HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-05 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutes NOfP� I .CIU �r��" + � Town of Reading , CL � � ��� }��,.,I Meeting Minutes � � \�,� A`� �� �i^ I?: ' 9 ,�� , eoard - Committee - Commission - Council: Permanent Building Committee Killam School Building Committee Date: 2024-OB-OS Time: 7:00 PM Building: Reading Town Hall Location: Select Board Meeting Room Address: 16 Lowell Street Session: Open Session Purpose: General Business Version: Final Attendees: Members - Present: Chair Carla Nazzaro, Vice Chair Pat Tompkins, Shawn Brandt, ]ohn Coote, Chris Haley, Kirk McCormick (remote), Ed Ross, Greg Stepler (remote), Nancy Twomey Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, Assistant Town Manager Jayne Wellman, School Superintendent Tom Milaschewski, Killam Principal Lindsay Fulton, School Director of FinanCe Derek PintO (remote), Facilitie5 DireCtor Joe Huggins (remote), Assis[ant Facilities Director Kevin Cabuzzi (remote), Chief Financial Officer Sharon Angstrom (remote), Colliers Project Manager Shirley Ng, Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll (remote), LBA Proje[t Manager ]enni Katajamaki, LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood, Tom Wise, Mollie O'Keeffe, Karen Herrick, Jack (remote 724 pm) Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde Topics of Discussion: This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Select Board Meeting Room and remotely via Zoom. Call ta order: Chair Carla Nauaro called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll call attendance: Kirk McCormick (remote), John Coote, Shawn Brandt, Chris Haley, Ed Ross, Nancy Twomey, Carla Nazzaro. Pat Tompkins arrived at 7:02 pm. Greg Stepler joined remotely at 7:02 pm. Public Comment: There was no commen[ from the public. KSBC Liaison Reoorts: Schoot Superintendent Tom Milaschewski reminded the Commitfee that [here is a visit to Uxbridge High School tomorrow [o see some of the spaces they have built for their innovation pathways programs. Mr. Haley will be taking pictures and videos for those who are unable [o attend. Killam Student Introductions: Killam School Principal Lindsay FWton was joined by students Juliet, who is entering fifth grade, and Amelia, who is entering third grade. They shared what they like about the Page � t current building, and what they would like to see in the new school. Amelia stated that she likes the painting in the cafeteria that reads "Be the 'I' in Kind". Ju�iet stated that she loves the paintings of koalas everywhere. Juliet stated that she would like to see stairs in the new building to make it taller. Amelia stated that she likes the koala carpet in the library. The students agreed that it would be good for each grade to have their own space in the building, and to have two separate playgrounds. Desianer Reoort: LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki provided an update on the tasks completed since the last meeting induding: PSR cost estimate, refining & developing BS and E2 plans, advancing A1 addition/renovation scheme, and advancing the geothermal option. LBA has been working with Brightcore, a geothermal mntractor and mnsWtant, who is putting together a proposal to drill a test well, and answering questions that the team has about viability, logistics, and cost to implement geothermal on the site. Selection of the p�efe�red option LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood presented the options for a new Killam. He noted that option Al, the addition/renovation to the existing building, makes the site unusable as an elementary school due to the square footage and size, and the limited amount of space on the site. At the last meeting, the Committee requested LBA further investigate options Bl and E2, both three-story buildings. Both op[ion Bl and E2 are 122,940 gross square feet, and have full RISE Pre-K and a total enrollment of 635 5[udents. Option Bl is estimated to mst $135.5 million. Option E2 is estimated to cost $136.5 million. E2 is a little closer to the road and may be a little trickier to build. The $1 million difference is attributed to the greater amount of exterior surface area of option E2. Mr. Sherwood provided a comparison of the Floor plans for each option. The cafeteria, gymnasium, and entryway are pretty much identical. Pre-K has its own area on the first Floor. Option Bl is more of a donut shape, with dassrooms on the east, west, and south sides. Option E2 has classrooms on the north and south side of a central hallway, which may present a benefit from a heating and moling perspective. The Committee engaged in a lengthy discussion, mmpared the plans, and addressed several topics induding: the location of service space under the gymnasium; the "big room" acting as a gym space for Pre-K; site topography and having funds built into the cost to raise the level of the new building; the IaYout of el being preferred by the educators, Flex spaces, the overall preferences of the educators and community culture; the design of the media center; possible siting of the building and Pre-K play area; maintaining egress from the existing building during construction; size, location and accessibility of the mechanical room and