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2009-01-27 Board of Selectmen Packet
Recommended Sidewalk construction and Sidewalk sno w plowing modif ications Elem School Proposed Action Street Location District Comment Connects to park Construct Sidewalk Mill Street Entirety Wood End and trail system Van Norden Lindsay to Difficult but school Construct Sidewalk Road Franklin Wood End route Forest to Wood End/Birch Connects major Construct Sidewalk Grove Street Franklin Meadow walks suggested by Walkable Reading - connection to trail system - difficult Franklin to sections because of Construct Sidewalk Grove Street Strout Ave Wood End high walls Bancroft, Highland to Construct Sidewalk Auburn,. Oakland Birch Meadow Serves 3 schools opposite widen to make Improve Sidewalk Main Street Putnam Birch Meadow plowing easier Linnea and Dana to Main Construct Sidewalk Irving Street Killam School Route east side - cem Baker to Forest trees block west Construct Sidewalk Pearl Street Glen Killam side Construct Sidewalk. I Forest Glen ,Pearl to Main Killam (north side connects park and Construct Sidewalk Pleasant Street John to Azaela Killam neighborhood major walking area Haverhill to "old to stores and to Construct Sidewalk 129 Circle Salem Street" Killam "Lake" Woburn line to Barrows/Joshua part of West Street Construct Sidewalk West Street Willow Street Eaton project Pine Ridge School route and Construct Sidewalk Road Oak to Walnut Joshua Eaton serves park complete to Walkable Reading Construct Sidewalk Deering Street Harriman Barrows? suggestion Walkable Reading recommendation - Construct Sidewalk Vine Street Mineral to Vine Barrows? commuter route Summer to West (actually I think from Hillcrest to Walkable Reading Construct Sidewalk Prescott Street West Joshua Eaton? Recommendation South to Construct Sidewalk Curtis Street Walnut Joshua Eaton School route A W M NANNE ME 1/23/2009 1 ' O' Add sidewalk plowing Franklin Stri Eliminate sidewalk plowing Main Street Eliminate sidewalk plowing Pearl Street Add sidewalk plowing John Street Add sidewalk West side o plowing West Street Add sidewalk plowing Main Street Add sidewalk plowing Main Street Haverhill to Main Wood End School route east side - Knollwood to School District Summer Joshua Eaton changed Charles to School District Baker Killam changed Salem to ' Walkers Brook completes walking Drive Killam route Enos to connects isolated Selfridge Barrows neighborhood west side - Summer to makes plowed Hopkins Joshua Eaton sidewalk continuous west side - Hopkins to completes walking Stoneham Joshua Eaton route west slue - connects to nign Add sidewalk South to Border demand commercial plowing West Street Road Joshua Eaton location north side - Eliminate sidewalk Lincoln to unnecessary - other plowing Prescott Summer Joshua Eaton side is plowed Note from Walkable Reading - if deciding which side of the street to plow, do the sidewalk on north side - better sun 1/23/2009 2 e 1 TeL (781) 942-2233 January 13, 2009 raw Office of William F. Crowley 626 Main Street Reading, Massachusetts 01867 wfcesoOverivon.net Steven A. Goldy, Chair, and Members of the Board of Selectmen Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 RE: Brande Court (Atlantic) Parking Lot Dear Mr. Goldy and Board Members: N 8 v N -o W It has come to my attention that the Board may have recently voted to allow the use of the parking lot behind the Atlantic for overnight parking by local residents. Until yesterday, I was unaware of this vote, and it seems that there are many others who did not know that this was allowed. The topic of conversation came up when I noticed a truck being towed from the Eastern Bank lot at 7:45AM yesterday. Apparently, the bank allows residents to park overnight, but all vehicles must be removed by 7AM. I don't know who owned the truck, or if the owner is aware that parking is allowed behind the Atlantic. If such parking was approved by the Board, it would be a good idea to have someone from the Town or the police department put a notice in each residential door in the area comprised of Haven, Gould, Linden, Sanborn, (west) Green, and Woburn Street from Sanborn to High Street so as to inform the residents. I don't think that there are that many residences, so this could probably be accomplished in an hour or two. The notice should include