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2009-03-31 Board of Selectmen Handout
TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Tuesday, March 39, 2009 • The Community Organizations Seminar on March 19, 2009 in the Police Community Room was well attended. • Municipal Relief Package - State • Federal Stimulus funding • Atlantic Liquor License - Hearing • EDC Associate positions • Tennis Courts • Fireworks. • Next Board of Selectmen - Office hour at 6:30 on o April 14 - James Bonazoli Dates and Events: • March 19 - Training session for Seminar for volunteer organizations re fundraising events • March 26 - Adopt-an-Island Kick-off • March 28 - 2 to 4 PM - Rabies Vaccination -at DPW garage cats from 2-3, dogs from 3 to 4 • April 1 - Dogs must be licensed • April 3 - Compost Center opens • April 4 - "Earth Day" at RMLD • April 6 - Mercury Collection at DPW garage • April 7 - Local Election • April 24 to May 2 - "Spring Spruce Up" focused on Reading's sidewalks • April 27 - Town Meeting begins • May 3 - Library House Tour • May 16 - Household Hazardous Waste Collection - at the Reading DPW • May 16 - Viewing Platform dedication - Bare Meadow • June 20 - Friends and Family Day 0 1 xII,i - A t £ !a! - N L.- 7 r zP p 43 777 . _ - C r. l 4t71 15 r I _ F Cy Connnuta Pail t~ r.. p 11 32 ,7} COmmLda'P.ailStdions a , t(i ,X35 r A. Commuter Pail j Er c,S.• , Highvoys i`- s44Q Interstate r t' 7 yy c~4 JJ ar P Hi hY~ay f .r a r°° ^ 4'6 SignificantBuilcinas _ _ ~ t 4 77115 s 0^' . r} q ti =M Olh-.r Tow Wilding t t r5 Other d. ~ 5 Pr er ies S'11Eft1 4i l r 64a vc ti~ Hs4 r 6 (ding ---SALEt,I_$T 29 n 'L s59o T' 3110 2n :i, Cctiit'tci'9 ~ HitEcr• c Sit• i i~T 6uldings (1 K Sid-w©II (1996) f f,,4822 am onvev ~ 93 i s~~ p i '..'~3L' ,35 PiTmeit(:13d:ings(ty ) " J V os Psl:ing(1£Ei8) it pcrred 1 C Unpav&J ROWS (1998), 39 UnpzNtd AC, } I ° b6u {I 4U95 Steams A' Steam _ U;IQ4sST Hidden Stream 2? v z 1.... _ Hyt7ia Comedcr jp1j()J4 ST rs atd LeICZ, t 7E_to-::. Paois c { gait _I - Panxts vrth Orlhos t9t3 6D7 5 tbG ! 5 I IP- V oelS i - Q AtuttingTsrns I. f t r _I 7 r .o till- i ,405 o T7782 -7 r Ci o 9 458 a t 6" r` G e8 z r ?.r~ FFB 7644 The data shown on this site are _ - 9Cz4 rovided for planning purposes ant 7 4C, 0 95 190 ft 83 Hamden Street Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:52 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Crosswalk From: KRISTIN LANZI [mailto:klanzi4@verizon.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:37 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Crosswalk To: Selectmen Re: Crosswalk We, Paul and Kristin Lanzi, 58 Lawrence Road, support a crosswalk on Birch Meadow Drive from the emergency entrance to the field. klanzi4(a)verizon. net 781-944-7891 3/31/2009 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:23 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: crosswalk at Birchmeadow From: Deb BURPEE [mailto:dmdburpee@verizon.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 7:54 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: crosswalk at Birchmeadow I support the crosswalk at the Birch Meadow School along Birch Meadow Drive. I cross my child there every morning and afternoon and it is a very dangerous spot. In the spring the gym teacher crosses her classes across their to the field during the day. Thank you Debra Burpee 3/31/2009 OL9 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:53 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Crosswalk at back of Birch Meadow school From: Karen Croteau [mailto:croteaukaren@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 2:04 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Crosswalk at back of Birch Meadow school This email is in lieu of my ability to attend the selectmen's meeting tomorrow night. But it is to show that I am an advocate for putting a crosswalk in at the back of Birch Meadow school. This is a HUGE traffic area and anything that can be done that could potentially save a life is worth the cost in my opinion. Appreciate the consideration. Regards, Karen & Richard Croteau Karen Cr°oteau - ConsultantJD# - 15814810 Independent Consultant Arbon.ne Irzternational H 781.942.3868 C 617.851.4612 We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.... Helen Keller 3/30/2009 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:49 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Crosswalk at Birch Meadow School From: Carrie Burns [mailto:jb411@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 2:42 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Crosswalk at Birch Meadow School To whom it may concern, I am emailing you in reference to the support of the crosswalk in the back of Birch Meadow School. I know that there is a meeting tomorrow night, I am unable to attend but I wanted to voice my opinion. My name is Carrie Burns and I have 2 children currently at Birch Meadow and a third to start in the fall. We live right behind the school, so we do walk to school with the exception for last winter when I broke my leg and had to drive to the back of the school to get my children, as I could not make it through the ice and snow. I was shocked at what happens back there. There is a steady flow of children,parents and grandparents crossing that road everyday not to mention my children that are crossing for gym. 1 am astounded that no one has been hurt crossing that road. There are cars parked on both sides along with a study flow of traffic going both ways and then we throw in there children and parents crossing the street. It is truly a very dangerous spot. I am shocked that people do not view it as a dangerous. It took me all of a few days to park there and realize something needed to be done to prevent a tragedy from happening. I know there is a crosswalk at the corner of Arthur B lord and there is also a crossing guard. This other spot is a natural flow for the school and if everyone went out the front of the building we would have massive traffic jams daily. The spot in which we are speaking about to put the crosswalk is needed and I would hope with the out pouring of parents that this is taken seriously and approved. All I want is to protect the children from harm and that is a extremely dangerous crossing area. Thank you for taking the time to read my email and 1 hope we can get this approved and get the crosswalk in sooner than later. We have been extremely lucky thus far. Sincerely, Carrie Burns 27 Estate Lane Reading Ma 01867 c? 3/30/2009 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:51 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: crosswalk for Birch Meadow From: Julie Callahan [mailto:jacallahan@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 2:20 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: crosswalk for Birch Meadow Dear Selectmen, I am in total support of a crosswalk near the emergency access road