lighting section of the Zoning Bylaw D1 .r Anthony make recom getectmen. Town Counsel', the Board of tate 408 Community been New s lations have Services r t regu adopted, and we are .~or to those Pr o 'Direc evaluating changes in our making local regulatins ~~93l~~-188 The Town needs to have dards and T to established stan processes for reviewing developments fighting for new akland Road Sale of O land 4 Planner and Bonazoli Town Manager wed tax title land The Town Road from the own across Oakland -Town's RMHS is surplus to the needs. Town Manager, Town Planner 3 U\ ..n Tafoya nsultant to develop Hire a co Have had a draft bylaw discussion with one consultantanPt posal. The expecting er is Tawn plane collecting regulations and around the state can from to see ho`w we nation this as simPiy accomplish as Possible. r 09130107 Develop process to be implemented in summer 2007. Tafoya to out down process and send Manager I u roLect'_ Curre t 1low-uR ' ,x'i for eeded pate .•r Lack _S~n r1 ~~~Ct Select., ti 30)7 'Bard of Res Liaison review of the 000 D4 a staff Jule public d pr0b'3l D Bozoli sche lden na streets, a decislon by DRT input make en and issue lprc ectl "'al1 of guard of gelen Meeting Date go we need to retain an we pos er streets or csibly how er streets these pap of them? ~ook at pap some C 15-07 north of 1_owell abandons°m Iggi 'I --ening from _ needs Facility ats Garage new de evei~ DpW 1f8ip8 screening . u att©11 Board of Selectmen Tracking Log for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Proiecti Identified Problem Resp. Select. Dept. Liaison Memorial Park Controversy over allowed uses; Town Anthony Development of Master Plan Counsel Action Needed Public Hearing was held on park master plan; Recreation has written up the comments and is amending the plans; Town Counsel had a hearing before Probate judge on June 28 re "reasonable deviation" petition. Per court direction, published and noticed abutters. Abutters sent in a petition with a number of comments negative to the petition. The AG does not feel we should proceed with the petition. We will have a revised park plan for BOS hearing on September 18. Modifications to the plan were made as a result of the hearing and the BOS is requested to approve the plan on 10-15-07 Follow-up Date 8J3=7-10- 16-07 -N T\ 81112008 5 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loci for Current Issues/Projects Date Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem Resp. Select. Action Needed Follow-un Dept. Liaison Date 9/20/05 rig.: `Mandatelandscap'i a Shouldthe Towndevelop Planning Tafoya Refer to CPDC as part of 06/30/06 _ -to save water bylaw-or subdivision Master Plan regulations implementation; Town is applying for a grant for an educational program on landscape maintenance Tafoya to talk to CPDC about including this in Master Plan implementation = . discussion. Ask CCP Committee if they can review this 9/26106 Master plan for Birch There are some key decisions Recreation Bonazoli Develop a master plan for 11=007 Meadow site to be made on this site and we the property, including the 3-31-07 5- need a master plan for the Imagination Station site. 27-08 area We are developing maps that show the entire site including the new school. Board of Selectmen appointed a committee.. \ 8/112008 6 ackln Loci for Current Issues/Projects 01 Selectmen Tr Follow-up Board Select, Action Needed, Date . Res'?. Identified Problem. Dot Liaison 06130108 process and time Issue/Pro;eCtl. Tafoya Develop a p Date ATM 1 table to review Options' going potential to save $ on health Finance Determine whether outside 1116107 Review Reading insurance for FY 2010 Director consulting assistance will into the GIC for health Currently be required. insurance awaiting the completion of the Glas bidding of the program. Hiring a consultant - work from should ld take 45 day X2007 - Develop draft Policy i 6.30-08 Town Bonazoli have asked MMi~iA policy re and not gotten The Town needs a and manager colleagues whether to encourage, much feedback. Draft 311312007 policy onfund-raising w private groups for public projects how to direct Policy prepared and given who want to raise fu adksor to Board of Selectmen - public projects like p discussion on 4-29-08- Hearing 5-13-08• more revisions required 12131107 Anthony Get information Town potential Charter Revision Accountant 8121/2007 Review with members of Town Accountant's Association the supervisory relationship between the Town Manager and town Accountant 7 V1 8/112008 1 Board of Selectmen Tracking Loci for Current Issues/Projects Date 25-07 1/22/08 3/25/08 3(25/08 vl 8/1/2008 Issue/Proiect/ Identified Problem, Resp. Dept. Establish a standing Plan for building needs - Town Municipal Building functional planning not capital Manager Committee or maintenance planning issue of being a Review potential for "Green Community" geothermal heating/cooling at one of the municipal Use of cabin at Should we rent the cabin out Mattera property for events rather than rent it out for long term use? Fees for Companion Should we reduce fees and Kennels reduce inspection rfequency Select. Liaison Anthony DPW/Recre Bonazoli ation Action Needed, Get information on what other communities may have in this regard. BT and PH met with Library Board, who are reviewing whether or not to participate in such a venture. After budget discussion, CA/SG will meet with representatives fo the School Department. Board of Selectmen discussion with staff Follow-ue Date 12131i2007 430-08 Health Goldy Board of Selectmen discussion with staff - potential bylaw amendment 8 IsssueslPro Gurrent ~Qr Follow-u ratrkl~ Action Needed D.-atg E'ctClneC1 $eleclt ~d Of Sel ReSL: goard 01 Sewith star' may ~Qa oblem Dept- gonaZolt discussion . J Ids fled ? r funds in {alt Town include Fndment IssLe -e- Town's Manager qudgeta pate m:. ow . Should we Casual bid the and insurance P1Nro Viers and GomPensafion ~3(25td8 insurance 9 C.1'` king 'Lod for current IssueslProjects Selectmen -racFollow-U2 Board' of Select, Action Needed path Rest:. ectl Identified problem. D Date IssuelproG Citizen Requests DPW ditch has silted up and is not Drainage on Haverhill backs up and 4130106 free-flowing property street affects neighbors Liaison, work to be done this fall as 1013'1107 Goldy part of the storm water management program Right of entry needed from the c)pen Land Trust and the property owner DPW Director Bonazoli 0115107 Recycling in parks 0 y 10 8h12008 Review our current ocessesto regulations and pr see if we can set up can and bottle recycling in parks. Also add to this issue the problem with trash left in the. Parks. Grant received. As soon as containers put them rks, become Out inlthe pa put 09130107, Board of Selectmen Meeting June 3, 2008 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman James Bonazoli, Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy, Secretary Ben Tafoya, Selectman Camille Anthony, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur, DPW Director Ted McIntire, Office Manager Paula Schena and the following list of interested parties: Marls Epstein, Bill Brown, Sally and Brendan Hoyt, Anna and Milburn Dixon, John Della Paolera, Margaret Soli, Randall Jones, Janet Baronian, Beth Klepeis, Susan Fey, Adam Chase, Mike DeBrigard, Patrice Todisco, Bill Jennings, Ed Peduto, Dave Hunter. Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaisons Reports and Comments - Selectman Camille Anthony asked why the Fire Department brings a ladder truck to do a fire inspection for smoke detectors, and the Town Manager indicated that is because they are on call as a mobile response team. Selectman Anthony noted that the EPA is running a water sense program for sprinklers in Concord. The Town Manager indicated that there are 17 sites in Reading that are participating in a pilot program for weather station systems, and it might be the same program. He noted that it was extended for a third year and then we will get the results. Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that the Library had a plamling "kick off." Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the Library keeps talking about needing more space and we should do something. Selectman Tafoya also noted that the immediate concerns are regarding maintenance items such as window replacement. Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy asked if we could poll Town Meeting Members regarding the Special Town Meeting to make sure that we have a quorum. The Assistant Town Manager noted that he would put it on the website. Vice Chairman Goldy noted that the fencing at Imagination Station has nails in it, and it needs to be repaired or removed. He also noted that he attended Project Safe for the seniors. Chairman James Bonazoli noted that he had two guests at Office Hours this evening. He also noted that there was an e-mail from Mr. Penta regarding a tree limb that overhangs his property and is dropping things on his vehicles. He and the Town Manager will go out and take a look. He noted that the parking on Lowell Street in front of the cemetery is not often used and suggested making it employee parking. He asked about moving the DPW Garage to the old Water Treatment Plant site, and the Town Manager indicated that would have to be discussed. Chairman Bonazoli also noted that he was approached by a High School student to do a Homecoming Weekend at the Reading Memorial High School. ,it Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 3, 2008 - Pape 2 Public Comment - Bill Brown passed out a letter to the Selectmen regarding purchasing property on north Main Street. He feels that an exclusion will not pass for this. He suggested that the Selectmen sell the Oakland Road property and use that money to purchase this property. He reminded the Board of Pete Dahl's motion to come up with money for road repairs without an exclusion. The Assistant Town Manager noted that the Land Bank voted that the Oakland Road property is under the care and custody of the Town and not the Schools. Town ManaLyer's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: • Downtown Improvement Project - "Dummy Demolition" on June 15th • Trail Build on June 7th • National Development MEPA Scoping session • Double utility poles • Federal Flood Maps • Comcast hearing - June 18th - 7:00 p.m. • MMA Action Alert • Joint meeting with School Committee re: World Cafe wrap-up and Executive Session re: litigation - June 17? • Paving - Sunnyside and Fairview - next week - then Colbum • Fence fabric being installed very soon at Tennis Courts • Site walk - Birch Meadow Master Plan Dates and Events: • 40R Meeting - CPDC and Board of Selectmen, June 2nd, 7:00 p.m. at Senior Center • Fox 25 "Zip Trip" - June 13th • Friends and Family Day - June 21 st • Special Town Meeting - June 30th Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation Certificate of Recognition - Sa11v Hovt - A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to approve the Certificate of Recognition for Sallv M. Hovt as Unsung Heroine of 2008 by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women was approved by a vote of 4-0-0. Personnel and Appointments Constables - Sally Hoyt and John Della Paolera were interviewed by the Board. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two Constables with terms expiring June 30, 2011: Sally M. Hovt and John Della Paolera. Each candidate received four votes and were appointed. Human Relations Advisorv Committee - Margaret Soli and Randall Jones were interviewed by the Board. I k>- Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 3. 2008 - Page 3 Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Human Relations Advisorv Committee with a term expiring June 30.2011: Margaret Soli. Ms. Soli received four votes and was appointed. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two Associate positions on the Human Relations Advisorv Committee with terms expiring June 30. 2009: Randall Jones and Monique Pillow Gnanaratnam. Each candidate received four votes and were appointed. Board of Cemeterv Trustees = Janet Baronian was interviewed by the Board. Olive Hecht was not present. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Board of Cemeterv Trustees with a term expiring June 30. 2011: Janet Baronian. Ms. Baronian received four votes and was appointed. Board of Registrars - Anthonv moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Board of Registrars with a term expiring June 30. 2011: Harrv Simmons. Mr. Simmons received four votes and was apyointed. Commissioner of Trust Funds - The Board interviewed Beth Klepeis. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two positions on the Commissioners of Trust Funds with terms expiring June 30., 2011: Elizabeth Klepeis and Camille Anthonv. Ms. Kleveis received four votes and Ms. Anthonv received three votes and both candidates were appointed. Cultural Council - The Board interviewed Susan Fay. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Cultural Council with a term expiring June 30, 2011: Susan Fav. Ms. Fav received four votes and was appointed. Recreation Committee - The Board interviewed Adam Chase. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one Associate position on the Recreation Committee with a term expiring June 30. 2009: Adam Chase. Mr. Chase received four votes and was appointed. The Board held off on making other Recreation Committee appointments until they had clarification on whether any Associate members wanted a full membership. 6 ~c 3 Board of Selectmen Meetina - June 3. 2008 - Paae 4 Telecommunications and Technoloav Advisorv Committee - Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two positions on the Telecommunications and Technologv Advisorv Committee with terms expiring June 30, 2011: Douglas Reid and Douglas Cowell. Each candidate received four votes and were appointed. Town Forest Committee - The Board interviewed Mike deBrigard and Patrice Todisco. Bonazoli moved and Goldv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one position on the Town Forest Committee with a term expiring June 30. 