HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-10 Board of Selectmen Packetwages 0.00% Town of Reading expenses 0.00% Budget Summary Amended One Year One Year 119109 3:53 PM Actual (Fall '08 TM) Changes Projected Changes No. FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY - 2009 FY - 2010 FY - 2010 IKevenues A General Fund Revenues $71,108,242 Al Total Property Taxes 46,930,931 A2 Total Other Local Revenues 7,444,464 A3 Total Intergov't Revenues 13,877,302 A4 Total Transfers & Available 2,855,545 Ear-marked revenues (4,175,795) Debt Exclusion (2,779,887) MSBA (1,395,908) IA98 Revenues before CashlSav. $66,932,447 A5 Free Cash 1,644,597 A6 Savings 500,000 IA99 Net Available Revenues $69,077,044 5% for debt + capital JACCOn11110Clatea uosts B Benefits C Capital D Debt E Energy F Financial G Education - Out of district H Education - Vocational J Miscellaneous K Community Priorities L1 Annual Accommodated Costs M1 Extra Capital M2 Stabilization Fund ( L2 Net Accommodated Costs Operating Costs OC1 Municipal Government OC, School Department OC" Building Maintenance OC4' School, Town, Buildings Municipal Government School Department Building Maintenance TOTAL EXPENSES (L2+OC4) (Surplus/(Deficit) 0 $ 71,984,604 1.2% $ 72,709,159 1.0% 48,459,885 3.3% 49,855,230 2.9% 6,520,000 -12.4% 5,835,000 -10.5% 14,191,163 2.3% 14,222,822 0.2% 2,813,556 -1.5% 2,796,107 -0.6% (3,243,073) -22.3% (3,246,446) 0.1% (2,780,988) 0.0% (2,784,361) 0.1% (462,085) -66.9% (462,085) 0.0% $68,741,531 2.7% $ 69,462,713 1.0% 201,750 -87.7% 0 -100.0% 350,000 -30.0% 0 -100.0% $ 69,293,281 0.3% $ 69,462,713 0.2% 3,464,664 3,473,136 10,039,183 10,835,903 852,684 650,800 2,355,671 2,617,163 2,157,908 2,515,704 410,428 914,175 3,956,515 3,390,305 318,657 424,113 3,128,044 2,690,753 0 36,095 $23,219,090 $ 24,075,011 $ 952,400 365,000 $ 500,000 350,000 $24,671,490 $24,790,011 7.9% 11,687,562 -23.7% 980,641 11.1% 2,492,494 16.6% 2,491,277 122.7% 565,200 -14.3% 3,866,848 33.1% 438,957 -14.0% 2,834,557 100% 35,000 3.7% $ 25,392,536 -61.7% 0 -30.0% 0 0.50/6 $ 25,392,536 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% One Year One Year Projected Changes Projected Changes FY .2011 FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2012 $ 74,844,830 2.9% $ 77,142,626 3.1% 51,295,832 2.9% 52,753,860 2.8% 5,801,750 -0.6% 5,876,838 1.3% 14,910,859 4.8% 15,633,297 4.8% 2,836,390 1.4% 2,878,632 1.5% (3,260,276) 0.4% (3,255,863) -0.1% (2,798,191) 0.5% (2,793,778) -0.2% (462,085) 0.0% (462,085) 0.0% $ 71,584,554 3.1% $ 73,886,763 3.2%. 0 0.0% 0 0.0% $ 71,584,554 IN $ 73,886,763 3,579,228 3,694,338 7.9% 12,480,595 50.7% 1,035,201 -4.8% 2,544,027 -1.0% 2,740,404 -38.2% 612,210 14.1% 4,060,190 3.5% 460,905 5.3% 2,870,915 -3.0% 0 5.5% $ 26,804,447 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 2.4% $ 26,804,447 6.8% 13,280,495 5.6% 1,283,717 2.1% 2,410,621 10.0% 3,014,445 8.3% 660,071 5.0% 4,263,200 5.0% 483,950 1.3% 3,006,656 0 5.6% $ 28,403,155 100.0% 0 100.0% 0 5.6% $ 28,403,155 13,154,051 13,761,370 4.62% 13,761,370 0.00% 13,761,370 0.00% 13,761,370 27,225,827 28,608,458 5.08% 28,533,458 -0.26% 28,533,458 0.00%1 28,533,458 2,358,560 2,502,153 6.09% 2,502,153 0.00% 2,502,153 0.00% 2,502,153 1 $42,738,438 $ 44,871,981 4.99% $ 44,796,981 -0.17% $ 44,796,981 0.00% $ 44,796,981 30.78% 30.67% 30.72% 30.72% 30.72% 63.70% 63.76% 63.70% 63.70% 63.70% 5.52% 5.58% 5.59% 5.59% 5.59% $67,409,928 $69,661,992 3.3% $70,189,517 0.8% $ 71,601,428 2.0%1 $ 73,200,136 $ (726,805)1 $ (16,873) 1 $ 686,6281 3.2% MSBA's share will reduce Nov 08 TM Nov 08 TM adds $926,750 Nov 08 TM 6.4% 24.0% debt+capital minimum per -5.2% 5% FINCOM policy 10.0% 7.8% 5.0% 5.0% 