behind Birch Meadow School. Each school day, hundreds of students and their parents cross there to gain access to the school grounds. Due to lack of parking on Arthur B. Lord drive, parking on Birch Meadow Drive is our only alternative. Our P.E. teachers and students cross Birch Meadow Drive, at that location to use the Birch Meadow fields for gym classes. Please consider a crosswalk, speed bumps or a raised/painted crosswalk to slow down traffic and indicate pedestrian crossing. Sincerely, Julie Callahan Birch Meadow Parent 49 Chute Street 3/30/2009 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:45 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Support for crosswalk on Birch Meadow Dr. From: keith albert [mailto:albert279@verizon.net] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 3:04 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Support for crosswalk on Birch Meadow Dr. I am writing to show my support for a crosswalk at the emergency access driveway at the Birch Meadow school. I travel to and from school along Birch Meadow Dr. and feel that for safety reasons this should be a priority. Thank you Mary Jo Albert 0 3/30/2009 Birch Meadow Crosswalk Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:45 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Birch Meadow Crosswalk From: Robillard, Scott [mailto:Scott.Robillard@FMR.COM] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 3:33 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Birch Meadow Crosswalk Good afternoon, Page 1 of 1 I am writing to put my support behind the request to add a crosswalk on Birch Meadow Drive behind the Birch Meadow School. My wife and I have crossed the street to get to the back of the school a number of times over the past couple of years and we believe that a crosswalk may be a good alert/reminder that the area is a place for crossing. Cars can often dart out from parking spots and come close to hitting kids (and parents) who are crossing. In addition, many people use that road as a cut through. The vast majority of drivers, I'm sure, are well aware that the street passes by the Birch Meadow School and slow down or stop when approaching the area. However, some drivers may not be familiar with the area or have become distracted for one reason or another. Having the crosswalk will help alert drivers to stop or use more caution when driving by the area. Thank you for your consideration. Scott Robillard 3/30/2009 Page 1 of 1 Schena, Paula From: Hechenbleikner, Peter Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:40 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Birch Meadow Drive Crosswalk Cc for tomorrow night _ _ From: Elizabeth Rogers [mailto:chrismikemom@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:20 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Birch Meadow Drive Crosswalk Hello Selectmen, I am a parent of two Birch Meadow students, grades 3 and kindergarten. In the four years I have had children at the school, I have noticed many problems with the traffic flow at drop off and pick up times along Birch Meadow Drive. While the sidewalk that was recently put in on the school side of the road has helped matters by providing a safe and accessible path to the back of the school, there is still a problem with the lack of a crosswalk at this location. Mothers pushing strollers or trailed by young preschool and toddler children can be constantly seen running across the street after parking on the field side, dodging traffic and causing potential accidents. Sight lines are very bad given the number of cars parked on either side of the road at that location; it's an accident waiting to happen. I am in complete support of putting in a crosswalk on Birch Meadow Drive to allow people safe access to the service road leading up to the back of the school. I don't believe anyone wants to wait until an adult or young child in this community is severly injured or killed before putting in a crosswalk. Please vote in favor of this. It's the right thing to do. Sincerely, Elizabeth Rogers Colburn Rd. resident, up for election as Town Meeting Member in April 3/30/2009 IL Enterprise Funds - Town Mgr Budget Assumotions forFY11-FY12: Wages 4.00% Approved Expenses 7.00% November 2008 (Revised) Percent Approved Percent Requested Percent Estimated Percent No. (Pay Down WTP} FY - 2008 07 to'08 FY - 2009 08 to '09 FY - 2010 09 to '10 FY -2011 10 to '11 Water W1 Salaries and Wages W2 Expenses W3 Debt Service W4 Capital Outlay W5 Water Fund Reserves Net Water Fund offsets for general fund W99 Water Fund voted Sewer Xi Salaries and Wages X2 Expenses X3 Debt Service X4 Capital Outlay X5 Sewer Fund. Reserves Net Sewer Fund offsets for general fund X99 Sewer Fund voted Storm Water Y1 Salaries and Wages Y2 Expenses Y3 Debt Service Y4 Capital Outlay Y5 Storm Water Fund offsets for general fund I Y99 Storm Water Fund voted REVISED for additional MUNIS Community Priority 54644 wateriS4384 sewer 581,106 -18.55% 612,171 5.35% 632,349 3.30% 657,643 4.00% 2,696,802 -2.52% 2,666,507 -1.12%0 2,734,455 2.55% 2,925,867 7.00% ,305,579. 38.84% 1,929,769 47,81% 1,890,234 -2.05% 1,839,206 -2.70% 282,000 85.53% 161,000 -42.91% 340,000 111.18% 580,000 70.59% 4,865,487 6.41% 5,369,447 10.36% 5,597,038 4.24% 6,002,716 7.25% (250,000) (370,975) (425,000) (550,000) ,615,487 10.62%a 4,998,472 8.30% 5,172,038 3.47% 5,452,716 5.43% (377,367) 4,794,671 REVISED for additional MUNIS Community Priority ,$4644 waterl$4384 sewer 264,005 7.99% 279,535 5.88%a 286,274 2.41% 297,725 4.00%0 ,947,180 2.57% 4,107,523 4.06% 4,394,780 6.99% 4,702,415 7.00% 180,402 115.59%a 328,527 82.11% 124,207 -62.19% 165,113 32.93% 110,000 -46.08% 422,600 284.18% 450,000 6.48% 310,000 -31.11% ,501,587 2.77% 5,138,185 14.14% 5,255,261 2.28%a 5,475,253 4.19% (200,000) (338,650) (100,000) (100,000) ,301,587 13.79% 4,799,535 11.58%a 5,155,261 7.41% 5,375,253 4.27% (259,004) 4,896,2571 1 4 3 4 4 4.00% 7.00%n Estimated Percent Estimated FY - 2012 11 to '12 FY - 2013 683,949 4.00% 711,307 3,130,678 7.00% 3,349,825 1,785,591 -2.92% 1,703,076 296,000 -48.97% 216,000 5,896,217 -1.77% 5,980,268 (150,000) (150,000) 5,746,217 5.38% 5,830,208 309,634 4.00% 322,019 5,031,584 7.00% 5,383,794 162,206 -1.76% 85,800 214,000 -30.97% 277,000 5,717,424 4.42% 6,068,614 (50,000) 5,667,424 5.44% 6,068,614 4.00% 7.00% Percent 12 to '13 4.00% 7.00% -4.62% -27.03% 1.42% 1.46% 4.00% 7.00% -47.10% 29.44% 6.14% 7.08% 62,084 3.42% 65,201 5.02% 70,076 7.48% 72,879 4.00% 75,794 4.00%a 78,826 4.00% 17,650 0.86% 20,313 15.09% 21,315 4.93% 22,807 7.00% 24,404 7.00% 26,112 7.00% 247,500 100.00% 262,000 -6.43%a 230,000 -12.21% 200,000 -13.04% 228,500 14.25% 195,000 -14.66% 30,000 -84.62% 341,734 -4.42% 315,514 -7.67%a 291,391 -7.65% 324,186 11.25% 295,198 -8.94%a 382,438 29.55% o 291,3911 Enterprise Funds 9,708,808 4.28% 10,823,146 11.48% 11,143,690 2.96% 11,802,154 