HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-16 Board of Selectmen HandoutSchena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:42 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Revised Attachments: Classification Plan 01-09 Revised.xls Classification Plan 01-09 Re... For BOS packet - attachment and email. Pete -----Original Message----- From: Roberts, Carol Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:40 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Cc: LeLacheur, Bob; Rachel Brown Subject: Revised Peter, Attached is the revised Classification Plan based on Ruth's email. Minor changes - In Grade C job title Library Associate changed to Senior Library Associate In Grade G all Library Division Head titles changed so Division Head is part of the title as it is on the current plan. Carol B. Roberts Human Resources Administrator Town of Reading Phone 781-942-6633 Fax 781-942-9037 croberts@ci.reading.ma.us V PROPOSED FOR JAN. 2009 Town of Reading Classification Plan Parking Enforcement Library Technician Officer A Van Driver i ' Senior Library Technician Recreation Program unity outreach g Clerk co mm Coord. (RCASA) Coordinator Associate senior Center Animal Control Officer Prgra Administrative Secretary C Library i for of Coordinator cer ffi Veterans Service of Coordinator ng Permits & Licens Volunteers Clerk Assistant Town t D Administrative Assistant Coordinator sistant Treasurer Appraiser Assistant ApP rian b Assistant Collector As s Spector G Wiring Inspector E Social Worker ra Li Staff Planner a Plumbingl Assistant Building Health Inspector Conservation istrator i Inspector Head Public Safety d -Technical n Adr RebrementBd Technician s1 Town Acct /A Dispatcher Head-Children s Division Head- ices Division Hea Services office Manager s Admim Division Head- Division Services Information serv DPW Business R~reation Administrator Advocate circulation police Business Administrator ' G Public Health Nurse Nurse GIS Coordinator Adminstrator t Water Quality Supervisor an Services Elder/Hum Assistant Library Director Town Clerk Forestry, Pam & HighwaylE9uiprneu or i Waterl5ewer Supervisor g Administrator s project Director Su ervisor Cemetary up s Superv lth Services Human Resource tor (RCASA) Hea Administra TteasuterlCOllectar Administrator I ork Administrator Database Administrator Netw J Building Inspector APPrasier IC Library Director Town Engineer Asst Town M9 J community set-vices Town Accountant Finance Director L DirectcrrrovrnPlanner DPW Director police chief M Fire Chief Revised 12-16-08 From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:15 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Process 12-11-08.doc Town Meeting approved $70,000 in the General Fund, and $10,000 from Water & Sewer. At the time, we expected to spend about $60,000 in the General Fund and $6,500 in Water & Sewer. GENERAL FUND (only) Will Use TM Approved Library I $ 6,808 I $ 7,200 Community Services* I $11,042 $14,300 Accounting I $ 1,489 $ 1,650 Finance I $22,517 $26,800 Town Mgr ( $ 560 I $ 650 DPW $11,461 I $10,800 Public Safety $ 7,381 $ 8,600 TOTAL GENERAL $61,258 $70,000 FUND *Community services may need the surplus to fund sick/vacation buyout. Department Heads have made some changes to the Grades of positions since Town Meeting, so that the General Fund will spend $61,258 and the Water/Sewer Funds will spend only $2,787. Bob LeLacheur Assistant Town Manage/Finance Director Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 (P) 781-942-6636 (F) 781-942-9037 (E) finance&i. reading. ma. us b LIST OF MEETINGS May 9, 2008 Project Team (Town Manager, Finance Director/ATM, and HR Administrator) meets with the consultant from Stone Consulting May 13, 2008 Consultant presents Project Objectives to the BOS May 20, 2008 Consultant meets with Department Heads June 5, 2008 Consultant meets with the Employees June 6, 2008 Consultant meets with the Project Team June 10, 2008 Focus Groups (consultant and employees) July and August 'Department Heads and Employees work on questiomlaires Consultant does market survey Sept 11, 2008 Project Team updates Department Heads on progress Oct. 1, 2008 Consultant meets with Project Team Oct 2, 2008 Consultant meets with Department Heads Oct 3, 2008 Consultant meets with Employees Oct. 7, 2008 Consultant presents Results Overview to BOS Oct. 9, 2008 Consultant meets with Project Team Nov. 4 - 26, 2008 Members of the Project Team meet with individual Department Heads (1 - 3 meetings with each Department Head) Dec 2, 2008 Project Team meets with Department Heads Dec. 8, 2008 Project Team meets with Employees Dec. 9, 2008 Consultant presents results to BOS 0 0 0 o Q Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 771 • Reading, Massachusetts 01.867 December 11, 2009 Stephen Goldy Chairman Reading Board of Selectmen Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, Ma 01867 Dear Chairman Goldy: Re: Proposed Liquor License Amendments On December 9 the Chamber of Commerce submitted member feedback to the draft amendments to Reading's liquor policy to the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager. Thank you for that opportunity. It has come to our attention that many of our members who hold liquor licenses will not be able to attend the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 2008. This letter is to request that the Board of Selectmen postpone the public hearing on the 16th until some time after the holidays.. December 16 falls in the middle of a busy holiday season for a number of the license holders, which will make it difficult for the them to send representatives to the public hearing. Many licensees are hosts to corporate holiday parties and rely heavily on these holiday revenues. License holders, with strained staffing and confronted with a choice between serving patrons/party goers or attending the public hearing on the 16th, may therefore find it difficult, if not impossible, to furnish meaningful input in person to the Town's (current) licensing authority. The proposed changes in the policy are critical to Reading liquor license holders. In fairness to these businesses, the Chamber of Commerce requests that the hearing be postponed to a later date in order to provide an equitable time for the businesses to represent themselves to the Board of Selectmen. Respectfully, Priscilla Gottwald President Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce U,11~1 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Selectmen From: Fran Fink, Conservation Administrator George Zambouras, Town Engineer John Feudo, Recreation Administrator Date: December 16, 