4.7% MUNIS license $.0%I -100.0% -100.0% 6.0%I 0.00% 0.00% less $75,000 in FY10 0.00% 0.00%: 2.2%I Town of Reading A Revenues - Details Amended One Year One Year One Year One Year 119109 3:53 PM (Fall '07 TM) Projected Changes Projected Changes Projected Changes Projected Changes No. FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY - 2009 FY - 2010 FY - 2010 FY - 2011 FY - 2011 FY - 2012 FY - 2012 Prooertv Taxes Tax levy (within levy limit) 44,127,125 45,804,364 3.8% 47,519,656 3.7% 48,963,897 3.0% 50,444,244 3.0% New Growth 549,232 556,276 1.3% 250,000 -55.1% 250,000 0.0% 250,000 0.0% Orig $250k+Nov08 TM $1601c+$140k to/ecomm +6k extra Tax levy (debt exclusion) 2,779,887 2,780,988 0.0% 2,784,361 0.1% 2,798,191 0.5% 2,793,778 -0.2% MSBA will reduce at some point Abatements and exemptions (525,313) (681,743) 29.8% (698,787) 2.5% (716,256) 2.5% (734,163) 2.5% Nov 08 TM by 1401r telecomm) Al Total Property Taxes 46,930,931 48,459,885 3.3% 49,855,230 2.9% 51,295,832 2.9% 52,753,860 2.8% Other Local Revenues Motor Vehicle Excise 2,966,745 2,850,000 -3.9% 2,500,000 -12.3% 2,300,000 -8.0% 2,200,000 -4.3% MV sales 70% in 09 & 10 of prior; 100% in FY11 & FY12 Penaltieslinterestontaxes 190,443 166,000 -12.8% 174,300 5.0% 183,015 5.0% 192,166 5.0% Payments in lieu of taxes 281,669 276,000 -2.0% 289,800 5.0% 304,290 5.0% 319,505 5.0% Charges for services 1,478,783 1,480,000 0.1% 1,554,000 5.0% 1,631,700 5.0% 1,713,285 5.0% 2.47% rate 11123108 is dropping fast Licenses & permits 137,957 125,000 -9.4% 131,250 5.0% 137,813 5.0% 144,703 5.0% Int (000s) Prin(000s) Special Assessments 2,568 3,000 16.8% 3,150 5.0% 3,308 5.0% 3,473 5.0% $ 161 $ 6,500 reserves Fines 164,022 150,000 -8.5% 157,500 5.0% 165,375 5.0% 173,644 5.0% $ 457 $ 18,500 non-reserve cashflow & capital prof. Interest Earnings 1,716,001 1,070,000 -37.6% 625,000 -41.6% 656,250 5.0% 689,063 5.0% $ 618 $ 25,000 higher cash balances is temp. Medicaid Reimbursement 506,276 400,000 -21.0% 400,000 0.0% 420,000 5.0% 441,000 5.0% figure assumes historic collections Other A2 Total Other Local Revenues 7,444,464 6,520,000 -12.4% 5,835,000 -10.5% 5,801,750 -0.6% 5,876,838 1.3%1 intergovernmental Revenue State Aid (Net of offsets) 12,481,394 13,729,078 10.0% 13,760,737 0.2% 14,448,774 5.0% 15,171,212 5.0% FY10=FY08 +5%+5%; FY09 & FY10 may be.too high MSBA 1,395,908 462,085 -66.9% 462,085 0.0% 462,085 0.0% 462,085 0.0% Nov 08 TM Other state aid -Supplemental Aid A3 Total Intergov't Revenues 13,877,302 14,191,163 2.3% 14,222,822 0.2% 14,910,859 4.8% 15,633,297 4.8% Ooeratina Transfers and Available Funds Cemetery sale of lots 10,000 37,665 276.7% 25,000 -33.6% 25,000 0.0% 25,000 0.0% Sale of real estate funds 375,000 350,000 -6.7% 325,000 -7.1% 300,000 -7.7% 275,000 -8.3% continue declining usage Reading Ice Arena Authority 120,000 120,000 0.0% 120,000 0.0% 120,000 0.0% 120,000 0.0% capital improvements - unsure if sustainable RMLD earnings distribution 2,073,332 2,154,224 3.9% 2,176,107 1.0% 2,241,390 3.0% 2,308,632 3.0% assumes +3% vs actual Overlay surplus 169,213 151,667 -10.4% 150,000 -1.1% 150,000 0.0% 150,000 0.0% Medicare D Reimbursement 108,000 0 -100.0% Developer Mitigation 0 A4 Total Transfers & Available I 2,855,545 2,813,556 -1.5% 2,796,107 -0.6% 2,836,390 1.4% 2,878,632 1.5% Certified Free Cash 1,644,597 201,750 Nov 08 TM $126,750; $75,000 previously Stabilization Fund 500,000 350,000 Nov 08 TM A5 Free Cash & Savings 2,144,597 551,750 -74.3% 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 73,252,839 72,536,354 -0.98% 72,709,159 0.24% 74,844,830 2.94% 77,142,626 3.07% Town of Reading Accom Costs - Summary 119109 3:53 PM No. B Benefits C Capital D Debt (net - tax levy) E Energy F Financial G Education - Out of district H Education - Vocational J Miscellaneous K Community Priorities TOTAL Accommodated COSTS (Accommodated Costs - Detail B Accommodated Costs - Benefits B1 Group Health I Life Ins. OPEB B2 Workers Compensation 83 Police I Fire Indemnification B4 Contributory Retirement B5 Non-Contrib. Retirement B6 Medicare I Social Security B7 Unemployment Benefits B99 Total Benefits Amended One Year One Year One Year One Year (Fall'07TM) Projected Changes Projected Changes Projected Changes Projected Changes FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY - 2009 FY - 2010 FY - 2010 FY • 2011 FY - 2011 FY • 2012 FY - 2012 10,039,183 10,835,903 7.9% 11,687,562 7.9% 12,480,595 6.8% 13,280,495 6.4% 852,684 650,800 -23.7% 980,641 50.7% 1,035,201 5.6% 1,283,717 24.0% 2,355,671 2,617,163 11.1% 2,492,494 4.8% 2,544,027 2.1% 2,410,621 -5.2% 2,157,908 2,515,704 16.6% 2,491,277 -1.0% 2,740,404 10.0% 3,014,445 10.0% 410,428 914,175 122.7% 565,200 -38.2% 612,210 8.3% 660,071 7.8% 3,956,515 3,390,305 -14.3% 3,866,848 14.1% 4,060,190 5.0% 4,263,200 5.0% 318,657 424,113 33.1% 438,957 3.5% 460,905 5.0% 483,950 5.0% 3,128,044 2,690,753 -14.0% 2,834,557 5.3% 2,870,915 1.3% 3,006,656 4.7% $ 36,095 100% $ 25,000 -30.7% $ -100.0% $ 0.0% $23,219,090 $ 24,075,011 3.7% $ 25,382,536 5.4% $ 26,804,447 5.6% $ 28,403,155 6.0% 1 $ 265,000.00 1 6,528,737 7,255,244 11.1% 7,980,768 10.0% 8,619,230 8.0% 9,308,768 8.0% Nov 08 TM HOLDBACK $200,000 - 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 25,000 100.0% 0 100.0% +$24,880 (Town) 258,115 258,897 0.3% 241,050 -6.9% 253,103 5.0% 265,758 5.0% +5% vs actual +claims HOLDBACK$15,000 49,335 50,000 1.3% 52,500 5.0% 55,125 5.0% 57,881 5.0% 2,595,763 2,653,102 2.2% 2,716,532 2.4% 2,784,445 2.5% 2,854,056 2.5% unsure of future fundin g schedule 84,206 77,280 -8.2% 79,212 2.5% 81,192 2.5% 83,222 2.5% 485,799 491,380 1.1% 565,000 15.0% 607,375 7.5% 652,928 7.5% 525k pace for FY09 37,228 50,000 34.3% 52,500 5.0% 55,125 5.0% 57,881 5.0% $10,039,183 $10,835,903 7.9% $11,687,562 7.9% $ 12,480,595 6.8% $ 13,280,495 6.4% C Accommodated Costs - Capital C99 Total Capital $ 852,6841 $ 1 D Accommodated Costs - Debt (net. inside levv limit) D1 Debt Service - Principal 4,034,000 D2 Debt Service - Interest 2,513,457 D3 Excluded debt (2,779,887) D4 MSBA reimbursements (1,395,908) D5 adiustments (excluded premium) (15,991) 650,800 -23.7% $ 980,641 50.7% $ 1,035,201 5.6% $ 1,283,717 24.0% 3,755,000 -6.9% 3,720,000 -0.9% 3,865,000 3.9% 3,885,000 0.5% 2,120,831 -15.6% 2,034,050 4.1% 1,939,303 4.7% 1,781,484 -8.1% (2,796,583) 0.6% (2,799,471) 0.1% (2,798,191) 0.0% (2,793,778) -0.2% (462,085) -66.9% (462,085) 0.0% (462,085) 0.0% (462,085) 0.0% D99 Total Included Debt 1 $ 2,355,671 $ 2,617,163 11.1% $ 2,492,494 C+L Net included debt+ capital = 5% of net available reve 3,464,664 3,473, 936 -4.8% $ 2,544,027 2.1% $ 2,410,621 •5.2% 3,579,228 3,694,338 q) - Town of Reading ACcom Costs - Detail Amended One Year 119109 3:53 PM (Fall'07 TM) Projected Changes Projected No. FY - 2008 FY - 2009 FY - 2009 FY - 2010 E Accommodated Costs - Enerov E1 Street Lighting 199,000 226,505 13.8% 249,156 E2 Heating of Buildings-Town 150,870 144,430 -4.3% 147,798 E3 Heating of Buildings-Schools 700,954 962,317 37.3% 788,870 E4 Utilities-Town 182,541 172,948 -5.3% 198,967 E5 Utilities-Schools 734,791 798,714 8.7% 895,696 E6 Fuel - vehicles (in DPW budget) 189,752 210,790 11.1% 210,790 E99 Total Energy I $ 2,157,908 $ 2,515,704 16.6% $ 2,491,277 F Accommodated Costs - Financial F1 Casualty Insurance 333,342 354,175 6.2% 340,200 F2 Veteran's Assistance 77,086 60,000 -22.2% 75,000 F3 FINCOM