the hours allowed for parking, and the penalty for parking overtime. If a vehicle may be towed, the name and phone number of the towing company should be included in the notice. travel to Boston, and by employees who work in town. Also, I ask that the Board consider allowing all-day parking of vehicles with either a "Resident" or "Employee" sticker in the Atlantic parking lot. With ridership on the commuter rail up, and the occasional loss of parking spaces due to snow mounds, there are times when residents cannot find a "Resident" space near the depot. The Atlantic site will take some time to develop. In the meantime, the lot is nearly empty. Until such time as the redevelopment plans for the Atlantic site are approved, it seems to make sense that the lot should be used by our residents who Your favorable consideration of this proposal is very much appreciated. Sin rely, ENV V _.W./Y'~ William F. C/.2- O'~ Fax (781) 942-0292 1~~ Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:02 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Washington St., between Prescott and Lincoln. Board of Selectmen 1-27-09 From: Cormier, Jim Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:16 AM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; Burns, Greg Cc: Zambouras, George; McIntire; Ted; Lee, Michael; Robbins, Richard; Peter Garchinsky; Stamatis, Dave Subject: Washington St., between Prescott and Lincoln. Peter, With the snow, Washington St. between Prescott and Lincoln is extremely narrow. We have had parking issues there this week. I have had Mike Lee post No Parking on the North Side of Washington between Prescott and Lincoln, and bag the resident parking only signs. I suggest this stay in effect as long as the snow is prevalent. I think we should consider this for the winter months moving forward, and time it with the all night parking restriction. I don't know if you want to mention it for Tuesday night. I cc'd Greg on this because it will be difficult at best to get a Truck down there now and impossible with parking on both sides. Chief James W. Cormier Reading Police Department 15 Union St. Reading, MA 01867 781-944-1212 781-944-2893 Fax JCormiereci.readina.ma.us NA-233 When writing or responding, please remember that the secretary of State's Office has determined that email is a public record. This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received. I (::i- ~ 1/23/2009 Page I of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:16 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: MHD Response Attachments: MHD-Birchmeadow 010209.PDF For Board of Selectmen 1-27 - traffic issues From: Zambouras, George Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:13 PM To: Hechenbleikner, Peter; McIntire, Ted; Cormier, Jim; Lee, Michael Subject: MHD Response Afternoon all MHD will be installing the LED "No Turn on Red" we requested at Birchmeadow and Main this year. George J. Zambouras, P.E. Town Engineer 781-942-6683 781-942-5441(fax) Email: gzambouras@ci.reading.ma.us 1/15/2009 1 M I I % IS ~HIGHWAY Deval L. Pafnck Timothy P. Murray Bernard Cohen Governor Lt. Govr mor sewer January 2, 2009 Traffic - Reading George J. Zambouras, Town Engineer Town of Reading Public Works Department 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 Dear Mr. Zainbouras: Luisa Paiewonsky canmissu er AG %40 if MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION Thank you for your letter of December 9, 2008 regarding the installation of a LED "NO TURN ON RED" sign at the intersection of Route 28, Birchmeadow Road and Lawrence Road in Reading. The District's Traffic Operations Section has determined that the existing "NO TURN ON RED" sign on Route 28 southbound can be removed and a LED unit installed in its place. The work will be assigned to the District's open-ended signal contractor and will be completed as scheduling and weather permit. The LED sign will be connected to the pedestrian phase of the signal, as requested. This will allow right turns on red to occur at all times, except when the pedestrian phase is activated. Should you have any further questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Michael Karas, P.E., District Traffic Operations Engineer, at (781)641-8484. Sincerely, atricia A M~a enworth, P.E. District Highway Director JEG/gb cc: M.O. File 