2011: Mike deBrigard. Mr. deBrigard received four votes and was appointed. Tafova moved and Goldv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two Associate positions on the Town Forest Committee with terms expiring June 30. 2009: Joan Hovt and Patrice Todisco. Each candidate received four votes and were appointed. Discussion/Action Items Hiahliahts - Human Relations Advisorv Committee - Margaret Soli, Chairman of the Human Relations Advisory Committee, updated the Board on events the Committee held over the past year. These events included a tour to Boston Library, a Cultural Fest at RMHS and police training on diversity. She noted that they will be holding another race workshop on June 11, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Church. Hearing - Approve FY 2009 Compensation Plan - The Secretary read the hearing notice. The Town Manager noted that there has been a minor modification to the Classification Study. A motion by Anthonv seconded by Goldv to close the hearing on approving the FY 2009 Compensation Plan was approved by a vote of 4-0-0. A motion by Tafova seconded by Goldv to approve the FY 2009 Pav and Classification Plans as presented on June 3, 2008 was approved by a vote of 4-0-0. Follow Up - DPW Studv - Public Works Director Ted McIntire and Highway Supervisor Mike deBrigard were present. The Town Manager noted that Ted McIntire has had many meetings with staff to come up with an action plan. Ted McIntire noted that on the last page of the Implementation Plan, it should say DPW successor, not Town Manager successor. Chairman James Bonazoli asked if any priorities have been set yet. The Town Manager noted that succession planning and vehicle maintenance are a priority. Ted McIntire noted that there was no guidance on these issues in the study. Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 3. 2008 - Pate 5 Selectman Ben Tafoya asked about performance measurement and roadway maintenance, and asked if it could be measured to see if there are ways to improve or a need to change policies. The Town Manager noted that we don't utilize planning and tracking software. He also noted that equipment maintenance needs to be broken down more. Selectman Camille Anthony asked if we should be outsourcing equipment maintenance, and the Town Manager noted that option will be explored. Selectman Ben Tafoya asked about staffing in Engineering. Ted McIntire indicated that they will look five years down the road and see what the need is. Selectman Camille Anthony indicated that the cost of an employee should be fully loaded. Chairman James Bonazoli asked about the lack of appreciation for the DPW. Ted McIntire noted that he and the Town Manager met with all staff. Pictures have been taken of work they've been doing but they need pictures of our workers, not just the final product. Selectman Ben Tafoya suggested filling potholes if they want positive recognition. Mike deBrigard noted that the lifecycle of the roads have collapsed, and the cost of supplies are increasing. Selectman Camille Anthony noted that we need a timeline table for these items the same as we did for the MWRA. Reauest for Extension of RIAA Lease for Burbank Arena - Bill Jennings, Ed Peduto and Dave Hunter were present. The Town Manager noted that the Reading Ice Arena Authority wants to add a woman's locker room. They are asking for a new 10 year extension so they can get funding. A motion by Tafoya seconded by Goldv to authorize Town Counsel to draft a new 10 vear extension of the lease between the Town of Readinu and the Readina Ice Arena Authoritv for the Burbank Arena facility at 51 Svmonds Wav; and that the Board of Selectmen approves the proposed locker room expansion at the Burbank Arena subiect to the approval of the CPDC. Conservation Commission. and anv other auencv with iurisdiction over approval of the expansion proiect was approved by a vote of 4-0-0. Discussion - Student Member of Board of Selectmen - Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy indicated that he wants to invite a student member to be on the Board of Selectmen. He feels that the youth want to be recognized and involved. He spoke with Pat Schettini and Lisa Gibbs and they think it is a great idea. He noted that the School Committee student representative leaves the meetings at 9:00 p.m. and attends from September to June. Selectman Ben Tafoya noted that the Selectmen represent all, and feels that a particular section shouldn't be singled out. He also noted that the Board has five members and that is enough. There are other committees that kids can get involved with. 6 &5' Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 12008 - Page 6 Selectman Camille Anthony noted that she would like to get people excited about governance but if you do this for the youth, then what about the elderly? Vice Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that elderly residents can run for election but the youth can't. The Assistant Town Manager noted that the sample Town Meeting in the elementary school is a way to reach out. He also suggested that the Selectmen pick one night a year and have a meeting at the High School with items on the agenda that interest kids. A motion by Anthonv seconded by Goldv to start a pilot vroiect in the Fall to have a student representative on the Board of Selectmen with the details to follow was, approved by a vote of 3-1-0. with Tafova opposed. A motion by Tafova seconded by Goldv to go into Executive Session for the purpose of litigation not to come back into Open Session was approved on a roll call vote with all four members voting in the affirmative. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 6 6~~ - Board of Selectmen Meeting July 29, 2008 For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflect the order in which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and not necessarily the order in which any item was taken up by the Board. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Stephen Goldy, Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya, Secretary James Bonazoli, Selectmen Camille Anthony and Richard Schubert, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob LeLacheur, DPW Director Ted McIntire, Town Engineer George Zambouras, Highway Supervisor Mike deBrigard, Recreation Administrator John Feudo and the following list of interested parties: Kathleen Shale-Dwyer, Angela Fischer, Bill Brown, Joyce Taormina, Donna Morin, Janice Conyers, Pete Dahl, George Hines, Joan Marshall, Rob Kraft, William Hibbard, Attorney Doug Resnick, Robert Lee, Richard Wetzler. Report and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments - Chairman Stephen Goldy opened the meeting and asked for the Selectmen's reports. Selectman James Bonazoli mentioned the FORR 5K race that was held in the rain on the previous Thursday, and he thanked the over 50 people who participated which included Chairman Stephen Goldy. Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya mentioned the letter on Page Sgl of tonight's material from CPDC about South Main Street, and that the Board should discuss this with CPDC. The Town Manager suggested the August 26th Agenda for this discussion. Selectman Camille Anthony asked for an update at that time on several other economic development projects around town. She mentioned small holes in the road on both Fairview and Sunnyside Avenue, and wondered if they were for shut-off valves. Chairman Stephen Goldy mentioned the recent newspaper article on the Pay and Class Study and subsequent action taken by the schools, and suggested that this was an example where communication could be improved internally. The Town Manager mentioned that the plan had always been for an expedited school portion of the study since they had only a few positions to analyze. Chairman Goldy mentioned that he, the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools Pat Schettini were going to meet next week to discuss the Student Representative to the Board of Selectmen. He also mentioned to the Board that he, the Town Manager and the Assistant Town Manager were meeting to discuss management and succession planning. Selectman James Bonazoli asked if the Town had considered the four day week. The Town Manager mentioned that the Town already had a small group of employees studying the costs and benefits, and he would report their findings when complete. Chairman Stephen Goldy asked if some night meetings could be moved to the Police Station and to the Library since these buildings were already open. Chairman Stephen Goldy recognized a Boy Scout from Boy Scout Troop 750 who was here to observe the meeting. Board of Selectmen Meetina - July 29, 2008 - Paae 2 Town Manager's Report The Town Manager gave the following report: • The Town's home rule legislation on liquor licenses has passed the legislature, and has been signed by the Governor. • Paving on Sunnyside and Fairview Avenue - done. We are working to stabilize edges of pavement and while rains are good for growing things, the level of rain we have had makes it very difficult. • The Water Leak Detection Survey has been completed, and the leaks identified account for 35,000 gallons per day, or 12 million gallons per year. We do this leak detection program annually. • We have been spending significant staff time and money on a drainage issue on Bond Street in the area of Lowell. The drainage is surcharging in spite of having done extensive clean-out of drain lines including extensive root removal. We will continue to follow up on this. • The Farmers Market is now open at High and Haven Street next to the Depot. They are open Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m., until 7:00 p.m. • The Board of Selectmen has received information on a potential LIP on North Main Street. I have asked the applicant to come in and discuss the proposal in concept form with the Board of Selectmen when they have digested the DRT comments from staff. • The MEPA Certificate has been received for the National Development site, and has been copied to the Board of Selectmen. • The hearing of an appeal by Busa's Liquors of the Board of Selectmen's two day suspension for selling to a minor is scheduled for August 6th. Town Counsel advises that they just need the Police Officers present for that hearing. • Training for owners and servers at all restaurant, packages store and club licensees was offered last week. Four package stores, three restaurants and two clubs took advantage of the training. This was offered through RCASA. • Included in your packet is a copy of the survey conducted for the Town in the Comcast renewal. There is some interesting information that you might find valuable. • We received the Comcast license proposal last week, and are in the process of reviewing it with Counsel. • A write-up in the World Caf6 was published in "System Thinker" and is in your packet. • Washington Park Planning Committee has prepared a survey, and it is available through the Town's web site - go to Departments - Recreation - Washington Park Survey. • A resident asked if the Town was holding up the redevelopment of the "Ship" site on Franklin Street. The Board of Selectmen has a response in their packet. The applicant had asked to re- submit plans to reduce impervious cover to meet Town Zoning By-Laws, and the Town has been processing this through the CPDC and ZBA - there is no Conservation jurisdiction. Dates and Events: ♦ September 16 - State Primary Election ♦ September 23 - Subsequent Town Meeting Warrant closes ♦ October 15 - Financial Forum ♦ November 4 - Election Day ♦ November 10 - Subsequent Town Meeting ♦ November 11 - Veterans' Day Selectman Richard Schubert noted that the Busa's Liquors appeal seemed to remove all local aspects of the Board of Selectmen's decision such as RCASA. He asked if Board Members would be allowed to speak, or if a letter could be submitted to the ABCC. Board of Selectmen Meeting - Julv 29. 2008 - Page 3 Chairman Stephen Goldy asked what the follow-up to the World Cafe process was. The Town Manager stated that a joint meeting between the School Committee and the Board would be setup but due to Summer vacations, it would occur next Fall. Selectman James Bonazoli asked about Franklin Street and why if we are now in the MWRA, the aquifer district rules still applied. Selectman Camille Anthony stated that this was State law. The Town Manager described that the 20% coverage (maximum) was more difficult to achieve in a subdivision when one included roads and sidewalks as compared to the relative ease of applying that to a single dwelling property. Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation Proclamation - Silver Star Banner Dav - A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to proclaim Mav 1, 2009 as Silver Star Banner Dav was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Discussion/Action Items: Hearing - Baldwin Lane Extension Street Acceptance - Chairman Stephen Goldy opened the hearing on the Baldwin Lane Extension, and Selectman James Bonazoli read the hearing notice. Chairman Stephen Goldy explained the process to the residents who had gathered. First, staff would give input and information to the Board, then the Board would have a discussion, and then the Board would invite public participation. Staff Comments Town Engineer George Zambouras reviewed a map of the Baldwin Lane Extension including the new cul-de-sac to be accepted, and a brief discussion of the old Town land/cul-de-sac that was now grass lawn and driveway on two properties. He mentioned that depending upon the decisions tonight, one or more Articles would appear on the November 2008 Subsequent Town Meeting