HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-05 Board of Selectmen Handout - Part 1To: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager From: George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer CC: Date: August 5, 2008 Re: Main Street Improvement Project Work performed July 1, 2008 to date Ash Street • Completed installing granite curbing . and concrete sidewalks in all areas except in vicinity of 580 Main Street. Main and Haven Street — Landscape Island • Completed installing granite curbing Main Street (Washington Street to Haven Street) • Completed installation granite curbing and concrete sidewalks in all areas except light pole, traffic signal and pull box locations • Completed installation of traffic light conduit • Completed installation of street light conduit • Installation of street light bases, street light pull boxes and traffic light bases is in progress. Expected time for completion approximately one week Haven Street • Installed granite curbing (to be completed today) Planned work remainder of Aii-gus Main Street (Washington Street to Haven Street) • Complete installation of street light bases, street light pull boxes and traffic light bases • Page 1 (9 • Complete concrete sidewalks in areas of street light bases, street light pull boxes and traffic light bases Main Street - East Side (Haven Street to Woburn) • Remove existing concrete sidewalk and curbing • Install street light bases, conduit and light pull boxes • Install traffic light bases, conduit and light pull boxes • Install concrete sidewalk and curbing Haven Street • Form and install concrete sidewalks Ash Street — at 508 Main and Legion property • Install curbing (in lieu of retaining wall) at property line and complete concrete sidewalks in same area Page 2 Main Street Improvement Project Update Week of August 4, 2008 Both lanes of Main Street are open except for temporary lane closures during the installation of sidewalk and curb. Main Street — Washington Street to Haven Street (Both sides of street) The sidewalk construction along the east and west sides of Main Street between Washington and Haven Street will continue through next week and should be completed by Friday August 8th, weather permitting. Ash Street The contractor will be excavating for the installation of sidewalk, curbing and a retaining wall along Ash Street from 580 Main Street to Haven Street. This work is expected to continue through August 15th. Haven Street — West side of Main Street to Municipal Lot Exit Work will continue on the installation of sidewalk and curb along both sides of Haven Street (from Main Street to the municipal parking lot exit). Main Street — Haven Street to Woburn Street (Westerly side) The Contractor will continue excavating for the installation of sidewalk and curbing along the west side of Main Street, between Haven and Woburn Street the week of August 4th. The work will start from Haven Street and continue to Woburn Street (Clock Folk, Simms, Goodhearts, CVS, up to the Wine Shop and Venetian Moon). Parking Options Angled parking spaces will be permitted on both sides of Lowell Street between Woburn and Main Streets (in front of the CVS) until construction of the roadway surface occurs latter this summer. Angled parking in front of Town Hall on Lowell Street is also available. Standard parking restrictions and enforcement are in effect. The municipal parking lot in front of 580 Main Street will be closed while work continues in that area. Parking is available on both sides of Main Street (between Washington Street and Haven Street) except for spots directly in front of where they are doing construction. 101 There will be limited parking the week of August 4th on the west side of Main Street from Washington to Pleasant Street while they are working on the sidewalks. Alternative Parking A temporary parking pass is available while there is construction directly in front of a driveway or lot. Please contact Safety Officer, Mike Lee at the Police Station for a temporary parking pass. Temporary parking passes will have expiration dates and will only be available for a limited amount of time. The alternative parking spaces will be in the designated Senior Center spaces or in the blue zones on Chapin, Haven and Gould Streets. Timothy E Cahill Treasurer and Receiver General Busa's Reading Liquors, Inc. d.b.a. Busa's Reading Liquors 345 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of the State Treasurer Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, AM 02114 Telephone: (617) 727 -3040 Fax: (617) 727 -1258 Notice of Hearing Its WS _5 Ali 107- 13 Eddie J. Jenkins Chairman You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Commission at 239 Causeway Street, 1" Floor Boston, MA on: *Continued from August 6 & August 20, 2008 Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 9:30 A.M. APPEAL FROM THE ACTION OF THE LICENSING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF READING IN SUSPENDING THE LICENSE OF BUSA'S READING LIQUORS, INC. D.B.A. BUSA'S READING LIQUORS FOR A PERIOD OF 2 DAYS AND PLACEMENT OF A PLACARD ON THE PREMISES DURING THE SUSPENSION PERIOD. Hearings are held pursuant to M.G.L. Ch.138, Ch. 30A and.801 Code of Massachusetts Regulations, §1.02 and §1.03. You may appear on your own behalf or with your attorney. Hearings are tape- recorded. Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch.30A, 511 (6) written transcripts will be furnished, if requested, in writing with tender of payment. You may arrange for your own stenographer. Reports, if any, concerning the violations charged may be examined and copied at the Commission's office. All motions regarding this matter are requested to be filed with the Commission at least fourteen (14) days prior to the day of hearing. A copy of any motion filed with the Commission shall be served on any opposing party at the time of the filing of the motion with the Commission. NOTE: It is important that licensees and those interested in this matter attend the hearing to present evidence and testimony. The Commission, in some cases, has the power to suspend, modify, revoke or cancel licenses. You are further notified that all parties and /or their counsel are required to submit a joint pre - hearing memorandum to the Commission within twenty (20) days of receipt of this notice. The pre- hearing memorandum must be submitted in hard copy. The pre - hearing memorandum must be signed by all of the parties and /or their counsel and contain the following: 1) agreed upon issues of fact to be submitted to the ABCC on the record of the hearing 2) contested issues of facts and the position of the parties on those issues of facts 3) agreed issues of law, 4) contested issues of law and the positions of the parties on those issues 5) the name and address of each witness to be called by each party L� V�J 6) a summary of the facts to which each witness is anticipated to testify 7) exhibits the parties agree may be introduced at trial (marked with sequential numbers for the appellant /petitioner /licensee /taxpayer group and with sequential letters for the appellee/respondent/Local Board/licensee). 8) the name,. addresses and qualifications of each expert and the matter on which the expert is expected to testify, the substance of all facts and opinions to which the expert.is expected to testify, and a detailed summary of the grounds of each expert's opinion. The failure to list in. the pre-heating memorandum a witness or exhibit, other than a rebuttal witness or exhibit, the need for which cannot reasonably be anticipated prior to heating, may lead to a Commission order precluding the introduction at hearing of the omitted testimony or exhibit. Greater specificity or supplementation of the pre-heating memorandum may be required by the Commission. A continuance must be requested in writing to the Commission no less then three (3)-business days prior to the heating date. The party requesting the continuance must notify all parties (if more than one) involved. All parties must agree for the continuance to be approved. Dated at Boston, Massachusetts this Vt day of A 008. Eddie J. Ejj/jf cc: Lynn Licensing Board Michael E. Rubin, Esq. Ellen Callahan Doucette, Esq. File 0 Town of Reading • Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-268 Memorandum CONSERVATION COMMISSION Phone (781) 942-6616 Fax (781) 942-9071 ffmk@ci.reading.rna.us To: Town Manager Board of Selectmen Finance Committee Bylaw Committee Town Counsel (Judy Pickett, Brackett & Lucas, 19 Cedar Street, Trails Committee Police Department Fire Department From: Conservation Commission Date: August 5, 2008 Worcester, MA 01609) Re: Amendments to the Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 4.11 of the Town of Reading General Bylaws that the Reading Conservation Commission has adopted amendments to the Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands promulgated under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C. The amended Rules and Regulations were filed with the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street, on August 5, 2008. The effective date of the amended Rules and Regulations will be August 16, 2008. Copies are available in the Town Clerk's office and the Conservation office at Town Hall. A copy is attached for your use. 010 Rules and Regulations for Use of Town of Reading Conservation Lands Effective Date: August 16, 2008 1. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the Reading Conservation Lands at no charge from dawn to dusk. 2. Hours of use may be extended for a specific event or use if written permission has been obtained from the Conservation Commission for the specific extended time. Applications for the extended time must be made at least 21 days in advance of the event or use. The written permission shall be carried by the person in charge of the event at all times during the event. 3. Organized commercial or group activities on Conservation Land require prior written permission by the Conservation Commission. Applications for the activity must be made at least 21 days in advance of the activity. The written permission shall be carried by the person in charge of the activity at all times during the activity. 4. No work of any type shall be carried out on Conservation Land without prior written permission from the Conservation Commission. "Work' includes but is not limited to trail clearing, trail maintenance, excavation, filling, building structures, and posting signs. 5. Smoking is prohibited. Fires and camp stoves are prohibited. 6. No person shall cut, break, remove, .deface, defile, or ill -use any structure; fence, or sign, or have possession of any part thereof. No plants (including trees, bushes, grasses, or flowers) shall be defaced or cut. This prohibition applies to dead as well as living vegetation. 7. Discharge of firearms is prohibited in the Town of Reading, including Conservation Land. Discharge or carrying of BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, airsoft guns, and similar non- lethal weapons is prohibited in Conservation Land. 8. Hunting of deer with bow and arrow by persons licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife is allowed only during deer hunting season (except Sundays) and only in the following Reading Conservation Lands: North and South Cedar Swamp and the northern parts of Bare Meadow Conservation Land as shown on the attached map. Hunting as allowed above must also comply with the following: A. Hunting shall be conducted in compliance with Massachusetts law. B. No hunting is allowed within 500 feet of any structure or within 150 feet of any road (per Massachusetts law). C. Only deer hunting is allowed. D. Hunting is allowed during deer hunting seasons only. E. No hunting is allowed on Sundays (per Massachusetts law). F. Portable tree stands may be used under the following conditions: • No tree stand may be attached to any Atlantic White Cedar tree; • Trees stands and steps shall be installed in a manner to avoid or minimize damage to tree bark and limbs; • Tree stands shall be secured to trees with no more than one locking tee - nut; • Tree stands and steps shall be removed at the end of deer hunting season; and • The Conservation Commission and the Town of Reading are not responsible for use of tree stands or steps, or for their loss or damage, or for any injuries resulting from their use. 9. Conservation Land is closed to any type of motor- powered vehicle except in prepared driveways and parking areas, or vehicles necessary for emergency response by the Reading Police and Fire Departments, or with prior written permission of the Conservation Commission. 