08-2008-0078 Traffic File Massachusetts Highway Dcpurtrn<<tua District 4a519.4ppleton Strut, :0-lington, d,/A 02476 x(781) 641-8300 Icr- G Page 1 of 1 Hechenb eikne , Peter From: Walkable Reading [walkablereading@comcast.net] Sent: Friday,' January 16, 2009 10:39 AM To: Town Manager Subject: Walkable Reading Hi Peter, At our 1/13 Walkable Reading meeting, a suggestion was made to use a section of the municipal parking lot behind Atlantic for commuter parking (with resident parking sticker only) until plans are finalized for the development of the Atlantic site. We were hoping this could be given consideration. Thanks, WR 1/21/2009 1 0~ 7 DRAFT - GOALS 2009 Things to work on for CY 2009: 1.. The overriding issue will be how to manage our budget to implement our highest priority services, programs, and projects in a time of declining resources 2. Prepare for potential Federal Stimulus package benefits to Reading 3. Board of Selectmen Operating Issues: - Continue regional dialogue - Institutionalize the BCC Chair/Vice Chair training - Follow-up on customer satisfaction survey, and customer service training 4. Resolve issues of double utility poles 5. Focus on Downtown: - Complete Downtown Streetscape project - Complete Downtown Parking study, and implement elements that can be implemented on a priority basis - Complete Downtown 40R study and determine how to proceed; and or amend the downtown mixed use regulations - Review sign sections of Zoning bylaw and get the proposed amendments before Town Meeting 6. Economic Development Develop design standards for South Main Street and get necessary amendments to Zoning bylaw before Town Meeting - Complete permitting of AWP site once a completed application for the site is received - Explore resources available to review and revise the entire Zoning Bylaw 7. Manage next steps in implementation of technology improvements including the MUNIs software and Records Management: - Train users on the intricacies and detail of the new MUNIs software and the volume of information available to the end users. - Implement Phase 2 of the new financial software. Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicle Tax Billing will be implemented in the Collectors office. Utility Billing will be implemented in DPW. General Billing will be implemented for Ambulance and Extra Detail Billing in the Public Safety Departments. - Complete parcel renumbering scheme for MUNIs. - Begin first phases of Records Management project s. Establish ad hoc Community-wide building committee to address present and future program needs of town facilities; 1 C. l - Work with Library Trustees and Facilities Department to implement recommendations of Building Assessment and establish a process for long-term facility improvements 9. Implement additional technology and web page improvements including: - Customer Request module - Town Manager Blog - Customers electronic interaction - Library - Launch new website - Add web-based Suggestion Box/ Library Director's blog option to supplement in-house Suggestion Box 10. Implement DPW Management Study: - Hire a replacement Director following the retirement of our current Director - Succession Planning - Address short term vehicle maintenance with contracting - Address long term vehicle maintenance through regional program or adding facility - Address project management through planning and tracking software - Begin pilot Performance Measurement 11. Extrapolate short-tern goals from new Library Plan of Service 2009-2014; - Establish work teams; - Lay groundwork for longer-term goals.. For example, seek additional funding for Local History digitization project; plan outreach to new residents, etc. 12. Determine what options exist to move forward with the local van service under the Suburban Mobility grant 13. Expand and Improve Public Safety programs - Expand the level ALS level of care to the community by placing ALS equipment on the Ladder truck. - Enhance the Town of Reading's Emergency Operations Center. - Fully implement the Petroleum By-law. 14. Revise and finalize clear Donations and Gifts Policy & Procedure and Donor recognition and create brochure and online process for all Gifts CG2.. SurveyMagik::Results::Customer Service Survey January 2009 Page 1 of 3 'hk F 1 I "I X Options Survevs > Results rr'' u~ v S ~~r r :"a M ;~i••~ ~a ~ ~ Survey J fip { /,esip'p, January t.»