HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-19 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, May 19, 2009 • Downtown Project update o Flag Pole o Stamped Concrete • Ash Street grade crossing completed • Tennis Courts • Sewer investigation • Ristorante Pavarotti - mistake on beer/wine license • Town Engineer George Zambouras spoke to Mr. Chen-Yuan Wang of Central Transportation Planning Staff this morning. He indicated to George that the Main and Franklin Street intersection is eligible under the states congested intersection program and asked if we would like is to be considered. George explained the improvements we would like to see i.e. crosswalks, HP ramps and left turn lanes; and about the meeting we had last year with MHD and Rep. Jones. Mr. Wang felt the intersection had a reasonable chance of making it through the final list. They will be presenting the list of projects to the Transportation Planning and Programming Committee this Thursday. He will let me know the outcome ASAP. If it makes it through the final cut they will be doing a traffic study in May. The Massachusetts Moderators Association has produced DVD presentations that explain, in lay terms, the workings of town meeting. The Representative Town Meeting DVD, called "Voice of the People" premiered a couple of weeks ago at the Senior Center, and it will be aired on RCTV. You will recognize several people in the video. . Dates and Events: • June 20 - Friends and Family Day • September 13 - Fall Faire Page 1 of 5 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 2:40 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: MMA Senate Budget Alert Attachments: MMAFiscal2010SenateLetter.pdf I/c Board of Selectmen (c for 5-19) From: Geoff Beckwith [mailto:gbeckwith@mma.org] Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 2:18 PM To: Geoffrey Beckwith Subject: MMA Senate Budget Alert MMA SPECIAL BUDGET ALERT Monday, May 18, 2009 Copy of MMA°s Letter to the Senate on the Fiscal 2010 Budget is Attached to this Email MMA Action Alert on the Senate Budget Below: ALERT -KEEP UP THE PRESSURE ON YOUR SENATORS, BUDGET DEBATE STARTS TOMORROW (TUESDAY): TELL THEM TO REJECT DEEP LOCAL AID CUTS IN SENATE BUDGET TELL THEM TO SUPPORT THE STATE SALES TAX INCREASE TELL THEM TO SUPPORT MMA'S BUDGET AMENDMENTS LISTED BELOW TELL THEM TO REJECT BAD AMENDMENTS THAT WOULD HURT 5/18/2009 0 Page 2 of 5 Tell Your Legislators and Local Newspapers that: • Cities & Towns Cannot Absorb the Senate's $484 Million Municipal Aid Cut • This is a 37% Cut in Municipal Aid, the Largest Local Aid Cut in History, Bringing Municipal Aid Down to Levels Last Seen in the 1980s • The Senate Budget Would Slash $79 Million from Chapter 70 School Aid and $271 Million from Other Key Municipal Aid Programs • The Senate Budget Would Trigger Thousands of Layoffs, Sweeping Service Cuts, Greater Reliance on the Property Tax, and Weaken Our Economy More • Your Senators MUST Restore Local Aid to Acceptable Levels • Legislators Should Increase the State Sales Tax, Use Stabilization Funds, and Access Federal Stimulus Dollars to Support Municipal Aid • Cities and Towns Need a Real Municipal Relief Bill NOW, including Local Option Taxes, Control Over Health Insurance Plan Design, Closing Telecom Tax Loopholes, and Fixing Charter School Funding CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY The Senate's fiscal 2010 state budget plan will be up for debate on Tuesday, May 19th. The Senate Ways and Means proposal would inflict extraordinarily deep and harmful local aid cuts that would cause immediate and lasting damage to cities and towns in every corner of Massachusetts. This budget would force communities to lay off thousands of teachers, police officers, firefighters, public works employees, librarians and other key staff. Essential services would be severely weakened, and reliance on the regressive property tax would skyrocket. This budget would cause greater harm to the Massachusetts economy, and make the recession last longer than necessary. It is urgent that you contact your Senators and tell them that they must VOTE TO REVERSE THESE CUTS AND RESTORE LOCAL AID, including INCREASING THE STATE SALES TAX, and using state stabilization funds and federal stimulus funds. Tell your