Reserve Fund 150,000 100.0% 150,000 F4 Stabilization Fund 350,000 F99 Total Financial 1 $ 410,428 $ 914,175 122.7% $ 565,200 G Accommodated Costs - Education out of district G1 Out of district SPED transportation 856,043 928,825 8.5% 915,000 G2 Out of district SPED tuition 4,364,572 4,311,480 -1.2% 4,349,648 G3 Out of district SPED rev. offsets (1,264,100) (1,500,000) 18.7% (1,397,800) G4 Out of district SPED carry forward (350,000) 100.0% 0 G99 Total Education - Out of distr. I $ 3,956,515 $ 3,390,305 -14.3% $ 3,866,848 H Accommodated Costs - Education Vocational School. H1 Vocational School Assessments 1 318,657 424,113. 33.1% 438,957 H99 Total Education - Voke 1 $ 318,657 $ 424,113 33.1% $ 438,957 1 J Accommodated Costs - Miscellaneous J1 Rubbish Collection / Disposal 1,372,452 1,468,276 7.0% 1,544,626 J2 Snow and Ice Control 995,351 450,000 -54.8% 500,000 J3 State Assessments 582,481 581,778 -0.1% 599,231 Cemetery 177,760 190,699 7.3% 190,699 J4 Salaries and Wages 140,248 151,929 8.3% 151,929 J5 Expenses 37,512 38,770 3.4% 38,770 J99 Total Miscellaneous 1 $ 3,128,044 1 $ 2,690,753 -14.0% $ 2,834,557 D One Year One Year One Year Changes Projected Changes Projected Changes FY-2010 FY-2011 FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2012 10.0% 274,071 10.0% 301,478 10.0% 2.3% 162,578 10.0% 178,836 10.0% $ (243) change since November Fin'l Forum -18.0% 867,757 10.0% 954,533 10.0% $ (197,505) change since November Fin'I Forum 15.0% 218,864 10.0% 240,750 10.0% $ 8,724 change since November Fin'I Forum 12.1% 985,266 10.0% 1,083,792 10.0% $ 17,111 change since November Fin'I Forum 0.0% 231,869 10.0% 255,056 10.0% $3.001gal FY10 -1.0% $ 2,740,404 10.0% $ 3,014,445 10.0%1$ (171,913) change since November Fin'I Forum -3.9% 357,210 5.0% 375,071 5.0% +5% vs actual w/o rwds HOLDBACK $50,000 25.0% 80,000 6.7% 85,000 6.3% 0.0% 175,000 16.7% 200,000 14.3% Nov 08 TM -38.2% $ 612,210 8.3% $ 660,071 7.8% -1.5% 960,750 5.0% 1,008,788 5.0%1 $ (69,555) change since November FinI Forum 0.9% 4,567,130 5.0% 4,795,487 5.0%1 $ 38,168 change since November Fin'I Forum -6.8% (1,467,690) 5.0% (1,541,075) 5.0%1 $ 177,200 change since November Fin'I Forum -100.0% 14.1% $ 4,060,190 5.0%1 $ 4,263,200 5.0%1 $ 145,814 change since November Fin'[ Forum 3.5% 460,905 5.0% 483,950 5.0% foundation budget only (est.) 3.5% $ 460,905 5.0% $ 483,950 5.0% 5.2% 1,563,007 1.2% 1,680,233 7.5% Contract expires FYI 1 11.1% 500,000 0.0% 500,000 0.0% continue to targeted $500k level 3.0% 617,208 3.0% 635,725 3.0% 0.0% 190,699 0.0% 190,699 0.0% 0.0% 151,929 0.0% 151,929 0.0% 0.0% 38,770 0.0% 38,770 0.0% 5.3% $ 2,870,915 1.3% $ 3,006,656 4.7% TO: Board of Selectmen From: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager Date: Friday, January 09, 2009 Re: FY 2010 Budget Guiding Principles • Avoid Gimmicks; • Maintain necessary levels of Public Safety and Public Health; • Maintain necessary levels of local services to assist those in need during difficult economic times; • Retain the ability to take advantage of opportunities (stimulus package); • Retain the Town's strong financial capability; • Maintain our ability to emerge from the current economic circumstances in a strong position (Economic Development); • Understand and respect the impact of local government decisions regarding increasing costs on our residents and taxpayers; • Explore short and long range efficiencies, regional opportunities, organizational changes, and outsourcing of services; • Determine what things we are currently doing that don't add value to the community, and what changes (state law) need to be made to avoid doing them; • Request "early retirement" legislation that the