HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-22 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutes itC _ I `✓ '_ �.mb
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� Town of Reading �
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eoard - Committee - Commission - Council:
Permanent Building Committee Killam School Building Committee
Date: 2024-07-22 Time: 7:00 PM
Building: Reading Town Hall Location: Select eoard Meeting Room
Address: 16 Lowell Street Session: Open Session
Purpose: General Business Version: Final
Attendees: Members - Present:
Chair Carla Nauaro, ]ohn Coote, Nancy Twomey, Pat Tompkins, Ed Ross,
Greg Stepler, Chris Haley, Shawn Brandt (remote), Kirk McCormick (remote)
Members - Not Present:
Others Present:
School Superintendent Tom Milaschewski, School Committee Chair Tom
Wise, Assistant Town Manager]ayne Wellman, Facilities Director Joe
Huggins (remote), Assistant Facilities Diredor Kevin Cabuzzi (remote),
Killam Principal Lindsay FWton (remote), Chief Financial Officer Sharon
Angstrom (remote), Mollie O'Keefe - RMLD (remote), LBA Project Manager
]enni Katajamaki (remote), LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood, Colliers Project
Director Mike Carroll (remote), Colliers Project Manager Shirley Ng (remote),
Karen Gately Herrick (remote), Laura Stella (remote), ]ack (remote 7:40
pm), Angela Binda (remote 7:44 pm)
Minutes Respectfully Submitted ey: lacquetyn LaVerde
Topics of Discussion:
This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Select Board Meeting Room and remotely
via Zoom.
Call to Order
Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. She stated that Sarah
MCLaughlin is no longer on the School Building Committee due to time commitments and
thanked her for her time on the Committee. Ms. MCLaughlin is being replaced by School
Committee member Shawn Brandt.
Roll call attendance: Shawn Brandt (remote), John Coote, Kirk MCCormick (remote), Ed
Ross, Greg Stepler, Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey, Chris Haley, Carla Nazzaro.
Public Comment
There was no comment from the public.
KSBC Liaison Reoorts
John Coote stated that the Sustainabili[y subgroup had a mee[ing but felt it was a very
confusing meeting. They were presented with a variety of energy capture systems, but it
seemed tha[ each energY supply system was only compatible with one distribution system.
But Mr. Coote argued that any energy supply system should be able to work with any
distribution system. Leigh Sherwood and Jenni Katajamaki of LBA clarified what the cost
estimator was trying to accomplish by presenting all the options, and assured Mr. Coote
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that they will communicate with the energy consWtant to make it clearer at the nexY
sustainability meeting. The Committee briefly discussed energy systems and incentives.
Killam Student Introductions
Dr. Milaschewski explained that Killam Principal Lindsey FWton will be mordinating Killam
students to attend KSBC meetings to talk about their hopes for the new school, and what
makes their school special. They hoped to have a few students attend this evening, but
they were unable [o make it The Committee can expect student visits in future meetings.
Desianer Uodate:
Review MSBA POP Comments and Responses
LBA Project Manager ]enni Katajamaki reviewed the changes and comments on the PDP
received from the MSBA induding: darification that except for the classrooms, every other
RISE Preschool space is ineligible for MSBA funding; confirmation that the extra 1,000
square feet in the gym would be ineligible; asking for clarifcation on the STEM dassroom
and the adaptive PE space; questioning several small storage rooms that might not be
eligible; and questioning an extra 87 square feet of cafeteria space to make the staff
lunchroom large enough. Dr. Milaschewski noted that they also provided answers to
programming questions, though they did not quite understand the connection with the
building project There were no additional comments from the Committee
Vote on Preferred Enrollment Scenario (Full Pre-K or Partial Pre-Kl
Ms. Nazzaro explained that the vote was to formalize the guidance motion from the last
meeting and [onfirm the will of the Committee.
On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School Building
Committee voted 9-0-0 to approve the full Pre-K program as the preferred
schematic design option.
Roll call vote: John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler
- Ves, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Ves, Chris Haley - Ves, Shawn Brandt
- Ves, Carla Nazzaro - Ves.
On a motion by Pat Tompkins, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School Building
Committee voted 9-0-0 to approve the following four design options to be
evaluated by LBA: code update option, A1 (renovation/addition), B3 (three-story
donut scheme wrapped around a central media center), and E2 (three-story with a
Roll call vote: John Coote - Ves, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler
- Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Chris Haley - Yes, Shawn Brandt
- Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Review and Discuss Recent Aonointments to KSBC alona with Committee Member
Formation and Role of the Chair and Committee
Ms. Nazzaro reviewed documents in response to the request made by Ms. Twomey, Mr.