legislators to support all of the MMA amendments listed below, and oppose any amendments that would harm local government. In addition, It is imperative that the Legislature immediately enact A REAL MUNICIPAL RELIEF BILL that removes health insurance decisions from collective bargaining, allows local option taxes, and finally closes the telecommunications property tax loopholes that give the telephone company a $50 million tax break that cannot be justified in these difficult times. URGENT NOTE: THE MUNICIPAL RELIEF COMMISSION'S DEEPLY FLAWED LANGUAGE ON MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE HAS BEEN FILED AS AN AMENDMENT TO THE BUDGET (Sen. Rosenberg - "Amendment Other 1 &2"). This plan would impose binding arbitration, keeps all plan design decisions in collective bargaining, and would give an outside, unaccountable arbitrator unilateral authority to impose costs on cities and towns. The MMA stron0v opposes this plan, and it is imbortant that you inform vour Senators that the Commission's health provisions are worse than no reform at all. and would move cities and towns backward instead of offerinL real reform that helbs. THE FISCAL 2010 BUDGET RELEASED BY SENATE WAYS AND MEANS WOULD: 0 5/18/2009 Page 3 of 5 • Cut municipal aid by $484 million below original fiscal 2009 levels • Cut Chapter, 70 school aid by $79 million • Eliminate police career incentive (Quinn Bill) funding ($50 million) • Eliminate sewer rate relief funding ($20 million) • Eliminate community policing and anti-gang funding ($34 million) • Cut $125 million from special education circuit-breaker • Cut $31 million from regional school transportation funds • Cut $8 million from library grants Click Here http://www.mass.gov/legis/lObudget/senate/index.htm to View the Latest Senate Budget Information and Access Your Local Aid Numbers The reality is that this budget would deepen the fiscal crisis for cities and towns, force sweeping and damaging cuts to public safety, education, road and bridge maintenance, libraries and other vital services, increase reliance on property taxes, and erode the very services that support our economy. This is a shared crisis, and cities and towns need basic levels of local aid and powerful tools to protect their communities. This budget does not contain the local aid or municipal management tools that are required. Local leaders call upon the Legislature to take this necessary action, and must work together as partners to deliver essential services to the people of the Commonwealth. Unless this action is taken, communities will be weaker, Massachusetts will experience a longer and deeper recession, and our economic recovery will be postponed. The Senate will begin debating the budget on Tuesday, May 19. PLEASE TELL YOUR SENATORS TO SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING KEY BUDGET AMENDMENTS: • MUNICIPAL AID: Vote to amend the budget to restore $264 million to Municipal Aid, bringing municipal aid up to the same level as the House and Governor's budgets (this would still slash municipal aid by $220 million below original fiscal 2009 levels) - please use Sen. Brewer's "placeholder" amendment (LOC 62) as the basis for restoring municipal aid; • CHAPTER 70: Amendment EDU 351 (Sen. O'Leary) to restore $79 million to Chapter 70 school aid; • SPECIAL EDUCATION: Amendment EDU 358 (Sen. O'Leary) to restore $79.8 million in funding for the special education circuit-breaker program, bringing the account up to $184.9 million; • REGIONAL SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION: Amendment EDU 329 (Sens. Brewer and O'Leary) to restore $20 million in regional school transportation funds, bringing the account up to $50.5 million; • PILOT: Amendment GOV 135 (Sen. Rosenberg) to restore $3 million to the payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) program, bringing the account up to $30.3 million; • QUINN BILL: Amendment EPS 431 (Sen. Tisei) to level fund the police career incentive pay program at $50.2 million (still millions below full funding), and limit the program only to current participants; and • COMMUNITY POLICING: Amendment EPS 417 (Sen. Timilty) to restore $5.3 million to J 5/18/2009 Page 4 of 5 community policing. PLEASE TELL YOUR SENATORS TO SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING KEY REVENUE/RELIEF AMENDMENTS: • SALES TAX INCREASE: Vote to support the vitally necessary sales tax increase and other revenues that will be presented during the debate to limit the damaging cuts in the Senate budget, and provide a lifeline level of municipal and state funding for essential programs; • LOCAL-OPTION TAXES: Vote to support the extremely important local-option tax provisions allowing for a 2% local-option sales tax on meals and an increase of up to 4% in the local room occupancy tax (Sen. Rosenberg has sponsored language in Amendments Other 1&2); • TELECOM LOOPHOLES: Vote to support Amendment Other 19 (Sen. Creem) that would close the telecom tax loopholes that are abused by telecommunications companies at the expense of local taxpayers; and • PENSION SCHEDULES: Amendment LOC 78 (Sen. Tarr) to extend the pension funding schedule from 2028 to 2030, reducing the pension funding requirement for fiscal 2010, an important cost reduction for localities. PLEASE TELL YOUR SENATORS TO OPPOSE THE FOLLOWING BUDGET PROVISIONS: • SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION GRANTS: Vote to STRIKE Section 33 of the Senate Ways and Means budget, which proposes to eliminate the state's minimum reimbursement percentage for school building projects, currently set at 40%; and • MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE: Vote to OPPOSE the municipal health insurance provisions included in Amendments Other 1&2 discussed above. Municipal officials across the state strongly oppose the Municipal Relief Commission language because the provisions would move communities backward and they report that this change would be even worse than no reform at all. Sen. Hedlund has filed very good language (LOC 65) that would achieve real and meaningful municipal health insurance reform by giving localities plan design flexibility while granting unions impact bargaining power - LOC 65 is the amendment to support. Share this information with municipal workers in your community, and urge them to contact their Senators - their jobs are at stake Check the MMA website for links to the SW&M budget and frequent updates from the MMA Now is the time for your Senators to protect cities and D 5/18/2009 Page 5 of 5 towns! Thank You. Geoffrey C. Beckwith Executive Director, Massachusetts Municipal Association President, Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110 tel 617-426-7272 fax 617-695-1314 web www.mma.org EMAIL DISCLAIMER: This message is a private communication. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use, or disclose this message or any attachments to others. Please notify the sender of the delivery error by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, including the attachments, is prohibited. Email transmission may not be secure or error free. Information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message that arise as a result of email transmission. Thank you. 5/18/2009 C 'Town A )I ~e;ad1ng fir 'The 'i, co t 0nor ou 0 31st a 0) PM at ACT Ali s^ the Gre oodY Gold rees viono In Please RSVP cintos X293 f tod~a , 'Troop ! ,j266 Troop Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 10:00 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Board/Committee/Commission Comments C for Board of Selectmen for 5-19 From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 8:43 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: FW: Board/Committee/Commission Comments From: Ruth Goldberg [mailto:jacobgoldbergI1@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 10:53 PM To: Finance@ci.reading.ma.us Subject: Board/Committee/Commission Comments Request From: Ruth Goldberg Email: iacobeoldberel I(n).comcast. net Address: I I Bond St. City: Reading State: MA Zip: 01867 Phone: 781 944 6386 Organization: Response to the Globe article today re the liquor license for Arnold Rubin transfer to Dickinson to open at the former Linens store.I would prefer to see that held in hopes of revitalizing the downtown center.Mr. Rubin may have given Reading a lot over the years,but i feel his prices were high,and that he closed abruptly,putting a lot of people out of work,including Emarc workers,and creating a real problem for tannerville residents who walked