5.91% 11,908,839 0.90%a 12,431,259 4.39% Total Use of Reserves (450,000) (709,625) (525,000) (650,000) (200,000) (150,000) Net Enterprise Funds 9,258,808 11.41% 10,113,521 9.23% 10,618,690 4.99% 11,152,154 5.02% 11,708,839 4.99% 12,281,259 4.89% offsets for general fund (636,371) Ent Funds voted 9,982,349 assumes MTBE + 600k Reserve Fund levels Uodated Water 1,273,922 1,834,788 1,409,788 859,788 709,788 559,788 Sewer 1,145,160 872,705 772,705 672,705 622,705 622,705 Storm Water 91,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 O 03/22/2009 12:03 (TOWN OF READING blelacheur NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS PROJECTION: 20102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 WATER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD 02 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0990 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 61002490 499990 FREE CASH TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCE TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 03 SALARIES 0451 WATER - DISTRIBUTION 61013511 511401 SUPERVISOR 61013511 511403 FOREMAN 61013511 511405 WRKNG FRMN 61013511 511409 EQUIP OPER 61013511 511413 SKLLD LABR 61013511 511417 LABORER 61013511 511471 CLERK(S) 61013511 511481 SNOW REMOV 61013511 515000 OVERTIME 61013511 516050 OUT OF GRA 61013511 516060 ON-CALL PR 61013511 516080 LONGEVITY 61013512 512000 WAGES TEMP TOTAL WATER - DISTRIBUTION 0452 WATER - SUPPLY / TREATMENT 61023511 511461 SUPERVISOR 61023511 511481 SNOW RMVL 61023511 515000 OVERTIME TOTAL WATER - SUPPLY / TREAT TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES 0450 WATER - OPERATIONS 61005519 519000 MEDICARE 61005519 519700 RETIREMENT ~ iii I~ E l{ ~ , 4-l l ~~~l: s v t99~ 1 ~ la:-. i 3i Y I PG 1 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2009. .2010 PCT. ACTUAL PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE .00 -350,000.00 -355,000.00 .00 .00 -425,000.00 19.7% .00 -350,000.00 -355,000.00 .00 .00 -425,000.00 19.7% .00 -350,000.00 -355,000.00 .00 .00 -425,000.00 19.7% 34,253.64 34,932.00 37,932.00 30,544.77 .00 38,831.00 2.4% 54,578.36 56,188.00 56,188.00 42,553.48 .00 58,372.00 3.9% 72,465.32 100,469.00 100,469.00 37,994.12 .00 104,907.00 4.4% 136,820.74 143,258.00 143,258.00 106,706.74 .00 148,531.00 3.7% 45,128.02 80,472.00 80,472.00 60,034.13 .00 83,995.00 4.4% 64,423.70 32,280.00 32,280.00 23,375.52 .00 33,032.00 2.3% 15,905.34 16,208.00 17,208.00 11,982.02 .00 17,260.00 .3% -4,197.56 -6,500.00 -6,500.00 -7,709.63 .00 -6,500.00 .0% 121,650.05 38,355.00 38,355.00 48,222.96 .00 38,355.00 .0% 1,055.82 1,882.00 1,882.00 816.48 .00 1,882.00 .0% 8,130.00 8,818.00 8,818.00 6,919.46 .00 8,818.00 .0% 7,100.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,337.50 .00 7,500.00 .0% 8,281.64 9,126.00 9,126.00 5,154.53 .00 9,126.00 .0% 565,595.07 522,988.00 526,988.00 373,932.08 .00 544,109.00 3.2% 78,383.52 79,991.00 80,991.00 59,965.29 .00 84,048.00 3.8. -600.64 -500.00 -500.00 -232.14 .00 -500.00 .0% 31,564.27 4,692.00 4,692.00 1,642.75 .00 4,692.00 .0. 109,347.15 84,183.00 85,183.00 61,375.90 .00 88,240.00 3.6% 674,942.22 607,171.00 612,171.00 435,307.98 .00 632,349.00 3.3% 5,425.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 .00 .00 7,000.00 16.7% 89,093.00 16,413.00 16,413.OD 16,413.00 .00 17,075.00 4.0% 1 i 221 avow.+rs...rrmu~+ 03/22/2009 12:03 (TOWN OF READING S . - I PG 2 bgnyrpts blelacheur NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSI PROJECTION: 20102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 13 ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 2009 .2009 2010 PCT WATER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD ACTUAL PROJECT ION DEPARTMENT CHANGE 61005529 529433 HAZ WST DI 15,346.18 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,419.00 .00 10,000.00 .0% 61005530 530110 LEGAL COUN 15,000.00 15,500.00 15,500.00 5,273.10 .00 16,000.00 3.2% 61005530 530480 PRIMACEY A 5,828.03 5,446.00 5,446.00 5,451.82 .00 5,531.00 1.60 61005530 530491 SVC WKFLD 5,546.76 7,140.00 7,140.00 2,879.67 .00 7,140.00 .0% 61005531 531000 TRAINING 4,044.25 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,992.00 .00 3,000.00 -25.0% 61005574 574000 HEALTH INS 170,952.00 184,470.00 184,470.00 .00 .00 190,000.00 3.0% 61005574 574010 P&C INSUR .00 44,825.00 44,825.00 31,580.00 _00 44,000.00 -1.8% 61005574 574500 DEDUCT/CLM 1,499.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 .0% 1% 61005574 574550 WC INSURNC 63,581.00 23,967.00 23,967.00 20,332.00 .00 24,0 . . TOTAL WATER - OPERATIONS 376,315.22 317,761.00 317,761.00 91,340.59 .00 323,746.00 1.9% 0451 WATER - DISTRIBUTION 61015521 521301 ELECTRICIT 8,892.71 10,186.00 10,186.00 8,317.54 .00 10,186.00 .0% 61015521 521303 NATRL GAS 352.10 408.00 408.00 368.08 .00 408.00 00 .0% 0% 61015521 521392 WIRLSS PHN .00 .00 .00 2,168.82 .00 . 00 . 0% 61015530 61015530 530110 530420 LEGAL COUN PLCE DTAIL 1,728.00 10,857.84. .00 10,664.00 .00 10,664.00 .00 9,437.24 .00 .00 . 10,664.00 . .0% 61015530 530470 WTR SYSTEM 7,780.28 15,227.00 15,227.00 120.00 .00 15,227.00 .0% 61015530 530472 MAIN PIPE/ 9,990.00 12,181.00 12,181.00 2,030.00 .00 12,181.00 .0% 61015530 530474 SVC PIPE/M .00 49,750.00 49,750.00 36,973.60 .00 49,750.00 .0% 61015530 530478 CROSS CONN 4,960.00 8,466.00 8,466.00 1,940.00 .00 8,466.00 .0% 61015536 536000 SOFTWARE L .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .0% 61015540 540470 WD GEN SUP 19,055.09 26,775.00 26,775.00 15,033.68 .00 26,775.00 .0% 61015540 540472 MAIN PIPE 29,088.61 33,179.00 33,179.00 18,716.36 .00 33,179.00 .0% 61015540 540474 SVC METERS 41,268.12 7,613.00 7,613.00 .00 .00 7,613.00 .0% 61015554 554000 UNFM/CLTH 1,029.98 5,508.00 5,508.00 418.08 .00 5,508.00 .0% 61015578 578100 LICENSES 794.00 714.00 714.00 255.00 .00 714.00 .0% TOTAL WATER - DISTRIBUTION 135,796.73 190,671.00 190,671.00 95,778.40 .00 190,671.00 .0% 0452 WATER - SUPPLY / TREATMENT 61025521 521301 ELECTRICIT 22,108.08 45,441.00 45,441.00 11,071.91 .00 20,000.00 -56.0% 61025521 521308 FUEL OIL 20,593.29 6,000.00 6,000.00 .00 .00 6,000.00 0 .0% 0% 61025521 61025521 521309 521390 SWR/STM WA TELEPHONE 604.85 2,340.79 469.00 3,279.00 469.00 3,279.00 335.70 1,765.93 .00 .00 469.0 3,279.00 . .0% 61025530 530000 OUT PRFSVC 72,288.81 10,200.00 10,200.00 4,979.42 .00 10,200.00 .0% 61025530 61025540 530457 540000 WELLS DEPT SUPP 5,017.15 3,424.13 .00 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 1,404.74 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00 .0% .0% 61025540 540455 WELLS .00 65,140.00 65,140.00 11,947.41 .00 57,962.00 -11.0% 61025563 563400 MWRA 1,536,924.41 1,656,946.00 1,656,946.00 1,308,932.00 .00 1,737,761.00 4.9% 61025563 563410 RESIDUALS 55,324.