10. Use of bicycles is prohibited on Conservation Land, except, in prepared driveways and parking areas, or bicycles necessary for emergency response by the Reading Police and Fire Departments, or with prior written permission of the Conservation Commission: 11. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on Town property, including Conservation Land. Glass containers for any purpose are prohibited on Conservation. Land. 12. Dumping, littering, filling or any other deposition of imported materials, including but not limited to garbage, debris, earth, leaves or brush is prohibited in Conservation Land. (Please use the town compost area for yard wastes. Call the Public Works Department for information.) Users must carry out everything that they carry in. 13. Dogs may enter Town Conservation Land provided that they are accompanied by and under the effective control of some person. The person accompanying the dog shall promptly remove feces deposited by the dog on Town Conservation Land. 14. Violations of these rules and regulations may be punished by fines up to $100 per violation under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8C, which is administered by the Reading Conservation Commission or its agents, including the Reading Police and Fire Departments. 2 �D INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: READING BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: BEN TAFOYA X SUBJECT: PROCESS FOR OAKLAND ROAD DATE: 8/5/2008 CC: PETER HECHENBLEII{NER, TOWN MANAGER The following are informal thoughts on the process for considering the future of the Oakland Road property. I would anticipate a full discussion by the Board of these and other options and I appreciate the opportunity to make these comments. I would suggest a public process for the discussion of the future of the town property on Oakland Road. I believe that the formation of an ad hoc Town Building Committee would be an appropriate first step to consider the property, the future needs of the town for municipal buildings and the proper use(s) for the property were it to be sold. I believe the committee should be composed of representation from the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Library Board and non - voting liaisons from CPDC and FinCom. The Board can bring forward information about the potential uses for municipal purposes and the School Committee can do the same for the school department functions. The Library may choose to participate or not, but their active voice would help in rounding out the considerations of government oriented needs. The liaisons from the CPDC can assist in the consideration of land use and master planning issues. The FinCom liaison would be of assistance in communicating financial considerations. For the purpose of considering the Oakland Road property I suggest a time horizon of up to five years for the potential need of the land for public use. Once the Committee reports back to the Board it may be appropriate to engage in public discussion with the residential neighborhood surrounding the Oakland Road area about the potential uses. If at the end of this process there is no consensus around keeping the land for public purposes the property could be sold following the required steps. Why not just sell the property now? It has been suggested by a colleague that we form a Municipal Building Committee and soliciting the recommendation of such a body would be helpful in the process of dealing with this valuable asset. Moreover, there are a variety of issues that have been surfaced by members of the community regarding projects that could potentially involve the need to build new or onto existing buildings. Additionally, there could also be reasons to look at the potential for trading land that the town owns with those of an agency or individual to accomplish goal(s) important to the community. Finally, if we do sell the land it may be appropriate to wait until a real estate environment where we could maximize its value. Why an ad hoc committee instead of a permanent one? The experience of the ad hoc committee can guide us as to the requirement for a permanent committee. If there are open questions, or projects that need scope, or additional research that needs to be done then a permanent committee can be formed and appointed. Also, we can be a bit more flexible on membership for a ad hoc committee. Again, I appreciate this opportunity to discuss this item with you and further this discussion. • 2003 - Ad Ht Committee fc • 2004 - ContrF service sign • First broadcast April 1, 1999 • Moved to Ash Street t March 2000 • 2003 - Ad Ht Committee fc • 2004 - ContrF service sign • 2006 - Migration fiber meeting i broadcasts begins • 2007 - Board expands to nine members �A � Total r t onli • Viewable onto' Veggies Baked Go & online • Design your own page e t9 V17VIT.rcty.o keynot y . _ ❑. ❑ � ;Sultry Days` ® If you:need gtgp, place to be Tfie':Semor Center Is`op6n- 4:3 Moriday Friday The Library Is:open .`:from9- ,9pmMohday Wednesday, 1. - 9prri on- Thursday and 9 -'5 on Friday aril Saturday. Both facilities welcome.you ,. to come fin', and cool off'„ y . Gei