there to shop.The downtown needs a revival,and fastiI direct my thoughts to the Board of Selectman.Thank you. 5/18/2009 policies & procedures r finance Department to fee 5p add'1 on 611 summary of 1-a 1$1pt1st month, $5 add' per month. , Gl- C40 VAS) daYs alter original due date (M tax bill) Dog license annual 313 ~qn/o interest 15 eriad on avgeCiod uarterly MGt C59 S57C) 5day grace p race p Wtr q .town policy ( 9. to 26day g eating vote) WtriSvrrlStrm ,140/o interest gale C60 S15) - equiv S15 &Town M annuallgtrly _$3 routinely no late exceptions RtE & pers prop discretion up to $A 5 (MGM after N1ay 1st (MGL C60 4th - annuaVVy d May erty that has prior $25 deman de around d tee add - then assess this eriod - on any prop title account warning letter sent demand p to exisltrng tax ins after 14-day are t,ansterred Tax title process he itle. Current taxes S62) times G1- C60 eat several taxes already in tax charged (~t uents for paym involves send req -this process and 16% interest rate is Title, ws in the local paper* C60 S15) aid properties not yet in Tax including ad ing costs (M issued For unp legal and advertts over the next s of 5 plus oaths, ands are date ed until dem 14 days after due additional tee harg S2) - not c t 7- GL C60A letter sent out - 12% interest (N1MGl- C60 S15) nt g annually Deputy Collector Fees $25 demand tee ( and pay over to the Excise no late exceptions to demand d oustanding bills are turned After A4-dal de m and C60A S2) (MG1- C6 /~4~j'OFR READING POLICE DEP .TmEmr r j OFFICE OF THE CHIEF f J ~~vaA 15 Union Street, .Reading, Massachusetts 01867 James W. Cormier Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893 Chief of Police -Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us May 19, 2009 Bob, Regarding the fee information and late fees and interest. There are two areas_ within the Police Department this may pertain. First is parking tickets, Our current fine for parking tickets is $20. By statute it can be as high as $50 After 21 days the late fee is $5, this is set by statute. After the parking clerk reports to the registry, there is another $20 for the registry. At this point we also add a $15 city fee for administrative processing. The total we would collect per ticket if it is not paid is $60. $20 ticket $ 5 late fee $15 city fee $20 registry fee We could increase to a maximum of $75 per ticket (max allowable by statute) this could be a combination added to ticket cost and/or city fee. City fee is only on late payments. Calendar year 2008 we wrote 2400 parking tickets $15 increase would net $36000. I do not recommend this. 8% of our tickets get to the registry for their fee and the city fee. The second area is Dog Licenses. These are regulated by the BOS, late fees are $10 first late month, $5 per month after that. On June 1St, a fifty dollar by-law violation is assessed. 0 Current fee permits 30 10 3escripflon Rain Barrels Bulk Stickers \Nhite Goods Street Suns cRTsos discontinued) Compost bins d for f:Yo9 Total Revenue profecte 20 25 0 plckup 10 drop_o 252 Current Revenue 2flpg to date) (July 3138 12670 8040 ,21245 lc'up 7380 drop-off IA940 p 2875 Estimated Revenue Recommended fee 3765 15204 30 10 10338 . 20 2,245 11184 a 5 20 pickup 10 drop- 2875 45637 Description Reproductions Photocopies Permits Current 2008 Current fee Revenue 8.5"x11" 8.5"x14" 11"x17" Large format copies 18"x24" 24"x36" Electronic Copies Compact Disk Reproductions Total - - Street Opening/Occupancy: Utility Construction or Reconstruction Street Occupancy Permit Driveway Construction Sidewalk Construction Curb Installation Jackie's Law (in effect March 2009) Trench Excavations Private Property Street Opening/Occupancy Total 100 $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $2.50 $5.00 $10.00 $754 Recommended Estimated fee Revenue $0.25 $0.25 $0.25 $2.50 $5.00 $10.