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% TOTAL WATER - SUPPLY / TREAT 1,718,625.51 1,794,475.00 1,794,475.00 1,340,437.11 .00 1,842,671.00 2.7% TOTAL EXPENS ES 2,230,737.46 2,302,907.00 2,302,907.00 1,527,556.10 .00 2,357,088.00 2.4% 07 DEBT SE RVICE 0450 WATER - OPERATIONS 1: ) ~,'f3nY 03/22/2009 12:03 TOWN OF READING blelacheur NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGE T ANALYSIS PROJECTION: 20 102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 2009 WATER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD ACTUAL 61007530 530705 DEBTCOSTS 63,049.00 .00 .00 1,412.92 61007591 591000 DEBT PRINC 756,000.00 1,295,000.00 1,295,000.00 390,000.00 61007591 592000 LTDEBTINT 420,291.00 634,769.00 634,769.00 285,717.50 TOTAL WATER - OPERATIONS 1,239,340.00 1,929,769.00 1,929,769.00 677,130.42 TOTAL DEBT S ERVICE 1,239,340.00 1,929,769.00 1,929,769.00 677,130.42 08 CAPITAL 0451 WATER - DISTRIBUTION 61018585 585000 ADDTNL EQU 116,761.69 .00 .00 .00 61018585 585451 METRINSTAL _00 90,000.00 90,000.00 77,609.52 61018588 588450 SYSTEMS .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL WATER - DISTRIBUTION 116,761.69 90,000.00 90,000.00 77,609.52 0452 WATER - SUPPLY / TREATMENT 61028585 585452 BOOSTER TE .00 36,000.00 36,000.00 .00 61028585 585453 EMERG ENGI .00 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 61028588 588455 WELLS 75,000.00 _00 .00 .00 TOTAL WATER - SUPPLY / TREAT 75,000.00 71,000.00 71,000.00 .00 TOTAL CAPITAL 191,761.69 161,000.00 161,000.00 77,609.52 09 OTHER F INANCING USE 0450 WATER - OPERATIONS 61009596 596111 WAGE-TWNMG 14,061.00 13,886.00 13,886.00 13,886.00 61009596 596112 EXP SUPP 3,187.00 3,234.00 3,234.00 3,234.00 61009596 596121 WAGE-ACTNG 9,084.00 9,226.00 9,226.00 9,226.00 61009596 596122 EXP ACTNG 98.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 61009596 596131 WAGE-FINCE 28,897.00 30,247.00 30,247.00 30,247.00 61009596 596132 EXEFINANCE 5,680.00 6,009.00 6,009.00 6,009.00 61009596 596141 WAGE HR 4,025.00 4,090.00 4,090.00 4,090.00 61009596 596142 EXP HR 1,136.00 3,268.00 3,268.00 3,268.00 61009596 596151 WAGE TECHN 22,158.00 23,906.00 26,531.00 26,531.00 61009596 596152 EXIT TECH 23,667.00 27,255.00 27,255.00 27,255.00 61009596 596161 WAGEDPWADM 84,928.00 96,963.00 110,313.00 110,313.00 61009596 596171 WAGE ENGIN 94,339.00 99,945.00 99,945.00 99,945.00 61009596 596181 WAGE HGWY 6,560.00 6,730.00 6,730.00 6,730.00 61009596 596182 EXP HGWY 22,325.00 22,771.00 22,771.00 22,771.00 TOTAL WATER - OPERATIONS 320,145.00 347,625.00 363,600.00 363,600.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USE 320,145.00 347,625.00 363,600.00 363,600.00 TOTAL WATER FUND 4,656,926.37 4,998,472.00 5,014,447.00 3,081,204.02 GRAND TOTAL 4,656,926.37 4,998,472.00 5,014,447.00 3,081,204.02 END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur a PG 3 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2010.. PCT PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE .00 .00 .0% .00 1,375,000.00 6.2% .00 515,234.00 -18.8% .00 1,890,234.00 -2.0% .00 1,890,234.00 -2.0% 00 10,000.00 .0% 00 180,000.00 100.0% 00 150,000.00 .0% 00 340,000.00 277.8% 00 .00 -100.0% 00 .00 -100.0% 00 .00 .0% 00 .00 -100.0% 00 340,000.00 111.2% .00 14,896.00 7.3% .00 .00 -100.0% .00 10,078.00 9.2% .00 180.00 89.5% .00 32,032.00 5.9% .00 21,653.00 260.3% .00 4,900.00 19.8% .00 2,264.00 -30.7% .00 31,777.00 19.8% .00 30,418.00 11.6% .00 104,690.00 -5.1% .00 98,407.00 -1.5% .00 6,730.00 .0% .00 19,342.00 -15.1% .00 377,367.00 3.8% .00 377,367.00 3.8% .00 5,172,038.00 3.1% .00 5,172,038.00 3.10 A' r I 03/22/2009 12:06 TOWN OF READING PG 1 I blelacheur ( NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20 102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 13 ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 PCT SEWER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD ACTUAL PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE 02 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0990 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 62002490 499990 FREE CASH .00 -250,000.00 -330,000.00 .00 .00 -100,000.00 -69.7% TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCE .00 -250,000.00 -330,000.00 .00 .00 -100,000.00 -69.70 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCE .00 -250,000.00 -330,000.00 .00 .00 -100,000.00 -69.7% 03 SALARIES 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 62003511 511401 SUPERVISOR 34,253.64 34,932.00 38,932.00 30,544.88 .00 38,831.00 -.3% 62003511 511405 WRKNG FRMN 49,812.50 51,699.00 51,699.00 38,494.88 .00 53,954.00 4.4% 62003511 511409 EQUIP OP 48,384.06 50,759.00 50,759.00 36,961.62 .00 51,908.00 2.3% 62003511 511413 SKLLD LABR 38,068.30 78,592.00 78,592.00 55,624.07 .00 81,976.00 4.30 62003511 511417 LABORER 37,770.97 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 62003511 511471 CLERK(S) 15,905.34 16,208.00 17,208.00 11,982.16 .00 17,260.00 .3% 62003511 511481 SNOW RMVL -2,516.52 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -4,648.33 .00 -2,500.00 .0% 62003511 515000 OVERTIME 36,336.88 39,644.00 39,644.00 13,766.16 .00 39,644.00 .0% 62003511 516050 OUT OF GRA 213.68 209.00 209.00 358.24 .00 209.00 .0% 62003511 516060 ON-CALL PR 1,628.00 2,942.00 2,942.00 1,912.00 .00 2,942.00 .01-0 62003511 516080 LONGEVITY 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 .00 2,050.00 .0% TOTAL SEWER - OPERATIONS 261,906.85 274,535.00 279,535.00 187,045.68 .00 286,274.00 2.4% TOTAL SALARIES 261,906.85 274,535.00 279,535.00 187,045.68 .00 286,274.00 2.4% 05 EXPENSES 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 62005519 519000 MEDICARE 603.00 700.00 700.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 42.9% 62005519 519700 RETIREMENT 20,566.00 14,512.00 14,512.00 14,512.00 .00 14,876.00 2.51 62005521 521301 ELECTRICIT 25,155.27 32,256.00 32,256.00 22,959.02 .00 32,256.00 .0% 62005529 529433 HAZ WST DI _00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .0% 62005530 530000 PURCF SVC .00 16,650.00 16,650.00 8,028.95 .00 16,650.00 .0% 62005530 530110 LGL COUNSL 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 229.50 .00 2,500.00 .0% •62005530 530420 PLCE DTAIL 1,957.00 3,137.00 3,137.00 2,000.00 .00 2,137.00 -31.9% 62005530 530490 CNTSVCPUMP 7,476.38 17,727.00 17,727.00 10,233.48 .00 15,727.00 -11.3% 62005530 530491 OTHCOMMSVC 16,107.68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 62005530 530492 SYS INSPEC 15,793.45 16,942.00 16,942.00 5,735.83 .00 16,942.00 .0% 62005531 531000 SWRTRAIN .00 510.00 .00 .00 .00 510.00 .0% 62005536 536000 SFTWRSUPPT .00 10,000.00 10,000.00. .00 .00 10,000.00 .0% L ~s 03/22/2009 12:06 TOWN OF READING blelacheur (NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS PROJECTION: 201 02 FY2010 Enterprise Funds ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 SEWER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD 62005540 540490 PMPSTASUPP 1,909.97 13,332.00 13,332.00 62005540 540493 DIST SYS 1,788.37 8,242.00 8,242.00 62005540 540495 CHEMICALS .00 13,332.00 13,332.00 62005554 554000 UNFM/CLOTH 928.94 2,193.00 2,193.00 62005563 563400 MWRA 3,410,216.70 3,616,836.00 3,616,836.00 62005574 574000 HEALTHINS 67,574.00 72,281.00 72,281.00 62005574 574010 P&C INSUR .