Town can tailor to its needs. Common Assumptions • Capital and Debt Service will remain at 5% of the budget; • Union Contracts will be honored; • The Pay and Classification system for non-union personnel will continue to be used; • We will set up a separate account (probably in the Finance Department Human Resources budget - for sick and vacation leave buy-back). Fees/Revenues Generally we would not recommend major changes in fees to address the budget shortfalls, but there are several areas that would not impact the general public but which we should consider: • Smoke Detector Fees - ours are very low; • Underground Storage Tank registration fees - ours are very low; • Site plan waiver fee - new; *Pagel P Town of Reading Current Staffing: Wage Costs in FY10 Curr FY09 FY10 Change % Wages $ 12,116,508 $ 12,395,436 2.3% $ 278,928 CS $ 792,258 $ 832,889 5.1% $ 40,631 Fire $ 3,287,507 $ 3,445,697 4.8% $ 158,190 Library $ 951,255 $ 994,947 4.6% $ 43,692 Dispatch $ 436,623 $ 452,153 3.6% $ 15,530 Town Manager $ 181,943 $ 187,450 3.0% $ 5,507 DPW $ 1,847,234 $ 1,896,982 2.7% $ 49,748 Accounting $ 151,421 $ 155,053 2.4% $ 3,632 Finance $ 919,769 $ 915,179 -0.5% $ (4,590) Police $ 3,548,498 $ 3,515,087 -0.9% $ (33,411) The projected figures for FY10 presume current staffing levels, with all contractual obligations met. A 2% COLA is assumed for non-union wages. (j) Fire and Emergency Management A requested FY 10 budget was developed to meet our current level of services. In FY 10 we will be required to provide a mandatory 24 hour Emergency Medical Technician refresher program for 25 employees. This refresher program occurs every other year and did not occur in' FY 09. To implement the guidelines of a level-funded budget, we will focus all resources into providing staffing for emergency response and this will result in the following impacts: • Violation of the collective bargaining agreement. • The on duty shift strength will fall below the required Firefighter minimums and require the removal of the Ladder Truck from service. • Possible elimination of the Fire Prevention Position and reassignment of the Day Officer to a Group. • Eliminate one Firefighter's position. • Eliminate response to all non-emergency calls such as car lockouts and pumping water from flooded homes. • Eliminate all unfunded public education programs such as public CPR and Choice Saver classes. The SAFE Program would continue as long as funding is continued to be provided by a State Grant. • Eliminate all non required fire and EMS Training. • Scale back maintenance on the municipal fire alarm system. Impacts to Fire Suppression and Emer2encv Medical Services: Removing the Ladder Truck from service has significant implications during a structure fire. • Firefighters will not have a ladder long enough to be able to reach a fire victim trapped at many third floor windows and above of homes, apartments and commercial properties. • Critical tactical operations such as ventilating smoke and toxic gases to protect a fire victim and permit the advancement of the hoseline crew will not be achieved. • The reduction of the number of fire apparatus in service will impact our ability to handle multiple requests for service (a common occurrence). • There will be emergency medical calls that require a mutual aid response to treat the patient. This could result in a 10 to 15 minute response time before treatment can begin. • Critical specialized tools required'to handle major car accidents will not be available. Examples include metal cutting tools, air bags, stabilization equipment and lighting. Impacts to Fire Prevention: • Elimination of the Fire Prevention position will significantly impact our fire prevention and code enforcement efforts. 