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $5,800 Drain Permit: Connecting to Town's Drainage System 0 $0.00 Drain Permit Total $0 Sewer Permit: Installation 28 $75.00 Disconnect 7 $75.00 Repair 7 $25.00 Water Permit: Service Pipe Connection (Entrance Fee + Actual Service Cost) $100.00+ $23,765 (Fee based on actual labor & material cost - varies each service) Service Pipe Maintenance (Actual Cost of Service Renewal) $13,907 (Fee based on actual labor & material cost - varies each service) Water - Sewer Permit Total $37,672 Drain Layer License: (Authorizes Contractor to Perform Work of Public Property) Initial Fee, $100.00 Annual Renewal Fee $75.00 Drain Layer License/Renewal Total $2,600 Total Fee Revenue - Engineering $46,826 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $25.00 $754 59 $8,300 Increase expected from Jackie's Law $150 Increase resulting from new fee $100.00+ $23,765 $13,907 $37,672 $100.00 $75.00 $2,600 $49,476 j HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We respectfully request notice of a,Yf B iture public hearings concerning this matter. We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. /A 'ADDRESS 35, IAGI~ ~v s ptal-- l 9 'A~Oealldi` J / fS ~JUc GC ~~c~ f / lr o~ C Sl ^4 ~r Lei (A J- UL1~ N Y r~ GI ADDRESS I.0 1 ~ g2 S p rtU cr Pd. kc- a d (n c i k CU-4- ti 7 _c s)-. 3 14 h ~D-tz ~^,St3 Vol 40 -~L.~ 417-i HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN, PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME ADDRESS l ~4 WY~I C7 v 12 t,~ i y ~ NAME Jor~~~c~~ C~c~rs~► ADDRESS 3L D VL C Ug 0 HONORABLE BOARD OYSELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME A04MA DAOCWUAh H xsm U t-e-H P 'P/r-rf i_ C~kC.9C" Vfit, cl . /I ~ V~ 9, q. Pum ( Aejlz R nR l- cc. v fl" g m a c rc ADDRESS X 9S l~grh ~St. q 6 -5 ac s 1-- 911 MR. IN A c,c) lter s. ~U C l ~T cl IrNe. :?ass VZ' 14 `.~.,1.( F~1~ItSS(i(5~e5h or, 'A (1 L& -1 ()q r V , ro~ MC_ 4111 r= UPY 00 Lo 5 M con 5,V - RCS I NAME zl'A 7 0 1147 i ADDRESS l~ 2ci,h e GY~yc~ r i ~ J ~ /~~K Dtk~ti OF oz 66(-fe-fk-l"c~ J/,. L~ ~ w~~ ~ UC vcr A~' 3 ~ N 1~ lipa o-1 S.7 8 v 7 410/4' sf is q NAME ADDRESS 1,0 HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all fixture public hearings concerning this matter. NAME C . LyNN t ire-ko- Uai re. Z- A.v-e rto- OeRre Y A4 --mo- PXt~l 4-- ~C~.Y~1~2;~.YG~ A hr, P66've'- - -7~~ _L(4-6a I LI U ADDRESS zb - ~ ~ v~ c,;s Je- 2 G - rc v cas -Pfil v c- 2Le C-c-a.r C~-& Z->r. 2c~~ r< C. X21-. pr, 16 7 ►r C r, r- S %0.- 12 minas -'~)Y- NAME jG~r~ ~4,9~nS l"lC (0r ADDRESS . iron l / 07 H 5, 4q1l)(f,6 ~ IZ_ ~..1t7 Yl D ~Hl Z, 6-1,0( 3 vik)NA J ~S ~ t'~ ~-,~1C. t S P- 5' 6.44 cls lP4 39 FrIA NC,s M ~e4 J .14 -~er P7, 1I r Yow lul U Le L If 373, 42 I i Atli. 4 V C lll~.i NAME -Di G~-vl ~e- f-,) c"-`-, Iq ADDRESS J.~ rr a el ( il ~ N r, 11 HONORABLE BOARD OF.SELECTMEN r~ PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME VVI Lt rnrvi 1•-4 1 GFA LCA A/L l l to C>L, - J / Ill . CL_ ► Sic 5 ~c:r7/9/' S ! ~rJI'rr~ ADDRESS -!y (7 13t(-, KeLE-/ 5t' -~a fe 1-r S L? -3 141) 3q ,<~A t5 NAM h v Av pw~//,( ADDRESS ,,376 i c 3 l7 Yo c / /"A S~ . a~ -7s RA IV HONORABLE BOARD OF-SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter.. 1-7 NAME ADDRESS `15X Lowrence, Pd ~~u I La V) 7 t~ Lawreme 0. I -T `7`n-6 vo2 G L f Z4t'V"J-F1L1C-e A-"' J) ~lUvr/~~ Co A/1610 01 Qf1 Kd 1V '64 all A uiJ 64 70 PQ A0,L 70 App~{~,SS ps> 1 J~ HONORABLE BOARD OF.SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. 14 NAME, FJK& CVT F- /,(4vt C- LA, M eL 1-1+ 1 i c ADDRESS 012. )L(41 /v fl- gS z rn~ /0 70 -70 E c~ - f , D~p - A~-Dg~SS CLC~ ~~aa an ~ C G 5 .'tom t L~ Z . / 16 p Avo S~we jh~ve . --I- ~4 /IV Pmare. Cu,)~ ~z ~c ~h C-Z, 0100; -'l-. IonI ~D 1 ~~,arll P!~ J 4 rn- I as i HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME 9 nec? I S)~ ~w ADDRESS S clQ H-Aaa." k'~C~ N ~ a y ~u~raM,a. 1 1'7 D14 ck- ''4( 4 V V ~N M"~O)z W-- WE §1 r~' 1 HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. ADDRESS ,3 S 35 b uAtir Pd A o J p,,"7 v 'moo q-e , c% a- Po s~.r-t ax ie, ~c3 ~ J 0 8 ~ j -ilbocll x)55 , e,,&^ 1 aq~ -7 - , `i,_ Ag ,41 fan 0 . jb HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME r ADDRESS 2- 0 I'VIVL- ' ta,3 'Pe )I HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We,. the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME (~~ryvv-v' v 6 i ADDRESS -33 P,,r c1,v1x-W 1WV ,~Z. C-Alne c es J'i 2 /SY s le J~ U?6 hgta- Q.- Phu ADDRESS dHV..