~taE 09 Q~Ldlit's ~ .J uu~, ~ G G Fi..6 .V• 6 i V c~ ~ Show JAII 'rl Show CSV.,By.,Answer CSV.,B.y_Taker I Display„by_Taicer j Manag.e,_Label.s. j Print 1. What department did you visit? GD, Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 o library o town clerk 4 carnmunity service o Reading Rec a Recreation o Town Clerk o Clerk, Library & Public Works m Town Clerk o Water o Light Dept. through the mail o Collector • Don't know - downstairs int he back m Elder Services e Engineering e DPW • Information Desk v Engineering o Yes • Engineering • Public Works o Engineering © Engineering 2, ``W hat was the reason for your visit? 3' Answered: 20 Skipped: 2 to use o ? on census a Flu shot o info on an adult class o Enroll my Kids in Karate; o remobing dog's name from license list o varied o drop off forms o Water Meter issue e name adjustment on bill o Pay a bill o Picking up stickers for bulk trash o Assistance with elderly relative - MassHealth, etc. m Realtor, checking out Property o to thank the guys • to ask about availability of a book o Tractor trucks on West St o Obtain copy of Memorial Park Plans ® Excellent Plowing n Water in driveway 3. Were you assisted in a timely manner? d http://readingma-survey.virtualtownhall.net/results/sid/30426f5473f3e953/ 1/22/2009 SurveyMagik:: Results:: Customer Service Survey January 2009 Page 2 of 3 Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 Yes 86.36%(19) - No 13.64%(3) 4. Was the person you spoke with helpful and courteous? Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 Yes 90.91 /n 20)... No 9.09%(2)r" 5. Please add any comments on your interaction with Town staff here: 3 Answered: 12 Skipped: 10 * 't'own Hall is always good, library rarely is * thanks o We didn't wait at all. As soon as we walked to the window, she began to ask what we needed help with. e John Feudo was very friendly and helpful m The person who handled my request kept moistening her fingers with saliva while turning pages in the census list, m 1"he personal approach is clealy evident. The custoemr-facing people in town offices are very helpful adn they always seem to empathize with your'probiem' if you have a problem. If you need to fill out a form or file a request they are right there to walk you through it. So far (the last couple yrs as I can recall) my hat goes off to all staff I have encoutnered, without excetpion. I even walked up to some guys working a sudden water line break one Saturday night around the corner. I asked why they had all these trucks with flashing lights going on. I was shown the problem, which was quite serious, and all hands hard at work, and I thanked thern and quietly left with some shame on my head.. so much for the community crime watch.. m Staff was friendly and knowledgeable. I dropped off census, camp, finance forms, and an item for historical commission. I've already received a Thank You from the historical commission! m I have written on my bill about changing my middle initial from "D" to "M" and yet nothing has been done. I am not able to go there as I am house bound. o Very pleasant and helpful * Staff, in any department, have always been most helpful. m Extremely helpful and courteous a Chris was very helpful 6. Did you achieve the business you were trying to achieve? Answered: 22 Skipped: 0 Yes 86.361%,(19) . , No 7, Please add any additional comments/suggestions as to how we can improve our service here: Answered: 12 Skipped: 10 m see above e lower taxes I was told the sign up was Tuesday night but since I work nights my husband never made it. Should I now mail in my applications for adult education? Thanks * Advise employees not to stick their fingers in their mouths. Use a wet sponge in a small saucer. m Being a homebound elder is difficult at best but to not be able to get simple things fixed like an initial on my bill is truly frustrating to me. * I first went in on 1-.2-09 to report a missing mailbox due to plows. Much to my amazement I had a new Postbox Monday morning I delivered donuts & coffee as a small thank you m But did get some useful information No improvement needed Service was top-notch © Peter is always helpful and goes beyond the questions. e I am complaining about too many tractor-trucks traveling on West Street all the time m Keep up the good work m Peter was Extremely helpful. We are dealing with water trouble at the end of our driveway a Very Helpful About You - we would like to be able to get back to you to address any comments or concerns: 1. What is your name? I. I-V Answered: 20 Skipped: 2 2, What is your address? L) Answered: 20 Skipped: 2 3, What Is your email address? 