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 62005574 574500 DEDUCT/CLM 10,000.00 .00 .00 62005574 574550 WC INSURNC 11,496.00 12,071.00 12,071.00 62005578 578100 LICENSES 185.00 .00 510.00 TOTAL SEWER - OPERATIONS 3,593,757.76 3,864,221.00 3,864,221.00 TOTAL EXPENSE S 3,593,757.76 3,864,221.00 3,864,221.00 07 DEBT SERVICE 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 62007591 591000 LT DBT PRI 83,677.00 239,277.00 314,277.00 62007591 592000 LTDEBTINT .00 .00 _ .00 62007593 593000 ST DBT INT 5,951.94 14,250.00 14,250.00 TOTAL SEWER - OPERATIONS 89,628.94 253,527.00 328,527.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 89,628.94 253,527.00 328,527.00 08 CAPITAL 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 62008585 585000 ADDTNL EQU 104,201.90 .00 .00 62008585 585451 METRINSTAL .00 90,000.00 90,000.00 62008588 588505 INFLOW/INF 277,197.13 100,000.00 100,000.00 62008588 588510 SEW ST REH .00 30,000.00 30,000.00 62008588 588512 SEW ST STU .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 62008588 588541 GLEN ROAD .00 182,600.00 182,600.00 62008588 568542 W GROVE ST .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL SEWER - OPERATIONS 381,399.03 422,600.00 422,600.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 381,399.03 422,600.00 422,600.00 09 OTHER FINANCING USE 0440 SEWER - OPERATIONS 62009596 596111 WAGE-TWNMG 12,477.00 13,010.00 13,010.00 I PG 2 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2009 2010 PCT ACTUAL PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE .00 .00 7,093.00 -46.80 1,628.57 .00 8,242.00 .0% 2,550.00 .00 13,332.00 .0% 294.98 .00 2,193.00 .0% 2,844,114.40 .00 3,894,818.00 7.7% .00 .00 74,500.00 3.1% 663.00 .00 1,000.00 .0% .00 .00 .00 .0% 8,250.00 .00 12,000.00 60.00 .00 _00 -100.0% 2,921,259.73 .00 4,135,776.00 7.0% 2,921,259.73 .00 4,135,776.00 7.0% 75,000.00 .00 116,800.00 -62.8% 6,187.50 .00 7,407.00 .0% .00 .00 .00 -100.0% 81,187.50 .00 124,207.00 -62.2% 81,187.50 .00 124,207.00 -62.2% .00 .00 140,000.00 .0% .00 .00 180,000.00 100.0% 86,866.00 .00 100,000.00 .0% .00 .00 30,000.00 .0% .00 .00 .00 -100.0% 82,707.11 .00 .00 -100.0% .ob .00 .00 -100.0% 169,573.11 .00 450,000.00 6.5% 169,573.11 .00 450,000.00 6.5% 13,010.00 .00 14,062.00 8.1% 1~ $a µ ~ to y i r u i~ ~ l l i. 03/22/2009 12:06 TOWN OF READING PG 3 blelacheur ( NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS bgnyrpts PROJECTION: 20 102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds FOR PERIOD 13 ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010_- PCT SEWER FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD ACTUAL PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE 62009596 596112 EXP SUPP 2,828.00 3,029.00 3,029.00 3,029.00 .00 .00 -100.00 62009596 596121 WAGE-ACING 7,990.00 8,642.00 8,642.00 8,642.00 .00 9,517.00 10.1% 62009596 596122 EXP ACING 87.00 89.00 89.00 89.00 .00 170.00 91.0% 62009596 596131 WAGE-FINCE 25,645.00 28,333.00 28,333.00 28,333.00 .00 30,249.00 6.8% 62009596 596132 EXEFINANCE 5,037.00 5,629.00 5,629.00 5,629.00 .00 20,440.00 263.1% 62009596 596141 WAGE HR 3,573.00 3,831.00 3,831.00 3,831.00 .00 4,628.00 20.8% 62009596 596142 EXP HR 1,008.00 3,061.00 3,061.00 3,061.00 .00 2,137.00 -30.2% 62009596 596151 WAGE TECHN 19,662.00 22,399.00 24,849.00 24,849.00 .00 29,998.00 20.7% 62009596 596152 EXP TECH 21,001.00 25,536.00 25,536.00 25,536.00 .00 28,715.00 12.4% 62009596 596161 WAGEDPWADM 46,773.00 44,224.00 50,424.00 50,424.00 .00 47,475.00 -5.8% 62009596 596171 WAGE ENGIN 57,555.00 61,892.00 61,892.00 61,892.00 .00 60,065.00 -3.0% 62009596 596181 WAGE HGWY 2,358.00 2,419.00 2,419.00 2,419.00 .00 2,419.00 .0% 62009596 596182 EXP HGWY 12,312.00 12,558.00 12,558.00 12,558.00 .00 9,129.00 -27.3% TOTAL SEWER - OPERATIONS 218,306.00 234,652.00 243,302.00 243,302.00 .00 259,004.00 6.5% TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USE 218,306..00 234,652.00 243,302.00 243,302.00 .00 259,004.00 6.5% TOTAL SEWER FUND 4,544,998.58 4,799,535.00 4,808,185.00 3,602,368.02 .00 5,155,261.00 7.2% GRAND TOTAL, 4,544,998.58 4,799,535.00 4,808,185.00 3,602,368.02 .00 5,155,261.00 7.2% END OF. REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur ~i / 1~ I 03/31/2009 14:04 (TOWN OF READING blelacheur NEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS PROJECTION: 20102 FY2010 Enterprise Funds ACCOUNTS FOR: 2008. 2009 2009 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FUND ACTUAL ORIG BUD REVISED BUD 03 SALARIES 0428 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 65003511 511417 LABORER 65003511 515000 OVERTIME 65003511 516050 OUT OF GRA TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TOTAL SALARIES 05 EXPENSES 0428 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 65005519 519700 RETIREMENT 65005527 527301 EQUIP RENT 65005530 530000 OUT PRFSVC 65005554 554000 CLOTHING TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TOTAL EXPENSES 08 CAPITAL 0428 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 65008585 585000 ADDTNL EQU 65008588 588421 MAPPING DE 65008588 588425 DRAINAGE 65008588 588430 SAUG RIV D TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL 09 OTHER FINANCING USE 0428 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 65009596 596198 PENSION TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USE TOTAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 I PG 1 bgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 13 2009 2009 2010 PCT.. ACTUAL PROJECTION DEPARTMENT CHANGE 57,226.64 65,201.00 65,201.00 51,320.21 .00 70,076.00 7.50 1,421.57 .00 .00 1,855.24 .00 .00 .0% .00 .00 .00 143.44 .00 .00 .0% 58,648.21 65,201.00 65,201.00 53,318.89 .00 70,076.00 7.50 58,648.21 65,201.00 65,201.00 53,318.89 .00 70,076.00 7.50 .00 .00 2,310.00 2,310.00 .00 2,412.00 4.4% .00 .00 7,803.00 .00 .00 7,803.00 .0% 4,595.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 .00 .00 10,200.00 .0% 440.86 .00 .00 374.68 .00 900.00 .0% 5,035.86 10,200.00 20,313.00 2,684.68 _ .00 21,315.00 4.9% 5,035.86 10,200.00 20,313.00 2,684.68 .00 21,315.00 4.9% 95,890.08 7,803.00 .00 .00 .00 140,000.00 .0% .00 50,000.00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 -100.0% 14,780.96 30,000.00 30,000.00 3,185.75 .00 60,000.00 100.0% .00 150,000.00 150,000.00 .00 .00 .00 -100.0% 110,671.04 237,803.00 230,000.00 3„185.75 .00 200,000.00 -13.0% 110,671.04 237,803.00 230,000.00 3,185.75 .00 200,000.00 -13.0% .00 2,310.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% .00 2,310.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% .00 2,310.