2008 Re: Mattera Conservation Area, 1481 Main Street At the request of the Town Manager, we have prepared the following information concenzing improvements and uses for the log cabin in the Mattera Conservation Area: Current Activities Town groups who are already involved include Conservation, Recreation, Trails, GIS, Schools, Public Works, Town Forest, and Climate Change. Outside groups who are already involved include REI, Friends of Reading Recreation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Wallcable Reading, Appalachian Mountain Club, Reading Open Land Trust, Adopt-a-Trail volunteers, Ipswich River Stream Team. Initial work included demolition of the second house on the site, expansion of the parking area in the former house location, and installation of the sign on Main Street at the dedication last year. Since then, these groups have built an accessible trail from the cabin to Bare Meadow, a viewing platfonn in the meadow, and part of the access ramp to the cabin. REI, Boy Scouts, FORR, Conservation, Recreation, ROLT, and DPW have contributed funding, materials, and labor for these projects. Volunteers have been recruited and trained as adopters to monitor and maintain trails at this site and elsewhere in town. Improvements Needed for Accessibility and Group Use Make one bathroom fiilly accessible $15,000417,000 Install access ramp from parlcing lot to cabin $2000* Replace septic system $30,000-$40,000 OR install pump and connect to public sewer $70,000 (incl.20% contingency) Install exterior lighting $500 Security $1000 Replace furnace $6100 Furniture $3000 TOTAL $57,600-$99,000 * Ramp construction has begun as an Eagle Scout project by Ned Coltman. Funding sources have been identified, including commitments from the Conservation Trust Fund, the Town Manager's budget, and several outside donors. C7) Monthly Operating Expenses Electricity $25 Propane (heat, hot water) $100 Water $50 Sewer $50 Stonnwater $3 Supplies and cleaning covered by renter Cabin maintenance as needed Insurance negligible Snow plowing, mowing (2X/vr) by DPW TOTAL $228 per month The goal would be to set the rental rates to cover the utility and upkeep costs, and ask renters to bring their own expendable supplies. Potential Uses for Cabin • Gathering spot for groups using Bare Meadow Conservation Area, Lobs Pound Mill, Marion Woods, abutting ROLT land and Ipswich River Greenway for outdoor activities - hiking, cross-county skiing, snow shoeing, canoeing, nature study, art and photography, astronomy, bird-watching, sledding, picnics, camping, bocce, horseshoes, archery, synergy course, orienteering/scavenger hunts, theater workshops, cross-country races, etc. • Park headauarters with seasonal staff to provide visitor information, annual maintenance work, volunteer oversight, and renter oversight. • Field trips, after school programs, and summer programs for children. • Corporate retreats, workshops, training sessions, reunions, and similar meetings. • Adult education programs. • Trail Committee headquarters/storage for tools and materials, volunteer training sessions. • Displavs related to natural history and trail networks, such as photographs, maps, feathers, eggs, bark, and other information related to plants, animals, geology, and other features. Potential Users • School and youth groups • Town boards, committees, and commissions • Private non-profit organizations • Corporate groups • Scout troops D Programs Under Discussion at this Time Recruitment and training of more volunteers for Adopt-a-Trail program - by Trails, GIS, and Conservation Tours of the cabin and surrounding area to acquaint potential users with the facilities - by Conservation Hikes, bird-walks, orienteering, theater workshops, leadership team-building - by FORR Expansion and improvement of Ipswich River Greenway trails, including recent grant application for trail improvements between Mattera cabin and Haverhill Street by Conservation and GIS, and building upon the completed feasibility study for boardwalk/trail from Mill Street to Town Forest by Conservation, GIS, and IR Stream Team, and creation of park at former Water Treatment Plant by DPW and Recreation. Possible snow-shoeing and x-c skiing event by REI. Teen adventure programs - Recreation Considerations and Suggestions for Renting to Outside Groups • Charge different rates depending on whether group is from Reading or outside, and whether non-profit or for-profit. • Set an hourly rate, and have a minimum payment for short-tern users. • Require a deposit before the first use by a group, to be refunded if cabin is left in good condition, or kept if repairs or heavy cleaning are needed. Reduce the deposit requirement for repeat users with a record of leaving the cabin in good shape. hlcrease the deposit for less responsible users, and cease renting to repeat offenders. • Require users to bring expendable supplies and equipment, leave cabin as clean as they found it, and remove their trash and recycling. • Do not install appliances to support on-site food preparation and storage, in order to reduce the likelihood of fire, cleaning problems, and maintenance problems. Renters would be allowed to bring microwaves, coffee pots, electric tea kettles and similar small appliances, but not allowed grills, toasters, or other devices that might cause fires. • Provide and charge fee for custodial set up and cleanup. • Designate one Town staff person/office to schedule rentals, track contracts and payments, and coordinate inspections and maintenance, most likely the Recreation Division. • Limit hours of use to avoid disturbing neighbors. (Conservation rules for use of Conservation Areas limit use to daylight hours, unless a group applies to the Commission for approval for night use. ) • Website has application form and list of conditions for use of other Town meeting spaces (Sr. Center, Library, etc.) and School meeting spaces. Use same forms, modified as needed for the cabin. In existing spaces, rates vary with the type of room and type of renter, and may include custodial fees. 0 Page 1 of 1 Hechenbleikner, Peter From: Zambouras, George Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:25 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter Subject: RE: Birch Meadow Peter We should be able to get the survey and have the base plan completed in a week. Given vacations, weather etc we better say three weeks Jan 6th If the weather cooperates we should have a map of the entire Birch Meadow complex before the end of January. George From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 11:42 AM To: Zambouras, George Subject: Birch Meadow Can I get from you a firm schedule to have enough survey work done and mapped for the portions of the Birch Meadow Park in the area of Birch Meadow Drive so we can plan CY 2009 work on the RMHS roadway relocation, Conservation buffer along the Aberjona, and the Imagination Station site? I'd like to be able to give this to the Board of Selectmen tonight. Additionally, what is the likely schedule for surveying of the entire site so we can map and finalize the Birch Meadow Master Plan. Pete 12/16/2008 /b To: Board of Selectmen From: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Re: Accomplishments 2008 - Goals 2009 At Chairman Goldy's suggestion, the following is a list of major accomplishments for the Calendar Year 2008: Human Resources: • Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31-08 • Completion of all union contract negotiations - Police Officers and Police Superior Officers continued into 2008 - both through mediation • Changes to 403(b) regulations and implementation for teachers - mandated by IRS regulation changes • Negotiations on Health Insurance program with Public Employee Committee (PEC) effective June 1, 2008 - major change for retirees on Medicare • Review GIC program by October 1, 2008 deadline; Consideration and discussion of alternative program, a MIIA "GIC look alike" • Organization wide Customer Service Training December 2008 • Organization wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis, etc. • Hired and trained two new Fire Fighters in-house and sent them to the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy. • Improved Firefighter accountability by issuing new accountability tags. • Instituted a training Officers position to ensure all Firefighters receive an identical in-service training program. We are currently focusing on delivering an intensive Firefighter safety training program. • Completed our federally mandated National Incident Command Training requirements Town wide. • Hired six new police officers, three graduated in August and three are currently in the academy due to graduate in February 2009. • Page 1 • The Police department promoted Sgt. Peter Garchinsky to the rank of Lieutenant. • Chief Cormier attended a 10 week course of study at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Legal/Litigation • Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date • AGFA litigation -ongoing Traffic/Transportation and infrastructure • Monitored and managed public information and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. • Approval of gate for grade crossing at Ash Street - Construction possibly this winter. • Extensive design process for reconstruction of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. • Road Construction - Franklin Street, High Street, Hillside Road, part of Waverly Road, Colburn Road, Sunnyside Avenue, and Fairview Avenue. • In cooperation with the RHS, rebuild Frank Tanner Drive including new curb and sidewalk and roadway resurfacing. • Installed curbing and sidewalk on Birch Meadow Drive. • Commissioned Downtown Parking study/garage feasibility study. To be completed early 2009. • Secured a 3 year Suburban Mobility Grant in excess of $350,000 to provide for van service within the community. • The Police Department increased traffic enforcement efforts via community policing grant money. Initial results appear to show decreased crashes and less citizen complaints regarding traffic. • Tennis Courts • Collins Field - complete replacement with an artificial turf field • Memorial Park plan - construction in 2009 • Washington Park Master Plan • Birch Meadow Master Plan • Page 2 12 • Placed a new fire pumper in-service. • Purchased and placed a new fire ladder truck standardizing motor, transmissions, brakes and axels. • Researched, selected and purchased new protective clothing for all Department members. • Several windows were installed at West Side Fire Station. • The front of the West Side Fire Station was painted • A new flag pole was installed at the West Side Fire Station. • The Fire Department HQ parking garage floor was painted at the Main Street Fire Station. • Eight window replacements that were approved by Historical Commission, custom-made, and installed in timely fashion. Now staff workroom has windows that have screens, are weather-tight, and can be opened for fresh air in good weather. No more plastic rattling! • Ten replacement windows at the basement level to replace broken, moldy and vandalized windows - Also vetted by Historical Commission for accuracy, composed of aluminum for water proofing. • Two new book drops allow patrons to return books without having to leave their cars. Better security is an important benefit, as there were hazards to having a book drop that went directly into the building in the past • Retaining walls were constructed at the entry way, securing the foundation and patio, and the handrails were fixed and secured. The area is ready to be re- landscaped in early spring. • Richard Smith, architect, conducted a Library building assessment that was presented to the Board of Trustees in September and will be used to plan future improvements. • The Police Department updated their building security system giving the foundation for a more expanded community recording system in the future. • Sewer System - began replacement of main sewer line in Glen Road. • Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. • MWRA Water- completed transition to 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. • Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. • Page 3 0 Community • World Cafe very successfully. 240 residents in attendance • Negotiation of COMCAST license renewal - deadline is November 23, 2008 • RCASA program - hired Project Director and PT staff. Robust array of programs being offered. • Zip Trip • Reading Coalition Against Substance abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school year. • The entire town collaborated to bring a successful presidential election with record voter turnout and minimal disruptions. • The Police, Fire and Health Departments worked to together to successfully manage a town wide flu clinic / emergency inoculation drill. Finances and Grants • Phase 1 of the implementation of new financial software went live on July 1. Payroll, Human Resources, Accounting, Purchase Orders and Cash Receipts are now being processed in the new software. Every School is now integrated into the town's financial software system and has eliminated their stand-alone system. • First steps towards implementing Records Management system • Completed Wide Area Network • Added GIS capability to web site • Added survey capability to web site - used for Cultural council, parking study, and other purposes • Refinancing of School debt - saved $150,000 in FY 2009 • Received grant to expand our vehicle exhaust removal system in the Fire Stations to reserve equipment. This addresses a prior Firefighter Safety Committee concern. The installation has begun on November 12, 2008. • The Police Department received a Verizon sponsored grant in the amount of $1000 to help support the RAD program. • The Police Department in collaboration with the RCASA received a grant to fund compliance checks in our liquor sales and serving establishments. • The Police Department using community policing grant money provided extra pedal bike patrols throughout the summer to monitor areas not easily accessible to cruiser or foot patrols. 