1±0 Answered: 16 Skipped: 6 4, What is your phone number? Answered: 15 Skipped: 7 5. May we add your information to our electronic mailing list that offers community updates? Answered: 16 Skipped: 6 1 J'2, http://readingma-survey.virtualtownhall.net/results/sid/30426f5473f3e953/ 1/22/2009 SurveyMagik: Results:: Customer Service Survey January 2009 Yes No Page 3 of 3 93.75%(15)SurveyMagik 4.1 @Copyright, All Rights Reserved SurvevMagik.com ~3 http://readingma-survey.vil tualtownhall,net/results/sid/30426f5473 f3 e953/ 1/22/2009 v ~ j3tc- - t ~t a I t~r } N Sgt ~ij 1 Uj (mod f f4i S cF~ x ~ ~ r ~ `~W $ y s Flee t<^ - J 1~ ~7t~ ~ ~ b J W~ r y~y Z Rls z_ z s - o ~ R' s i ti ~ i i . 3oS Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867-2683 HISTORICAL COMMISSION (781) 942-6661 historical@ci.reading.ma.us January 13, 2009 Mr. Glen Redmond Office of the Building Inspector Town Of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 .Re: 75 Pleasant Street Demolition Dear Mr. Redmond: It is our understanding that you are in receipt of an application for the demolition of 75 Pleasant Street, based on our telephone conversation of last week. While the Historical Commission maintains its right to impose a delay multiple times if multiple applications for demolition are filed for the same property, it will not pursue that course in this case. The Commission will release its delay enforcement under Section 5.13.4 of the General Bylaws, as it is satisfied that there is no reasonable likelihood that either the owner or some other group is willing to purchase, preserve, rehabilitate or restore the referenced structure. It is the Commission's position that during the one-year delay that ended August 2007, and for some time thereafter, the owner was co-operative with the Commission in seeking alternatives to demolition, and made continuing, bona fide and reasonable efforts to locate a purchaser to preserve, rehabilitate or restore the subject structure and that such efforts were unsuccessful. The Historical Commission maintains its view that the house reflects a significant cultural and social history. When the house was built in the 1840's, during the height of the Greek Revival period in architecture, the house was a centerpiece in the first subdivision in Reading. Siting the house to face west and on a slight hill looking toward the village center gave it a prominence in the new neighborhood. Originally built by the Buxton family, the structure was also home to Mrs. Buxton's parents, Enoch and Susan Peabody, who were founders of the anti-slavery movement in Reading, including a Female Anti- Slavery Society in 1833 - one of the first in the nation. Unfortunately, this prominent residence that once housed forward-minded, local civic leaders in a national movement preceding the Civil War, no longer maintains the architectural integrity-that once heralded its significance. cer~ly, f~ 9 '1 ✓t r a M Greenfield Chairman PI*% Page 1 of 2 Li ST" 43 oS Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:12 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: 1-93/1-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield I Board of Selectmen From., Bill Webster [mailto:billwhome@verizon.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:52 PM To: Frey, Bob (EOT); Corey, John; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul; Clarke, Dennis; Cosgrove, Joe; DiBlasi, Joe; Doyle, Jennifer; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; Grover, Robert; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley; Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Mayo, Rich; McLaughlin, Tom; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Motter, Andy; Natale, Patrick; Ragucci, David; Rogers, Maureen A.; Schmiedl, Elliot; Smith, Suzanne; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard Cc: Alfasso, Ruth; Blaustein, Joan; Chong, Michael; Cooke, Don; Crupi, Andrea (SEN); DiSarcina, Tony; Draisen, Mark (MAPC); Edwards, Adriel (EOT); Frey, Bob (EDT); Harwood, Tracey (Mayor McLaughlin); Town Manager; Janikula, Tom; Madden, Diane; Martel, Justin (HOU); McKinnon, Anne; McLaughlin, Thomas; McVann, John; Medeiros, Paul (work); O'Rourke, Carmen (HOU); Purdy, Jim; Pyke, Keri; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Tafoya, Ben; VanMagness, Frederick (HOU); Walsh, Kevin Subject: Re: I-93/I-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield Bob, I am sure you are aware of the two incidents that occurred during the recent snow storms, where snow was being plowed on an overpass and was pushed over the side and down onto vehicles on the road below. This was a concern that was raised a number of times at public meetings, and may have been raised at Task Force Meetings as well. I believe the response was that this does not happen. How can we be assured that it will not happen with the overpasses at the redesigned 1-93/I-95 Interchange? Bill Webster Original Message From: Frev. Bob (EOT) To: Corev. John ; Schubert. Rick ; Anthonv. Camille ; Barnes, Jonathan ; Bruen. Darlene ; Casev, Paul ; Clarke. Dennis ; Cosarove. Joe ; DiBlasi. Joe ; Doyle. Jennifer ; Everson. Jeff ; Festa. Mike ; Gallaaher. Jim ; Grover. Robert ; Grzeaorzewski. Josh ; Hamblin. Eileen ; Havern. Robert ; Jones. Bradlev ; Katsoufis. George ; Kennedv. Anthonv ; Kinsman. Art ; Leiner. Craia ; Mavo. Rich ; McLauahlin. Tom ; Meanev. Paul ; Medeiros. Paul ; Motter. Anav ; Natale. Patrick ; Raaucci. David ; Roaers. Maureen A. ; Schmiedl, EN.iot ; Smith. Suzanne ; Stinson. Richard ; Sullivan. Dan ; Tarallo. Ed ; Tisei. Richard ; Webster. Bill Cc: Alfasso. Ruth ; Blaustein. Joan ; Chona. Michael ; Cooke. Don ; CrUDi. Andrea (SEN) ; DiSarcina. Tonv ; Draisen. Mark (MAPC) ; Edwards. Adriel (EOT) ; Frey. Bob (EOT) ; Harwood. Tracey Mayor McLaughlin) ; Hechenblikner. Peter ; Janikula_Tom ; Madden. Diane ; Martel. Justin (HOU) ; McKinnon. Anne ; McLauahlin. Thomas ; McVann. John ; Medeiros. Paul (work) ; O'Rourke. Carmen (HOU) ; Purdv. Jim ; Pvke. Ked ; Schwartz. Bill ; Stein. Kathv ; Tafova. Ben ; VanMaaness. Frederick (HOU) ; Walsh. Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 12:21 PM Subject: 1-93/1-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield Hello and Seasons Greetings: ab i 1/20/2009 Page 2 of 2 It's hard to believe a whole year has already passed since my last update to all of you. Unfortunately, this year has not seen much progress in advancing the recommendations of the 1-93/195 Interchange Transportation Study. The reasons behind the delay in progress are numerous: continued funding issues, organizational restructuring, and various competing challenges brought on by the overall economic downturn, just to name a few. Right now, as time and resources permit, we are focusing on those short-terms recommendations that could potentially be accomplished with a minimum of delays when considering all the various regulations, permitting requirements, agency priorities and coordination, and other various implementation challenges. This focus has centered on implementing Alternative H1 - added travel lanes on Route 128, mostly east of the interchange. We are currently working closely with MassHighway to request a "phase 1 waiver" from the MEPA process. This process typically confirms that there would be no significant environmental impacts when constructing a highway improvement. This work involves wetlands delineation, calculation of impervious surface areas, and reviews of drainage, existing/planned shoulders and other various roadway characteristics. With approval of a phase 1 waiver, an improvement (in whole or part) would be allowed to proceed before completion of a full environmental impact report (EIR). MassHighway has recently collected some of the needed information, and we will soon be able to fully assess our chances for a waiver (FHWA approval is also required). We still intend to proceed with the EIR as time and resources permit. All information related to the completed planning study, environmental notification form, and MEPA certificate is still available at www.9395info.com. I will continue to inform everyone of further significant news or milestones once available. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2009! Bob Frey Manager of Transportation Analysis Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frev a~eot.state.ma.us 1/9,0/2009 Page 1 of 3 6 o-c- Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:53 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Cc: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: 1-93/1-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield L BOS From: Frey, Bob (EOT) [mailto:Bob, Frey@state.ma.us] Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:01 AM To: Bill Webster; Frey, Bob (EOT); Corey, John; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul (HOU Clarke, Dennis; Cosgrove, Joe; DiBlasi, Joe; Doyle, Jennifer; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; Grover, Robert; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley (HOU Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Mayo, Rich; McLaughlin, Tom; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Motter, Andy; Natale, Patrick (HOU Ragucci, David; Rogers, Maureen A.; Schmiedl, Elliot; Smith, Suzanne; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard (SEN) Cc: Alfasso, Ruth (DPH); Blaustein, Joan; Chong, Michael; Cooke, Don; Crupi, Andrea (SEN); DiSarcina, Tony; Draisen, Mark (MAPC); Edwards, Adriel (EOT); Frey, Bob (EOT); Harwood, Tracey (Mayor McLaughlin); Town Manager; Janikuia, Tom; Madden, Diane; Martel, Justin (HOU McKinnon, Anne; McLaughlin, Thomas; McVann, John; Medeiros, Paul (work); O'Rourke, Carmen (HOU Purdy, Jim; Pyke, Keri; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Tafoya, Ben; VanMagness, Frederick (HOU); Walsh, Kevin (MHD) Subject: RE: I-93/I-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield Bill, I posed your question to several MassHighway employees in snow ice operations. This is essentially a maintenance issue. The main instruction given to plow drivers is to SLOW DOWN when crossing overpasses - doing so will keep pushing the snow along rather than having it fly up and over the sides of the barriers. Vigilance in keeping the ramps plowed to avoid snow and ice buildup in the first place is also important. Sometimes, certain areas are pre-treated with snow-melt chemicals to minimize accumulation. In major snow events, equipment is sometimes repositioned to be available for problem areas. For example, front-end loaders make repeated passes along a shoulder to clear away excess snow, pushing piles along, until they can be, safely deposited off the ramp or roadway. All this is part of the standard operating procedures in place: making sure drivers have any special instructions, to continually monitor trouble spots, and make adjustments as needed. In terms of ramp design, catch basin placement and frequency is important for adequate drainage of melting snow to minimize build up as well. Special snow fencing attached to the tops of the barriers is another strategy available for trouble spots. A wider shoulder also helps, as is the case with the Exit 37C flyover ramps to Anderson. Most plowers working for MassHighway are individual contractors, so of course there can be no guarantees that it would never happen, but by using all the necessary operational and design methods detailed above, the amount of excess snow "flying over" a flyover or any other location can be minimized. Thanks, Bob Bob Frey Manager of Transportation Analysis Office of Transportation Planning. Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 ~m' 1/23/2009 Page 2 of 3 bob.frey@eot.state.ma.us From: Bill Webster [mailto:billwhome@verizon.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:52 PM To: Frey, Bob (EOT); Corey, John; Schubert, Rick; Anthony, Camille; Barnes, Jonathan; Bruen, Darlene; Casey, Paul (HOU Clarke, Dennis; Cosgrove, Joe; DiBlasi, Joe; Doyle, Jennifer; Everson, Jeff; Festa, Mike; Gallagher, Jim; Grover, Robert; Grzegorzewski, Josh; Hamblin, Eileen; Havern, Robert; Jones, Bradley (HOU Katsoufis, George; Kennedy, Anthony; Kinsman, Art; Leiner, Craig; Mayo, Rich; McLaughlin, Tom; Meaney, Paul; Medeiros, Paul; Molter, Andy; Natale, Patrick (HOU Ragucci, David; Rogers; Maureen A.; Schmiedl, Elliot; Smith, Suzanne; Stinson, Richard; Sullivan, Dan; Tarallo, Ed; Tisei, Richard (SEN) Cc: Alfasso, Ruth (DPH); Blaustein, Joan; Chong, Michael; Cooke, Don; Crupi, Andrea (SEN); DiSarcina, Tony; Draisen, Mark (MAPQ Edwards, Adriel (EOT); Frey, Bob (EOT); Harwood, Tracey (Mayor McLaughlin); Hechenblikner, Peter; Janikula, Tom; Madden, Diane; Martel, Justin (HOU McKinnon, Anne; McLaughlin, Thomas; McVann, John; Medeiros, Paul (work); O'Rourke, Carmen (HOU Purdy, Jim; Pyke, Keri; Schwartz, Bill; Stein, Kathy; Tafoya, Ben; VanMagness, Frederick (HOU); Walsh, Kevin (MHD) Subject: Re: I-93/I-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield Bob, I am sure you are aware of the two incidents that occurred during the recent snow storms, where snow was being plowed on an overpass and was pushed over the side and down onto vehicles on the road below. This was a concern that was raised a number of times at public meetings, and may have been raised at Task Force Meetings as well. I believe the response was that this does not happen. How can we be assured that it will not happen with the overpasses at the redesigned I-93/I-95 Interchange? Bill Webster Original Message From: Frev. Bob (EOT) To: Corev. John ; Schubert. Rick ; Anthonv. Camille ; Barnes. Jonathan ; Bruen. Darlene ; Casev. Paul ; Clarke. Dennis ; Cosarove. Joe ; DiBlasi. Joe ; Dovle. Jennifer ; Everson. Jeff ; Festa. Mike ; Gallaaher. Jim ; Grover. Robert ; Grzeaorzewski. Josh ; Hamblin, ileen ; Havern Robert ; Jones. Bradley ; Katsoufis._George ; Kennedv. Anthonv ; Kinsman. Art ; Leiner. Craig ; Mavo. Rich ; McLauahlin. Tom ; Meanev. Paul ; Medeiros. Paul ; Moter. Andv ; Natale. Patrick ; Ragucci_ David ; Rooers. Maureen A. ; Schmiedl. Elliot ; Smith. Suzanne ; Stinson. Richard ; Sullivan. Dan ; Tarallo. Ed ; Tisei. Richard ; Webster. Bill Cc: Alfasso, Ruth ; Blaustein Joan ; Chona. Michael ; Cooke. Don ; Crupi. Andrea (SEN) ; DiSarcina. Tonv ; Draisen. Mark (MAPC) ; Edwards. Adriel (EOT) ; Frev. Bob (EOT) ; Harwood. Tracev (Mayor McLauahlin) ; Hechenblikner. Peter ; Janikula, Tom ; Madden. Diane ; Martel. Justin (HOU) ; McKinnon. Anne ; McLauahlin. Thomas ; McVann. John ; Medeiros. Paul (work) ; O'Rourke. Carmen (HOU); ; Purdv. Jim ; eke. Keri ; Schwartz, Bill ; Stein. Kathv ; Tafoya. Ben ; VanMagness. Frederick HOU) ; Walsh. Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 12:21 PM Subject: 1-93/1-95 Interchange Woburn/Reading/Stoneham/Wakefield Hello and Seasons Greetings: It's hard to believe a whole year has already passed since my last update to all of you. Unfortunately, this year has not seen much progress in advancing the recommendations of the 1-93/195 Interchange Transportation Study. The reasons behind the delay in progress are numerous: continued funding issues, organizational restructuring, and various competing challenges brought on by the overall economic downturn, just to name a few. Right now, as time and resources permit, we are focusing on those short-terms recommendations that could potentially be accomplished with a minimum of delays when considering all the various regulations, permitting requirements, agency priorities and coordination, and other various implementation challenges. This focus has 1/23/2009 Page 3 of 3 centered on implementing Alternative H1 - added travel lanes on Route 128, mostly east of the interchange. We are currently working closely with MassHighway to request a "phase 1 waiver" from the MEPA process. This process typically confirms that there would be no significant environmental impacts when constructing a highway improvement. This work involves wetlands delineation, calculation of impervious surface areas, and reviews of drainage, existing/planned shoulders and other various roadway characteristics. With approval of a phase 1 waiver, an improvement (in whole or part) would be allowed to proceed before completion of a full ' environmental impact report (EIR). MassHighway has recently collected some of the needed information, and we will soon be able to fully assess our chances for a waiver (FHWA approval is also required). We still intend to proceed with the EIR as time and resources permit. All information related to the completed planning study, environmental notification form, and MEPA certificate is still available at www.9396info.com. I will continue to inform everyone of further significant news or milestones once available. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2009 ! Bob Frey Manager of Transportation Analysis Office of Transportation Planning Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation (617) 973-7449 bob.frevO,eot.state. ma.us g.G3 1/23/2009