Warrant. Public Comments Joan Marshall of 6 Baldwin Lane and a resident for 41 years mentioned that it was too difficult for a fire truck to navigate around the new cul-de-sac because of the tree island in the center.. She also requested a dead end sign to be added. The Town Engineer mentioned that he asked the Fire Department to test out the ability to turn a truck in that area but had not yet heard back. A resident mentioned that the truck was up there today, and had a lot of trouble turning after trying from both the right and left hand sides of the road. Selectman Richard Schubert asked if there were any cars parked in the road during this attempt, and he was informed that there were not. He also asked what other trucks had difficulties, and Ms. Marshall indicated that trash and recycling trucks as well as occasional delivery trucks had problems. Rob Kraft of 20 Baldwin Lane read from some January 2000 previous hearings notes some of the history and discussion of this road issue. He spoke in favor of the Town conveying the old cul-de-sac land to him as he was maintaining and caring for the land now. William Hibbard of 16 Baldwin Lane and a resident for 41 years mentioned that he was the other lot affected by this conveyance, and he was not in favor of it. At present, his lot has 123 foot frontage, and as such is a conforming lot. If the conveyance happens, his lot will have about a 90 foot frontage, and his lot will become non-conforming. He stated that this would be unacceptable. 6 -fr3 Board of Selectmen Meeting - Julv 29, 2008 - Page 4 The Town Manager stated that the Zoning By-Laws cover this circumstance, and that any public action could not harm the property, and it would become a grandfathered non-conforming lot. Any future activity would be allowed on the lot as if it were conforming - except if the action would be to further reduce the frontage and snake the non-conformance worse. He cited the Lucy Drive example from a few years ago. A discussion ensued between the Town Engineer, the Board and these two residents about this situation. An interested party named Jan of 126 Wheeler's Point in Gloucester mentioned that she grew up on Baldwin Lane, and she believed that the road was narrower now than previously. The Town Engineer agreed to look into the matter. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to close the hearing on the Baldwin Lane Extension Street Acceptance was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. The Town Manager reported that as a private way, the Town can remove snow and ice only. No maintenance, construction or improvements can be performed by the Town on a private way. As a public way, the Town could remove or modify the tree island if deemed necessary. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that well over 50% of the lots in Town were non-conforming due to past zoning changes. The Town Manager noted that the wording of the Articles at Town Meeting would be as broad as possible to allow for a range of actions. Selectman Richard Schubert spoke in favor of taking the cul- de-sac as a public way. He' asked if the actual design of the road could be compared to what was proposed. If different, perhaps the contractor could be pursued if work such as removing the tree island was required. On that point, Selectman James Bonazoli agreed but the Fire Department should decide the safest solution. On the conveyance of the old cul-de-sac, Selectman Richard Schubert spoke in favor of a compromise. The Town would convey half of the old cul-de-sac to the owner of 20 Baldwin Lane, and retain the other half in front of 16 Baldwin Lane pending some staff research into how the title of the land in question was held. Chainnan Stephen Goldy agreed that this was the best solution. The Town Engineer concluded that this would require three Articles at the November Subsequent Town Meeting - the first to accept as a public way, the second to discontinue the roadway in the old section, and the third to convey a portion of the old section to one or both property owners. A decision was reached that each resident would receive a clear before/after presentation from the Town Engineer or his staff. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to place three Articles on the November Subsequent Town Meeting Warrant for Baldwin Lane was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Both Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya and Selectman Richard Schubert spoke in favor of having further discussions on the findings of exact measurements, and to invite these residents back for the discussion. Chance of Manager - Mandarin Readiniz Restaurant - Attorney Doug Resnick introduced his client Robert Lee as the proposed new manager taking over from his aunt with whom he had worked for many years. The Town Manager mentioned that there were no objections or issues from Town staff. Selectman Camille Anthony asked about their TIPS certification, and Mr. Lee stated that they participated in the 2007 training in Reading. Chairman Stephen Goldy mentioned the RCASA effort in town. 64--,1(- Board of Selectmen Meeting - July 29. 2008 - Page 5 A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthonv to approve the Change of Manager for Mandarin Reading, Inc. d/b/a Mandarin Reading Restaurant from Yuk Ping Wong to Hiu Hung Lee was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Review Uses of 1481 Main Street Cabin - The Town Manager reviewed his discussion at Town Meeting about leasing out the log cabin to a private group that would pay for all required capital (ADA compliance) and annual maintenance costs, and ensure the facility met all building and handicap access codes. He noted that an RFP was issued for this purpose before he had a chance to bring it to the Board, and he had heard from some members of the Board that they may have other uses in mind for this property. Recreation Administrator John Feudo mentioned that as one of the stipulations of the RFP was not met, the RFP could easily be pulled back. He noted that he had heard of very little interest thus far. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he would like the Town to keep control of the property through the Recreation Department, and allow groups such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to rent it out. He spoke against residents needing to ask a private party for permission to use it. The Town Manager noted that because of the language in the grant, the Conservation Division was the legal entity that would oversee the cabin but, in any case, all involved would work seamlessly together. Selectman Camille Anthony agreed that the Town should retain control over the property. Chairman Stephen Goldy asked if a youth center might be an appropriate use of this property. The Town Manager pointed out the difference between resident's full access to the land versus access to the log cabin. He summarized by stating that to accomplish what the Board of Selectmen wants, staff would: Need to determine the cost of handicap access to the cabin; • Need to determine what changes would be needed to allow for a place of assembly with respect to the building and fire code; and • Establish an ongoing budget for operation. The Town Manager noted that at present all of these items had no funding. Selectman Camille Anthony concluded that a pragmatic solution between recreation and conservation was needed. Resident and Chairman on the Finance Committee George Hines spoke in favor of having the property and cabin as resources for the Town, and wondered if the Recreation Division could be relocated there in order to better interact with their constituents. Discussion re: Tennis Courts - The Town Engineer updated the Board on the status of the tennis courts, and on his recommendation for a full reconstruction of the top surface due to the apparent equipment leaks that had occurred, since there were over 50 locations that had been damaged. He mentioned that two core samples were taken and are being analyzed to see how deep the damage is. If it is deeper, the reconstruction may need to be more comprehensive than the top layer. The Town has retained half of the two samples drawn in case further analysis is needed. Selectman James Bonazoli asked if the contractor was the same one awarded another recent bid in Town, and the Town Engineer confirmed that fact for the Parker Middle School Turf Field. He also pointed out that in the case of the tennis courts, the paving subcontractor was apparently at fault, and that we hold a bond to guarantee the work, and have not paid for the paving part of the project yet. Board of Selectmen Meeting - Julv 29, 2008 - Page 6 He also mentioned that under the circumstances, the general contractor had stated that he would not request these payments at this time. Chairman Stephen Goldy asked what the program impact was, and John Feudo mentioned that the Reading Tennis Open has been moved to North Reading for this August, and other programs had been moved to Barrows. Resident Pete Dahl asked if the upcoming RMHS Spring tennis season might be impacted, and the Town Engineer stated that was possible, particularly if litigation occurred. Reauest for Waiver of Curb Cuts - 28 Salem Street - Resident Janice Conyers described her situation with seven units and six parking spaces out front and one in the back of the property at 28 Salem Street. Currently, the property has two 24' driveways - that exception being granted by a previous Board of Selectmen. She asked to have one continuous opening of approximately 60' in width, by removing some existing curbing. The Town Manager pointed out that the current Downtown Improvement Project will not make any changes to curbing or sidewalks in the area. Selectman Richard Schubert stated that he was not in favor of the request, the curbs must help drainage in the area, and the curb appeal of the present situation was far better than one large 60' opening. Selectman James Bonazoli spoke in favor of the request as it would improve traffic in the area. He stated that any costs should be fully borne by the condo association. Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya spoke out against the request as he is opposed to long curb cuts. Selectman Camille Anthony agreed that she was also against the request as an exception already was in place. Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that there was already a waiver in place, and no need for further action by the Board. Review Gould Street Improvements - Chairman Goldy indicated that this project had previously been before the Board of Selectmen for discussion and a site walk. Based on all input received to date, staff has suggested the following changes to the original plan: • Beginning at the westerly end of Gould Street at Haven Street - try to retain the tree and locate the crosswalk, leaving one parking space (instead of the two existing space) in front of 34 Gould Street. • Remove parking space between 20/24 Gould Street (EMARC) and 34 Gould Street in order to facilitate the exit of a pick-up truck from the driveway at 34 Gould Street, and leave the curb in its existing location and retain the tree. • Maintain two on-street parking spaces in front of 9 Gould Street for use for that property only, and regulate the spaces as such. • Show as an option the narrowing of the roadway and elimination of two on-street parking spaces on the side of 61 Ash Street, keeping the street at 16 feet, and moving the sidewalk to the street side of the existing hedge. This will require some minor reconstruction of the recently installed improvements on Ash Street at Town's expense but the expense will be minor compared to the cost of the Gould Street project. • Work with the property owner at 45 Ash Street on one of two options to provide four off-street spaces for the four housing units, consisting of one 24 foot driveway or two 12' driveways. • Once the project was completed, amend the Parking Rules and Regulations to provide for "blue zone" all day employee parking in the commercially used portions of Gould Street, and Reading Resident parking in the residential portions of the street (the entire street is zoned commercially). Public Comments Cathy Dwyer of 61 Ash Street did not like the initial plan as sidewalk was too close to her home - the new proposal was explained to her about the sidewalk bump-out. ` ,1~ + r Board of Selectmen Meeting - Julv 29. 2008 - Pate 7 Richard Wetzler of 11 Gould Street thanked the Board for hearing all of their comments, and requested that they try to save two or three trees. Donna Morin of 10 Gould Street asked for details on resident parking versus commercial parking areas. Angela Fischer of 45/47 Ash Street wanted to keep her 80' wide "curb cut" by keeping full existing access to her lot by leaving a reduced curb reveal on Gould Street. The Board of Selectmen felt that the plan is good - they will want to know the solution to the 45 Ash Street parking. They also asked for the removal of the double poles. Road Improvements. Curbs, Sidewalks - The Town Engineer reviewed the Pavement Management Policy with a slide show. As of December 2006, 21.4 miles in Town were considered Poor, 13.9 miles were Fair, 15.4 miles were Good, 13.9 miles were Very Good, and 18.3 miles were Excellent. Overall, the score for the Town at this point was a PCI of 75 (falling in the lower portion of the Good category which ranges from 70-85). He reviewed various reclamation, overlay and crack sealing strategies suggested by the Pavement Management Program. The result in a few years, given the current level of funding and the allowable strategies, would be to create fewer roads that fell into the middle conditions and more at each end. This is exactly the opposite result of what should be accomplished so a change in either funding and/or strategy was needed. Current Program Options