9 Page 4 (1 ) Organizational changes and joint ventures • Completed DPW Management study. Working towards implementation steps • Board of Selectmen conducted a successful BCC training program this fall • First 1 night Annual Town Meeting in at least 100 years • Fire Department and Police Department assisted the School Department in designing and installing a new radio system. • Fire Department worked collaboratively with the School Department on school safety issues and participated in lock down drills. • Fire Lieutenant Jackson has become a member of the NEMLEC (North East Metropolitan Law Enforcement Counsel) Stars Program. The Stars Program focuses on a wide variety of school safety issues. • Expanded the level ALS level of care to the community by placing ALS equipment on West Side fire engine. A 12 lead defibrillator monitor was purchased with the funding assistance from the Reading Rotary. • Improved EMS Training by introducing a new in-service clinical rotation training program with Melrose-Wakefield Hospital. Our on duty Paramedics through the Melrose Wakefield Hospital's Obstetrics' Department, Emergency Room and' Operating Rooms. • Certified all Paramedics in Pediatric Advanced Life Support and introduced several new medications. • Working with Essex County Fire Chiefs in designing and implementing a regional technical rescue team. • Participated in a Mystic Region Emergency Planning Committee exercise. • A Community Planning committee composed of 22 community members met in May and June to provide input into the Library Strategic Plan 2009=2014. Their contributions and the results of the community survey and other planning sessions and focus groups are incorporated into the Plan that the Trustees hope to approve at their December meeting. • The Police Department worked collaboratively with the Schools to institute Friday night football in order to provide a safe environment for these events. The Police Department, specifically, School Resource Officer Richard Abate, worked with the schools and RCASA to bring Rachel's Challenge to the community. This event crossed many community groups including the RCASA, Schools, Human Relations Advisory Committee and was well received by all. 0 Page 5 Services • AWP zoning approved late 2007. Processed application for 40R Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; received application for site plan approval • Library teen area was upgraded and two new computers added through a federal grant. • Library computer lab was renovated and all new desks, chairs, and several new computers and monitors purchased through a gift from the Reading Public Library Foundation • Several new museum passes added for availability at the Reading Public Library, and a 60% increase in patrons using museum passes over the previous year • Sundays at the Library! Huge benefit to the public to have the library open Sunday afternoons for the first time in many years. Since the first open Sunday October 5, it's been popular and busy. • Library business continues to climb for the eighth year in a row, hitting new highs every year. Reading Public Library is ranked among the highest in its population group (Group E) in this part of Massachusetts for its per capita circulation and program attendance. • Teen summer reading program was conducted both in the library and in the virtual world with many online aspects for the first time and more teens got involved as a result -171 teens read 684 books and submitted 250 reviews online for the first time this year! • Staff and EDC created a table on commercial available property • CPDC approved an administrative rule for downtown signs; CS staff created a draft Permitting guide GOALS 2009 Thing to work on for CY 2009: • The overriding issue will be how to manage our budget to implement our highest priority programs and projects in a time of declining outside resources • Institutionalize the BCC Chair/Vice Chair training • Resolve issues of double utility poles • Complete Downtown Streetscape project 0 Page 6 l • Complete Downtown Parking study, and implement of elements that can be implemented on a priority basis • Complete Downtown 40R study and determine how to proceed; and or amend the downtown mixed use regulations • Review sign sections of Zoning bylaw and get the proposed amendments before Town Meeting • Develop design standards for South Main Street and get necessary amendments to Zoning bylaw before Town Meeting • Complete permitting of AWP site • Train users on the intricacies and detail of the new MUNIs software and the volume if information available to the end users. • Implement Phase 2 of the new financial software. Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicle Tax Billing will be.implemented in the Collectors office. Utility Billing will be implements in DPW. General Billing will be implemented for Ambulance and Extra Detail Billing in the Public Safety Departments. • Begin next phases of Records Management project • Establish ad hoc Community-wide Building Committee • Implement additional technology and web page improvements including Customer Request module, Town Manager Blog, greater ability of customers to interact electronically • Implement DPW Management Study - major element is to hire a replacement Director following the retirement of our current Director. • Determine what options exist to move forward with the local van service under the Suburban Mobility grant • Expand the level ALS level of care to the community by placing ALS equipment on the Ladder truck. • Enhance the Town of Reading's Emergency Operations Center. • Fully implement the Petroleum By-law. • Page 7 TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION _ Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS EVALUATION BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF FOUR PERIOD RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract negotiations - Police Officers and Police ; Superior Officers continued into 2008 - both through mediation Organization wide Customer Service Training December 2008. Implementation of customer feedback system. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date Monitored and managed public information and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. Conclusion of Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Reading Coalition against Substance abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school j year. Including new hires of Project Director and PT staff. Phase 1 of the implementation of new financial software went live on July 1. Payroll, Human Resources, Accounting, Purchase Orders and Cash Receipts are now being processed in the new, software. Every School is now integrated into the town's financial software system and has eliminated their stand-alone system. O i Refinancing of School debt - saved $150,000 in FY 2009, continued I stewardship of town finances Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, i first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31- 08 i Ability to acknowledge and develop an action play quickly to pressing issues which arise. For example, Organized wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: town budget, 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis. Extensive design process for reconstruction of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. MWRA Water - completed transition to 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. 0 Land Use Planning including AWP zoning approved late 2007. Processed application for 40R Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property j Conclusion and implementation of the DPW study including planning for management succession. Care and custody of the Town Buildings and Open Spaces The School Department manages the Town buildings, and the working relationship with the Facilities Department is excellent. Good progress has been made in developing master plans for Town park sites. I was disappointed not to be able to purchase an additional parcel of land on North Main Street this year. Effective interaction with many different.groups: Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, and elected state officials Quality of presentations to Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and community groups Enhances his professional development through active involvement in organizations outside of the community The Town Manager works at different times with the many BCC's of the Town, and outside of the Town. I have worked hard to meet the Board of Selectmen expectations with regard to communications, and I think have succeeded. I have worked extensively this year with the FINCOM, Bylaw Committee, ACCCP, EDC, and several ad hoc groups on economic development issues. I believe the quality of presentation has generally been good. I am consciously involving more staff and BCC members and volunteers in presentations. Good efforts made with the strong support of the Board of Selectmen. Thank You. I have let my ICMA "Credentialed Manager" certification lapse after 5 years - the paperwork to maintain it is extreme, although I still keep up my Professional Development time - at least 40 hours per year. I have recently been elected to the Board of the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association (MMMA) and as such will also serve on the MMA Board and the LGAC - I find these connections along with my Chairmanship of the MMA Regional Policy and Administration help the Town in many ways. ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES (completed by employee) • See attached self evaluation EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for 15 goals) SELECTMAN COMMENTS` SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS TOWN MANAGER SIGNATURE j BOS CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE Name: Name: Date: Date: D TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: 2008 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS EVALUATION BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF FOUR PERIOD RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract 5 - This is a difficult task and completed well. It is now negotiations - Police Officers and Police time to transfer knowledge and process through the Superior Officers continued into 2008 - BOS for transition purposes. both through mediation Organization wide Customer Service I 3 - Customer Service training was a great initiative but Training December 2008. a small part in the overall Customer Service Objective. Implementation of customer feedback Customer Service needs to be a major Objective for 2009. system. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date Monitored and managed public I 4 - Communication process improved over time. This information and traffic for Downtown process was extremely important to our business down Improvement project with minimal town. interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. Conclusion of Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Extensive design process for reconstruction of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. Processed application for 40R Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property 5 - Pete's input and foresight helped the Town of Reading secure an increase in PEG funding to 5%. Pete also protected the Town in future contract negotiations. 4 - Pete and staff listened to concerns from the residents and incorporated adjustments. 5 - Overall Pete woks hard on incorporating the Town vision defined in the Master Plan specifically the mixed use concept. Conclusion and implementation 2.8 - study completed but implementation is moving too of the DPW study including slowly. planning for management succession. Quality of presentations to Town 5 - Pete's organization ensures for an efficient Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and Meeting which ran for only one night for both annual community groups and Subsequent in 2008. uz~ 9 TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: CY 2008 _ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF EVALUATION PERIOD FOUR RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract 5 negotiations - Police Officers and Police Superior Officers continued into 2008 - both through mediation Organization wide Customer Service 4 Training December 2008. Implementation of customer feedback system. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date i Monitored and managed public information i and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. Conclusion of Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Reading Coalition against Substance abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school year. Including new hires of Project Director and PT staff. Refinancing of School debt - saved $150,000 in FY 2009, continued stewardship of town finances i Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31-08 5 5 5 5 5 5 Ability to acknowledge and develop an 5 action plan quickly for pressing issues 9 which arise. For example, Organized wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: town budget, 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis. Extensive design process for reconstruction 5 of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began 5 deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. MWRA Water - completed transition to 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. Land Use Planning including AWP 5 zoning approved late 2007. Processed application for 40R Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property Conclusion and implementation of the 5 DPW study including planning for management succession. Care and custody of the Town Buildings and 5 Open Spaces Effective interaction with many different 5 groups: Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, and elected state officials 5 Quality of presentations to Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and community groups Enhances his professional development 5 through active involvement in organizations outside of the community i ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES (completed by employee) 9) . See attached self evaluation EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for 15 goals) 4.67 SELECTMAN COMMENTS - RICK SCHUBERT From my perspective, there were two significant projects that clearly rose to the top of all priorities for town government during 2007; the conversion to MUNIS and the Downtown Streetscape Project. Everything else that has been accomplished this past year; and the list is long with other community priorities, is icing on the cake of a very successful year. First of all, the successful implementation of MUNIS Phase 1 is of great value to the community. Significant time and money have been invested in this next generation financial platform that unifies payroll, HR, accounting, purchase orders and cash receipts between town and schools. The effort required to convert to MUNIS and its impact on the day to day work load of ALL those involved cannot be overlooked. The day to day responsibilities of each person still had to be completed, and they were. The end result will be greater accountability, tracking, analysis and reporting of Reading's finances and will lead to maximum effectiveness in the use of our residents' tax dollars. Secondly, and ranking just as high in community priorities, is the Downtown Streetscape Project. After more than 10 years of planning, hope and expectation, the project finally became a reality in 2007. The importance of this project to our downtown's future to Reading's own future cannot be overstated. But, with such a major construction project, the impacts to our businesses and residents have been significant. Again, ALL those involved rose to the challenge of making this past year's work as successful as possible by minimizing the negative affects. Oversight of the project on the Town's behalf and communication with business owners has been outstanding. The community looks forward to the completion in 2008. SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS TOWN MANAGER SIGNATURE Name: Date: BOS CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE Name: Rick Schubert Date: (9) TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS EVALUATION ! BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF FOUR PERIOD RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract 5 negotiations - Police Officers and Police Superior Officers continued into 2008 - It is significant that Reading has all contracts settled in both through mediation a timely fashion and that employee relations can result in a win-win situation for the town and its employees. Organization wide Customer Service Training December 2008. Implementation of customer feedback system. 4 It is exciting to see a commitment to the measurement and enhancement of customer service and a customer orientation throughout our departments. The ' implementation of the comment card and the training should be helpful. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date Monitored and managed public information and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. ! Conclusion of Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Reading Coalition against Substance abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school year. Including new hires of Project Director and PT staff. Phase 1 of the implementation of new financial software went live on July 1. Payroll, Human Resources, Accounting, Purchase Orders and Cash Receipts are now being processed in the new software. Every School is now 5 The lawsuit protects the interests of our rate payers and our natural environment. 4.5 The process went well in a difficult situation. The communication was excellent through the use of a variety of forums. 5 This was a tough negotiation which Pete concluded successfully for the town. 4 The level of activity is very good. This process will take a concerted effort by all involved in the community. 5 This is a very important step for the future of town management and services. The process is going very well. 27 integrated into the town's financial software system and has eliminated their stand-alone system. 4.5 Refinancing of School debt - saved $150,000 in FY 2009, continued stewardship of town finances Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31- 08 Ability to acknowledge and develop an action plan quickly for pressing issues which arise. For example, Organized wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: town budget, 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis. Extensive design process for reconstruction of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. MWRA Itdt 't' t Town finances are very well run and we are as well prepared as possible for the tough times ahead. 4 This process holds out promise for a significant improvement of the pay schedule for our employees. 