Tompkins, and Mc Ross at the previous meeting. The first was a letter written by Tom
Wise, the Chair of the School Committee in 2022 when the KSBC was established, that
outlined how the Killam School Building Committee was formulated to comply with MGL,
MSBA, and the Reading bylaws and Home Rule Charter. It was vetted by legal counsel and
the School Committee.
The next document is provided to the MSBA, which lists each member of the School Buiiding
Committee and their roles. I[ must be updated within twenty days of any changes to [he
The nezt document from Town Counsel and School Committee Counsel explains the process
that the Select Board went through to appoint their representative on the SBC.
The last document is from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees that
outlines the role and responsibility of the School Committee Chair. Ms. Nazzaro s[ated that
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while it is not specific to School Building Committees, it is what she uses to guide her on
this Committee.
Ms. Nazzaro explained that this committee is unique, consisting of voting members from
elected bodies and appointed committees, and non-voting staff inembers and consultants.
There are a number of subgroups conducting work between meetings and reporting back to
the SBC, and there are a lot of interactions outside of SBC meetings.
Dr. Milaschewski stated that he and the other staff leaders on the project stand behind Ms.
Nazzaro and her leadership, and shared his perspective on all Ms. Nazzaro's work behind
[he scenes.
Ms. Twomey expressed her appreciation for Ms. Nazzaro's work as Chair of the Committee.
She also expressed her disappointmen[ in the perception recent events have had on the
Committee due to a dysfunctional Select Board. She noted that this Committee needs to
stay focused and above the outside noise.
Mr. Tompkins echoed Ms. Twomey's sentiments. He stated that he did not want the KSBC
to become part of the political Select Board drama and is ready to move on.
Mr. Ross agreed with Ms. Twomey and Mr. Tompkins. He expressed his appreciation for the
darification brought by this discussion.
Mr. HaleY stated that he is here to put the best project forward for Killam.
Vote of Acknowledqement of New A000intees bv the PBC A000intment Committee
On a motion by Ed Ross, seconded by Greg Stepler, the Killam School Building
Committee voted 9-0-0 to acknowledge Chris Haley as the local Chief Executive
Officer designee and Shawn Brandt as a School Committee member designee on
the Killam School Building Committee.
Roll call vote: John Coote - Ves, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Ves, Greg Stepler
- Ves, Pat Tompkins - Ves, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Chris Haley - Ves, Shawn erandt
- Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Ves.
Aooroval of Prior Meetina Minutes
Ed Ross moved to approve the meeting minutes of July 8, 2024, which was semnded by Pat
Tompkins. Carla Nauaro corrected the language of the guidance motion for the designer to
"further explore new school options el and E2, with full pre-k enrollment. Both will utilize
the new E2 site design."
On a motion by Pat Tompkins, seconded by Nancy 7womey, the Killam School
Building Committee voted unanimously 9-0-0 to approve the meeting minutes of
July 8, 2024 as amended.
Roll call vote: John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler
- Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Chris Haley - Yes, Shawn Brandt
- Ves, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Future Aaenda Items and Next Meetina Dates
The next meeting date is August 5°h at 7:00 pm, when the Committee will vote on the
selected option, and receive an update on sustainability and mechanical sys[ems. Dr.
Milaschewski stated that he has arranged for Committee members to tour Uzbridge High
School on August 6°M1 at 1:00 pm, and he will try to record videos of the tour for those who
are unable to attend.
KSBC Reoraanization
Ms. Nazzaro handed the gavel to Assistan[ Town Manager ]ayne Wellman to open
nominations for Chair. Nancy Twomey nominated Carla Nazzaro for Chair, which was
semnded by Ed Ross. There were no other nominations.
ey a vote of 9-0-0, [he Killam School Building Committee unanimously elected
Carla Nazzaro as Chair.
vaqe I 3
Roll call vote: Chris Haley - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Ed Ross - Ves, Pat Tompkins -
Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, ]ohn Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Ves, Shawn Brandt
- Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Ms. Nauaro then opened nominations for Vice Chair. Nancy Twomey nominated Patrick
Tompkins for Vice Chair, which was seconded by Chris Haley. There were no other
By a vote of 9-0-0, the Killam School Building Committee unanimously elected Pat
Tompkins as Vice Chair.
Roll call vote: ]ohn Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler
- Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Chris Haley - Ves, Shawn Brandt
- Ves, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Ms. Nazzaro asked the members if they were interested in joining any of the working
groups. Pat Tompkins stated that he would like to be added to the Sustainability Working
On a motion by Ed Ross, seconded by Greg Stepler, the Killam School euilding
Committee voted unanimously 9-0-0 to adjourn at 8:07 pm.
Roll call vote: John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler
- Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy 7womey - Yes, Chris Haley - Yes, Shawn Brandt
- Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
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