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0% 174,355.11 315,514.00 315,514.00 59,189.32 .00 291,391.00 -7.6% 174,355.11 315,514.00 315,514.00 59,189.32 .00 291,391.00 -7.6% END OF REPORT - Generated by Bob LeLacheur 0 Town of Reading, MA cash/ Approved Projected 3(31/200914:07 Debt FY-2009 FY-2010 Debt JTotal EF Capital 813,600 990,000 (PubliaWorks - Water CAPITAL:. ;161,000" ;340;Uo0 Water Distribution 90,000 340,000 Water Main Lining Cash WM - H St. Loop (Ivy St) Cash WM - Causway Road Loop Cash WM - Belmont - Salem Cash 150,000 WM - Haverhill-Franklin-Batch ($420k) FY13 WM - Haverhill-Franklin-Wkfld ($1.865m) FY13 WM - Howard-Cty-Summer ($1.012m) FY14 WM - South-West-Gleason ($1.02m) FY15 Meter Replacement Cash 90,000 180,000 Water System Hydraulic Model Cash Replace Tapping Machine Cash 10,000 Storage Tank Inspection Cash Storage Tank ($1.15mil.) FY16 Replace Bob Cat Loader Cash Pickup Truck #12 (1997-10yrs) Cash Replace Car #2 Cash Replace Van #2 Cash Replace Truck #5 Cash Replace Backhoe #420E Cash Replace Utility Truck #5 Cash Water Supply 71,000 Wells Upgrade Cash Pickup Truck #3 (2003 -10yrs) Cash SCADA Upgrade 5yrs) Cash Booster Sta. Data Eq. Upgrade Cash 36,000 Town Forest Well Emg. Engine Cash 35,000 Plant demo & chlorine trmt ($0.8 mil debt) Debt Well Abandonment Cash FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 TOTAL FYI 0-19 1,118,500 705,000 523,000 397,000 310,000 713,000 457,000 960,000 780,000 6,173,500 285,000 297,00 .550,000 370,000' 2;941,000' '296,000 216,000° 237060 ;.:140000 500,000 :-1 1 530,000 276,000 129,000 12,000 90,000 285,000 227,000 550,000 320,000 2,439,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 350,000 350,000 276,000 276,000 150,000 180,000 250,000 610,000 85,000 85,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 24,000 45,000 45,000 37,000 37,000 35,000 35,000 90,000 90,000 27,000 27,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 50,000 20,000 87,000 225,000 50,000 70,000 50,000 502,000 50,000 .50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 37,000 37,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 225,000 225,000 Town of Reading, MA Cash/ Approved Projected FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 TOTAL FYI 0-19 310,000. 214,000 277,000 130,000 1d4,000 248,000 130,000 380;000- , . _"380 000' 2,279,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 300,000 3131/200914:07 Debt FY-2009 FY-2010 Debt lPiitIic Works - Sefver CAPITAti 4221600 450,000 Inflow/Infiltration Cash 100,000 100,000 Seal Sewer Manholes Cash Sewer Station Rehabilitafion Cash 30,000 30,000 Fairview/Sunnyside $300k/4yr debt) Debt Glen Road Cash 182,600 WesttGrove Sewer Station Cash 10,000 Meter Replacements Cash 90,000 180,000 Backhoe 430D Cash Replace JetfVAC #20 (split w/ Strm Wtr) Cash 140,000 Replace Vehicles Cash Sewer Station Study Cash 10,000 180,000 110,000 74,000 37,000 JPublic;Works = Storm Water CAM 230 00; 200,000; 228;500 195,000 30,000` 30,000 System Mapping - Drainage Cash 50,000 General Drainage Cash 30,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 Saugus River Design Cash 150,000 Saugus River Improvement Debt Abedona River Design Cash Saugus River Improvement Debt Sweeper. Elgin Pelican Cash 135,000 Truck: Int. #15 Cash 110,000 TAKEUCHI Excavator (1985) Cash 58,500 Replace JeYVAC #20 (split with Sewer) Cash 140,000 NN 250,000 250,000 860,000 110,000 140,000 118,000 229,000 30,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 - ,,30,000, 953,500; 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 390,000 150,000 150,000 135,000 110,000 58,500 140,000 Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 1,1929;769 1 2,079,294 1 2,014,056 1,946,231 2,158,781 2,073,206 1,822,281 1,859,792 1,779,151 1,700,243 755,869 3131/0914:08 REVISED 9126/08' Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected New Debt - Approved 11/08+42k; Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service New-NotApproved l2109issue costs FY-2009 FY-2010 FY-2011 FY-2012 FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018 FY-2019 ►+pter runct 1 '$.7;871,499.1: $1,890,234 I $1,839,H6 :'$.1;785;591 =,$1,703,076 -'$1',914,78fi ''$2;109;890. $2,228,007- $2,129,424 -$1;575,947 ' $;1,229,195;; Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 1 695,663 1 678,600 I 662,513 647,400 632,775 618,150 603,525 588,656 571,350 553,800 538,200 Join MWRA(partial $3.18m) 07-27 Apr 15 1 285,856 1 277,056 1 270,656 264,656 258,656 252,656 246,656 237,719 229,719 224,069 217,669 Demo WTP/chloNnate($0.8m) 09-18 Jul 01 1 96,470 1 100,740 1 98,300 95,860 93,420 90,980 88,540 86,100 83,660 81,220 0 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 09-13 Feb 01 1 12,270 1 159,000 I 156,000 153,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 1 126,100 1 123,100 1 119,800 116,300 112,700 109,000 104,500 0 0 0 0 Water Mains($2.471 m) 08-12 Apr 151 578,963 1 551,738 1 531,938 508,375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fin'I System (share) 75k 4vr 1 76,178 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM:Hwhill-Fmkin-Wktld-Batch 420k 5yr I 01 01 0 0 111,300 105,840 100,380 94,920 89,460 0 0 WM:Hwhiil-Fmkin-Wkfld-Batch 1865k 5yr I 1 1 494,225 469,980 445,735 421,490 397,245 0 WM.Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr 1 0 1- 01 0 0 0 268,180 255,024 241,868 228,712 215,556 0 WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr ( O l 01 0 0 0 0 265,530 252,504 239,478 226,452 213,426 Storage Tank 1150k 5yr I O l 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 304,750 289,800 274,850 259,900 Repayment of Principal: 1,30000 1,375,000 1 -1,-375,000 1,370,000 1,187,000 1,389,400 1,589,800 1,719,800 1,719,800 1,262,800 980,400 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 011 390,000 1 390,000 1 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 Join MWRA(partial $3.18m) 07-27 Apr 15 1 160,000 1 160,000 1 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 Demo WTP/chlodnate($0.8m) 09.18 Jul 01 1 80,000 1 80,000 1 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Demo WTP/chlornate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 1 1 150,000 1 150,000 150,000 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 I 100,0001 100;0001 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Water Mains($2A71m) 08-12 Apr 15 I 495,000 I 495,000 I 495,000 490,000 Fin1 System (share) 75k 4yr ( 75,000 1 1 WM.Hwhiil-Fmkin-Mcf-Batch 420k 5yr I I 1 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 WM:Hvrhi11-Fmk1n-WkBd-Batch 1865k 5yr 1 I I 373,000 373,000 373,000 373,000 373,000 WM.Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr 1 1 ( 202,400 202,400 202,400 202,400 202,400 WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr I I 1 200,400 200,400 200,400 200,400 200,400 Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 1 I 1 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: i 571,499 515,234 { 464,206 415,591 516,076 525,386 520,090 508,207 409,624 313,147 248,795 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 1 305,663 1 288,600 I 272,513 257,400 242,775 228,150 213,525 198,656 181,350 163,800 148,200 Join MWRA(partial $3.16m) 07-27 Apr 151 125,856 1 117,056 1 110,656 104,656 98,656 92,656 86,656 77,719 69,719 64,069 57,669 Demo WTPichlorinate($0.8m) 09-18 Jul 01 I 16,470 ( 20,740 1 18,300 15,860 13,420 10,980 8,540 6,100 3,660 1,220 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 1 12,270 1 9,000 1 6,000 3,000 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 I 26,100 ( 23,100 { 19,800 16,300 12,700 9,000 4,500 Water Mains($2.471m) 08-12 Apr 15 I 83,963 ( 56,738 1 36,938 18,375 Fm'I System (share) 75k 4yr 1 1,178 ( I WM:Hwhili-Fmkin-Wkfid-Batch 420k 5yr I I I 27,300 21,840 16,380 10,920 5,460 WM.-Hvrhi/l-Fmkin-Wklid-Batch 1865k 5yr I 1 1 121,225 96,980 72,735 48,490 24,245 WM:Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr ( 1 I 65,780 52,624 39,468 26,312 13,156 WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr I 1 I 65,130 52,104 39,078 26,052 13,026 Storage Tank 1150k 5yr I 1 1 74,750 59,800 44,850 29,900 interest on i emporary ueoc Retirement of Debt (B.A.N.S.) NW 869 755, 1,719,151 1,700,243 rojected 1,85y,792 projected projected 1,822,281 rojected Dpebt Service 2,158,181 2,013,206 projected P Fy _2019, fl14,fl56 Projected Debt Servce Debt Service Debt Service DebtSeM 1,946,231 projected FY _ 2017 _2010' 2,079,294 ~o Projected 2015, 6 } j1 , 929,~69 . ected projected F 1 2016 FY Reading DebtService Debt SZp12 Debt Service Debi Servi $ • 2010 Budget "prajected Pro} Fy .2013 townof REViS5,39126108 DebtServ+ca DebtServiCe Y.2011 FY $ 0 0 3131109 0 ^ 14:08 _2D09=ODD ~f . 0 0 roved 41/08+42k; 16934 44;000 0 KeWDebt A 85;$00::$ 44,000 0 0 t4otA roved 7109 ssued V 162,206 85,800 76,834 0 0 added't5VCNov Ttl New' 1 328,1521• 165,113, $ 85 800 0 0 0 ' $ 85,800 0 o ff own o ea In9 1$ ,326,143 j $ 12,0;207 0 3(31!0914 08 164,277 41 `gDD _ ~ 1313 76,406 D D 0 0 - a" 1 82 1 01 0 44,000 .bower -an. 85,688 407 79,3 M\NM Initow & tnftltrat}on int007-11toaNov 01 I 85,804 76,,S 4 75k 4,jr 1 76,1781 1 160,844 32,934 SunnYsidelFawiew sewer } 160,844 32,934 32,934 Fin t S~4stem (share', 1 239,277 t 116,800. t 32,934 8,866 44,000 32,934 t 8,866 44,000 'j 164,277 of,61 8,866 44,090 44,003 0' jte avm®nt of principal: - 0 1 I 4000 75,00 0 ~,}RAtnOow&Infiltra6on_,,._, ; 75,000 75,000 0.r MWRA}ntlow&tnfiltra6on_ 75,000 0 0 MWRA }nffow & lnfiitratlon Nov D1 l 1 Q 07-11 75 0001 1,406 SunnYsidelFa}rview Sewer 75k dyr j } 7,407 4,313 Fjn`1 (share: _ $ 625 590:;. System . j 11.866 ` 1,40fi 400' $ -.654750 , 4,313 :456;400'" 68 Tenn t)ebt; j 7,4071 475;500 - $ 189000 interest on 1.ono & tntjnr on 10,688 } j 237 ?5(1','"$ 208,5w 198,750 p7-1 (1ov 01 1178 247°504 $ Sewer 4~ 50 208,50 228,000 218,250 22000 228,000 SunnYsidelFairview 75k -r- } a 237,750 23775D 237_750 Pint SYSfera share) 1 $ 1$ } 0 247,500 0 247,500 0 247,500 450.00U 0 r I D 0 ~ 450.000 454,004 159,00 , 01 Q 4 D 0 0 D 300,000 150,000 a er un0 ~ 300,090 150,00D 150,000 , ~5t8 loyr 1 0 D 0 150,000 150,400 150,000 1.5mi1 0 0 0 150,004 150,00 150,000 150,000 150,00b ovement(!j 1.5mi1 10Yr r 0 0 150,000 15D,D00 10A00 244 5auqus usRiver lmmavamPntttli 1 0 1504C0 A50,010 _ 175,500 Sau River 1m 1.5mi1 i0~r r _ 1 234 p00 ,750 39,0 00 „ riona RiverlmProvement } 15fi,000 48.754 _Abe 115,500 ReuaVmet of principal. 1.5mit i0%..m- ~ 1 500 87 750 68,250 58.5D0 68 250 58 50 menf I} ~I 78,000 78,000 87754 78, 004_ Sauqus River lmrPoovevem~j 1.5mi1 o 1 0 97 0 - 97,500 87,750 97,500 87,750 97,500 Saugus River lmm en 1.5mil 10vr I. 01 O1 ^Afnona River {.nPmvema 54,695 Ste- l 1 2813,424 1: 2,234,69 onsTerm Debt' Interest on t I} 1.5m1i... -1~ 1 2,68A,4e7 us Riverlmmaementf, 1.5mi1. i0 r j 2628,394 a Sau9 t 2Sau us River 1000vemenfijt 1.5mi1 10yr 2,036AN g ^ 229,47 1575,947Q 1,229,195- erimarovement $ 1,947,758 V29,424 ana RN } 2,404,318 Abed - - Debt; 2,414,444 5 2,228,007 625,500 t onTe ri ore g 2,157,64215 1,914,786 2,109,890 0 654J50 interest 44,000 684,000 Ket¢ement o e VtGE 1,7851591 1793,076 7g 934 456,000 Tempt DEe^? SCR 1,839,206 85,800 475,500 $ $ $ - 1894,20 165,113 162,206 237,750 "'•`~1,871,499 0 247,504 1431 124,207 1 0 $ $ Source of funding I 326, 0 $ f Water Fund D I Sewer Fund I - - StofmWater fund Gene (Form A' Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 733,869 711,869 689,869 667,869 645,869 623,575 591,375 569,588 397,800 313110914:081 REVISED 9126108 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected I New Debt - Approved 111/08 +4 2k; Pebt ServiceDebt ServICEDebt ServicEDebt ServiceDebt ServiceDebt ServiceDebt ServiceDebt Service)ebt Service I New - Not Approved 12109 issue costs FY - 2020 FY - 2021 FY - 2022 FY - 2023 FY - 2024 FY - 2025 FY - 2026 FY - 2027 FY - 2028 Water t-untl $979,819-' 711;869 ` ; $ 689,869 ;::$.667,869 $ 645;869 _ $ 623;575, $ 591,375 , $ 569;588 $ 397,600 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 522,600 507,000 491,400 475,800 460,200 444,600 429,000 413,400 397,800 Join MWRA(partial $3.18m) 07-27 Apr 15 211,269 204,869 198,469 192,069 185,669 178,975 162,375 156,188 0 Demo WTP/chiodnate($0.8m) 09-18 Jul 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 09.13 Feb 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Mains($2A71m) 08.12 Apr 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fin'I System (share) 75k 4yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM-Hwhfll-Fmkin-Wktld-Batch 420k 5yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM:Hwhill-Fmkln-Wkfld-Batch 1865k 5yr WM.Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 244,950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Repayment of Principal: 780,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 540,000 540,000 390,000 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 Join MWRA(partial $3.18m) 07-27 Apr 15 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 150,000 150,000 Demo WTPichlodnate($0.8m) 09-18 Jul 01 Demo WTPlchlorinate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 Water Mains($2.471m) 08-12 Apr 15 Fin'I System (share) 75k 4yr WM:Hwhi/i-Fmkln-WkBd-Batch 420k. 5yr WM:Hwhili-Fmkin-WIM-Batch 1865k 5yr WM.Hwrd--Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr WM: South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 230,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: 198,819 161,869 139,869 117,869 95,869 73,575 51,375 29,588 7,800 Join MWRA(full $7.8m) 08-28 Nov 01 132,600 117,000 101,400 85,800 70,200 54,600 39,000 23,400 7,800 Join MWRA(partial $3.18m) 07-27 Apr 15 51,269 44,869 38,469 32,069 25,669 18,975 .12,375 6,188 Demo WTP/chlorinate($0.8m) 09-18 Jul 01 Demo WTP/chlorinate ($450k) 10-12 Feb 01 Water Treatment Plant Design 2005 2005 Water Mains($2.471m) 08-12 Apr 15 Finl System (share) 75k 4yr WM:Hwhill-Fmktn-WkBd-Batch 420k 5yr WM.Hwhiil-Fmkfn-WkOd-Batch 1865k 5yr . WM.Hwrd-Cnty-Summer 1012k 5yr WM. South-West-Gleason 1002k 5yr Storage Tank 