-0' s~ p HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NP1V1 ADDRESS s 30 HONORABLE BOARD OF SELECTMEN PETITION We, the undersigned Voters of the Town of Reading, being interested parties, hereby OBJECT to the development proposed for 885-891 Main Street, Reading. We OBJECT to the Town joining in a Local Initiative Program with the proposed developer and give notice that such action will not be a friendly 40B project. We respectfully request notice of all future public hearings concerning this matter. NAME ADDRESS 9 )qqo ) 0 H 0~k- ~-t - -2,1 1 Skate park in Liverpool,"NY 13 0' X 13 0' Skate park It ~cludes the Cost n ~tenals are used. the cliaxactef Of ft to • is the design Design ns "etc 1= bat and how t fiction. The first eU as the specifications he req~d. went mid tend to uired for cons tepaxk as w hateyer equip sueet elements g cant fees xeq square inch of the ska and, leases vv ~k, featuring establishing Skatep shave cs that define every tnatexials> emPlOys the professional ed States, coacreete a step foot. When it con►es to nvction sche This costbuys the to be about cons the contnnen tend fie the actual sq' e ivction. and seasons- fats of transwon afks, Determi estimate of the cost per The second fee is for cons to to all locations ~ featuring eir p while skatepar they pai e°lish a maSp1~ble to be accura ties nearby wb Ding ction, way We foot for constru d ask tom 'I the most accurate brir►g►ng the o rough estimate is e based advocates sho out $200, to the skatepatk, cost about $2$ per sq footptint, cod This is certainly o0o to design> a malistic cost estimat aTk, s intended tier by the total k may cost ab d sta¢eously skatepar~ on the sire of the skatepand side that rum X00,000 skatepale, develope tally to ate the s of those park onstn~ °n estimate, O P ir, for examp berg also ed spe0 dby the sk p k footage factors. Lf the sum ad o the wholearaftr g equnpm be share may footd of the total coo squ in about a ftr ba several dies caube sPm earth enerAl come ate is impa . oeutal impact stn The cost to leaseeavY OM) another, thus u to at effect fees Deta1 up to 0>400.'~ede vensive~e ~ a fees in the saw der areas of the spat ompany and subco uact to may ~tion Com'er5ely, uay be to si to one c also imp ark de design and cons comet sGOPe Of ok ~dthe fad Ponsible for landsca an subcontract the ski,red to Perfo ~ educes the need ~a for technical e foot The coon compa~ going to er A constr+x landscape axclvtect is build slcateP k specialist skatePark devCal cowmAu►ncatiou of $30 p U ctor or if a design- ount of techni is $40 per sq> foot, a gef~eral contra cost. similarly, "Alacenf' stager thee am c the ove rall exforming the grease sonable place to start may impact , llavnng one entity p of experase' erg. I a rea ep onthe overallcosto entities afe terms and constn10tion is claall of the skatark. tbe more detached tw to for design construction detail uld be included to initial cost estima specifies every ofmation sho the design, cfeaa n and n Pet square foot fox design al, design and enongb comPameS other than Though terrain The fnnal skatep m the final design bidby e ect. foT Co~trinC alt covered cocoon is being sal for ttn Fn's gly ourselves. avisual's s noothness of finish are where the accurate cost pr°p° and ust design than e during coustal vi . In uo desiga t4 create an «Can t we design much more f reb Skatepark andckness, grade o eons emefg on comp' wall Con cdbange if finks 01 anangement)> the constxucU enforte ny non-desi {that is, a gu Nonrecuffi*ng Cost estimates 50' 50' Cost Estimate Design = Build ($40/sq ft) _ Total = $2009000 $100,000 $300,000 Recurring uor%st estimate Management: Open 3 month/year - every day in summer Open 3 month/year - weekends during school Attendant from YMCA Cost of Attendant: Summer: 3 months X 30 days/mo X 8 hours/day X $10/hour = $7,200 School Season: 3 months X 8 days/mo X 8 hours/day X $10/hour = $1,200 _ $8,400 yloney Generated Skaters'. Total Days skaters/hour g hours/day Charge ($5/hr) 'dotal Revenue 114 days /hour 134 X 130 holds 75) r 11 skaters 5 $50,160/year Return on Investment Return on Investment 450000- 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Total Cost Total Revenue Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SIEN-IN SHEET FOR..THE B,QARD 'OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE. i - NAME ADDRESS (Please print) ~-r~ vv ~ Z~ ~ mss' ~ ~y Z 6- I-144mlo'S -4z. (Jo in 7o-f-h S5 FR P-Ajcts -D r. ba<i7V rya f,c Y 1 /71j 9, Ga).ovese-, /0 )DL/ck ~~d ~r~~ S: it 14 0 U -C V i2-c--- ~S its vc ~c /r~, J i