0 r r H tl O 9.yp04P~o Jarred W. Cormier Chief of Police READING POLICE EP T OFFICE OF TBF, C: F 15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893 E-Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us BOS Meeting Saturday January 10, 2009 8:30am Budget Discussion Impact of Level Funded Budget FY10: this is a beginning not knowing the depth of the cuts yet. POLICE: • Meet our contractual obligations first • Not increase our OT line item - in essence that is a reduction in that line because salaries are increasing. o We can accomplish this by being fully staffed - decrease in OT use since last 3 officers began working independently o As example, we saw this work in dispatch - fully staffed - reduced OT • Eliminate non-mandatory trainings • Not ask for additional Police Officer although we are still understaffed by one person. In times of economic downturn, Police generally gets busier. • Not be replacing some aging equipment, get another year out of it. DISPATCH: • Meet our contractual obligations first • Not increase OT line item - we were able to reduce this line significantly by being fully staffed. If staffing remains constant we should be able to maintain this level. • Re-evaluate part-time dispatch position(s), possibly eliminate them. These positions have been helpful in the past in reducing OT use, especially if we loose a FTE either permanently or for an extended leave. Again, remaining fully staffed impacts this area. • Not ask for increased staffing to man the dispatch center with 2 people 24 hours a day. This has been discussed previously. • Use potential 911 grant for salary augmentation instead of increased staffing. (5) Services to be Removed from Community Services FY2010 budget Eliminate 1 FT Building Inspector - Building inspections will require longer waits. It will take a week to 10 days from day of request to the date of inspection (still within the 45 days required by the state). Currently, an inspection can be scheduled within the week it is requested. In FY 2010 the Building Inspector will have office hours two days per week (rather than 5 days a week). The wait for assistance at the counter and for a building permit will take longer. Eliminate Coordinator of Volunteers position If the position is not filled, Elder & Human services functions will be affected as follows: - Medical escorts will continue for those currently served, but requests to add new individuals will not be met. The program will therefore eventually dissolve. - Property tax worker program may continue if the Personnel Department and the Assessors Office can take on part of the applications, screening, interviewing, and income-eligibility, scheduling and reporting of hours. - The Adopt-a-Family program will need to be transferred to community volunteer groups. - Volunteer programs, including Shopping Assistance and Friendly Visitors (for isolated, homebound seniors), will be reduced in FY2010. New Services that the Town is expected to fulfill by federal or state rules, without additional funding: • Inspection of medical waste collection sites • Pool inspections now require compliance with the Virginia Graham Baker pool safety act, requiring anti-suction equipment on drains • Changes in food inspection rules related to food allergens and food labeling • Expanded emergency preparedness requirements • The public health regionalization bill has passed. This may entail additional responsibilities, but may also provide efficiencies. 0 . _i. 01O.N-IN SKEET FOR.. THE B,QARD OF SELEC TMEN MEETIN • DATE. u NAME ADDRESS (Please print) 1 ~Y,