Full depth reconstruction Mill/Overlay Overlay Crack Sealing Skim Coat Proposed Program Options Reduce full depth reconstruction Increase Mill/Overlay Incorporate Micro-Surfacing Increase Crack Sealing Increase Skim Coating The Town Engineer reviewed the actual roadwork accomplished during the past two years, and discussed the costs of various types of repairs, and how those costs had changed recently. He proposed the following Funding Options to be considered: • Increase crack seal funding from $20K to $40K annually; • Increase skim coat funding from $35K to $55K annually; • Establish debt exclusion as method to fund sidewalks and curbing; • Bond for the next five years of local roadway funding, and complete the work in the first year (use Chapter 90 funds only in years 2-5); • Increase total roadway funding from the operating budget; • Increase total roadway funding from the capital budget; • Use Enterprise Funds as appropriate when water or sewer projects are constructed. The two options that would increase funding, taking from either the operating budget of the capital budget were removed from further discussion. The Assistant Town Manager mentioned that more capital funding would be available in about five years due to decreases in debt service, and at that time increased capital funding would not need to take away from other capital needs. 64,.,,7 Board of Selectmen Meeting - Julv 29. 2008 - Page 8 Pete Dahl noted that the presentation was a good response to his motion at Annual Town Meeting. He stated that the topic and responses need to be made more visible in the budget process, just as the general topic of building maintenance was in the past. Review Policv on Curbs and Sidewalks - The Town Manager reviewed Town Counsel's opinion on the Board's policies and suggested some revisions. Selectman Camille Anthony stated that we should contact recent residents that this would impact as soon as possible. Approval of Minutes A motion by Anthony seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of May 27, 2008 was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of July 9, 2008 was approved by a vote of 4-0-1, with GO& abstaining. A motion by Schubert seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of July 22, 2008 was approved by a vote of 4-0-1, with Goldv abstaining. A motion by Anthony seconded by Tafova to adiourn the meeting of July 29, 2008 at 11:05 p.m. was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary ~"kf, THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Number: 2008-5 Fee: $50.00 TOWN OF READING This is to certify that MEADOW BROOK SOCIAL COMMITTEE, 292A GROVE STREET, READING, MASS. THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION IS HEREBY GRANTED A SPECIAL ONE-DAY LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO BE SERVED ON THE PREMISES FOR A SUMMER SOCIAL TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2008 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:30 P.M. TO 11:30 P.M. Under Chapter 138, Section 14, of the Liquor Control Act. Holders of one day licenses shall provide a bartender and/or servers who are trained and authorized to make decisions regarding continued service of alcoholic beverages to attendees. There shall be no self service of any alcoholic beverage at any event approved as a one day license. This permission has been approved for August 1, 2008 through August 3, 2008 and is granted in conformity with the Statutes and Ordinances relating thereto and expires at 11:30 p.m., August 3, 2008, unless suspended or revoked, subject to the following conditions: 1. Liquor to be purchased from authorized distributor. 2. Li orr to be stored on site onlv before and -after e t. r ~ Date Issued: July 30, 2008 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Number: 2008-6 TOWN OF READING Fee: $50.00 This is to certify that MEADOW BROOK SOCIAL COMMITTEE, 292B GROVE `STREET, READING, MASS. THE ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION IS HEREBY GRANTED A SPECIAL ONE-DAY LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES , TO BE SERVED ON THE PREMISES FOR A POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMER PARTY TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2008 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 4:30 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. Under Chapter 138, Section 14, of the Liquor Control Act. Holders of one day licenses shall provide a bartender and/or servers who are trained and authorized to make decisions regarding continued service of alcoholic beverages to attendees. There shall be no self service of any alcoholic beverage at any event approved as a one day license. This permission has been approved for August 22, 2008 through August 24, 2008 and is granted in conformity with the Statutes and Ordinances relating thereto and expires at 8:30 p.m., August 24, 2008, unless suspended or revoked, subject to the following conditions: 1. Liquor to be purchased from authorized distributor. 2. Li or to be stored on site only before and after e n Date Issued: August 1, 2008 FAX: (781) 942 - 5441 Elizabeth Downey 47 Linden Street Apartment 11 Allston, MA 02134 L Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2685DB JUL 2u AN IQ* 52 I's RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 - 9075 July 22, 2008 Dear Mrs. Downey, Thank you very much for the letter you sent regarding Bill Clements. I have known Bill for many years as he has coached with the Recreation Division for a number of seasons. He is tremendous in every aspect as a coach and as an individual. I found many of your comments regarding Bill to be consistent with what I have seen while working with him. He truly has a great way with kids. It was not a surprise to me that there is interest in naming a field after Bill. Bill is one of many dedicated volunteers in this community which makes it such a great place to grow up and live. The naming a public park or field is up to the Board of Selectmen. From what I understand, all of the fields that have been previously named were not done so in the lifetime of the honoree. I do know that naming of a facility is a very sensitive subject on a number of levels and lots needs to be considered such as who, when, where and why. There are a limited number of fields and recreational facilities, and the Town has more great volunteers than number of facilities, so that the Town must look very carefully at setting. precedents I think it is wonderful that parents and players feel so strongly about Bill. A. of Reading Cc: Town Manager Board of Selectmen S at, / I Reading Recreation Lowell Street (Reading Town Hall) Reading, MA. 01867 oos Dear Staff of the Reading Recreation Department, 8 c I I am writing this letter on behalf of Bill Clements. Bill has been a girls' softball coachWor nearly twenty years. Bill is fighting a tough battle with cancer. Those of us who have been blessed to know Bill, with