HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-17 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutes � TownofReadin T � CLEIVEU 0 � '` 9 � ,. � �� MeetingMinutes �. �N CLERK ��.� �� �oiA. _».���ow � JUl -9 q�; �; �,2 Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Permanent Building Committee Killam School Building Committee Date: 2024-06-17 Time: 7:00 PM euilding: Reading Town Hall Location: Select Board Meeting Room Address: 16 Lowell Street Session: Open Session Purpose: General Business Version: Final Attendees: Members - Present: Carla Nazzaro, Karen Gately Herrick, ]ohn Coote, Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey Members - Not Present: Kirk MCCormick, Sarah MCLaughlin, Greg Stepler, Ed Ross Others Present: Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, Assistant Town Manager ]ayne Wellman, Mike Carroll, Shirley Ng, Jenni Katajamaki Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Caitlin Nocella Topics of Discussion: Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeiing to order shortly after 7:00 PM and reviewed the agenda. OPM Team Uodate Mike Carroll, Project Director of Colliers, introduced Shirley Ng as the new Project Manager. Ms. Ng gave the board a bit about herself and her background. Mr. Carroll then explained they will send a letter to the MSBA with the change and request a new organization chart. They will request the School Building Committee to also vote to accept the change. Carla Nazzaro moved to accept Shirley Ng as the new project manager for Colliers. The motion was seconded by Karen Gately Herrick. Ms. Herrick felt this change should have come to the full board sooner Por approval. The motion was approved with the following roll call vote: 7ompkins — yes; Herrick — yes; Coote — yes; 7womey — yes; Nazzaro — yes. Desianer Reoort Jenni Katajamaki from Lavallee Brensinger Architects gave the board an uptlate. She noted that the following tasks were completed since the las[ meeting: hydrant flow test, environmental soil testing, geotechnical investigation. The HVAC system selection process is in progress as well as the revision of site plans based on RFD access requirements. She went over the MSBA schedule. They are currently reviewing PDP submittal; they do not know how long the review will take but they are guessing about 60 days. She went over the PSR Process no[ing their goai is to select an option in early August. They will work on limiting the options further. She gave an overview of the SBC upmming Page I 1 meetings and what will be on the agendas, they will meet seven times between now and the August 12°^ date to approve. Mr. Coote noted one of the options is geothermal, but they don't have enough inPormation right now to make a rational decision and he does not feel they will have all that information by August 12. It was noted this should be discussed in the next sustainability meeting. Ms. Katajamaki also noted they are early in making this decision so there is some flexibility in this. Ms. Katajamaki ezplained the current criteria they are discussing to help reduce the options. Some of the criteria are the height and scale, footprint, intemal organization, phasing/swing space, and pre-K options. It was noted that they met with the educational team to get their thoughts on the internal organization and those comments will be shared with the committee. - The geotechnical report came back but ihere was nothing in it that was different from the last update. They also got the environmental soii testing findings from 6 borings that were analyzed. The resWts noted no VOCs, SVOCs, TPH, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, or MCP 14. Total metals were reported at concentrations ezceeding MCP RCS-1 Reportable Concentrations. The hydrant flow test came back adequately, and a fre pump is not required. Ms. Katajamaki gave an update on the HVAC system selection process. On May 21 they met to review initial options with the sustainability subcommittee. The next meeting will be July 9 to review options wi[h cost estimates and incentives and get the sustainability committee to rank the options. For Plant Design Options, they are looking into four different Plant Systems: full geothermal, hybrid geothermal, air source VRV system, and airmoled chiller and boiler. For room level design options, they are looking into three different options: displacement ventilation, chilled beams, or air source or water source VRV system. The next steps will be to meet on ]uty 9 with the sustainability committee and then a community meeting on July 15. OPM Reoort Mike Carroll noted there is not a lot new with the financials from last month. Currently working on an overall project budget of 2.2 million. They are going to ask for a muple of adjustments today including revising the contingency. He explained the two new items for e5timating service5 and to Cover the mntract for KartOOnEDU. He would like a vote of acknowledgment on these. He went through the three new commitments: LBA Amendments 6 and 7, and the KartoonEDU contract. Ms. Nazzaro explained the KartoonEDU contract and showed the board a video of the work they did in Scituate. Carla Nazzaro moved to approve the LBA contract Amendments 6 and 7, John Coote seconded; motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Carla Nazzaro moved to acknowledge the contract with KartoonEDU, seconded by Karen Gately Herrick; motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Carroll then ezplained three invoices from Colliers. Mr. Carroll went into the total project budget discussion. He noted that they are very earty in the process and there are still a lot ot options and decisions to make. These numbers he provided are very rough based off some different op[ions/assumptions. He explained design contingency vs. construction contingency vs. owner's contingency. One of the bigger unknowns right now is the swing space. He wen[ on to explain how and where he got all the numbers from and what was assumed or used to come up with these numbers. The board discussed these estimates. Page I � Aoorove Invoices Carla Nazzaro moved to approve Colliers April, Colliers May, and LBA April invoices. Karen Gately Herrick seconded the motion, and it was approved with a unanimous roll call vote. Minutes Nancy Twomey moved to approve the May 9, 2024 meeting minutes. Karen Gately Herrick seconded the motion, and it was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Future Aqendas July 8°" will be their nezt meeting. Karen Gately Herrick moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 pm with a second from Nancy Twomey. Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Page I 3