5 We are seeing significant steps to improve communication within the town management and its departments. These efforts should be sustained throughout the organization whether crisis or not. Leadership to hold the line on expenses is deeply appreciated as we approach the budget crunch. 4 This was a good iterative process to improve a downtown street with input from staff, community and leadership. There may be a need to change some parking arrangements to improve safety and traffic flow. 4.5 The changeover to the MWRA continues to go well. We need to continue to work with the MWRA to protect the interests of the community with respect to the water Water - comp e e rand ion O storage issue. 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. 0 Land Use Planning including AWP zoning approved late 2007. Processed application for 40R j Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property Conclusion and implementation of the DPW study including planning for management succession. Care and custody of the Town Buildings and Open Spaces I Effective interaction with many different groups: Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, and elected state officials Quality of presentations to Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and community groups 4.5 Pete has been on top of the challenges and opportunities for land use and economic development. 4 The study Itself was not very well received, but the discussion has given us an opportunity to improve operations and planning for the DPW. This is a critical area for improvement in town government. 4.5 Pete is a strong advocate for open space in town. Through cooperation with the school and building departments improvement in maintenance and operation of town buildings will realize benefits for the town. 5 (all areas) Pete represents the town well in all venues. He works hard to maintain comprehensive knowledge of town operations and opportunities. Enhances his professional development through active involvement in organizations outside of the community ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES (completed by employee) • See attached self evaluation EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for 15 goals) 4.5 SELECTMAN COMMENTS • Pete continues to set a standard for municipal management in Massachusetts. The scope and scale of his actions, 0 as leader of the staff is very impressive. His role as a leader encouraging citizen involvement in town government is a strength for our community. SELECTMAN COMMENTS I would (at least rhetorically) mark down both Pete and our BOS because of not meeting our standard for planning for the year. We need to carry through on the process to set Goals for the year as we enter 2009. The tight fiscal times means that it will be more important that we carefully plan our initiatives and speak with one voice to the community about the priorities we set and the actions we take to insure the short and long term financial health of the community. SELECTMAN COMMENTS TOWN MANAGER SIGNATURE Name: Date: BOS CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE Name: Ben Tafoya Date: P TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS EVALUATION BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF FOUR PERIOD RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract 5 negotiations - Police Officers and Police Superior Officers continued into 2008 - both through mediation i i Organization Wide Customer Service ! 4 Training December 2008. Implementation of customer feedback I system. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - 5 over $700,000 to the town of Reading in settlement to date Monitored and managed public 5 information and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. Conclusion of Comcast Cable 5 Franchise Renewal Reading Coalition against Substance 5 abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school year. Including new hires of Project Director and PT staff. Phase 1 of the implementation of new 5 financial software went live on July 1. Payroll, Human Resources, Accounting, Purchase Orders and Cash Receipts are now being processed in the new software. Every School is now integrated into the town's financial software system and has eliminated their stand-alone system. 3~ Refinancing of School debt -saved ` $150,000 in FY 2009, continued stewardship of town finances Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31- 08 Ability to acknowledge and develop an action plan quickly for pressing issues which arise. For example, Organized wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: town budget, 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis. Extensive design process for reconstruction of Gould Street - increased net 9 downtown parking spaces. Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. MWRA Water - completed transition to 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. 5 5 5 5 3z Land Use Planning including AWP 5 zoning approved late 2007. Processed application for 40R Smart Growth approval, received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property Conclusion and implementation 3 of the DPW study including planning for management succession. 4 Care and custody of the Town Buildings and Open Spaces i Effective interaction with many 5 for all 3 items different groups: Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, and elected state officials Quality of presentations to Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and community groups Enhances his professional development through active involvement in organizations outside of the community ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES (completed by employee) • See attached self evaluation EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for IS goals) SELECTMAN COMMENTS I was totally amazed when I read all of the many action items that were accomplished or initiated by Peter and Town Staff this past year. The community should be very pleased that its paid staff has made such progress attending to many, many issues needing to be addressed. I also could think of other items that did not make the list of accomplishments, i.e., the establishment of a trail committee with plans to implement volunteer oversight groups for our open spaces. In addition, Peter has been very instrumental in setting the groundwork for the EDC committee in its setting of a mission statement and action plan and was supportive of the group as it undertook the reconstruction 0393 of the alleyway. Peter's enthusiasm and energy level is inspiring! SELECTMAN COMMENTS Peter has developed a very strong leadership team who demonstrates professionalism and creativity. The list of