his coaching our girls, having him as a neighbor and friend, we would like to do something to thank him and show how much he has mear~o us and the town-. I (and I hope you will be hearing from many others) would like to co propose a softball field in the Birch Meadow Complex be named after him. Bill started his coaching career when a neighbor told him it was likely his daughter would not be able to play softball that spring because there weren't enough coaches. Bill was laid off from work and while looking for a job thought he would be able to help out, so anyone who wanted to play would be able to do so. Bill and Lynne had three sons so coaching girls was different but the same. What to do with all those little earrings the girls handed him before the game started? Bill jumped in with both feet and his glove. As good coaches will, he taught the mechanics of the game but so much more, to be a good person, to be a good teammate and friend. To take, turns, play fair, be a good sport, cheer for the other team when they make a good play or got a great hit. He encouraged the girls to do their best, in softball and life. He remembered them and cared about them long after they left his team. Our daughter was fortunate to have Bill for several seasons in softball and basketball. To this day he still-asks about her. Bill, to me, epitomizes why we live here and why we stay here in Reading. Bill had no reason to volunteer to coach, but he saw a need and filled it. And he's been filling the need for nearly twenty years. Bill has had several bouts with cancer and he continues to fight this battle daily. Despite rigorous treatments, he was at the softball tournament this weekend. He was there because he cares about those girls and he wanted to be there for them. I'm hoping that we can be there for Bill. Please help us in naming a field for this wonderful man and coach. If there is anything I can do to help make this a reality, please let me know. I thank you for you time in reading this long letter.. I would appreciate your support in once again, doing the right thing for. our. town and for. ,Bill. Sincerely, t,r,P.ev,.7 . a ~y c ~1M®Yev BRADLEY H. JONES, JR. STATE REPRESENTATIVE MINORITY LEADER Chief James Cormier Reading Police Station 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Chief Cormier: C. (c gcS C'A Sc L ~ 20'" MIDDLESEX DISTRICT READING • NORTH READING LYNNFIELD • MIDDLETON TEL. (617) 722-2100 July 25, 2008 Rep.BradleyJones@hou.state.ma.us www.bracijonesonfine.com Recently, the Massachusetts Legislature provided $13 million for anti-gang grants through the Senator Charles E. Shannon, Jr. Community Safety Initiative (Shannon CSI). The overall vision of the Shannon CSI initiative administered by the Executive Office of Public Safety (EOPS) is to reduce gang and youth violence in Massachusetts through coordinated programs for prevention and intervention. Prevention and intervention approaches may be multi-disciplinary and could include a mix of law enforcement approaches such as anti-gang task forces, targeting enforcement resources using crime mapping; focused prosecution efforts; and programs aimed at successful reintegration of released prisoners. Consistent with this vision, FOPS plans to maximize the grant investment by exploring the effectiveness of the Shannon CSI grant program through action research. I encourage you to apply for this grant if you believe it may have applicability to Reading. I have enclosed information relative to this program for your review. If you have any questions about this grant program you can ether come in person to the bidders' conference or send inquiries via email to Ran22ranteoDsestate.ma.us. Questions and answers will be posted on the EOPS web site regularly. I hope this information is helpful to you. If I can be of any assistance with this matter, please don't hesitate to contact me. 1. Jones, Jr. Leader Cc: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager gze ~GOl.LdG 4~~JF,G~Z1'G'.4G/LLCLL~/./JC9 Witte Lie, 61~4/L 027 A-2J, 20 JUL 30 AM 11: 06 Enclosure 2 _t t b(c ~vs Commonwealth of Massachusetts • ~pt,. ~7~ ; DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & w w° COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Deval L. Patrick, Governor ♦ Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor ♦ Tina Brooks, Undersecretary 0 -1,1, gy C. N B July 25, 2008 Mr. Peter. Hechenbleikner Town Manager, Town of Reading EEC- Town Hall, 16' Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 CD RE: Executed Contract Addendum (40R) Dear Mr. Hechenbleikner: Enclosed please find one copy of a signed and executed contract addendum between the Town of Reading and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Please retain this document in your agency's files. Please contact Don Schmidt at 617-573-1363 if you.have any questions regarding the implementation of this contract. We look forward to working with the Town of Reading in the implementation of this contract. Sincerely, David R. Gallagher Manager, Contracting P rfc Division of Community Services DRG/dlm Enclosures sAwp\gallagher\40r payments\reading return executed addenda to contract.doc July 25, 2008 dlm J ; 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 www.mass.gov/dhcd Boston, Massachusetts 02114 i 617.573.1100 ADDENDUM TO COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STANDARD CONTRACT M.G.L. c.40R Grant Repayment As of -ffJ 2008, the Department of Housing and Community Development ("DHCD") and the Town of Reading ("Municipality") acknowledge and agree as follows: G.L. c. 40R and the regulations at 760 CMR 59.00 et seq. provide for the payment of a "Zoning Incentive Payment" in the amount of $350,000 upon approval by DHCD of the Municipality's adoption of a Smart Growth Zoning District. 2. By Letter of Approval dated April 11, 2008, a copy of which is attached hereto, DHCD has approved the Smart Growth Zoning District adopted by the Municipality. 3. DHCD and the. Municipality have entered into a contract this.same day, a copy of which is attached hereto, authorizing the grant of the Zoning Incentive Payment ("Contract"). 4. The Zoning Incentive Payment to the Municipality is conditioned upon either the issuance of a building permit for a residential housing unit within the Smart Growth Zoning District or the Start of Construction as specified in 760 CMR 59.07(1)(f) not later than three years from the date of the Contract. 5. If the Municipality fails to meet the condition with respect to clause 4, above, then Municipality shall repay the full amount of the Zoning Incentive Payment to DHCD immediately after DHCD files 'a Certificate of Revocation with the Town Clerk pursuant to 760 CMR 59.07(3). 6. This Addendum.has a term of five (5) years from the date hereof and shall survive the term of the Contract. Town o eadinq By: a/~ ~1. Peter Hechenbleikner Town Manager Department of Housing and Community Development By: ycz