1150k 5yr 14,950 interest on temporary ueoi: Retirement of Debt (B.A.N.S.) I ) Town of Reading FY - 2010 Budget 733,869 711,869 689,869 667,869 645,869 623,575 591,375 569,588 397,800 313110914:08 REVISED 9/26/08 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected I New Debt - Approved 11/08 +42k; ebt SeNICEDebt ServICEDebt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServicEDebt ServicOebt Service New - Not Approved ( 2109 issue costs FY - 2020 FY - 2021 FY - 2022 FY - 2023 FY - 2024 FY - 2025 FY - 2026 FY - 2027 FY - 2028 own of e"R a(c ing FY - 2O'TtfBudget 3131/0914:08 :..ewer-'t-und MWRA Inflow & Infiltration i nterest loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sunnyside/Fairview Sewer 07-11 Nov 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fin'I System (share) 75k 4yr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Repayment of Principal: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MWRA Inflow & Infiltration MWRA Inflow & Infiltration MWRA Inflow & Infiltration Sunnyside/Fairview Sewer 07-11 Nov 01 Fin'I System (share) 75k 4yr Interest on Long Term Debt: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MWRA Inflow & Infiltration Sunnyside/Fairview Sewer 07-11 Nov 01 Fn'l System (share) 75k 4yr StorrnWater Funtt;. '$596;250: $567,000 =$537,750= _$358,500: $339;000, ,$169,500 Saugus Riverlmrpovement(t) 1.5mil 10yr 179,250 169,500 159,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saugus River Imrpovement(ll) 1.5mil 10yr 198,750 189,000 179,250 169,500 159,750 0 0 0 0 Abedona River Improvement 1.5mil 10yr 218,250 208,500 198,750 189,000 179,250 169,500 159,750 0 0 Repayment of Principal: 450,000 450,000 450,000 300,000 300,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 Saugus Riverlmrpovement(1) 1.5mil 10yr 150,000 150,000 150,000 Saugus Riverlmmovement(ll) 1.5mil 10yr 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Abedona River Improvement 1.5mil 10yr 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Interest on Long Term Debt: 146,250 117,000 87,750 58,500 39,000 19,500 9,750 0 0 Saugus Riverlmrpovement(l) 1.5mi1 10yr 29,250 19,500 9,750- Saugus RiverlmmovementpQ 1.5mil 10yr 48,750 39,000 29,250 19,500 9,750 Abedona River Improvement 1.5mi1 10yr 68,250 58,500 48,750 39,000 29,250 19,500 9,750 Interest onTemporary Debt: ttetlrement of Debt WA.N.b.) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $1,575,069 $1,278,869 $1,227,619 $1,026,369 $ 984,869 $ 793,075 $ 751,125 $ 569,588 $ 397,800 Source of Funding % ova Water Fund 978,819 711,869 689,869 667,869 645,869 623,575 591,375 569,588 397,800 Sewer Fund 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 Storm Water Fund 596,250 567,000 537,750 358,500 339,000 169,500 159,750 0 0 General Fund (Form A) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - S` WATER & SEWER RATES RESERVE FUND STATUS WATER Balance - July 1, 2008 Town Meeting Vote to use surplus Current year budget (Nov TM) Current year budget (MTBE) Next Fiscal year budget (April TM) $1,160,763 ($5,000) $709,987 ($425,000) SEWER $961,356 ($80,000) ($100,000) Available Balance $1,440,750 $781,356 _ _ { i 4....._ j _ _ FY10 _ I Prelimin ary Water Revenues REVENUE: FY08A i FY096 FY10B ...._.._t......... User Payments $4,123,007 $4,823,997 ' $4,896,938 - - Other Revenue: :Abatements (55,361)1 (5,500); -5,500 ! - ....._..._..._._.._.__.a _'ServiceConst./Renew. 26,529 36,000: 36,000 i._.......... _ . 'Real Estate Liens - 133,284 83,000 _ 159,600 _ Interest Charges 29,696 1 20,000 1 _ 35,000 . Interest Income 78,189 20,000 ; 50,000 ! i Reimbursements: . r _ _ - Grants 200,000 0 0:_ ' Gulf Oil 0 0 Spec. Asmt/Hazard. Waste 0 0 0; Premiums from Sale of Bonds 80,143 0 0 Transfer from Resenee: 250 000 370,975 425,000, _ MWRA Buy-in Subtotal - Other Revenues 742,480 ; 524 475 _ _ f 700,100.001 . _ _ ~ GRAND TOTAL REVENUE REQT: . . $4,865,487. $5,348,472. ' $5,597,0381 Discount of Water Payments vs Billing 0.880 667,764 i % of Sewer Payments vs Billing 0.880 1. i i , Required Billing $5,564,702 "User Billing Volume - 100 Cu Ft . 720,000 . I % Sewer to Water Rate per 100 Cu Ft a $7.7288 . _ ;USE ~ , $7.73 ~ r.._ 1 ! i f . ! Water _ TOTAL FY2009 + $7.65 } $15.24 - FY2010 4~ $7.73 _ rv $15.75 Change ( 1.0% 3.3% . FY08 A i FY09 B + FY10B { ;User Payments: - i $4,024,655 ( - $4,570,885 I~ T 4,941,01 . _ _ . . . ! Other Revenue: ~ ;Abatements ! (48,010) (6,000) (6,000) Real Estatetiens 142,665 . 100,000 171,198 Inspection Fees I 3,913 1,000 4,000; Interest Charges 28,697 20,000 ; I 20,000 _ Interest Income _ 47,796 20,000 ! 20,000 ! ;Spec. Asssessments : 6 202 - . 5,000 ' 1 5,000 _ . Reimbursements:Septic Tank Sewage Disposal _ Grants 36 270 0 0 from Sale of Bond Premiums ,082 . Walkers Brook 1&1 56,317 - 'Transfer from Resene: 200,000 338,650 100,000 Subtotal -Other Revenues j I 476,932 ' 478,6501 314,1981 . I. 'GRAND TOTAL REVENUE REQT: I $4,501,587 1 $5,049,535 . i .1.... 5,255,261'! , i TOWN OF READING 3. Water Expenses: the Town will purchase 100% of its water from the MWRA. 4. Reserves: $425,000 transfered from Water Reserve Fund & $100,000 from Sewer Reserve Fund. USE - i FY2009 FY2010 .Change $7.59 . _.....8_......... $.02 5.7% TOTAL! $15.24 $15.75 M3.3% TOWN OF READING a. Water & Sewer Rate History _ (price per 100 cubic ~ feet} i FY2010 PRELIMINARY Water & Sewer Rate Calculation _ . _ . Effectie Date: Water Sewer; i Total; % Change' July 1 1981! , 1 $1.50 $0.80 ~ . . $2.30 ; n/a - . July 1, 1985' . - $1.87 . . $1.43 ` $3.30 43.5/0 .July 1, 1986 . $2.56 $2.25 $4.81 45.8% July 1, 1987 - $2.62 $2.35 $4.97 3.3%` July 1, 1988 i $2.59 ( $2.79 $5.38 8.2% August 1, 1989 $2.50 $3.09 r ! l $5.59 3.9%i August 1, 1990.. $2.56 $2.96 $5 52 -1.3%1: August 1, 1991 $2.29 $3.31 $5.60 ! 1.4% August 1, 19921 $1.52 $4.33 I . _ 4.5% August 1, 19931 __._..$1.68 ' $5.06 i $674 A 15.2%' . February 1, 19941 $2.13 $4.63 ' $6 76 0.3%; August 1, 1994 $2.33 $5.13 $7.46 10.4% August 1, 1995, $2.39 $453: $6.92 -7.2%: February 1, 1996 $2.39 $3.84 $6.23 10.0% Composite, FY961; _ $2.39 $4.22 $6.61 11 4 /o August 1, 1996 ____-I $2.85 $3.97 - $6.82 _ I 3.2% . . August 1, 1997 $3.11 $5.11 $8.22 0.5% - August 1, 1998- ; $3.39 $4.98 $8.37 1.8% August 1,19991 $3.41 $5.30 $8.71 4.1% August 1, 2000 $3.56 . $5.47 $9.03 . 3.79/6 August...l..,...2001 . I $3.66 $5.15 $8.81 ' -2.4% August 1, 2002 1~ $3.751 ( $5.28 2.5% August 1, 2003 $4:25 $5.28 $9.53 1 5.5% August 1, 2004 $4.66 $5.35 $10.01 5.0% . Aug us t 1' 2005 . . $4.78 . $5.78 $10.56 5 5% _ 10,20061 $5.59 ' 1 "December 10, 2006 $6.36 $6 06 $12 42 6 6 /o September 10, 2007 $6.90 $6.80 $13.70 ; 10.3% September 10, 2008 7.65 7.59 $15.24 11.2% September 10, 2009 $7.73 $8.02 $15.75 3.3%~ % Change ; 1.0%1 1 5.7% ! 3.3%' _ I I FY10 I i I I I . IRequired User Payments ` I $291,391 I Discount - % of Payments vs Billing 0.880 39,735 { - I [ J USE ( I Abatement/Reserve Fund Recommended Rate, FY2010 I. ( i I s ~