equipment; sunlight exposure; and parking layout. Following discussion, the consensus of the Committee was a preference for option Bl. On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Shawn Brandt, the Killam School Building Committee voted 9-0-0 to proceed with option Bi. Roll call vote: Pat Tompkins - Yes, Shawn Brandt - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Chris Haley - Yes, Kirk MCCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Nancy 7womey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Sustainabi/ity Update Mr. Sherwood reviewed systems that are still being considered based on discussions with the Sustainability Committee. They have eliminated a VRV sYstem, and a gas-fired chiller and boiler. Still under consideration are a full geothermal system, an all-electric full air source system, a hybrid geothermal with water source heat pump, and a half- geothermal/half air source heat pump system. Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll advised that it was no[ a good idea to do a test boring for geothermal purposes prior to the Committee making the decision tha[ geothermal is the way they wan[ to go. There is also more work to be done on long-term operational costs. Page � 2 The next steps in the schematic design are determining first mst by working with Brightmre, determining incentives, and figuring out operational msts. If the Committee decides that geothermal is a viable option, a geothermal contractor will need to be engaged in August to drill a test well in the following siz to eight weeks. The decision on which system to build will be finalized in Novembec The Committee aiso briefly discussed solar, though solar panels are not built into the cost estimate. Next steps for the project are a School Building Committee meeting in one week to wte on the Preferred Schematic Report (PSR), a community meeting on the 14°h to presen[ the preferred option, PSR submission to the M58A on August 2150, meeting with the MSBA Facilities Assessment Subcommittee (FAS) on either September 11°b or September 25'", and an MSBA Board meeting on October 30°M1 for schematic design approval. OPM Reoort: Financials Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll shared the current budget summary. Committed to date is $1.3 million of the $2.2 million project budgeL There have been no budget adjustments since the Committee last met in ]une. There are no new commitmentr since Kartoon EDU was added in ]une. There are two rounds of invoices from LBA, a Collier's services invoice for June, and a Kartoon EDU invoice for the first four of six pillars. He noted that actual cash Flows are projecting under bud9et, which may be attributed to the OPM being slightly behind on billing, and less use of contingency than anticipated. Tota/Projett Budget Mc Carroll provided an overview of the project cost of each of the scenarios, A (mde updates and repairs), AS (addition/renovation), Bl (new construction), and E2 (new construction), and the estimated reimbursement eligibility Option A, code updates and repairs, would cost an estimated $61 million, bu[ does not satisry the needs of the districL Option Al, addition/renovation, the most ezpensive option estimated at $139 million, takes up more of the land, and would take the longest time period to complete. The estimated cost of option BS is $135 million, with an estimated $96 million Town share. The estimated cost of option E2 is $136 million with an estimated Town share of $97 million. Mr. Carroll also presented several options that could be considered [hat would impact the project cost. Warrants/Invoices (Possible votel: On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School Building Committee voted 9-0-0 to approve the payment of the invoices submitted. Roll call vote: Pat Tompkins - Yes, Shawn Brandt - Yes, John Coote - Ves, Chris Haley - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Ves, Greg Stepler - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Aooroval of Prior Meetina Minutes: On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School Building Committee voted 9-0-0 to approve the meeting minutes of ]uly 22, 2024 as presenYed. Roll call vote: Pat Tompkins - Yes, Shawn Brandt - Ves, John Coote - Ves, Chris Haley - Ves, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Future Aaenda Items and Next Meetina Dates: The next meeting of the Killam School Building Committee is next Monday, August 12°M1. There is a community meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, August 14°F at 7:00 pm at the Reading Public Library to present the preferred option. The visit to Uxbridge is tomorrow. Ms. Nazzaro stated that staff will be sending a campaign finance document prepared by Town Counsel that will help guide the Committee. She asked members to Page � 3 review it ahead of the next meeting, when Town Counsel will speak to the Committee about it. On a motion by Ed Ross, seconded by Pat 7ompkins, the Killam School Building Committee voted to adjourn at 9:21 pm. Roll call vote: Pat Tompkins - Ves, Shawn Brandt - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Chris Haley - Yes, Kirk MCCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Ves, Nancy 7womey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Page I 4