accomplishments is a testimony to the team's ability to lead the departments forward in meeting the challenges of today's environment. SELECTMAN COMMENTS • The request for a Customer Service initiative, has been too long in coming,. but I was pleased to see that it was recently initiated. However, the proof of the pudding will be in the implementation of a continued emphasis upon training, statement of expectations and follow through when problems arise. SELECTMAN COMMENTS • As Peter knows, my opinion of the DPW study was poor as it was less than adequate in its scope and the performance of the review team. The BOS should have had more input during the process with progress reports and an ability to steer its direction. The consulting firm chosen was very weak and the value of the results less than acceptable to me. The BOS needs to be VERY INVOLVED in the process for hiring a new DPW director as we move forward this spring. SELECTMAN COMMENTS • I MUST COMMEND PETER ON HIS OVERSIGHT OF THE DOWNTOWN PROJECT. HE AND STAFF HAVE MANAGED TO WORK WITH THE CONTRACTOR TO MAXIMIZE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROJECT • AND IT HAS PRCEEDED AMAZINGLY WELL. WHEN THE TREE SITUATION WAS RAISED, PETE RESPONDED AND I AM PLEASED TO SAY WAS ADDRESSED. THIS PROJECT IS A SIGNATURE ONE! TOWN MANAGER SIGNATURE BOS CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE Name: Name: Camille Anthony Date: Date: December, 12, 2008 TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION Manager Name: Peter Hechenbleikner Evaluation for the period: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DURING THIS EVALUATION BOARD OF SELECTMEN RATING (AVERAGE OF FOUR PERIOD RATINGS) RATING SCALE FROM 1(LOW) - 5 (HIGH) Completion of all union contract 4 - need to continue to review entire package to ensure negotiations - Police Officers and Police it is fair across all employees - union or not. The BOS Superior Officers continued into 2008 - needs to start being part of the negotiation process. both through mediation Organization wide Customer Service Training December 2008. Implementation of customer feedback system. Successful conclusion to MTBE case - over $700,000 to the town of Reading in j settlement to date Monitored and managed public information and traffic for Downtown Improvement project with minimal interruptions of services. Currently significantly ahead of schedule. Conclusion of Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Reading Coalition against Substance abuse continues to grow and expand. The Coalition has been very active in involving teenage youth in a summer program, and continues into the school year. Including new hires of Project Director and PT staff. Phase 1 of the implementation of new financial software went live on July 1. Payroll, Human Resources, Accounting, Purchase Orders and Cash Receipts are now being processed in the new software. Every School is now integrated into the town's financial software system and has eliminated their stand-alone system. 2 - This has been on the goals for a while. Nice to see it has been initiated and look forward to the feed back. 4 - takes time but a successful close. 4.5 - this process went very well with a few minor communication issues in the beginning. 4 - went well. 4 - this is starting to show fruit from the Town's labor which is a good sign. 4 - this seems to have gone smoothly - just wondering if this took more of staff's time than expected. 0 Refinancing of School debt - saved $150,000 in FY 2009, continued stewardship of town finances Contracted for non-union pay and classification study - hired contractor, first draft, proposals being vetted with Department Heads - Completion 12-31- 08 Ability to acknowledge and develop an action plan quickly for pressing issues which arise. For example, Organized wide discussion with Town staff regarding fiscal situation re: town budget, 9c reductions, national fiscal crisis. 4 - this puts the town in a fair and equitable position to be more competitive in the market. 3.5 - we need to continue to.work on our flexibility as a lot will be thrown at us over the next year or two with short notice. Extensive design process for' 3.5 - project went well as far as saving the trees and reconstruction of Gould Street - increasing spaces but we have work to do on addressing increased net 9 downtown parking the width. spaces. Louanis Water Treatment Facility - began deconstruction of facility and installation of disinfection system in high lift station. MWRA Water - completed transition to 100% MWRA water with installation of vault, valve and bypass piping at Border Road/West Street. Began discussion with the MWRA on water storage and redundancy of water supply. 4 - project going well with no issues known. 3 0(~ Land Use Planning including AWP 3.5 - we have done well on large projects and unfortunately the market is derailed many of the great zoning approved late 2007. initiatives we have started. There is a need to focus on Processed application for 40R economic development and consistency in our zoning Smart Growth approval, (mixed use vs standard vs 40R). received approval, received $350,000 40 R payment; Process for 40R in downtown core and the redevelopment of Atlantic Property Conclusion and implementation .of the DPW study including planning for management succession. Care and custody of the Town Buildings and Open Spaces Effective interaction with many different groups: Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, and elected state officials 4 - Reading has one of the best collaborative environments between boards and committees Quality of presentations to Town Meeting, BOS, and other town and 4 -great use of technology in the presentations community groups Enhances his professional 4 - impressed with all the items Pete has to handle he continues to be able to enhance his skills and development through active knowledge. involvement in organizations outside of the community ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES (completed by employee). • See attached self evaluation EVALUATION (aggregate average rating for 15 goals) 3.96 SELECTMAN COMMENTS • See above comments SELECTMAN COMMENTS 3 - the study took a long time to conclude and implementation has yet to be seen. 4 - Pete has always been a champion of Open Spaces 3~ i SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS SELECTMAN COMMENTS TOWN MANAGER SIGNATURE Name Date: BOS CHAIRMAN SIGNATURE Name: James Bonazoli Date: (#1 SIE N-IN SHEET FOR..THE V A" OF SELECTMEN MEETING ,y? DATE: NAME ADDRESS (Please print) Chiabi- Lam-- I 3 Z wG rren, /4 c ko~wu 0- I~xi f